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J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(11)11845-11849, 2012
© 2012, TextRoad Publication
ISSN 2090-4304
Journal of Basic and Applied
Scientific Research
Corresponding Author: MahMonir Rasta, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +989329129986; Fax: +982166940255; Email:
A Survey on the Effectiveness of Nine-type Personality Training
(Enneagram) on the Mental Health (Anxiety and Self-esteem)
of School Girls
MahMonir Rasta1, Simin Hosseinian2, Ghodsi Ahghar3
1Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Iranian Consulting Association, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
3A member of the Scientific Board of Studies Institution;, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
The Enneagram is one of the applied and valuable methods in the field of self-knowledge and self-discovery,
and presents the way of achieving high position of humanity with regard to peoples’ individual differences,
exactly and completely. This is a relatively new method for American researchers and psychologists, but its
origin is philosophical point of views and the human cognitive mode within various mythic cultures. The aim of
the present study is to examine the effectiveness of Enneagram training on anxiety and self-esteem of female
students in Tehran. The studied population consists of all guidance school students studying in Tehran in the
academic year 1390-1391, which among them using multi-stage sampling, 60 individuals were selected from the
sixth district of Tehran and divided into two equal groups, one (30 persons) as an experimental group, and the
other (30 persons) as a control group. Cattel anxiety and Cooper self-esteem questionnaires were used for data
collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics (partial T-test and analysis of variance between groups) were
employed for data analysis. The result of survey, in addition to confirming hypotheses, showed that Enneagram
training influences the anxiety level of female students in third year of junior high school. The effect of
Enneagram training on anxiety of these students was stable during the time of research. Enneagram training also
influences the self-esteem of female students in third year of junior high school, and the effect of Enneagram
training on self-esteem of these students was stable during the time of research.
KEYWORDS: Enneagram Training, Anxiety, Self-esteem.
The Enneagram method has a variety of applications, but the most important and valuable of them is self-
knowledge, and access to the core essence of the “self” and expressing how to reach the high position of
humanity of human beings in accordance with the unique characteristics of individuals in a detailed and
comprehensive manner.
The Enneagram is a very new phenomenon that has been studied and experienced by researchers and
psychologists from Northern and Southern America, but its origin goes back to the myths and wise anthropology
in the mythical cultures of various nationalities. The aim of the present study is to examine the effectiveness of
Enneagram training on anxiety and self-esteem of female students in Tehran. This structure has been developed
and performed by Ivanovich Gorgiov, a Georgian researcher as the result of his extensive research on culture,
religions, and mythical and mystical philosophies. (Daghighian, 2010).
Emergence and acceptance of psychology among thinkers, a subsection called personality psychology
emerged, which has been introduced as “Charactology” and was highly considered among scholars.
Although there are various definitions of personality, i.e. the main subject of this science, among scientists
who are interested in this branch, the considered issues are common and in parallel with each other. . Each
person and every event is unique in its kind. However, there are too many similarities between people and
events of their lives for common points to be considered, and these patterns of behavior are things that
psychologists look for. . Personality Psychology pays special attention to the people, in general, and their
individual differences.
Although personality psychologists agree with of the presence of some similarities between individuals,
however their attention is more focused on the differences of individuals. Why are some people successful and
others a failure? Why is the individual understanding of similar things different? Where is the source of
diversity of talents? Why do some people suffer from mental illness? Why do some people change and some
people are resistant to change?
Personality theorists focus on human being, in general. Thus, they investigate the complex relationships
between different aspects of human action including learning, perception, and motivation. Research of
Rasta et al., 2012
personality is not the study of human consciousness, but the study of differences of individuals in perception
and the way of their relationship with the overall interaction of human beings. Gorgiov, one of the theorists in
this field believes that people cannot see reality through their surrounding phenomena, because they are not
aware of them, rather they live in sleep mode “hypnosis”.
On the other hand, anxiety has been considered in all theories and psychological approaches, and is
considered the cause of many disorders, behavioral, and personality problems. It is noteworthy that every
personality type in the Enneagram typology has a different level of mental health. The relationships between
individual behavior, personality, mental health, and factors that are influencing anxiety and self-esteem, have
been proven in many studies. Despite all definitions and explanations about anxiety, there is no effective method
to eliminate anxiety. It is clear that the effects of anxiety are expansive and variable. Clinically, determining the
role of anxieties caused by life tensions is necessary for effective treatment of anxiety. (Ganji, 2009)
High self-esteem in fact may be taken as defense against anxieties that are created in various situations of
life. Special skills and abilities are required to face different kinds of problems. Before possessing coping skills,
it is necessary to learn cognitive skills to accept crisis wisely and control it well. Retention of inner abilities to
meet inevitable anxieties of life, help people to achieve necessary calmness in applying cognitive skills.
(Shahandeh, 2008)
Teenage and adulthood are the beginning of physiological and psychological changes of a person, and
particular problems can follow for the young person standing on the starting point of life choices. In this study,
we believe that with the simple concept of Gorgiov, i.e. his 9-type typology structure that is easy to understand
and a way of reaching ultimate awakening and inner awareness, we can reduce many adverse effects resulting
from inconsistency and family malfunctions and destruction of “self”. This can remind them that despite all
their faults and mistakes and all discord against their parent’s expectations, they can overcome life’s stressful
problems by realizing themselves and paying more attention to their inner values and through high self-esteem.
As mentioned previously, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Enneagram training on the
anxiety and self-esteem of female students in Tehran. Thus, the fundamental question is whether Enneagram
training influences anxiety and self-esteem of female students.
Research Hypothesis
Enneagram training affects the level of anxiety and self-esteem of female students in third year of junior
high school; and the effect of Enneagram training on the anxiety of these students was stable during the time of
Research Method, Population and Sampling
This is a quasi-experimental study of the pre-test and post-test control group, and the follow-up phase. The
study population consists of all students studying in academic year 2011-2012. Among them, a group of 60
people has been selected from the sixth district of Tehran through multi-stage sampling. The pre-test was
conducted by running the Cattel anxiety test and Cooper Smith self-esteem test. In addition, Rizo Hudson’s test
was taken to determine the personality type, and the Enneagram typology training was carried out in 1-hour
classes and in 7 sessions only for the control group. After the training period, tests of anxiety and self-esteem
were administered in both groups and, one month later; these types of tests were repeated for the test group.
Research Tools and Implementation Method
Cattel anxiety and Cooper Smith self-esteem questionnaires were used for data collection.
Reliability and Validity of Measurement Tools
Cattel anxiety questionnaire: the correlation coefficient of the test was 20 to 30 percent. The validity of this
test, which was obtained through re-execution and was carried out several times, was always greater than 70
percent. The reliability of this test, by testing the differences between neurotic and normal groups shows that
this test can distinguish people with anxiety from normal highly confident people (Ganji, 2009).
Cooper Smith self-esteem Questionnaire: The validity of this questionnaire, through Cronbach Alpha
valuation was 80 percent. Pour Shafei quoting from Rafiee (2005) and using a checklist, studied the relationship
between self-esteem and scholastic achievement using split-half method to obtain the final test score. The final
score of self-esteem test was 83 percent, which indicates the high stability and reliability of this method.
Data Analysis
Research findings were analyzed based on the hypothesis. Regarding the nature of the assumptions, analysis
of covariance between groups and correlated T-test were used for analyzing the research hypothesis. At first, it
is necessary to report Levin’s test results of the variances equality presumption.
Table 1: Results of Levine test of variances equality presumption
Index V
Coefficient of
Anxiety .228 .635
Self-esteem .063 .803
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(11)11845-11849, 2012
Results of table 1 show that the value of “f” is not significant at the 0.05 level in the research variables, thus
the equality assumption of variances is confirmed. Meanwhile, according to observance of other assumptions
(linearity and homogeneous slopes), covariance analysis can be used for data analysis.
The First Hypothesis
Enneagram training affects the anxiety level of third grade female students.
Table 2: Results of covariance analysis of Enneagram training on students’ anxiety
Variable SS
Sum of squares df
degrees of freedom MS
Mean square F
Score Significance Level Eta-squared Statistical power
Anxiety 1366.515 1 1366.515 47.407 .000 .454 1.000
Error 1643.051 57 28.825
Total 115780.000 60
According to table 2 and covariance analysis results, the effect of Enneagram training on students’ anxiety
after controlling the participant variables is as follows:
Enneagram training was significant in students’ anxiety (F=47.407, P=0.001). The rate of this difference,
i.e. the square of eta is equal .454 and the statistical power equals to one. Therefore, the results indicate that
Enneagram training is effective to diminish students’ anxiety, and is statistically significant (P<0.05). Based on
the above evidences, the research hypothesis was validated.
The Second Hypothesis
The effect of Enneagram training on anxiety of female students in third year of junior high school was
stable during the time of using the advantages of t-test correlation, resultant changes in the anxiety
level of the experimental group from the follow-up stage to the post-test stage was considered to measure the
results stability over time.
Table 3: Results of t-tests to compare mean changes in anxiety of students in the experimental group at post-test
and follow-up stages
Test Group
Test Group post
Test Group Follow
Correlated T
proportion Degree of freedom Significance level
According to the results presented in table 3, based on T-test statistics, the rate of t in anxiety (-.251) is less
than the t value of critical table (2.04) with 29 degrees of freedom, and thus differences between mean anxiety
of test group people at follow-up stage compared to the post-test stage is not significant. Therefore, it can be
concluded that Enneagram training effect on students’ anxiety has proper stability during the time of research.
Considering the third hypothesis of the study
Enneagram training has effect on self-esteem level of third grade female students.
Table 4: Results of covariance analysis of Enneagram training effects on students’ self-esteem
Variable SS
Sum of
degree of
Score Significance
Level Eta
square Statistical
esteem 1535.893 1 1535.893 81.241 .000 .588 1.000
Total 71621.000 60
According to the results presented in table 4, based on covariance analysis results, the effect of Enneagram
training on students’ self-esteem after controlling the participant variables was as follows:
Enneagram training was significant on students’ self-esteem (F=81.241 and P= 0.001). The rate of this
difference, i.e. the square of eta is equal to 0.588 and the statistical power equals to one. Therefore, the results
indicate that Enneagram training is effective on students’ self-esteem and is statistically significant (P<0.05).
Based on the above evidences, the research hypothesis was validated.
Considering the fourth hypothesis of the study
The effect of Enneagram training on third grade female students’ self-esteem enjoys a suitable stability
during the time.
Through utilizing the advantages of correlated t-test,resultant changes in self-esteem level of the
experimental group in follow-up stage to the posttest stage was considered to measure the results stability over
Rasta et al., 2012
Table 5: Results of t tests comparing mean changes in self-esteem of students in the experimental group at post-
test and follow-up
Test Group Test Group Post-
test Test Group
Follow-up Correlated T test
SD Proportion
t Degree of
freedom Significance level
Self-esteem 39.57 6.53 41.27 6.10 -.679 29 .212
According to the results presented in table 5, based on T test statistic, the rate of t in self-esteem (0.679) is
less than the t-value of critical table (2.04) with 29 degrees of freedom, thus differences between the mean self-
esteem of test group people at follow-up stage up to the post-test stage was not significant. Therefore, it can be
concluded that Enneagram training effect on students’ self-esteem has proper stability during the time of
In addition to confirming research hypotheses, research results showed that Enneagram training influences
anxiety level of female students in third year of junior high school .The effect of Enneagram training on anxiety
of these students has proper stability during the time of research. Enneagram training also influences self-
esteem of female students in third year of junior high school, and the effect of Enneagram training on self-
esteem of these students had proper stability during the time of research.
Few researches have been performed in Iran on a comparative study on the effectiveness of Enneagram
training on individuals’ anxiety and self-esteem, and stability of this training. Researchers found that people’s
familiarization with the Enneagram nine-type typology and understanding the characteristics, beliefs,
advantages, disadvantages, worries, propensities, behavioral tendencies, and other performances and
characteristics of personality type, have significant effects on marital satisfaction and the quality of
relationships. Parisa Azimipour’s (2009) study results show that self-perception after training Enneagram 9-type
personality improved significantly. In addition, Enneagram training could significantly increase the levels of
self-respect and self-acceptance (two scales of self-perception) with a confidence coefficient of P ≥ 0.01(. The
results of Ghazaleh Kashi’s research have reported the effectiveness of Enneagram training to extend
homemaker’s marital satisfaction and self-esteem. This research is also aligned with the findings and
considerations of Kaitlin Horly (1999), Helen Palmer (2001), Don Richard Rizo, and Ross Hudson (2003),
Renet Baron (2008) in Enneagram institution, Chris Write (2009), Dona Fisher-Jackson (2009). Their Studies
show that Enneagram has a wide range of applications in treatment and consultation of married couples.
Moreover, they found that typology in general has a significant effect on marital satisfaction, relationship
satisfaction, length of marriage, and its duration. The marginal results also showed that extrovert, receptive and
sociable types who act successfully in creating intimate relationships enjoy a higher marital satisfaction and
their common lives are more durable.
Thus, it seems that Enneagram creates us new perspectives and deep understanding of new concepts and
deep self-knowledge and self-acceptance, understanding the value of individual differences, and on the other
hand, it can develop conformity, similarity and relative equality with others, and accessing this valuable
knowledge without effort is impossible.
Different applications of Enneagram are based on the number of people who use it and naturally, its various
applications are useful for people in order to applying Enneagram in different fields such as self-realization,
human relations, psychotherapy, or commercial activities. (Daghighian, 2010)
Research suggestions
1. The results of this study clearly revealed that Enneagram training affects the individual’s anxiety and
self-esteem. As a result, it is recommended that researchers in the field of psychology and behavior use this
training in an extended level in order to eliminate individuals’ conduct and mental disorders.
2. Paying more attention to the reasons and causes of enhancing self-esteem and removing anxiety among
female adolescents and allocating necessary budgets in the field of mental health improvement are
recommended to educational attendants.
3. It is necessary to submit the results of this study to the provincial education officials and managers and
girl schools principals, so they can exploit the achievements of this research.
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(11)11845-11849, 2012
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