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Original article
Translation of DASS 21 into Bangla and validation among medical
SM Abu Hena Mostafa Alim,1 Syed Mahbub-E-Kibria,2 Md Jahurul ls|am,3 Md Zahir Uddin,4 Meherun
Nessa,5 Md Abdul Wahab,6 Md Mesbahul lslam7
1Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh; 2Medical
Officer, Department of Psychiatry, Khulna Medical College, Khulna, Bangladesh; 3Professor, Department of
English, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh; 4Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department
of Psychotherapy, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh;
5Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh;
6Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Monno Medical College, Manikganj, Bangladesh; 7Clinical
Psychologist, Mental Hospital, Pabna, Bangladesh.
Article info
Received: 23 August 2016
Standard scale to assess the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress among
MBBS students are essential to take necessary steps to treat or prevent any
psychiatric morbidity. But there was no such convenient tool in Bangla to measure the
stated symptoms. With an objective to obtain a convenient scale to measure severity of
above symptoms, short version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 21) was
translated into Bangla and the study was carried out to validate this Bangla version
with permission from the author of the original instrument. Two translations and back
translations were carried out. A harmonized version was produced after meetings by
persons involved in translation process in meetings. After pretesting on ten students
and reviewing by panel of experts, finalized Bangla version of DASS 21 (DASS 21 -BV)
was obtained. A cross sectional study was carried out among MBBS students of Pabna
Medical College, Pabna using purposive sampling technique to validate this scale.
They were given both Bangla and English version of the scale 3 to 7 days apart.
Analysis was done on 15 samples. Correlation for depression subscale was 0.976,
anxiety subscale was 0.917 and stress subscale was 0.931. Correlation was significant
at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Cronbach’s Alpha for Depression, Anxiety and Stress
subscales were 0.987, 0.957, 0.964 respectively. This Validated Bangla version of
DASS 21 can be used to measure severity of depression among medical students and
persons having similar academic background treatable.
Bang J Psychiatry 2014,28(2):67-70
Accepted : 26 Sept 2016
Number of tables : 01
Number of figures : 03
Number of refs. : 11
SM Abu Hena Mostafa Alim
Mobile: +8801711703826,
E-mail: abul458@gmaiI.com
A high quality scale to measure depression, anxiety and
stress of medical students is needed as they confront
noteworthy academic, psychosocial, and existential
stressors. Early intervention can be done if severity of above
mentioned symptoms can be measured easily. But there is
lack of such convenient tool in Bangla to measure
rigorousness of above symptoms in a single setting.
Translation of an internationally standard scale for
measuring above symptoms can meet the need. Depression
Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) could be such an instrument.
DASS was developed in English by researchers Professor
SH Lovibond & Prof PF Lovibond at the University of New
South Wales Australia1 to measure depression, anxiety and
stress among the respondents. It is a set of three self-report
scales having 42 items designed to measure the negative
emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress.2 Each of
these is rated on a four-point Likert scale of frequency or
severity of the participants’ experiences over the last week
with the intention of emphasizing states over traits. These
scores ranged from 0, meaning that the client believed the
item “Did not apply to me at all”, to 3 meaning that the client
considered the item to “Applied to me very much, or most of
the time”. It is also stressed in the instructions that there is
no right or wrong answers. The short-form version of the
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 21) created by the
same researchers having 21 questionnaires can be used
instead of full version of DASS. This valid3 set of instrument
has seven questions for each subscale. A sum of the scores
for the seven questions in each of the sub-scales completed
by each participant is evaluated as per the severity-rating
index. During the use of full version of DASS, for depression
0-9 is normal while 10- 13, 14- 20, 21- 27 and 28+ indicate
mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe respectively.
While measuring anxiety, 0-7 counted as normal but 8-9,
10-14, 15-19 and 20+ specify mild, moderate, severe and
Bang J Psychiatry Vol. 28, No. 2, 2014
extremely severe correspondingly. Whereas 0-14 is
normal for stress although 15-18, 19- 25, 26-33 and
34+ state mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe
in that order. For short (21 -item) version, multiplication
of sum by 2 is needed.4 DASS is a very widely used
scale. Sixteen and six numbers of research articles
already published which focused on DASS and DASS
21 respectively.5 There are several published studies
showing that the DASS 21 has the same factor
structure and gave similar results to the full DASS.4
DASS 21 had the advantage of taking only half the time
to administer. In general, the full DASS is often
preferable for clinical work and the DASS 21 is often
best for research purposes. The items in the DASS 21
were selected on the basis of several criteria like good
factor loadings, coverage of all subscales within each
scale and item means that, DASS 21 scores for each
scale should be very close to exactly half the full scale
With an objective to obtain a convenient scale to
measure severity of depression, anxiety and stress
among medical students, DASS 21 was translated into
Bangla. A study on small sample size was also carried
out to validate this Bangla version.
Materials and methods
Permission from the author of DASS (Prof Lovinbond)
was taken to translate this. Translation process was
according to guideline stipulated in US Census Bureau
Guideline.7 Two forward and 2 backward translations
were done in parallel by 2 medical and 2 language
experts. After the reconcilement of the two forward and
back translations, sentence revision was done by all
experts involved in the translation in meetings. This
Bangla version of DASS 21 was given to a panel of
reviewer consisting of 2 Professors of Psychiatry, an
Associate Professor of English and an Assistant
Professor of Clinical Psychology at different
universities. The format was kept similar to the original
(English) version. At the end of this process, a
harmonized Bangla version of DASS 21 was produced.
Harmonized Bangla version was pre-tested on 10
students with an objective to identify any flaws in
harmonized version. After pretesting, Bangla version of
DASS 21 BV was finalized. Validation of DASS 21 BV
was done by doing a pilot study to validate the DASS-
21 BV among first year medical students of Pabna
Medical College, Pabna. Students who have got at least
‘A’ and another ‘A+’, in SSC and HSC in English was
chosen for pilot study. 20 students filled up DASS 21-
BV. After 3 days, 15 of them again filled up original
DASS 21 (English). At the end of pre-test and reviewing
by panel of experts, finalized Bangla version of DASS
21 (DASS-21 BV) was obtained. Analysis was done on
the scores of 15 samples.
Among the population, male and female 7 and 8
respectively (M:F = 1:1.14) where age range was 18-
20. Correlation for depression subscale was found
0.976, anxiety subscale was 0.917 and stress subscale
was 0.931 (Table 2). Correlation was significant at the
0.01 level (2-tailed). The result of reliability statistics
were Cronbach’s Alpha for total score 0.989.
Cronbach’s Alpha for Depression, Anxiety and Stress
subscales were 0.987, 0.957, 0.964 respectively. The
scores obtained by Bangla and English versions of the
three subscales were almost similar (Figure 1-3).
Translation of DASS 21 into Bangla and validation among medical students Alim SMAHM et al.
US Census Bureau Guideline7 was followed to ensure
that the translated version would be grammatically
sounded and the terms used were correct. At the same
time, meanings and contents of original DASS 21 were
well preserved. Good translations were reflected by
production of two English back translations which almost
similar to original English version. Same guideline were
used to translate DASS 21 into Malaysian language
where there is similarity in religious cultural milieu with
Bangladesh.8 DASS 21 Bangla version was accepted by
the original author and given in DASS website.9 Till now,
this scale was translated into 44 different national
languages; such as: Arabic, Philipino, Hindi, Indonesian,
Malaysian, Singhala, Taiwanese, Thai, Urdu,
Vietnamese etc.10 Among them, 4 other countries of
South Asian region translated DASS 21 into 6 tongues10
where there are similarities in cultural ambiance with
Validation study of DASS 21- BV produced impressive
correlation between Bangla and original English version.
It was also proved to be very reliable tool as Cronbach’s
Alpha for total score were >0.9. It matched with the
result of validated Bahasa Malaysia version of DASS
21.8 Bangla version of DASS 21 (DASS 21 BV) should
be used in the studies among Bangla speaking
population for measuring depression, anxiety or stress in
place of original English version for better understanding
of the respondents. Though medical students of
Bangladesh might understand English, some statements
of original DASS 21 seemed difficult to understand. As
DASS 21 was previously used to measure depression,
anxiety and stress among first year medical student in
Moharastra province of India,11 this could be an
expedient weighbridge to amount alike symptoms
among Bangladeshi students.
Small sample size and sample taken from a single
medical college were the major limitations of the study.
Large sample with heterogeneous population could
strengthen the validation process. However, as the
samples were the 1st year MBBS students having lack
of adequate medical knowledge but passed higher
secondary level of education, this translated scale could
be generally used among similar or higher academic
background of medical as well as students or people of
other disciplines.
Further research is needed for improvement and
generalization of the Bangla version of the DASS 21
Validated Bangla version of DASS 21 can be used to
measure severity of depression among medical students
and persons having similar academic background.
Further research is required for its generalization.
Bang J Psychiatry Vol. 28, No. 2, 2014
1. Lovibond SH, Lovibond PF. Manual for the
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. 2nd ed. Sydney:
Psychology Foundation of Australia; 1995. p. 1.
2. Lovibond PF, Lovibond SH. The structure of
negative emotional states: comparison of the
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Beck Depression and Anxiety inventories. Behav
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