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Abstract and Figures

We designed and conducted an experiment using a repetitive task to investigate associations between mental workload, performance, and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) features across repetitions. According to the literature, we define mental workload as the interaction between a person and a task that causes task demands to exceed the person’s capacity to deliver. Mental workload was triggered by the use of a highly-paced video game repeated over time. Before engaging with the task, each subject was assessed in a controlled condition (i.e., relaxing period) for a short time. Short term HRV features' variation between the baseline (i.e., control situation) and each repetitive gaming session (i.e., mental task) were computed. The results show that HRV dynamics diminish with repetitions, while performance increases. Importantly, this suggests that HRV features can be well correlated with performance. Overall, this study advances the use of HRV analysis in the behavioural sciences at large, allowing the design of flexible neurophysiological lab-based experiments. It also opens the way to future autonomic organizational neuroscience research.
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Heart Rate Variability Analysis and Performance during a Repeated Mental
Workload Task
R.Castaldo1, L. Montesinos1, S. Wan1, A. Serban2, S. Massaro3 and L. Pecchia1
1 University of Warwick, School of Engineering, Coventry, UK
2 Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Richmond, Virginia, USA
3University of Warwick, Warwick Business School & GRP in Behavioral Science, Coventry, UK
Abstract We designed and conducted an experiment using
a repetitive task to investigate associations between mental
workload, performance, and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) fea-
tures across repetitions. According to the literature, we define
mental workload as the interaction between a person and a task
that causes task demands to exceed the person’s capacity to de-
liver. Mental workload was triggered by the use of a highly-
paced video game repeated over time. Before engaging with the
task, each subject was assessed in controlled condition (i.e., re-
laxing period) for a short time. Short term HRV features varia-
tions between the baseline (i.e., control situation) and each re-
petitive gaming session (i.e., mental task) were explored. The
results show that HRV dynamics diminish with repetitions,
while performance increases. Importantly, this suggests that
HRV features can be well correlated with performance. Overall,
this study advances the use of HRV analysis in the behavioral
sciences at large, allowing the design of flexible neurophysiolog-
ical lab-based experiments. Thus, it also opens the way to future
autonomic behavioral neuroscience research.
Keywords HRV, behavioral science, mental workload,
mental stress, performance
Several physiological signals (e.g., ECG, EMG, and skin
conductance) have been increasingly used in autonomic neu-
roscience and behavioral science to assess mental workload
and attention. Among them, cardiac activity and Heart Rate
Variability (HRV) are some of the most investigated signals
and methodologies used, respectively. Indeed, research has
argued that HRV offers an index of the autonomic nervous
system (ANS) activity, useful to investigate valence, arousal,
attention, cognitive effort, and stress [1]. For instance, re-
search shows that HRV is reduced as mental workload and
attentional demands increase [2]. At the same time, this
method allows overcoming sensitivity issues of self-reported
approaches (e.g., surveys) in capturing behavioral constructs
[3]. Added to this, HRV analysis is non-invasive, wearable,
relatively inexpensive, and enables long-term registration,
thus being applicable in the laboratory and easily transferable
into real-life settings. Leveraging these benefits, HRV has
been often used as indicator of mental stress and workload
In this study, we sought to investigate to what extent
mental workload can be assessed by measuring HRV varia-
tions; we also sought to understand if performance is corre-
lated with changes in HRV features during repeated tasks.
Mental workload reflects the mental demand and physiolog-
ical stress experienced by a subject during a task [5]. Here,
mental workload was triggered by repetitive sessions of a
highly paced video game. Indeed, video games have been
shown to be good settings to trigger mental workload [6].
Put it in other words, this study sought to understand if
short term HRV analysis can be a reliable indicator of mental
workload inducted by a demanding task, and if performance
is associated with changes in HRV features among repeated
To date, only a few studies [7-10] have attempted to tackle
this problem using ECG recordings. For one, Henning et al.
[8] show that reduced mental load is associated with slower
heart rate (HR) [7]. For another, Lehrer et al. [9] investigate
performance of air-pilots, showing that it is negatively corre-
lated with the low-frequency/high-frequency ratio (LF/HF)
and with mean HR. Finally, Fairclough et al. [10] investigate
trends between physiological signals and performance by us-
ing subtasks with increasing demands, and showing that the
mean of inter-times among consecutive normal beats
(MeanNN) and the vagal tone are lower during high demand-
ing mental tasks. Yet, these studies were generally carried out
on only a few subjects, lacking sufficient statistical power.
In the present experiment we tackle this gaps and investi-
gate how mental workload affects HRV over repeated video
gaming sessions in 54 subjects. As a secondary outcome, we
also aim to demonstrate to what extent HRV features are cor-
related with performance over time in the context of our re-
peated task.
A.Study Participants
69 healthy subjects (32 females; age: 26±2.2 years) with
no history of heart disease, systemic hypertension, or other
conditions potentially influencing HRV analysis were en-
rolled in this study. They were not obese and did not take
medication, drugs, or alcohol in the 12 hours preceding the
experiment. All subjects were right handed with normal vi-
sion, frequent computers users (i.e., daily), and skilled at op-
erating mouse and keyboard. None of the subjects included
in our current analysis was familiar with video games. The
Biomedical and Scientific Research Ethics Committee of the
University of Warwick approved this study (ref. REGO-
2014-656 AMO1), assuring anonymity and no side effects or
possible disadvantages for the subjects. All subjects were
carefully instructed and informed consent was acquired prior
to the experiment. Subjects were compensated with a fixed
show-up fee.
The study was conducted in the Behavioral Science La-
boratory of the Warwick Business School under controlled
conditions: a quiet room, at a comfortable temperature, at the
same hour in the morning. They were instructed to sit com-
fortably on an armchair and were assisted in wearing a Bi-
oPatch M3 device (Zephyr, Annapolis, USA) to record the
Continuous ECG recording was performed during base-
line (i.e., control condition) and mental task (i.e., four video
gaming sessions). A 60 s break was taken between sessions.
The baseline session was recorded for 5 minutes in which the
participants were asked to complete a computer-based survey
on demographic and anthropometric information (i.e. age,
gender weight, height, and handedness) (Fig 1). Before the
video game started, the researchers presented each partici-
pant with a brief introduction on the game’s instructions. The
video game was administered repetitively on a 24’’ PC mon-
itor for 5 nominal minutes per session.
Fig. 1 Study protocol
C.Video Game
A highly-paced one-person shooter video game containing
some violent content (i.e., war scenes and gun fighting),
ranked as suitable to people above 16 years, was used as trig-
ger of mental workload. Highly-paced video games have
shown to be a reliable method to elicit mental workload [6].
The video game was played as a repetitive task (i.e., four ses-
sions). This was done in order to investigate the impact of
mental workload on HRV, as well as any correlation between
HRV and performance over time. The main challenge posed
to participants during the sessions was to complete a mission
by killing as many enemies as possible. The performance for
each game session was computed directly by the video game
as the number of enemies killed per session.
D.HRV Analysis
The RR interval time-series was extracted from ECG rec-
ords using an automatic QRS detector, WQRS, available in
the PhysioNets toolkit [11]. QRS review and correction was
performed using PhysioNets WAVE. The fraction of total
RR intervals labelled as normal-to-normal (NN) intervals
was computed as NN/RR ratio. NN/RR ratio was then used
to measure the reliability of the data. Records with NN/RR
ratio less than 90% threshold were excluded from the analy-
sis. HRV analysis was performed on 5 min excerpts using
Kubios (version 2.2) [12]. Time and frequency-domain fea-
tures were analyzed according to international guidelines
[13], while non-linear measures were analyzed as described
in [14]. Frequency domain features were extracted from
power spectrum estimated with autoregressive (AR) model
methods [12]. Finally, 20 HRV features were examined (Ta-
ble 1). Table 1. HRV features analyzed in the study
The mean of RR intervals
Standard deviation of RR intervals
Square root of the mean squared differences be-
tween successive RR intervals
Number of successive RR interval pairs that differ
more than 50 s
NN50 divided by the total number of RR intervals
Absolute powers of LF(0.04-0.15Hz) and HF
bands( 0.15-0.4 Hz)
Ratio between LF and HF band powers
sd1, sd2
The standard deviation of the Poincare’ plot per-
pendicular to (SD1) and along (SD2)the line-of-
Approximate Entropy
Sample entropy
Correlation dimension
Detrented fluctuation analysis: Short term and Long
term fluctuation slope
Recurrence plot analysis: Mean line length
Recurrence plot analysis: Maximum line length
Recurrence rate
Recurrence plot analysis: Determinism
Shannon entropy
E.Statistical, Trend and Correlation Analysis
Because HRV features were found non-normally distrib-
uted, Median (MD), Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) and
interquartile range (IQR) (i.e., non-parametric descriptors)
were computed for each repetition. The non-parametric Wil-
coxon Signed-Rank Test was used to appreciate statistical
differences of HRV features variation between the baseline
(i.e., control situation) and each repetitive task (i.e., video
game sessions). Comparisons among sessions were per-
formed using a Kruskal-Wallis test.
The trends of MD for HRV features were also reported
using the convention proposed in [4]:
two arrows, ↓↓ (or ↑↑), were used to report a signifi-
cant (p<0.05) decrease (or increase) of one feature
during the game session;
one arrow was used for non-significant variations:
(or ) indicated a non-significant (p>.05) decrease (or
increase) of a measure during the game session.
Moreover, for exploratory purposes, the MD was plotted
along the performance per game session (i.e., number of
points) per each HRV feature. MD and performance were
normalized to their maximum and the trends between HRV
features and performance investigated. Spearman’s correla-
tion coefficients (rho) between each HRV feature and perfor-
mance over the four sessions were computed. A HRV feature
and performance were considered highly correlated if rho re-
sulted greater than 0.7 and significant if the associated p-
value was less than 0.05.
Data for 54 participants were included in the current study.
ECG signals for 15 participants were discarded after quality
check (i.e., NN/RR ratio < 90%).
Table 2 shows the p-value and HRV trend between the re-
peated video gaming sessions (i.e., mental workload) and the
baseline (i.e., control condition). Seven HRV features
changed significantly between session 1 and the baseline (see
column 2: GS1 vs. B). In particular, MeanNN, SdNN, LF,
sd2 and dfa1 decreased significantly, while Apen and
Sampen increased significantly. As shown in the other col-
umns of Table 2, in GS2-4 more HRV features changed sig-
nificantly relatively to the baseline (see HRV features 8, 10,
and 11 respectively).
All the HRV features maintained similar trends over the
four sessions, reflecting consistency of HRV fluctuation as
the task progressed. Yet, the number of non-linear HRV fea-
tures showing to be significantly different increased moving
from session 1 to session 4. Indeed, non-linear HRV features
4, 5, 7 and 9 changed in game 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. This
overall reflects an increasingly depressed HRV during each
repetition, suggesting an increase in stress [4]. By comparing
within sessions, dfa2 and RPadet were found significantly
different between session 1 and 4, while ShanEn between
session 3 and 4. Previous studies [15-17], showed that as one
task’s demand increases, HRV becomes more depressed.
Added to this, here we found that also on repetitive tasks,
there is a depressed HRV over sessions, which is possibly
due to an increase in mental workload.
Fig. 2 shows the correlation coefficients between normal-
ized HRV features and performance over the four game ses-
sions. Fig. 2 shows that performance increased over sessions
overall. We reasoned that this occurred because players tend
to perform better once become more familiar with the video
game; this finding is also in agreement with previous studies
showing similar rates at which people improve through prac-
tice [18]. Noteworthy, eight HRV features presented high
correlation with performance over the four sessions. Aside
from MeanNN, all the remaining HRV features showed a
negative correlation with performance over sessions. Yet, the
p-value of those correlations was higher than 0.05, possibly
because of the limited amount of repetitions.
In this study, we investigated the effects of mental work-
load induced by a repetitive task on HRV features. We found
that over repetitions, a depressed HRV accentuates as repeti-
tions progress. This is likely correlated with the increase in
the mental workload. Moreover, we found a correlation be-
tween task performance and key HRV features.
All in all, this study opens novel opportunities for research
at the interface between HRV analysis and behavioral science
Table 2. HRV Analysis
GS1 vs B
GS2 vs B
GS3 vs B
Tr: Trend; p-val: p-value; GS1-4: Game Sessions 1-4; B: Baseline; ↓↓ (↑↑):
significantly lower (higher) under mental workload (p<.05);↓(↑): lower (higher)
under mental workload (p>.05); a significant different between GS1 and GS4; b
significant different between GS3 and GS4.
in both lab-based and real-life settings. This also is poten-
tially able to foster the autonomic neuroscience research
We acknowledge funding from the Global Research Priority
in Behavioural Science of the University of Warwick.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Fig. 2 Trend Analysis and Correlation Coefficients of HRV
features and performance.
... This indicates that users were more relaxed in the experiment sessions and had a reduced cognitive workload when compared to the training sessions. As HRV has been correlated with performance in repeated tasks [30] [31], this suggests that the training sessions were adequate for introducing the operators to the teleoperation system and the experimental process. ...
... ms change, P = .102). HRV has been correlated with performance in repeated tasks [38], therefore it is reasoned that the operator's increased performance in the Non-VR condition influenced an increase in HRV, lower stress levels and cognitive load across the experiment trials. On the other hand, the VR interface saw no such change as it was more difficult to lean and use effectively. ...
... In addition, Raab's study has revealed that the impaired cognitive performance was resulted from the heart rate variability (HRV) changes caused by the environmental temperature [7]. Other studies [8,9,10] on cognitive performance using HRV also supported Raab's conclusion. ...
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... Parameters with a dark-green background were negatively correlated with the degree of difficulty, and parameters with a light-green background were positively correlated with the degree of difficulty. The trends in physiological parameters were consistent with previous studies [54][55][56][57][58]. Nevertheless, the results showed slight differences in ULF compared to some studies [9,[59][60][61][62] which believed that ULF cannot reflect a human's workload level. ...
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... Heart rate variability (HRV) is suggested to correlate with MW changes and tends to diminish when a higher MW is generated [30]. HRV is a measure of the heartbeats variance. ...
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This paper describes an open-access database focusing on the study of mental workload (MW) assessment system for wearable devices. A wristband photoplethysmogram (PPG) was provided as a representative of wearable devices. In addition, a clinical device that can record Electrocardiography (ECG) , galvanic skin response (GSR) and, fingertip PPG was included in the database as a reference. The MW was induced by performing the N-back task with 22 subjects. The participants were asked to answer the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire at the beginning of the experiment and the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) questionnaire after each N-back task. The result of data analysis show the potential uses of the recorded modalities and the feasibility of the MW elicitation protocol. Finally the MAUS dataset is now available for academic use (The MAUS dataset is available at IEEE Dataport: Besides, we also presents a reproducible baseline system as a preliminary benchmark (The code of the baseline system on MAUS dataset is available on Github:\_dataset\_baseline\_system), which testing accuracy are 71.6 %, 66.7 %, and 59.9 % in ECG, fingertip PPG, wristband PPG, respectively.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th Latin American Workshop, LAWCN 2023, held in Envigado, Colombia, during November 28–30, 2023. The 8 full papers and 2 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: artificial intelligence and machine learning; computational neuroscience; and brain-computer interfaces.
The evolution of cities to smart cities has demonstrated that the citizens’ quality of life is increased. Moreover, city planning follows an organized structure covering the citizens’ needs. This structure leads to generating smart communities. As a result, megacities based on smart communities can be developed. Communication systems that send and receive data from citizens’ needs and behavior in online and offline modes are critical elements to get a reliable demand response system for the citizens’ needs. Hence, this chapter describes data-driven to accomplish smart cities as the baseline to transform conventional cities into smart cities.
Heart rate variability (HRV) has been used in assessing mental workload(MW) level. Compared with ECG, photoplethysmogram (PPG) provides convenient in assessing MW with wearable devices, which is more suitable for daily usage. However, PPG collected by smartwatches are prone to suffer from artifacts. Those signal corruptions cause invalid Inter-beat Intervals (IBI), making it challenging to evaluate the HRV feature. Hence, the PPG-based MW assessment system is difficult to obtain a sustainable and reliable assessment of MW. In this paper, we propose a pre- and post- processing technique, called outlier removal and uncertainty estimation, respectively, to reduce the negative influences of invalid IBIs. The proposed method helps to acquire accurate HRV features and evaluate the reliability of incoming IBIs, rejecting possibly misclassified data. We verified our approach in two open datasets, which are CLAS and MAUS. Experiment results show proposed method achieved higher accuracy (66.7% v.s. 74.2%) and lower variance (11.3% v.s. 10.8%) among users, which has comparable performance to an ECG-based MW system.
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Recently, the application of neuroscience methods and findings to the study of organizational phenomena has gained significant interest and converged in the emerging field of organizational neuroscience. Yet, this body of research has principally focused on the brain, often overlooking fuller analysis of the activities of the human nervous system and associated methods available to assess them. In this article, we aim to narrow this gap by reviewing heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, which is that set of methods assessing beat-to-beat changes in the heart rhythm over time, used to draw inference on the outflow of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In addition to anatomo-physiological and detailed methodological considerations, we discuss related theoretical, ethical, and practical implications. Overall, we argue that this methodology offers the opportunity not only to inform on a wealth of constructs relevant for management inquiries but also to advance the overarching organizational neuroscience research agenda and its ecological validity.
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The aim of this review is to identify the most representative measures of subjective and objective mental workload in driving, and to understand how the subjective and objective levels of mental workload influence the performance as a function of situation complexity and driving experience, i.e., to verify whether the increase of situation complexity and the lack of experience increase the subjective and physiological levels of mental workload and lead to driving performance impairments. This review will be useful to both researchers designing an experimental study of mental workload and to designers of drivers’ training content. In the first part, we will broach the theoretical approach with two factors of mental workload and performance, i.e., situation complexity and driving experience. Indeed, a low complex situation (e.g., highways), or conversely a high complex situation (e.g., town) can provoke an overload. Additionally, performing the driving tasks implies producing a high effort for novice drivers who have not totally automated the driving activity. In the second part, we will focus on subjective measures of mental workload. A comparison of questionnaires usually used in driving will allow identifying the most appropriate ones as a function of different criteria. Moreover, we will review the empirical studies to verify if the subjective level of mental workload is high in simple and very complex situations, especially for novice drivers compared to the experienced ones. In the third part, we will focus on physiological measures. A comparison of physiological indicators will be realized in order to identify the most correlated to mental workload. An empirical review will also take the effect of situation complexity and experience on these physiological indicators into consideration. Finally, a more nuanced comparison between subjective and physiological measures will be established from the impact on situation complexity and experience.
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Personal and ubiquitous healthcare applications offer new opportunities to prevent long-term health dam- age due to increased mental workload by continuously monitoring physiological signs related to prolonged high workload and providing just-in-time feedback. In order to achieve a quantification of mental load, different load levels that occur during a workday have to be discrimi- nated. In this work, we present how mental workload levels in everyday life scenarios can be discriminated with data from a mobile ECG logger by incorporating individual calibration measures. We present an experiment design to induce three different levels of mental workload in cali- bration sessions and to monitor mental workload levels in everyday life scenarios of seven healthy male subjects. Besides the recording of ECG data, we collect subjective ratings of the perceived workload with the NASA Task Load Index (TLX), whereas objective measures are asses- sed by collecting salivary cortisol. According to the sub- jective ratings, we show that all participants perceived the induced load levels as intended from the experiment design. The heart rate variability (HRV) features under investigation can be classified into two distinct groups. Features in the first group, representing markers associated with parasympathetic nervous system activity, show a decrease in their values with increased workload. Features in the second group, representing markers associated with sympathetic nervous system activity or predominance, show an increase in their values with increased workload. We employ multiple regression analysis to model the relationship between relevant HRV features and the
Conference Paper
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Mobile healthcare applications offer new opportunities to prevent long-term health damage due to increased mental workload by continuously monitoring physiological signs related to prolonged high workload and providing just-in-time feedback. In order to achieve a day-by-day quantification of mental load, first different load levels which occur during a workday have to be discriminated. This work goes one step towards this goal: we present our experiment design and preliminary results in discriminating different levels of mental workload based on heart rate features obtained from a mobile ECG system. Based on the subjective ratings of the participants under study, we show that all participants perceived the induced load levels as intended from the experiment design. The heart rate variability (HRV) features under investigation could be classified into two distinct groups. Features in the first group, representing markers associated with parasympathetic nervous activity, show a decrease in their values with increased workload. Features in the second group, representing markers associated with sympathetic nervous activity, show an increase of their values with increased workload. These results provide evidence that a mobile ECG system is suited to discriminate different levels of mental workload. This would enable the development of mobile applications to monitor mental workload levels and to prevent long-term damage by giving early warning signs in case of prolonged high workload.
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This article reviews the psychophysiological method in game research. Psychophysiological measurements provide an objective, continuous, real-time, noninvasive, precise and sensitive way to assess the game experience. However, the best results require controlled experiments with careful monitoring of variables, large enough sample sizes and expertise in electrical signal processing. We briefly explain the theory behind the method and present the most useful measures: electromyography (EMG), electrodermal activity (EDA), electroencephalography (EEG) and cardiac measures. We review previous studies that have used psychophysiological measures in game research and illustrate some future directions. Our article covers several research lines using the psychophysiological method in game studies, and offers a comprehensive list of references for those interested in the field.
Psychophysiology is the study of the relationship between psychology and its physiological manifestations. That relationship is of particular importance for both game design and ultimately gameplaying. Players’ psychophysiology offers a gateway towards a better understanding of playing behavior and experience. That knowledge can, in turn, be beneficial for the player as it allows designers to make better games for them; either explicitly by altering the game during play or implicitly during the game design process. This chapter argues for the importance of physiology for the investigation of player affect in games, reviews the current state of the art in sensor technology and outlines the key phases for the application of psychophysiology in games.