
La condition postmoderne : rapport sur le savoir / J.F. Lyotard.

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Estudio que analiza el estatus del saber científico y su discurso en las sociedades posmodernas desarrolladas, el cual se ha ido transformando en función de los nuevos avances de la ciencia y la tecnología.

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... Воно означає стан культури після тих змін, які відбулися з правилами гри в науці, в літературі і в мистецтвах, починаючи з кінця XIX сторіччя. Тут ми розглянемо ці зміни у зв'язку з кризою оповідей» (Lyotard [1979(Lyotard [ ] 2009. Не оминімо і наступну провокаційну тезу Ж.-Ф. ...
... Воно означає стан культури після тих змін, які відбулися з правилами гри в науці, в літературі і в мистецтвах, починаючи з кінця XIX сторіччя. Тут ми розглянемо ці зміни у зв'язку з кризою оповідей» (Lyotard [1979(Lyotard [ ] 2009. Не оминімо і наступну провокаційну тезу Ж.-Ф. ...
... Ліотара: «наука від самого свого виникнення увійшла в конфлікт з оповідями. Згідно з її критеріями, більшість цих останніхбайки» (Lyotard [1979(Lyotard [ ] 2009. У даному аспекті, на наш погляд, заслуговує на увагу така думка автора: «правило консенсусу між відправником і одержувачем мовного висловлювання буде визнане прийнятним, якщо воно вписується в перспективу можливої одностайності раціональних умів: такою була оповідь Просвітництва, де герой у сфері знання працює задля доброї етико-політичної мети, задля універсальної злагоди й миру» (Lyotard [1979] 2009, 10). ...
У розвідці розглянута трансформація концепту «культура мислення» в світоглядних горизонтах європейської філософії, етики і культури як граничних засадах сучасного аксіологічного світорозуміння. Метою статті виступає дослідження ґенези і практичного становлення сучасного тренду «культура мислення» в оптиці критично-логічного та етико-аксіологічного бекґраундів. Проаналізовані сучасні виміри як теоретичних, так і прикладних аспектів культури мислення, які визначаються через своєрідне «культивування думки» у сенсі перманентної апеляції до здорового глузду, тактовності, (само)освіченості та критичної здатності до адекватних і неупереджених суджень. Проводиться ідея, що окреслений підхід не тільки не вичерпує засад і ознак культури мислення, а, навпаки, відкриває простір для подальших досліджень, зокрема, цікавого і неоднозначного поняття креативності як затребуваного в сучасності навику «Soft skills».
... En dehors du fait de démontrer le côté profondément ambigu de la possible descendance philosophique de Sartre, de Beauvoir et des autres existentialistes, l'analyse des approches citées ci-dessus, surtout de celle de Gilliam et de Gabriel, dirige notre attention vers un autre aspect encore. Nous sommes arrivés à un moment de l'histoire où, comme l'a dit Lyotard, « les métarécits de légitimation » se sont épuisés (Lyotard 1979). Avec le poststructuralisme, chacun est invité à rechercher dans les textes des sens cachés, au risque et péril d'y déceler quelque chose qui n'y est pas. ...
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The purpose of this article is to juxtapose the philosophy of Sartre as well as other French atheist existentialists of the twentieth century, especially that of Beauvoir, and the postmodern one. We aim at demonstrating the relevance of the existentialist paradigm in the contemporary philosophico-literary panorama. By exploring the paths proposed by postmodern philosophers, including Nik Farell Fox or Markus Gabriel, we will examine the extent to which an approach constituted by the juxtaposition of two methodologies: the existentialist and the poststructuralist one, allows to explore the issues raised in postmodern literary fiction, particularly the novel.
... Infine, pur seguendo traiettorie diverse tra loro, così avviene anche nei mondi della cultura e della religione. Valori, credenze e simboli che nei due decenni successivi precedenti parevano essere patrimonio comune perdono progressivamente la loro forza, lasciando spazio ad una crescente frammentazione e individualizzazione degli stili di vita (Lyotard 1979;Bauman 2002). ...
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The aim of this paper is to analyse some reflections developed by the French author Michel de Certeau about the coming of the late-modern society. Even though de Certeau cannot be considered primarily a sociologist, his thought can certainly stimulate new theoretical and empirical studies at political, economic, social and cultural level. In particular, the paper focuses on the question concerning authority in society, as interpreted by de Certeau in two articles written in 1969 and 1973. On the one hand, a generalized lack of credibility can be identified more and more in relation to many key social authorities, such as political parties, trade unions, enterprises, schools, universities and churches. On the other hand, this lack of credibility may lead to increase the spread of critical phenomena, such as social exclusion and social violence. The paper, then, analyses the specific conception of authority as proposed by de Certeau, which can be conceived as a form of always fragile and unstable coordination between representations and individual and collective beliefs.
... As a framework for human actions, hypermodernism values information and communication technologies for overcoming natural limitations (Charles and Lipovetsky, 2005). This perspective leaves aside Lyotard (1979) when he mentioned the metanarrative, where scientific, historical, religious, and social facts were socially assumed in an absolutist way. The democratization of information increases access to knowledge and critical thinking but also poses a risk of infoxication (Heiss et al., 2023). ...
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Introduction This contribution addresses the controversy that often surrounds the educational treatment of new family models. The literature, as a medium of fiction based on reality, reflects social changes, including the organization of families. Promoting gender equality—Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number five (United Nations)—is closely linked to understanding these new family structures. In this context, picture books—powerful literary resources that combine images and words—should be used to expose students to new realities and raise awareness of diversity, thereby fostering tolerance and respect. Method This study analyzes several picture books, including classics like King and King and more recent titles like Well done Mummy. The analysis will focus on their format and content to determine their suitability for secondary school classrooms, discuss family models, and raise awareness, potentially changing attitudes. Following the analysis, we explore how to incorporate these books into educational sequences, highlighting the use of dialogical discussions to promote critical thinking. Results The results of this contribution will include a list of suggested picture books, an evaluation of their suitability, and proposed didactic strategies. Discussion These aspects will strengthen the classroom treatment of this controversial topic, helping students grow holistically through axiological aspects and the development of SDG number five: gender equality. Additionally, this study will confirm the relevance of using picture books in the classroom within the context of liquid modernity, where audiovisual elements are key motivators for students.
... Another, more radical, confusion is due to Bergmann: "It is quite obvious that the Boltzmann equation, far from being a consequence of the laws of classical mechanics, is inconsistent with them." (in [47], p. 191) 73 To make a vague analogy, in equilibrium statistical mechanics, one has the concept of phase transition. Mean field theory (or the van der Waals theory, Curie-Weiss or molecular field approximation) gives an approximate description of the phase transition. ...
I try to clarify several confusions in the popular literature concerning chaos, determinism, the arrow of time, entropy and the role of probability in physics. Classical ideas going back to Laplace and Boltzmann are explained and defended while some recent views on irreversibility, due to Prigogine, are criticized.
... Flechsig, 2006 (Böll, 1947(Böll, /1997 (Butterfield, 1931) geübt worden, auf die "Dialektik der Aufklärung" (Adorno & Horkheimer, 1944) verwiesen worden bzw. ein "fin des grands récits" (Lyotard, 1979) verkündet worden. ...
... Nous terminerons ce chapitre en exposant les principes clés, qui pourraient façonner les nouvelles attentes des spectateurs postmodernes d'événements sportifs. I. COMPRENDRE LA POSTMODERNITE : PERSPECTIVES ET CONTROVERSES Le terme "postmodernité" est aujourd'hui passé dans le langage courant, régulièrement invoqué dans les médias, tout autant que les articles académiques, il est pourtant plus que jamais au coeur des controverses entre les chercheurs du domaine (Lyotard, 1979 ;Baudrillard, 1981 ; ...
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Ce chapitre explore l'impact de la postmodernité sur le sport, en mettant en lumière les transformations culturelles, technologiques et sociales qui redéfinissent les attentes des spectateurs d’événements sportifs. La postmodernité, caractérisée par le scepticisme envers les métarécits, l’hyperréalité, et la montée des communautés tribales, bouleverse les pratiques et perceptions traditionnelles du sport. À travers une analyse des concepts centraux de ce paradigme, tels que l'authenticité, la personnalisation de l’expérience spectateur et l’importance des émotions collectives, cet ouvrage examine comment ces dynamiques façonnent une nouvelle ère sportive. Les spectateurs postmodernes recherchent désormais des expériences connectées, immersives et éthiques, redéfinissant ainsi les stratégies des organisateurs d’événements pour répondre à ces attentes diversifiées et complexes. Ce chapitre offre une perspective multidimensionnelle sur les défis et opportunités liés à cette évolution, en intégrant des réflexions théoriques et des exemples concrets.
... È in queste piattaforme che oggi si producono e consumano la maggior parte delle nostre pratiche informative e discorsive e per questo motivo non possono più esser pensate come semplici spazi di rappresentazione della realtà ma come veri e propri luoghi di formazione del reale; una costruzione a cui partecipiamo attivamente e che negoziamo continuamente con il dispositivo tecnologico attraverso il quale entriamo in contatto con informazioni, opinioni e credenze che successivamente orienteranno le nostre scelte. Al tempo stesso, le piattaforme, nel loro essere disintermediatori (e neointermediatori), hanno portato all'estremo quel processo di sgretolamento dell'autorità (Lyotard 1979) che ha elevato il singolo a portavoce di conoscenza. Il sapere è legittimato non più dall'autorità ma dal singolo, che negli ambienti digitali coincide spesso con il proprio gruppo di riferimento con il quale si condivide un particolare sistema valoriale. ...
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The work aims to reconstruct the ideological foundations of the Italian QAnon group, a particularly interesting but poorly investigated phenomenon in the field of social sciences and in the Italian context. Through thematic modeling techniques, the document offers a first reconstruction of the meta-narrative promoted by the movement in digital spaces, which arises not only as an ideological foundation of the group, but also as a filter for interpreting the main facts of the world and an expression of a more complex and varied ideological undergrowth that finds its embodiments at a particular end of the political spectrum.
... To take just one example, consider how much space has been devoted in the literature to the meaning of the reference to Augustine with which §1 opens, or to the many controversial readings that have been made of that "language […] meant to serve for communication between a builder A and an assistant B" (PI, §2) that Wittgenstein introduces in §2, together with what he will continue to call "the method of §2". But, if we want to broaden our view, we could also recall how the Philosophical Investigations have been read and used outside the Wittgensteinian or analytic environment, by thinkers such as Jean-François Lyotard (1979) or Jürgen Habermas (1985. In short, the seventy years of the Philosophical Investigations have been rich, intense and complex and Wittgenstein's book has often proved capable, as he hoped, of stimulating many to think for themselves (see PI, 4). ...
... These were the main steps that laid the foundations for reconsidering learning and training processes as an interweaving of experiences, as complex articulations of several dimensions, from the personal to the genetic, from the social to the cultural to the historical, from the rational to the irrational (cf. Lyotard, 1979;Granese, 1990;Laporta, 1996;Mazzoni, 2005, Cambi, 2006Bruni, 2021a). These are issues that are radically embedded in our cultural, existential, social, identity paradigms. ...
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The human thought exists in a situation of emotional predisposition, defined by Heidegger as a fundamental emotional state. Artificial intelligence aims at calculation for which any emotional intrusion is a hindrance. The contribution aims to provide a pedagogical and didactic reading aimed at reflecting on the possible contribution of human intelligence, capable of creativity, and artificial intelligence inspired to human brain activity, to the learning personalisation in educational contexts. Il pensiero umano sussiste in una situazione di predisposizione emotiva, definito da Heidegger come uno stato emotivo fondamentale. L'intelligenza artificiale mira al calcolo per il quale ogni intrusione emotiva rappresenta un intralcio. Il contributo vuole fornire una lettura pedagogica e didattica tesa a riflettere sul possibile apporto dell'intelligenza umana, capace di creatività, e intelligenza artificiale, ispirata al cervello umano, alla personalizzazione dell'apprendimento in contesti formativi.
... Les techniques de médiation, si elles peuvent être apprisescomme a pu le faire Arthur avec le voyage astral -, peuvent aussi s'imposer à nous, comme le coma, qui est présenté comme un état de conscience modifiée susceptible de nous faire atteindre la réalité autre. Cela permet également de constater la prépondérance de l'expérience et des convictions personnelles sur les grands systèmes explicatifs normatifs, qui n'est pas sans rappeler un des traits de la condition postmoderne (Lyotard, 1979). Implicitement, il existe un discours pour rendre compte de cette réalité, emprunté à l'ésotérique, qui tente de réunir certains aspects des discours religieux et scientifiqueset cela met aussi en avant la neutralité confessionnelle du système qui émerge des ouvrages de Levy. ...
Habituellement rangés au rayon de la « littérature pur bonheur » (feel-good literature) par ses critiques, les ouvrages de Marc Levy n’ont jamais été analysés sous l’angle de la religiosité contemporaine. Cet article entend montrer qu’au-delà de « bons sentiments », ses ouvrages mettent en scène une spiritualité « post-Nouvel Âge » (post-New Age) à part entière. À l’aide d’une analyse de Et si c’était vrai… et Vous revoir, cette contribution entend souligner la manière dont les registres du fantastique et du merveilleux s’appuient sur le discours ésotérique et la rhétorique du développement personnel. En substituant à la recherche du divin celles du bonheur et de l’amour, Levy formule une mythologie inspirée du « Nouvel Âge » (New Age), mais foncièrement distincte par son individualisme et une ascèse intramondaine exacerbée. Il en résulte une oeuvre caractéristique d’une forme de religiosité diffuse et que l’on peut rapprocher de l’« individuo-globalisme » de Logier.
... The project reveals deep ideological beliefs and great trust in the Zionist-national meta-narrative (Lyotard, 1984), a circumstance which expresses the modernism inherent in it: the building of one road, from Metula to Eilat, as a symbolic realization of the great national whole-an ideological unification of nation, territory, landscape and nature. ...
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Landscape Architecture and Infrastructure of the Twentieth Century presents a wide range of landscapes that have been integral to the Modern Movement era. It aims to raise awareness of their design significance and to broaden understanding of their diversity. The eighty-six landscapes representing thirty-eight countries demonstrate the breadth of roles that landscape architects and affiliated designers have played in response to the demands wrought by social, political and environmental change, particularly in the post-World War II years. In this sense it draws attention to people and places that previously may have been marginally understood — ‘invisible’ or ‘dislocated’ — thus enabling them to be appreciated in new ways and to be considered more carefully in comparative analyses into the future.
... como asume el posmodernismo antimoderno (cfr. Lyotard, 1979). Lo que más bien sucedió es que se transformaron y multiplicaron las modernidades preestablecidas de una forma impensable para la teoría moderna europea. ...
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En el artículo planteo la hipótesis que desde mediados del siglo XX se viene conformando una sociedad mundial poscolonial. En primer lugar, describo cómo esta nueva sociedad se edifica a partir de la evolución de tres procesos históricos: la descolonización, la proliferación de los movimientos de liberación nacional del Sur Global y el ascenso del bloque del Asia-Pacífico. En segundo lugar, desarrollo el concepto de sociedad mundial poscolonial a partir de discernir y analizar los movimientos de mundialización de la sociedad, del poder y de la modernidad. Identifico cuatro principios que permiten explicar la naturaleza de esta formación social: diferenciación esférica, acoplamiento, doble estructuración y localización posicional. Y luego distingo tres tipos de modernidades: dominante, vasalla y autonomista. En último lugar, extraigo algunas conclusiones para avanzar en el estudio de esta nueva sociedad y sus dinámicas de transformación.
... Nous osons avancer que non. Comme le soulignait Jean-François Lyotard, la texture symbolique de notre modernité se compose davantage de la juxtaposition et de la mise en concurrence de micro-récits que de l'hégémonie d'un grand schéma ordonnateur (Lyotard, 1979). Notre chapitre s'engage à examiner les modalités de construction symbolique d'un contre-récit visant à remettre en question la légitimité de la réponse sanitaire publique et des acteurs qui la mettent en oeuvre. ...
The health crisis the world is going through is arguably the first contemporary “global crisis” that threatens the world with generalized anomy and its new economic option, globalization. It has struck China, settles in Europe, strikes heavily in the United States and Latin America, and is spreading rapidly in other continents. The same problem has to be faced by different States and it addresses fascinating questions to social and political sciences. To understand, we must compare said political scientist Giovanni Sartori. Comparing the way in which States are managing this crisis can allow us to understand the global crisis and the national specificities. The first reaction of the States is a considerable predilection for sanitary methods of quarantine and containment. The aim is to understand the effects of this crisis on every political system and every legal system. How were the actions taken, received, approved or challenged? How do different national political cultures adapt to new situations? What does this tell us about each of the societies, about each of the political regimes and, ultimately, about the place of the State in contemporary societies? Are the legal instruments one of the means to manage the crisis? Is the organization of the State reinforced or weakened in the context of the health emergency? What do these levers tell us about the metamorphoses of the contemporary State in a period of unprecedented health crisis? Since April 2020, a new research network in political science, discourse analysis and law has been established on the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the States (Posoc19, Pouvoirs et Sociétés Face à la Crise du COVID-19). The objective of the current project is to focus on the axis of expertise in order to empower the network and be able to compare the ways in which political systems are based on scientific expertise. To what extent is political power based on scientific expertise? Is the expertise autonomous? What is the effect of expertise on public opinion? How does it help to fight against the spread of fake news? A research group inside the network Posoc19 has been established in May 2020 and focuses on the comparison of experts' profiles and discourses. During the spring of 2020 and during the COVID-19 pandemic, new expert figures emerged in connection with public health issues. In some countries, official expert figures have even imposed themselves in order to be able to legitimize the decisions taken by the political authorities, while in other countries, there has been more visibility of conflicts of expertise involving experts appointed by political power (sacralization of the expert who in this case assumes a political function, with or without political responsibility to bear) versus university experts and researchers. In addition, the media have sometimes selected certain experts for other reasons (proximity to lobbies, in particular pharmaceuticals, political and / or partisan positions, relations with a cabinet or a company, etc.), which made the situation even more complex. In some cases "super experts" have emerged, in others more collegial formats have been chosen. Some countries opted for mixed strategies with a combination of superexperts and committees. In addition to the fundamental question of the choice of experts (on a political, scientific, media, etc. basis) there has also been the question of political responsibility for the choices made, both in the short and in the long term. The gradual shift to a slower time frame (after the first few weeks in an emergency) makes it possible to ask questions and offer an analysis of different national cases, especially when economic imperatives seem to be taking over. It is also important to know if the experts influenced incumbent politicians on the choice of a strategy or if it was the strategy that made politicians choose the experts. The analysis of public policies is relevant here in order to compare the actors (experts / committees / government / administration /politicians), the agenda and the nature of the decision. The final aim of the research is to produce an accurate typology of systems of expertise due to the comparative approach.
... These have expired with the phantasmagoria of financial capitalism, globalisation, technology, big data, and commodification of knowledge and health, i.e. the whole panoply of postmodernism. Perhaps had more psychiatrists read when it was first published in 1979 Jean Francois Lyotard's admirably lucid La Condition Postmoderne: Rapport sur le Savoir', 19 we might have been better prepared. Key themes included numbers dominating over narratives, and the commodification of knowledge, corporatisation of health services and demoralisation of the professions. ...
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To address some challenges facing psychiatrists today we discuss issues of happenstance and fulfilment in psychiatric careers through some of the record and reflections of four psychiatrists since the 1950s. We trace the changes in psychiatry attendant to the transition from the welfare to the neoliberal state and=its contemporary postmodern culture. We highlight the crucial importance of political-cultural as well as technological developments in determining psychiatric service management and provision, and clinical practice and career outcomes. In the light of this impact, in a global era that some highly respected authorities consider in apocalyptic terms, we advocate for the incorporation of training in political awareness and activism in the psychiatric curriculum and practice. We suggest that this is necessary for social justice and patient welfare and that it will help safeguard psychiatric professionalism, conscience and self-esteem.
... The crucial shift occurring at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, with the emergence of what Gidley (2017) defines the "critical-postmodern futures" and Seefried (2014) the "normative and ontological approach" (followed by a "critical and emancipatory" approach), consists of the discovery that any discourse about the future can never be entirely neutral and objective, but always influenced by cultural standpoints, values and ideological beliefs. This discovery ties in with many others that produce a genuine scientific revolution in those years, with the questioning of the last remnants of positivist thought and the postmodernist turn in the social sciences (Lyotard, 1979). Futures scholars begin to realize that behind the ambition to achieve objective prediction of social behavior lie purposes of control. ...
The chapter presents an overview of the history of Futures Studies and the main problems of periodization and defining the origin of the discipline. The history of Futures Studies is traced back to the early 20th century, when two distinct objects of analysis--prediction of the future and visions of the future--began to converge. Nevertheless, a direct filiation of mid-20th-century futurology from 19th-century positivism can be traced. Modern Futures Studies grew out of a move away from the naive approach of futurology and an understanding that there is no ontological symmetry between past and future. Nonetheless, the empirical-predictive component has never been completely overcome and continues to resurface even after the postmodern turn and the emergence of critical and normative approaches. While the 1960s and 1970s saw the institutionalization of Futures Studies, beginning in the 1980s the professionalization of futurists became the most prominent trend. This now risks bringing back the old polarization between positivists and declinists that lies at the origins of the discipline.
... Antes de que Jean-François Lyotard publicara La condition postmoderne (La condición postmoderna) (Lyotard, 1979), Charles Jencks (1977) utilizó la noción de posmodernidad dentro de la arquitectura para describir la nueva estética que reemplazaba los cánones modernos -pureza y homogeneidad formaladoptados en todo el mundo en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Esther Díaz (1999), 28 refiriéndose a las diferentes variantes estéticas e ideológicas de la arquitectura posmoderna, adelantó, al igual que Rodríguez & Vidal, el concepto de posposmodernidad: "Existen … corrientes estéticas arquitectónicas para las que el posmodernismo ya es antiguo. ...
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Se hace una crítica al ecologismo y a la transición energética que plantea. Capítulos: 1. Posecologismo y pos-posmodernidad, 2. La paradoja del camino suave: Implicaciones epistemológicas, teóricas y políticas de la dispersión energética, 3. Transición energética adecuada: Crítica y propuestas conceptuales, 4. Transición energética y uso del suelo: Crítica a la Estrategia Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial (México).
... As Cavarero has highlighted, the body is both the physical and symbolic origin of the woman (Cavarero, 1987, p.180 only affirm herself by challenging the monopoly of knowledge held by men, which makes her development asymmetrical. The evolution of the female subject gradually began to be characterised by a plurality of differences, in line with postmodernism of Lyotard (1979). In response to postmodernism, Benhabib, Fraser et al. (2017) have suggested the reconstruction of the subject, introducing a more precise-albeit variable-concept of gender. ...
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The debate on the concept of gender in postcolonial studies is extremely complex and involves a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives. Postcolonial studies has shown the connection between gender identity, colonial power, and decolonisation processes. This paper will explore the social construction of gender in colonial contexts, the way in which colonial practises have influenced gender dynamics, and the struggles for resistance and freedom in which women and gender-nonconforming people have engaged in postcolonial countries. The issue will be raised of how gender is interpreted and experienced in different cultures and social contexts. Furthermore, the analysis of colonisation and decolonisation processes will provide a starting point to understand how gender hierarchies have been built and criticised in postcolonial contexts, leading to the development of the most recent ecofeminist and decolonial perspectives.
... The focus on futures in this volume underscores the (difficult) freedom that needs to be embraced in engagements with temporalities suffused with uncertainty, possibilities as well as risks and challenges. In an ever-accelerating environment subject to technological, political, and commercial postmodern 'language plays' and 'micronarratives' (Lyotard 1979), foundations of education in terms of knowledge content and pedagogical practices tend to evaporate. These movements and changes require participants in education to reinvent relations with the world (Rosa 2019). ...
This study critically examines how the ongoing platformization of education materializes in teachers’ work. The issues raised are how teachers’ work is affected by the socio-material arrangements of assessment work practices in which digital platforms are entangled and, in particular, how obstacles and breakdowns produce patterns of diffraction that effect teachers’ work. Based on ethnographic material produced in four different schools, teachers’ work was traced through observations, logs, interviews, and digital walkthroughs. Here, we use diffractive analysis to explore how teachers’ work is interrupted, repaired, maintained and coordinated through different events, discourses, human and non-human labor, platforms, and devices. The analysis contributes to identifying three interrelated diffraction patterns that are important for understanding platformized teacher work: how new space-time orderings occur through socio-material entanglements that distribute, intensify and individualize work; how work is extended and maintained through a new regularity of assessing and surveilling students; and how calendar devices and time management discourses coordinate assessment work practices in schools.
... The focus on futures in this volume underscores the (difficult) freedom that needs to be embraced in engagements with temporalities suffused with uncertainty, possibilities as well as risks and challenges. In an ever-accelerating environment subject to technological, political, and commercial postmodern 'language plays' and 'micronarratives' (Lyotard 1979), foundations of education in terms of knowledge content and pedagogical practices tend to evaporate. These movements and changes require participants in education to reinvent relations with the world (Rosa 2019). ...
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This book unpacks key concepts and methods relevant for a critical and reflective framing of futures in postdigital education. The compiled chapters explore concepts and methods that have pertinence for contemporary debates about the emergence of data-driven education and scrutinize implicit or explicit ethical and normative implications. The book provides in-depth critical reflections and perspectives to engage and analyze data-driven education as an educational and cultural phenomenon. It focuses on the value-laden and ethical aspects reflected in educational imaginaries (discourses and practices) regarding emerging data-driven sociotechnical practices in education. The book is the result of scholarly exchanges between disciplines at a symposium held at VIA University College in Denmark in May 2022.
... Stencil's pursuit takes place throughout different places and times, which discard any chronological order in the novel: in a time span of forty-five years from 1898 to 1943, the action moves from Egypt to Florence, from Southwestern Africa to Malta and Paris. Being it one of the historical sequences, the seventh chapter can be considered as an example of "little narrative", according to the well-known definition given by Jean-François Lyotard (1984). ...
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Since the time of its publication in 1963, Pynchon’s first novel V. has been triggering an intense and still ongoing critical debate upon the function of history and tradition in contemporary literature. As a specimen of postmodern historiographic metafiction, V. enacts complex intertextual strategies, directed at debunking the Western literary tradition, thus questioning its significance in contemporary society. The present contribution aims at extending previous scholarship on the problem of tradition in Pynchon’s fiction, by focusing on the use of the Renaissance in the seventh chapter of V. selected as a case study. Far from marginal, Pynchon’s parodic references to the Italian Renaissance tradition and its cultural artifacts, whether through the artistic productions, or the idea of the Renaissance seen as a pivotal moment of the socio-historical development of the Western world, testify to the process of deconstruction of the paradigmatic role of the Renaissance for the American literary field in the late twentieth century, also in its global and transnational dimension.
The present article approaches the art prognoses of two influential figures of the historical avant-garde, Lajos Kassák and F. T. Marinetti, and scrutinises their art utopias seeking references to the future of human society. A novel aspect of this approach is maintained throughout of the contents of the manifestos which recur to ideas of ideologically ambiguous provenance that have not yet been thematised in contemporary art discussions. With the help of the newly revealed contents, the paper attempts to discover the motivation behind Kassák’s and Marinetti’s insights and to explore, how exactly they anticipated the trends of art and its role in future society. By linking of two influential representatives of the avant-garde, it is possible to trace important determining tendencies on several tracks that still have an impact today.
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Cet article formule l’hypothèse que l’anthropocène fonctionne comme un grand récit, c’est-à-dire qu’il constitue à la fois un programme qui donne de la cohérence à des recherches qui se développent aujourd’hui, tout en servant de fondement idéologique et politique à l’action et à l’engagement. Dans cette perspective, l’anthropocène fait autant qu’il fait faire. Une telle hypothèse soulève toutefois un grand nombre de questionnements (épistémologiques, conceptuels et théoriques) qui mettent en lumière la nécessité d’indexer les récits non plus au temps et à la temporalité (ce que la modernité nous a légués), mais à l’espace et aux spatialités.
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The actual message of this paper is stipulated by the necessity of the scientific reflexion of the new socio-cultural processes under the postmodern conditions. The emergence of the problematic field of the institutional research, launching from the end of the XXth century, testifies to the remarkable growth, which is an evidence of the continual development of the political philosophy, which is focused on the transformation of the values of the individual and the status objectives of the power institutions and the state authority. The research of the institutional processes under the ―conditions of postmodernity‖ is carried out in the range of the systematic analysis and is based on the theories of J. F. Lyotard, J. Deleuze, G. Habermas, M. Weber, D. North, E. Durcheim and other postmodern scientists. The extraordinary heightening of individuation is described as the consequence of the multiplication and segregation of roles available to – in some measure forced upon, – the individual. The social roles we occupy are increasingly experienced not as natural and fixed representations of the self but as optional appliances. The enlarged domain of reflexive management of the self is the major reason of the appearance of the opposite thinking and self consciousness, which are based on the alternative self-representations, which are evident in the Western world. Individuals and individuation are analyzed with the insertion of the cultural phenomena, intellectual media and postmodern discourses, with the stress on the main contradiction of the institutialization, that is some kind of discrepancy between who and what we have been as well as what we desire to be. In addition, the situation is aggravated with the incongruity of the system of the normative society organization and the life world of individuals. In some cases it is represented in the phenomena of depersonalization, which are given different names in philosophy, literary criticism and cultural studies. Generally speaking it means the crisis of the individual basis of the self. The overall conclusion is focused on the necessity of overcoming the crisis, mentioned above, and the assertion that the growth of the both individual development and society changes depends on the speed of overcoming the effect of the slow transformations of the state institutional organizations.
To quote this resource: Dorian DUTOIT-PROUST, “Relevance and Effectiveness of sui generis instruments to tackle exclusionary practices in the Digital Economy”, Competition Forum – Resources, 2024, n° 0015,
In their quest to understand the phenomena of the world through a combination of observation and theory, scientists face several important questions. One is what constitutes knowledge. This question is embedded in the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge in all its various forms, called epistemology. One aspect of this field is the search for criteria that characterise scientific knowledge. Such criteria have been proposed throughout the history of science. In this chapter we have collected twelve such criteria, which we call technical science criteria. These will be used to judge whether or not the O-theory can meet them and, in this sense, be considered a scientific approach. Another major question involved in scientific activity is what the universe is made of and what determines its dynamics. Such questions about the nature of the universe are addressed by the branch of philosophy called ontology. And because scientists have to give names to the phenomena they study, be they processes or objects or anything else, the study of ontology also involves systems for naming things, which are usually called ontologies themselves. Within the broad field of ontology there are different views about how much can be said or assumed scientifically about the nature of the world. The hierarchical structure of the O-theory can be seen as providing a new context for thinking about ontology and ontologies. Finally, scientific activity and different worldviews can be placed in the context of broader questions about how to do things right. These questions explore the interface between science and ethics.
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Karl Marx für Beginner bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die zentralen Ideen und Konzepte der Marx’schen Theorie, die von historischen Materialismus und Klassenkampf bis hin zu Kapital und Ideologie reichen. Das Buch richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser, die keine Vorkenntnisse in der marxistischen Theorie haben, und zeigt auf, wie Marx’ Analysen des Kapitalismus und seiner sozialen Strukturen auch in der heutigen globalen Gesellschaft relevant sind. Neben den Grundzügen der Marx’schen Kapitalismuskritik werden moderne postmarxistische Ansätze behandelt, die Themen wie Hegemonie, radikale Demokratie und digitale Alternativen zum Kapitalismus aufgreifen. Das Werk lädt zur kritischen Reflexion über die Ursachen globaler Ungleichheiten und ökologischer Krisen ein und beleuchtet, welche Perspektiven Marxismus und postmarxistische Theorien für eine gerechtere und nachhaltigere Zukunft bieten.
Philosophical and political theories about the city usually do not consider how to implement them in the complex legal-administrative reality. The gap between the theory of urban justice and its practical application is evident in the lack of concrete proposals for urban design and management. Despite the growing interest in urban justice in the urban discourse, urban policies often do not reflect these ideals. In this sense, Madrid is an example of the mismatch between theory, policy discourse and urban planning practice. Efforts to address urban justice have been limited and focused on economic and service aspects. This chapter argues that addressing structural urban inequality from a normative perspective of justice and the capabilities approach requires a collective and ethical commitment on the part of institutions and citizens, forcing far-reaching political and disciplinary changes in the way cities are planned and managed.
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This article explores the pervasive influence of conspiracy theories, specifically the New World Order (NWO) and Golden Billion theories, within the context of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. These theories form key narrative frameworks in Russian state media and global conspiracy communities, shaping perceptions of geopolitical events. This study dissects four pivotal episodes within the Russia-Ukraine conflict to illustrate how conspiracy theories shape public perception and policy direction, further entrenching ideological divides. In the first episode of the 2022 full-scale invasion, narratives of the Golden Billion were utilised to justify the attack, presenting Russia as a bastion against the Western elite's plans to dominate the global economy and resources. The second episode examines the attack on Mariupol in 2022, framed by Russian propaganda as a necessary act to thwart the supposed expansion of NATO and the EU, underpinned by the NWO agenda aiming to dilute Russian influence in Eastern Europe. The third episode analyses the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage in 2022, interpreted by some conspiracy theorists as an act by the NWO to destabilise Europe's energy security, thus consolidating control over energy routes and resources. The fourth episode delves into the 2024 Moscow terrorist attacks, which were seen by some as either a false flag operation conducted by Western powers or as a legitimate repercussion of Western encroachment orchestrated to weaken Russia's resolve and international standing. Each episode is contextualised within a broader conspiratorial framework, highlighting the dualistic nature of the NWO and Golden Billion theories that paint the conflict not merely as territorial disputes but as a clash between fundamentally opposing worldviews and global orders. This narrative analysis not only underscores the role of conspiracy theories in shaping geopolitical discourse but also demonstrates their utility in mobilising domestic support, framing international criticism, and justifying military actions. Our findings suggest that these conspiratorial narratives provide a resilient, albeit misleading, lens through which supporters of the Kremlin's policies can rationalise the war, attributing complex sociopolitical dynamics to the malevolent machinations of a global elite. This study contributes to understanding how modern conflicts are interpreted through ancient conspiratorial lenses, impacting national and international policy and public opinion.
The patron of the chapter is Ludwik Fleck, a Polish physician of Jewish origin, who published a book in Basel in 1935, which shocked the certainty of scientific procedures and opened up the problems of the social context of scientific research. Thomas Kuhn, creating his idea of scientific revolutions, and Bruno Latour, discussing the sociology of science, as well as the sociology of knowledge more broadly, were based on Fleck’s observations, widely discussed in the chapter. The chapter contains an introduction to this issue, covering researchers as Max Scheler and Karl Mannheim, whose views become the starting point for the analysis of Fleck’s concepts. The next part of the chapter deals with knowledge as a social entity, referring i.a. to François Lyotard and his book on postmodern condition, and David Bloor, the creator of the so-called strong programme, directly deriving the social basis of knowledge from Plato’s definition. In the following part, there is a description of the understanding of the sociology of knowledge proposed by Bruno Latour, who deals with knowledge in this context in a fundamental way, e.g. formulates a specific ontology explaining the mutual relation of the world of things and the world of their social presence. This ontology, known as ANT—Actor-Network-Theory, goes far beyond linguistic issues, but at the same time reminds us of the basic nature of the relationships studied. Their ancient character is reminded by the distinction: Logos vs. Mythos, described by Władysław Stróżewski.
The patron of the chapter is Jean-François Lyotard, who appears here as the author of another groundbreaking book in the twentieth century: La condition postmoderne. Rapport sur le savoir (The postmodern condition: A report on knowledge) published in 1979. Its title refers directly to the problem of knowledge, which, as is to justify the reasoning contained in the chapter, Lyotard treats as a pragmatic social phenomenon, removed from man. At the same time, Lyotard places his perception of knowledge in the context of digital technologies, which is often forgotten, since the book is mainly considered the inauguration of the concept of postmodernism. For Lyotard, knowledge assumes the role of a social resource that shapes the historical social reality, and then takes on the role of narratives, created, and changed depending on the circumstances. This resource is strictly linguistic and is based on the phenomenon of discourse. In the chapter there is an extensive explanation of the indicated elements of Lyotard’s reasoning, which leads to a strictly pragmatic treatment of knowledge as an autonomous phenomenon, which can also directly assume the roles of a resource or even a product. The final objectification of knowledge appears in the 1990s as knowledge management, i.e. a very practical business strategy, as well as knowledge organization, i.e. reducing knowledge to its documentary form, which involves direct ordering and searching processes. In this way, the vision described by Machlup and Bell is realized, to which Lyotard gave a historiosophical dynamic. He placed the problem of knowledge directly in the context of such issues as the organization of social and political order and power.
The patron of this chapter is Michel Foucault, an eminent French philosopher, author of one of the most important books of the twentieth century, Les mots et les choses. Une archéologie des sciences humaines (The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences). For Foucault, the two most important axes of thought were knowledge and power, whose dynamics were social, local, and historical, and the medium in which they both express themselves was language. The period of the second half of the twentieth century brought great interest in the phenomenon of language understood in this way. Foucault gave his reasoning, as Deleuze argued, a general dimension, which brought him closer to the construction of manifold. This construction, described at length, is crucial, giving reasoning an overarching and abstract order. Although it was proposed by the mathematician Bernhardt Riemann, it was also understood, for example by Edmund Husserl, as a much more general category. This allows one to understand the proper level of Foucault’s thought as well as the level of his understanding of language. The same level also appeared in Wittgenstein. The chapter goes on to describe the linguistic construction for the retention and articulation of knowledge (and power) proposed by Foucault, which is a discourse. It is the culmination of reasoning, which accepts language as the mediator that binds social structures and, at the same time, stores knowledge. At the same time, discourse is a phenomenon to which Foucault devoted most space, creating it ontological portrait. Discourse retroactively also gives a special role to language, which becomes a source of social reality.
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The focus on culture as an engine of sustainable development has favoured its gradual acquisition by institutions engaged in the protection and promotion of heritage as an enabling and systemic factor capable of connecting innovation, continue education, research, and citizen engagement in a single chain. Knowledge of the landscape that combines works of nature and humankind and its bio-cultural diversity makes it possible to identify innovative informal education and new tourist itineraries where the real experience is presented as a cultural pilgrimage. The European project of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme RISE ‘Informal and non-Formal E-Learning for Cultural Heritage - xFORMAL’, currently halfway through its lifecycle, was born to create an informal way of accessing the cultural heritage of one's territory, revealing its past, history, and the civilisations that preceded us. After two years of closure due to the pandemic, this project reintroduced an authentic experience through gamification, a contact with landscapes, museums, and archaeological sites with physical, social, and cultural dimensions of their environments across space and over time. Building upon this foundation, the article delves into the intricate design and architectural principles that underpin the creation of the xFORMAL game, showcasing it as a paradigm of informal learning. This exploration includes a detailed analysis of the game's innovative design elements, educational strategies, and its role in facilitating an engaging and immersive learning experience outside traditional educational settings.
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Стаття фокусується на виявленні та дослідженні характерних особливостей розвитку нового англійського роману ХХ століття на прикладі роману Джона Фаулза «Жінка французького лейтенанта». Цей постмодерний роман Фаулза є ключовим твором другої половини ХХ століття, тому є сприятливим матеріалом для цього дослідження.
La variété actuelle des actions de formation entrant dans le dispositif de la formation tout au long de la vie sollicite une réflexion sociétale sur les différentes dynamiques temporelles qui les sous-tendent et leur donnent sens. Ces dynamiques en effet dans leur diversité mais aussi leur singularité constituent l’un des paramètres essentiels pour déterminer la pertinence d’une formation et sa capacité à coopérer avec les temporalités ambiantes. En partant des problématiques temporelles de deux pionniers marquants en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation, Ardoino et Pineau, deux façons de problématiser le temps en formation ont été identifiées qui toutes les deux mettent en évidence des temporalités paradoxales à faire cohabiter. Ce sont sept figures typiques de ces temporalités paradoxales qui ont pu être relevées dans la littérature scientifique, principalement francophone, qui sont mises en évidence dans la suite de la Note de synthèse, ouvrant sur des perspectives pour des cheminements pluriels dans les démarches de formation et d’apprenance adultes.
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Desde una perspectiva intertextual, este trabajo pretende trazar una continuidad entre el "Quijote" y la novela española contemporánea a través de la figura del impostor, de importancia clave en el mundo de hoy en el ámbito estético, sociológico y cultural. Para ello, hemos escogido algunas novelas de Antonio Muñoz Molina, Luis Landero, Javier Cercas y Enrique Vila-Matas. El estudio pone de manifiesto una de las vías fundamentales de actualización de la novela cervantina en las ficciones contemporáneas. Al mismo tiempo, da cuenta de la amplia variedad de formas que adquiere este motivo en manos de los escritores actuales. Relacionándolo con la identidad, Muñoz Molina lo desarrolla como posibilidad de autoinvención para esquivar un destino insatisfactorio, impuesto socialmente; Luis Landero, como “afán” de perfección personal y encarnación de ilusiones con problemático recorrido; Javier Cercas disecciona meticulosamente esa materia humana compleja en donde se confunde verdad y mentira; y Enrique Vila-Matas nos provoca jocosamente con sus mutaciones identitarias, que celebran la literatura como fuente de renovación y vida. El estudio de estos ejemplos pone de manifiesto un creciente interés por las falsificaciones, el problema de la verdad y la mentira y las identidades múltiples.
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Trata-se de uma reflexão sobre a interpretação comunitária, em especial o que concerne a relação existente entre o profissional, o cliente, e o intérprete durante um intercâmbio intercultural. Assimétrico, esse tipo de intervenção gera vários níveis de dificuldades (língua, cultura, código moral, poder). Utilizando o conceito de terceiro de Mikhail Bakhtin, o objetivo é introduzir uma discussão sobre os fatores humanos que entram em jogo durante uma entrevista, quando o intérprete corre o risco de obedecer à sua consciência ou sentimentos em vez de normas profissionais e sociais.
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Education and science play a key role in envisioning and developing a just, peaceful and sustainable society. Digitalization as one of major trends that affect the future of humanity in general and education in particular, has a special impact on education in today’s world. Education is currently lagging behind in digitization and more efforts are needed to take advantage of the tools and strengths of new technologies while addressing potential abuses such as cyber intrusions and privacy issues. Particularly, the main challenge of digitalization for sustainability currently lies in the paradoxes and contradictions of AI-based technologies: there is a confusion even among the experts as to the risks and threats that could arise out of AI usage, as well as on the image of possible forms of human-machine symbiosis. The authors argue that the solution could lie in strengthening the humanistic aspects of higher education that would allow humans to fully exercise such aspects of thinking that computers are unable to achieve, while still using the AI-based technologies controlling them to the advantage of humanity
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El texto que se presenta pretende señalar que la estructura inmanente de la ontología fundamental de Heidegger es, estructuralmente incapaz de dar cuenta de acontecimientos cuya trascendencia implican la otredad y, con ello, la alteridad. En estos acontecimientos el Misterio del Bien se señala como la única vía que puede desarticular el núcleo de la identificación propia el modo de ser del yo separado. A partir de un recorrido por diversos pensamientos metafísicos y ontológicos se pretende auscultar en las posibilidades originarias por las cuales es posible superar el escepticismo liberal salido de la muerte del dios metafísico de la ontoteoteleología. Un intento tal, se pretende dirigido a partir de acontecimientos desgarradores donde la subjetividad ya no podría ser indiferente al vacío instalado por el nihilismo después de la proclamación de la muerte de Dios.
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