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Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite
athletes: 2016/17 evidence summary from the IOC
Expert Group Meeting, Lausanne. Part 3—exercise in
the postpartumperiod
Kari Bø,1 Raul Artal,2 Ruben Barakat,3 Wendy J Brown,4 Gregory A L Davies,5
Michael Dooley,6,7 Kelly R Evenson,8 Lene A H Haakstad,1 Bengt Kayser,9
Tarja I Kinnunen,10 Karin Larsén,11 Michelle F Mottola,12 Ingrid Nygaard,13
Mireille van Poppel,14 Britt Stuge,15 Karim M Khan,16 IOC Medical Commission17
Consensus statement
To cite: BøK, ArtalR,
BarakatR, etal.
Br J Sports Med Published
Online First: [please include
Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/
For numbered affiliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Professor Kari Bø, Department
of Sport Medicine, Norwegian
School of Sport Sciences, Oslo
0806, Norway; kari. bo@ nih. no
Accepted 23 April 2017
This is Part 3 in the series of reviews from the
IOC expert committee on exercise and pregnancy
in recreational and elite athletes. Part 1 focused
on the effects of training during pregnancy and
on the management of common pregnancy-re-
lated complaints experienced by athletes1; Part 2
addressed maternal and fetal perinatal outcomes.2
In this part, we review the implications of preg-
nancy and childbirth on return to exercise and on
common illnesses and complaints in the postpartum
The postpartum period can be divided into
hospital-based (during hospital stay), imme-
diate postpartum (hospital discharge to 6 weeks
postpartum) and later postpartum (6 weeks to
1 year, corresponding sometimes to cessation of
breast feeding).3 In the literature, the postpartum
period is usually defined as the first 6 weeks after
pregnancy, during which time women have not
typically been encouraged to exercise, except
for strength training of the pelvic floor muscles.
However, 6 weeks is an arbitrary time point and,
anecdotally, many elite athletes report starting
exercise inside that period. For the purpose of the
present review, we consider the postpartum period
to be up to 12 months following birth.
The aims of this paper are to present (1) the
findings from a systematic review of the scien-
tific literature on factors related to returning to
exercise after childbirth in recreational and elite
athletes, and (2) the prevalence, risk factors and
evidence for prevention and treatment of common
postpartum conditions that may affect sport perfor-
mance and overall quality of life.
For each section of the document, a search strategy
was performed using search terms such as ‘preg-
nancy’ OR ‘pregnant’ OR ‘postpartum’ AND
‘exercise’ OR ‘physical activity’ OR ‘leisure activity’
OR ‘leisure’ OR ‘recreation’ OR ‘recreational
activity’ OR ‘physical fitness’ OR occupational
activity’ AND terms related to the condition under
study (eg, ‘pelvic girdle pain’, ‘urinary inconti-
nence’, ‘weight retention’). All available databases
were searched, with an emphasis on PubMed,
Embase, Cochrane, PEDro, Web of Science and
SPORTDiscus. In addition, existing postpartum
physical activity guidelines with reference lists
were scanned. The review of each topic followed
the general order: prevalence of the condition in
the general postpartum population, prevalence in
high-level exercisers or elite athletes, risk factors
in the general population and in relation to exer-
cise and sport, and effect of preventive and
treatment interventions for common conditions
and complaints following pregnancy and childbirth.
Level of evidence and grade of recommendations
are reported for the common conditions and
complaints only, and are according to the Cochrane
Handbook (table 1), for prevention and treatment
Each member of the working group was assigned
to be the lead author of one or more topics, and
one to three others were assigned to review each
topic. A first full consensus draft was reviewed
before and during the 3-day IOC meeting (27–29
September 2015), and a new version of each topic
was submitted to the meeting chairs (KB and KMK)
shortly after the meeting. Each topic leader made
amendments before sending a new version for
comments to the working group.
Pelvic floor injury and recovery after childbirth
To date, scant research has been conducted regarding
the regenerative capacity of the pelvic floor muscles
following first-time vaginal delivery.4–6 However,
early histological and proteomic markers of regen-
eration have been observed in the largest muscle of
the pelvic floor, the levator ani muscle.4 5
Nerve injuries to the pelvic floor muscles during
delivery have not been widely studied. In a longi-
tudinal study of 96 first-time pregnant women,
concentric needle electromyography tests showed
partial denervation of the pelvic floor with conse-
quent reinnervation in 80%.7 In another study
of primiparous women, 30% demonstrated
BJSM Online First, published on June 22, 2017 as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
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2Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Consensus statement
denervation of the levator ani muscle at 6 weeks postpartum.
Only 35% recovered by 6 months.8
Changes in preparation for childbirth begin long before the
onset of labour. The levator hiatus area begins to widen during
pregnancy, increases significantly after vaginal birth, and in most
women returns to an area similar to that seen after caesarean
birth by 12 months postpartum.9 Recovery of the levator hiatus
area, a reflection of recovery of the levator ani muscle and asso-
ciated connective tissue and nerves, is generally maximised by
4–6 months postpartum.9 10 Bladder neck mobility increases
after vaginal birth and, while the support to the bladder neck
improves postpartum, mobility remains higher than when
measured at 37 weeks’ gestation.9 11
Postpartum MRI or ultrasound has shown that levator ani
muscle defects resolve in some women between 6 weeks and
1 year.9 12–15 It is unclear whether this represents actual repair,
anatomic variation in muscle insertions or the technical limita-
tions of the procedures.16
There are scant data about whether or not future pelvic floor
health is impacted by resuming strenuous physical activity in
the early postpartum period, during which muscles, nerves and
connective tissue are actively recovering from vaginal birth.
Early return to heavy physical work after childbirth increased the
risks of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in small
populations of women in India17 and Nepal,18 respectively. We
identified no studies on how the timing of return to strenuous
exercise or competitive sport postpartum affects pelvic floor
function in elite athletes. Theoretically, the pelvic floor muscles
may be overloaded if they have not recovered completely before
resuming strenuous exercise. It may be prudent for athletes
whose delivery was complicated by a risk factor for levator ani
muscle injury (anal sphincter tear, forceps delivery, long second
stage, large baby) to minimise activities that generate large
increases in intra-abdominal pressure and/or repetitive high
impact for several months postpartum. However, we emphasise
that there is no evidence to support this recommendation. There
is an urgent need for more research on the effect of exercise
postpartum on the pelvic floor.
Returning to sport after operative delivery
Women who undergo operative vaginal delivery (vacuum and
forceps procedures) or caesarean section will have different
recovery timelines than those who have had an uncomplicated
vaginal birth. This may impact their desire and functional ability
to return to exercise. The prevalence of levator avulsion is
substantially higher after forceps compared with vacuum deliv-
ery.19–21Compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery, forceps
delivery, but not vacuum delivery, is associated with greater odds
of pelvic organ prolapse and surgery for prolapse.20 There is
conflicting information about the long-term impact of forceps
versus vacuum delivery on urinary and faecal incontinence.22–25
Women who have undergone caesarean birth will experi-
ence more abdominal pain postpartum than those who have
had vaginal birth. The Pfannenstiel incision, typically used for
caesarean birth, is a horizontal incision about 3 cm above the
symphysis pubis and typically 12–15 cm in length. The Pfannen-
stiel incision is not a muscle-cutting incision but rather splits the
rectus abdominis muscles in the midline. The transversalis fascia
is incised horizontally and during closure is usually closed with
a running suture with a knot at either end of the incision. After
caesarean birth, most women experience pain along the incision
site requiring analgesia for 5–10 days. This pain is commonly
worse in the corners of the incision where the body has begun
reacting to the stitch material in the knots. Most, but not all,
women will be physically recovered to begin training 4–6 weeks
after surgery.
A multicentre follow-up study of 1507 primiparous women
in Australia identified those who experienced caesarean section
were more likely to report extreme tiredness at 6 (adjusted OR:
1.39; 95% CI 1.07 to 1.82) and 12 months postpartum (adjusted
OR: 1.40; 95% CI 1.05 to 1.85), and were more likely to report
back pain at 6 (adjusted OR: 1.37; 95% CI 1.06 to 1.77) and 12
months postpartum (adjusted OR: 1.41; 95% CI 1.06 to 1.87).
Women who had a caesarean section were less likely to report
urinary incontinence at 3, 6 and 12 months postpartum, respec-
tively (adjusted OR: 0.26; 95% CI 0.19 to 0.36; adjusted OR:
0.36; 95% CI 0.25 to 0.52; adjusted OR: 0.48; 95% CI 0.33
to 0.68). For all other physical health problems, the pattern of
morbidity did not differ between caesarean section and sponta-
neous vaginal birth.26 After caesarean delivery, the uterine scar
is initially about fivefold thicker on ultrasound but decreases
gradually over 6 weeks. At 6 weeks, the scar thickness is still
increased, suggesting that the process of uterine scar remodel-
ling extends beyond this traditional postpartum period.27 We are
not aware of any literature suggesting an association between
physical activity and uterine scar dehiscence in non-pregnant
women, regardless of whether the incision on the uterus is made
horizontally or vertically.
The decision when to recommence exercise after caesarean
section will be dependent on issues such as blood pressure,
anaemia, fatigue, pain management and wound healing.
Elite athletes who plan to regain their prepregnancy fitness
levels should do this in collaboration with their obstetric care
provider to ensure they are medically fit for exercise. Once
medically cleared, women may participate in both aerobic and
strength training starting gradually and increasing exercise time,
frequency and intensity as tolerated by their body. Women
need to be conscious of the fact that even a 15-day to 30-day
detraining period can lead to significant muscle atrophy, which
will require reconditioning over time to replace.28 Given the
recent abdominal surgery, women postcaesarean section must
also be conscious of the time required for complete repair of
the abdominal fascia, which regains 51%–59% of its original
tensile strength 6 weeks postsurgery and by 6–7 months has
only 73%–93% of its original tensile strength.29 Elite athletes
returning to exercise postcaesarean section should reduce their
level of exercise if they experience pain or other negative symp-
toms related to their surgery site.
Physiological adaptations postpartum
The substantial cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations of
pregnancy were discussed in the first part of this series.1 After
Table 1 Levels of quality of a body of evidence in the GRADE
Underlying methodology Quality rating
Randomised trials, or double-upgraded
observational studies
Downgraded randomised trials, or upgraded
observational studies
Double-downgraded randomised trials, or
observational studies
Triple-downgraded randomised trials, or
downgraded observational studies or case series/
case reports
Very low on June 26, 2017 - Published by from
Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Consensus statement
giving birth, in a non-athlete female population, one study
suggested that it takes at least 2 months postpartum for the
augmented cardiac response to exercise during pregnancy to
subside.30 Another study found that, relative to prepregnancy
values, fitness (VO2=MAX) and strength (1-RM) levels were
decreased at 6 weeks postpartum, presumably as a consequence
of reduced physical activity levels during pregnancy.31 Some of
the loss was restored at 27 weeks postpartum. In one study of 13
healthy women, systemic vascular resistance remained decreased
at 12 weeks postpartum compared with before conception.32
Longitudinal data from 15 nulliparous and 15 parous women,
collected every 8 weeks during pregnancy, showed that resting
heart rate peaked at term 15+/−1 beat/min above prepregnancy
levels (57+/−1 beat/min), while resting mean arterial pressure
reached its low (−6+/−1 mm Hg) at 16 weeks, returning to
baseline at term.33 The increases in left ventricular volumes
peaked and the decrease in peripheral resistance troughed at 24
weeks of gestation, and cardiac output peaked (2.2+/−0.2 L/
min) at 38 weeks. The magnitude was significantly greater
during the second pregnancy than during the first.33 Postpartum
measures at 12, 24 and 52 weeks showed that all cardiovas-
cular measures (heart rate, arterial pressure, cardiac output, etc)
gradually returned towards baseline, but remained significantly
different from prepregnancy values at 1 year after both the first
and second pregnancy. All respiratory parameters returned to
prepregnancy values within 6–12 weeks postpartum.
One pregnancy training study was found on trained women
among whom several were elite athletes.34 The general conclu-
sion was that high fitness levels could be maintained or even
increased during pregnancy with appropriate strenuous training
regimens. No formal studies were found on elite athletes
reporting the timing of return to prepregnancy training regimens
and competition.
Exercise and breastfeeding
The WHO advises women to breast feed for at least 6 months.35
In a study of long distance runners, many modified their running
behaviour during breast feeding, but of those who ran competi-
tively prior to pregnancy and breast fed, 84.1% reported running
during breast feeding.36 Most felt that running had no effect on
their ability to breast feed.
Pivarnik et al reviewed breast feeding in athletes, and
found that the increased caloric expenditure associated with
breast feeding impacts an athlete’s postpartum weight loss and
return to competition.37 The concern that intense exercise may
impair milk production in quantity and nutritional qualities has
not been confirmed.38 39 Instead, high-volume aerobic exercise
during breast feeding resulted in slightly greater quality and
quantity of milk.40 Moderate weight reduction while nursing
is safe and does not compromise neonatal weight gain.41 Lactic
acid concentration in breast milk increases after intense exer-
cise.42 Further, as energy expenditure increases during physical
activity, there is an increase in proinflammatory cytokines, but
no change in immunoglobulin A.43
During pregnancy, if intestinal calcium is insufficient to meet
the combined needs of the mother and the baby, there may be
some bone resorption, which may be exacerbated by breast
feeding. There is no evidence that this causes osteoporosis or
fractures, as the maternal skeleton is restored to its prepregnancy
mineral content and strength after weaning. To our knowledge
there are no reports of pregnancy or lactation-related fractures
in athletes, although ‘excess exercise’ is thought to be a risk
factor for these rare conditions.44
At this time, data do not support a recommendation
concerning exercise intensity and breast feeding. The Society
of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) Clin-
ical Practice Obstetrics Committee, the Executive and Council
of SOGC, and the Board of Directors of the Canadian Society
for Exercise Physiology guidelines state that women should be
advised that moderate exercise during lactation does not affect
the quantity or composition of breast milk or impact infant
growth.45 In reviewing guidelines from different countries,
Evenson et al3 found that breast feeding was mentioned in the
Australian, Norwegian and Canadian guidelines.3 In particular,
the Australian guideline indicated that physical activity would
not impact breast milk volume or composition or infant growth
as long as the woman had appropriate food and fluid intake. The
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recom-
mends that nursing women ensure adequate hydration before
commencing exercise and that they consider feeding their infants
before exercising to avoid the discomfort of engorged breasts
during exercise.46
Athletes may benefit from wearing a personally fitted sports
bra that offers support rather than compression,47 48 as this
provides significantly increased breast and bra comfort compared
with a standard encapsulation sport bra during exercise.49 Using
a breast pump before exercise may allow the postpartum athlete
greater flexibility in the workout and feeding schedule and
should result in a more comfortable exercise experience if the
breasts are not full.42
Return to competitive sport
There is scant knowledge on athletes returning to exercise
and competition after childbirth. Beilock et al50 suggested that
athletes may be able to alter their training patterns during preg-
nancy without a significant impact on their postpartum training
programme. In a retrospective study of 40 Norwegian elite
athletes, 77% continued to compete at the same level after child-
birth.51 Within the first 6 weeks postpartum, 12 (38%) of the
elite athletes started jogging compared with 2 (4.3%) in non-ath-
letes. In a case study of a marathon runner, Potteiger et al52 found
that while the individual did not qualify for the Olympic mara-
thon, she was able to resume an intense training regimen within
4 weeks after delivery with no apparent medical complications.
In another study, female Olympic and masters athletes reported
feeling more physically fit and having improved technical skill
after childbirth and often improved the records they achieved
before pregnancy.53
Since research concerning the exercise patterns of physically
fit athletes during the postpartum period is limited, studies on
physically fit soldiers can serve as a guide. The amount of time
needed for postpartum soldiers to return to prepregnancy fitness
condition, as evidenced by Army Physical Fitness Test scores,
ranged from 2 to 24 months, with a mean of 11 months.54 Post-
partum test scores were significantly affected by complications
(postpartum thyroiditis, hypertension, haemorrhoids, mastitis
and postpartum surgery), weight gain and breast feeding. Only
17% of the soldiers believed that 6 months is enough time to
return to prepregnancy physical condition, while only 19% of
the women performed at levels equal to or better on the 6-month
test, compared with their prepregnancy test.
Postpartum resumption of physical activity is an individual-
ised process. Given the scant data, there are no studies indicating
that rapid resumption of activities is associated with adverse
outcomes. However, because postpartum women have a degree
of deconditioning, accepted wisdom is for gradual resumption of on June 26, 2017 - Published by from
4Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Consensus statement
exercise. This phase clearly requires additional research. (Part 4
of this series will address research gaps.)
Elite athletes are likely to encounter the same physiological
limitations during pregnancy as those faced by recreational
athletes during pregnancy.37 Elite athletes tend to maintain a
more strenuous training schedule throughout pregnancy and
resume high-intensity postpartum training sooner. Based on the
available data, prepregnancy exercise routines may be resumed
gradually, as soon as it is physically and medically safe. This
will vary from one individual to another and some women may
resume an exercise routine within a few weeks of delivery.55
Women should discuss plans to resume exercise during the
postpartum period with their physician to obtain individualised
Postnatal depression
The most common mental health problem in the postpartum
period is postpartum or postnatal depression.56 This is defined
as depression occurring within the 12 months after giving birth,
and is experienced by approximately 20% of women. However,
up to 50% of women experience high levels of depressive symp-
toms in this period.56 57 Depressive symptoms typically include
feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, sleep problems,
decreased energy, decision-making difficulties, sad mood, loss of
interest in activities, irritability, changes in eating patterns, rest-
lessness and suicidal ideations or attempts.57 There is no specific
information about the prevalence of postnatal depression in
female athletes.
Postnatal depression is associated with lower quality of life
in mothers and their babies, negative parenting behaviours,
poorer mother–infant bonding, and physical and emotional
problems.58–60 Women who experience postnatal depression also
have twice the risk of suffering episodes of depression later in
Prevention of postnatal depression
In a review of associations between physical activity (either
prepregnancy, during pregnancy or postpartum) and postnatal
depressive symptoms, there was an inverse association in 7/7
intervention studies and 6/10 observational studies.62 While
noting the limited quality of many of these studies, the authors
concluded that leisure time physical activity prior to, during and
after pregnancy may be important for reducing the risk of post-
natal depressive symptoms.62
The results of a large Norwegian randomised controlled
trial (RCT) (n=855) published after the above 2013 review
concluded that a 12-week programme of aerobic and strength
training during weeks 20–36 of pregnancy did not result in
differences in the prevalence of high depressive symptoms in
the intervention and control groups.63 Surprisingly, a subsample
of the intervention group who had not exercised prior to preg-
nancy had reduced risk of postnatal depression at follow-up.63
Level of evidence: Low, no studies of athletes.
Treatment of postnatal depression
Treatment options for postnatal depression are the same as in
other periods, and include the use of antidepressants and cogni-
tive therapy.64 Although there are plausible mechanisms by which
exercise may improve the symptoms of postnatal depression, a
2004 review of 21 non-biological or behavioural interventions
for the treatment of postnatal depression found insufficient
data from which to draw conclusions relating to exercise.65 In
contrast, a 2007 review found two small RCTs that supported
exercise as a useful treatment for women with postnatal depres-
sion.66 A further review and meta-analysis in 2009 included five
RCTs or quasi-RCTs that compared any type of exercise interven-
tion with other treatments in women with diagnosed postnatal
depression.67 Three trials showed a significant difference and
two did not. The effect of exercise (compared with no exercise)
was small, there was considerable heterogeneity, and the overall
difference was reduced and not significant when one study that
included social support and exercise was excluded. The authors
concluded that it was uncertain whether or not exercise reduces
symptoms of postnatal depression, or whether or not the effects
of exercise were confounded by the beneficial effects of social
support.67 Further RCTs are required.
Level of evidence: Low, insufficient studies, none in athletes.
Postpartum weight retention/loss
Average weight retention 1 year after pregnancy in the general
population ranges from 0.5 to 4 kg.68–70 Gaining more weight
during pregnancy is consistently identified as the strongest
predictor of excess postpartum weight retention.71 72 Excess
weight retention postpartum is associated with increased long-
term risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
during midlife.69 73 Both energy intake and energy expenditure
(including energy expended through breast feeding) are associ-
ated with the rate of weight loss postpartum.
There are sparse data on postpartum weight loss in athletes.
One small retrospective observational study of elite Norwe-
gian athletes has shown that self-reported body mass index was
lower at prepregnancy, at 6 weeks postpartum and at the time
of completing the survey than in age-matched controls.51 At
the time of completing the questionnaire, 81% of the athletes
(mean: 6.5 years after birth) and 48% of the controls (mean:
8.5 years after birth) had returned to their prepregnancy weight.
Role of physical activity in postpartum weight loss
Most of the systematic reviews in this area included studies that
evaluated the role of physical activity, either alone or in combina-
tion with a dietary intervention, on postpartum weight retention
or weight loss. All of the included studies were with population
samples (ie, non-athletes), and most physical activity interven-
tions aimed to encourage the women to achieve recommended
levels of physical activity for health benefits (ie, ≥150 min per
week of at least moderate-intensity activity). This is much less
than that typically reported by elite athletes and results differed
between studies.69 71 74–77 We identified only one small inter-
vention study with athletes. Kardel compared the effects of two
training interventions on gestational weight gain and postpartum
weight.34 Both groups had the same intensity of muscle strength
training, aerobic interval training and aerobic endurance training
in their programmes, but the high-volume exercise group (n=20)
had more of each type of training than the medium-volume exer-
cise group (n=21). There was no non-exercising control group,
and the athletes selected their preferred programme. There were
no differences in body weight between the groups at 6 or 12
weeks postpartum. The mean weight was 72.2 kg in both groups
at 38 weeks’ gestation. At 6 weeks postpartum the high-volume
exercise group weighed slightly less than the medium exercise
group, but the mean weight at 12 weeks postpartum was very
similar (63.2 and 63.0 kg, respectively). on June 26, 2017 - Published by from
Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Consensus statement
Level of evidence: Low, insufficient studies in the general
exercising population and in elite athletes.
Low back and pelvic girdle pain
Although the majority of women with low back pain and
pelvic girdle pain recover spontaneously soon after delivery,
about 20% report persistent pain for years.78 A large longitu-
dinal population-based study found that 22% of women with
pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy reported persistent pelvic girdle
pain 6 months after delivery.79 Of these, 16% reported severe
complaints. The recovery rates were high, but decreased with
increasing levels of pain severity in pregnancy.80 Caesarean
delivery increased the risk for persistent severe pelvic girdle pain
6 months postpartum.80 In the only study among elite athletes,
12.6% reported retrospectively that they experienced pelvic
girdle pain 6 weeks postpartum and 9.7% experienced low back
pain.51 The prevalence increased to 19.4% for pelvic girdle pain
and 29.0% for low back pain from 6 weeks postpartum to the
time of completing the questionnaire 0–17 years after delivery.
Prevention and treatment
Four RCTs of high methodological quality have investigated
the effectiveness of different exercise programmes of low back
pain and pelvic girdle pain in the general postpartum popula-
tion.81–84 Only one of these RCTs demonstrated statistically and
clinically significant positive and long-lasting effects of specific
exercises in combination with individual physiotherapy on func-
tional status, pain and physical health (SF-36).84 85 Disability was
reduced by more than 50% for the exercise group compared
with negligible changes in the control group. The main focus
of the exercises (which was on the dynamic control of a neutral
position of the lumbopelvis, ergonomic advice and development
of strength and endurance to manage the physical demands
facing each individual) was to improve coordination of the local
and overall muscle system. The women were asked to perform
their 30–60 min exercise programme 3 days per week and they
adhered closely to this individually designed programme for
20 weeks. Compared with the other three studies, the study by
Stuge et al differed in many aspects, such as individual guidance
of a specialised women’s health physiotherapist, dosage, and
type and duration of exercises.86 No studies examining a treat-
ment programme for low back pain or pelvic girdle pain in elite
athletes were found. In the last decade, core stabilisation exer-
cises have grown in popularity.87 However, a recent systematic
review showed strong evidence that stabilisation exercises gener-
ally are not more effective than any other form of active exercise
in the long term.88 A condition-specific outcome measure, the
Pelvic Girdle Questionnaire, is reliable, valid and developed for
pregnant and non-pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain for
use in research and in clinical practice.89 90
Level of evidence: Moderate in the general postpartum popu-
lation. No studies in elite athletes.
Diastasis recti abdominis
Postpartum prevalence rates of diastasis recti abdominis in the
general population vary between 30% and 68%.91 92 In a longi-
tudinal study of 300 first-time pregnant women, prevalence rates
were 33% at gestational week 21, 60% at 6 weeks postdelivery,
45.4% at 6 months and 32.6% at 12 months postpartum.93
Diastasis recti abdominis is also common in middle-aged women
with a prevalence of 52% among all questioned and 35% in
nulliparous women,94 and may also be present in men.95 No
studies were found on elite athletes postpartum.
Influence ofdiastasis recti abdominison abdominal strength
In six women from gestational week 14 to 8 weeks postpartum,
Gilleard and Brown found that women with inter-rectus
distance >3.5 cm measured with palpation had reduced curl-up
capacity.96 This was supported by a study following 40 women
postpartum, which found that postpartum women had weaker
abdominal muscles than a control group.97 However, at 6
months postpartum there was no correlation between inter-
rectus distance and reduced abdominal muscle strength.
Diastasis and low back and pelvic girdle pain
Parker et al98 found that women with diastasis recti abdominis
had more abdominal and pelvic pain at 3 months postpartum
than women without diastasis recti abdominis.98 However, two
other studies found no differences in prevalence rates of low
back pain or pelvic girdle pain in primiparous women 6 and 12
months postpartum with or without diastasis recti abdominis.93
99 No studies were found on elite athletes postpartum.
Prevention and treatment
While several web pages recommend different types of abdom-
inal exercises to treat diastasis, there are no data to support these
recommendations. A case–control study by Lo et al showed a
protective effect of antepartum physical activity level.100 This
was also the case in the study by Chiarello et al.101 In a system-
atic review by Benjamin et al,102 eight studies reported treating
diastasis recti abdominis using abdominal exercises: four case
studies, two retrospective observational studies, one quasi-ex-
perimental post-test study and one small RCT of a brief training
intervention.103 This review concluded that non-specific exercise
may or may not help to prevent or reduce diastasis recti abdom-
inis during the antenatal or postnatal periods. An additional
small RCT of only nine women, 3 months to 3 years post-
partum, found a decline in diastasis recti abdominis in women
doing a traditional abdominal exercise programme and women
performing a core stability plank exercise, but no difference
between the two groups.104
Given the limited research from very small studies of low
methodological quality, there is no consensus on which abdom-
inal exercises to recommend to correct diastasis recti abdominis
postdelivery.99 105 Recent research has questioned the use of the
recommended in-drawing exercises (lifting the naval towards the
spine, activating mainly the transversus abdominis and internal
obliques) as these appear to widen, rather than narrow, the gap
on ultrasound.105–107
There is little evidence for surgery to restore diastasis. Akram
and Matzen identified 15 studies on surgical repair and found
only one RCT, which compared the results of using two different
sutures.108 The authors concluded that both groups had adequate
correction of diastasis recti abdominis 6 months after surgery.
This was supported by a recent RCT also comparing different
sutures.109 No studies have been found on the prevention or
treatment of diastasis recti abdominis in elite athletes.
Level of evidence: Insufficient evidence for the effect of either
surgery or different exercise regimens on diastasis recti abdom-
inis in the postpartum period. No studies on elite athletes.
Pelvic floor disorders
The main pelvic floor disorders postpartum are urinary incon-
tinence, anal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. The on June 26, 2017 - Published by from
6Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Consensus statement
prevalence of any type of urinary incontinence in primiparous
women during the first year postpartum, regardless of delivery
mode, is between 15% and 30%.110 Johannessen et al found that
one in five primiparous women suffered from anal incontinence
1 year after delivery.111 The main predictor for anal incontinence
1 year postpartum was anal incontinence in late pregnancy.
Obstetric anal sphincter injury increased the risk of incontinence
of stool and flatus (OR: 4.1; 95% CI 1.7 to 9.6). Urgency of
bowel evacuation was associated with older age and operative
delivery. It is estimated that >50% of women lose some pelvic
support after vaginal delivery.112 At 3–6 months postpartum,
prevalence rates of pelvic organ prolapse (stage II or higher in
a scale of 0–4) are between 18% and 56%.113–115 Moreover,
15%–40% of primiparous women have a major defect of the
levator ani muscle, and these women are twice as likely to have
pelvic organ prolapse stage II or higher than those with an intact
levator ani muscle.116
In a small retrospective questionnaire study on 40 elite
athletes who had given birth (selected from Norwegian Olympic
Committee and Confederation of Sport), the prevalence rate of
stress urinary incontinence was 29% at 6 weeks postpartum and
35% at the time of completing the questionnaire.51 There were
no differences in stress urinary incontinence prevalence between
elite athletes and a matched control group of 80 women, with a
measured mean of 7.5 years after delivery (range: 0–17 years).
Prevention and treatment
A Cochrane review concluded that postnatal women with
persistent urinary incontinence 3 months after delivery and who
received pelvic floor muscle training were about 40% less likely
than women who did not receive treatment, or who received
usual postnatal care, to report urinary incontinence 12 months
after delivery (RR: 0.60, 95% CI 0.35 to 1.03, combined result
of three trials).117 The more intensive the programme, the greater
the treatment effect.117 However, the Cochrane review also
concluded that ‘the extent to which mixed prevention and treat-
ment approaches to pelvic floor muscle training in the postnatal
period are effective is less clear’ (ie, offering advice on pelvic
floor muscle training to all pregnant or postpartum women
whether or not they have incontinence symptoms). Further, ‘it is
possible that mixed prevention and treatment approaches might
be effective when the intervention is intensive enough’.
There is lack of evidence from RCTs on the effect of pelvic
floor muscle training on anal incontinence postpartum.117
Several RCTs have found that pelvic floor muscle training can
reduce pelvic organ prolapse stage and symptoms in middle-aged
women, and it is recommended as first-line treatment (Durnea
et al 2013).118 However, one RCT did not find any effect of
pelvic floor muscle training starting 6 weeks postpartum on
pelvic organ prolapse in primiparous women.119 Postpartum, the
pelvic floor is weak and injured in most women, and women
who did not train these muscles before birth may need instruc-
tion and supervision to be able to perform a correct pelvic floor
muscle contraction. Women should start with contractions of
short duration, with progression to holding periods of 6–8 s and
continue to contract as close to maximum as possible with three
sets of 8–12 contractions per day.117 120
A pessary, or a vaginal device placed into the vagina to support
the pelvic organs, is also used to treat symptoms of pelvic
floor disorders. Scant data suggest that in women with urinary
incontinence, a pessary might be better than no treatment in
reducing leakage.121 In women with pelvic organ prolapse, one
randomised trial that compared two types of pessaries found
reduction in symptoms in about 60% of women who completed
the study.122 Whether a pessary might prevent pelvic floor symp-
toms, postpartum or at any other time has not been studied.
Level of evidence: Low for pelvic floor muscle training
as prevention, but strong for pelvic floor muscle training as
treatment of urinary incontinence in the general postpartum
population. No studies on elite athletes. Low for pessary treat-
ment of urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse in the
general population. No studies with postpartum women or elite
athletes. Elite athletes with urinary incontinence or pelvic organ
prolapse should be referred for pelvic floor muscle training and
pessary use if necessary.
Pelvic floor pain
Pelvic floor pain is a specific subset of pelvic pain that consists of
pain due specifically to the pelvic floor muscles, connective tissue
or ligaments. Given this musculoskeletal aetiology, it is conceiv-
able that highly active women might report different rates of
pelvic floor pain than less physically active women. However,
studying pelvic floor pain is difficult, as many different terms
are used to express the finding of pelvic floor muscle pain and
increased tension, including ‘pelvic floor muscle pain syndrome’,
‘overactive pelvic floor’, ‘myofascial pelvic pain’, ‘levator
tension myalgia’ or ‘hypertonic pelvic floor muscles’. Further
compounding this difficulty is the fact that pain thought to be
related to the pelvic floor is often due to other aetiologies. For
example, in a prospective study of 114 female athletes with a
suspected musculoskeletal aetiology for pelvic pain, who were
referred to a surgical practice, 64.9% turned out to have injuries
of the hip and/or soft tissue surrounding the hip.123 We identified
no observational studies about pelvic floor pain in athletes.
Prevention and treatment
In a systematic review of 10 RCTs of pelvic floor muscle training
for pelvic floor pain, Frawley concluded that to date there is
scant evidence from high-quality RCTs to guide clinical practice
in prevention and treatment of pelvic floor pain.124 Scant data
suggest that, compared with saline injection, injection of botu-
linum toxin A into the pelvic floor muscles may decrease pain
scores in non-athletes with chronic pelvic pain and ‘evidence
of pelvic floor muscle spasm’.125 We identified no RCTs about
treatment of such pain in athletes.
Level of evidence: Low. No studies in elite athletes.
Sexual dysfunction
Sexual function is divided into four categories: pain, desire,
arousal and orgasmic disorders. Disorders in each category are
common,126 and diagnosing these disorders relies on self-report.
A three-item screening questionnaire has been shown to be as
effective as an interview with a psychologist in identifying sexual
problems.127 About 90% of women are sexually active during
pregnancy; this decreases to about 30% in the ninth month of
pregnancy.128 Sexual desire generally decreases postpartum and
improves over the course of the first postpartum year.129
About half of women who have a spontaneous vaginal delivery
resume intercourse before 8 weeks postpartum130 131 Women
with an intact perineum are more likely to resume vaginal inter-
course earlier (by 6 weeks postpartum).132 However, the effect
of perineal trauma on delaying intercourse is lost by 7–12 weeks
postpartum.129 Women who breast feed are less likely to resume
intercourse early in the postpartum period.133 on June 26, 2017 - Published by from
Bø K, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097964
Consensus statement
Incidence of postpartum sexual dysfunction
Forty-one per cent to 83% of women report sexual dysfunction
at 2–3 months postpartum.128 134 Sexual pain is the most common
cause of sexual dysfunction in the postpartum period.129 Of
note, pain with intercourse may be present in up to one-quarter
of women before pregnancy.135 136
Risk factors for postpartum sexual dysfunction
Risk factors for postpartum sexual dysfunction include infre-
quent sexual activity or delayed initiation of sexual activity (later
than 9 weeks postpartum), being within the first 5 months after
childbirth, primiparity, postpartum depression, treatment for
depression and relationship dissatisfaction.128 134
The 2006 National Institutes of Health Consensus Confer-
ence on Maternal Demand Cesarean concluded that there was
no high-quality evidence to show that either vaginal or caesarean
birth resulted in better postpartum sexual function.137 In agree-
ment with this, 6 years after first delivery, mode of delivery was
not related to sexual function, with the exception that women
who delivered by caesarean perceived that their vaginal tone was
better.138 We identified no data on postpartum sexual dysfunction
in female athletes and also no data on whether physical activity
during or after delivery impacts sexual function in women.
Treatment of postpartum sexual dysfunction
In a systematic review that included 1341 women from eight
RCTs, pelvic floor muscle training was found to improve at least
one sexual variable in women with pelvic floor dysfunction. One
study showed an improvement in postpartum women.139 Six
years after first delivery, women who reported performing pelvic
floor muscle training scored better on numerous sexual function
questions than women who did not report this.138
Treatment is generally based on anecdotal evidence and
includes, most importantly, addressing sexual function as a
serious concern, reviewing the importance of adequate rest and
time for intimacy, and encouraging the use of vaginal lubricants.
In women who report pain with intercourse, a careful examina-
tion of the vagina and vulva to assess healing is recommended.
Level of evidence: Low, no studies on elite athletes.
This review found a limited number of studies on factors relating
to return to exercise following pregnancy and childbirth in the
general exercising population, and very few in elite athletes.
There is also little information or evidence on which to base
advice for athletes on issues relating to common complaints in
the postpartum period. Both high-quality prospective cohort
studies and RCTs are required. The former would be useful from
a prevention viewpoint, in terms of understanding the determi-
nants of common problems such as postnatal depression, weight
retention and musculoskeletal complaints including pelvic floor
disorders. More RCTs would shed light on the most effective
treatment regimens for women with these problems, and would
inform the advice given to athletes in terms of the optimal time
to recommence training the cardiorespiratory and musculoskel-
etal systems.
Given the challenges of conducting studies with pregnant
athletes, it would be helpful if researchers who are working
on each of the main topics included in this chapter could agree
on the same valid and reliable outcome measures, so that data
can be pooled and treatments compared. Similarly, consensus
is needed around how to assess physical activity to compare
across studies. We agree with the thoughtful recommendations
regarding return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports
Physical Therapy 2016 Consensus statement,140 published after
our own proceedings: Return to sport should be considered a
continuum with three distinct elements: (1) return to participa-
tion, (2) return to sport and (3) return to performance. Within
each element, the athlete, physician, physiotherapist and coach
should carefully consider the unique elements of the athlete’s
personal performance, childbirth experience, lactation and sport
demands to provide a flexible and individualised programme
during recovery.140
Author affiliations
1Department of Sport Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway
2Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health, Saint Louis University,
St Louis, Missouri, USA
3Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte – INEF, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
4Centre for Research on Exercise Physical Activity and Health, School of Human
Movement and Nutrition Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia
5Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
6Department of Sport Gynaecology, Poundbury Clinic, Dorchester, UK
7Poundbury Clinic, King Edward VII Hospital, London, UK
8Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina, USA
9Faculty of Biology and Medicine, Institute of Sport Science, University of Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland
10School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
11The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden
12R Samuel McLaughlin Foundation-Exercise and Pregnancy Lab, The University of
Western Ontario, London, Canada
13Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
14Institute of Sport Science, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
15Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
16Department of Family Practice and School of Kinesiology, Centre for Hip Health and
Mobility, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
17IOC, Medical, Commission
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
expressly granted.
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postpartum period exercise in the−−Lausanne. Part 3 from the IOC Expert Group Meeting, elite athletes: 2016/17 evidence summary Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and
Mireille van Poppel, Britt Stuge, Karim M Khan and IOC Medical
Tarja I Kinnunen, Karin Larsén, Michelle F Mottola, Ingrid Nygaard,
Michael Dooley, Kelly R Evenson, Lene A H Haakstad, Bengt Kayser,
Kari Bø, Raul Artal, Ruben Barakat, Wendy J Brown, Gregory A L Davies,
published online June 22, 2017Br J Sports Med
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