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Using Multi Expression Programming in Software Effort Estimation


Abstract and Figures

Estimating the effort of software systems is an essential topic in software engineering, carrying out an estimation process reliably and accurately for a software forms a vital part of the software development phases. Many researchers have utilized different methods and techniques hopping to find solutions to this issue, such techniques include COCOMO, SEERSEM,SLIM and others. Recently, Artificial Intelligent techniques are being utilized to solve such problems; different studies have been issued focusing on techniques such as Neural Networks NN, Genetic Algorithms GA, and Genetic Programming GP. This work uses one of the linear variations of GP, namely: Multi Expression Programming (MEP) aiming to find the equation that best estimates the effort of software. Benchmark datasets (based on previous projects) are used learning and testing. Results are compared with those obtained by GP using different fitness functions. Results show that MEP is far better in discovering effective functions for the estimation of about 6 datasets each comprising several projects.
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International Journal of Recent Research and Review, Vol. X, Issue 2, June 2017
ISSN 2277 8322
Using Multi Expression Programming in Software Effort
Najla Akram, AL-Saati, Taghreed Riyadh Alreffaee
Software Engineering Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq
Abstract - Estimating the effort of software systems is an
essential topic in software engineering, carrying out an
estimation process reliably and accurately for a
software forms a vital part of the software development
phases. Many researchers have utilized different
methods and techniques hopping to find solutions to this
issue, such techniques include COCOMO, SEER-
SEM,SLIM and others. Recently, Artificial Intelligent
techniques are being utilized to solve such problems;
different studies have been issued focusing on
techniques such as Neural Networks NN, Genetic
Algorithms GA, and Genetic Programming GP. This
work uses one of the linear variations of GP, namely:
Multi Expression Programming (MEP) aiming to find
the equation that best estimates the effort of software.
Benchmark datasets (based on previous projects) are
used learning and testing. Results are compared with
those obtained by GP using different fitness functions.
Results show that MEP is far better in discovering
effective functions for the estimation of about 6 datasets
each comprising several projects.
Keywords - Software Effort, Estimation, Genetic
Programming, Multi Expression Programming.
With the recent rapid advance in area of software
engineering, software have become widely and
reliably used in business corporations and
manufacturing industrial sectors. This is due to its
accuracy and efficiency in achieving the required
tasks. The use of such packages forms both a source
of progression and an economical benefit to various
organizations by saving time and cost.
Accurate estimation of size, cost, effort, and
time tables for any software denotes the major
challenge facing software developers nowadays. Its
main influence on the software development
management resides in the direct impact of both
underestimation and overestimation in causing
damages to software foundation’s [1-2]. Estimating
software effort or cost precisely can provide
successful planning for project managers who
significantly reduce the risk of making uncertain
decisions about project activities and
The importance of achieving accurate effort
estimation for software has always attracted
researcher to seek methods that can accomplish such
accuracy, algorithmic methods such as COCOMO [3],
Putnam model [4], and function points based models
[5], are in general incapable of dealing with
exceptional conditions, particular experience and
factors are not easily quantified, as well as the
inaccuracy of cost driver rating that can lead to
imprecise estimation. Non-algorithmic methods, on
the other hand, are more flexible to use and provide
the incorporation of human intelligence and their
intuitive experience to help achieve estimations that
are more reliable. These methods relate entirely too
computational intelligence methods such as Genetic
Algorithm GA, Neural Networks NN, Fuzzy Logic,
and Swarm Intelligence.
In this work a study is introduced to show the
possibility of applying one of the linear Genetic
Programming GP methods, aiming at providing a
function capable of yielding as accurate as possible
estimation of software effort. This method is called
Multi Expression Programming [6], a linear variation
of GP used to reduce the complexity experienced with
traditional GP by eliminating dealing with trees and
linked lists, handling and encoding chromosomes
linearly. Results are compared with GP using various
benchmark datasets.
Various research articles have been introduced in the
field of software reliability, each employing a
different methodology leading to variations in the
gained results, some of these are:
In 2001, Dolado [7] employed GP to find a
function that calculates the cost; results were
compared with other pervious outcomes. Lefley and
Shepperd [8], in 2003 similarly explored the use of
GP in improving the process of software effort
estimation based on general sets of data. In 2004,
Ohsugi, et al. [9] proposed a method for effort
estimation based on Collaborative Filtering and
retrieval of lost data as a strategy of estimation using
Defective Data.
GA was used in 2006 by Huang and Chiu [10]
to measure software effort via unequal weights, linear
and non-linear weights. In 2008, the idea of Bayesian
Network Models was used by Mendes and Mosley
[11] in a comparative study for web cost estimation.
Sheta and Al-Afeef [12] in 2010 used GP to evolve a
mathematical model for effort estimation using two
variables (Methodology and LOC) in order to evolve a
relationship between them.
In 2012, Ziauddin, Tipu, and Zia [13] found a
model for estimating the effort of Agile Software
Projects using traditional methods and test data of 21
projects. Arnuphaptrairong [14] in 2013 proposed the
use of Function Point FP with Data flow Diagram to
solve the problem of gaining estimation information in
early stages of software development, as most of the
estimation models were dependent on information
gained in the last stages of development.
Lately in 2015, Ruchi Puri and Iqbaldeep Kaur
[15] presented a Novel Meta-Heuristic Algorithmic
Approach to estimate software cost. They presented
BAT algorithm and Human Opinion Dynamics
algorithms for cost estimation using effort parameter.
Recentlyin 2016, Shivani Sharma, Aman
Kaushik, and Abhishek Tomar [16] used a Hybrid
Algorithm to solve the software cost estimation
problem; their objective was to compute the budget of
the project based on a Top down method that included
computing the function points of each module.
In the field of software engineering, effort is
definable as the total time spent by members of the
development team to accomplish the required task. It
is usually stated in terms of man- day, man-month, or
man-year. There are many reasons tomotivate the
estimation of effort such as [17]:
Project Approval. Deciding the launch of a
project on the part of an organization, preceded by
estimation of effort needed for positive project
Project Management. Managers plan and manage
projects, which in turn require estimation of effort
as per respective phases so as to finalize a project.
Development team members understanding. For
the development team to perform professionally,
its members have to understand their specific roles
along with the total activities of the team.
Project task definition. This can be done using
effort estimation.
Accuracy of effort estimation. This has formed
an important subject to researchers for the past 25
years. Various works categorize effort estimation
methods variably. Classifications taken into
consideration are:
Empirical Parametric (Algorithmic)
Empirical non-parametric estimation models;
Expert estimation;
Analogue estimation models;
Downward estimation;
Upward estimation.
Several independent surveys have been carried
out for the importance of effort estimation in the area
of software development; these investigations showed
that 70-85% of respondents agreed on the importance
of effort estimation. [2][18]Effort estimation methods
can be classified into the following [19]:
Historical Analogy:when similar previous
historical data, this data (registered, recorded,
associated with previously completed projects) can
be used to calculate the effort for future projects.
Experts’Decision: estimating effort this way
usually depend on a human expert, the expertise of
a human depends largely on how similar are his
previously faced projects with the currently
required to be estimated project. This method is
fairly accuratewhen the estimator has enough
experience in both software and estimation.
The use of models:this can include estimations
created using mathematical or parametric cost
models. Such equations have been derived
essentially by means of statistical methods; they
usually involve human effort, cost and schedule.
Rules-of-thumb:such rules may differ from simple
mathematical equations to specifying a percentage
of the activities or phase’s effort depending on
pervious historical data.
In the field of system engineering, pervious
historical data is considered as a source for estimating
future effort or cost. Unfortunately in the field of
software production, it is frequently very hard, ifnot
impossible, to find reliable datasets.
At the phase of design and construction for a
project, the process of estimating the effort is
considered to be very hard and complicated for the
following reasons [20]:
A project of this size or type has never been built
Some new techniques are employed in it, which
has never been used earlier.
The Productivity of personnel is largely
The COCOMO model [3] is one of the first
methods used in calculating the effort automatically,
where the estimated effort is a function of expected
size as stated in Eq.(1).
 (1.................) ........ ........ .......................
E: is the required effort.
S: is the expected size.
a, b: are constants.
The advantages of using COCOMO are[21]:
It is easy to adapt and is very understandable.
It provides more objective and repeatable
It creates the possibility of calibrating the model to
reflect any type of software development
environment and thus, providing more accurate
Works on historical data and hence is more
predictable and accurate.
While some of the disadvantages found in the
COCOMO model are [21]:
This model ignores requirements and all
It ignores customer skills, cooperation, knowledge
and other parameters.
It oversimplifies the impact of safety/security
It ignores hardware issues
It ignores personnel turnover levels
It is dependent on the amount of time spent in
each phase.
Most models of effort estimation relay on
Empirical Derivation using pervious project’s data,
where the software size is the input to the calculation.
This size is measured using LOC or FP. [22]
The concept of Genetic Programming is derived from
the well-known idea of Genetic Algorithms in a trial
to answer one of the basic questions in computer
How can computers learn to solve problems
without being explicitly programmed? In other
words, how can computers be made to do what is
needed to be done, without being told exactly how to
do it?
Genetic programming is a way of generating
computer programs automatically contributing vary
effectively in solving carefully specified problems,
forming one of Evolutionary Computational
techniques. This approach was successfully used to
solve a huge number of difficult problems such as
modeling industrial operations, water flow prediction
and others. [12]
Genetic Programming is one of the evolutionary
algorithms based on the evolutionary theory and the
nature‘s survival of the best idea. These algorithms
depend on forming a population of individuals each
represented as trees expressing an equation or a
program where there is no constraint on the resulting
data structure. [24]
There are four steps needed to establish GP,
they are necessary to solve the problem at hand [25]:
Define Terminal and Function sets as stated by the
Set the appropriate fitness function according to
the problem specification.
Set Control Parameters including (iteration
number, tree size and depth, population size, and
crossover and mutation rates, etc.)
Set stopping criteria.
After that, chromosomes of the first population
are randomly generated; each consisting of a random
combination of variables and functions appropriate for
the problem at hand, these variables and functions are
usually predefined by the user. The chromosomes
unlike GA have varying lengths in the population as
each encoded equation or program consists of a
different number of variables and functions.
The fitness of each chromosome in the
population is evaluated using a fitness function to
estimate the chromosome’s behavior and efficiency.
This function is measured in various ways such as
error ratio between the actual desired input and the
achieved output. It may also be measured through the
required (time, cost, or fuel) needed to reach the
desired goal. The function can similarly be calculated
using the resulting precision of applications such as
pattern recognition or object classification according
to given problem. [25]
Subsequently, a selection process is conducted
in order to specify which of the chromosomes are to
be chosen for reproduction and genetic operators, with
the intention of forming the offspring for the new
generation. This selection is basedon the fitness of
individuals, the more fit an individual is the more
chance it has to be selected.
GP is considered to be very complicated to program
and cope with due to the complexity associated with
tree structures. Thus many linear variations have been
proposed in the literature all aiming to simplify the
encoding of chromosomes in a linear effective
representation. One of these methods is the Multi
Expression Programming (MEP). [6]
Multi Expression Programming is a technique
that automatically generates computer programs,
mathematical expressions, and equations. It is very
much the same as GP, the differences residing
between them are [26]:
In GP, each chromosome encodes a single
expression. On the other hand, a chromosome in
MEP encodes several expressions. Every one of
the encoded expressions can be selected to
represent the chromosome.
The encoding of chromosomes is linear in MEP
unlike GP, where chromosomes are encoded
nonlinearly (as trees).
MEP algorithm begins by initializing the first
population randomly, after that a repetition of steps is
conducted until a stopping criterion is meat. In each
iteration, two parents are selected for recombination
producing two offspring; these may be subjected to
mutation. The best resulting offspring will replace the
worst individual in the population if its fitness was
better. In the end, the resulting best individual will
carry the best expression developed through the
previously specified number of generations.[26] the
main steps of MEP are given in Fig. 1.
Generate Initial Population;
t = 0;
While Not Termination_Condition Do
End while
Fig. 1 Basic steps of MEP [6]
A. Chromosomal Encoding:
Every chromosome has a fixed number of genes,
every gene in encoded with either a Terminal symbol
or a Function symbol. Genes encoded with a function
must contain a pointer to the arguments of that
function, and the first gene of the chromosome must
always be Terminal.
One of the most important properties of this
method is its ability to store multiple solutions to the
problem in the same chromosome, with the best
solution being chosen according to the fitness. [26]
Assuming a chromosome (c) consisting of
multiple genes, a set of functions F={+,*}, and a set
of terminals T={a,b,c,d}. Then the encoding of the
chromosome according to MEP is:
1: a
2: b
3: + 1, 2
4: c
5: d
6: + 4, 5
7: * 3, 5
8: + 2, 6
The maximum number of a chromosomes
symbols is calculated as in Eq.(2).
No. of Symbols= (n+1)*(No. of Genes-1)+1 (2......... )
n: is the maximum number of arguments taken by a
function in set F.
Genes {1,2,4,5} were encoded with simple
Expressions, while the rest were encoded with
Complex Expression containing functions. Expression
3 employed the function {+} with two operands
present as pointer to locations of expressions
numbered {1} and {2} in the chromosome. So
decoding the third expression will result (E3 = (a + b))
and so on for the rest of the expressions.
E6 = c + d
E7 = (a + b) * d
E8 = b * (c + d)
The name of this algorithm, MEP, comes from
the fact that it allows encoding multiple expressions
and their number is equal to the length of the
chromosome (no. of genes). It is noticed that in this
chromosome the length is 8 and there exists an equal
number of expressions, the final form of the
chromosome is:
E1 = a,
E2 = b,
E3 = a + b,
E4 = c,
E5 = d,
E6 = c + d,
E7 = (a + b) * d,
E8 = b * (c + d)
Fig.2 shows the representation of the explained above
chromosome (c) as a tree, the numbers underlying
each branch are the expressions numbers.
Fig. 2 Representation of Chromosome (c) as a tree [26]
B. Fitness Function
In any population, individuals are chosen according to
how well they perform on getting closer to reach the
required solution; this performance is called the
fitness of an individual needed to direct evolution in
favor of the best. This fitness is measured in various
ways according to the given problem.
One way to evaluate fitness isby measuring the
difference between the result of expression Ei called
(Ok,i) and the actual output (Wk) both for fitness case
(k), this is done as in Eq.(3), here the fitness has to be
minimized. After that, the fitness for the individual
will be the lowest fitness of the expressions encoded
in the chromosome, as in Eq.(4).[26]
 
(3...................................... )
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 (4.)...................................................
The main feature of MEP resides in overcoming the
various problems of GP such as the difficulty of
dealing with tree structures and the corresponding
effort of applying the genetic operators. In addition to
that, there is the problem of predefining tree size and
depth, which resembles a very critical problem in the
success of GP along with keeping that size in range
after successive crossovers between tree branches and
mutations and insuring that the resulting program is
always correct.
C. Genetic Operations:
MEP uses the same traditional genetic operators
introduced by GA, such as[6]:
Recombination (crossover): after two
chromosomes are being selected using Roulette
Wheel or Tournament selection, crossover is
implemented according to its probability using:
One-point Recombination
Two-point Recombination
Uniform Recombination
Mutation:every symbol in the chromosome is
subjected to the probability of mutation. When a
symbol mutates from a terminal to a function, its
operands will be automatically generated and when
a function mutates to a terminal, its operands are
D. Selection:
Selection is the process where individuals are chosen
from the population to undergo genetic operations
according to their fitness. In this work tournament
selection is used to choose two chromosomes
randomly from the population to go through
tournament. Thefitter individual of the competitors
will win the tournament and be subjected to genetic
operators. This method of selectionhasmany benefits
such as being easy to codeandprogram, as well as the
possibility of implementation in parallel architectures
[27]. The selection process usually guarantees giving
a better chance to the more fit individuals in the
population to move on to the next generation. [6]
Most of the studies have proved through tests and
experiments that the best tournament size is (2), this
size was used in the experimental part of this work.
A. Datasets
In this work, an investigation has been carried out to
show the possibility of finding an estimation function
for software effort though out the use of MEP using
the Datasets shown in TABLE I.
The chosen Datasets were selected to provide
variety and diversity, and due to their availability and
recurrent use, they have become benchmark datasets
in this field of study used mainly in comparisons
among different methods and techniques introduced to
estimate software effort.
Data sets used in this work
Dataset Name
Total no. of
Albrecht &
A.J. Albrecht,
J.R. Gaffney
5 incomplete (3,6,7,22,24) 24 points
Bailey & Basili
J.W. Bailey,
V.R. Basili
18 points
Heiat & Heiat
A. Heiat, N.
35 points
Kemerer [30]
C.F. Kemerer
15 points
Miyazaki et. al.
Y. Miyazaki,
M.Terakado, K. Ozaki, H. Nozaki
48 points
J.M. Desharnais
4 incomplete (38,44,66,75) 77 points
Next are the experiments carried out along with the
results, in addition to the analysis and discussion.
B. Implementing MEP:
The first test in this work involves the implementation
of MEP on the Datasets mentioned in TABLE I.
Results are afterwards compared to those obtained by
Dolado [7] using GP. A crossover rate of (0.7) and a
mutation rate of (0.05) are used though out this
experiment. The preparation of the algorithm includes
defining the parameter settings as follows:
Population size: 40
Generations: 200
Function Set:{-, +, *, /, POWER, EXP, LOG, SQRT}
Terminal Set:The project’s variables depending on
the Dataset.
TABLE II shows the comparison between MEP’s
results and those found by GP. Results signify the
efficiency of MEP, as all the gained values were
noticeably better for all datasets. The best values are
shown for the fitness and generation numbers needed
to achieve that fitness.
A Comparison between MEP and GP
Albrecht & Gaffney
0. 33910
Bailey & Basili
Heiat & Heiat
C. Additional Investigation:
To further examine the efficiency of MEP, a
deeper investigation is conducted to show the impact
of population size and generations needed to reach the
required solution using the same function and terminal
sets. This investigation is done using two tests:
TEST1: included small narrowed samples of
population size: (10, 20, 30, and 40) as well as for
generations: (25, 50, 75, 150, and 250).
TEST2: involved considering larger and more
wide apart samples for population sizes and
generation numbers: (50, 100,
150,200,250,300,350,400,450,and 500)
Fig.(38) illustrate the results of applying the first
phase samples on the datasets in TABLE I. Fitness
values are shown against Population sizes across
colored bars reflecting the generation number (shown
in the legend on the right of each graph).
Fig .3Fitness values for TEST1 )Albrecht & Gaffany(
Fig.4 Fitness values for TEST1 (Bailey & Basili)
Fig.5 Fitness values for TEST1 (Desharnais)
Fig.6 Fitness values for TEST1 (Heiat & Heiat)
Fig.7 Fitness values for TEST1 (Kemerer)
Fig. 8 Fitness values for TEST1 (Miyazaki)
As can be clearly seen from the former figures, MEP
has the ability to accomplish a very distinguished
success with very small population sizes and of
generations’ number. They also confirm the fact that
increasing generations raises theprobability of gaining
better results. It is also obvious that theexpansion of
population sizes does not have much impact on
achieving better results (less fitness values).
On the other hand, Fig. (9 - 14) demonstrate the
fitness values for larger population sizes and greater
number of generations as given in TEST2 in an
attempt to traverse a wider area of the search space for
the problem, and to investigate the strategy of the
algorithm in searching for better results and more
suitable ones for the employed datasets.
Fig.9 Fitness values for TEST2 (Albrecht & Gaffany)
Fig.10 Fitness values for TEST2 (Bailey & Basili)
Fig. 11 Fitness values for TEST2 (Desharnais)
Fig. 12 Fitness values for TEST2 (Heiat & Heiat)
Fig. 13 Fitness values for TEST2 (Kemerer)
Fig. 14 Fitness values for TEST2 (Miyazaki)
This investigation indicates that increasing
generations allow for better solutions in general for all
datasets. But then again, larger population sizes did
not have an effect on improving fitness; this indicates
that small population sizes taken in TEST1 were
sufficient enough to achieve the same results.
    
As a whole, investigating a wider search space
for problems did not improve the results significantly,
but it has helped in establishing the appropriate sizes
required by the evolutionary algorithm to reach good
enough solutions and far better than those gained
using GP as shown in TABLE II.
The efficiency of MEP verified in this
investigation is related to the underlying structure of
the chromosome, as it encodes multipleexpressions
instead of only one. This structure increases the
effectiveness of the resulting solution.Fig. 15 depicts a
sample solution exemplifying the obtained equation
for effort estimation.
Figure (15) A sample solution represented by a tree
The main purpose of this work is to efficiently adopt
the intelligence found in Artificial Intelligent
Techniques such as Genetic Programming in finding
effort calculating equations to estimate software
effort. This was done using MEP algorithm, one of the
GP linear variants in order to overcome the difficulties
of coding GP and application of genetic operators on
trees, not forgetting the obstruction of predefining tree
size and depth and keeping solutions correctly
functioning after crossover and mutation.
MEP has been applied successfully in this work
to solve the software effort estimation problem, the
algorithm was able to come up with very satisfying
solutions encoded in correctly formulated
chromosomes. These solutions (equations) are capable
of giving an estimation of effort for projects before its
establishment, and thus help in getting such a project
completed efficiently and satisfactorily. Results were
compared with those obtained by GP and found to be
far precise and accurate.
In addition, an investigation was performed to
show the impact of different population sizes and
varying generation numbers on fitness values, this has
proven that large populations did not have an effect on
providing better results; this is due to the efficiency of
the algorithm employed. Higher generation numbers,
on the other hand, had an impact, although not so
significant, on refining the fitness values obtained.
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... [23] [24] Genomes or chromosomes of GEP are represented using a linear symbolic string usually fixed in length containing one or more genes. And even though their length is fixed, GEP chromosomes are able to code expression trees with diverse sizes and shapes. ...
... Genetic operators for GEP are described in following subsections. [24] 6 ...
... Or it might be measured via the involved (time or cost) required to achieve the desired goal. [24] In GEP, fitness of chromosomes are evaluated by measuring the variance between the result of an expression and the actual output for a fitness case, this is shown in Eq.(6), Afterwards, the overall fitness for the individual will be the minimum fitness among the expressions encoded in that chromosome, as in Eq. (7). [27] ? ...
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The problem of estimating the effort for software packages is one of the most significant challenges encountering software designers. The precision in estimating the effort or cost can have a huge impact on software development. Various methods have been investigated in order to discover good enough solutions to this problem; lately evolutionary intelligent techniques are explored like Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Neural Networks, and Swarm Intelligence. In this work, Gene Expression Programming (GEP) is investigated to show its efficiency in acquiring equations that best estimates software effort. Datasets employed are taken from previous projects. The comparisons of learning and testing results are carried out with COCOMO, Analogy, GP and four types of Neural Networks, all show that GEP outperforms all these methods in discovering effective functions for the estimation with robustness and efficiency.
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Accurate Software Effort Estimation is of high importance with regard to Software Project Management. It can be specified as the process for predicting Effort regarding costs, needed for developing software products. A lot of techniques related to software effort estimation were carried out for developing models that are generating optimal estimation accuracy. Swarm intelligence is one such technique. The process-related in selecting the optimum estimation algorithm is expert dependent and complex. The presented study optimizes the estimation using the COCOMO II models by two models: the first model applied the dolphin algorithm, the second model applied suggested hybrid dolphin and bat algorithm (DolBat). By applying the two models on two data set and evaluate with the use of Magnitude of Relative Error(MRE) and Mean Magnitude of Relative Error(MMRE). The results indicate that the dolphin algorithm has better than previous algorithms but the (DolBat) is the best to get the coefficient value of the COCOMO II model.
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Number of contributors has made their efforts to produce different modeling techniques in last four decades. This paper is about the comprehensive descriptive exploration of the models that were presented in the early stages of the software estimation field and covers most of the famous available and practiced parametric models and few non-parametric techniques. All wide spread models discussed at one place will give our readers a prospect to comprehend the pros and cons, similarities and the differences among these models
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Software cost estimation is the vital step to start any project. It gives us the outline of effort, resources and time required for a project. Accomplishment of software enhancement depends on cost estimation. It is really tough to meet approximate cost with actual cost. Such as Software size has remained highest significant factor in software which is increasing day by day, due to which we have realized a huge amount of increase in complexity as well as in size of software. A project will be enabled a success if all the necessities can be fulfilled, the cost is not excessive, did not pass through the strategy that has been planned. There are variousbudget assessment techniques to compute cost of the development and Function point analysis (FPA) is the technique of calculating the dimension of software.The benefit is that it can avoid source code error when selecting dissimilar programming languages.The key objectives of this study we are computing budget of project based on Top down method in which we will compute function points of each module. The whole process will be done by Ant colony optimization algorithm. To compare and evaluate the outcomes of the proposed algorithm with K Modes algorithm and RF model and it has been noticed that when we have compared with K modes and RF model then proposed work gives better results.
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Software effort estimation process in any software project is not only essential, but also a very critical component. The success or failure of projects depends heavily on the accuracy of effort and schedule estimations, among other things. The emergence of agile methods in the software development field has presented many opportunities and challenges for researchers and practitioners alike. One of the major challenges is effort estimation for agile software development. Though traditional effort estimation approaches are used to estimate effort for agile software projects but they mostly result in inaccurate estimates. This research focuses on development of effort estimation model for agile software projects. Construction and use of the model is explained in detail. The model was calibrated using the empirical data collected from 21 software projects. The experimental results show that model has good estimation accuracy in terms of MMRE and PRED (n).
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Accurately estimating the software size, cost, effort and schedule is probably the biggest challenge facing software developers today. It has major implications for the management of software development because both the overestimates and underestimates have direct impact for causing damage to software companies. Lot of models have been proposed over the years by various researchers for carrying out effort estimations. Also some of the studies for early stage effort estimations suggest the importance of early estimations. New paradigms offer alternatives to estimate the software development effort, in particular the Computational Intelligence (CI) that exploits mechanisms of interaction between humans and processes domain knowledge with the intention of building intelligent systems (IS). Among IS, Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic are the two most popular soft computing techniques for software development effort estimation. In this paper neural network models and Mamdani FIS model have been used to predict the early stage effort estimations using the student dataset. It has been found that Mamdani FIS was able to predict the early stage efforts more efficiently in comparison to the neural network models based models
Software effort and cost estimation are necessary at the early stage of the software development life cycle for the project manager to be able to successfully plan for the software project. Unfortunately, most of the estimation models depend on details that will be available at the later stage of the development process. This paper proposes to use Function Point Analysis in application with dataflow diagram to solve this timing critical problem. The proposed methodology was validated through the graduate student software projects at the Chulalongkorn University Business School. Although the results were disappointed but some interesting insights are worth looking into.
A summary is presented of the current state of the art and recent trends in software engineering economics. It provides an overview of economic analysis techniques and their applicability to software engineering and management. It surveys the field of software cost estimation, including the major estimation techniques available, the state of the art in algorithmic cost models, and the outstanding research issues in software cost estimation.