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Responses of benthic algal communities and their traits to experimental changes in fine sediments, nutrients and flow



Summary 1. Lowland stream ecosystems are subjected to multiple anthropogenic stressors, usually nutrient enrichment in combination with sedimentation of fine particles and low flow periods in summer. Here, we investigated the temporal development of the benthic algae community in response to these three stressors and linkages to the trait characteristics of the community to explore the mechanisms responsible for stress-induced community changes. 2. We investigated the response of benthic algae species composition, traits (life forms, cell size categories), biovolume and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration to low flow in combination with nutrient enrichment and fine sedimentation in twelve large outdoor stream flumes (12 m long) resembling small streams in size and habitat characteristics. The experiment consisted of two phases: a normalflow phase followed by a low-flow phase (90% current velocity reduction), each spanning 4 weeks. We applied a eutrophication scenario (mean increases of 1.14–5.48 mg N/L and 0.01–0.06 mg P/L in the flumes for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate respectively) throughout the experiment. Under low flow, we supplemented this with a fine sedimentation scenario (>90% stream bed cover). We took samples once in the normal-flow phase and every week during the low-flow phase. 3. We observed strong responses in the benthic algae community to sudden changes in low flow and fine sedimentation, mediating rapid species turnover with a decreased algal biovolume and increased abundance of large, motile species. However, we did not observe any pronounced responses to nutrient enrichment. In contrast to the observations for other variables, we found a continuous increase in Chl-a concentration during low flow. This was likely due to continuous fine sedimentation during this phase, reducing light availability which probably resulted in an increase of cell-level Chl-a concentration in response to light limitation and lower rates of light-induced Chl-a degradation. 4. The rapid response of the benthic algal community to the applied stressors suggests that even short periods of major stressor exposure may significantly affect benthic algae in lowland systems. We suggest that short-term stress events may have cascading effects on several important ecosystem processes given the importance of benthic algae for the productivity of these systems.
Responses of benthic algal communities and their traits to
experimental changes in fine sediments, nutrients and flow
Erika M. Neif
Daniel Graeber
Liliana Rodrigues
Simon Rosenhøj-Leth
Tinna M. Jensen
Peter Wiberg-Larsen
Frank Landkildehus
Tenna Riis
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen
Programa de P
ao em Ecologia
de Ambientes Aqu
aticos Continentais
elia, Universidade Estadual de
a, Maring
a, PR, Brazil
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus
University, Aarhus, Denmark
Daniel Graeber, Department of Bioscience
Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark.
Funding information
Seventh Framework Programme, Grant/
Award Number: 603378; Coordenacß
ao de
Aperfeicßoamento de Pessoal de N
1. Lowland stream ecosystems are subjected to multiple anthropogenic stressors,
usually nutrient enrichment in combination with sedimentation of fine particles
and low flow periods in summer. Here, we investigated the temporal develop-
ment of the benthic algae community in response to these three stressors and
linkages to the trait characteristics of the community to explore the mechanisms
responsible for stress-induced community changes.
2. We investigated the response of benthic algae species composition, traits (life
forms, cell size categories), biovolume and chlorophyll a(Chl-a) concentration to
low flow in combination with nutrient enrichment and fine sedimentation in
twelve large outdoor stream flumes (12 m long) resembling small streams in size
and habitat characteristics. The experiment consisted of two phases: a normal-
flow phase followed by a low-flow phase (90% current velocity reduction), each
spanning 4 weeks. We applied a eutrophication scenario (mean increases of
1.145.48 mg N/L and 0.010.06 mg P/L in the flumes for dissolved inorganic
nitrogen and phosphate respectively) throughout the experiment. Under low
flow, we supplemented this with a fine sedimentation scenario (>90% stream
bed cover). We took samples once in the normal-flow phase and every week
during the low-flow phase.
3. We observed strong responses in the benthic algae community to sudden
changes in low flow and fine sedimentation, mediating rapid species turnover
with a decreased algal biovolume and increased abundance of large, motile spe-
cies. However, we did not observe any pronounced responses to nutrient enrich-
ment. In contrast to the observations for other variables, we found a continuous
increase in Chl-aconcentration during low flow. This was likely due to continu-
ous fine sedimentation during this phase, reducing light availability which proba-
bly resulted in an increase of cell-level Chl-aconcentration in response to light
limitation and lower rates of light-induced Chl-adegradation.
4. The rapid response of the benthic algal community to the applied stressors sug-
gests that even short periods of major stressor exposure may significantly affect
benthic algae in lowland systems. We suggest that short-term stress events may
have cascading effects on several important ecosystem processes given the
importance of benthic algae for the productivity of these systems.
Accepted: 22 May 2017
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12965
Freshwater Biology. 2017;112. ©2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
biological traits, fine sediment, low-flow event, nutrients, periphyton
Human activities strongly affect natural stream ecosystems through
changes in a number of key environmental factors (Hering et al.,
2015). Concurrent changes in these factors are defined as multiple
stresses if the range of normal variability is exceeded and if the fac-
tors affect the structural and functional characteristics of the ecosys-
tems (Auerbach, 1981). Multiple stressors can have additive,
synergistic, or antagonistic effects relative to a single stressor, which
can be dependent on the stressor intensity and identity (Allan et al.,
2013). This necessitates the evaluation of stressor combinations to
quantify the total ecosystem impact (e.g. Matthaei, Piggott, & Town-
send, 2010; Piggott, Townsend, & Matthaei, 2015).
In the coastal climates of northern Europe, climate change-
mediated alterations in flow regimes in lowland streams are pro-
nounced and periods with critically low flows are becoming more
and more common during summer (Arnell, 1999). Furthermore,
worldwide stream ecosystems are affected by high water abstrac-
tion, high loads of fine sediments and elevated nutrient concentra-
tions due to agricultural activities (Graeber, Pusch, Lorenz, &
Brauns, 2013; Hille et al., 2014; Piggott, Salis, Lear, Townsend, &
Matthaei, 2015; Townsend, Uhlmann, & Matthaei, 2008; Wagen-
hoff, Lange, Townsend, & Matthaei, 2013). Therefore, multiple
stress in lowland agricultural streams is a widespread phenomenon
that strongly affects biological stream communities, including ben-
thic algae.
Benthic algae are highly successful primary producers in streams
and constitute an important component of the structure and func-
tion of these ecosystems (Finlay, Maberly, & Cooper, 1997). Benthic
algae are a part of biofilms that develop on all types of surfaces (e.g.
sand, rocks, aquatic vegetation). Biofilms themselves consist of
water, polysaccharide excretions and other organic and inorganic
materials (Sutherland, 2001) and contribute to stream ecosystem
functions by assimilating and transforming nutrients such as ammo-
nium and nitrate (Baker, de Guzman, & Ostermiller, 2009; Levi et al.,
2015), thereby altering the nutrient availability for other biota in
adjacent and downstream ecosystems.
Development of the benthic algae community is controlled by a
complex array of factors and interactions (Biggs & Thomsen, 1995),
with irradiance, nutrient availability, physical disturbance and grazing
being the most important (Biggs, 1996). Extreme low flow, nutrient
availability and fine sediment deposition strongly impact these fac-
tors, and are stressors often occurring in human-impacted lowland
streams (Dewson, James, & Death, 2007; Townsend et al., 2008).
Clear responses of the biomass of benthic algae to low flow,
nutrient availability and fine sediment deposition have been reported
in the literature. Algal biomass may increase with enhanced nutrient
availability in the water column and reduced flow disturbance which
occurs, for instance, at low-flow conditions (Biggs, 1996; Ferreira &
Chauvet, 2011; Piggott, Lange, Townsend, & Matthaei, 2012). Fur-
thermore, algal cell density has been shown to increase with increas-
ing nutrient availability as well as with enhanced fine sediment
deposition (Piggott et al., 2012).
Stressors occurring in agricultural streams affect not only the
biomass but also the species composition of benthic algae. Benthic
algae taxa vary in size, growth form and strength of adherence to
the substrate (Passy, 2007), and the prevailing taxa reflect environ-
mental characteristics, in particular the level of disturbance and
resource supply (Biggs, Stevenson, & Lowe, 1998; McCormick &
ODell, 1996; Passy & Larson, 2011; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015). Fur-
thermore, trait composition of benthic algae reacts strongly in terms
of growth form to combinations of fine sediments and nutrient
enrichment (Piggott et al., 2012; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015). For
example, Piggott et al. (2012) found that high sediment deposition
reduced the number of adnate and prostrate species as they became
covered by sediment and likely suffered from lack of light in the
photosynthesis process. Concurrently, the number of medium and
large species, as well as motile species increased with enhanced sed-
iment deposition, reflecting the ability of larger motile species to
stay on the sediment surface, thus ensuring light availability for pri-
mary production (Piggott et al., 2012; Piggott, Salis et al., 2012;
2015). Furthermore, motile diatoms and diatoms with high profiles,
as well as small and medium algal species were shown to profit from
nutrient enrichment (Passy, 2007; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015). Finally,
firmly adhered species are more resistant to natural disturbances
(e.g. high current velocities and herbivory) compared with those that
are loosely attached but likely do not profit from low current veloci-
ties with low disturbances (Biggs et al., 1998; Passy, 2007; Schneck
& Melo, 2012). Altogether, if water velocity reduction co-occurs with
fine sedimentation and nutrient enrichment in streams, the species
composition probably changes towards lower abundances of smaller,
firmly adhered adnate/prostrate species and higher abundances of
larger motile species.
Knowledge on the interactions of low flow, fine sediment and
nutrient availability on algal biomass or other algal quantity and com-
position variables is scarce since no study tried to investigate the
combined effects of these stressors in an experiment. This is impor-
tant as low flow, fine sedimentation and nutrient availability often
occur together in human-impacted lowland streams and benthic algal
responses can only be fully understood if the combined effects of
these stressors are investigated. Furthermore, we expect changes in
biofilm biomass and community composition to occur within days to
weeks after the stressors are induced. For example, we think it likely
that rapid deposition of sediment on a benthic biofilm affects the
primary production of the benthic algae and thereby algal biomass
within a few days due to increased mortality. In contrast, changes in
species composition may occur over weeks rather than days because
it is related to the benthic algae life cycle and growth rates. How-
ever, these assumptions remain to be tested since, to our knowl-
edge, no literature exists on the temporal development of the
benthic algae response to the combined effects of low flow, fine
sedimentation, and nutrient enrichment.
In this study, the responses of the benthic algal community to
low flow, fine sediment load and eutrophication were investigated.
The experiment was conducted in twelve replicated large outdoor
flumes with a size comparable to small lowland streams. We
combined two nutrient levels during a normal-flow phase and con-
tinued the same nutrient levels and two additional fine sedimenta-
tion scenarios during a low-flow phase. Each of the two phases
lasted 4 weeks and samples were taken at the end of the normal-
flow phase and in each week of the low-flow phase. We hypothe-
sised (1) that the adaptation of the benthic algae species and trait
composition to the applied stressors would occur gradually from
the start of the low-flow phase and continue throughout the
experiment, (2) that deposition of fine sediment would mediate a
fast reduction in the biomass of the community, resulting in lower
chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentrations and biovolumes and a shift
from adnate/prostrate to motile algae species, and (3) that high
amounts of nutrients at low flow would enhance the biovolume
of species with a more erect growth, allowing them to circumvent
reduced light availability. Therefore, the high-nutrient treatment
should partly mitigate the effects of fine sediment deposition on
Stream flume design
We conducted the experiment in twelve outdoor flumes during sum-
mer 2014 in Denmark (56°40N, 9°310E) with different pre-experi-
mental and experimental phases. The flumes consisted of rectangular
12 m long, 60 cm wide and 30 cm deep channels in which various
types of inorganic sediments were introduced to create a run-riffle
sequence (please see Appendix S1 for details on the flumes and
The stream flumes were fed with unfiltered water from a nearby
source stream. Each of the flumes was fed with stream water from
the source stream by a pump through 1,000 L plastic feeder tanks
by water pipes. The water output of the stream feeder pump was
controlled by a frequency regulator (VLT Aqua Drive FC202 7.5 kW,
Danfoss) and individual flow regulators installed at the pipes before
the feeder tanks for fine adjustment of the flow. An additional recy-
cling pump was installed at the end of each of the flumes to increase
the flow when needed (please see Appendices S1 and S2 for further
Experimental design
The flumes were started with c. 5 L/s on 26 June 2014 for 2 weeks
to allow benthic algae colonisation and organic matter accumulation
before benthic macroinvertebrates were introduced on the 7 July
2014. For each flume, the benthic macroinvertebrates were taken
from the source stream by standardised kick sampling along a reach
of c. 500 m to construct a realistic stream environment (more details
on the kick sampling can be found in Appendix S1). This macroinver-
tebrate colonisation approach has been shown to result in a
macroinvertebrate composition similar to the one of the source
stream (Graeber et al., 2017).
On 27 July 2014, we started the normal-flow experiment phase
(32 days) with nutrient enrichment in six randomly chosen flumes
(NP treatment). Hence, six flumes were not treated with additional
nutrients. Nutrients were added with a 12-channel peristaltic pump
(BVP-Process with a 12-channel CA pump head, Ismatec, Wertheim,
Germany) from a central 600 L tank, which was refilled when empty.
We used fertilizer (SweDane NPK 21-3-10 and GrowHow NS 24-6,
DLG, Copenhagen, Denmark) to enrich with dissolved inorganic
nitrogen and phosphate to obtain a fivefold increase for dissolved
inorganic nitrogen (on average 5.5 mg N/L in the nutrient enriched
flumes compared to a background concentration of 1.1 mg N/L) and
a sevenfold increase for phosphate (on average 0.064 mg P/L com-
pared to 0.009 mg P/L) throughout the experiment (please see
Appendix S1 for further statistics on the nutrient concentrations in
the different treatments).
Thus, in the six flumes with nutrient enrichment, a high-nutrient
environment was simulated (typical for streams in catchments with
intensive agriculture), and in the six flumes without nutrient enrich-
ment, a moderate-nutrient environment was simulated (typical for
streams in catchments with extensive agriculture). The flow regime
was continued as before, hence stream water was fed into the chan-
nels and the recycling pumps were running to reach a sufficient dis-
charge. Nutrient addition was adjusted for the effects of water
recycling, so that the flumes with nutrient addition experienced a
constant nutrient concentration.
The low-flow phase was started on 28 August 2014 and lasted
for 28 days. Here, the flow was reduced to simulate a flow event
typical of lowland streams in Central European intensive agricultural
landscapes in summer (Graeber, Gelbrecht, Pusch, Anlanger, & von
Schiller, 2012; Graeber et al., 2015; Hille et al., 2014). The discharge
was lowered from, on average, 5.2 L/s during the normal-flow phase
to 1 L/s during the low-flow phase, rendering a current velocity
reduction of 83%93% in the run habitat (further statistics on the
hydraulics in the different treatments are available in Appendices S1
and S2). The lowering of discharge was achieved by switching off
the recycling pumps and fine-adjusting the discharge with the fre-
quency regulator of the pump feeding stream water into the system.
Due to the architecture of the system, the lowering of discharge
was near-instantaneous. The nutrient-enrichment treatments of the
normal-flow phase were continued in the low-flow phase to keep
stable eutrophic and mesotrophic conditions.
At the start of the low-flow phase, fine sediment was added manu-
ally in six randomly chosen flumes, three without nutrient enrichment
(FS treatment) and three with nutrient enrichment (NP +FS treat-
ment). Hence, for the low-flow phase, the combination of fine sedi-
ment and nutrient treatments resulted in low flow combined with NP
alone, FS alone and the combination the NP and FS (NP +FS) treat-
ments for three channels each, plus three channels with low-flow but
without any secondary stressor. The fine sediment was pumped from
the source stream into several carboys and manually introduced into
the flumes until >90% fine sediment cover was reached. During the
whole low-flow phase, the sediment cover in the fine sediment treat-
ment was >95%. Furthermore, we observed a continuous increase in
the coverage of fine sediments during the low-flow phase in the non-
fine sediment treatments as fine sediment transported with stream
water settled within the stream flumes due to the low current veloci-
ties. However, the fine sediment cover was always significantly lower
in the non-fine sediment treatments than in the fine-sediment treat-
ments (see Appendix S1 for further details on fine sediment coverage).
Water temperature was measured every ten minutes in each of
the flumes with a temperature logger (HOBO Pendant UA-001,
Onset, USA) and was, on average, 12.1°C with a minimum of 4.7°C
and a maximum of 18.8°C. Average water temperature did not
change significantly during the low-flow phase.
Benthic algae
Quadratic stones (tiles, side length c. 9 cm, height c. 2.5 cm, with a
roughly textured surface) were used to investigate algal growth.
Three days after the start of the normal-flow phase, 20 stones were
introduced in two run habitats per each flume. To minimise distur-
bance of the benthic habitat by later removal of stones, we added
twice as many stones as we sampled. They were positioned along
the main flow path of each run habitat and slow flowing water or
eddies were avoided.
The density and composition of the benthic algae were analysed in
all flumes for the last week of the normal-flow phase and during the
4 weeks of the low-flow phase. We sampled two stones from two dif-
ferent run habitats on each of the five sampling occasions. Biofilm was
scrubbed carefully from the upper side of two stones from two differ-
ent run habitats for each flume and sampled, using a soft toothbrush
and stream water and combined into one sample. Scrubbed-off stones
were discarded and not re-used. The exact length and width of the
stones were measured. The sample from the stones was divided into
two subsamples for analysis of species composition and Chl-a, the lat-
ter using ethanol extraction of filter residues (Whatman glass microfi-
ber filters, GF/C, 47 mm, GE Healthcare, Brondby, Denmark)
according to Jespersen and Christoffersen (1987).
For later analysis, the benthic algae material (50 ml) was fixed
and preserved in a solution of acetic lugol (5%). Counting was con-
ducted in the laboratory in random fields (mean of 150 fields was
calculated for each sample), using an inverted microscope according
to Uterm
ohl (1958). Based on this, the algal density was calculated
as the number of counted individuals (a unicellular organism, a
colony, a filament, or coenobium) divided by the area of the 150
fields. Algae were identified at 4009magnification to the lowest
practical taxonomic level. Identification of the species was carried
out using literature sources (Croasdale & Flint, 1986; Dillard, 1990,
1991; F
orster, 1982; Kom
arek & Anagnostidis, 1999, 2005; Krammer
& Lange-Bertalot, 1986, 1988, 1991; Prescott, Croasdale, Vinyard, &
Bicudo, 1982). Very concentrated samples were diluted to facilitate
visualisation and counting of individuals. If samples were diluted, the
dilution factor was included in the calculation of the algal densities.
The benthic algae biovolume was calculated by multiplying the
density of each taxon by its respective volume. The cell volume was
calculated from geometric models, according to the species-specific
shape of the cells (Hillebrand et al. 1999; Sun & Liu 2003). In detail,
for an individual (a unicellular organism, a colony, a filament, or coeno-
bium), the length and number of all cells was measured and the appro-
priate geometric model was applied to calculate the cell volume.
Subsequently the sums of all cells of an individual were summed up.
This was done for 50 individuals of each taxon within each sample, or
for all individuals of taxa with 50 individuals or less.
The life forms of the algae were categorised into one of five
types based on literature (Guiry & Guiry, 2017; Passy, 2007; Passy
& Larson, 2011; Schneck, Schwarzbold, & Melo, 2011) and personal
observation: (1) adnate or prostrate (Achnanthidium,Cocconeis,Char-
acium,Coleochaete and Chamaesiphon), (2) erect or with mucilage
stalks or tubes (Cymbella,Eunotia,Fragilaria,Gomphonema,Ulnaria
and Chroococcus), (3) motile (Cymatopleura,Gyrosigma,Navicula,Nitz-
and Trachelomonas), (4) metaphyton (Closterium,Cosmarium, Scene-
desmus, Dictyosphaerium, Pediastrum and Tetraedron) and (5) filamen-
tous (Planktolyngbya, Pseudoanabaena and Geitlerinema). We are
aware that our life-form trait classification contains growth-form
types (prostrate, erect/with mucilage stalks, metaphyton, filamen-
tous), modes of attachments (adnate) and the ability to move actively
(motile). However, our classification encompasses the typical life-
form types of benthic algae (Schneck & Melo, 2012), and should give
a realistic representation of their trait composition. Furthermore,
these were used to ensure comparability with earlier studies on mul-
tiple stress (e.g. Piggott et al., 2012; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015).
Moreover, the algae were categorised into three size classes depend-
ing on the length of algae cells: small: <30 lm, medium: 3090 lm
and large: >90 lm (Piggott, Salis et al., 2015). Following to Piggott,
Salis et al. (2015), we considered unicellular organisms, colonies, fila-
ments and coenobium as individuals, and used the average length of
the longest axis of the individuals to define the size classes. Length
was used instead of biovolume for the size classes to maximise the
comparability of the size classes to earlier multiple-stress studies
(e.g. Piggott et al., 2012; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015).
Data analysis
Biovolumes were used for all tests on species and trait data. The
biovolumes were ln (x+1) transformed since the data followed a
log-normal distribution.
The responses of benthic algae species composition, life form
composition and size composition to the low flow, FS, NP and
FS +NP treatments were analysed by applying principal response
curves (PRC; please see Van den Brink & Ter Braak, 1999 for details
on the calculation of the PRC). The PRC model was based on the
first axis of a principal coordinate analysis using BrayCurtis similar-
ity (Hille et al., 2014) to generate site and species scores (capscale
function, vegan package; Oksanen et al., 2015). The PRC consists of
treatment scores and species weights. The treatment scores can be
interpreted as principal response of the community to a treatment
(Van den Brink & Ter Braak, 1999). Furthermore, the species weights
allow determining the taxon-specific reaction, since higher species
weights indicate stronger responses of the species to the treatment
patterns in the PRC (Van den Brink & Ter Braak, 1999). Furthermore,
taxa with near zero species weights either show no response or a
response that is unrelated to the patterns represented in the PRC.
Moreover, the direction of the species weights determines the direc-
tion of the species response to the treatments (Van den Brink & Ter
Braak, 1999).
Within the PRCs, the six channels without nutrient addition dur-
ing the last week of the normal-flow phase were used as control.
The developments of the benthic algae species and trait composition
for the FS, NP and FS +NP treatments and the treatment without
any secondary stressor (hence neither FS nor NP) were plotted
against this control. For benthic algae species composition, species
with a score >0.1 were used in the PRC plots to reveal only the spe-
cies strongly affected by the treatments. An ANOVA-like permuta-
tion test was used to assess the significance of the PRC model
(model df =1, residual df =62, 9,999 permutations, anova.cca func-
tion, vegan package; Oksanen et al., 2015). Based on this test, all
PRCs were significant and thus significantly represented the effects
of the treatments on the benthic algae species composition, life form
type composition and size composition (F>41.2, p<.001).
A permutational multivariate ANOVA (PERMANOVA) (9,999 per-
mutations, adonis function, vegan package; Oksanen et al., 2015) was
used to assess the effects of the NP treatment on species, life form
type and size composition for the last week of the normal-flow phase.
PERMANOVAs were also used to assess the effects of the FS and NP
treatments and the interaction of these stressors on species, life form
type and size composition during the 4 weeks of the low-flow phase
(model df =3, residual df =44). Weeks were used as strata for the
permutations to take the repeated nature of the sampling into account
(PERMANOVA model: adonis(log10(species +1) ~nutrient *fs,
strata =week, distance =bray, permutations =9,999). For treat-
ments with significant effects according to the PERMANOVAs, it was
investigated which taxa and trait categories could be used as indica-
tors for these treatments. For this, an indicator value analysis was
used (multipatt function within the indicspecies package for R;
aceres & Legendre, 2009).
Furthermore, PERMANOVAs were used to assess the effect of
low flow on species, life form type and size composition. In detail, a
one-way PERMANOVA with sampling week as the main factor and
the flumes as strata was conducted using the last week of the
normal-flow phase and the first week of the low-flow phase for
each species, life form type and size composition (PERMANOVA
model: adonis(log10(species +1) ~flow.phase, method =bray,
strata =flumes, permutations =9,999), model df =1, residual
df =10). The channels without FS treatment were investigated sepa-
rately from the channels with FS treatment to separate the effect of
fine sedimentation from the pure low-flow phase effect. For each of
the dominant algal species (species constituting >1% of total algal
biovolume in the entire experiment), it was checked if either the FS
treatment, the NP treatment or an interaction between these
affected biovolumes by using linear mixed-effects models (lme func-
tion, nlme package; Pinheiro, Bates, Debroy, & Deepayan, 2015).
Flume identity was used as a random intercept in the linear
mixed-effects models. Biovolumes of the dominant algal species
were ln (x+1)-transformed to reach normal distribution and
variance homogeneity of the residuals (model: lme(log(y)~fine.sed *
nutrients *week, random =~1|channel, weights =varIdent
(form =~1|channel), model df =7, residual df =40).
The changes in benthic algae quantity were assessed by analys-
ing Chl-aconcentrations and total algal biovolumes. We used a one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA, model df =1, residual df =10,
aov function, R core team 2015) to investigate whether the NP
treatment influenced either Chl-aor total biovolume in the last week
of the normal-flow phase (model: aov(log(y)~nutrients)). For the
low-flow phase, linear mixed-effects models were applied to assess
if FS or NP treatment, sampling week or an interaction between
these influenced Chl-aand total algal biovolume. The same model
formulation and data transformation as for the biovolumes of the
dominant algal species was applied to the linear mixed-effects mod-
els of Chl-aand total biovolume. Finally, paired permutation tests
based on binomial distribution (non-parametric alternative to a
paired ttest, 99,999 iterations, model df =1, residual df =10) were
used to investigate whether Chl-aconcentration and biovolume
changed in the first or last week of the low-flow phase relative to
the last week of the normal-flow phase for the channels without fine
sediment addition during the low-flow phase.
A total of 45 benthic algae taxa were recorded (see Table S1 for
taxon list). Of these, seven taxa dominated the community during
the experiment (Table 1).
Temporal development of multiple stressor
effects during the low-flow phase
After 1 week of low flow, a rapid change relative to that in the last
week of the normal-flow phase was observed in the PRCs regarding
both species composition, life form type and size composition. This
effect was enhanced for the flumes with FS treatments, as indicated
in the PRCs by the higher deviance of the FS treatment curves than
the non-FS treatment curves from the control (zero line) for the
weeks of the low-flow phase (Figures 1 and 2). This observation was
supported by the statistical comparison between the last week of
the normal-flow phase and the first week of the low-flow phase
where a significant change in the community of benthic algae spe-
cies occurred, both alone and in combination with the FS treatment
(PERMANOVA, F>2.7, p=.03, R²> .21). Furthermore, for the FS
treatment, the change from normal to low flow had a significant
effect on benthic algae life form type and size composition (PERMA-
NOVA, F>11.8, p=.03, R²> .54), as opposed to the treatments
without FS (PERMANOVA, F<3.7, p>.07, R²< .28).
After the rapid reaction recorded in the first week of the low-
flow phase, the species composition remained stable in the treat-
ments without FS (Figure 1). In contrast, species composition contin-
ued to change in the FS treatments and was most pronounced after
3 weeks of low flow (Figure 1). Furthermore, the life form type com-
position remained stable throughout the low-flow phase (Figure 2a),
whereas also size composition continued to change, with the largest
difference to the control after 2 weeks of low flow, except for the
NP treatment (Figure 2b).
The two variables applied to assess the quantity of the algae
community, Chl-aconcentration and algal biovolume, responded dif-
ferently to the low flow. Chl-aremained constant after 1 week of
low flow (paired permutation test, p=.09, Figure 3a), whereas bio-
volume decreased significantly after 1 week of low flow relative to
the last week of normal flow (paired permutation test, p=.03, Fig-
ure 3b). Additionally, we observed a significant effect of the sam-
pling week on the Chl-aconcentration (linear mixed-effects model,
t=4.61, p<.001) with a significantly higher Chl-aconcentrations
after 4 weeks of low flow than during normal flow (paired permuta-
tion test, p<.001, Figure 3a). In contrast, we did not observe any
significant effect of the sampling week on the biovolume of benthic
algae, which remained low during the low-flow phase (linear mixed-
effects model, t=1.12, p=.27). However, at the end of the experi-
ment, from the third to the fourth week of low flow, the biovolume
rapidly increased and was statistically similar to that observed during
the normal-flow phase (paired permutation test, p=.18, Figure 3b).
Effects of fine sediment during the low-flow
Four of the dominant algae taxa were negatively affected by the
FS treatment (Table 1), all being within the small size class. Fur-
thermore, two motile taxa were positively affected by the FS treat-
ment (Table 1). Here, the effect of the FS treatments was stronger
than the effect of the NP treatment under low-flow conditions
(Table 2).
When looking at the traits of all taxa, those with motile life form
and large cell size (>90 lm) responded positively to the FS treat-
ments during the low-flow phase (Figure 2, Table 2). In contrast, the
small taxa (<30 lm) with adnate/prostrate form, erect/mucilage
stalks or metaphyton life forms showed a weak negative response
(Figure 2, Table 2). The medium-sized (3090 lm) taxa showed no
response (Figure 2b). Based on the R²of the PERMANOVAs
(Table 2), the responses of benthic algae life form type and size
composition to the FS treatments were stronger than the reaction of
taxon composition to the FS treatments.
In terms of algal quantity, we found contrasting effects of the FS
treatment during the low-flow phase: No effect of the FS treatment
on Chl-awas found (linear mixed-effects model, tvalue =2.2,
p=.06) (Figure 3a), however, a significant negative effect of the FS
treatments (linear mixed-effects model, tvalue =2.6, p=.03) on
benthic algae biovolume was observed (Figure 3b).
Effects of nutrient enrichment
Neither taxon composition, life form type nor size composition were
affected by the NP treatment under normal flow (Figures 1, 2; PER-
MANOVA, F<0.27, R²< .23, p>.09). However, significant
TABLE 1 Dominant benthic algae taxa during the experiment, trait characteristics and reaction to stressors during the low-flow phase. Each
taxon comprises >1% of the total algal biovolume detected. The effects of the nutrient enrichment (NP) and fine sedimentation (FS)
treatments, as well as their interaction during the low-flow phase, were assessed by a linear mixed-effects model using channel identity as
random intercept
Species Life form type
Size class
Sum of
contribution (%)
Treatment effect
during low flow
Achnanthidium minutissimum Adnate/Prostrate Small 9.1E +07 54.3 FS**
cf. Coleochaete sp. Adnate/Prostrate Small 2.7E +07 16.2 none
Cocconeis placentula Adnate/Prostrate Small 1.6E +07 9.7 FS**
Gomphonema parvulum Erect/mucilage stalks Medium 1.2E +07 7.2 FS**
Navicula cryptocephala Motile Medium 9.2E +06 5.5 +FS***
Chamaesiphon sp. Adnate/Prostrate Small 5.7E +06 3.4 FS**
Pinnularia lundii Motile Large 4.0E +06 2.4 +FS***
Passy, 2007, Passy and Larson 2011 and Schneck et al. 2011.
Piggott, Salis et al. (2015).
Sum of all samples (n=60) in experiment, mm
Results of linear mixed-effects model, +/indicates direction of effect, ***p<.001, **p=.001.01.
responses in taxon composition to the NP treatment were recorded
during the low-flow phase, but with a low R²of .04, implying only a
minor effect (Figure 1; Table 2). Finally, there was no effect of the
NP treatment or the interaction of the NP and the FS treatment for
the life-form trait composition or size composition during the low-
flow phase (PERMANOVA, Table 2, Figure 2).
NF 1.wk LF 2.wk LF 3.wk LF 4.wk LF
−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
PRC score
Chamaesiphon sp.
Pseudoanabaena sp.
Cocconeis placentula
Gomphonema sp.
Gomphonema parvulum
Cymbellla cistula
Achnanthidium minutissimum
Fragilaria crotonensis
Planktolyngbya sp.
Cryptomonas sp.
Mallomonas sp.
Gomphonema pumilum
Geitlerinema sp.
Trachelomonas hispida
Cosmarium regnellii
Scenedesmus denticulatus
Eunotia minor
Nitzschia lineares
Pediastrum tetras
cf. Coleochaete sp.
Phacus sp.
Scenedesmus armatus
Euglena sp.
Pinnularia mesolepta
Gyrosigma acuminatum
Fragilaria capucina
Nitzschia palea
Navicula cryptocephala
Pinnularia lundii
No sec. stress
FIGURE 1 Principal response curves
(PRCs) for benthic algae taxon
composition. Symbols represent the mean
PRC scores for each sampling date and
treatment (n=3). Control =channels
without NP during normal-flow phase
(n=6); No sec. stress =no secondary
stressor (FS or NP); FS =fine sediment;
NP =Nutrients; FS +NP =fine
sediment +nutrients, NF =normal-flow
phase, LF =low-flow phase. For clarity,
only the species with a weight less than
0.1 or larger than +0.1 are displayed (Van
den Brink & Ter Braak, 1998)
−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Erect/mucilage stalks
No sec. stress
NF 1.wk LF 2.wk LF 3.wk LF 4.wk LF
−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
PRC score
FIGURE 2 Principal response curves
(PRCs) for life forms (a) and size classes (b)
of benthic algae. Symbols represent the
mean PRC scores for each sampling date
and treatment (n=3). Control =channels
without NP during normal-flow phase
(n=6); No sec. stress =no secondary
stressor (FS or NP); FS =fine sediment;
NP =Nutrients; FS +NP =fine
sediment +nutrients, NF =normal-flow
phase, LF =low-flow phase
Similarly, only minor effects of the NP treatment on algae quan-
tity were recorded. Chl-aresponded positively to the NP treatment
in the last week of the normal-flow phase (ANOVA, F=8.1, p=.02,
Figure 3a), but during the low-flow phase no effect of the NP treat-
ment on Chl-acould be traced (linear mixed-effects model,
t=0.29, p=.77). Algal biovolume did not react to the NP treat-
ment in either the normal-flow phase (ANOVA, F=0.11, p=.75) or
the low-flow phase (linear mixed-effects model, t=0.11, p=.91).
We hypothesised that a gradual response of benthic algae to multi-
ple stressors would occur during the low-flow phase, but already
after the first week of low flow we observed a significant reduction
in benthic algal biovolume, strong effects on the dominant algae taxa
and shifts from small to large taxa and from prostrate/adnate to
motile taxa. The effects were strongest in combination with the slug
deposition of fine sediments. Our findings support those of previous
studies showing similar effects but, at least in our flume systems,
demonstrate that changes can occur at a much faster rate than pre-
viously documented (Magbanua et al., 2013; Piggott et al., 2012;
Piggott, Salis et al., 2015). Therefore, even a short, low-flow phase
will likely affect the abundance and composition of benthic algae
communities in small lowland streams, especially when co-occurring
with deposition of fine sediments.
For the interpretation of the results on the flow change, the
near-instantaneous change of the discharge from normal to low flow
within our experiment needs to be considered. A slower change in
discharge might have led to a slower change in algal compositional
patterns, but based on the fast response of the benthic algae to the
abrupt change in flow, we assume that benthic algae community
would have reacted with only a short delay. For the flumes with fine
sediment (FS) treatment, a large algal mortality due to the acute
major disturbance by the fine-sediment slug addition is implied by
low algal biovolume at the start of the low-flow event, followed by
increases in algal biovolume. Therefore, we think it is likely that the
major shifts in species composition and trait composition due to the
FS treatment are a combined effect of community-level adaption
and re-colonisation from the stream water. In contrast, the slower
fine sedimentation in the flumes without FS treatment (see figure in
Appendix S1 for details on fine sedimentation development) treat-
ment also shifted the community composition of the algal species,
but significantly less strong than with FS treatment.
Following the initial fast response, the algal life form composition
remained largely stable, while the responses of Chl-a, biovolume,
taxon composition and size composition continued to change. Con-
sequently, evaluating the responses of benthic algae to multiple or
single stressor effects at only one point in time seems insufficient.
To avoid misinterpretation of multiple stressor effects, we strongly
recommend observing them repeatedly in time within future studies.
As described above, the effect of low flow on the benthic algae
taxon or trait composition was exacerbated when fine sediment was
added to the flumes. Furthermore, six of the seven dominant algal
taxa responded significantly to the fine sediment treatment. The
strong effects observed in the FS treatments support our second
hypothesis. In addition, despite different taxa in our study compared
to those of earlier studies from New Zealand (Magbanua et al.,
2013; Piggott et al., 2012; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015), it was the
same traits that responded to fine sedimentation. Likely due to their
low profile, the taxa with adnate/prostrate life form had difficulties
in resisting fine sedimentation, whereas motile taxa profited from
fine sedimentation, likely due to their ability to move across and
between fine substratum particles to reach the light (Passy, 2007).
The consistency in the observed response of the trait characteristics
of the benthic algae community to fine sedimentation across studies
suggests that benthic algae traits provide an excellent tool to predict
effects of fine sedimentation. This is also theoretically supported by
the habitat templet theory (Southwood, 1977, 1988), which suggests
that species with the same suitable traits are always selected by the
same habitat characteristics, independent of the species in the com-
munity but with the prerequisite that species with suitable traits are
available to colonise the habitat in question. Consequently, traits
rather than species composition are likely a better predictor for the
environmental condition (Poff, 1997) as recently shown also for
macrophytes, fish and macroinvertebrates in European lowland
streams (G
othe et al., 2016). Furthermore, a change in trait composi-
tion due to changes in environmental condition may have further
effects on the ecological functions of the benthic algae community
Chl−a (mg/m²)
(mm³ cells/cm²) x 1,000
NF 1.wk LF 2.wk LF 3.wk LF 4.wk LF
02468 12
0 4000 8000
No sec. stress
FIGURE 3 Benthic algae Chl-a(a) and total biovolume (b).
Symbols represent means for each sampling date and treatment
(n=3). No sec. stress =no secondary stressor (FS or NP); FS =fine
sediment; NP =nutrients; FS +NP =fine sediment +nutrients,
NF =normal-flow phase, LF =low-flow phase
within streams, e.g. algal phosphorus uptake, carbon fixation and vul-
nerability to herbivory (Steinman, Mulholland, & Hill, 1992).
In contrast to the total biovolume of the benthic algal commu-
nity, Chl-awas not affected by fine sedimentation or nutrient enrich-
ment during the low-flow phase. In fact, the Chl-aconcentration
continued to increase over time in all treatments, whereas the algal
biovolume remained stable. For Chl-a, this opposes our second
hypothesis in which we expected a strong negative effect of fine
sedimentation. We believe this effect to be a consequence of inten-
sified light limitation in the benthic zone, caused by the continued
deposition of fine sediments on the stream bottom during low flow,
which likely acted in two ways: (1) By increasing the concentration
of Chl-awithin their cells, the benthic algae likely compensated for
the reduced light availability (Baulch, Turner, Findlay, Vinebrooke, &
Donahue, 2009; Falkowski & LaRoche, 1991; Hill & Dimick, 2002).
(2) Light has, furthermore, been shown to be an important factor for
Chl-adegradation (Carpenter, Elser, & Elser, 1986). Hence, fine sedi-
mentation may also have reduced Chl-adegradation indirectly by
reducing the availability of light, resulting in a build-up of Chl-ain
the benthic biofilms. However, since we lack measurements of Chl-a
degradation products, we cannot further disentangle the responsible
mechanisms. Alternative explanations, such as water temperature
differences between the flow phases and species turnover in the
low-flow phase, cannot explain this effect because: (1) the water
temperature regime was stable during both the normal-flow phase
and the low-flow phase, and (2) taxon composition did not exhibit a
similar gradual change over time, indicating that the change in Chl-a
was most likely not related to species turnover (Felip & Catalan,
In our third hypothesis, we proposed a mitigating effect of nutri-
ent enrichment on the adverse effects of fine sediment. However,
we did not find strong support for our hypothesis in the community
statistics of species or trait composition, as no interactions were
observed between the NP and FS treatment in the low-flow phase.
In fact, our results imply that the addition of nutrients does not
change the benthic algae response to fine sedimentation or low flow.
Earlier studies have clearly shown nutrient enrichment to affect ben-
thic algae trait composition (e.g. Passy, 2007; Piggott et al., 2012),
and one reason for the different result obtained in our study could
be the low nutrient enrichment in our experiment (approximately
fivefold for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and sevenfold for phos-
phate). In comparison, earlier multiple stress studies used an approxi-
mate inorganic nitrogen and phosphate increase of up to 10-fold
and 45-fold, respectively, and found interacting effects of nutrient
enrichment on the effects of fine sediment and low flow (Piggott,
Salis et al., 2015; Wagenhoff et al., 2013). Furthermore, Passy
(2007) demonstrated that the response of diatom traits largely
occurred between 0 and 2 mg N/L nitrate, above which the
response was negligible and which was lower than the dissolved
inorganic nitrogen concentration (on average 5.49 mg N/L) in our
nutrient-enriched flumes. This notion is, moreover, supported by the
subsidy-stress reaction of the motile guild to nutrient addition,
where motile species benefited from low nutrient addition levels, but
not from high nutrient addition levels (Wagenhoff et al., 2013). The
absence of a mitigating impact of nutrient enrichment on the effect
of fine sedimentation during the low-flow phase can furthermore
reflect that the delivery of nutrients from the water column to the
benthic algae was reduced due to thicker boundary layers under low
flow. We changed the average current velocity close to the stream
bottom from 9.9 cm/s during the normal-flow phase to 0.5 cm/s
during the low-flow phase (see Appendix S1 for further details). This
is exactly the level of change of current velocity for which a limita-
tion of phosphorus and nitrogen transport to the benthic algae due
to boundary layer effects was reported (Borchardt, 1996).
The different reactions of benthic algal traits to nutrient enrich-
ment between studies raise a more general question of how far the
level of one stressor modulates the response of other stressors. It
has recently been discussed how different synergistic and antagonis-
tic multiple stressor effects can be defined and categorised relative
to a control which itself has a certain stress level (Piggott, Townsend
et al., 2015), and to this we can add that also the initial stress level
modulates the kind and direction of multiple stressor responses. We
suggest that this modulating effect likely depends on the type of
Here, we propose a first outline of how we understand the
doseresponse relationshipbetween the strength of the benthic
algae trait response and stressor event intensity for typical stressors
in lowland streams (Figure 4). First, we propose that nutrient
TABLE 2 Results of the permutational multivariate analyses of variance (PERMANOVA) for the effects of nutrient enrichment with nitrogen
and phosphorus (NP) and fine sediment addition (FS) on benthic algae taxon composition, life form composition and size composition during
the low-flow phase. The taxa names and trait categories in parentheses are indicators (p<.05, indicator value analysis) for the significant
treatments. Fragilaria capucina appeared as indicator species in the FS +NP treatment and was hence attributed as indicator species to both
Treatment Species composition Life form type composition Size composition
FS F=16.8, R²= .26***
(Euglena sp., Pinnularia lundii, Navicula cryptocephala, F. capucina)
F=39.9, R²= .46***
(Motile taxa)
F=33.8, R²= .41***
(Large taxa)
NP F=2.5, R²= .04*
(Gomphonema parvulum, Gomphonema sp., F. capucina)
F=1.8, R²= 0.02
F=2.6, R²= .03
Interaction term F=1.0, R²= .02
F=0.1, R²= .002
F=1.5, R²= .02
***p<.001, *p=.01.05, n.s. =not significant.
enrichment events affect benthic algae trait composition up to only
a certain level. As already explained above, this is supported for
nitrate by our study as well as the results obtained in other studies
(Passy, 2007; Piggott et al., 2012; Wagenhoff et al., 2013). Thus,
when we added more nutrients to the relatively high background
levels of our control, only minor effects appeared. Hence, other
stressor effects (e.g. fine sedimentation) on trait responses should be
modulated only to a low degree by changes in nutrient concentra-
tions, if these changes in nutrient concentration occur at a high level
(e.g. above c. 2 mg N/L nitrate for diatom traits, Passy, 2007) (Fig-
ure 4). We suggest that the same principle applies to increasing tem-
peratures; thus, in a study by Piggott, Salis et al. (2015) a small
temperature rise was observed to affect some algal traits, whereas a
further increase of temperature only had negligible effects on ben-
thic algae traits (Piggott, Salis et al., 2015). This implies that a ben-
thic algal community already affected by high water temperatures is
likely to be less affected by a further water temperature increase
hence effects of other stressors become more important. However,
at extreme water temperatures, we again expect strong effects on
benthic algae trait composition, as conditions at such extreme condi-
tions should select few tolerant benthic algal species. Furthermore,
very high nutrient concentrations can inhibit benthic algae species
growth and photosynthesis (Azov & Goldman, 1982; Hoellein, Tank,
Kelly, & Rosi-Marshall, 2010; Tank & Dodds, 2003), also likely select-
ing algae tolerant to such conditions. Several studies have shown
strong effects of fine sediment on benthic algae traits (our study;
Piggott et al., 2012; Piggott, Salis et al., 2015), intermediate levels (c.
80% fine sediment cover) creating substantial changes but with only
modest effects of an additional rise (c. 90%; Piggott, Salis et al.,
2015). Hence, in systems with high fine sediment stress levels, the
benthic algal community is not likely to respond significantly to a
further addition. For current velocity, we propose an exponential
relationship between current velocity-related stress and the effect
on benthic algae traits (Figure 4) at both high-flow and low-flow
stress. Thus, high-flow events are expected to result in a strong
selection of pioneer communities dominated by small, low-profile
species with fast colonisation and high growth rates (Biggs et al.,
1998; Passy, 2007). In our experiment, we also found strong effects
of low flow on the composition of benthic algae traits, with large
and motile species showing the strongest responses. At the levels
between the two extremes, benthic algae trait composition should
be less strongly affected by changes in flow velocity (Passy, 2007).
Therefore, changes in other stressors might overrule the effects of
minor changes in current velocity, its impact increasing to dominance
at more severe flow events. Therefore, in future multiple stress
experimental studies on benthic algae or other biological elements,
stress background levels and different levels of stress should be con-
sidered for the design of the experiment, formulation of the
hypotheses and analyses of the results.
This study was supported by the MARS project (Managing Aquatic
ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress) funded
under the 7th EU Framework Programme, Theme 6 (Environment
including Climate Change), Contract No.: 603378 (http://www.mars-
Erika Maria Neif would like to thank the Coordenacß
de Aperfeicßoamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior (CAPES) for pro-
viding her PhD scholarship. We thank Anne Mette Poulsen for valu-
able editorial comments. We furthermore thank Sandra Hille and
Stefan Lorenz, who helped to start the experiments, Marlene Venø
Skjærbæk and Dorte Nedergaard, who conducted the nutrient mea-
surements in the laboratory and Anne Mette Poulsen for linguistic
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How to cite this article: Neif
EM, Graeber D, Rodrigues L,
et al. Responses of benthic algal communities and their traits
to experimental changes in fine sediments, nutrients and
flow. Freshwater Biol. 2017;00:112.
... Our detailed comprehension of ecosystem state shifts in lakes has been possible through ecosystem-scale experiments 1,2,10,11 . In comparison, there are less data regarding regime shifts in natural running waters at ecosystem-scales because flow manipulations of free-flowing rivers are logistically challenging, currently limited to experimental releases from existing hydraulic structures [12][13][14][15][16] . Consequently, our understanding of flow-biota relationships in running waters has mostly relied on correlations using field data from largely uncontrolled stream reaches or data from experiments performed in artificial channels and flumes 7,12,17 . ...
... Previous studies on ecological response to reduced flow in running waters have commonly found significant changes in benthic community structure and function characterized by a change in biomass and density 12,16,26,33,34 , reduction in taxon richness 14,18 , and alteration of the trophic organization 14 . The impacts, however, vary among study systems (e.g., natural flow regime vs. water quality vs. the features of the disturbance imposed) [35][36][37] . ...
... The impacts, however, vary among study systems (e.g., natural flow regime vs. water quality vs. the features of the disturbance imposed) [35][36][37] . Low flows decrease water velocities, which favor benthic algal attachment onto the substrate 16,38,39 and generate higher water temperatures that boost primary production 24,40 . Our experimental manipulation confirmed this general pattern, even though it was performed in oligotrophic streams showing relatively low temperatures and nutrient poor concentrations under natural conditions. ...
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The growing threat of abrupt and irreversible changes to the functioning of freshwater ecosystems compels robust measures of tipping point thresholds. To determine benthic cyanobacteria regime shifts in a potable water supply system in the tropical Andes, we conducted a whole ecosystem-scale experiment in which we systematically diverted 20 to 90% of streamflow and measured ecological responses. Benthic cyanobacteria greatly increased with a 60% flow reduction and this tipping point was related to water temperature and nitrate concentration increases, both known to boost algal productivity. We supplemented our experiment with a regional survey collecting > 1450 flow-benthic algal measurements at streams varying in water abstraction levels. We confirmed the tipping point flow value, albeit at a slightly lower threshold (40-50%). A global literature review broadly confirmed our results with a mean tipping point at 58% of flow reduction. Our study provides robust in situ demonstrations of regime shift thresholds in running waters with potentially strong implications for environmental flows management. Experimental stream manipulation in a mountain river system in the tropical Andes initiates a regime shift of benthic cyanobacteria. This whole-ecosystem experiment in conjunction with a global synthesis reveal regime shift tipping points dependent upon freshwater streamflow.
... The flow regime varies geographically with climate, mainly through precipitation and temperature, and catchment conditions such as vegetation cover, soil and topography (Allan et al., 2021;Goyenola et al., 2015). Streams experience recurrent natural changes in flow, and the structure of the biological communities therefore is adapted to such disturbances Wu et al., 2019), but sudden alterations in discharges can have vast effects on the ecological functioning and biodiversity of streams (Neif et al., 2017;Poff & Zimmerman, 2010;Wu et al., 2019). An increase in disturbance frequency can alter not only community composition, but also diversity, disproportionately affecting rare taxa (Haghkerdar et al., 2019). ...
... Pérez-Calpe et al. (2021) found an inverse relationship between chlorophyll a and flow, even though they tested a low range of water velocities. They proposed that this pattern resulted from dominance of the community by filaments (prone to sloughing) that were lost with increasing flow, which concurs with the findings of other studies Biggs et al., 1998;Neif et al., 2017;Passy, 2007;Wu et al., 2019). The generalised lower post-pulse biovolumes found, which did not coincide with Chlorophyll a, are probably the result of biovolume being a direct measure that involves counting, whereas biomass estimation using Chlorophyll a concentration may largely vary depending on the groups, the individual organisms, and also by the position in the periphytic matrix. ...
... Opportunistic species are crucial both during re-colonisation, when surface patches become available (in streams typically after the abrupt input of runoff water), and during the rapid growth phase after the recolonisation (Biggs et al., 1998;Horner et al., 1990). Here, we did not assess resilience, but other experiments have found strong responses of the periphytic community and high resilience to the stress imposed by low flow (Baattrup- Neif et al., 2017). Light availability significantly increased community resistance, which again supports its role as a leading driver of biomass accrual and suggests that local limiting conditions can influence resistance patterns. ...
Streams generally are affected by multiple stressors acting at different timescales. Periphyton, often the most important primary producer in these ecosystems, may respond to short‐term impacts as well as to different long‐term environmental conditions with potentially various changes in community structure. Here, we experimentally investigated the effects of sudden flow pulses on periphyton communities as a way to mimic extreme precipitation events in lowland streams that are predicted to occur more often with climate change in some regions. Using outdoor flumes, we allowed periphyton to colonise nutrient‐diffusion substrates under two light conditions (50% shade and fully open) and nutrient availabilities (control, with access only to stream nutrients, and N–P‐enriched) along a gradient in baseflows (0.43 to 2.17 L/s). After one month, we exposed the communities to a flow pulse (two‐fold peak flow increase to simulate conditions of a potentially high disturbance) and analysed the responses of biomass and taxonomic composition. Flow pulse promoted periphyton growth in the lowest range of the baseflow but led to biomass reduction in the highest range. Light was the second major driver of biomass accrual, whereas nutrient enrichment had a strong effect on community composition both before and after the pulse (i.e., diatom dominance vs. green algae dominance in scenarios without and with enrichment, respectively). In all treatments, the flow pulse promoted a higher taxonomic richness, suggesting a partial reset of the succession of the periphyton communities. However, independent of flow and resources, periphyton communities showed low ecological resistance against the pulse with changes in chlorophyll a , biovolume and taxonomic richness to the pulse. We demonstrated that the effects of pulses on periphyton are similar in terms of biomass but varied strongly regarding composition depending on their initial structure, which is in turn mediated by the baseflow normally experienced by the systems, and on light and nutrient availability. Our results highlight the importance of testing multiple stressors, such as an increase in extreme events, under a wide range of environmental conditions (i.e., flow regime, trophic state, light availability). This approach allows us to detect potential interaction effects and non‐linear responses, and highlights that the environmental settings ultimately determine the net effects of flow pulses on community structure and probably also on several important ecosystem processes.
... The stream channels were continuously supplied with water from a neighbouring stream (Lemming stream) with no known or historical population of freshwater pearl mussel, using a central feeder pump. (Also see Neif et al. (2017) for further details on the stream channel set-up.) ...
... New buckets were used for each channel to avoid cross contamination. Water chemistry parameters were not measured in this study, but an overview of approximate levels of nitrate-N, ammonium-N, total N, ortho-phosphate-P, and total P were obtained from previous studies in the stream channel facility Neif et al., 2017). Lemming stream, which supplies water to the stream channels, has a small catchment dominated by forest, and nutrient levels have been consistently low during the past 2 decades (total N and total P concentrations $1 mg L À1 and 0.01 mg L À1 , respectively, data extracted from the Danish open source database for aquatic monitoring data: ...
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• Environmental DNA (eDNA) from water samples is increasingly used to detect the presence and distribution of species in aquatic ecosystems. However, before implementing eDNA in monitoring programmes, various species-specific sampling or analytical issues remain to be resolved in order to minimize frequencies of false-positive and -negative results. For example, empty shells from freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) contain extractable DNA (chemical extraction from ground-up shells) suggesting a risk of false-positive samples at stream sites with extinct populations but with empty shell material remaining. • The aim of this study was to investigate whether empty and naturally degrading shells from M. margaritifera can cause false-positive eDNA signals in water samples. • Water samples were collected from outdoor stream channels (in Lemming, Denmark) with living freshwater pearl mussels or empty shell material (density ~10 individuals m⁻²) during a 3-week experimental period. Living freshwater pearl mussels were collected from Hemgravs stream in Sweden and transported to Denmark according to permissions granted by the Swedish and Danish authorities. • All water samples from stream channels containing empty shells were negative for eDNA indicating that eDNA traces in stream water are most likely to originate from living individuals located upstream of the sampling site. Water samples collected from stream channels containing living individuals of M. margaritifera were consistently positive for eDNA except for one sample (interpreted as a false negative). • The study shows that positive eDNA signals for freshwater pearl mussels most likely reflect the presence of living individuals. Consequently, we suggest that eDNA should be used to locate remaining population fragments of M. margaritifera in deep and turbulent streams, providing a platform for faster and more efficient decision making when launching investigative and mitigation initiatives.
... Species level responses of the phytoplankton community to different concentrations of the metazachlor and flufenacet compared to controls over the experiment period were further analyzed by principal response curves analysis (PRC) using function prc in R package vegan. The PRC model represents the responses of individual species to the treatments using treatment scores (effect) and species weight (Neif et al., 2017; Van den Brink and Ter Braak, 1998). Higher effect value represents the greater response of the community to the treatment. ...
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Agrochemicals are the main pollutants in freshwater ecosystems. Metazachlor and flufenacet are two common herbicides applied in fall (i.e., August-October) to agricultural fields in Northern Germany. High concentrations of these herbicides are often found in adjacent aquatic ecosystems. Phytoplankton are one of the highly susceptible non-targeted aquatic organismal groups for herbicides and effects on phytoplankton may initiate a chain of consequences in meta communities through trophic interactions. Few studies have focused on responses of the phytoplankton community for metazachlor and, no studies have focused on flufenacet. We studied the effects of metazachlor and flufenacet on the phytoplankton community by conducting a microcosm experiment exposing natural fall phytoplankton communities to environmentally realistic concentrations as 0 (control), 0.5, 5 and 50 µg L − 1 of metazachlor and flufenacet treatments over a 4-week period. We measured changes in density, composition (i.e., in phyla and species level), taxonomic diversity indices, and functional features of phyto-plankton communities as a response to herbicides. A reduction in the density of Chlorophyta species (e.g., Koliella longiseta, Selenastrum bibraianum) and Cyanobacteria species (e.g., Merismopedia tenuissima and Aphanocapsa elegans) was observed in herbicide treatments compared to controls. The phytoplankton community shifted towards a high density of species from Bacillariophyta (e.g., Nitzschia fonticola and Cyclotella meneghiniana), Miozoa (i.e., Peridinium willei), and Euglenozoa (i.e., Trachelomonas volvocina) in herbicide treatments compared to controls. Metazachlor and flufenacet showed significant negative effects on taxonomic diversity indices (e.g., species richness, the Shannon-Wiener index) and functional features (e.g., functional dispersion and redundancy) of the phytoplankton communities, with increasing herbicide concentrations. Our study provides insights into direct, selective, and irrecoverable effects of metazachlor and flufenacet on phytoplankton communities in the short-term. The comprehensive understanding of these effects of environmentally realistic herbicide concentrations on aquatic biota is essential for a sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems in agricultural areas.
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Forest management operations greatly influence stream habitats. Canopy clearing and subsequent canopy development during succession, site preparation , and ditching alter the light environment, and increase sediment inputs and nutrient exports from upland and riparian soils to streams. These physico-chemical changes affect aquatic biofilms and metabolic rates, and in this study, we tested their individual and combined effects. We used 12 artificial streamside channels, together with a field survey of nine streams in and around clear-cuts, to assess the effects of shading, substrate composition, and nutrient addition on biofilm biomass and composition, as well as metabolic rates. We found that biofilm biomass and gross primary production (GPP) were light limited in channels under 70% canopy shading. Nitrate additions at this shading level only marginally increased autotrophic biomass, while the rates of respiration increased 10-fold when carbon was added. Open (unshaded) channels had three times higher rates of GPP compared with channels with 70% shading, and autotrophic biomass was twice as high, largely caused by the colonization of filamentous green algae. These changes to bio-film biomass, composition, and GPP were caused by differences in light alone, as temperature was not affected by the shading treatment. Notably, higher rates of GPP led to no positive effect on net ecosystem production. Further, fine-grained substrates negatively affected GPP as compared with stone sub-strates in the experimental channels. In the surveyed streams, the negative effects of fine-grained substrates exceeded the positive influence of light on biofilm biomass. Altogether, our results highlight the need for riparian management that protects headwaters from unwanted stressors by focusing on preventing sediment erosion and carbon transport in clear-cuts, while providing variable shade conditions in second-growth forests.
Global climate change has greatly increased the drought duration, frequency, and severity of intermittent river ephemeral stream (IRES), affecting the microbial-mediated biogeochemical process. While there is limited information about the responses of community structure and ecosystem functions of benthic biofilms in IRES, especially under the increased drought duration. Here, we focused on the increased drought duration and summarized their effects on the structure and functions of benthic biofilms in IRES. First, the increased dehydration duration led to distinct effects on the α-diversity or β-diversity of benthic microbial communities. The interaction network should be considered in future research as they are essential to maintain biofilm structure and play key roles in the resistance and resilience in biofilm community recovery under hydrological stress. In addition, inconsistent response patterns of the fundamental functions, such as gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and functional enzymes activity of biofilms were discussed. Besides, the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) of biofilms in IRES deserve more attention due to that their emission flux of biofilms could be significantly altered after prolong dehydration duration with a huge pulse when rewetting. More important, it is ecosystem multifunctionality rather than a single function that needs to be fully considered when studying the microbial functions and the biogeochemical process mediated by biofilms in IRES under increased dehydration duration. Also, more research is needed at larger spatial and longer temporal scales to evaluate the effects from a more macro perspective for better understanding the ecological impacts of increased dehydration duration in IRES ecosystems.
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taxa, as well as invertebrate taxa richness and diversity , were not impacted by discharge reduction. However , discharge reduction decreased the abundance and biomass of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and of the entire fish community. The abundance of large brown trout was disproportionately impacted by discharge reduction. Our results suggest that responses to discharge reduction in streams may be community-and taxon specific. Moderate discharge reduction can negatively impact ecosystem services provided by cold-water streams by affecting the habitat and abundance of salmonids.
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Climate-induced changes in precipitation and land-use intensification affect the discharge of streams worldwide, which, together with eutrophication and loss of riparian canopy, can affect periphyton biomass and composition, and therefore, ultimately the stream functioning. We investigated the responses of periphyton biomass and life-forms (i.e., high profile, low profile and motile) to these changes applying an experimental approach by modulating nutrients (nutrient diffusion substrates enriched with 0.5 M NH4NO3 + 0.031 M KH2PO4 and without nutrient enrichment) and light availability (50% shade and full light) along a gradient in discharge ranging from 0.46 to 3.89 L/s (0.7 to 6.5 cm/s) in twelve large-sized (12- m long) outdoor flumes resembling lowland streams. We also analysed the potential effects of other environmental variables including macroinvertebrates on the responses of periphyton to discharge, nutrients, and light. Light and nutrient availability drastically affected periphyton biomass and composition responses to discharge. Periphyton biomass decreased with increasing discharge when shaded but this did not happen when exposed to full light. Under full light conditions, nutrient enrichment mediated an increase in the periphyton biomass with increasing discharge, possibly reflecting an increased metabolism, but this did not happen under non-enriched conditions. Enrichment further affected the compositional responses of periphyton to discharge, with an increase in the biomass of motile, fast-growing, small-sized flagellated at low discharge conditions, and mitigating a loss of high profile periphyton under higher discharges. Light did not affect periphyton composition, and the abundance or feeding-group composition of the macroinvertebrates did not affect biomass or composition of the periphyton either. Our results suggest that nutrient enrichment and light play an important synergistic role in the responses of the periphyton biomass and composition to discharge and emphasize the relevance of riparian canopy conservation and eutrophication control to avoid periphyton growth under increased discharge scenarios in small lowland streams.
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We studied three commonly used bioindicator groups: phytoplankton, phytobenthos and benthic invertebrate communities’ structure patterns in transitions between lotic and lentic habitats as consequences of two consecutive large dams constructed in the early twentieth century on the intermediate reach of a lowland river in Normandy (NW, France), the Selune. According to sampling station position along the river, including two in the two reservoir lakes, we defined three sorts of transitions, from upstream to downstream: lentic to lotic transition (hereafter len-lot), lentic to lentic transition (hereafter len-len), within the two reservoir lakes, and lentic to lotic transition (hereafter len-lot). Lot-len transition, imposed by damming, and the recovery of lotic character of the river afterward dams, promoted different diversity patterns for the studied organisms’ groups. Phytobenthos’ α diversity significantly incresed in the len-lot transition, and the highest β diversity score was observed in the lot-len. Both, habitat conditions and spatial controls drove phytobenthos community structure. Benthic invertebrate community was mainly shaped by habitat conditions. Invertebrate’s α diversity significantly changed in the lot-len and len-lot transitions, with the β diversity score being the highest in the lot-len transition. Community’s traits composition of invertebrates best fitted predictions on lotic- and lentic- type communities. Phytoplankton’s α diversity remained unchanged in the transitions and subsequently β diversity scores were low. According to the results, we proposed three classes of organisms based on their response to river damming: i) organisms indifferent or tolerant to dams effect, like phytoplankton communities in this study, that were neither hampered by changes in water flow velocity, and did not display dispersal limitation neither; ii) organisms sensitive to habitat conditions shift but not limited in their dispersal capacity by the dam, like benthic invertebrates and phytobenthos in this study. Benthic invertebrate community and phytobenthos communities differed in their response likely due to their differential dispersal capabilities and niche breadth; iii) organisms limited in their dispersal by the dam, not represented in this study. Riverine organisms best tracked transitions, while β diversity assessment revealed as the most useful metric to disentangle the relative contribution of dispersal limitation or habitat modification provoked by multiple dams.
Priority effects are stochastic processes that consider the influence of the order of arrival of species on community dynamics and structure. We evaluated the short-term effects of stream eutrophication and colonization time in freshwater benthic communities (primary producers - periphytic algae, decomposers – fungi, and consumers - macroinvertebrates) to test whether (i) beta diversity is higher in eutrophic streams due to priority effects driven by stochastic community formation processes (ecological drift or random dispersal), and (ii) in the early stages of colonization, priority effects drive the history of the formation and the initial establishment of the community in the stream, resulting in higher beta diversity. The present study was conducted in situ over 28 days in temperate streams along a trophic gradient, with colonization being evaluated every seven days. The study identified 84 species of alga, 43 families of macroinvertebrates, and 44 species of aquatic fungi. Our results demonstrated that deterministic processes were responsible for the formation of aquatic producers, while priority effects (stochasticity) were more important for the aquatic decomposers and consumers. In the case of the producers, beta diversity was highest in the hypertrophic stream, but did not vary significantly over colonization time. The beta diversity of the decomposers was highest in the hypertrophic stream and in the later stages of succession, due primarily to mechanisms of facilitation. The beta diversity of the consumers was lowest in the hypertrophic stream due primarily to the priority and inhibitory effects of the predominant groups, and highest at seven and 21 days of colonization. As these three taxonomic groups differ in their intrinsic biological characteristics, and in their functional role in the ecosystem, our short-term field study demonstrated that both stochastic and deterministic processes combine to influence the configuration of the community, and that the relative importance of the two processes varies systematically along a trophic gradient.
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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important factor in aquatic ecosystems, which is involved in a large variety of biogeochemical and ecological processes and recent literature suggests that it could be strongly affected by agriculture in different climates. Based on novel monitoring techniques, we investigated the interaction of climate and agriculture effects on DOM quantity and molecular composition. To examine this, we took water samples over two years in two paired intensive and extensive farming catchments in each Denmark (temperate climate) and Uruguay (subtropical climate). We measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) concentrations and DOC and DON molecular fractions with size-exclusion chromatography. Moreover, we assessed DOM composition with absorbance and fluorescence measurements, as well as parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). We also calculated DOC and DON loads based on daily discharge measurements, as well as measured precipitation and air temperature. In the catchments in Uruguay, the fluvial DOM was characterized by higher temporal variability of DOC and DON loads which were clearly related to a higher temporal variability of precipitation and a DOM composition with rather plant-like character relative to the Danish catchments. Moreover, we consistently found a higher temporal variability of DOC an DON loads in the intensive farming catchments than in the extensive farming catchments, with the highest temporal variability in the Uruguayan intensive farming catchment. Moreover, the composition of DOM exported from the intensive farming catchments was always complex and related to microbial processing in both Denmark and Uruguay. This was indicated by low C : N ratios, several spectroscopic DOM composition indexes and the PARAFAC fluorescence components. We propose that the consistent effect of intensive farming on DOM composition and the temporal variability of DOC and DON loads is related to similarities in the management of agriculture, which may have wide-scale implications for fluvial DOM composition, as well as related ecological processes and biogeochemical cycles.
Worldwide, lowland stream ecosystems are exposed to multiple anthropogenic stress due to the combination of water scarcity, eutrophication, and fine sedimentation. The understanding of the effects of such multiple stress on stream benthic macroinvertebrates has been growing in recent years. However, the interdependence of multiple stress and stream habitat characteristics has received little attention, although single stressor studies indicate that habitat characteristics may be decisive in shaping the macroinvertebrate response. We conducted an experiment in large outdoor flumes to assess the effects of low flow, fine sedimentation, and nutrient enrichment on the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community in riffle and run habitats of lowland streams. For most taxa, we found a negative effect of low flow on macroinvertebrate abundance in the riffle habitat, an effect which was mitigated by fine sedimentation for overall community composition and the dominant shredder species (Gammarus pulex) and by nutrient enrichment for the dominant grazer species (Baetis rhodani). In contrast, fine sediment in combination with low flow rapidly affected macroinvertebrate composition in the run habitat, with decreasing abundances of many species. We conclude that the effects of typical multiple stressor scenarios on lowland stream benthic macroinvertebrates are highly dependent on habitat conditions and that high habitat diversity needs to be given priority by stream managers to maximize the resilience of stream macroinvertebrate communities to multiple stress.
The spatial organisation of biotic communities derives from factors operating at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Despite strong scientific evidence of prevalent spatial control of community composition in freshwater ecosystems, local environmental factors are often considered as the main drivers of community change. Furthermore, taxonomic approaches are most frequently used, and few studies have compared the relative importance of local and regional control of trait versus the taxonomic composition in stream ecosystems. Using a spatially dense data set covering all stream sizes in a lowland European region of c . 42 000 km ² and three organism groups (macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fishes), we compared the relative importance of spatial and environmental determinants of species and trait composition in the study streams, classified into headwaters (stream order 1–2) and downstream sites (stream order >2). We hypothesised that (i) there is a higher correspondence between environmental conditions and trait composition than with species composition, (ii) dispersal limitation (pure spatial structuring) is greater in headwaters than in downstream sites and (iii) dispersal limitation (pure spatial structuring) is weakest for macroinvertebrates, intermediate for macrophytes and strongest for fishes. The most consistent pattern across organisms and stream order groups was a higher correspondence between environmental variation and trait composition as well as a higher number of environmental variables significantly related to trait composition than with species composition (hypothesis 1). Spatial structuring peaked in headwater macrophyte communities and downstream fish communities (hypotheses 2 & 3) – a pattern that was amplified when separate analyses of traits describing species dispersal potential were undertaken. Our study highlights the potential of traits to capture multiple environmental changes in stream ecosystems and illustrates how organism‐specific and highly context‐dependent patterns in community organisation can emerge as a consequence of interactions between habitat connectivity (i.e. top versus lower parts of the stream network) and organism dispersal potential.
Water resources globally are affected by a complex mixture of stressors resulting from a range of drivers, including urban and agricultural land use, hydropower generation and climate change. Understanding how stressors interfere and impact upon ecological status and ecosystem services is essential for developing effective River Basin Management Plans and shaping future environmental policy. This paper details the nature of these problems for Europe's water resources and the need to find solutions at a range of spatial scales. In terms of the latter, we describe the aims and approaches of the EU-funded project MARS (Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress) and the conceptual and analytical framework that it is adopting to provide this knowledge, understanding and tools needed to address multiple stressors. MARS is operating at three scales: At the water body scale, the mechanistic understanding of stressor interactions and their impact upon water resources, ecological status and ecosystem services will be examined through multi-factorial experiments and the analysis of long time-series. At the river basin scale, modelling and empirical approaches will be adopted to characterise relationships between multiple stressors and ecological responses, functions, services and water resources. The effects of future land use and mitigation scenarios in 16 European river basins will be assessed. At the European scale, large-scale spatial analysis will be carried out to identify the relationships amongst stress intensity, ecological status and service provision, with a special focus on large transboundary rivers, lakes and fish. The project will support managers and policy makers in the practical implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), of related legislation and of the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources by advising the 3rd River Basin Management Planning cycle, the revision of the WFD and by developing new tools for diagnosing and predicting multiple stressors.
In this paper a novel multivariate method is proposed for the analysis of community response data from designed experiments repeatedly sampled in time. The long-term effects of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on the invertebrate community and the dissolved oxygen (DO)-pH-alkalinity-conductivity syndrome, in outdoor experimental ditches, are used as example data. The new method, which we have named the principal response curve method (PRC), is based on redundancy analysis (RDA), adjusted for overall changes in community response over time, as observed in control test systems. This allows the method to focus on the time-dependent treatment effects. The principal component is plotted against time, yielding a principal response curve of the community for each treatment. The PRC method distills the complexity of time-dependent, community-level effects of pollutants into a graphic form that can be appreciated more readily than the results of other currently available multivariate techniques. The PRC method also enables a quantitative interpretation of effects towards the species level.