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Lysozyme enzymes hydrolyze the β-1,4-glycosidic bond in oligosaccharides. These enzymes are part of a broad group of glucoside hydrolases that are poorly characterized; however, they are important for growth and are being recognized as emerging virulence factors. This is the release of four lysozyme-encoding-gene-deletion mutants in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2.
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Draft Genome Sequences of Salmonella
Lysozyme Gene Knockout Mutants
Narine Arabyan,
Bihua C. Huang,
Bart C. Weimer
Department of Population Health and Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California,
Davis, Davis, California, USA
; 100K Pathogen Genome Project, UC Davis, Davis, California, USA
ABSTRACT Lysozyme enzymes hydrolyze the
-1,4-glycosidic bond in oligosaccharides.
These enzymes are part of a broad group of glucoside hydrolases that are poorly
characterized; however, they are important for growth and are being recognized as
emerging virulence factors. This is the release of four lysozyme-encoding-gene-
deletion mutants in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2.
Lysozyme enzymes belong to the glucoside hydrolase 24 (GH24) family (1). GHs play
an important role during infection by altering the host glycan structure to gain
access to the host epithelial cells by binding to terminal monosaccharides to initiate
glycan degradation (2). Lysozyme enzymes recognize host GlcNAc containing glycans
in the form of N-glycans, O-glycans, glycolipids, glycoproteins, and glucosaminoglycans
during infection (3) for digestion, and hence may be new virulence factors due to
cleavage of the b-1,4-glycosidase bond. These GlcNAc molecules are linked to mono-
saccharides in the glycan via a
-1,4-glycosidic bond (4) that can be cleaved by
enzymes from Salmonella with lysozyme activity during host association.
Lysozymes with
-1,4-glycosidase activity are also involved during the secretion of
proteins, which is central for the virulence of all pathogenic bacteria (1). Gram-negative
organisms translocate proteins across the peptidoglycan that is composed of linear
chains of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc), and the
alternating sugars are connected by
-1,4-glycosidic bonds (5–7). The peptidoglycan
structure is a physical barrier for the assembly of macromolecular complexes and for
the transport of proteins. For this reason, all bacterial lysozymes degrade the pepti-
doglycan to allow the assembly of type III or type IV secretion systems essential for
virulence, flagella, or conjugation (8, 9). This remodeling creates gaps in the pepti-
doglycan necessary for the assembly of these macromolecular systems. Intracellular
pathogenic bacteria, such as Brucella abortus, use lysozyme during the early stages of
intracellular replication (8).
Four Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 lysozyme mutants STM1028,
ΔSTM2612STM2715.S, and ΔSTM3605 mutants) were constructed in the Weimer
laboratory (UC Davis, Davis, CA) (2), as described by Datsenko and Wanner (10). Cultures
were grown on 1.5% Luria-Bertani (LB) agar (Difco, Franklin Lakes, NJ) with 10
chloramphenicol at 37°C and lysed (11); genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted (12) and
checked for quality (13); and sequencing libraries were constructed using the Kapa
HyperPlus kit, with enzymatic-based fragmentation (13), and indexed with Weimer 384
TS-LT DNA barcodes (Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., Coralville, IA, USA) at 192
genomes/lane. The final libraries had average sizes of 350 to 450 bp (14, 15). All
genomes were sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 4000 using PE150 (13, 16, 17) at the UC
Davis DNA Technologies Core (Davis, CA). Genome sequences were de novo assembled
using CLC Workbench version 6.5.1 (Qiagen), with default parameters.
This work was done as part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project (http://www, which is a large-scale sequencing consortium that uses next-
generation sequencing methods to create genome databases for use in public health,
Received 24 April 2017 Accepted 28 April
2017 Published 8 June 2017
Citation Arabyan N, Huang BC, Weimer BC.
2017. Draft genome sequences of Salmonella
lysozyme gene knockout mutants. Genome
Announc 5:e00519-17.
Copyright © 2017 Arabyan et al. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license.
Address correspondence to Bart C. Weimer,
Volume 5 Issue 23 e00519-17 1
food safety, and environmental science, where it is critical to capture genome diversity.
This project is focused on sequencing genomes of bacteria from the environment,
plants, animals, and humans worldwide, providing new insights into the genetic
diversity of pathogens and the microbiome.
Accession number(s). All sequences are publicly available and can be found at the
100K Project bioproject (NCBI PRJNA186441) in the Sequence Read Archive (http://, and genome assemblies can be found in NCBI GenBank
(see accession numbers in Table 1).
B.C.W. is grateful for the funding that was contributed from Mars, Inc., NIH (grants
1R01HD065122-01A1 and NIH-U24-DK097154) and an Agilent Technologies Thought
Leader Award.
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TABLE 1 Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 deletion mutants with lysozyme activity
accession no.
accession no.
deleted Enzyme activity
No. of
contigs Coverage ()
Total genome
size (bp)
No. of
MZNN00000000 SRR5288766 BCW8410 ΔSTM1028 Lysozyme 68 156 4,894,775 4,816
MZNO00000000 SRR5288765 BCW8422 ΔSTM2612 Lysozyme 66 138 4,894,815 4,814
MZNP00000000 SRR5288764 BCW8423 ΔSTM2715.S Prophage lysozyme 67 138 4,894,604 4,807
MZYU00000000 SRR5288741 BCW8430 ΔSTM3605 Phage endolysin 59 79 4,893,277 4,803
CDSs, coding sequences.
Arabyan et al.
Volume 5 Issue 23 e00519-17 2
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Figure 1: 100K Pathogen Genome Project sample preparation workflow for multiplexed, short-read Illumina sequencing Figure 3: Detailed KAPA HTP Library Preparation protocol. The input into library construction is fragmented DNA or cDNA. Each enzymatic reaction is followed by a SPRI-bead cleanup. The "with-bead" protocol uses a single aliquot of SPRI beads for all cleanups prior to library amplification, producing higher yields of adapter-ligated libraries, and reduces the number of amplification cycles to generate sufficient material for Library QC and sequencing. Figure 2: Representative electropherograms of Listeria (generated on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system and Agilent 2200 TapeStation system) of bacterial libraries prepared for whole genome sequencing with the KAPA HTP Library Preparation Kit. The average library size for each genus was as indicated. Peaks at 35 and 10381 bp are internal standards used for alignment and quantitation determination with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system. ABSTRACT A method was developed to automate the KAPA HTP Library Preparation kit for microbial whole genome sequencing. This method uses the Agilent NGS Workstation, consisting of the NGS Bravo liquid handling platform with its accessories for heating, cooling, shaking, and magnetic bead manipulations in a 96-well format. User intervention in multistep protocols is minimized through the use of other components of the workstation such as the BenchCel 4R Microplate Handler and Labware MiniHub for labware storage and movement. This method has been validated for sequencing on the Illumina platform and consists of three protocols: the first is for end repair to post-ligation cleanup; the second is used for library amplification setup; and the third is for the post-amplification cleanup. The modular design provides the end-user with the flexibility to complete library construction over two days, and is suitable for the construction of high-quality libraries from bacteria of various GC content. This combined solution produced a workflow that is suitable for production-scale sequencing projects such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project.
Full-text available
Campylobacter is a food-associated bacterium and a leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide, being associated with poultry in the food supply. This is the initial public release of 202 Campylobacter genome sequences as part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. These isolates represent global genomic diversity in the Campylobacter genus.
Full-text available
Campylobacter jejuni is an intestinal bacterium that can cause abortion in livestock. This publication announces the public release of 15 Campylobacter jejuni genome sequences from isolates linked to abortion in livestock. These isolates are part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project and are from clinical cases at the University of California (UC) Davis.
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Complex glycans cover the gut epithelial surface to protect the cell from the environment. Invasive pathogens must breach the glycan layer before initiating infection. While glycan degradation is crucial for infection, this process is inadequately understood. Salmonella contains 47 glycosyl hydrolases (GHs) that may degrade the glycan. We hypothesized that keystone genes from the entire GH complement of Salmonella are required to degrade glycans to change infection. This study determined that GHs recognize the terminal monosaccharides (N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), galactose, mannose, and fucose) and significantly (p < 0.05) alter infection. During infection, Salmonella used its two GHs sialidase nanH and amylase malS for internalization by targeting different glycan structures. The host glycans were altered during Salmonella association via the induction of N-glycan biosynthesis pathways leading to modification of host glycans by increasing fucosylation and mannose content, while decreasing sialylation. Gene expression analysis indicated that the host cell responded by regulating more than 50 genes resulting in remodeled glycans in response to Salmonella treatment. This study established the glycan structures on colonic epithelial cells, determined that Salmonella required two keystone GHs for internalization, and left remodeled host glycans as a result of infection. These data indicate that microbial GHs are undiscovered virulence factors.
Technical Report
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The Agilent DNA Extraction Kit (p/n 200600) was compared to standard methods such as beadbeating and enzyme treatment for preparation of genomic DNA from the prokaryote Listeria monocytogenes. Using this extraction kit, with modifications, to lyse the bacteria and isolate high molecular weight DNA reproducibly yielded high quality DNA suitable for further applications such as polymerase chain reactions to produce amplicons, or for next-generation DNA sequencing. The quality of the high molecular weight DNA, and the comparison of extraction methods, was shown on the Agilent 2200 TapeStation with the Agilent Genomic DNA ScreenTape (p/n 5067-5365) and Agilent Genomic DNA Reagents (p/n 5067-5366). 2
Technical Report
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A new method was developed to automate the KAPA HTP Library Preparation kit for microbial whole genome sequencing. This method uses the Agilent NGS Workstation, consisting of the NGS Bravo liquid handling platform with its accessories for heating, cooling, shaking, and magnetic bead manipulations in a 96-well format. User intervention in multistep protocols is minimized through the use of other components of the workstation such as the BenchCel 4R Microplate Handler and Labware MiniHub for labware storage and movement. This method has been validated for sequencing on the Illumina platform and consists of three protocols: the first is for end repair to post-ligation cleanup; the second is used for library amplification setup; and the third is for the post-amplification cleanup. The modular design provides the end-user with the flexibility to complete library construction over two days, and is suitable for the construction of high-quality libraries from bacteria of various GC content. This combined solution produced a workflow that is suitable for production-scale sequencing projects such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project.
Technical Report
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The initial step in Next Generation Sequencing is to construct a library from genomic DNA. To gain the optimum result, extracted DNA must be of high molecular weight with limited degradation. High-throughput sequencing projects, such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project, require methods to rapidly assess the quantity and quality of genomic DNA extracts. In this study, assessment of the applicability of the Agilent 2200 TapeStation was done using genomic DNA from nine foodborne pathogens using several accepted high-throughput methods. The Agilent 2200 TapeStation System with Genomic DNA ScreenTape and Genomic DNA Reagents was easy to use with minimal manual intervention. An important advantage of the 2200 TapeStation over other high-throughput methods was that high molecular weight genomic DNA quality and quantity can be quantified apart from lower molecular weight size ranges, providing a distinct advantage in the library construction pipeline and over other methods available for this important step in the Next Generation Sequencing process.
Technical Report
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Next Generation Sequencing requires the input of high molecular weight genomic DNA to construct quality libraries for whole genome bacterial sequencing. Large scale sequencing projects, such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project, require methods to rapidly assess the quantity and quality of the input DNA using high-throughput methods that are fast and cost effective. In this study, the Agilent 2200 TapeStation and Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Systems were used to assess a few critical quality control steps for library construction. With minimal manual intervention , the Agilent 2200 TapeStation System determined the quality of genomic DNA, fragmented DNA, and final libraries constructed from multiple types of foodborne pathogens. The Agilent 2200 TapeStation System provided a single platform that effectively evaluated the necessary quality control steps, which provided a distinct advantage to decrease the time needed for library construction and a common instrument methodology for quality control.