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Abstract and Figures

Mosquitoes are insects belonging to the order Diptera and family Culicidae. They are distributed worldwide and include approximately 3500 species, of which about 300 have medical and veterinary importance. The evolutionary success of mosquitoes, in both tropical and temperate regions, is due to the various survival strategies these insects have developed throughout their life histories. Of the many adaptive mechanisms, diapause and quiescence, two different types of dormancy, likely contribute to the establishment, maintenance and spread of natural mosquito populations. This review seeks to objectively and coherently describe the terms diapause and quiescence, which can be confused in the literature because the phenotypic effects of these mechanisms are often similar.
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R E V I E W Open Access
Diapause and quiescence: dormancy
mechanisms that contribute to the
geographical expansion of mosquitoes and
their evolutionary success
Diego Felipe Araujo Diniz
, Cleide Maria Ribeiro de Albuquerque
, Luciana Oliveira Oliva
Maria Alice Varjal de Melo-Santos
and Constância Flávia Junqueira Ayres
Mosquitoes are insects belonging to the order Diptera and family Culicidae. They are distributed worldwide and
include approximately 3500 species, of which about 300 have medical and veterinary importance. The evolutionary
success of mosquitoes, in both tropical and temperate regions, is due to the various survival strategies these insects
have developed throughout their life histories. Of the many adaptive mechanisms, diapause and quiescence, two
different types of dormancy, likely contribute to the establishment, maintenance and spread of natural mosquito
populations. This review seeks to objectively and coherently describe the terms diapause and quiescence, which
can be confused in the literature because the phenotypic effects of these mechanisms are often similar.
Keywords: Culicidae, Seasonality, Metabolism, Adaptation, Dispersion, Disease transmission
Mosquitoes are arthropods that can cause considerable
nuisance and affect human health worldwide [1, 2]. They
are among the most prolific and invasive species, con-
tributing to the spread of endemic diseases [3, 4]. These
organisms are present in most places on the planet, from
the Arctic to the most remote desert oases, except Ant-
arctica due to its extremely low temperatures. Thus,
mosquitoes are widely diverse and can easily be found in
a wide variety of habitats, including forested, rural and
urban environments [2, 5].
These insects have been intensely studied since the
end of the nineteenth century due to their ability to act
as hosts for many pathogens, including helminths, pro-
tozoans and arboviruses, that cause disease in humans
and other vertebrates [2, 6]. However, only 10% of the
approximately 3500 mosquito species are medically rele-
vant [1, 711].
Mosquitoes, especially from the genera Anopheles,
Aedes and Culex, include vectors for three major groups
of human pathogens: parasites from the genus Plas-
modium, which cause malaria; filarial worms from the
genera Wuchereria and Brugia; and many arboviruses, in-
cluding the agents of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya,
zika and others [1214]. Estimates by the World Health
Organization (WHO) indicate that diseases transmitted by
mosquitoes are among the major causes of morbidity and
mortality in developing countries [15], and high densities
of mosquitoes severely challenge vector control programs
[16]. The explosive growth of natural mosquito popula-
tions is strongly related to the survival and dispersion
strategies that some species have acquired over the course
of their evolutionary history [17].
Dormancy is a biological trait that may play an import-
ant role in the maintenance of natural populations and
refers to a physiological phenomenon characterised by
the interruption or reduction of metabolic activity in an
organism. In mosquitoes, dormancy can occur at differ-
ent stages of the life-cycle [18]. Diapause and quiescence
represent different types of dormancy found in many
species of mosquitoes. In this review, these terms are
* Correspondence:
Entomology Department, Aggeu Magalhães Institute, Oswaldo Cruz
Foundation, Av. Professor Moraes Rego, s/n Cidade Universitária, Recife, PE,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310
DOI 10.1186/s13071-017-2235-0
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
analysed for their conceptual principles and their re-
spective delayed developmental effects; in addition, the
mosquito species found to exhibit these phenomena will
be noted.
Insect dormancy and its various types
Dormancy is a physiological phenomenon defined as a
state of suspended development or suppressed metabolic
activity in an organism [19]. Dormancy can occur in
both plants and animals; in insects, it can manifest in
the embryonic (pharate larvae), immature (larvae and
pupae) and adult stages [18]. This phenomenon can be
triggered by climactic signals, especially the photoperiod
for temperate climate insects and relative humidity for
tropical insects. This adaptation seeks to promote sur-
vival during and after unfavourable environmental con-
ditions and is known in the literature as heterodynamic
development [20]. In 1869, the term dormancy was first
described as a period of inactivity caused by low temper-
atures by the French researcher Duclaux,who was
studying silkworms (Bombyx mori) [20, 21]. According
to a literature review by Danks [20] on the definitions
and terminology of dormancy in insects, dormancy is di-
vided into two major categories: diapause and quies-
cence. The terms diapause and quiescence have been
reported to be synonymous in the literature [8, 2227],
but these survival strategies arise from distinct signalling
pathways even though the strategies have the same goal:
to ensure survival during and after environmental stress.
Mosquitoes belong to one of the most well-adapted
taxa in the insect group; they are present across most of
the planet, they occupy diverse niches and are potential
disease vectors [2]. Diapause and quiescence are well
characterised in several stages of the mosquito life-cycle.
In the embryonic phase, for example, both strategies
have the same effect: the inhibition of larval hatching.
Conversely, only diapause drives dormancy in the larval
and adult stages of mosquitoes [28].
Diapause in mosquitoes
Diapause is a well-studied seasonal survival strategy and
is influenced by several factors, such as the species-
specific ecological interactions, biogeography, life history
and physiology of many insects [29]. The etymology of
the word diapausecomes from the Greek diapausis
(pause), derived from the verb diapauein, which means
to stop or to decrease activity at a time of constant ac-
tion [30]. Biologically, Tauber et al. [31] defined the dia-
pause phenomenon as a dynamic state of low metabolic
activity that is genetically determined and mediated by
neurohormones that phenotypically affect individuals by
decreasing morphogenesis, blocking reproduction and
metamorphosis, and increasing tolerance to extreme en-
vironmental conditions
The first studies on diapause in mosquitoes coincided
with early studies of seasonality, diapause and photoperiod
in other insects [17]. Early reviews on the topic were per-
formed by Lees [32], Danilevskii [33], Tauber et al. [31]
and Danks [20]. Studies at the time were motivated by the
mosquitos hematophagous habit, which is linked to its
ability to transmit the causative agents of several diseases
such as malaria, filariasis, and many arbovirus infections
(yellow fever, Western equine, St. Louis and Japanese en-
cephalitis, and West Nile fever) [34].
Diapause is common in insects and other arthropods,
especially in areas with harsh winters. Many aspects of
diapause are critical for understanding the transmission
cycle of vector-borne diseases, as this survival strategy
contributes to the maintenance, establishment, growth
and dispersion of natural vector populations after the
end of an unfavourable season to their development
[29]. The process of diapause seeks to reactivate devel-
opment via external signals that control the genetic fac-
tors underlying the dormant phenotype. This can occur
in several phases of the life-cycle, but most often only
one developmental stage enters diapause [34].
What is the environmental signal that induces diapause
in mosquitoes?
Species exhibiting the phenotypic plasticity to undergo
diapause have the required information encoded in their
genomes. The major stimuli inducing diapause in nat-
ural populations are changing photoperiod (short days
and long nights) and gradual decreases in temperature
[31, 3540]. Mosquito species that use photoperiod to
signal diapause include Aedes albopictus,Aedes atropal-
pus,Aedes sollicitans,Aedes taeniorhynchus,Culex
pipiens and Culex restuans [38, 39, 4144].
Preparation for diapause occurs in mosquitoes when
pupae and/or adult females, which are thought to be the
determining stages for this biological trait, are stimulated
by exposure to the seasonal changes that typically occur
during transitions between a favourable and unfavour-
able season [29, 39, 4547]. For Ae. albopictus, for in-
stance, induced females develop their offspring for
diapause, which in turn present low metabolism in each
life-cycle stage during the winter [48, 49]. However, for
Cx. pipiens, the induced pupae females express diapause
when they become adults [50]. Therefore, this ecological
adaptation is indispensable for coordinating the growth,
development and reproduction of mosquito species
found in temperate zones [29].
Ecophysiological phases of diapause
The phenomenon of diapause consists of three ecophysi-
ological phases [51]. The first is the diapause preparation
or pre-diapause phase, which corresponds to the sensi-
tive stage in which the insect is exposed to one or more
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 2 of 13
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environmental signals (token-stimuli) that trigger and
initiate the phenomenon in the offspring in the following
season [19, 48]. In some species, this phase is favourable
for the storage of energetic reserves that will be used for
basal maintenance of the insect during dormancy and
the reinitiation of development at the end of the process.
In addition, morphophysiological, biochemical and be-
havioural changes can be observed in the individuals at
this phase [19, 29, 51, 52]. This occurs because some
mosquito species extend the developmental time of a
specific life-cycle stage (delayed developmental effects)
to increase their exposure to the stimulus, which is a
favourable event for ensuring that the dormancy pheno-
type occurs in the offspring [29].
Culex pipiens females programmed for adult diapause
have a longer larval phase, resulting in larger pupae and
adults that have more lipids than their non-diapausing
homologs [53]. The fat levels in females of this same
species destined for diapause continue to increase sig-
nificantly during the week following the emergence of
the adults, reaching twice the level observed in non-
diapausing females [54]. At the molecular level, this
increase in energetic reserves is accompanied by an in-
creased expression of genes associated with lipid reserve
synthesis [55]. In Ae. albopictus, eggs in diapause are lar-
ger and contain more lipids than non-diapausing eggs,
which is likely due to the increased expression of genes
involved in lipid storage during pre-diapause [56].
Diapause programming (Fig. 1) involves the capture of
photoperiod information by the central nervous system
(CNS) of gravid females, followed by a cascade of bio-
chemical events and culminating in the transfer of a
molecular diapause regulator that promotes a dormancy
state in embryos [29]. Thus, clock genes can reasonably
be assumed to be involved in the regulation of circadian
rhythms and, consequently, in the seasonal response
based on the length of day and night [57, 58]. The main
clock genes in mosquitoes that are involved in circadian
rhythm regulation but are not necessarily related to
diapause have been characterised in Ae. aegypti,Ae.
albopictus,Anopheles gambiae,Cx. quinquefasciatus and
Wyeomyia smithii [5965].
Diapause specifically refers to the actual time when
development is interrupted or significantly slowed, and
the insect does not respond to environmental stimuli
[29]. This is the second phase and can be divided into
the following sub-phases: (i) the responsive phase-the be-
ginning of the process when development is stopped at a
specific life stage; (ii) the initiation stage-the phenomenon
is maintained and controlled by endogenous and/or ex-
ogenous factors, and (iii) termination-the time when the
individuals receive the signal to return to normal meta-
bolic activity [19]. During diapause, various endogenous
changes can be observed, but these depend on the species
studied. In Ae. albopictus embryos, Wy. smithii larvae and
Cx. pipiens adults, for example, lower lipid degradation
Fig. 1 Embryonic diapause induction in mosquitoes. 1 Exposure of pupae and/or adult females to short days, long nights and gradual
temperature drop, and abiotic factors that promote the preparation of the embryonic diapause. 2 Expression of specific genes transferred from
the female to the offspring allows diapause to be triggered and the embryos (pharate larvae) to become refractory to the hatching stimulus
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 3 of 13
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and higher tolerance to desiccation and low temperatures
are present [48, 6670].
At the molecular level, a few genetic components that
mediate these adaptive physiological traits have been re-
ported in previous studies. In Ae. albopictus, resistance
to desiccation, promoted by diapause, results from an in-
crease in the external surface area of the egg with in-
creased hydrocarbon levels, and this is caused by an
overexpression of a transcript involved in lipid storage.
However, the mechanisms responsible for cold tolerance
in this species have not been determined [71]. In Cx.
pipiens, increased tolerance to desiccation during dia-
pause is primarily due to an increase in the hydrocarbon
layer on the cuticular body surface of adults and an in-
crease in trehalose production, which contribute to both
desiccation and cold tolerance [66]. In contrast, the mo-
lecular events that promote the effects of diapause in
Wy. smithii have yet to be discovered [29].
The last phase, termed post-diapause, is characterised
by the complete reactivation of metabolism and develop-
ment in the insect [51]. Although photoperiod is widely
used as an environmental stimulus for entering diapause,
it is less often used to signal the end of diapause;
however, some exceptions exist, such as, for example, in
Wy. smithii, where another change in photoperiod
causes diapause to end [29, 72]. In Ae. albopictus, the
termination of diapause in the eggs may be signalled by
changes in photoperiod and by increasing temperature
[73]. Another interesting characteristic, in addition to
post-diapause, is a phenomenon known as post-diapause
quiescence (Fig. 2), which is also present in Ae. albopic-
tus [49, 73]. This process is considered to be a phenotyp-
ically indistinguishable phase from diapause. The insect
remains in a state of dormancy, its metabolic rate con-
tinues to be low, and many of the same genes associated
with diapause continue to be expressed. Thus, diapause
and quiescence possibly have many molecular com-
ponents in common, although the components for initial
programming are exclusive to diapause [49]. Physio-
logically, the only difference is that during quiescence,
the insect remains fully capable of responding to envir-
onmental stimuli [29, 74, 75].
Diapause in different mosquito species/life-cycle stages
Diapause can occur in different phases of the mosquito
life-cycle, i.e. in the embryo (pharate larvae inside the
Fig. 2 Termination of the embryonic diapause in the mosquito (post-diapause). 1 Return to normal conditions (temperature and photoperiod)
that signal the end of diapause. 2 Post-diapause embryo under favorable conditions responds to the stimuli of relative humidity increase and
optimal temperature in the environment, resulting in larval hatching. 3 Post-diapause embryo under non-favorable abiotic conditions is sensitive
to environmental stimuli but remains dormant in a quiescent state (post-diapause quiescence) until the temperature and relative humidity
become ideal for larval hatching. The dynamics of quiescence are the same as post-diapause quiescence
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 4 of 13
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egg), larval and adult stages. However, this type of dor-
mancy tends to occur in a single stage of the life-cycle
for a given species [19, 29, 34]. Furthermore, in some
species, diapause can occur in more than one stage,
more precisely, between the embryonic and larval stages
[36, 62, 7678].
Embryonic diapause
This is the most common type of dormancy and occurs in
the mosquito embryo. Using Ae. albopictus, a model or-
ganism for diapause, as a reference, the embryo is com-
pletely formed inside the egg chorion, but a metabolic
depression of post-embryonic development occurs due to
genetic programming; thus, the larva is unable to respond
to any abiotic signals, that is, the larva is refractory to
hatching stimuli [29, 45, 46, 79]. Embryos in diapause are
more tolerant to desiccation and tend to have a higher
total lipid content than normal embryos [57, 68, 80]. The
overexpression of ecdysteroid transcripts, found by tran-
scriptomic analysis of mature oocytes, likely regulates em-
bryonic diapause in Ae. albopictus and other mosquitoes
[48, 49]. The genera of mosquitoes with embryonic dia-
pause are Aedes,Anopheles,Psorophora and Ochlerotatus
[29, 34], and the major species reported in the literature
for each genus are listed in Table 1.
Diapause in larval stages
This physiological process is known in the literature as
the syndrome of larval diapause, which is characterized
in mosquitoes by the prolongation of the third- or
fourth-instar. The induction of diapause in larvae is dir-
ectly stimulated by a gradual decrease in environmental
temperature, and the metabolic activity rapidly returns
to normal in response to its normalisation in the wild,
although changes in photoperiod also play a role in its
induction [34]. The behaviour of the larvae is charac-
terised by reduced locomotor and feeding activities, con-
sequently promoting an increased accumulation of body
reserves that, in turn, provide increased cold tolerance
[34]. Under normal conditions, the progression of the
development of the larval stages occurs biochemically
through the periodic release of the steroid hormone ec-
dysone by the prothoracic gland, which culminates in
the moults. When the larvae are in diapause, ecdysone
release is lacking, and therefore, the larvae do not ad-
vance from one stage to the next [29]. Currently, no mo-
lecular studies have explained the hormonal basis for
diapause in mosquitoes, but some studies have reported
the absence of ecdysone as a major cause of larval dia-
pause in other insects, which is likely similar to mosqui-
toes [81]. Mosquito species in which this type of
dormancy has been observed are listed in Table 2.
Diapause in adult females
Diapause in adult female mosquitoes involves a set of
important characteristics, such as the interruption of go-
nadal development, reduced biting behaviour, negative
phototaxis and changes in total metabolism, leading to
the gradual accumulation of body fat. Mosquitoes can
enter diapause in many habitats, such as caves, soil cav-
ities, burrows, vegetable store-houses, empty sheds,
basements, and catacombs [34]. In adult females, a type
of dormancy occurs, known as reproductive diapause,
where sexual immaturity is prolonged because the ovar-
ian follicles do not differentiate completely and hence,
delay the blood feeding activity [8, 34, 74].
The majority of studies on diapause in adult mos-
quitoes has been performed on the species Cx. pipiens,
which is considered a model organism [29].Under nor-
mal conditions, after the emergence of the winged form,
juvenile hormone (JH) is synthesised and released,
Table 1 Embryonic diapause in different mosquito species
Species References
Aedes albopictus [46]
Aedes atropalpus [41]
Aedes campestris [150]
Aedes canadensis [151]
Aedes caspius [76]
Aedes dorsalis [152]
Aedes fitchii [153]
Aedes geniculatus [77]
Aedes hendersoni [78]
Aedes hexodontus [154]
Aedes impiger [129]
Aedes japonicus [155]
Aedes mariae [35]
Aedes nigripes [156]
Aedes nigromaculis [152]
Aedes sierrensis [36]
Aedes sticticus [157]
Aedes taeniorhynchus [44]
Aedes triseriatus [158]
Aedes vexans [159]
Anopheles walkeri [160]
Psorophora ferox [151]
Ochlerotatus dorsalis [152]
Ochlerotatus nigromaculis [152]
Ochlerotatus hexodontus [154]
Ochlerotatus flavescens [34]
Ochlerotatus triseriatus [75]
Ochlerotatus togoi [75]
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 5 of 13
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promoting ovarian follicle growth within 3 days, and
shortly after, the female is ready for its blood meal,
which will contribute to oocyte maturation. In contrast,
females programmed for diapause do not release JH im-
mediately after emergence, and the follicles remain atro-
phied. The females also have a reduced aggressiveness
[82]. Experiments on diapausing Cx. pipiens females
treated with JH have exhibited ovarian growth stimula-
tion, confirming the importance of inhibiting this hor-
mone to initiate diapause in adult mosquitoes [54, 83]. It
is important to highlight that in this species, males do
not undergo diapause, thus, they inseminate females and
then die, as they cannot overwinter [31, 33, 84]. The
Anopheles and Culex species reported as exhibiting adult
diapause are listed in Table 3 [38, 40, 75, 8594].
The molecular biology of diapause in mosquitoes
Most studies on the genetic basis of diapause in mosqui-
toes have focused on two species, Ae. albopictus and Cx.
pipiens, which are considered model organisms for this
approach. Early studies were performed in the fly Dros-
ophila melanogaster; however, although this species is a
reference for basic genetic studies, it did not yield good
results in the gene expression studies, as the insect
showed highly variable responses and high variance be-
tween individuals [9597].
Diapause in Cx. pipiens, according to breeding experi-
ments, is polygenetically regulated and involves genes on
all three chromosomes [98, 99]. A more detailed study on
the species using suppressive subtractive hybridization to
determine the expression profile of diapause genes re-
vealed that a set of 40 genes were differentially expressed.
Most of these genes were implicated in the expression of
structural components and responses to the environmen-
tal stress [100]. One of the upregulated genes was a stress
tolerance gene expressing a heat-shock protein (HSP70),
which functions as a chaperone to inhibit abnormal pro-
tein folding in harsh environmental conditions, including
desiccation and cold [101]. In addition, metabolic genes
are overexpressed in Cx. pipiens during diapause, includ-
ing the mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mmd),
methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase and cyto-
chrome oxidase (cox) genes. These genes may be involved
in the specific metabolic events associated with diapause
and have been implicated in increased cold tolerance. The
expression of certain cytoskeletal genes was also upregu-
lated by preparation for diapause. The actin gene, for
example, is overexpressed during the diapause preparation
stage, likely due to increased flying activity before dor-
mancy begins, and the expression levels of this gene de-
crease gradually during diapause and are low at diapause
termination. Downregulated genes included the ribosomal
genes S3A, rpS6 and rpS24, which are involved in gene
regulation (translation initiation) and inhibit or reduce the
expression of several other metabolic genes [102].
Most information on changes in gene expression
associated with diapause in mosquitoes is based on re-
cent high-throughput sequencing studies (such as RNA-
seq) examining the transcriptome of Ae. albopictus at
Table 2 Larval diapause in different mosquito species
Species References
Aedes caspius [76]
Aedes geniculatus [77]
Aedes hendersoni [78]
Aedes sierrensis [36]
Aedes togoi [68]
Aedes triseriatus [159]
Anopheles barberi [161]
Anopheles plumbeus [162]
Anopheles pulcherrimus [85]
Armigeres subalbatus [163]
Culiseta melanura [164]
Orthopodomyia alba [165]
Orthopodomyia puchripalpis [166]
Orthopodomyia signifera [167]
Toxorhynchites rutilus [168]
Wyeomyia smithii [169]
Table 3 Adult diapause in different mosquito species
Species References
Anopheles atroparvus [85]
Anopheles earlei [86]
Anopheles freeborni [87]
Anopheles superpictus [85]
Anopheles gambiae [88]
Anopheles hyracanus [87]
Anopheles maculipennis [85]
Anopheles messeae [85]
Anopheles punctipennis [89]
Anopheles sacharovi [75]
Culex bitaeniorhynchus [75]
Culex apicalis [75]
Culex modestus [75]
Culex pipiens [39]
Culex restuans [39]
Culex tarsalis [90]
Culex tritaeniorhynchus [91]
Culiseta alaskaensis [92]
Culiseta impatiens [93]
Culiseta inornata [94]
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 6 of 13
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different stages [29, 48, 49, 102]. Early studies on the
differential expression of transcripts were performed in
the ovary cells of this mosquito (oocytes), and later, the
molecular mechanisms during embryogenesis were
A study by Poelchau et al. [48], who sequenced the
oocyte transcriptome of diapausing Ae. albopictus females,
and another more recent similar study from the same
group, Poelchau et al. [49], who used diapausing embryos
from Ae. albopictus, revealed the overexpression of genes
involved in various biological processes. The following are
included among these genes: the gene ing1, which encodes
for the inhibitor of growth protein and is involved in the
interruption of the cell division cycle [52, 103]; the gene
rack1, a putative receptor for activated protein kinase C,
which may bind to several signaling molecules, including
transcription factors related to ecdysone (20-hydroxyecdy-
sone), and is probably associated with the preparation for
diapause [104, 105]; the gene pepck (phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase), whose product participates in the glyco-
gen pathway to move from aerobic to anaerobic metabol-
ism in diapausing mosquitoes [106, 107]; and the gene
GPCR (G protein-coupled receptor), which is involved in
increased resistance to environmental stress [108].
Quiescence in mosquitoes
Quiescence is a type of irregular dormancy (non-seasonal)
characterised by slowed metabolism and directly resulting
from unfavourable environmental conditions, including
low humidity and high temperatures [22, 74, 109, 110].
This adaptive trait is often confused with diapause, espe-
cially when referring to embryonic dormancy, but quies-
cence is a less complex biological trait that does not
depend on endogenous control for its initiation. Stimuli
that trigger quiescence are referred to as acyclic envi-
ronmental changes [19]. Quiescence also differs from dia-
pause because it is neither a previously programmed
event, nor is it hormonally controlled; once the stimulus
that induces the process ceases, physiological activity is
restored [29, 34, 73]. Because quiescence is controlled
exogenously, it is possible that rapid gene activation and
macromolecule synthesis or degradation are not required
for entry into the quiescent state [109].
In mosquitoes, as in other organisms, the term quies-
cence is applied to various biological events. Most
commonly studied in the egg, quiescence in mosquitoes
can be stimulated in different stages or structures, enab-
ling the insect to attain favourable conditions for sur-
vival. In the mosquito Cx. quinquefasciatus, for example,
mature spermatozoids are maintained in quiescence in
the male reproductive tract and are activated in response
to specific chemical signals [111]. In this species, mo-
tility is stimulated by substances from the accessory
glands in males and is possibly controlled by protein
phosphorylation and Ca
levels [111]. In addition, in fe-
males, degenerative dilations may develop in the ovary,
which contains granular material during winter, and the
presence of these expansions in the ovaries is thought to
be indicative of quiescence [112, 113].
In the family Culicidae, quiescence, unlike diapause,
has been primarily observed in the egg, reflected in the
resistance to desiccation that allows the embryo to
survive in dry conditions. The process begins when the
embryo (pharate larvae) receives an external stimulus,
such as a rapid drop in humidity or change in temperature,
which signals unfavourable environmental conditions and
impedes larval hatching [19, 34, 74]. In this case, the devel-
opmental arrest is temporary and immediately revers-
ible, as contact with water induces rapid hatching;
that is, the quiescent embryo is not refractory to
hatching stimuli as is found in diapausing embryos
[18, 19, 34, 49, 114]. As shown in Table 4, the genera re-
ported exhibiting quiescence are Aedes,Anopheles and
Culex [23, 49, 68, 80, 115124]. The species Ae. aegypti is
prominent among mosquitoes due to its strategy of pro-
longed viability by embryonic quiescence, significantly
contributing to the constant expansion of populations in
Table 4 Embryonic quiescence in different mosquito species
Species References
Aedes aegypti [68]
Aedes albopictus [68]
Aedes flavopictus [68]
Aedes galloisi [68]
Aedes riversi [68]
Anopheles aquasalis [121]
Anopheles gambiae [124]
Culex quinquefasciatus [123]
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 7 of 13
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
the wild [74, 75]. However, several studies have errone-
ously reported this trait as diapause [8, 2224, 26].
Egg quiescence or embryonic desiccation resistance
Egg quiescence is commonly referred to as embryonic
desiccation resistance(EDR) and depends on several
factors that range from differences in eggshell compos-
ition and structure to physiological changes, resulting in
reduced metabolism in the larvae contained within the
egg [22, 116, 121, 125]. However, because the ability to
resist desiccation is a property of the egg and not of the
embryo and because desiccation can occur at other
stages of development, the term egg resistance to desic-
cation (ERD)has been suggested as more appropriate
for referring to this phenomenon [123].
The three layers that form the eggshell, the exochorion,
endochorion and serosal cuticle, are particularly important
for ERD [116, 123]. The first two layers are produced in
the ovary, by females, and are, therefore, present at laying
[74, 123, 126]. The serosal cuticle (the innermost layer), in
turn, is an extracellular matrix produced by the extraem-
bryonic serosa during early embryogenesis. In Ae. aegypti,
secretion of the serosal cuticle occurs between 11 and
13 h after oviposition and approximately 8 h post-
fertilization in An. gambiae [115, 124].
This cuticle likely secretes a chitin-containing material
under the chorion, the external layer of the egg, making
it impermeable and protecting the embryo from desicca-
tion [116, 123]. Changes in the amounts of the eggshell
components are associated with water loss regulation
and are fundamental for determining the intensity of egg
dehydration. Aedes albopictus females exposed to short
day length in temperate regions produce eggs in photo-
periodic diapause, unlike populations in tropical regions,
which enter quiescence. One of the characteristics of the
egg that permits this adaptation is the high quantity of
fatty acyl-CoA elongase in the tissue of mature oocytes
responsible for producing hydrocarbons in the eggshell
[71]. These hydrocarbons regulate water loss in insect
eggs, and the abundance of this enzyme varies in the
eggs of Ae. albopictus exposed to long and short days in
temperate populations but is maintained at relatively
constant levels in tropical populations [80, 123]. In
addition to several hydrocarbons in the eggshell, the
amount of chitin is another factor involved in ERD in
mosquitoes, such as Cx. quinquefasciatus,An. aquasalis
and Ae. aegypti. Eggshells with higher amounts of chitin
are more resistant to desiccation [123].
Quiescence patterns in container-inhabiting mosquitoes
ERD has been more commonly studied in container-
inhabiting mosquitoes, including Ae. aegypti and Ae.
albopictus. In urban areas, females often lay their eggs in
containers with clean water, especially disposable con-
tainers, tires, plant pots and water storage containers
[127, 128]. Because the eggs are laid near the water sur-
face, this developmental phase is very susceptible to de-
hydration, particularly during the first few hours of
development [129].
First-instar larvae that remain inside quiescent eggs
have been referred to as pharate first-instar quiescence
[34, 74]. Normal development finishes approximately 3
days after oviposition and larval survival depends on ma-
ternal reserves [119]. Throughout the quiescent period,
the larval developmental period is significantly pro-
longed, and lipid reserves are reduced, incurring fitness
costs for larval viability, compromising the reproductive
performance of the adult [34, 74].
Minimally studied, quiescence in mosquito eggs does
not appear to have a uniform pattern, exhibiting variabil-
ity between species or even among populations of the
same species [69, 123, 130]. Under similar low-moisture
conditions, the pharate first instars of Cx. quinquefascia-
tus,An. aquasalis and Ae. aegypti can survive for a few
hours, 1 day or several months, respectively [123]. These
differences may be due to traits inherent to the eggs of
each species, such as size, the structure of the exochor-
ion and endochorion, differences in metabolite quantity
and formation of the serosal cuticle [68, 121, 131, 132].
Brazilian colonies of Ae. aegypti maintained at a
temperature of 28 ± 1 °C, a relative humidity of
80 ± 5% and a photoperiod of 12 h had a viability
period of up to 492 days, with high hatching rates be-
tween three and 121 days [23]. A similar pattern with
high larval hatching rates (80%) was reported by Diniz
et al. [115] in quiescent Ae. aegypti eggs that had been
stored for up to 150 days. The authors compared eggs
from laboratory and wild populations with different
susceptibilities to the insecticide temephos, which were
then maintained for up to 180 days at 26 °C, with a
photoperiod of 12 h and at 5060% humidity. The high
viability of quiescent eggs from temephos-resistant fe-
males suggests a high contribution to the maintenance of
resistant individuals in the wild. Similarly, in Australia,
quiescent Ae. aegypti eggs remained viable for more than
a year with a hatching rate of approximately 215%, allow-
ing its dispersion to new locations [133]. Species inhabit-
ing forests have been shown to be less resistant to changes
in humidity. Aedes riversi,Ae. galloisi and Ae. flavopietus
eggs have different survivability rates in very humid
conditions but were less resistant than Ae. aegypti and Ae.
albopictus under low humidity. Intraspecific differences in
ERD were also observed among these species, as Ae.
riversi and Ae. flavopietus strains from subtropical re-
gions had lower viability than strains from temperate
regions [68].
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 8 of 13
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The molecular biology of quiescence in mosquitoes
Although much is known about the metabolic mecha-
nisms and molecular biology of diapause, very little is
known about these aspects during quiescence in mos-
quitoes. A study by Poelchau et al. [49] that compared
the transcriptomes of quiescent and diapausing Ae. albo-
pictus eggs found that the genetic expression profile be-
tween these samples converged over time; that is, the
transcription profile in eggs during late diapause
(40 days) is similar to that in quiescent eggs [49]. An im-
portant aspect of this study is that expression levels of
genes related to lipid metabolism were always higher in
eggs in diapause, demonstrating the likely importance of
this reserve for maintaining embryonic diapause and
explaining why eggs in diapause have more lipid reserves
than quiescent eggs [49].
Currently, the metabolic pathways or hormones asso-
ciated with quiescence are unknown, and only the chitin
synthase (CHS) gene has been described as being related
to this phenomenon in mosquitoes. This gene promotes
the synthesis of chitin, which is then secreted into the
extracellular space of the egg, with direct implications
for the formation of the serosal cuticle and consequently
the resistance to desiccation [116, 124, 134]. Despite be-
ing primarily cited for An. gambiae (AgCHS), this gene
is highly conserved in two other species of mosquitoes,
An. quadrimaculatus and Ae. aegypti. The gene has two
variants, but only the allele AgCHS1 is involved in em-
bryogenesis. In Ae. aegypti, for example, the expression
of the gene peaks between nine and 12 h after ovipos-
ition, coinciding with the acquisition of resistance to
desiccation through the complete covering of the em-
bryo by the chitinized serosal cuticle [116, 124].
Eco-epidemiological importance of quiescence
In Europe, a considerable increase in invasive mosquito
propagation has been observed since the end of the
1990s, with the species Ae. albopictus,Ae. aegypti,Ae.
japonicus,Ae. atropalpus and Ae. koreicus already estab-
lished on the continent [131]. In addition to increased
population densities, the distribution of Ae. albopictus
has continued to increase, and several other species of
Aedes are being reported in new countries each year
[135]. For example, recently, a research group from
Brock University reported the detection of Ae. aegypti
for the first time in Canada [136]. In addition, Lima et
al. [137] reported a permanent Ae. aegypti local popula-
tion in the Capitol Hill neighbourhood in Washington
DC that can overwinter. This is contrary to the previous
hypothesis that different introductions of Ae. aegypti
every year maintain that local population. All these spe-
cies are well adapted to the urban environment, exploit-
ing a variety of container habitats that proliferate near
human settlements, and both quiescence and diapause
may be contributing to the maintenance of these popula-
tions. In addition to the annoyance of their bites, these
mosquitoes are potential vectors for agents that cause
tropical diseases, including Zika, dengue, chikungunya
and yellow fever [138]. Quiescence in Ae. aegypti may also
allow the survival of infected embryos, favouring virus
survival and its maintenance in nature [8, 122, 139]. For
example, DENV-1 was detected and isolated in 8.33% of
Ae. aegypti eggs in Florida, suggesting that maintenance of
dengue outbreaks in 2009 and 2010 in Key West may have
been facilitated by vertical transmission [140]. Transovar-
ian transmission of DENV in the field was also detected in
larvae and adults originating from larvae collected in do-
mestic containers in Rajasthan, India. Approximately
1.09% of the reservoirs contained larvae with the virus,
detected by the indirect fluorescence antibody test and
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. In this
case, dormant eggs may have contributed to prolonging
dengue epidemics [141]. Furthermore, Zika virus, a flavivi-
rus that has recently caused large outbreaks in several
countries and has been linked to microcephaly cases and
other neurological complications, has also been reported
as being transferred via transovarian transmission by Ae.
aegypti and Ae. albopictus [142144, 145].
Although the implications of quiescence on the
ecology of mosquito vectors and public health are
well established, its effects on physiology, behaviour
and life history are less understood. Maternal reserves
accumulated in eggs directly influence the period of
dormancy in the first-instar larvae contained within
the eggs [8, 120]. Thus, quiescent eggs pose an im-
portant problem for vector control because these eggs
can directly contribute to the maintenance of mos-
quito populations in treated areas. Aedes aegypti eggs
under the same environmental conditions had differ-
ent hatching rates during the same period of quies-
cence. Aedes aegypti embryos employ a hedge betting
mechanism not all eggs hatch at the first stimulus;
some need a second wetting stimulus to hatch [146].
This will ensure that in the event of sudden unfavourable
conditions, such as cold temperatures or a dry spell, fol-
lowing the oviposition of the egg batch, the entire batch is
not lost [34]. Another explanation could be that not all
larvae hatch simultaneously because of competition for
space and resources as noted by Livdahl et al. [147] for
Ae. triseriatus.Furthermore,Ebrahimietal.[148]showed
that the eggs of An. gambiae embryos are not stimulated
to hatch when the water surface is agitated, demonstrating
that environmental factors could indicate the best time for
hatching. Sota & Mogi [68] suggested that intraspecific
variation in the survival time of eggs is an inherited trait
dependent on environmental pressures. Variations in the
length of quiescence of eggs and variable hatching rates
Diniz et al. Parasites & Vectors (2017) 10:310 Page 9 of 13
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
may be mechanisms that Ae. aegypti employs to produce
continuous, although fluctuating, populations of adults in
the wild at various stages, depending on the existence of
favourable or unfavourable environmental conditions [23].
Therefore, quiescence provides a high adaptive poten-
tial to Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus populations, in-
creasing the viability of their eggs and the chances of
surviving in nature [148, 149]. This trait has contributed
to the geographical expansion of these two species at a
global level, an issue that is closely related to the spread
of diseases [122].
As presented in this review, dormancy, especially dia-
pause and quiescence, has a significant impact on the life
history of mosquitoes, as well as of many other arthro-
pods. Dormancy is part of the life history of many mos-
quito species, providing a mechanism to overcome
unfavorable seasons in tropical and temperate zones.
This trait may have independently evolved several times
in the family Culicidae, as the phenomenon occurs at
various developmental stages in different species. These
adaptive strategies provide, on an evolutionary scale,
mechanisms for species survival, as offspring continue to
be produced, even when exposed to the various types of
stress found in a habitat, and this, in turn, contributes to
the territorial expansion of natural populations, conse-
quently increasing their invasive potential. Diapause and
quiescence are not the same biological phenomenon but
have been treated as synonymous in previous studies. In
addition, these different types of dormancy likely aid the
propagation of the transmission cycles of diseases caused
by different types of arboviruses, as these etiological
agents can be transferred via the transovarian route.
Both of these biological phenomena could play import-
ant roles in the ecology and evolution of many insect
species, such as, for example, the mosquito Ae. albopic-
tus, which has both phenotypes. Thus, the phenotypic
plasticity generated by these intrinsic characteristics re-
sults in the reproductive success and survival of mosqui-
toes in the face of adverse environmental conditions and
the different control measures practised by humans.
These mechanisms are also fundamental for adapting to
more frequent changes in climate. These phenomena are
possibly still developing and need to be more thoroughly
studied, as the information generated from associated
research may be applied to innovative control strategies.
AgCHS: Chitin synthase of Anopheles gambiae; CHS: Chitin synthase;
cox: Cytochrome oxidase; EDR: Embryonic desiccation resistance; GPCR: G
protein-coupled receptor; ing1: Inhibitor of growth protein; JH: Juvenile
hormone; MMD: Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase;
pepck: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; rack1: Receptor for activated
protein kinase C
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
DFAD, MAVMS and CFJA designed this study; DFAD conducted the review
and wrote the manuscript; CMRA and LOO participated in writing the
quiescence topic; and CFJA and MAVMS reviewed the manuscript. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Author details
Entomology Department, Aggeu Magalhães Institute, Oswaldo Cruz
Foundation, Av. Professor Moraes Rego, s/n Cidade Universitária, Recife, PE,
Zoology Department, Federal University of Pernambuco, Av. Professor
Moraes Rego, 1235 Cidade Universitária, Recife, PE, Brazil.
Received: 26 January 2017 Accepted: 8 June 2017
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... This simplified representation of the urban dengue virus transmission cycle is most applicable to non-endemic temperate and sub-tropical regions, where the likelihood of multiple serotypes circulating simultaneously is reduced and the population's prior exposure to dengue virus is limited 19 . Our model incorporates detailed species-specific processes, such as diapause, quiescence, the water dynamics of developmental habitats, and developmental plasticity that causes adult traits to vary in response to the environmental conditions experienced by juveniles throughout development 20,21 . We use data from published laboratory experiments to parametrise multidimensional reaction norms describing how temperature, larval density, precipitation dynamics, and photoperiod alter the traits of mosquitoes within and across developmental stages. ...
... Egg diapause is a form of regular dormancy that allows eggs to withstand cold temperatures and is the primary mechanism by which Ae. albopictus populations persist and overwinter in temperate climates 74 . Once development is complete, both diapausing and nondiapausing eggs either become quiescent, a form of irregular dormancy that allows persistence through dry periods or immediately hatch into larvae 20 . Quiescence continues until the dormant egg is inundated by precipitation after which it immediately hatches. ...
... Active eggs develop at a temperature-dependent rate, immediately hatching once development is complete if they are at or below the current water level and moving into the quiescent class otherwise 75 . Quiescent eggs remain dormant until inundated by precipitation after which they immediately hatch 20 . Hatched eggs enter the larval class. ...
Full-text available
The incidence of vector-borne disease is on the rise globally, with burdens increasing in endemic countries and outbreaks occurring in new locations. Effective mitigation and intervention strategies require models that accurately predict both spatial and temporal changes in disease dynamics, but this remains challenging due to the complex and interactive relationships between environmental variation and the vector traits that govern the transmission of vector-borne diseases. Predictions of disease risk in the literature typically assume that vector traits vary instantaneously and independently of population density, and therefore do not capture the delayed response of these same traits to past biotic and abiotic environments. We argue here that to produce accurate predictions of disease risk it is necessary to account for environmentally driven and delayed instances of phenotypic plasticity. To show this, we develop a stage and phenotypically structured model for the invasive mosquito vector, Aedes albopictus, and dengue, the second most prevalent human vector-borne disease worldwide. We find that environmental variation drives a dynamic phenotypic structure in the mosquito population, which accurately predicts global patterns of mosquito trait-abundance dynamics. In turn, this interacts with disease transmission to capture historic dengue outbreaks. By comparing the model to a suite of simpler models, we reveal that it is the delayed phenotypic structure that is critical for accurate prediction. Consequently, the incorporation of vector trait relationships into transmission models is critical to improvement of early warning systems that inform mitigation and control strategies.
... While quiescence is characterized by an immediate response to environmental changes at arbitrary developmental stages, diapause represents an endogenously programmed halt in development. The ontogenetic stage during which diapause occurs varies from species to species (Danks, 1987;Diniz et al., 2017;Hand et al., 2016;Koštál, 2006). Even though diapause is under genetic control, it is often triggered by changes in environmental factors, for example, photoperiod and temperature (Diniz et al., 2017;Koštál, 2006;Lopes et al., 2004). ...
... The ontogenetic stage during which diapause occurs varies from species to species (Danks, 1987;Diniz et al., 2017;Hand et al., 2016;Koštál, 2006). Even though diapause is under genetic control, it is often triggered by changes in environmental factors, for example, photoperiod and temperature (Diniz et al., 2017;Koštál, 2006;Lopes et al., 2004). ...
Full-text available
Diapause is a survival strategy for freshwater crustaceans in the genus Daphnia that involves a genetically encoded inhibition of organism growth, development and reproduction. While the environmental triggers for Daphnia to produce diapause‐destined embryos and those that induce hatching are well documented, the influence of environmental challenges during different diapause sub‐phases remains unexplored. In this study, we exposed diapause‐destined embryos of Daphnia magna to different temperatures and light conditions during designated diapause sub‐phases. Our results underscore the importance of the maternal environment for the embryos that are in preparation for diapause. Moreover, we demonstrate a period of obligate developmental arrest during which reinitiation of development cannot be triggered. Additionally, we illustrate the embryos' ability to adjust hatching in response to environmental changes during the hatching process. This study reveals the inherent developmental pattern in Daphnia embryos as they progress through diapause and their adaptability to environmental changes.
... Schäfer and Lundström (2014) also mentions Aedes sticticticus species. Floodwater mosquitoes lay their eggs, which can remain viable for many years, individually on moist soil above the water line to await flooding, leading to explosive populations following heavy rainfall or tidal flooding (Diniz et al., 2017). Strong winds associated with flooding storms may kill many adult mosquitoes if safe resting locations are not abundant (de Souza and Weaver, 2024). ...
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The coexistence of humans and nature has been a recurring theme throughout history, gaining particular importance in the context of climate change and the sustainability of our planet for future generations. However, the delicate balance between humans and nature is often disrupted, as exemplified by the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area in Czechia, where close interaction between humans and mosquitoes is a persistent issue. In this area, when environmental conditions are favorable for mosquito outbreaks, the local population living near the floodplain forests experiences significant discomfort for extended periods. The risk of mosquito overpopulation has intensified in recent years, largely attributed to climate change. Rising water temperatures in breeding habitats accelerate the developmental cycles of certain mosquito species, shortening the time required for maturation. This study aims to utilize modern geoinformation techniques to assess mosquito activity within the Litovelské Pomoraví region and evaluate the perceived impact on human populations. The methodological approach integrates the development of a representative population distribution layer and participatory mapping. These efforts culminate in the identification of active mosquito zones and the quantification of the at-risk population. While long-term data indicate that the situation is not deteriorating significantly, the study confirms that elevated mosquito activity continues to disrupt the daily lives of residents and visitors. Notably, summer mosquito outbreaks exert a broader impact than spring outbreaks, affecting both a larger geographic area and a greater proportion of the population. The study's primary output, the spatial delineation of active mosquito zones and the identification of continuously populated areas at risk, holds significant value for the integrated management of the region. These findings can help mitigate the annual occurrence of mosquito outbreaks, improve the health of the floodplain forest ecosystem, and promote biodiversity conservation.
... Diapause and quiescence are dormancy mechanisms observed in many species of mosquitoes that allow them to ensure survival during and after environmental stress. Depending on the species, dormancy can occur at different stages of the mosquito life cycle and is triggered mainly by photoperiod, temperature, and humidity [16]. Although quiescence affects egg hatch rates and is common in tropical mosquitoes, diapause can affect the larval and adult stages of mosquitoes and it affects temperate mosquitoes. ...
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An ordinary differential model is proposed to understand the role of egg quiescence on the efficacy of releasing the Wolbachia-carrying mosquito to suppress or diminish the wild mosquito population. The model has up to four steady states, which are: the persistence of the uninfected population and the extinction of the infected one, the persistence of the infected population and the extinction of the uninfected one, the extinction of both populations, and the persistence of both populations. Their stability is given by four thresholds; two are the fitness of infected and uninfected populations when isolated, and the other two are the relative fitness when they are competing. Bifurcation diagrams, phase space, and parameter space are shaped by the sex ratio that can be manipulated by the Wolbachia symbiont. A sensitive analysis indicates that the uninfected population always maximizes its fitness according to the environmental conditions throughout, changing the quiescence rate. Because Wolbachia-infected eggs do not survive quiescence or adults emerging from it are infertile, the risk of arbovirus transmission increases during or after environmental stress that triggers quiescence. This can jeopardize the use of Wolbachia-infected mosquito to control arbovirus transmissions in regions where quiescence occurs at a high rate.
... Future winters are expected to become not only warmer but also more variable, potentially exacerbating these trade-offs. Warming temperatures in the fall or early winter may delay dormancy initiation for many ectotherms (Bradshaw and Holzapfel 2001;Tobin et al. 2008;Gallinat et al. 2015), as some quiescent ectotherms have low temperature thresholds that must be met before dormancy can begin (Tauber and Tauber 1976;Diniz et al. 2017;Gill et al. 2017;Denlinger 2022;Teets et al. 2023). This delay may cause these animals to deplete energy stores before dormancy has begun but after food resources have disappeared. ...
... Diapause allows insects to survive adverse conditions, conserve energy, and synchronize their life cycles with favourable environmental conditions. For example, The European corn borer is a moth species that infests corn and other crops (Diniz et al, 2017). It exhibits facultative diapause, meaning it can enter diapause based on environmental cues. ...
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Insects are a highly diverse group of organisms that have successfully colonized nearly every corner of the Earth. Their remarkable ability to thrive in various habitats can be attributed to a range of physiological adaptation mechanisms. This chapter explores the fascinating ways in which insects have adapted to different environmental conditions, with a focus on examples and references that highlight their remarkable adaptability.
... In the case of R. pastranai, dormancy was not regulated by winter length or low temperatures, as was previously demonstrated by Moyano et al. (2021). Being a tephritid species native to the Neotropical region, it is possible that other environmental cues, such as relative humidity and precipitation, could be more relevant in diapause regulation, as it occurs in other subtropical insects, such as mosquitoes (Diniz et al., 2017). As opposed to temperate species of Rhagoletis, Rull et al. (2016) found low levels of emergence of diapausing pupae for the subtropical Rhagoletis turpiniae (Hernández-Ortiz) and large proportions of nondiapausing Rhagoletis solanophaga (Hernández-Ortiz & Frías). ...
Among phytophagous insects, life history often evolves as a strategy to cope with seasonality in host plant availability. Whereas specialization often leads to dormancy, aestivation, or longevity, polyphagous species bridge between periods of host availability by exploiting alternative host plants. The aim of the present work was to characterize the life histories of four species of specialist and generalist uni‐ and multivoltine frugivorous fruit flies – Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, Anastrepha fraterculus Wiedemann, Rhagoletis blanchardi Aczel, and Rhagoletotrypeta pastranai Aczel (all Diptera: Tephritidae) – inhabiting in sympatry in Las Yungas phytogeographical province in Tucumán (northwestern Argentina). For this purpose, infested host plant fruits were sequentially collected during two consecutive years, and flies recovered from these fruits were subjected to demographic experiments to establish longevity and overwintering mechanisms. The results indicated that life cycles were tightly related to host fruit availability, where multivoltine species sequentially exploit different host plants over the year, whereas univoltine species must undergo pupal dormancy to reach the next host fructification period and may extend the duration of dormancy when climatic conditions are acyclic and unpredictable. The present study may broaden knowledge about diapausing Tephritidae in subtropical regions and may contribute to an increased conceptual basis for the improvement of pest control strategies, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT).
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Background Climate change, leading to more frequent and intense extreme weather events (EWEs), could significantly impact dengue transmission. However, the associations between EWEs and dengue remains underexplored in the Southeast Asia (SEA) region. We investigated the association between selected EWEs (i.e. heatwaves, extremely wet, and drought conditions) and dengue in the SEA region. Methods and Findings Monthly dengue case reports were obtained from 291 locations across eight SEA countries between 1998 and 2021. Heatwaves are defined as the monthly total number of days where temperatures exceed the 95th percentile for at least two consecutive days. Droughts and extremely wet conditions are defined by a self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI). We implemented a generalized additive mixed model coupled with a distributed lag non-linear model to estimate the association between each EWE and dengue. Months with fewer than 12 heatwave days increased dengue risk with delayed effect after two months lag, compared with months without any heatwave. Highest dengue risk is at 7 heatwave days (RR=1·28; 95%CI: 1·19,1·38). Compared to normal conditions (i.e. scPDSI=0), drought conditions (i.e. scPDSI=–4) were positively associated with dengue risk (RR=1·85; 95%CI: 1·73,1·99), while extremely wet conditions (i.e. scPDSI=4) have reduced dengue risk (RR=0·89; 95%CI: 0·87,0·91). Although the findings of this study are significant, its limitations arise from the inconsistency of dengue case reporting, which might complicate dengue risk estimation. Conclusions This study shows that the delayed effect of heatwaves and drought conditions magnifies the risk of dengue in the SEA region. Our findings offer stakeholders sizeable amount of time to organize and implement public health interventions in minimizing the prospective dengue risk, posed by EWEs in the context of climate change in SEA. Future research may focus on factors associated with dengue risk variations within SEA region to facilitate the development of location-based, tailor-fit mitigation and preventative interventions.
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The increasing prevalence of vector-borne diseases around the world highlights the pressing need for an in-depth exploration of the genetic and environmental factors that shape the adaptability and widespread distribution of mosquito populations. This research focuses on Culex tarsalis, a principal vector for various viral diseases including West Nile Virus (WNV). Through the development of a new reference genome and the examination of Restriction-Site Associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) data from over 300 individuals and 28 locations, we demonstrate that variables such as temperature, evaporation rates, and the density of vegetation significantly impact the genetic makeup of Cx. tarsalis populations. Among the alleles most strongly associated with environmental factors is a nonsynonymous mutation in a key gene related to circadian rhythms. These results offer new insights into the mechanisms of spread and adaptation in a key North American vector species, which is poised to become a growing health threat to both humans and animals in the face of ongoing climate change.
[ Full text available at the DOI link above! ] Globally, research and policy groups often lack the expertise to develop appropriate models to analyze agroecological and invasive species problems holistically to inform management and quarantine policy development under extant and climate change over wide geographic landscapes. Off-the-shelf species distribution models (SDM) correlate weather and other variables to records of species presence and have become the mainstay for predicting the geographic distribution and favorability of invasive species (Elith 2017). However, SDM analyses lack the capacity to examine the underpinning dynamics of agroecosystems required to inform policy and develop management strategies. We propose that age-structured physiologically based demographic models (PBDMs) can solve important aspects of this challenge as they can be used to examine prospectively species dynamics locally as well as their potential geographic distribution and relative abundance across vast areas independent of presence records. PBDMs fall under the ambit of time-varying life tables (TVLTs; cf. Gilbert et al. 1976) and capture the weather driven biology, dynamics, and interactions of species, and can be used to examine the system from the perspective of any of the interacting species. Here, we use the PBDM structure to examine the dynamics across Africa of thirteen invasive species from various taxa having diverse biology and trophic interactions (see Gutierrez 1996, Gutierrez and Ponti 2013a). PBDMs are perceived to be difficult to develop, hence the raison d'etre is to show this is not the case and illustrate their utility invasive and endemic agricultural and medical/veterinary pest species at the local and the large geographic scale of Africa. We note that PBDMs provide a structure for continued model improvements. The development of open access software is proposed to facilitate PBDM development by non-experts emphasizing the crucial role of sound biological data on species responses to weather and to other species in a multi-trophic, interactions, and provide a guide for collecting the appropriate biological data. While the emphasis is on plant/arthropod interactions, models of diseases can be accommodated. The Supplemental Materials summarizes a large array of heritage PBDMs reported in the literature based on the methods outline herein, noting that the same model structure can be used to analyze and manage non pest species.
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To determine the potential role of vertical transmission in Zika virus expansion, we evaluated larval pools of perorally infected Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus adult female mosquitoes; ≈1/84 larvae tested were Zika virus–positive; and rates varied among mosquito populations. Thus, vertical transmission may play a role in Zika virus spread and maintenance.
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A major mosquito-borne viral disease outbreak caused by Zika virus (ZIKV) occurred in Bahia, Brazil, in 2015, largely due to transmission by the mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L.). Detecting ZIKV in field samples of Ae. aegypti has proven problematic in some locations, suggesting other mosquito species might be contributing to the spread of ZIKV. In this study, several (five) adult Aedes albopictus (Skuse) mosquitoes that emerged from a 2015 field collection of eggs from Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil, were positive for ZIKV RNA; however, attempts to isolate live virus were not successful. Results from this study suggest that field-collected Ae. albopictus eggs may contain ZIKV RNA that require further tests for infectious ZIKV. There is a need to investigate the role of Ae. albopictus in the ZIKV infection process in Brazil and to study the potential presence of vertical and sexual transmission of ZIKV in this species.
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Previous experimental studies have demonstrated that a number of mosquito-borne flavivirus pathogens are vertically transmitted in their insect vectors, providing a mechanism for these arboviruses to persist during adverse climatic conditions or in the absence of a susceptible vertebrate host. In this study, designed to test whether Zika virus (ZIKV) could be vertically transmitted, female Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were injected with ZIKV, and their F1 adult progeny were tested for ZIKV infection. Of 69 Ae. aegypti pools, six consisted of a total of 1,738 F1 adults, yielded ZIKV upon culture, giving a minimum filial infection rate of 1:290. In contrast, none of 803 F1 Ae. albopictus adults (32 pools) yielded ZIKV. The MFIR for Ae. aegypti was comparable to MFIRs reported for other flaviviruses in mosquitoes, including dengue, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, West Nile, and St. Louis encephalitis viruses. The results suggest that vertical transmission may provide a potential mechanism for the virus to survive during adverse conditions.
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The viability of Aedes aegypti eggs was assessed in the Amazon region. The eggs were maintained under different conditions: indoors (insectarium) and outdoors (natural environment), as well as in different storage types (plastic cup, paper envelope, plastic bag) for different days. Egg viability was measured as the mean of hatchings observed from egg-bearing sheets of filter paper immersed in water, using three sheets randomly selected from each storage type and at both sites. There were significant differences in the viability of Ae. aegypti eggs with respect to the location (F=30.40; DF=1; P<0.0001), storage type (F=17.66; DF=2; P<0.0001), and time of storage (F=49.56; DF=9; P<0.0001). The interaction between storage site versus storage type was also significant (F=15.96; DF=2; P<0.0001). A higher hatching mean was observed for the eggs kept in the insectarium than for those outdoors (32.38 versus 7.46). Hatching rates of egg batches stored for 12 to 61 days ranged between 84 and 90%. A reduction was observed between 89 and 118 days, with values of 63 and 48%, respectively. With respect to type of storage, mean egg hatching was higher for the eggs in plastic cups (44.46). It was concluded that the viability of the eggs of Ae. aegypti in the Amazon region remains high up to 4 months, after which it declines drastically, although in this study hatching occurred for up to 8 months in very low percentages.
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Dengue and chikungunya are increasing global public health concerns due to their rapid geographical spread and increasing disease burden. Knowledge of the contemporary distribution of their shared vectors, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus remains incomplete and is complicated by an ongoing range expansion fuelled by increased global trade and travel. Mapping the global distribution of these vectors and the geographical determinants of their ranges is essential for public health planning. Here we compile the largest contemporary database for both species and pair it with relevant environmental variables predicting their global distribution. We show Aedes distributions to be the widest ever recorded; now extensive in all continents, including North America and Europe. These maps will help define the spatial limits of current autochthonous transmission of dengue and chikungunya viruses. It is only with this kind of rigorous entomological baseline that we can hope to project future health impacts of these viruses.
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We report a study on vector competence of an Italian population of Aedes albopictus for Zika virus (ZIKV). Ae. albopictus was susceptible to ZIKV infection (infection rate: 10%), and the virus could disseminate and was secreted in the mosquito’s saliva (dissemination rate: 29%; transmission rate: 29%) after an extrinsic incubation period of 11 days. The observed vector competence was lower than that of an Ae. aegypti colony tested in parallel. © 2016, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). All rights reserved.
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Background The continued use of chemical insecticides in the context of the National Program of Dengue Control in Brazil has generated a high selective pressure on the natural populations of Aedes aegypti, leading to their resistance to these compounds in the field. Fitness costs have been described as adaptive consequences of resistance. This study evaluated the biological and reproductive performance of A. aegypti strains and a field population resistant to temephos, the main larvicide used for controlling mosquitoes. Methods Comparative tests were performed with a resistant field population from the municipality of Arcoverde, Pernambuco State, Brazil, with a high rate of temephos resistance (RR = 226.6) and three isogenetic laboratory strains from the same origin (Araripina municipality, Pernambuco): RecR (RR = 283.6); RecRNEx (RR = 250.5), a strain under a process of resistance reversion; and RecRev (RR = 2.32), a reversed susceptible strain used as an experimental control. Results Our study revealed that the absence of selective pressure imposed by exposure to temephos, for five consecutive generations, led to a discrete reduction of the resistance ratio and the response of the detoxifying enzymes. Most of the 19 biological parameters were impaired in the resistant strains and field population. The analysis of the fertility life table confirmed the presence of reproductive disadvantages for the resistant individuals. Similarly, the longevity, body size, and total energetic resources were also lower for the resistant females, except for the last two parameters in the field females (Arcoverde). In contrast, the sex ratio and embryonic viability suffered no interference in all strains or population evaluated, regardless of their status of resistance to temephos. Conclusions The reproductive potential and survival of the resistant individuals were compromised. The parameters most affected were the larval development time, fecundity, net reproduction rate, and the generational doubling time. These fitness costs in the natural population and laboratory strains investigated are likely associated with maintaining the metabolic mechanism of resistance to temephos. Our results show that despite these costs, the highly temephos resistant populations can compensate for these losses and successfully overcome the control actions that are based on the use of chemical insecticides.
The Insects has been the standard textbook in the field since the first edition published over forty years ago. Building on the strengths of Chapman's original text, this long-awaited 5th edition has been revised and expanded by a team of eminent insect physiologists, bringing it fully up-to-date for the molecular era. The chapters retain the successful structure of the earlier editions, focusing on particular functional systems rather than taxonomic groups and making it easy for students to delve into topics without extensive knowledge of taxonomy. The focus is on form and function, bringing together basic anatomy and physiology and examining how these relate to behaviour. This, combined with nearly 600 clear illustrations, provides a comprehensive understanding of how insects work. Now also featuring a richly illustrated prologue by George McGavin, this is an essential text for students, researchers and applied entomologists alike.
Photoperiodism comprises a miscellany of clock phenomena in which the organisms distinguish the long days or short nights of summer from the short days or long nights of autumn and winter and, thereby obtain information on calendar time from the environment. This chapter describes the principal photoperiodic phenomena observed in insects. In classical photoperiodism, the insects are able to distinguish between the long days or short nights of summer and the short days or long nights of autumn and respond with a seasonally appropriate switch in metabolism. Photoperiodic switches control diapause, seasonal morphs, growth rates, and a variety of associated physiological states. Diapause involves a temporary inactivation or alteration of the endocrine system, triggered by the appropriate photoperiodic stimulus acting on the brain. In a few insects, however, the diapause state is imposed by a diapause hormone or by a particular hormone titre. Quiescence differs from diapause in the sense that it is the direct response to adverse environmental conditions, for example, dehydration or cold torpor.