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Therapeutic Potential of Glutathione Augmentation in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy

  • Immunotec Research


The majority of cancer patients receiving conventional medical therapy receive chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery or palliative support. Nutritional support is increasingly recognized as vital to successful treatment. Glutathione (GSH) is a naturally-occurring tripeptide in human cells that serves many important functions, including antioxidant regulation, detoxification, protein synthesis and repair, immune modulation, and redox signaling. Altering glutathione levels has been demonstrated to have significant effects in chemotherapy/radiotherapy outcomes as well as influence on retarding cachexia. This review article summarizes some of the most notable findings, suggesting that up-regulation of glutathione through nutritional intervention has a potential to be integrated into a holistic approach to cancer treatment.
Therapeutic Potential of Glutathione Augmentation in Cancer Patients
Receiving Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy
Jimmy Gutman*
Immunotec Research Inc. 300 Joseph Carrier, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Montreal, Canada
*Corresponding author: Jimmy Gutman, MD, Immunotec Research
Inc., 300 Joseph Carrier, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Montreal, Canada; Tel: +1
450 424 9992; Fax: +1 450 424 9993; E-mail: jgutman@immunotec.
The search for selective injury or destruction to cancer
cells while limiting concomitant damage to normal cells has
been the cornerstone of cancer therapy. Surgical excision
is feasible if the tumor has not metastasized or a debulking
procedure is warranted.
Chemotherapy represents a controlled poisoning of the
patient based on the idea that rapidly proliferating cancer
cells are more sensitive to the toxin than normal cells. Un-
fortunately, many effective chemotherapeutic agents may
produce adverse side effects.
Radiotherapy works in a similar way. The cancerous
area is targeted for radioactive bombardment and the tumor
is theoretically more sensitive to the radiation than the sur-
rounding healthy tissues. This too carries potentially signi-
cant adverse effects for the patient.
Pretreatment or concomitant treatment with agents that
both enhance the selective toxicity of chemo/radiotherapy
to tumor cells while protecting healthy cells from damage
represents a welcome addition to standard approaches to
cancer therapy. The naturally-occurring tripeptide glutathi-
one (GSH) has been increasingly studied to play these roles.
GSH plays several critical roles in the normal physiolo-
gy of cells, including antioxidant regulation, detoxication,
protein synthesis and repair, immune modulation and redox
signaling [1]. Both increasing GSH levels and decreasing
GSH levels have been investigated in the search for effec-
tive glutathione modulatory approaches in oncology. This
present review article offers a synopsis of some historical
Glutathione Modulation in Cancerous and Healthy Cells
Most studies reveal a paradoxical situation, where
cancer cells are high in glutathione [2], but normal cells
in cancer patients are low in glutathione compared to a
healthy population [3]. Notably, not only do low GSH lev-
els correlate with the susceptibility of individuals to develop
cancer [4, 5], but advanced cancer patients also reveal even
lower total body GSH levels [6]. More importantly, elevated
GSH in normal cells may offer increased protection from
the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and offer
an advantage in immune function and muscle preservation [7].
Experimental evidence shows that the level of GSH
synthesis affects the susceptibility of both normal and can-
cerous cells to damage from chemical toxins or radiation [8].
High GSH levels help protect cells from the harmful effects
of chemotherapy [9, 10]. Results would be ideal if GSH
levels were high in normal cells and low in tumorous cells
[11], but as stated, most human cancer cells appear to have
higher GSH levels than normal cells. Cancer is a rare ex-
ample where these otherwise tightly regulated GSH levels
are exceeded [12]. This is a consequence of lack of normal
GSH regulatory mechanisms in cancerous cells [8]. Be-
cause the tumor cells high in GSH often show resistance to
chemotherapy, some researchers have tried to reduce GSH
levels in cancerous cells with GSH-depleting drugs like
BSO (buthionine sulfoximine) [13]. A limiting consequence
of the use of BSO is its non-specic action, simultaneously
reducing GSH levels in healthy cells as well, resulting in the
magnication of side effects, thereby limiting the practicali-
ty of this approach [14].
Oddly enough, the precursors that usually raise GSH
levels in normal cells often cause the opposite effect in
cancerous cells, causing GSH levels to fall [15]. This is due
to a strong negative feedback loop in cancerous cells with
aberrant GSH production (Figure 1) [16]. These cells will
Abstract: The majority of cancer patients receiving conventional medical therapy receive chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, surgery or palliative support. Nutritional support is increasingly recognized as vital to successful
treatment. Glutathione (GSH) is a naturally-occurring tripeptide in human cells that serves many important functions,
including antioxidant regulation, detoxication, protein synthesis and repair, immune modulation, and redox signaling.
Altering glutathione levels has been demonstrated to have signicant effects in chemotherapy/radiotherapy outcomes as
well as inuence on retarding cachexia. This review article summarizes some of the most notable ndings, suggesting
that up-regulation of glutathione through nutritional intervention has a potential to be integrated into a holistic approach
to cancer treatment.
Key Words: Glutathione; Cancer; Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy; Cachexia; Nutrition; Immunocal
· 40 · Journal of Nutritional Oncology, November 15, 2016, Volume 1, Number 1
vanced progressive cancer, using toxic doses of acetamin-
ophen as the chemotherapeutic agent and rescuing patients
with NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine), which raises GSH levels.
Knowing that NAC selectively raises GSH levels in normal
cells, they were able to show either improvement or stabili-
zation in more than half the patients [19].
Additional studies have considered the effects of nu-
tritional proteins on cancer-causing chemicals in animals.
Researchers undertaking similar experiments in Canada and
Australia have subjected rodents to the powerful carcinogen
dimethylhydrazine—which causes colonic cancer—and fed
them with a variety of proteins [20, 21]. The animals fed
undenatured whey protein concentrate which raised GSH
levels, show fewer tumors and a reduced tumor load. The
scientists have found that this particular protein offered con-
siderable protection to the host.
Glutathione, Cancer, and Aging
It is accepted that the incidence and mortality rates of
cancer increase with age [22]. Certain cancers can in fact be
considered diseases of aging, most notably prostatic cancer
[23]. Specific changes in the aging individual’s immune
response and biochemical defenses such as antioxidant
function render them more susceptible to cancer [24]. The
protective effect of GSH diminishes with age. The aging
individuals may lose from 20 to 40% of GSH after age six-
ty-ve [25, 26]. This has been integrated into several theo-
ries of carcinogenesis in the elderly [27].
Studies show that normal levels of androgens in older
men lead to decreased GSH levels in prostatic tissue [28].
These androgens are known to act as oxidative stressors and
upset the prooxidant-antioxidant balance. This is believed to
be a possible mechanism by which prostatic carcinogenesis
Improved Tolerance to Chemo/Radiotherapy
Historically, the concurrent use of GSH augmentation
along with chemotherapy goes back several decades [29].
Gynecologic oncologists at the University of California
have treated patients with intravenous GSH along with the
standard chemotherapy cisplatin [30]. Higher doses of the
chemotherapy are possible, with fewer side effects.
A much larger study was performed at Western General
Hospital in Edinburgh, UK [31], in which over one hundred
and fifty patients with ovarian cancer were treated with
cisplatin along with intravenous GSH and were monitored
for side effects, quality of life, and outcome. They were
compared to equivalent patients not receiving GSH. The
group receiving the intravenous GSH showed a statistically
signicant improvement in depression, vomiting, hair loss,
shortness of breath, concentration, and neurotoxicity, and
the lab values measuring kidney function. There is a notable
trend toward improved outcome [31].
Alopecia (baldness) associated with chemotherapy cer-
tainly is not a life-threatening side-effect of chemotherapy,
down-regulate GSH production when intermediate steps
(e.g., glutamyl-cysteine) of GSH production are reached.
This negative feedback inhibition leaves cancerous tissue
more susceptible to damage or destruction while normal
cells, with normal GSH metabolism, are left with better de-
fense mechanisms [16].
Figure 1. Biochemical pathway of glutathione production
and regulation. Glutathione (gamma-glutamyl cysteine
glycine) inhibits its own production by down-regulating
gamma-glutamyl cysteine.
Clinical Trials
As far back as 1986, an NIH study demonstrated that
adding the GSH-promoting drug OTZ (2oxothia2oli-
dine-4-carboxylic acid) to human lung cancer cells, there
was no increase in GSH levels in the cancer cells, whereas
surrounding normal cells increased their levels [17]. Going
one step further, McGill University researchers Sylvain
Baruchel, Gerry Batist, and their team have demonstrated
that OTZ could even paradoxically deplete GSH content in
breast cancer cells while normal cells proted [11]. Another
study from McGill University led by Dr. Gustavo Bounous
has generated similar selective GSH modulatory results,
using whey protein isolates containing specic GSH precur-
sors [16].
Subsequently, studies have been performed on patients
with metastatic carcinoma, who were given this specially
prepared whey protein isolate for six months. Although it
did not cure the cancer, a significant proportion showed
either tumor regression/stabilization or normalization of
hemoglobin and white blood cell counts [18]. The same re-
searchers have demonstrated that elevated GSH levels may
enhance certain chemotherapeutic agents.
Another Canadian team has studied patients with ad-
Journal of Nutritional Oncology, November 15, 2016, Volume 1, Number 1 · 41 ·
but can be extremely distressing to the patient. It can also be
an indicator of the damage done to other high turnover cells
like those lining the intestine. Researcher Jimenez at the
University of Miami and others have demonstrated the abil-
ity of NAC to protect patients from the baldness resulting
from such common chemotherapy agents as cyclophospha-
mide [32].
Evidences exist suggesting that GSH-enhancing strat-
egies may improve the efficacy or tolerability of certain
chemotherapy agents, including adriamycin, cyclophospha-
mide, and cisplatin [7, 33-36]. However, a complete under-
standing of the mechanisms of chemoresistance to therapy
must be developed to suggest this strategy across the board
[37, 38].
Radiotherapists who have investigated the role of GSH
in protecting cells have been able to correlate higher pre-
treatment GSH levels with a lower amount of radiation
burns suffered afterwards [39]. Pre-treatment or simulta-
neous treatment with products to raise GSH, consistently
demonstrate a better tolerance to therapy [40].
Anti-cancer treatment is often accompanied by cachex-
ia, anorexia, fatigue, and decreased muscular strength. Good
nutrition is critical and often includes appropriate dietary
supplements [41]. The cancer itself, the anti-cancer treat-
ment and the resulting state of nutritional compromise all
decrease intracellular GSH levels [42]. This greatly weakens
antioxidant and immune defenses, rendering patients more
susceptible to other diseases and opportunistic infections
[43]. Wulf Droge has focused on cachexia in cancer, AIDS,
sepsis and other pathologies. He has noted the similarities
among them, pointing to a common cause—GSH and cyste-
ine depletion [44]. He and others have tested the possibility
that GSH-enhancing therapy may slow or halt this process
of degeneration [45].
Increased GSH synthesis depends on the intake of cyste-
ine-containing foods [16]. Rich sources of this GSH-precur-
sor are very hard to come by and often are not well tolerated
by the patient [46, 47]. Cysteine is available as a free amino
acid and may be ingested, but it has toxic qualities and does
not effectively raise GSH in humans [48]. The drugs NAC
and OTC can raise GSH levels but their effects are short-
lived [49]. These pharmaceutical drugs also have little
nutritional value. Whey proteins have excellent nutritional
value but usually lack biologically active GSH-precursors
[50]. The ideal source of dietary cysteine should be natural,
nutritional, bioactive, and undenatured [51]. The patented
whey protein Immunocal ts these criteria. It is biologically
active, sustains elevated GSH levels [52, 53], and has high
nutritional value.
In 2007 a multi-centered, double-blinded, placebo con-
trolled clinical trial was carried out in Canada [54]. The
objective of the study is to see if a specially-prepared whey
protein isolate (Immunocal) could improve quality-of-life
Conict of Interests
The author provides medical consultation to
Immunotec Research.
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well. GSH modulation represents a novel approach to the
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high biological value protein and at the same time serve as a
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Received: September 19, 2016 Revised: October 4, 2016 Accepted: October 14, 2016
· 44 · Journal of Nutritional Oncology, November 15, 2016, Volume 1, Number 1
... Administering precursors of GSH could potentially elevate GSH concentrations in healthy cells, while simultaneously reducing them in tumor cells. This approach may protect healthy tissues and increase the vulnerability of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents [15]. Following the discovery of these features, the potential of glutathione in preserving ovarian function has become a popular research topic. ...
... Nonetheless, exploring antioxidant mechanisms as a strategy to mitigate the irreversible adverse effects of chemotherapeutic agents remains a viable approach. Antioxidant treatments could selectively shield normal cells while diminishing antioxidant levels in cancerous cells [15,46]. Research examining a range of chemotherapeutic drugs and tissue types is crucial to determine whether antioxidants can safely shield healthy tissues without contributing to resistance in cancerous tissues. ...
Full-text available
Objectives: We investigated the potential of glutathione to protect ovarian function in rats exposed to cyclophosphamide by measuring serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels, follicle counts, and related parameters. Design: Forty-two adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups and treated with various combinations of cyclophosphamide, glutathione, and sodium chloride. On day 21, the rats were anaesthetized, and their ovaries were removed for examination. Participants/Materials, Setting, Methods: Histopathological examination, serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) concentrations, follicle counts, anti-Mullerian hormone-positive staining of follicle percentages were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using a one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s test, with significance set at p<0.05. Primary evaluations included serum anti-Mullerian hormone concentrations and ovarian follicle counts. Secondary measures encompassed histopathological examination and percentages of anti-Mullerian hormone-positive staining of follicles. Results Significant differences were observed in follicle counts, anti-Mullerian hormone-positive follicle parameters, and serum anti-Mullerian hormone concentrations among the six groups. Group 2 (treated with cyclophosphamide) had the lowest primordial, primary, secondary, and antral follicle counts and the highest atretic count. Group 6, treated with cyclophosphamide and 200 mg/kg glutathione, showed improved follicle counts compared to those in group 2. Reducing the glutathione dose to 100 mg/kg was ineffective. Limitations This was an experimental animal investigation with a comparatively modest sample size. Experimental studies should be conducted to determine the optimal dosage and duration of glutathione therapy. Information gathered from an experimental animal model may not yield precisely similar outcomes in humans; therefore, additional investigations are necessary to examine the impact of glutathione on women experiencing POI. Conclusions The anti-oxidative protective effect of directly administered glutathione was demonstrated for the first time. Low-dose glutathione was ineffective, whereas a high dose yielded significant ovarian protection against cyclophosphamide. Our findings provide valuable insights for supplementing clinical trials on the protective effects of glutathione against ovarian damage.
Ethnopharmacological relevance Ginkgo biloba L. is a rare tree species unique to China. Ginkgo biloba is a traditional Chinese medicinal with a long history, acting on the heart and lung meridians, and has been reported to have a significant effect on non-small cell lung cancer. However, the mechanism underlying this metabolic effect is poorly understood. Aim of the study To identify the active components of Ginkgo biloba extract that may have effects on non-small cell lung cancer and their mechanisms of metabolic regulation. Materials and methods In this study, LC-MS/MS was used to investigate the chemical constituents of Ginkgo biloba extract. Network pharmacology was used to identify the active components potentially valuable in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Antitumor activity was evaluated using CCK-8 and apoptosis assays. The mechanisms of metabolic regulation by the active components were further explored using untargeted metabolomics, targeted metabolomics, and western blot experiments. Results Network pharmacology and component analysis of Ginkgo biloba extract identified four ginkgolides that significantly affect non-small cell lung cancer. Their antiproliferative activity in A549 cells was evaluated using CCK-8 and apoptosis assays. The metabolomics results indicated that the ginkgolides had a significant regulatory effect on metabolic pathways related to one-carbon metabolisms, such as purine metabolism, glutathione metabolism, and the methionine cycle. Further targeted metabolomics analysis on one-carbon metabolism found that the ginkgolides may significantly affect the content of multiple metabolites in A549 cells, including purine, S-adenyl methionine, S-adenylyl homocysteine, and glutathione upregulated, and adenosine, tetrahydrofolate, and 10-Formyl-tetrahydrofolate significantly decreased. Notably, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenases (MTHFR) were found to be altered after the treatment of ginkgolides. Conclusion This in vitro study indicated that ginkgolides might inhibit the growth of A549 cells by targeting one-carbon metabolism. This study also demonstrated that metabolomics combined with network pharmacology is a powerful tool for identifying traditional Chinese medicines’ active components and metabolic mechanisms.
Gold nanorods (AuNRs) have been widely applied to photothermal therapy against cancer. However, the chemically synthesized AuNRs such as that via seed-mediate method usually demonstrated a high cytotoxicity due to the existence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) coating. In this work, keratin, a family of cysteine-rich structural fibrous proteins was used for the first time to encapsulate AuNRs by a simple mixing method. Compared with CTAB-AuNRs, the keratin-encapsulated AuNRs ([email protected]) showed an improved colloid stability and good biocompatibility including low cytotoxicity and hemolytic effect. Moreover, [email protected] exhibited great potential as drug carriers with redox-responsive drug release behavior, due to the high concentration of disulfide crosslinking in keratin coating, and the DOX-loaded [email protected] demonstrated higher chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy efficiency against 4 T1 cells compared with either free DOX or [email protected] alone, suggesting a promising nanoplatform for cancer therapy.
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Aim of Study: To assess the impact of glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) Ile105Val polymorphism on the risk of lung cancer in the Chinese population, an updated meta-analysis and review was performed. Materials and Methods: Relevant studies were identified from PubMed, Springer Link, Ovid, Chinese Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, and Chinese Biology Medicine published through January 22, 2015. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to estimate the strength of the associations. Results: A total of 13 case-control studies, including 2026 lung cancer cases and 2451 controls, were included in this meta-analysis. Overall, significantly increased lung cancer risk was associated with the variant genotypes of GSTP1 polymorphism in the Chinese population (GG vs. AA: OR = 1.36, 95% CI = 1.01-1.84). In subgroup analyses stratified by geographic area and source of controls, the significant results were found in population-based studies (GG vs. AA: OR = 1.62, 95% CI: 1.13-2.31; GG vs. AG: OR = 1.49, 95% CI: 1.03-2.16; GG vs. AA + AG: OR = 1.55, 95% CI: 1.12-2.26). A gene-gene interaction analysis showed that there was an interaction for individuals with combination of GSTM1 (or GSTT1) null genotype and GSTP1 (AG + GG) mutant genotype for lung cancer risk in Chinese. Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggests that GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphism may increase the risk of lung cancer in the Chinese population.
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Increased levels of reactive oxygen species during and after surgery may affect inflammatory response, post-operative adhesion molecule formation, and hemodynamic stability. The glutathione redox cycle is an important regulator in oxidative stress and its reduced forms scavenge free radicals. N-acetyl cysteine, a precursor of reduced glutathione, is considered as a potentially therapeutic wide spectrum agent in clinical practice. We therefore examined whether N-acetyl cysteine improves some biochemical parameters in cancer patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. METHODS: Thirty-three patients diagnosed with pancreas, stomach, rectum, colon malignancies, and undergoing major abdominal surgery at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital were randomly divided into two groups; control (CON) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). The NAC group had 1,200 mg N-acetyl cysteine starting two days before the operation day, in addition to isonitrogenous and isocaloric total parenteral nutrition of 1.2 g/kg protein, 25 kcal/kg, and 60:40 carbohydrate/fat ratio. Blood and urine samples were drawn two days before the operation, on operation day, and on the first, third, and fifth days post-operation. RESULTS: Plasma malondialdehyde was significantly lower in the NAC group (P < 0.001). N-acetyl cysteine treatment did not affect plasma levels of vitamin A, C or E. The NAC group exhibited a higher ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidised glutathione (P = 0.019). Urinary nitrate level was also significantly lower in the NAC group (P = 0.016). CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated the clinical importance of N-acetyl cysteine supplementation on antioxidant parameters in abdominal surgery patients. In these patients N-acetyl cysteine and vitamin administration can be considered as an effective method for improvement of oxidative status.
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The physiological roles played by the tripeptide glutathione have greatly advanced over the past decades superimposing the research on free radicals, oxidative stress and, more recently, redox signaling. In particular, GSH is involved in nutrient metabolism, antioxidant defense, and regulation of cellular metabolic functions ranging from gene expression, DNA and protein synthesis to signal transduction, cell proliferation and apoptosis. This review will be focused on the role of GSH in cell signaling by analysing the more recent advancements about its capability to modulate nitroxidative stress, autophagy, and viral infection.
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Modulation of intracellular antioxidant concentration is a double-edged sword, with both sides exploited for potential therapeutic benefits. While antioxidants may hamper the efficacy of chemotherapy by scavenging reactive oxygen species and free radicals, it is also possible that antioxidants alleviate unwanted chemotherapy-induced toxicity, thus allowing for increased chemotherapy doses. Under normoxic environment, antioxidants neutralize toxic oxidants, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), maintaining them within narrow boundaries level. This redox balance is achieved by various scavenging systems such as enzymatic system (e.g., superoxide dismutases, catalase, and peroxiredoxins), nonenzymatic systems (e.g., glutathione, cysteine, and thioredoxin), and metal-binding proteins (e.g., ferritin, metallothionein, and ceruloplasmin) that sequester prooxidant metals inhibiting their participation in redox reactions. On the other hand, therapeutic strategies that promote oxidative stress and eventually tumor cells apoptosis have been explored based on availability of chemotherapy agents that inhibit ROS-scavenging systems. These contradictory assertions suggest that antioxidant supplementation during chemotherapy treatment can have varied outcomes depending on the tumor cellular context. Therefore, understanding the antioxidant-driven molecular pathways might be crucial to design new therapeutic strategies to fight cancer progression.
Purpose Cancer patients represent a patient group with a wide-range of nutrition related problems which are often under-recognized and undertreated. In order to assess the status quo of nutritional care in Germany, we conducted a survey among patients with different types of cancer. Methods A standardized questionnaire was distributed online by two national umbrella organizations for self-help groups. Results 1335 participants completed the questionnaire. 69 % of the participants reported having received information on nutrition and/or specific nutrition-related symptoms. Most often this information was derived from print media (68.5 %) or from within self-help groups (58.7 %). 57.0 % of participants reported having had questions concerning nutrition and/or problems with food intake. most frequently named topics of interest were “healthy diet” (35.0 %) weakness/fatigue (24.3 %), dietary supplements (21.3 %) and taste changes (19.8 %). Nutrition information was most often provided by dietitians (38.7 %) followed by physicians (9.8 %). Women reported receiving nutrition counseling in the hospital nearly twice as often as men (12.5 % versus 5.7 %; p < 0.001). A quarter of the patients (24.1 %) reported using dietary supplements and patients who had received some sort of nutrition information more often reported using supplements (p < 0.001). Conclusion Nutrition is an essential element in cancer care and patients report a high interest and need: Yet, many patients do not have access to high quality nutrition therapy during and after cancer therapy. Implications for cancer survivors With respect to survival and quality of life, increasing the availability and resources for provision of evidence based nutrition information seems mandatory.
The number of cancer survivors continues to increase because of both advances in early detection and treatment and the aging and growth of the population. For the public health community to better serve these survivors, the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute collaborate to estimate the number of current and future cancer survivors using data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results cancer registries. In addition, current treatment patterns for the most prevalent cancer types are presented based on information in the National Cancer Data Base and treatment-related side effects are briefly described. More than 15.5 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive on January 1, 2016, and this number is projected to reach more than 20 million by January 1, 2026. The 3 most prevalent cancers are prostate (3,306,760), colon and rectum (724,690), and melanoma (614,460) among males and breast (3,560,570), uterine corpus (757,190), and colon and rectum (727,350) among females. More than one-half (56%) of survivors were diagnosed within the past 10 years, and almost one-half (47%) are aged 70 years or older. People with a history of cancer have unique medical and psychosocial needs that require proactive assessment and management by primary care providers. Although there are a growing number of tools that can assist patients, caregivers, and clinicians in navigating the various phases of cancer survivorship, further evidence-based resources are needed to optimize care. CA Cancer J Clin 2016. © 2016 American Cancer Society.
To understand the association between biomarkers of oxidative stress, antioxidants, trace elements, and cell proliferation index in relation to the disease progression in the pathophysiology of breast diseases. Concentrations of markers of oxidative stress, antioxidants, trace elements, and cell proliferation index were evaluated in the patients with benign breast diseases, malignant breast diseases, and healthy volunteers as controls. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to identify the contribution of the selected indexes using odds ratio and associated confidence interval. The level of markers of oxidative stress (malondialdehyde [MDA]) and cell proliferation index were found to be significantly higher with significantly depleted levels of antioxidants and trace elements in breast cancer patients compared with control subjects as well as benign breast disease patients. A similar pattern of changes were observed between benign and control subjects. An inadequate amount of antioxidant enzymes and trace elements may be an important contributing factor associated with oxidative stress leading to elevated levels of MDA and cell proliferation index in relation to disease progression and clinical stage in the pathophysiology of breast diseases.
Decreasing oxidative damage with the antioxidant agent N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can block the side effects of chemotherapy, but may diminish anti-tumor efficacy. We tested the potential for interactions of high dose NAC against a minimally effective cisplatin chemotherapy regimen in rat models of human pediatric cancers. Athymic rats received subcutaneous implantation of human SK-N-AS neuroblastoma cells or intra-cerebellar implantation of human D283-MED medulloblastoma cells. Rats were untreated or treated with cisplatin (3 or 4 mg/kg IV) with or without NAC (1,000 mg/kg IV) 30 min before or 4 h after cisplatin treatment. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and tumor volumes were measured. Cisplatin decreased the growth of SK-N-AS neuroblastoma subcutaneous tumors from 17.7 ± 4.9 to 6.4 ± 2.5 fold over baseline 2 weeks after treatment (P < 0.001). Pretreatment with NAC decreased cisplatin efficacy, while 4 h delayed NAC did not significantly affect cisplatin anti-tumor effects (relative tumor volume 6.8 ± 2.0 fold baseline, P < 0.001). In D283-MED medulloblastoma brain tumors, cisplatin decreased final tumor volume to 3.9 ± 2.3 mm(3) compared to untreated tumor volume of 45.9 ± 38.7 (P = 0.008). Delayed NAC did not significantly alter cisplatin efficacy (tumor volume 6.8 ± 8.1 mm(3), P = 0.014 versus control). Cisplatin was minimally nephrotoxic in these models. NAC decreased cisplatin-induced elevations in BUN (P < 0.02). NAC chemoprotection did not alter cisplatin therapy, if delayed until 4 h after chemotherapy. These data support a Phase I/II clinical trial of delayed NAC to reduce ototoxicity in children with localized pediatric cancers.
Objective: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, conferring considerable individual, family, and community burden. To date, treatments for MDD have been derived from the monoamine hypothesis, and there is a paucity of emerging antidepressants, especially with novel mechanisms of action and treatment targets. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a redox-active glutathione precursor that decreases inflammatory cytokines, modulates glutamate, promotes neurogenesis, and decreases apoptosis, all of which contribute to the neurobiology of depression. Method: Participants with a current episode of MDD diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR criteria (N = 252) were treated with NAC or placebo in addition to treatment as usual for 12 weeks and were followed to 16 weeks. Data were collected between 2007 and 2011. Results: The omnibus interaction between group and visit for the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the primary outcome measure, was not significant (F₁,₅₂₀.₉ = 1.98, P = .067), and the groups did not separate at week 12 (t₃₆₀.₃ = -1.12, P = .265). However, at week 12, the scores on the Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation-Range of Impaired Functioning Tool (LIFE-RIFT) differed from placebo (P = .03). Among participants with a MADRS score ≥ 25, NAC separated from placebo at weeks 6, 8, 12, and 16 (P < .05). Additionally, the rate of change between baseline and week 16 was significant (t₂₂₁.₀₃ = -2.11, P = .036). NAC treatment was superior to placebo at week 16 for secondary readouts of function and clinical impression. Remission and response were greater in the NAC group at week 16, but not at week 12. The NAC group had a greater rate of gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal adverse events. Conclusions: Being negative at the week 12 end point, and with some positive secondary signals, the study provides only limited support for the role of NAC as a novel adjunctive therapy for MDD. These data implicate the pathways influenced by NAC in depression pathogenesis, principally oxidative and inflammatory stress and glutamate, although definitive confirmation remains necessary. Trial registration: Identifier: ACTRN12607000134426.
Chemotherapy-induced alopecia is a distressing problem to the cancer patient for which currently there is no effective preventive measure. Recently hnuVert, a biologic response modifier, has been shown to protect from cytarabine-induced alopecia in the young rat model, but not from alopecia induced by cyclophosphamide. In the present study, the rat model was used to examine the effect of N-acetylcysteine on the course of alopecia from cyclophosphamide and of ImuVert plus N-acetylcysteine on alopecia induced by cytarabine-cyclophosphamide combination. The following observations were made: (1) Cyclophosphamide-induced alopecia could be effectively prevented by N-acetylcysteine, administeredparenterally or applied topically in liposomes. (2) Alopecia caused by the combination of cyclophosphamide and cytarabine could be prevented by the parenteral or topical administration of ImuVert plus N-acetylcysteine. The potential applicability of these observations to the clinical setting remains to be determined.