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Human decisions in moral dilemmas are largely described by Utilitarianism: virtual car driving study provides guidelines for ADVs


Abstract and Figures

Ethical thought experiments such as the trolley dilemma have been investigated extensively in the past, showing that humans act in a utilitarian way, trying to cause as little overall damage as possible. These trolley dilemmas have gained renewed attention over the past years; especially due to the necessity of implementing moral decisions in autonomous driving vehicles. We conducted a set of experiments in which participants experienced modified trolley dilemmas as the driver in a virtual reality environment. Participants had to make decisionsbetween two discrete options: driving on one of two lanes where different obstacles came into view. Obstacles included a variety of human-like avatars of different ages and group sizes. Furthermore, we tested the influence of a sidewalk as a potential safe harbor and a condition implicating a self-sacrifice. Results showed that subjects, in general, decided in a utilitarian manner, sparing the highest number of avatars possible with a limited influence of the other variables. Our findings support that human behavior is in line with the utilitarian approach to moral decision making. This may serve as a guideline for the implementation of moral decisions in ADVs.
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Anja Faulhaber1, Anke Dittmer1, Felix Blind1, Maximilian A. Wächter1*, Silja Timm1, Leon
R. Sütfeld1, Achim Stephan1, Gordon Pipa1, Peter König1, 2
1 Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany
2Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology, Center of Experimental Medicine,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
ǂ Shared First Authorship
*Correspondence: Maximilian A. Wächter. Institute of Cognitive Science, Wachsbleiche 27,
University of Osnabrück, D-49090 Osnabrück, e-mail:
Ethical thought experiments such as the trolley dilemma have been investigated extensively
in the past, showing that humans act in a utilitarian way, trying to cause as little overall
damage as possible. These trolley dilemmas have gained renewed attention over the past
years; especially due to the necessity of implementing moral decisions in autonomous driving
vehicles (ADVs). We conducted a set of experiments in which participants experienced
modified trolley dilemmas as the driver in a virtual reality environment. Participants had to
make decisionsbetween two discrete options: driving on one of two lanes where different
obstacles came into view. Obstacles included a variety of human-like avatars of different ages
and group sizes. Furthermore, we tested the influence of a sidewalk as a potential safe harbor
and a condition implicating a self-sacrifice. Results showed that subjects, in general, decided
in a utilitarian manner, sparing the highest number of avatars possible with a limited
influence of the other variables. Our findings support that people’s behavior is in line with the
utilitarian approach to moral decision making. This may serve as a guideline for the
implementation of moral decisions in ADVs.
Since their invention in the 19th century, cars have considerably influenced the townscapes
and societies all over the world. Due to the continuous development and increasing
sophistication of vehicles, this impact is still ongoing. It even seems that we are getting closer
reaching another milestone: a car thatis capable of driving without a human driver. In the last
years, there has been a considerable advance in the development of such autonomous
vehicles. Many features of automation, such a cruise control, and camera based blind spot
assistance and parallel parking have already become a standard in modern cars. The majority
of car manufacturers, as well as service providers like Uber, are currently working on ADV's
and planning to commercially market them by latest 2025 (Harst, 2016). However, with the
development of disruptive technologies, new problems arise. As the introduction of
autonomous vehicles might have a large impact on society, critical issues spread over a wide
range of areas including psychological, and ethical, socioeconomic as well as legal aspects.
These far-reaching implications are also evident in the fact that autonomous cars have
recently become a topic of interest in science. In particular, the implementation of moral
decisions in self-driving cars remains widely debated (e.g.Bonnefon, Shariff, & Rahwan,
2016; Hevelke & Nida-Rümelin, 2014, 2015a, 2015b).
Moral decisions by autonomous systems are often discussed on the basis of trolley dilemmas.
The classical trolley dilemma was first introduced in 1967 as a philosophical thought
experiment (Foot, 1967). The key element is a trolley that is heading straight towards a group
of people, e.g. five, on the rails unable to escape. There is, however, a sidetrack on which a
single person, who is unaware of the trolley, stands. The participant in this thought
experiment is standing next to a lever that enables the trolley to switch to the sidetrack.
Without intervention, the trolley will kill the five people on the main track. On pulling the
lever, the trolley will continue on the sidetrack killing only one person, resulting in a moral
dilemma for the participant. How do people decide in such situations and which moral
principles govern their decision process? This question has been investigated and debated
extensively since (e.g. Mikhail, 2007; Thomson, 1976, 1985; Unger, 1996). So far, research
on modified trolley dilemmas has shown that people in general act utilitarian and are
relatively comfortable with utilitarian ADVs, programmed to minimize harm (Bonnefon et
al., 2016; Skulmowski, Bunge, Kaspar, & Pipa, 2014). In contrast, German law interdicts the
evaluation of human life (Art. 1 Abs. 1 GG) in any way. Thus, the trolley dilemma as
applying to autonomous systems is still not resolved.
Moreover, studies including such trolley dilemmas were traditionally carried out in the form
of philosophical essays. This means that the material was presented to the participants in the
form of written scenario descriptions, sometimes with additional pictorial representations.
This way of presenting the dilemma introduces issues like the disregard of important
contextual and situational influences in moral decision-making(Skulmowski et al., 2014).
New technologies such as virtual reality (VR) help to remedy these insufficiencies. In this
context, trolley dilemmas have recently experienced a revival in science(e.g. Navarrete,
McDonald, Mott, & Asher, 2012; Pan, Banakou, & Slater, 2011; Patil, Cogoni, Zangrando,
Chittaro, & Silani, 2014; Skulmowski et al., 2014). The immersion thatVR environments
provide serves to improve ecological validity while maintaining control over experimental
variables (Madary & Metzinger, 2016). In consequence, it seems that we should also benefit
from VR technologies to find out how people actually behave in dilemma situations during
car driving when they are immersed in a more realistic experimental environment as opposed
to their decisions in plain thought experiments.
Furthermore, many possible modifications of the trolley dilemma elicit open questions. For
example, different characteristics of the potential victims might influence the human decision
process. Previous studies have shown that children were saved more often than adults, so that
age of the potential victims might play a role in decision-making(Sütfeld, Gast, König, &
Pipa, 2016). In the context of autonomous cars, there are additionally certain traffic-specific
aspects worth considering. German law, for instance, inflicts punishment to prevent citizens
from driving on the sidewalk in order to provide a safe space for pedestrians in traffic (STVO
§49 Abs.2). This might lead to an internalized reluctance to drive on the sidewalk that might
also influence the decision process in a trolley dilemma modified accordingly. Furthermore,
there are possible scenarios in which people can only save lives by sacrificing their own.
Despite evidence from surveys that revealed a willingness to use self-sacrificing ADVs
(Bonnefon et al., 2016), it is questionable whether people would indeed act this way in a
realistic setting.
The present study addresses these open questions and improves the experimental study
designby using VR. It thereby aims at establishing whether an ethical framework can describe
decision-making in moral dilemma situations during car driving. This framework could then
serve as a basis for algorithmsto be implemented in autonomous vehicles. Here we test five
hypotheses: First, based on previous research we postulate that people would in general act in
favor of the quantitative greater good, trying to keep the number of persons to be hit on a
minimum level (Hypothesis 1). Yet, we speculate that the age of the potential victims matters
in the sense that people might spare younger individuals as opposed to older ones
(Hypothesis 2). In the traffic-specific context, we expect that pedestrians on the sidewalk
would be protected, as they are not actively taking part in traffic. By staying on the sidewalk
people generally, expect to be safe while implicitly giving consent to the finite risk of being
injured when stepping on the street. Therefore, we hypothesize that people would avoid
hitting pedestrians on the sidewalk in contrast to persons standing on the street (Hypothesis
3). On the other hand, we hypothesize that people prefer to protect children even if they are
standing on the street as opposed to adults on the sidewalk (Hypothesis 4). Finally, we
hypothesize that people would not reject self-sacrifice completely, but consider it when a
high threshold of damage to others was reached (Hypothesis 5). To test these hypotheses, we
implemented a driving simulation experiment with state-of-the-art virtual reality technologies
following a study by Sütfeld et al. (2016). Participants were able to control a car as the driver
and experienced various modified trolley dilemma situations as specified in the following.
We analyzed data from 189 participants in a total of 4000 trials, distributed according to the
hypotheses mentioned above into five modules. The results will be described in the following
for each module separately.
Figure 1: Decision distribution in the Quantitative Greater Good module. The graph depicts for every decision
type in this module, how many participants decided one or the other way.
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In the first module, we tested whether people would act in favor of the quantitative greater
good, by saving more instead of fewer avatars. This module consisted of three trials. The
environment for this module was the suburban level setting, consisting of a two-lane road.
We presented only standing adults as avatars. In the suburban level setting parked cars
occupied both sides of the two-lane street. In the one versus two and one versus six
conditions, only 7 out of 189 participants targeted the higher number of avatars (Figure 1). In
the one versus four conditions, 12 participants targeted the four avatars instead of one. Thus,
in all three conditions, the overwhelming majority of participants spared the larger number of
To investigate this difference between the conditions, we performed a permutation test. It
yielded no significant difference (p>0.05).This shows that participants acted similarly
throughout all three conditions. For each single condition the number of participants targeting
one avatar instead of a larger number is highly significant (p<0.01). These data indicate that
participants decided in favor of the quantitative greater good.
The second module tested the hypothesis that people would spare younger avatars in favor of
older ones. It was composed of six trials in the suburban level setting. We used a child, an
adult and an old man as avatars. Each trial presented one of the following six combinations of
avatars: One child versus one standing adult, one child versus one old person, one standing
adult versus one old person, one kneeling person versus one standing adult, one kneeling
person versus one old person, and one kneeling person versus one child.
In the pairwise comparisons of children, adults and elderly we observed that the younger
avatar was spared at the expense of the older avatar (Figure 2).A permutation test children vs.
adults against elderly vs. adults yielded highly significant differences (p<0.001). This result
demonstrates the inverse relation of the expected remaining lifespan of an avatar and the
chance to get hit.Thisdecrease in value according to age was highly significant (p<0.01).
Figure 2: Decision distribution in module Age-Considering Greater Good. The graph depicts for every decision
type in this module, how many percent of participants decided one or the other way. The left side shows purely
age-considering decisions; the right side shows decisions about object height.
To investigate whether the difference emerged only through the variation in avatar height we
tested kneeling adults vs. standing children, and elderly. We observed a highly significant
difference in the children vs. kneeling adults comparison (Figure 2 fourth block, p<0.001). In
the direct comparison of kneeling adult vs. standing adult, the latter was hit more often
(p<0.001). A similar pattern emerged in the comparison kneeling adult vs. elderly. Thus,
kneeling vs. standing moderates the participants’ decisions to some degree. Yet, these results
confirm that participants would spare younger avatars in favor of older ones irrespective of
the height of the avatar.
Figure 3: The Influence of Context module. The graph depicts for varying numbers of avatars the fraction of
decisions sacrificing the single avatar on the sidewalk or the group of avatars on the street. The left lane is
showing a sidewalk with the possibility to drive on, the right lane a one-way street.
In the third module, we explored the influence of context. Specifically, we hypothesized that
avatars located on a sidewalk would be spared more often than on the street. Therefore, in
direct analogy to the first module, we matched a single adult avatar on the sidewalk with two
to six adult avatars on the street.
This module consisted of six trials in city levels using a two-lane street or a single lane plus
sidewalk. These city level settings contained a one-way street with a sidewalk on both sides.
One of the sidewalks was blocked by parked cars while participants had the opportunity to
drive on the other one in order to avoid avatars on the street.
We hypothesized that, compared to the first module, a larger difference in the number of
avatars would be necessary to lead to a consistent sacrifice of the single avatar on the
sidewalk. Context did not seem to have a strong effect on decisions in general. Still, the
majority of participants consistently sparedthe highest number of avatars possible, regardless
of the sidewalk context (Figure 3). We investigated whether a switch point, defined by a
critical imbalance of the number of avatars, could adequately describe the participants'
decisions. That is if the number of avatars to be hit on the street is larger than this threshold
participants change from driving on the street to driving on the sidewalk to save a large
enough group of obstacles. Our data showed that only 2.56% of trials would need to be
changed, for all participants to behave consistently according to a simple model with a single
free parameter, the switch point.
For statistical evaluation, we fitted models, describing different switch points, to our data and
compared the sums of squared residuals of the models, to identifythe model that fits the data
best. Results showed that modeling the data with a switch point between the conditions with
one versus two and one versus three avatars describes the data best (Figure 4), with a sum of
squared residuals of 34.0. This, in turn, indicatesthat participants rather chose to drive on the
sidewalk in order to save a group of three or more obstacles in contrast to saving only two
obstacles. However, throughout all conditions, the number of participants driving on the
sidewalk in order to save more obstacles is significantly higher than those trying to save the
obstacle on the sidewalk.In comparison to the Quantitative Greater Good module, we only
find minor quantitative differences. This shows that the sidewalk altogether shows a
surprisingly small effect.
Figure 4: Depiction of the best-fitted model for decisions in the Influence of Context module. The raw data is
depicted translucent, and the model is non-transparent. The model with the lowest sum of squared residuals had
a switch point between two and three obstacles on the street.
Figure 5: Interaction of Age and Context module. The graph depicts for one or two avatars of adults on the
sidewalk and one or two avatars of children on the street the fraction of decisions sacrificing one or the other
group. As in figure 3 and 4, the left lane is showing a sidewalk with the possibility to drive on. The right lane is
a one-way street.
In the Age-Considering Greater Good and the Influence of Context modules, we had
investigated the influence of age and context respectively in isolation. In the fourth module,
we wanted to find out whether there is also an interaction of age and context. Hence, we also
used the city level setting with the sidewalk and additionally included children avatars. There
were three trials with the following combinations of avatars: two children on the street versus
one adult on the sidewalk, one child on the street versus two adults on the sidewalk, and one
child on the street versus one adult on the sidewalk.
Results showed that the majority of participants again spared children as opposed to adults
despite the sidewalk context (Figure 5), as could be expected based on the findings from the
previous modules.
In a further analysis, two permutation tests were performed to check for differences in the
target actions of participants regarding the number of avatars. The conditions with one child
on the street and one or two adults on the sidewalk were significantly different from one
another (p<0.001). The same holds for the comparison of the condition with one child and
one adult versus the condition of two children and one adult (p<0.05). The results were in
accordance with the findings from all previous modules. Furthermore, the pattern of the
results is compatible with independent effects of sidewalk and age.
In the fifth module, we investigated whether participants value their own life in the VR setup
similarly to the value of the other avatars. That is, we gave them the possibility to save
avatars at the price of sacrificing their own avatar. In close analogy to the previous modules,
we investigated participants’ choice as a function of the number of avatars in one of two
groups. We hypothesizedthat the switch point, i.e. the number of avatars of the other group
necessary to induce consistent decisions, would increase in comparison to the non-self-
sacrifice condition in the first module.
The Self-Sacrifice module contained six trials in the mountain level 2, where we
implemented a chasm on the right lane of the street with a construction sign in front of it. On
the left lane,we presented a varying numberof standing adults, ranging from two to seven
avatars. The design was created to imply that participants would commit self-sacrifice within
the experimental paradigm by driving off the cliff when driving in the right lane.
Figure 6: Self-Sacrifice module. The graph depicts the fraction of decisions for self-sacrifice or sacrifice a group
of avatars. In each condition onthe left lane is a normal street lane with a varying number of avatars. The right
lane leads to a chasm. Continuing this way leads to a self-sacrifice. The best-fitted model is depicted as a line.
The model with the lowest sum of squared residuals had a switch point between four and five obstacles on the
Analyzing the data of this module, we followed the same procedure as in the Influence of
Context module. We postulated that a fixed threshold could describe the behavior of subjects.
In case the number of avatars on the street was below the threshold, the group would be
sacrificed. In contrast, when it wasabove the threshold subjects would choose self-sacrifice.
We found that on average the decisions of only 5.2% of trials were not consistent with such a
simple model.
To see if there is a generalswitching point, where people most likely change behavior towards
self-sacrifice, we fitted a model via linear regression to the data. We fitted six models to the
data, computed and compared the sums of squared residuals. The model with a switch point
between the conditions with four and five obstacles best described our data (Figure 6). Then,
with a value of 3, the sum of squared errors of this model is much smaller than the ones of the
other models. This indicates that people are consistently willing to sacrifice themselves in
case of being able to save a group of 5 or more obstacles with this decision.
However, it should be noted that about half of the participants were already consistently
willing to sacrifice themselves to save only one avatar. The results of this module, therefore
indicate that people are still acting in favor of the quantitative greater good even when their
own life is at stake.
3 Discussion
Driving a car in virtual reality participants act in favor of the quantitative greater good. That
is behavior consistently aimed at sparing as many avatars as possible at the expense of others.
This even applied to situations in which participants had to virtually sacrifice their own avatar
in order to save others. Age and context weakly modulated these behavioral patterns.
Specifically we observed an inverse relation of the probability to sacrifice an avatar and the
expected remaining lifespan of an avatar. Participants consistently saved younger avatars as
opposed to older ones. The control condition using kneeling adults instead of children
confirmed that this effect was not determined by the size of the visual appearance of the
avatar. Surprisingly the context in the form of sidewalk versus street had only a small
influence. Contrary to our expectations, the sidewalk did notsubstantially affect decision
making, given that participants did not seem to be reluctant to drive on the sidewalk in order
to spare a higher number of avatars.In conclusion, our results over all conditions support the
hypothesis that people act in favor of the quantitative greater goodeven in scenarios involving
a sidewalk or self-sacrifice.
Next, we will discuss potential limitations of the study. We phrased the dilemma in terms of
sacrificing one or the other avatar. However, it is not self-evident that hitting one or more
avatars would automatically lead to death. Indeed, some participants reported after the
experiment, that the car was too slow to kill a human being. Before killing himself in the self-
sacrifice trials, the participant had chosen to stop the car by driving into the group of avatars,
risking injuries but no lethal damage. This might contribute to the equal treatment of groups
larger than five people in the Self-Sacrifice module. On the other hand, phrasing the trolley
dilemma, not in terms of life and death, but in terms of health or injury is of equal relevance.
The aspect that a collision might not necessarily lead to the death of the victim has to be
considered when comparing avatars of different age. Potentially, participants were hitting
adults more often instead of children not only because of age and expected lifespan, but also
because they are less likely to die in case of a crash. It is not obvious, whether this argument
is compatible with the preference to save children even when matched with kneeling adults.
Due to the increased risk of fatal injury when hit by a car in a kneeling position, these avatars
should have been treated similarly to children. Still, it is possible that participants were
pondering more complex decision processes including severity of injury and risk of death. In
social sciences, the term Disability-Adjusted Life Year(DALY) has been introduced (Murray,
1994). It is a complex measure and can be roughly understood as the number of years of a
healthy life lost. Such a description would naturally explain the inverse relation between age
and the probability of being spared. Thus, the decision process might be better described not
by simply counting the number of lives, but as a more complex measure such as the DALY.
Moreover, general limitations of graphical display could have affected participants’ decision
processes and immersion. This appeals the fact that some participants dropped out of the
experiment because they did not feel comfortable with virtually hitting avatars. This
observation does not support a lack of realism or immersion. However, there seem to be
many individual differences in play. In this regard, it cannot be ruled out for sure either that
some, especially young, participants were not as committed to the study as expected but were
mainly interested in the new VR technology offering a game-like experience. Thus, the
average degree of immersion was rated high, but individual variations should be taken into
consideration in further research addressing these problems.
In the field of implementing autonomous driving behavior, empiric knowledge is relatively
sparse and ethical approaches are widely debated. Usable ADVs, as well as advanced
simulation techniques like 3D virtual reality, are relatively new. Consequently, empirical
studies rely heavily on questionnaires directing issues straight at the potential customers. The
behavior of ADVs and their control algorithms will be judged by the standards and ethics of
the society in which they operate. This again emphasizes the crucial role of acceptance. It
seems reasonable since self-driving cars need moral algorithms capable of three aspects:
being consistent, not causing public outrage and not discouraging potential buyers
(Bonnefon, Shariff, & Rahwan, 2015). Since it is arguable whether artificial agents can truly
exhibit moral behavior, the programming behind these cars will be judged. Therefore, the
problem is reflected back to humans. ADVs not only have to embody the laws, but also the
ethical principles of the society they operate in (Gerdes & Thornton, 2015).
Various studies were conducted, given the assumption that passengers would like ADVs to
behave similarly to humans (Goodall, 2014; Malle, Scheutz, Arnold, Voiklis, & Cusimano,
2015; Sikkenk & Terken, 2015). They found that many factors drastically influence human
behavior in traffic, e.g. weather conditions and the driving style of other traffic participants.
This raises concerns about a uniform behavior in ADVs(Sikkenk & Terken, 2015). Such
differences do not only occur in driving but also in judging decisions of humans and
machines. Another study examined the differences in responsibility between humans and
machines in cases of an inevitable fatal crash. Participants had to judge the decision of either
a human driver in a dilemma situation, or an autonomous car deciding on its own. In contrast
to human drivers, where utilitarian decisions were most favorable, participants expected
ADVs to behave in a utilitarian manner under all circumstances (Li, Zhao, Cho, Ju, & Malle,
2016; Malle et al., 2015).
These studies point out, that the general population seems to favor utilitarian
decisions(Bonnefon et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016; Malle et al., 2015). This applies even to
cases, where the driver has to sacrifice himself for the greater good (Sachdeva, Iliev, Ekhtiari,
& Dehghani, 2015). Such behavior is in line with the general philosophers’ opinion(Fischer
& Ravizza, 1992) and can be understood as an act of maximizing utility (Thomson, 1985).
Therefore, it is mostly referred to as utilitarian reasoning and decision-making. On first
thought, utilitarian decisions offer themselves to a quantitative treatment and appear to be
suitable for ADVs. However, the problem of how to implement ethics in machines, especially
in dilemma situations remains. A recent project at the Bristol robot laboratories (Winfield,
Blum, & Liu, 2014) showed, that there is no such thing as a simple rule, like the first Asimov
robot law, to save human life when it comes to dilemma situations. To fix that, more rules
have to be applied to the code. On matters of judgments like these, not even humans always
agree (Deng, 2015). These seem to be crucial aspects to promote ADVs to potential
customers and allow them to be an integral part of our society.
In general, it is questionable whether machines should mimic human behavior just to
encourage potential customers given that this might entail a naturalistic fallacy. To avoid this
case, other articles argue against the moral Turing test as framework for moral machine
performance, since it is vulnerable to deception, inadequate reasoning and inferior moral
performance. The moral Turing test, in form of obligations and norms, does not settle
morality of an action fully. Furthermore,when it comes to a fatal crash the utilitarian
approach is forbidden by law. To protect the human dignity of each individual, a
classification of value, meaning discrimination, is not allowed according to §1 Abs 1, GG and
the 14th amendment of the US constitution(Lin, 2015). A transparent, accountable process of
reasoning, reliably prefiguring moral performance in line with current law is suggested
instead.Autonomous systems should be predictable, controlled and transparent - allowing
explicit reworking and recasting (Arnold & Scheutz, 2016). In conclusion, rather than hard-
and-fast rules now, review boards are suggested which would provide a process to allow
manufacturers, lawyers, ethicists, and government entities to work through these ethical
decisions (Kirkpatrick, 2015).
Another option to potentially deal with moral issues would be to give control back to the
driver during periods of congestion or treacherous conditions just like the German
government suggests(Hevelke & Nida-Rümelin, 2014). In this case the machine is not fully
autonomous and an accountable driver would still be required so that the ADV wouldn’t
show full potential(Kirkpatrick, 2015). However, as such crucial situations are usually
associated with severe time constraints, giving control back to the driver might quickly
amount to no decision. That this course of action, however, is optimal or desirable is
As a further alternative, a form of a hybrid between the moral Turing test and a straight
logical approach has been suggested. Because ethical dilemmas do not necessarily have
objective answers, but significant ethical implications for the user, key elements for solving
the question how ADVs should behave are therefore ethicists as experts for ethical
evaluations of robotics(Millar, 2016).
Despite manyunsolved issues, fully autonomous self-driving cars would improve mobility for
elderly or disabled people, reduce crashes, decimate annual fatalities in traffic, ease
congestion, improve fuel economy, reduce parking, and offer mobility to those unable to
drive. The U.S. economic benefits could reach around 25 billion dollar per year with only
10% market penetration. Including high penetration rates, this raises the annual benefit up to
$430 billion, which makes ADV a technology of a better future(Fagnant & Kockelman,
2015). The number of avoided fatalities is a sufficient reason to promote ADVs. Therefore,
the idea of McBride(2016)for partial automation only is decidedly rejected here. Instead,
further research addressing open questions should be encouraged. These range from technical
issues, to ethical and psychological problems, as well as legal aspects like responsibility and
policy issues.
Summarizing, our results show that participants behave consistently utilitarian in various
dilemma situations. These decisions were only slightly modulated by context, such as a
sidewalk. Further, the effect of age might be subsumed in a utilitarian decision process as
well. Even in conditions involving a self-sacrifice participants decisions were compatible
with a utilitarian strategy. Such strong behavioral tendencies must be considered in the
implementation of moral decisions in ADVs especially when aiming at a high acceptance in
In the discussion of a broadly applicable ethical framework, our research explores the
foundation for such a framework. The study provides a basis for an algorithm implementing
morals in ADVs by describing how human car drivers would behave in these conditions and
therefore what is seen fit as behavior in general traffic situations.
* /
216 unpaid subjects participated in the study. Participants were acquired from various venues.
142 were tested in the laboratory or cafeteria and at the alumni conference of Cognitive
Science of the University of Osnabrück. 74 participants were tested at public locations, such
as the waiting rooms of the City Hall of Osnabrück and at a local inspection authority, the so-
called KFZ-Prüfstelle. Data from 27 participants had to be excluded from the analysis for
various reasons: 15 participants did not complete the experiment due to nausea or
disagreement with the experimental settings. Moreover, 12 participants were excluded from
analysis as they had failed more than six times in the training trials. In the end data from 189
participants served for analysis (62 female, 127 male). They were aged between 18 and 67
years with a mean of 24.32 years.
For the technical apparatus at every venue,we used a computer equipped with an Intel Xeon
E5620 with 2.4 GHz, 12 GB RAM, and the 64-bit operating system Windows 7 Professional.
The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295 (GPU) served for graphics.
We used the Oculus Rift DK2 in combination with Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones as
VR equipment.
The experiment was designed as a computer application with featured movement in a virtual reality.Figure 7:
Screenshots of the experiment virtual reality environment. The participants could decide between driving on one
of two lanes and thus decide which of two avatars to hit or hit an avatar vs. driving into a chasm. The
screenshots are taken out of the modules: A: Age-considering Greater Good in the suburban setting. B:
Quantitative Greater Good module in the mountain setting. C: Self-Sacrifice module showing the road sign
warning of the oncoming chasm in the mountain setting. D: Self-Sacrifice module in the mountain setting. E:
Age-considering Greater Good module in the city setting with cars on the left side. F: Age-Considering Greater
Good module in the city setting with cars on the right side.
One training track setting and five different experiment track settings were presented. In each
setting, participants were driving a car on a two-path track. The car was driving at a constant
speed of 36 km/h, which was displayed on a screen in VR, and the tracks ranged between
180m and 200m to avoid habituation to the trial length. The surroundings varied between five
different environmental settings - a suburban, two mountain and two city level settings. The
starting lane (left/right lane) was randomized for each trial, only in the city level participants
always started on the drivable lane to avoid the sidewalk as starting position.
In order to decrease the visual range and thereby guarantee a constant decision-time of four
seconds, all settings included foggy weather. A beeping sound indicated to the participants
that they had control over the vehicle. The relatively low speed of the car was selected as a
compromise to allow a reasonable time for deliberation and yet have the nature of the
obstacle clearly visible. At 15 meters distance from the avatars another beeping sound
signaled that the control over the vehicle was withdrawn as later inputs would have led to
incomplete lane change maneuvers.
The presented avatars were only male to avoid an effect of gender difference. As previous
studies showed that male and female avatars are treated differently, we decided to use only
males in order to avoid an effect of gender difference (Sütfeld et al., 2016). These distinct
types of avatars appeared on the lanes in different combinations as specified in the following:
The Quantitative Greater Good module consisted of three trials to test Hypothesis 1. The
environment for this module was the suburban and the mountain level setting, both consisting
of a two-lane road. We presented only standing adults presented as avatars. In the suburban
level setting parked cars occupied both sides of the two-lane street. The setting included a
suburban style environment with houses and front lawns. There was always one avatar on one
laneas opposed to either two, four or six avatars on the other lane. The respective sides were
randomized. The mountain level setting consisted of a mountainside as limitation on the left
and a crash barrier in front of a steep ravine on the right side of the two-lane street.
The Age-Considering Greater Good module aimed at testing Hypothesis 2. It was composed
of six trials in the suburban level setting. We used a child, an adult and an old man as avatars;
additionally a kneeling adult served to make sure that possible effects were not only due to
the size of the stimuli, given that the kneeling adult was of the same height as the child. Each
trial presented one of the following six combinations of avatars: One child versus one
standing adult, one child versus one old person, one standing adult versus one old person, one
kneeling person versus one standing adult, one kneeling person versus one old person, and
one kneeling person versus one child.
The Influence of Context module consisted of six trials in the city levels using a two-lane
street or, in the investigation of hypothesis 3, a single line plus sidewalk. These latter city
level settings contained a one-way street with a sidewalk on both sides. Parked cars blocked
one of the sidewalks, while participants had the opportunity to drive on the other one in order
to avoid avatars on the street. In city level setting 1, the sidewalk to drive on was on the left
side whilst in city level setting 2 the sidewalk to drive on was on the right side of the lane.
We randomized the number of trials within city level setting 1 or city level setting 2 between
subjects. There was always one standing adult on the sidewalk and a number of standing
adults on the street, varying between two and seven.
The Interaction of Age and Context module testing Hypothesis 4 was based on the Influence
of Context module also using the city level settings, including children as avatars. The trial
settings were also intersubjectively randomized. There were three trials with the following
combination of avatars: two children on the street versus one standing adult on the sidewalk,
one child on the street versus two standing adults on the sidewalk, and one child on the street
versus one standing adult on the sidewalk.
The Self-Sacrifice module investigated Hypothesis 5 contained six trials in the mountain level
2. Here, we implemented a chasm on the right lane of the street with a construction sign in
front of it. A varying number of standing adults, ranging from two to seven avatars, was
presented on the left lane. On the right side, a cliff and barricade with the corresponding
street sign appeared. These avatars were created to imply that participants would commit self-
sacrifice within the experimental paradigm by driving over the cliff when driving on the right
Upon arrival, we informed participants about the content and the procedure of the experiment
and asked them to sign a consent form clarifying that they were able to terminate the
experiment at any time without stating any reason. We informed them that their data would
be saved anonymously. Additionally, they were asked whether they had experienced a
traumatic car accident previously. If this question had been positively answered, the
participant would have been excluded from the experiment. Once the consent was given,
participants were seated at a desk and provided with predefined oral instructions. They were
told that the VR experiment consisted of three phases: training trials, experimental trials and
a questionnaire. During the trials, they would be alone in the car as the driver and would
drive always on one of two lanes in different environmental levels. Participants were
furthermore instructed to use the left or right arrow keys to change the driving lane in the
trials and to additionally press the spacebar to confirm their answers in the instruction and
questionnaire sections. They were also informed that the monitor for overviewing during the
instructions would be turned off while performing the experimental trials and answering the
questionnaire. Respective written instructions were additionally presented within the
experiment. Finally, we adjusted the Oculus Rift as well as the headphones to their head and
the experiment started. Three initial training trials served to get accustomed to the VR
environment and to obtain control over the car. To pass the training phase, in each training
trial participants had to avoid three pylons appearing on one of the lanes alternately with the
first one always on the starting lane. If they hit a pylon, the trial had to be repeated. After
successfully completing all three training trials, the various types of avatars to hit or to spare
in the experimental trials were presented one by one and then the trials started. In the end,
participants answered the questionnaire to finish the experiment. The questionnaire data is,
however, beyond the scope of the present paper and will be presented elsewhere. The
duration of the whole experiment was approximately 15-20 minutes.
For all analyses, we used Python 2.7. Only choices for the left or right lane and the avataron
the lane finally selected were taken into account. After descriptively analyzing the data,
statistical tests were performed, to check our hypotheses and investigate the significance of
the results.
To test, if participants choose a smaller number of avatars to spare a larger number in
inevitable crash scenario, we performed a permutation test on the complete data set of the
conditions of Quantitative Greater Good module, investigating the influences of the number
of avatars on participants’ decisions. This accounts also for the Self-Sacrifice, Age-
Considering Greater Good and Influence of Context module for each condition individually.
Additionally, the significance of a binomial test using pooled data proved significance in
comparison to our null-hypothesis of a random distribution of choices in the aforementioned
For the Age-Considering Greater Good module, as well as for the Self-Sacrifice module, we
calculated fractions of trials that would need to be changed in order for each participant to act
consistently in their decisions. This error rate would naturally be around 5% (Kuss, Jäkel, &
Wichmann, 2005). In order to test whether our data fits the hypothesis of a switch point, we
fitted different models on the data and computed the performance of each. Sixmodels were
fitted, each based on another underlying switch point. As we assumed that upon a certain
switch point participants would not switch back, we calculated the mean between the
conditions with an avatar number higher than a certain switch point and assumed that the
model would pass through this mean in a plateau. For the conditions with avatar numbers
smaller than the underlying switch point, we assumed a linear increase up to the calculated
mean. To test which model fits the data best, we computed and compared the sums of squared
residuals. After that, a permutation test was applied to check for inconsistencies in decisions
with more avatars than our assumed switching point for both modules.
The authors like to thank all participants in the study project: AaliaNosheen, Max Räuker,
Juhee Jang, Simeon Kraev, Carmen Meixner, Lasse T. Bergmann and Larissa Schlicht.
This study is complimented by a philosophical study with much broader scope (Lariss
Schlicht, Carmen Meixner, Lasse Bergmann). We gratefully acknowledge the support by
H2020 – H2020-FETPROACT-2014 641321 – socSMCsproject.
This publication presents part of the results of the study project "Moral decisions in the
interaction of humans and a car driving assistant." Such study projects are an obligatory
component of the master degree in cognitive science at the University of Osnabrück. It was
supervised by Peter König, Gordon Pipa, and Achim Stephan. Funders had no role in study
design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
This study was planned and conducted in an interdisciplinary study project supervised by
Prof. Dr. Peter König, Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa, and Prof. Dr. Achim Stephan.Maximilian
Alexander Wächter, Anja Faulhaber, and Silja Timm shaped the experimental design to a
large degree. Leon René Sütfeld had a leading role in the implementation of the virtual reality
study design in Unity. Anke Dittmer and Felix Blind contributed to the implementation. Anke
Dittmer, Felix Blind, Silja Timm and Maximilian Alexander Wächter contributed to the data
acquisition, analysis and writing process. Anja Faulhaber contributed in the data acquisition
and the writing process.
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... The most prominent example is the moral machine experiment designed by Awad et al. [5]; further studies are presented by e.g. Altay et al. [2], Lucifora et al. [65] and Faulhaber et al. [28]. However, empirical findings can only be transferred to real-life contexts to a limited extent [15,94]. ...
... For their concrete implementation, however, he again falls back on the maximin rule, which is based on Rawls' understanding of contractarianism but operates in a consequentialist manner, which in turn gives rise to ethical difficulties. 28 Both Geisslinger et al. [36] and Dietrich [21] fail to critically examine the justifiability of the rational principles used. Berkey [7, pp. ...
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How should self-driving vehicles react when an accident can no longer be averted in dangerous situations? The complex issue of designing crash algorithms has been discussed intensively in recent research literature. This paper refines the discourse around a new perspective which reassesses the underlying dilemma structures in the light of a metaethical analysis. It aims at enhancing the critical understanding of both the conceptual nature and specific practical implications that relate to the problem of crash algorithms. The ultimate aim of the paper is to open up a way to building a bridge between the inherent structural issues of dilemma cases on the one hand and the characteristics of the practical decision context related to driving automation scenarios on the other. Based on a reconstruction of the metaethical structure of crash dilemmas, a pragmatic orientation towards the ethical design of crash algorithms is sketched and critically examined along two central particularities of the practical problem. Firstly, pertinent research on the social nature of crash dilemmas is found to be merely heuristic. Secondly, existing work from ethics of risk hardly offers explicit ethical solutions to relevant and urgent challenges. Further investigation regarding both aspects is ultimately formulated as a research desideratum.
... Autonomous driving represents a field where LLM application holds particular promise while raising significant ethical questions [9][10][11][12]. The automotive industry is actively exploring LLM integration to enhance autonomous vehicles' capabilities, potentially improving environmental comprehension, complex scenario interpretation, nuanced decision-making, and communication with passengers and other road users [13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...
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The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their potential integration into autonomous driving systems necessitates understanding their moral decision-making capabilities. While our previous study examined four prominent LLMs using the Moral Machine experimental framework, the dynamic landscape of LLM development demands a more comprehensive analysis. Here, we evaluate moral judgments across 51 different LLMs, including multiple versions of proprietary models (GPT, Claude, Gemini) and open-source alternatives (Llama, Gemma), to assess their alignment with human moral preferences in autonomous driving scenarios. Using a conjoint analysis framework, we evaluated how closely LLM responses aligned with human preferences in ethical dilemmas and examined the effects of model size, updates, and architecture. Results showed that proprietary models and open-source models exceeding 10 billion parameters demonstrated relatively close alignment with human judgments, with a significant negative correlation between model size and distance from human judgments in open-source models. However, model updates did not consistently improve alignment with human preferences, and many LLMs showed excessive emphasis on specific ethical principles. These findings suggest that while increasing model size may naturally lead to more human-like moral judgments, practical implementation in autonomous driving systems requires careful consideration of the trade-off between judgment quality and computational efficiency. Our comprehensive analysis provides crucial insights for the ethical design of autonomous systems and highlights the importance of considering cultural contexts in AI moral decision-making.
... The initial phase of this experimental process entails defining a comprehensive set of attributes. While some studies have begun describing such a set, these frameworks often lack scientific grounding [34][35][36][37]. For example, the Moral Machine experiment asked thousands of participants to choose their preferred outcomes in various moral dilemmas [38]. ...
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In the realm of automated vehicles (AVs), the focus is predominantly on the potential of sub-symbolic deep-learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Our study questions the suitability of this data-driven approach for AVs, particularly in embodying societal values in their behaviour. Through a systematic examination of sub-symbolic and symbolic AI, we identify key issues for AVs, including adaptability, safety, reliability, trust, fairness, transparency, and control. Deep learning systems’ lack of adaptability and inherent complexities pose significant safety concerns and hinder meaningful human control. This limitation prevents humans from effectively updating AI decision-making processes to better reflect ethical values. Furthermore, deep learning systems are prone to biases and unfairness, leading to incidents that are difficult to explain and rectify. In contrast, symbolic, model-based approaches offer a structured framework for encoding ethical goals and principles within AV systems, thus enabling meaningful human control. However, they also face challenges, such as inefficiencies in handling large amounts of unstructured data for low-level tasks and maintaining explicit knowledge bases. Therefore, we advocate for hybrid AI, combining symbolic and sub-symbolic models with symbolic goal functions. We propose Augmented Utilitarianism (AU) as an ethical framework for developing these goal functions, aiming to minimise harm by integrating principles from consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, while incorporating the perspective of the experiencer. Our methodology for eliciting moral attributes to construct an explicit ethical goal function engages collective societal values through iterative refinement, contributing to the development of safer, more reliable, and ethically aligned automated driving systems.
This volume provides a unique perspective on an emerging area of scholarship and legislative concern: the law, policy, and regulation of human-robot interaction (HRI). The increasing intelligence and human-likeness of social robots points to a challenging future for determining appropriate laws, policies, and regulations related to the design and use of AI robots. Japan, China, South Korea, and the US, along with the European Union, Australia and other countries are beginning to determine how to regulate AI-enabled robots, which concerns not only the law, but also issues of public policy and dilemmas of applied ethics affected by our personal interactions with social robots. The volume's interdisciplinary approach dissects both the specificities of multiple jurisdictions and the moral and legal challenges posed by human-like robots. As robots become more like us, so too will HRI raise issues triggered by human interactions with other people.
Virtual reality (VR) can immerse users into engaging experiences, affording opportunities to study behaviour in simulated contexts such as decision-making processes. However, methodological research into designing meaningful VR experiences - experiences that promote appreciation and deeper understanding of a work - is still underdeveloped. In this two-part study, we investigate how visual point-of-view (POV) in VR impacts feelings of meaningfulness and empathy as well as objective decision-making processes. Our study revolves around a VR application that situates users in moral dilemmas from three different POVs. Data from the choices made is augmented with self-reported subjective data. We find that, from different POVs, users' subjective feelings do show change; users show greater empathy for virtual agents and have an increasingly meaningful experience from a first-person perspective, even if this is not always reflected in changes in their decisions. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings in the context of VR application design.
Non-playable characters (NPCs) are important in games, as they can provide guidance to the player, create social engagement, and advance the game's narrative. Although much research exists regarding NPC interactions for traditional gaming environments, e.g. desktop or console, fewer works have considered this from a virtual reality (VR) perspective. Our work first uncovers the salient and unique dimensions of VR NPC interactions through observations of 47 existing games. We find that VR NPC interactions have an extended set of interaction mechanisms due to two key factors - interaction triggers and player constraints within the game, driven by the unique qualities of physical motion and immersion afforded by the medium. We augment these findings through a user study performed on 18 participants in a VR environment. Participant interactions with a responsive NPC allow us to delve deeper into understanding player perception and expectations of NPC behaviour and interactions. Our findings outline player expectations for NPC realism, player agency during NPC interaction, and NPC expected behaviour and feedback. We tie our findings into discussions on player agency within VR, highlighting design suggestions to develop NPCs to better fit within social behaviour expectations.
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Self-driving cars are posing a new challenge to our ethics. Previous research has shown that moral judgment and behavior are highly context-dependent, and comprehensive and nuanced models of the underlying cognitive processes are out of reach to date. Models of ethics for self-driving cars should thus aim to match human decisions made in the same context. Our model comparison shows that simple models based on one-dimensional value-of-life scales are suited to describe human ethical behavior in these situations. Furthermore, we examined the influence of severe time pressure on the decision-making process. This study also demonstrates the suitability of virtual reality for the assessment of ethical behavior in humans, delivering consistent results across subjects, while closely matching the experimental settings to the real world scenarios in question.
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The recent progress in the development of autonomous cars has seen ethical questions come to the forefront. In particular, life and death decisions regarding the behavior of self-driving cars in trolley dilemma situations are attracting widespread interest in the recent debate. In this essay we want to ask whether we should implement a mandatory ethics setting (MES) for the whole of society or, whether every driver should have the choice to select his own personal ethics setting (PES). While the consensus view seems to be that people would not be willing to use an automated car that might sacrifice themselves in a dilemma situation, we will defend the somewhat contra-intuitive claim that this would be nevertheless in their best interest. The reason is, simply put, that a PES regime would most likely result in a prisoner’s dilemma.
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If motor vehicles are to be truly autonomous and able to operate responsibly on our roads, they will need to replicate—or do better than—the human decision-making process. But some decisions are more than just a mechanical application of traffic laws and plotting a safe path. They seem to require a sense of ethics, and this is a notoriously difficult capability to reduce into algorithms for a computer to follow.
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As agents moving through an environment that includes a range of other road users—from pedestrians and bicyclists to other human or automated drivers—automated vehicles continuously interact with the humans around them. The nature of these interactions is a result of the programming in the vehicle and the priorities placed there by the programmers.
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Codes of conduct in autonomous vehicles When it becomes possible to program decision-making based on moral principles into machines, will self-interest or the public good predominate? In a series of surveys, Bonnefon et al. found that even though participants approve of autonomous vehicles that might sacrifice passengers to save others, respondents would prefer not to ride in such vehicles (see the Perspective by Greene). Respondents would also not approve regulations mandating self-sacrifice, and such regulations would make them less willing to buy an autonomous vehicle. Science , this issue p. 1573 ; see also p. 1514
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Road vehicle travel at a reasonable speed involves some risk, even when using computer-controlled driving with failure-free hardware and perfect sensing. A fully-automated vehicle must continuously decide how to allocate this risk without a human driver’s oversight. These are ethical decisions, particularly in instances where an automated vehicle cannot avoid crashing. In this chapter, I introduce the concept of moral behavior for an automated vehicle, argue the need for research in this area through responses to anticipated critiques, and discuss relevant applications from machine ethics and moral modeling research.
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If motor vehicles are to be truly autonomous and able to operate responsibly on our roads, they will need to replicate – or do better than – the human decision-making process. But some decisions are more than just a mechanical application of traffic laws and plotting a safe path. They seem to require a sense of ethics, and this is a notoriously difficult capability to reduce into algorithms for a computer to follow.
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As agents moving through an environment that includes a range of other road users – from pedestrians and cyclists to other human or automated drivers – automated vehicles continuously interact with the humans around them. The nature of these interactions is a result of the programming in the vehicle and the priorities placed there by the programmers. Just as human drivers display a range of driving styles and preferences, automated vehicles represent a broad canvas on which the designers can craft the response to different driving scenarios.
That our unexamined moral intuitions often lead us to commend conduct that is seriously wrong and to condemn conduct that is not wrong indicates the extent to which these intuitions clash with our Basic Moral Values. The view known as Liberationism, which holds that moral intuitions are often unreflective of basic values, contrasts with the more common view known as Preservationism, which maintains that our moral intuitions accord with our basic moral values. This book explores the inconsistencies in the Preservationist position by highlighting disparities in the responses that our intuitions generate for relevantly similar moral cases. These misleading responses are generated by psychological tendencies, such as projective separating and protophysical thinking, that distort the features of moral problems. In distorting our responses, the Preservationist position allows us to think erroneously that it is not difficult for well‐off people to lead a morally good life in a world in which serious suffering may easily be reduced. In fact, a moral life is extremely costly for well‐off people given how much we efficiently may do to alleviate the distant serious suffering of others.
As we march down the road of automation in robotics and artificial intelligence, we will need to automate an increasing amount of ethical decision-making in order for our devices to operate independently from us. But automating ethical decision-making raises novel questions for engineers and designers, who will have to make decisions about how to accomplish that task. For example, some ethical decision-making involves hard moral cases, which in turn requires user input if we are to respect established norms surrounding autonomy and informed consent. The author considers this and other ethical considerations that accompany the automation of ethical decision-making. He proposes some general ethical requirements that should be taken into account in the design room, and sketches a design tool that can be integrated into the design process to help engineers, designers, ethicists, and policymakers decide how best to automate certain forms of ethical decision-making.