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Abstract and Figures

Natural habitat loss and fragmentation, as a result of development projects, are major causes of biodiversity erosion. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the most commonly used site-specific planning tool that takes into account the effects of development projects on biodiversity by integrating potential impacts into the mitigation hierarchy of avoidance, reduction, and offset measures. However, the extent to which EIA fully address the identification of impacts and conservation stakes associated with biodiversity loss has been criticized in recent work. In this paper we examine the extent to which biodiversity criteria have been integrated into 42 EIA from 2006 to 2016 for small development projects in the Montpellier Metropolitan territory in southern France. This study system allowed us to question how EIA integrates biodiversity impacts on a scale relevant to land-use planning. We examine how biodiversity inclusion has changed over time in relation to new policy for EIA and how the mitigation hierarchy is implemented in practice and in comparison with national guidelines. We demonstrate that the inclusion of biodiversity features into EIA has increased significantly in relation to policy change. Several weaknesses nevertheless persist, including the continued absence of substitution solution assessment, a correct analysis of cumulative impacts, the evaluation of impacts on common species, the inclusion of an ecological network scale, and the lack of monitoring and evaluation measures. We also show that measures for mitigation hierarchy are primarily associated with the reduction of impacts rather than their avoidance, and avoidance and offset measures are often misleadingly proposed in EIA. There is in fact marked semantic confusion between avoidance, reduction and offset measures that may impair stakeholders' understanding. All in all, reconsideration of stakeholders routine practices associated with a more strategic approach towards impact anticipation and avoidance at a land-use planning scale is now necessary for the mitigation hierarchy to become a clear and practical hierarchy for “no net loss” objectives based on conservation priorities.
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Research article
The inclusion of biodiversity in environmental impact assessment:
Policy-related progress limited by gaps and semantic confusion
Charlotte Bigard
, Sylvain Pioch
, John D. Thompson
UMR 5175 Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, CNRS, 1919 route de Mende, 34293, Montpellier Cedex 5, France
UMR 5175, Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Universit!
e de Montpellier - Universit!
e Paul-Val!
ery Montpellier, Route de Mende, 34199,
Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Montpellier M!
ee M!
etropole, 50, place Zeus, CS 39556, 34961, Montpellier Cedex 2, France
article info
Article history:
Received 6 February 2017
Received in revised form
12 May 2017
Accepted 19 May 2017
Available online 26 May 2017
Environmental impact assessment
Mitigation hierarchy
Conservation science
Land use planning
No net loss
Natural habitat loss and fragmentation, as a result of development projects, are major causes of biodi-
versity erosion. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the most commonly used site-specic plan-
ning tool that takes into account the effects of development projects on biodiversity by integrating
potential impacts into the mitigation hierarchy of avoidance, reduction, and offset measures. However,
the extent to which EIA fully address the identication of impacts and conservation stakes associated
with biodiversity loss has been criticized in recent work. In this paper we examine the extent to which
biodiversity criteria have been integrated into 42 EIA from 2006 to 2016 for small development projects
in the Montpellier Metropolitan territory in southern France. This study system allowed us to question
how EIA integrates biodiversity impacts on a scale relevant to land-use planning. We examine how
biodiversity inclusion has changed over time in relation to new policy for EIA and how the mitigation
hierarchy is implemented in practice and in comparison with national guidelines. We demonstrate that
the inclusion of biodiversity features into EIA has increased signicantly in relation to policy change.
Several weaknesses nevertheless persist, including the continued absence of substitution solution
assessment, a correct analysis of cumulative impacts, the evaluation of impacts on common species, the
inclusion of an ecological network scale, and the lack of monitoring and evaluation measures. We also
show that measures for mitigation hierarchy are primarily associated with the reduction of impacts
rather than their avoidance, and avoidance and offset measures are often misleadingly proposed in EIA.
There is in fact marked semantic confusion between avoidance, reduction and offset measures that may
impair stakeholders' understanding. All in all, reconsideration of stakeholders routine practices associ-
ated with a more strategic approach towards impact anticipation and avoidance at a land-use planning
scale is now necessary for the mitigation hierarchy to become a clear and practical hierarchy for no net
lossobjectives based on conservation priorities.
©2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Natural habitat destruction by development projects (e.g. linear
infrastructures, urbanisation, commercial centres, quarries, etc.)
has continued to cause the loss of genetic and species diversity, the
fragmentation of natural habitats and the degradation of ecosystem
function (Fahrig, 2003; McKinney, 2008; MEA, 2005). Many coun-
tries have thus developed instruments that attempt to ensure a «no
net loss »(henceforth NNL) of biodiversity with measures to
attenuate and mitigate the loss of biodiversity in the face of land
development (Bull et al., 2016; Hassan et al., 2015; Maron et al.,
2016). The development of the NNL paradigm, and its application
in land-use planning, has however encountered difculties due to
inconsistencies in the way its underlying concepts are framed
(Apostolopoulou and Adams, 2015; Bull et al., 2016; Gordon et al.,
2015) and how impacts are compared with a baseline to assure
NNL (Bull et al., 2014; Maron et al., 2016, 2015). Indeed, in practice,
NNL appears to be impossible, there is nearly always some form of
*Corresponding author. UMR 5175 Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive,
CNRS, 1919 route de Mende, 34293, Montpellier Cedex 5, France. Tel.: þ33
E-mail addresses: (C. Bigard), sylvain.pioch@gmail.
com (S. Pioch), (J.D. Thompson).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Environmental Management
journal homepage:
0301-4797/©2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e45
decline in biodiversity - a sort of generalised net loss impossible to
avoid, but never explicitly presented (Aronson and Moreno-
Mateos, 2015; Maron et al., 2012; Moreno-Mateos et al., 2015). In
relation to these difculties, many countries have developed two
main instruments to apply NNL policy in their land-use planning
The rst of these instruments concerns Environmental Impact
Assessment (henceforth EIA) that developed during the 1970's to
become a key instrument in site-specic planning for biodiversity
(Mandelik et al., 2005) and environmental management (Morgan,
2012). EIA contributes to the assessment and anticipation of
development projects and their impacts on environment and to the
adoption of pro-active policy to mitigate the impacts of such pro-
jects. However, many authors have pointed out recurrent weakness
in the identication of impacts and the conservation stakes asso-
ciated with biodiversity and landscape ecological context (Byron
et al., 2000; Drayson et al., 2015; Gontier et al., 2006; Thompson
et al., 1997; Treweek and Thompson, 1997). EIA has also been
criticised because choices among alternative options for develop-
ment projects are more often based on socio-economic consider-
ations than on ecological arguments (Bonthoux et al., 2015), the
delimitation of the area used to assess impacts is often made on a
non-ecological basis (Geneletti, 2006), measurable indicators or
quantitative predictions are rarely used (Mandelik et al., 2005;
Samarakoon and Rowan, 2008), and the relevance of an impact is
unclear (Atkinson et al., 2000; Khera and Kumar, 2010). In addition,
the study scope is often poorly dened or too narrow; many studies
only assess biodiversity in terms of species' populations with little
attention paid to understanding of effects on ecological processes,
ecosystem function or genetic variation (Atkinson et al., 2000;
Gontier et al., 2006; Khera and Kumar, 2010). Finally, an absence
of precise denitions and correct understanding of ecological pro-
cesses makes the identication of what represents a signicant
impact difcult (Briggs and Hudson, 2013; Geneletti, 2006).
EIA provides basic information for the identication of NNL
objectives within the context of a second major policy instrument,
the so-called mitigation hierarchy. This hierarchy provides a policy
framework to identify the process by which environmental impacts
from development can be avoided, unavoidable impacts
reduced, and residual impacts offset(Maron et al., 2016). This
mitigation hierarchy has also become a subject of concern in terms
of its environmental efciency, social implications and ethical basis
(Gobert, 2015; Gordon et al., 2015; Levrel et al., 2015; Lucas, 2009;
Maron et al., 2016; Moreno-Mateos et al., 2015). Despite high sci-
entic tractability, it begets only moderate implementation trac-
tability, and clear-cut rules on how to classify certain impacts
within the mitigation hierarchy barely exist (Martin, 2015; Bull
et al., 2016; Maron et al., 2016). In addition, the common reliance
on offsetting to achieve NNL has received serious criticism due to
the fact that offsets are rarely adequate, complete offsetting may be
illusory due to the complexity of ecological processes (Gardner
et al., 2013; Moreno-Mateos et al., 2015) and weak institutional
organisation of the mitigation hierarchy impairs attempts to ach-
ieve NNL (Jacob et al., 2015; Lucas, 2009). Problems associated with
identifying ecological equivalence and the absence of a systematic
regional approach further undermine the efciency of the mitiga-
tion hierarchy (Habib et al., 2013; Kujala et al., 2015).
The objective of this study is to examine how biodiversity is
integrated into EIA and dened and treated in the mitigation hi-
erarchy. We examine this issue in relation to recent changes in
French policy aimed at improving the EIA procedure and the
implementation of the mitigation hierarchy. In this context, our
study addresses four main questions. First, how are impacts on
biodiversity taken into account in a large sample of EIAs, all elab-
orated within a single territory? Second, is there a signicant effect
of new policy that proposes to make a more detailed analysis of
biodiversity features and their inclusion in EIA? Third, how are
cumulative impacts taken into account in the study area? Finally,
how well do measures proposed in the EIA for the different ele-
ments in the mitigation hierarchy t French national guidelines and
denitions of the mitigation hierarchy?
2. Methods
2.1. Case study
To undertake this study we analysed 42 EIAs associated with
projects in a single territory, that of the Montpellier Metropolitan
Territory (31 municipalities) and nine adjoining municipalities in
southern France (Fig. 1). This form of territorial grouping allows the
different local municipalities to mutualise their objectives and
obligations (waste treatment, sanitation, economic development
) and to develop coherent urban land-use planning strategies.
The territory contains a patchwork of semi-natural Mediterranean-
type habitats rich in biodiversity, various agricultural areas and is
one of the fastest developing metropolitan territories in France.
The 42 EIAs we studied represent a large number of small-scale
projects each of which has impacts primarily on common species
and habitats and, to a lesser extent on protected habitats and
species. The EIAs for the 42 projects were elaborated between 2006
and 2016. Two major infrastructure projects that had EIA docu-
ments elaborated during this time period were not used in the
initial analyses because their impact concerned several munici-
palities and different types of ecosystem. Hence, the amount of
money and time invested in the EIA productionwas way above that
of all the other 42 projects. The two infrastructure projects are thus
not comparable with the 42 small-scale projects. We thus only used
the information in these two EIAs in the analysis of cumulative
impacts on biodiversity (see below). Thirty-nine of the develop-
ment projects are small-scale development zones or housing pro-
jects, there is one photovoltaic solar power plant project and two
short sections of local road construction. The EIA of each project
was obtained from the archives of the State environmental agency
in the study region (DREAL), the authority in charge of examining
EIAs. They represent all the available EIAs that have caused irre-
versible impacts on terrestrial natural habitats in the study region.
2.2. A data base to examine biodiversity inclusion in EIA
We conducted a systematic examination of the extent to which
biodiversity is included in each of the 42 EIAs. To do so we analysed
six criteria, or questions, that reect the organisation of the
different chapters of an EIA (Table 1). The rst criterion concerns a
baselinedescription of the impacted zone in terms of species and
habitats present, ecological networks, ecological equilibria and
ecological interactions. The second involves how dataare
collected and their pertinence. The third concerns a description of
the impactswhich may be positive or negative, direct or indirect,
temporary or permanent and can be cumulative with those in other
development projects. The fourth requires an assessment of alter-
native (substitution) solutions and a test of the compatibility with
existing planning documents. The fth involves descriptions of the
necessary measuresthat are proposed for implementation within
the mitigation hierarchy. The sixth criterion relates to propositions
for monitoring and evaluation. To provide quantitative and
qualitative response data in relation to these questions, 32 in-
dicators concerning how biodiversity is included in an EIA were
developed (Table 1). These indicators were developed in order to
encompass what the French policy reform and the national doc-
trine require in terms of biodiversity inclusion in EIAs.
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e4536
Each indicator is noted with a score of 1 or 0, depending on
whether the response is positive (inclusion of biodiversity) or
negative respectively. The sum of the scores for each indicator was
determined in order to examine how EIAs integrate biodiversity. To
do so, an Index of Biodiversity Inclusion(IBI), adapted from
Atkinson et al. (2000), was calculated. IBI calculation is based on the
number of positive answers (P) relative to the total number (N) of
questions (32 for EIAs involving offset measures, 30 for the others):
i.e. IBI ¼P/N.
We tested whether the adoption of new policy, aimed at
reforming the procedure for EIAs and the mitigation hierarchy in
France, has had an impact on the integration of criteria to more fully
assess impacts on biodiversity and measures for the mitigation
hierarchy. This policy came with the law n
2010-788 published on
the 12th July 2010 relative to national commitment for the envi-
ronment, with the application of the decree n
2011e2019 of
December 2011 and put into force in June 2012. The main changes
introduced by this reform concern the need to enlarge the scope of
EIA for all projects that may have a signicant impact on the
environment, the requirement of propositions for measures for
implementation within the mitigation hierarchy, an evaluation of
cumulative impacts, and the necessity of a monitoring plan and
environmental compliance (Qu!
etier et al., 2014). To examine the
effect of this policy we tested if IBIs for the 21 EIAs that were made
after June 2012 were greater than the 21 EIAs made before June
2012. Simply by chance the number of pre and post-June 2012 EIAs
was the same. To do so, we did a one-tailed non-parametric Wil-
coxon test (alternative greater) due to the non-normal distribu-
tion of data (result of Shapiro-test not shown). We then focused on
each indicator separately, and tested for an increase of positive
responses after June 2012 by comparing changes in the ratio of
positive to negative responses with a Fisher exact test. All statistical
analysis were made using R statistical software (R development
core team, 2016).
We also analysed the relationship between responses of pre-
dictive variables and the IBI of each EIA, in order to understand
which variables are linked to biodiversity inclusion in EIAs
(Appendix 2). The predictive variables tested are composed of four
qualitative variables: the involvement of expert naturalists in the
EIA, the need for offset measures, the need for an authorisation to
destruct the habitat of protected species and the type of habitat
impacted (for six different habitat types - woodland, cultivated
land, post-cultural semi-open habitat undergoing secondary suc-
cession to scrubland and woodland, wetland, Mediterranean gar-
rigues, and heathland and scrubland), and two quantitative
variables (the surface area of the development project and the
number of pages of the EIA dedicated to natural environment
issue). Environment impacts were taken into account if more than
25% of the study area is concerned. To test for a relationship be-
tween IBI and the qualitative predictive variables, we used
nonparametric one-sided Wilcoxon tests, and compared the IBI
score of EIAs presenting either a negative or positive response to
each qualitative variable. A linear regression was used to test for a
signicant relationship between the two quantitative predictive
variables and IBI scores.
To test for the cumulative impacts of the 42 development pro-
jects in the studied territory (Hawke, 2009) we examined the
spatial distribution of projects and the number of projects that have
Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of the 42 EIAs elaborated in and around the Montpellier Metropolitan territory in France from 2006 to 2016.
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e45 37
a moderate, high or very high impact on listed species using GIS
software. The level of impact is dened by expert judgment in the
EIA. We also quantied the number of projects that impact on each
of the listed species that incur impact in at least one EIA. The
identity of the listed species is provided in Appendix 1. They
correspond to priority species (from moderate to very high priority)
with a national protection status, listed in the European directives
and/or identied at a regional scale as patrimonialspecies.
Table 1
Criteria used to assess the inclusion of biodiversity in 42 EIAs in the Montpellier Metropolitan territoryfrom 20 06 to 2016. Criteria concern six questions that are assessed with
a total of 32 indicators. For each indicator, the number of positive responses (i.e., responses with a score of 1) before and after June 2012 are noted and signicant differences
between EIAs done before and after 2012 tested with a Fisher exact test.
Criteria Question n
Indicator Number of positive responses
June 2012
June 2012
Total number (%) Signicance of increase
after June 2012
Baseline Is the baseline comprehensive
enough to provide a basis to
evaluate impacts?
1Denition of an area of effects
(different to study area)
3 12 15 (35.7%) **
2Study of a larger area than the
project boundaries
1 15 16 (38.1%) ***
3Expertise on all groups of species 4 20 24 (57.1%) ***
4Detailed inventory of ora in the
study area
7 18 25 (59.5%) **
5Detailed inventory of fauna in
study area
4 16 20 (47.6%) ***
6Description of natural habitats 10 17 27 (64.3%) ns
7Natural features totalised on a
map of the study area
5 12 17 (40.5%) ns
8Study of local ecological
6 19 25 (59.5%) ***
9Study of regional ecological
0 7 7 (16.7%) **
10 Study of ecosystems, species and
0 7 7 (16.7%) **
11 Reference to/or study of
ecological interactions
0 0 0 (0%) 0
12 Reference to population
dynamics or studies
3 9 12 (28.6%) ns
13 Argumentation for inclusion of
common biodiversity
2 8 10 (23.8%) ns
Data Are data gathered in a reliable
way and correctly referenced?
14 Field trip 16 21 37 (88.1%) *
15 More than one season of
5 20 25 (59.5%) ***
16 Clear reference to database
12 20 32 (76.2%) **
17 Consultation of the relevant
scientic literature
5 15 20 (47.6%) **
Impacts Are all the impacts explained
and properly evaluated?
18 Evaluation of the signicance of
each impact
3 3 6 (14.3%) ns
19 Identication of direct and
indirect impacts
12 17 29 (69.0%) ns
20 Identication of temporary and
permanent impacts
15 17 32 (76.2%) ns
21 Description of possible
cumulative impacts
0 17 17 (40.5%) ***
22 Explanation of the method used
to evaluate impacts
4 14 18 (42.9%) **
Substitution Is there an attempt to avoid
impacts on natural
environments at the beginning
of the EIA?
23 Study of alternative solutions 0 4 4 (9.5%) ns
24 Study of the alternative without
1 0 1 (2.4%) ns
Measures Are the measures explained and
detailed enough to potentially
balance impacts?
25 Detailed description of mitigation
6 19 25 (59.5%) ***
26 Distinction between each type of
5 15 20 (47.6%) **
27 Use of a method to propose
offsets based on equivalence
0 0 0 (0%) N.A.
28 Reference to a time lag between
losses and future offsets
0 0 0 (0%) N.A.
and evaluation
Are ways to ensure success and
sustainability of measures
29 Mention of success probability of
mitigation measures
0 2 2 (4.8%) ns
30 Scheduling of a monitoring-
evaluation programme
1 12 13 (31.0%) ***
31 Denition of indicators for
monitoring and evaluation
0 5 5 (11.9%) *
32 Mention of sustainability of the
1 1 2 (4.8%) ns
ns, not signicant; *p <0.05, **p <0.01, ***p <0.001.
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e4538
2.3. Attribution of measures to the mitigation hierarchy
Finally, we examined how the 42 EIAs propose measures within
the mitigation hierarchy relative to denitions for each level of the
hierarchy in recent national doctrine (MEDDE, 2012) and guidelines
(MEDDE, 2013) proposed by the French Ministry of Ecology. First,
avoidance measure are those that supress any impacts ahead of the
project development by the abandonment of the project, changes
in its perimeter or surface area, or the choice of a new site or use of
technical solutions. Second, reduction measures involve the
implementation of technical solutions to alleviate impacts during
construction and exploitation. Third, offset measures aim to
maintain or enhance biodiversity features that are impacted by a
project. These include ecological restoration and the recreation and
management of natural habitats, species communities, and
ecological networks and can thus include the reinforcement of
natural populations or their reintroduction. Finally, supporting
measures can be proposed to improve the efciency or to ensure
the possible success of biodiversity offset initiatives and include
knowledge improvement, methodological development, etc.
We quantied the number of measures proposed within each
EIA for each of these four types of measure and re-evaluated and
recompiled the number of measures for each of these measures in
relation to denitions in the ministry doctrine. Then, we compared
the number of measures in each level as proposed by the EIA, with
the number of measures reclassied according to ministry deni-
tions and quantied the number of transitions among levels along
the hierarchy.
3. Results
3.1. Index of biodiversity inclusion and its temporal evolution
IBI ranged between 0.07 and 0.75 with a mean value of 0.38
(Appendix 2), i.e. on average a positive response was observed for
38% of the indicators per EIA. Fourteen EIAs (33%) had a very low IBI
(<0.2) and 15 EIAs (36%) had an index between 0.4 and 0.6. Only six
EIAs had indexes between 0.2 and 0.4, seven between 0.6 and 0.8
and none had an IBI >0.8. As a result, more than two thirds of the
EIAs showed either very little effort to integrate biodiversity
(IBI <0.2) or a higher than average IBI of 0.4e0.6.
These different groups showed a clear temporal difference in
their occurrence (Fig. 2;Appendix 2). We observed a signicant
increase in values for the IBI after 2010 (Wilcoxon test: w ¼303,
p¼1.22e-5) and after 2012 (w ¼411.5, p ¼7.72e-7). EIAs conducted
before June 2012 had an average IBI of 0.21 and those conducted
post-June 2012 had an average IBI of 0.55. The former test should be
viewed with caution given the small number (n ¼10) of EIAs prior
to 2010. The criteria that contribute to this increase are mentioned
3.2. Inclusion of biodiversity criteria and indicators
In terms of naturalist expertise on biodiversity, we found that
the inclusion of expert naturalist advice in a specic section of the
EIA represents a major contribution to the IBI (W ¼329, p<0.001).
Naturalist expert advice on the fauna, ora and habitats impacted
by a project was present in roughly 50% of the EIAs. In 25 EIAs (61%)
the spatial area of impacts due to the development project was not
clearly dened. When the studied area was described as going
beyond the current perimeter of the project, the limits were usually
dened on the basis of land-use borders (roads, eld boundary, etc.)
or with a buffer zone with an arbitrary width. In none of the EIAs
was there evidence of an attempt to assess this area on the basis of
the knowledge of species present in the zone or the functional
characteristics of the local ecosystem. Field studies to provide up-
to-date information were made in 37 EIAs (90%) but in only 25
(60%) of these fauna and ora were prospected in more than one
season (Table 1), even though two seasons are a minimum under
the Mediterranean climate due to the marked seasonal contrast
that impacts on biodiversity in this region (Thompson, 2005).
Nineteen out of 21 EIAs (90%) produced after June 2012 involved
surveying in more than one season and provide references of da-
tabases employed. Most of the studies provided clear information
on the databases used to make the EIA and 20 out of 42 (48%)
contain scientic references. In all 21 of the EIAs conducted after
June 2012 a large range of taxonomic groups were analysed,
whereas only four of the 21 EIAs conducted before June 2012 had
such information. Only seven EIAs (~20%) took into account impacts
on all three scales of biodiversity (ecosystem function, species di-
versity and genetic variation). Ecological interactions were not
included in any of the EIAs. In 12 of the 42 EIAs (~25%) there were
either references to population dynamics or there was a presen-
tation of impacts on ordinary nature(species or habitats without
a protection status or a specic regional stake).
Statistical analyses showed that the size of a development
project does not lead to a higher IBI and we detected no difference
in the IBI for projects impacting different types of habitats. The
larger the part of the EIA dedicated to the natural environment
(based on the number of pages in the EIA), the higher the IBI ob-
tained (Linear regression: F¼2.6948, p<0.001). The signicance of
impacts was only dened and evaluated in six EIAs (14%). In 27 EIAs
(64%) the nature of the impacts was detailed as being either direct
or indirect and either temporary or permanent. The necessity of an
authorisation to destroy protected species and their habitats or the
necessity of offsetting signicant residual impacts of the project,
also contributed signicantly to the IBI (W¼178, p<0.001 and
W¼264, p<0.001 respectively).
We observed a signicantly higher number of positive responses
concerning the inclusion of impacts on the local ecological network
after June 2012 (Table 1), i.e. in 21 EIAs, 19 of which were conducted
post-June 2012. Impacts at the scale of the regional ecological
network were only assessed in seven EIAs (20%), all of which were
Fig. 2. Index of biodiversity inclusion (IBI) as a function of EIA submission date and
temporal benchmarks for the EIA reform law n#2010-788 of July 2010 (dotted line)
and the EIA reform decree n#2011e2019 of December 2011 implemented from June
2012 (dashed line).
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e45 39
conducted after June 2012.
Cumulative impacts were assessed in 17 of the 21 EIAs published
after 2O12 and absent from all EIAs published prior to 2012 (Fig. 3).
In 2012, the three EIAs that identied a cumulative impact all occur
after June 2012. Basically, cumulative impact assessment involved
taking into account known projects spatially close to the project
under EIA, with an identication of whether individual species are
impacted in the neighbouring projects. In EIAs, this assessment can
range from a simple expert judgment to a further analysis of
impacted species, based on eld ecological valuation. Among the 17
EIAs which mentioned cumulative impacts, 12 included an
assessment of their impacts on listed species, nine detected cu-
mulative impacts due to the project, but only two of these explicitly
proposed to take them into account in the mitigation measures. As
a result, although projects assessed after 2012 more rigorously
described cumulative impacts, there was a lack of proposed action
to precisely quantify such impacts and propose adequate measures
within the mitigation hierarchy.
To examine cumulative impacts on listed species, the two
infrastructure projects that cross the territory from East to West
were added to the study of cumulative impacts. We found that 19
(20%) species are impacted by a single project, 37 species (38%) are
impacted by two to three projects and 41 species (42%) are
impacted by more than three projects, with a maximum of 20
projects impacting one species (Fig. 4). It should also be noted that
the number of projects that impact the study species is clearly
underestimated; most EIAs (60%) do not refer to cumulative im-
pacts and the older EIAs do not propose a complete study of species,
natural habitats and ecological functions.
Finally, only four EIAs (10%) studied alternative solutions with
criteria on the natural environment and none of the 42 EIAs studied
alternative solutions without the project(Table 1). Socio-
economic arguments relating to the need for accommodation or
employment and coherence with urban planning documents were
the primary reasons used to justify choices made for the project.
Mitigation measures were described and distinguished from one
another in roughly 50% of the EIAs. EIAs conducted post-June 2012
were signicantly clearer about propositions than pre-June 2012
EIAs an important point for the results presented below. For the
nine EIAs that proposed offset measures, methods based on
equivalence between losses and gains were never used and none of
the EIAs referred to a time lag between destruction and offset
measures. Proposals for monitoring and evaluation were provided
in only 13 EIAs (30%) and in these EIAs only one out of three pro-
vided ecological indicators with which to evaluate and monitor the
benets of mitigation measures. There is almost no mention about
how to assess the success and sustainability of the mitigation
3.3. Attribution of measures to the mitigation hierarchy
For the 42 EIAs analysed in this study, a total of 358 measures
were proposed for the different elements of the mitigation hier-
archy. The number of measures proposed in EIAs published after
June 2012 (n ¼243) was twice as high as in those published prior to
June 2012 (n ¼115). When we compared proposed measures with
ministry denitions for these different elements of the mitigation
hierarchy, we found that only 39% of the proposed measures t the
denitions of the national guidelines (Fig. 5). Most of the proposed
measures for avoidance were in fact measures to reduce impacts
(42 out of 50 proposed avoidance measures). The ve measures
that were truly avoidance measures involved a reduction of the
boundary of the project and landscaping. Almost all measures that
proposed a reduction in impacts t the ministry denitions for a
reduction in the impact. For the 30 proposed offset measures, 11
were in fact measures that reduce impacts, and 17 were correctly
dened as offset measures. Lastly, after reclassication, two of the
proposed 37 supporting measures t ministry denitions, 32 are
Fig. 3. The number of EIAs that include (dark part of histogram) or do not include
(white part of histogram) a reference to cumulative impacts on biodiveristy in relation
to publication of the EIA reform law (July 2010 - dotted arrow) and decree (december
2011 implemented in June 2012 - dashed arrow).
Fig. 4. Number of listed species impacted as a function of the number of EIAs in which
an impact is detected.
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e4540
reduction measures, one is an offset measure and the two
remaining measures involve monitoring. The majority of EIAs did
not propose realoffset measures (only 9 out of 42 EIAs propose
offset measures). When present, offset measures showed little di-
versity. The most common measures are linked to a management
project to maintain open habitats that favour the presence of
Mediterranean listed species. It should also be noted that 35% of all
measures proposed in the 42 EIAs, were made in absence of a clear
statement about what type of measures were being proposed
(what we refer to as not qualied). When we analysed these
measures, we found that all such measures except one concerned a
reduction in the impact of the project (Fig. 5).
There was thus a major bias towards a weakening of the miti-
gation hierarchy when measures are compared with ministry
guidelines, primarily because avoidance is a less-used measure
than what propositions would suggest. A common feature of all
EIAs is that measures to reduce impacts were by far the dominant
type of proposition (Table 2,Fig. 5). In fact, only 5 of the 42 EIAs
provide for avoidance, prior to reduction measures (Table 2).
4. Discussion
For the Montpellier Metropolitan territory we have shown an
improvement in the inclusion of biodiversity indicators in the
framework of EIA that is correlated with the elaboration of a new
law (2010) and its application decree (2012). This policy reform
provides a legal framework to elaborate a more complete identi-
cation of the biodiversity concerns (baseline approach), impacts on
species, habitats and ecological networks, and the cumulative im-
pacts on biodiversity. However, several important weaknesses
persist and there is semantic confusion concerning proposed
measures for the different elements of the mitigation hierarchy.
4.1. Improved but incomplete integration of biodiversity
The policy reform proposed that alternative solutions to projects
and their impacts be carefully examined prior to project
development. However, our analysis of 42 EIAs reveals that such
alternative solutions are rarely explored; only 5 EIAs out of the 42
propose true avoidance measures. As a result, avoidance, which is
supposedly the rst element in the mitigation hierarchy, is rarely
employed. This is a critical result because it illustrates one reason
why no net lossis almost impossible to achieve. Basically,
biodiversity conservation occurs in a world where there is a back-
ground of generalised net loss(Maron et al., 2016; Moreno-
Mateos et al., 2015). This absence of a search for alternative op-
tions in the early phases of development projects is a clear indi-
cation of the priority for a systematic conservation planning
approach to the question of avoidance (and offset proposition) that
ensure more efcient biodiversity conservation at a territorial scale,
i.e. beyond the scale of individual projects (Kujala et al., 2015).
Although the identication of baseline information on the key
environmental issues in a site where a project occurs has been
more completely assessed in EIAs since the policy reform, several
important issues are open for improvement. For instance, the
denition of the study area (beyond the area directly impacted) is
in most cases made on an arbitrary basis instead of being made on
the basis of species, habitats and functional characteristics of the
local ecosystem. The policy reform produced a three-fold increase
in the inclusion of local ecological continuities in EIAs and stimu-
lated a small number of studies on regional ecological networks
(absent from all EIAs prior to June 2012). However, the global
ecological network and ecosystem levels are still rarely considered
and analysed in EIAs. Moreover, as illustrated elsewhere (Atkinson
et al., 2000; Gontier et al., 2006; Regnery et al., 2013a), we found
that the main focus is on listed species and habitats with less in-
terest in common species and habitats. In addition, we have shown
that the presence of listed species has a signicant positive effect on
IBI, i.e., their presence partly conditions the quality of the EIA. The
problem here is that common habitats and species play a major role
as a part of the habitat or landscape used by listed species (Elliott
and Whiteld, 2011; Gaston and Fuller, 2008) and in terms of
provision of ecological services (Tardieu et al., 2015).
As recommended by the policy reform, cumulative impacts have
Fig. 5. Total number of proposed measures (in the 42 EIAs) for each category of the mitigation hierarchy (in left) and how these numbers change (in right) once the proposed
measures are reclassied in relation to denitions of the national guidelines following the EIA reform law of 2010 (A- Avoid, R- Reduce, O-Offset, S-Support, M-Monitor, NQ- Not
qualied in the proposition).
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e45 41
been increasingly identied in EIAs. However, their analysis and
quantication remain supercial; the majority of EIAs that refer to
cumulative impacts do not propose adequate measures to reduce
them within the mitigation hierarchy. This is despite our nding
that cumulative impacts are a common feature for listed species in
the study area. The accumulation of impacts by numerous, small
and isolated projects, that individually may have minor impacts on
biodiversity in comparison with large individual projects, leads to
important cumulative impacts on listed species. This represents a
second major reason why the objective of no net loss remains
practically impossible to currently achieve within the mitigation
hierarchy. The issue of how to correctly assess cumulative impacts
raises several questions for the scientic community working on
the efciency of no net loss policy and the mitigation hierarchy
(Halpern and Fujita, 2013; Kiesecker et al., 2010; Tallis et al., 2015).
Hence, there is a need for a methodology to assess such impacts in
order to go beyond the rst come, rst servedlogic that unfor-
tunately persists (Qu!
etier et al., 2014). One methodology to include
cumulative impacts within land use planning could be a form of
strategic environmental assessment (Whitehead et al., 2016).
In addition, the capacity of EIA to take into account environ-
mental issues is directly linked to the issue of determining what
signicant impacts actually represent (George, 1999). In our study
we found that the true signicance of impacts is rarely dened or
explicitly addressed (i.e. in only six EIAs). This is probably because
the identication of signicantimpacts remains difcult due to
the lack of clarity about how to dene such impacts (Geneletti,
2006) and a lack of ecological details in the baseline study, poor
understanding of ecological process and a lack of monitoring and
feedback (Briggs and Hudson, 2013).
Our study illustrates the paucity of monitoring and evaluation
measures, despite the fact that half of the post-June 2012 EIAs
include a schedule for their implementation. This lack of feedback
on the true nature and extent of impacts and the efciency of
mitigation measures is a major concern (Briggs and Hudson, 2013;
Curran et al., 2014). The development of such feedback, including
negative results, could allow environmental managers to propose
more feasible and efcient measures. Reviews of wetland restora-
tion experiments (Benayas et al., 2009; Curran et al., 2014; Maron
et al., 2012; Moreno-Mateos et al., 2012) have shown that biodi-
versity equivalency between restored areas and reference areas is
rarely, if ever, reached, and that there are major limits to the
effectiveness of restoration action as a result of time-lags, uncer-
tainty and the measurability of success. Maron et al. (2012) also
argue that restoration action will attain no net loss only when
impacted ecosystem values can be measured, when results about
restoration trials already exist to evaluate their feasibility, and
when time-lag and uncertainty (ecological risk) are assessed and
claried in the loss compared to gainequation. Results associated
with ecological restoration should thus be examined with caution
(Benayas et al., 2009; Curran et al., 2014; Maron et al., 2012;
Moreno-Mateos et al., 2012; Palmer and Filoso, 2009). All in all, a
wider use of avoidance and reduction measures is a necessity that
can no longer be brushed under the carpet.
Finally, according to the EIA proportionality principle
gated in the policy reform, one would expect a larger project in
terms of surface area to have a higher index in terms of biodiversity
inclusion because the impact is higher. However, this is not the case
in our study. Also, we found no evidence that projects impacting
Table 2
Numbers of measures proposed and reclassied within the mitigation hierarchy (A- Avoid, R- Reduce, O-Offset, S-Support, M-Monitor, NQ- Not qualied) for each EIA
published pre-June 2012 (21 projects with a total of 115 measures) and post- June 2012 (21 projects with a total of 243 measures).
Principle that establishes a link between the size or the level of impact, as a
justication for the intensity, and the requirement level of precision needed to
assess the environmental impact (European Directive 2014/52/UE).
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e4542
semi-natural and typical Mediterranean habitats have a higher IBI
than those subject to human activities.
4.2. Blurred semantics
The reform policy is associated with a clarication of the nature
of the different measures for the mitigation hierarchy (avoid,
reduce or offset) and the modalities for monitoring and evaluation
of these measures. Our study reveals critical gaps in terms of both
incorporating a functional and wider-scale approach for biodiver-
sity integration in land-use planning and how actors understand
the true meaning of the different elements of the mitigation hier-
archy. Bull et al. (2016) previously identied this kind of ambiguity
and the lack of clarity concerning the concept of biodiversity offsets
in relation to no net loss objectives. Our study conrms this point
and provides a quantication of the types of confusion concerning
the different elements of the mitigation hierarchy.
For the 42 projects we studied, 61% of the proposed measures are
not correctly described in terms of their place in the mitigation hi-
erarchy and, after reclassication by comparison with the national
guidelines in the reform doctrine, it turns out that almost 90%
concern a reduction of impacts. Moreover, very few true offset
measures are suggested. For supporting measures, there was a major
confusion of what such measures represent. This kind of measure
should concern action to improve knowledge (research, experi-
mental project) and methods, to implement a larger-scale conser-
vation strategy, and/or to delimit protected areas, all of which
should contribute to improve the effectiveness of offset measures.
But almost all supporting measures were, according to ministry
denitions, measures that directly relate to impact reduction. So, in
practice, a reduction in impact is by far the most common measure
and after reclassication all EIAs have at least one reduction mea-
sure. Indeed, the 42 reduction measures proposed in EIAs as
avoidance measures do not supress impacts on natural environment
features, they simply minimize them. For instance, propositions (for
avoidance in some EIAs) based on the adaptation of the construction
schedule for species or the maintenance of ecological network fea-
tures in the impacted site do not avoid or supress impacts, they
reduce them. Only a change in the project perimeter or its reduction
so as not to impact the identied species or features of the ecological
network would represent true avoidance. Likewise, nesting box
installation in the development project siteor plantation of native
ora for green areasare proposed in EIA as offset measures, but in
fact, they attenuate (i.e. reduce) impacts. The second stepin the
mitigation hierarchy is thus more common than alternative solu-
tions, avoidance is rarely proposed.
The semantic confusion in the denitions of avoidance, reduc-
tion, offset and supporting measures may stem from a lack of un-
derstanding of ministry guidelines, or from the technical and
economical facility of implementing reduction measures rather
than searching to avoid impacts or implement offset measures that
are often more expensive and more constraining for the developer.
This issue could be resolved by the formation of consulting agencies
that elaborate EIA and clearer explanation of what different mea-
sures actually are in terms of the mitigation hierarchy. Enhance-
ment of regulatory agency control, through standardisation of
methods, could also limit this problem. Such options could ho-
mogenize and reduce misunderstanding among stakeholders,
optimize decision-making in terms of biodiversity conservation,
and improve the IBI scores of EIAs. For true avoidance measures to
be proposed, developers and experts should be in contact from the
very beginning of the project conception to make changes in the
project boundaries and its global form that avoid impacts. Hence, a
real anticipation of where and what to avoid remains a critical step
towards making mitigation measures more efcient in terms of
biodiversity conservation (Kareksela et al., 2013; Kujala et al., 2015;
McKenney and Kiesecker, 2010; Regnery et al., 2013b).
Finally, the proposition of mitigation measures does not ensure
their practical implementation and success in the eld, especially
during the construction and operation phases. Hence, there is a dire
need for monitoring measures that assess any positive effects of
reduction and offset measures on biodiversity conservation. Offsets
should be seen as a last resort solution, with more emphasis and an
accurate focus on avoidance and reduction measures. Otherwise no
net loss will remain a lost cause.
5. Conclusion: towards a territorial-scale analysis
Progress on EIA mitigation propositions reects a shift in
approach to biodiversity conservation. Gontier et al. (2006) pro-
posed three scales of approach to characterize biodiversity inclu-
sion in EIAs: (i) an approach focused on single sites or single
biodiversity element with no general overview, (ii) a functional and
dynamic ecosystem approach and (iii) a habitat suitability
approach based on processes. The policy reform in France recom-
mend an approach focused on the natural habitats, animal and
vegetal species,ecological continuities,biological balance, ecological
functions, physical and biological features that are the support of
former elements and services provided by ecosystems(MEDDE,
2012). This has stimulated a move towards a patchwork and
habitat suitability approach in which ecological connectivity and
cumulative impacts are targeted. However, despite the evolution of
such guidelines and their ambitions, the gap between EIA
commitment and practice thus persists. This result highlights the
dilemma discussed by Calvet et al. (2015) in which the higher the
ecological complexity, the more difcult it is to achieve ecological
equivalency and no net loss.
Our study also illustrates the pertinence of a territorial-scale
assessment of impacts on biodiversity in order to more efciently
contribute to no net loss. In our study area, a correct assessment of
cumulative impacts is absent from land-use planning and impacts
on ecological networks are only partially addressed. Hence, the
development of a territorial strategy that shifts from an approach
based on treating symptomsat the scale of individual projects to
a more preventive approach focused on the avoidance of biodi-
versity loss and mitigation of cumulative impacts is now necessary.
In this context, Strategic Environmental Assessment, a tool that
assesses the impacts of policies, plans and programs (Wood and
Djeddour, 1989), could be used as an instrument to help formu-
late a proactive and more strategic approach in the early stages of
the decision-making processes (Bina, 2007; Partidario, 2015). For
such reasons, Strategic Environmental Assessment represents an
ideal tool to anticipate for avoidance in order to render mitigation
measures a true hierarchy based on priorities.
We thank the DREAL Occitanie for access to their archives and
staff at the Montpellier Mediterran!
ee M!
etropole for providing advice
and for their condence. We thank Perrine Gauthier for comments
on a preliminary version of the manuscript and Guillaume Papuga
for his help and encouragement. This work was carried out with a
PhD grant awarded to Charlotte Bigard from the National Associa-
tion for Research and Technology (ANRT) and funded by the Min-
istry for Higher Education and Research and Montpellier
ee M!
C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e45 43
Appendix 2. Details of EIAs published pre-June 2012 (n ¼21) and post- June 2012 (n ¼21) with their overall IBI based on the
relative number of positive (P) and negative (N) responses to the different criteria (n ¼30 or 32 depending on whether offset
measures are necessary). Project types concern economic development or housing (EDH), infrastructures (INF) and one
photovoltaic solar power plant (PSP). The types of environment impacted are cultivated land (C), post-cultural elds (P), garrigue
(G), heathland and scrubland (HS), woodland (Wo), wetland (We) and urban zone (U).
EIAs IBI Number of responses Project
area (ha)
EIA number
of pages
Need for
Involvment of
expert naturalists
Environment impacted Need for authorisation
to destruct protected species
or habitats
Pre_1 0.20 6 24 EDH 2006 15.8 150 no yes X no
Pre_2 0.23 7 23 EDH 2011 25 52 no yes X X X no
Pre_3 0.23 7 23 EDH 2011 26 167 no no X X no
Pre_4 0.50 15 15 EDH 2011 19 86 no yes X no
Pre_5 0.27 8 22 EDH 2011 5108 no yes X no
Pre_6 0.40 12 18 EDH 2011 30 117 no yes X X no
Pre_7 0.63 19 11 EDH 2011 582 no yes X X no
Pre_8 0.13 4 26 EDH 2011 985 no no X no
Pre_9 0.10 3 27 EDH 2010 13 185 no no X no
Pre_10 0.07 2 28 INF 2008 369 no no X X no
Pre_11 0.47 14 16 EDH 2010 16.7 129 no yes X no
Pre_12 0.07 2 28 EDH 2009 11 116 no yes X no
Pre_13 0.07 2 28 EDH 2010 21 89 no no X no
Pre_14 0.13 4 26 EDH 2009 9268 no no X X no
Pre_15 0.07 2 28 EDH 2010 7.8 153 no no X X no
Pre_16 0.07 2 28 EDH 2010 481 no no X X no
Pre_17 0.13 4 26 EDH 2009 35.6 63 no yes X X no
Pre_18 0.07 2 28 EDH 2009 8112 no no X no
Pre_19 0.17 5 25 INF 2008 10 88 no no X no
Pre_20 0.17 5 25 EDH 2008 6100 no no X no
Pre_21 0.20 6 24 EDH 2011 39 71 no yes X no
Mean 0.21 6.24 23.76 15.19 112.9
Post_1 0.75 24 8 EDH 2014 12.5 219 yes yes X X yes
Post_2 0.57 17 13 EDH 2013 60 2014 no yes X X no
Post_3 0.37 11 19 EDH 2014 10 89 no yes X no
Post_4 0.63 20 12 EDH 2014 13.5 194 yes yes X yes
Post_5 0.75 24 8 EDH 2016 16 yes yes X yes
Post_6 0.60 18 12 EDH 2013 112 323 no yes X X no
Post_7 0.73 22 8 EDH 2013 15 286 no no X X no
Post_8 0.56 18 14 EDH 2013 39 392 yes yes X no
Post_9 0.50 15 15 EDH 2013 13.7 120 no yes X X no
Post_10 0.56 18 14 EDH 2013 23.5 197 yes yes X X no
Post_11 0.43 13 17 EDH 2013 12.8 169 no yes X X no
Post_12 0.59 19 13 EDH 2013 17 132 yes yes X X yes
Post_13 0.44 14 18 EDH 2013 14.3 130 yes yes X no
Post_14 0.50 15 15 EDH 2012 24.5 176 no yes X X no
Post_15 0.69 22 10 EDH 2013 25 117 yes yes X X yes
Post_16 0.33 10 20 EDH 2012 29 241 no no X no
Post_17 0.53 17 15 PSP 2012 66 277 yes yes X no
Post_18 0.50 15 15 EDH 2012 5.5 101 no yes X X no
Post_19 0.47 14 16 EDH 2012 8.3 161 no yes X no
Post_20 0.50 15 15 EDH 2013 5.2 246 no yes X X no
Post_21 0.63 19 11 EDH 2012 4.24 172 no yes X no
Mean 0.55 17.14 13.71 25.10 274
Appendix 1. Listed species that are impacted in the studied EIAs.
Taxonomic group Species
Avifauna Upupa epops,Otus scops, Clamator glandarius, Circaetus gallicus, Burhinus oedicnemus, Lullula arborea, Coracias garrulus, Emberiza calandra, Milvus
migrans, Anthus campestris, Falco naumanni, Carduelis cannabina, Merops apiaster, Athene noctua, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Lanius senator, Caprimulgus
europaeus, Tetrax tetrax, Burhinus oedicnemus, Gelochelidon nilotica, Galerida cristata, Muscicapa striata, Anthus pratensis, Sylvia undata, Strix aluco,
Passer montanus, Sylvia melanocephala, Saxicola rubicola, Lanius meridionalis, Bubulcus ibis, Egretta garzetta, Tyto alba, Circus pygargus, Saxicola
rubetra, Sylvia cantillans, Emberiza hortulana, Tachybaptus rucollis, Oenanthe oenanthe, Sylvia hortensis
Reptile Malpolon monspessulanus, Chalcides striatus, Timon lepidus, Lacerta bilineata, Rhinechis scalaris, Psammodromus hispanicus, Psammodromus algirus,
Podarcis muralis, Tarentola mauritanica, Natrix maura, Anguis fragilis, Emys orbicularis
Mammal Miniopterus schreibersii, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Nyctalus leisleri, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Pipistrellus nathusii, Myotis blythii,
Erinaceus europaeus, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Sciurus vulgaris, Hypsugo savii, Plecotus austriacus, Tadarida teniotis, Myotis capaccinii, Rhinolophus
hipposideros, Myotis myotis, Myotis emarginatus, Castor ber
Amphibien Hyla meridionalis, Pelodytes punctatus, Pelophylax perezi, Lissotriton helveticus
Insect Saga pedo, Zerynthia polyxena, Zerynthia rumina, Cerambyx cerdo, Coenagrion mercuriale, Oxygastra curtisii, Roeseliana azami, Arcyptera brevipennis
vicheti, Macromia splendens, Ischnura pumilio, Euphydryas aurinia, Lycosa tarantula, Uroctea durandi, Zygaena rhadamanthus, Satyrium w-album,
Gomphus graslinii
Plant Allium chamaemoly, Anemone coronaria, Gagea granatelli, Leucojum aestivum, Mentha cervina, Tulipa sylvestris, Astragalus glaux, Isoetes duriei
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C. Bigard et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 200 (2017) 35e45 45
... Similarly, the International Finance Corporations (IFC) Performance Standard 6 defines biodiversity offsets as "measurable conservation outcomes resulting from actions designed to compensate for significant residual adverse biodiversity impacts arising from project development and persisting after appropriate avoidance, minimisation and restoration measures have been taken" (IFC, PS6). The most widely adopted aim of biodiversity offsets is to ensure, at a minimum, 'no net loss'; that is that overall offsets achieve a balance between environmental impacts and environmental compensation (Bigard et al., 2017;zu Ermgassen et al., 2019). ...
... Biodiversity offsets are required through policy following environmental impact assessment for residual significant environmental impacts that cannot be avoided or mitigated. An environmental impact assessment is a process used to identify the environmental impacts of a development (Bigard et al., 2017;CBD, 2010;Fortun, 2017). Consideration of avoidance, minimisation and then rehabilitation actions of the Mitigation Hierarchy prior to the use of offsets as compensation for residual significant impacts is recognised as best practice but is often not required by regulators (Arlidge et al., 2018;BBOP 2012;GIBOP, 2019). ...
... The ability of biodiversity offsets to compensate adequately for development impacts on the environment has been questioned largely due to governance and administrative failures. Inadequacies include: deficiencies in legislation and administrative governance; insufficient description of matters to be offset; poor measurability and timeliness of implementation; a narrow focus only considering protected habitats and species rather than the whole of environment; and poorly considered social issues, such as the creation of social and spatial inequities or lack of consideration of ecosystem services (Apostolopoulou, 2016;Bidaud et al., 2018;Bigard et al., 2017;Burgin, 2008;Fallding, 2014 The failure of policy and legislation to deliver effective offsets has been questioned over time (Clare & Krogman, 2013;Fallding, 2014;zu Ermgassen et al., 2019). Offsets were found to be ineffective and have poor success rates if three practical challenges were not adequately addressed (Bull et al., 2013a): i) compliance/enforceability, ii) measuring environmental outcomes and iii) uncertainty/transparency (Bull et al., 2013b;Carreras Gamarra & Toombs, 2017;Clare & Krogman, 2013;Grinlinton, 2017). ...
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Biodiversity offsets, also called “environmental offsets”, are actions used to compensate for the loss of biodiversity and social values associated with development projects. They are commonly used by governments to contribute to ecologically sustainable development (ESD); however, offsets have been criticised for inappropriate use, poor implementation, and inadequate monitoring, reporting and enforcement. Regardless, use of offsets is likely to increase due to regulatory convenience in easing community discomfort with development impacts. This thesis investigated how biodiversity offsets in Australia can be enhanced to align with ESD principles. Analyses of peer-reviewed journal articles, published reports, media articles and legislative instruments for biodiversity offsets across Australian jurisdictions was used to determine requirements, similarities, equity, effectiveness and transparency in application. These analyses were then used to develop a model for biodiversity offsets that balances the three key aspects of ESD (environmental, social, economic). A comparison of policy and legislation in Australian jurisdictions found inconsistency and gaps in equity, transparency, measurability and effectiveness. Furthermore, Australian Commonwealth offset requirements were not improved (mature) after implementation of a biodiversity offset policy in October 2012. These learnings and further review were used to identify that cost and risk considerations, and use of strategic planning frameworks, bonds and advanced offsets, were key to improving offset use for ESD. Inclusion of conservation trust funds to deliver biodiversity offsets aligned with ESD principles, made the offsets model developed in this thesis suitable in areas with a paucity of available land. Finally, assignment of responsibilities, coupled with interchangeability of roles and a focus on collaboration, was found to be important for ensuring offsets are efficient, ethical, robust and strategic. While this research has been developed in an Australian context, the findings have broader applicability globally, with the ability to address nature positive requirements and international commitments to protect biodiversity and minimise climate change.
... Second, given the definitions of avoidance (not impacting all the protected species) and reduction (not impacting certain protected species, i.e. logically including the plant species for which an alternative to translocation is sought) used, both avoidance and reduction can be seen as avoidance because the given plant species is not impacted at all. Preferring general Environmental Management avoidance of impacts as an alternative to translocation, the respondents are in line with the theoretical reglementary definition of the mitigation hierarchy while, in practice, the step of avoidance is usually neglected (Clare et al. 2011;Bigard et al. 2017;Phalan et al. 2018). ...
... In response to increasing threats to biodiversity, especially flora, there is an urgent need to enhance operational conservation practices like plant translocation. Recent findings in France highlight significant potential improvements in mitigation translocation protocols by considering species biology (Julien et al. 2022a), emphasising the importance of systematic evaluation and shared databases, such as TransLoc database, Trans-Planta, IDPlanT, Care Mediflora and ConservePlants Database, for collective success (Albrecht et al. 2011;Godefroid and Vanderborght 2011;Fenu et al. 2017, Dalrymple et al. 2020Abeli et al. 2021;Bellis 2021;Doyle et al. 2023). ...
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In the current context of global changes, threatened flora is declining and homogenising at the expense of rare and protected species. Among conservation biology and ecological restoration techniques, plant translocation is one of the recommendations increasingly used. However, translocation remains risky and is recommended as a last resort to conserve protected flora in land use planning. Furthermore, it raises ethical questions partly linked to genetic processes. In this context, we studied how plant translocations are perceived by conservation actors in France, including their genetic aspects. The analysis of translocation perception complements that of feedback on concrete translocation operations and allows us to provide a qualitative assessment of current practices. We have adopted an interdisciplinary approach to survey different types of actors in nature conservation, involved or not in at least one stage of translocation operations (preparation, implementation and monitoring). Three main types of translocation perception divide our sample quite strongly (50% favourable/ 45% unfavourable/ 5% undecided). Surprisingly, their professional activity or the level of involvement in such an operation have no influence on their opinion on translocation, nor on the proposals of alternative measures. Only 15% of the actors involved in translocations used genetic data at least once. To conclude, it would be necessary to promote the sharing of feedback from past experiences. This would allow an up-to-date list of species unacceptable for translocation. Comparing the results of different protocols and implementation conditions for the same species or group should improve overall translocation success rates.
... Consequently, there may not be adequate compensation for environmental damage caused by development despite being compliant with offset requirements. Offset requirements can be very prescriptive, but if they do not include ecological benefits, matters to be offset at a landscape level, social concerns and ecosystem services, in association with transparency, measurability and enforceability, then they are unlikely to achieve effective compensation for the impacts of development (Abdo et al., 2021;Apostolopoulou, 2016;Bidaud et al., 2018;Bigard et al., 2017;Burgin, 2008;Fallding, 2014;Griffiths et al., 2019;Jacob et al., 2016;Mandle et al., 2016;Maron et al., 2016;Scholte et al., 2016;zu Ermgassen et al., 2019). ...
... None of the offset approvals analysed included requirements for other ecological aspects beyond species or habitats. To ensure biodiversity offsets fully compensate for the impacts of development, they should also include consideration of ecological processes and functions, genetic variation, and the impacts of climate change (Abdo et al., 2019b;Bigard et al., 2017;Bull et al., 2013a;Gardner et al., 2013;Gonçalves et al., 2015;Kiesecker et al., 2009;McDonald et al., 2016;Moreno-Mateos et al., 2015;Pilgrim et al., 2013). While it could be inferred that these aspects would be passively offset through the actions taken for species, to ensure transparency and prevent loss, regulators should ensure that all aspects (or surrogates for these aspects) should be explicitly included within offset conditions. ...
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Biodiversity offsets are used worldwide to provide environmental compensation for the impacts of development and to meet the goals of sustainable development. Australia has embraced the use of offsets and its offset methodologies have been used as models by other jurisdictions. However, the maturity of offset requirements in Australia is unknown. To understand this, development referrals submitted under the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) between October 2011 and September 2017 were reviewed to determine if offset requirements in Australia were improving in complexity, transparency and/or environmental outcomes (termed maturity) over time. Despite the implementation of dedicated policy in Australia in 2012, our analysis showed that offset requirements were not on a trajectory towards improvement (maturity) over the 6-year period examined. There was no evidence to suggest the type of offsets required and compensation for impacts to specific species and habitats increased in complexity over time. The level of detail included for offset requirements, mandatory commencement dates and requirements for ecological outcomes similarly did not increase over time. Consequently, dedicated legislation for offsets is recommended to remedy these omissions and enable effective functionality for biodiversity offsets through the protection of the environment and conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services.
... At the same time, the extent and degree of granularity of biodiversity screening is questioned as insufficient for informed decision-making. The major weaknesses are the mismatch between the scale of environmental impact and biodiversity estimates, and the inadequacy of evaluations of anthropogenic pressure and impact on widespread species (Bigard et al., 2017). ...
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Remote sensing detected the impact of road construction on important environmental properties. The digital elevation model was applied to assess the impact of road construction on environmental regimes. The study focused on the total area of the 3-km zone of influence (monitoring zone of probable impact) around the national road H-31 Dnipro-Tsarychanka-Kobeliaky-Reshetylivka from Loboikivka village to the boundary of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. The following derivatives of the digital elevation model are considered as geomorpho­logical variables: the topographic wetness index (TWI) and erosion factor (LS). To model the effect of road construction on the moisture regime and dynamics of erosion processes, the TWI and LS indices were calculated for a digital terrain model without a road and with a road with an elevation that corresponds to the planned level. Thus, the road is considered as an anthropogenic landform that changes the direction of water redistribution along the topography and thus affects the potential moisture conditions and erosion risks. The modeling results indicate that the transformation of the water regime will be observed within the entire 3-km monitoring area. Deviations from the normal value can be up to 7 units by module, which is about one third of the landscape-wide range of topographic moisture index values. Almost no impact of construction can be predicted for 80.7% of the territory. For 10.6% of the territory, the increase in moisture regime will be moderate, and for 3.2% of the area the increase will be very significant. In turn, for 4.3% of the area the decrease in humidification will be moderate, and for 1.2% the decrease will be very significant. The greatest impact on the redistribution of moisture conditions is predicted in the immediate vicinity of the road. Changes in the moisture regime can have significant negative consequences for both soil cover and biotic components of ecosystems. Changes in vegetation as a consequence of changes in both moisture and trophic conditions can be considered as possible scenarios for the development of landscape cover dynamics.
... The mitigation hierarchy has also to be integrated to planning management documents to identify optimal or preferential locations for ecological offsets after avoidance and reduction measures (Bigard and Leroy, 2020). Ensuring ecological coherence and connectivity of ecological offsets is possible and needed at this scale (Barral and Guillet, 2023;Bigard et al., 2017. Furthermore, at this scale, all the projects could be considerate, even those escaping to mitigation hierarchy and causing cumulative impacts on biodiversity (Whitehead et al., 2017). ...
... This is in part because biodiversity is a complex, interconnected, and non-fungible quality of particular ecosystems subject to ongoing scientific measurement debates (Mace et al 2018), 1 but more important because biodiversity gains and losses are challenging to measure without multiple baselines and high levels of monitoring. These levels of monitoring are expensive for private actors and are rarely present even in highly regulated and well-funded government processes like environmental impact assessment (Dibo et al 2018, Bigard et al 2017, Khera and Kumar 2010 Many attempts to make biodiversity conservation investable rely on some type of payment generated through the protection of certain ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration or water quality. While only a fraction of payment for ecosystem services (PES) projects are driven by private investment or even markets (see point 2 below), there is a large body of research dedicated to understanding their social and ecological outcomes. ...
Technical Report
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1 Summary In this report we examine the track record of financial mechanisms across all asset classes that aim to positively impact biodiversity, and elicit key insights for central banks and financial supervisory bodies. Attempts to entice private capital to fund biodiversity conservation face a number of persistent limitations, the result of which is that return-generating biodiversity finance remains marginal in size with unproven impact. While there is ongoing discussion on how to overcome these challenges, there is little evidence to suggest that the current moment differs from the past 30 years of efforts to raise private finance for biodiversity through these products. The market is not responding to systemic biodiversity risks and there is little evidence that it will or perhaps can at the pace and scale needed to address them. The report offers key recommendations to Central Bankers who are ready to get serious about biodiversity loss, including fiduciary regulatory and guidance strategies to constrain investment into biodiversity harming industries, and to evaluate biodiversity risks at both macro and portfolio levels.
... A review of the mining Environmental Impact Statement in Sao Paulo, Brazil, also highlighted insufficient mitigation measures and recommended the establishment of more comprehensive scoping procedures prior to the EIA (Mandai et al., 2021). Moreover, according to Bigard et al. (2017) in cases where mitigation measures are integrated, they tend to concentrate on reducing impacts rather than prioritizing avoidance. ...
The rate of hydropower dam construction on rivers is increasing in emerging economies in South Asia, to achieve economic development goals. These large infrastructure projects are likely to have many negative consequences on freshwater species but have not yet received much consideration. Among freshwater small mammalian species, water shrews are seriously impacted by these large structures. This paper aims to determine if water shrews have been considered during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of these hydro dam project sites, as well as present the sightings of the water shrews from Nepalese rivers with hydropower potential. We reviewed 44 EIA reports of such projects in Nepal using a set of four criteria and 15 questions to analyze the methods of impact assessment for mammals and the reports on the presence of water shrews in each built area. The study found that the number of mammal species reported during the EIA varied from five to 55 species but no relationships between the hydropower structure's size and any water shrew species were considered in the studies. In almost all EIA reports, the term aquatic ecosystem was prioritized over the term aquatic small mammals, and the latter was not considered in the assessment. The major reason for not considering these species is probably due to the lack of robust methods to capture small mammals such as shrews, or due to survey methods focused only on terrestrial mammals. The Aquatic Animal Protection Act was fully reviewed and assured to be followed in a majority of the reports, yet the monitoring parameters and indicators were not available for aquatic small mammals. Ignoring the presence of these mammals while constructing hydropower plants is a serious threat to their persistence. We also reported the Himalayan water shrew in the Barun River and the elegant water shrew in the Upper Tamakoshi River of Nepal. Therefore, a better understanding of these species among hydropower developers, and all concerned agencies, is essential.
Graph theory (GT) has become an indispensable tool for exploring environmental interconnections and elucidating ecological relationships. The integration of GT with Ecological network analysis (ENA) has been increasingly recognised for its potential to enhance our understanding of ecological systems. However, the application of GT in ENA faces several limitations that warrant closer examination. This paper aims to investigate these challenges through a systematic review, adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The review encompasses 329 selected articles published from January 2014 to December 2021, highlighting GT's uptake in ENA but also pinpointing significant challenges. The review reveals that while GT offers flexibility in analysing different ecological networks (ENs), challenges exist related to understanding landscape dynamics, the accuracy of measurement scale, species-specific data, and reliability. Specially, the use of nodes and links presents definitional and measurement complexities, compounded by an overwhelming variety of indicators that may dilute analytical precision. The paper advocates for the development of frameworks to conceptualise ideal and sustainable ENs and to establish indicators for assessing network efficacy. Future research must tackle these methodological hurdles, with a special focus on refining measurement scale, species-specific data, spatio-temporal considerations, and node and link assessment for different species, while ensuring reliability. Additionally, the potential of GT to mitigate the impact of ecological threats is underscored as a critical area for future applications. Addressing these challenges is imperative for advancing GT's contribution to ENA and fostering more effective environmental conservation strategies.
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Biodiversity impact assessments under threatened species legislation often focus on individual development proposals at a single location, usually for a single species, leading to inadequate assessments of multiple impacts that accumulate over large spatial scales for multiple species. Regulations requiring ad-hoc assessments can lead to ‘death by a thousand cuts’, where biodiversity is degraded by many small impacts that individually do not appear to threaten species’ persistence. Spatial prioritization methods can improve the efficiency of decision-making by explicitly considering cumulative impacts of multiple proposed developments on multiple species over large spatial scales. We present an assessment approach and a unique case study in spatial prioritization tools were used to support strategic assessment of a large development plan in Western Australia. The application of the approach helped identify relatively minor alterations to development plans that resulted in significant reductions in predicted biodiversity impacts and directly influenced a proposal to expand the protected area network. Using these tools to assess tradeoffs between conservation and development will help identify planning footprints that minimize biodiversity losses.
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The compensatory measures come from more or less acute conflicts linked to the presence of an impacting facility. They are seen as a way to improve the acceptability of externalities and nuisances generated by the facility (noise, pollution, risks…). Consequently, these measures have different shapes and try to solve the “scalar disjunction” (disequilibrium between the negative impacts, suffered by residents and local communities, and the positive effects which don’t concern them very much). Besides they can sometimes tackle the environmental inequities and take part to a better recognition of some populations.
Biodiversity conservation policies incorporating a no net loss ( NNL ) principle are being implemented in many countries. However, there are linguistic and conceptual inconsistencies in the use of terms underlying these NNL policies. We identify inconsistencies that emerge in the usage of eight key terms and phrases associated with NNL policies: biodiversity, frames of reference (i.e. baselines, counterfactuals) , no net loss, mitigation hierarchy, biodiversity offset, in‐kind/out‐of‐kind, direct/indirect and multipliers . For each term, we make recommendations to support conceptual convergence, reduce ambiguity and improve clarity in communication and policy documentation. However, we also warn of the challenges in achieving convergence, especially given the linguistic inconsistencies in several of these key concepts among countries in which NNL policies are employed. Policy implications . The recommendations made in this article, on improving clarity and supporting convergence on key no net loss ( NNL ) concepts, should help eliminate ambiguity in policy documentation. This is crucial if policymakers are to design robust policies that are (i) transparent, (ii) translatable into practice in a consistent manner and (iii) sufficiently understood and supported by stakeholders to be effective in practice.
The rising popularity of biodiversity offsetting as a tool for balancing biodiversity losses from development with equivalent gains elsewhere has sparked debate on many fronts. The fundamental questions are the following: Is offsetting good, bad, or at least better than the status quo for biodiversity conservation outcomes, and what do we need to know to decide? We present a concise synthesis of the most contentious issues related to biodiversity offsetting, categorized as ethical, social, technical, or governance challenges. In each case, we discuss avenues for reducing disagreement over these issues and identify those that are likely to remain unresolved. We argue that there are many risks associated with the unscrutinized expansion of offset policy. Nevertheless, governments are increasingly adopting offset policies, so working rapidly to clarify and—where possible—to resolve these issues is essential.