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Economic Growth and Technological Progress in Turkey: An Analysis of Schumpeterian Mechanisms


Abstract and Figures

This paper studies a second-generation Schumpeterian model to understand the nature of technological progress and economic growth in Turkey. It identifies some structural parameters numerically and tests whether certain Schumpeterian mechanisms work. Results show that both horizontal (product) and vertical (process) innovation channels operate as determined in theory. However, the pace at which vertical (process) innovation occurs is extremely low, implying that its contribution to long-run productivity growth is severely limited. Since the paper directly estimates the structural forms originating from the general equilibrium of the model economy, results do not carry any endogeneity bias. That the technological landscape very slowly expands in its vertical dimension explains why the Turkish economy did not converge to frontier economies. Since whether a firm should engage in vertical (process) innovation crucially depends on its size in theory, the most appropriate policy under resource constraints may be to strengthen the incumbent firms and support their growth. Put differently, the formation of new enterprises in the horizontal dimension may not be a policy priority.
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Economic Growth and Technological Progress in Turkey:
An Analysis of Schumpeterian Mechanisms
METU Studies in Development
           
             
           
JEL Classification Codes:
M. Aykut Attar
1. Introduction
               
the endogenous growth theory     
       how  why  
  
             
         
 
plane  
      robust       
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 the Manhattan Metaphor 
first task             
The second task
             
           
             
              
             
         
          
    
            
         
 
 
2. Economic Growth and Productivity in Turkey: A Very Short Review
 
            
Table 1
Postwar Growth Rates in Selected Economies (% per annum)
Notes        
            
           
    
           -accounting
exercise for the period of 1880-2005 and conclude that physical capital accumulation is more
important than TFP growth especially before 1980s.     
 a detailed review.
  
 For the period of 1960-2004,       
           
Building a two-sector model to study the role of agricultura
(2014) provide growth-accounting results showing that TFP growth is significant especially in
analysis of 2004-2012 data show that (i) broadly-defined labor productivity is important in
explaining economic growth before the Global Financial Crisis but (ii) the post-crisis episode
is characterized by the dominant role of the ratio of employment to the working age population.
          
           
3. The Model
   
  
Figure 1: The Technology Landscape as a Subset in
  
              
        
 
              
 
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           
                 
  
 
             
          
 
            
               
  
 
      no vertical innovation activity  
  
          
singularity restriction
    
4. Data and the Estimation Results
Table 2
The Flow Numbers of Firm Entry and Exit in Turkey
Newly Established
Notes: The data source is TurkStat (2012) for 1965-2010 and TOBB
(2017) for 2011-2016.
              
           
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey
  
                
            
Figure 2: Alternative Constructions for the Total Number of Firms
        
rtfpnarwtfpnain time
         
    
             
               
 
 
          
  
Table 3
The Nonlinear (Logistic) Fit for
t values
  
Figure 3: Actual versus Fitted Values for the Number of Firms per capita
 
Table 4
             
          
 
 
 
 
Some Diagnostic Tests on the Logistic Fit for
p value
null hyp.
test stat.
  
      
            
Table 5
The Nonlinear Fit for 
t values
 
           
 
           
               
          
      
              
Figure 4: Actual versus Fitted Values for Aggregate TFP
Table 6
5. Discussion and Concluding Remarks
 do we know about the long-run patterns of economic growth in Turkey? What are the
mechanisms that at least partially determine how economic growth occurs? Which engines do
Some Diagnostic Tests on the Nonlinear for 
p value
null hyp.
test stat.
                
             
   
operate and increase aggregate TFP? Why are some other growth engines not working for the
Turkish economy?
This paper offers new and concrete answers to these questions. The analysis takes the
Schumpeterian paradigm seriously and utilizes Peretto and Connollys (2007) second-
generation model. This model has sound microeconomic foundations and robust theoretical
properties. It also attains a closed-form solution for its unique general equilibrium, and key
endogenous variables of the model have reduced-form representations that allow us to estimate
some of the structural parameters in a rigorous manner.
The nonlinear regressions estimated test for horizontal and vertical dimensions of innovation
using time-series data. The nonlinear regression estimates of the closed-form solutions indicate
that, in Turkey, both dimensions of innovation, i.e., horizontal and vertical, are active. In other
words, the two-dimensional technology landscape of the economy expands in both directions
in Turkey.
That both types of innovative activity are statistically significant sources of technological
sectors; large fractions of firms from industry and services sectors report themselves as
innovators (TurkStat, 2017). The latest data for 2012-2014 indicate that 51.3% of firms are
innovative enterprises. When the firm size measured by the number of employees is considered,
larger firms are more innovative for all types of innovations as expected. Regarding the type of
innovation, 22.7% and 26.8% of all the respondent firms are respectively product and process
innovators. Besides, these figures do not exhibit much variation in time with similar fractions
being tabulated for 2010-2012, 2008-2010, and 2008-2006 waves of the survey.
Tha           
  
This paper contributes to the literature focusing on the empirical applications of Schumpeterian
models as discussed in the Introduction. Three noteworthy aspects other than this are the
following: First, results do not carry any endogeneity bias; directly estimating the reduced-form
solutions identifies the structural parameters. Second, results advance our understanding of how
the Turkish economy really evolves and exactly why it does not grow in a really fast manner in
the very long run. Third, results in principle lead the way to the formation of appropriate
industrial and technological policies. 
policy options (Ferragina et al., 2014), one macro policy message is immediate here: Since the
profitable operation of the vertical innovation necessitates a sufficiently large firm size in the
second-generation Schumpeterian models (Peretto, 2016) and since surviving firms have
considerably larger sizes in Turkey (Pamukcu et al., 2010), it is quite clear that the creation of
firms, i.e., entry, is of secondary importance for a fixed policy budget. Efforts, instead, should
be exerted to let the incumbent firms grow before they are forced to leave the market for some
reason such as credit constraints or economic crises. This policy message is largely consistent
with the one offered by  on the appropriateness of in-house R&D
subsidies in Turkey. Since these authors arrive at this conclusion using micro-data for Turkish
manufacturing firms, the present paper that utilizes macro-data for Turkey and reaches a similar
conclusion is highly complementary.
Much remains to be done to complete a satisfactory analysis of economic growth and
development in Turkey. The literature has so far been illuminating in accounting for the
proximate sources of growth and some of the likely reasons behind the relatively poor growth
performance of the Turkish economy. But answers to challenging questions in economics can
usually be iterated toward more challenging questions. If business firms in Turkey do not
generally have a large enough firm size to profitably invest sufficiently large amounts in process
innovations, why is this the case? Exactly for which reason do these firms not expand in size
even though the number of firms keeps increasing in the extensive margin of entry? The demand
and supply mechanisms determining the equilibrium size of firms enter this picture in quite
transparent ways in theory, but identifying the structural mechanisms is not always feasible
given the limited availability and quality of micro data. And even if one can ever decipher the
demand- or supply-side factor x that is explanatory here, there would still be another iteration:
Is it the lack of good policy or too much of regulation and bureaucracy causing factor x? Is it
more fundamentally about how economic and political institutions emerge and evolve? What
about the role of culture in affecting all of these? These are questions that would consume a
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specifically guided by truly Schumpeterian notions.
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Innovation Policy, and Economic Growth through Technological Advancements,
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Journal of Political Economy
... The relation among R&D, process innovation and product innovation is one of the muchdiscussed topic in the world (Martinez-Ros, 1999;Raymond and St-Pierre, 2010;Nieto and Rodriguez, 2011;Song and Oh, 2015;Adeyeye et al., 2016;Un and Rodriguez, 2018) and in Türkiye (Pamukcu and Boer De, 2000;Uzun, 2001;Ozdemir-Gungor and Gozlu , 2012;Attar, 2017;Burmaoglu and Sesen, 2017;Dogan, 2017;Ozturk, 2018Ozturk, -2019. ...
... Ozturk (2018Ozturk ( -2019 analyzed innovative entrepreneur in Türkiye and presented some results under the data limitation such as: i) some characteristics of firm such as profit-oriented, supported by governmental institutions, having an R&D department, employing skilled personnel more than average have positive effect on the probability of innovation, ii) some other characteristics of firm such as producing only in Türkiye, having foreign capital have negative effect on the probability of innovation, iii) firms in Türkiye act with profit motive and prefer organization and marketing innovations generally which yield profit in a short time and with less cost instead of other innovation types. Attar (2017) showed that product and process innovation are significant sources of technological progress in Türkiye. In 2018, the share of Turkish manufacturing industry in GDP was 19 percent as the largest share ("Annual Gross Domestic Product, 2018", 2019) and it was 22,2 percent as the largest share in 2021 ("Annual Gross Domestic Product, 2021", 2022. ...
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R&D activities are an indispensable driving force to increase the likelihood of occurrence of innovation and the growth rate of technology. Studies on the impact of R&D activities on sectors in Türkiye using micro data are still insufficient. To fill this gap, this study aims to analyze the effects of R&D on product and process innovation in the Turkish manufacturing industry by making sub-breakdowns of R&D variables. The research also presents policy recommendations to support R&D plans in Türkiye. To accomplish these objectives, panel data estimation methods are used. A panel data set was generated by merging four different microdata sets provided by TURKSTAT, which is classified by NACE Rev.2 and covers the years between 2009 and 2016. Probit model is used to estimate the effects of R&D expenditure, R&D intensity (as an indicator of R&D investment), R&D personnel ratio (as an indicator of know how), and other determinants of innovation. Moreover, total R&D expenditure is separated into four breakdowns such as internal, external, external-domestic, and external-foreign. Key findings of the research show that the effects of R&D expenditure on product and process innovations vary by its sub-breakdowns. Total and internal R&D expenditure have a positive effect on both product and process innovations while external and external-domestic R&D expenditure have a positive effect only on product innovation, and external foreign R&D expenditure only on process innovation. Only external, external-domestic, and external-foreign R&D intensity have a positive effect on both product and process innovation.
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Bu kısa makale, Türkiye’nin 21. yüzyılda nasıl bir yerli üretim deneyimi yaşayabileceği sorusuna, teknolojik ilerleme ve beşerî sermaye üzerinden yaklaşarak, bazı araştırma bulgularını özetlemekte ve gelecek için bazı dersler çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Makale, öncelikle, teknolojik ilerlemenin iki ana kaynağına, yenilikçiliğimize ve taklitçiliğimize, odaklanmakta, ardından, gelecekte beşerî sermayenin neden ve nasıl yenilik ve taklit süreçlerinden daha belirleyici olabileceğini tartışmaktadır.
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Bu makalenin amacı, nüfus politikalarının toplumsal refah ve iktisadi kalkınma üzerindeki etkileri ile demografik geçiş ve iktisadi kalkınma süreçlerinin birbirleriyle nasıl etkileştiklerini çözümlemektir. Çözümleme, hem soyut düzlemde demografik geçiş ve çağdaş kalkınma kuramlarından yararlanmakta, hem de çeşitli ülke örneklerinden hareketle nüfus politikasının anlam ve sınırlarını keşfetmeye çalışmaktadır.
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In this paper, we aim to contribute to the growth literature by presenting evidence that the presence of an informal sector might significantly affect both the level as well as the course of the total factor productivity (TFP). To this end, we develop a framework where we can compare the TFP in Turkey generated by a one-sector benchmark model to the one originating from an extended model with the presence of formal and informal labor. Our results indicate that, over the course of 1950–2014, the TFP generated by the benchmark model generally underestimates the productivity of the formal sector and this underestimation is mainly observed and is widened after 1980. Moreover, we also find that the substitution between formal and informal labor significantly affects this underestimation.
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Emerging markets depend on technological development and innovation rather than cheap labor, as they are important instruments for sustainable economic growth. The most common indicators of technological development and innovation are the Research and Development (R&D) expenditures and the number of employees participating in research and development activities. The aim of this chapter is to measure the impact of research and development expenditures as a technological innovation indicator on the growth of firms in the Turkish manufacturing and non-manufacturing industry for the time period 2003 and 2007. In this framework, labor, investment, and R&D expenditures are used as factors, which affect the growth of the firms. Then, economic activities of manufacturing industries are classified with respect to technology intensity as high, medium-high, medium-low, and low technology level. Empirical findings indicate that R&D expenditures enhance firm growth, especially for the firms in low and medium technology level sectors.
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Çalışma Türkiye imalat sanayi (İS) sektörleri dış ticaretini araştırmaktadır. Dış ticaret açıkları, temelde orta-yüksek ve yüksek teknoloji yoğunluklu ürün ithalatından kaynaklanmaktadır. Son dönemde, özellikle daha yüksek teknoloji ürünlerinde, İS sektörlerinin küresel değer zincirlerine (KDZ) eklemlenme derecesi ve bunun net kaybı yüksek oranda artmıştır. İhracat ve ithalatın reel kur esnekliği düşüktür. İhracat ve ithalat, sırasıyla, ağırlıklı olarak yurtdışı ve yurtiçi reel gelir tarafından belirlenmektedir. Yüksek ürün yetkinliği veya teknoloji yoğunluğu sektörlerinin dış talep esnekliği daha yüksektir. Dış ticaretin kur esnekliği teknoloji yoğunluğu ve ürün yetkinliğinden bağımsız değildir. Sonuçlar, sürdürülebilir yüksek büyüme oranı ve düşük dış ticaret açığı için, orta-yüksek ve yüksek teknoloji ürünlerinde KDZ ileri eklemlenme derecesini artırmaya yönelik stratejik sanayi politikalarının önemli olduğu önermesini desteklemektedir.
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This paper undertakes a growth accounting exercise for the Turkish economy. At the aggregate level, we find that total factor productivity growth (TFP) has been quite respectable in the last decade, both in comparison to earlier decades as well as in international comparison. In fact, it is higher growth in aggregate TFP, rather than higher growth in factor inputs, that accounts for higher GDP growth in the 2000s. The paper also derives TFP at the sectoral (agriculture, industry and services) level. We find that in the last decade TFP growth has been relatively high in all three sectors, with the greatest contrast appearing in agriculture. The 2000s was unique in the sense that this was the only decade since the 1970s where TFP growth in agriculture was not only positive but also higher than industry and services. This high TFP growth in agriculture seems to have ended in recent years.
Although the literature provided insights into the impact of R&D support programs on (private) R&D expenditures, output growth and productivity, little research has tended to focus on the relationship between public R&D support and the demand for researchers that constitute the main input for technological activities. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of R&D support programs in Turkey on the demand for researchers over the period 1993–2001. We estimated the labor demand function for researchers by using firm-level panel data. Our estimation results show that R&D support recipients demand more researchers to increase their R&D activities: R&D support programs in Turkey seem to be effective in raising the demand for researchers in manufacturing industries.
For testing that an underlying population is normally distributed the skewness and kurtosis statistics, √b1and b2, and the D’Agostino-Pearson K2 statistic that combines these two statistics have been shown to be powerful and informative tests. Their use, however, has not been as prevalent as their usefulness. We review these tests and show how readily available and popular statistical software can be used to implement them. Their relationship to deviations from linearity in normal probability plotting is also presented.
I. Introduction, 65. — II. A model of long-run growth, 66. — III. Possible growth patterns, 68. — IV. Examples, 73. — V. Behavior of interest and wage rates, 78. — VI. Extensions, 85. — VII. Qualifications, 91.
This paper investigates the growth experience of one country in detail in order to enhance our understanding of important factors that affect economic growth. Using a two-sector model, we identify low productivity growth in the agricultural sector as the main reason for the divergence of income per capita between Turkey and its peer countries between 1968 and 2005. An extended model that incorporates distortions in the use of intermediate goods in producing agricultural output indicates that policies that have different effects across sectors and across time may be important in explaining the growth experience of countries.