
Cissus quadrangularis (Linn) (Uva Velve) y Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir (Linn) (Pancolin) en la cicatrización de heridas

  • Univ. Estadual Paulista . School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Botucatu. São Paulo.Brazil
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... (17) Otros estudio con Cissus quadrangularis (Linn) y Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir (Linn) mostraron cicatrización de las heridas a los 17 a 19 días y con solución salina al 0,9 % fue de 21 días. (18) Lo anterior indica que los polvos carbonizados de la granada y la flor de agua, resultaron tener acción más rápida, a los 7 días, lo cual en este modelo de herida abierta, es excepcional por la magnitud de la cicatrización. ...
... En el proceso de cicatrización de las heridas abiertas, no se restituye la piel normal, sino que aparece un tejido cicatrizal, de aquí la importancia de los estadios de maduración. (18,19) El grado III indica que la piel ha madurado y la dermis presenta características similares a la piel normal. Estuvo presente, en mayor porcentaje en los animales del grupo I, tratados con el polvo carbonizado de la granada que el grupo tratado con polvo carbonizado de la flor de agua, a pesar que el 11,1 % de los animales del grupo I, a diferencia de los animales del grupo II, presentó dermis inmadura. ...
... Esto debe cesar al suspenderse la droga. (18,19) Otro fenómeno inhibitorio podría ser la acción del magnesio presente en la granada y la flor de agua, el cual impide la conversión de histidina en histamina a nivel de los mastocitos, al actuar sobre la histidina descarboxilasa, que inhibe y mejora la vasodilatación. (18) Se concluye que la aplicación tópica de los polvos carbonizados de la granada (Punica granatum Linn) y flor de agua ( Eichornia crassipes) influyen sobre el cierre de las heridas, así como en la maduración de la dermis, por lo tanto, favorecen la cicatrización. ...
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Introducción: Las especies vegetales constituyen el remedio primero a los problemas de salud que aquejan a las personas. La granada es rica en ácido ascórbico, mejora la barrera epidérmica y reduce la contracción de las heridas. La flor de agua posee actividad antibacteriana. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto cicatrizante del polvo carbonizado de Punica granatum Linn (granada) y de Eichhornia crassipes (flor de agua), en un modelo experimental en ratas. Métodos: Estudio analítico experimental con el empleo 30 ratas macho distribuidas en 3 grupos (n= 10). Grupo I y II; tratadas con el polvo carbonizado de la granada y flor de agua respectivamente. Grupo III: Tratadas con cloruro de sodio al 0,9 %. Se realizó un modelo de herida por escisión en el dorso. La evolución de la cicatrización fue seguida por la velocidad de contracción de la herida en milímetros. Se realizó histología sobre biopsias de tejido cicatrizado. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó la prueba no paramétrica de Mann- Whitney. El nivel de significación se fijó en p < 0,05. Resultados: Se comprobó el efecto cicatrizante de los polvos carbonizados de la granada y flor de agua; disminuyó el área de las heridas de manera significativa respecto al grupo control. El estudio histológico mostró dermis madura grado III en los grupos I y II. Conclusiones: La aplicación tópica del polvo carbonizado de granada y de flor de agua influyó sobre el cierre de las heridas y en la maduración de la dermis, por lo cual favoreció la cicatrización.
... Los extractos de Vitis vinifera L. se han utilizado durante siglos, por su efecto antimicrobiano, analgésico, antiinflamatorio, antioxidante y protector de los tejidos en la medicina tradicional (Stohs et al., 2013). Por otro lado, Charas et al. (2015) demostraron que los extractos vegetales de Cissus cuadrangularis L., inhiben la presencia de Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach. Inclusive, Apolonio-Rodríguez et al. (2017) afirman que los extractos vegetales de hojas de Vitis spp contienen resveratrol, ácido gálico y ácido ferúlico, mismos que apoyaron en la inhibición de Botrytis cinerea Whetzel. ...
... Rodríguez-García (2013) han reportado reducción del deterioro fúngico causado por Alternaria alternata con el uso de recubrimiento de pectina sobre tomate fresco. Mientras que Charas et al. (2015) demostraron que los extractos vegetales de Cissus cuadrangularis L., inhiben la presencia de Staphylococcus aureus. Del mismo modo, Apolonio-Rodríguez et al. (2017) mencionan que los extractos de vegetales de Vitis inhiben el crecimiento de Botrytis, esto aunado a la aplicación de aceite de Vitis en los recubrimientos comestibles puede ser una opción para proveer efecto antimicrobiano a éstos. ...
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New post-harvest technologies try to reduce the use of agrochemicals by opting for innocuous methods. These methods include edible coatings supplemented with antimicrobials, antioxidants, or other food additives. This research aimed to maintain the postharvest quality of capulin (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) With the application of an edible coating based on 12% Vitaceae plant extract, 12% Vitaceae oil, 9.6% pectin, 1.3 calcium and 0.3% glycerol as a plasticizer. During the postharvest life,
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Os mecanismos envolvidos no processo de reparo de tecidos estão revisados nesse trabalho. O processo de cicatrização ocorre fundamentalmente em três fases: inflamação, formação de tecido de granulação e deposição de matriz extracelular e remodelação. Os eventos celulares e tissulares de cada uma dessas fases estão descritos e discutidos. Os mediadores químicos estão correlacionados com os eventos do processo de cicatrização e as células envolvidas. Especial ênfase é dada à participação dos fatores de crescimento.
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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação cicatrizante do extrato hidroalcoólico da aroeira em bexigas de ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de 20, denominados grupo aroeira (GA) e grupo controle (GC). Todos foram submetidos à incisão abdominal mediana com cistotomia de 1 cm, seguida de cistorrafia em plano único com pontos separados de poliglactina 910 5-0 (Vicryl®). Após este procedimento, nos animais GA injetou-se 100mg por quilo de peso de extrato hidroalcoólico da aroeira na cavidade peritoneal e nos GC injetou-se 1 ml por quilo de peso de solução salina a 0,9% . Cada grupo foi dividido em dois sub-grupos de 10 animais de acordo com a data da morte: sub-grupo A3 e C3, sacrificados no 3º dia pós-operatório e sub-grupo A7 e C7, sacrificados no 7º dia. A parede, a cavidade abdominal e a sutura da bexiga foram avaliadas macroscopicamente. Amostras de tecido da bexiga foram retiradas e analisadas histologicamente, utilizando a coloração de Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE) e tricrômio de Masson. RESULTADOS: Na análise macroscópica observou-se infecção na incisão cirúrgica em três ratos do GC e em um do GA, e aderências peritoneais em 29 ratos do GC controle e 17 no GA. A avaliação microscópica mostrou processo inflamatório agudo mais severo no 3° (p=0,045) e no 7° dia (p=0,002). Evidenciou-se ainda diferença estatística nos parâmetros utilizados para a avaliação histológica da cicatrização da bexiga nas variáveis colagenização (p = 0.001), reepitelização (p = 0,046) e neoformação (p = 0) nos subgrupos GC e GA no 3º dia e na variável neoformação vascular (p=0,001) no subgrupo do 7º dia. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de extrato hidroalcoólico de aroeira mostrou efeito cicatrizante favorável nas cistotomias em ratos.
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Adrenal length and width were determined from two-dimensional ultrasound longitudinal images. In study 1, 540 measurements of adrenal glands were attempted from five healthy beagle dogs by three different observers with different levels of expertise in ultrasonography, to determine the variability of adrenal gland measurements. Of these, 484 measurements were included in the statistical analysis, since 16 measurements of the left adrenal gland and 40 for the right could not be visualised by the observer. In study 2, a single measurement of both adrenal glands was taken from each of 146 dogs by the most trained observer from study 1, and the effects of different health status (healthy dogs v dogs with non-adrenal diseases), bodyweight, age and sex were assessed. A total of 267 measurements were included in the statistical analysis. The lowest intra- and inter-day coefficient of variation values were observed for the left adrenal gland and by the most trained observer. The health status had no statistically significant effect on adrenal gland length or width, whereas age had a significant effect only for the left adrenal gland (the greater the age, the greater the width or length) and sex had a significant effect only for the right adrenal gland (the width was larger in males and the length larger in females). The bodyweight had a significant effect for the length of both adrenal glands (the greater the bodyweight, the greater the length), but not the width. The differences between sd and coefficient of variation values for the width of the left adrenal gland were not statistically significant between the three observers, whereas they were statistically significant for the right adrenal gland.
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Foram utilizados 40 ratos Wistar, machos, com peso inicial médio de 225 gramas, separados em dois grupos. Após serem anestesiados com éter, foi induzida uma ferida limpa na região torácica dorsal cranial, mediante a utilização de molde metálico de 2,0 x 1,5cm. No grupo I, foi utilizada pomada contendo óleo de fígado de bacalhau, extrato de confrei, extrato cítrico, óxido de zinco e veículo (Creamex®); no grupo II, a ferida foi apenas limpa com solução salina isotônica. Para a avaliação histológica, foram submetidos à eutanásia cinco animais de cada grupo no 3º, 7º, 14º e 21º dia de pós-operatório. O grupo tratado com a pomada orgânica apresentou padrão cicatricial de qualidade superior em relação ao grupo tratado com salina isotônica, representado por formação de fibras colágenas, neoformação de vasos e reepitelização completa da epiderme.
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Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) levels are elevated in the blood of patients with a variety of infectious, immune, or traumatic conditions. To examine whether IL1Ra is produced by liver cells with characteristics resembling an acute-phase protein, human primary hepatocytes isolated from liver biopsies and HepG2 hepatoma cells were stimulated with IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNFalpha. IL-1Ra was present in the supernatants of both cells, with production significantly enhanced by IL-1beta, and by the combination of IL-1beta and IL-6. The term IL-1Ra refers to two different proteins encoded by the same gene, but generated by alternative splicing of two different first exons. One isoform is secreted (17-kD sIL-1Ra), and the other isoform remains in the cytoplasm (18-kD icIL-1Ra). By Western blot analysis, the supernatants of human hepatoma (HepG2) cells contained only sIL-1Ra, whereas the lysates contained a novel smaller molecular mass isoform of 16 kD. RT-PCR and ribonuclease protection assay with RNA from HepG2 cells showed that only sIL-1Ra mRNA was expressed, and confirmed the inducing effect of IL-1beta and IL-6. Transfection studies were performed using constructs containing the promoters of either sIL-1Ra or icIL-1Ra coupled to the luciferase reporter gene. The sIL-1Ra promoter was active in HepG2 cells stimulated by IL-1beta and/or IL-6, whereas the icIL-1Ra promoter was inactive. Mutation of binding sites for transcription factors NF-kappaB and/or C/EBP within the proximal sIL-1Ra promoter led to significant decreases in response to IL-1beta and IL-6 in comparison to the wild-type promoter. Electromobility gel shift assays confirmed the presence of NF-kappaB and C/EBP binding sites within the sIL-1Ra promoter, and indicated a significant increase in the binding activities of nuclear proteins from HepG2 cells treated with IL-1beta and IL-6. In summary, sIL-1Ra, but not icIL-1Ra, is produced by hepatocytes, and is regulated by proinflammatory cytokines as an acute-phase protein. In addition, NF-kappaB and C/EBP family members are likely to play important roles in the full expression of IL-1Ra by hepatocytes during inflammatory conditions.
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Ethanol extract of Cissus quadrangularis was evaluated for its anti-osteoporotic activity in ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis at two different dose levels of 500 and 750 mg/kg per day. Healthy female albino rats were divided into five groups of six animals each. First group was sham operated and served as control. All the remaining groups were ovariectomized. Group 2 was fed with equivolume of saline and served as ovariectomized control. Groups 3-5 were orally treated with Raloxifen (5.4 mg/kg) and ethanol extract of Cissus quadrangularis (500 and 750 mg/kg), respectively. The findings assessed on the basis of biomechanical, biochemical and histopathological parameters showed that the ethanol extract of the plant had a definite antiosteoporotic effect.
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Obesity is generally linked to complications in lipid metabolism and oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of a proprietary extract of Cissus quadrangularis (CQR-300) to that of a proprietary formulation containing CQR-300 (CORE) on weight, blood lipids, and oxidative stress in overweight and obese people. The first part of the study investigated the in vitro antioxidant properties of CQR-300 and CORE using 3 different methods, while the second part of the study was a double-blind placebo controlled design, involving initially 168 overweight and obese persons (38.7% males; 61.3% females; ages 19-54), of whom 153 completed the study. All participants received two daily doses of CQR-300, CORE, or placebo and were encouraged to maintain their normal levels of physical activity. Anthropometric measurements and blood sampling were done at the beginning and end of the study period. CQR-300 as well as CORE exhibited antioxidant properties in vitro. They also acted as in vivo antioxidants, bringing about significant (p < 0.001) reductions in plasma TBARS and carbonyls. Both CQR-300 and CORE also brought about significant reductions in weight, body fat, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting blood glucose levels over the respective study periods. These changes were accompanied by a significant increase in HDL-cholesterol levels, plasma 5-HT, and creatinine. CQR-300 (300 mg daily) and CORE (1028 mg daily) brought about significant reductions in weight and blood glucose levels, while decreasing serum lipids thus improving cardiovascular risk factors. The increase in plasma 5-HT and creatinine for both groups hypothesizes a mechanism of controlling appetite and promoting the increase of lean muscle mass by Cissus quadrangularis, thereby supporting the clinical data for weight loss and improving cardiovascular health.
A dor e a inflamação geram incapacidade devido ao comprometimento no controle motor e consequente disfunção do segmento corporal lesado. A presença do quadro álgico e inflamatório dificulta a avaliação clínica, a proposta terapêutica bem como o processo de reabilitação. Diante disso, é desejável o controle do quadro álgico e inflamatório o mais rápido possível, evitando dessa maneira a cronicidade da lesão (sensibilização central). Para que esse processo seja viável, o fisioterapeuta deverá evitar o desenvolvimento da dor crônica através da redução da hiperreatividade apresentada pelo paciente durante o processo de instalação da dor e inflamação. Durante a normalização da reatividade do paciente frente ao quadro álgico e inflamatório, o fisioterapeuta propõe o tratamento e executa, mas na maioria das vezes é necessário fazer modificações e adaptações ao tratamento instituido até que se consiga a estabilidade da situação clínica, para que em um segundo momento possa atingir o seu objetivo principal de recuperar a função. Posteriormente, o tratamento em algumas situações visa restabelecer o equilíbrio dos segmentos corporais, uma vez que os segmentos corporais apresentam uma interrelação na sua funcionalidade. O objetivo desse artigo é propor um modelo teórico de atuação do fisioterapeuta para o controle da dor e inflamação durante a sua prática clínica. Palavras-chave: intervenção em fisioterapia, dor e inflamação, sensibilização central, função.
Screening of the medicinal plants and determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. A simple in vitro screening assay was employed for the standard strain of Vibrio cholerae, 12 isolates of Vibrio cholerae non-O1, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Aqueous and organic solvent extracts of different parts of the plants were investigated by using the disk diffusion method. Extracts from 16 medicinal plants were selected on account of the reported traditional uses for the treatment of cholera and gastrointestinal diseases, and they were assayed for vibriocidal activities. The different extracts differed significantly in their vibriocidal properties with respect to different solvents. The MIC values of the plant extracts against test bacteria were found to be in the range of 2.5-20 mg/ml. The results indicated that Lawsonia inermis, Saraca indica, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia belerica, Allium sativum, and Datura stramonium served as broad-spectrum vibriocidal agents.
Several field trips were conducted during years 2003-2005 to document the ethnobotanical remedies for various ailments of the ethnic tribes inhabiting the Maha-Muttaram and Yamanpally villages of Karimnagar East forest division of Andhra Pradesh, India. In the present study, we report more than 20 ethno-medicinal plants from the tribal people. Our collections of ethno-medicinal plant specimens from this area were deposited in the Kakatiya University Herbarium (KUH), Warangal, India.
The healing of wounds caused by accident, assault, welfare and surgical operations has always been a central consideration in surgical practice because any breach in continuity of skin or mucous membrane exposes the deeper tissues to the danger of infections. The understanding of the mechanism of wound healing has increased dramatically during last few years. Today wound healing abnormalities are among the greatest causes of disability and deformity. "I dressed the wound, God healed it" (Ambroise Pare) wound healing involves multiple complicated events. It is the amount and quality of scar tissue and ultimately its remodelling that is of greater importance. The understanding of this process of wound healing and factors affecting it forms the basis of any surgical procedure.
Trypanosoma congolense and T. brucei bloodstream form parasites were propagated axenically in suitable standard media at 34 degrees C. The effects of 33 plant extracts, fractions and pure compounds were evaluated on two clones of T. brucei and drug-sensitive and multi-drug-resistant clones of T. congolense. The cytotoxic activity of the trypanocidal extracts was also evaluated on calf aorta endothelial cells in vitro. Of the extracts tested, 22% killed T. congolense IL 1180 at a concentration of 100 microg/ml while 18% killed 90-100% of T. brucei ILTat 1.4 at the same concentration. However, 6% of the active extracts killed 93% of a dyskinetoplastid form of T. brucei IL Tat 1.1, indicating that the intact kinetoplast is a target of some of the compounds tested. Of the 12 extracts that displayed activity against drug sensitive trypanosomes, 66.7% had trypanocidal activity on a multi-drug-resistant clone, T. congolense IL 3338. The extracts of Eugenia uniflora, Acacia artaxacantha, Terminalia ivorensis, T. superba and Alchornea cordifolia had median lethal concentrations of between 13 and 69 microg/ml on both the drug-sensitive, IL 1180 and multi-drug-resistant clone, IL 3338. The median lethal doses of the active plant extracts on the calf aorta endothelial cells varied between 112 and 13750 microg/ml while the calculated selective indices ranged between 0.71 and 246.8 indicating bright prospects for the development of some of these extracts as potential trypanocidal agents.
Tuscany is an area rich in traditions, many of an ethnobotanical nature, and those of veterinary practice are of special interest. Almost a 100 different plant species are used to treat animals; sometimes old remedies are used to cure similar human ailments, other times the cure is used exclusively for veterinary treatment.
Cissus quadrangularis, a medicinal plant indigenous to Asia and Africa, is used for many ailments, especially for the treatment of hemorrhoid. The effects associated with hemorrhoid, i.e. analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities as well as the venotonic effect of the methanol extract of C. quadrangularis (CQ) were assessed in comparison with reference drugs. In the analgesic test, CQ provoked a significant reduction of the number of writhes in acetic acid-induced writhing response in mice. CQ also significantly reduced the licking time in both phases of the formalin test. The results suggest peripheral and central analgesic activity of CQ. In acute phase of inflammation CQ elicited the inhibitory effect on the edema formation of the rats' ear induced by ethyl phenylpropiolate as well as on the formation of the paw edema in rats induced by both carrageenin and arachidonic acid. It is likely that CQ is a dual inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism. In addition, CQ exerted venotonic effect on isolated human umbilical vein similarly to the mixture of bioflavonoids, i.e. 90% diosmin and 10% hesperidin. The results obtained confirmed the traditional use of C. quadrangularis for the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with hemorrhoid as well as reducing the size of hemorrhoids.
A screening was conducted with 26 plants collected in the Brazilian southeast region, to identify plant extracts with antibacterial properties against Aeromonas hydrophila, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Initially, the agar diffusion method was employed. Then, those extracts presenting activity were submitted to a broth microdilution assay to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC). It was observed that 13 of the tested extracts showed antibacterial activity. The best results were obtained with those from Lantana lilacina and Phyllanthus tenellus.
Livestock keepers in many developing countries with restricted access to orthodox veterinary healthcare services commonly use traditional remedies to treat their animals when disease is encountered. This review collates the documented use of plants in South Africa for healing various ailments in domestic animals, and records bioactivity testing that has been carried out on these plants. A literature survey was conducted on the use of plants in South African ethnoveterinary medicine (EVM), as well as on biological activity investigations relating to their ethnoveterinary use where available. The ethnoveterinary application of plants, and results of screening studies of EVM plant extracts in various bioassays is presented. For diseases such as coughs, wounds, skin diseases, mild diarrhoea and reproductive disorders, EVM may be a cheap and easily accessible alternative to expensive pharmaceuticals. Studies on biological activity of EVM plants can provide indications of promising leads for extracts that can be developed into standardized medications to be used on a commercial basis. Isolation studies on active plants may yield pure active compounds that could be chemically modified to optimize medicinal value and reduce possible toxic effects. In South Africa, a large proportion of the population relies on traditional remedies to treat themselves and their animals for common diseases. Only a small percentage of EVM plants have been analysed for biological activity or toxic effects, and hence research in this field offers fertile possibilities for future investigation.
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Mel e açúcar mascavo na cicatrização de feridas
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