Conference PaperPDF Available

Cracking The Code: The Impact of Computer Coding on the Interactions of a Child with Autism



This paper reports on the communication patterns of two students in two settings: the elementary school classroom and the computer lab. One child was diagnosed with autism and the other was neurotypical. These students participated in a computer science curriculum designed for upper elementary school children (grades 4-5; ages 9-10), featuring block-based coding. The computer science instruction occurred in an inclusive general education setting. Analysis of video data revealed the child with autism communicated more (in terms of both total time speaking and interactions initiated) in the computer lab than was observed in the traditional classroom setting. Opposite trends were observed for the neurotypical child.
Cracking The Code: The Impact
of Computer Coding on the
Interactions of a Child with Autism
This paper reports on the communication patterns of
two students in two settings: the elementary school
classroom and the computer lab. One child was
diagnosed with autism and the other was neurotypical.
These students participated in a computer science
curriculum designed for upper elementary school
children (grades 4-5; ages 9-10), featuring block-based
coding. The computer science instruction occurred in an
inclusive general education setting. Analysis of video
data revealed the child with autism communicated
more (in terms of both total time speaking and
interactions initiated) in the computer lab than was
observed in the traditional classroom setting. Opposite
trends were observed for the neurotypical child.
Author Keywords
Computer Science Education; Autism; Communication;
Elementary School; Scratch; Coding; Logo; Papert
ACM Classification Keywords
K.3.1 [Computer Uses in Education]: Collaborative
learning, K.3.2 [Computer and Information Science
Education]: Computer science education
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copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
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uses, contact the Owner/Author.
IDC '17, June 27-30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
© 2017 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4921-5/17/06.
Jim Gribble
UC-Santa Barbara
Goleta,CA, 93117, USA
Alexandria Hansen
UC-Santa Barbara
Goleta,CA, 93117, USA
Danielle Harlow
UC-Santa Barbara
Goleta,CA, 93117, USA
Diana Franklin
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL, 60637, USA
Work in Progress/Late Breaking
IDC 2017, June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
In 2016, the White House announced the Computer
Science for All initiative, calling for computer science
instruction in K-12 schools, “offering every student the
hands-on computer science and math classes that
make them job-ready” [7]. There has been an increase
in novice-friendly programming environments (e.g.,
Scratch, Alice), many of which occur in after-school.
As computer science is integrated into K-12 inclusive
schools, research-based findings should inform the
development of curriculum and teaching practices to
ensure all students can access the content, including
children with exceptionalities (formerly special needs).
Despite children with exceptionalities making up 13%
of the school-age population [12], little research has
focused attention on understanding how these children
understand computer science. A significant portion of
this 13% consists of children diagnosed with autism or
who exhibit autism-like characteristics, such as
difficulty communicating with others.
Research on children with autism has largely focused
on differentiating instruction or on supporting these
children to succeed with existing curricula. To our
knowledge, no research has focused on the impact
computer science has on the communication of children
with autism, as we do here. We focus on whether
computer science instruction can serve as a tool for
helping a child with autism communicate more with his
peers, a skill he struggled with in other school contexts.
Related Works
Scratch is a programming environment for children
[10]. Like its predecessor, Logo [8], Scratch was
developed to encourage children to be makers, rather
than consumers, of their worlds [9]. This requires
children learn more than just academic skills. Social
and communication skills are essential as well,
including the ability to learn from and with others. This
is difficult for children diagnosed with autism, who may
easily acquire deep specialized knowledge about a topic
or subject of study and struggle to collaborate with
peers. Below we describe research on computer science
instruction for children with exceptionalities.
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), legally requires
educators to provide all students access to the general
education curriculum. In the K-12 school level they
should be placed in the LRE (Least Restrictive
Environment) in a classroom with their peers, rather
than receiving instruction in separate classrooms.
Further, in many states, computer science is being
taught as part of the general education curriculum;
therefore, it is important for educators to consider how
to meaningfully include students with exceptionalities.
The term “exceptionality” encapsulates a wide range of
disorders impacting learning. This paper focuses on one
student diagnosed with autism, “a neurodevelopmental
syndrome defined by deficits in social reciprocity and
communication” [6]. Individuals diagnosed with autism
typically struggle to effectively communicate with peers
and adults. Limited research exists investigating how
elementary school children with autism engage with
and learn computer coding in elementary school.
While some research has focused attention on students
with exceptionalities studying computer science at the
secondary [3] and post-secondary levels [2], less
Work in Progress/Late Breaking
IDC 2017, June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
studies have looked at elementary school students
(aged 5-11) with exceptionalities. Israel et al. [5]
conducted a cross-case analysis of elementary school
teachers implementing computer science lessons in the
general education curriculum at one school. They found
implementation varied based on teacher and context
(e.g. classroom vs. library); successful teachers more
often integrated coding into other content areas (e.g.,
math). This signals a need to prepare elementary
school teachers to ensure all students are able to
participate in computer science instruction. Further,
Snodgrass, Israel and Reese [11] conducted a
comparative case study of three elementary school
students diagnosed with learning exceptionalities, one
of which was autism. This student struggled to initiate
and maintain interactions with others while generally
engaging in programming exercises on the computer.
Adults working with this student frequently took control
of the computer. When he remained in control of the
computer, he engaged for longer periods.
Research Design
This study is part of a larger research project
investigating how students in grades 4-6 (ages 9-11)
learn computer science using a block-based
programming environment, modified from Scratch [10].
For more information about our modifications and
curriculum, see Hill et al [4]. Our study followed
design-based research methods [1] which, depended
on the collaboration of multiple stakeholders.
We tested our curriculum with over 1,500 students
(aged 9-12) at 10 schools ranging from 2013-2015.
4%-100% of students qualified for free or reduced
lunch (a proxy for socioeconomic status), and 2%-82%
designated English language learners.
While many teachers reported difficulties engaging
students with exceptionalities in the computer science
curriculum, one exception emerged a student we call
Alex, who was diagnosed with autism.
Alex participated in roughly 30 hours of coding and
performed lower than his typical peers on programming
tasks. By the end of 5th grade, he surpassed those
same peers. Further, teachers noted Alex emerged as a
leader; his peers frequently asked him for help or
observed his work. Based on these observations, a new
research question was formulated to investigate the
connection between Alex’s programming abilities and
communication patterns: How does engagement in a
computer science curriculum impact the communication
patterns of a student identified as having autism?
To answer this question, we narrowed our focus to Alex
and another studentNick. Nick did not have a learning
exceptionality and was selected for contrastive
purposes to better understand Alex’s communication
patterns. We chose Nick because he was the only child
who appeared in the classroom as well as the computer
lab video records when Alex was in the video frame.
Some of the computer science lessons occurred in a
normal classroom without a computer, while other
lessons occurred in the school’s designated computer
lab. This created an interesting opportunity to
investigate how lesson type on or off a computer
impacted student communication, generating a more
specific research question: How did Alex’s
communication patterns change based on lesson type
on computer or off computer?
We identified all segments in which Alex was visible
both in a typical classroom setting (working off
Work in Progress/Late Breaking
IDC 2017, June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
computers) and in a computer lab setting. Table 1
shows the amount of video records analyzed.
In the classroom context, students prepared for their
final projectto program a game. In this lesson, the
teacher led the class through a group brainstorm,
recording aspects of common games students enjoyed.
Students then completed a worksheet and recorded
ideas they would later use to program a game in the
computer lab. Students were encouraged to talk with
nearby partners and to move around the room. No
computers were used.
In the computer lab context, two lessons were
analyzed. In one, students completed guided
programming exercises. They were reminded about
sprites (programmable objects or characters) and how
to start a script (code) in the computer lab. They were
challenged to use 3 sprites and 15 coding blocks for
this exercise. In the second lesson, students completed
guided programming exercises on variables where they
programmed sprites’ scores to increase or decrease
during a game. In both cases, if a student finished
early, they were encouraged to tinker in an open-ended
play area to practice their newly learned skills. All
instruction occurred in the computer lab.
For all 120 minutes of video, we coded both Alex and
Nick’s interactions with other peers, the teacher and
each other. We defined an interaction as an instance of
conversation initiation, such as when a child turned to
speak to a peer or ask the teacher a question. We used
time stamps in the video to calculate the amount of
time each child was speaking for each interaction. We
then compared the number of interactions and
speaking time in the computer lab to the classroom.
In this section, we first discuss Alex’s interactions in the
two contexts. We then compare Alex’s interactions to
Nick’s, a neurotypical peer. All lessons focused on
computer science content; however, computers were
only used in the computer lab.
Comparing Contexts: Alex in Classroom to Alex
in the Lab
Alex’s Interactions in Classroom
Alex’s participation in the traditional (non-computer
based) classroom was characterized by physically
disengaging himself from the conversation with few
initiated interactions. In the classroom, Alex rarely
interacted with his peers (2 times) or with a teacher (4
times). For example, the teacher approached Alex to
re-direct him when he leaned back in his chair and
asked: “Got everything down?” Alex was non-
responsive so the teacher read what he wrote aloud
saying: “Computer Skills. Okay.” Alex replied: “Good”
and gave a thumbs up. Further, Alex frequently got out
himself from any potential discussion.
Alex’s Interactions in Computer Lab
In contrast to his participation in the typical classroom,
Alex’s participation in the computer lab was
characterized by increased interactions with his peers
(24 times) and his teacher (10 times). For example,
Alex frequently offered to share his work with the
teacher, or help his nearby peers when he finished a
programming task early. As shown in Figure 2, Alex
was often seen leaning in and pointing to his neighbor’s
computer (in this case, Nick). This action occurred
multiple times throughout the lesson.
Table 1: Summary of video data
Work in Progress/Late Breaking
IDC 2017, June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
Comparison to Nick, the Neurotypical Peer
We found Alex spoke for less time in the classroom
setting when no computers were used. As shown in
Table 2, Alex spoke for a total of 300 seconds (out of
2160 total seconds), or roughly 14% of the time.
Further, Alex initiated interactions 6 times throughout
the class period, or approximately once every 6
minutes. In contrast, in the same classroom setting,
Nick spoke for 480 seconds, or 22% of the time and
initiated interactions 23 times, or approximately once
every 90 seconds.
Alex’s interactions in the classroom were very limited
compared to Nick.
Time (s)
With Whom?
Table 2. Initiated interactions of Alex and Nick, by context.
See Table 1 for total time observed in each context.
The opposite trend was observed when Alex worked in
the computer lab. As shown in Table 2, Alex verbally
communicated for 955 seconds (out of 5100 total
seconds), or roughly 19% of the time. Further, Alex
initiated 34 interactions. In contrast, Nick spoke for
only 235 total seconds, or roughly 5% of the time, and
initiated only 13 interactions.
Nick’s limited interactions over the course of the two
lessons in the computer lab were not surprising either.
Other students were observed to be more solitary in
their work and less likely to interact with nearby peers.
Recall, Nick interacted 23 times in the classroom
setting and only 13 times in the computer lab whereas
the reverse was true for Alex. Alex interacted only 6
times in the classroom setting and 34 times in the
computer lab. We recognize these anecdotal findings
are not generalizable to the general population.
We reported on the communication patterns of a child
with autism learning how to code in two contextsthe
classroom and computer lab. When working in the
computer lab, Alex spoke for longer amounts of time
and initiated more interactions with peers and the
teacher than in the classroom. Alex’s teachers said he
was more engaged socially during computer coding
class. Jim Gribble saw similar communication when he
taught children with autism how to code in the past.
Alex also used twice as many blocks when compared to
the average number used by his peers in class. Alex’s
communication assisted peers in their understanding of
coding. We delve deeper into this in another paper we
are working on: “Understanding the Potential of
Computer Science for Elementary School Students with
Disabilities.” Additionally, Alex led one of the summer
school coding classes at the end of the sessions.
Further similar individual case studies, as well as
studies with multiple students, are encouraged.
Figure 2: Alex and Nick in the
classroom. This shows a typical
scene in which most of the
children were engaged in small
group discussions at their tables,
while Alex was leaning back in his
chair. In these instances, a
teacher typically attempted to
help Alex re-focus on the task.
Figure 2: Alex helping Nick with
coding on a desktop computer.
Work in Progress/Late Breaking
IDC 2017, June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
Similar to Papert, we advocate for using the computer
as a powerful tool to think with and act through. In our
case, the computer served as a tool for a student to
communicate and connect with both peers and adults.
We, as researchers, must attend to the social benefits
coding provides students with autism if we want
elementary school teachers to embrace coding through
mediums born out of Logo to teach computational
thinking or other disciplinary content. This will help
ensure computer science for all children is achieved.
This work is supported by the National Science
Foundation (USA) CE21 Award CNS-1240985. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect those of the NSF.
1. Sasha Barab. & Kurt Squire. 2004. Design-based
research: Putting a stake in the ground. Journal of
the Learning Sciences, 13(1), 1-14.
2. Katherine Deibel. 2007. Studying our inclusive
practices: Course experiences of students with
disabilities. In Proceedings of the 12th annual
ITiCSE Conference, 266270, New York. ACM
3. James Dixon Hearne, Mary S. Poplin, Carole
Schnoeman, & Elizabeth O-Shaughnessy. 1988.
Computer aptitude: An investigation of differences
among junior high students with learning
disabilities and their non-learning-disabled peers.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 21(8), 489-492.
4. Charlotte Hill, Hilary Dwyer, Tim Martinez, Danielle
Harlow & Diana Franklin. 2015. Floors and
Flexibility: A block based programming
environment for 4th-6th grade. ACM SIGCSE
5. Maya Israel, Jamie N. Pearson, Tanya Tapia,
Quentin M. Wherfel, George Reese. 2015.
Supporting all learners in school-wide
computational thinking: A cross case analysis.
Computers & Education.
6. Catherine Lord, Edwin H. Cook, Bennett L.
Leventhal, & David G. Amaral. 2000. Autism
spectrum disorders. Neuron, 28(2), 355-363.
7. Barack Obama. 2016. State of the union address.
Retrieved July 18, 2016, from
8. Seymour Papert. 1980. Mindstorms.
9. Seymour Papert & Idit Harel. 1991. Situating
constructionism. Constructionism, 36, 1-11.
10. Mitchel Resnick, Maloney, J., Andrés Monroy-
Hernandez, Natalie Rusk, Evelyn Eastmond, Karen
Brennan, Amon Millner, Eric Rosenbaum, Jay
Silver, Brian Silverman, Yasmin Kafai. 2009.
Scratch: Programming for all. Communications of
the ACM, 52, 11, 60-67.
11. Melinda R. Snodgrass, Maya Israel, George Reese.
2016. Instructional supports for students with
disabilities in K-5 computing: Findings from a
cross-case analysis, Computers & Education.
12. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for
Education Statistics. 2015. Digest of Education
Statistics, 2013 (NCES 2015-011), Chapter 2.
Work in Progress/Late Breaking
IDC 2017, June 27–30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA
... Alex did not have a self-reported interest in CS before beginning the curriculum. In our previous study (Gribble, Hansen, Harlow & Franklin 2017), we found that Alex spent more time talking with peers in the computer lab compared to the typical classroom. In this study, we added data from a third context (working in a typical classroom on laptops) to investigate whether the setting (typical classroom or computer lab) or type of technology (laptop or desktop) impacted Alex's communication patterns with peers and his teacher. ...
... Regardless of context (classroom or computer lab), Alex communicated more when he used a computer. In our previous study (Gribble et al., 2017), Alex spent more time talking with peers in the computer lab compared to the typical classroom. In this study, we added a third context (working in a typical classroom on laptops) to determine if the setting (typical classroom or computer lab) or type of technology (laptop or desktop) impacted Alex's communication patterns. ...
Conference Paper
This paper presents the potential effect of a computer programming curriculum on the verbal communication skills of an elementary school student with autism. The student participated in a block-based computer science curriculum for 2 years. We observed his work in three distinct contexts: (1) the general education classroom, working without computers, (2) the same classroom, working on laptop computers, and (3) the computer lab, working on a desktop computer. Careful video analysis revealed that the student communicated more (as measured by speaking time and number of interactions initiated with others) when working on a computer than without one, regardless of the type of computing devices used (laptop vs. desktop) and classroom context (classroom vs. computer lab).
... Indeed, a considerable number of studies have presented technology-assisted solutions for autistic individuals to learn social-related skills [8,12,36,69,77,81,96] because computer interaction is deemed more comfortable to use in the case of people with ASD [41]. Despite this, design guidelines focused on autistic children are not enough. ...
Full-text available
It is very challenging for children with autism to express their emotions to others as well as to recognise others’ feelings accurately. As social difficulties of autistic people might aggravate their loneliness and social isolation, a holistic development is required from an early age. This study aimed to suggest a digital intervention for supporting autistic children’s empathy development by using design thinking. This study developed a mobile-interface design on the basis of the human-centred design approach, and a prototype was evaluated by stakeholders with respect to acceptability and usability. Usability was measured by twelve statements of a combination of design guidelines and the system usability scale, and subsequently, open-end interview questions were offered to collect data regarding acceptability. The separate interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and thus, meaningful data were selected and clustered by themes. The result of the qualitative data analysis is represented by eighteen themes in five categories. Altogether, this research suggests a phased (bit-by-bit) strategy for teaching empathy of children with ASD through a digital intervention.
... A study performed to spot the communication patterns of two students with ASD learning how to code within two different settings: a normal classroom and a computer lab. The mentioned study showed that Alex, a child with autism who participated in this study, made a lot more interactions with peers and his teacher in the computer lab [26]. Although the results of this research cannot be generalized for several reasons, this might be an optimistic indication that using computers can have a positive impact on the communication skills of children with ASD which is quite promising. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Problem solving, analyzing the validity of a solution and spotting patterns in data are all substantial skills needed in the workplace nowadays not only in the programming field. Solving and generating multiple solutions to a problem is quite challenging for children with autism spectrum disorders. As a solution, the work in this paper presents the design, implementation and the evaluation of a serious game that focuses on the sequential programming concepts. The presented game aims to teach problem solving skills to children with autism. A user study was conducted to evaluate the game with children who have autism. According to the evaluation carried out in this research, the game was proven to be engaging, which indicates that the serious game is promising for teaching sequential programming concepts to children with autism.
... The same challenges that interfere with success in the workplace are likely to arise in school. For computer science educators wanting to maximize the chances of success for students with ASD, a search of the computer science education literature reveals a small but growing body of research into computing education for students with learning disabilities associated with autism and other disorders, but little investigation into merging social skills with that education [14,15,16,17]. ...
Full-text available
Including learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in mainstream classrooms is associated with challenges that could impede their academic participation. However, studies have shown the value of inclusive education, especially when supported with computer technologies, learners with ASD can effectively learn alongside their non-autistic peers. Despite that, there has been minimal research on ASD inclusion with emerging computer technologies. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the application of emerging computer technologies in supporting the inclusion of learners with ASD. By analyzing a wide range of scholarly articles, this research goes beyond the existing literature by thoroughly examining the unique contributions and advancements made in this field. The study findings revealed valuable strategies and technologies for ASD-inclusive education that could be utilized by educationists, researchers, and relevant stakeholders. Moreover, this research bridges the knowledge gap and provides a foundation for future investigations into effective and sustainable technological interventions for ASD-inclusive education.
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Problem solving is amongst the most crucial skills for this century in the workplace as well as in educational settings. Constructing and evaluating effective solutions is quite challenging for individuals with autism. This can severely affect their interactions with others. The current state of research in the field addressed in this paper indicates the lack of approaches towards teaching computational thinking and problem solving skills to children with autism. Thus, this study describes the findings of a comparative experimental research that tackles different strategies for teaching computational thinking to students with autism. This study consists of the development, design and evaluation of two gamified platforms (Serious game and block-based programming platform). According to the evaluation carried out in this research, serious games and block-based gamified platforms are both promising strategies for teaching introductory programming concepts to children with autism, and thus enhancing their problem solving. Moreover, this study presents additional user interface design guidelines for an interface for children with autism.
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Extensive research has been conducted regarding socio-emotional skills training in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The latest autism research is now beginning to recognize the role of metacognitive deficits in ASD as well as the importance of metacognitive skills training in autism intervention. The purpose of the current review study is to shed light on the role of metacognition in ASD and identify assistive technologies that may compensate for metacognitive deficits. Specifically, we examine autism through the lens of the models of metacognition developed by (Drigas and Mitsea, 2020; 2021). Following these metacognitive models, we identified digital technologies that have the significant potential to train metacognitive skills in people with ASD. These technologies include, among others, robotics, virtual reality, mobile applications, digital serious games, coding digital games and robots. This review provides evidence that people with autism face important difficulties in almost all metacognitive domains. It also highlights that digital technologies are effective tools for training metacognitive skills within the educational settings to facilitate students' inclusion. This study is one of the few studies that deal with autism as a disorder of metacognition and gives pointers for future experimental research regarding metacognitive intervention strategies with the assistance of technologies.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The recent renaissance in early computer science education has provided K-12 teachers with multiple options for introducing children to computer science. However, tools for teaching programming for children with wide-scale adoption have been targeted mostly at pre-readers or middle school and higher grade-levels. This leaves a gap for 4th -- 6th grade students, who differ developmentally from older and younger students. In this paper, we investigate block-based programming languages targeted at elementary and middle school students and demonstrate a gap in existing programming languages appropriate for 4th -- 6th grade classrooms. We analyze the benefits of Scratch, ScratchJr, and Blockly for students and curriculum developers. We describe the design principles we created based on our experiences using block-based programming in 4th -- 6th grade classrooms, and introduce LaPlaya, a language and development environment designed specifically for children in the gap between grades K-3 and middle school students.
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"Digital fluency" should mean designing, creating, and remixing, not just browsing, chatting, and interacting.
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The article highlights and problematizes some challenges that are faced in carrying out design-based research. It states that the emerging field of learning sciences is one that is interdisciplinary, drawing on multiple theoretical perspectives and research paradigms so as to build understandings of the nature and conditions of learning, cognition and development. A fundamental assumption of many learning scientists is that cognition is not a thing located within the individual thinker but is a process that is distributed across the knower, the environment in which knowing occurs and the activity in which the learner participates. In other words, learning, cognition, knowing and context are irreducibly co-constituted and cannot be treated as isolated entities or processes.
Students with disabilities can experience difficulty in receiving an education; inclusive education is an educational practice designed to ameliorate these problems. This paper presents the design for a study of the current inclusivepractices in computer science courses. Challenges in studying the experiences of disabled students are discussed, and a methodology using semi-structured interviews and grounded theory is developed to address these difficulties. A pilot study involving students taking their first computing courses is also described.
Conference Paper
Students with disabilities can experience difficulty in receiving an education; inclusive education is an educational practice designed to ameliorate these problems. This paper presents the design for a study of the current inclusivepractices in computer science courses. Challenges in studying the experiences of disabled students are discussed, and a methodology using semi-structured interviews and grounded theory is developed to address these difficulties. A pilot study involving students taking their first computing courses is also described.
Conference Paper
Students with disabilities can experience difficulty in receiving an education; inclusive education is an educational practice designed to ameliorate these problems. This paper presents the design for a study of the current inclusivepractices in computer science courses. Challenges in studying the experiences of disabled students are discussed, and a methodology using semi-structured interviews and grounded theory is developed to address these difficulties. A pilot study involving students taking their first computing courses is also described.
Despite the growing utility of the computer as a creative and self-expressive medium, it is rarely accessible for such purposes in the classroom. The professional literature is replete with evidence that computer utilization among students with learning disabilities has been primarily a computer-assisted instruction (CAI) approach. This narrow view of learners as receptors suggests, among other things, that because of their exceptionalities, students with learning disabilities possess relatively fewer strengths than their non-learning-disabled peers and less aptitude for such complex and creative tasks as programming. The purpose of the present study was twofold: (a) to investigate differences in computer aptitude among 56 junior high school students with learning disabilities and 56 non-learning-disabled peers, and (b) to consider gender differences in computer aptitude among the entire sample population. Subjects in each group were administered the Computer Aptitude, Literacy, and Interest Profile (CALIP) (Poplin, Drew, & Gable, 1984), and their composite scores were compared. Results indicated no significant difference in scores earned by students with learning disabilities and those of their non-learning-disabled peers. Likewise, intergroup score comparison suggested that no relationship existed between gender and computer aptitude among students in this sample.
R ecent prevalence rates for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are now estimated at about 1 in 110 children in the U.S. Increases in public awareness and research funding in response to the growing numbers of children and adults with this disorder have led to numerous important scientific advances over the last several years. Nevertheless, because ASD remains a diagnosis that is defined completely on the basis of behavior, diagnostic assessment is both complex and expensive. Appropriate interventions and services are also multi-faceted and costly, and because of the pervasive nature of the disorder, are often required in some form across the lifespan. In the absence of standard societal mechanisms to pay for appropriate assessment and treatment, families must personally shoulder many of the costs associated with securing appropriate services for their children. This Social Policy Report summarizes selected recent studies on diagnosis, prevalence, and intervention, and discusses strategies for designing social policies to help improve the outcomes and independence of children and adults with ASDs.