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שימושים וסיפוקים של חברי קהילות ידע



בפרק זה מוצגים ממצאים ממחקר רחב היקף שבו נבחנו השימושים בקהילות המקצועיות של משרד הרווחה והסיפוקים מהן, בעזרת ראיונות עם חברי הקהילות.
תילטיגיד הידמ תויתרבח תותשרו לוהינל
עדי לש יביטקפא מ הביבסבתבכרו
          
        
          
          
         
   
        
       Katz, Blumler &
Gurevitch, 1974       
      
       
      
 
Ruggiero, 2000
          
          
          
      
 
        
McKenna & Green ,2002
  
         
et al., 2010; Johnson, 2001
         
     
         
  
        
        
          
          
     Cook-Craig & Sabah, 2009 
           
 
         
        
     
 
        
  
      
         
  
        
          
םייביטינגוק םישומיש
  
          
Wellman & Gulia, 1999; Butler
et. al., 2007; Lev-On, 2013
        
 
  
         
         
        
   
    
 
       
       
      
        
  (Self Efficacy) Bandura, 1977
    
          
        
         
  
        
           
 
             
         
 
      
תיעוצקמ תודידבמ האיציל סיסב
Henri & Pudelko, 2003
         
         
       
 
 
      
        
           
        
 
           
         
          
טאירקתויבי יביטינגוק יוריגו
          
 
        
 
  
רוביצ יסחי :תיקוויש הריזכ הליהקה
         
  
  
         
        
 
         
        
           
  
   
Hagel & Armstrong, 1997
        
  
     
          
           
      
Dahlen & Colliander, 2011;
Kozinets et. al., 2010; Sashi, 2012 
    
תוירדילוסו הכימת
         
     Meier, 2002   
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תוצלמהו םוכיס
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Theories of collaboration in offline communities focus on local dynamics and institutions that produce social control. The literature highlights some pre-conditions for social control in such communities,, such as limited exit options, the multiplexity of the community experience, and clear boundaries. I argue that such theories are of limited value for explaining collaboration in online communities, and present two alternative routes that are more appropriate for explaining why communities ground collaboration.
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Acknowledgments: We thank Zoe Ouyang, Kenneth Chan, and David J. Housman for research assistance; Marc A. Smith at Microsoft Research and David Jeske at Google for providing data; Carolyn Rosé, Jaime Arguello, Cam- eron Williams and William Cohen at Carnegie Mellon University for advice about text and content analy- sis; and Kimberly Ling for helpful feedback and discussion throughout the process of conducting this search. This research is supported by NSF grant IIS-0325049. ,2 Beyond Information: Developing the Relationshipbetween the Individual and the Group in Online Communities Abstract Online communities,are increasingly important for both the businesses and the general public that uses them. However, current IS research on online communities has a limited view of these groups, treating them primarily as information repositories, where people participate by seeking or contributing knowl- edge. This paper argues that online communities,are also social systems with which people form relation- ships and repeatedly interact over time. This paper proposes a relational model of online communities,that emphasizes the social, bi-directional, and dynamic nature of the interactions in online communities and the way that these interactions build and maintain the relationship between,individuals and the commu-
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Purpose The advent of the internet and in particular the interactive features of Web 2.0 in recent years have led to an explosion of interest in customer engagement. The opportunities presented by social media to help build close relationships with customers seem to have excited practitioners in a wide variety of industries worldwide. Academic scholarship on customer engagement, however, has lagged practice and its theoretical foundation is relatively underdeveloped and a better understanding of the concept is essential to develop strategies for customer engagement. This paper seeks to address some of these issues. Design/methodology/approach The paper attempts to enhance understanding of customer engagement by examining practitioner views of customer engagement, linking it to the marketing concept, market orientation, and relationship marketing, modeling the customer engagement cycle, and developing a customer engagement matrix. Findings The paper develops a model of the customer engagement cycle with connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention, loyalty, advocacy, and engagement as stages in the cycle. It arrays customers in a customer engagement matrix according to the degree of relational exchange and emotional bonds that characterize their relationship with sellers. Four types of relationships emerge: transactional customers, delighted customers, loyal customers, and fans. Research limitations/implications The paper is an initial attempt to develop a theoretical framework for customer engagement and further research is required to better understand several aspects of the framework. Future research can also investigate questions stemming from this research, for instance, how different Web 2.0 tools may be used to build customer engagement in consumer and business markets. Practical implications Customer engagement turns customers into fans. But for customers to become fans they have to progress through the stages of the customer engagement cycle. In addition to current fans, sellers need a mix of transactional, delighted, and loyal customers who can be turned into fans in the future. A mix of digital and nondigital technologies can be employed to facilitate customers' transition through the stages in the customer engagement cycle. Originality/value The paper develops a conceptual model of customer engagement that improves understanding of the concept and provides the foundation for strategies to better satisfy customers using Web 2.0 tools like social media.
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The various forms of Internet groups share many similarities to groups that exist in the offline world, but there are also critical differences. The authors examine traditional definitions of groups and how Internet groups fit into those existing definitions. They provide an analysis of relevant aspects that make virtual groups similar to and different from nonelectronic groups, and they examine the ways in which Internet groups function. Individual motivations for joining online groups and the consequences of virtual group membership are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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this paper has been provided by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (General and Strategic grants), Bell Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Information Technology Research Centre. We dedicate this chapter to science-fiction personage Judith Merril who net surfed for fifty years until her death in Sept., 1997.
Some mass communications scholars have contended that uses and gratifications is not a rigorous social science theory. In this article, I argue just the opposite, and any attempt to speculate on the future direction of mass communication theory must seriously include the uses and gratifications approach. In this article, I assert that the emergence of computer-mediated communication has revived the significance of use and gratifications. In fact, uses and gratifications has always provided a cutting-edge theoretical approach in the initial stages of each new mass communications medium: newspapers, radio and television, and now the Internet. Although scientists are likely to continue using traditional tools and typologies to answer questions about media use, we must also be prepared to expand our current theoretical models of uses and gratifications. Contemporary and future models must include concepts such as interactivity, demassification, hypertextuality, and asynchroneity. Researchers must also be willing to explore interpersonal and qualitative aspects of mediated communication in a more holistic methodology.
This article describes the use of a listserv to make a contribution to that sector of the human service profession which struggles with burnout. The author develops, conducts and evaluates an online support group for social workers.
The author surveys current literature on communities of practice and their potential development using networked technology and remote collaboration, specifically with respect to World Wide Web (WWW) communication tools. The vast majority of the current literature in this new research area consists of case studies. Communities of practice have the following components that distinguish them from traditional organizations and learning situations: (1) different levels of expertise that are simultaneously present in the community of practice; (2) fluid peripheral to center movement that symbolizes the progression from being a novice to an expert; and (3) completely authentic tasks and communication. Supporting concepts include aspects of constructivism (i.e., ill-structured problems, facilitation, collaborative learning, and negotiated goals), community knowledge greater than individual knowledge, as well as an environment of safety and trust. Virtual communities are defined as designed communities using current networked technology, whereas communities of practice emerge within the designed community via the ways their participants use the designed community. Current networked technology has both advantages and disadvantages in emergent development of communities of practice. Because most collaboration is text-based, norms are reduced, enabling introverted participants to share their ideas on an equal footing with extroverts. However, the greatest problem with virtual communities is withdrawing, or attrition. This problem can be reduced somewhat through good facilitation techniques and adequate scaffolding, especially in the cases of online communication techniques and technical support. Finally, the author recommends further research questions and proposes a case study, whose purpose is to observe the effects of an emerging community of practice within the designed environment of a virtual community.