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Abstract and Figures

Due to the high sensitivity for hydrogen, the detection and quantification of moisture and moisture transport processes are some of the key topics in neutron imaging. Especially when dealing with hygroscopic material, such as wood and other porous media, it is crucial for quantitative analyses to know and control the ambient conditions of the sample precisely. In this work, a neutron transparent climatic chamber is presented, which was designed and built for the imaging facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen (CH). The air-conditioned measuring system consists of the actual sample chamber and a moisture generator providing air with adjustable temperature and relative humidity (%RH) (up to a dew point temperature of 70°C). The two components are connected with a flexible tube, which features insulation, a heating system and temperature sensors to prevent condensation within the tube. The sample chamber itself is equipped with neutron transparent windows, insulating double walls with three feed-through openings for the rotation stage, sensors for humidity and temperature. Thermoelectric modules allow to control the chamber temperature in the range of -20°C to 100°C. The chamber allows to control the climatic conditions either in a static mode (stable temperature and %RH) or in dynamic mode (humidity or temperature cycles). The envisaged areas of application are neutron radiography and tomography investigations of dynamic processes in building materials (e.g. wood, concrete), food science and any other application necessitating the control of the climatic conditions.
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Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 207
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1875-3892 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ITMNR-8
doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2017.06.028
8th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography, Beijing, China, 4-8 September 2016
Design and applications of a climatic chamber for in-situ neutron
imaging experiments
David Mannes
, Florian Schmid, Timon Wehmann, Eberhard Lehmann
Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging, Paul ScherrerInstitut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Due to the high sensitivity for hydrogen, the detection and quantification of moisture and moisture transport
processes are some of the key topics in neutron imaging. Especially when dealing with hygroscopic material, such
as wood and other porous media, it is crucial for quantitative analyses to know and control the ambient conditions of the sample
precisely. In this work, a neutron transparent climatic chamber is presented, which was designed and built for the imaging
facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen (CH). The air-conditioned measuring system consists of the actual sample
chamber and a moisture generator providing air with adjustable temperature and relative humidity (%RH) (up to a dew point
temperature of 70°C). The two components are connected with a flexible tube, which features insulation, a heating system and
temperature sensors to prevent condensation within the tube. The sample chamber itself is equipped with neutron transparent
windows, insulating double walls with three feed-through openings for the rotation stage, sensors for humidity and temperature.
Thermoelectric modules allow to control the chamber temperature in the range of -20°C to 100°C. The chamber allows to control
the climatic conditions either in a static mode (stable temperature and %RH) or in dynamic mode (humidity or temperature
cycles). The envisaged areas of application are neutron radiography and tomography investigations of dynamic
processes in building materials (e.g. wood, concrete), food science and any other application necessitating the
control of the climatic conditions.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ITMNR-8.
Keywords: Neutron imaging; in-situ experiments; climate controlled sample chamber
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 56 310 4610; fax: +41 56 310 3131.
E-mail address:
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ITMNR-8
David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207 201
1. Introduction
Qualitative and quantitative investigations on the moisture content and its changes over time are one of the
important topics which are studied using neutron imaging methods. The examined materials and questions are
manifold and range amongst others from porous building materials such as concrete, asphalt, stone or timber
(Poulikakos et al. 2013, Zhang et al. 2011, Dewanckele et al. 2014, Sedighi-Gilani et al. 2012) over the water
content of fruits (Defraeye et al. 2016) to the behaviour of canvas used for paintings (Boon et al. 2015). As most of
the studied materials are hygroscopic, the ambient climatic conditions are crucial for the interpretation. So far, for
many experiments carried out at PSI only the temperature and relative humidity could be documented but in many
cases not controlled in a proper way. For several experiments, first attempts to control the climate were successfully
carried out using provisional solutions (Mannes et al. 2009, Hendrickx et al. 2016), nevertheless these were no
permanent reliably reproducible solution unlike the permanent installation, which is available at the NIST imaging
facility (Hussey et al. 2010). To overcome this issue, a dedicated climate controlled in-situ measurement system was
constructed and built for the neutron imaging facilities at PSI.
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
PSI Paul Scherrer Institut
RH relative humidity in %rh
ROI region of interest
'T temperature difference achievable compared to ambient temperature in K
2. Methods
The system for the control and regulation of climatic condition, i.e. temperature and relative humidity (RH), consists
of three components: a neutron transparent sample chamber, a vapour/moisture generator and a connecting tube. The
experimental chamber as well as the moisture generator can also be used separately for experiments or
preconditioning and storage of samples. The experimental chamber features automatic temperature control, the
moisture generator produces an air flow with a defined temperature and moisture content; the connecting tube
transports the moist air from the moisture generator to the experimental chamber assuring that any condensation
within the transporting tube is minimised. In normal (i.e. combined) operation all three components are
electronically connected and controlled by a computer using a LabView based interface.
In the following the three components will be described in detail.
2.1. Sample chamber
The sample chamber is designed to fit the medium-sized detector system (Midi-Box) used at the neutron
imaging facilities at PSI featuring a maximum field-of-view of 150 mm x 150 mm (Kaestner et al. 2011). The
design of the experimental chamber follows the dimensions of the indicated setup as the neutron transparent
windows in the front and back side of the chamber fit these dimensions. The inner dimensions of the actual
measuring chamber are 160 x 160 x 160 mm3. Figure 1 shows a detailed drawing of the sample chamber.
The walls of the chamber are built as a multi-layered sandwich construction. The innermost layer consists of 1
mm thick borated aluminium fixed at a distance of 20 mm on copper plates, which differ in thickness from 10 mm
on the lateral sides to 5 mm on top and bottom. The borated aluminium, which can also be found on the front panel
around framing the neutron transparent window, reduces the irradiation and thus activation of the copper chamber as
well as capture of neutrons scattered by the sample. The copper cuboid is covered by a 30 mm thick aerogel
insulation layer wrapped in neoprene. This insulation layer is finally enclosed by a 1.5 mm aluminium cladding
serving as protection against mechanical damage and fixation point for external components. The front and back
panel of the experimental chamber show similar composition with exception of the neutron transparent windows,
202 David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207
Figure 1: Drawing of the temperature controlled sample chamber; A) outside view: a neutron transparent window, b cooling system, c- inlet for conditioned air; B) cutaway view: d
borated aluminium, e heat exchanger, f copper wall, g aerogel insulation, h aluminium cladding, i stone wool, j thermo-electric module, k circulating fan, l PTFE-shaft
to rotation stage, m aluminium sample holder / rotation table, n humidty / tempereature sensor
David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207 203
which consists of 1 mm of aluminium on the inside, 20 mm of stone wool in the back panel respectively 30 mm of
stone wool in the front panel and 0.5 mm aluminium on the outside. The front panel can be removed to access the
inside of the chamber and to insert or retrieve a sample; the back panel, towards the detector is fixed.
The temperature in the chamber can be regulated with two thermo-electric modules mounted in the lateral copper
walls. The heat is removed by two CPU water cooled systems which are mounted onto the modules and connected
to a ventilator system on the top side of the chamber. The thermo-electric modules have each a power of 200 W and
allow to regulate the wall temperature and hence the air temperature within the experimental chamber compared to
the ambient temperature within a range of 'Tmin=-40K to Tmax=100°C. The temperature within the chamber can thus
be adjusted with a given ambient temperature of 20°C in a range between -20°C and 100°C. The maximum heating /
cooling rate is limited to approx. 2 Kmin-1. The temperature and relative humidity are controlled by sensors
embedded in the wall of the chamber and giving feedback to the control electronics.
The air inside the closed chamber is circulated by two fans positioned in the lateral sides; they transport the air
from the centre through circular openings in the lateral sides of the borated aluminium onto the position of the
thermoelectric modules fixed on the outside of the copper layer. From here, the air flows up and downwards the gap
between the lateral borated aluminium layer and the copper layer, which is also the location of the inlet for the
conditioned air arriving from the moisture generator. In the gap a heat-exchange system is placed, whose cooling
fins additionally help to define the air flow direction. After the air flow reaches the gap at the top and bottom side it
is redirected to the front and back side of the chamber and flows back into the main chamber along the neutron
transparent windows. This system allows to regulate the temperature quickly and mix the air within the chamber
with the moist air from the moisture generator without adding too much of a directed air flow in the vicinity of the
tested sample.
The bottom plate shows three circular openings ( = 20 mm) through which a shaft connecting the rotation stage
with one of the disc shaped sample holder can be fitted. These inlets are at 17 mm, 42 mm and 82 mm from the back
neutron windows inner wall, allowing to minimise the distance to the detector according to the dimension of the
investigated sample. The connecting shaft is made of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), while the sample holders
consist of Aluminium disks with a respective diameter of 25 mm, 75 mm and 150 mm. An additional circular
opening with a diameter of 30 mm is positioned in the centre of the top side. The opening allows for the feed-
through of additional cables or tubes and limited in-operandi manipulation of a sample without having to open the
whole box and thus disturb the conditions inside the chamber.
The chamber can either be used in combination with the moisture generator and the connecting tube or stand-
alone; then only the temperature can be regulated via the integrated electronic control.
2.2. Connecting tube
The connecting tube transports conditioned air from the moisture generator to the experimental chamber
minimising the risk of condensation on the way. The tube itself is 2 m long and consists of a polyamide tube ( = 4
mm), which is wrapped with heating winding and insulated with a 5 mm thick aerogel layer and covered with a 13
mm neoprene layer and a fabric tube as outermost layer. The tube features temperature sensors at both ends of the
tube, which give feedback to the control electronics regulating the heating winding.
2.3. Moisture generator
The moisture generator is a customised aGEPRO-V4 (by ADROP, Fürth, Germany). The generator works along
the principle of mixing dry and humid air. The dry air is provided by a pressurised air supply system, while the
humid air is produced in an internal humidifier chamber. The two gas flows are adjusted with a mass flow controller,
the actual moisture regulation is effected by a reference moisture sensor and a microcontroller. The conditioned air
can be adjusted in a RH-range from 5%rh to 90%rh and a temperature range from 10°C to 70°C with an air flow up
to 1 lmin-1.
Besides the normal operation with the presented climate chamber, the moisture generator is also available as
stand-alone system or to provide a conditioned air flow to any potential in-situ measuring chamber custom-designed
for a specific experiment.
204 David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207
Table 1 gives an overview on the specifications of the full climate controlled system.
Table 1: Overview on the specification of the climate controlled system
Inner dimensions of the sample chamber
160 x 160 x 160 mm3
Maximum field of view
150 x 150 mm2
Temperature range
'Tmin=-40K to Tmax=100°C
Heating / cooling rate
2 Kmin-1
Relative humidity range
5%rh to 90%rh
Air flow
1 lmin-1
3. First experiments Results and Discussion
First experiments were carried out at the NEUTRA (Lehmann et al. 2001) and ICON (Kaestner et al. 2011) beam
line at PSI using a thermal and cold neutron spectrum respectively. Figure 2A shows the experimental setup at
ICON. The climatic chamber is directly mounted on the detector and connected to the moisture generator with the
insulated and heated connecting tube. The experiment with the empty sample chamber shows a relatively high
homogeneity over the whole field of view. The experimentally determined mean transmission in the area of the
neutron transparent window is 90% for ICON and 94% for NEUTRA (cf. Figure 2B). Another transmission test
series at ICON with the empty chamber at 20°C and 5%rh, 60%rh and 95%rh showed no effect of the relative
Figure 2: A) First experimental setup at the ICON beamline at PSI: a) detector; b) experimental chamber; c) insulated, heated connecting tube;
d) moisture generator; B) flat-field corrected transmission image trough the neutron transparent window of the climatic chamber with false
colour coding.
David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207 205
humidity on the transmission. Figure 3 shows an estimate to which extent the transmission will be affected by water
vapour saturated atmosphere within the sample chamber at higher temperatures for the beamlines NEUTRA and
ICON. The transmission is barely affected by the water content within a temperature range from -20°C up to 50°C,
as the decrease is here always clearly below 1%; at 50°C the transmission is diminished by 0.48% at NEUTRA and
by 0.65% at ICON. With increasing temperatures up to 100°C and water saturated atmosphere the transmission will
decrease by 3.3% at NEUTRA and 4.5% at ICON.
As a first performance test measurement, D2O was frozen in-situ at the cold neutron beam-line ICON. As
detector system a scintillator-digital camera was used, including an Andor neo sCMOS-camera with 2560 x 2160
pixels and a field-of view of 117 mm x 99 mm, resulting in a pixels size of 46 µm. The scintillator was a 100 µm
thick 6LiF:ZnS screen while the exposure time was set to 8 s. For the experiment the temperature was first set to 0°C
for several hours to check how fast the temperature can be reached starting from ambient temperature, how fast the
regulation would take effect, when reaching the desired value (overshoot) and if and how good the temperature
could be held constant over time. Control of the relative humidity was neglected for this experiment. After 300
minutes at 0°C the temperature was set to -15°C which was the minimum possible with the ambient temperature of
25°C. Figure 4 A shows the D2O-filled cylinder during the experiment; Figure 4 B shows the recorded values for the
air temperature and relative humidity inside the experimental chamber during the experiment. The set minimum
temperature was reached relatively fast as the cooling of the chamber was already started before the chamber was
closed and the actual experiment started. The overshoot was moderate (-1.3°C) and corrected within few minutes.
The temperature was then held constant at the set 0°C within a very narrow temperature band of r 0.05°C. Freezing
of the D2O started only after the temperature was reduced after 300 minutes to values beneath 0°C. The images
shown in Figure 4 A have all been recorded in the short time between the minute 300 and 350 with exception of the
first one in the upper left corner. The freezing itself starts as thin layer from the bottom and then spreads to the outer
wall. After the start, the freezing process only takes a couple of minutes until the full sample is frozen.
Figure 3: Theoretical transmission change (
Transmission) for water vapour saturated atmosphere at different temperatures and within the
sample chamber at the neutron imaging facilities NEUTRA (thermal spectrum) and ICON (cold spectrum) induced by increasing water content.
206 David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207
4. Summary
A system to perform neutron imaging experiments under controlled climatic conditions was designed,
constructed and implemented at the neutron imaging facilities at PSI. The system consists of three components: a
temperature controlled sample chamber, a moisture generator and a temperature controlled connecting tube. Sample
chamber and moisture generator can be used as stand-alone devices.
First functional tests have been carried out successfully at the two neutron imaging beamlines at PSI, showing the
performance of the system which allows to control temperature (ca. -20°C to 100°C) and relative humidity (ca.
5%rh to 90%rh). The system showed quick responsivity and good stability. The transmission for neutrons is with 90%
for a cold neutron spectrum and 94% for a thermal neutron spectrum adequate to perform even time dependent
processes with relatively short exposure time. The system is fully electronically controlled and can be either be
accessed via user interfaces on the sample chamber and the moisture generator or directly via LabView based user
interface on a computer. This allows to control and to document the climatic conditions over the experiment
duration. The system can either be run in a static mode with stable temperature and relative humidity or in dynamic
mode with changing climatic conditions (e.g. cycles or ramps).
The setup is available as infrastructure at the neutron imaging facilities at PSI and is accessible through the user
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Figure 4: A) Freezing of D2O in a thin-walled aluminium cylinder mesured at the ICON-beamline at PSI. The less dense and hence less
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experimental chamber during the first performance test.
David Mannes et al. / Physics Procedia 88 ( 2017 ) 200 – 207 207
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... The attenuation coefficients of other materials, such as carbon or metals, are much lower. Neutron imaging is, therefore, very suitable for measurements in fully equipped Processes 2020, 8, 1091 3 of 12 set-ups [26][27][28]. Although the resolution is rather low compared to X-ray micro tomography, water detection is much more reliable due to the achieved contrast between the materials, particularly in a complex sample environment which would be impermeable for X-rays. ...
... However, the increase in temperature at higher heat flow rates is very likely to cause product damage, if the glass transition temperature of the solid material or the melting point of water is locally exceeded inside the frozen product [7][8][9]. Consequently, the aspired equipped set-ups [26][27][28]. Although the resolution is rather low compared to X-ray micro tomography, water detection is much more reliable due to the achieved contrast between the materials, particularly in a complex sample environment which would be impermeable for X-rays. ...
... The drying experiment was realized in a climate chamber of size 160 × 160 × 160 mm 3 [27], which was cooled by two Peltier elements. It was equipped with an individually designed depressurized cylindrical aluminum drying chamber with an inner diameter of 25.5 mm, outer diameter of 28.75 mm, and height of 30 mm, mounted on a rotating plate in the center of the climate chamber ( Figure 2). ...
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The particular structure of the sublimation front in vacuum freeze-drying of porous media is, in most situations, not accessible at the pore scale. The classical measurement techniques access the process only globally. Knowledge about the structure of the front, however, is necessary for prescriptive analysis of freeze-drying, as it dictates not only drying velocity, drying time, and overall energy consumption, but also the material properties after drying. This is especially relevant in situations in which the freeze-drying process is carried out close to the collapse temperature of the product. We, therefore, study the sublimation of ice with neutron tomography and analyze the spatial formation of the dry space using the example of frozen cylindrical maltodextrin with drying parameters at the limit of material collapse. We show that the sublimation front forms unique fractal structures that differ strongly from the usual form of a flat front. Distinct dry fingers covering the sample, in addition to a fractal peripheral sublimation front, were observed. The findings are important for the understanding of freeze-drying processes and will serve as a basis for the development of microscale models of freeze-drying.
... The sample holder can store eight samples for simultaneous irradiation. Neutron radiography on wooden replicas was carried out at the NEUTRA beamline of the Paul Scherrer Institute [27], in humidity-and temperature-controlled conditions, similar to [28], with the longitudinal sample direction aligned along the neutron beam. NEUTRA is the thermal (25 meV thermal Maxwellian In order to establish reference conditions for the measurement, the replicas were stored in a climatic chamber with a controlled environment at 20 • C and 65% RH for 1 week. ...
... Afterwards, the humidity was increased to 95% RH, allowing to investigate the individual spatial moisture content (MC) changes during the sorption process. The measurement lasted over a period of approximately 12 h, during which neutron radiography images were collected every 5 min [28,29]. The radiographic raw data were post-processed with dark-current and flat-field corrections. ...
... The weights (including the aluminium tape) and their relative changes are reported in Table 2. The spatial and time-dependent moisture content (MC) distribution within the wood is obtained by neutron radiography [28,29]. The "ovendry density" of maple (used as reference for calculating MC), was determined experimentally on replicas, obtaining a value of 550.0 (±0.1) kg/m 3 . ...
In order to understand the effect of varnishes that act as a barrier to water adsorption by wood – in terms of moisture content – in humid atmospheres, modern maple replica samples have been manufactured by a practicing luthier. They are coated with a variety of recipes thought to have been used in either the original manufacture from the 17th to 18th centuries, or in subsequent restorations. The effects of humidity were monitored via thermal neutron radiography using the NEUTRA imaging instrument at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The consequences for understanding ancient violins, and their repair or restoration are discussed.
... Before the tests, all specimens were climatized at 25°C and 25% RH for 7 days. The sample environmental condition was preserved inside a climate chamber with controlled temperature and humidity levels throughout the in-situ tomography measurements 45 . The entire climate chamber is made of aluminum, which is almost transparent to neutrons. ...
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Wood and wood-based composites are increasingly studied for their potential to regulate indoor humidity through moisture exchange with the air. Understanding their dimensional stability under fluctuating moisture conditions is essential...
... The experiments are conducted using the climatic chamber setup at Anna University as shown in Fig. 17. It is like the one designed and studied by Mannes et al. (2017). The experimental set up consists of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) pipes (11 cm & 16 cm) with 90 0 bends, which are assembled in such a way that to circulate air from the blower (Fig. 18(a)) which is placed outside the climatic chamber. ...
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The present article is focused on the condensation process of exhaust gases to reduce the air pollution to a possible extent. It is accomplished by circulating liquid N2 through copper tubes inside a chamber that is designed to condense the oncoming exhaust gases from the muffler of automobiles, thereby condensing a significant portion of exhaust gases. The condensed gases can be stored and processed at any industrial premises for recycling in a cost-effective manner. The work reported herein compares the design and analysis of two different mechanisms to achieve the effective condensation of automobile exhausts (i.e.)., one involves the employment of copper tubes with Liquid N2, and other involves porous bed kept inside copper tubes with Liquid N2. It is observed that a significant improvement in the heat transfer characteristics of the later version with porous bed over the other counterpart. The modelling and meshing of copper tubes with porous material is a tedious process, because it requires a huge number of nodes to capture the geometry. Hence, the non-equilibrium porous bed module available in the ANSYS Fluent tool is used to carry out the numerical analysis of the entire model. Further, the performance characteristics of the porous bed model are validated with a small sectional model of copper tube with porous bed and by a novel experimental technique involving distilled water in copper tubes. The outcomes of the studies are presented with different colour band metrics and trial experimental results.
... A climate chamber was mounted at measurement position #2 in the beamline NEUTRA at Paul-Scherrer-Institute (Mannes et al. 2017). Its interior was adjusted to the target climate. ...
The book gathers the peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 3rd International Conference on Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) and Other New Admixtures towards Smart Concrete, held in Skukuza, South Africa, on November 25-27, 2019. It features papers focusing on the behavior of SAP in concrete (in particular the absorption behavior) as well as the effect of SAP on fresh and hardened concrete properties. It also covers topics such as other modern admixtures, in particular rheology-modifying admixtures, including the recently emerging field of bio- or waste-derived admixtures. The conference builds on the experience and summarizes the activities of the RILEM Technical Committee 260-RSC "Recommendations for Use of Superabsorbent Polymers in Concrete Construction" and addresses other prominent research activities in the field of concrete admixtures.
... To ensure equilibrated and known reference conditions, the samples were preconditioned at 20 °C and 35% RH. Each measurement consisted of eight samples, placed on an aluminum sample holder (Fig. 1a,c) and positioned in a climatic chamber for air-conditioning with a moisture generator and thermoelectric modules 42 . After measuring the reference conditions (35% RH) for 1 h, the humidity was increased to 95% RH for 5 h (sorption phase) and then returned to 35% RH for an additional 5 h (desorption phase). ...
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Violin varnishes are known to affect both moisture absorption and vibrational properties of violin wood. However, traditional multi-layered varnish systems suffer from substantial wear as a result of intensive use, which calls for deeper understanding of the specific impact of individual layers. Using sophisticated in-situ neutron imaging and vibrational modal analysis, we show how wood sorption and vibrational behavior of tonewood depend on the build-up of the varnish system. The results demonstrate the protective effect of complete coatings and emphasize that strongly worn regions cannot accomplish the function as an effective moisture barrier, which might pose a risk for frequently played or aged string instruments. Furthermore, the build-up of the varnish system affects the vibrational properties of the tonewood, influencing its final sound quality. This delicate interplay should be considered both for the handling of antique and aged violins and for the production of modern high-quality instruments.
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Liquid water at the ground–snow interface is thought to play a crucial role in the release of glide-snow avalanches, which can be massive and threaten infrastructure in alpine regions. Several mechanisms have been postulated to explain the formation of this interfacial water. However, these mechanisms remain poorly understood, in part because suitable measurement techniques are lacking. Here, we demonstrate the use of neutron radiography for imaging water transport in soil–snow systems. Columns of sand, gravel and snow were used to simulate the capillary forces of the soil–vegetation–snow layering found in nature. The columns were connected to a water reservoir to maintain a constant-pressure boundary condition and placed in a climatic chamber within the neutron beam. We show that neutron radiography is capable of measuring changes in the optical density distribution (related to liquid water content) within all three layers of the model system. Results suggest that a porous interface between the sand and snow may induce the formation of a water layer in the basal snowpack. Improved understanding of the water transport in soil–snow systems should lead to better prediction of glide-snow avalanche release and could also benefit other fields such as snow hydrology.
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Nanocellulose-based materials have recently been used to consolidate degraded cotton painting canvases. Canvas-supported paintings consist of materials that are sensitive to moisture and especially susceptible to environmental fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity (RH). These environmental fluctuations occur in uncontrolled environments found in historic houses and palaces and can lead to hydrolytic degradation and mechanical damage to canvases. To simulate this situation in an experimental setting, canvas samples were mounted in a custom-made closed-cell and subjected to programmed cycles of RH at a controlled temperature while exposed to the neutron beam. Results are presented for both untreated samples and those treated with a polar consolidant, cellulose nanofibrils (CNF(aq)) in water, and an apolar consolidant, a composite of persilylated methyl cellulose with surface silylated cellulose nanocrystals (MC+CNC(h)) in heptane. They were then compared with changes in ionic conductivities as measured by dielectric analysis (DEA) with the same cyclic RH program and temperature. Although the samples were exposed to the same experimental conditions, they presented treatment-specific responses. CNF-treated canvas showed higher hygroscopicity than the untreated sample and facilitated moisture diffusion across the sample to areas not exposed to the environment. A sample treated with MC+CNC(h) retarded moisture diffusion during the increase in RH and could, therefore, afford protection to moisture absorption in uncontrolled environments. Thus, the experimental setup and resulting data provide a pilot study demonstrating the potential of neutron radiography in following and comparing real-time moisture diffusion dynamics in untreated and nanocellulose-consolidated cotton canvases and assisting in validating the overall benefit of the treatment.
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Easel paintings on canvas are subjected to alteration mechanisms triggered or accelerated by moisture. For the study of the spatial distribution and kinetics of such interactions, a moisture exposure chamber was designed and built to perform neutron radiography experiments. Multilayered sized and primed canvas samples were prepared for time-resolved experiments in the ICON cold neutron beamline. The first results show that the set-up gives a good contrast and sufficient resolution to visualise the water uptake in the layers of canvas, size and priming. The results allow, for the first time, real-time visualisation of the interaction of water vapour with such layered systems. This offers important new opportunities for relevant, spatially and time-resolved material behaviour studies and opens the way towards numerical modelling of the process. These first results show that cellulose fibres and glue sizing have a much stronger water uptake than the chalk–glue ground. Additionally, it shows that the uptake rate is not uniform throughout the thickness of the sized canvas. With prolonged moisture exposure, a higher amount of water is accumulating at the lower edge of the canvas weave suggesting a decrease in permeability in the sized canvas with increased water content.
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Service life of reinforced concrete structures is often limited by penetration of water and compounds dissolved in water into concrete. Concrete can be damaged in this way and corrosion of steel reinforcement can be initiated. There is an urgent need to study water penetration into concrete in order to better understand deterioration mechanisms and to find appropriate ways to improve durability. Neutron radiography provides us with an advanced non-destructive technique with high spatial resolution and extraordinary sensitivity. In this contribution, neutron radiography was successfully applied to study the process of water absorption of two types of concrete with different water–cement ratios, namely 0.4 and 0.6. The influence cracks and of water repellent treatment on water absorption has been studied on mortar specimens. It is possible to visualize migration of water into concrete and other cement-based composites and to quantify the time-dependent moisture distributions as function of time with high spatial resolution by means of neutron radiography. Water penetration depth obtained from neutron radiography is in good agreement with corresponding values obtained from capillary suction tests. Surface impregnation of concrete with silane prevents capillary uptake of water. Even fine cracks are immediately filled with water as soon as the surface gets in contact. Results provide us with a solid basis for a better understanding of deteriorating processes in concrete and other cement-based materials.
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Neutron imaging has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool to measure the in situ water content of commercial proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) in two and three dimensions. The National Institute of Standards and Technology neutron imaging facility was designed to produce a high intensity, highly collimated neutron imaging beam to measure the water content of operating fuel cells. The details of the neutron optics and neutron detection are discussed in terms of the random uncertainty in measuring the liquid water thickness that is typical of operating PEMFCs.
Moisture is a driving factor in the long-term mechanical deterioration of canvas paintings, as well as for a number of physico–chemical degradation processes. Since the 1990s a number of publications have addressed the equilibrium hygroscopic uptake and the hygro-mechanical deformation of linen canvas, oil paint, animal glue, and ground paint. In order to visualise and quantify the dynamic behaviour of these materials combined in a painting mock-up or reconstruction, we have performed custom-designed experiments with neutron radiography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. This paper reports how both techniques were used to obtain spatially and temporally resolved information on moisture content, during alternate exposure to high and low relative humidity, or in contact with liquids of varying water activities. We observed how the canvas, which is the dominant component in terms of volumetric moisture uptake, absorbs and dries rapidly, and, due to its low vapour resistance, allows for vapour transfer towards the ground layer. Moisture desorption was generally found to be faster than absorption. The presence of sizing glue leads to a local increase of moisture content. It was observed that lining a painting with an extra canvas results in a damping effect: i.e. absorption and drying are significantly slowed down. The results obtained by NMR are complementary to neutron radiography in that they allow accurate monitoring of water ingress in contact with a liquid reservoir. Quantitative results are in good agreement with adsorption isotherms. The findings can be used for risk analysis of paintings exposed to changing micro-climates or subjected to conservation treatments using water. Future studies addressing moisture-driven deformation of paintings can make use of the proposed experimental techniques.
Quantitative neutron imaging was applied for the dynamic monitoring of the internal moisture distribution of fruit slices during convective drying in a drying tunnel. The impact of several process conditions was evaluated, including airflow temperature, air speed and incident radiation. This technique also unveiled that anisotropic shrinkage was caused, in part, by spatially heterogeneous dehydration, as induced by the presence of the peel. Neutron imaging provided unique graphical and quantitative insights on how the internal water distribution evolved. Thereby, this imaging technique has large potential to complement conventional techniques for monitoring, controlling and optimising drying processes of complex biomaterials, or to generate high-resolution validation data for numerical simulations.
The beamline for Imaging with COld Neutrons (ICON) at Swiss spallation neutron source (SINQ) at Paul Scherrer Institut has a flexible design to meet the requests from a wide user community. The current status of the beamline and its characteristics are described. The instrumentation includes three experimental positions from which two are equipped with digital camera based imaging detectors. Tomographic imaging is among the standard methods available at the beamline. Advanced methods such as energy-selective imaging and grating interferometry are available as instrument add-ons which are easily installed.
At December 3rd 1996, the spallation neutron source SINQ had its first proton beam onthe target. With a steady-state proton beam of 850 IlA this facility is now the strongest of its kind in the world. One of the first experimental facilities in operation was theradiography station NEUTRA (for NEUtron Transmission Radiography). The designwas described at earlier meetings [1,2] and the first validation measurements werereported [3]. There are some advantages in comparison to other radiography stations atresearch reactors. This will be demonstrated in detail by means of the measured valuesand examples of practical applications. The use as reference facility will be envisagedwithin an European project (COST-524).
Porous asphalt as a road surface layer controls aquaplaning as rain water can drain through its highly porous structure. The process of water drainage through this permeable layer is studied using neutron radiography. Time-resolved water configuration and distribution within the porous structure are reported. It is shown that radiography depicts the process of liquid water transport within the complex geometry of porous asphalt, capturing water films, filled dead end pores and water islands.
Diffusion processes in samples of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were determined and quantified by means of neutron imaging (NI). The experiments were carried out at the neutron imaging facility NEUTRA at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen (Switzerland) using a thermal neutron spectrum. NI is a non-destructive and non-invasive testing method with a very high sensitivity for hydrogen and thus water. Within the scope of this study, diffusion processes in the longitudinal direction were ascertained for solid wood samples exposed to a differentiating climate (dry side/wet side). With NI it was possible to determine the local distribution and consequently the total amount of water absorbed by the samples. The calculated values scarcely differ from those ascertained by weighing (<= 3%). The method yields profiles of the water content over the whole sample, thus allowing the local and temporal resolution of diffusion processes within the sample in the main transport direction (longitudinal). On the basis of these profiles, it was possible to calculate the diffusion coefficients along the fibre direction according to Fick's second law.