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The evaluation of psycho-emotional state in junior students of medical university


Abstract and Figures

Currently, psychosocial factors, stress and mental exhaustion are considered by WHO experts and the International Labour Organization as an important new factor affecting the health, working capacity, training and career. Young generation, especially students, who are an industrial and intellectual potential of the country can be attributed to the risk group because of the extremely high burden of adaptation. The intensity and tension of modern life at a psychological level preceding the occurrence of negative emotional experiences and stress reactions that, accumulating, cause the formation of depressions. The aim of the study was to examine the level of psycho-emotional stress in the junior students of medical university. The observations of the medical students of the second year of study were performed. To determine the psycho-emotional stress we have used adaptive varint of H.Ayzenko method that include an anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity, through questionnaires. According to a survey results of the state of psycho-emotional state low levels of stress resistance were found in students in learning activities, indicating that students are exposed to the negative impact of the environment. It should also be noted that the level of emotional condition of students depends on the personal experience of stressful situations that arise in students’ lives.
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Galician medical journal 2017
Vol. 24, Issue 2, E2017213
DOI: 10.21802/gmj.2017.2.13
Research Article
The evaluation of psycho-emotional state in junior
students of medical university
Tetiana Pavliuk*, Mukola Rozhko, Oksana Panchak
Currently, psychosocial factors, stress and mental exhaustion are considered by WHO experts and the International Labour
Organization as an important new factor affecting the health, working capacity, training and career. Young generation,
especially students, who are an industrial and intellectual potential of the country can be attributed to the risk group because
of the extremely high burden of adaptation. The intensity and tension of modern life at a psychological level preceding the
occurrence of negative emotional experiences and stress reactions that, accumulating, cause the formation of depressions.
The aim of the study was to examine the level of psycho-emotional stress in the junior students of medical university. The
observations of the medical students of the second year of study were performed. To determine the psycho-emotional stress
we have used adaptive varint of H.Ayzenko method that include an anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity, through
questionnaires. According to a survey results of the state of psycho-emotional state low levels of stress resistance were found
in students in learning activities, indicating that students are exposed to the negative impact of the environment. It should
also be noted that the level of emotional condition of students depends on the personal experience of stressful situations that
arise in students’ lives.
psycho-emotional stress; stress; medical students
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Corresponding author:
Problem statement and analysis of the
recent research
Recently, psychosocial factors, stress and mental exhaustion
are considered by experts of WHO and the International
Labour Organization (ILO) as a new important factor that
affects on health and working capacity, training and working
career [3].
Activity, vitality, observation, adaptability to the condi-
tions of training activities in higher education, low anxiety,
emotional stability, ability to perceive and analyze information
are the signs of students’ mental health [12].
Young generation of our country, especially students, that
is an industrial and intellectual potential of our country, might
be attributed to the group of risk because of the extremely
high adaptational burden [3].
The intensity and tension of modern life at a psycholog-
ical level precedes the occurrence of negative emotional ex-
periences and stress reactions which, accumulating, cause
the formation of severe and prolonged depressions. Unfor-
tunately, stress has become a part of everyday life for many
people. Sometimes it is not even noticed, while the long-term
impact of negative emotions can cause a lot of stress etiology
diseases, the so-called “stress diseases”. Young people, who
begin student’s life, are simultaneously affected by several
stress factors: the change in the reference and micro-social
environment in educational institution, often change of living
conditions, change of the traditional way of life, including the
order of classes and control events at the university (compared
to school study) and others. That is why students often need
help in adapting to new conditions of life.
The need to research students’ mental health is determined
by the presence of such factors that affect the state of their
mental health including: exams, periods of social adaptation,
the necessity of personal self-determination in the future pro-
fessional environment and so on. Emotional states, which are
experienced during this period, and their consequences consti-
tute a serious threat to students’ psychological health. In high
education institution terms mental health is very important
factor that determines students’ educational activities success,
promotes their personal development and conflict-free com-
munication. [12]
Before making analysis of stress problem in junior stu-
dents, the definition of “stress” should be clarified. According
to the psychological dictionary stress is a non-specific reaction
of the organism on unexpected and tense situation Almost ev-
ery person (and also students) undergo strong stress situations
in his life, which leave deep traumatic and sometimes incur-
able wounds in the soul. Especially young generation experi-
ence it in an acute way. Troubles in educational establishment,
disputes, conflicts with age mates, problems in personal life,
The evaluation of psycho-emotional state in junior students of medical university — 2/4
family conflicts, lack of love, parental and teacher cruelty or
indifference or just inconsistency in punishment and reward
system, financial difficulties – this is not an exhaustive list
of conditions that injure the young people psychics. If they
are emotionally vulnerable, unprotected students, they begin
to fall behind in school, constantly stay in fear and anxiety
condition, hopelessness and apathy state, their total activity is
reduced, that leads to poor health.
This is physiological response that mobilizes body re-
serves and prepares it for physical activity such as resistance,
struggle, escape. Stress classification indicates that stress is
the result of stressors, which differ in content, power, action
time. In addition, the same stressors might be caused by dif-
ferent reactions in different people, especially young people
From a psychological point of view stress condition in-
clude specific form of human reflect on extreme situations and
behaviors as a response to this display. Anxiety is considered
as a form of stress. We classified stress: eustress (positive
stress, combined with the desired effect and mobilizes the
body) and distress (negative stress with undesirable harmful
effect). Cognitive processes and processes of self-awareness,
understanding of reality, memory are activated in eustress.
Distress that arises in working or training (for students) situa-
tion has a tendency to spread. Negative neuro-psychological
and physiological effects that accumulate are difficult to com-
pensate in leisure hours, rapid compensation during training
or employment are required. At the present time the features
of society, including information overload, is the main cause
of chronic stress. Some scientists note that stress has acquired
epidemic nature. [2]
A lot of people have chronic emotional stress as a result of
missing rational rest. High level of emotional stress associated
with overload information, accelerated rate of life, adverse
conditions of study or work, may contribute to increase the
inflammatory and degenerative diseases of periodontal tissues.
In recent years clinical studies confirm the high sensitivity of
the periodontal tissues to stress. As research showed various
factors have an influence on the occurrence of periodontal
disease tissue showed that stress is a determining factor in the
development of periodontal pathology. [8]
It is shown that long-term impact of immobilized stress
on human being is accompanied by redistribution of blood,
changes in microcirculation and destructive lesions of micro-
vessels [11], increased free radical processes, a decrease in
oxygen consumption [4], a violation of energy metabolism
[6] and the development of degeneration of bone [5, 9, 10].
However, the question of stress-induced transport disorders
and utilization of oxygen in soft and hard periodontal tissues
is hardly clarified [7].
By definition of B.Ananyev the student’s age, is a sensitive
period for the development of major human potential. Higher
education causes a huge impact on the human psychics, the
development of the individual, forms the thinking way that
characterizes professional orientation of the individual. The-
oretical and practical training condition is a kind of training
ground for adequate responses to various social and physical
environment incentives. A fairly high level of general intel-
lectual development, erudition, breadth of interest level of a
select number of logical operations are needed for successful
learning in high school. At some reduction of this level the
compensation is possible because of motivation efficiency
increasing, perseverance, diligence and care in educational
activities. The success of the people is affected by anxiety.
As established, anxiety promotes activities that are simple for
a person and prevent – in the complex ones, while the initial
level of human anxiety is essential [1].
To examine the level of psycho-emotional stress
in the junior students of medical university.
1. Materials and methods
For self-study emotional state of junior medical students, we
have attracted 137 students (37 boys, 100 girls) who are the
2nd year students of medical university. The sample had no
significant differences by gender and age composition, resi-
dence. We have used H.Ayzenko questionnaire that include
an anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity. Question-
naire contains 40 questions, 10 for each group of mental states.
If this condition occurs frequently, it’s rated 2 points; if it hap-
pens, but rarely – 1 point, if not fit – 0 point. Interpretation
of the results is as follows: calculated scores for questions
from 1 to 10, corresponding indicator of anxiety, from 11 to
20 – frustration, from 21 to 30 – aggressiveness and from 31
to 40 – rigidity. The number of points for each mental state is
assessed in the Table 1.
The results of research were statistically analyzed with
the help of statistical package
Stat Soft 6.0
, classical meth-
ods of variation statistic. The differences between studied
parameters were evaluated by Student’s test.
2. Results and discussion
As a result of psychological test that was conducted in second
year students of medical university, we have obtained the
relevant data (Table 2) for each parameter of mental state
(anxiety, frustration, aggression, rigidity)
In our research we have found low level of anxiety in 46%
of students that an average is 5.32
0.18. The average rate
of anxiety we have observed in 49.9% of surveyed students
that an average is 9.76
0.23 points. If we estimated the
number of students who received the result of high anxiety, it
is quite low – it is 4.4% and an average is 15.67
0.42 points.
Analyzing indicator of anxiety, it should be noted that most of
students observed average level of anxiety that is acceptable
and is characterized by general circumstances and situations
Analyzing the index of frustration we have received the
following data: 66.4% of students had low level of frustration,
and an average it is 5.03
0.18 points; in 30.7% – found
an average level of frustration, and an average it is 10.07
The evaluation of psycho-emotional state in junior students of medical university — 3/4
Table 1. The interpretation of psycho-emotional conditions
Points Anxiety Frustration Aggressiveness Rigidity
0 - 7 Restless High self-esteem,
resistant to failures,
not afraid of
Stable, restrained Rigidity is absent,
easily goes over
8 - 14 Anxiety is average
and acceptable
Intermediate level,
frustration occurs
Average Average
15 - 20 Very disturbing Low self-esteem, you
avoid difficulties, fear
of failure
unrestraint. There are
difficulties in working
with people
High rigidity, it is
contraindicated to
change a job and
changes in family
Table 2. Indicators of mental states in the 2nd year students
Level of indicator Anxiety Frustration Aggressiveness Rigidity
% Average
% Average
% Average
% Average
Low 46 5.32 66.4 5.03 29.2 4.93 32.1 5.82
(0-7) ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.27 ±0.21
Average 49.6 9.76 30.7 10.07 60.6 10.36 60.6 10.42
(8-14) ±0.23 ±0.28 ±0.19 ±0.22
High 4.4 15.67 2.9 15.5 10.2 16 7.3 15.5
(15-20) ±0.42 ±0.5 ±0.29 ±0.17
0.28 points; 2.9% – the indicator of frustration is high and
an average it is 15.5
0.5 points. Thus, from the obtained
results, we can see that most of students have low frustration
level that indicates that students have high self-esteem, and
are resistant to failures.
As we can see from a table 2 – 29.2% of students are
not aggressive, and an average it is 4.93
0.27 points. The
average level of aggressiveness is observed in 60.6% of stu-
dents (10.36
0.19 points). The high rate of aggression is
observed in 10.2% of students and an average it is 16.0
points. As it can be seen from Table 2, the 2nd year students
have average level of aggressiveness, characterized by mood
changing and restraining of their aggression.
Analyzing rigidity indicators we might see that 32.1% of
students have low rigidity and an average it is 5.82
points. If we estimate the average level of rigidity, it is present
in 60.6% of students an average it is 10.42
0.22 points. The
high level of rigidity is noted in 7.3% of students and an aver-
age it is 15.5
0.17 points. Consequently, most students have
an average level of rigidity that shows the influence of this
persons’ mood and their desires onto the human behavioral
Perspectives for further research
We plan to study further the level of psycho-emotional stress
in students who graduate from university as well as the rela-
tionship with diseases of the oral cavity.
According to the results of psycho-emotional state examina-
tion (method of H.Ayzenko), we have found fairly low levels
of students stress-resistance in vocational training activities.
The results of anxiety, aggressiveness and rigidity are at the
average level, that indicates that students are not able to resist
the negative influence of the environment, inadequate respond
on the conflict and stress situations.
Thus, the level of psycho-emotional state depends on per-
sonal experience of stressful situations that arise in students’
life and during studying.
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Received: 17 May 2017
Revised: 19 June 2017
Accepted: 19 June 2017
... T. Pavliuk, M. Rozhko & O. Panchak believe that activity, vitality, observation, adaptability to the conditions of training activities in higher education, low anxiety, emotional stability, ability to perceive and analyze information are the signs of students' mental health. Young generation of Ukraine, especially students, that is an industrial and intellectual potential of our country, might be attributed to the group of risk because of the extremely high adaptational burden (Pavliuk, Rozhko & Panchak, 2017). ...
Full-text available
The article deals with the problem of diagnostics of negative psycho-emotional states among students. The research done demonstrates that during the period of study at higher educational establishment students often experience states of stress, depression, apathy, fear, asthenia, rigidity, anxiety, aggression, frustration, etc. Such states are predetermined by the fact that new conditions of student's life lead to defensive reactions to various kinds of threats: threat to positive outcome of an important activity, threat to life, threat to well-being, threat to prestige. Negative psycho-emotional states affect various spheres of young people's lives and lead to a deterioration of their wellness, health condition as well as to the rise of psychosomatic and psychoneurological diseases. In order to get a better understanding of peculiarities of development and expression of negative psycho-emotional states the diagnostic research of all students at Khmelnytskyi National University whose major is Psychology has been done. The findings demonstrate that starting the first days of study at university the students undergo the effects of various negative psycho-emotional states such as: depressed mood, sadness, anxiety, concern, decreased intellectual productivity, unreasonable malaise, intermittent sleep, decreased working ability. However, while studying at university, they learn gradually to overcome and control their negative emotions and experiences. The findings also demonstrate that not all students, even in their final year of study, succeed in it. Therefore, the need to apply methods and means of psychoprophylaxis of negative psycho-emotional states among students has been developed and substantiated.
... Since adaptive mechanisms are still poorly developed among young people who have entered a university, due to their age, when they fall into new learning conditions, they experience great psycho-emotional overloads, which negatively affects their personal development and the quality of professional training. For these reasons, it becomes necessary to organise such an educational environment of the university, the central task of which is to preserve the psycho-emotional health of students [8][9][10][11]. ...
Full-text available
In the article proposed for acquaintance, a description of the concept of psycho-emotional state is given, and the types of emotions classified by the nature of the effect on the body are considered, the main methods of regulating human feelings are also shown, which allow transferring his psycho-emotional state to a stable state. The classification is given to the expressive forms in which emotions are clothed, allowing to determine the signs of nervous tension and overwork.As a result of the survey conducted among students, the main stress-generating elements that exist, in their opinion, in the educational process were identified, which made it possible to develop recommendations, the introduction of which into the educational process, stabilized the psycho-emotional state of students in the experimental group in comparison with the control group, in which by the end of the year the leading indicators worsened.
... Since adaptive mechanisms are still poorly developed among young people who have entered a university, due to their age, when they fall into new learning conditions, they experience great psycho-emotional overloads, which negatively affects their personal development and the quality of professional training. For these reasons, it becomes necessary to organise such an educational environment of the university, the central task of which is to preserve the psycho-emotional health of students [8][9][10][11]. ...
... T. Pavliuk, M. Rozhko & O. Panchak believe that activity, vitality, observation, adaptability to the conditions of training activities in higher education, low anxiety, emotional stability, ability to perceive and analyze information are the signs of students' mental health. Young generation of Ukraine, especially students, that is an industrial and intellectual potential of our country, might be attributed to the group of risk because of the extremely high adaptational burden (Pavliuk, Rozhko & Panchak, 2017). ...
Full-text available
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute and repeated immobilization stress on oxygen consumption of the isolated interstitial rats&apos; testes cells (ISC). The ISC testes cells were isolated according to Anakwe et al. The oxygen consumption by ISC testes was measured polarographically in vitro with a Clark-type oxygen electrode (YSI-5331, Yellow Springs Instrument), which was done in two phases of respiration: in phase V4 (without ADP) and in phase V3 (with ADP). Repeated immobilization stress (2 hours daily for 10 consecutive days) induced a fall in oxygen consumption in both phases of ISC rat&apos;s testes respiration (-10% V4, -4% V3), but this inhibition of respiration was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Acute immobilization stress (2 h) induced decrease in oxygen consumption in both phases of ISC rats&apos; testes respiration (-49% V4, -31% V3) which was statistically significant (p<0.01). Our data suggest that acute and repeated immobilization stress reduce oxygen consumption of ISC testes cells. However, the mechanisms by which immobilization stress induces mitochondrial dysfunction, as well as mechanisms which develop an adaptive response to repeated immobilization remain unclear, so that further investigations of this mechanisms are required.
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Stress and depression may affect the onset and progression of periodontal disease. However, to the best of our knowledge, no published study has established whether the mechanisms by which stress and depression influence periodontal disease are physiologic, behavioral, or both. This cross-sectional pilot study explored the associations between psychologic factors, markers of periodontal disease, psychoneuroimmunologic variables, and behavior. This study included 45 periodontal patients referred by three dentists. Participants completed composite health, chronic stress, depression, and demographic questions, and salivary cortisol (CORT) was measured. A hygienist assessed the magnitude of periodontal disease. Stress, depression, and CORT were correlated with measures of periodontal disease. In addition, oral care neglect during periods of stress and depression was associated with attachment loss and missing teeth. After controlling for age, family history, and brushing frequency, depression and CORT were significant predictors of the number of missing teeth. A similar model also predicted the number of teeth with clinical attachment loss >5 mm. Stress and depression may be associated with periodontal destruction through behavioral and physiologic mechanisms. Addressing psychologic factors, such as depression, may be an important part of periodontal preventive maintenance.
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O2 consumption and CO2 release in 3 groups of awake rats were studied on a MM-100 metabolic monitor system (CWE Inc.). The animals of 2 groups were preadapted to 4-h maintenance in special boxes (2 weeks). The rats could perform rotational movements and limited movements in the rostrocaudal direction (hypokinesia). The animals of one group were daily exposed to 4-h antiorthostatic load (<or=45 degrees) for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the intensity of metabolism in rats with antiorthostatic hypokinesia was lower than in hypokinetic specimens (by 15-20%, p<0.05) and freely moving animals (by 20-25%, p<0.05). Interleukin-6 concentration in rats with antiorthostatic hypokinesia (0.25+/-0.09 pg/ml) was lower than in hypokinetic (4.01+/-0.57 pg/ml) and freely moving animals (3.69+/-0.56 pg/ml). The decrease in the concentration of a proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 during experimental antiorthostatic hypokinesia reflects inhibition of metabolic processes, which are activated during antiorthostatism (but not hypokinesia).
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The present study aimed to evaluate whether chronic stress (CS) affects ligature-induced periodontal disease and to investigate the impact of CS on the mRNA levels of interleukin (IL)-1beta, -1 receptor antagonist, -6, and -10, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin in the gingival tissues of rats. Sixty male Wistar rats were assigned randomly to three groups: G1 (control; non-ligated sites), G2 (periodontal disease), and G3 (periodontal disease associated with restraint stress for 12 hours/day for the entire study). After 30 days, all animals were sacrificed by decapitation. Blood samples were taken, and the concentrations of corticosterone and catecholamines were measured as biomarkers of CS. Marginal tissues around ligated and non-ligated teeth were harvested, and gene expression was assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Moreover, the area of bone loss (ABL) was determined histometrically. Data analysis showed that CS increased serum levels of stress biomarkers (P <0.05), ligature placement resulted in a significant ABL compared to non-ligated sites, CS significantly increased the amount of ABL in inflamed sites (P <0.001), and CS significantly increased mRNA levels of proinflammatory (IL-1beta and -6 and IFN-gamma) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines and proresorptive factor (RANKL) in ligated sites (P <0.05). CS significantly increased bone loss resulting from ligature-induced periodontitis by a local increase in proinflammatory and proresorptive factors.
Influence of prolonged immobilization (6 h strict horizontal position of rats in the tight containers daily for 2 weeks) on oxygen tension, oxygen consumption, pro-/antioxidant balance, and energetic metabolism of soft and hard periodontal tissues has been investigated. It was established that prolonged immobilization stress resulted in marked decrease in the gum tissue PO2 (36%) and in the bone tissue oxygen consumption rate (46%) compared to control. It was also determined that prolonged stress led to a reduction in the gum mitochondrial respiration rate. The latter was more expressed in case of the NAD-dependent substrate oxidation than of the FAD- dependent one. It was determined that the prolonged stress results in intensification of peroxide processes and depletion of antioxidant protection of soft tissues of periodontum. It was found that Thiotriazolin and Actovegin have modified and diminished stress-induced disorders in the soft and hard periodontal tissues oxygen homeostasis under prolonged immobilization stress.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute and repeated immobilization stress on oxygen consumption (QO2) of the isolated interstitial rats' testes cells (ISC). The oxygen consumption by ISC testes was measured in vitro with a Clark-type oxygen electrode. Acute immobilization stress (2 h) induced decrease in QO2 (-49% V4, -31% V3) which was statistically significant (p<0.01). Repeated immobilization stress (2 hours daily for 10 consecutive days) induced a fall in QO2 (-10% V4, -4% V3) but this inhibition of respiration was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The mechanisms by which immobilization stress induces mitochondrial dysfunction as well as mechanisms which develop an adaptive response to repeated immobilization remain unclear, so that further investigations of this mechanisms are required.
Stress caused by immobilization and acoustic stimulation produces considerable changes in lymph microcirculation. These changes manifested in dilation of microvessels, enhanced phasic contractile activity and its abnormal pattern, accelerated lymph flow, and recruitment of new lymphangions in drainage functions.
  • G S Abramova
Abramova GS. Age Psychology: Textbook. Akademproekt. 2006; 701.
Prerequisites for the development of emotional relations
  • I N Andreeva
Andreeva I.N. Prerequisites for the development of emotional relations. Voprosy psikhologii.2007; 5:57-65.
The evaluation of emotional state of graduate students of KhNMU. Proceedings of the XV Congress of hygienists Ukraine "Hygienic science and practice: current realities
  • T M Dmuhovska
  • I V Zavhorodniy
  • K M Sokol
Dmuhovska TM, Zavhorodniy IV, Sokol KM. The evaluation of emotional state of graduate students of KhNMU. Proceedings of the XV Congress of hygienists Ukraine "Hygienic science and practice: current realities" [Lviv, 20-21 September 2012]. -Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. 2012; 184-185.