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Beebread is a product of the hive obtained from pollen collected by bees, to which they add honey, digestive enzymes and subsequently is stored in the combs. The bees transform the bee pollen in beebread by an anaerobic fermentation process. A proper hive management promotes beebread collection, aimed at marketing it for human consumption since it can be considered a valuable food supplement due to its content of a wide range of nutrients. Its value is given by the content in protein, amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, polyphenols and flavonoids, which depends on the botanical source of bee pollen. The nutritional and functional composition of beebread is widely reported; nevertheless, few studies on transformation processes of the pollen to improve the availability of the compounds present in this product were found. Overall, beebread is a recent collected and consumed bee product and at this stage it can be used as a food supplement.
Comparative Study on Quality Parameters of Royal
Jelly, Apilarnil and Queen Bee Larvae Triturate
 
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royal jelly, apilarnil, queen bee larvae, 10-HDA, amino acids
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al.et al.et al.
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et al.    et al. 
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Kasmaie et al.   et al. 
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  et al.   
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 et al.    
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Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 74(1) / 2017
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products are listed.
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et al.
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      
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      
       
      
         
      
   
     
three replicates.
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     
  
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Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 74(1) / 2017
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 et al.      
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     
     
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      
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       
      
      
  
   
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 et al
Table 2.
 
triturate 
   
   
   
  
 
   
   
  
 
   
   
   
   
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       
       
    de novo  
       
   
       
supplements in human diet.
      
    
      
       
Table 3.
 
 
   
 
   
   
 
 
   
 
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
  
   
   
Isoleucine (ILE   
  
  
   
   
   
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   
  
     
      
     
     
natural supplements.
       
      
       
       
      
      
      
      
       
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      
     
      
 
    
        
     
     
      
     
     
     
      
       
  
     
    et al.   et
al.   et al.    
these products.
      
        
       
     
     
other diseases.
      
      
     
       
 
    
      
      
Aknowledgements:   
      
       
 
 
        
 
 et al
Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 74(1) / 2017
 
  
  
 
       
       
 
        
      
     
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      
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     
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      
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      
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Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 74(1) / 2017
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 et al
... Therefore, Decourty et al. [30] suggested that further agriculture and landscape changes might alter bee foraging areas and consequently lead to a deficiency in their sources of food, which may have a negative effect on honey bee populations. This is because honey bees depend on transformed nectar and pollen in the form of honey and beebread, respectively [31]. ...
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Simple Summary Addressing challenges of controlled breeding in honey bees at natural mating stations is important in controlling and maintaining valuable traits of biological and economic interest. Basically, artificial insemination and natural mating are the two reproductive techniques used by beekeepers in maintaining honey bees’ genetic resources. However, little is known on the various sources of variation affecting breeding success at different mating stations. Our study provides an insight, addressing key questions to improve mating success rate of controlled breeding. Selecting mating stations with the maximum cost benefit return is a motivating tool in maintaining valuable genetic materials of honey bees. Our results demonstrated that breeding success of natural mating at controlled mating stations is influenced by the environmental conditions of the area. Mating success rate was high in mating stations with a high percentage of bare land, coniferous forests, deciduous forests, fields, and mixed forests. We suggest that mating stations with mixed forest and fields are potential sites for successful breeding and maintenance of honey bees’ genetic resources. Abstract Honey bee reproductive behavior involves a complicated mating system that embodies a number of factors, including environmental and human-induced factors. Controlled breeding in isolated mating stations is a prerequisite to maintain the genetic resources of honey bees through natural mating. The concept of controlled mating is a challenge in most beekeeping operations due to its low mating success rate. Therefore, a detailed investigation into the suitability of isolated mating stations is of interest. Thus, we bred two subspecies of honey bees (Apis cerana koreana and Apis mellifera L.) in isolated mating stations (island) from 2021 to 2023 and in an open breeding station in 2023. Our results demonstrate that the highest percentage of the mating success rate in isolated mating stations was recorded in the Wido Island, which had the highest percentage of bare land, coniferous forests, deciduous forests, fields, and mixed forests. The mating success rate was higher in the summer and spring for A. cerana and A. mellifera, respectively. The mating success rate was higher in open mating compared to controlled mating (Island) and did not vary between pure-breeding and cross-breeding lines. Our findings suggested that mating stations with mixed forest and fields are potential sites for the successful breeding of honey bees.
... Наприклад, коли у природі сильний взяток і збір бджолами меду сягає більше 3 кг на добу, то бджоли припиняють збирати пилок, а зосереджують свої сили на медозборі (Adamchuk, 2014;Adamchuk et al., 2015;Brodschneider et al., 2010;Omar et al., 2017). Також відмічено, що при дефіциті білкового корму у вулику бджоли нарощують пилкозбиральну активністю (Brovarskyi et al., 2015;Mishchenko, 2015;Mishchenko et al., 2020;Urcan et al., 2017). Водночас наявність у природі великої кількості пилку не стимулює бджіл до високої льотної активності, як це відбувається за наявності нектару. ...
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The research was conducted on bees of different intra-line crosses of the Carpathian subspecies in private apiaries in Navariya village, Lviv region. To conduct experimental studies, 6 groups of 10 bee colonies were formed in each group: I – control group – bees of the Carpathian population of the Vuchkovsky type; II – inbred group ♀ microline "915" x ♂ microline "915"; III – breeding cross ♀ microline "Sto" x ♂ microline "915"; IV – breeding cross ♀ type "Vuchkovsky" x ♂ microline "915"; V – breeding cross ♀ microline "67" x ♂ microline "915"; VI – breeding cross ♀ microline "07" x ♂ microline "915". It was found that bees of different breeding crosses of the Carpathian subspecies differed significantly in flight and pollen collection activity and wax productivity. In terms of flight activity, the bees of the inbred group ♀ microline "915" x ♂ microline "915" significantly differed during observation at 9:00. 12:00 and 15:00 hours. In the morning and at 15:00 hours, the best pollen-collecting activity was characterised by bees of the breeding cross ♀ microline "07" x ♂ microline "915" group. In the afternoon, the bees of the inbred group ♀ microline "915" x ♂ microline "915" collected the most pollen – 312.9, which is 84.1 pieces more than in the control group. In the evening, the best flight activity (392.2 arrivals) and collection of pollen (126.8 pcs.) were observed in insects of the breeding cross ♀ microline "67" x ♂ microline "915". The highest wax yield was characterised by bees of the breeding crosses ♀ microline "07" x ♂ microline "915" and ♀ microline "915" x ♂ microline "915". The strength of the influence of genealogical formation on the flight activity of bees during the day ranged from probable to unreliable values and was in the range of 13.9–28.7%, and on wax productivity in all cases it was reliable P < 0.05, P < 0.001 and ranged, depending on the trait, from 19.2 to 31.3%.
... During the early development of growth bee pollen has shown to affect the villi of the small intestine in the size and length (Wang et al., 2007). Such information may prove that the digestive system may be improved during early stages of a chick's life ( The composition of bee pollen is dependant also on the type of soil and beekeeping practices (Nogueira et al., 2012;Urcan et al., 2017). Soil that is healthy should consist of balanced nutrients having the correct pH, enough water holding capacity, a high microbial activity and should be free from toxins of pesticides and herbicides (Magdoff and Van Es, 2021). ...
Globally, the use of natural products as remedies for poultry health calls for a systematic exploration of their potential. Furthermore, there is an increasing popularity and utilization of bee-based products due to their inherent benefits. The current review was aimed at analysing empirical results, biological activities and secondary metabolites of bee pollen that are beneficial to the poultry industry. Eligible literature was retrieved from different databases. The findings from the literature search indicated that bee-collected pollen has received attention from researchers owing to its positive effects as a possible growth promoter in poultry production. It contains antioxidants, antimicrobials, emulsifiers, vitamins and minerals which can meet the biochemical and functional needs of poultry flocks. We identified a minimum of 17 research articles that captured various observations on the effects of bee pollen in poultry. The most common observations were on growth performance and gastrointestinal morphology. The search results also indicated that there are several factors such as floral species, climatic conditions and soil types which influence the nutritional composition of bee pollen. Studies gathered revealed that the antioxidant properties found in bee pollen are due to the phenolic compounds it possesses. Overall, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the health effects of supplementing bee pollen indicating a major knowledge gap that requires more research.
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Bee products are an important source of nutrients and bioactive phytochemicals. This study aimed to determine the chemical composition (proximate composition, general phytochemical composition, sugar, and phenolic profiles) of four different products (honey, bee pollen, bee bread, and propolis), obtained from the same apiary, as well as to assess their biological activity through antioxidant and enzyme inhibition assays (α-amylase, α-glucosidase, lipase, AchE, neuraminidase, angiotensin-converting enzyme, urease, trypsin, tyrosinase, carbonic anhydrase, thioredoxin reduc-tase, adenosine deaminase). Clear differences were observed among the samples in terms of both chemical composition and biological activity. The analysis revealed that bee pollen exhibited the highest carbohydrate content (87.9%), while propolis was identified as the richest source of phenolic compounds (14,858.9 mg/kg) among the analyzed samples. Propolis exhibited the highest biological activity in all applied antioxidant assays (CUPRAC, DPPH • , and ABTS •+) and in most enzyme inhibition assays. Notably, the α-glucosidase inhibition activity of propolis was comparable to that of the reference standard. In addition, honey exhibited remarkable trypsin inhibition, also comparable to the applied standard. These findings highlight the diverse bioactivities of hive products, which could play a key role in promoting health and preventing diseases.
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Pollen grains have very rich pharmaceutical, ethnomedicinal and/or nutritional properties. Pollen and its matrices like honey, bee bread, and bee wax are used for the treatment of wound, drug development, drug delivery, as food supplement and in the cosmetics industry. Pollen grains have anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-cancer and antitumor properties. Although, the botanical and geographical provenance of pollen grains create room for variations in the quantity and quality of its biochemical content, physical structure, and function. These diversities render them as important bio-entities with enormous benefits. The medicinal and nutritional properties of the pollen of Zea mays, Cocos nucifera, Castanea sativa, Phoenix spp., Anacardium occidentale, Corylus avellana, Micromeria fruticosa, Achillea fragrantissima, and Fraxinus excelsior among others were briefly reviewed in this chapter.
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This study investigated the botanical origin, chemical composition, phenolic and volatile aromatic profiles, and antioxidant activities of 11 bee bread samples from different regions of Anatolia, Turkey. The bee bread samples contained high amounts of proteins (19.61 g/100 g) and lipids (6.43 g/100 g). The bee breads were determined to have a rich mineral content. The antioxidant potential of the bee breads was predicted using total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), total condensed tannin (TCT) content, 2,2-diphenyl-1-pic-rylhydrazyl (DPPH), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. The TPC of the bee breads ranged between 2.041 ± 0.170 and 3.224 ± 0.006 mg GAE/g, while the TFC ranged from 0.323 ± 0.004 to 1.903 ± 0.017 mg QE/g. The FRAP assay showed antioxidant activity ranging from 17.778 ± 0.207 to 49.752 ± 0.856 mmol FeSO4.7H2O/g, and the DPPH values were between 1.054 ± 0.009 and 4.366 ± 0.014 SC50 mg/mL. Using 25 standards, RP-HPLC-PDA quantified the composition of the phenolic compounds, attributed to their antioxidant activity. The highest concentrations were detected for t-cinnamic acid, rutin, and p-coumaric acid. One hundred nineteen volatile aromatic compounds were determined in the bee breads by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography and mass spec-trometry (SPME-GC-MS). The obtained values suggest that bee breads could serve as a potential source of nutrients and bioactive compounds for value-added food supplements and functional foods. ARTICLE HISTORY
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Bee bread has received attention due to its high nutritional value, especially its phenolic composition, which enhances life quality. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical and antimicrobial properties of bee bread (BB) samples from Romania. Initially, the bee bread alcoholic extracts (BBEs) were obtained from BB collected and prepared by Apis mellifera carpatica bees. The chemical composition of the BBE was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and the total phenols and flavonoid contents were determined. Also, a UHPLC-DAD-ESI/MS analysis of phenolic compounds (PCs) and antioxidant activity were evaluated. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activity of BBEs was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative assessments. The BBs studied in this paper are provided from 31 families of plant species, with the total phenols content and total flavonoid content varying between 7.10 and 18.30 mg gallic acid equivalents/g BB and between 0.45 and 1.86 mg quercetin equivalents/g BB, respectively. Chromatographic analysis revealed these samples had a significant content of phenolic compounds, with flavonoids in much higher quantities than phenolic acids. All the BBEs presented antimicrobial activity against all clinical and standard pathogenic strains tested. Salmonella typhi, Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, and Candida kefyr strains were the most sensitive, while BBEs’ antifungal activity on C. krusei and C. kefyr was not investigated in any prior research. In addition, this study reports the BBEs’ inhibitory activity on microbial (bacterial and fungi) adhesion capacity to the inert substratum for the first time.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of bee bread on some parameters in probiotic yoghurt production. The bee bread composition contained the elements B, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, and Zn. The analysis of sugar composition revealed the presence of fructose, glucose, and sucrose. The organic acid and phenolic substance content were assessed. The following values were obtained: oxalic acid (1.26 mg/g), malic acid (7.79 mg/g), ascorbic acid (0.91 mg/g), citric acid (2.73 mg/g), p-coumaric acid (15.3 µg/g) and kaempferol (5,562.4 µg/g). The study determined the tocopherol content, specifically alpha (7.09 µg/g), beta (0.4 µg/g), gamma (0.77 µg/g), and delta (0.31 µg/g). A total of 55 distinct components were identified while analyzing the volatile and aroma profiles. This study found that the IC50 value of bee bread was 1.414 mg/mL. Bee bread did not affect physicochemical parameters such as pH, acidity, dry matter, ash, milk fat, and water holding capacity (P>0.05) but affected protein and syneresis (P
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Bee bread (BB) is a fermented mixture of plant pollen, honey, and bee saliva that worker bees use as food for larvae, and for young bees to produce royal jelly. In the present study, five BB samples, collected from Apis mellifera iberiensis hives located in different apiaries near Bragança, in the northeast region of Portugal, and one BB commercial sample were characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector and electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS) in terms of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoid glycoside derivatives. Furthermore, the samples were screened, using in vitro assays, against different human tumor cell lines, MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), NCI-H460 (non-small cell lung cancer), HeLa (cervical carcinoma) and HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma), and also against non-tumor liver cells (porcine liver cells, PLP2). The main phenolic compounds found were flavonol derivatives, mainly quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, isorhamnetin and herbacetrin glycoside derivatives. Thirty-two compounds were identified in the six BB samples, presenting BB1 and BB3 with the highest contents (6802 and 6480 μg/g extract, respectively) and the highest number of identified compounds. Two isorhamnetin glycoside derivatives, isrohamnetin-O-hexosyl-O-rutinoside and isorhamnetin-O-pentosyl-hexoside, were the most abundant compounds present in BB1; on the other hand, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside was the most abundant flavonol in BB3. However, it was not possible to establish a correlation between the flavonoids and the observed low to moderate cytotoxicity (ranging from >400 to 68 μg/mL), in which HeLa and NCI-H460 cell lines were the most susceptible to the inhibition. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report characterizing glycosidic flavonoids in BB samples, contributing to the chemical knowledge of this less explored bee product.
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Palynological spectrum, proximate and fattyacid (FA) composition of eight bee bread samples of different botanical origins were examined and significant variations were observed. The samples were all identified as monofloral, namely Castanea sativa (94.4 %), Trifolium spp. (85.6 %), Gossypium hirsutum (66.2 %), Citrus spp. (61.4 %) and Helianthus annuus (45.4 %). Each had moisture content between 11.4 and 15.9 %, ash between 1.9 and 2.54 %, fat between 5.9 and 11.5 %, and protein between 14.8 and 24.3 %. A total of 37 FAs were determined with most abundant being (9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadeca-9,12,15-trienoic, (9Z,12Z)- -octadeca-9,12-dienoic, hexadecanoic, (Z)-octadec-9-enoic, (Z)-icos-11-enoic and octadecanoic acids. Among all, cotton bee bread contained the highest level of ω-3 FAs, i.e. 41.3 %. Unsaturated to saturated FA ratio ranged between 1.38 and 2.39, indicating that the bee bread can be a good source of unsaturated FAs.
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This study shows the results of application LC/MS/MS for assay of the content of α-tocopherol and coenzyme Q10 in bee products of animal origin, i.e. royal jelly, beebread and drone homogenate. The biological matrix was removed using extraction with n-hexane. It was found that drone homogenate is a rich source of coenzyme Q10 . It contains only 8 ± 1 µg/g of α-tocopherol and 20 ± 2 µg/g of coenzyme Q10 . The contents of assayed compounds in royal jelly were: 16 ± 3 µg /g and 8 ± 0.2 µg/g of α-tocopherol and coenzyme Q10 , respectively. Beebread appeared to be the richest of α-tocopherol. Its level was 80 ± 30 µg/g while the level of coenzyme Q10 was only 11.5 ± 0.3 µg/g.
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Fatty acids were identified in monofloral beebread (BB) and bee pollen (BP) loads collected from Trifolium pratense L. A gas chromatography method was used to identify and quantify fatty acids: Thirty-five fatty acids were identified in BB and 42 in BP. A high amount of the healthy n-3 fatty acids was found. The ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 to n-6 reached a value of 8.42 and 3.35 in the latter products. The proteomic analysis also was performed on the manually collected T. pratense pollen, and the most abundant protein groups were subjected to mass spectrometry analysis. Proteins identified in T. pratense pollen are involved in the main cellular functions (cell membrane formation, organelles traffic, and mainly metabolic processes). Because of the composition of fatty acids in BB and BP and a variety of proteins present in pollen, these products are considered to be favorable for human nutrition and health. Trifolium pratense pollen protein 2DE analysis.
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Honeybee larva homogenate appears to be underrated and insufficiently explored but this homogenate is an exceptionally valuable honeybee product. Drone larva homogenate is very nutritional due to its high content of proteins, free amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. Moreover, the biological characteristics of honeybee larvae indicate the presence of chemical substances that may be pharmacologically active. In spite of the above, the chemical composition of honeybee larva has not gained as much attention as that of other bee products. In this study, the chemical composition of honeybee brood homogenate has been investigated using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. As a result, it was possible to isolate as many as 115 extractive organic compounds from 6 samples of crude queen and 9 samples of drone homogenate. The main groups of substances extracted from either type of homogenate were composed of free amino acids and carbohydrates. The relative content of amino acids in queen homogenate as well as the share of essential amino acids were found to be higher than in the drone homogenate. Disaccharide trehalose was the dominant sugar in the queen larvae, whilst glucose prevailed in the drone larvae. Comparative chemical analyses of honeybee queen and drone larva homogenates have allowed us to make a preliminary inference about a higher overall value of the former.
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Antioxidant potential and composition of phenolic compounds were studied in pure bee products (beebread - BB, bee pollen - BP) and in their mixtures with honey and vegetable oils [sea buckthorn (SBO), flax seed (FSO), royal jelly (RJ)], and the alga Spirulina (SA). The values of total phenolic content (TPC) found in the raw weight (RW) of material of BP, BB, SA, and RJ were 23.3, 21.2, 15.4, and 10.7 GAE mg/g, respectively. The methanolic extract of pure BP possessed higher ABTS(.+) scavenging capacity (5.37-6.47 TE mg/g RW) than BB (4.86-5.70 TE mg/g RW). The values of oxygen radical absorbance capacities (ORAC) of methanolic extracts of BB and BP were 626.30 and 894.04 TE mg/g RW, respectively. An analysis of flavonoids in the products by the ultra performance liquid chromatography showed that pure BP possesses a broader spectrum of compounds than pure BB. Three forms of glycosides were identified in BP: quercetin 3-O-sophoroside, quercetin dihexoside and isorhamnetin 3-glucoside. Rhamnetin and isorhamnetin as well as their glycosides and kaempferol 3-O-alpha-l-(2 ''-E-p-coumaroyl-3 ''-Z-p-coumaroyl)-rhamnoside were determined in the samples of pollen mixed with honey (BPH).
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Beebread is processed pollen stored in the cells of the honeycomb, with the addition of various enzymes and honey, which undergoes lactic acid fermentation. Ethanolic extracts (EBBs) were obtained from three different samples of beebread from Poland. Assays were carried out for the determination of chemical composition (GC/MS), for the total phenolic content, and for the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. The effects of beebread extracts (10, 20, 30, 50, 100 μg/mL) on the viability of the glioblastoma cell line (U87MG) were studied after 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h. Our results indicated a time-dependent inhibitory effect on the viability of U87MG cells treated EBB. The main inhibitory effect of EBB was observed after 72 h; EBB treatment decreased cell viability to 49 - 66%.
Interest in bioprocess-based products has increased in recent years due to their applications and advantages. Solid-state fermentation, as a part of this technology, has been used in different industries, including food. Among the products produced with this type of process, bee bread is one of the most important. Bee pollen is a valuable raw material because of its nutritional characteristics, in particular its protein (10–52%), lipid (.15–20%), dietary fiber (.3–20%), and mineral contents, as well as its bioactive qualities related to the presence of vitamins and antioxidants, which ultimately should allow micro-organism development during fermentation processes. Pollen grains possess, however, a natural protection that greatly limits nutrient transportation to the exterior of the grain. In fact, bees naturally induce bioprocesses in the interior of their hive to make pollen nutrients more bioavailable. The objective of this work is therefore to review the characteristics of bee pollen, and its aptitude as a raw material for a solid-state fermentation process.
The amino acids in royal jelly (RJ) have a wide range of pharmacological and health-promoting functions in humans. Multiple studies on the amino acid quality and composition in RJ have investigated RJ harvested at 72 h after larval transfer. In contrast, the concentration of amino acids in RJ harvested before 72 h remains unknown. In this study, the concentration of free amino acids (FAAs) and total amino acids (TAAs) in RJ harvested at 13 time points between 24 and 72 h after transfer of ten Apis mellifera colonies were measured. Our results indicated that the most abundant FAAs were Pro, Phe, Lys, Glu, and Tyr, whereas the most abundant TAAs were Asp, Glu, Leu, Lys, and Val. The total FAA concentration in RJ increased with increasing harvest time, from 4.30 mg/g at 24 h to 9.48 mg/g at 72 h. In contrast, the variation in concentration of TAAs observed was a decrease-increase-decrease trend with 40 h (149.53 mg/g) and 52 h (169.62 mg/g) as inflection points. The highest and lowest concentrations of TAA were 197.96 and 121.32 mg/g at 24 and 72 h, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the concentration changes of FAAs and TAAs prior to 72 h after transfer. Our results will provide theoretical support to guide production practices of beekeeping, as well as elucidate the relationship between the harvest time point and RJ content.