Designing and conducting mixed methods research
... This study was completed in Alberta, Canada, and used the concurrent mixed-methods approach [20]. The quantitative portion of the study employed a cross-sectional online survey to immigrant and refugee populations in Alberta, Canada. ...
... "Employment provides income, a sense of identity, and helps to structure day-to-day life. Unemployment frequently leads to material and social deprivation, psychological stress, and the adoption of health-threatening coping behaviours" (18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24). For portions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian government provided certain financial benefits to offset financial hardships during the pandemic [36]. ...
... The survey findings were corroborated by photovoice findings which portrayed the financial hardships amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Figures 10 and 11 are photovoices completed by participants to describe frequently leads to material and social deprivation, psychological stress, and the adoption of health-threatening coping behaviours" (18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24). For portions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian government provided certain financial benefits to offset financial hardships during the pandemic [36]. ...
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic is a global public health and social justice issue. HIV continues to disproportionately affect marginalized populations, including immigrants and refugees living with HIV (IRLHIV). This study investigated and captured the experiences of IRLHIV using the social determinants of health framework. This study examined the intersecting factors affecting the health and well-being of IRLHIV in Alberta, Canada, prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Concurrent mixed methods were used. Employing an online survey (n = 124) and photovoice methodology (n = 13), the researchers identified five salient themes: experiences of racism and discrimination, challenges accessing nutrition, healthcare, and affordable housing, and precarious employment situations. The findings underscored the amplification of pre-existing inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic, intensifying the discrimination and stigma faced by IRLHIV due to both their health status and immigration background. These findings highlight the urgent need for targeted, evidence-based interventions to address the social determinants of health that adversely affect IRLHIV. The researchers recommend further participatory research action into health disparities for IRLHIV to create responsive and culturally safe services for IRLHIV.
... Mixed methods research (MMR) basically requires one qualitative and one quantitative research component, and allows to investigate confirmatory and exploratory research questions in one study (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011;Greene et al., 1989;Schoonenboom & Johnson, 2017;Venkatesh et al., 2016). Our main research component or strand -according to MMR terminology -was the quantitative evaluation of InfoVis and reflective tasks in a randomised online experiment (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). ...
... Mixed methods research (MMR) basically requires one qualitative and one quantitative research component, and allows to investigate confirmatory and exploratory research questions in one study (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011;Greene et al., 1989;Schoonenboom & Johnson, 2017;Venkatesh et al., 2016). Our main research component or strand -according to MMR terminology -was the quantitative evaluation of InfoVis and reflective tasks in a randomised online experiment (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). Before we ensured comprehensibility and usability of the InfoVis, reflective tasks, and the experimental setting and quantitative measures in two qualitative pre-tests. ...
... We mixed methods to achieve complementarity and to investigate overlapping phenomena -risk knowledge and decision-making (Greene et al., 1989). The mixing occurred by combining and integrating the results from quantitative and qualitative data on the level of interpretation and conclusion to derive meta-inferences (Anthony & Joseph, 2014;Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011;Schoonenboom & Johnson, 2017;Venkatesh et al., 2016). ...
Static graphs of statistics are established visual aids in risk communication and decision support. Interactive information visualisations (InfoVis) and reflective tasks are supposed to enhance active processing, but the evidence is scarce and mixed. This mixed-methods research investigated the effectiveness and user experience of InfoVis and tasks in the context of mammography screening. In a web-based experiment prospective invitees of the screening program (N = 338; aged 30-49) tried a pre-tested web-based decision-aid with risk information either as text, static graph, or InfoVis with or without reflective tasks. The main outcomes were informed choice and risk knowledge, the latter operationalised according to the fuzzy-trace-theory. The accompanying qualitative evaluation with seven participants applied think-aloud protocols and focused interviews. There was no experimental evidence that InfoVis support risk knowledge or informed choice better than text or static graphs. There were even minor detrimental effects. The qualitative results showed problems with the InfoVis presenting risk of overdiagnosis, and negative reactions towards the- tasks. InfoVis processing was easy when the underlying concept was easy. While reflective tasks seem not advisable in this target group, limited and well-considered application of InfoVis with a low cognitive load can be an alternative, attention-directing visual aid format.
... Then followed by a qualitative study to support the quantitative results. The quantitative data indicated the direction of the qualitative study, and the qualitative data provided context to the quantitative results (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). ...
... A conscious attempt to integrate qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to achieve a harmonious connection that leads to a greater understanding of an issue. Explicitly defining a mixed methods design can assist researchers in the planning of a study and in orienting readers to the methods used in the study (Creswell et al., 2003;Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011;Fetters et al., 2013;Creamer, 2018). Therefore, the authors employed an explanatory sequential design to integrate the system at the design level. ...
Background and Aims: The operational effectiveness of air cargo is a critical factor in global supply chains, as it impacts both economic growth and commerce efficiency. This study aims 1. To evaluate the impact of human, technological, cargo handling, and environmental factors on the operational efficiency of air cargo in Thailand, 2. To explore the practical insights associated with air cargo performance efficiency, and 3. To propose strategies for enhancing air cargo operational performance. Methodology: The authors employed a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to investigate the determinants affecting air cargo operational performance. We investigated the impact of human, technological, cargo handling, and environmental factors on the operational performance of air cargo. Quantitative data were initially gathered via a survey of 431 participants, comprising cargo operation agents, customs officers, airport managers, and cargo handling and airline personnel in Thailand. Thirteen key informants were purposefully chosen to ensure their roles and experiences were highly relevant to the air cargo industry. Criteria included five years of professional experience, and involvement in critical areas such as cargo handling, capacity management, storage, operational coordination, or regulatory compliance. Results: It revealed significant relationships across all variables, with technological advancements exhibiting the strongest influence, followed by human factors, cargo handling processes, and environmental factors. In the subsequent qualitative phase, thematic analysis highlighted the critical role of technology including sorting technologies for loading/unloading, real-time tracking, predictive analytics such as demand forecasting, route optimization, and dynamic pricing integrating with human factors such as training, motivation, and teamwork to improve operational performance. Conclusion: The operational efficiency of air cargo is greatly affected by the adoption of advanced technologies, the improvement of human resource management, and the optimization of cargo handling processes, while considering environmental and external factors.
... Metode penelitian adalah pendekatan sistematis yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan menafsirkan data dalam rangka menjawab pertanyaan penelitian atau mencapai tujuan penelitian yang telah ditetapkan. Metode penelitian memungkinkan peneliti untuk merumuskan strategi yang tepat dalam mengumpulkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang diajukan (Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L., 2018). Dalam penelitian ini metode penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah metode penelitian campuran adalah pendekatan penelitian yang menggabungkan elemen-elemen dari metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam satu studi. ...
... Pendekatan ini memungkinkan peneliti untuk memanfaatkan keunggulan masing-masing metode untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif tentang fenomena yang diteliti. Penelitian campuran dapat melibatkan pengumpulan dan analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif secara bersamaan atau berturut-turut, serta integrasi hasil-hasil dari kedua jenis data tersebut (Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L., 2018). ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan strategi Search Engine Optimization (SEO) pada website resmi Politeknik Bintan Cakrawala ( Website institusi pendidikan memainkan peran penting dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada calon mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum, dan SEO menjadi elemen penting untuk meningkatkan visibilitas dan aksesibilitas website tersebut di mesin pencari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode campuran untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi SEO yang telah diterapkan, dengan fokus pada optimasi kata kunci, konten, dan link building. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi langsung terhadap kinerja website, sementara data sekunder diperoleh dari literatur dan alat bantu analitik seperti Google Analytics dan Google Search Console. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah penerapan strategi peningkatan SEO, jumlah penayangan website di mesin pencari Google meningkat sebesar 68%, dan jumlah klik pada website meningkat sebesar 36% dalam periode yang sama. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi untuk terus mengoptimalkan konten website secara berkala serta meningkatkan link building dengan portal berita nasional bereputasi, guna menjaga dan meningkatkan performa SEO website di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan dalam pengembangan strategi pemasaran digital di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi.
... There are many methods that can be chosen, e.g., literature review, historical analysis, experimental studies, interviews, observations, artefact analysis, and deconstruction just to name a few. Educational design research almost always involves mixed methods designs (Creswell & Plano-Clark, 2006). ...
The outcomes of educational systems continue to lag far behind expectations at all levels, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Meanwhile, the sheer amount of educational research published in refereed journals has expanded enormously. There is an obvious disconnect between the educational research papers published in professional journals or presented at academic conferences and any form of beneficial impact on the students, teachers, and other stakeholders in educational systems. This problem can be traced back to those professors and research supervisors engaged in the preparation of educational researchers who fail to convey to novice researchers important distinctions between the goals and methods of educational research. Educational design research provides a possibly viable alternative to educational research as it is commonly conducted in the field of educational technology. Educational design research has the twin objectives of the developing creative approaches to solving human teaching, learning, and performance problems while at the same time constructing a body of design principles that can guide future development efforts. The time for greater uptake of educational design research is now.
... For this purpose, I adopt a mixed method, that is, the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. For J. Creswell (2006), with the mixed method, researchers are permitted to use all of the tools of data collection available. Furthermore, Creswell thinks that the mixed method can allow us to use both numbers and words and can permit us to vary the tools of data collection, and to analyze subjective and objective views. ...
In Burkina Faso and in other French speaking countries, English is taught as a subject in universities, high schools, and even in some private primary schools. Yet pupils have serious problems using the language of Shakespeare. This study aims at exploring the factors which prevent students in Burkina Faso (with a focus on pupils from Koudougou) from speaking English fluently. It is obvious that the linguistic profile of Burkina Faso is one important factor, but it cannot alone account for the pupils’ lack of fluency in English. Our investigation was carried out in six schools, involving 90 students of “Seconde A” and “Première A”, 10 teachers, and 5 supervisors as informants. Questionnaires, interviews with teachers and supervisors, observations in class and informal discussions with students were instruments used to investigate on the motivation of learners, their difficulties to express themselves in English, and the teaching practices of teachers. Findings of the study show that the motivation of learners is limited. Their fluency problem is confirmed and teaching practices do not develop fluency. Communicative activities are then necessary to boost learners’ fluency.
... This section elaborates the research design, research participants, location and data collection process and data analysis procedure. Research Design : Mixed methods design in the form of open-ended questionnaire is used in this case study because it offers richer analysis by being able to answer both the 'what' (quantitative and qualitative) questions and "how" or "why" (qualitative) questions (Creswell & Clark, 2011). ...
People make decisions throughout their day and most of decision making do not require much thought, however, when situations are more complicated, it is easy to feel hesitant. This hesitation creates two terms in decision making; moral and ethical. In teachers’ situation, their obligations and personal beliefs can, and sometimes do, conflict while deciding something. Hence, this study aims to seek for the tendency whether EFL teachers in Indonesia use ethical or moral guidance in making decision in dilemmatic situations and also to reveal their reasons in making those decisions. This study also investigates the relation between age and service time or experience as a teacher affecting their tendency in making decision. Mixed methods in the form of open-ended questionnaires with clustered-random sampling for selecting the 30 participants are used in this study. The findings show that ethical decision is the most used type of decision with duty-based ethical decision as the prominent reasoning. It was also found that, while insignificant, female participants made more ethical decisions than man. It was also revealed that the longer the experience one possesses, the more ethical decision will be made
... A concurrent, nested, mixed-method design was selected for this study. It was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and following the guidelines of the Mixed Method Article Report Standards (MMARS) (15). The quantitative approach followed was a quasi-experimental design. ...
Introduction: Physical activity offers numerous benefits that improve psychological well-being, reduce dependency, and foster intergenerational relationships. Universities play a key role in promoting the health of students by proposing actions that contribute to a sustainable future, fostering a mature society and reducing ageism. This service-learning project aimed to assess the impact of an intergenerational cane-walking program on older adults and physiotherapy students in a community setting. The project focused on promoting health and fostering intergenerational relationships. Methods: A concurrent, nested mixed-methods design was used for the intervention, involving intergenerational group walks during the 2022-2023 academic year. The program was designed and supervised by faculty members and three fourth-year fellows. Data collection was based on adherence to the intervention, the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-3), interviews with older adults and feedback questionnaires completed by them and participating students. Results: Satisfactory adherence was evidenced among older adults, with 65.79% of participants who completed the project and 72% who adhered to the intervention, although there were no statistically significant differences in terms of motivation to exercise taking that adherence into account. The project's ability to foster intergenerational relationships was rated by the seniors at 9.50 ± 0.6, and 100% answered affirmatively about its capacity of contribute to improving their health and well-being. Student feedback also reflected high scores for fostering intergenerational relationships, with scores of 10 (fellows), 8.7 ± 1.2 (third-year students), and 8.27 ± 1.2 (second-year students). The project's contribution to skills development was rated positively by 100% of the fellows, 88.6% of the second-year students, and 74.1% of the third-year students. In the nested study, three key themes related to exercise emerged by older adults: (1) perceptions of exercise, (2) barriers to exercise and (3) motivations for exercise. Regarding satisfaction with the program, three main themes emerged: (1) intergenerational relationships, (2) strengths of the program and (3) suggestions for improvement. CITATION Alonso-Cortés Fradejas B, Lafuente-Ureta R, Calvo S, Fernández-Gorgojo M, Poveda-López JL and Jiménez-Sánchez C (2025) Analysis of an intergenerational service-learning experience based on physical exercise in a community setting: a mixed-method study. Frontiers in Public Health 02 Conclusion: The program appears to improve the well-being of older adults and provide valuable experiential learning for students. Thus, service-learning projects could effectively promote sustainable health practices, highlighting the important role of universities in community health initiatives.
... A mixed-methods sequential explanatory study design was employed [14]. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed before qualitative data collection and analysis. ...
This mixed-methods study examined school-based physical activity (PA) and the quality of physical education (PE) experiences for children with physical or sensory disabilities. The participants included 10 children (4 girls, 6 boys) with a mean age of 10 years, 5 of whom had sensory disabilities, and 5 of whom had physical disabilities. PA was measured using accelerometry over a 7-day period. Semi-structured interviews explored the children’s experiences in PE classes. Interview data were deductively coded using the Quality Participation Framework to identify examples of autonomy, belongingness, challenge, engagement, mastery, and meaning. On average, children engaged in 17 min per day (standard deviation (SD) = 16) of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) during school, and 5 min of MVPA (SD = 6) during PE classes. Most children did not meet the provincial policy of 30 min per day of school-based MVPA. Children reported both positive and negative examples of autonomy, belongingness, challenge, engagement, and mastery, and positive experiences of meaning. Overall, children with physical or sensory disabilities accumulate minimal MVPA during school and have mixed-quality participation experiences in PE. These insights can guide efforts to enhance both the quantity of school-based MVPA and the quality of participation in PE for children with disabilities.
... We conducted a one-year pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) among 106 women (intervention 52; control 54) using mixed methods [19]. A description of the intervention development, its components, and results from the quantitative evaluation were previously reported [20]. ...
Background: Adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET) is prescribed for 5–10 years to women with hormone-sensitive breast cancer to prevent recurrence. However, a significant proportion of women do not adhere to AET. We developed SOIE, a one-year program designed to enhance the AET experience and adherence. SOIE was pilot-tested in a mixed-methods randomized controlled trial. This report presents the experience of women and healthcare providers (HCPs) with SOIE. Methods: A descriptive qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis was conducted with 20 women and 7 HCPs who participated in the program. Results: Most women and HCPs reported high satisfaction with the program. Women felt it addressed their need for information and strategies to manage side effects. They felt supported and developed a more positive attitude toward AET, which contributed to their intention to pursue AET. They perceived that the program helped them navigate the AET experience and reduced their stress or fear regarding AET. HCPs corroborated these benefits. Conclusions: Findings suggest that SOIE can enhance the experience and motivation to pursue the AET treatment by meeting important needs for information, side-effects management, and psycho-emotional support. Programs like SOIE can have benefits beyond adherence by improving patients’ well-being during this crucial long-term treatment.
... როგორც ინკლუზიური განათლების წამყვანი მკვლევარი მელ ეინსკოუ აღნიშნავს თავის ფუძემდებლურ კვლევაში "ინკლუზიური სკოლების განვითარება" (Ainscow, 2005) (Alghazo & Naggar Gaad, 2004;Avramidis et al., 2000;de Boer et al., 2011;Oyler, 2011;Saloviita, 2020;Stella et al., 2007). ამისათვის, კვლევა იყენებს თანმიმდევრულ შერეულ მეთოდს (a sequential mixed-methods design) (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018;Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2010). ...
Within the global debate around inclusion, there is a common view that teachers’ attitudes are decisive in making inclusive education a reality. Research examining teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education in Georgia is extremely scarce. With this gap in mind, this study aims at examining Georgian teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion of students with disabilities (SEN) in a regular classroom setting and ascertaining major factors behind their perceptions.
The study utilizes explanatory sequential mixed-methods research, which enables us to provide a more nuanced explanation of teachers’ attitudes and possible predictors of their positive and negative attitudes toward inclusion. In terms of emphasis of approach, none of them is meant to be dominant but both have approximately equal weight.
811 teachers from 308 schools participated in this study. Teachers of Georgia are mostly ‘ableist,’ envisaging the inclusion from the lenses of medical diagnosis of a student.
Long-term training (but not a short-term training) in inclusive practices is a predictor for both special educators and general education teachers. The factor of trainings as well as institutional support also affect the self-esteem of teachers.
According to data analysis, special education teachers demonstrate a higher readiness for inclusion compared to subject teachers. This can be attributed to their greater exposure to persons with disabilities and a deeper knowledge of inclusive practices. General education teachers think mostly in terms of normalcy and ableisim when talking about inclusive education.
Negative attitudes of both groups of teachers, and especially subject area teachers, vary dramatically depending on the type and severity of disability - teachers have explicitly negative attitudes regarding the inclusion of students with behavioral, intellectual and multiple disabilities.
General education teachers have extremely narrow view of teaching of SEN children, limited to their behaviour management and partially, social development. Both groups of teachers associate the benefits of inclusion primarily with the social and emotional development of all children. At the same time, subeject area teachers have extremely low expectations toward academic attainment of SEN children.
Both quantative and qualitative parts revealed that there is higher level of resistance to inclusion among secondary grades teachers, those teaching STEM, Georgian and English.
The findings of the study can be used for the development of Georgia's education sector, particularly for improving the inclusive education model and revising the teacher professional development system. Ultimately, this can contribute to significant changes in the education system, which caters to the needs of every student.
Key words: teachers, inclusive education, attitudes.
... Postpositivism recognizes that obsolete objectivity is unattainable, as observations are theory-laden and influenced by the researcher's background and values (Phillips and Burbules 2000). This paradigm supports methodological pluralism, where integrating qualitative and quantitative methods provides a comprehensive understanding of impulsive buying behavior in this unique context (Creswell and Clark 2017;Toyon 2021). The quantitative phase provides measurable insights into the relationships between the study's variables, while the qualitative phase enriches these findings by exploring users' lived experiences of secondhand shopping. ...
Growing evidence underscores the influence of several interactive factors on impulse buying in social commerce. However, the potential impact of situational and cognitive factors, such as immersion, serendipity, perceived scarcity, and deal proneness, is rarely studied within the emerging context of the Facebook second‐hand marketplace. Hence, this study explores the effect of Facebook second‐hand marketplace browsing on impulse buying with the incorporation of immersive experience. Additionally, following latent state–trait theory, the boundary role of serendipity, perceived scarcity, and deal proneness in influencing impulse buying is examined. Employing a mixed‐methods design, 684 respondents from the Facebook second‐hand marketplace communities were surveyed and structural equation modeling was applied for data analysis. Interviews with 23 consumers were conducted and analyzed using NVivo 8.0, and it was found that user immersive experience mediates the relationship between browsing and impulse buying. Results confirm the proposed interactive effects of serendipity, perceived scarcity, and deal proneness on impulse buying. This pioneering study enriches the social commerce literature by uncovering new areas and situational factors that influence impulse purchases of second‐hand goods and highlights the paradox that consumers' efforts to buy sustainably can be undermined by excessive impulsive behaviors. Practical insights are provided for promoting second‐hand consumption in social commerce.
... The quantitative component provided statistical insights into the degree of GCE integration, whereas the qualitative component delved deeper into the experiences and perspectives of key stakeholders. The mixed-methods approach was chosen to enable triangulation of findings from different data sources, thus enhancing the credibility and reliability of the research outcomes (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). ...
Ghana’s Common Core Programme (CCP), introduced as part of recent educational reforms, aims to equip students with 21st-century competencies, including critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and intercultural collaboration. While the CCP provides a promising framework for incorporating Global Citizenship Education (GCE), the extent to which global citizenship principles are fully integrated within the curriculum remains a critical issue. Grounded in Transformative Learning Theory, this study examines the integration of GCE within the CCP and its potential to prepare students for active roles in an increasingly interconnected world. The study employed a convergent parallel mixed-methods approach, targeting a population that included teachers, head teachers, and curriculum leads in basic schools across Ghana's Central, Ashanti, Western, and Savanna regions. Using a multistage sampling method, a total sample size of 427 participants was selected. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions, and the analysis combined path-coefficient calculations with inductive thematic analysis. The findings reveal that skills (path coefficient = 0.335) exert the most significant influence on the CCP curriculum, reflecting the programme’s strong emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and practical competencies essential for global citizenship. Knowledge (path coefficient = 0.305) and attitudes and values (path coefficient = 0.303) also play critical roles, highlighting the CCP’s commitment to fostering global awareness, empathy, respect for diversity, and inclusivity. Furthermore, the high path coefficient between the CCP and GCE (0.930) demonstrates a strong positive alignment with GCE objectives. The study also reports high R² values for CCP (0.739) and GCE (0.865), suggesting a well-structured curriculum designed to promote global citizenship competencies. These results conclude that the CCP is successfully aligning with the broader goals of GCE by equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to thrive in a globalized world. To further enhance the integration of GCE within the CCP, the study recommends that the Ministry of Education strengthen ongoing professional development for educators and provide additional resources to support effective teaching practices.
... Another layer of complexity involves ethical considerations-from teaching about the responsible use of novel biotechnologies to critically examining data integrity and research biases. By embedding contemporary research examples within these ethical discussions, educators not only convey facts but also instill critical reflection on how scientific progress interacts with societal values [7]. ...
Ethics Statement: This study did not require approval from an ethical committee as it did not involve sensitive personal data or interventions that could impact participants' well-being. All data were collected in compliance with institutional policies and relevant regulations. Participants were informed about the study's objectives, and their consent was obtained prior to inclusion. "Milutin Milankovic" for providing institutional support and resources that were instrumental in the successful completion of this study. Special thanks are extended to the faculty, students, and administrative staff of the institution for their active participation and valuable contributions throughout the research process. ABSTRACT Background: The integration of contemporary scientific discoveries into higher education
... This study employed a sequential explanatory mixed-methods design to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between personality traits, mindfulness, and perceived stress among Chinese adults. This approach is particularly suitable for exploring complex phenomena, as it allows for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2018). The mixedmethods approach involved an initial quantitative phase, followed by a qualitative phase aimed at elaborating and explaining the quantitative findings (Ivankova et al., 2006). ...
This study explores how personality traits and mindfulness facets interact to influence perceived stress, focusing on a Chinese adult sample. It aims to address gaps in understanding the combined effects of dispositional and mindfulness factors on stress.
A sequential explanatory mixed-methods design was employed. In the quantitative phase, 637 Chinese adults completed surveys measuring personality traits, mindfulness (attention, acceptance), and perceived stress. Hierarchical multiple regression, moderation, and mediation analyses were conducted. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews with selected participants provided deeper insights into the quantitative findings.
Neuroticism (β = 0.29, p < 0.001) and conscientiousness (β = 0.15, p < 0.01) were positively associated with perceived stress, while mindfulness-acceptance (β = −0.25, p < 0.001) was a significant negative predictor. Neuroticism and mindfulness-acceptance uniquely explained 8 and 6% of the variance in stress, respectively. Mindfulness-attention moderated the relationship between agreeableness and stress, amplifying agreeableness’ stress-buffering effect in individuals with low mindfulness-attention. Mediation analysis revealed mindfulness-acceptance partially mediated the agreeableness-stress link. Qualitative interviews underscored the role of personality and mindfulness in shaping stress responses and coping mechanisms.
The findings highlight mindfulness-acceptance as a critical factor in reducing stress, particularly in individuals with agreeable personalities. These results support the development of mindfulness-based interventions targeting acceptance to enhance stress resilience across diverse personality profiles.
... Transcripts were sent to participants for member-checking to strengthen trustworthiness (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). ...
This mixed-methods study explored Dąbrowski’s five overexcitabilities in young highly to profoundly gifted (HG/PG) children ages 5-8, as perceived by their parents. Building on previous findings from an initial exploratory investigation, this follow-up study aimed to examine overexcitability (OE) profiles in this population. Caregivers of 14 HG/PG children (IQ ≥ 145) completed the ElemenOE questionnaire and participated in semi-structured interviews. Results revealed high mean group scores across all five OEs with intellectual OE rated highest and imaginational OE lowest. All students except one displayed a profile with three or more OEs. These findings contribute to understanding the unique characteristics of young HG/PG children, informing parenting and educational practices including support strategies for this exceptional population. Recommendations for families and educators are discussed as well as suggestions for revising the ElemenOE.
Keywords: Dąbrowski, overexcitabilities, highly gifted, profoundly gifted, mixed methods
... Despite its pervasiveness, member checking's value and efficacy are not universally accepted (Barbour, 2001;Morse, 2015;Sandelowski, 1993;Thomas, 2017). Member checking is one of several tools proposed to increase trustworthiness, alongside persistent observation, prolonged engagement, negative case analysis, triangulation, reflexivity, rich description, external audits, and peer review or debriefing (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018;Lincoln & Guba, 1985). ...
Member checking enhances the trustworthiness and transformative potential of qualitative research. There are a variety of aims and approaches to reengaging with participants in sharing data or preliminary analysis and soliciting feedback through member checking. Published studies often lack descriptions of member-checking methods or outcomes, and there is a lack of research on the use of technologies for this purpose. Asynchronous video and internet-based technologies can be valuable tools to improve the accessibility, equity, effectiveness, and acceptability of member checking and foster increased engagement. This publication presents a detailed description of member checking in an exemplar study that used readily available technologies to create a video synopsis of preliminary findings and embed that video in a multimedia, mixed methods web-based survey which was emailed to participants. This member-checking method was purposefully selected to advance the specific research aims of the study, reflect the epistemological stance of the researchers and unique considerations of the study population, and address relevant situational factors to optimize participant engagement. This strategy facilitated wide, cost-effective, and timely distribution and resulted in a good response rate with rich feedback. Asynchronous technologies were a useful alternative to in-person or synchronous meetings to facilitate voluntary participation, foster reflection that deepened analysis, and capture multiple voices and perspectives. Findings from this research support the use of video and electronic survey technologies to enhance study credibility, address ethical and methodological challenges related to member checking, and increase equity and engagement. Future studies are needed to expand and refine integration of technologies into member checking to address diverse research aims, contexts, and study populations.
... Using multiple methods, this project used a multi-phase explanatory sequential mixed methods design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2017) that included: public school administrative data, original survey data and interview data where parents reported on ECE arrangements and how they made decisions. Using multiple methods and data sources, this study sought to better understand the ECE arrangements families used and how they made these decisions within the context of a community that had free (but not universal) public school preschool. ...
In the absence of large-scale investments of public resources, families in many communities are faced with making early care and education (ECE) decisions within a set of limited options. There is a need to better understand how families make decisions in these environments, the factors that influence their decisions, the information they need and how specific program or community characteristics may play a role in their decisions. This study used a mixed methods approach, integrating administrative, survey and qualitative interview data to provide an in-depth look at family decision-making and access to ECE within one community. We found that families were using multiple types of ECE arrangements for their children. Families considered many factors and engaged in multiple activities. These factors and activities included informal networks and formal local resources, often used simultaneously to garner access to the ECE situations needed. Complicating the decision making context is that decisions about care change over time, and across children in families with more than one child. In addition, families found accessing information to make their decisions challenging, time consuming, and that universal information was limited. These findings have implications for policy and practice as well as for how the field continues to study ECE access and decision-making. We found that all three data sources alone
provided insights, each with their own benefits and limitations. However, deep understanding of a family’s ECE decision-making over time and across the family was only gained through multiple data sources and with important insights gleaned through in-depth qualitative interviews. Future research can consider different combinations of methods to use to study ECE decision-making while weighing what is gained and lost when different methods are used.
... Where interview text was ambiguous, the audio files were consulted for further context prior to finalizing all themes and corresponding quotations. We then drew upon our qualitative and quantitative results jointly to come to a set of conclusions (i.e., 'meta-inferences') [9]. ...
The timely enrollment of study participants is critical to the success of clinical trials. Understanding factors that contribute to patients’ decision to participate in trials involving online cognitive behavioural therapy for pain management should prove helpful to optimize the design of study protocols. Fracture patients from an orthopaedic clinic who declined to participate in the Cognitive behavioural therapy to Optimize Post-operative rEcovery (COPE) trial were asked to complete a Research Participation Questionnaire that asked them about their previous experiences with clinical research and mental health therapy and their reasons for declining to participate in the COPE trial. At the end of the questionnaire, a subset of participants was offered the opportunity to participate in a telephone interview to further discuss why they declined to participate in the COPE trial. Sixty-four patients who declined to participate in the COPE trial completed the questionnaire and twenty of these participants agreed to take part in a telephone interview (31%). Twenty-two participants (34%) had previous experience with clinical research and six participants (9%) had received cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in the past. Excessive time commitment (41%) was the most commonly selected reason for not participating in the COPE trial, followed by a disinclination to participate in clinical research (19%). Four themes emerged from the interviews with participants: 1) belief that they could overcome mental health challenges after their fracture without external help; 2) belief that CBT might be helpful for some fracture patients, but not for themselves; 3) preference for online or in-person CBT; and 4) concerns regarding time commitment. To maximize enrollment, trials exploring the role of psychotherapy in recovery from orthopedic trauma should optimize time commitment of psychotherapy. Providing information in the patient consent process regarding evidence for psychotherapy and recovery from orthopedic trauma may also prove helpful in promoting patient enrollment.
... Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods, yaitu metode penelitian yang menggabungkan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif terhadap fenomena yang diteliti, khususnya dalam pengembangan pariwisata (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. ...
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh penerapan konsep blue economy terhadap pengembangan pariwisata di Pulau Maratua, Kabupaten Berau, menggunakan pendekatan analisis univariat dan Analytical Hierarchy Process. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis dan merumuskan arahan konsep blue economy. Metode penelitian melibatkan pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara dengan para pemangku kepentingan lokal dan survei, serta data sekunder dari literatur terkait. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk menetapkan prioritas berdasarkan kepentingan dan pengaruh relatif dari setiap faktor. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan konsep blue economy secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Pulau Maratua Kabupaten Berau, dengan prioritas tindakan yang telah ditentukan melalui analisis univariat dan analisis Analytical Hierarchy Process. Saran diberikan kepada pemerintah, akademisi, dan masyarakat untuk fokus pada prioritas-prioritas ini dalam perencanaan dan implementasi strategi pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan. This research explores the influence of the implementation of the blue economy concept on tourism development in Maratua Island, Berau Regency, using univariate analysis and analytical hierarchy process approaches. The research objective is to analyze and formulate the direction of the blue economy concept. The research method involved collecting primary data through interviews with local stakeholders and surveys, as well as secondary data from relevant literature. The data were analyzed using analytical hierarchy process to set priorities based on the relative importance and influence of each factor. This study concludes that the application of the blue economy concept can significantly improve sustainable tourism on Maratua Island in Berau Regency, with prioritized actions determined through univariate analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Advice is given to the government, academics, and communities to focus on these priorities in the planning and implementation of sustainable tourism development strategies.
... Phương pháp nghiên cứu mô tả được áp dụng nhằm đảm bảo thu thập dữ liệu chi tiết trong thời gian ngắn, đồng thời cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc về các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất nhân viên trong bối cảnh địa phương. Triết lý thực chứng, với trọng tâm vào dữ liệu định lượng và quan sát thực nghiệm, đã được sử dụng để xác định và đo lường mối quan hệ giữa các phong cách lãnh đạo quản lý, như lãnh đạo dân chủ, chuyển đổi và hiệu suất công việc (Creswell & Creswell, 2021). Cách tiếp cận này phù hợp để kiểm tra mối liên hệ rõ ràng và có thể đo lường được giữa phong cách lãnh đạo và hiệu quả hoạt động. ...
Hiệu suất làm việc của nhân viên tại các khách sạn ở Hà Nội chịu ảnh hưởng đáng kể bởi phong cách lãnh đạo của các nhà quản lý. Nghiên cứu này tiến hành khảo sát tác động của các phong cách lãnh đạo khác nhau đến hiệu suất làm việc của nhân viên tại các khách sạn trên địa bàn thành phố Hà Nội. Nghiên cứu áp dụng triết lý thực chứng, sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận hỗn hợp với trọng tâm là mô hình mô tả định lượng, kết hợp phân tích hồi quy tuyến tính đa biến. Phương pháp lấy mẫu ngẫu nhiên phân tầng được sử dụng nhằm đảm bảo tính đại diện giữa các bộ phận trong khách sạn, với tổng số 287 nhân viên được mời tham gia, trong đó mẫu cuối cùng bao gồm 167 người. Dữ liệu được thu thập thông qua bảng khảo sát và phân tích bằng các kỹ thuật thống kê mô tả và suy luận, hỗ trợ bởi phần mềm SPSS 26.0. Các khách sạn được lựa chọn tham gia nghiên cứu bao gồm Khách sạn Metropole, Lotte và Daewoo. Kết quả phân tích hồi quy cho thấy: phong cách lãnh đạo dân chủ có ảnh hưởng tích cực nhất, cải thiện động lực và sự tham gia của nhân viên. Lãnh đạo chuyển đổi và dân chủ cũng có tác động tích cực, nhưng ở mức độ khác nhau. Ngược lại, lãnh đạo độc đoán có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực, trong khi lãnh đạo tự do không mang lại tác động đáng kể. Nghiên cứu kết luận rằng việc áp dụng phong cách lãnh đạo phù hợp với tình hình thực tế là yếu tố quan trọng để xây dựng môi trường làm việc hiệu quả và nâng cao hiệu suất tại các khách sạn ở Hà Nội.
... A sequential explanatory design with two distinct interactive phases was chosen. In the first phase, quantitative data were collected and analysed, and then a second phase was designed to build on these initial findings by collecting qualitative data (Creswell and Plano, 2018 In the second qualitative phase, 9 ...
This study aimed to enquire about the potential benefits of dance among young people and its relationship to perceived well-being. To this end, this preliminary research juxtaposes a cohort of young dancers with athletes engaged in other sporting activities and a control group of sedentary young people. Using mixed methods, 96 young people were recruited and asked to complete a questionnaire, while 9 dancers and choreographers were interviewed. The questionnaire assessed subjective well-being using the KIDSCREEN-10 Index, perceived benefits and barriers to physical activity using the Benefits and Barriers to Exercise Scale, and body image using the Multidimensional Body-Body Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). The main results show that, although there are no significant differences between dancers and athletes or sedentary people, dancers score higher on well-being perceive both more benefits and barriers to physical activity than the other groups and seem to attach greater importance to others' external evaluation of them, their fitness as well as their evaluation of their physical appearance. From the participants' point of view, dance can be assimilated to other sports in terms of demands, but it is also specific in certain expressive or communicative aspects. It shares with other sports the demands and difficulties of reconciling sport and academic/professional and family life. The above findings can have practical implications for education, sport and public policies.
... This study adopts a mixed-method approach to examine the enhancement of quality traceability in the food processing industry through the integration of modern digital tools such as blockchain technology. A mixed-method approach combines qualitative and quantitative research methods to provide a comprehensive analysis of a research problem [46]. The methodology consists of two primary components: a thorough literature review and a case study analysis. ...
This study explores the enhancement of quality traceability in the food processing industry through the integration of modern digital tools, specifically blockchain technology. By combining a thorough literature review with the analysis of real-case studies, the research investigates current digital trends and their practical applications in the food processing sector. The findings show that blockchain-based approaches significantly improve supply chain transparency and quality management. Despite the potential benefits, the study also identifies challenges in practical implementations, such as resistance to adoption and the need for substantial investment in digital infrastructure. The research highlights the limited cultural attitude within the industry towards the comprehensive adoption of these modern tools, with their usage mostly confined to isolated case studies rather than a structured, widespread experimental orientation. Practical implications include providing businesses with guidelines for implementing digital tools to enhance quality traceability and management. Social implications underscore the critical role of these tools in meeting societal demands for food safety and transparency, particularly regarding information on raw materials, processing, and preservation methods. Thus, this paper offers a comprehensive overview of the use of blockchain and other digital tools to improve quality traceability in the food processing industry, contributing valuable insights and guidelines for future implementations.
... Instrument development and validation has traditionally leaned on quantitative methods, though more recently has adopted mixed methodologies (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). One of the most utilized frameworks for evaluating instruments to this day is focused on quantitative measures of validity (Koskey et al., 2018). ...
The importance of sexual education for students with disabilities cannot be overstated. The United Nations states that students with disabilities should have access to the same range and quality of sexual education as their nondisabled peers (Holmes, 2021). Despite this, students with disabilities, especially those with moderate to extensive support needs (MESN), are consistently denied access to sexual education in schools (Ailey et al., 2003; Collier, 2017; Waxman, 1994). To mitigate this historical and ongoing exclusion, the purpose of this multi-study dissertation was to create a research-based self-guided reflection tool that school-level special education departments and individual teachers can use to improve sexual education for students with MESN. As the dissertation evolved toward this purpose, it became evident that two studies were necessary to accomplish this task. In Study 1, a systematic literature and extant tool review on effective sexual education for students with MESN was used to develop a set of indicators and first draft of the self-reflection tool. In Study 2, the resulting tool draft from Study 1 was presented to two focus groups of experts in sexual education for people with MESN and/or tool development. Transcripts, analytical memos, rubrics, and simple numerical scores were analyzed and the resultant themes applied to a final version of a Toolkit for the Improvement of Sexual Education for students with Disabilities (TISED). The discussion section synthesizes the results of these two studies to answer the research questions and provides: (a) summary of findings, (b) discussion of findings, (c) implications for future research, practice, and policy, (d) limitations, and (e) conclusions.
... This study adopted a qualitative case study approach to explore the root causes of aversion to physics among Grade 12 STEM students. A case study is particularly suitable for this research as it allows for an in-depth examination of a specific phenomenon within its real-life context [7]. In this case, the phenomenon is the aversion to physics, and the context is the physics classroom experiences of Grade 12 STEM students. ...
Physics aversion is a pervasive challenge in STEM education worldwide, significantly impacting students' engagement and performance and highlighting the need to understand its root causes to develop effective interventions. This qualitative case study explored the root causes of physics aversion among Grade 12 STEM students at RPMD National Science High School in Marawi City, Philippines. Ten Grade 12 students enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year were selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through one-on-one in-depth interviews to capture participants' perceptions and experiences with physics. The audio recordings were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. From the data, 15 codes emerged, which were grouped into four overarching themes: Mathematical Challenges, Teaching-Related Issues, Language and Comprehension, and Personal and Social Factors. Key findings revealed that mathematical challenges, such as difficulty with complex equations, problem-solving, and formula memorization, were the most frequently cited barriers. These issues were often exacerbated by mathematics anxiety and inadequate foundational skills. Teaching-related issues, including ineffective instructional methods, disorganized presentations, and lack of engagement, significantly hindered students' understanding and interest. Language barriers, especially in decoding technical terminology and understanding word problems, compounded these difficulties. Personal and social factors, including a lack of interest in physics, peer influence, and perceived irrelevance to future career goals, further contributed to the aversion. The study highlights the urgent need for student-centered teaching approaches, such as active learning strategies, differentiated instruction, and linguistic scaffolding, to address these challenges. Policymakers and educators are encouraged to implement holistic interventions to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. Future research should investigate these dynamics across diverse educational contexts and assess the impact of targeted interventions on reducing physics aversion.
... This approach was chosen due to the complexity of the phenomenon of trust and the treatment pathway for women with breast cancer. We collected and merged qualitative and quantitative data along the treatment pathway from diagnosis to follow-up [28]. Qualitative data of the participating women were collected through digital diaries via the mobile messenger service "Threema" and individual interviews. ...
Women with breast cancer face a high degree of uncertainty. Trust between health providers and patients has been shown to improve patient quality of life and may enhance clinical outcomes. This study aimed to explore the meaning of trust along the treatment pathway.
The study followed a convergent mixed-methods design. We collected qualitative data longitudinally from diagnosis to follow-up using unstructured digital diaries and 45 semi-structured interviews with twelve women with breast cancer. To measure symptom burden and trust, we collected quantitative data by means of 57 questionnaires. Data analysis was based on phenomenology according to van Manen and on descriptive statistics. Data synthesis resulted in a conceptual model of trust.
The women experienced trust as a dynamic phenomenon within the biomedical cancer care “machinery”. Their trust was strongly influenced by contextual factors, professionals’ expertise, and person-centeredness. The relevance of trust differed according to treatment phases.
Due to a high degree of uncertainty, trust was particularly important. Professionals positively influenced the women’s trust to a certain extent through a patient-centered approach and by demonstrating expertise within the biomedical cancer care “machinery”. The conceptual model of trust should receive attention to bring care closer to the women’s lived experience so that their care experience can be improved.
... The interview guide and method were pilot-tested to test the questions and improve interviewer skills (Majid et al. 2017). Transcriptions were double-checked with the recording to confirm accuracy and data were reviewed by a research supervisor to verify initial codes and themes (Creswell and Clark 2017). The primary investigator reflected on any existing bias using bracketing, as he is also a firefighter. ...
In Western Australia, the issue of bushfires (wildfires) poses a persistent health risk to both volunteer and career forestry firefighters, populations that have been historically understudied.
This descriptive qualitative study aimed to examine firefighters’ level of understanding concerning hazardous exposures, their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols and their decontamination practices.
Guided by the socioecological model, 23 semi-structured interviews were conducted with firefighters representing both volunteer and forestry sectors.
Key results
Results indicate a gap in knowledge regarding the health risks associated with bushfire-generated smoke and contaminants among volunteer firefighters. Forestry firefighters, conversely, showed a greater awareness of these risks. Social dynamics, such as peer pressure, were identified as historical deterrents to PPE use, although recent trends indicate positive change. Forestry firefighters also highlighted systemic shortcomings, including inadequate provision of respiratory protection and lack of decontamination facilities for cleaning themselves and their PPE.
This study underscores the critical need for educational initiatives to address these gaps in understanding, along with organisational reforms to promote a culture encouraging PPE use and to provide essential resources for effective decontamination.
This research emphasises that a multi-level approach is essential for safeguarding the health of firefighters in bushfire-prone environments.
... The goal is to identify gaps in the current research that this study aims to address. 40 ...
This post-doctoral research proposal aims to explore the systemic dysfunctionality of contemporary global leadership. It will develop a systematic framework for a 'global leadership' agenda. The study will address two key research questions: (1) What are the root causes of contemporary global leadership dysfunctionality? and (2) What are the building blocks of a systematic 'global lead-ership' agenda? Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research will integrate qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques, including surveys, interviews, case studies, and document analysis. The Current Reality Tree (CRT) approach within the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Systems Thinking (ST) frameworks will be utilized to identify critical success factors for effective leadership. Additionally, the Theory of Constraints (TOC) will guide the analysis of systemic barriers that hinder effective governance. Expected outcomes include a comprehensive identification of root causes contributing to leadership dysfunctionality, the development of a systematic framework for global leadership, and actionable recommendations for policy and practice changes. This research holds significant theoretical implications by enhancing existing leadership theories and providing practical guidelines for practitioners and policymakers aimed at improving global leadership effectiveness .
... Lastly, multiple scenarios were tested to assess the impact of different policies on reconcessions. This research incorporated a thorough triangulation to enhance the validity and reliability of findings by integrating both qualitative and quantitative data, as recommended in mixed methods (Creswell and Clark 2018). The research was structured into five stages. ...
... La metodología de este estudio se basa en un enfoque mixto, que combina técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas para proporcionar una comprensión profunda y holística del impacto de la profesionalización docente y el desarrollo de habilidades tecnológicas en el desempeño pedagógico. Este enfoque mixto se justifica, ya que permite triangulación de datos, aumentando la validez y fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). ...
Introducción: El desarrollo de competencias pedagógicas y tecnológicas en los docentes de salud es crucial para enfrentar los desafíos de la educación contemporánea. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo diseñar un modelo pedagógico para los docentes de la coordinación de salud en la educación Técnica y Tecnológica, centrado en mejorar su desempeño profesional y tecnológico. Metodología: La metodología incluyó el uso de encuestas, entrevistas y observación directa para evaluar el estado actual de las competencias docentes en el área Técnica. Resultados: Los resultados muestran una falta de preparación pedagógica y competencias digitales, lo que limita la capacidad de los docentes para guiar de manera efectiva el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Se propuso un modelo basado en el desarrollo de competencias pedagógicas y tecnológicas, la educación continua y la vinculación entre docencia, atención médica y sociedad. Discusión: La discusión enfatiza la importancia de la profesionalización docente para asegurar una educación integral, que permita a los estudiantes enfrentar los desafíos del sector salud. Conclusión: Se concluye que la implementación del modelo propuesto puede mejorar significativamente la calidad de la educación Técnica y Tecnológica, favoreciendo el desempeño docente y, en consecuencia, el éxito de los estudiantes en el ámbito sanitario.
... A sequential mixed-method study design (12) was used to explore the HIV vulnerability among migrant female college students in Delhi, India. It was carried out from March 2015 to April 2016. ...
Background and methodology Female migrants have been identified to be at higher risk of HIV infection in comparison with male migrants, but the evidence is limited. The present study was conducted among novel group i.e. migrant female college student using a mixed-method approach to explore their vulnerability and risk to acquire HIV infection. Sample of 100 female migrant college students of Delhi University, of the age 18 and 23 years were selected from March 2015 to April 2016 and administered semi-closed questionnaire followed by in-depth interviews. Results Mean age of sexual initiation was 18.7 years. Twenty-one percent respondents had inadequate HIV related knowledge and 10% of respondents showed high-risk sexual behaviour as none used a condom consistently. Statistically, a significant association was observed between respondent’s high-risk behaviour and having friends who were sexually exposed (p < 0.005), also with respondent’s partner’s current place of residence (p
In the nursing care of children with diabetes, therapeutic play can be used to enable children to express their feelings, to cope with the disease and to accept it as a part of their lives by facilitating their adaptation to treatment and thus to improve their quality of life.
This study was conducted to understand the effect of structured play therapy education on psychological adjustment, quality of life and metabolic control of children with diabetes mellitus.
In the study, quantitative and then qualitative exploratory sequential mixed design was used. The quantitative phase of the study was conducted with a single-group quasi-experimental pre-test–post-test method, and the qualitative phase of the study was conducted with focus group interviews with children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and their mothers who received play therapy and thematic analysis of the interviews.
Of the children participating in the research, 61.9% are 8 years old, 42.9% are girls and 85.7% are attending school. After the training given with play therapy, the children’s HBA1c values decreased from 7.66 to 7.45 (p < 0.001), their psychological adaptation increased (p < 0.001) and the quality of life scale score increased from 81.93 to 85.88 (p < 0.001). In qualitative findings, children expressed feelings such as not being understood, difficulty during school lunch hours and shame. They also stated that learning through games is better.
In line with the results obtained from this research, it can be said that the game plays a key role in improving the quality of life, increasing psychological adaptation and reducing HbA1c levels.
This study examines the lived experiences of twelve undergraduate Papua New Guinean students at a state university in the Philippines, using the theoretical framework of transformative learning. Through semi-structured interviews and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), the research identifies three superordinate themes: personal development, interpersonal growth and social integration, and cultural awareness and integration. The findings underscore the critical role of transformative learning in navigating cross-cultural challenges and contribute to understanding international student experiences. The results offer practical insights for universities seeking to enhance their internationalization strategies, with implications for policy development, student support systems, and fostering a more inclusive, culturally adaptive academic environment.
This study explores the motivation of adult second language learners of English. It reports on a three month study of forty participants who are at intermediate and upper intermediate levels in second language learning. It was conducted in International Study Centre at a UK University in the classroom environment. Mixed methods of research: quantitative and qualitative approaches were used in order to triangulate data. Multiple techniques were also used to collect data: questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and observation. There were three main aims: (1) to highlight types of motivation that influence second language learners, (2) to explore how a teacher might enhance students’ motivation, and (3) to analyse the impact of motivation on second language students. The findings are organised into four themes: reasons for learning English; teaching and learning in the classroom; assessment and feedback, and, finally, socio-cultural context. The results show that a significant percentage 55% out of 40 students indicated that they learn English for communication purposes and because they are interested in English culture. Approximately 25% of participants study English to get a job, or to pass exam. A small number of respondents mentioned that they study English because English is a global language while over 7% of students have more than one reason for learning English. Further, evidence suggests teachers can motivate their students by putting them in pairs or small groups, raising discussion activity. By acting as a monitor, giving rewards and constructive feedback, and teachers can reward and concentrate on the socio-cultural context. The results of this study are offering teachers and syllabus designers a more optimistic way of dealing with students who appear to be lack of motivation.
A prática do teletrabalho, que ganhou destaque nas últimas décadas, tem redefinido as normas convencionais de trabalho. Com os avanços tecnológicos e maior conectividade, muitas organizações, incluindo o setor público, adotaram o modelo remoto, o que representa uma mudança significativa na cultura organizacional. Este estudo investiga as principais mudanças na dinâmica de trabalho dos profissionais da educação com a adoção do teletrabalho. Analisa como a flexibilidade oferecida pela modalidade impacta a organização das atividades, a comunicação entre a equipe e a interação com as partes interessadas, além de entender como o ambiente virtual influencia a motivação, produtividade e satisfação dos colaboradores. A pesquisa explora tanto os aspectos positivos, como a maior autonomia, quanto aos desafios, como o isolamento e a dificuldade de estabelecer limites entre vida pessoal e profissional. A metodologia combina abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas, com um estudo de caso envolvendo servidores de um órgão público estadual na área da educação em um município mineiro. Os resultados apresentados visam contribuir para práticas de gestão de recursos humanos e estratégias de melhoria organizacional, oferecendo insights valiosos para o setor público e contextos similares.
This study explores the use of neuromarketing techniques in analyzing consumers’ subconscious responses to content created by artificial intelligence (AI). Three case studies, conducted in the NEUROLAB laboratory at the FMK UCM in Trnava, investigate the perception of visual, textual and audio content created by AI using eye tracking, galvanic skin response (GSR) and facial expression analysis. The aim is not to present specific results, but to demonstrate proven methodological approaches and best practices for investigating consumer reactions to AI-generated content. When analyzing visual content, we found that it is essential to compare stimuli at the same level of creative quality to avoid biasing participants’ reactions. Textual analysis, including PR articles, showed the importance of declaring the role of humans in the AI text generation process, as awareness of the origin of the text can influence consumer perceptions. For audio content, we found that it was crucial to ensure optimal listening conditions to minimize distractions to the perception of human and AI voices. The goal is to highlight that neuromarketing provides deeper insights into attention, emotional engagement, and consumers’ overall perception of AI-generated content. The integration of eye tracking, GSR, and facial expression analysis enables a comprehensive understanding of consumer responses and provides practical recommendations for research and use of AI in marketing communications. In this way, the study demonstrates how neuromarketing approaches can contribute to the effective application of AI in marketing strategies.
Objective: To study the effects of an individual Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (Individual MBCT) program on depression symptoms, ruminative thought, and mindfulness in patients with depression, as well as to prevent relapse within a 3-month follow-up period.
Methods: A mixed-method research design was used, comprising two parts: 1) A quantitative quasi-experimental single-group study with 18 depressive patients receiving treatment at the psychiatric clinic of Buddhasothorn Hospital. The intervention consisted of six 1-hour Individual MBCT sessions over six weeks. Outcomes were measured using the 9-item depression symptom questionnaire, Ruminative Response Scale (Thai version), and Mindfulness Assessment Scale before and after the intervention, at the 3-month follow-up, and tracking depression relapse within three months. The therapist was a psychiatrist trained in MBCT. Data were analyzed using One-way repeated measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni method. 2) A qualitative study involving online group interviews with 5 depressive patients at the 3-month follow-up, analyzed using thematic analysis.
Results: Results of the 18 participants (14 women and 4 men, mean age 33.78 years, SD = 33.50), most had been depressed for 1 year, with the longest duration being 7 years, and up to 5 relapses. All participants were on antidepressants, with one dropping out due to a relapse. Quantitative results showed significant reductions in depression scores (mean decrease of 4.53 points, p<.01), rumination (mean decrease of 11.18 points, p<.01), and significant increases in mindfulness scores (mean increase of 5.77 points, p<.01). At the 3-month follow-up, 17 patients had no relapse. Qualitative results from the group interviews indicated improved awareness and understanding of the relationship between thoughts, emotions, bodily reactions, and behaviors, positive behavioral changes, reduced stress, better understanding of stress and emotion management mechanisms, and improved social adaptation.
Conclusion: The Individual MBCT program may be effective in preventing depression relapse over a 3-month period, reducing depression symptoms and rumination, and increasing mindfulness and awareness in depressive patients. It can be used in conjunction with antidepressants. However, controlled studies are needed to confirm the program's efficacy.
This study maps the evolution of research themes on datafication, analyzing trends, key authors, interdisciplinary collaborations, and emerging topics from 1994 to 2023. The analysis reveals a notable increase in publication volume, particularly from 2014 onwards, reflecting advancements in digital technologies and heightened interest in data-driven research. A significant surge occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 26.10% of total publications in 2022 and 30.52% in 2023 alone. Thematic clusters identified through keyword mapping include Social Media and Privacy, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Human Dimensions, and Infrastructure and Trust, highlighting diverse research foci. Emerging discussions on data justice and inequality reflect growing attention to the ethical and socio-political implications of datafication. The study also examines the types of documents and subject areas, revealing the dominance of peer-reviewed journal articles (71.41%) and a strong representation of social sciences (46.93%), computer science (14.75%), and arts and humanities (11.57%). Interdisciplinary connections underscore the broad impact of datafication across technology, healthcare, education, and media studies. This research offers insights into the dynamic nature of datafication, pointing to the need for further interdisciplinary collaboration, especially in addressing societal and ethical concerns such as data governance and digital inequality. Future research directions should focus on the human dimensions of datafication, data literacy, and the development of robust data governance frameworks to mitigate potential inequalities and power imbalances in a rapidly data-driven world.
This book invites you to join leading Africa-focused scholars in a conversation that vividly highlights the intricate relationship among communication, media, culture and social change. Communication and Social Change in Africa: Selected Case Studies provides
a timely and thought-provoking exploration of diverse and unique understandings in the way communication, in its vast and varied manifestations, is reshaping the continent’s future. Collectively touching base with almost every part of Africa, the book demonstrates a firsthand and grassroots understanding of the continent. The thirteen case studies in the book from across the continent illuminate the challenges, opportunities, and successes of communication-driven narratives, offering valuable lessons for scholars, policymakers and practitioners.
It goes without saying that this book is ideal for students, researchers and everyone interested in appreciating Africa and its cultural and developmental dynamics, which have been presented from different cultural and stylistic perspectives. While sufficient in its coverage to provide decent insights into the transformative power of communication in African societies, this book would undoubtedly provoke the reader’s curiosity and anticipation for a follow-up to this volume for more width and depth about the continent through communication and social change in Africa.
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