Conference PaperPDF Available

Transferring an Interactive Display Service to the Virtual Reality

Transferring an Interactive Display Service to the
Virtual Reality
Jens Naber, Christian Krupitzer, Christian Becker
University of Mannheim
Schloss, 68161 Mannheim, Germany
{jens.naber, christian.krupitzer, christian.becker}
Abstract—In today’s world, smart devices – such as laptops,
smartphones, or smart watches – may substitute the need for
physical presence of people. By offering a virtual representation,
these devices support social interactions, e.g., telecommuting, re-
mote studying through e-learning, or long-distance relationships.
With audio and video streaming platforms like Skype, Apple
FaceTime, or Google Hangouts it is possible to stay in contact
with friends and colleagues. However, these platforms only allow
communication between two peers or at most in very small
groups. Additionally, they are very inflexible regarding content
sharing and support only limited, defined use cases. In this paper,
we present an extension to our pervasive display service for a
remote virtual environment. This allows an immersive partici-
pation at remote activities in larger groups, while retaining the
flexibility regarding joining devices of a pervasive middleware.
Our contributions are threefold. First, we present a reusable
design for integrating an interactive display service into virtual
environments. Second, we implement our approach using the
BASE middleware and the Unity 3D engine. Third, we evaluate
our approach in a smart meeting room scenario.
Today, electronic devices are ubiquitous in our society.
Most people own multiple smart devices to support their daily
work and private life. With the development of pervasive
middlewares these devices are getting highly integrated into
our everyday tasks. Whereas one challenge is the integration of
these devices into the workflow of businesses or the teaching at
universities, another issue is the mobility of users. Especially
in office jobs, many people work remotely from business trips
or at home. Smart meeting and lecture rooms are developed,
which allow all participants to incorporate their own devices
and content as well as participate remotely in meetings,
lectures, or conferences. However, the physical world – e.g.,
the lecture hall – and the virtual representation – e.g., a
virtual lecture room – are often not well integrated due to
synchronization issues as well as heterogeneous resources and
content. To cope with this challenge, it might be beneficial to
connect remote users and local users in the physical location
to a pervasive middleware. Such a middleware offers various
benefits as it handles service discovery and ad-hoc connections
of devices, as well as abstraction from resource heterogeneity.
In this paper, we integrate these strengths in our approach
and propose a system model on top of such a pervasive middle-
ware. The approach extends our pervasive display service from
[1] for virtual environments. In [1], the middleware allows
applications from several devices to use pervasive displays
and share content among users or just use the comfort of
a larger screen size. Users and applications can access and
manipulate content on the public screen based on user and
sensor inputs. In this paper, we extend this concept to a
virtual environment. Users and applications may seamlessly
interact with services and users in the physical as well as
virtual world. The flexibility of our pervasive middleware
is also key to the virtual extension. Participants are able to
connect with a high variety of devices, including their PC
or Laptop, smartphones, as well as more specific devices,
especially headmounted virtual reality displays like Oculus
Rift or HTC Vive. In the virtual reality, we achieve a very
immersive experience, which can come close to being at the
location. With this service, it is possible to communicate
and share content between remote participants. Due to the
high flexibility, the middleware and services are capable to
support a variety of scenarios. The most obvious use cases
would be smart lecture or meeting rooms, where users share
content and presentations in a mutual environment. However,
other scenarios can benefit from remote participation, such
as entertainment events (e.g., concerts or sports events) or
conferences. Our contributions are threefold. First, we present
a reusable design that extends our approach from [1]. Second,
we implement the system using the BASE middleware [2] and
the Unity game engine. Third, we evaluate our system in a
smart meeting room scenario.
In the following, we first discuss related work in Section
II, before we describe the system model in Section III. In
Section IV, we define our requirements for the Virtual Display
Service and present its design in Section V. Afterwards, we
describe the implementation of our prototype in Section VI
and the evaluation in Section VII. We close the paper with a
conclusion and an outlook on future work.
Different commercial products and research prototypes en-
able the enhancement of long distance communication and
working. There are specialized, commercial solutions for text
messaging (e.g., Whatsapp), video and audio streaming (e.g.,
Skype), or cooperative working and file sharing (e.g., Google
Docs). While they are very popular for their specific applica-
tion, they are not able to provide an integrated solution which
offers various functionalities. Further, it might be possible that
within a company or institute, different applications are used
for the same purpose. Hence, users might need to use different
applications for the same purpose if they are part of various
teams or groups. This results in incompatibility between the
applications. Additionally, only a suite of applications offers
all needed functionality. Our approach should not offer all the
functionality of the mentioned applications but focuses on the
integration of different applications into a common platform.
By combining technologies, researchers and companies are
trying to provide a more integrated workspace. The DOLPHIN
[3] meeting support system started by using an interactive
electronic whiteboard to enhance meeting rooms and making
it accessible for remote computers. The ActiveTheatre System
[4] provides a more data centered approach for supporting
surgeons, nurses, and patients during the process of preparing
and executing an operation. It is possible with this system
to access and capture patients’ data inside and outside of
the operating room. A further example for a collaborative
groupwork approach is GroupMind [5]. This mind-mapping
system enables the shared work on one document, which is
additionally shown on a big screen in the meeting room to
display all the changes. Additionally, there are stand-alone col-
laborative groupwork solutions from different companies, like
Cisco WebEx, IBM Connections, or Microsofts Sharepoint.
These systems represent the classical approach for col-
laborative working. In some cases, developers already tried
to make the experience more immersive for the user by
implementing their approach as a virtual environment. DIVE
[6] provides a multi-user virtual environment, which focuses
on the communication between humans. Based on the DIVE
system the Virtual Society project of Lea et al. [7] developed
a browser-based virtual environment for larger groups to chat
and share information. It shows a conference room, in which
the users can communicate via text or audio and use a virtual
display for presentations. De Lucia et al. [8] use a different
approach and extend the video game Second Life with a virtual
campus. The campus provides a possibility for lecturers to
give presentations and discuss with students in remote places.
Guided by the lecturer, participants group themselves up and
work together on shared learning tasks.
All of these approaches are restricted to specific use cases
and often also to specific application environments or device
platforms. As these systems are tailored for their specific use
case, they require a high effort for reconfiguration to other
use cases. Additionally, many of the approaches are limited
in their functionality and do not combine all the possibilities
of communication, content sharing, and interaction with the
content. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a display service
based on our pervasive middleware [1], as a combined solution
for the physical and virtual space. It provides a flexible and
immersive approach for sharing content, communication, and
collaborating with people from remote places.
In [1], we present middleware-based display services for
public and private pervasive displays. Our implementation
supports user interaction as well as integrates sensor in-
put at the remote device. We assume smart environments
consisting of I) user devices, such as smartphones, and II)
environment resources, especially visual output devices and
different input capabilities. These devices are connected by
a pervasive middleware. User applications can use devices in
the user as well as the environment domain. According to
the nature of smart, pervasive environments, we focus on ad-
hoc smart peer groups. Figure 1 depicts this system approach.
Within this paper, we extend the existing system model by
a virtual world. Therefore, we map the structure presented
in [1] – containing user domain, physical middleware, and
environment domain, as well as the distinction of applications
and services – for our pervasive display service to the virtual
world. Additionally, a defined protocol enables a seamless
connection between the pervasive middleware of the physical
world and a corresponding intermediate in the virtual world.
Hence, user and environment applications of the physical
world can interact with user and environment devices in both
worlds simultaneously. Users in the virtual environment are
represented as moving and interacting avatars. Vice versa,
virtual applications might use devices in the physical world.
However, in this paper, we focus on interactions between
applications in the physical world with user and environment
devices in both worlds, physical and virtual one. This includes
bi-directional communication between both worlds.
Physical Applications Physical Services
User Domain
Physical Environment
Smart Board
AR Glasses
User Domain
Virtual Environment
Presentation Collaborative
AR Glasses
Virtual Applications Virtual Services
Physical World
Virtual World
Fig. 1. Our System Model.
A smart meeting room is a good example where the
benefits of such an approach supports users. Here, the user
application is a presentation that uses services such as displays
or projectors. However, as today’s business world gets more
and more global, it might be necessary to integrate business
partners from other countries in the meetings. Therefore,
a virtual presentation of the meeting room would enable
remote attendance. Using our approach, the system would
guarantee the synchronization of the presentation’s content
shown on devices in the physical meeting room as well as
the virtual one. Further, our system would offer an approach
for communication between both worlds. Following, we first
present the requirements of the extension of the model to the
virtual world. Thereafter, we present the design of our system.
Based on our system model and the analysis of the scenarios
we described in [1] for the Virtual Display Service, we now
derive our requirements for the implementation. As the system
is based on our pervasive display service from [1], similar
requirements exist. The system from [1] offers transfer of
content to displays and the possibility to interact with them
through user and sensor input. In this paper, we complement
the interaction of users with virtual and physical services
by functionality for communication between users. Hence, in
the following, we present the requirements relevant to the
extended system.
a) Content Type: To facilitate the use of the system in
various application areas, a variety of content types has to
be supported. For some applications like chat or e-mail, it
is enough to transmit and display text. However, in more
complex scenarios we need to enable the use of image or even
video transmission. For instance, this allows presentations in
a classroom environment or live transmissions of concerts. In
addition to the visual content, we need the possibility for an
audio output. The audio support allows to transmit the speech
of a presenter together with the slides. In a concert scenario,
the audio even provides the main content and is supported by
the video transmission. Hence, the system should support the
content types text,image,video, and audio.
b) User/Sensor Input: Users need to be able to directly
interact with physical and virtual services. One example for
such services are physical and virtual displays. While viewing
a presentation on the virtual display, users need to be able to
forward the slides. Similar, video transmissions may be paused
or the user wants to rewind the video. To enable the interaction
with displays in the virtual reality the service should enable
mouse input at the display. Additionally, keyboard shortcuts
can simplify the interaction with several virtual displays. The
types of sensor and user input may vary for other services, e.g.,
a location-based service needs some sensor that recognizes the
location (e.g., based on GPS).
c) Responsiveness: To ensure a smooth experience when
connecting the real world with a virtual environment, the
system has to minimize the latency between these two. If, for
instance, the content of a presentation reaches users at different
points in time, it hinders the communication between the users
and the discussions of the topic.
d) Communication: The ability to share content in both
worlds, the real but also in the virtual one, is not enough to
replicate the experience. Users also have to be able to commu-
nicate with each other. As the middleware should allow collab-
orative work in an efficient manner, it has to integrate multiple
different communication styles to eliminate the need of addi-
tional communication tools. The communication between the
users is divided into three types: (i) textual communication, (ii)
verbal communication, and (iii) gesture-based communication.
First, the system should offer text for short, non-disruptive,
and asynchronous communication. Second, it should support
audio transmissions for enabling efficient group work through
real-time communication. Last, the virtual environment should
support gestures to communicate. Therefore, users can enter
specific commands to enable gestures of their avatars in the
virtual environment, e.g., raising the hand in a lecture.
e) Access Control: In some situations, the system may
restrict the communication between users. Users in real world
lectures or conference rooms mostly do not start to chat,
while a presentation is running. In virtual environments, due
to the partial anonymity and a higher amount of users, the
communication is less controlled. To avoid this problem, an
access control for the communication in the virtual envi-
ronment should be integrated. This gives the presenter the
possibility to enable and disable the communication in the
virtual environment and between the virtual and real world.
Additionally, it should be possible to allow the division of
the users into different groups for efficient communication.
The access control should support efficient grouping to divide
potentially large amounts of users into teams.
In this section, we present the design of our approach
for integrating virtual and physical, pervasive services and
devices. In the following, we focus on an interactive display
service for virtual environments. This is integrated in our
approach for pervasive displays from [1]. Further, it extends
the approach by inter-user communication capabilities. Next,
we present the overall architecture. After that, we show the
designs of (i) the inter-user communication, (ii) access control,
and (iii) the protocol for interactions between the physical and
virtual world.
A. Architecture
The presented solution is based on our interactive display
service [1] for applications in physical environments, which
itself uses the pervasive BASE middleware [2] as a foundation.
However, the encapsulated design enables the exchange of
the middleware by other pervasive middlewares. Developers
should be able to easily use the generic service for their appli-
cations. In this section, we design a more generic approach by
not specifying the pervasive middleware that should be used.
The pervasive middleware enables the connection between the
user domain and the physical environment (see Figure 1).
Further, it connects the physical and the virtual world. Our
design approach uses an existing game engine for representing
the virtual world. Following, we discuss the architecture of
the extended display service and the connection between the
pervasive middleware and the game engine. Figure 2 depicts
the combination of the physical (PDS) and virtual display
service (VDS). In this paper, we focus on the latter. For more
information on the implementation of our PDS, the interested
reader is referred to [1].
Our target application domain is the presentation of content
in the virtual and the physical world, simultaneously, i.e., an
application in the physical world should be able to present
content on physical and virtual display. Further, interactions
between users and the application (or its users) and inter-user
communication should be possible. The pervasive middleware
User Domain
Physical Environment
Perv. Middleware
User Domain
Virtual Environment
Service Virtual
Virtual Display Controller
Physical World
Virtual World
Microphone Audio
Physical Applications Physical Services Virtual Applications Virtual Services
Service Comm.
Fig. 2. Architecure of the interactive display service with the virtual
environment extension.
connects devices and services. The VDS, a part of the physical
middleware, is connected with the Virtual Display Controller
(VDC) which represents as part of the game engine the virtual
world. Analogously, the PDS connects the application with
physical devices. Both display services are part of the physical
middleware. The services are responsible for communication
with the user application as well as with other services. As
we focus on the display services, we omit details of further
elements of the physical middleware in the following. The
application is able to mirror its content to physical and virtual
displays, but it is also possible to provide all accessed displays
with own customized content. For the communication with the
VDC, the network functionality within the Game Engine is
used. The VDC and the VDS use a defined protocol for their
interaction, which is discussed in detail in Section V-D.
The VDC is responsible for administering the displays in
the virtual environment and for routing user interaction and
communication back to the application through the pervasive
middleware. Multiple virtual displays can be connected and
independently addressed by the VDC. The designer of the vir-
tual environment can easily place new displays and the VDC
identifies them by their IDs. Furthermore, the VDC propagates
the amount of displays and their IDs to the application. Using
the IDs, the application is able to send different content to
the displays. Users in the virtual environment also have the
possibility to interact directly with the displays. For instance,
they can request the next slide of a presentation or pause
a video. The virtual displays propagate these events to the
VDC, which then informs the application via the VDS and
the Notification Service. Figure 3 shows the data flow of one
application that uses a physical display as well as a virtual
one according to described the approach.
Additionally, the architecture contains a Communication
Controller which is connected to the Communication Service
in the physical middleware. Its main purpose is to orchestrate
the communication between the users, therefore, it is responsi-
ble for the communication using input and output channels. We
take a closer look on this part in the next section. To forward
user interaction requests and communication information to
the application, its Notification Service is used. Both, the PDS
and VDS, are using the same Notification Service. The service
Virtual Environment
Virtual Display
Physical Display
Display Service
Computer A
Virtual Display
Virtual Display
Virtual Display
Computer B
Computer C
Fig. 3. Data flow of an application using a physical as well as a virtual
display. Application, physical, and virtual display are running on separated
computers. Notification Service and Communication Controller are omitted.
is provided to the application developer as an interface. Each
application has to handle the transmitted data itself and may
ignore data that is currently not relevant. To get a more detailed
explanation on the Notification Service please refer to [1].
B. Inter-User Communication
Additionally to the content output via the virtual displays,
we also provide the possibility for users to communicate with
other users within the virtual and physical environment via
text, speech, and gestures. One part of the communication
input is a UI-based classical text chat. The second part
of the communication input uses the user’s microphone for
audio-based communication and keyboard shortcuts to trigger
specific gestures. Furthermore, the virtual environment is able
to output the audio stream of other users. The retrieved
gestures are executed by the virtual avatar of the sending user.
These functionalities are also designed independently from
the specific virtual environment and can easily be transferred
to new scenarios. The Communication Controller orchestrates
the complete process and assigns incoming messages to the
correct output device or respective user avatar. Additionally,
the Communication Controller collects user input and prepares
it for the transmission. For audio input, the raw data from
the microphone has to be encoded and split up in chunks
(decoded and assembled respectively for the incoming traffic)
by the Communication Controller. In- and outgoing communi-
cation is routed to the Communication Service of the physical
middleware, which is responsible for the connection with the
communication devices, e.g., microphones, audio devices, and
displays. Communication is not limited to the users in the
virtual environment. Additionally, physical devices can show/
play the communication output for all users not connected to
the virtual environment. Vice versa, users may use applications
for their devices or physical displays for communicating with
their peers in the virtual environment.
C. Access Control
The VDS offers a mechanism for access control. This
allows to group users, which is helpful for creating teams to
work on one task without disturbing other users or groups.
The pervasive middleware uses the access control system to
identify relevant users and forwards communication only to the
target group. This reduces unnecessary traffic and only relevant
messages have to be processed by the virtual environments.
Furthermore, confidential content can be restricted to specific
users. Each group is identified by a unique ID and the set
of members. A user can be assigned to several groups and
send messages to groups. Furthermore, the virtual environment
saves a history for the text messages associated with each
group, so that it is possible to read messages from the past
after entering a new group. Each incoming audio stream is
bound to the corresponding user avatar. With this method,
it is possible to play audio messages from multiple users in
parallel. Additionally, the audio streams are mixed based on
the location of the avatar in the virtual environment.
In addition to the group mechanism, the VDS allows for
a more fine-grained control of the communication between
users. It is possible to limit the ability of a user to communicate
with other users. The service can mute the user for the
various communication types separately. For instance, this
allows lecturers to mute students for avoiding chattering.
D. Protocol for Interaction
We defined a protocol for the interaction between the
pervasive middleware and the VDC. The protocol header has
the following structure:
struct MessageHeader {
enum requestType ;
enum command ;
l o n g i d ;
l o ng l e n g t h ;
The message’s data is saved in the payload, which might
be additionally structured depending on the message type.
Figure 4 shows the message types with their corresponding
direction of communication. We distinguish between device-
related (DEV) and user-related messages (USR), indicated by
the first header field. The subsequent header field describes
the type of command. The following device-related commands
are available: new content for the display (OBJ) and new
user input or display control statement, respectively (CTR).
If applications aim to interact with a virtual display, an ID
that uniquely represents a display follows after the OBJ/CTR
command. Using this value, the VDC addresses the correct
display. The other way around, the application can identify
which display triggered an event. The following field of the
message specifies the length of the payload. Afterwards, the
payload follows. In case of a OBJ command, this is the content
that should be shown on a display, e.g., an image, video,
or text. Additionally, in case of a CTR command, either the
application sends an instruction to the display or vice versa. On
the one hand, the display service is able to transmit an event
triggered by the user at the virtual display. This can be a click
event or a pressed keyboard shortcut. On the other hand, the
application can send a control command to the virtual display,
e.g., a request to forward a presentation or pause a video.
CTR Length User InputDisplay ID
CTR Length Control CommandDisplay ID
OBJ Length Content objectDisplay ID
User ID Gesture TypeGES
User ID Text MessageTEX Length
User ID Audio objectAUD Length F/L
Group ID UID 1 … UID nGRP # UIDs C/U/D
TextACC Audio Gesture
Virtual Display Service
(Pervasive Middleware)
Virtual Display Controller
(Game Engine)
Fig. 4. Protocol for interaction between service and controller.
The user-related messages are designed to support bi-
directional information flow between the physical applications
and the virtual environment to enable inter-user communica-
tion. For the three communication styles, the protocol provides
corresponding command types: TEX for text, AUD for audio,
or GES for gestures. Each of them are followed by a unique
user ID for identifying who send the message. Text and
audio messages have a variable length and require therefore a
transmission of the length before the payload. In the case of
audio transmissions, we finish with a field to mark the first
and last package for decoding purposes. For administration
of groups, we added the GRP command. Each group needs
a unique ID to identify it later for changes. Afterwards, the
amount of users included in the group is transmitted, followed
by the ID of each user. At the end, a flag is transmitted
to indicate whether the group should be created, updated, or
deleted. The access control command ACC disables the ability
of users to communicate. It contains three boolean values to
toggle the communication channels separately.
Based on the design in the previous section, this section
describes the implementation of our approach. As physical
middleware, we use the pervasive BASE middleware [2].
Its lightweight micro-broker architecture allows for an easy
discovery and connection to the implemented services, while
still keeping the overhead low. Additionally, it is designed to fit
on a high variety of devices and supports a multitude of com-
munication protocols. However, other pervasive middlewares
may be used. Furthermore, we need to choose a specific 3D
engine for implementation of the virtual environment. A game
engine is a middleware that supports developers of (serious)
games by offering reusable development artifacts, e.g., a 3D
engine, world editor, or scripts for the game logic. Out of
the in [9] presented game engines, we choose Unity1as it is
flexible, offers an easy to learn editor, and supports different
programming languages (JavaScript, Boo, and C#) as well
as all major PC (including VR devices), mobile and console
platforms. We implemented our virtual environment including
the Communication Controller and the VDC in C#.
1Unity website:
In the following, we focus on describing the implementation
of (i) the connection between BASE and Unity, (ii) the
implementation and usage of virtual displays in Unity, and
(iii) the inter-user communication.
A. Extending the Physical Display Service with Virtuality
In this section, we focus on the implementation of the virtual
displays as well as the connection between the virtual and the
physical application, hence, the implementation of the VDS
and the VDC. Unity offers so called GameObjects. These
objects are containers that can contain various objects, such
as scripts that implement an object’s logic, audio content, or
visual content. Hence, we implemented GameObjects for the
different contents the virtual display should show. As Unity
supports the formats JPEG, PNG, and OGG out of box, our
display works with them. Additionally, using Ghostscript, the
VDS converts PDF files to a collection of PNG files which
can be shown on the virtual display. To reduce delays due to
the conversion process of large PDF files, the conversion is
done in a background process and converted pages are sent
directly to the VDC. The VDS sends the relevant content to
the VDC. Further, the VDC maps received content to virtual
displays. We implemented the mapping procedure as Unity
scripts. Developers of the virtual world may attach them to
GameObjects via the Unity editor and enable the objects to
function as a display. The VDS and the VDC are connected in
a client-server fashion using Sockets. Thereby, the VDS acts
as server, the VDC as client. For serialization purposes, we use
Google’s ProtocolBuffer2library. It offers a fast, convenient,
and platform-independent serialization [10]. As ProtocolBuffer
does not offer a stable C# library, we also use the protobuf-
net3library for serialization within Unity. Furthermore, we
implemented the protocol from Section V-D. For interaction
between the application and the virtual display, the OBJ for
showing new content and the CTR command for bi-directional
interaction are relevant.
B. Implementation of Inter-User Communication
Besides the interaction of the application with virtual dis-
plays, our protocol supports inter-user communication. The
communication uses the connection between the Communi-
cation Controller in the virtual world and the communication
services in both worlds. In this section, we focus on how the
communication is implemented. As the protocol supports three
communication styles – text, audio, and gestures – the section
is threefold. Unity offers a low level API for network trans-
missions in the UNET package. This API supports receiving
and sending of binary data. Further, it supports the definition
of channels. For the sake of a clear separation of message
types and a corresponding logic to handle the messages, we
define a channel for each message type, hence, each protocol
command. Each channel can provide an individual quality of
service (QoS) level. Table I shows the channels, their QoS
levels, data types, and the corresponding protocol commands.
2ProtocolBuffer website:
3protobuf-net website:
Channel QoS Data Type Cmd
Chat Reliable TextChatMessage TEX
Voice chat Unreliable CompressedFile AUD
Gesture Reliable GestureSelection GES
Group man-
Reliable Group GRP
Control Reliable StudentCom ACC
Text chat messages are implemented as transmitted text
messages that are shown in a separate UI element within the
virtual environment. We implemented the voice chat using
the Nspeex4library. This library captures audio signals from
microphones and splits it into decoded chunks. As frequency
we use 16,000 Hertz. After transmission, we use the library
to encode the information and return it via audio devices to
users. For gesture-based communication, we defined a set of
shortcuts. Each command reflects a gesture of the user’s avatar
which is triggered by the VDC using the Animation System of
Unity. Additionally, Unity is responsible to manage groups of
users and react accordingly on the activities for access control
by specifying the corresponding rights for users.
As we are using the BASE middleware as pervasive middle-
ware in the physical representation and the Unity game engine
for representing the virtual environment, our implementation
is specific to them. However, all implemented components are
reusable by other applications. Furthermore, developers may
extend our system with own virtual devices written for Unity
or physical applications, hence, additional BASE services.
Through the well-defined protocol, it is possible to exchange
the BASE middleware with another middleware but still using
the Unity game engine. For future work, we plan to implement
our approach using other pervasive middlewares and game
engines to improve the interoperability.
For evaluating the prototype of our approach, we imple-
mented a virtual meeting room which is connected to a
physical meeting room. Next, we introduce the scenario in
detail and describe the evaluation setting. Afterwards, we
present the evaluation result of the performance measurements
of our prototype implementation.
A. Evaluation Setting
For the evaluation of our VDS, we implemented a virtual
meeting room. The virtual environment is equipped with
several displays. Figure 5 shows a part of the meeting room
and some of the displays with different content. Besides a
projector in the front and two large screens at the sides of
the room, the room is equipped with several PCs in the
back, which illustrates personal virtual devices of users. An
application can access these displays using the BASE services
separately and can send different content to each of them.
4Nspeex website:
As content types the virtual meeting room supports images
and videos as well as PDFs for presentations. Also the full
capability of the inter-user communication system is build
into the virtual meeting room. Users can communicate with
gestures, text, and audio messages and the presenter is able to
group users together. Additionally, the presenter can control
access to communication channels for users.
Fig. 5. Screenshot of the example virtual environment.
We implemented an application for the virtual meeting
room, which uses the PDS and the VDS. This application
allows to pick displays in the physical or virtual space and
transmit selected content to them. The user of the application
has full control over what content is shown on which display
and can forward PDF presentations or start and stop videos.
Requirement Implemented Feature covering Requirement
Content Type Text, Image, Video, PDF
User/Sensor Input Forward slides
Responsiveness —
Communication Text, Speech, Gesture
Access Control Group management, mute users
As Table II shows, the implemented functionality already
fulfills four out of the five requirements we derived in Section
IV. For analyzing the responsiveness of our approach, we
performed a quantitative evaluation of the VDS. First, we
measure the time difference between sending an image to the
PDS and the VDS. Next, we evaluate the time for transmission
of an image to the virtual display. Last, we analyze how the
amount of displays influences the time needed for sending.
Except for the last evaluation, the evaluations were executed
on a PC with an Intel Core i7 4700MQ quadcore CPU with
2.40GHz, 16 gigabytes memory, and a Nvidia Geforce GT
730M graphics card. The system uses Windows 10 64bit,
Java 8.0.101, and Unity3D version 5.3.4. We perform most
of the measurements locally to measure only the computa-
tional overhead and neglect uncertainty introduced by varying
transmission times via the network. The third evaluation is
performed in a distributed setting.
B. Evaluation Results
To measure the time needed to show an image on the display
we use three images with 1000x1000, 750x750, and 500x500
pixels. As Figure 5 shows, the virtual displays cover only a
limited area of a physical display (up to a 4k resolution).
Therefore, the resolutions for the pictures are large enough.
We first measure the time needed for the transmission between
the application and BASE service. The transaction can be
divided into three parts: (i) transmission to the VDS or PDS,
respectively, (ii) transmission from VDS to VDC, and (iii) time
needed for displaying the picture on a virtual device. As the
time needed to display the image on a physical display after it
arrives at the PDS is less than 1ms on average, it is neglected.
The evaluation is repeated 500 times per image. Figure 6
shows the time needed in total and for each of the three steps.
Even for the largest image, the time difference between the
appearance on the physical and virtual display is with 38.22ms
not recognizable. This does not influence user experience
as for users it seems as the physical and virtual displays
are synchronized. In detail, the file transmission between the
BASE service and VDC takes on average between 7.22ms
for smallest image resolution and 7.89ms for the largest.
The BASE middleware consumes up to 66% of the time for
sending the image from the application to the service (59% on
average). Thus, a middleware which is optimized for handling
media content could improve the performance.
500px 750px 1000px
Time [ms]
App to VDS
Fig. 6. Transaction times for showing a picture on a virtual display.
Next, we evaluate the time needed to send an image to
several virtual displays. For this measurement, we use only
the largest image with 1000x1000 pixels. The amount of
virtual displays is increased up to eight displays placed in our
virtual meeting room. We again measure the transmission time
between the VDS and VDC and the time needed to display the
images. Figure 7 shows the corresponding transaction times.
The time for the complete process increases on average by
27.92ms for each additional display. Sending an image to all
eight displays simultaneously needs on average 228.64ms. In
an optimized scenario it is highly unlikely for all applications
to update their virtual display at the same time. Additionally,
there is no need to send the content several times if multiple
displays should show the same content as the received file is
saved at the hard disc and all displays can access it.
Number of virtual displays
Time [ms]
Fig. 7. Transaction times for showing pictures on up to eight virtual displays.
For the third quantitative evaluation, we measure the time
for sending an image from one application to several VDSs
over a network. Therefore, we started 16 instances of the VDS
on 4 PCs. As soon as a VDS receives an image and is ready to
relay it to the VDC, it sends an acknowledgment back to the
application. We measure the duration between the start of the
sending process until the reception of the acknowledgment.
As Figure 8 shows, the time for sending an image increases
linearly by 26.13ms for each additional receiving service.
Hence, the service scales in a satisfactory manner to support
the users of a virtual meeting room. For integrating additional
users, it is also possible to split the distribution of content
between services in a hierarchical manner.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516
Number of VDSs
Time [ms]
Time for sending
Fig. 8. Transaction time for an image from one application to several virtual
displays services (VDSs) over a network with acknowledgment and regression
function y = 26.129x + 82.118. R2= 0.9987 indicates an almost perfect fit
of the observation with the regression.
The evaluation showed that the VDS meets most of our
requirements derived in Section IV through the implemented
functionality. We showed with three measurements that the
prototype fulfills the requirement for responsiveness. The
biggest bottleneck in providing new content to the virtual dis-
plays is the transmission of the data via the BASE middleware,
which can be boost by using a media-centric middleware.
In this paper, we introduced our approach for transferring
our Interactive Display Service presented in [1] to a virtual
environment. The VDS is highly flexible regarding the use case
and applications. Application developers get the opportunity
to build a link between the distribution of their content in
the physical and virtual environment. Remote users get the
chance to have the same experience and learning or working
environment as their colleagues. The service is designed to run
on a high variety of devices, but the effect can be intensified
by using specialized hardware, such as head-mounted displays.
We plan to refine the PDS and the VDS in further itera-
tions. First, we plan to implement our approach using other
pervasive middlewares and game engines. This step improves
the interoperability and allow a higher variety of devices to
join the service. Additionally, we plan to tackle performance
issues with pervasive middlewares, which are better optimized
for multimedia content. Furthermore, new services will be
introduced to the middleware, to allow a better connectivity
between the users and distribution of content. For instance, it
would be possible to add a file service in the infrastructure
of the pervasive environment to cache and distribute user
content to different receiving devices, as well as rendering
services to relief user and display devices with high workload
dramatically. To reduce the network load, it would also be
possible for the VDC to propagate the needed resolution for
a virtual display, so that the rendering service can scale the
content down before transmitting. It is also conceivable to fit
the pervasive middleware with an easy to use configuration
interface. This could enable presenters or lecturers to adjust
the distribution of information or content in the environment
and between output devices on the fly. This would enable to
adjust the middleware to new use cases and scenarios without
the input of an administrator or even developer. Additionally, a
large scale evaluation with students during a lecture is planned
to evaluate with a multitude of devices and content types as
well as the usability from a lecture’s point view.
We would like to thank our former students Christiane Lupui
and Maria del Carmen Oc´
on Palma for their contribution.
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... This type of system will promote learning by practising, which makes the whole experience straightforward and enjoyable [12]. Using VR in such projects will help to achieve an extremely immersive experience [13]. ...
... Every part or component located in the protective case will pop up once the user places the mouse on it and start rotating in 3D 360 degree with a brief thumbnail defining that part. The use of mixed technologies of 3D designs and VR results in achieving an incredible engulfing feeling as if being at the real location of the demonstration process [13]. Figure 44 shows the VUM of Epsilon in operation from the World Wide Web, with the help of audio and illustrative text displayed in a virtual environment and user interaction, the demonstration process will be very smooth, efficient and comprehensive for all users. ...
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Virtual Reality (VR) is an essential technology in today’s internet world. VR has the capability to provide great insight into a particular subject, display features of a device, or even convey an idea through its exceptionally realistic atmosphere. Epsilon represents an advanced skin measurement device. It was initially built as part of a research project by a team at London South Bank University. Currently, Epsilon has been introduced and applied in several global corporations. The futuristic concept of Epsilon was an essential part of upgrading this medical research tool. However, comprehensive training that involves being physically present on campus is essential for Epsilon and requires significant time and money. Consequently, utilising the Virtual User Environment (VUE) to showcase all features of the futuristic Epsilon device is an essential step to demonstrating its qualities by providing users with the necessary training. This paper outlines the process of creating a web-based, interactive 3D virtual user environment for the futuristic Epsilon device. The VUE is an interactive 3D guide that will display to all learners all the futuristic features of Epsilon. Furthermore, enhancing the functionality of this device is a crucial element of effectively marketing this research instrument globally
... Interaction is achieved through data gloves and optical devices for tracking the position of the user. An interactive display service for communication through a remote virtual environment is discussed in a paper [19]. User can use the services in the physical as well as virtual world. ...
... This type of systems will promote learning by practising which makes the whole experience straightforward and enjoyable [10]. Using virtual reality in such projects will help to achieve an extremely immersive experience [11]. ...
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Virtual Reality (VR) is an essential technology in today's internet world. VR is capable of delivering an exceptionally competent understanding of a topic, demonstrating a tool, or even conveying an idea through its incredibly realistic environment. Epsilon is a state of the art skin measurement instrument. Initially developed by London South Bank University research group as a research project. Epsilon has now been marketed and utilised in many organisations worldwide. Nevertheless, Epsilon requires thorough on-site training which is costly and time-consuming. Therefore, there is a real need for a Virtual User Manual (VUM) to train clients on how to operate Epsilon and demonstrate all its features and functionalities. This paper presents the development process of a web-based interactive 3D virtual user manual for the Epsilon medical device. The VUM is a step by step interactive 3D guide that will display to users, trainees, and clients all of Epsilon's characteristics with the aid of audio and illustrative text. Additionally, it will direct them on how to operate this skin medical instrument efficiently. The interactive VUM will provide users with an extremely realistic ambience presented in 3D content employing The Internet as a delivery method.
... With VR involved in the demonstration process and full interactivity at hand, the client or user can simply try and test these two medical instruments remotely using the internet as a platform and discover all their features and functions. In the virtual reality, we achieve a very immersive experience, which can come close to being at the location [10]. New hardware and accessories been presented too to show the power of marketing and conveying new ideas realistically to the rest of the world especially in the era of social media and internet were used on a huge scale. ...
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3D design and 3D contents are becoming ever so popular in today's technology. The whole world is moving towards the 3D content platform, 3D printers, 3D TV sets, 3D mobiles etc. no exception to that is the web and all things in it. AquaFlux and Epsilon are two of our state of the art skin measurement instruments. Originally developed by our research group as research projects, AquaFlux and Epsilon have now been commercialised and used in more than 70 organisations worldwide. However, due to the nature of the technologies, they often require on-site intensive training, which is expensive and time-consuming. There is a genuine need for an interactive virtual training environment that users can be trained whenever and wherever they want. This paper demonstrates the development of a web-based interactive 3D virtual environment for these two skin measurement instruments to serve this demand. The new system contains detailed virtual user manuals, step by step interactive instructions that will direct the users on how to use these two skin measurement devices. The virtual environment will benefit users by giving users a very realistic feel about how these instruments work. VR (Virtual Reality) is an essential technology that will deliver to users the experience and knowledge in this regard.
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Building capture and access (C&A) applications for use in the opera- tion theatre differs greatly from C&A applications built to support other settings e.g. meeting rooms or classrooms. Based on field studies of surgical operations, this paper explores how to design C&A applications for the operation theatre. Based on the findings from our field work, we have built the ActiveTheatre, a C&A prototype. ActiveTheatre is built to support collaboration in and around the operating theatre, to capture events instead of automatically capturing eve- rything, and to be integrated with existing applications already present in the operation theatre. The ActiveTheatre prototype has been developed in close co- operation with surgeons and nurses at a local hospital. The work on the proto- type and our initial evaluations have provided an insight into how to design, capture and access applications that are going to be used in other settings than the meeting room.
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This pager put Google protocol buffers algorithm in online game's data transmission, aiming is to increase the efficiency of data transmission. Firstly, desion data protocol and formulate relevant agreement format file. Later, serialize the data and transfer it to the client. Last, the client anti-sequentially unpacks the data. Through the above algorithm, after been serialized, data quantity is compressed to traditional data quantity's 30% or smaller, so the data transmission efficiency is greatly improved.
Video games and new communication metaphors are quickly changing today’s young people habits. Considering the actual e-learning scenarios, embedded in a fully technological enabled environment it is crucial to take advantage of this kind of capabilities to let learning process gain best results.This paper presents a virtual campus created using Second Life which provides four distinct types of virtual space: common student campus, collaborative zones, lecture rooms and recreational areas. Second Life environments and objects have been designed and programmed to support synchronous lectures and collaborative learning. The Second Life virtual world has also been equipped with supporting tools enabling students and teachers to navigate among multimedia contents. Second Life and an ad-hoc developed Moodle plug-in have been integrated to naturally enrich the environment with LMS services, exploiting this 3D world to increase the interaction and communication opportunities between teachers and students, and among students, principally favoring planned and unplanned social encounters.We have conducted an experiment involving university students aiming at evaluating Second Life synchronous distance lectures in the proposed learning environment. The evaluation has been conducted considering that, in a 3D multi-user virtual environment, learning is strongly related to the user perception of belonging to a learning community, as well as to the perception of awareness, presence and communication. The results of the evaluation are very positive.
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Serious games represent the state-of-the-art in the convergence of electronic gaming technologies with instructional design principles and pedagogies. Whilst the selection criteria for entertainment game engines are often transparent, due to the range of available platforms and engines an emerging challenge is the choice of platform for serious games, whose selection often has substantially different objectives and technical requirements depending upon context and usage. Additionally, the convergence of training simulations with serious gaming, made possible by increasing hardware rendering capacity, is enabling the creation of high-fidelity serious games which challenge existing design and instructional approaches. This paper highlights some of the differences between the technical requisites of high-fidelity serious and leisure games, and proposes a selection methodology based upon these emergent characteristics. The case study of part of a high-fidelity model of Ancient Rome is used to compare aspects of the four different game engines according to elements defined in the proposed methodology.
The Virtual Society (VS) project is a long term research initiative that is investigating the evolution of the future electronicsociety. Our vision for this electronic society is a shared 3D virtual world where users, from homes and offices, canexplore, interact and work. Our first implementation of an infrastructure to support our investigation is known asCommunityPlace and has been developed to support large-scale shared 3D spaces on the Internet using the Virtual RealityModeling Language (VRML). Obviously, such an ambitious project cuts across many different domains. In this paper weoutline the goals of the Virtual Society project, discuss the architecture and implementation of CommunityPlace withparticular emphasis on Internet related technologies such as VRML and present our views on the role of VRML and theInternet to support large-scale shared 3D spaces.
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Pervasive computing environments add a multitude of additional devices to our current computing landscapes. Specialized embedded systems provide sensor information about the real world or offer a distinct functionality, e.g. presentation on a "smart wall". Spontaneous networking leads to constantly changing availability of services. This requires middleware support to ease application development. Additionally, we argue that an extensible middleware platform covering small embedded systems to fill-fledged desktop computers is needed. Such a middleware should provide easy-to-use abstractions to access remote services and device-specific capabilities. We present a micro-broker-based approach which meets these requirements by allowing uniform access to device capabilities and services through proxies and the integration of different interoperability protocols. A minimum configuration of the middleware can be executed on embedded systems. Resource-rich execution environments are supported by the extensibility of the middleware.