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Relevance of metal based Ayurvedic formulations in the management of recurrent acute/ chronic pancreatitis

  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation
  • Padaav Speciality Ayurvedic Treatment Center
  • Vcp cancer research center
  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation, Dehradun

Abstract and Figures

Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis/ Chronic Pancreatitis (RAP/ CP) is generally marked by sudden onset of symptoms like severe abdominal pain, vomiting and weight loss that needs emergency hospitalization. Owing to irreversible and progressive nature of the disease and limitations of conventional treatment, many patients look for an alternative solution. Here, we report data of 250 well diagnosed cases of acute recurring/ chronic pancreatitis, enrolled in between January 1997 to August 2016, in our Ayurvedic clinical practice in Northern part of India. Ayurveda is well recognized as an independent medical system parallel to conventional medicines in India and a subject is free to opt for any system of medicine for the prevention and treatment of any ailment. The subjects were treated with a complex herbo-mineral formulation based on the principles of Rasa Shastra in Ayurveda that deals with the therapeutics of processed metals in the prevention and treatment of diseases. They were also prescribed a regulated balanced diet and lifestyle. Significant improvement has been noted in subjects who have completed the treatment.
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2017 / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / e9
Original Article
Relevance of metal based Ayurvedic formulations in the management of
recurrent acute/ chronic pancreatitis
Vaidya Balendu Prakash*, Vaidya Shikha Prakash, Shakshi Sharma, Sneha Tiwari
Padaav Speciality Ayurvedic Treatment Centre, Turner Road, Clement Town, Dehradun, India
Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis/ Chronic Pancreatitis (RAP/ CP) is generally marked by sudden onset of
symptoms like severe abdominal pain, vomiting and weight loss that needs emergency hospitalization.
Owing to irreversible and progressive nature of the disease and limitations of conventional treatment,
many patients look for an alternative solution. Here, we report data of 250 well diagnosed cases of acute
recurring/ chronic pancreatitis, enrolled in between January 1997 to August 2016, in our Ayurvedic
clinical practice in Northern part of India. Ayurveda is well recognized as an independent medical system
parallel to conventional medicines in India and a subject is free to opt for any system of medicine for the
prevention and treatment of any ailment. The subjects were treated with a complex herbo-mineral
formulation based on the principles of Rasa Shastra in Ayurveda that deals with the therapeutics of
processed metals in the prevention and treatment of diseases. They were also prescribed a regulated
balanced diet and lifestyle. Significant improvement has been noted in subjects who have completed the
Keywords Rasa Shastra, Ayurveda, pancreatitis, chronic, recurrent acute
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a progressive inflammatory disease
of the pancreas characterized by irreversible morphological
changes typically causing pain and/or permanent loss of
function (Sarner and Cotton, 1984; Taber, 1997). The global
incidence of Pancreatitis ranges from 2-14/100,000 population
but Southern India reports highest incidences ranging from
114-200/100,000 population. The report indicates that India has
highest incidences of Tropical Chronic Pancreatitis (TCP),
where alcohol is not the major cause (Geeverghese et al., 1969;
Garg and Tandon, 2004). Rather it is attributed to protein
malnutrition, mineral deficiency, dietary toxins and
environmental agents. There are emerging evidences about the
role of genetics as well (Balakrishnan et al., 2005).
RAP/CP has no known cure. The acute attacks are largely
managed by emergency hospitalisation and treated with
analgesics, antibiotics and IV fluids. Enzyme replacement
therapy and vitamin supplements are widely used for long
terms as prophylactic therapy. Progressive nature of the disease
coupled with rising medical cost and limitations of
conventional treatment compel many patients to look for
alternatives to bring some relief to their lives. India is the only
country where different systems like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha,
Homeopathy and Yoga are officially recognised as independent
medical systems, along with conventional medicine termed as
allopath. The prevailing laws permit a registered medical
practitioner of Ayurveda and Unani to prepare his own
medicines and to use those directly in respective clinical
practice for any indication with the consent of the patient
(Government of India ministry of health and family welfare,
In mid 70s, a traditional Ayurvedic physician incidentally
observed miraculous effect of a Metal Based Ayurvedic
Formulation (MBAF; Herbo mineral formulation used for the
treatment of pancreatitis (Patent filed vide PCT application
no.3373/DEL/2014), in a terminally ill patient of pancreatic
cancer (Pal, 2014). Subsequently, MBAF showed empirical
success in patients suffering from recurring pancreatitis. The
practice was passed on to the next generation and patients
continue to get the benefit of this treatment. The ongoing
clinical practice was subjected to documentation from January
1997.In this study, we report the effect of Ayurvedic Treatment
Protocol, comprised of herbo mineral formulations, customized
diet and lifestyle in 250 patients of RAP/ CP who were enrolled
till August 2016.
Literature Review
Inflammation is the stereotyped non specific immune response
that occurs in reaction to any harmful stimuli, pathogenic
organism, foreign body, physical trauma, ionizing radiation,
electrical energy, or extremes of temperature (Taber, 1997).
Inflammations can be broadly classified into Acute and Chronic.
While acute inflammations are attributed to infection, injury or
trauma, chronic ones are known to be caused due to long
lasting injury, infection or might be idiopathic. Chronic
inflammations become a constant low-level physiological
response, which the body is no longer able to turn off and it
starts damaging healthy tissues. Most of the times, these
inflammations are irreversible and progressive in nature and
might be fatal.
In recent years, there has been an upsurge in incidences of
idiopathic, non communicable and non specific Chronic
*Correspondence: Vaidya Balendu Prakash
Received February 18, 2017; Accepted May 26, 2017; Published May
31, 2017
© 2017 by Association of Humanitas Medicine
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Relevance of MBAF in the management of pancreatitis
2017 / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / e9
Inflammatory Disorders (CIDs). These cover a number of
conditions from several autoimmune and metabolic disorders to
even transplant rejection. The number of people suffering from
CIDs has been increasing over the last three decades. A study
documented that CIDs are the largest cause of death in the
world and caused about 29 million deaths in 2002. About 171
million people in the United States are estimated to be affected
by CIDs by 2030 (Cicchitti et al., 2015). However, not much
data on this effect is available from India.
Inflammations can be treated by addressing the underlying
aetiology. Currently available treatments for CIDs involve
prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs, including non
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and immune
selective anti-inflammatory derivatives, which have
considerable side effects (Bosma-den Boer et al., 2012). A
recent review highlighted that current medications used to treat
CIDs suppress the symptoms but prevent the complete
resolution of the disease, leading to a persistent low grade
inflammation. Long lasting use of anti-inflammatory
medications is also known to delay full recovery (Bosma-den
Boer et al., 2012).
Pancreatitis is one among such inflammatory disorders,
which refers to inflammation of the pancreas and is primarily
characterised by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and
indigestion (Kedia et al., 2013). Repeated episodes of
abdominal pain, other symptoms and elevated serum Amylase/
Lipase levels without morphological changes in the pancreas is
termed as RAP while, signs and symptoms associated with
morphological changes in the pancreas is called Chronic
Pancreatitis (Kedia et al., 2013; Sawant and Mishra, 2005). The
average onset of the disease is 24 years and the disease affects
more male population than female population (Sawant and
Mishra, 2005). RAP/CP brings gradual fibrotic changes in the
pancreas resulting in loss of exocrine and endocrine functions,
leading to diabetes mellitus, steatorrhoea and unexplained
weight loss (Bharathi, 2015). More than 70% of the patients
develop diabetes mellitus (up to 90% in cases of chronic
calcific pancreatitis) and up to 40% patients develop pancreatic
cancer in their lifetimes (Malka et al., 2000; Howes and
Neoptolemos, 2002). RAP/CP is progressive and fatal in nature
and the prognosis remains uncertain with a 10 year survival of
about 70% and a 20 year survival of 45% (Sawant and Mishra,
2005). A recent study showed that even a single attack of acute
pancreatitis may harbour underlying chronic pancreatitis
(Turner, 2013).
The underlying cause for RAP/CP has not yet been
established although it is considered to be a disease of
alcoholics, smokers, people with high fat intake and high stress
factor. The most accepted etiology for chronic pancreatitis
includes Toxic, Idiopathic, Genetic factors, Auto-immune
response, Recurrent acute pancreatitis and Obstructive factors
(TIGAR-O) (Etemad and Whitcomb, 2001).
RAP/CP is a global disease and in recent years, there has
been an upsurge in its incidences. It is estimated that the annual
global market of pancreatic enzymes will touch INR 11,000 Cr
by 2023 (US$ 1,588.8 million) as compared to INR 5000 Cr in
2014 (US$ 707.0 million) (Transparency Market Research,
2016). It seems that India, especially its Southern states, has the
highest incidences of pancreatitis in the world and is termed as
Tropical Chronic Pancreatitis (TCP). Most of the patients
suffering from TCP are non alcoholic. Protein malabsorption
and mineral deficiency are considered to be its major cause
(Geeverghese et al., 1969; Rajesh and Balakrishnan, 2012).
Another prevalent form of pancreatitis in India is idiopathic
pancreatitis (ICP) that accounts for 40% - 60% CP in India and
10% - 30% in the western countries (Rajesh and Balakrishnan,
There is no direct or indirect reference of Pancreatitis in
classical Ayurvedic literature except a term called ‘UdarShool’
(abdominal pain).
The subjects with confirm diagnosis of RAP/CP were selected
for Ayurvedic treatment. Such subjects were diagnosed by
leading gastroenterologists at various hospitals of repute across
India. Diagnosis of RAP/CP was established using clinical,
pathological and radiological investigations including USG
(Ultra Sonography), EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound), CT
(Computer Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging),
MRCP and ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography) (Figure 1).
The patients and their families were briefed about unknown
chemistry and pharmacology of MBAF, duration and cost of
treatment prior to commencement of Ayurvedic treatment. Each
subject was interviewed for detailed medical history, including
number of emergency hospitalisations, follow up visits and
expenditure occurred so far. Their demography, dietary habits,
lifestyle and family history were also recorded. Copies of
relevant medical records including diagnostics and previous
medical treatment were collected from each subject. The
subjects were evaluated for hemogram, liver function, kidney
function, Vitamin D3 and B12. The Ultrasound/ MRCP was
also repeated if the last report of the subject was more than
three months old.
Patients reported with anorexia, mild to moderate abdominal
pain, weight loss, weakness and phobia of the disease. All
patients were given Albendazole (deworming medication) on
the first day of AYT. They were asked to stop tea, coffee,
Table 1. Financial burden of Pancreatitis on patients
Emergency expenses
Direct expenses (INR)
Indirect expenses
Cost of hospitalization
Follow ups,
medicines, consultation
Loss of manpower, cost
of travelling, boarding
and lodging during
treatment for families
n = 132.
Table 2. Various parameters before and after treatment
Before AYT
After AYT
P value
Number of Attacks*
2 (0 to 25)
0 (0 to 5)
< 0.0001
Number of
1 (0 to 20)
0 (0 to 0)
< 0.0001
Intake of
enzymes, %#
54 (50.9)
0 (0.0)
< 0.0001
Mean Body weight¥
57.59 ± 12.65
59.66 ± 12.32
< 0.0001
(n = 106); *indicates median (range) and compared using Wilcoxon
signed rank test for paired observations; #indicates n (%) and compared
using Mc Nemar’s test; ¥ indicates mean ± SD and compared using
paired t test.
Relevance of MBAF in the management of pancreatitis
2017 / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / e9
aerated drinks, reheated food, packaged food items and drinks,
refined flour, onion, tomato and garlic. They were subjected to
an Ayurvedic regime of treatment, diet, lifestyle and medicines
(Aahar, Vihar and Aushadh). They were prescribed Narikel
lavan 1 gm BD, Prak 20 (A proprietary Ayurvedic medicine
prepared by Bharat Bhaishajyashala Pvt Ltd. Mfg License No.
A-1969/91 by Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Govt. Of Uttarakhand.) 1 gm BD, MBAF 125 mg
during meals and Rason vati 500 mg with hot water after meals
with 1200-1600 calorie diet, divided into three meals and three
snacks, along with eight hours sleep and moderate physical and
mental rest (Vaidya et al., 2010). The diet also included dairy
products, fat and protein. Subjects who were deficient in
Vitamin D3 were given a weekly dose of 60,000 IU
Cholecalciferol with 100 gm milk cream for sixteen weeks and
those deficient in Vitamin B12 were given daily supplement of
Mecobalamin 1500 mcg with breakfast. The first three weeks
residential treatment was given under close supervision of the
Ayurvedic physician in his clinic. The service of a conventional
doctor was taken to control high blood sugar among diabetic
patients. After the initial residential treatment, subjects were
prescribed monthly Ayurvedic formulations and kept under
daily follow ups via mails or telephone. The treatment was
repeated every month for duration of one year. On completion
of one year, patients were called for follow up examination and
the treatment was stopped. These patients continue to remain in
A total number of 250 patients of RAP/CP volunteered for
Ayurvedic treatment from January 1997 to August 2016. Nearly
two third subjects were males and one fourth were females with
a mean age of 31 ± 12.2 years. The demography depicts 62%
vegetarians, 76.8% non alcoholics, 85.6% non tobacco users
and 94.8% subjects with no family history (Figure 2). The
subjects had a history of 45.3 ± 49.6 months with 1779 attacks
and 1030 hospitalizations and had been treated conservatively
under expert advice using analgesics, antibiotics, IV fluids and
enzyme replacement therapy. 50.9% patients had been put on
lifelong pancreatic enzymes ranging from 20,000 to 75,000 IU
per day. Some of the patients had also undergone surgical
intervention before starting ayurvedic treatment.
A random survey conducted on 132 patients revealed that
these subjects had spent a total amount of INR Nine crores
eighty eight lacs forty one thousand two hundred and fifty
(9,88,41,250/-) prior to Ayurvedic treatment on emergency
hospitalizations, follow ups and indirect expenditure (Table 1).
Subjects showed improvement in overall appetite, energy,
pain, stability in sugar levels and general well being within the
first three weeks of commencement of the treatment. There is
significant reduction in frequency, intensity of pain and need of
hospitalization with significant gain in body weight (Table 2).
No grade II toxicity has been reported in the treated patients.
They are leading a symptom free life (Figure 4).
RAP/CP is an inflammatory state of pancreas. It is irreversible
and progressive in nature and leads to gradual morbidity.
Besides its invariable characteristics, it also brings substantial
physical, emotional and financial burden to its patients and
their families. Consumption of alcohol is considered to be the
main causative factor of RAP/CP. However, Indian
subcontinent has more cases of TCP. In the present
observational study, subjects opted for metal based Ayurvedic
treatment in desperate state of mind after hearing anecdotal
success stories. The incidental effect of MBAFs continue to
bring long term relief to RAP/CP patients though, no direct or
indirect reference in available about this disease in classical
texts. MBAF are prepared using the principles of Rasa shastra,
Fig. 1. Methods of diagnosis of the subjects.
Table 3. Results of random analysis of three batches of MBAF (Source:
IISc, Bangalore)
Relevance of MBAF in the management of pancreatitis
2017 / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / e9
a specialty of Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic texts, Mercury has been
referred to as Rasa due to its ability to imbibe other metals
within itself (Virupaksha Gupta et al., 2011). Rasa Shastra is
the sciencewhich deals with the therapeutics of Mercury, Gold,
Silver, Iron, Tin, Lead and Zinc etc. termed as dhatu (Savrikar
and Ravishankar, 2011).These metals undergo tedious
processing with herbs on fire and convert into safe and
therapeutic form. Dhatu vigyan means science of metals.
Dharanat dhatavah’ means that the thing which bears is
known as dhatu. The term dhatuis used for ‘Rasa Rakta Maans
Medh Asthi Majja Shukra’ (body tissues) and for Gold, Silver,
Copper, Iron, Tin, Lead and Zinc. Masters of Rsashastra have
ascribed close linkage between both types of dhatu (Vaidya
Chandra Prakash as dictated by Guru Maharaj. Dhatu Vigyan:
Unpublished handwritten booklet). Dietary, environmental,
ecological or lifestyle related factors may bring imbalance
among these dhatus in body tissues and cause pathogenesis of
disease in the human body.
The main MBA Fused for the treatment of RAP/ CP is
prepared using Mercury, Sulphur and Copper as raw material.
These undergo numerous processing for years, mostly repeated
grinding in iron vessels (till > 88% particles attain size < m)
and heating in clay pots (365 - 400 ºC for 12 - 80 hours). The
random analysis of three batches of MBAF carried using XRD
technique demonstrates that the subjected formulation is a
complex of minerals and is devoid of any free metal (Table 3).
The study of first 250 patients clearly demonstrates that all
subjects had RAP/CP. Similarly, observations indicate that
MBAF brought significant relief in reducing number of
hospitalisations, intensity and frequency of attacks. It also
improved physical and psychological state with significant
reduction in cost. Subjects also reported weight gain and
improvement in quality of life.
The main MBA Fused for the treatment of RAP/ CP is
prepared using Mercury, Sulphur and Copper as raw material.
These undergo numerous processing for years, mostly repeated
grinding in iron vessels (till > 88% particles attain size < m)
and heating in clay pots (365 - 400 ºC for 12 - 80 hours). The
random analysis of three batches of MBAF carried using XRD
technique demonstrates that the subjected formulation is a
complex of minerals and is devoid of any free metal (Table 3).
The study of first 250 patients clearly demonstrates that all
subjects had RAP/CP. Similarly, observations indicate that
MBAF brought significant relief in reducing number of
hospitalisations, intensity and frequency of attacks. It also
improved physical and psychological state with significant
reduction in cost. Subjects also reported weight gain and
improvement in quality of life.
Dairy products and rich protein diet is contradictory in the
treatment of pancreatitis. However, patients were given a diet
rich in protein and dairy products after starting Ayurvedic
treatment. The observed effect of Ayurvedic treatment on
pancreatitis patients raises many questions regarding its
intrigue chemistry, dose schedule, mode of action and duration.
Heavy metals are known to be toxic but in this study, no
grade II toxicity has been reported in any subject (Singh et al.,
2011). Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine of India
which is not understood for its therapeutic efficacy. Its
principles were laid thousands of years ago using language,
parameters and protocols of that era. In recent years,
complementary and alternate medicines have gained wide
popularity but mostly on wellness part. Prima facie evidences
do suggest that Ayurveda might have therapeutic effects as well.
Therapeutic use of metals is a virgin area of science and not
much work has been done on this specialized branch of
Ayurveda. We suggest that scientific fraternity take note of
these preliminary findings and will develop a pragmatic
approach to explore the therapeutics of metal based Ayurvedic
treatment for the prevention and treatment of both types of
Pancreatitis. This will require a combined programme where
traditional wisdom should be incorporated with modern
scientific tools to develop a reproducible, safe and effective
treatment protocol.
The preliminary clinical data indicates that MBAF derived
from Rasa shastra in Ayurveda might be a potential
prophylactic treatment for RAP/ CP.
Fig. 2. Demography, dietary habit and family history of the subjects.
Relevance of MBAF in the management of pancreatitis
2017 / Volume 7 / Issue 2 / e9
We duly acknowledge all patients and their families for
participation in the programme.
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
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... AMC has been showing significant effect in reducing intensity and frequency of attacks in patients suffering from different variants of pancreatitis [11,12]. The compound has also shown pancreatitis protective properties in experimental studies [13]. ...
... AMC has been bringing complete and sustainable relief in patients suffering from Pancreatitis and is also able to cease disease progression in treated cases [11,12]. The formulation also exhibits pancreatitis protective properties and is absolutely safe [13]. ...
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CA19-9 is a carbohydrate antigen used as a cancer marker in pancreatic cancer. CA19-9 levels are found to be elevated in patients of pancreatic cancer along with some other gastrointestinal carcinomas. Recent studies also indicate etiological role of this antigen in pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. The marker is widely used as an indicator to assess the efficacy of treatments given in pancreatic cancer and decreasing levels do indicate a good prognosis. However, there are no reports on auto-regression of CA19-9 levels in patients of pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. An Ayurvedic Mineral Complex (AMC) has been found effective in lowering CA19-9 levels in Pancreatitis patients from the very beginning of the treatment. This observation can open a new thrust area for research to develop this formulation as a preventive therapy for pancreatic cancer in patients suffering from Pancreatitis. Here we report the observations made in 43 pancreatitis patients, with elevated CA 19-9 levels, who were treated using AMC.
... Furthermore, evidence of the efficacy of metal-based Ayurvedic formulations in CP has also been brought forward in a clinical study on 250 cases of CP, where significant improvement was observed in terms of reducing number of hospitalizations, intensity, and frequency of attacks. [15] This type of clinical case study will contribute toward generating evidence-based treatment protocol for pancreatitis through Ayurveda which is the need of the hour. Metal-mineral-based Ayurvedic formulations might be a potential prophylactic or curative treatment for alcoholic acute CP, which needs to be further researched. ...
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Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, which may be acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory condition that may extend to local and distant extrapancreatic tissues. Recurrent inflammations will eventually turn the disease into a chronic stage. The chronicity of the disease causes emaciation of the patient, craving for food, and worsening of the symptoms, which results in a bad prognosis due to necrosis of the pancreatic cells, depicting the Dhatupakavastha (~tissue suppuration) as per Ayurveda. The predominant symptom is persistent Udarashoola (~colicky abdominal pain). The management of pancreatitis through Rasoushadhi (~herbo-metallo-mineral-based formulations) is considered to be a choice of treatment due to its advantages, including an ability to cure even bad prognostic diseases. This is a case study of a 48-year-old male, a diagnosed case of alcoholic acute on chronic pancreatitis since 2009, where administration of a combination of few Rasoushadhi containing Lauha bhasma (~incinerated iron), Tamra bhasma (~incinerated Copper), Sudhavarga dravya (~calcium compounds), and Kshara (~alkaline substances) showed significant improvement in clinical, biochemical, and radiological parameters. The outcome of the treatment infers that Rasoushadhi can be useful in the management of such manifestations, further can reduce in number of hospitalizations and restore the health of the patient.
... Furthermore, evidence of the efficacy of metal-based Ayurvedic formulations in CP has also been brought forward in a clinical study on 250 cases of CP, where significant improvement was observed in terms of reducing number of hospitalizations, intensity, and frequency of attacks. [15] This type of clinical case study will contribute toward generating evidence-based treatment protocol for pancreatitis through Ayurveda which is the need of the hour. Metal-mineral-based Ayurvedic formulations might be a potential prophylactic or curative treatment for alcoholic acute CP, which needs to be further researched. ...
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, which may be acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory condition that may extend to local and distant extrapancreatic tissues. Recurrent inflammations will eventually turn the disease into a chronic stage. The chronicity of the disease causes emaciation of the patient, craving for food, and worsening of the symptoms, which results in a bad prognosis due to necrosis of the pancreatic cells, depicting the Dhatupakavastha (~tissue suppuration) as per Ayurveda. The predominant symptom is persistent Udarashoola (~colicky abdominal pain). The management of pancreatitis through Rasoushadhi (~herbo-metallo-mineral-based formulations) is considered to be a choice of treatment due to its advantages, including an ability to cure even bad prognostic diseases. This is a case study of a 48-year-old male, a diagnosed case of alcoholic acute on chronic pancreatitis since 2009, where administration of a combination of few Rasoushadhi containing Lauha bhasma (~incinerated iron), Tamra bhasma (~incinerated Copper), Sudhavarga dravya (~calcium compounds), and Kshara (~alkaline substances) showed significant improvement in clinical, biochemical, and radiological parameters. The outcome of the treatment infers that Rasoushadhi can be useful in the management of such manifestations, further can reduce in number of hospitalizations and restore the health of the patient.
... Complementary and alternative medicine systems, including Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homoeopathy, and Yoga, are considered independent medical approaches alongside conventional medicine [11]. Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system, places great emphasis on diet, lifestyle, and medicines derived from plant, animal, and mineral sources [12]. ...
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Background: Hereditary pancreatitis (HP) is a chronic and recurrent inflammatory disorder caused by genetic abnormalities, often accompanied by severe symptoms and complications. Conventional treatments offer limited relief but fail to halt disease progression. An Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol has been reported to be effective in treating various types of pancreatitis. Objectives: This observational clinical study is aimed at assessing the efficacy of a year long Ayurvedic treatment protocol (ATP) in mitigating attack frequency and intensity in Hereditary Pancreatitis patients. Materials & Methods: The study enrolled 151 patients across diverse age groups and genders, subjecting them to a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment protocol at a specialized center. The protocol incorporated Metal-Based Ayurvedic Formulation (MBAF) named Amar, alongside supportive Ayurvedic compounds and dietary adjustments. Patients underwent pre- and post-treatment evaluations involving interviews, medical records, blood tests, radiological imaging, and symptom assessments. Notably, pancreatic enzyme use was discontinued prior to initiating Ayurvedic treatment. Results: Among 151 patients, 88 completed the year long ATP, resulting in significant enhancement of their quality of life. There was a marked 98.7% reduction in emergency hospitalizations and a notable 92.8% decrease in attack frequency (p < 0.0001). Radiological assessments indicated pancreatic health stabilization, while no adverse effects were reported, highlighting the intervention’s safety and tolerability. Conclusion: The study furnishes promising evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of ATP, especially the MBAF, in managing Hereditary Pancreatitis. The observed decline in attack frequency, absence of adverse effects, and stabilization of pancreatic health underscore the potential of Ayurvedic medicine. Subsequent research, including randomized controlled trials, is warranted to substantiate these findings and elucidate underlying mechanisms.
... In this scenario, a North India-based Ayurvedic clinic has reported the significant and sustainable effect of MBAT in reducing the intensity and frequency of attacks and improvement in the overall well-being of patients with recurring acute and chronic pancreatitis. [12,16] The discussed case is one of the cases treated at the clinic. The 24-year-old boy with five year history of chronic pancreatitis was put on Ayurvedic treatment. ...
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Chronic pancreatitis is the long-standing inflammation of the pancreas, leading to irreversible damage of the gland. The disease is characterized by loss of exocrine and endocrine functions of pancreas owing to fibrosis and parenchymal damage. Clinical manifestations of the disease include abdominal pain, episodes of acute pancreatitis, nausea, vomiting, steatorrhea, indigestion, weight loss, and uncontrolled blood sugar. No authentic tools have yet been identified to predict the course of the disease, frequency of acute exacerbations, and rate of disease progression. Pancreatic enzymes, supplements, and a low-fat diet are usually prescribed to patients of pancreatitis. However, patients continue to experience unpredicted flare up of symptoms that are managed by IV fluids, antibiotics, and painkillers in case of acute exacerbations. Surgical intervention and stenting might also be done in some cases to bring relief to patients. However, these have limited effect, and the disease continues to progress and causes pancreatic cancer and casualties as well. Despite advances in medical science, the prognosis of the disease remains variable and unclear. Studies indicate a mortality rate of 17% in 5 years, 30% in 10 years, and 55% in 20 years after the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Here, a case of chronic pancreatitis that was treated in lines of Ayurveda is presented. The patient has not suffered any attack after the commencement of Ayurvedic treatment and completes nine years of symptom-free status with no signs of progression in radiological tests.
... In the above context, a clinic based study from North India has reported significant reduction in frequency of attacks and emergency hospitalisations with marked improvement in clinical conditions of Pancreatitis patients by using an Ayurvedic Mineral Complex (AMC) [10,11]. This formulation is a combination of Copper, Mercury and Sulphur, processed with extracts of Luffa echinata and Clitorea ternatea in lemon juice for a period of 36 months. ...
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Background: Recurrent Acute/Chronic Pancreatitis (RA/CP) is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas. The disease is progressive in nature and may turn fatal in due course. The aetiology of this inflammatory condition majorly remains mysterious, especially in Indian context, where majority of the patients of RA/CP are non-alcoholics and non-tobacco users with no family history of the disease. An Ayurvedic Mineral Complex (AMC) has shown significant improvement in the clinical conditions of pancreatitis patients and significantly reduced acute exacerbations and emergency hospitalizations in a number of cases. The present set of studies was carried to understand the mechanism of AMC. Methodology: AMC was evaluated for its pancreatitis protective properties at different doses in an existing model of L-Arginine induced pancreatitis in albino male wistar rats and compared to Methylprednisolone, a known anti-inflammatory agent. The study was carried in two phases, with three different doses of AMC used in each phase. Results: The studies indicate that AMC was well tolerated. It did not cause mortality or any clinical signs of toxicity in male wistar rats, who were given a daily dose of AMC for twenty-one days. There was no change in body weight and food consumption pattern. It also decreased the oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines and severity of inflammatory condition in pancreas by reducing structural changes. The best pancreatitis protective effect of AMC was observed at doses of 25 mg/kg and 19 mg/kg body weight. Conclusion: The results of the aforesaid studies validate the stated clinical efficacy of AMC by showing its strong pancreatitis protective properties. AMC might be developed as a potential anti-inflammatory agent.
... In the above context, a clinic based study from North India has reported significant reduction in frequency of attacks and emergency hospitalisations with marked improvement in clinical conditions of Pancreatitis patients by using an Ayurvedic Mineral Complex (AMC) [10,11]. This formulation is a combination of Copper, Mercury and Sulphur, processed with extracts of Luffa echinata and Clitorea ternatea in lemon juice for a period of 36 months. ...
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Background: Recurrent Acute/Chronic Pancreatitis (RA/CP) is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas. The disease is progressive in nature and may turn fatal in due course. The aetiology of this inflammatory condition majorly remains mysterious, especially in Indian context, where majority of the patients of RA/CP are non-alcoholics and non-tobacco users with no family history of the disease. An Ayurvedic Mineral Complex (AMC) has shown significant improvement in the clinical conditions of pancreatitis patients and significantly reduced acute exacerbations and emergency hospitalizations in a number of cases. The present set of studies was carried to understand the mechanism of AMC. Methodology: AMC was evaluated for its pancreatitis protective properties at different doses in an existing model of L-Arginine induced pancreatitis in albino male wistar rats and compared to Methylprednisolone, a known anti-inflammatory agent. The study was carried in two phases, with three different doses of AMC used in each phase. Results: The studies indicate that AMC was well tolerated. It did not cause mortality or any clinical signs of toxicity in male wistar rats, who were given a daily dose of AMC for twenty-one days. There was no change in body weight and food consumption pattern. It also decreased the oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines and severity of inflammatory condition in pancreas by reducing structural changes. The best pancreatitis protective effect of AMC was observed at doses of 25 mg/kg and 19 mg/kg body weight. Conclusion: The results of the aforesaid studies validate the stated clinical efficacy of AMC by showing its strong pancreatitis protective properties. AMC might be developed as a potential anti-inflammatory agent.
... As per the prevailing laws, a registered Ayurvedic practitioner can prepare his own medicines for use in his clinical practice, without obtaining any drug manufacturing licence [12]. In this scenario, a North India based Ayurvedic physician has reported significant and sustainable results in treating RA/CP patients [13][14][15]. The growing reputation of this centre attracts a fair number of Pancreatitis patients from various parts of India and abroad. ...
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Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas, affecting its endocrine and exocrine function. It is mainly associated with abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, steatorrhea, weight loss and diabetes. There are many variants of pancreatitis that have been broadly divided into acute and chronic pancreatitis. In both the conditions, patients may suffer with recurring episodes of the aforesaid symptoms with progression of the disease. Pancreatitis is conservatively managed by emergency hospitalizations, lifelong pancreatic enzymes and supplements with modifications in diet and lifestyle. Advance surgical intervention is also being used in some cases to provide long term solution. However, the benefits of such procedures are limited to certain pockets of the world. Owing to unpredictable nature of the disease and limitations of treatment possibilities, pancreatitis adversely affects psychological, physical and financial status of the patients. In this scenario, many patients opt for alternate medicines. A North India based Ayurvedic clinic has earned reputation in bringing complete and sustainable relief in significant number of cases of Recurrent Acute/ Chronic Pancreatitis (RA/CP). A data on 319 well diagnosed cases demonstrates that Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol (ATP) has been able to bring complete relief in significant number of patients, without causing any side effect. Statistical analysis of the data shows that the treatment brought significant improvement in weight and reduction in frequency of attacks. ATP comprises of a few Ayurvedic formulations that are prescribed for a period of one year, along with regulated diet and lifestyle as well as complete physical and mental rest. The main Ayurvedic formulation used in the treatment is Amar. Experimental studies conducted using Amar have demonstrated its protective properties against pancreatitis. Further research is being conducted for the systematic and scientific development of this specialized ATP.
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Chronic inflammatory diseases (CID) are globally highly prevalent and characterized by severe pathological medical conditions. Several trials were conducted aiming at measuring the effects of manipulative therapies on patients affected by CID. The purpose of this review was to explore the extent to which osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) can be benefi-cial in medical conditions also classified as CID. This review included any type of experimental study which enrolled sub-jects with CID comparing OMT with any type of control procedure. The search was conducted on eight databases in January 2014 using a pragmatic literature search approach. Two independent re-viewers conducted study selection and data extraction for each study. The risk of bias was evaluated according to the Cochrane methods. Heterogeneity was assessed and meta-analysis performed where possible. 10 studies met the inclusion criteria for this review enrolling 386 subjects. The search identified six RCTs, one laboratory study, one cross-over pilot studies, one observation-al study and one case control pilot study. Results suggest a potential effect of osteopathic medicine on patients with medical pathologies associated with CID (in particular Chronic Obstructive Pul-monary Disease (COPD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Asthma and Peripheral Arterial Disease) com-pared to no treatment or sham therapy although data remain elusive. Moreover one study showed possible effects on arthritis rat model. Meta-analysis was performed for COPD studies only show-ing no effect of any type of OMT applied versus control. No major side effects were reported by those receiving OMT. The present systematic review showed inconsistent data on the effect of OMT in the treatment of medical conditions potentially associated with CID, however the OMT appears to be a safe approach. Further more robust trials are needed to determine the direction and magnitude of the effect of OMT and to generalize favorable results.
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The word Rasashaastra literally means the "Science of Mercury". It is a specialized branch of Ayurveda dealing mainly with materials which are known as 'Rasa dravyaas'. The products dealt under this discipline are an important component of Ayurvedic therapeutics. Considering the importance of this discipline in Ayurvedic therapeutics and the fact that there is dearth of comprehensive review on the subject an attempt has been made in this review to provide a brief but all encompassing coverage of different aspects related to it. The subjects covered in the review are: historical background of the evolvement of Rasashaastra as a specialized branch during different time periods; different aspects of classification 'Rasa dravyaas'; processing of metal and mineral products with a note on the methods used during different time periods; information about methods of pre and post preparation procedures for different kinds of 'Rasa dravyaas'; importance of mercury in Ayurveda, its processing methods and different preparations along with therapeutic indications. In addition attempt has been made to provide basic information on the metal and mineral based preparations mentioned in Ayurvedic Formulary of India; recent development in the field of Rasashaastra and future requirements for the proper development of the discipline. The main focus is to familiarize the readers, from non-ayurvedic background, on different aspects of this specialized discipline.
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Serhan and colleagues introduced the term "Resoleomics" in 1996 as the process of inflammation resolution. The major discovery of Serhan's work is that onset to conclusion of an inflammation is a controlled process of the immune system (IS) and not simply the consequence of an extinguished or "exhausted" immune reaction. Resoleomics can be considered as the evolutionary mechanism of restoring homeostatic balances after injury, inflammation and infection. Under normal circumstances, Resoleomics should be able to conclude inflammatory responses. Considering the modern pandemic increase of chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses involving chronic inflammation, it has become apparent that Resoleomics is not fulfilling its potential resolving capacity. We suggest that recent drastic changes in lifestyle, including diet and psycho-emotional stress, are responsible for inflammation and for disturbances in Resoleomics. In addition, current interventions, like chronic use of anti-inflammatory medication, suppress Resoleomics. These new lifestyle factors, including the use of medication, should be considered health hazards, as they are capable of long-term or chronic activation of the central stress axes. The IS is designed to produce solutions for fast, intensive hazards, not to cope with long-term, chronic stimulation. The never-ending stress factors of recent lifestyle changes have pushed the IS and the central stress system into a constant state of activity, leading to chronically unresolved inflammation and increased vulnerability for chronic disease. Our hypothesis is that modern diet, increased psycho-emotional stress and chronic use of anti-inflammatory medication disrupt the natural process of inflammation resolution ie Resoleomics.
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Lifestyle diseases (LSDs) are those conditions usually attributed to dramatic shifts in the way humans live their lives, and are an object of medical attention and thus the cause of concern. Continuous usage of conventional medicine for these diseases may produce adverse drug reactions and hence an alternative has become the need of the hour. Rasa Shastra has flourished from medieval period, but therapeutic use of Rasa Dravyas is being explored, it is evident with increasing number of publications validating it. Contemporary pharmaceutics also started exploiting the benefits of these novel elements in terms of Metallo-pharmaceutics. This article focuses on the utility of Rasaushadhis and their role in the betterment of the community with special reference to LSDs.
Background and Aims: A survey was conducted of chronic pancreatitis (CP) in different countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The main objective of the survey was to generate a database containing information regarding the prevalence, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, and management of CP in the Asia-Pacific region. Methods: Data were collected from seven countries using a structured questionnaire. Expert participants were asked to respond to the questionnaire based on the data of patients with CP studied in their centers. Results: The prevalence of CP was found to be very high in southern India (114-200/100 000 population), in contrast to the low reported rate of 4.2/100 000 population in Japan. Alcohol was the most common etiological factor in Australia (95%) and Japan (54%) while idiopathic pancreatitis was the most common type in India (tropical pancreatitis) and China, accounting for approximately 70% of all cases of CP. Pain was the most common clinical feature. Diabetes and steatorrhea were uncommon. With regard to the diagnosis of CP, all the experts believed that a patient could be diagnosed as having CP in the presence of any one or more of the following: ductal changes on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, a positive secretin test, pancreatic calcification, and endosonographic abnormalities suggestive of CP. Most experts suggested pancreatic enzymes and analgesics as initial medical therapy for pain relief in CP. Endotherapy was suggested as the therapy of choice if medical therapy failed. Surgery was offered only after the failure of endotherapy. Most experts agreed that research should focus on genetic abnormalities in CP and the role of endotherapy for pain relief. Conclusion: The survey brought out the prevalent types and presentation of CP, common management practices, and also the shortcomings in the existing knowledge of CP in the Asia-Pacific region. These findings might help focus attention on the research priorities for CP in this region. (C) 2004 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Aim: The aim of the review is to study about management of chronic pancreatitis. Objective: The purpose of the review is to know about management of chronic pancreatitis Background: Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the pancreas, characterized by irreversible morphologic changes and gradual fibrotic replacement of the glands and calcification of the gland. Loss of exocrine and endocrine function results from parenchymal insufficiency. The most common symptoms of CP are abdominal pain, loss of pancreatic enzymes causing maldigestion, steatorrhoea and severe loss of weight. Deficiency of insulin leads to diabetes mellitus. Principles of management of CP include treatment for maldigestion with oral enzymes, diabetes mellitus with insulin, abdominal pain with analgesics and management of complications. Pancreatic transplant may be considered in suitable patients. Reason: To create awareness about the management of chronic pancreatitis.
Recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP) is defined as more than two attacks of acute pancreatitis (AP) without any evidence of underlying chronic pancreatitis (CP). As the known causes of AP are generally taken care of, RAP usually occurs in the idiopathic group, which forms 20%– 25% of cases of AP. The causes of idiopathic RAP (IRAP) can be mechanical, toxic–metabolic, anatomical, or miscellaneous. Microlithiasis commonly reported from the West is not a common cause of IRAP among Indian patients. Pancreas divisum (PD) is now believed as a cofactor, the main factor being associated genetic mutations. The role of Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) as a cause of IRAP remains controversial. Malignancy should be ruled out in any patient with IRAP >50 years of age. Early CP can present initially as RAP. The work-up of patients with IRAP includes a detailed history and investigations. Primary investigations include liver function tests (LFT), serum calcium and triglyceride, abdominal ultrasonography (USG) and contrast-ehhanced computed tomography (CECT) abdomen. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and possibly endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) are indicated in the secondary phase if the work-up is negative after the primary investigations. EUS is advised usually 6–8 weeks after an acute episode. Treatment of patients with IRAP is aimed at the specific aetiology. In general, empirical cholecystectomy should be discouraged with the availability and widespread use of EUS. Endoscopic sphincterotomy is advised if there is strong suspicion of SOD. Minor papilla sphincterotomy should be carried out in those with PD but with limited expectations. Regular follow-up of patients with IRAP is necessary because most patients are likely to develop CP in due course.
Based on the example of a cohort of patients treated at a regional Australian hospital, it is evident that many incident acute pancreatitis cases merit consideration as a chronic disease process, for a number of reasons: • A considerable proportion of acute cases harbour underlying pancreatitis. • An attack of severe acute pancreatitis may lead to long-term structural or functional impairment. • Following an attack of acute pancreatitis, risk factors or precursors of chronic pancreatitis or recurrent acute pancreatitis may persist. As such, it is argued that cases of acute pancreatitis should by default be managed from the perspective of a chronic disease paradigm. A management strategy based on a prevention hierarchy is proposed.