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Vol. 64, No. 6, June 2018, pp. 2833–2855 ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501 (online)
Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles:
A Topic Modeling Approach
Allen H. Huang,aReuven Lehavy,bAmy Y. Zang,aRong Zhengc
aDepartment of Accounting, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong; bRoss School of Business,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109; cDepartment of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations
Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact: (AHH);, (RL); (AYZ); (RZ)
Received: September 25, 2015
Revised: July 25, 2016; November 6, 2016
Accepted: December 18, 2016
Published Online in Articles in Advance:
June 13, 2017
Copyright: ©2017 INFORMS
Abstract. This study examines analyst information intermediary roles using a textual
analysis of analyst reports and corporate disclosures. We employ a topic modeling
methodology from computational linguistic research to compare the thematic content of
a large sample of analyst reports issued promptly after earnings conference calls with the
content of the calls themselves. We show that analysts discuss exclusive topics beyond
those from conference calls and interpret topics from conference calls. In addition, we find
that investors place a greater value on new information in analyst reports when managers
face greater incentives to withhold value-relevant information. Analyst interpretation is
particularly valuable when the processing costs of conference call information increase.
Finally, we document that investors react to analyst report content that simply confirms
managers’ conference call discussions. Overall, our study shows that analysts play the
information intermediary roles by discovering information beyond corporate disclosures
and by clarifying and confirming corporate disclosures.
Accepted by Suraj Srinivasan, accounting.
A. Huang, A. Zang, and R. Zheng express thanks for financial support provided by the Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology. R. Lehavy expresses thanks for financial support from
the Harry Jones Endowment Fund.
Supplemental Material:
The Internet appendix is available at
topic modeling
latent Dirichlet allocation
1. Introduction
Financial analysts play an important information inter-
mediary role in capital markets. The culmination of
their efforts are the research reports distributed to
investors, which contain several quantitative summary
measures, including earnings forecasts, stock recom-
mendations, and target prices, as well as a textual dis-
cussion about the company. This textual discussion
covers a wide range of topics, such as the company’s
current and future financial performance, recent cor-
porate events, business strategies, management effec-
tiveness, competitive landscape, and macroeconomic
environment. Extant literature generally suggests that
these analyst outputs provide value to capital mar-
ket participants (e.g., Bradley et al. 2014, Huang et al.
2014, Li et al. 2015). To advance the literature, several
review papers (Ramnath et al. 2008, Beyer et al. 2010,
Bradshaw 2011) call for additional research to better
understand the sources of analyst value.
This study investigates how financial analysts serve
their information intermediary role by conducting a
large-scale comparison of the textual content of analyst
research reports to that of closely preceding corporate
disclosures. Specifically, we employ a topic modeling
method to compare the thematic content of a large sam-
ple of analyst reports issued on the day of and the day
following quarterly earnings conference calls (here-
after, prompt reports) to that of managers’ narratives in
these conference calls. Quarterly earnings announce-
ments and their related conference calls are arguably
the most important corporate disclosures. Accordingly,
an overwhelming number of sell-side analyst research
reports are issued immediately following these cor-
porate events, because only timely reactions to these
events can offer the analyst clients an informational
advantage in trading.1The textual comparison allows
us to investigate the following questions: (1) What type
of information do analysts provide in prompt reports?
(2) Do analyst discussions of new topics and of confer-
ence call topics provide incremental value to investors?
And (3) under what conditions do analyst reports pro-
vide more value to investors?
As information intermediaries, analysts can provide
value to investors in two ways: First, through their pri-
vate research efforts, they collect and generate informa-
tion that is otherwise not readily available to investors;
second, they could facilitate investors’ understanding
of the existing public information by analyzing and
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2834 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
clarifying it and by offering their own opinions on
issues raised through public disclosures. Following the
literature (e.g., Ivković and Jegadeesh 2004, Chen et al.
2010), we term these efforts the analyst information dis-
covery role and the analyst information interpretation
role, respectively.
Several sources of potential value can arise from
the analyst information discovery role: Analysts con-
duct their own private research and channel checks,
for example, by visiting stores and warehouses, inves-
tigating supply chains, and surveying customers;2they
have private interactions with not only CEOs and
CFOs, but also division-level managers from oper-
ating regions and product lines (Soltes 2014); they
package information collected from multiples sources,
such as other information intermediaries, peer firms
in the industry, independent research agencies, and
government agencies, and undertake original analy-
sis by “connecting the dots”; and they generate new
information signals, such as firms’ valuations, earnings
forecasts, and long-term growth rates, using their high
level of financial expertise. In our setting, discovery
reflects analysts’ private efforts to generate new topics
that are otherwise not readily available in the confer-
ence call, but the sources of the information can include
a variety of public and private channels.
We consider analysts as serving an information
interpretation role when they discuss topics that
have already been discussed in the recent corporate
disclosure. Similar to the media’s providing value
through information dissemination or rebroadcasting,
as shown by recent research (e.g., Miller 2006, Bushee
et al. 2010, Drake et al. 2014), analysts might be able to
provide value by discussing these conference call top-
ics. First, by interpreting only the relevant topics in cor-
porate disclosures, analysts attract and direct investors’
limited attention to what they view as being impor-
tant.3Second, analysts can clarify managers’ disclo-
sure by using their own language, offering their opin-
ions on issues raised by managers, and quantitatively
assessing management’s subjective statements. Third,
perceived as independent agents, analysts can enhance
the reliability of statements from managers, who may
suffer from agency problems. Taken together, we posit
that the analyst information interpretation role helps
investors understand corporate disclosures better by
lowering processing costs and enhancing information
quality. Whether and when investors consider these
information roles as being useful are empirical ques-
tions our study attempts to address.
A few studies compare the relative value of the ana-
lyst information roles based on the market reaction to
analyst earnings forecasts and stock recommendations
(Ivković and Jegadeesh 2004, Chen et al. 2010, Livnat
and Zhang 2012). These studies infer analyst informa-
tion roles from the timing of the analyst revisions rela-
tive to corporate disclosures. That is, they assume that
analyst forecast revisions following (preceding) public
announcements are more likely to reflect their infor-
mation interpretation (discovery) role. We extend this
stream of literature by introducing a new textual tech-
nique to construct explicit measures of analyst infor-
mation roles that have been traditionally inferred from
the quantitative research outputs of analysts. Specifi-
cally, we partition the discussion in analyst reports into
a discussion of topics already covered in the imme-
diately preceding calls and a discussion of new top-
ics. The former likely provides an interpretation of the
information already contained in the calls, based on
which we assess the analyst information interpreta-
tion role; the latter likely provides information beyond
what managers had released publicly, based on which
we assess the analyst information discovery role. To
extract economically meaningful topics from a large
sample of analyst reports and conference calls, we
exploit a topic modeling approach called latent Dirich-
let allocation (LDA), an advanced textual analysis tech-
nique that uncovers underlying topics in a large set of
documents based on the statistical correlations among
words in these documents (Blei et al. 2003).
Our empirical measures of the analyst information
roles are based on a comparison of the thematic content
of 159,210 prompt analyst reports (denoted as AR)to
that of manager narratives in a sample of 17,750 earn-
ings conference calls (denoted as CC).4We first employ
LDA to extract topics from AR and CC, and then con-
duct a battery of validity tests to verify the effectiveness
of LDA in identifying economically interpretable top-
ics. When we compare the thematic content of AR and
CC, we find that analysts spend an average of 31% of
their discussion on exclusive topics that receive little or
no mention by managers, and thus 69% of their discus-
sion focuses on conference topics. This suggests that
both analyst information discovery and interpretation
roles are substantial.
Next, we find that investor reactions to both informa-
tion roles are economically significant and incremen-
tal to their reaction to the conference call information
and earnings news. To better understand the sources
of analyst value, we predict and find that investor reac-
tion to the analyst information discovery role is more
pronounced when managers face greater incentives to
withhold value-relevant information (i.e., when firms
have greater proprietary cost, face higher litigation
risk, or experience bad performance) and that investor
reaction to the analyst interpretation role is greater
when the conference call information has higher pro-
cessing costs (i.e., when the call contains a greater
amount of uncertain or qualitative statements, or does
not deliver bad news).
We shed further light on the interplay between ana-
lyst reports and corporate disclosures by document-
ing that analysts respond to investor demand and exert
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2835
more effort to serve in either information role depend-
ing on the features of the corporate disclosures. Specif-
ically, analysts increase the amount of information dis-
covery when managers are more likely to withhold
information, and analysts use a greater amount of their
own language to clarify management disclosures (as
opposed to merely repeating managers’ words) when
the cost of processing management disclosure is higher.
An additional analysis shows that investors value ana-
lysts’ efforts. That is, the value of each information role
increases with the length of the discussion; the inter pre-
tation’s value increases further when analysts use their
own language to discuss conference call topics.
Finally, we demonstrate that analysts sometimes en-
gage in confirming what managers say in the confer-
ence calls. Within the 69% of the discussion in prompt
reports that is devoted to interpreting conference call
topics, 23% does not entail a different vocabulary from
that used by managers. Although such confirming dis-
cussions are unlikely to contain new insights or pro-
vide greater clarity than managers’ original discus-
sions, we find that the investor reaction to them is
significant, albeit having a considerably smaller eco-
nomic magnitude than that of analysts’ discovery or
interpretation using their own language. This evi-
dence suggests that even when analysts selectively
repeat management disclosures, they provide confirm-
ing value by identifying and disseminating the useful
conference call topics to their clients (i.e., confirming
these topics’ importance and relevance) and by enhanc-
ing the credibility of managers’ statements (i.e., con-
firming these topics’ validity).
Our study provides several contributions to the lit-
erature. First, we provide new insight into the sources
of analyst value as information intermediaries and
extend our understanding on the interplay between
analyst research and corporate disclosures. In partic-
ular, we document the value of analyst discovery and
interpretation roles immediately after corporate dis-
closure events and identify the economic conditions
under which each role provides value to investors.
These economic conditions relate to the features of
earnings conference calls, including managers’ ten-
dency to withhold information during the calls and
the processing costs of the calls’ information. Second,
our study introduces a textual measurement of infor-
mation content to the literature, which is based on
comparing the discussions of economically meaning-
ful topics in analyst reports and management disclo-
sures. Finally, our study contributes to the emerging
area of textual analysis by introducing the topic mod-
eling approach to the accounting and finance literature
and validating the approach for financial documents
(see a recent review by Loughran and McDonald 2016).
Much of this research focuses on the textual character-
istics (e.g., readability and tone) of corporate financial
disclosures (e.g., Management Discussion and Analy-
sis in 10-K and S-1). Our topic modeling methodology
provides another avenue through which researchers
can expand their analyses of the textual content of cor-
porate financial disclosures from “how texts are being
said” to “what is being said” in these disclosures.
2. Topic Modeling and Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA)
We obtain our empirical measures of analyst infor-
mation intermediary roles by comparing the textual
narratives in AR to those in CC at the topic level. To
identify topics, we use LDA, which is developed by
Blei et al. (2003) and has become a widely used topic
modeling algorithm. LDA uses a statistical generative
model to imitate the process of how a human writes
a document. Specifically, LDA assumes that each word
in a document is generated in two steps. First, assum-
ing that each document has its own topic distribution,
a topic is randomly drawn based on the document’s
topic distribution. Next, assuming that each topic has
its own word distribution, a word is randomly drawn
from the word distribution of the topic selected in
the previous step. Repeating these two steps word by
word generates a document. The LDA algorithm dis-
covers the topic distribution for each document and
the word distribution of each topic iteratively, by fitting
this two-step generative model to the observed words
in the documents until it finds the best set of vari-
ables that describe the topic and word distributions.
Essentially, LDA reduces the extraordinary dimension-
ality of linguistic data from words to topics, based
on word co-occurrences in the same document, simi-
lar to cluster analysis or principal component analysis
applied to quantitative data. Appendix Aand Internet
Appendix I provide a detailed discussion of the intu-
ition and technical features of LDA, respectively.
LDA offers several advantages over manual coding.
First, it is capable of processing a massive collection
of documents that would be too costly to code man-
ually. Second, LDA provides a reliable and replica-
ble classification of topics. Neither of these features
can be attained with manual coding, which relies on
human coders’ subjective judgment. Third, LDA does
not require researchers to prespecify rules or keywords
for the underlying taxonomy of categories. Topics and
their probabilistic relations with keywords are discov-
ered by LDA from fitting the assumed statistical model
to an entire textual corpus. In contrast, manual coding
or dictionary methods require researchers to prespec-
ify a deterministic set of rules or keywords to categorize
topics. It is close to impossible to determine a priori the
topics across all documents, the keywords that identify
each topic for an entire textual corpus, or the proba-
bilistic relation between keywords and topics.
To allow the LDA algorithm to fully identify the topic
structure, we use all available earnings conference calls
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2836 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
(18,607 transcripts obtained from Thomson Reuters’s
StreetEvents Database) and analyst reports (476,633
analyst reports obtained from Thomson Reuters’ In-
vestext Database) for S&P 500 firms during the period
2003–2012.5As described in detail in Appendix B, prior
to applying the LDA algorithm, we conduct several pre-
processing steps to clean and parse the textual data. We
conduct the LDA analysis for each industry separately,
because many topics are industry specific. The total
number of topics for each industry is set at 60 based
on the analysis of the perplexity score (discussed in
Appendix B). The LDA outputs clusters of words in
each topic, as well as the words’ probabilistic relation
with each topic. In mathematical form, it comprises a
matrix of word probabilities in each topic. Using this
matrix, we assign each sentence in our documents to
the most likely topic, by summing up the probabilities
of its words in each topic and assigning the sentence to
the topic with the highest probability.
2.1. Validation of LDA Outputs
We provide several validation tests for the LDA topic
outputs. First, following the procedure in Quinn et al.
(2010), Atkins et al. (2012), and Bao and Datta (2014),
we manually read the high-probability words in key
topics and their respective sentences, to provide a short
and intuitive label for each topic. These labels are
intended to validate that LDA is able to discern the
underlying economic content of the topics.6Table 1
presents the 20 most frequent words in each of the top
10 topics in the capital goods and health care equip-
ment and services industries.7
Overall, the results in Table 1validate the effective-
ness of the LDA algorithm in identifying distinct, eco-
nomically meaningful topics in conference calls and
analyst reports. For example, the frequent appear-
ance of semantically related words “multiple,” “target-
price,” “valuation,” “EPS,” and “price-to-earnings” in
a topic in the capital goods industry suggests that this
topic is related to “valuation model.” Similarly, the fre-
quent appearance of the words “drug,” “trial,” “an-
nounce,” “clinical,” and “phase,” in a topic in the health
care equipment and services industry suggests that this
topic relates to drug trials. We also find that LDA effec-
tively uncovers general topics related to a firm’s finan-
cial performance, as well as industry-specific topics,
such as offshore drilling in the energy industry, enter-
prise software and IT services in the software indus-
try, and steel production in the materials industry (see
Internet Appendix Table IA1). Finally, our results ver-
ify that the LDA algorithm recognizes the polysemy
or contextual nature of words by assigning the same
word to multiple topics. Theword “price,” for example,
is related to both “valuation” and “raw materials and
input price” in the capital goods industry, reflecting the
contextual nature of the word.
In our second validation test, we compare the tem-
poral variation in the amount of discussion dedicated
to key topics with important industry and economy-
wide events.8Specifically, Figure 1depicts the pro-
portion of key topics in earnings conference calls and
analyst reports for the banking and telecommunica-
tion industries from 2003 to 2012 and the performance
of their respective sector indices (Financial Sector
SPDR–XLF and iShares U.S. Telecommunications–IYZ,
respectively). We select these two industries based on
the turmoil in the banking industry and the technology
evolution in the telecommunication industry during
our sample period.
Panel A of Figure 1presents visual evidence of a
reliable relation between the temporal variation in the
distribution of key topics and economic performance
in the banking industry. From 2003 to 2006, for exam-
ple, management and analyst discussions are devoted
primarily to the topics of “growth” (mostly in loans
and deposits) and “mortgage origination.” The dis-
cussion of these topics declines substantially in 2007,
however, with the advent of the financial crisis, while
that of “real estate loans” and “deteriorating perfor-
mance and losses” increases. Not surprisingly, after the
approval of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
in October 2008, we see an increase in discussions of
the topic “equity issuance and TARP.” Panel B of Fig-
ure 1depicts the relation between technological devel-
opments and topic discussions for the telecommunica-
tions industry. Here, we see that landline-related topic
discussions (e.g., DSL technology) decrease during our
sample period, while topics labeled as “smartphone
business” and “wireless subscribers” increase.
In the third validation, we compare the LDA’s topic
assignment to that of a human coder for a small sam-
ple of conference calls and the associated prompt ana-
lyst reports from food, beverage, and tobacco industry.
We first randomly select a conference call from each
of the three companies in this industry (i.e., Camp-
bell Soup, Coca-Cola, and Altria Group) and obtain the
conference call transcripts and associated prompt ana-
lyst reports. Next, we invited an expert, who is an insti-
tutional investor all-star analyst covering this industry,
to label the intuition of the LDA-generated topics based
on their keywords.9Lastly, we provided the topic intu-
ition generated by the all-star analyst to a human coder
(a graduate student in an accounting master’s degree
program) and asked him to label the topics of each
sentence in the call transcripts and analyst reports.10
The LDA topic assignment is consistent with manual
assignment in 69%, 66%, and 60% of the sentences for
Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola, and Altria Group, respec-
tively. These consistency rates are much higher than
5%, which is the consistency rate between a random
assignment of topics and manual coding.11
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2837
Table 1. Highest-Probability Words in the Top 10 Topics of Two Large Industries
Topic label Top 20 words
Capital goods (GICS 2010)
Comparing financial
performance with
Margin, estimate, guidance, EPS, expect, consensus, operating, revenue, lower, consensus, sales, expectation,
below, per-share, segment, management, forecast, in-line, beat, outlook
Sales and revenue Sales, improve, operating, margin, price, profit, revenue, estimate, decline, volume, share, segment,
operating-income, improve, off-set, rise, lower, cost, currency, earnings
Growth Growth, revenue-growth, organic, strong, sales, digit, acquisition, business, rate, expect, EPS-growth,
strength, grow, line, margin, solid, core, single, segment, guidance
Business outlook Business, expansion, good, term, margin, positive, looking, rate, big, difficult, customer, forward, guidance,
market, pressure, area, line, opportunity, issue, new
Financial outlook Revenue, growth, operating, margin, segment, increase, business, expect, year-over-year, forecast, result,
acquisition, higher, estimate, decline, compare, income, report, strong, EPS
Valuation model Multiple, price, stock, earnings, target-price, valuation, estimate, DCF (discount cash flow), cycle, risk,
growth, EPS, current, price-to-earnings, group, relative, view, investor, peak, upside
Defense contracts System, program, defense, contract, space, service, budget, electronic, aircraft, information, ship, missile,
government, technology, international, sales, air, support, navy, DOD (department of defense)
Cash flows and financing Cash, flow, free, share, capital, net, dividend, debt, balance, repurchase, increase, strong, sheet, margin, stock,
free-cash-flow, earnings, growth, program, cash-flow
Raw materials and input
Cost, price, increase, material, pricing, margin, higher, raw, volume, expect, incremental, inflation, impact,
commodity, product, off-set, operating, steel, inventory, benefit
Geographic segments Market, growth, China, Europe, global, emerging, America, demand, region, Asia, India, investment,
country, north, economy, expect, middle, economic, European, east
Health care equipment and services (GICS 3510)
Growth Growth, margin, revenue, expect, operating, business, rate, gross, digit, market, expansion, improvement,
EPS, organic, mix, increase, drive, single, grow, new
Earnings guidance and
Estimate, EPS, guidance, share, expect, range, management, result, expectation, consensus, growth, earnings,
impact, per-share, lower, new, in-line, revenue, report, stock
Geographic segments Sales, division, currency, constant, growth, report, expect, divisional, product, FX (foreign exchange), gross,
rate, Europe, business, impact, margin, international, foreign, tax, Japan
Income statement items Income, net, revenue, expense, operating, after-tax, EPS, margin, gross, interest, share, cost, profit, rate,
SG&A, dilute, pre-tax, amortization, item, adjust
Valuation Estimate, EPS, target-price, multiple, price, share, risk, growth, valuation, price-to-earnings, stock, earnings,
rating, base, trade, industry, group, forward, premium, peer
Medical cost Enrollment, MLR (medical loss rate), commercial, cost, trend, medical, earnings, share, Medicare, expect,
ratio, membership, higher, prior, SG&A, live, projection, increase, report, premium
Business outlook and
Business, positive, term, good, market, future, guidance, impact, looking, forward, rate, new, product,
performance, opportunity, better, call, cost, issue, start
Cash flow and financing Cash, debt, flow, share, net, asset, capital, cash-flow, liability, repurchase, balance, equity, note, investment,
free, free-cash-flow, stock, dividend, sheet, expense
Medicare and Medicaid Medicare, plan, commercial, member, Medicaid, advantage, health, premium, care, benefit, cost,
membership, group, enrollment, business, contract, government, risk, Tricare, individual
Drug trial Announce, disease, drug, product, category, treatment, trial, patient, update, system, new, agreement,
Humira (a drug name), study, clinical, program, hub, pharmaceutical, administration, phase
Note. This table reports the top 20 words in each of the top 10 topics and our inferred topic labels for two of the five largest industries in terms
of the total number of conference calls in our sample.
Taken together, we interpret the evidence from the
validation tests as supporting the effectiveness of LDA
to identify and quantify economically meaningful top-
ics in earnings conference calls and analyst reports.
3. Sample Selection and
Descriptive Statistics
The sample involved in the regression analyses is com-
prised of quarterly earnings conference call transcripts
and analyst reports issued on the day of or the day
following these conference calls for S&P 500 firms from
2003 to 2012.12
Table 2describes our sample selection criteria. As
shown in panel A, we start from 18,607 earnings con-
ference call transcripts available in the StreetEvents
database. To verify that these are earnings conference
calls, we match them with earnings announcement
dates from I/B/E/S. This matching reduces our sam-
ple to 18,236 conference calls that occurred during days
[0,+1]relative to the I/B/E/S earnings announcement
dates. Next, we require each conference call to be
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2838 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
Figure 1. (Color online) Temporal Variation in the Distribution of Key Topics
Panel A: Banking industry (GICS 4010)
Equity issuance and TARP
(capital, common, tarp, raise, preferred,
equity, tier, share, ratio, stock)
Mortgage origination
(mortgage, gain, msr, sale, servicing, loan,
origination, business, earnings, hedging)
Deteriorating performance and losses
(loss, credit, capital, expect, portfolio,
value, reserve, book, tangible, provision)
Real estate loans (loan, portfolio, commercial,
real, estate, residential, construction, credit,
consumer, home)
Growth (loan, growth, up, increase,
deposit, gain, annualized, fee, income, net)
XLF (S&P financial select sector index)
accompanied by at least one analyst report, which
yields a final sample of 17,750 earnings conference calls
with matched analyst reports.13
As reported in panel B of Table 2, the initial sam-
ple of analyst reports includes all reports issued for
S&P 500 firms during the period 2003–2012 (476,633
reports) that we use to perform our LDA analysis. We
then exclude reports not issued on the day of or the day
following an earnings conference call. We also exclude
reports issued on the day of a call but prior to its start
time. Our final sample is comprised of 159,210 analyst
reports. Prompt analyst reports constitute 33% of the
entire population of analyst reports (or 46.5% if we only
consider revision reports), an overwhelming percent-
age considering that they are concentrated in only eight
days of a year. These statistics reinforce the importance
of understanding the analyst information intermedi-
ary roles immediately following corporate disclosure
Over the entire sample period, an average of nine
analyst reports are issued in the two-day window after
the calls. Since our focus is on the information role of
analysts in aggregate, we combine all analyst reports
issued during this two-day window and denote it as
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2839
Figure 1. (Color online) (Continued)
Panel B: Telecommunication industry (GICS 5010)
15 %
Wireless subscribers
(add, net, postpaid, churn, ARPU, estimate,
prepaid, subscriber, gross, expect)
Cash flow and capitial market
transactions (cash, dividend, flow, free, share,
yield, stock, debt, buyback, repurchase)
Smartphone business
(iphone, smartphone, device, postpaid, lte,
upgrade, sales, expect, margin, subscriber)
Landline-related services
(line, access, DSL, loss, revenue, add,
decline, net, wireless)
Financial performance compared to
estimate and guidance
(estimate, revenue, EPS, EBITDA, guidance,
expect, result, lower, better, below)
IYZ (iShares U.S. Telecom.)
Notes. This figure presents the relative weights in the five topics with the highest variability in the banking and telecommunication industries,
along with their respective sector indices (Financial Sector SPDR–XLF and iShares U.S. Telecommunications–IYZ, respectively) in our sample
period of 2003–2012.
AR. To examine the difference between the respec-
tive topic proportions in the analyst and manager
narratives, we conduct a Pearson’s chi-square test for
the homogeneity of the distribution of topics dis-
cussed in each AR and CC pair (see Internet Appendix
Table IA2).14 The homogeneity between the topic distri-
butions in these documents is rejected at the 10% level
for 91% of conference calls. That is, in 91% of the
AR-C C pairs, managers and analysts devote different
proportions of narratives to each topic. In contrast,
the topic distributions of analyst questions (CCQ)and
manager answers (CCA)in the Q&A session are signif-
icantly different at the 10% level for only 0.17% of the
conference calls. This finding is consistent with intu-
ition and provides further validation for LDA topic
measures. Finally, to reduce noise, we include in the
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2840 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
Table 2. Sample Selection
Panel A: Sample selection––Earnings conference calls
Earnings conference calls of S&P 500 firms in the period
Less earnings conference calls not on days [0,+1]relative
to the earnings announcement dates
Less earnings conference calls without accompanying
analyst reports
Earnings conference calls on days [0,+1]relative to the
earnings announcement dates, with accompanying
analyst reports
Panel B: Sample selection––Analyst reports
All Revision
reports reports
Analyst reports issued for S&P 500 firms
in the period 2003–2012
476,633 220,723
Less analyst reports not within [0,+1]
relative to the earnings conference
call dates
313,316 114,034
Less analyst reports issued before
the start time of the earnings
conference calls
4,107 4,107
Number of analyst reports issued on
days [0,+1]after the earnings
conference calls (denoted, AR)
159,210 102,582
AR as a percentage of all analyst reports
issued for S&P 500 firms (%)
33.4 46.5
Notes. Panel A presents the sample selection procedures for the earn-
ings conference calls. Panel B presents the sample selection proce-
dures for the analyst reports. Revision reports are analyst reports t hat
contain a revision in at least one of the analysts’ quantitative mea-
sures (earnings forecast, stock recommendation, and target price).
empirical analyses topics if their length exceeds 2% of
the document’s entire length.15 On average, C C (AR)
in our sample contain 14 (12) such topics; furthermore,
the combined length of these topics accounts for over
80% (85%) of the entire discussion in the CC (AR).
4. Empirical Measures, Tests, and Results
The evidence in Section 3suggests that topic distribu-
tions in CC and AR are different. Based on this evi-
dence, we operationalize the analyst information dis-
covery role as cases when analysts discuss topics that
receive little or no mention by managers during the
CC and their information interpretation role as cases
when they discuss CC topics in their prompt reports.
Internet Appendix II provides two illustrative exam-
ples for each role using excerpts from conference call
transcripts and analyst reports. In our sample, ana-
lysts spend an average of 31% (69%) of their discussion
on discovery (interpretation). The value of analysts’
discovery and interpretation roles, however, depends
on whether analyst efforts, combined with their high
level of financial expertise and in-depth knowledge of
the firm and industry, result in valuable information
beyond the conference calls. The following empirical
analyses investigate whether and under what circum-
stances analyst information discovery and interpreta-
tion provide value to investors.
4.1. Do Investors Value Analyst Information
Discovery and Interpretation Roles?
We assess the value analyst information discovery and
interpretation provided to investors by estimating the
following regression:
CAR[0,1]α1Tone_Discovery +β1Tone_Interpret
+γ1Tone_CC +Controls +ε, (1)
where the market reaction, CAR[0,1], is the cumula-
tive market-adjusted return during [0,1]relative to the
earnings announcement dates.16 Because the market
return is directional, we follow Huang et al. (2014) and
Davis et al. (2015) and use the tone of the narratives
(i.e., the percentage of positive sentences less the per-
centage of negative sentences) contained in AR and CC
to explain CAR.17 Tone_Discovery is the favorableness of
analyst opinions contained in the new topics discussed
in analyst reports, whereas Tone_Interpret is the favor-
ableness of analyst opinions contained in the topics
that appear in CC and are discussed in analyst reports.
Because previous research indicates that managers’
tone is sticky (e.g., Davis et al. 2015), Tone_CC is mea-
sured by subtracting the tone of the company’s previ-
ous earnings conference call from the tone of the cur-
rent one. Our control variables are earnings surprises
(EPS_Surp), a dummy variable indicating whether a
firm’s earnings miss the most recent analyst consensus
forecast (Miss), and their interaction term (EPS_Surp ×
Miss) to capture the nonlinear relation between earn-
ings surprise and market returns; recent news is cap-
tured by the abnormal returns during the ten trading
days prior to the report date (Prior_CAR); firm charac-
teristics that impact its information environment (Lang
and Lundholm 1993), including firm size (Size), book-
to-market ratio (BtoM), and number of analyst reports
being considered (#Analysts); and year fixed-effects.18
Detailed variable definitions are in Appendix C. Stan-
dard errors are estimated with a two-way cluster at the
firm and year levels.
The summary statistics reported in Table 3show that
both mean values of Tone_Discovery and Tone_Interpret
are positive (0.188 and 0.217, respectively), consistent
with the overall analyst optimism documented in the
literature. The average tone of earnings conference calls
is 0.276, which is significantly more positive than ana-
lysts’ tone, suggesting that managers in general are
more optimistic than analysts.
The results of estimating Equation (1) are reported
in Table 4. We find positive and significant (at the
0.01 level) coefficients on both Tone_Discovery and
Tone_Interpret, after controlling for managers’ disclo-
sure, earnings surprises, and other variables that
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2841
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Variables No. of obs. Mean Median SD Q1 Q3
Discovery 17,749 0.314 0.303 0.104 0.238 0.379
NewLanguage 17,749 0.540 0.538 0.082 0.483 0.593
Tone_Discovery 17,731 0.188 0.193 0.159 0.094 0.289
Tone_Interpret 17,749 0.217 0.223 0.178 0.100 0.343
Tone_NewLanguage 17,480 0.213 0.221 0.214 0.083 0.355
Tone_SimilarLanguage 17,694 0.224 0.231 0.205 0.100 0.357
Determinants of discovery and interpretation
Competition (%) 17,131 0.071 0.052 0.073 0.019 0.101
LitigRisk 17,724 0.086 0.074 0.048 0.053 0.104
Uncertain (%) 17,749 0.836 0.811 0.265 0.651 0.986
Qualitative (%) 17,749 80.699 79.412 7.961 74.038 84.615
#Segments 17,749 0.751 0.693 0.747 0.000 1.386
Miss 17,632 0.222 0.000 0.416 0.000 0.000
EPS_Surp 17,622 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.000 0.002
Expr 17,327 8.016 7.859 2.423 6.424 9.400
Star 17,749 0.224 0.182 0.235 0.000 0.347
Other variables
CAR[0,1]17,733 0.000 0.000 0.057 −0.030 0.030
Tone_CC 17,064 0.000 0.002 0.097 −0.061 0.063
#Questions 17,749 3.045 3.135 0.577 2.833 3.367
ABS_EPS_Surp 17,622 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.000 0.003
AR_Length 17,749 359.909 320.000 227.985 187.000 487.000
Prior_CAR 17,699 0.003 0.002 0.049 −0.024 0.028
Size 17,723 9.339 9.233 1.083 8.594 9.952
BtoM 17,745 0.468 0.393 0.326 0.248 0.609
#Analysts 17,749 8.954 8.000 4.967 5.000 12.000
Notes. This table reports the summary statistics for the variables used in the empirical analyses. Variable definitions are provided in
Appendix C.
can explain market reactions, consistent with both
roles providing incremental value to the market. A
one-standard-deviation increase in Tone_Interpret in-
creases the two-day market adjusted return by 1.09%; a
Table 4. Investors’ Reaction to Analyst Information
Discovery and Information Interpretation
Dependent variable: CAR[0,1]
Tone_Discovery 0.041∗∗∗ (10.9)
Tone_Interpret 0.061∗∗∗ (16.7)
Tone_CC 0.039∗∗∗ (7.9)
EPS_Surp 2.828∗∗∗ (10.6)
Miss −0.013∗∗∗ (−8.9)
EPS_Surp ×Miss −2.503∗∗∗ (−7.8)
Prior_CAR −0.060∗∗∗ (−4.8)
Size −0.000 (−0.5)
BtoM 0.016∗∗∗ (8.3)
#Analysts −0.000∗∗∗ (−3.6)
Intercept −0.021∗∗∗ (−3.9)
Year fixed effect Yes
Observations 16,923
Adjusted R20.138
Notes. This table reports the coefficient estimates and t-statistics
from estimating Equation (1). All variables are defined in Ap-
pendix C.t-Statistics based on standard errors clustered at the firm
and year levels are displayed in parentheses to the right of the coef-
ficient estimates.
∗∗∗Indicates significance at the 1% level, using two-tailed tests.
one-standard-deviation increase in Tone_Discovery in-
creases it by 0.65%, indicating that both roles trigger
economically significant market reactions. F-tests show
that the coefficient on Tone_Interpret is significantly
greater than that of Tone_Discovery. Overall, results in
Table 4suggest that investors value both analyst infor-
mation discovery and interpretation roles and place a
greater weight on their interpretation role immediately
after earnings conference calls.19,20
4.2. What Determines Investors’ Value of Analyst
Information Discovery and Interpretation?
To understand the economic determinants of the value
of analyst information discovery and interpretation, we
estimate the following regression:
CAR[0,1]α1Tone_Discovery +XαiTone_Discovery
+XβjTone_Interpret ×Determinantsj
+γ1Tone_CC +Controls +ε. (2)
In Equation (2), coefficient estimates on the interac-
tion terms demonstrate whether discovery or interpre-
tation triggers additional market reaction under vari-
ous economic conditions. We conjecture that investors
would place a greater value on the analyst informa-
tion discovery role when managers withhold value-
relevant information from investors. Prior literature
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2842 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
on voluntary disclosure identifies several situations in
which managers are more likely to withhold informa-
tion, including firms with high proprietary costs, high
litigation risk, and bad news, all of which we examine
in Equation (2). For the analyst information interpreta-
tion role, we posit that investors would place a greater
value on this role when the processing cost of confer-
ence call information is higher. Next, we discuss our
measures of proprietary cost, litigation risk, bad news,
and processing cost.
4.2.1. Proprietary Cost. Managers may choose to
withhold proprietary information if disclosing it hurts
firms’ competitive advantage. Numerous studies on
the proprietary cost of disclosure find that such
costs represent a significant consequence that pre-
vents managers from being forthcoming (see reviews
in Verrecchia 2001, Dye 2001, and Healy and Palepu
2001). Managers, for example, may withhold informa-
tion on research and development related to an inno-
vative product or a new drug. In this case, analysts
may exert more efforts in private research, such as com-
municating with the company’s employees, research-
ing the company’s patent filing, investigating the com-
pany’s suppliers, and attending company-hosted or
industry conferences to collect value-relevant informa-
tion that they can provide to investors. We follow Li
et al. (2013) and measure the proprietary cost of disclo-
sure (denoted as Competition) as the percentage of com-
petition references (i.e., occurrence of words related to
competition) in the firm’s previous conference call.21
Li et al. (2013) argue that this measure reflects man-
agers’ perceptions of competition and thus does not
rely on industry boundaries or comprehensive identi-
fication of all sources of competition (e.g., competition
from private firms, foreign firms, and potential new
4.2.2. Litigation Risk. Another factor that previous
research identifies as affecting disclosure is the liti-
gation risk faced by a firm (Healy and Palepu 2001,
Johnson et al. 2001). Rogers and Van Buskirk (2009),
for example, find that, despite the protection of the
Safe Harbor provision of the 1995 Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act, firms that have been subjects of
disclosure-related shareholder lawsuits are more wary
about providing information to investors. Consistent
with the results in these studies, Hollander et al. (2010)
find that managers are less likely to answer participant
questions during earnings conference calls when liti-
gation risk is high. We follow Hollander et al. (2010)
and Field et al. (2005) and measure litigation risk using
the standard deviation of monthly returns over the one
year prior to the conference call (denoted as LitigRisk).
4.2.3. Bad News. Theoretical models generally predict
that disclosure increases with firm performance (e.g.,
Dye 1986, Verrecchia 1983). When a manager has bad
news to deliver, he may choose to withhold relevant
information, such as the true explanations for the bad
performance, because such information may decrease
his human capital and reputation (Verrecchia 2001).
Empirical studies generally support this theory (e.g.,
Lang and Lundholm 1993, Miller 2002, Chen et al.
2011). It is also possible that when there is bad news,
managers are forced to focus on past performance
and cannot disclose other relevant information. This
is suggested in the survey evidence in Graham et al.
(2005) that “if the company fails to meet the guided
number . . . the focus shifts to talking about why the
company was unable to meet the consensus estimate”
as opposed to talking about the firm’s future prospects.
For these reasons, we expect investors to place a greater
value on the analyst information discovery role when
firms deliver bad news during their conference calls.
We measure firm news using two variables: an indica-
tor variable of whether a firm’s earnings have missed
the analyst consensus forecast (denoted as Miss) and
the earnings surprise (denoted as EPS_Surp).
4.2.4. Processing Cost. Previous research shows that
earnings conference calls may entail high information
processing costs if managers’ statements are unstruc-
tured, ambiguous, subjective, or qualitative (Frankel
et al. 1999, Brochet et al. 2016). Prior research also doc-
uments that the demand for analyst research increases
when investors’ understanding of corporate disclo-
sures requires high processing costs (Lehavy et al.
2011). Accordingly, we expect that investors find the
analyst information interpretation role more valuable
when the information disclosed during the conference
call is more difficult to process.
We use five measures to evaluate the processing
cost of conference call information. The first two are
based on the notion that ambiguous language im-
poses higher processing costs (Epstein and Schneider
2008). Ambiguous language normally contains uncer-
tain words and qualitative and subjective statements.
We follow Loughran and McDonald (2013) and mea-
sure the percentage of uncertain words contained in a
CC (denoted as Uncertain).22 Specifically, when man-
agers use words such as “may,” “assume,” “possibly,”
and “approximately,” it is more difficult for investors
to judge the quality of the information. Consistent with
this argument, Loughran and McDonald find that hav-
ing a greater number of uncertain words in Form S-1
filings increases the volatility in the valuation of the
IPO. Compared to quantitative information, qualitative
and subjective language is harder to process because
of the lack of precision, reliability, and objective bench-
marks (Huang et al. 2014). We follow Huang et al.
(2014) and measure the extent to which qualitative
vocabulary is used to discuss firm performance in the
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2843
CC (denoted as Qualitative) as one minus the percent-
age of sentences that contain “$” or “%.” The third mea-
sure is based on the intuition that the complexity of the
disclosure might increase with the complexity of firms’
operations. Following Frankel et al. (2006), we measure
the complexity of firm operations using the number of
firm segments (#Segments). The last two measures con-
cern firm performance. Hutton et al. (2003), among oth-
ers, argue that investors are naturally skeptical about
good news from managers, because managers benefit
from good news but have no incentives to exaggerate
bad news. Hutton et al. (2003) show that bad news from
managers is always informative regardless of the inclu-
sion of supplementary statements, but good news from
managers is informative only when accompanied by
supplementary statements. Their finding suggests that
compared to the situation of bad news, investors rely
more on analysts’ interpretation of good news from
managers, because the information is more ambiguous
and less credible. We use Miss and EPS_Surp to mea-
sure firm performance.
4.2.5. Analyst Characteristics. We consider whether
analyst forecast experience (Expr) and their all-star
status (Star) influence the value of their information
discovery and interpretation roles. Expr is the aver-
age forecasting experience, in terms of the number
of years appearing in I/B/E/S, of analysts issuing
reports immediately after the conference call; Star is the
percentage of Institutional Investor all-stars among the
analysts issuing prompt reports. Prior research yields
mixed results regarding the relation between star sta-
tus and forecast accuracy (Stickel 1992, Emery and
Li 2009), and between experience and forecast perfor-
mance (Mikhail et al. 1997, Clement 1999); and Huang
et al. (2014) find no association between star status and
the market’s reaction to the textual opinion of analysts.
Accordingly, we do not have an a priori belief as to how
these characteristics may affect the value of either role.
The descriptive statistics in Table 3show that the
mean of Competition is 0.071 words per 100 words
in a CC (or four competition-related words per C C),
comparable to the sample mean of 0.058 in Li et al.
(2013). The mean value of Miss indicates that 22.2%
of our sample conference calls contain earnings that
have missed the consensus forecast. The mean value
for Uncertain is 0.836 words per 100 words in the CC,
which corresponds to an average of around 72 uncer-
tain words in a CC. As a benchmark, the mean value
for Uncertain reported in Loughran and McDonald
(2013) for their sample of S-1 filings is 1.41 words per
100 words. Our mean value for Qualitative indicates
that, on average, 80.7% of the sentences in our CC are
qualitative. The median number of business segments
for our sample firms (#Segments) is two (the natural
log of which is 0.693). The mean forecasting experience
of our sample analysts is eight years, and average per-
centage of stars in them is 22.4%.
The results of estimating Equation (2) are reported
in panel A of Table 5. We find that the coefficients
on the interaction terms Tone_Discovery ×Competition,
Tone_Discovery ×LitigRisk, and Tone_Discovery ×Miss
are positive and significant (at least at the 10% level),
supporting our prediction that investors place a greater
value on the analyst information discovery role when
managers have greater incentives to withhold relevant
information during conference calls—that is, when
firms face higher proprietary cost or litigation risk,
or deliver bad news in the earnings conference calls.
Moreover, consistent with our prediction that investors
put a greater value on the analyst information interpre-
tation role when the processing cost of the disclosure is
higher, we find that the coefficients on the interaction
terms Tone_Interpret ×Uncertain and Tone_Interpret ×
Qualitative are positive and significant (at the 5% level),
and that the coefficient on Tone_Interpret ×Miss is neg-
ative and significant (at the 5% level). That is, the
analyst information interpretation role provides more
value when managers’ statements are more uncertain
and qualitative, and less value when managers deliver
bad news in the conference call. The coefficient on the
interaction term between Tone_Interpret and #Segments,
however, is insignificant, probably because the num-
ber of segments is a noisy measure of operations com-
plexity for S&P 500 firms (more than half of sample
firms have either one or two segments). The coefficient
estimates on the interaction terms between tones and
EPS_Surp are insignificant, suggesting that the impact
of earnings performance on analyst value is nonlinear
and driven by the occurrence of bad news.
We find negative (positive) and significant coeffi-
cients on the interaction term between Tone_Discovery
(Tone_Interpret) and Expr, suggesting that less experi-
enced analysts trigger greater market reaction with dis-
covery, while more experienced analysts trigger greater
market reaction with interpretation. This result is con-
sistent with the finding in Soltes (2014) that less expe-
rienced analysts have more private interaction with
management, which is an important source of analyst
discovery. Soltes (2014) argues that less experienced
analysts are not as familiar with the economics and
institutional features of the industries and firms they
cover (consistent with their interpretation being less
informative), and thus they compensate for this defi-
ciency in experience by creating opportunities to gain
additional information about the firms through private
interaction with managers. Consistent with the mixed
evidence in the literature, we do not find that investors
react to Star analysts’ discovery or interpretation roles
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2844 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
Table 5. Determinants and Relative Value of Analyst Information Discovery and Information Interpretation
Panel A: Determinants of the value of analyst information discovery and interpretation roles
Dependent variable: CAR[0,1]
Tone_Discovery 0.005 (0.6)
Tone_Discovery ×Competition 0.002∗∗ (2.2)
Tone_Discovery ×LitigRisk 0.008∗∗∗ (7.4)
Tone_Discovery ×Miss 0.013∗(1.7)
Tone_Discovery ×EPS_Surp −0.111 (−0.1)
Tone_Discovery ×Expr −0.002∗∗ (−2.0)
Tone_Discovery ×Star 0.000 (0.2)
Tone_Interpret 0.070∗∗∗ (6.4)
Tone_Interpret ×Uncertain 0.038∗∗ (2.0)
Tone_Interpret ×Qualitative 0.001∗∗ (2.3)
Tone_Interpret ×#Segments −0.001 (−1.3)
Tone_Interpret ×Miss −0.014∗∗ (−2.1)
Tone_Interpret ×EPS_Surp −0.030 (−0.0)
Tone_Interpret ×Expr 0.001∗∗ (2.2)
Tone_Interpret ×Star −0.001 (−1.2)
Tone_CC 0.038∗∗∗ (7.7)
Competition −0.000 (−1.6)
LitigRisk −0.001∗∗∗ (−4.2)
Uncertain 0.001∗∗ (2.1)
Qualitative −0.000 (−0.9)
#Segments −0.000 (−0.3)
Miss −0.013∗∗∗ (−6.3)
EPS_Surp 2.893∗∗∗ (8.0)
EPS_Surp ×Miss −2.619∗∗∗ (−6.4)
Expr 0.000 (1.3)
Star 0.000 (1.2)
Prior_CAR −0.063∗∗∗ (−5.0)
Size −0.000 (−0.1)
BtoM 0.017∗∗∗ (8.9)
#Analysts −0.000∗∗∗ (−4.0)
Intercept −0.021∗∗∗ (−3.1)
Year fixed effect Yes
Observations 16,615
Adjusted R20.146
Panel B: The relative value of information discovery and information interpretation
Dependent variable: CAR[0,1]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Partition variables: Competition LitigRisk Uncertain Qualitative
Bottom decile Top decile Bottom decile Top decile Bottom decile Top decile Bottom decile Top decile
Tone_Discovery 0.031∗∗∗ 0.054∗∗∗ 0.024∗∗∗ 0.075∗∗∗ 0.016∗0.026∗∗∗ 0.044∗∗∗ 0.039∗∗∗
(4.8) (5.1) (4.3) (4.9) (1.8) (2.7) (4.5) (3.3)
Tone_Interpret 0.054∗∗∗ 0.057∗∗∗ 0.041∗∗∗ 0.071∗∗∗ 0.074∗∗∗ 0.071∗∗∗ 0.045∗∗∗ 0.056∗∗∗
(8.3) (5.9) (7.7) (4.6) (7.4) (7.0) (4.5) (4.9)
F-test of equality between
Tone_Discovery and 5.14∗∗ 0.03 3.19∗0.03 12.73∗∗∗ 7.16∗∗∗ 0.01 0.66∗
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effect Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 3,162 1,681 1,718 1,612 1,710 1,671 1,698 1,652
Adjusted R20.111 0.171 0.159 0.128 0.210 0.108 0.132 0.162
Notes. Panel A reports the coefficient estimates and t-statistics from estimating Equation (2). All variables are defined in Appendix C.t-Statistics
based on standard errors clustered at the firm and year levels are displayed in parentheses to the right of the coefficient estimates. Panel B
reports the coefficient estimates and t-statistics of the main variables from estimating Equation (1). In columns (1)–(8), we separately estimate
Equation (1) for subsamples of conference calls in the bottom and top deciles in terms of Competition,LitigRisk,Uncertain, and Qualitative,
respectively. All variables are defined in Appendix C.t-Statistics based on standard errors clustered at the firm and year levels are displayed
in parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
∗∗∗,∗∗, and ∗indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively, using two-tailed tests.
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2845
In panel B of Table 5, we estimate the regression
model of Equation (1) for subsamples where man-
agers’ incentive to withhold information or the pro-
cessing cost of the conference calls is particularly high
or low. We examine investors’ relative value of each
role in these subsamples by comparing the magnitude
of the estimated coefficients on Tone_Discovery and
Tone_Interpret. The F-test results are reported in panel B
of Table 5. In the subsample with Competition in the top
(bottom) decile, the coefficient of Tone_Discovery is not
statistically different from (significantly smaller than)
that of Tone_Interpret; a similar pattern is observed in
the subsample with LitigRisk in the top and bottom
deciles. The F-tests show a statistically greater coeffi-
cient on Tone_Intepret than that on Tone_Discovery in
the subsamples with Uncertain in both the top and bot-
tom deciles, and in the subsample with Qualitative in
the top decile. The coefficients on Tone_Interpret and
Tone_Discovery are not statistically different from each
other for the subsample with Qualitative in the bottom
decile. Combined, these statistics suggest that investors
put a greater value on the analyst information inter-
pretation role immediately following earnings confer-
ence calls when managers’ incentive to withhold infor-
mation is low, and when processing cost is high. The
value of analyst discovery becomes as important as
that of analyst interpretation when managers’ have
strong incentives to withhold information or when the
amount of qualitative statements in CC is very low.
4.3. Analysts’ Response to Investors’
Information Demands
To further investigate the interplay between the infor-
mation in analyst research reports and the closely pre-
ceding corporate disclosure, we examine the relation
between analyst efforts in each information role and
the economic determinants identified in the previous
section. We measure the effort spent on the informa-
tion discovery role as the proportion of discussion in
analyst research reports devoted to topics that receive
little or no mention by managers in the CC (denoted
as Discovery). Because investors value analyst informa-
tion discovery more when managers are more likely to
withhold information—that is, when firms face higher
proprietary cost or higher litigation risk, or deliver bad
news in the conference call—we predict that Discovery
increases with these economic determinants.
Because investors value analyst information inter-
pretation more when conference calls contain a greater
amount of uncertain and qualitative/subjective lan-
guage, we posit that in these situations, analysts ex-
pend more effort to clarify managers’ statements. That
is, analysts likely transform management’s original
statements from the CC into a more meaningful nar-
rative, which should manifest itself as different word
usage from that of managers (NewLanguage). To mea-
sure this construct, we calculate the average difference
between the word vectors of AR and CC for the CC
topics that are also discussed in analyst reports (i.e.,
the average of one minus the cosine similarity between
these vectors).23
As additional control variables, we include the num-
ber of analyst questions during the Q&A session
(#Questions, measured as the natural log of one plus
the number of questions raised by analysts in the Q&A
session). Because analysts likely request managers to
clarify some statements during the Q&A session, ana-
lysts’ questions might reduce the need for further clar-
ification in prompt reports. In addition, we control for
the magnitude of the earnings news using the absolute
value of the earnings surprise (ABS_EPS_Surp). Finally,
we control for the length of the combined prompt ana-
lyst reports (AR_Length), because Brown and Tucker
(2011) find that measures based on cosine similarity
are positively correlated with document length.
Descriptive statistics of the variables included in this
test are reported in Table 3. The average NewLanguage
level of 0.54 is consistent with the existence of ana-
lysts’ interpretation using their own language (this
variable is bounded within [0,1]). In our sample, ana-
lysts ask 26 questions, on average, during the Q&A ses-
sion of the call (mean value of #Questions is three). The
mean (median) length of the combined prompt analyst
reports (AR_Length) is 360 (320) sentences, reflected
across an average of nine reports (#Analysts).
Table 6reports the regression results for the cross-
sectional determinants of analyst efforts. The depen-
dent variables in columns (1) and (2) are Discovery
and NewLanguage, respectively. The positive and sig-
nificant (at least at the 5% level) coefficients on the
proprietary cost measure (Competition), litigation risk
(LitigRisk), and bad performance (Miss) (reported in
column (1)) are consistent with our prediction that
analysts increase their efforts in information discov-
ery when managers have greater incentives to with-
hold relevant information during conference calls. Col-
umn (2) of Table 6shows that Uncertain and Qualitative
are positive and significant at the 1% level, which also
supports our prediction that analysts increase their
interpretation efforts when the conference call is more
difficult to process.24 One interesting finding of note
is that in column (2), the results in the regression of
NewLanguage yield a significantly negative coefficient
for #Questions, suggesting that analysts embark on their
information roles during the Q&A session of the earn-
ings conference calls by asking questions; this involve-
ment, in turn, preempts some efforts on the interpre-
tation they exhibit in their prompt reports. It is also
consistent with evidence shown by Matsumoto et al.
(2011) that the information content of earnings confer-
ence calls increases with analyst involvement. Finally,
the coefficients on Expr and Star are insignificant except
for the one on Expr in the Discovery regression. This is
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2846 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
Table 6. Determinants of Analyst Information Discovery
and Interpretation Roles
Dependent variables:
Discovery NewLanguage
(1) (2)
Competition 0.027∗∗
LitigRisk 0.096∗∗∗
Uncertain 0.021∗∗∗
Qualitative 0.001∗∗∗
#Segments 0.000
Miss 0.005∗∗∗ 0.000
(3.2) (0.0)
ABS_EPS_Surp −0.103 0.165
(−0.4) (0.6)
Expr −0.002∗−0.002
(−1.9) (−0.2)
Star 0.005 0.010
(0.8) (0.6)
#Questions 0.001 −0.009∗∗∗
(0.6) (−3.4)
Size 0.005∗∗∗ −0.000
(3.3) (−0.3)
BtoM −0.004 −0.001
(−0.8) (−0.4)
AR_Length −0.000 −0.000∗∗∗
(−0.6) (−17.6)
#Analysts 0.000 −0.001∗∗
(0.4) (−2.4)
Intercept 0.262∗∗∗ 0.536∗∗∗
(14.5) (23.3)
Industry and year fixed effects Yes Yes
Observations 16,704 17,291
Adjusted R20.190 0.415
Notes. This table reports the coefficient estimates and t-statistics
from ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions of Discovery and
NewLanguage on their determinants and control variables. Variable
definitions are provided in Appendix C.t-Statistics based on stan-
dard errors clustered at the firm and year levels are displayed in
parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
∗∗∗,∗∗, and ∗indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels,
respectively, using two-tailed tests.
probably because the effort allocation between discov-
ery and interpretation is mostly driven by investors’
information demand and less by analyst traits. That is,
a star analyst can provide more discovery for one firm
but more interpretation for another, depending on the
firm’s characteristics or the corporate disclosure.25
Overall, the findings in Table 6indicate that ana-
lysts’ efforts spent on information discovery and inter-
pretation reflect their prompt responses to informa-
tion demands from investors, which ultimately are
driven by the characteristics of the firms and manage-
rial disclosures.
4.4. Do Investors Value Analysts’ Efforts?
Having established that investors respond to analysts’
information interpretation and discovery and that ana-
lysts, in turn, respond to the demands for this informa-
tion, we next examine the effect of analyst efforts on the
value of the different types of discussions in AR and
CC using the following model:
α1Tone_Discovery +α2Tone_Discovery ×Discovery
+α3Discovery +β1Tone_Interpret +β2Tone_Interpret
×(1−Discovery)+β3Tone_Interpret ×(1−Discovery)
×NewLanguage +γ1Tone_CC +γ2Tone_CC
×NewLanguage +γ3NewLanguage +γ4Miss
×NewLanguage +γ5EPS_Surp ×NewLanguage
Equation (3) expands the regression model of Equa-
tion (1) by including the interaction terms between
the tone of the discussion and the measures of ana-
lysts’ efforts (i.e., the proportion of discovery and inter-
pretation in AR,Discovery and (1−Discovery), respec-
tively, and the extent of new language used by analysts
to interpret the CC topics, NewLanguage). If investors
value analyst efforts spent on each role, we expect the
coefficients on these interaction terms to have positive
signs. We also include the interaction term, Tone_CC ×
NewLanguage, to examine whether the manner of ana-
lysts’ interpretation affects the market reaction to man-
agers’ discussion. We do not provide a predicted sign
for the interaction term, because the extent of using
dissimilar language by analysts can have opposing
effects on how the market reacts to managers’ disclo-
sures: On the one hand, when analysts use the same
or similar language as managers, they provide a con-
firming value by enhancing management statements’
trustworthiness (i.e., the market reacts more to man-
agement disclosures when analysts use a more sim-
ilar language), which suggests a negative predicted
sign; on the other hand, analyst new language provides
clarification and helps investors understand managers’
discussions (i.e., the market reacts more to manage-
ment disclosures when analysts use a more differ-
ent language), which suggests a positive predicted
sign. Finally, we include the interaction terms Miss ×
NewLanguage and EPS_Surp ×NewLanguage to exam-
ine whether the market reacts to earnings news more
intensely because analysts adopt new language to
interpret corporate disclosure.
The results of estimating Equation (3) are reported
in Table 7. We find that the value of each role in-
creases with its proportion of the analyst report,
as evidenced by the positive and significant (at the
1% level) coefficients on Tone_Discovery ×Discovery
and Tone_Interpret × (1−Discovery). We also find that
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2847
Table 7. Investors’ Value of Analyst Information Discovery
and Interpretation Efforts
Dependent variable:
Tone_Discovery −0.008 (−1.0)
Tone_Discovery ×Discovery 0.173∗∗∗ (6.5)
Discovery −0.014∗(−1.9)
Tone_Interpret −0.016 (−0.9)
Tone_Interpret ×(1−Discovery)0.209∗∗∗ (6.3)
Tone_Interpret ×(1−Discovery)×NewLanguage 0.184∗∗∗ (4.1)
Tone_CC −0.016 (−0.5)
Tone_CC ×NewLanguage 0.101∗(1.8)
NewLanguage 0.029∗∗ (2.4)
Miss ×NewLanguage −0.008 (−0.5)
EPS_Surp ×NewLanguage −0.761 (−0.4)
Miss −0.008 (−0.9)
EPS_Surp 1.683 (1.4)
Prior_CAR −0.060∗∗∗ (−4.7)
Size −0.001∗(−1.7)
BtoM 0.022∗∗∗ (11.6)
#Analysts −0.000∗∗∗ (−2.8)
Intercept −0.028∗∗∗ (−3.0)
Year fixed effect Yes
Observations 16,923
Adjusted R20.135
Notes. This table reports the coefficient estimates and t-statistics
from estimating Equation (3). All variables are defined in Ap-
pendix C.t-Statistics based on standard errors clustered at the firm
and year levels are displayed in parentheses to the right of the coef-
ficient estimates.
∗∗∗,∗∗, and ∗indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels,
respectively, using two-tailed tests.
the coefficient on Tone_Interpret × (1−Discovery) ×
NewLanguage is positive and significant, indicating that
investors additionally value analysts’ interpretation,
given its length when analysts use more of their own
language to discuss the CC topics. The estimated coef-
ficient on Tone_CC ×NewLanguage is significant and
positive, suggesting that, on average, the clarification
effect of analysts’ interpretation on managerial disclo-
sure dominates its confirming effect. We do not find,
however, that market reaction to earnings news inten-
sifies with the level of NewLanguage, probably because
analysts use new language to clarify the qualitative
information released by managers but not the quan-
titative signals, such as earnings surprises. Overall,
the evidence in Table 7indicates that investors value
analysts’ efforts expended on their information discov-
ery and interpretation roles and that the market finds
managers’ disclosures more informative when analysts
spend more efforts to clarify these disclosures.
4.5. Does Analyst Confirmation Provide
Value to Investors?
Prior studies on media (e.g., Miller 2006, Drake et al.
2014) distinguish the media’s role of creating new
information from its role of disseminating informa-
tion.26 In this section, we investigate the possibility
that analyst research reports provide value to investors
without discovering new information or interpreting
corporate disclosure using new languages.
To do so, we design a test that identifies the parts of
the discussion in analyst reports that simply provide
confirmation to managers’ discussions. Empirically, we
employ the Pearson’s chi-square test for each CC topic
in each CC-AR pair to test whether the words used
by managers and analysts to discuss a given topic are
statistically different. We classify the analyst interpre-
tation of a CC topic as using similar language when
the difference in the distribution of words used to dis-
cuss this topic by analysts and managers is not statisti-
cally significant.27 Defined in this way, we find that the
interpretation using similar language constitutes 23%
of a prompt report, on average, whereas interpretation
using new language constitutes 46% (the remaining
31% is in discovery).
We employ the following regression model to inves-
tigate whether investors consider all three types of
information valuable:
CAR[0,1]α1Tone_Discovery +β1Tone_NewLanguage
+β2Tone_SimilarLanguage +γ1Tone_CC
The results of estimating the above regression
are reported in Table 8. We find positive and sig-
nificant coefficients for all tone variables—i.e., Tone
_Discovery,Tone_NewLanguage, and Tone_SimilarLan-
guage—consistent with the usefulness of all types of
Table 8. Investors’ Reaction to Analyst Information
Discovery, New Language, and Confirmation
Dependent variable:
Tone_Discovery 0.049∗∗∗ (12.2)
Tone_NewLanguage 0.036∗∗∗ (12.5)
Tone_SimilarLanguage 0.013∗∗∗ (5.1)
Tone_CC 0.043∗∗∗ (8.5)
Miss −0.013∗∗∗ (−9.2)
EPS_Surp 1.297∗∗∗ (8.0)
Prior_CAR −0.057∗∗∗ (−4.4)
Size −0.001 (−1.3)
BtoM 0.021∗∗∗ (10.9)
#Analysts −0.000∗∗∗ (−3.4)
Intercept −0.016∗∗∗ (−3.0)
Year fixed effect Yes
Observations 16,627
Adjusted R20.130
Notes. This table reports the coefficient estimates and t-statistics
from estimating Equation (4). All variables are defined in Ap-
pendix C.t-Statistics based on standard errors clustered at the firm
and year levels are displayed in parentheses to the right of the coef-
ficient estimates.
∗∗∗Indicates significance at the 1% level, using two-tailed tests.
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2848 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
analyst discussions. As one might expect, the magni-
tude of the positive and significant (at the 1% level) coef-
ficient on Tone_SimilarLanguage is significantly smaller
than that of Tone_Discovery and Tone_NewLanguage
(both F-tests significant at the 1% level). More impor-
tantly, the positive and significant coefficient on
Tone_SimilarLanguage indicates the confirming value
provided by analysts. That is, by selectively repeating
CC topics, analysts attract and direct investors’ lim-
ited attention to what is important from managers—
confirming these topics’ usefulness. Moreover, repeat-
ing CC topics likely enhances the reliability of the state-
ments of managers, who may suffer from agency prob-
lems, thus confirming these statements’ validity.28
5. Conclusion
An overwhelming proportion of analyst reports are
issued immediately following important corporate dis-
closure events. Despite the vast literature on analysts,
we know surprisingly little about how analysts serve
the information intermediary roles in this narrow win-
dow. We fill the gap in the literature by examining
the information content of analyst textual reports, in
comparison to information in the preceding corporate
disclosure, and whether their efforts, as well as their
value, are driven by the characteristics of corporate
We use algorithmic analyses of the topics discussed
in the textual data of the conference calls and analyst
reports to develop novel measures of analysts’ informa-
tion roles. We find that, on average, 31% of an analyst
prompt report discusses exclusive topics not referred
to in the conference call, which we consider as analysts
serving an information discovery role. In the remain-
ing 69% of the discussion in a prompt report, analysts
discuss conference call topics, which we consider as
the information interpretation role. We show that both
discovery and interpretation trigger economically sig-
nificant market reactions beyond the associated earn-
ings news and conference call discussions, suggesting
that analyst information roles provide value. To under-
stand the sources of their value, we show that investors
rely on analyst information discovery more when man-
agers have stronger incentives to withhold information
during the conference calls and rely on analyst infor-
mation interpretation more when the processing cost
of the conference call information is higher. Analyst
effort to discuss new topics and their effort to use their
own language to clarify managers’ statements suggest
they offer prompt responses to investors’ information
demands. Finally, we show that within the 69% of the
discussion in prompt reports where analysts interpret
conference call topics, 23% of such discussion does not
entail a different vocabulary than that used by man-
agers in the conference call. That is, analysts sometimes
confirm managers’ statements. Interestingly, we find
that investors value such confirmation, albeit to a lesser
extent than analyst discovery or interpretation using
the analyst’s own language. This finding is consistent
with analysts providing confirming value to the topics’
relevance and validity by selectively repeating manage-
ment statements.
Our study advances the literature by contributing
to the understanding of the different information roles
that analysts play, as well as the interplay between their
information roles and corporate disclosures. We also
make a contribution by explicitly quantifying the the-
matic content of analyst research reports and contrast-
ing it with managers’ discussions during earnings con-
ference calls. Our study provides insight into how to use
topic modeling to significantly expand the application
of textual analysis to incorporate financial disclosures
beyond an understanding of “how texts are being said”
to a broader understanding of “what is being said” in
these texts.
Finally, topic modeling has the potential to be used in
a variety of research settings as a way to reduce large
amounts of textual data into a manageable and con-
ceptually interpretable set of topics. These topics can
be used to address a variety of questions, including
the cross-sectional and temporal variation in topic dis-
cussions in regulatory filings (e.g., Dyer et al. 2016),
the characteristics (e.g., breadth) of firm disclosure on
social media or in management guidance, the informa-
tion content of corporate filings issued by firms relative
to that of reports issued by information intermediaries
(e.g., analysts, credit rating agencies, or business press),
and detection of financial misreporting (e.g., Brown
et al. 2016).
For their helpful comments, the authors thank the depart-
ment editor; the reviewers; Zahn Bozanic, Lian Fen Lee,
Weining Zhang, and Bin Zhu; seminar participants at Boston
College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology, the IESE Busi-
ness School at the University of Navarra, Nanyang Business
School, the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,
Singapore Management University, Southern Methodist Uni-
versity, Tel Aviv University, Tsinghua University, the Univer-
sity of British Columbia, the University of Melbourne, and
the University of Technology Sydney; and participants at the
2014 Workshop on Internet and BigData Finance, the 2014
China Summer Workshop on Information Management, the
2014 MIT Asia Conference in Accounting, and the 2016 New
York University Accounting Summer Camp.
Appendix A. Intuition of Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA)
LDA assumes that a document is generated in two steps. First,
a topic is randomly drawn based on the topic distribution of
this document; next, a word is randomly drawn based on the
word distribution of the topic selected in the previous step.
Repeating these two steps word by word generates a complete
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2849
document. This basic idea of LDA simulates how a human
writes a document: He/she has a plan to discuss certain topics
first and then selects words to explain each topic.
Appendix Figure A.1 illustrates a hypothetical example of
this two-step document-generation process. First, we assume
that a collection of documents discusses 10 different topics in
total, including topics of retail stores, business outlook, inven-
tory, etc. Each document in this collection discusses some of
the 10 topics. Put in statistical language, each document in
this collection relates to the 10 topics probabilistically: High-
probability topics are discussed more heavily in the docu-
ment than low-probability topics, and a zero-probability topic
is one that is not discussed in the document at all. Next, each
topic is related to words probabilistically. High-probability
words in a topic mean that they are more likely to appear in
this topic. For example, the four words with the various prob-
abilities in Topic 1 (Retail stores) are: “new,” “store,” “open,”
and “square.” Note that a word can have high probabilities
in more than one topic. The word “new,” for example, has
high probabilities in Topic 1 (Retail stores), Topic 2 (Busi-
ness outlook), and Topic 7 (Growth), because this word is
used frequently in all three topics. Some words can relate
to a topic with zero probability if they never appear in that
To compare the topics of analyst reports and conference
calls, we want to find the topic distribution of each docu-
ment and the word distribution of each topic. The LDA algo-
rithm achieves this by fitting a generative model to the actual
words in documents and finding the best set of latent vari-
ables that describe the two sets of distributions. This is similar
to how a maximum-likelihood estimation method maximizes
the “agreement” of the model with the observed data. Tech-
nical details of LDA are discussed in Internet Appendix I.
Appendix B. Applying LDA to Conference Call
Transcripts and Analyst Reports
B.1. The Corpus
Earnings conference call transcripts are obtained from Thom-
son Reuter’s StreetEvents database, and analyst reports are
obtained from Thomson Reuter’s Investext database. Our cor-
pus is composed of 18,607 earnings conference call transcripts
and 476,633 analyst reports for S&P 500 firms from 2003 to
2012, all of which are used in the LDA to obtain the best repre-
sentation of topics. We conduct the LDA analyses separately
for each industry, because many topics are industry-specific.
We use four-digit Standard and Poor’s Global Industry Clas-
sification Standard (GICS) to identify industries. This clas-
sification is widely adopted by brokerages and analysts as
their industry classification system and is superior to other
industry classification schemes, such as SIC codes and NAICS
codes, in identifying firms with their industry peers (Kadan
et al. 2012, Boni and Womack 2006, Bhojraj et al. 2003).
B.2. Preprocessing of Textual Documents
The raw files of conference call transcripts that we obtained
from Thomson Reuter’s StreetEvents database are in XML
(i.e., extensible markup language) format. We develop a Java
program to parse the XML files and extract useful informa-
tion, including company names, tickers, dates and time of the
calls, participants and their titles, and textual dialogues. The
downloaded analyst reports are in PDF (i.e., portable docu-
ment format). We first use Adobe Acrobat toconvert them into
TXT (i.e., text file) format and then develop a Java program
to extract the report issuance dates, analyst names, broker
names, and the reports’ textual content.
The next several steps prepare the textual data for the LDA
analysis. First, we exclude venue-specific language or time-
invariant information that is not associated with any eco-
nomically relevant topics. For conference calls, we exclude
narratives from operators, greeting words used by various
speakers, and the safe harbor statements typically read by
investor relations officers. For analyst reports, we follow
Huang et al. (2014) and remove the tables, graphs, and “bro-
kerage disclosures.” Brokerage disclosures contain explana-
tions of the stock-rating system, disclosures regarding con-
flicts of interest, analyst certifications, disclaimers, glossaries,
and descriptions of the brokerage firm. Second, we convert
all words into lower case, remove all non-English characters
(e.g., punctuation and numbers), and convert all plural nouns
into their singular forms.29
Third, we remove high-frequency functional words, also
referred to as stop words. There are two benefits from remov-
ing stop words. First, these words, such as “a,” “of,” “the,”
“this,” and “is,” are extremely frequent but convey little eco-
nomic meaning. Second, stop words contain many deictic
words (that is, words that cannot be fully understood without
additional contextual information) that constitute the major
difference between oral language and written language.30
Removing them helps mitigate the concern that the difference
between conference calls and analyst reports are due to the
difference in language style.
Fourth, we follow Heylighen and Dewaele (2002) and de-
lete more contextual words that distinguish oral language
from written language. Heylighen and Dewaele (2002) de-
velop a much simpler but coarser way to identify contex-
tual words by using grammatical categories, which include
pronouns, adverbs, and interjections. Because pronouns and
interjections are already excluded as stop words in the third
step, in this step, we essentially remove high-frequency
adverbs, such as “very,” “thus,” “really,” “actually,” and
Moreover, because financial and technical terminology is
common in conference calls and analyst reports, we con-
vert high-frequency phrases that constitute specific financial/
technical terms into one word (or its common abbreviation
if there is one). For example, “target price” is converted into
“target-price,” “balance sheet” into “balance-sheet,” “earn-
ings per share” into “EPS,” and “cost of goods sold” into
“COGS.” This step helps retain financial/technical terms’
accurate meanings and disambiguate polysemous words and
Lastly, we remove S&P 500 company names and tickers to
prevent LDA from identifying companies as topics.
All of these preprocessing steps enhance the interpretabil-
ity of the topics identified and reduce the computational bur-
den of the LDA model. After these steps, we have approxi-
mately 303 million words in our corpus.
B.3. Determining the Parameters of the LDA Algorithm
The LDA algorithm we use is the “Stanford Topic Mod-
eling Toolbox” developed by the Stanford Natural Lan-
guage Processing Group (Ramage et al. 2009). It requires
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2850 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
Figure A.1. An Illustration of How LDA Assumes a Document Is Generated
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10
outlook Inventory Stock
risk Growth Seasons EPS
and sales
Topic probability
Hypothetical topic distribution for the example document
1 34 5678910
Topic index
WordsWords Words Words
“We have one more store(1) in the fall(8) here in Dallas(1). As mentioned earlier, we touch over 100 stores(1) a year in terms of
renovation(1) and we have some of our new(5) growth(7) concepts(1) that will be opening(1). So I think the commercial(2) real(1) estate(1)
market(6) going forward is still fairly uncertain(6). We have a lot of opportunities(7) in our existing(1) stores(1) for increased productivity(5)
and we will continue to invest(7) in new(1) attractions(2) and new(7) ways to improve(5) our performance(10) in our existing(1) stores(1).
And then the last question on inventory(3), the spread(10) improved at the end of fourth quarter(9) versus third quarter(9), but we are still
seeing inventory(3) outpace sales(10) on a per square(1) foot(1) basis.”
A hypothetical document generated by sampling topics and sampling words
Hypothetical word distributions for each topic
Hypothetical topics
Topic 1
Step 1: Randomly draw a topic from the topic
distribution for the document
Step 2: Randomly draw
a word from the word
distribution of topic 1
Repeat this
sampling to
generate the
Topic 10
Topic 3
Topic 2
Step 2: Randomly draw
a word from the word
distribution of topic 8
Step 2: Randomly draw
a word from the word
distribution of topic 1
Step 2: Randomly draw
a word from the word
distribution of topic 1
the researcher to set three parameters for the assumed sta-
tistical model including the total number of topics in the
entire collection of documents, and αand β, which deter-
mines how smooth the topic and word distributions are,
respectively (please see Internet Appendix I for a detailed
The number of topics of the model affects the interpretabil-
ity of the results. Setting the number too low can result in
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2851
topics that are too broad and ambiguous. Conversely, setting
the number too high may introduce economically meaning-
less topics. To select the optimal number of topics, we follow
the computational linguistic literature and calculate Perplexity
Score of the LDA model based on different numbers of topics
(Blei et al. 2003, Rosen-Zvi et al. 2004). The perplexity score
measures the ability of an LDA model estimated on a sub-
set of documents (training data) to predict the word choices
in the remaining documents (testing data). It is defined as
the exponential of the negative normalized predictive like-
lihood under the model. Accordingly, the perplexity score
is monotonically decreasing in the likelihood of observing
the testing data, given the model estimated from the train-
ing data. A lower perplexity score indicates that the model
has better generalization performance. Formally, for a test-
ing data (Dtest)with Mdocuments, the perplexity score is
equal to
perplexity score (Dtest)exp−PM
d1log p(wd)
where Ndis the number of words in document d,wdis a vector
of all the words in document d, and p(wd)is the probability of
observing the word vector wdin document dgiven the LDA
model estimated from the training data.
Following the literature (Blei et al. 2003, Rosen-Zvi et al.
2004), we compute and plot the perplexity scores of the LDA
model for different numbers of topics, ranging from 2 to 120.
As Appendix Figure B.1 shows, the perplexity score improves
with the number of topics, but the improvement is marginally
decreasing. The improvement diminishes significantly once
the number of topics exceeds 60. Therefore, we choose 60 as
the number of topics in our corpus.32
The choice of the values of αand βdepends on the specific
textual genre, the number of topics, and the vocabulary size.
Appendix C. Variable Definitions
Variable name Definition
Discovery The number of sentences labeled by LDA as non-CC topics in AR scaled by the total number of
sentences in AR.C C topics are the topics in which the discussion length exceeds 2% of the C C.
NewLanguage The average of one minus within-topic cosine word similarity between CC and AR in the C C
topics. The within-topic cosine word similarity between CC and AR for a given topic kis
calculated as PN
j1(wjk ·vj k )/(√PN
j1(wjk )2·√PN
j1(vjk )2), where wjk is word j’s frequency in the
discussion of topic kin AR,vjk is word j’s frequency in the discussion of topic kin CC, and Nis
the total number of unique words in CC and AR.CC topics are the topics in which the
discussion length exceeds 2% of the CC.
Tone_Discovery and Tone_Interpret are the textual opinions of the sentences labeled by LDA as
non-CC and C C topics in AR, respectively. Tone_NewLanguage (Tone_SimilarLanguage) is the
textual opinion of the sentences labeled by LDA as CC topics in AR using new (similar)
language. A topic is defined as using new language if the Pearson’s chi-square test for the
homogeneity between AR and CC with respect to their word distributions in this topic is
significant at the 10% level. The textual opinion of the sentences is calculated as the percentage
of positive sentences minus the percentage of negative sentences as classified by the naïve Bayes
approach (Huang et al. 2014).
CAR[0,1]The cumulative abnormal return over the [0,1]window relative to the conference call date,
winsorized at the top and bottom 1%, where the abnormal return is calculated as the raw return
minus the buy-and-hold return on the NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq value-weighted market index.
Figure B.1. (Color online) Perplexity of LDA Model for
Different Numbers of Topics
2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120
Perplexity score
Number of topics
We choose values of 0.1 and 0.01 for αand β, respectively,
based on the recommended values in the literature (Steyvers
and Griffiths 2006, Kaplan and Vakili 2015).
B.4. Constructing a Topic Vector of a Document
The output from the LDA algorithm is a topic-word probabil-
ity matrix Φin which an element, pik , is word wi’s probability
in topic k. With the LDA output, we construct the topic vector
(Td)of a document dusing the following procedures. First,
for each sentence in d, we sum the probabilities of its words
in each topic to obtain this sentence’s probabilities in all top-
ics. Next, we assign each sentence to the topic in which it has
the highest probability.33 Lastly, we calculate the fraction of
document dthat is dedicated to topic k(Sdk )as document
d’s proportion of sentences assigned to topic k. Formally, the
topic vector of document dis defined as
Topic vector of document dTd(Sd1,Sd2, . . . Sd60 ).
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2852 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
Appendix C. (Continued)
Variable name Definition
Tone_CC The textual opinion of the sentences labeled by LDA as C C topics in CC minus that of the same
firm’s previous CC. The textual opinion of the sentences is calculated as the percentage of positive
sentences minus the percentage of negative sentences as classified by the naïve Bayes approach
(Huang et al. 2014).
EPS_Surp Earnings surprise, calculated as the actual EPS minus the last consensus EPS forecast before the
earnings announcement date, both from I/B/E/S, scaled by the stock price 10 days prior to the
earnings announcement date, winsorized at the top and bottom 1%.
Miss An indicator variable that equals one if the actual EPS is less than the last consensus EPS forecast
before the earnings announcement date, both from I/B/E/S, and zero otherwise.
Prior_CAR The cumulative 10-day abnormal returns ending two days before the conference call, winsorized at
the top and bottom 1%, where abnormal return is calculated as the raw return minus the
buy-and-hold return on the NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq value-weighted market index.
Size The natural log of the market value of equity of the firm (CSHOQ ×PRCCQ) at the end of the quarter
prior to the conference call, winsorized at the top and bottom 1%.
BtoM The book value of equity (CEQ) scaled by the market value of equity (CSHOQ ×PRCCQ) of the firm
at the end of the quarter prior to the conference call, winsorized at the top and bottom 1%.
#Analysts The number of analyst reports issued on the day of or the day following the conference call.
#Questions The natural log of one plus the number of questions raised by analysts in the conference call’s
Q&A session.
Competition Percentage of competition-related words in CC in the firm’s previous conference call. Following Li
et al. (2013), competition-related words include “competition,” “competitor,” “competitive,”
“compete,” and “competing.” We include words with an “s” appended and do not count words in
phrases that contain negation, such as “less competitive” and “few competitors.”
LitigRisk The standard deviation of the monthly return of the firm in the 12 months prior to the conference
call, winsorized at the top and bottom 1%.
Expr The average experience of analysts who issue reports on the day of or the day following the
conference call. Experience is measured as the number of years since the analyst first issued a
forecast in I/B/E/S.
Star The number of analysts who are ranked as institutional investor all-star analysts, scaled by the total
number of analysts who issued reports on the day of or the day following the conference call.
Uncertain The number of words in CC that are in the uncertainty word list created by Loughran and McDonald
(2013), scaled by the total number of words in CC.
Qualitative One minus the percentage of sentences that contain “$” or “%.”
#Segments The natural log of a firm’s number of segments.
ABS_EPS_Surp The absolute value of the earnings surprise, calculated as the absolute value of the difference
between the actual EPS and the last consensus EPS forecast before the earnings announcement
date, both from I/B/E/S, scaled by the stock price 10 days prior to the earnings announcement
date, winsorized at the top 2%.
AR_Length The number of sentences in analyst reports issued on the day of or the day following the
conference call.
1Indeed, we find that 46.5% of analyst revision reports are prompt
reports. An all-star analyst from a large brokerage house we inter-
viewed commented that “the market is efficient but impatient. Ana-
lysts need to feed the market with prompt reaction to manage-
ment’s thinking and outlook guidance. In addition, competition
forces everyone to issue reports quickly; otherwise their reports may
not be read by clients.”
2For example, in a Morgan Stanley report issued on August 12, 2011,
immediately after J. C. Penney’s conference call, an analyst alludes to
a consumer survey: “The top reason consumers say they shop JCP is
due to ‘low prices, great discounts’ (as per our most recent consumer
3This point is supported by the all-star analyst we interviewed, who
mentioned that “some topics discussed during call are ignored by
analysts. Only those ‘valuable’ topics are picked up and interpreted.”
4Conference call narratives include manager discussions in both the
presentation and the question and answer (Q&A) parts of the con-
ference call. Analyses based on only the presentation part of the
conference calls yield similar results.
5We begin with 2003, as the Thomson Reuters StreetEvents data-
base’s coverage of conference calls prior to 2003 is incomplete. There
are only 270 conference calls in 2001 and 1,379 conference calls in
2002 for S&P 500 firms in the database. For comparison, for the period
2003–2012, the database contains between 1,900 and 1,950 conference
calls for S&P 500 firms.
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS 2853
6These subjective labels have no bearing on the empirical analyses,
because the analyses treat each topic as a distinct cluster of words
regardless of the label.
7These two industries are among the five largest industries in our
sample. Internet Appendix Table IA1 reports the keywords for the
remaining three industries, including energy, software and services,
and materials.
8A similar validation technique is used in Quinn et al. (2010), who
find that the proportion of key political topics in the Congressional
Record tracks exogenous events, such as the September 11th attacks
and the Iraq War.
9The analyst considered the LDA topics “quite comprehensive and
meaningful” and pointed out that “the key challenge (of topic clas-
sification) is a wide coverage of the topics and a flexibility of topics
used in different situations.”
10 The coder was given only the intuition of the 60 topics but not
the keywords from the LDA outputs to avoid mimicking the LDA
results. We asked the coder to assign each sentence to up to three
topics due to the challenging nature of manual coding.
11 If LDA randomly assigns one of the 60 topics to each sentence,
the probability that this topic happens to be one of the three topics
selected by the human coder is 3/60 5%.
12 Our sample firms constitute, on average, about 72% of the total
U.S. market capitalization, or 77% of the total U.S. firms covered by
analysts. We acknowledge that our findings based on S&P 500 firms
might not directly apply to smaller firms that receive less analyst
13 Thomson Reuters’s StreetEvents Database provides tickers of firms
hosting the conference calls. We manually match the conference calls
to Compustat’s S&P 500 list using these tickers. For analyst reports,
we extract firms’ tickers from analyst reports and match the reports
to Compustat’s S&P 500 list using tickers.
14 The topic distribution of a document can be expressed as a topic
vector, in which element kis the percentage of the sentences dedi-
cated to the discussion of topic k. Pearson’s chi-square test tests the
null that the topic vector of CC equals the topic vector of AR.
15 As a robustness check, we rerun our empirical tests with topics
defined as those receiving no less than 1% or 3% of the discussion, or
as the top 10 topics based on the proportion of discussion, and find
similar results.
16 This return window encompasses the earnings announcements,
conference calls, and analyst reports in our sample. We obtain similar
results using return windows of [−1,1]and [−1,2]relative to the
earnings announcement dates.
17 We follow the procedures described in Huang et al. (2014) to clas-
sify each sentence as positive, negative, or neutral with the naïve
Bayes algorithm.
18 In a sensitivity test reported in Internet Appendix Table IA3, we
also include other research outputs contained in the analyst reports
as control variables, including the revisions of earnings forecasts,
stock recommendations, and target prices. The estimated coefficients
on Tone_Discovery and Tone_Interpret remain significant and positive.
19 The estimated coefficients on EPS_Surp and EPS_Surp×Miss imply
an earnings response coefficient (ERC) of 2.828 (0.325) for firms beat-
ing (missing) analyst forecasts. These values are consistent with prior
literature (e.g., Lopez and Rees 2002) but are likely too low to be con-
sidered as a reasonable price-to-earnings ratio for our sample. This
may be due to the fact that unexpected earnings do not have t he same
degree of permanence as current earnings (Ohlson 1991) or because
of nonlinearities in the return–earnings relation (Freeman and Tse
1992). To examine the impact of nonlinearities in the return–earnings
relation on ERC, we regress the market reaction on the earnings
surprise in four different regions: large positive (EPS_Surp is larger
than 0.005), small positive (EPS_Surp is between 0 and 0.005), small
negative (EPS_Surp is between −0.005 and 0), and large negative
(EPS_Surp is smaller than −0.005). In untabulated results, we find
that the ERCs of the aforementioned four groups are 3.070, 9.410,
7.650, and 1.041, respectively, in line with results in prior studies (see
Freeman and Tse 1992). We note that the ERCs for small positive
and small negative surprises are significantly higher than the ones
reported in Table 4. Finally, including the interactions of EPS_Surp
with these four indicator variables in all of our regressions of market
reactions (i.e., Tables 4,5,7, and 8) yields similar results.
20 To examine whether market reaction to analyst information roles
depends on the consistency in Tone_Discovery and Tone_Interpret,
we include in regression model (1) the interaction terms of
Tone_Discovery ×Diff _D_Iand Tone_Interpret ×Diff _D_I, where
Diff _D_Iis the absolute difference between Tone_Discovery and
Tone_Interpret. The results, tabulated in Internet Appendix Table IA4,
show significant (at the 0.01 level) and negative coefficients on
Tone_Discovery×Diff _D_I, consistent with the intuition that analysts’
discovery becomes more useful when its tone is more consistent with
the tone of analyst interpretation.
21 Following Li et al. (2013), we consider a number of competition ref-
erences: “competition,” “competitor,” “competitive,” “compete,” and
“competing.” We include words with an “s” appended and remove
phrases that contain negation, such as “less competitive,” and “few
competitors.” We also scale the number of counts by the total num-
ber of words in the document. Although Li et al. (2013) construct
their measure using the MD&A section of 10-K filings, we capture
managers’ perceptions of competition from CC. We examine 100 ran-
domly selected competition references from our sample and find that
they highly resemble the examples provided in appendix A of Li
et al. (2013). We use the competition measure based on the firm’s
previous earnings conference call to mitigate endogeneity concern.
22 The complete list of uncertain words is available at http://www3 (accessed November 1, 2016).
23 Word vector of topic kin a document, (w1k,w2k, . . . wN k )contains
the frequency of all Nword in the discussion of topic kin the docu-
ment (Nis the total number of unique words in the corpus). Cosine
similarity is computed as the dot product of the two vectors nor-
malized by their vector length and captures the textual similarity
between two vectors of an inner product space using the cosine
angle between them. Two vectors with the same orientation (i.e.,
two exact same or proportional topic vectors) have a cosine similar-
ity of one; two orthogonal vectors have a similarity of zero. Cosine
similarity is widely used in textual analysis research to compare nar-
ratives (see the review of Loughran and McDonald 2016). Internet
Appendix II provides two illustrative examples from excerpts of con-
ference calls transcripts and analyst reports, with high and low levels
of NewLanguage, respectively.
24 An alternative explanation of this result is that the processing
cost of CC reflects a difficult-to-understand business environment,
and such an environment naturally demands a larger vocabulary to
describe, which results in dissimilar language among any informa-
tion preparers who attempt to describe it. To investigate the validity
of this explanation, we conduct a placebo test related to language
differences among analysts. In this test, we randomly divided AR
into two groups and rerun the NewLanguage regression by replac-
ing its dependent variable to the language difference between the
two groups of analyst reports. The results are reported in Internet
Appendix Table IA5. This table shows that the higher processing
costs of CC do not explain the language differences among analysts,
which is inconsistent with the alternative explanation.
25 We repeat the analysis in Table 6at the individual analyst report
level and tabulate the results in Internet Appendix Table IA6. At
the analyst level, analyst experience and star status are statistically
Huang et al.: Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles
2854 Management Science, 2018, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2833–2855, ©2017 INFORMS
26 In a similar vein, Clement et al. (2003) show that management
earnings forecasts that confirm market expectation provide value to
investors and reduce the uncertainty about future earnings.
27 That is, if the Pearson’s chi-square test fails to reject the homogene-
ity between AR and CC with respect to their word distributions in
this topic at the 10% level.
28 Consistent with this intuition, when asked whether analysts some-
times simply confirm what managers say, the all-star analyst we inter-
viewed replied: “My experience is that sometimes analysts selec-
tively pick up managers’ comments to repeat. In many cases it is
because he/she believes certain topics are more interesting to the
market or have meaningful impact on earnings. In the extreme case
of ‘parroting,’ analysts use it to show investors that their thinking is
in line with management.”
29 We do not perform “stemming” (i.e., replacing words with their
root form), because it is too aggressive for financial text, where words
with the same stem are often not synonyms. For example, standard
stemming would convert “marketing” into “market,” “accounting”
into “account,” “investment” into “invest,” and both “operating” and
“operation” into “oper” (Porter 1980).
30 Oral language is more context dependent than written language
(Heylighen and Dewaele 2002, Levelt 1989, Lee 2016). Levelt (1989),
for example, distinguishes four types of deixis: person (e.g., “we,”
”him,” “my”), place (e.g., “here,” “those,” “upstairs”), time (e.g.,
“now,” “later,” “yesterday”), and discourse (e.g., “therefore,” “yes,”
“however”), including exclamations or interjections (e.g., “oh,”
“well,” “ok”). These deictic words are categorized as stop words and
31 Note that we only remove stop words and contextual words for
LDA because they are either meaningless (stop words) or just reflect
linguistic styles (contextual words) and do not help identify econom-
ically meaningful topics. For tone classification using the naïve Bayes
classification, we follow the procedures described in Huang et al.
(2014) and do not remove contextual words. Other variables based on
text, i.e., Uncertain,Qualitative, and Competition, are calculated using
original sentences.
32 The suitable number of topics depends on the specific samples
employed by different studies. For example, Ball et al. (2015) use
100 topics for MD&A text, Quinn et al. (2010) use 42 topics for polit-
ical text, and Atkins et al. (2012) use 100 topics for couples-therapy
transcripts. In addition to using the perplexity score, we also com-
pare LDA outputs manually based on 30, 60, and 100 topics. Based
on our comparison, we conclude that the LDA results with 60 top-
ics outperform other specifications in terms of the ability to identify
economically important topics without generating too many uninter-
pretable topics.
33 In a sensitivity test, we assign each sentence to three topics with
the highest probabilities. Our empirical results remain qualitatively
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