Technical ReportPDF Available

Sacramento River Ecological Flows Tool (SacEFT): record of design (v.2.00)

  • ESSA Technologies Ltd.
  • ESSA Technologies Ltd
  • ESSA Technologies Ltd.
  • ESSA Technologies Ltd. (


With over 50 years of international concern about the effects of flow alteration on ecosystems, the continued advancement of scientifically based tools to quantify the ecological effects of flow regulation and river channel alterations has become a prominent research activity (e.g., Stalnaker 1994; Bunn and Arthington 2002; Annear et al. 2004; Veldkamp and Verburg 2004; Arthington et al. 2006; Poff et al. 1997; Petts 2009; Poff and Zimmerman 2010). Process-based models constitute one powerful and efficient tool for comparing the effects of alternative flow and river channel change scenarios. The Sacramento River Ecological Flows Tool (SacEFT) is a decision support tool emphasizing clear communication of trade-offs for key ecosystem targets associated with alternative conveyance, water operations and climate futures in the Sacramento River eco-region. The vision for SacEFT, one we believe we have achieved, is to create software that makes it easy for non-specialists to expand the ecological considerations and science foundation used to evaluate water management alternatives on the Sacramento River. Practical integration of multi-species, multi-habitat needs in the evaluation of water operation scenarios is challenging. In SacEFT, we more transparently relate additional attributes of the flow regime to multiple species’ life-history needs, thereby contributing to a more effective understanding of water operations on representative sets of focal species and their habitats (Chinook salmon, steelhead, green sturgeon, bank swallows, channel erosion/migration, Fremont cottonwoods, and large woody debris recruitment). Scientifically, SacEFT takes a bottom-up, process-based approach to the relationship between flow and related aquatic habitat variables, and looks at how these variables are tied to key species life-stages and ecosystem functions. Our work and the input of many expert contributors develops a more complete understanding of the flow regime and its relation to natural processes and species’ requirements, so as to identify the critical attributes of the flow regime necessary to maintain ecosystem function. The multi- species, multi-indicator paradigm provides a “portfolio” approach for assessing how different flow and habitat restoration combinations suit the different life stages of desired species. In so doing, SacEFT transparently relates additional attributes of the flow regime to multiple species’ life-history needs in an overall effort at careful organization of representative functional flow needs. This provides a robust scientific framework to focus the definition of ecological flow guidelines and contribute to the understanding of water operation effects on focal species and their habitats. The performance indicators and functional relationships built into SacEFT were vetted through two multi- disciplinary workshops and numerous design document reviews. The recommendations of these technical design workshops and subsequent peer reviews provide the basis for the indicators and models described in this document. Collectively, the constituent focal species “submodels” provide twelve (12) performance measures which vary in spatial scale, temporal scale, and levels of reliability. Multi-year roll-ups allow users to quickly zoom in on the much smaller set of performance measures which differ significantly across management scenarios. With the completion of SacEFT v.2, the decision analysis tool provides the ability to: 1. improve the basis for evaluating flow alternatives on the Sacramento River from Keswick to Colusa (e.g., Bay-Delta Conservation Plan flows, North-of-Delta Off-Stream Storage Investigation, Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation, and other future diversions and water transfers); 2. evaluate a variety of management actions’ affects (e.g., gravel augmentation and bank protection alternatives) on ecosystem targets for the five Sacramento River focal species; 3. provide multiple levels of communication of information ranging from simplified formats for managers and decision-makers to in-depth displays of detailed functional relationships and transparent assumptions for review by technical experts; 4. leverage existing systems and data sources (CalSim /USRWQM/USRDOM, historical gauging station records, the Meander Migration Model, and TUGS, a new sediment transport model); and 5. catalyze exploration of new alternatives as data sets become available (e.g., climate change) and help promote the development of needed flexibility in the water management system. By leveraging many of the same planning models used in existing socioeconomic evaluations in California (e.g., CalSim, USRDOM, USRWQM), SacEFT provides an “eco plug-in” for water operation studies based on use of these physical hydrologic/water balance models. SacEFT advances and enables ecological flow (e-Flow) science by linking these physical models to a representative set of individual ecosystem components inside an overall compressed, cross-disciplinary synthesis tool for evaluating conveyance operation alternatives in the Sacramento River eco-region. Lastly, SacEFT’s output interface and reports for trade-off analyses make it clear how actions implemented for the benefit of one area or focal species may affect (both positive and negative) another area or focal species. For example, we can show how altering Sacramento River flows to meet export pumping schedules in the Delta affects focal species’ performance measures in the Upper and Middle Sacramento River. One of the biggest challenges in the practical implementation of ecological flow guidelines is the wide range of objectives, focal species and habitat types that need to be considered. Our work to date has brought into focus how these various objectives cannot all be simultaneously met. In nature, conditions often benefit one target or species to the potential detriment of another in any given year. Fortunately, flow characteristics that benefit the various ecological targets investigated are usually required on a periodic basis and not every single year. EFT studies simplify communication of these trade-offs, and catalyze definition of state-dependent management practices that promote the development of needed flexibility in the water management system. Building a tool that makes accurate future predictions of ecosystem behavior is challenging and usually not possible in complex, open natural systems (Oreskes et al. 1994). SacEFT’s main purpose is to characterize and explore important ecological trade-offs and inform managers and decision makers about the relative impacts of various flow management alternatives. The system can also act as a catalyst for exploring deliberate or opportunistic adaptive management experiments (Murray and Marmorek 2003) that assess actual ecological responses on a variety of spatial/temporal scales. This approach (model exploration of management alternatives and adaptive management experiments) will ultimately help water resource managers and stakeholders converge on options that best strike a balance among various of conflicting objectives.
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... Its habitat and species sub-models are informed by existing conceptual models that were used to help select the EFT's key indicators (Table 1). These indicators are driven by relevant physical measures of flow, water temperature, channel migration, salinity and/or river stage at a daily (or finer) time-scale (ESSA 2011(ESSA , 2013Alexander et al. 2014). Although the EFT was designed to work with any physical model(s) capable of producing daily resolution results at required locations, in this study, those inputs are provided by a standard suite of hydrological tools (described later) for evaluating Shasta Dam operations and Delta conveyance and water export alternatives. ...
... Although the EFT was designed to work with any physical model(s) capable of producing daily resolution results at required locations, in this study, those inputs are provided by a standard suite of hydrological tools (described later) for evaluating Shasta Dam operations and Delta conveyance and water export alternatives. The EFT is further linked to models of channel migration, soil erosion, and sediment transport (ESSA 2011(ESSA , 2013. This broad and unique coupling of multiple models enables synthesis evaluations of the potential benefits, not only of flow modification, but also of riprap removal and gravel augmentation (Larsen and Greco 2002;Larsen 2007;Wohl et al. 2015). ...
... The study area comprises two linked eco-regions within the SRD hydrosystem: (1) the upstream main stem of the Sacramento River between Keswick and Colusa; and (2) the Delta estuary downstream of Fremont Weir, including the Yolo Bypass, Grizzly Bay, and Suisun Bay ( Figure 1). The EFT model (ESSA 2011(ESSA , 2013 was developed for key habitat and species indicators within these two eco-regions. ...
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Management of the Sacramento River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (SRD) is one of California's greatest challenges, requiring trade-offs between valued components that serve a multiplicity of conflicting purposes. Trade-offs do not signal a failure to create clever enough models, or scenarios that find a single optimal solution. Rather, an optimal solution that meets multiple objectives does not exist. We demonstrate an improved method for multiple-objective allocation of water: "turntaking" optimization (TTO) within a multi-model cloud computing framework. We apply TTO to an array of physical hydrologic models that are linked with the Ecological Flows Tool (EFT): a multi-species decision support framework to evaluate how specific components of the flow regime promote and balance favorable habitat conditions for 15 representative species and 31 indicators within the SRD. Applying the TTO approach incorporates the existing modelled representation of socio-economic water management criteria, priorities, and constraints - and optimizes water-release patterns each water year using a dynamically shifting set of EFT indicators. Rather than attempting to optimize conditions for all ecological indicators every year, TTO creates flexibility and opportunities for different indicators to be successful in different years, informed by the frequency with which each species' ecological needs should be met. As an individual EFT indicator is successful in a particular year, its priority in one or more subsequent years is reduced (and vice versa). Comparing TTO to a Reference Case scenario based on current management practices, 12 EFT indicators are improved, 14 show no change, and 5 show a reduction in suitability. When grouped into nine species and life-history groups, performance improved in four (late-fall-run Chinook, winterrun Chinook, spring-run Chinook, and Fremont cottonwood), did not change in four (fall-run Chinook Salmon, Delta Smelt, Splittail, and Longfin Smelt), and was worse in one group (Steelhead).
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Accounting for natural differences in flow variability among rivers, and understanding the importance of this for the protection of freshwater biodiversity and maintenance of goods and services that rivers provide, is a great challenge for water managers and scientists. Nevertheless, despite considerable progress in understanding how flow variability sustains river ecosystems, there is a growing temptation to ignore natural system complexity in favor of simplistic, static, environmental flow ''rules'' to resolve pressing river management issues. We argue that such approaches are misguided and will ultimately contribute to further degradation of river ecosystems. In the absence of detailed empirical information of environmental flow requirements for rivers, we propose a generic approach that incorporates essential aspects of natural flow variability shared across particular classes of rivers that can be validated with empirical biological data and other information in a calibration process. We argue that this approach can bridge the gap between simple hydrological ''rules of thumb'' and more comprehensive environmental flow assessments and experimental flow restoration projects.
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We present a transport model for mixed sand/gravel sediments. Fractional transport rates are referenced to the size distribution of the bed surface, rather than subsurface, making the model completely explicit and capable of predicting transient conditions. The model is developed using a new data set of 48 coupled observations of flow, transport, and bed surface grain size using five different sediments. The model incorporates a hiding function that resolves discrepancies observed among earlier hiding functions. The model uses the full size distribution of the bed surface, including sand, and incorporates a nonlinear effect of sand content on gravel transport rate not included in previous models. The model shares some common elements with two previous surface-based transport models, but differs in using the full surface size distribution and in that it is directly developed from a relatively comprehensive data set with unambiguous measurement of surface grain size over a range of flow, transport rate, and sediments.
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High spawning flows from Hugh Keenleyside Dam (HKD) on the Columbia River results in dewatering of eggs in mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) populations, but the ultimate effect on adult abundance depends on the shape of the egg-to-adult recruitment curve. Our decision analysis assessed the benefits of alternative flow experiments while accounting for uncertainties in this relationship and in flows in the Columbia and Kootenay rivers. The value of experimenting depended on the true recruitment relationship, how we quantified experimental benefits, and experimental design. With current uncertainty, the optimal HKD spawning flow (out of 11 alternative flows) was 1699.2 m3·s–1. Spawning flows below 1699.2 m3·s–1 did not improve egg survival because lower flows rendered high-quality spawning habitat unavailable and increased scour mortality. Two experimental designs, both with higher precision monitoring, had a high probability of detecting the true recruitment curve at reasonable cost. Information from these experiments suggested an optimal spawning flow of 1699.2 m3·s–1 if adult abundance were sensitive to egg mortality or 1982.4 m3·s–1 if the population were insensitive.
A numerical model has been developed for the routing of gravel-sized sediment along a river channel which is free to adjust both its long profile and surface texture. Hydraulic calculations use a step-backwater approach, and sediment transport is predicted with the method of Parker (1990a), which uses a low degree of size selectivity. Exchange of sediment between the surface and subsurface is described using the modified Exner equation of Parker and Sutherland (1990). The model is applied to an idealized channel based on the highly concave Allt Dubhaig, Scotland, in which fining by particle wear is minor. The rapid downstream fining observed in this river is closely matched by model predictions after a time equivalent to
ABSTRACT / The flow regime is regarded by many aquatic ecologists to be the key driver of river and floodplain wetland ecosystems. We have focused this literature review around four key principles to highlight the important mechanisms that link hydrology and aquatic biodiversity and to illustrate the consequent impacts of altered flow regimes: Firstly, flow is a major determinant of physical habitat in streams, which in turn is a major determinant of biotic composition; Secondly, aquatic species have evolved life history strategies primarily in direct response to the natural flow regimes; Thirdly, maintenance of natural patterns of longitudinal and lateral connectivity is essential to the viability of populations of many riverine species; Finally, the invasion and success of exotic and introduced species in rivers is facilitated by the alteration of flow regimes. The impacts of flow change are manifest across broad taxonomic groups including riverine plants, invertebrates, and fish. Despite growing recognition of these relationships, ecologists still struggle to predict and quantify biotic responses to altered flow regimes. One obvious difficulty is the ability to distinguish the direct effects of modified flow regimes from impacts associated with land-use change that often accompanies water resource development. Currently, evidence about how rivers function in relation to flow regime and the flows that aquatic organisms need exists largely as a series of untested hypotheses. To overcome these problems, aquatic science needs to move quickly into a manipulative or experimental phase, preferably with the aims of restoration and measuring ecosystem response.
The stranding of juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and rainbow trout O. mykiss on river bars caused by rapid decreases in river flow during the operation of hydroelectric facilities was investigated in an artificial stream channel. We conducted experiments with winter water temperatures (<4°C) and a gravel substrate, In daytime trials, many fish became stranded because they were concealed in the interstitial areas of the substrate and were reluctant to leave when water levels receded. Coho salmon were more likely to be stranded than rainbow trout. At night, instead of using the substrate as cover, fish were active in the water column and the incidence of stranding during flow reductions was greatly diminished. Stranding was less frequent at slow rates of dewatering. The addition of shallow, covered pools to the substrate did not alter the principal results. Our findings suggest that during winter months, fish losses from stranding will be minimized if flow reductions occur at night and at slow rates of change.
Many rivers have an abrupt transition from gravel-bed to sand-bed morphology. In many cases the point of transition is neither prograding nor retrograding, but is rather arrested in place. Two mechanisms are hypothesized as responsible for stabilizing the gravel-sand transition, basin subsidence (or alternatively base level rise) and abrasion of gravel. The companion paper offers a simplified analytical solution for the long profile of a river with such a transition. This treatment allows for direct insight into the relation between the morphology and the controlling mechanisms at the expense of several gross approximations. The present paper offers a rigorous complete numerical solution which takes such facts as the streamwise sorting of heterogeneous gravel into consideration.
Information on temperature (T°C) and time from fertilization to 50% hatch (D days) for five species of salmonid fishes has been used to assess several mathematical models relating D and T. No single equation gave the best fit to all five data sets. The power law with temperature correction (α), log101D= log10a+b log10 (T- α) and the quadratic, log10D= log10a+bT+b1T2 (where a, b, b1, and α are constants), each accounted for over 97 % of the variance of D and were good fits to the observed data points for all five species. There was little difference between the predictions obtained from these two equations within the range of observed temperatures. Therefore, the simpler power-law model is preferred. However, there were substantial within-species differences between values of D predicted from extrapolations of the two models from 2 or 3°C down to 0°C. When more data for low temperatures become available it will be possible to make a more objective choice of model.