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Climate and soil texture influence patterns of forb species richness and composition in big sagebrush plant communities across their spatial extent in the western U.S.

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Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) plant communities are widespread in western North America and, similar to all shrub steppe ecosystems worldwide, are composed of a shrub overstory layer and a forb and graminoid understory layer. Forbs account for the majority of plant species diversity in big sagebrush plant communities and are important for ecosystem function. Few studies have explored geographic patterns of forb species richness and composition and their relationships with environmental variables in these communities. Our objectives were to examine the fine and broad-scale spatial patterns in forb species richness and composition and the influence of environmental variables. We sampled forb species richness and composition along transects at 15 field sites in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, built species-area relationships to quantify differences in forb species richness at sites, and used Principal Components Analysis, non-metric multidimensional scaling, and redundancy analysis to identify relationships among environmental variables and forb species richness and composition. We found that species richness was most strongly correlated with soil texture, while species composition was most related to climate. The combination of climate and soil texture influences water availability, which our results indicate has important consequences for forb species richness and composition, and suggests that climate change-induced modification of soil water availability may have important implications for plant species diversity in the future. [Springer Nature SharedIt Initiative Full-Text Article Available :].
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Climate and soil texture influence patterns of forb species
richness and composition in big sagebrush plant
communities across their spatial extent in the western U.S.
Victoria E. Pennington .Kyle A. Palmquist .John B. Bradford .
William K. Lauenroth
Received: 11 November 2016 / Accepted: 13 June 2017 / Published online: 23 June 2017
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V. (outside the USA) 2017
Abstract Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.)
plant communities are widespread in western North
America and, similar to all shrub steppe ecosystems
worldwide, are composed of a shrub overstory layer
and a forb and graminoid understory layer. Forbs
account for the majority of plant species diversity in
big sagebrush plant communities and are important
for ecosystem function. Few studies have explored
geographic patterns of forb species richness and
composition and their relationships with environ-
mental variables in these communities. Our objec-
tives were to examine the fine and broad-scale
spatial patterns in forb species richness and compo-
sition and the influence of environmental variables.
We sampled forb species richness and composition
along transects at 15 field sites in Colorado, Idaho,
Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming,
built species-area relationships to quantify differ-
ences in forb species richness at sites, and used
Principal Components Analysis, non-metric multi-
dimensional scaling, and redundancy analysis to
identify relationships among environmental vari-
ables and forb species richness and composition. We
found that species richness was most strongly
correlated with soil texture, while species compo-
sition was most related to climate. The combination
of climate and soil texture influences water avail-
ability, which our results indicate has important
consequences for forb species richness and compo-
sition, and suggests that climate change-induced
modification of soil water availability may have
important implications for plant species diversity in
the future.
Keywords Biogeography Biodiversity Climate
Greater Sage-Grouse Species-area relationship Soil
properties Sagebrush Artemisia tridentata
Communicated by Lauchlan Fraser.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article (doi:10.1007/s11258-017-0743-9) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
V. E. Pennington K. A. Palmquist W. K. Lauenroth
Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie,
WY 82071, USA
J. B. Bradford
U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science
Center, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA
W. K. Lauenroth
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale
University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
V. E. Pennington (&)
Avian Science Center, College of Forestry and
Conservation, University of Montana, Missoula,
MT 59812, USA
Plant Ecol (2017) 218:957–970
DOI 10.1007/s11258-017-0743-9
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Mischaracterizing sites as degraded (or not degraded) has the potential to lead to wasted resources given the large areas of potentially degraded vegetation in the sagebrush biome. However, climate and soil factors drive widespread variation in composition and functional cover across intact big sagebrush vegetation ( Passey et al. 1982 ;Pennington et al. 2017 ;Pennington et al. 2019 ), which complicates the task of locating suitable reference communities. Even at smaller ecological or spatial scales, understory herbaceous communities can diverge widely. ...
... In general, sagebrush ecosystem understory communities diverge by climate and edaphic gradients at various spatial scales ( Passey et al. 1982 ;Davies et al. 2006 ;Davies et al. 2007 ;Davies and Bates 2010b ;Pennington et al. 2017 ;Pennington et al. 2019 ). Some native perennial species are less tolerant to certain types of disturbance than others; for example Phlox hoodii Richardson a woody low-growing species with aboveground growth points, was particularly slow to recover from historic cultivation . ...
... Plant species richness is often related to soil texture (Pennington et al., 2017;Sanaei et al., 2019). Percent sand and grazing intensity interacted to influence standing crop of forbs in a study in South Texas (Fulbright et al., 2021). ...
... by the IDH model for response of small-scale herbaceous species richness to grazing even in an ecosystem where nonequilibrium vegetation dynamics might be expected.Herbaceous plant species richness was greater in sandier soils similar to the findings of other researchers(Pennington et al., 2017;Sanaei et al., 2019); however, the relationship between species richness and grazing intensity did not vary with percent sand as we predicted. A possible reason for the positive relationship between herbaceous plant species richness and percent sand is that sandier soils often have greater soil water availability in semiarid TA B L E 4 Standardized slope estimates (̂ ) and 95% confidence intervals for grazing intensity (U, %), grazing intensity 2 , rain, and percent sand where standing crop within exclosures was <15.7 g/0.25 m 2 or ≥ 15.7 g/0.25 m 2 averaged across ranches and years, South Texas, USA, (2012-2019). ...
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Plant species richness is an important property of ecosystems that is altered by grazing. In a semiarid environment, we tested the hypotheses that (1) small‐scale herbaceous plant species richness declines linearly with increasing grazing intensity by large ungulates, (2) precipitation and percent sand interact with grazing intensity, and (3) response of herbaceous plant species richness to increasing intensity of ungulate grazing varies with patch productivity. During January–March 2012, we randomly allocated 50, 1.5‐m × 1.5‐m grazing exclosures within each of six 2500 ha study sites across South Texas, USA. We counted the number of herbaceous plant species and harvested vegetation in 0.25‐m ² plots within exclosures (ungrazed control plots) and in the grazed area outside the exclosures (grazed treatment plots) during October–November 2012–2019. We estimated percent use (grazing intensity) based on the difference in herbaceous plant standing crop between control plots and treatment plots. We selected the negative binomial regression model that best explained the relationship between grazing intensity and herbaceous plant species richness using the Schwarz‐Bayesian information criterion. After accounting for the positive effect of precipitation and percent sand on herbaceous plant species richness, species richness/0.25 m ² increased slightly from 0% to 30% grazing intensity and then declined with increasing grazing intensity. Linear and quadratic responses of herbaceous plant species richness to increasing grazing intensity were greater for the least productive patches (<15.7 g/0.25 m ² ) than for productive patches (≥15.7 g/0.25 m ² ). Our results followed the pattern predicted by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis model for the effect of grazing intensity on small‐scale herbaceous plant species richness.
... Potts & Willmer, 1997) support these hypotheses. However, these habitat characteristics can also alter plant communities and cover (Dodd et al., 2002;Pennington et al., 2017;Renne et al., 2019). Thus, it is unclear whether documented responses of bee species and assemblages to aboveground habitat characteristics (such as bare ground) indicate preferences for that characteristic itself, or for associated belowground habitat characteristics. ...
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Understanding how the availability of both trophic and non-trophic resources impacts key ecosystem service providers is crucial for informing conservation efforts. Non-trophic resources such as space, shelter, or mates can play critical roles in ecosystem function and resilience by affecting predation and pathogen rates, reproductive success, and interspecific interactions. However, non-trophic resources are often overlooked. This holds true for insect pollinators; impacts of non-trophic resources on community dynamics and pollination remain poorly understood. We investigated the importance of food (flowers) and shelter (nests) for ground-nesting bees. Because the large majority of bee species spend most of their lives underground, we explored whether nesting habitat availability is a key driver of bee abundance, diversity, and community composition. We additionally compared impacts of aboveground characteristics that describe nesting habitat with the belowground characteristics that have received significantly less attention. Habitat characteristics we considered included floral abundance; bare ground cover; vegetative biomass; and soil texture, compaction, and depth. We found that belowground, but not aboveground, nesting habitat characteristics were important for ground-nesting bee assemblages. Ground-nesting bee abundance and richness was highest at sites with sandier and more compacted soils. Floral food availability also increased bee abundance. No habitat characteristics affected bee community composition. Policy implications: Our study highlights that the availability of high-quality nesting habitat can strongly impact ground-nesting bee assemblages, and that measuring belowground characteristics of nesting habitat may be critical for understanding bee community dynamics. Thus, data-driven conservation planning should consider management-insensitive site characteristics, such as soil texture. Because land and funding are limited, focusing on belowground site characteristics when prioritizing locations for conservation actions can facilitate conservation success.
... In recent years, the effects of climate and soil factors on diversity patterns of plants have received increasing attention [66,69]. The effects of the interactions of climate and soil on species diversity patterns remains a complex puzzle. ...
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The climate and soil properties are major determinants of plant growth and forest community assembly across diverse biomes. However, the contribution of climate and soil on species diversity in tropical and subtropical forests remains controversial. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effects of soil and climate on tree species richness using survey data across 495 tropical and subtropical forest plots in Southern China. The selected predictors were categorized as local plot characteristics, climate, and soil factors, and their relationship with tree species richness was modeled using negative binomial generalized linear models. The results revealed that the considering of the interaction between climate and soil properties considerably improved the goodness−of−fit of these models. The individual effects of climate and soil factors had weak relationships with species richness, accounting for 3.61% and 5.77% of the overall 58.9% explained variance in species richness, respectively. Instead, the interaction between climate and soil properties explained most of the statistical variation in tree species richness (84.34% of the overall 58.9% explained variance). The results highlight the importance of soil and climate interactions on tree diversity in tropical and subtropical mature natural forests and their incorporation into biodiversity assessment models to enhance the prediction of community change and responses to climate change.
... In arid climates, coarser soils allow water to infiltrate to deeper soil layers, thereby decreasing bare soil evaporation (per the inversesoil texture effect, Noy-Meir, 1973;Walter et al., 1973). This leads to greater (overall) water availability in deeper layers that support higher plant productivity and more woody plant growth (Dodd & Lauenroth, 1997;Pennington et al., 2017;Renne et al., 2019;Sala et al., 1997). However, these soils hold less water and nutrients at the surface (Austin et al., 2004). ...
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Quantifying assemblage variation across environmental gradients provides insight into the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that differentiate assemblages locally within a larger climate regime. We assessed how vascular plant functional composition and diversity varied across microenvironment to identify ecological differences in assemblages in a mountainous fieldsite in northeastern Utah, USA. Then, we looked at how life‐history strategies and information about phylogenetic differences affect the relationship between functional metrics and environment. We found less functionally dispersed assemblages that were shorter and more resource‐conservative on south‐facing slopes where intra‐annual soil temperature was hotter and more variable. In contrast, we found more functionally dispersed assemblages, that were taller and more resource‐acquisitive on north‐facing slopes where intra‐annual temperature was cooler and less variable. Herbaceous and woody perennials drove these trends. Additionally, including information about phylogenetic differences in a dispersion metric indicated that phylogeny accounts for traits we did not measure. At this fieldsite, soil temperature acts as an environmental filter across aspect. If soil temperature increases and becomes more variable, intra‐annually, the function of north‐ versus south‐facing assemblages may be at risk for contrasting reasons. On south‐facing slopes, assemblages may not have the variance in functional diversity needed to respond to more intense, stressful conditions. Conversely, assemblages on north‐facing slopes may not have the resource‐conservative strategies needed to persist if temperatures become hotter and more variable intra‐annually. Given these results, we advocate for the inclusion of aspect differentiation in studies seeking to understand species and assemblage shifts in response to changing climate conditions.
... Outcomes of reclamation may be a reflection of climate and soil setting (Bresson et al., 2022;Shackelford et al., 2021), practices (Soulodre et al., 2022), policy (Lupardus et al., 2020), or combinations of factors. Edaphic factors especially, such as soil texture, depth, and salinity, are known to influence or constrain the structure and composition of reclaimed vegetation communities (Monroe et al., 2022;Pennington et al., 2017). Therefore, when evaluating reclamation outcomes, or establishing benchmarks more broadly, land classifications based on concepts of land potential that incorporate the plant-soil-climate system are often used (Herrick et al., 2019). ...
Soil attributes, climate, and time since reclamation have important implications for oil and gas reclamation success on drylands. It is uncertain if reclaimed well pads, on highly degraded drylands, can successfully regain ecological function or meet indicator benchmarks for reclamation. Here, our goals were to assess patterns in reclamation outcomes relative to (1) soil attributes, climate, and time since reclamation; and (2) plant and soil reference benchmarks. We collected a suite of plant, soil, and landscape characteristics from 134 reclaimed well pads on the Colorado Plateau that spanned climate and soil gradients and ranged from 2 to 20 years post‐reclamation, then compared characteristics to those from 583 reference plots. On the reclaimed pads, less saline soils, more mesic climates, and longer time since reclamation were associated with favorable reclamation outcomes based on metrics of plant species richness and diversity, plant structure, and cover of important plant functional groups. However, most pads had major departures in 1/4 indicators, suggesting unsuccessful reclamation. Arid warm locations with shallow soils had the greatest percentage of major departures, and noxious plant richness had the greatest departures across soil and climate settings. Our assessment indicates reclamation is failing in key metrics for most pads, and the results highlight the role of environmental conditions in driving reclamation outcomes. These new insights are valuable for ascertaining possible reclamation outcomes and success rates following energy related disturbance, including orphaned wells and renewable energy development. Importantly, the approach used here has applicability for setting benchmarks and outcome standards.
... For example, light interception is important for plant diversity in grassland communities but was not available for all sites in this study. Similarly, soil characteristics can relate to richness and composition (Gilbert et al., 2020;Pennington et al., 2017) but were not available for all sites. In addition, our measure of environmental heterogeneity did not account for spatial distance among plots, which can be an important driver of replacement. ...
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Human activities are altering ecological communities around the globe. Understanding the implications of these changes requires that we consider the composition of those communities. However, composition can be summarized by many metrics which in turn are influenced by different ecological processes. For example, incidence-based metrics strongly reflect species gains or losses, while abundance-based metrics are minimally affected by changes in the abundance of small or uncommon species. Furthermore, metrics might be correlated with different predictors. We used a globally distributed experiment to examine variation in species composition within 60 grasslands on six continents. Each site had an identical experimental and sampling design: 24 plots × 4 years. We For affiliations refer to page 13. expressed compositional variation within each site-not across sites-using abundance-and incidence-based metrics of the magnitude of dissimilarity (Bray-Curtis and Sorensen, respectively), abundance-and incidence-based measures of the relative importance of replacement (balanced variation and species turnover, respectively), and species richness at two scales (per plot-year [alpha] and per site [gamma]). Average compositional variation among all plot-years at a site was high and similar to spatial variation among plots in the pretreatment year, but lower among years in untreated plots. For both types of metrics, most variation was due to replacement rather than nestedness. Differences among sites in overall within-site compositional variation were related to several predictors. Environmental heterogeneity (expressed as the CV of total aboveground plant biomass in unfertilized plots of the site) was an important predictor for most met-rics. Biomass production was a predictor of species turnover and of alpha diversity but not of other metrics. Continentality (measured as annual temperature range) was a strong predictor of Sorensen dissimilarity. Metrics of compositional variation are moderately correlated: knowing the magnitude of dissimilarity at a site provides little insight into whether the variation is driven by replacement processes. Overall, our understanding of compositional variation at a site is enhanced by considering multiple metrics simultaneously. Monitoring programs that explicitly incorporate these implications, both when designing sampling strategies and analyzing data, will have a stronger ability to understand the com-positional variation of systems and to quantify the impacts of human activities.
... As in other arid and semiarid systems, spatial variability in plant communities is determined by patterns of soil water availability, as influenced by landscape position, soil texture, and subsurface soil properties ( Costantini et al. 2016 ). In shrub-grass mosaic landscapes like that of the RGdNNM, loamy soil textures and the presence of a clay-rich argillic horizon near the soil surface are often associated with increased herbaceous cover due to increased availability of shallow soil water that favors shallow-rooted grasses and forbs ( Sala et al. 1997 ;Davies et al. 2007 ;Pennington et al. 2017 ). Deep-rooted woody shrubs and trees are able to access moisture deeper in the soil profile, as well as moisture that gathers in fractured bedrock in shallow soils ( Duniway et al. 2010 ) Bulgamaa et al., 2020 . ...
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Ecological sites comprise a land classification system that represents potential vegetation states and their management needs for different soils and climates. In the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument (RGdNNM) in northern New Mexico, uncertainty about the patterns and drivers of vegetation states impedes sustainable land management. Similar challenges are ubiquitous across terrestrial ecosystems and in particular landscapes with high spatial variability in soils and climate. Lack of suitable data has been a barrier to large-scale ecological site development based on quantitative observations. We used data from existing federal monitoring programs alongside spatial, environmental, and land use data to test for the role of climate, geomorphology, soils, and land use history on vegetation communities in RGdNNM. The monitoring dataset was collected with standardized monitoring methods implemented by the Bureau of Land Management's Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring program and the Natural Resources Conservation Service's Landscape Monitoring Framework program. Eleven ecological site concepts and paired vegetation communities were identified using multivariate fuzzy clustering and classification tree analysis to determine the influence of abiotic variables on vegetation communities. The ecological site and vegetation community concepts developed for RGdNNM demonstrate how existing monitoring data can be used to interpret the structural and functional characteristics of landscapes. A workflow for applying monitoring data to landscape classification is presented to support the broader framework for ecological site development.
... arcticus, D. spicata, and L. triticoides) had the highest species richness, which can be explained by the growth of these species in sites with greater resource availability (Mata-González et al. 2012a). Increasing water availability improves plant growth and yield, and results in greater plant species richness (Pennington et al. 2017;Jordan et al. 2020). Thus, our findings imply that the presence of a groundwater table close to the soil surface is associated with increased species richness in the Owens Valley region, consistent with Audet et al. (2015). ...
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An improved understanding of the relationships among vegetation, groundwater level, and microtopography is crucial for making well-informed management decisions in areas with shallow groundwater resources. We measured plant species abundance/composition and richness in relation to depth to groundwater (DTW) and microtopography in Owens Valley, California, particularly in areas where DTW ranged from 0 to 4 m. Sampling occurred along 67 vegetation transects across three community types. Relationships between DTW and community composition were evaluated using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS), while non-parametric multiplicative regression was used to relate DTW and microtopography to species abundance. The dominant gradient in species composition (NMS Axis 1) explained ~51% of variation in our distance matrix and was most strongly associated (r = 0.55) with DTW. The graminoids Juncus arcticus, Leymus triticoides, and Distichlis spicata had strong affinities toward areas with the shallowest DTW (<1.5 m). One saltadapted species Sporobolus airoides and one shrub Ericameria nauseosa dominated areas with intermediate DTW (1.5–2.0 m), whereas the shrubs Atriplex torreyi, Sarcobatus vermiculatus, and Artemisia tridentata were dominant in areas with deeper DTW (>2.0 m). Variation in microtopography affected species abundance and increased species richness for vegetation communities at either extreme of the water table gradient, shallow, and deep DTW but not the intermediate DTW. Findings indicate that desert plant communities from shallow aquifers have adapted to different DTW and microtopography conditions and that considering those adaptations may be important to manage groundwater and vegetation resources in these areas.
... Soil particle size distribution is an important soil property as it controls soil texture (e.g., Yolcubal et al., 2004), which is in turn essential regarding soil management. The connection between soil texture and plant competition is well-known in agricultural/viticultural soil management (e.g., van Leeuwen, 2010;Oliver et al. 2013) as well as in ecology of species management (e.g., Pennington et al., 2017;Eckhart et al., 2017). The clay, silt, sand or gravel fraction of soil texture also influence the permeability, a key parameter needed for groundwater flow and transport modeling (Lambe, 1955;Ikard et al., 2014). ...
Estimates of soil properties such as Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), water content, grain size characteristics, and permeability are important in geotechnical engineering, water resources, and agriculture. We develop a non-intrusive approach to estimate these properties in the field using spectral induced polarization (SIP) tomography. This geophysical method provides information about the frequency dependence of the complex electrical conductivity of porous media. Using 18 soil samples collected from a Bordeaux vineyard, we first conducted a laboratory study using SIP over the frequency range 10 mHz-45 kHz. The laboratory data were used to confirm the accuracy of a recently developed dynamic Stern layer petrophysical model. The results are consistent with published values from previous works using soils. A comparison was made by comparing the field complex conductivity spectra and the experimental data at two locations where core samples were obtained. The model was then used in concert with field data to image the spatial distribution of CEC, water content, permeability, and mean grain size along a vineyard transect. For clay and sandy textures found in the field, measured and estimated CEC agree rather well (from 6 to 40% discrepancy). Our approach provides an efficient way to estimate important soil properties in a non-invasive manner, in high resolution, and over field-relevant scales of the critical zone of the Earth.
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The vegan package provides tools for descriptive community ecology. It has most basic functions of diversity analysis, community ordination and dissimilarity analysis. Most of its multivariate tools can be used for other data types as well. The functions in the vegan package contain tools for diversity analysis, ordination methods and tools for the analysis of dissimilarities. Together with the labdsv package, the vegan package provides most standard tools of descriptive community analysis. Package ade4 provides an alternative comprehensive package, and several other packages complement vegan and provide tools for deeper analysis in specific fields. Package provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for a large subset of vegan functionality. The vegan package is developed at GitHub ( GitHub provides up-to-date information and forums for bug reports. Most important changes in vegan documents can be read with news(package="vegan") and vignettes can be browsed with browseVignettes("vegan"). The vignettes include a vegan FAQ, discussion on design decisions, short introduction to ordination and discussion on diversity methods. A tutorial of the package at provides a more thorough introduction to the package. To see the preferable citation of the package, type citation("vegan").
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Drylands cover 40% of the global terrestrial surface and provide important ecosystem services. While drylands as a whole are expected to increase in extent and aridity in coming decades, temperature and precipitation forecasts vary by latitude and geographic region suggesting different trajectories for tropical, subtropical, and temperate drylands. Uncertainty in the future of tropical and subtropical drylands is well constrained, whereas soil moisture and ecological droughts, which drive vegetation productivity and composition, remain poorly understood in temperate drylands. Here we show that, over the twenty first century, temperate drylands may contract by a third, primarily converting to subtropical drylands, and that deep soil layers could be increasingly dry during the growing season. These changes imply major shifts in vegetation and ecosystem service delivery. Our results illustrate the importance of appropriate drought measures and, as a global study that focuses on temperate drylands, highlight a distinct fate for these highly populated areas.