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MRE derived stiffness of the gluteus maximus muscle: reproducibility and correlation to T2 and fat-fraction



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MRE derived stiffness of the gluteus maximus muscle: reproducibility
and correlation to T2 and fat-fraction
Jules L. Nelissen1,2, Dorien Verschuren1,2, Larry de Graaf1, Cees W. Oomens3, Klaas Nicolay1, Ralph Sinkus5, Jurgen H.
Runge4,5, Aart J. Nederveen4, and Gustav J. Strijkers2
1Biomedical NMR, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Preclinical and Translational MRI, Academic
Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Biomechanics of Soft Tissues, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,
Netherlands, 4Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
Skeletal muscle pathology is often accompanied by abnormal fat deposition, fibrosis, and edema. Altered muscle
biomechanical properties associated with these compositional changes can be quantitatively assessed with MRE. We
present MRE measurements of the gluteus maximus muscle. In healthy volunteers, we have tested reproducibility
and correlated the shear modulus Gd to T2 and fat-fraction measured using Dixon, FFdix. Acceptable intra and inter
reproducibility was found. Expected difference in Gd between gluteus maximus and subcutaneous fat was confirmed.
Correlation plots of T2 and FFdix with Gd showed that MRE can derive biomechanical properties that potentially can
provide additional information to characterize skeletal muscle pathology.
Skeletal muscle pathology is often accompanied by abnormal fat deposition, fibrosis, and edema. Altered muscle
biomechanical properties associated with these compositional changes can be quantitatively assessed with MR
Elastography (MRE). In this study, we present MRE measurements of the human gluteus maximus (GLU) muscle. In
healthy volunteers, we have tested reproducibility and correlated the shear modulus Gd to muscle T2 and fat fraction
FFdix. Using these methods, we plan to characterize changes in the GLU muscle stiffness and composition in spinal
cord injury subjects.
Materials & Methods
Study design: 21 volunteers (11,10) were included and positioned prone in a 3T MRI scanner (Philips) equipped
with a 45 mT/m 200T/m/s gradient and combined anterior-posterior coil (32 channels). MRE images of the right or
left GLU at 48Hz were acquired with a fractionally encoded GRE MRE sequence (TE=9.2ms, TR=190ms, voxel-size
2x2x2mm3, SENSE=2, FMEG=120Hz, 8 MRE-frames, s|p|f|ref-directions) [1]. Intra-scan MRE reproducibility was tested
by repeating the MRE acquisition without repositioning (Set 1 & Set 2; n=21). Inter-scan reproducibility was tested by
repositioning the participant between two MRE acquisitions (Set 1 & Set 3; n=6). Fat fraction (FFdix) was quantified
(n=15) with 3-point-DIXON (TE1=4.41ms, ΔTE=0.76ms, TR=210ms, voxel size 1x1x10mm3, NSA=2, SENSE=1.3). T2
quantification (n=15) was done with a multi-spin-echo sequence (TE1=8ms, ΔTE=8ms, ETL=22, TR=3000ms, voxel size
0.8x0.8x10mm3, SENSE=2, partial Fourier=70%).
Data Analysis: Mean Gd of the GLU was calculated for all 3 MRE sets and volunteers [2]. Bland-Altman analysis and
coefficient of repeatability (CR) were used to assess intra and inter-reproducibility. Quantitative muscle T2-maps
were calculated by fitting the data pixel-wise with a tri-exponential model to extract muscle T2 values [3]. Scatter
plots of Gd vs T2 in the GLU were made to investigate correlation. FFdix was calculated using the water and fat signal
from the 3-point-DIXON model [4]. Scatter plots of Gd vs FFdix in the whole buttock (GLU and subcutaneous fat) were
made to investigate correlation.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 1 shows a typical (A) MRE elastogram representing the shear modulus Gd, (B) FFdix-map and (C) muscle T2-map.
On both the elastogram and FFdix-map the GLU and the surrounding subcutaneous fat can be identified. A significant
difference between mean Gd of muscle (0.75kPa) and subcutaneous fat (0.59kPa) was found in the whole
population. Muscle water T2 was 28±4ms. Fig. 2 shows the mean Gd of the intra (A) and inter (B) scan reproducibility
in GLU per volunteer. Mean Gd value of set 1, set 2 and set 3 are 0.75±0.06kPa, 0.77±0.06kPa and 0.72 ± 0.04kPa,
respectively. In Fig. 3 the Bland-Altman plots of the intra (A) and inter (B) scans are shown. Both intra and inter-scan
measured differences are within the 95% confidence interval. No difference between men and women were found.
The CR for intra and inter-scan were 6.2% and 25.1%, respectively. Although the inter-scan CR is considerably higher
than the intra scan coefficient of repeatability, both intra and inter reproducibility are acceptable. Higher CR for the
inter-scan reproducibility can be explained by difficulties in planning the exact same slice position in volunteer 1&4.
Fig. 4 shows correlation plots of Gd vs FFdix and Gd vs T2. Two distinct clouds were observed in the Gd vs FFdix plot,
originating from muscle and fat. In the Gd vs T2 plot a high variation in Gd was observed, which we believe reflects
underlying heterogeneity in GLU muscle composition, which is not reflected in the T2 water value. In Fig. 5 (A) the
correlation of Gd vs FFdix of another volunteer is shown, together with the highlighted (B) anatomical locations of four
selected pixel correlation clouds (#1, #2, #3, #4). Besides fat (#3) and muscle (#1), with high and low FFdix,
respectively, locations with intermediate FFdix (#2) and moderate FFdix with high Gd (#4) were found. Points in cloud
#4 were located in the gluteal sulcus. The fat in the sulcus region is more organized compared to subcutaneous fat
and could well explain the high Gd in this region [5]. The points of cloud #2 originated partly from the gluteal fold
area, the boundary between muscle and fat and from border of the FOV. The points at the border of the FOV are
probably caused by partial volume effects.
Acceptable intra and inter reproducibility was found. Expected difference in Gd between GLU and subcutaneous fat
was confirmed. Correlation plots of muscle T2 and FFdix with Gd showed the potential of additional information which
MRE derived biomechanical properties could provide to characterize skeletal muscle pathology.
This research was supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW (NWO) and COST BM1304 MYOMRI action.
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Fig.1. Representative Gd-map, FFdix-map, and muscle T2-map. (A) Gd-map. (B) FFdix-map. (C) muscle T2-map.
Fig. 2 mean shear modulus Gd of the intra and inter scan reproducibility per volunteer. (A) mean Gd of set 1 and set
2 measured in the gluteus maximus of21 volunteers to determine intra reproducibility. (B) mean Gd of set 1, set 2
and set 3 measured in the gluteus maximus of 6 volunteers to assess inter scan reproducibility.
Fig. 3. Bland-Altman plots of the intra and inter-reproducibility. Intra-scan reproducibility (A). Inter-scan
reproducibility (B). Females depicted in red, males in blue.
Fig. 4. Correlation of Gd with FFdix and Gd with muscle T2. Gd vs T2 in gluteus maximus muscle(A). Gd vs FFdix in gluteus
maximus and subcutaneous fat(B).
Fig. 5. Pixel correlation cloud analysis. Correlation of Gd with FFdix with selected clouds #1, #2, #3, #4 (A). Anatomical
location of selected clouds (B).
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Full-text available
In MR elastography (MRE), periodic tissue motion is phase encoded using motion-encoding gradients synchronized to an externally applied periodic mechanical excitation. Conventional methods result in extended scan time for quality phase images, thus limiting the broad application of MRE in the clinic. For practical scan times, researchers have been relying on one-dimensional or two-dimensional motion-encoding, low-phase sampling and a limited number of slices, and artifact-prone, single-shot, echo planar imaging (EPI) readout. Here, we introduce a rapid multislice pulse sequence capable of three-dimensional motion encoding that is also suitable for simultaneously encoding motion with multiple frequency components. This sequence is based on a gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequence and exploits the principles of fractional encoding. This GRE MRE pulse sequence was validated as capable of acquiring full three-dimensional motion encoding of isotropic voxels in a large volume within less than a minute. This sequence is suitable for monofrequency and multifrequency MRE experiments. In homogeneous paraffin phantoms, the eXpresso sequence yielded similar storage modulus values as those obtained with conventional methods, although with markedly reduced variances (7.11±0.26 kPa for GRE MRE versus 7.16±1.33 kPa for the conventional spin-echo EPI sequence). The GRE MRE sequence obtained better phase-to-noise ratios than the equivalent spin-echo EPI sequence (matched for identical acquisition time) in both paraffin phantoms and in vivo data in the liver (59.62±11.89 versus 27.86±3.81, 61.49±14.16 versus 24.78±2.48 and 58.23±10.39 versus 23.48±2.91 in the X, Y and Z components, respectively, in the case of liver experiments). Phase-to-noise ratios were similar between GRE MRE used in monofrequency or multifrequency experiments (75.39±14.93 versus 86.13±18.25 at 28Hz, 71.52±24.74 versus 86.96±30.53 at 56Hz and 95.60±36.96 versus 61.35±26.25 at 84Hz, respectively).
To introduce a novel method for skeletal muscle water T2 determination in fat-infiltrated tissues, using a tri-exponential fit of the global muscle signal decay. In all, 48 patients with various neuromuscular diseases were retrospectively selected and their thigh muscles analyzed. Each patient was imaged using a multispin-echo (MSME) sequence with a 17-echo train. The transmit field (B1+) inhomogeneities were evaluated using the actual flip angle imaging method toward voxel sorting. Muscle water T2 was quantified using a tri-exponential signal decay model. The difference between water T2 of voxels within the same muscle but having different fat ratio was analyzed using nonparametric statistical tests. In addition, we evaluated the correlation between fat ratio and T2 values obtained using both a mono- and tri-exponential approach. The results showed that muscle water T2 values obtained using a tri-exponential approach combined with B1+ map-based voxel sorting were independent of the fat infiltration degree inside the muscle (R(2) < 0.03). This was not the case using the mono-exponential model, which measured different T2s between voxels of the same muscle but with various fat ratio (R(2) > 0.67; P < 10e(-4) ). The tri-exponential model is an accurate tool to monitor muscle tissue disease activity devoid of bias introduced by fat infiltration.J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The main goal of this article is to demonstrate that biochemically, metabolically, histologically, embryologically, and anatomically there are two totally different types of subcutaneous fat. This fact has clinical and surgical consequences including the concept of dynamic and surface anatomy.
Simple modification of a spin echo imaging pulse sequence generates useful spectroscopic information at 0.35 T. New images are produced that show water only, fat only, and the difference between water and fat intensity. Imaging speed, spatial resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio are comparable with ordinary imaging. The method provides new parameters for tissue characterization and improved contrast between some organs.
Elastography is a technique to assess the viscoelastic properties of tissue by measuring an acoustic wave propagating though the object. Here, the technique is applied in the course of standard MR mammography to 15 patients with different pathologies (six breast cancer cases, six fibroadenoma cases and three mastopathy cases). Low-frequency mechanical waves are coupled longitudinally into the tissue in order to obtain sufficient wave amplitude throughout the entire breast. This leads to the presence of a substantial fraction of compressional waves, which contribute to the total displacement field. It is shown theoretically that the correct evaluation of these contributions from the compressional wave is rather difficult due to the almost incompressible nature of tissue. To overcome this problem, it is proposed to apply the curl-operator to the measured displacement field in order to completely remove contributions from the compressional wave. Results from simulations and a breast phantom demonstrate the feasibility of the technique. The in vivo results show a good separation between breast cancer and benign fibroadenoma utilizing the shear modulus. Breast cancer appears on average 2.2 (P<.001) times stiffer. All breast cancer cases showed a good delineation to the surrounding breast tissue with an average elevation of a factor of 3.3 (P< 1.4 x 10(-6)). The results as obtained for the shear viscosity do not indicate to be useful for separating benign from malignant lesions.