
An Invitation of Reflexive Sociology

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... Pierre Bourdieu's original field theory conceptualizes social spaces where agents and institutions compete for various forms of capitaleconomic, cultural, social, and symbolic-each field governed by its own internal logic and rules (Bourdieu, 1984(Bourdieu, , 1990Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992). While the theory was primarily developed within the context of nation-states, scholars have sought to explore its applicability in a globalized world. ...
... The concept of the configurational field in CFA builds on Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields, with an added emphasis on the dynamic and contingent nature of social spaces (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992). Configurational fields are shaped by both objective structuressuch as external rules, positions, and relationships that exist independently of individual actors-and subjective dynamics, which include the strategies, perceptions, and actions of those actors (Bourdieu, 1985). ...
... Meanwhile, other tech companies may adopt different strategies, such as open-source platforms or aggressive pricing models, based on their perceptions of market opportunities and the actions of key competitors (Cusumano et al., 2015). These subjective dynamics underscore the continuous interaction between structure and agency, as actors oscillate between conforming to established rules and attempting to reshape the field to suit their strategic goals (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992 The genesis of a field involves both objective genesis, which refers to the structural differentiation and autonomy of a new field (the condition of the possibility), and subjective genesis, which encompasses the strategic actions of actors that create new spaces and relations (desires and interests) (Gorski, 2013). In CFA, the genesis of a field is reconceptualized as a process of configurational coalescence, a dynamic and relational formation rather than merely a structural differentiation or a product of actor-driven construction. ...
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This paper advances the theory of Configurational Field Analysis (CFA) as a reconfiguration of Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, aiming to address the limitations of Global Field Theory in analyzing the complexities of global and transnational phenomena. While the concept of the Global Field extended Bourdieu’s ideas to transnational and global arenas, it has been critiqued for its structural determinism, Eurocentrism, and its inability to fully capture the fluid, indeterminate, and contingent nature of global social dynamics. In response, this paper introduces social configurations as dynamic, relational constructs that emerge from specific historical and contextual conditions, rather than as fixed and universal structures. By integrating the concept of social configurations into field theory, CFA reconceptualizes social spaces as fluid and contested arenas where power, capital, and influence are continually negotiated. The paper proceeds by revisiting the foundations and critiques of Global Field Theory, followed by the introduction of social configurations and their theoretical advantages. Finally, it presents Configurational Field Analysis as a comprehensive framework, detailing its analytical steps and demonstrating its applicability to contemporary global issues. This framework not only addresses the methodological and analytical gaps in Global Field Theory but also offers a more adaptable and context-sensitive approach for understanding the complexities of global interactions.
... Coping is considered a solution to help overcome challenges and enhance competence, well-being, strength, self-care, and resilience (Mo, 2023;Ravalier et al., 2021;Tesi et al., 2019). In the theory of practice, coping is related not only to structural factors but also personal agency or actions (Bourdieu, 1977;Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992). ...
... From this perspective, it is necessary to move beyond a single perspective or specific field and adopt a multi-perspectives common approach when exploring coping strategies. This approach includes the internalized or embodied coping process, referred to as the coping ''habitus'' according to the theory of practice (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992). This shift aims to identify whether any common coping processes emerge from social workers' experiences (Tang & Li, 2021;Zhang & Li, 2023) and to understand how these coping processes help guide social workers in addressing challenges and continuing their careers. ...
... This study primarily drew on the concept of habitus from the theory of practice (ToP) (Bourdieu, 1977(Bourdieu, , 1996Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992) to analyze how coping processes are generated in the context of Chinese social work. To recap from ToP, coping involves solutions that relate to both individual actions and structural factors; individuals must find a balance between these to navigate real-life situations. ...
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Plain Language Summary Coping processes in an emerging profession: Narratives of social workers in China Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the coping processes utilized by social workers to remain in the profession in China. Methods: Forty-nine experienced Chinese social workers were individually interviewed, followed by three focus groups convened to review the results. NVivo software was used to assist thematic analysis. Conclusions: In China’s emerging social work context, social workers exhibited a clear coping habitus of reconciling structures with individual agency, where the “outside-in” and “inside-out” processes were interconnected to address challenges and sustain their profession. Strength-oriented coping practices, focused on enhancing personal agency and competence, were treated as the primary coping strategy, reflecting a tendency toward pragmatism rooted in professionalism. In contrast, resource-based coping practices, which sought resources and support from external stakeholders, were regarded as secondary solutions, highlighting an element of compromise in the coping process. Implications: First, Chinese governments should issue appropriate social work policies and regulations and re-construct fair cooperation relationships in social work fields. Second, social workers should understand the political system and power structure, and be engaged in the power structures and directly participate in the policymaking and policy practice to make their voice heard. Third, social work service organizations should invest in efforts to retain social workers in the profession. Limitations: Participants coming just three cities may have limited the diversity of coping practices. Licensed social workers without a social work diploma or worked outside social work services organizations were excluded. The study relied exclusively on qualitative data.
... Drawing on Bourdieu (1986Bourdieu ( , 1992Bourdieu ( , 2007aBourdieu ( , 2007b, Bourdieu and Passeron (2014), Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) and other studies focused on cultural capital (Choi, 2015;Erickson, 1996;Flemmen, 2012;Friedman et al., 2015;Hartmann, 2000;Koppman, 2016;Lemos & Pinto, 2008;Rivera, 2011Rivera, , 2015Turco, 2010), we understand that the variables used in our factor analysis to construct the 'Cultural Capital' variable are effective in representing the transmission of cultural capital from parents to children. This notably highlights how inherited cultural capital varies between quota and non-beneficiaries, linked to their families' economic capital. ...
... Our study confirms Bourdieu's (1986Bourdieu's ( , 1992Bourdieu's ( , 2007aBourdieu's ( , 2007b theories, along with insights from Bourdieu and Passeron (2014) and Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992), showing that quota graduates from low-income families start with less cultural capital than their non-quota counterparts from wealthier backgrounds. This disparity reveals the deep cultural and socio-economic divides among Brazilian families and highlights how different family environments (i.e., habitus) shape students' cultural resources. ...
... Graduates with more cultural capital are likelier to earn higher salaries, although the influence of cultural capital is modest. Despite this limited effect, our findings align with the theories proposed by Bourdieu (1986Bourdieu ( , 1992Bourdieu ( , 2007aBourdieu ( , 2007b, Bourdieu and Passeron (2014) and Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992). However, this contrasts with findings from various national studies, such as from Falcão (2012), Lemos et al. (2011), Lemos et al. (2013Lemos et al. ( , 2014 and Vargas (2021), which did not observe a significant influence of cultural capital on the income of university graduates from lowincome backgrounds. ...
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Objective: compare the levels of cultural capital inherited from the family among quota and non-quota students from Brazilian federal universities and analyze its influence on the occupation and remuneration of graduates. Theoretical framework: the sociological literature points out that students from low-income families (such as quota holders) lack cultural capital inherited from the family and this can negatively affect their opportunities in the job market. Methods: we applied an electronic questionnaire to 11,458 graduates from 248 undergraduate courses and 18 Brazilian federal universities. We created the levels of cultural capital of graduates based on a factor analysis, carried out through a combination of variables such as parents' education and frequency of consumption of cultural goods by students before entering university. We compared the averages obtained for cultural capital between quota and non-quota students through Student's t-test, and through multinomial logistic regression, we analyzed the influence of this cultural capital on the occupation and remuneration of graduates. Results: the results suggest that quota student graduates have lower levels of cultural capital before entering the federal university than non-quota student graduates. However, the results suggest little influence of this cultural capital for occupational and salary gains in the labor market. Conclusions: the results highlight the relevance of the quota policy of federal universities for the sociocultural and socioeconomic inclusion of quota students.
... The external (related or non-related) fields of society, to which the organisational members or individual members have an objective relation, become the macro-level social factors of the field. According to Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992), the "external influences are always translated into internal logics of fields, mediated through structure and dynamic of the field." Therefore, any field-level objective relations could result in a field being directly or indirectly dependent on other fields. ...
... Flemmen et al. (2018) argue that the positional relation of structure within the field is defined by the possession of capital. Bourdieu argues that, even though each field is dominated by a particular form of capital (either economic or non-economic capital as cultural capital), it is possible to notice the predominance of economic and market success in a field-particularly where it involves large-scale production (Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992;Anheier et al. 1995). Despite the importance of cultural and symbolic capital within the higher education field (owing to its significance in knowledge production), the field of higher education or research continues to be dominated by economic capital. ...
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This article aims to provide an understanding of a multilayered academic publishing field by situating it within broader social, cultural, political and technological contexts. Despite the proximity to higher education, a sociopolitical, economical approach to academic publishing has been limited only to the business perspectives of the field. By interpreting and exploring the field of higher education in Australia using Bourdieu’s concepts of field, capital and habitus, the article strengthens the critical analysis of the academic publishing environment and its position within higher education. While the concept of field assists with identifying the field of higher education in relation to publishing, the concept of capital provides an understanding of the factors that are significant for academics in the field; the capital academics aim to pursue and their publishing habits are explained using the concept of habitus. However, neoliberal academic governance prevalent in universities, such as Australia, emphasize the role of DiMaggio and Powell’s institutional theory in analyzing the university environment and Fligstein and McAdam’s subfield theory strengthens our understanding of the different influencing field of academic publishing. This article, by examining the role of academic publishing within the field of higher education and the dynamics of interdependency of academics in the field of publishing for resources, establishes the interpolation of different social field theories.
... Epistemic reflexivity is at the heart of the work by Bourdieu (1990) and in the work by Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992), although in the latter work the two collaborators focus on the broader value of Reflexive Sociology. For Bourdieu, reflexivity is a necessary condition to produce scientific knowledge. ...
... Whilst Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) are both concerned with (epistemic) reflexivity in Sociology, the issues raised above are of importance to any critical discussions of knowledge production. Criticisms have been levied at epistemic reflexivity found in the work of Bourdieu (1990) by Maton (2003). ...
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Heretofore, the human body has been viewed as primarily a transportation vehicle for the mind resulting in disembodied views about reflexivity particularly for research and witing projects. The herein focus on embodied reflexivity (ER) starts with a brief account of diverse types of reflexivity that highlight this disembodiment. Gradually, however, the focus shifts to relational dimensions to inform how we humans reflect on our lived experiences as subjects and objects in the material and social environments in our lifeworld at various times and spaces. The Relational Phenomenology-informed analysis of ER highlights links to a new Temporality, Experientiality, Materiality, and Spatiality (TEMS) framework that considers both the mind and body jointly for a range of embodied experiences although the herein applied focus is on research and writing events and activities. The brief discussion at the end is only meant to highlight applicability of core concepts and the promise of benefits from more systematic application in the future for supervision of postgraduate dissertations and capstone research projects among international students. The paper calls for further development of ER using Relational Phenomenology (ReP) in teaching, learning and tutorial sessions.
... Subsequently, NVivo 12 Plus software was used for further coding and thematic analysis of the interview and focus group data. Finally, using Bourdieu's practice theory as a theoretical framework (Bourdieu, 1977;Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992), the study identified the professional challenges participants faced at different career stages (see Table 4) and their interpretations of personal agency (see Table 5). ...
... 3) The temptation of higher salaried jobs in other professions 5 6 4. an internalized element of their professional habitus-a construct shaped by social work education and professional experience (Bourdieu, 1977;Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992). Thus, communion serves not only as an intrinsic personality trait but also as a professional method and survival strategy in the career of social workers. ...
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Communion and agency are two essential dimensions for understanding personality traits. This study comprised 49 in-depth interviews and three focus groups with experienced social workers in China to address the following research questions: (1) What is the orientation of Chinese social workers towards communion and agency? (2) What challenges do they encounter in their daily practice? (3) How do they interpret and utilize agency in coping with these challenges? The findings revealed three main themes: (a) Participants demonstrated a clear preference for communion over agency, reflecting a strong orientation towards social concern; (b) The professional challenges faced by participants varied significantly across career stages, with distinct requirements for agency at each stage; and (c) Participants’ understanding of agency was primarily rooted in professional competence. At different career stages, participants displayed varying levels of professional competence and agency, both of which were essential for addressing social concerns and developing strategies for long-term professional survival. The study suggests that social workers need to balance social concerns with individual development, view social work rationally as an ordinary job, and focus on enhancing both their professional competence and personal agency to achieve their aspirations.
... Building on work that has drawn on Critical Race Theory to scrutinize the influence of organizational systems and structures on racial microaggressions, a poststructural lens may be adopted to advance an understanding of the interplay between these systems and structures and individual agency. For example, a Bourdieusian analysis (Bourdieu, 1977(Bourdieu, , 1990Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992) could frame an understanding of how experiences within fields of social practice (i.e., experiences of workplace microaggressions) shape individual dispositions as well as how these dispositions (and those of others) shape the systems and structures underpinning the field/s of analysis. Furthermore, this theoretical perspective can also shed light on the resources (i.e., capital) that individuals possess to navigate and challenge detrimental experiences of workplace racial microaggressions. ...
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This article presents a systematic review of literature on workplace racial microaggressions. Increasingly, workplaces around the world have made concerted efforts to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workforces. However, racial discrimination is a social issue that continues to be endemic to the workplace—including, yet not limited to, the prevalence of racial microaggressions. These microaggressions can, at times, be covert, and undertaken sometimes without the explicit awareness or intention of the perpetrator. Yet, the consequences of these can be very real for the person impacted (the target), which include diminished wellbeing, job satisfaction, and career progression. To capture the overall trends and themes that empirical research has examined related to workplace racial microaggressions, a systematic review of 48 scholarly peer-reviewed articles on the topic was conducted. The review highlights how racial microaggressions have been conceptualized and measured in previous work, and critically examines empirical findings to date. The systematic review reveals that more work needs to be done to advance our understanding of this field of inquiry. To address this, a future research agenda based on identified gaps in the literature is articulated which highlights opportunities for advancement of the literature. Addressing these gaps will provide actionable insights for organizations in addressing the insidious social issue of racial microaggressions in the workplace, and support scholars in the development of future work.
... The important role of social networks was confirmed by studies. Pierre (1992) believes that social networks and social relationships facilitate the advancement of actors in different fields [8]. Rogers (2010) has suggested that social networks have an important influence on the diffusion of agricultural technologies and on the attitudes and behaviors of farmers toward their adoption [9]. ...
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In order to establish a green and low-carbon agricultural economic system based on the principles of recycling, reduction and resource utilization, to promote a comprehensive green transformation of the economic development and to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, this article examines the farmers’ willingness to participate in rural environmental governance. Through a questionnaire survey in the Fujian, Anhui and Shanxi provinces, this article explores the influence of homogeneous and heterogeneous relationships in social networks on the farmers’ willingness to participate in rural environmental governance using a logit model and tries to reveal the deeper mechanisms. The results show that: (1) heterogeneous relationships have a significant positive effect on farmers’ participation in rural environmental governance, but homogeneous relationships do not have a significant effect. (2) The larger the size of the social network, the weaker the farmers’ willingness to participate in rural environmental governance. (3) Age and education level have significant effects on willingness to participate. The older the age, the weaker the willingness to participate; the higher the education level, the stronger the willingness to participate. (4) The larger the number of family members, the stronger the farmers’ willingness to participate in environmental governance. (5) The subjective cognitive status of farmers also has an important influence on their willingness to participate. The more environmental knowledge is acquired, the stronger the willingness to participate in rural environmental governance. Therefore, to promote rural environmental management, there is an urgent need to keep modern farmers on rural land and to make the countryside a beautiful space for living and working with complete living functions.
... Modal kultural merujuk pada aset non-ekonomi yang memberikan kekuasaan sosial dan budaya kepada individu atau kelompok (Bourdieu, 1977(Bourdieu, , 1991(Bourdieu, , 1998Harvey et al., 2020). Modal kultural mencakup pengetahuan, keterampilan, pendidikan, dan bentuk-bentuk budaya yang dapat diwariskan dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya (Bourdieu, 1991;Bourdieu & Passeron, 1990;Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992). Dalam konteks penanggulangan bencana, modal kultural dapat memainkan peran penting dalam membangun ketahanan masyarakat terhadap bencana. ...
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This research aims to explain the existence of cultural capital and its role in strengthening disaster resilience in various regions of Indonesia as a country that often faces natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. This research also aims to assess cultural traditions and practices in efforts to increase preparedness and response to natural disasters in various communities. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through observations and interviews in areas prone to natural disasters using Bourdieu's social capital analysis framework. This research uses purposive sampling to identify representative communities where cultural responses to natural disasters can be observed and documented. Primary data was taken through observation and direct involvement with the communities to understand the use of cultural knowledge in dealing with disasters. The research shows that communities with rich cultural heritage exhibit stronger resilience and proactive disaster management, using historical wisdom and communal practices to reduce disaster impacts. Communities with less cultural capital face greater challenges but are developing new cultural strategies. Cultural capital is crucial in strengthening community resilience to natural disasters, and integrating cultural insights into national disaster management policies is essential to preserve heritage and improve disaster response and preparedness. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan keberadaan modal kultural dan perannya dalam penguatan ketahanan bencana di berbagai wilayah Indonesia sebagai sebuah negara yang sering menghadapi bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, dan letusan gunung berapi. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menilai tradisi dan praktik budaya dalam upaya peningkatan kesiapan dan respons atas bencana alam di berbagai komunitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara di daerah rawan bencana alam mengunakan kerangka analisis modal sosial Bourdieu. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampling purposif untuk mengidentifikasi komunitas representatif tempat respons kultural terhadap bencana alam dapat diamati dan didokumentasikan. Data primer diambil melalui observasi dan keterlibatan langsung dengan komunitas untuk memahami penggunaan pengetahuan kultural menghadapi bencana. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas dengan warisan budaya yang kaya memiliki ketahanan yang lebih kuat dan perilaku manajemen bencana yang proaktif, dengan memanfaatkan kebijaksanaan sejarah dan praktik komunal untuk mengurangi dampak bencana. Komunitas dengan modal budaya yang lebih rendah menghadapi tantangan lebih besar, namun mereka mulai mengembangkan strategi budaya baru. Modal budaya sangat penting dalam memperkuat ketahanan komunitas terhadap bencana alam, dan integrasi wawasan budaya ke dalam kebijakan manajemen bencana nasional sangat diperlukan untuk melestarikan warisan dan meningkatkan respons serta kesiapsiagaan bencana.
... A category derives social, symbolic, and political existence compared to other categories. Sociologists have argued that social actors exist relative to each other (Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992;Emirbayer 1997). Social actors along the DSC similarly recognize the (dis)advantages associated with their position compared to others Tuohy 2020). ...
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Public discourse on immigration and social services access has been contentious in immigrant-receiving countries. Scholars have examined immigrants’ marginalization as a form of civic stratification, where boundaries based on documentation status affect immigrants’ experiences and benefits granted by the state. This scholarship lacks a framework outlining existing documentation status categories and does not fully answer three research questions I pose in this article: (1) what is the alignment of documentation status categories relative to each other, (2) how does policy (re)configure those categories over time, and (3) how have documentation status categories shaped access to health care in the United States? This article answers those questions and argues that the documentation status continuum (DSC) framework fills these gaps. In the DSC, undocumented immigrants are at one end and citizens are at the other, with many documentation statuses in between. Public policy creates these statuses and generates stratification through allocating benefits based on one’s DSC position. Policy also shapes movement along the continuum, which shapes benefits eligibility. Using the 2006 Massachusetts Health Reform and national 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reform as policy examples and interviews conducted with 207 immigrants, healthcare professionals, and immigrant organization employees in Boston, this article demonstrates how healthcare access is stratified along the DSC between citizens and noncitizens. This has implications for various outcomes that social scientists examine amid increasing anti-immigrant sentiment in the US and beyond.
... With the help of symbolic capital, people can position themselves in a social class, and symbolic capital can also be perceived as more or less valuable in one and the same society, but in different contexts (Broady, 1990). People are carriers of capital, and depending on the position they occupy in the field, they have a tendency to actively orient themselves either towards the preservation of the distribution of capital (if they are privileged), or towards the overthrow of this distribution (if they are not) (Wacquant & Bourdieu, 1992). ...
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This study focuses on the stories of four newly arrived women and their choices of vocational education and profession. The study highlights the women’s life courses and addresses how their vocational skills from their home countries can influence their choices of vocational education and profession, and how these skills are utilised in Sweden. The study also examines the cultural, social, economic, and symbolic capital that emerges from the women’s stories. Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of capital is used to explain the women’s choices of vocational education and profession, suggesting a connection between the capital that women carry with them and their private and vocational experiences throughout their lives. The result shows that the women’s choices of vocational education and profession are related to their previous life experiences and adapted to the efforts of the Swedish state to shorten the path to employment for adult immigrants through Yrkesvux, a combined education programme. Additionally, the women’s vocational skills from their home countries are mostly used through their own business activities in Sweden. Newly arrived women’s vocational skills are changing the existing history of women’s skills and adding tasks that traditionally have not existed in Sweden, for example carpet tying, facial threading, and oriental cooking and baking. These skills must be cared for by the Swedish education system, which is constructed and reconstructed in step with technological development and social change. Caring for new professional skills can, for example, be to create conditions for young people to learn and develop these skills for the benefit of society.
... On the one hand, the parents indicatively adhere to the bounds of civility as set out by the somatic norm. They, therefore, adhere to the 'contract' demarcating the spaces and the behaviours assigned to their gendered, classed and/or racialised position within that normalised contract (Puwar 2001) with the weight and history of colonialism positioning them (Bourdieu 1992;Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992). They articulate with civility a lack of challenge to the embodied somatic norm, for example, 'they handled it well' (Parent 2). ...
... This finding is in line with the results of research that such activities enable doctoral students to feel part of an academic community by building wider relationships (Tonso, 2006;McAlpine & Amudsen, 2009). Bourdieu states that people must have certain characteristics in order to enter a field and be considered legitimate in that field (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992). It is also similar to the results of studies (Carlone & Johnson 2007;Emmioğlu et al., 2017), which show that doctoral students' self-identification as academics is not only related to their actions, performances and competencies, but also to their recognition as academics by others. ...
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This study aims to determine how doctoral students and the faculty members make sense of academic identity, to examine how doctoral students' academic identity is formed, to analyze the academic identity construction of doctoral students by associating them with the views and practices of faculty members on creating academic identity. It was carried out through a case study, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group was determined by maximum variation sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, and consisted of 17 faculty members and 34 doctoral students in a public university in Türkiye. The data was collected using interviews, observation and analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that academic identity is multidimensional, including academic (role), social and individual, and each dimension affects the construction of the academic identity of the doctoral student; the past experiences of the doctoral students affect the construction of academic identity, the economic and spiritual support provided by the family paves the way for the construction of a positive academic identity; the quality of the social environment in which doctoral students grew up and the cultural capital characteristics helped to solve the problems they encountered. It is important for the doctoral student to feel a sense of belonging to the academic community and that congresses, symposiums or scientific events contribute the most to their belonging to this community.
... Bourdieu's 'habitus' encapsulates the forces of societal structure as a 'mechanism that operates from within agents, though it is neither strictly individual nor in itself fully determinate of conduct' (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992: 18). It is a 'socialized subjectivity' (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992: 126) made up of durable dispositions that are imbued with our corporeal being throughout an individual's life (Bourdieu, 1991: 13). In its strictest formulations, the theory leaves us with no understanding of how social change occurs (Sewell, 1992;Woolard, 1985). ...
... Respondents recounted their own educational challenges and offered resources to unveil the "hidden curriculum"the tacit knowledge and skills influenced by privileged backgrounds (Jackson, 1968) that often poses hurdles for first-generation, minority, or marginalised students. Through sharing what Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) term as the "rules of the game" that guide expected behaviours and interactions within the academic realm (Giazitzoglu and Muzio, 2021), these WCAs actively equipped students with tools for success through multiple forms of cultural capital. Their linguistic capital, demonstrated through regional accents, helped create more relatable academic spaces, with Dominic noting how his accent fostered student comfort and engagement. ...
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When navigating higher education (HE), working-class academics (WCAs) encounter persistent socioeconomic, cultural, and personal barriers throughout their academic careers. This study, grounded in the theoretical frameworks of Pierre Bourdieu and Tara Yosso, sought to illuminate the cultural wealth of WCAs. Employing a mixed-methods approach over a five-year period, the research engaged with 244 WCAs from various institutions across the United Kingdom (UK). The findings challenged the dominant deficit narratives surrounding WCAs, revealing that WCAs actively cultivate and leverage a rich array of cultural assets, encompassing examples of aspirational, navigational, linguistic, familial, social, and resistant capital. Two overarching themes emerged from the data: the profound impact of shared lived experiences in empowering marginalised students, and the crucial role of WCAs as change agents. The study demonstrates how WCAs employ their backgrounds as pedagogical assets while advocating for structural reforms. These findings suggest institutions should formally recognise working-class cultural wealth through revised hiring criteria, targeted support programmes, and inclusive decision-making frameworks. This research advances understanding of how marginalised groups can transform rather than simply adapt to institutional cultures.
... Genellikle ev duygusu, kişi o noktadan uzaklaştıkça zayıflar ancak bu sabit veya düzenli bir şekilde olmaz (Terkenli, 1995). Zira Bourdieu & Wacquant (1992) habitatımızın geliştiği alanlarda kendimizi 'evde' hissettiğimizi savunurlar. Diğer yandan çevresel determinizmin öncü isimlerinden biri olan William Morris Davis'e (1905) göre yerel olanın, ait olduğu sınıfın bir üyesi olarak bilinçli bir şekilde gözlemlenmesi ve anlaşılması durumunda, uzak olanlar her zaman daha iyi değerlendirilebilir. ...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı; ev kavramını konu alan beşeri coğrafya çalışmalarında baskın ve tekrar eden fikirleri ve yaklaşımları bir araya getirerek ev coğrafyası üzerine yapılan çalışmaları teorik bir çerçevede tartışmaktır. Çalışmanın motivasyonunu oluşturan başlıca araştırma soruları şu şekilde belirlenmiştir: Beşeri coğrafyacılar ev kavramını hangi yönleriyle ele almaktadır? Beşeri coğrafyanın hangi önemli paradigmaları ev ile ilgili anlaşılır bilgiler ortaya koyabilir? Farklı disiplinlerde eve yönelik ortaya çıkan anlam karmaşasından kurtulmak için beşeri coğrafya ekseninde hangi kavramlarla ilişki kurulmalıdır? Bu çalışmada ev kavramı ile ilgili kapsam belirlemeye yönelik (scoping review) literatür taraması yapılmış ve elde edilen bilgiler doküman analizine tâbi tutulmuştur. Literatür taraması sürecinde hümanist ve feminist coğrafya paradigmalarında ev ile ilgili öne çıkan bazı kavramlar ayırt edilmiş, daha sonra bunlar makale metni içerisinde alt başlıklar halinde açıklanmıştır. Böylece evin her iki paradigmadaki değişen anlamları daha açık ve anlaşılır bir şekilde ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmanın bulguları; hümanist coğrafya literatüründe “ev”in güçlü ve önemli bir yer türü olarak ön plana çıkarıldığını göstermiştir. Bu nedenle yer ile ilişkili olabilecek yer duygusu, yer kimliği, yer sevgisi, yer korkusu, yere bağlılık ve yer bağımlılığı gibi kavramların en güçlü anlamsal karşılıklarını “ev”in kendisinde bulduğu dikkati çekmiştir. Feminist coğrafyada ise ev konusunun genellikle kamusal alan ve özel alan karşılaştırması üzerinden ele alındığı görülmüştür. Bunun yanı sıra feminist perspektif açısından ev; yer sevgisi, yer korkusu ve statü göstergesi olarak literatürde baskın tartışma konuları arasında yer almıştır. Ev konusunun araştırılacağı sonraki akademik çalışmalarda hümanist ve feminist coğrafya dışındaki farklı coğrafya paradigmalarının evi nasıl ele aldıkları üzerinde daha fazla durulmalı ve ampirik çalışmalara da yer verilmelidir. Bu bakımdan insanların özellikle günlük yaşamlarından ve deneyimlerinden yola çıkılarak evle ilgili keşfedici etnografik çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.
... Como conclusión, podemos entender el conflicto entre bloques ideológicos en el barrio de La Concepción como un choque entre "culturas selectivas", definidas por diferentes sistemas de clasificación cultural (Bourdieu y Wacquant, 1992). De hecho, el origen de la reacción al mural se encuentra en la subversión que realiza a los cánones tradicionales de las personas socialmente eminentes y ejemplares. ...
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la polémica sobre el mural feminista de la Concepción (Madrid), que sucedió en el año 2021, como un ejemplo de “guerra cultural”. Para ello, abordaremos el concepto de “guerra cultural” desde una perspectiva sociológica y lo relacionaremos con la construcción de pánicos morales, otro fenómeno mediático que suele asociarse a estos episodios, y con las políticas culturales. El estudio de caso identificará las distintas etapas del conflicto, que cuestiona la periodización clásica del pánico moral, debido a los posicionamientos cambiantes de los diferentes agentes participantes. Finalmente se considerará la idea de la “guerra cultural” como un conflicto entre diferentes tradiciones selectivas dentro de la sociedad española.
... Além disso, essa nova perspectiva se apresenta como contraponto ao predomínio das abordagens que privilegiam as análises psicológicas (Schein, 2007), bem como atende às reivindicações de maior interdisciplinaridade dos estudos de carreira (Khapova;Arthur, 2011 psicológico e sociológico, representando uma opção à perspectiva construtivista, predominante atualmente (Gunz;Peiperl, 2007). Em seu lugar, propõe-se uma alternativa relacional conhecida como construtivismo estruturalista, que seria em simultâneo, um estruturalismo construtivista Wacquant, 1992). ...
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar e refletir sobre o emprego do arcabouço teórico de Pierre Bourdieu no campo da Administração e, para isso, realizou-se uma revisão de literatura com levantamentos realizados nas bases de dados Web of Science (WoS), Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library (SPELL) e anais dos encontros da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (ANPAD), abrangendo o período entre 2001 e 2020. Os achados do estudo sinalizam a tendência de crescimento constante do emprego de Bourdieu no campo da Administração no âmbito internacional, em contraste ao observado nas pesquisas nacionais, além disso, constatou-se que nos anais do EnANPAD de 2020 foi encontrado a maior quantidade de estudos do período, além disso, foram destacados os principais periódicos acadêmicos nacionais que publicaram os artigos e os extratos do Qualis Periódico (CAPES) que estavam situados. // This article aims to analyze and reflect on the use of Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework in the field of Administration. To this end, a literature review was carried out using surveys carried out in the Web of Science (WoS), Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library (SPELL) databases, and the annals of the meetings of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD), covering the period between 2001 and 2020. The findings of the study indicate a trend of constant growth in the use of Bourdieu in the field of Administration at the international level, in contrast to that observed in national research; in addition, it was found that the annals of the 2020 EnANPAD found the most significant number of studies in the period, in addition, the leading national academic journals that published the articles and the Qualis Periodical (CAPES) extracts in which they were located were highlighted.
... However, some of the more mature students, perhaps with more accumulated cultural capital (Bourdieu, 1977) drawn from wider experience working and studying, knew how to access services and where to seek out information and support to help facilitate their journey through university. These students knew the 'rules of the game' (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992) and this helped put into perspective the precarity they were experiencing as something temporary to be endured representing a more pragmatic approach towards the experience of precarity. ...
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Drawing on Guy Standing's theory of 'precarity' (2021), this article addresses a gap in the research around the experience of student precarity on UK Education Studies courses and how this precarity impacts their perceptions of the education system they aim to enter as professionals. Using an interpretivist methodology, 19 students from the lowest quintile on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (Gov, 2019) took part in four focus groups in which they were asked open-ended questions about their experience of university in the cost-of-living crisis and life post-covid, and how they balance home, life, studies and work commitments. These were around areas such as their understanding of precarity and its impact on their studies and their perception of their place in the wider education system. Using thematic analysis, the main findings were: a feeling of foreboding towards the future; struggling to manage work and studies under the pressure caused by future debt and a resigned acceptance of precarity once entering the education workforce. Students felt a sense of vulnerability about the future resulting in heightened anxiety; furthermore, the ability to study without financial worries is denied to these non-traditional students leading to them having to take on more work which compromised time available for study. Finally, students felt disempowered to change the wider education system they aim to enter as professionals.
... Bourdieu's constructs of habitus, practice, and field provide a valuable framework for examining teacher development and science education. He suggests that individuals deeply immersed in a field from a young age gain a lasting, internalized understanding of it (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992;Thompson & Jensen-Ryan, 2018). Teachers' habitus, influenced by education and professional development, thus supports reflective practice, leading to more inclusive and effective science teaching. ...
... Translation is a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural activity in which there are not only power dynamics in a specific field, but also frequently a clash of national cultures. Social context can be understood as a field, Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) defined the field as: a network, or a configuration, of objective relations between positions. These positions are objectively defined, in their existence and in the determinations they impose upon their occupants, agents o´r institutions, by their presentand potential situation in the structure of the distribution of species of power (or capital) whose possession commands access to the specific profits that are at stake in the field, as well as by their objective relation to other positions (domination, subordination, homology, etc.) (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992, p. 97). ...
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Plain Language Summary The Three-Body Trilogy is arguably the best-selling Chinese literature, with the most attention garnered from the English-language media. By using the keyword “The Three-Body Trilogy”, this study searched the BCC and NOW corpora. It was found that the Classic China International Publishing Project, Silk Road Literary Project, Ken Liu, Tor Books all provided varying degrees of support for its translation and dissemination, which jointly form the field and translation context for it to move from the dominated literary field to the dominant literary field. The findings demonstrate that, in the hierarchical world literary field, translation is no longer just a straightforward translation between texts but rather a significant medium for the dissemination of world literature within the boundaries of power. Based on the research presented in this study, it is challenging to promote a nation’s books abroad using only the internal competition mechanism of the book rights trade market when the nation’s language and culture are still not well-positioned. In turn, enforcing the external influence of government funding for translation and publication can shorten the translation and publication production cycle, which in turn permits dominated language books to emerge in the dominant language book market. A drawback of this study is that it only considers The Three-Body Trilogy in English and pays scant attention to habitus and capital. Further research may: (a) explore the translator’s habitus with the help of paratext, and (b) analyse the capital feedback of the participants entailing the translation’s success.
... Many people who are impoverished or who have lost their assets find it difficult to recover without support. They lack bridging, bonding, or linking capital (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992;Putnam, 1995;Woolcock, 2001) essential for effective assistance and in this regard, institutional support appears notably insufficient. In Adnan's (P9) case, since his shop was in a building outside the traditional market, he remains without guidance or hope regarding what will happen to the structure that housed his business. ...
... Our main initial reference is Bourdieu's theory of practice (Bourdieu 1985;Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992), which inspired geographical research especially through its concepts of 'social space' and 'field' (Dörfler et al. 2003). 'Social space' designates a space constituted by the relations between individual actors or groups. ...
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State-led infrastructure development plays an increasingly important role in social transformation, especially in the Global South, which is also pushing the topic on research agendas in the social sciences in general and in development geography in particular. However, large infrastructure projects are often not completed as originally planned, and they may even end before implementation. This raises the question of how infrastructure and social transformation are related, especially if plans do not materialize. The paper presents an empirical approach to capturing the co-evolution of these two spheres of change in terms of a 'political arena of infrastructure development'. The arena is defined as a socially constructed space of contestation and strategic collaboration at an intermediate scale, characterized by a specific composition of temporality, spatiality, and performativity. Its focal point is the infrastructure development project, which characterizes the arena as a site of future-making. By conceptualizing the co-evolution of infrastructure and society in terms of a political arena, we highlight the contestation and strategic alliances of infrastructural futures. The concept offers insights into the contentious politics of infrastructure development, resource conflicts and land-use interventions from a political ecology perspective. We apply the concept to the case of the Crocodile Jaw Dam project in Kenya, which was repeatedly proposed in development plans, but has never materialized to date. Serving as a heuristic, the concept of political arenas of infrastructure development guides the research process, helping to identify key topics and dynamics within the socio-political landscape of infrastructure projects.
... He posits that agents in social fields strive to accumulate capitals to increase the agents' symbolic capital (status and recognition). The different forms of capital are accorded value and legitimacy depending on specific social fields (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992) such as CoPs. For instance, Campbell et al. (2009) found prior social and cultural experiences affect the career trajectories of newcomers in CoPs such as the police force. ...
Medical congresses play a pivotal role in the continuing medical education of healthcare professionals (HCPs), particularly in light of the rapid advancements in medical knowledge and technology. Notwithstanding, little is known about the internal dynamics of such events and how they contribute to the learning processes in communities of health professional practice. This study aims to uncover and elucidate what motivates HCPs to participate in medical congresses and how they experience their participation through a qualitative study. Attending six in-person medical congresses in Western Europe in 2023, we collected data through a combination of eth-nographic methods including 69 in-situ interviews, 17 in-depth interviews, and extensive participant observations. We analyzed the role of the physical environment, participant motivation, interdisciplinarity, and participant diversity for medical congress attendance, ultimately identifying four types of congress participants: Explorers, Newcomers, Drivers, and Updaters, each characterized by unique patterns of professional experience and engagement within the professional communities. Our findings elucidate the complex motivational landscape of medical congress participants, where the desire for learning is routinely complemented by the pursuit of peer recognition. Our insights and the qualitative typology of medical congress participants introduced have the potential to optimize continuous medical education and shape the structure of future medical congresses by shedding light on the evolving needs of HCPs in diverse medical fields.
... Por ello, para poder comprender las peculiaridades de las dinámicas que se dan en el entorno penitenciario y, por ende, la autonomía de la prisión, es necesario recurrir a investigaciones de tipo cualitativo, las cuales han paulatinamente puesto de manifiesto las paradojas y contradicciones entre los criterios que legitiman la prisión y sus efectos sobre los individuos (Irwin 2004, Sbraccia y Vianello 2022. Evocando la perspectiva formulada por Bourdieu y Wacquant (1992) de pensar la prisión en términos de campo, es necesario avanzar en una línea de indagación que vaya más allá de la descripción formal, para reconstruir las relaciones y tramas que sostienen el funcionamiento más general de la institución (Ferreccio y Vianello 2015). Los departamentos de aislamiento contienen algunas de las dinámicas de campo probablemente más difíciles de estudiar (cfr. ...
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La contribución pretende explorar la estricta relación existente entre la imposición de medidas de aislamiento y la necesidad institucional de mantener el orden en prisión. Tras una reflexión teórica desde una perspectiva sociojurídica sobre el concepto de orden penitenciario, se propondrá una selección de los resultados cualitativos de una investigación de carácter etnográfico empezada en 2018 en los centros penitenciarios catalanes. Se tratará, entonces, de deconstruir las justificaciones formales de las medidas de aislamiento propuestas por el discurso institucional, aportando una reflexión sobre la relevancia que asume en la imposición del aislamiento la política de gestión del riesgo de conducta violenta. Posteriormente, se analizará el impacto de las medidas de aislamiento en el día a día de las personas presas, abordando también las percepciones de éstas últimas. A través de dichas operaciones se intentará aclarar cuáles son las reales funciones del aislamiento penitenciario y, en particular, en qué medida y a qué precio éste último contribuye al mantenimiento del orden intramuros.
... Notas Notas Notas 1. Esta idea de una ciencia reflexiva es deudora de las propuestas de una sociología reflexiva postuladas por Bourdieu y Wacquant (1992); Collins (1988), entre otros; y también de una sociología histórica de la formación de los conceptos como reclaman Canguilhem (2009);Foucault (1984); Tilly (1991); Wallerstein (1998). ...
Hace unas décadas ya que los científicos sociales reconocemos que las categorías y conceptos con los que trabajamos y que empleamos para explicar el mundo social necesitan convertirse ellos mismos en objetos de análisis. Esto exige un trabajo de reflexividad que desafía a explorar tanto la historicidad de nuestras semánticas teóricas como de nuestros fundamentos epistemológicos; en definitiva, a problematizar aquello que encontramos incontrovertido: la historicidad de las prácticas de pensamiento y razonamiento. Dos argumentos son los que este trabajo propone para su discusión y debate. El primero afirma que la red conceptual a partir de la cual identificamos y problematizamos la realidad tiene el poder y la autoridad de establecer fronteras de exclusión e inclusión, y por lo tanto, es el marco de constitución de objetos y métodos de análisis. El segundo, propone una equivalencia estructural entre acontecimiento y discurso, en tanto dos instancias privilegiadas que hacen a la investigación en ciencias sociales.
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In recent years, Europe has experienced record-high transnational forced migration. Consequently, increasingly restrictive policies on civic integration have emerged in most West European states, including Norway. The emergence of such policies addresses citizenship beyond labour-marked participation and language training to include civil society participation. Accordingly, there seems to be a widespread political assumption that formal sports clubs represent a vital arena where young migrants and refugees can experience taking part in their local community and get a sense of belonging. Within this dissertation, I conduct a sociological analysis of how civic integration policies are positioned in the context of formal sports and explore how such policies are translated in the field of practice. In doing so, I examine how both sporting and non-sporting stakeholders perceive and experience formal sports as an arena of civic integration. The dissertation comprises four individual papers where I draw on lived experiences to discuss various aspects of whether/how formal sports facilitate integration. In doing so, I aim to highlight the voices of different stakeholders, including leaders of inclusion in formal sports, unaccompanied minor refugees, and non-sporting social workers. The overall findings point to how formal sports clubs constitute an illiberal policy that reflects cultural assimilation rather than integrative practices. Accordingly, these practices demonstrate a paradox within Norwegian integration policy, pointing to a discrepancy between the moral obligation for migrants to participate in civic activities and a lack of adequate structural conditions and mechanisms to support them in doing so. As such, the dissertation provide new and nuanced accounts of how civic integration policies are positioned in the context of formal sports at the policy, institutional, and individual levels.
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O texto de Marcus Vinícius Medeiros Pereira, intitulado HABITUS CONSERVATORIAL: usos e impactos nas pesquisas em educação musical. Neste texto, analisa os usos e os impactos da noção de habitus conservatorial, conceito construído na escrita de tese no interior do Programa de Pesquisa desenvolvido pelo OCE, nas pesquisas em educação musical. Para tanto, apresenta levantamento de teses e dissertações que utilizam a noção em suas pesquisas ao longo de dez anos (2012 – 2022), contados a partir da proposição do conceito de habitus conservatorial (PEREIRA, 2012).
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This study advances the application of Pierre Bourdieu’s social field as a heuristic conceptual tool in the context of translation studies, offering a methodological framework that integrates socio-historical analysis with bibliographical research. By exploring the field of Arabic translations of English self-help literature in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) between 1982 and 2016, the article illustrates how Bourdieu’s conceptualisation of social fields can be operationalised to define the boundaries, agents, production, and practices within a translation field. A bespoke bibliographical database comprising 993 translated self-help titles was constructed to provide a detailed mapping of the field’s historical trajectory and production dynamics. Through this integration of theory and empirical data, the study demonstrates how field theory can enrich the analysis of translation as a social practice, revealing the interactions between translation agents and the socio-historical forces that shape the production of translations. The findings suggest that this integrated approach can serve as a heuristic model for the socio-historical analysis of translation fields across different language pairs, temporal periods, and geographic contexts, contributing to future research in translation sociology and translation bibliographies.
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Este capítulo explora la influencia del Proyecto LUNA en la relación familia-escuela desde una perspectiva educativa innovadora fundamentada en las artes. A través de una metodología sistémica, el proyecto fomenta la integración familiar mediante actividades artísticas colaborativas que fortalecen la cohesión entre estudiantes, familias y comunidades educativas. Se presentan los fundamentos teóricos del proyecto, su implementación en un centro educativo de Sevilla, y los resultados obtenidos a partir de una metodología de observación participativa. Los hallazgos destacan cómo el Proyecto LUNA actúa como catalizador en la mejora de la comunicación y colaboración entre padres y profesores, promoviendo valores educativos y un entorno inclusivo que beneficia tanto el aprendizaje de los estudiantes como el desarrollo integral de la comunidad educativa. Este enfoque holístico resalta la importancia de superar paradigmas lineales y dualistas para abordar la complejidad de las relaciones educativas. El capítulo concluye enfatizando las contribuciones del proyecto en la construcción de un modelo educativo integrador y las recomendaciones para ampliar su alcance en contextos diversos.
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Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора социологических наук по специальности 5.4.1 – теория, методология и история социологии.
This study aims to determine how doctoral students and the faculty members make sense of academic identity, to examine how doctoral students’ academic identity is formed, to analyze the academic identity construction of doctoral students by associating them with the views and practices of faculty members on creating academic identity. It was carried out through a case study, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group was determined by maximum variation sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, and consisted of 17 faculty members and 34 doctoral students in a public university in Türkiye. The data was collected using interviews, observation and analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that academic identity is multidimensional, including academic (role), social and individual, and each dimension affects the construction of the academic identity of the doctoral student; the past experiences of the doctoral students affect the construction of academic identity, the economic and spiritual support provided by the family paves the way for the construction of a positive academic identity; the quality of the social environment in which doctoral students grew up and the cultural capital characteristics helped to solve the problems they encountered. It is important for the doctoral student to feel a sense of belonging to the academic community and that congresses, symposiums or scientific events contribute the most to their belonging to this community.
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In most research fields, and for a delimited period, certain theories tend to gain a stronger position than others. Correspondingly, also the way in which theory is used tend to shift over time. New theories displace old ones, and the view of the functioning of the theoretical framework is changed (Tosh 2011; Grant & Osanloo 2014; Lingard 2015). Thus, in this article we have chosen to map a specific aspect of a specific research field, as expressed in a specific Nordic subject didactic journal. The purpose of this article is to analyse the use of theory in the 59 history didactic articles published in Nordidactica between the years 2011 and 2022. On a very general level, our findings shows that analytical categories often are formulated in advance. Hence, the chosen theories are also largely determining how the researched empirical data is evaluated and explained. The results imply that from a diversity perspective (cf. Bourdieu 1991; 1992; Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992) it would be valuable if, alongside those theory driven studies that, on the basis of a rather limited amount of ready-made analytical categories seek to evaluate or explain students' and teachers’ ability to think historically, there in the future also would be a greater number of studies who more openly try to interpret and understand human experiences of history and history teaching.
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This study used a quantitative analysis to investigate the impact of social capital (SC) on knowledge sharing (KS) behavior. The research was conducted with a convenience sample, and data were collected through a self-survey questionnaire distributed to a sample of 84 employees working at CRBt, Constantine, in Algeria. Reliability test was assessed by (= 0.888). Collected data were analyzed with SPSS, and linear regressions analyses were used to test the hypotheses. Results revealed that social capital is moderately correlated with knowledge sharing. Hence, the findings showed that in general, the level of social capital in CRBt is considered to be moderately effective for enhancing knowledge sharing process. The main hypothesis Title : e impact of social capital on knowledge sharing e case study of CRBt, Constantine, Algeria Vol 06.N°01.(2024) 279 of the empirical study was confirmed and supported, which predicted a significant relationship between SC and KS (r = 0.540, significant at the 0.001 level). In addition, the three sub-hypotheses predicted significant relationships between knowledge sharing and the dimensions of social capital. Therefore, Implications of the research and recommendations for further research have been reflected upon.
Sosyologlar toplumsal dünyayı farklı paradigmalardan okurlar ve bu farklı okumalar içinde eğitim sosyolojisinin yeri oldukça geniş bir alan kaplamaktadır. Yapısalcılıktan Sembolik Etkileşimciliğe, Durkheim’den Marx’a kadar farklı görüşlere sahip isimlerin kuramları içinde eğitimle ilgili değerlendirmeleri mevcuttur. Bu durum eğitim sosyolojisinin toplumsal ilişkilerin yeniden düzenlenmesi ve inşa edilmesindeki önemiyle yakından ilgilidir. Eğitim sosyolojisi içinde eğitim olgusu yeniden üretim aracı ve toplumsallaşmada etkili bir faktör olarak ele alınmaktadır. Eğitim olgusu farklı kuramlarda değişik yönleriyle ele alınsa da herkesin ortak fikre sahip olduğu nokta, eğitimin toplumsal bir araç olarak kabul görmesidir. Pierre Bourdieu toplumsal ilişkilerin üretiminde kültürel faktörlerin üzerinde durmaktadır. Bourdieu eğitim olgusunu bu perspektiften analiz eder. Bu çalışmada Bourdieu’nun bu kapsamdaki çalışmaları analiz edilmeye ve eğitim olgusu ile ilgili görüşleri bütüncül bir yaklaşımla ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Genel olarak bu çalışmanın amacı söz konusu literatüre katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu çalışmada ayrıca Bourdieu’nun fikirlerinden hareketle eğitim olgusunun eleştirel bir analizi amaçlanmaktadır.
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In an era of increasing interdependence between economic progress and social equity, ethical capital emerges as an indispensable yet overlooked dimension of sustainable development. This paper explores ethical capital as a transformative force within economic and social systems, contrasting it with traditional forms of capital such as human, social, and cultural capital. Drawing on insights from Badiou's subtractive ontology and Bourdieu's field theory, it argues that ethical capital functions as a field resource, fostering trust, equity, and resilience. Unlike accumulative forms of capital, ethical capital disrupts entrenched narratives, reconfiguring economic practices to prioritize collective well-being over individual gain. By conceptualizing ethical capital as an event-based, intangible asset, this paper underscores its role in shaping sustainable economic systems. The analysis highlights challenges in measuring ethical capital and advocates for integrating it into business and economic strategies as a foundational element for long-term societal progress and competitive advantage.
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本文從Bourdieusian女性主義角度出發,以男性家暴諮商經驗為 例,說明男性內部的階級「差異」如何再製,以及階級權力的運作邏 輯。家暴經常被視為是「工人階級男性」才有的實踐,透過此凝視,中 產階級得以維持其優勢與正當性;但是如果「中產階級」男性被冠上家 暴的罪名,就會被認為像工人階級男性一樣無知,其原本受人尊敬的階 級特質則會因社會場域的轉移,成為讓人詬病的原因,因此這類男性會 經歷「衝突/矛盾」的權力關係。透過此分析,本文挑戰單一、刻板的 家暴男性形象,跳脫本質化的階級分析,用以解釋中產階級特質對家暴 男性既是「資產」(聲望)也是「負債」(污名),並非是定著的特 質。
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This paper addresses the advisory arrangements within the Chancellery of the President of the Romanian Senate, examining in a comparative manner the profiles and roles of the two types of in-house advisors, tenured parliamentary experts and personal advisors, in designing and influencing the decision-making process. The article uses a complex methodology based on social network analysis, qualitative and content analysis of semi-structured interviews with former Chancellery directors, and quantitative analysis of personnel data in order to present a full picture of the internal relations and interactions between the parliamentary experts and personal advisors over the period from March 10, 2014 until July 29, 2022, covering seven different Romanian Senate president mandates. Our findings show that for tenured civil servants, activity within the Chancellery constitutes one of the most important periods of their professional career, while for personal advisors, the activity within the Chancellery is another window of opportunity to enhance their political network.
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Prior work provides equivocal clues as for whether a workspace perceived as crowded may ultimately affect the way employees use new technologies at work. The first aim of this study is to test whether there is a relationship between crowding perceptions at work and cyberloafing: employee misuse of the company’s Internet connection. The paper then proposes and tests a model according to which the relationship between crowding perceptions and cyberloafing is explaining by workplace emotional events (privacy invasion, trust and compassion among peers, and perceived fairness of supervisors), thus mediating this link. Data were collected from 299 respondents working in open offices at four IT-based companies in Iran. Results of structural equation modeling (SEM) found, first, a significant positive link between crowding perceptions and cyberloafing. Second, results also found that a lack of positive emotional events at work is a reason why this relationship occurs. Findings highlight the role that workspace labor conditions of employees plays in their personal use of the Internet at work. Findings indicate that a proper physical office arrangement can be a useful tool for managers in combating cyber slacking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resumen No existen estudios que examinen si la percepción de los empleados de que trabajan en espacios físicos masificados influye en la eficiencia de sus conductas laborales. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es doble. Primero, la tesis comprueba 1) si la percepción de masificación en oficinas abiertas con tecnología informática lleva a los empleados a participar en actividades contraproducentes (DWBs, o deviant workplace behavior), a usar indebidamente la conexión a Internet de la empresa para fines personales (esto es, ciber-pereza), y a reducir conductas cívicas organizativas (OCB, Organizational citizenship behavior). Segundo, el documento examina si 2) el ajuste persona-organización (POF), la empatía, el conflicto emocional, la invasión de privacidad, y el stress, forman parte de los mecanismos a través de los cuales estas relaciones son posibles. Se recopilaron datos de 299 encuestados que trabajaban en cuatro empresas con tecnología informática en Teherán (Irán). Los resultados de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales indicaron que los empleados que percibieron sus oficinas más masificadas confesaron practicar más conductas DWBs y más ciber-pereza, mientras que aquéllos que percibieron menor masificación se mostraron más cívicos con sus compañeros (OCB-I, o Interpersonal citizenship behavior). También, la pérdida de confianza y la compasión hacia los demás en el caso de la relación masificación-ciberpereza, y de privacidad en la relación masificación-DWBs actuaron como mediadores que explicaron estas relaciones. Mayores niveles de ajuste persona-organización (POF), empatía, y conflicto emocional, también mediaron la vinculación entre masificación y OCB-I. Los hallazgos indican y arrojan luz sobre por qué intervenciones de la dirección organizativa en la disposición física de las oficinas de planta abierta son herramientas útiles de gestión para influir sobre el nivel de eficiencia de sus empleados.
bağlamında ele alınmıştır. İletişim unsurları (kaynak, mesaj, kodlama, kanal, alıcı, kod açma ve geri bildirim) Bourdieu’nun habitus ve kültürel sermaye kavramları çerçevesinde açıklan-mış; bu kavramların iletişimdeki rolü incelenmiştir. Habitus, öğrenilmiş toplumsallık, bireyin toplumsal yapı içerisinde içselleştirmiş olduğu eğilimler ve davranış kalıpları şeklinde ifade edilirken, kültürel sermaye bireylerin bilgi, beceri, sembolik kaynaklarla donanması ve tüm bu donanımlarla sosyal alanlarda avantaj elde etmesini ifade etmektedir. Çalışmada, ileti-şimde bu unsurların ne şekilde işlendiği ve bireyler açısından dil, kültürel farklılıkların ileti-şimin doğruluğu ve etkinliği açısından etkisi teorik olarak irdelenmiştir. Ayrıca, bu kavramla-rın iletişim süreçlerini anlamak açısından önemi, dil ve kültürün iletişimdeki rolü ve habitus ve kültürel sermaye farklılıklarının iletişim süreçlerini nasıl etkilediği teorik yönden ortaya konmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı iletişimin yalnızca teknik bir süreç olmadığı aynı zamanda kültürel ve sosyal bir süreç olduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Bu sayede habitus ve kültürel ser-maye kavramlarının iletişim stratejileri üzerindeki önemi anlaşılarak, habitus ve kültürel sermaye kavramları gelecekteki araştırmalar için yeni bakış açıları sunacaktır.
Although there is a growing trend in scientific and political discussions about how people feel about climate change in the context of trust, adequate research in this area is lacking in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). This article aims to determine whether trust is an important factor for the perception of climate change by the inhabitants of selected CEE countries. European Social Survey(ESS) Round 10 data were used, and a multivariable binary logistic regression method was applied. This paper considers three different dimensions of climate change, concern, personal norms, and attribution, as well as a composite indicator reflecting climate attitudes (skeptic or proponent). Four different models are presented that differ only in terms of their dependent variables, while the independent variable (trust) and the control variables (socio-demographic variables) are the same in all the cases. The results show that both personal and institutional trust are very low in the selected countries. Institutional trust was significant in all four models, while personal trust was significant in the environmental norm and skepticism models. Greater trust in institutions decreases the odds of being worried about climate change and increases the odds of having feelings of personal responsibility for climate change reduction. An increased level of personal or institutional trust increases one’s chances of being in the climate proponent group. Of the socio-demographic variables examined only political left-right scale did not affect attitudes significantly.
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Abstrakt: Celem artykułu jest opisanie i refleksja nad kształtowaniem się zawo-dowej tożsamości i sprawstwa przedstawicielek dwóch generacji edukatorek anga-żujących się w zmienianie akademickiego modelu kształcenia nauczycieli w Polsce 2. Prezentowane studium, stanowiące fragment raportu z szerszych badań prowadzo-nych w formule duoetnografii, koncentruje się na trudnościach w transponowaniu na grunt realnej praktyki szkolnej koncepcji pracy edukacyjnej z kandydatami na na-uczycieli określonej przez Dorotę Klus-Stańską jako "myślenie teorią o praktyce", które wydaje się dobrym narzędziem wzmocnienia postulowanego od trzydziestu lat-zarówno w dyskursie teoretycznym, jak i wspólnej polityce oświatowej Unii Europej-skiej-przejścia od monologizmu do tworzenia warunków sprzyjających "społecz-nemu konstruowaniu wiedzy w szkole" 3. Analiza danych pochodzących z transkryp-cji rozmów Autorek łączących pracę edukacyjną z udziałem w międzynarodowych projektach badawczo-rozwojowych prowadzonej przy zastosowaniu metody curre-re, akcentującej wagę refleksji autobiograficznej w rozwoju zawodowym nauczycieli, ujawnia złożoność tła (zarówno w wymiarze systemowym, jak i wspólnotowym) bra-ku współudziału świata nauki i praktyki w aplikacji paradygmatów interpretacyjno-konstruktywistycznych w codzienności szkolnej.
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