
Implementing the Lexical Approach : Putting Theory into Practice / M. Lewis ; colaboración de C. Gough... [et al.].

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... Language learning involves not only understanding the individual meanings of words but also recognizing how these words combine in specific contexts (Lewis, 1997). One critical component of this process is collocations, which refer to the natural combination of words that frequently co-occur. ...
... Collocations are a fundamental component of language learning as they ensure natural flow and proper language usage (Lewis, 1997). In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on teaching collocations to enhance the effectiveness of language education. ...
... Collocations represent specific combinations of words that form unique meanings and frequently occur together in natural language use. They are fundamental for developing fluency and accuracy in both spoken and written communication, making them an indispensable component of linguistic competence (Lewis, 1997). However, collocations remain a particularly challenging area for language learners due to their idiomatic nature and the difficulty of deducing patterns from individual word meanings (Nation, 2001). ...
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This research explores the pivotal role of collocations in English language teaching and their impact on learners' linguistic proficiency. Collocations are essential for achieving fluency and accuracy in both spoken and written communication. The study examines various teaching methods and strategies, including contextual learning, interactive activities, and the use of corpora, to enhance learners' understanding and application of collocations. Findings suggest that systematic teaching of collocations improves learners' grammatical competence, intercultural communication skills, and overall fluency. The study underscores the importance of integrating collocations into language instruction to support learners in achieving effective communication in academic, professional, and everyday contexts.
... Theoretically, the most fundamental reason for focusing on collocations stems from the realization that collocations are basic linguistic units which are based on form-meaning pairings of words and multi-units, a view influenced by various theoretical positions and approaches such as the idiom principle (Sinclair, 1991(Sinclair, , 2004, pattern grammar (Hunston & Francis, 2000), cognitive grammar (Langacker, 2007(Langacker, , 2008Littlemore, 2009), construction grammar (Ellis, 2013;Goldberg, 2006;Hoffmann, 2022), systemic functional grammar (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014), the Lexical Approach (Lewis, 1993(Lewis, , 2000(Lewis, , 2008Boers & Lindstromberg, 2009), speech theories (Bygate, 1987;Levelt, 1989;Kormos, 2006), usage-based theories of SLA (Bybee, 2013;Ellis, 2002;Ellis & Wulf, 2020;Tomasello, 2003), and models of word knowledge (Milton & Fitzpatrick, 2014;Nation, 2022). For example, collocation is instrumental in lexically-based theories of language. ...
... For example, collocation is instrumental in lexically-based theories of language. In fact, the emergence of the Lexical Approach to syllabus design and language teaching in the 1990s (Lewis, 1993(Lewis, , 2000(Lewis, , 2008Boers & Lindstromberg, 2009) was predicated upon the hypothesis that the essential building blocks of language are not grammatical structures, functions, notions, or other units of pedagogy but words and word combinations (i.e., lexis). In Lewis' (1993, p. 89) own words, "language consists of grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar". ...
... According to Ur (2012, p. 61), "[a] specific phrase may be grammatically correct and yet sound wrong simply because of inappropriate collocation [emphasis added]" (see also Shin & Nation, 2008, for a similar notion). Lewis (2008) proposes that fluency results from acquiring a large stock of fixed and semi-fixed phrases which are "available as the foundation for any linguistic novelty or creativity" (p. 15). ...
... Because the context in which a lexical item is used, along with the accuracy of a collocation, is provided, the process of acquiring such items is more enhanced and facilitated. Simultaneously, a variety of exercises and activities for learning and practicing collocations, as Lewis (1997) suggested, can play an important role in teaching and learning collocations. Considering our contemporary world, with the rapid development of technologies and the Internet, virtual platforms where learning can take place in an interactive way can be of great importance. ...
... A key note to remember is that teachers need to make sure that learners understand a lexical item's context of usage sufficiently, which means that they can produce the items or collocations appropriately. This can be done through a variety of in-class exercises or activities such as the ones proposed by Lewis (1997) (see Appendix A). The utilization of such exercises provides learners with opportunities to understand how a collocation is formed, the meaning of a collocation and be aware of the part of speech of each component in a combination. ...
... 89 Appendix A Examples of exercises and activities to teach collocations proposed by Lewis (1997) ...
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This primary research focuses on teachers’ perceptions of the teaching and learning of collocations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in the context of Vietnam. The study involves four teachers currently teaching in different educational settings in Ho Chi Minh City. A purposeful sampling technique is adopted to select the participants. The findings from semi-interviews can shed light on how teachers teach collocations to EFL learners, whether they apply technological applications or web-based platforms in teaching collocations and assisting learners to acquire collocations, as well as possible causes for some of the learners' collocation errors. Teachers' sharing about the procedure of teaching collocations in different classroom settings, including public schools and private classes in either secondary level or universities, is provided. Moreover, challenges during the process of conducting such practices based on the teachers' perspectives are discussed. As a result, suggestions for teachers and learners can be made to facilitate Vietnamese EFL learners' acquisition of collocations, in many cases, with the assistance of technology.
... Collocations are the combination of words which occur logically and regularly. According to Lewis (1997), collocations are the words which are constantly combined. However, if the words' combinations do not show recurrent co-occurrence, it will not be considered as collocations according to El-Dakhs (2015). ...
... However, lexical collocations possess no subordinate components as they usually consist of two equal lexical components (Benson, 1985); in addition, they do not possess any prepositions, clauses, infinitives but consist of nouns, adjectives, adverbs or verbs (Poulsen, 1991). Lewis (1997) has debated that collocations can be classified into four groups: Strong, weak, frequent and infrequent. This division between the weak and strong collocations depend upon their permanency and frequency; however the difference between frequent and infrequent collocations depends upon how frequent those words co-occur. ...
... Instruction of collocations using consciousness-raising technique has been greatly supported by Lewis (1997); Lewis (2000); Hill (2000); Stoitchkov (2008) and Schmidt (1990). Lewis (2000) recognized that language instructors should improve their learners' collocational awareness and help them to increase their ability to stu dy the combination of words. ...
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The current study was envisioned to examine the influence of task-based writing instruction (TBWI) on learners’ knowledge of collocations and its impact on the writing performance of a sample of 20 students registered in undergraduate programs at a college in Pakistan. English language teaching (ELT) practitioners and researchers have been promoting Task based language teaching (TBLT) as an important component of language pedagogy curricula in many nations across the world. In the current study, tasks were used as the principal part of teaching, and a mixture of consciousness-raising and communicative task-based materials were used to develop learners' understanding of collocations in writing narrative essays. To enable the research process, the writing samples were collected at the start and end of the study to evaluate any language development in second language performance. Quantitative content analysis was used in terms of language complexity, fluency, and accuracy to analyze the written work to comprehend the development in the learners’ understanding of collocations and their use to improve writing skills after they have been instructed using Task Based Language teaching methodology. The results of the data implied vital signs of improvement in the level of learners’ knowledge of collocations and writing performance in terms of language performance with regards to language complexity, accuracy and fluency.
... This is an open access under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license ( However, according to Lewis (1997), studies on collocations started about 2,300 years ago in Greece. According to McCarthy (2018), collocations are instances of how languages should put words together and are said to be pairs of words that happen together frequently. ...
... He further believes that collocations do not have to be used next to one another, they only have to take place in the same setting. On the other hand, the significance of collocations for the expansion of vocabulary and communicative competence has been stressed in early studies by Benson (1986), Brown (1974), Channel (1981, and Lewis (1997). Furthermore, Brown (1974) underlines that the collocations boost improvement in oral communication, listening comprehension, and reading speed, and that teaching collocations empower learners to be conscious of language pieces used by native speakers in both spoken and written language. ...
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This research paper addresses various lexical collocational errors made by EFL private school students, aiming to investigate their writings (essays and paragraphs) through detailed analysis. The primary objectives of this study are to identify various lexical collocation errors in the written compositions of students at the school level and to provide the correct forms of these lexical collocations to enhance their writing accuracy. The study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methods, focusing on a sample of 50 randomly selected students (males and females), who participated voluntarily. By using qualitative and quantitative methods and adopting the classification of lexical collocational errors by Benson et al. (1997), for data analysis and to check the acceptance of word combinations, these errors were manually identified in the target written tasks. Then, the researchers used the HASK collocation database (, a reliable online resource containing a large number of collocations. The extracted errors were analyzed and interpreted, with their frequencies and percentages tabulated using Excel bar charts. The findings of the study conclude that EFL students make diverse errors in using lexical collocations in their writing when they try to express their thoughts and ideas. In the analysis of 50 academic pieces of writing, 58 lexical collocation errors were found. It was also found that two specific patterns, (verb + noun) and (verb + adverb) were rarely or almost never used by the participants of the study. The study also found that literal translation from the native language to the target language and limited knowledge of collocations were the main reasons behind these errors. The current study is valuable since collocations play an essential role in improving writing skills. Particularly, the identification of common lexical collocation errors helps educators target specific instructional areas and understand their impact on students' long-term language development. The findings also aid curriculum developers in addressing lexical challenges faced by EFL high school students.
... A continuación, se abordan diversas maneras de tratamiento de léxico en el aula. Lewis (1997Lewis ( , 2000 propone una guía para el desarrollo del enfoque léxico en el aula que persigue una toma de conciencia de las estructuras del lenguaje y, a la vez, promueve una enseñanza centrada en el aprendiente. Esta guía considera las siguientes tareas: ejercicios rellena-huecos en un texto (open cloze), rellena-huecos al principio o al final de una oración, rompecabezas o puzles, transformaciones de frases (contexto y cotexto). ...
... Considerando los antecedentes teóricos previamente expuestos, se destaca la tipología de errores de Alexopoulou (2006), que permitió realizar la categorización del criterio lingüístico de las desviaciones que cometieron los aprendientes, en donde las categorías identificadas delimitaron los objetivos para el diseño de las tareas didácticas. Por lo que se refiere al enfoque léxico, las aportaciones de Lewis (1997Lewis ( , 2000 y Núñez (2019) han posibilitado el diseño de una metodología centrada en las necesidades del alumno; de igual modo, este estudio toma como base las aportaciones de Lewis (2000), Hayas (2009) y Balsas (2019) para el diseño de las actividades que se deben realizar y su sistematización con el objetivo de trabajar la retención del vocabulario. ...
Esta investigación es un estudio de caso con un enfoque de método mixto, donde se desarrolló una propuesta didáctica basada en el enfoque léxico para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de vocabulario, puesto que es uno de los aspectos más importantes en la enseñanza de las lenguas. Esta propuesta didáctica busca contribuir a la enseñanza del francés y está dirigida a aprendientes hispanohablantes que cuentan con un nivel A2 en la lengua francesa de acuerdo con el Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, se realizó el análisis de la interlengua de un corpus de producciones escritas utilizando el método del análisis de errores. Los resultados obtenidos establecieron las dificultades y las necesidades de conocimiento que se presentaron en la categoría léxica. Asimismo, el marco teórico nos ha permitido diseñar el tratamiento adecuado a nuestro objetivo.
... Araştırmacı, aynı çalışmada bu birimlerin nedensizlik, sınırlılık ve uzlaşımsal olmak gibi özelliklerle bir araya geldiğini de ifade eder. Lewis (2008) ise bu ilişkide bir birimin diğerinden daha sınırlı olduğunu belirtir. Yani bir sözcük başka sözcüklerle de eş dizim oluşturabilirken diğeri onun kadar kullanışlı olmaz. ...
... Dil öğretiminde sözcüklerin önemini görüp bunu sistemleştiren Lewis (1993), dil bilgisi ve sözcüğün birbirinden bağımsız düşünülemeyeceğini, bu ikisinin bir arada ele alınması gerektiğini savunarak yabancı dil öğretiminde "sözcüksel yaklaşım" (lexical approach) yöntemini ortaya koymuştur. Sözcüksel yaklaşım sadece tek birimlik sözcükleri değil, sözcük gruplarını, eş dizimlileri ve kalıplaşmış ifadeleri de ele almaktadır (Lewis, 2008). Firth'in (1957) ifade ettiği gibi bir sözcük ancak birlikte bulunduğu bir başka sözcükle bilinebilir. ...
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R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 2 4. 4 1 (A ğ u s t o s) / 1 Yabancı/ikinci dil olarak Türkçe öğrenenlerin eş dizimlilik hatalarının incelenmesi / Yıldırım, M. & Er, M. Adres RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
... These included the ability to clarify relevant aspects of meaning and form, provide clear contexts and a communicative focus, and identify and correct learner errors. In addition, several questions reflected language teaching methodologies with particular relevance to vocabulary teaching, namely, the Lexical Approach (Lewis, 1993(Lewis, , 1997, which gives prominence to lexical chunks, and Dogme ELT (Meddings & Thornbury, 2009), with its emphasis on responsive teaching and reformulation. Finally, there was a 16th question asking about teachers' overall confidence in teaching vocabulary. ...
... The importance of units of language beyond single words is probably one of the most important insights gained in the last 30 years in the field of vocabulary instruction. Usually referred to as chunks or lexical chunks in pedagogical literature (Dellar & Walkley, 2016;Selivan, 2018), their ubiquity was brought to the fore by corpus linguistics, particularly Sinclair (1991), and popularized in ELT with the Lexical Approach (Lewis, 1993(Lewis, , 1997. It seems, though, that while collocations have established themselves in the ELT canon, semi-fixed expressions remain in relative obscurity, possibly due to their elusive nature. ...
Language teachers’ self-efficacy (LTSE) beliefs encompass the many ways in which language teachers view their own capabilities to support language learning. Importantly, these means are task-, domain-, and context-specific, interacting with language teachers’ beliefs about their own language proficiency and their own language awareness. To date, there has been extensive research into LTSE beliefs and teacher cognition more generally, but specific language domains such as vocabulary have not received due attention. To help address this gap, this chapter reports on a mixed-methods investigation of LTSE beliefs about teaching vocabulary and the relationship of these beliefs to lexical awareness. Quantitative data was collected through an online survey and was supplemented with qualitative data from semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal that confidence in presenting/practising vocabulary and what we termed ‘responsively using teacher lexical knowledge’ were the greatest predictors of overall vocabulary teaching confidence. Other trends that emerged related to beliefs about pre-teaching vocabulary, beliefs about using learners’ first language, and teachers’ awareness of multi-word lexical items. These findings have implications for teacher preparation, suggesting aspects of vocabulary instruction which may be currently underserved, uncovering characteristics of confident vocabulary teachers, and highlighting issues in vocabulary instruction which remain controversial.
... De entre los distintos tipos de unidades que integran el componente léxico, destacan las denominadas secuencias formulaicas (SF): combinaciones de palabras que se almacenan y recuperan de la memoria como un todo en el momento de su uso (Wray 2002: 9), y que los nativos emplean de forma natural para expresar una idea particular en contextos comunicativos determinados (Sánchez Rufat 2017: 258). Siguiendo los planteamientos del enfoque léxico, desarrollado por Michael Lewis (1993Lewis ( , 1997, el dominio de estas SF (chunks), que pueden llegar a constituir más de la mitad del discurso nativo, repercute positivamente en la competencia comunicativa de los aprendientes, mejorando su fluidez en la interacción comunicativa (Martín 2012: 61 y ss.). ...
... No obstante, y a pesar de su evidente interés en el desarrollo de la competencia léxica de los alumnos, faltan aplicaciones significativas de los avances teóricos y de los resultados de investigaciones empíricas sobre estas unidades que promuevan un aprendizaje efectivo. En este sentido, una orientación metodológica adecuada para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de estas fórmulas es el enfoque léxico, desarrollado por Michael Lewis (1993Lewis ( , 1997 1 . Para dicho autor, el léxico es el eje central del proceso de desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa ("la lengua consiste en léxico gramaticalizado, no en gramática lexicalizada", Lewis 1993: 51), y para ello propone partir del aprendizaje de bloques prefabricados de palabras (chunks), segmentos léxicos empleados con mucha frecuencia por los hablantes nativos en sus interacciones. ...
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El empleo de corpus para el aprendizaje de secuencias formulaicas en ELE/EL2. La frecuencia de uso en el nivel B2 del PCIC Fermín Martos Elicheº, Narciso M. Contreras Izquierdo* ºUniversidad de Granada, *Universidad de Jaén Formulaic sequences (FS), combinations of words that the natives memorize and use ho-listically to express a particular idea in certain communicative contexts, and that can be more than half of the speech, stand out in the lexical sub competence, central element of the development of communicative competence. The lexical approach determines that the mastery of these FS (chunks) has a positive effect on the improvement of the fluency in the communicative interaction of the learners. For Spanish as a foreign or second language (SFL), the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC) offers a non-exhaustive selection of these FS as an example of lexical units in each of the reference levels (A1-C2). For their selection, the criteria are frequency and communicative profitability, but it is done through an intuitive assessment based on the teaching experience. In this research , we set out to confirm the adequacy of this intuitive leveling, analyzing the frequency of FS of level B2 of the PCIC in various corpus available at present. Likewise, in an exploratory way, we will expose the usefulness of these corpus for data-driving learning (DDL), with real examples of these FS of the target language.
... Therefore, they have different lexical cognates; for individuals who seek to learn English as an L2 and whose L1 is either Mandarin or Czech, this makes it challenging to remember English words, especially collocations. Collocational knowledge as a parameter that distinguishes native speakers from non-native speakers is not easy for L2 learners to acquire [5]. In Ma's quantitative research, Chinese collocations caused over one fifth of the instances of lexical negative transfer. ...
... For example, the word 'cut' may be mispronounced as the fully open /cɑt/. Since /w/ is only an allophone of /v/ in Mandarin consonants, changing one of them has no impact on the meaning [5]. Mandarin students thus frequently mispronounce /w/ for /v/, for instance, 'ventilation' as /wen.tɪˈleɪ.ʃən/. ...
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English has become the most studied second language around the world. Regardless of nationality, speakers of another native language other than English face challenges in acquiring English due to their fixed linguistic habits. This is a phenomenon called negative transfer. Mandarin and Czech are completely unrelated in terms of language family; thus, they can be used in this study to prove that the interference of the mother tongue with English happens inevitably and usually shares common areas of negative transfers. Since the author is a native speaker of Mandarin and Czech, her knowledge of the lexical, phonological, morphological and syntactic characteristics of these languages is used to demonstrate why native speakers of these two languages are prone to making specific English mistakes. At the same time, it relies heavily on first-hand accounts of common English errors gathered by other researchers to improve the studys dependability. The finding of this study argues that the negative transfer occurs because Mandarin and Czech lack the corresponding linguistic qualities of English. Native speakers of these two languages frequently struggle to remember English collocations, non-existent phonemes cannot be accurately pronounced, and similarly incompatible English tenses are used with errors. The absence of articles and the tendency for random word order also cause them to frequently go wrong in English usage. This research can be used as a resource for Chinese and Czech English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers to improve the quality of their classes.
... Scrivener (2011) defines vocabulary as individual words (e.g., dog, wash) or fixed combinations of two or three words (e.g., stock market), while lexis is a database of words and all word combinations in our mind. Lexis includes words, collocations, fixed expressions (e.g., Good morning), and semifixed expressions (e.g., Could you pass…, please?) (Lewis, 1997). This article uses the terms words, lexical units, lexical items, and vocabulary interchangeably. ...
... The research unit is an activity that works with vocabulary, i.e. in which vocabulary is presented, practised and used. According to Lewis (1997), activities can have both linguistic and non-linguistic outcomes and are done in pairs or groups, while exercises are usually done individually and have a linguistic focus. Other authors, e.g., Scrivener (2011), do not contrast the terms. ...
This article presents a content analysis of vocabulary activities in selected lower-secondary coursebooks used in the Czech Republic in Years 6 and 7. The analysis is based on I. S. P. Nation’s classification of aspects of word knowledge that learners should acquire to master vocabulary knowledge. Accordingly, the aim is to discover which aspects of vocabulary knowledge are covered in the selected coursebooks. Levels 1 and 2 of Project Explore and Your Space are analysed, and vocabulary activities are classified based on the primary goal of each activity. The aspect of grammatical functions and that of form and meaning are covered most, whereas the aspect of concept and referents is not covered in Years 6 and 7 at all, and the aspect of constraints on use is not covered in Year 6. The present research can benefit the authors of coursebooks and other teaching materials and the teachers who use selected coursebooks.
... A phraseological competence test was constructed and validated to measure the participants' prior knowledge of phraseology. In order to develop the phraseological competence test, first, the related theory was reviewed (Erman & Warren, 2000;Lewis, 1993Lewis, , 2008Meunier & Granger, 2008;Mirzaei et al., 2018;Paquot, 2018;Szerszunowicz, 2007). Next, the subscales of phraselogical competence including the knowledge of collocations, formulaic sequences, idioms, phrasal verbs, lexical bundles, and other institutionalized multiword expressions (e.g., similes) were determined. ...
... Finally, it was noted that the intentional FonL approach can provide a useful, principled teaching and learning space to promote the learning of formulaic sequences. Within this framework, various activities and techniques proposed by L2 research (e.g., Lewis, 1993Lewis, , 2008) may be easily used: recording formats (i.e., recording lexical items, chunks, or collocations typical of a particular field of discourse), collocation boxes, cloze procedures, pattern displays (i.e., recording useful expressions containing the de-lexicalized word, such as have), and lexical phrase drills (i.e., introducing lexical phrases and repeating them several times in the form of a drill-activity). Such activities, in a nutshell, can help achieve the 'chunk-noticing-and-promoting' goal of FonF/FonL. ...
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Emergentist, usage-based L2 research has witnessed that emphasizing formulaic sequences as entry points in meaning-based instructional contexts contributes to the development of linguistic comprehension and production. Related studies have thus far striven to find the most effective methods of highlighting these word strings. This study explored the effects of the focus on lexis (FonL) approach on L2 learners’ development of phraseological competence. Furthermore, it probed whether incidental and intentional FonL approaches result in any differential effects on the learners’ development of phraseology. Participants were 60 L2 learners in three intact classes randomly assigned to one control and two experimental FonL groups. Their general language proficiency was measured by administering a Cambridge PET Test. Additionally, a pre-test was used to measure their prior knowledge of phraseology. The control group received the mainstream typical instruction, whereas the experimental groups received incidental versus intentional FonL, differentially heightening noticing of conventionalized lexis expressions in L2 reading. A parallel post-test was administered to measure the development of learners’ phraseological competence. ANCOVA results indicated that the lexis groups made greater gains in their phraseology as compared to the control group. Moreover, differential effects were evidenced specifically in favor of the use of intentional FonL. The findings indicate that the varied amount of attention L2 learners pay to aspects of formulaicity in language use can influence the extent to which lexis-based input and interaction lead to intake. Theoretical and pedagogical implications of the study are discussed at the end.
... An overview of all the approaches used in English language teaching over the years reveals that like other methods, eclecticism has not provided the answer to the following question yet: How can vocabulary teaching be realized in a successful way so that students do not drown in the so-called lexicon chaos? Lewis (1997) helps us to answer this question by stating that lexis should be "integrated fully into the learners' linguistic resources so that it is spontaneously available when needed" (p. 117). ...
... Thus, it can be stated that after the advent of lexical syllabus and the use of computer technology for collating corpora, more emphasis has been put on learning vocabulary and the techniques and methods used in language teaching have changed extensively (Scheffler, 2015). Lewis (1997) reports that the lexical approach "in no way denies the value of grammar, nor its unique role in language" (p. 41). ...
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As grammar was once perceived to be the essence of language instruction, for many years foreign language teachers have emphasized grammar rules in their English lessons. This practice was first challenged by text linguists who claimed that the context, the mind or achieving meaning are significant factors that need to be considered in language teaching. The second challenge came from researchers who conducted corpus studies. Their findings, based on the analysis of large sizes of corpora, started the ongoing ‘grammar’ or ‘lexis’ debate which is still valid today. This study investigates these two opposing views by providing a historical review of grammar and vocabulary teaching practices in foreign language education. By sharing different views related to the ‘grammar over lexis’ or ‘lexis over grammar’ dilemma, this reflective review discusses that grammar and vocabulary teaching should have equal importance in language classes in light of recent developments in foreign language education. To this end, this article discusses that in this era undertaking a lexico-grammatical approach, which blends grammar and vocabulary teaching with holistic attitudes, is a prerequisite for evidence-based contemporary foreign language teaching practices.
... Collocations speed up language comprehension and ultimately increase military students' English language proficiency. Michael Lewis (1997) claims that '' fluency is based on the acquisition of a large store of fixed and semi-fixed pre-fabricated items, which are available as the foundation for any linguistic novelty or creativity" (p.15). In the process of learning collocations, military students experience some barriers that hamper their collocational competence. ...
... A native speaker's fluency is evidently associated with the fact that their vocabulary is not stored only as individual words, but also on having a quick availability to the store of lexical chunks. Lewis (1997) mentions that "instead of words, we consciously try to think of collocations and to present them in expressions. Rather than trying to break things into ever smaller pieces, there is a conscious effort to see things in larger, more holistic, ways" (p. ...
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Migration waves based on economic, social, and political reasons, which are becoming increasingly common today, bring people with different cultural structures and life experiences together in a short time. Schools, which are one of the institutions reflecting the structure of societies, have turned into multicultural environments with students from different languages, religions, ethnicities, and social classes with population mobility in the world. Like culture, language has evolved, been learned, and been transmitted over time. Through language, which gives identity to cultural groups, we convey the feelings and thoughts that we have acquired under the influence of the culture we are in. Language has been thought of as a reflection of a culture. For this reason, foreign language teaching in multicultural educational settings is crucial for students to get to know both their own culture and other cultures. This research aims to describe the role and benefits of multiculturalism in foreign language teaching by reviewing the related literature. It has been known that by permitting diversity in class, providing equitable chances for students, and demanding change and innovation in the teaching and learning process, multiculturalism brings a new perspective to foreign language teaching. Emphasizing the inseparability between culture and language, the related literature has concluded that multiculturalism can be easily integrated into the foreign language teaching proces s and have a positive effect on students' language learning success,motivation, and attitude toward different cultures.
... Рассмотрение лексического подхода прослеживается в ряде книг М. Льюиса (Michael Lewis) «The Lexical Approach» [9], «Implementing the Lexical Approach: Putting Theory into Practice» [8] 4. Production; production tubular; production zone; producing well. ...
The lexical approach is the most widespread method used in teaching a foreign language nowadays. The key principles of lexical approach are emphasized in the chapter. In connection with the variety of opinions about the use of this method, the authors analyze the positive and perceived negative aspects of the approach. The important issues that teachers face in their classes with undergraduate students of technical specialities in the university are analyzed. The main rules for preparing and conducting classes with undergraduate students are suggested. On the basis of the conducted research a set of exercises of different types aimed at the development of professional vocabulary and lexical competence in general was developed. The results, which have been tested in the groups of undergraduate students are described and analyzed and their effectiveness has been proved.
... Moreover, Alshaikhi (2011), Hashemi and Gowdasiaei (2005), Lewis (1997), Rogers (1996) believe that this way facilitates learning and helps L2 learners to create certain connections between the presented vocabulary items, which, in turn, expedites learning and enhances retention of vocabulary. Strangely enough, most support given to presenting new vocabulary to learners is based on theoretical background. ...
The current study sought to investigate how organizing new vocabulary through semantic, ‎thematic, or unrelated sets could affect the learning process among Saudi EFL learners. The ‎majority of EFL teachers and materials writers seem to introduce and cluster new words according to a ‎particular type of semantic relationship (e.g., vegetables, body organs, car parts, or house parts) or a thematical relationship (e.g., a hotel room reservation, visiting a doctor's clinic, going to the post office, or at the train station). ‎Participants in the current research were 149 EFL students from the Preparatory Year Program (PYP) at Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMISIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The design of this study was a pretest-treatment and posttest-delayed post-test. Two ‎types of clustering of new vocabulary were explored: semantically related sets and semantically ‎unrelated sets, which were constructed to identify how organizing new vocabulary could affect ‎the learning process among Saudi EFL learners. The findings of the study showed that both semantically ‎related (SR) and semantically unrelated (SU) sets ‎ seemed to help in learning new words. Nonetheless, ‎those new words behaved differently one week after the treatment. Moreover, the SR group scored significantly better on both delayed tests than ‎their ‎counterparts. Furthermore, the study's outcomes failed to indicate any interfering effect of ‎teaching and studying semantically relevant terms simultaneously in an actual classroom setting.‎ This study concluded with recommendations for teaching and learning programs to ‎develop ‎students' conceptual understanding of organizing new vocabulary that affects the learning ‎process among Saudi EFL learner’s context.
... To raise the awareness of chunks in context, Lewis (1997) recommended highlighting coherent and meaningful multiword units in authentic L2 text, followed by inter-learner comparisons and feedback from instructors. However, even though such a practice was indeed effective in making L2 learners notice the existence of chunks when encountering new text (Jones & Haywood, 2004), the rate of retention and usage in production yielded mixed and rather underwhelming results (e.g., Boers et al., 2006;Stengers et al., 2010). ...
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Among the various challenges that adult and other late language learners face on their journey to achieving nativelike proficiency, chunking has been identified as one of the most difficult tasks to master. Language users are able to derive and utilize chunks during language processing—both in the first (L1) and the second language (L2)—yet the extent to which the L2 learners utilize and benefit from chunking is not on a par with L1 speakers. L2 learners are generally less sensitive to the statistical regularities in the linguistic input and possess a smaller repertoire of multiword expressions, leaving them susceptible to slower real-time language processing, hampered comprehension during conversation, and distinct production errors. Drawing on insights from Brian MacWhinney's Unified Competition Model of L1 and L2 acquisition, this review examines these unique challenges in L2 chunking as a function of differences between L1 and L2 learning. According to the Unified Competition Model, the existence of deeply entrenched L1 linguistic representations may hinder effective L2 chunking by encouraging over-segmentation in favor of L1 transference at the lexical level and diverting the necessary attention away from the grammatical elements in prefabricated multiword units. Based on these observations, we offer practical suggestions for educators to facilitate chunking in L2 learners and bring them closer to nativelike fluency.
... The final corpus consisted of almost 40,000 words and contained over 46,000 tokens. The quality of a corpus is measured first by authenticity in language usage, containing naturally occurring diction, and secondly size large enough to produce meaningful results (Brezina, 2018;Lewis, 1997). While a large corpus is around 500,000 words, academic research can prove fruitful with corpora comprised of less than 20 authentic documents that yield representative keywords and collocations (Lewis, 2001). ...
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The movement for reparations for those enslaved on the North American continent from 1450 to 1866 has a long history fraught with debate, criticized by individuals on both the right and left sides of the political spectrum. Specific points of contention include how much money should be allocated, who the recipients and potential liable parties should be, and what specific form reparations should take. Accounting for this historical opposition, this paper employs a corpus-based discourse analysis to examine the communicative barriers to implementing reparations. The corpora consisted of YouTube comments posted to news reports of six cities’ reparations proposals. I utilized Sketch Engine to examine frequency of keywords, collocations, and concordance, followed by a close-reading discourse analysis of lexical, grammatical, and tonal elements. The analysis revealed myriad constructions of reparations resulting in inertia, the institutional tendency to preserve the status quo. This discursive formation is consequential not only for its implications for reparations, but for broader structural reform efforts.
... Our focus on Ciceronian idioms, or 'Ciceronianity' -a term we use to describe the degree to which language use reflects Cicero's style -was driven by two main reasons: the significant presence of Cicero in current syllabi and the skill set developed from the study of idioms, which is readily transferable to a GT approach -the prevalent method in public schools. For instance, scholars like Swain (1985), Irujo (1986), Lazar (1996) and Lewis (1997) have highlighted that focusing on idioms or 'chunks' deepens understanding of the language and its cultural context, enhancing language comprehension, increasing learners' capacity to absorb linguistic input and thereby expanding their exposure to the language (see also Boers and Lindstromberg, 2008). ...
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We developed and trained a custom AI text classifier to assist Latin language learners in internalising idioms, with a focus on Ciceronian composition. Idioms are mostly language-, sometimes author-specific expressions that cannot be translated directly into another language. The classifier provides interactive feedback on learners' output, effectively gamifying the process of writing in Latin and motivating students to produce more linguistic output. This not only helps learners build confidence, but also acquire a ‘toolbox’ of idioms useful for both output- and input-based activities. We present the results of our experiment conducted across a number of secondary classes in Switzerland. Our tool is freely available at .
... It is essential to match the vocabulary complexity of reading materials with the language proficiency of L2 learners, as this significantly impacts their enjoyment and success in learning a foreign language (Lewis, 1997;Schulz, 1981). Although previous studies have shown inconsistencies regarding the ideal token coverage threshold (e.g., Coxhead, Nation, & Sim, 2015;González-Fernández & Schmitt, 2020;Nation, 2006), at least 95% lexical coverage is commonly considered to be required for sufficient comprehension (Herman & Leeser, 2022;Hirsh & Nation, 1992;Laufer, 1989;Lee & Kim, 2022, 2023Nation, 1990). ...
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This study explores the development of English textbooks in North Korea through corpus-based analysis aimed at illuminating the differences between materials produced during the Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un regimes. In the context of educational reforms and changing political ideology, this study investigates BNC/COCA-based lexical coverage and the key lexical features of North Korean middle school English textbooks, highlighting the complexity, vocabulary, and readability of the learning materials. The findings revealed that the Kim Jong-un regime had implemented reforms to improve English language education, with increased lexical diversity, textual complexity, and vocabulary exposure. Although no significant differences were found between the two regimes regarding the lexical coverage of textbooks, the Kim Jong-un regime's textbooks exhibited improvements in diversity, readability, and complexity. This study contributes to a broader understanding of the interplay between political ideology and English language education in North Korea, offering insights that have implications beyond the North Korean context and encouraging reflection on the nation-driven educational reform.
... In vocabulary teaching, matching exercises can be advantageous to the study of productive as well as receptive vocabulary (Nation, 2001). As the vocabulary is studied deliberately, they represent language-focused learning (Nation, 2007), they allow to focus on particular aspects of a word through direct instruction (Hirsh & Coxhead, 2009), they are dictionary-based exercises (Gairns & Redman, 1986), which belong to the lexical approach (Lewis, 2008). ...
This article examines the effectiveness of matching exercises as a method for teaching technical vocabulary within an ESP context. More specifically, it investigates the advantages of matching exercises in terms of their efficiency to help students acquire technical vocabulary, students’ perception of their efficiency, and student motivation, and compares the impact of modality on the aforementioned elements. The research describes two versions of an experiment conducted over two academic years on psychology students. Whereas written definitions were used in the first version, in the second version, definitions were presented in an oral form. The data were collected through questionnaires administered at the end of the class. The results indicate that matching exercises are, indeed, a valuable tool for the study of technical vocabulary, particularly receptive vocabulary. The participants generally evaluated the matching exercises as useful for vocabulary acquisition although their motivation towards such exercises was moderate. Moreover, the visual modality consistently outperformed the auditory modality in terms of efficiency, student perception, and student motivation. Despite some limitations, this study highlights the potential of matching exercises in teaching technical vocabulary. Matching exercises can serve as effective supplementary activities in ESP classes, allowing students to enhance their grasp of specialised language.
... Lewis (1993) argued that in the lexical approach, concentration is on developing learners' proficiency through lexis, words and word combinations. Thus, there is a shift from grammar to vocabulary teaching which includes one/two-word words, idioms, collocations, fixed and semi-fixed expressions (Lewis, 1997). Schmitt (2000) argued that "formulaic language occupies a crucial role in facilitating language; it is the key to fluency and motivates the learner" (p. ...
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The present investigation examines the impact of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) on the enhancement of EFL learners’ idiom learning through WhatsApp during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three complete classes with 60 intermediate female learners (20 per class) were selected and randomly assigned into two experimental and one control group in WhatsApp. Data collection tools included Preliminary English Test (PET) and a researcher-designed idiom test used as pre-and post-tests. In the intervention, the first treatment group included contextualized MALL. In other words, the teachers provided the students with idiomatic expressions in context. The second treatment group included decontextualized MALL, idiomatic expressions merely with their meanings were presented to the students through WhatsApp. In the control group, the researchers taught the idioms through translation. This procedure lasted for 20 sessions. The findings of a paired-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA indicated that the contextualized MALL group surpassed the rest in both immediate and delayed post-tests. The implications regarding the efficacy of MALL and online teaching in developing EFL learners’ idiom learning, and retention are discussed
... Lewis (1993) argued that in the lexical approach, concentration is on developing learners' proficiency through lexis, words and word combinations. Thus, there is a shift from grammar to vocabulary teaching which includes one/two-word words, idioms, collocations, fixed and semi-fixed expressions (Lewis, 1997). Schmitt (2000) argued that "formulaic language occupies a crucial role in facilitating language; it is the key to fluency and motivates the learner" (p. ...
... Most, if not all of the findings suggested that a rich lexical resource is fundamental to the operation and development of various aspects of language such as language skills (Cheng & Matthews, 2018;H. T. Ha, 2021b;Lange & Matthews, 2020;Laufer & Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010;Qian & Lin, 2020;Schmitt et al., 2011;van Zeeland & Schmitt, 2013) and even the knowledge of grammatical structures (Barcroft, 2007;Guo & Roehrig, 2011;Lewis, 2002;Zhang, 2012;Zhang & Koda, 2013). The importance of vocabulary is most highlighted with the concept of lexical coverage, the proportion of words (also known as tokens or running words) a learner need to be familiar with to gain adequate comprehension for a text. ...
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The article presents a lexical study that investigates the lexical demands of academic written texts at different levels of writing. By employing the British National Corpus/ Corpus of Contemporary American English (BNC/COCA) word list and the Academic Word List (AWL), the present study analyzed data from the British Academic Written English (BAWE) corpus, which contained 2,761 student assignments, and the Public Library of Science One (PLOS ONE) corpus which included 4,000 scholarly articles. Results from the analyses demonstrated significant differences in lexical difficulty between students' assignments and scholarly publications. The proportion of academic vocabulary in written texts was also found to increase as the writers' levels went up. Cross-discipline comparisons highlighted the difference in lexical difficulties between scientific disciplines. Plain Language Summary Lexical demands of Academic Written English The present study was designed to find an answer to the question concerning the number of words needed to understand academic writing. Two corpora of students' assignments and research articles which contained papers from a range of disciplines were analyzed. The results from the analyses showed the number of words needed to gain acceptable and optimal comprehension of academic written texts for different scientific disciplines and levels of writing. The findings also provided evidence for the differences in lexical difficulty between academic texts at various levels and of different disciplines.
... El estudio de las unidades fraseológicas (en adelante, UF) en la didáctica de lenguas extranjeras propicia la construcción de redes de significados entre palabras, con lo cual se favorece su aprendizaje y recuperación en el lexicón mental (Lewis, 1993(Lewis, , 1997Gómez, 2000;Fernández, 2004;Higueras, 2004Higueras, , 2017Baralo, 2006;Rodríguez, 2013;Jiménez y Sánchez, 2017;Quintanilla, Méndez y Rodríguez, 2017;Molina, Atiénzar y Aguilera, 2018;Molina, 2018;Villavicencio y Tardo, 2018;Simón, Melian y Cathcart, 2022). Como señala Ruiz (2000), existen unidades fraseológicas totalmente fijas y estables con significado idiomático que constituyen el núcleo de la fraseología (UF prototipo) frente a otras que se repiten en la lengua, pero cuyo grado de fijación es menor y pueden tener un significado literal o ejercer funciones de carácter pragmático. ...
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El objetivo del artículo es presentar procedimientos fraseodidácticos para el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las unidades fraseológicas en español como lengua extranjera, siguiendo una metodología cualitativa y exploratoria que ha posibilitado la observación, comprensión y explicación de las cuestiones teóricas y metodológicas aportadas en la investigación. Se examinan los referentes epistemológicos acerca del citado proceso a partir del estudio pragmalingüístico en la didáctica de lenguas extranjeras, con énfasis en la conceptualización de la competencia fraseológica. La contribución posibilita orientar las etapas para el tratamiento de este tipo de unidad léxica con un carácter sistematizador y reflexivo, con el fin de lograr una apropiada contextualización pragmática de los significados y sentidos de dichas unidades por parte del alumno en variados contextos de interacción social en la lengua extranjera. Se concluye que es necesaria la sistematización de procedimientos fraseodidácticos para enriquecer la formación de la competencia fraseológica en los estudiantes no hispanohablantes en la Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba.
... In den letzten zwanzig Jahren ist der Erwerb von Vokabular in einer Fremdsprache vermehrt ins Zentrum des Fremdsprachenlernens gerückt. Zudem wurde der Begriff zu Lexis erweitert und beinhaltet neben Einzelwörtern auch idiomatische Wendungen, Kollokationen und formelhafte Redewendungen (Lewis, 1993(Lewis, , 1997Willis, 1990). ...
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Welche Rolle spielen Lehrwerke im Fremdsprachenunterricht heute? Wie sollten Lehrmittel aufgebaut sein, um Lehrpersonen und Lernende im Erreichen der neuen Bildungsziele gemäss der Reform des Sprachenunterrichts in der Schweiz zu unterstützen? Dieser Artikel fasst die Grundlagen aus der Sicht des Zweitsprachenerwerbs zusammen, stellt Forderungen auf für eine neue Generation von Lehrmitteln, diskutiert ihre neue Rolle im Unterricht und beleuchtet die Auswirkungen auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen.
... A second source of input for Language teachers was reading. To this end, seven books (Genesee and Upshur, 1996; Legutke and Thomas, 1991;Lewis, 1993Lewis, , 1997vari Lier, 1996;Williams and Burden, 1997;Willis, 1996) were chosen on the basis of their relevance to the proposed curriculum and the likelihood that they would stimulate reflection on beliefs and attitudes. The Language teachers, in pairs or groups of three, selected one of the books to read, and twice-weekly meetings were held throughout the first semester of 1998 where the Language teachers presented what they had read for discussion with the other Department of Language staff. ...
Typically, large-scale curriculum renewal in countries such as Thailand is led by outside experts specifically brought in for the purpose. Unfortunately, such curriculum renewal often fails. Instead of relying on outside experts, self-reliant curriculum renewal is needed where teachers who will implement the new curriculum are themselves the change agents. This paper presents a case study of self-reliant curriculum renewal at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi. The curriculum under consideration is the set of English courses taught as language support to students of science, engineering and technology faculties. The proposed curriculum is task-based but also incorporates selfaccess, projects and content-based learning. To involve the teachers in the curriculum renewal process, a series of input sessions and workshops was held; a reading programme for teacher development was organised; a task-based unit was piloted; teachers were encouraged to undertake action research projects relating to the proposed curriculum; and teacher-led sessions to generate proposals for the curriculum were held. Following this process, self-reliant curriculum renewal is feasible, but all teachers must be involved, and the process should combine staff development with curriculum renewal.
... Cohesion is devided into two kinds, namely grammatical and lexical cohesions (Halliday and Hasan as cited in Rullyanti and Sriwigati, 2018). Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) Collocation is a word which is combined with random another word that go together and reasonable by the speaker (Lewis's,1997). Collocation also related by the sense of meaning to build up the lexical relations (Paltridge as cited in Puspita et al, 2019). Collocation makes the user not only easy for understanding text but also makes the user rich of vocabulary for expressing themselves. ...
Objectives of this research are to identify types and functions of lexical cohesion and the most dominant one in Frozen II movie. The researcher employs descriptive qualitative method by downloaded movie’s script from internet and classified the lexical cohesion in utterances of the main characters in script of Frozen II movie. After collecting and selecting the data, the researcher starts to analyze the data by using Miles and Huberman's qualitative data analysis method. The method consists of three steps, namely data reduction, data display, and verification and conclusion drawing. The results show that in Frozen II movie there were 151 utterances of lexical cohesion. They are 110 data of reiteration and 41 data of collocation. In reiteration was found 94 repetitions, 9 synonyms, 3 superordinates, and 4 general words. In collocation was found 17 antonyms and 24 unordered lexical sets. The lexical cohesion that often used by authors in Frozen II movie was reiterations in order to send implicative meaning which hoped understood by viewers. Furthermore, the researcher finds reiteration as the most dominant type.
... Collocation is also defined as two or more lexemic combinations arbitrarily restricted, forming an entire meaning (Lewis, 1997). It examines how language learners (L2) are formed in order to gain understanding and to acquire the word and pattern of collocation. ...
Collocation is also a good way to memorize new words. Words that are naturally associated in context are more effectively understood than those not associated; vocabulary is better taught in context; context alone is inadequate without deliberate connection. Context and deliberate association, particularly collocations, offer connections that allow learners to understand thoroughly the meaning of a word and to add it to their existing vocabulary. The aim of correct collocation during a conversation between a pilot and air traffic controller is to minimize the risk o misunderstandings a well-defined set of words are used in mostly the same sequence when clearances are given by the Air Traffic Controller and read back by Pilots.
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The last three decades of the EFL teaching field have witnessed a growing awareness of the importance of collocations, because there is consensus that when learners master these structures they will have approximated natural, native speaker-like command of the English language (Boers &Lindstromberg, 2009). However, since foreign language learners are not exposed to varied contexts to recognize and process collocations during the class (Durrant& Schmitt, 2010), textbooks are the primary sources for learners to obtain collocational knowledge. In this respect, the present study aims to examine the collocations and their types employed in the reading texts of the English teaching coursebooks, which have been selected to teach the A1 students in the School of Foreign Languages Department, Çukurova University in 2018-2019 academic year. More specifically, the study presents a portrait of verb collocation types employed in the reading texts and reveals differences among four coursebooks, two of which are general English language teaching coursebooks whereas the other books are academic skill coursebooks.
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This study used cognitive semantic point of view to find the cognitive semantic elements in play in the formation of Chinese VO collocation. It explains why the object of certain VO collocation cannot be exchange arbitrarily. The focus of this study is the collocation in the transportation domain: the verbs 坐 (zuò), 骑 (qí), and 开 (kāi) as they collocate with their objects. The purpose of the study is to describe the cognitive semantic element embedded in those verbs and nouns. This research was conducted using the Chinese Web 2011 corpus (Sketch Engine). The result of the study on 38,160 collocation indicates that the differences in semantic meaning of verbal and object, differences in categorization of verbal and object, and differences in frames, play a role in the formation of VO collocations of the verbs 坐 (zuò), 骑 (qí), 开 (kāi). The differences in the semantic meanings of the verbs and objects and the differences in the categorization of the verbs and objects form an event frame which then combines in conceptual blending and form VO collocation. These findings also contribute to the field of language learning and teaching since it provides a broader picture and explanation of the formation of Chinese VO Collocation which can be used by teacher, students and textbook/teaching materials designer.
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Over the past decades, the understanding of motivation has undergone significant transformations. Departing from its perception as a stable variable (Gardner, 1985), it has evolved into a nonlinear concept with varying degrees of intensity. Motivation is now recognized as one of many complex dynamic systems (Larsen-Freeman, 2016) characterized by nonlinearity, chaos, unpredictability, sensitivity to initial conditions, openness, self-organization, and responsiveness to feedback and adaptation (Larsen-Freeman, 1997: 142). This article aligns itself with this context and presents an understanding of motivation that assumes nonlinearity, variability, and dynamism. Results of a study involving the observation of the phenomenon of motivation variability under the influence of a pedagogical intervention are presented. The theoretical framework for the conducted research is the L2 Motivational Self-system proposed by Zoltan Dörnyei.
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This research paper investigates the effectiveness of interactive web pages as a supplementary tool for enhancing speaking skills among non-English majored students. By using survey research design with 122 students of English at The Banking Academy of Vietnam, the findings reveal some interesting results. Fluency aspect was believed the most beneficial aspect that interactive web pages can bring for students (M=4.01). Meanwhile, pronunciation obtained the least contribution to the improvement of speaking ability (M=2.69). However, further analysis indicated that the contributions of speaking aspects varied according to years of study. The mean of pronunciation aspect for Year1 (M = 3.57, SD = 0.58) was significantly larger than for Year 2 (M = 2.80, SD = 0.62), p < .001 and was significantly larger than for Year 3 (M = 2.21, SD = 0.38), p < .001. The result shows that students of year 1 believed that pronunciation was most enhanced through the use of interactive web pages (M=3.57) compared to M= 2.80; M=2.21 for year 2 and year 3 students respectively. The finding also reveals that the habits of using interactive web pages varied according to duration of study, i.e. first year students used pages to enhance speaking ability the least (M= 1.91) while the second year students use the most, M=4.33. The findings indicate that interactive web pages can significantly contribute to improving speaking skills among English majored students, providing valuable insights for educators and curriculum developers.
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Esta pesquisa investigou a implementação de uma tarefa de legendagem no ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. O objetivo central foi avaliar em que medida a tarefa de legendagem interlinguística promove a compreensão geral e de sintagmas nominais em língua inglesa (LI) dos participantes desta pesquisa, estudantes brasileiros. Assim, propôs-se uma tarefa de legendagem interlinguística de vídeos com foco na orientação da execução de procedimentos de naturalização, redução e segmentação de legendas. Em 2022.1, implementou-se nossa proposta de tarefa de forma a experimentar a sua produtividade. Coletaram-se dados por meio de pré-testes, pós-testes e questionário. Analisaram-se os dados de ordem quantitativa por meio de modelos de regressão na linguagem de programação R (2022), confrontando-os com as informações de natureza qualitativa fornecidas pelos participantes da pesquisa. Os resultados deste estudo apontam ganhos naquilo que concerne à facilitação da compreensão geral dos vídeos produzidos em LI e dos sintagmas nominais presentes nesses vídeos.
The article is devoted to identifying possible areas of lexical interference and positive transfer when teaching Catalan to students who already speak Spanish. To identify areas of convergence and divergence of the Spanish and Catalan languages in the methodological aspect a study of the lexical systems of these languages is carried out using a lexical approach. A comparison of word-chunks united by the semantic field “House” and a number of collocations, expressions and phraseological units with various functions allowed to identify the main types of chunks and collocations of the Catalan language according to the degree of similarity and difference with analogues from the Spanish language. The results of the study are important for the further construction of a linguodidactic model of the process of formation of foreign language productive lexico-grammatical skills when studying the Catalan language after Spanish, for selecting linguistic material and creating a system of exercises.
In native speakers' lexical choices, a concept can be more readily expressed by one expression over another grammatical one, a phenomenon known as nativelike selection (NLS). In previous research, arbitrary chunks such as collocations have been considered crucial for this phenomenon. However, this study examines the possibility of analyzing the semantic motivation and deducibility behind some NLSs by exploring the correlation between NLS and prototypicality, specifically the onomasiological hypothesis of Grondelaers and Geeraerts (2003, Towards a pragmatic model of cognitive onomasiology. In Hubert Cuyckens, Ren\'e Dirven & John R. Taylor (eds.), Cognitive approaches to lexical semantics, 67-92. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton). They hypothesized that "[a] referent is more readily named by a lexical item if it is a salient member of the category denoted by that item". To provide a preliminary investigation of this important but rarely explored phenomenon, a series of innovative methods and procedures, including the use of semantic embedding and interlingual comparisons, is designed. Specifically, potential NLSs are efficiently discovered through an automatic exploratory analysis using topic modeling techniques, and then confirmed by manual inspection through frame semantics. Finally, to account for the NLS in question, cluster analysis and behavioral profile analysis are conducted to uncover a language-specific prototype for the Chinese verb shang 'harm', providing supporting evidence for the correlation between NLS and prototypicality.
How can the six principles of a contextual approach be applied to create classroom materials? In a contextual approach classroom, teachers remain on the sidelines. However, they have a major role in the selection and preparation of materials. To begin with, use criteria such as topic, duration, and informational content to select multimedia materials. Once selected, use structural features of the text to identify important informational content such as the title(s), the introduction, and topic sentences. After choosing the most important ideas, use criteria such as importance to the topic and content to select constructions. Apart from the very beginning of a course of study when learners will need to know what to do, how to do it, and why they are doing it, the value of pre-watching activities is questionable. The key while watching activities are transcript-, note- and summary completion, and content question activities. It is suggested that learners record vocabulary in the order that they encounter it. The main suggestions for post-watching activities are use of flashcards, content recounts, and knowledge integration activities. A contextual approach is recommended for intermediate learners and above in high resource situations.
The Lexical Approach is a pedagogy which most academics and teachers agree is important, but nonetheless, it has never become established. Advocates assert that vocabulary should be given much more prominence in language teaching. They reject the grammar and vocabulary dichotomy and believe that all language items can be placed upon a cline. Author of The Lexical Approach, Michael Lewis, divides lexis into words (including contractions and polywords), collocations, semi-fixed- and fully fixed expressions. Multi-word expressions play an important role in language processing and language production. When producing language, speakers can access an abstract structure and populate its slots with vocabulary, or they can directly access multi-word units and string them together in order to communicate. As working memory has a limited capacity, the latter strategy reduces cognitive load. Furthermore, Lewis believes that semi-fixed expressions with open slots and fillers play an important role in language acquisition. In his book, Implementing the Lexical Approach, he sets out a wide variety of ways of identifying lexis, recording it, and practising it. A number of criticisms have been made of the Lexical Approach, the main one being that there are simply too many lexical units to systematically teach.
Importance. The realities of the modern world imply mandatory knowledge of a foreign language to ensure the successful professional activity of a competent specialist. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, there are many issues related to the process of language teaching, one of which is the use of linguistic and cultural information in the classroom, which is considered in the study. Materials and Methods. The research material is the analysis of scientific and methodological literature concerning the aspect of linguistic and cultural information in teaching English, opinions and developments on this topic by well-known domestic and foreign methodologists, and the methods of research are the systematization of the data obtained on linguistic and cultural information, the definition of the concept of “linguistic and cultural information” and its characteristic features, consideration criteria for its selection and ways of presentation, as well as the formulation of relevant conclusions throughout the study. Results and Discussion. The most urgent problems concerning linguistic and cultural information are studied and analyzed, namely: a) the relevance of using linguistic and cultural information is presented; b) the definition of linguistic and cultural information is given; c) the system of criteria for choosing this information is considered; d) the ways of presenting linguistic and cultural information are described. Conclusion. The methodically competent use of linguistic and cultural information in teaching a foreign language makes it possible to effectively develop the communicative and socio-cultural competencies necessary for students, which ensure adequate and productive communication with representatives of the country of the language being studied.
With the trend of economic globalization, business correspondence plays an increasingly important role in transmitting information, dealing with business activities and better cooperation. However, the current business correspondence teaching approach hasn’t come to a better effect to meet the above requirements. With the development of philosophy, psychology and corpus linguistics, more and more linguists have been aware of the limitation of the traditional approach. Lewis (1997) conducted a series of studies on lexical chunks and considered language is composed of chunks producing continuous coherent texts when they are combined. Chinese scholars have done some research on the appliance of lexical chunks, but how to implement this approach to business correspondence writing for vocational college students, is still at the margins. Accordingly, based on the lexical approach proposed by Lewis, this paper combines characteristics of languages used to compose business correspondence with the current learning status of vocational college students and processes the analyses of significant differences and the relationship between kinds of lexical chunks and the writing competence of vocational college students with the assistant of SPSS. The results indicate that lexical approach could effectively enhance students’ of business correspondence writing competence.
Both applied cognitive linguistics (ACL) researchers and linguists, and language instructors and professionals looking for a comprehensive and innovative access to ACL from the direct point of view of applied L2 Pedagogy, will find this Element to be of interest. There is great demand for quality teaching materials, a need for guidance on how to design them and which technology tools are of value. This Element takes a theoretical approach to that design while offering direct examples and tips for practitioners and researchers. Questions about empirical studies are explored, probing prominent empirical research, and the author provides promising evidence to support their recommendations on assetment-task design for future research. Linguists, researchers, linguistics students, graduate academic programs, and teachers of L2 languages alike will find value in this Element.
On May 16–17, 2009, the First National Symposium on Formulaic Sequence Teaching and Research was held at the School of International Studies of the University of International Business and Economics, with the theme of “Formulaic Sequences from Multidimensional Perspectives”. Proceedings of this seminar were collected in Advances in Theoretical and Empirical Research on Formulaic Language which was published in December, 2012. In the preface, the editor points out that the study of formulaic sequences in China is in its infancy stage, and there are still many problems to be solved. It is suggested that the study should focus on the following aspects: (1) the definition of formulaic sequences; (2) theoretical research on formulaic sequences; (3) comparative study of formulaic sequences in English and Chinese; (4) empirical research on formulaic sequence; (5) the relationship between formulaic sequences and constructions.
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Fraseología, lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 es la primera obra que ofrece una introducción teórica a la fraseología del español desde la perspectiva cognitiva y que proporciona unas bases metodológicas para su enseñanza en el aula. Este libro se apoya en una investigación original galardonada con el Premio ASELE-Routledge 2020. Sus principales características son: - presentación de los contenidos en un recorrido que va de lo teórico a lo aplicado y experimental; - explicaciones con abundantes ejemplos de unidades fraseológicas en contextos reales de uso; - orientaciones metodológicas y estrategias didácticas de corte cognitivo para una aplicación directa en el aula; - actividades para enseñar y aprender fraseologismos idiomáticos del español acompañadas de soluciones; - estudio empírico sobre una propuesta didáctica de base cognitiva para la adquisición de un conjunto de locuciones del español; - glosario bilingüe español-inglés de términos clave de la fraseología y la lingüística cognitiva para acercar estos dos ámbitos hasta los docentes. Lingüistas, fraseólogos, profesores de español y estudiantes de Lingüística y Estudios hispánicos encontrarán en este libro las claves de las principales aportaciones de la lingüística cognitiva al estudio de la fraseología en su vertiente teórica y aplicada a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las unidades fraseológicas.
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The objective of this research is to highlight the importance of vocabulary acquisition and lexical competence in the development of communicative competence among foreign language learners (FL). To achieve this goal, we have discussed the place occupied by vocabulary in the different methodologies of teaching / learning foreign languages, and we have defined the concept of lexicon and that of vocabulary. We have insisted on lexical competence and the different knowledge associated with it. We then identified our research context and analyzed certain difficulties encountered by our students in acquiring vocabulary in French as a Foreign Language (FFL). We ended up offering a number of activities to develop vocabulary acquisition in FFL classes. This research has therefore allowed us to observe that the acquisition of vocabulary remains a difficult task, especially in exolingual situations where FL is not used outside the classroom.
This article describes problems that Thai students have when they use electronic dictionaries to translate Thai written essays into English. The subjects were six first-year undergraduate students studying at the Faculty of Engineering of a Thai university. The research instruments were questionnaires, written essays, verbal reports (think aloud), retrospective semi-structured interviews and observation check sheets. The subjects wrote an English essay by writing a draft in Thai and then translating it into English. Their electronic dictionaries were the only technical support they were allowed to use while they were producing these essays. The results reveal that there were six identified problems when the subjects used electronic dictionaries to translate Thai written essays into English. Furthermore, the observation, the think aloud and the interview reveal the subjects’ problems using the electronic dictionaries and some problems with the electronic dictionaries themselves.
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This exploratory-sequential mixed method study aims at investigating the impact of a specially designed Lexical Approach-based teaching program on the use and recognition of lexical chunks. Participants came from full-time and part-time Bachelor’s degree programs at Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria. The relationships between the use and recognition of lexical chunks and the semester participants attend (2nd, 4th, 6th) and their mode of study (full- or part-time) were examined. Additionally, the usefulness of Moodle for teaching the Lexical Approach was investigated. Quantitative data was collected by using questionnaires and by testing participants’ productive and receptive knowledge of lexical chunks through appropriate tasks. Qualitative data was obtained by conducting guided interviews. Results show that the exposure to the Lexical Approach was perceived as very relevant and useful by the learners. The same is true for the accompanying Moodle activities. Also, part-time students from higher semesters seem to be even more likely to profit from the teaching program focusing on the Lexical Approach. This implies that integrating the Lexical Approach into English language teaching is a most beneficial undertaking to support and improve learners’ EFL performance.
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