
Business Process Change : A Manager's Guide to Improving, Redesigning, and Automating Processes / P. Harmon ; pról. de G.A. Rummler.

  • BPTrends, Cutter Consortium
... standard deviation=0.776). The findings were consistent with Harmon (2015) who stated that employees are one of the most important elements in service creation and delivery in all types of service industries. Hotel services are a part of hospitality sector and are considered as high involvement services. ...
... P=0.002). The findings agreed with Harmon (2015) assertion that employees are one of the most important elements in service creation and delivery in all types of service industries. The results of the study showed that coefficient of correlation (R) was 0.655 which represented a positive correlation between service tangibility and customer satisfaction among clients of five star hotels in the Kenyan South Coast. ...
... The study concluded that hotel personnel has a key influence on customer satisfaction among five star hotels at South Coast Kenya. The findings were consistent with Harmon (2015) who observed that employees are one of the most important elements in service creation and delivery in all types of service industries. Hotel services are a part of hospitality sector and are considered as high involvement services. ...
... D. Thennakoon idr. (2018,478; Espino-Rodriguez in Rodriguez-Diaz 2014, 2) izpostavljajo pomen povezanosti managementa temeljnih procesov s cilji podjetja in usmerjenosti v korist za kupca ter druge udeležence in poudarjajo, da moramo imeti jasno postavljena merila za merjenje učinkov procesov na naše poslovanje (Hudson, Smart in Bourne 2001;Ljungberg 2002;Harmon 2003;Smith in Fingar 2003;Burlton 2010;Sinur, Odell in Fingar 2013;Jeston in Ne-lis 2014;Margherita 2014;Trkman, Budler in Groznik 2015;Trkman idr. 2015;Lau idr. ...
... 2018, 425;Zelt, Schmiedel in Vom Brocke 2018, 67). Harmon (2003) in drugi (Van der Aalst, TerHofstede in Weske 2003; Dumas idr. 2013 v Potočan in Nedelko 2015, 25) poslovne procese obravnavajo kot organiziranost dela za doseganje ciljev. ...
... Prav tako jih pojmujejo kot niz korakov in koordinacije dela za doseganje ciljev, kot dejavnik oblikovanja in izvedbe delovanja, kot management, ki naj zagotovi prednost procesne zasnove in uspešne izvedbe poslovanja. Davenport (1993), Burlton (2010), Harmon (2003), Kovačič in Bosilj Vukšić (2005) ter Sinur, Odell in Fingar (2013) poslovni proces opredeljujejo kot: (1) preoblikovalni proces v poslovni organizaciji, s pomočjo katerega nastajajo poslovni učinki; (2) celovito povezavo delnih procesov, ki zagotavljajo celoto izvedbe nalog; (3) skupek logično povezanih izvajalcev in nadzornih postopkov, katerih rezultat je izdelek ali storitev; (4) strukturiran del merljivih aktivnosti za produkcijo izložka za kupca (izdelek, storitev); (5) povezovanje izbrane sestavine organizacije v določeno sodelovanje zaradi doseganja ciljev; (6) stalno zaporedje poslovnih aktivnosti za doseganje poslovnih ciljev. Po Bennerju in Tushmanu (2003, 238) je poslovni proces niz aktivnosti, ki ustvarja rezultat za kupce, pri čemer pravita, da je treba upoštevati tudi notranje odjemalce v organizaciji. ...
... Drawing from, and combining the state-of-the art research findings from all three disciplines, we aim to investigate the main characteristics of these processes and by doing so, extend the current boundaries of BPM. Through an exploratory case study we are interested to investigate the main characteristics of these processes from the perspective of the four pillars of BPM, as defined by Harmon (2007): strategy, processes, people and technology. Our findings are then placed in the context of the current developments in BPM field, in particular the frameworks used to inform and guide management of business processes today. ...
... From an earlier focus on process automation and workflow technology, BPM has evolved beyond processes and technology and now includes the people and strategy components. Figure 3 depicts a widely known model of BPM by Harmon (2007;Harmon, 2010) called the BP Trends pyramid. The model was originally derived from a worldwide survey of BP Trends' membersthe largest international community of BPM industry practitioners. ...
... Bagi perusahaan, membangun dan mengelola alur proses bisnis menghadirkan sejumlah masalah meskipun memiliki potensi manfaat. Menerapkan alur proses dengan sukses sering kali terhambat oleh resistensi karyawan terhadap perubahan, kurangnya koordinasi lintas fungsi, dan infrastruktur teknologi yang tidak memadai (Alotaibi, 2016;Harmon, 2003). Selain itu, karena lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis, alur proses harus terus disesuaikan dan ditingkatkan, sehingga membutuhkan komitmen dan biaya yang besar. ...
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Manajemen Industri 5.0 semakin populer. Manajemen Industri 5.0 memprioritaskan manusia dan lingkungan, sebagaimana dijabarkan sepenuhnya dalam proses dan prospek digitalisasi industri. Manajemen Industri 5.0 dapat dinyatakan sebagai kelanjutan rancangan Industri 4.0. Tugas dan prosedural yang belum terselesaikan dalam Industri 4.0 dilanjutkan dan dilengkapi oleh Industri 5.0 melalui Value Co-Creation kehormatan manusia dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup sehingga menghasilkan ekonomi keberlanjutan. Dengan demikian Manajemen Industri 5.0 = Industri 4.0 + Manusia + Lingkungan.
... Automation. 30% of the selected studies (Section 4.2) declared that automating routine tasks minimizes the risk of human error, which can be detrimental to incident response efforts. Furthermore, automated processes ensure consistent and reliable execution, leading to faster resolution times and improved outcomes [60]. ...
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In the evolving landscape of Software Engineering, the paradigm of software ecosystems has emerged, giving rise to proprietary software ecosystems (PSECO), with their central organizations known as keystones. PSECO is characterized by the contribution of various technologies produced as private and protected by intellectual property and confidentiality agreements, centered on common technological platforms. Sustaining these PSECO technological platforms is vital, as any incident can have substantial repercussions. This work introduces a framework for incident management to support the organizations' management teams in the PSECO context, called IM Framework. The IM Framework was developed in close collaboration with practitioners across a large international organization. We grounded the IM Framework based on the results of a rapid review study that retrieved 293 studies, of which 23 were selected after applying review procedures. This framework comprises five core categories: organizational goals, practices, success factors, associated benefits, and prevalent barriers. The IM Framework offers practical guidance for the PSECO management team, focusing on real-world applications to enhance reliability and resilience in a complex and dynamic software environment. Our study also promises to fill the gap in incident management governance by supporting the PSECO organization's management team and maintaining robust technological platforms amidst evolving business demands and market pressures.
... Бізнес-процес -це організована структура дій, яка вимагає координації людей, інформації, матеріалів і технологій для досягнення бізнес-цілей [7]. ...
У статті розглянуто ключові відмінності між удосконаленням бізнес-процесів (BPI) та реінжинірингом бізнес-процесів (BPR). Висвітлено значення стратегічного бачення для ефективної роботи підприємств та уникнення неефективних змін через нерозуміння різниці між BPI та BPR та їхньої необхідності. Підприємства часто інвестують значні ресурси у зміни, які можуть не бути нагальними, що призводить до збитків. Чітке стратегічне бачення є необхідним для узгодження бізнес-процесів з довгостроковими цілями, забезпечуючи ефективність і стійкий розвиток. BPI передбачає поступові поліпшення існуючих процесів для підвищення ефективності, тоді як BPR вимагає радикального реінжинірингу не тільки процесів для досягнення значних покращень, але і підприємства в цілому. У статті надано приклади застосування BPI і BPR у підприємствах, що ілюструють їхні успіхи та невдачі виходячи із знаходження у відповідній фазі розвитку. Підкреслюється важливість лідерських компетенцій і стратегічного бачення для успішного впровадження BPI або BPR, з акцентом на ефективну комунікацію, прийняття рішень на основі даних і стимулювання інновацій.
... The second concept is "process redesign" (or "process reengineering"), defined as "any methodology that focuses on creating new processes or changing existing ones in major ways". 10 The purpose of process reengineering consists in improving overall work efficiency through optimizing the process(es) via equipment renewal, material substitution, step simplification, time sequence adjustment, etc. In this review, process redesign is closely related to the concepts of "workflow intervention" and "workflow improvement". ...
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Purpose This study aims to identify medical care transformations during the COVID-19 pandemic and to assess the economic efficiency of these care transformations. Methods A systematic review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviewing and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The databases used in the search protocol included PubMed, RSCI, and Google Scholar. Results Ten eligible studies in English and one publication in Russian were identified. In general, the following changes in organization of health care processes since 2020 are observed: hospital at home, telemedicine (physician-to-patient), and the adoption of new information communication technologies within physician-to-physician and physician-to-nurse communication. Earlier trends, such as (a) wider use of electronic devices, (b) adoption of Lean techniques, (c) the incorporation of patient and other customer experience feedback, and (d) the implementation of clinical decision support systems and automation of workflow, tend to be preserved. Conclusion The most common changes in hospital care organization and the respective impacts of workflow changes (ie, workflow interventions, redesign, and transformations) on the efficiency of hospital care were summarized and avenues for future research and policy implications were discussed. The pandemic demonstrated a need for building more resilient and adaptive healthcare systems, enhancing crisis preparedness along with rapid and effective responses.
... The literature surrounding both BPI and BPR terminology is not very convergent because there are many scopes applied to process management, ranging from industrial engineering to information technology, and even organizational change. Process change terminology include Business Process Redesign (Davenport & Short, 1990), Business Restructuring (Tanswell, 1993, Talwar 1993, Business Process Change (Harmon, 2003) and, finally, Business Process Improvement (Davenport, 1992) and Business Process Reengineering (Hammer & Champy, 1993). ...
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Propósito: Este estudio tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento sobre el problema del cumplimiento tributario en Brasil al probar si Business Process Management (BPM) y el Nudge pueden ayudar a mejorar la recaudación de la deuda tributaria. El objetivo es evaluar si este enfoque mixto es efectivo y si puede implementar una transformación duradera en la administración tributaria brasileña.Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Este artículo presenta un estudio de caso orientado a la práctica que utiliza la metodología Business Process Transformation (BPT) para rediseñar y automatizar un proceso de cobro de deudas tributarias aplicando los conocimientos de la teoría del Nudge y luego prueba su efectividad usando experimentación controlada o prueba A/B.Hallazgos: al personalizar los parámetros para la mensajería automatizada con los contribuyentes en función del diseño de comportamiento y las pruebas A/B de los grupos, los autores pudieron identificar un aumento del comportamiento de cumplimiento del 2,90 % junto con un aumento de ingresos estimado de U$ 4 millones (P = 0,01). La evaluación posterior mostró que las nuevas prácticas eran duraderas, lo que indicaba el éxito de los métodos adoptados.Originalidad/valor: este estudio agrega nuevos conocimientos sobre la efectividad de BPT para la administración tributaria brasileña, reafirma cómo el Nudge puede apoyar el cumplimiento tributario en este contexto y ofrece información sobre la combinación de estos diferentes campos de conocimiento.
... Iterative refinement emerges as a cornerstone of sustained BPM success. As articulated by Harmon (2007), continuous process monitoring, measurement, and feedback loops enable organizations to identify areas for improvement and drive ongoing optimization efforts. The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, popularized by Deming, exemplifies this iterative approach to process improvement. ...
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Business Process Management (BPM) offers a powerful framework for enhancing organizational efficiency and effectiveness. However, a significant challenge lies in translating theoretical BPM concepts into actionable, real-world practices. This research endeavors to investigate and present strategies that facilitate the seamless integration of BPM theory with practical implementation. The research employs a comprehensive review of existing literature, supplemented by in-depth interviews with industry experts and case studies of successful BPM implementations across diverse sectors. By examining these varied approaches, this research identifies common threads and critical success factors in the journey from BPM theory to practice. Key findings highlight the importance of stakeholder engagement, organizational culture alignment, and iterative refinement in the BPM implementation process. Additionally, the research sheds light on adaptable frameworks and tools that can be employed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The outcomes of this research provide a valuable resource for organizations seeking to maximize the benefits of BPM within their operations. By offering actionable insights and best practices, this research aims to guide practitioners and decision-makers in navigating the complex terrain of BPM implementation, ultimately leading to improved operational performance and sustained competitive advantage.
... Proses Bisnis Proses bisnis menurut Paul Harmon (2003) adalah aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh bisnis mencakup input, transformasi, dan juga output. Proses bisnis biasa digambarkan dalam bentuk diagram atau flowchart yang akan menggambarkan sistem aktivitas. ...
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PT. XYZ intends to create a Human Resources Information System (HRIS), requiring HR master data. During the formation of HR master data, many errors were found in the business processes within it, necessitating corrections. The numerous errors in HR business processes have hindered the creation of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) system. Business process improvements are carried out in the recruitment and people development modules. Improving business processes is the initial step in creating master data to be used in the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) system. Business process improvements begin with the identification of business processes, evaluation of business processes, and proposing business process improvements. The evaluation of business processes is done using the business process improvement method and the ESIA (Eliminate, Simplify, Integrate, Automate) technique. The proposed business processes for recruitment and people development show significant differences in the number of activities and the flow of processes performed
... On the other side, communication has enabled the involvement of a large number of players in local economic development, as well as the creation of complex connections and interactions among them. However, public relations, especially proactive ones, which manifestation in the local economic development is implied by the form of propulsion communications, enable the creation of a positive image, credibility, and acceptance by target public and above all, the initiation of new investments in the local community (Harmon, 2003). Public relations, as a form of strategic communication, enable fluctuation of individual aspects of strategic goals form one sector to another (for example, the accomplishment of a strategic goal of increasing employment in the local community follows the strategic goal from the ecology sector which is related to the improvement of energy efficiency) (Morphed, 2008). ...
Local governments are basic units of government in both developed as well as underdeveloped, or transition countries. However, business communication in local governments represents the indicator of commercialism, protocol respect, as well as managementopenness and willingness of the employees to, by meeting the standards of the internal communication, achieve set goals. The chaotic situation which arose as a consequence of the transition, as well as a comprehensive reform of the local government in the transition countries of Southeast Europe has contributed to the fact that the standards of business communication of the local governments vary, compromising thestandards of service quality and business processes. For the purpose of this paper, research has been conducted on the importance of the internal communication and on its impact on business processes in local governments in the Southeastern European transition countries. The goal of the research was to show how important the internal communication is for business processes and how big its impact is on the achievementof the strategic goals of the local governments. The research included local governments in the Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. It is interesting to say that despite varying laws, regulations and protocols, the communication problems have been almost identical in all the tested local governments.One goal of reform processes is to contribute towards the development of communication models appropriate for local governments in individual countries. The model of business communication, based on efficient internal communication, needs to be established not only on the standards of European Business Practice, but sometimes also on the specific impacts of the local communities’ cultures.
... BPM has evolved over the years since its inception in the 1980s and can be looked at from two perspectives [17]. The first viewpoint represents BPM as a management discipline, and it is known as a method for understanding and organizing work through business processes. ...
... Therefore, organizations generally link the process improvement to the business strategies [8]. Literature mentions diverse terms for business processes management and improvement, to cover Business Process Redesign [9,10], Business Process Reengineering [11], Core Process Redesign [12,13], Business Process Change [14], and Business Restructuring [15,16]. All of the terms address identical notion of enhancing the work in organizations through analysing the business processes. ...
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This study aims to analyse the actual business process applied in the Capital Investment Agency and One-Stop Licensing Centre of Aceh Province, mainly on issuing a fishery business permit. The institution has established 240 working hours (equivalent to 14,400 minutes) to issue the permit based on the SOP (standard operating procedures). However, a field observation showed that the actual process time exceed up to 600 hours (equivalent to 37,104 minutes). To investigate the gap and analyse the business process activities, this study employs Business Process Improvement (BPI) which consists of phase 1: organizing for improvement, phase 2: understanding the process, and phase 3: streamlining. This study occupies Bizagi Modeler to build and simulate a systematic business process model according to Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN). Based on the simulation process, the actual business process resulted 110 activities with total time 37,104 minutes, while the redesign model resulted 72 activities with total time 197.25 working hours (equivalent to 11,835 minutes). The redesign model further measured using devil’s quadrangle and obtained 68.11% efficiency. The efficiency aligns with better flexibility and service quality improvement.
... Performance measure in this area will, therefore, be in the form of rates of production in order to improve the production process and it is possible to change the way the business works. Harmon (2003) stated that business process represents a core of the functioning of an organization because the company primarily consists of the process. A Business process is measured at an aggregate level and by following individual dimensions: process view, process job, process management, and measurement. ...
A business process is a set of activities that designed to produce an output for aparticular customer or market. It’s emphasis on how the work within an organization, in contrastto a product's focus on what a process is. Thus the specific sequence of work activities in all timesand places, with the beginning, end, and input, output, and structure of the action clearly defined.The purpose of this study to determine whether the strategic planning and performancemanagement effect on business and production process on the three universities in SDA amongIndonesia region. This research uses the questionnaire to collect data and using Pearson productmomentto find the relationship and effect of the variable. The result shows that the correlationamong at variables was having a significant relationship between strategic planning, and businessproduction process with the coefficient correlation of 0.720 that mean the correlation was strong.Performance management on a business production process coefficient correlation of 0.780 thatmean the correlation was strongly positive and the relationship between variables strategicplanning, and performance management on business production process was 0.823 strongpositive. The contribution of these two variables strategic planning and performance managementon business and production process was 67,7% and the rest 32,3% determined by other variablesor factor's out of this research. Also, there is a relationship between strategic planning andperformance management to business and production process with f Value of 169.813. Theregression equation is BP = 0.583 + 0.361SP + 0.481PM.
... Usually the different definitions can be separated into two different variations (Rosemann and De Bruin, 2005). One variant focuses on IT, while the other concentrates on holistic management (Harmon, 2003). Frederick Winslow Taylor was the first to analyze a workflow with the intention to improve it, this was around 1880 (Taylor, 1911). ...
... X AP MD 2 (Chan and Spedding, 2003) Conventional Simulation Study (Productivity), Statistical Process Control (Quality), Activity-Based Costing (Cost), Decision Support Model, BP Reengineering or Improvement (TQM). X AP MD 3 (Harmon, 2003) Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Managing X AP MD 4 (Zhou and Chen, 2003) Forming business strategy, BP diagnosis, and determining alternative reengineering blueprints, Forming BPR objectives, BP structurized design and structural optimization, BP assignment optimization, BP evaluation and decision-making, BP implementation. X AP MD 5 Customers, Products, BP Operation and Behavioural Views, Organization (Structure, Population), Information and Technology. ...
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In response to increasingly competing environments, organisations are examining how their core business processes (BPs) may be redesigned to improve performance and responsiveness. However, there is a lack of approaches for evaluating BPR at design time and systematically applying BPR in the case of eligible models. The aim of this research is to: (a) evaluate the redesign capacity of BP models prior to implementation, (b) create a systematic and versatile BPR methodology, (c) correlate the evaluation and BPR methodologies to a unified and comprehensive approach and (d) demonstrate the above for a particular BPR method. A literature survey on the theoretical foundation of BPR and two separate Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) on BPR Evaluation and Application methodologies provide an overview of the current state of research and highlight the gap in systematic, generic methodologies that combine the assessment of redesign capacity of models at design time, with the application of BPR. The lack of a concept in literature that quantitatively depicts BPR applicability, led to the introduction of Model Plasticity. The concept is inspired by Neuroplasticity and is based on the calculation of internal model measures for predicting the applicability of RESEQ and PAR heuristics. Through a series of experiments and the use of logistic regression and the state-of-the-art Bender method, the author extracts and validates internal measure thresholds for the aforementioned heuristics. Following, the BPR Assessment framework is introduced for the systematic evaluation of the BPR capacity of input models based on their plasticity and external quality. The framework was created by applying the established DSRP methodology and incorporates essential redesign components that pass through interconnected phases. Two discrete operation modes of the framework based on partitioning clustering and proximity measurement are also proposed and presented in this research by using a BP model repository from literature. The operation modes are demonstrated for data-centric workflow optimization to highlight the straightforward and convenient application of the framework. A set of sixty-four real-life BP scenarios from the Greek Public Financial Management is modelled in the BPMN2.0 standard and measured for the validation of the framework. The validation demonstrates the multitude of benefits for the agencies of the Ministry of Finance and potentially to the whole Greek public sector, given the constant shift to digital transformation schemes. Finally, the author extended the framework with a new complementary artefact, the BPR Application framework, for the systematic application of BPR methods and combined them into a unified and comprehensive methodology. In this way, this research proposes a fully tested and validated methodology for the evaluation of the BPR capacity of models at design time, and a holistic methodology for systematically applying BPR to eligible cases.
... Um processo de negócio pode ser definido de forma sucinta como qualquer subdivisão da cadeia de valor (Harmon, 2019). É um conjunto de elementos que possam nos guiar com certeza entre o início do trabalho e o seu final, de forma a começarmos e terminarmos sem desvios o que temos que fazer, alcançando nossa meta ou objetivo (Cruz, 2003). ...
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Devido o teletrabalho ter ganho relevância e se apresentado como um desafio para as organizações em virtude da pandemia da Covid-19, o objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um roadmap para a implantação do teletrabalho em operações de bancos. Constatou-se pela revisão sistemática da literatura que não há roadmaps de implantação de teletrabalho. Utilizou-se como critério de escolha do Banco, um que estivesse no processo de implantação do teletrabalho em pelo menos um departamento e que concordasse em participar desta pesquisa. Foi selecionado o método DSRM para estruturar e validar a solução por meio de um artefato. O roadmap foi estruturado com base na fundamentação teórica e no ciclo do BPM (Business Process Management). A combinação desses elementos deu origem ao RITO-B (Roadmap de Implantação do Teletrabalho em Operações de Bancos). O RITO-B foi validado com executivos do banco e com especialistas em teletrabalho. Ainda que a pesquisa tenha a limitação de ter sido feito com um banco e num contexto de pandemia, a validação externa sinalizou que o RITO-B é replicável para a operação de outros Bancos pela sua abordagem abrangente e flexibilidade para adaptações. A contribuição desta pesquisa é o roadmap que assegura o direcionamento assertivo, o engajamento dos envolvidos, serve como ferramenta de comunicação, reduz riscos de implantação e agrega valor pelo alinhamento do teletrabalho com o resultado estratégico. Além disso, este estudo estimula novas pesquisas sobre roadmaps para implantação do teletrabalho, ampliando sua abrangência de aplicação.
... Employee productivity and morality are affected by the performance and reward management effectiveness of an organization (Yazici, 2008). Firm has a competitive advantage when a company retains high levels of performance compared to its competitors (Harmon, 2014). Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, remunerations and rewards are the factors affecting productivity (Khan, Farooq and Ullah, 2010). ...
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Some recent observers noticed that employee productivity nearly on all kind of organizations is diminishing on a day-to-day basis, particularly in the field of education. The researcher found a number of factors that affected the productivity of employees. One of the major factor contributing to the productivity of employees is workplace conflicts. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to examine the workplace conflicts and its effect on the employee productivity and emotional stability. This research also examined a mediating role of workplace politics between the workplace conflicts and employee productivity among the members of the faculty of education Adekunle Ajasin university, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Stratified sampling technique was used to collect the data from concerned population by using structured questionnaire. To achieve the goals of study different statistical techniques were used by using SPSS. Reliability test was used to check the data reliability. Furthermore, t-test analysis was used to investigate the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity. The finding of this test showed that the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity is negative. Macro process tool was used to investigate that whether workplace politics mediates the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity. The finding of this test showed that workplace conflicts significantly predict emotional stability of employee and employee productivity.
... A business process is a set of logically interrelated actions or tasks, the implementation of which leads to the expected result. Almost all organizational operations can be attributed to business processes [17]. There are many methodologies and approaches, such as Six Sigma, Lean, and TQM, on how to improve the quality of corporate activities. ...
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This research was conducted to see how the implementation of BPM at one bank in Indonesia using the 7 FE framework can help model the business process of digital management of banking products and services as a form of developing good processes. According to Becker, Breuker, Weiß, and Winkelmann (2010), the purpose of implementing BPM in banks is not only to reduce costs but also to reduce business process time and increase customer satisfaction by redesigning business processes so that they become more efficient. From the research results, it is known that the transformation of digital banking business process management using the 7 FE framework can provide convenience, speed and accuracy in managing the development of digital banking. Framework 7 FE. There are many BPM methodologies but the 7 FE framework provides an accurate and detailed approach to BPM implementation. This research is insightful that the implementation of BPM, especially by using the 7 FE framework, will assist banks in carrying out digital transformation. There are 10 phases in the framework called the 7FE Framework which is implemented throughout BPM, namely Foundation, Finding and Solution, Fulfillment, Future and Essentials
... None of the SMEs wants to end up with losses. Thus, business performance is most considerably measured based on financial performance (Harmon, 2003;Wu and Chua, 2012). To gain sustainable, substantial or at least survival financial performance, entrepreneurs' decisions are very important (Klapper et al., 2015). ...
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Purpose This study aims to investigate the impact of entrepreneurs’ decision-making styles on enterprise performance and suggests several entrepreneurial ecosystems – factors are impacting this relationship. The authors extend this line of work by examining how regional entrepreneurial culture, educational institutional support and business and social networks mediating the relationship between entrepreneurs’ decision-making style and small medium enterprises (SME)s’ financial performance. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected through an e-survey of SME owners in New South Wales, Australia. This study developed a model combining a set of entrepreneurial ecosystem factors, entrepreneurs’ decision-making styles and SMEs’ financial performance. Data were analysed using partial least square structural equation modelling. Findings The results suggest regional entrepreneurial culture, educational institutional support and business and social networks mediate the relationship between entrepreneurs’ decision-making style and SMEs’ financial performance. Hence, this study developed a more complete methodical understanding of entrepreneurs’ decision-making styles and their impact on SMEs’ financial performance. This study provides deeper insights into the conditions and processes by which an entrepreneurs’ decision-making style impacts SMEs’ financial performance. Originality/value The focus of this study was to understand the relationship of entrepreneurs’ decision-making styles on SMEs’ financial performance. The authors identified that the entrepreneurs’ decision-making style positively impacts SMEs’ financial performance. This study augments the body of knowledge by proposing ways in how the entrepreneurs’ decision-making style can be more strengthened.
... Hasil akhir diagram proses bisnis ini adalah melakukan perbaikan pada cara proses bisnis itu bekerja. Proses bisnis itu sendiri adalah serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh suatu bisnis dimana mencakup inisiasi input, transformasi dari suatu informasi, dan menghasilkan output [4]. ...
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Dalam organisasi tentunya sudah pasti memiliki proses bisnis yang menopang kegiatan atau aktivitas bisnis didalamnya guna mecapai visi dan misi yang teridentifikasi. Saat ini proses bisnis yang berjalan di Sahabat Hutama Mandiri atau SHM Purwokerto sudah dibantu dengan sistem inventory akan tetapi sistem tersebut masih memiliki banyak kekurangan seperti kurangnya fitur-fitur sehingga admin harus membuat pencatatan secara manual untuk bagian yang belum memiliki fitur. Maka dari itu perlu dibuat Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses bisnis yang terjadi di SHM Purwokerto dan, meminimalisir kesalahan yang sering terjadi pada sistem yang ada di Sahabat Hutama Mandiri Purwokerto. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perlu ada nya penambahan beberapa fitur-fitur seperti fitur return atau pengembalian barang yang rusak, sistem penentuan harga yang ada di sistem inventori pada Sahabat Hutama Mandiri.
... La AP consiste en un mapeo que ayuda a visualizar las relaciones de un proceso con otro y procesos futuros de una organización, describir sus interdependencias y otras relaciones entre sus elementos y procesos externos (Harmon, 2003), al comprender los procesos de trabajo y cómo documentarlos se puede gestionar el conocimiento de la organización (Omotayo, 2015). ...
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En este artículo se presenta un diseño preliminar de una metodología para la gestión del conocimiento (GC) de una empresa pequeña y mediana (PyME) cuyo giro de negocio es la construcción a través de la implementación de una arquitectura de procesos (AP). En esta empresa se puede observar una falta de control general de sus procesos desde su diseño hasta su evolución, falta de documentación de sus procesos, falta de manejo de toda la información y el conocimiento contenido en sus procesos, y una falta de mecanismos para compartir conocimiento entre roles de sus procesos. La AP ha sido reconocida como un medio para gestionar de forma global un sistema de procesos, lo que permitirá resolver problemas anteriormente mencionados. La metodología se estructuró utilizando de base 2 enfoques de gestión: procesos y conocimiento, las cuales se ejecutan en sincronía a lo largo de toda la metodología. Esta consta de 4 fases: 1) entender el contexto de la organización e identificar el conocimiento existente en ella; 2) diseñar una AP y crear herramientas para transferir y almacenar el conocimiento; 3) construir y ejecutar la AP y aplicar los conocimientos; y 4) mantener la AP y actualizar el conocimiento de la organización. Finalmente, esta metodología busca apoyar a las PyMEs a tener un mejor control de sus procesos de negocio, a identificar, reutilizar y compartir conocimiento de actividades administrativas y técnicas llevadas a cabo por roles de procesos, además de facilitar la realización de cambios debido a su entorno de trabajo dinámico.
... According to Harmon (2003), business process management is perceived as administering, coordinating, supervising, prioritizing as well as optimizing a company's process change resources and activities while other researchers referred to process management as recognizing potentials and opportunities for outsourcing as well as the application of technology to uplift one's business (Lindsay et al., 2003;Palmberg, 2009). Previous literature agreed that there is a positive relationship occurred between process change and business outcomes on which eventually process implementation resultant enhancement in organizations' performances and higher-level organization (Skerlavaj et al., 2007;Trkman, 2010;Battistelli et al., 2014;Langley et al., 2013;Akbaba and Altındağ, 2016). ...
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As technology keeps advancing at an accelerated rate, small and medium-sized enterprises (hereafter SMEs) must prepare to adapt to the emergence of technology under an uncertain economic realm. Growing evidence shows Industry 4.0 has brought massive opportunities in respective industries, manufacturing and information technology. Innovation capability has become a distinct possibility, set to serve better product and service reengineering and distinction. Although Industry 4.0 paradigm has emerged worldwide, it is, however, still a challenge for small firms to adopt particularly in developing countries. The adoption process of Industry 4.0 digitalization varies considerably. Coming to terms with the low involvement and unreadiness of SMEs in Malaysia towards Industry 4.0 has induced researchers to conduct this study so that by employing cloud computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligent, and the Internet of Things (IoT) SMEs can secure a new competitive advantage thus evolve significantly over time. Therefore, this study served as a solid conceptual paper with a proposed framework that intends to highlight potential factors which are people, process, and technology (PPT) enhancing SMEs’ readiness towards Industry 4.0 in a Malaysian context. At the end of the study, it is expected to conclusively contribute to a new horizon of knowledge supporting the significant development of SMEs.
... Pritchard and Armistead (1999) provide an attempt to divide organisations in groups depending on their grade and progression of BPM implementation. Among others, Harmon (2004) developed a BPM maturity model based on the Capability Maturity Model (see also Harmon 2003). Maull et al. (2003), whilst trying to define maturity of BPR programs, encountered problems that they could not use objective measures. ...
... Multiple approaches and methods for assessing and improving the business processes have been formulated to date. Different methods of improvement were proposed by P. Harmon [7], D. Madison [8]. However nowadays, when the conditions in the external and internal environment of the company change very fast, these approaches are not so efficient. ...
In the modern world, to ensure their competitiveness, organizations are forced to continuously improve their activities, especially through the implementation of innovative technological products and services. This paper presents an approach to assessing the innovation management process of a manufacturing company. It also formulates the areas for improving this process on the example of medium production enterprises in Russia. The TIPA process evaluation method is used as the basis of this approach. In analyzing and formulating recommendations for improving the process, the reference models, methods and frameworks are used: COBIT 2019, PCF APQC, Capability-Based Planning and TOGAF Standard, Agile—Stage-Gate method. Based on the experience of conducting this assessment at 3 Russian manufacturing enterprises, recommendations are formulated on the application of this approach. The main directions of improving the process of technological innovation management are also identified.
... (2018,478; Espino-Rodriguez in Rodriguez-Diaz 2014, 2) izpostavljajo pomen povezav strategij s cilji podjetja in pri tem usmerjenost v koristi za kupca. Imeti moramo jasno postavljena merila za merjenje učinkov strategij na naše poslovanje (Hudson, Smart in Bourne 2001;Ljungberg 2002;Harmon 2003;Smith in Fingar 2003;Burlton 2010;Sinur, Odell in Fingar 2013;Janeš in Faganel 2013;Jeston in Nelis 2014;Margherita 2014;Trkman, Budler in Groznik 2015;Trkman idr. 2015;Lau idr. ...
... As well as people who get killed in unprincipled buildings, unsafe vehicles and substandard roads. Effective crisis management system in the case of natural disasters is amongst the most important factors which reduces the amount of damages (Adini, 1993 (Harmon, 2002;Hammer, 1996). In fact, BPR take into consideration the rapid changes in technology, market and economy and also fundamental and intense changes. ...
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Nowadays, organizations conduct change projects based on reengineering processes because business processes reengineering (BPR) methodologies implement process-oriented approach. By this view governmental organizational also utilizes such methodology. One of the main practical issues of such implementation is about using BPR methodology in relief organization. On the other hand, Iran has been faced with an increase of accidents in various forms. Thus having more efficiency in relief agencies to deal with these accidents and maintain readiness in the face of threats is essential. Relief agencies should be covered by the Unexpected Disasters Center in order to carry out their missions and duties perfectly. Therefore, familiarity with the tasks of each group is inevitable. Given the foregoing, the main objective of this study is to investigate how we can develop a reengineering project based on BPR approaches in Iran relief agencies. By this we propose a new model for reengineering which has the main capabilities of general models in BPR methodology. In addition, we show the prerequisites of implementing new model in Iran Unexpected Disasters Center.
... Numerous literature dealing with business process management clearly indicates that organizations can improve their performance by adopting the "process view" of business (Davenport, 1993;Burlton, 2001;McCormack & Johnson, 2001). Improvement in corporate performance actually depends directly on the efficiency of business processes and that is why building a system that will enable this type of management is one of the leading tasks of managers (Harmon, 2003). From that point of view, an organization's performance stems from the performance of its business processes. ...
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The literature that generally deals with business processes is extensive, but, at the same time, there is a noticeable lack of it in some specific areas, such as the seed industry. The paper presents the relations between the main participants in the process of creating new values and gives examples of business success indicators in the organization operating in the seed industry. The presented results are based on the author's research through questionnaires and interviews with employees in this field, while the aim of the research was to review business processes in the seed industry, identify the key ones, and determine the models for their performance management.
... Activities can be executed sequentially or in parallel. However, a lack of coordination and communication can yield a situation where a case is sent back and forward in multiple iterations creating unnecessary loops [68]. We draw upon these redundancies as the third indicator for process health. ...
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Digital transformation forces companies to rethink their processes to meet current customer needs. Business Process Management (BPM) can provide the means to structure and tackle this change. However, most approaches to BPM face restrictions on the number of processes they can optimize at a time due to complexity and resource restrictions. Investigating this shortcoming, the concept of the long tail of business processes suggests a hybrid approach that entails managing important processes centrally, while incrementally improving the majority of processes at their place of execution. This study scrutinizes this observation as well as corresponding implications. First, we define a system of indicators to automatically prioritize processes based on execution data. Second, we use process mining to analyze processes from multiple companies to investigate the distribution of process value in terms of their process variants. Third, we examine the characteristics of the process variants contained in the short head and the long tail to derive and justify recommendations for their management. Our results suggest that the assumption of a long-tailed distribution holds across companies and indicators and also applies to the overall improvement potential of processes and their variants. Across all cases, process variants in the long tail were characterized by fewer customer contacts, lower execution frequencies, and a larger number of involved stakeholders, making them suitable candidates for distributed improvement
... However, majority of models focus on the assessment of process maturity of a whole organization (Fisher, 2004;Harmon, 2003;Kerremans, 2008). From this group, some of the models are designed based on a matrix framework, in which a particular level of process maturity is defined by different criteria. ...
... Activities can be executed sequentially or in parallel. However, a lack of coordination and communication can yield a situation where a case is sent back and forward in multiple iterations creating unnecessary loops[69]. We draw upon these redundancies as the third indicator for process health.Equation 6presents the underlying formalism, whereby the score of execution redundancies ( ) results from the number of activity tuples that occur multiple times during the execution of a process.= ...
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Digital transformation forces companies to rethink their processes to meet current customer needs. Business Process Management (BPM) can provide the means to structure and tackle this change. However, most approaches to BPM face restrictions on the number of processes they can optimize at a time due to complexity and resource restrictions. Investigating this shortcoming, the concept of the long tail of business processes suggests a hybrid approach that entails managing important processes centrally, while incrementally improving the majority of processes at their place of execution. This study scrutinizes this observation as well as corresponding implications. First, we define a system of indicators to automatically prioritize processes based on execution data. Second, we use process mining to analyze processes from multiple companies to investigate the distribution of process value in terms of their process variants. Third, we examine the characteristics of the process variants contained in the short head and the long tail to derive and justify recommendations for their management. Our results suggest that the assumption of a long-tailed distribution holds across companies and indicators and also applies to the overall improvement potential of processes and their variants. Across all cases, process variants in the long tail were characterized by fewer customer contacts, lower execution frequencies, and a larger number of involved stakeholders, making them suitable candidates for distributed improvement.
... As a result of competition and the advent of new and better business technologies, it is necessary to look for new ways of effective company´s management [9], [11]. These steps can help companies in their production processes and consequently in a positive impact on their economic result [12], [13]. ...
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This paper is oriented on the usage of automation on the manual post 40 on the production line Cinematic. This paper is divided into two main parts. First main part deals with characteristics of the production line Cinematic, while in this part one can also find information about layout, assembly elements on this production line and measurements of cycle time and production capacity. The second main part is about project proposal for production line improvement, in which one has also information about new layout, technical data of the new automated post 40 and measurements of cycle time and production capacity after improvement.
... Two goals are in the customer perspective -Student satisfaction and Raising the level of competitiveness, and these are considered to be strategic goals. For the competitiveness we will use the definition given by Harmon (2003) -competitive advantage occurs when an organization can create more profits from the sale of their products or services than its competitors. For each of the two strategic goals E-SWOT matrix has been created. ...
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Today, when the labor market is extremely dynamic, and there is great competition, a certain level of knowledge is expected of every individual. This has influenced an increase in the number of higher education institutions, primarily in the private sector. To cope better with the growing global competition, the management of private higher education institutions is becoming increasingly aware of the needs to select the appropriate management methods. That would ensure the achievement of strategic goals and make a unique and clear methodology, easily applicable in today's turbulent environment. The paper proposes a unique management methodology which would represent a strategic management framework applicable to most private higher education institutions. The creation of a strategy map of goals by linking SWOT and BSC methods with multiple criteria decision method is described. An emphasis is placed on the application of the multiple criteria decision-making method in the objective selection of priority cause and effect chains in the BSC strategy map. The result of the application of the proposed methodological framework targets the priority cause and effect chains, i.e. strategies which would enable the achievement of vision and mission.
The article examines the need to improve the system of motivation of the company’s personnel and increase its economic efficiency with the help of the use of non-economic levers of influence, the analysis of the use of innovative approaches to improve the system of training and stimulation of managers in the formation of the personnel potential of an industrial enterprise. It was determined that research in the field of innovative approaches to the creation of an effective, stimulating and adaptive system of training and stimulation of managers is an important component of the development of modern management of organizations. Possibilities of applying innovative approaches to improving the system of training and stimulating managers in the formation of personnel potential of an industrial enterprise were considered, and foreign experience in stimulating employees was used, which can be useful for implementation in various areas of business and personnel management, and especially at industrial enterprises. The bonus system for all employees, both primary and additional, was considered, which can become a powerful tool for stimulating and increasing general motivation at the enterprise, the existing incentive system was analyzed and its strengths and weaknesses were determined. It was determined that the use of innovative methods of staff stimulation will significantly improve the efficiency and motivation of the team, however, it is important that innovative methods of stimulation are flexible and take into account the diversity of needs and characteristics of employees, as well as to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures and adapt them taking into account changes in the organizational environment. It has been proven that system management is an urgent need for management efficiency and effectiveness of modern enterprise as a whole. The place of management technology in the company’s personnel management system is presented in the context of the organization’s structural diagram, because management technologies can affect various aspects of the company’s personnel management and be embedded in different levels of the organizational structure. It is important to integrate technologies to optimize processes and increase the efficiency of personnel management.
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After examining the theoretical aspects of corruption, it can be said that corruption is the abuse of authority (office) for personal gain and includes bribery, embezzlement, favoritism, etc. Corruption can also undermine income distribution and lead to neglect of environmental protection in the Green Deal. Decreasing resources due to corrupt actions can have negative consequences for social protection and public services, as it reduces the available budget and disrupts equal access to public services, as well as creating negative conditions for ensuring sustainability and protecting the environment. The purpose of the article is to analyse various concepts of corruption and present its impact on economy and national budget’s revenue. Methods used in the research: analysis of legal acts, scientific comparative analysis of literature.
This study investigates the impact of e-promotion tools on consumers’ purchasing decisions in the context of Carrefour, a leading supermarket chain in Jordan. A convenience sample of 425 Carrefour customers was targeted, and 33incomplete questionnaires were excluded from analysis, resulting in a final sample size of 392 for data analysis. The study uses a multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between social media, email marketing, website design, and electronic advertising, and their effect on consumers’ purchase decisions. The results show that social media and website design have a significant positive impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions, while email marketing and electronic advertising did not demonstrate a significant impact. These findings offer insights for Carrefour and other retail companies in Jordan to enhance their marketing strategies by effectively using e-promotion tools. Keywordspromotion toolssocial mediaemail marketingwebsite designelectronic advertisingPurchasing decisionsCarrefour supermarketJordan
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INCOM Egypt has undergone automation in some processes where critical aspects of its operations are transformed and automated. This paper presents an overview of INCOM Egypt processes using Ould Riva and analyses the process of ‘handling a product’. It aims to demonstrate effective automation of the production of wires and cables process accompanied to Industry 4.0 while considering environmental and economic sustainability goals that were inhibited by COVID-19 restrictions. Ould’s Riva method is used to analyse the production process of wires and cables to propose improvements for automating the process. Business process modelling is utilised to study the processes for clearer understating. The flow of information within the process is also analysed to integrate the production process with other processes and supply chains, which helps to identify which production activities can be automated and mainstreamed into the information flow to achieve environmental and economic sustainability. The context of INCOM Egypt, as a case study, is presented along with the Riva model of its operations. The paper identifies the before, i.e., As-Is process, and after, i.e., To-Be Process, automation of the ‘handle a product’ process using the Role Activity Diagram (RAD). The process involved redesigning and improving different activities to increase resource-use efficiency to participate in achieving the goals of sustainability. The focus of this paper is to investigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on sustainability and to examine the accomplishments of process automation of wire production towards environmental and economic sustainability. The results of the research reveal a relationship between business process modelling and sustainability. Moreover, automation of processes (Industry 4.0) is found to reduce the negative effect of COVID-19 on production. A triangulation between process modelling, process automation (Industry 4.0), and sustainability was determined. Each one is reinforcing and impacting one another. The RAD model demonstrates that automation of the activities in the process reduces waste, time, cost, and redundant processes as factors of sustainability, which may also help to lessen the unfavorable effects of the pandemic. The results proved generalisation on other organisations in the same line of business.
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Purpose Integration of city systems is needed to provide flexibility, agility and access to real-time information for the creation and delivery of efficient services in a smart and sustainable city. Consequently, City Process Modelling (CPMo) becomes an essential element of connecting various city sectors. However, to date, there has been limited research on the requirements of an ideal CPMo approach and the usefulness of available Business Process Modelling (BPMo) approaches. This research develops a framework for CPMo to guide smart city developers when modelling city processes. Design/methodology/approach Data from literature analysis was gathered to derive capabilities of existing BPMo techniques. Then, semi-structured interviews were conducted to thematically and qualitatively explore the requirements, challenges and success factors of CPMo. Findings The interview findings offered 17 requirements to be addressed by a CPMo approach, along with several challenges and success factors to be considered when implementing CPMo approaches. Then, the paper presents the results of mapping these requirements against 12 existing BPMo capabilities, identified from the literature, concluding that a significant number of requirements (which are mainly related to inputs and visualisation) have been left unfulfilled by existing BPMo approaches. Hence, developing an innovative CPMo approach is necessary to address the components of unfulfilled requirements. Originality/value The innovative framework presented in this paper justifies the CPMo requirements, which are unexplored in existing SCD frameworks. Moreover, it will act as a guide for smart city developers, to model cross-sectoral city processes, helping them progress their SCD road map and make their cities smart.
Recently, due to continually varying demands and shorter time to market, the existing Project Procurement Management (PPM) processes are incapable of coping up with the pace. There is a need of an agile model to manage procurement projects effectively. This article aims to developing strategies for executing the PPM processes with more agility by leveraging the capabilities and merits of industry 4.0 technologies along with selective Critical Success Factors (CSFs). For improving agility in PPM, this study identifies CSFs from the literature and experts’ review, the CSFs were then prioritized based on their significance, followed by establishing relationships and exploring interactions among CSFs using Total Interpretitive Structureal Modelling (TISM) and Fuzzy Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC). Furthermore, an agile project implementation plan was developed based on the findings of TISM and FuzzyMICMAC, which provides a systematic approach for strategically achieving the CSFs. Lastly, strategies were developed to improve agility in key processes of PPM by utilizing the new-age technologies Industry 4.0 like Internet of Things (IOT), Mobility, Business Intelligence, Blockchain, Chatbot, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and other technologies. The strategies and the agile project implementation plan thus developed as an outcome of this research can be leveraged by industries of various domains for improving agility in any of their business processes.
Studies on operational capabilities dimension in Halal food industry can provide an understanding on how process management as a mediator explain the relationship between operational capabilities and firm performance. The objectives of this study is to examine the operational capabilities and process management effect on the performance of Halal firms in Sarawak. In relation to the objectives, this paper highlights the two-stage approach which involve focus group and primary data collection. A focus group interview (FGI) approach was conducted to generate halal operational capabilities dimensions (what) by involving the industry players (who). Based on inputs from the FGI, a self-administered instrument was developed to secure the primary data from Halal food manufacturing companies in Sarawak, Malaysia. By using field data collected from 229 companies, all postulated relationship are examined using Partial Lease Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results of quantitative analysis show that the direct relationship between operational capabilities and halal firm performance is inconclusive. However, process management mediates the relationship between operational capabilities and halal firm performance. This implies that operational capabilities alone do not contribute to halal firm performance. Having mediation effect of process management between operational capabilities and halal firm performance indicates the important link between both relationships. Implementation of process management practices by the company would lead to better firm performance.
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Klinik Uygulamalarda Süreç Yönetimi Özet Klinik uygulamalarda süreç yönetimi, hizmetlerin sunumundaki tüm süreçlerin ayrıntılı şekilde tanımlanması, her sürece ilişkin karşılaşılabilecek önemli sorunların öngörülerek önlemler alınması, süreçlerin sorumlularının belirlenerek iş tanımlarının yapılması, farklı bölümler arasındaki iş akışının düzenlenerek tüm sistemin bütünlük içerisinde çalışmasının sağlanması anlamına gelmektedir. Süreç yönetimi yaklaşımı, çıktılara odaklanan geleneksel yönetim anlayışından süreçlere yönelen bir yönetim anlayışını ifade etmektedir. Yani verilen hizmetin sonuçlarına, çıktılarına odaklanmak yerine bu sonucu ortaya çıkaran süreçlerin iyi yönetilmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Beş aşamalı bir döngüden oluşan süreç yönetiminin birinci aşaması olan Tanımlama aşamasında yönetilecek olan iş süreçlerinin neler olduğunu tanımlanır. İkinci aşama olan Analiz aşamasında tanımlanan iş süreçlerinde neler yapıldığı, kimlerin sorumluluğunda nasıl yapıldığı, zayıf noktaların neler olduğu, yani, mevcut durum değerlendirilir. Üçüncü aşama olan Yeniden Tasarım aşamasında ise toplanan verilerin ışığında süreçleri, oyuncular ve roller arasındaki ilişkileri, etkileşimleri yeniden tasarlama amaçlı grafik çalışmaları yapılır. Dördüncü aşama olan Uygulama aşamasında hazırlanan model uygulamaya konulur, tanımlanan görevler otomatize edilir. Beşinci aşama olan İzleme aşaması süreçlerin işleyişinin belirlenen amaçları gerçekleştirip gerçekleştirmediği, amaçlardan sapmalar var ise nedenlerini saptama amacını taşır. Süreç yönetimini uygulayan kliniklerden elde edilen sonuçları yayınlayan çeşitli araştırmalarda performans göstergeleri olarak belirlenen tanı sürelerinde, raporlama, ameliyatlar için bekleme ve hizmetlere erişim sürelerinde kısalma sağlandığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, günlük çalışma sürelerinde azalma, hemşire başına düşen hasta şikayetlerinde azalma da olumlu yönde değişen göstergeler arasında yer almıştır. Üretim sanayiinde ve bilişim sektöründe yaygın şekilde kullanılan süreç yönetiminin sağlık sektöründe hizmet kalitesini ve hasta güvenliğini arttırıcı özelliği olduğu görülmektedir. (ENGLISH) Process Management in Clinical Practice Abstract Process management in clinical practice means defining all processes in the provision of services in detail, taking measures by foreseeing important problems that may be encountered in each process, determining the responsible people of the processes and making job descriptions, organizing the work flow between different departments and ensuring that the whole system works in integrity. The process management approach refers to a management approach that moves from the traditional management approach focusing on outputs to processes. In other words, instead of focusing on the results and outputs of the service, it means that the processes that produce this result are managed well. The process management consists of a five-stage life-cycle. In the first stage, current status of the clinical processes to be managed are defined. In the second stage, weaknesses and strengths of the current status is analyzed. In the third stage, the processes are redesigned and relationships between actors and roles as well as the interactions are redefined by using graphic methods. In the fourth stage, redesigned processes are implemented and tasks are automated. The fifth stage, the monitoring stage, aims to determine whether the functioning of the processes has achieved the determined goals, and understand why if there are deviations from the goals. Results of various studies that published the experiences of several clinical process management practices indicate that the duration of diagnosis, reporting, waiting for surgery and access to services were shortened as performance indicators. In addition, decrease in daily working hours and decrease in patient complaints per nurse were among the indicators that changed positively. It is seen that process management, which is widely used in the manufacturing industry and information sector, has the feature of increasing the service quality and patient safety in the health sector.
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Some recent observers noticed that employee productivity nearly on all kind of organizations is diminishing on a day-today basis, particularly in the field of education. The researchers found a number of factors that affected the productivity of employees. One of the major factor contributing to the productivity of employees is workplace conflicts. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to examine the workplace conflicts and its effect on the employee productivity. This research also examined a mediating role of workplace politics between the workplace conflicts and employee productivity among the members of the faculty of general public universities of Rural Sindh. Stratified sampling technique was used to collect the data from concerned population by using structured questionnaire. To achieve the goals of study different statistical techniques were used by using SPSS. Reliability test was used to check the data reliability. Furthermore, regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity. The finding of this test showed that the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity is negative. For regression analysis, macro process tool was used to investigate that whether workplace politics mediates the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity. The finding of this test showed that workplace politics significantly mediates the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee productivity.
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The integration of the concepts of Business Process Management (BPM) and Knowledge Management (KM) is a challenging research issue today, and should be analyzed jointly in contemporary enterprises. The challenge for modern process organizations is the constant accumulation of knowledge and its skillful use in order to gain a competitive advantage and ensure a stable position in the market. Despite the growing interest among researchers and practitioners there is a lack of articles in this area. The main objective of this paper is to identify the relation between Business Process Management and Knowledge Management. The article presents the results of empirical research conducted by the author in contemporary enterprises in Poland in 2019, and some solutions, as well as benefits, related to the correlation of these two concepts. Business Process Management has a positive influence over Knowledge Management processes. The identification, acquisition, presentation and documentation of knowledge are not independent tasks, but are implemented within processes. The implementation of Knowledge Management stimulates employee creativity and supports internal communication. Building a process organization using best practices and guidelines minimizes the risk of failure of projects to improve the organization and implement Knowledge Management. In order to test the correlations between them, Yule’s, Pearson’s, and Bykowski’s coefficients have been used.
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After examining a rather small body of research on bullshit, we focus on the bullshit receptivity of Slovenian and Finnish teachers and students. Finnish higher education system and management schools were ranked substantially higher by the Global Economic Forum in 2015. Out of 144 countries, Slovenian higher education system is ranked 48th (scoring 4.1 on a scale from 1–7), Finnish second (5.9), with Finnish management schools taking tenth place (5.6) and Slovenian 74th. Being teachers ourselves, we thought it would be interesting to see if there are any substantial differences in recognizing bullshit statements between Slovenian and Finnish educators and students. We asked respondents to assess the level of profoundness in a set of 15 statements, of which only three were meaningful. Prior to this, the respondents were requested to complete the 18-item Need for Cognition (NFC) scale and the 16-item Faith in Intuition (FI) scale to see if those with higher nfc/fi scores are better or worse at recognizing bullshit. With an average score of 1.54 on the NFC scale, our respondents were not very likely to engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities. On the other hand, with the score as low as 1.27 on the FI scale, our respondents were also unlikely to trust their feelings and intuition. As for the pseudo-profound statements, they were rather keen on giving high scores (average 2.94) to sentences lacking any meaning. Our research proved that there is a negative correlation between the Need for Cognition and pseudo-profound statements for the whole sample. On the other hand, this is not statistically significant for the subsample of Finnish teachers and students, for the subsample of both Finnish and Slovenian students, where it is neither present nor statistically significant, and for the subsample of teachers (Slovenian and Finnish) where the correlation is negative, but not statistically significant. As for the Faith in Intuition and pseudo-profound statements, a positive correlation does not exist, except for the subsample of Slovenian and Finnish teachers. Finally, our research proved that the correlation between Need for Cognition and Faith in Intuition is strong, positive and statistically significant. Faced with the esoteric bullshit statements, participants might not want to endure the struggle to grasp the meaning of the statements and simply rated vacuous statements as profound either due to the lack of motivation to engage in cognitive activities or because they simply assumed, in a face-saving fashion, that the statements must have been somewhat meaningful. The results of our research revealed that our respondents considered many bullshit statements as substantially more profound than the three statements by Voltaire, Einstein and Robinson.
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This article deals with the management of business processes activities with an emphasis on core processes as well as their influence on company performance. Article focuses on how core process management, which encompasses the activities of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, influences the performance of a company. We designed a model of the relationships between selected factors, developed hypotheses and in the empirical part, verified their validity. Management activities of core process (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) were dealt with from an interest and instrumental point of view. A population base of 3,007 small and medium-sized companies (SME) from Slovenia were included in the survey. Within the framework of statistically processing the collected data in the empirical section, we used structural equation modelling (SEM) as the central method since we checked the relations between the different variables (claims), as well as the theoretical model of the relations. The research confirmed that some interest aspects of the core process management (planning, organizing and leading) and some instrumental aspects of the core process management (controlling) influence company performance more than others.
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