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Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia

Diversity and Distributions
  • Research Group of Biodiversity and Biosafety, Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Development


Aim The Asiatic cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus venaticus, a critically endangered large felid, has disappeared from vast tracks of its historical range across south-western Asia. It is currently confined to the arid ecosystems of central Iran for which little is known about its distribution and habitat linkages. We proposed the first evaluation of Asiatic cheetah's distribution and developed models of landscape suitability and connectivity to inform future conservation planning. Location Central Iran. Methods We analysed presence data of a 14-year-long cheetah monitoring programme according to environmental and anthropogenic factors, and generated an ensemble model of habitat suitability based on seven species distribution models (SDMs). We then used the concept of circuit theory and landscape connectivity prioritization (LCP) on resultant core habitats and landscape suitability to evaluate potential linkages between core areas. Results Core habitats, that is, the areas hosting the largest continuous suitable habitats for Asiatic cheetahs, covered approximately 49,144 km2 (c. 6.3% of the study area). Availability of prey species, avoidance of human-dominated areas and their infrastructures, and rough landscapes covered with sparse vegetation were the most predictive factors of the core habitats for the last cheetah population in Asia. Although relatively vast, the area of potential core habitats available to cheetahs appeared to be fragmented with limited connectivity between the northern and southern parts of this distribution. Main conclusions Our approach highlights the importance of distribution models to recognize, at a coarse-scale level, a spatial population structure and habitat suitability characteristics for a large carnivore surviving at very low density. We have identified specific areas of suitable habitat where developing new landscape protection and adaptive conservation management; and improving the safety of important linkages between core habitats are likely to promote the conservation of the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia.
| Diversity and Distributions. 2017;23:592–603.© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12560
Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to
conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia
Mohsen Ahmadi1| Bagher Nezami Balouchi2,3| Houman Jowkar3|
Mahmoud-Reza Hemami1| Davoud Fadakar1| Shima Malakouti-Khah1|
Stéphane Ostrowski4
1Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan
University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
2Department of Natural Resources and
Environment Sciences, University of
Environment, Karaj, Iran
3Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah Project
(CACP), I.R. Iran Department of Environment,
Teheran, Iran
4Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Bronx,
Mohsen Ahmadi, Department of Natural
Resources, Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran.
Funding information
DoE of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Global
Environmental Facilities (GEF); United Nations
Development Program (UNDP); Wildlife
Conservation Society (WCS)
Editor: Piero Visconti
Aim: The Asiatic cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus venaticus, a critically endangered large felid,
has disappeared from vast tracks of its historical range across south- western Asia. It is
currently confined to the arid ecosystems of central Iran for which little is known
about its distribution and habitat linkages. We proposed the first evaluation of Asiatic
cheetah’s distribution and developed models of landscape suitability and connectivity
to inform future conservation planning.
Location: Central Iran.
Methods: We analysed presence data of a 14- year- long cheetah monitoring pro-
gramme according to environmental and anthropogenic factors, and generated an en-
semble model of habitat suitability based on seven species distribution models (SDMs).
We then used the concept of circuit theory and landscape connectivity prioritization
(LCP) on resultant core habitats and landscape suitability to evaluate potential linkages
between core areas.
Results: Core habitats, that is, the areas hosting the largest continuous suitable habi-
tats for Asiatic cheetahs, covered approximately 49,144 km2 (c. 6.3% of the study
area). Availability of prey species, avoidance of human- dominated areas and their in-
frastructures, and rough landscapes covered with sparse vegetation were the most
predictive factors of the core habitats for the last cheetah population in Asia. Although
relatively vast, the area of potential core habitats available to cheetahs appeared to be
fragmented with limited connectivity between the northern and southern parts of this
Main conclusions: Our approach highlights the importance of distribution models to
recognize, at a coarse- scale level, a spatial population structure and habitat suitability
characteristics for a large carnivore surviving at very low density. We have identified
specific areas of suitable habitat where developing new landscape protection and
adaptive conservation management; and improving the safety of important linkages
between core habitats are likely to promote the conservation of the last surviving
population of cheetah in Asia.
arid environment, cheetah conservation planning, circuit theory, ensemble model, Iran, species
distribution model
Apex predators play a fundamental role in many ecosystems as key-
stone species and are also important flagship species for conservation
(Ford et al., 2014; Ripple et al., 2014), but they are among the most
controversial and challenging groups of species to be conserved in the
face of human development in modern world (Chapron et al., 2014).
While conservation of large carnivores seems an effective strategy
for protecting habitat necessary for their prey and associated species
(Kunkel, Atwood, Ruth, Pletscher, & Hornocker, 2013; Sergio et al.,
2008), large carnivores management strategies and their conserva-
tion implications face many challenges. For example, it is difficult to
dedicate to them spatially extensive heterogeneous landscapes to ful-
fil their broad ecological requirements and range- wide home ranges
(Chapron et al., 2014; Ripple et al., 2014; Santini, Boitani, Maiorano,
& Rondinini, 2016). In many cases, they require action on a scale
that is seldom seen in terrestrial conservation, including coordinated
trans- boundary initiatives (Farhadinia et al., 2015; Rabinowitz & Zeller,
2010). Also identifying and preserving connectivity among large car-
nivore’s heterogeneous habitats appears crucial for the maintenance
of functional ecological linkages, and vital to their long- term survival
(Crooks, Burdett, Theobald, Rondinini, & Boitani, 2011; Dickson,
Roemer, McRae, & Rundall, 2013; Santini, Saura, & Rondinini, 2016).
The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus; Griffith, 1821) is a
critically endangered large feline now confined to the arid landscapes
of central Iran and is thought to number <100 individuals (Hunter et al.,
2007). Similar to the critically endangered Saharan cheetah (A. j. hecki),
also living in desert habitats, the Asiatic cheetah is wide ranging and
occurs at very low density compared to cheetahs in more productive
habitats (Belbachir, Pettorelli, Wacher, Belbachir- Bazi, & Durant, 2015;
Farhadinia et al., 2013). Although the Asiatic cheetah has been regularly
reported from a number of protected areas scattered across central Iran
(Hunter et al., 2007; Moqanaki & Cushman, 2016), it does not seem to
be confined to these sites and has been documented to move long dis-
tances, over large stretches of deserts between distant areas (Farhadinia
et al., 2013). Overall, habitat suitability criteria for the Asiatic cheetah
are poorly understood, and as a corollary, the extent of environmental,
biological and anthropogenic factors affecting the connectivity within
this habitat and the proportion of suitable habitat receiving some level of
protection are unknown. These uncertainties hinder the implementation
of effective land use planning across its vast landscape to maintain con-
nectivity between suitable habitats and mitigate conflicts with humans.
The deteriorating situation of the Asiatic cheetah requires conserva-
tion measures that are supported by accurate information on its distri-
bution patterns and dispersal possibilities (Hunter et al., 2007). Species
distribution models (SDMs) have been used in many studies to better un-
derstand habitat suitability criteria for large carnivores (Almasieh, Kaboli,
& Beier, 2016; Brito, Acosta, Álvares, & Cuzin, 2009; Farhadinia et al.,
2015) and have enabled to prioritize large carnivore’s conservation actions
(Farhadinia et al., 2015; Rabinowitz & Zeller, 2010; Sanderson, Redford,
et al., 2002). Nonetheless most range- wide priority- setting attempts to
achieve conservation goals for carnivores have been confronted with the
difficulty of addressing corridors and habitat connectivity (Rabinowitz &
Zeller, 2010). To ensure that populations of large carnivores are conserved
within a sustainable habitat complex, it is necessary to have a connected
network of protected areas or functional conservation networks (Crooks
et al., 2011), which aim to increase connectivity and promote dispersal of
large mammals between core habitats or/and population units (Almasieh
et al., 2016; Rabinowitz & Zeller, 2010).
Recently, the concept of habitat permeability and landscape
connectivity prioritization (LCP) has proved a powerful approach for
wildlife conservation planning (e.g., Carroll, McRae, & Brookes, 2012;
Dickson et al., 2013; Visconti & Elkin, 2009). Functional connectiv-
ity allows biologists to take into account the effect of compositional
structure of the landscape on ecological and evolutionary processes
of species dispersal, gene flow and population dynamics (Carroll et al.,
2012; McRae & Beier, 2007). Furthermore, identifying patches requir-
ing extra protection improves the maintenance of ecological integrity
and enables conservation planning to prompt long- term population
viability (Saura & Pascual- Hortal, 2007; Visconti & Elkin, 2009). This
approach may prove appropriate for the Asiatic cheetah, which shows
exceptionally high degree of mobility across patchily dispersed strong-
holds, all vulnerable to habitat deterioration (Farhadinia et al., 2013).
This study, which is based on all reliable Asiatic cheetah presence
data compiled over the past 14 years, is the first attempt to under-
stand the global distribution patterns of the species in Iran. Recently,
Moqanaki and Cushman (2016) proposed a landscape connectivity
model among the Iranian conservation areas (CAs) for the Asiatic
cheetah. However, their results were limited by the facts that they
did not use data on cheetah presence, they considered CAs as the
only cheetah strongholds across the landscape and did not use habitat
suitability and patterns of distribution along the environmental gradi-
ents outside CAs. In the current study, we present an approach that
combines SDM, circuit and graph theories to (1) identify habitat suit-
ability and the remaining core habitats for cheetahs, (2) evaluate the
most important environmental factors influencing their distribution,
(3) assess landscape permeability among core habitats and (4) priori-
tize core habitats and linkages based on their contribution to maintain
long- term connectivity.
2.1 | Study area
The central plateau of Iran covers approximately 780,000 km2 of
land limited by the Alborz and Zagros mountain chains to the north
and west/south- west, respectively, and the international border with
Afghanistan and the Sistan- Baluchistan desert to the east and south-
east, and is administered by nine provinces (Figure 1). The area is char-
acterized by a warm arid climate and is composed of vast flat drylands
with patchily distributed mountainous areas. It is part of the Irano-
Turanian floristic region in which xerophytic plant taxa of Artemisia
sp., Stipa sp. and Salsola sp. dominate (Manafzadeh, Salvo, & Conti,
2014). Starting in the early 1970s, the Department of Environment
(DoE) of Iran has been creating and administrating an expanding net-
work of CAs with the aim to protect and manage the faunal, floral and
   AHMADI et Al.
geological diversity of Iran (Makhdoum, 2008). Ten CAs created in the
central plateau, including three National Parks, five Wildlife Refuges
and two Protected Areas (corresponding to management categories
II, IV, and V, respectively, of the IUCN protected areas categories sys-
tem), have been implementing since 2001 targeted conservation ef-
forts to protect the Asiatic cheetah, its habitat and prey.
2.2 | Asiatic cheetah locations
The “Conservation of the Asiatic Cheetah Project” (CACP) of DoE has
compiled cheetah occurrence information via a country- scale monitoring
programme, extending from 2001 to 2014. The preliminary data subset
used in the study included the totality of the 680 presence locations of
this compilation, corresponding to direct observations (i.e., field patrols
of guards, 485 presence points) and camera trap photographs (195 pres-
ence points) of free- ranging cheetahs, because this information might
have suffered spatial biases in sampling effort, resulting in over- fitting
of spatial models in areas with clumping of presence points (Dormann
et al., 2007; Kramer- Schadt et al., 2013). We performed a spatial filter-
ing procedure to account for spatially biased records (Kramer- Schadt
et al., 2013). We ran a Global Moran’s I test to evaluate the spatial auto-
correlation of the presence data across the study area. We then filtered
presence points to only single points within a 5 km- distance from others,
which resulted in 205 unique locations with decreased spatial autocor-
relation, upon which we based the SDM approach.
2.3 | Environmental variables
We selected 10 environmental and anthropogenic variables likely to
affect the distribution of the cheetah (Pettorelli, Hilborn, Broekhuis, &
Durant, 2009; Farhadinia & Hemami, 2010; Burton, Sam, Balangtaa, &
Brashares, 2012; Andresen, Everatt, & Somers, 2014; Table 1). Land
cover classes including low canopy rangelands, moderate canopy
rangelands, shrublands and barelands (see Table 1 for list of variables
FIGURE1 Documented cheetah presence locations in the nine provinces of the central plateau of Iran between 2001 and 2014. Cheetah
conservation areas are those with specific management aiming at conserving cheetahs
Saudi Arabia
Persian Gulf
Iraq Afghanistan
Caspian Sea
Presence points
Study area
Cheetah conservation areas
0200 40010
Makran Sea
and descriptions) were extracted from maps developed by the Iranian
Forests, Ranges and Watershed Management Organization (IFRWO).
To provide continuity for the extracted categories (Franklin, 2010), we
calculated the proportion of each cover type within a 5 × 5 km grid by
running the ArcMap Neighborhood statistic tool.
To take into account the anthropogenic effects in our model-
ling approach, we used the human footprint model developed by
Sanderson, Jaiteh, et al (2002) which integrates data on population
density and the presence of infrastructures including road networks,
land transformation and human access. Because of the coarse preci-
sion of the human footprint model, we also included the density of
villages in the study area estimated from a kernel density function ap-
plied to village point layer obtained from a topographic military map of
Iran (1:25,000). Using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
elevation model (, we also considered altitude
and topographic roughness (i.e., standard deviation of altitude of all
raster cells within a grid of 5 × 5 km) in the modelling method as the
most important variables affecting physiographic heterogeneity.
To account for the availability of the main cheetah prey species; the goi-
tered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), Jebeer gazelle (G. bennettii), wild sheep
(Ovis orientalis) and Persian ibex (Capra aegagrus) (Farhadinia & Hemami,
2010; Harrison & Bates, 1991), we used distributional data compiled in
the “Atlas of Mammals of Iran” (Karami, Ghadirian, & Feizollahi, 2013) at a
25 × 25 km grid scale. We overlaid shape files of these four preys’ distribu-
tion to obtain a composite map of presence. We then calculated distance
to areas hosting prey species by running ArcMap Spatial Analyst Tools.
All the explanatory variables were prepared in ArcgIs 9.3 (Esri,
2010) at a grid size of 1 × 1 km. Before starting the modelling work,
we calculated Pearson correlation coefficients to test for multicol-
linearity among predictors, but detected no high correlation (more
than 0.7) between any pair of explanatory variables.
2.4 | Distribution modelling approach
To predict cheetah distribution, we used biomod2 package (Thuiller,
Lafourcade, Engler, & Araújo, 2009) in R environment v. 3.1.2
(R Development Core Team, 2014). Because different modelling
methods can yield widely varying results, using this method allowed
us to simultaneously take into account results from multiple model-
ling approaches and build a consensus model called as “ensemble”
model (Araújo & New, 2007; Thuiller et al., 2009). We used three
regression- based methods: generalized linear models (GLM), gen-
eralized additive models (GAM) and multiple adaptive regression
splines (MARS), and four machine learning algorithms: general-
ized boosting model (GBM), random forest (RF), maximum entropy
(MaxEnt) and artificial neural network (ANN) to obtain an integrative
prediction of Asiatic cheetah’s distribution in the study area. As all
these models require background data (e.g., pseudo- absence points),
we generated a randomly drawn sample of 5,000 background points
from the extent of study area excepting occurrence cells. We cali-
brated models using the 75% of occurrence points as training data,
and evaluated models prediction based on the remaining 25% of
data set as test data. Models were evaluated using area under the
curve (AUC) of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot and the
true skill statistic (TSS) because of their independence from preva-
lence in the species data (Allouche, Tsoar, & Kadmon, 2006).
Using BIOMOD framework, we estimated the contribution (i.e.,
importance) of variables in the cheetah’s distribution models, and the
response of the species distribution to the gradient of explanatory
variables was also evaluated based on the response curves derived
from GLM, GBM and RF models.
Finally, we implemented the ensemble model by weighted- averaging
the individual models proportionally to all their evaluation metrics scores
(Thuiller et al., 2009). In addition to obtaining final cheetah’s distribution
model, we also intended to find the most suitable areas as core habitats
for cheetahs and evaluate habitat connectivity among them. For this
reason, instead of a binary classification of presence/absence from the
final ensemble model, we overlaid presence/absence map of the seven
aforementioned models using a map algebra procedure. Using stacked
binary map of presence/absence models, we obtained a composite map
of suitable/unsuitable areas with raster values of 0–7 in which 0 score
indicates areas being unsuitable in all models and 7 represents areas
identified as suitable by all models and categorized as core habitats.
To identify habitat patches with minimum areas capable of sustaining
cheetahs, we focused on patches larger than 1,700 km2. We selected
this threshold value based on preliminary telemetry results (H. Jowkar,
personal communication, 2007) and the estimated mean home- range
size of the Saharan cheetah, a subspecies living in a comparable arid
ecosystem (i.e., 1,583 km2; Belbachir et al., 2015).
2.5 | Cheetah habitat connectivity
To evaluate the connectivity within cheetah’s suitable habitats in the vast
desert of central Iran, we used the concept of circuit theory and cIrcuItscApe
software (McRae & Shah, 2009). Through identifying multiple alternative
Variable Description
Overlaid shape file of the distribution of main prey
Low canopy
Sparse vegetation with density ≤ 25%
Mod canopy
Mixture of grassland–scrubland with density ≥ 25%
Shrubland Patches covered by scrubs–shrubs with canopy
cover ≥ 10%
Bareland Uncovered areas including sand dunes and salty lands
Altitude Elevation above sea level
Roughness SD of altitude of all raster cells within a 5 × 5 km grid
Cropland Agricultural properties including dry and irrigated farms
Village density Number of villages within a 5 × 5 km grid
Integrated index of population density, land
transformation, human access and presence of
TABLE1 Environmental variables used in species distribution
modelling for evaluating Asiatic cheetah distribution in arid
ecosystems of central Iran
   AHMADI et Al.
pathways, this method provides a detailed exploration of potential linkage
and connectivity variability (Walpole, Bowman, Murray, & Wilson, 2012).
Circuit theory treats cells in a landscape as electrical nodes connected to
neighbouring cells by resistors, with resistance values determined by the
cells’ landscape resistance/conductance values (McRae, Dickson, Keitt, &
Shah, 2008). Furthermore, using this method, we identified “pinch points”
as areas where current densities are high and alternative pathways are not
available (see McRae et al., 2008 for more details). We used core habitats
as source patches, and the ensemble distribution model as a measure of
conductance (i.e., conductance of each raster point for movement).
2.6 | Landscape connectivity prioritization
For LCP, we focused on the probability of connectivity (PC) index,
which is among the most well- performing indices in landscape con-
nectivity analysis (Bodin & Saura, 2010; Saura & Pascual- Hortal,
2007). The characteristic that used to derive PC index can refer to
different attributes such as patch area (i.e., core habitat in this study),
area- weighted habitat quality, carrying capacity or other relevant at-
tributes (Saura & Pascual- Hortal, 2007; Visconti & Elkin, 2009). In this
study in addition to typically used patch area, we tested, as a novel
FIGURE2 (a) Ensemble distribution model of Asiatic cheetah based on weighted- averaging seven species distribution models (SDMs). (b) Stacked
binary prediction as an ensemble model based on overlaid suitable/unsuitable distribution models used to identify Asiatic cheetah’s core habitats.
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
Presence point
Study area
Ensemble score
High : 964
Low : 36
Conservation areas
Cheetah conservation areas
Overlaid suitability score
0200 400100km
procedure, the current values of cheetah’s core habitats that were de-
rived from circuit theory as the patch quality characteristic. Moreover,
the prioritization of core habitats (i.e., their contribution to overall
habitat connectivity) was calculated from the percentage of the varia-
tion in PC (dPC) caused by the removal of each individual patch from
the landscape (Saura & Pascual- Hortal, 2007), both for patch area
(dPC A) and patch current (dPC C). A description of the dPC calcula-
tions is provided in Appendix S1. We calculated dPC values at two
dispersal distances of 50 km and 150 km using conefor 2.6 software
(Saura & Torné, 2009). conefor needs distance- probability values cor-
responding to dispersal ability of the targeted species. Although there
is little information on Asiatic cheetah movements, we chose 50 km
as a reasonable median dispersal distance and 150 km as a maximum
dispersal distance estimated based on camera trap recapture data
(Farhadinia et al., 2013). Accordingly, we set distance- probability val-
ues of 0.5 and 0.05 for 50 km and 150 km dispersal distances, respec-
tively, as recommended by Saura and Torné (2009).
Our ensemble model indicated a patchily distributed suitable habi-
tat for Asiatic cheetah in the central plateau of Iran (Figure 2). GLM,
MaxEnt, GBM and RF distribution models showed excellent predictive
performance with respect to AUC metric (i.e., model’s discrimination
capacity) and GAM, MARS and ANN good performance (Table 2). The
prediction accuracy was good (e.g., TSS ˃ 0.6) for all models (Table 2).
The average importance of the variables among the models
showed that the prey availability, human footprint, roughness, village
density and low canopy rangeland variables contributed the most to
the cheetah distribution (Table 3). The response curves produced to
evaluate cheetah’s response to environmental gradient revealed an al-
most similar pattern between GLM, GBM and RF (Figure 3), all indicat-
ing that the highest probability of cheetahs’ presence occurs in areas
with highest prey availability. The effect of anthropogenic variables
(i.e., human footprint and village density) indicated that with increasing
human presence cheetahs’ occurrence decreased. Finally taking land-
scape attributes into account, response curves also depicted a high
preference of the Asiatic cheetah for rough landscapes covered by
sparse vegetation with avoidance of bare lands (Figure 3).
Overlaying presence/absence distribution maps to obtain an in-
tegrated suitability map of all models indicated that 40.5% of the
study area was identified as suitable habitat by at least one of the
distribution models (i.e., areas with suitability score of 1–7; Table 4).
Accordingly, 59.5% of the study area was not identified as suitable by
any of the seven distribution models (Table 4). We identified five core
habitats that represented areas of highest environmental suitability
for the species in Iran (Figure 4). We also included an additional core
habitat in North Khorasan Province (see Figure 1). Although this patch
of habitat has an area smaller than the estimated mean home- range
size for Asiatic cheetah, it hosts a documented population of cheetahs,
possibly as a result of an unusually abundant population of gazelles
(Farhadinia et al., 2012). Accordingly, we estimated that the current
core habitats for cheetahs in Iran stretch over 49,144.5 km2 or approx-
imately 6.3% of the central plateau.
Connectivity analysis using a circuit theory based approach re-
vealed that while there is strong permeability within southern and
northern populations, the connectivity between these two distribu-
tion patches is limited (Figure 4), as a result of low landscape suitabil-
ity between them (Figure 2). Moreover, our cumulative current map
highlighted the existence of several pinch points across the predicted
linkages, which, as landscape bottlenecks, may contribute to constrain
cheetah’s movements.
Landscape connectivity prioritization analysis showed a differ-
ent pattern of patch prioritization depending on whether using the
extent of core habitats or circuit current as patch characteristics.
Based on the extent of core habitats, core habitats 5, 6 and 4 were
the most important patches for sustaining connectivity, respectively
(Table 5). However, with respect to circuit current as patch charac-
teristics, core habitats ranking was 6, 4 and 5, respectively (Table 5).
Nonetheless, we found that for both patch area and patch circuit
current the connectivity ranking of core habitats correlated posi-
tively with their characteristics, and was independent of the disper-
sal distances.
AUC 0.901 0.837 0.872 0.905 0.913 0.902 0.876
TSS 0.730 0.655 0.652 0.707 0.713 0.727 0.670
AUC, area under the curve of ROC plot; TSS, true statistical skill.
For models description, see “Methods”.
TABLE2 Performance of discrimination
capacity and accuracy of different
algorithms to predict Asiatic cheetah
distribution in central Iran
TABLE3 Mean and standard deviation (SD) of the contribution of
environmental variables in seven Asiatic cheetah’s distribution
models in central Iran. Contribution values were calculated based on
the difference in Pearson correlation scores between general model
and randomized (e.g., permuted) models for each variable
Variables Mean SD
Prey availability 0.521 0.091
Human footprint 0.223 0.056
Roughness 0.169 0.102
Villages density 0.110 0.056
Low canopy rangeland 0.083 0.030
Bareland 0.056 0.048
Altitude 0.033 0.038
Cropland 0.031 0.026
Shrubland 0.016 0.024
Mod canopy rangeland 0.013 0.015
   AHMADI et Al.
Setting priority actions for species conservation should be primarily
conducted based on reliable, detailed and spatially explicit understand-
ing of the species requirements, and available conservation options
(Rabinowitz & Zeller, 2010; Sanderson, Redford, et al., 2002). In the
present study, we propose the first combined evaluation of habitat
suitability and connectivity for the Asiatic cheetah, an apex predator
that suffered considerable contraction of its distribution range for at
least the past 100 years (Harrison & Bates, 1991). We used the most
complete compilation of recent locations collected for this cheetah
subspecies and a sophisticated ensemble modelling approach that ac-
counts for SDMs- specific uncertainty (Araújo & New, 2007; Thuiller
et al., 2009). The stacked binary prediction as the ensemble model
achieved 100% sensitivity, which means that all cheetah presence lo-
cations were correctly predicted as suitable by the overlaid suitabil-
ity maps. Although such an approach is likely to decrease the model’s
specificity (i.e., correctly predicted pseudo- absence), here estimated at
65%, it minimized the omission of potentially suitable areas for chee-
tahs. Decreasing the omission error compared to the commission error
seems an acceptable choice in the case of a species on the brink of
extinction and requiring generous and immediate conservation efforts.
The comparison of SDMs results revealed that GLM has the highest
TSS value (Table 2), confirming the efficiency of this simple regression-
based model to correctly classify out- of- sample data when doing ex-
trapolations (Franklin, 2010; Merow et al., 2014). However, machine
learning methods (MaxEnt, GBM and RF), that have good propensity
for interpolation, showed the best performance based on discrimina-
tion capacity (i.e., AUC) values (Table 2), a result supported by compar-
ative examinations of SDMs (Elith & Graham, 2009; Elith et al., 2006).
The present study confirms that availability of prey species is a fun-
damental criterion of landscape suitability for cheetah in Iran. Habitat se-
lection for areas with high prey abundance has been largely reported for
other large felids including the African cheetah (A. j. jubatus) in South Africa
(Rostro- García, Kamler, & Hunter, 2015). Relative availability of natural
FIGURE3 Response curves of Asiatic cheetah’s distribution to the gradient of the most important predictors for habitat suitability. Results
shown are for GLM (blue line), GBM (red line) and RF (black line) models. For description of variables, see Table 1. Human footprint (ratio of 100),
low canopy rangeland and bareland (for both ratios of 1) are adimensional variables. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
TABLE4 Surface and proportion of
suitable/unsuitable habitats for the Asiatic
cheetah in central Iran
score Area (km2)
of study area
Protected by all
CAs in km2 (%)
Protected by cheetah’s
CAsa in km2 (%)
0 464,466 59.5
1–7 316175.7 40.5 73,818.86 (23) 51,512.65 (16)
7 49,144.5 6.3 30,759.16 (63) 26,130.45 (53)
aConservation areas (CAs) for cheetahs are protected areas with specific management aiming at con-
serving cheetahs.
prey versus livestock has also been shown a good predicator of landscape
suitability for cheetahs in Botswana (Winterbach, Winterbach, Boast,
Klein, & Somers, 2015). The Asiatic cheetah mainly relies on medium-
sized ungulate prey, with a preference for the Jebeer and goitered gazelles
(Farhadinia & Hemami, 2010; Farhadinia et al., 2012), two species that
have suffered severe declines in population size and distribution in Iran
since the 1970s (Mallon, 2007). Therefore, the high dependency on prey
identified by our distribution model may provide support for the hypothe-
sis that the Asiatic cheetah is likely to be ecologically constrained in its last
stronghold in Asia due to the decline of its favoured prey species.
Cheetahs in Iran are scattered predominantly through low can-
opy rangelands (e.g., sparse vegetation with density <25%; Table 3) in
relatively rough terrains. The high contribution of topographic rough-
ness in the current distribution of the Asiatic cheetah is in contrast
with what has been documented for sub- Saharan African cheetahs,
which live in flat to undulating grasslands, savannas and shrublands
and only occasionally in montane areas (e.g., see Andresen et al., 2014;
Rostro- García et al., 2015). The widespread use by Asiatic cheetahs
of the rugged parts of the predominantly flat central plateau of Iran
is coherent with the relatively low habitat selectivity of cheetahs
compared to other carnivores (Durant et al., 2010), and may reflect
in Iran a shift in prey selection. Because cheetahs prefer prey within a
body mass range of 23–56 kg (Hayward, Hofmeyr, O’brien, & Kerley,
2006), thus with the decline of Jebeer and goitered gazelles, the wild
sheep and Persian ibex, two mid- sized species inhabiting rough areas
(Esfandabad, Karami, Hemami, Riazi, & Sadough, 2010), have emerged
as the most available wild prey species for cheetahs in Iran (Farhadinia
& Hemami, 2010). This possibly resulted in cheetahs increasingly using
rough habitats. The hypothesis of a contemporary shift in prey selec-
tion is supported by the historical distribution of cheetahs in south-
west Asia, which extended largely in accordance with the presence
of plain- dwelling gazelles (Harrington, 1977; Harrison & Bates, 1991).
Unsurprisingly the Asiatic cheetah prefers areas without humans
and associated activities, supporting the documented trend that conflict
FIGURE4 Habitat permeability
between the six Asiatic cheetah’s core
habitats based on circuit theory. Stepping
stone areas are proposed temporary
strongholds between core areas for moving
cheetahs. Hatched conservation areas (CAs)
are those with specific management aiming
at conserving cheetah. [Colour figure can
be viewed at]
Primary road
Core habitat
Stepping stone
Conservation areas
Circuitscape current
High : 2.355
Low : 00150 30075 km
TABLE5 Patch characteristics and results of landscape
connectivity prioritization (LCP) to identify the most important core
habitats for maintaining landscape connectivity within Asiatic
cheetah distribution range. Patches (or core areas) are identified by
species distribution modelling using BIOMOD method, and the
current is derived from cIrcuItscApe software. The values of 50 km
and 150 km correspond to assumed median and maximum dispersal
distance of the species. dPC A and dPC C are the percentage of PC
index value loss for patch area and patch current, respectively. The
geographical location of patches is shown in Figure 4
Area (km2)
50 km 150 km
Patch 1 8093.58 2.25 9.65 20.83 7.98 17.95
Patch 2 766.084 1.62 0.57 11.82 0.38 10.63
Patch 3 4560.55 1.43 5.52 9.97 3.73 7.69
Patch 4 7278.62 2.27 25.56 36.21 21.30 34.26
Patch 5 17,491.84 2.07 65.89 35.01 66.17 32.36
Patch 6 10,953.92 2.35 45.26 39.79 45.03 39.81
   AHMADI et Al.
with humans is a primary factor decreasing large carnivore survival
(Winterbach, Winterbach, Somers, & Hayward, 2013). Major demo-
graphic changes have occurred in Iran since the 1930s with a 6- fold
increase of the total human population and a doubling of the rural pop-
ulation over the period (Amiraslani & Dragovich, 2011). Even so the last
remaining stronghold for cheetahs in the central plateau, hosts the low-
est human population densities in Iran (NPHC, 2011), these demographic
shifts together with developmental changes have created a situation in
which more anthropogenic pressure is being exerted on the cheetah
habitat, particularly in relation to an increase in infrastructure and live-
stock numbers. Livestock overgrazing and desertification have resulted
in an intensification of food resource degradation for the main cheetah
prey species (Hunter et al., 2007; Karami, Hemami, & Groves, 2002),
while guard dogs accompanying livestock herds have proved dangerous
predators for cheetahs and their prey (CACP database, unpublished).
Landscapes that retain more connections between patches of
otherwise isolated habitat are assumed to be more likely to maintain
dispersal pathways for large mammals and increase demographic and
genetic population size (Mills & Allendorf, 1996). Although one and
half time larger than the Serengeti/Mara/Tsavo landscape in Kenya and
Tanzania, which hosts the largest population of cheetahs in Africa, the
area of potential core habitats remaining available to cheetahs in Iran
appears fragmented with possibly a limited connectivity between the
northern and southern populations. Although cheetahs display a high
mobility and excellent dispersal abilities (Boast, 2014), better conserved
connecting habitats would help the species to persist, recolonize empty
habitat patches and exchange individuals and genes among subpopula-
tions (Hanski & Ovaskainen, 2000; Mech & Hallett, 2001). Our connec-
tivity model predicts that linkages between core areas exist, although
their functionality for dispersal might be to some extent affected by a
lack of protection and the risk of road- kill accidents (Figure 4).
The analysis of patch prioritization revealed that for both patch area
(i.e., extent of the core habitats) and patch current (i.e., circuit flows
through core habitats), patch prioritization was positively correlated
with the patch characteristic regardless of the dispersal ability of the
species. We also found that core habitats will have a lower chance of
being reached by a cheetah when dispersal distances become larger.
These results have been documented in other studies (Saura & Rubio,
2010; Zhao et al., 2014). However, our finding highlights that consider-
ing different patch characteristics might results in different pattern of
patch prioritization. For example, while core habitats 5 and 6 have high-
est dPC value based on patch area characteristic, core habitats 6 and 4
are the most important patch when using patch current. Although spa-
tial aggregation of patches and the variance of the patch characteristics
determines the appropriateness of the application of metrics for LCP
analysis (Visconti & Elkin, 2009), our approach reveals that, using the
same metrics and spatial aggregation, including patch characteristics
that are intrinsically more related to the movement of the species (e.g.,
patch circuit current vs. patch area), might provide better understand-
ings of the patch contribution for maintaining landscape connectivity.
Using circuit theory allows calculating cumulative current (i.e., land-
scape permeability) terminating to each of the patch habitats and could
potentially be used as habitat characteristic for landscape prioritization.
4.1 | Conservation implications
The present study supports that CAs with dedicated resources to chee-
tah conservation currently protect only 53% and 16% of cheetah core
and suitable habitats, respectively (Table 4). Because of its crucial impor-
tance for conservation, the network of CAs and associated conservation
resources for cheetahs would therefore benefit from being expanded to
achieve more effective conservation coverage of cheetah habitats in Iran.
Currently, high priority core habitats 1, 2 and 5 are fairly well covered by
CAs, but the protection coverage would deserve being expanded to the
south- east of core area 3, the north of core area 4 and between existing
CAs in core area 6. In combination, this landscape protection scheme
will strengthen the role of core areas 4, 5 and 6 for cheetah dispersal as
revealed by the patch prioritization analysis. Also, to ensure the cohe-
sion between core habitats in the north and the south we propose to
establish new intermediate CAs located in corridors of suitable habitats
between core areas 1 and 3, and 3 and 4 (Figure 4). As featured for other
large carnivores (Cushman et al., 2012; Riordan et al., 2015) these areas,
as stepping stones, would provide temporary strongholds between core
areas for moving cheetahs and reconnect through suitable landscapes
the northern and southern parts of the cheetah range.
New CAs in the central plateau of Iran as well as their associated
management policies should be developed with the specific objective
of cheetah conservation. They should include large extents of habitats
favoured by gazelles and support in priority their conservation. In ad-
dition, the water and food supplementations actively implemented in
CAs during summers and droughts should be implemented to support
in priority gazelles in their favoured habitats. Hence, this management
policy would less likely support the mountain dwelling Persian leopard
which, besides being a predator to cheetahs (Hayward et al., 2006),
competes with them on prey resources.
Our connectivity approach showed that linkages within and between
adjacent cheetah core habitats still exist across the central plateau of Iran
(Figure 3). Unfortunately, these pathways are nowadays dissected by main
through roads that carry large volume of traffic, putting cheetahs at risk of
car collisions. Of 33 documented cheetah mortalities between 2001 and
2016 due to various causes, at least 14 were killed on roads within or be-
tween core areas, making it the major cause of documented mortality for
cheetahs in Iran (CACP database, unpublished). By providing an applicable
tool to identify with accuracy the most important portions of roads to be
secured against cheetah car collisions, the circuits approach together with
connectivity metrics could help prioritize mitigation measures, increase
their cost- effectiveness and likelihood of success. Our connectivity anal-
ysis supports that securing primary roads within core areas and between
the core areas 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 would be critical to reduce the risk
of cheetah car collisions. Fencing of dangerous stretches of roads partic-
ularly in combination with wildlife passages has indeed been suggested
as one of the most effective methods to minimize car- collision risk with
large mammals (Bissonette & Adair, 2008; Ascensão et al., 2013). Large
carnivores differently respond to crossing structures given to taxon- and/
or habitat- specific factors (Ng et al., 2004; Clevenger & Waltho, 2005).
To our knowledge, anticar- collision methods have not been developed
specifically for cheetahs, and therefore, methods and structures used for
other large carnivores (e.g., Clevenger & Waltho, 2005) will have to be
tested for the Asiatic cheetah and adjusted to the Iranian context.
The value of identifying core habitats and linkage areas for Asiatic
cheetah at country scale is to inform targeted land planning and better
conservation management. Species distribution modelling in combina-
tion with circuit theory and LCP analysis provide a robust representa-
tion of most suitable habitats for cheetahs in Iran and offers possible
adaptive measures for country- scale management of cheetah habitats.
Extending landscape protection over larger stretches of suitable hab-
itat, developing in parallel cheetah- specific conservation actions aim-
ing at increasing the size and distribution of gazelle populations, and
improving the safety of important linkages between core habitats are
likely to promote the conservation of the last surviving population of
cheetah in Asia. In the future, evaluating the long- term persistence of
the Asiatic cheetah over its last remaining strongholds in Asia would
also require studies on metapopulation dynamics based on patch pop-
ulation growth models.
We are grateful for the financial and technical support of the DoE of the
Islamic Republic of Iran, the Global Environmental Facilities (GEF), the
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) representation in Iran,
and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The work of WCS in Iran
would not have been possible without the long- standing support of the
Flora Family Foundation. Our special thanks go to all contributors to
the Conservation of the Asiatic Cheetah Project, and particularly suc-
cessive managers, to directors of the DoE operations in the provinces
covered by this study, to managers of CAs and their staff who were the
kingpins of all data collection efforts. We thank anonymous referees
for helping to improve an earlier version of the manuscript.
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and M.A. and S.O. led the writing.
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Mohsen Ahmadi is a research associate at the Department of Natural
Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. His primary inter-
est is in methods for evaluating spatial and temporal dynamics of bio-
diversity and species distribution models, with a special interest in the
incorporation of new knowledge into conservation goals.
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the
supporting information tab for this article.
How to cite this article: Ahmadi M, Balouchi BN,
Jowkar H, et al. Combining landscape suitability and habitat
connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of
cheetah in Asia. Divers. Distrib. 2017;23:592–603.
... Cheetahs, having once been widespread across most of Africa, the Middle East, and Central India, can survive and persist in a wide variety of landscapes (Durant et al., 2022;Rostro-García et al., 2015). Other than tropical and montane forests, they occur in many different land-cover types, including hyperarid desert, dense scrub, sparse vegetation, savannas, and woodlands (Ahmadi et al., 2017;Belbachir et al., 2015;Gros & Rejmanek, 1999). They generally avoid areas of human development (Cheraghi et al., 2018;Klaassen & Broekhuis, 2018) and are heavily reliant on the availability of prey species (Lindsey et al., 2011;Muntifering et al., 2006;Winterbach et al., 2015). ...
... Although we integrated the presence of multiple prey species in our HSI, prey richness did not equal prey availability or abundance. Though the results of several studies suggest that prey richness can enhance predator populations (Ferretti et al., 2020;Sandom et al., 2013), including cheetahs (Ahmadi et al., 2017), it is widely believed that cheetahs are more likely to respond to abundance than richness. Still, our results offer a useful way to parameterize network models and provide an initial guide to conduct more intensive surveys. ...
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Less than 7000 cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) persist in Africa. Although human–wildlife conflict, habitat degradation, and loss of prey are major threats to cheetah populations, illegal trade in live cubs for pets may have the most significant impact on populations in the Horn of Africa. We developed a novel, stepwise decision support tool to predict probable trafficking routes by leveraging the power of distinct modeling approaches. First, we created a cheetah habitat suitability index (HSI) to determine where source cheetah populations may occur. We then created a trafficking network model linking known and predicted cheetah populations with documented destinations in the Arabian Peninsula. A significant area in Eastern Ethiopia and Northern Somalia was estimated to harbor undocumented cheetahs. When these predicted populations were used as a supply source, the trafficking network model showed multiple routes passing through Somaliland and across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen, supporting the notion that undocumented cheetahs may be supplying pet market demands. Though we demonstrate how our decision support tool can inform law enforcement, conservation strategies, and community engagement, we caution that our results are not fully validated due to limited accessibility, alternative trafficking routes, and the cryptic nature of illegal wildlife trade.
... (R Core Team 2021). Taking advantage of combining results from multiple modeling algorithms, this model is proven more robust than single algorithm and has been increasingly used in wildlife studies (Ahmadi et al. 2017;Almasieh and Cheraghi 2022; ). We fitted the models with randomly selected 80% of the occurrence locations and all pseudo-absences as training data and evaluated the models' performance using the rest 20% of the occurrence points as the test data. ...
... Besides the environmental characteristics included in our habitat modeling, the prey availability is also an essential factor that may affect the habitat suitability of big cats (Karanth et al. 2004;Ahmadi et al. 2017;Wang et al. 2017;Searle et al. 2020). As a generalist, leopards can utilize a broad range of prey from large herbivores, mesocarnivores (e.g., badgers, foxes) to hares and pheasants, whereas they have a preference for medium-sized ungulates (Hayward et al. 2006). ...
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Context The leopard (Panthera pardus), the only large carnivore species occurring in central North China, has undergone substantial range contraction and population decline due to anthropogenic pressure across the region. Objectives In this study, we aimed to map its current suitable habitats and assess the degree of connectivity between core habitats to inform future conservation planning of this big cat at the landscape scale. Methods We conducted this study in central North China (34°11´ ~ 43°49´N, 103°11´ ~ 123°54´E, about 936,000 km²). We collected occurrence locations (N = 196) of leopards from 2014–2020, and modeled its habitat suitability using an “ensemble” species distribution model by incorporating environmental and anthropogenic variables. We then identified the potential dispersal corridors between core habitat patches (≥ 100 km²) through connectivity analysis. Results The leopards preferred humid forests at higher elevations with less human disturbance. Their suitable habitats were highly fragmented, with main core habitats located in Shanxi, Shaanxi, and the border between Gansu and Ningxia provinces. Among all the 8,679 km² suitable habitats, we identified 14 core habitats (139–1,084 km², mean = 495.21 km²) with a total area of 6,933 km², among which only 25.26% (1,751 km²) are covered by nature reserves and only 11 core habitats were confirmed with leopard occurrence. We also identified 8 least-cost pathways among these core habitats with an average length of 57.22 km. Conclusions Our results revealed that, leopards are persisting in highly fragmented habitats with fragile connectivity among core habitats. The leopards remaining in North China should be considered and managed as a regional meta-population for their long-term persistence in the human-dominated landscape.
... Nevertheless, Cheetah observations are still scarce within TBR, precluding a sound quantitative analysis of the species' habitat requirements and population trends and thus efficient conservation management (Durant et al., 2017;Farhadinia et al., 2017). It is clear, however, that availability of food resources, and hence the distribution of its main prey species, must be a major factor determining the Cheetah's distribution (Ahmadi et al., 2017; see also Hayward et al., 2007 for evidence that prey characteristics strongly influence the abundance of African Cheetah and other predator species). In absence of sufficient data on habitat selection of the Cheetah, identifying factors determining the distribution of its main prey species should hence provide important information for area-based conservation management. ...
... Therefore, the results of our study can serve as a foundation for conservation management efforts to establish migration corridors both within and outside of TBR, potentially by expanding the existing protected area network. This approach would likely enhance the suitability of TBR and its surrounding areas for the Asiatic Cheetah, which is known to require a vast home range (Ahmadi et al., 2017;Durant et al., 2017) that aligns with the habitats of its prey species (Zahedian and Nezami, 2019). It is possible that recent losses and fragmentation of Cheetah habitat (Durant et al., 2017;Farhadinia et al., 2017) could be halted or even reversed through such conservation measures. ...
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Our study focused on analysing the distribution factors of the Asiatic Cheetah's main prey species, including the Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus), Urial (Ovis vignei), Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), Jebeer Gazelle (Gazella bennettii), and Cape Hare (Lepus capensis) in the Turan Biosphere Reserve (TBR), a critical Cheetah habitat in Iran
... Because of the pressures on the arid and semi-arid ecosystems, it is necessary to create habitat hotspots, determine conservation priorities, and identify conservation gaps based on the habitat services network in order to preserve biodiversity and ensure the ecological equilibrium of ecosystems and their relevant services. This issue has been considered in arid, fragile and highly vulnerable areas, in many studies (Ahmadi et al., 2017;Ghehi et al., 2020;Khosravi et al., 2018;Nematollahi et al., 2020) through a species-oriented approach. On the other hand, there is a growing need to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services in conservation areas (Scolozzi et al., 2019). ...
... The results of identifying the patches and important corridors of the HSsN as patterns of ecological security can provide a new scientific model for the management and spatial planning of conservation in the study area. Therefore, the present research, compared to the mentioned studies (Ahmadi et al., 2017;Ghehi et al., 2020;Khosravi et al., 2018;Nematollahi et al., 2020), has been carried out with a systemic and macro perspective and with a habitat-oriented approach (Duarte et al., 2016;Lin et al., 2017;Zheng et al., 2023) in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of eastern Iran in the Irano-Turanian biome. ...
... Intense land use and fragmentation can be overcome by ecological networks, ensuring the survival of vulnerable ecosystems and natural populations of species. There are few studies of future ecological networks in tropical regions that are comparable, despite the growing body of research on landscape connectivity in conservation planning in rural settings [8]. However, future habitats with high landscape appropriateness and good accessibility have received less attention [9]. ...
... Specific to birds, BirdLife International's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) programme presents a key example of a global prioritisation effort that has influenced bird conservation worldwide Waliczky et al., 2018). In Asia, there are numerous conservation prioritisation studies (Ahmadi et al., 2017;Lehtomäki et al., 2018;Macdonald et al., 2019), but few are bird-specific (Han et al., 2018;Hu et al., 2020). Of these, only a handful are focused on hornbills despite their importance in the region (Jain et al., 2018a). ...
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With land use change rapidly increasing in Asia, conservation prioritisation has emerged as an important tool in identifying critical landscapes for biodiversity to safeguard them from human pressures. In Peninsular Malaysia, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS/BirdLife in Malaysia) developed a set of Criteria to identify Important Hornbill Landscapes (IHLs)-hornbill hotspots which are conservation priority sites in Malaysia and serve to inform land use planning and conservation action. Application of the Criteria has so far been restricted to Peninsular Malaysia, thus in this study, we adapt it to Sarawak, a Malaysian state in Borneo that supports 80% of the hornbill species diversity in the country. We expand on this conservation prioritisation methodology using Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Modelling (MaxEnt), to validate the Cri-teria's applicability and to identify potential IHLs in Sarawak. Our data sources included literature reviews, citizen science databases and interviews. Expectedly, survey effort was spatially biased. We identified eight IHLs, mostly concentrated in eastern Sarawak, across national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and forest management units. Existing published literature on the distribution of hornbill habitats in Sarawak corroborated with our MaxEnt outputs which aligned with the results of the IHL Criteria-based assessment, validating the latter and supporting its use in Sarawak. We additionally identified six potential IHLs based on MaxEnt outputs which confirmed the value of pairing MaxEnt with the Criteria-based assessment, for such a prioriti-sation exercise. To our knowledge, this study not only demonstrates the significance of combining MaxEnt and the Criteria for IHL identification, but it also represents the first application of the IHL Criteria outside of Peninsular Malaysia. Our findings can, therefore, serve as a case study for future applications of IHL Criteria in Borneo and potentially for other parts of Asia.
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The populations of many species of large mammals occur in small isolated and fragmented habitat patches in the human‐dominated landscape. Maintenance of habitat connectivity in the fragmented landscapes is important for maintaining a healthy population of large mammal. This study evaluated the landscape patches and their linkages on two carnivores (leopard and Himalayan black bear) and seven prey species (northern red muntjac, chital, sambar, wild pig, Himalayan goral, rhesus macaque, and langur) between Chitwan National Park (CNP) and Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) by using the least‐cost path (LCP) approach and the Linkage Mapper tool in ArcGIS. A total of 15 habitat patches (average area 26.67 ± 12.70 km²) were identified that had more than 50% of the total studied mammals. A weak relation among the habitat patches was found for chital and sambar (Cost‐weighted distance [CWD]: Euclidean distance EucD >100), showed poor connectivity between the habitat patches, while ratio of CWD and EucD was low (i.e., low LCP) between majority of the patches for muntjac, wild pig and leopard hence had potential functional connectivity along the landscape. Similarly, low LCP between the habitat patches located in the mid‐hills was observed for Himalayan goral and Himalayan black bear. Furthermore, the multi‐species connectivity analysis identified the potential structural connectivity between the isolated populations and habitat patches. Therefore, these sites need to be considered connectivity hotspots and be prioritized for the conservation of large mammals in the landscape.
Landscape features can impede dispersal, gene flow, and population demography, resulting in the formation of many meta-populations within a continuous landscape. Understanding a species' ability to overcome these barriers is critical for predicting genetic connectivity and population persistence, and implementing effective conservation strategies. In the present study, we conducted a fine-scale analysis of spatial genetic analysis and contemporary gene flow within red panda populations in the Eastern Himalayas. Employing geometric aspects of reserve design, we delineated the critical core habitats for red pandas, which comprise 14.5 % of the landscape (12,189.75 Km2), with only a mere 443 Km2 falling within protected areas. We identified corridors among the core habitats, which may be vital for the species' long-term genetic viability. Furthermore, we identified substantial landscape barriers, including Sela Pass in the western region, Siang River in the central region, and the Dibang, Lohit rivers, along with Dihang, Dipher, and Kumjawng passes in the eastern region, which hinder gene flow. We suggest managing red panda populations through the creation of Community Conservation Reserves in the identified core habitats, following landscape-level management planning based on the core principles of geometric reserve design. This includes a specific emphasis on identified core habitats of red panda (CH-RP 5 and CH-RP 8) to facilitate corridors and implement meta-population dynamics. We envision the development of a comprehensive, long-term conservation and management plan for red pandas in the transboundary landscape, covering China, Nepal, and Bhutan.
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У навчальному посібнику детально розглянуто представників чоти-рьох родин хижаків, зокрема ведмедевих, псових (вовчих), котових (котя-чих) і мустелових (куницевих). Подано загальні відомості про тварин, ареа-ли їх поширення, спосіб життя, розмноження, харчування. Висвітлено про-блеми збереження і приналежність до видових категорій згідно з Червоним списком Міжнародного союзу охорони природи. Для студентів і викладачів географічних факультетів вищих закладів освіти, майбутніх фахівців у галузі географії і природничих наук, усіх, хто цікавиться життям тварин.
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Prey availability and human-carnivore conflict are strong determinants that govern the spatial distribution and abundance of large carnivore species and determine the suitability of areas for their conservation. For wide-ranging large carnivores such as cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), additional conservation areas beyond protected area boundaries are crucial to effectively conserve them both inside and outside protected areas. Although cheetahs prefer preying on wild prey, they also cause conflict with people by predating on especially small livestock. We investigated whether the distribution of cheetahs' preferred prey and small livestock biomass could be used to explore the potential suitability of agricultural areas in Botswana for the long-term persistence of its cheetah population. We found it gave a good point of departure for identifying priority areas for land management, the threat to connectivity between cheetah populations, and areas where the reduction and mitigation of human-cheetah conflict is critical. Our analysis showed the existence of a wide prey base for cheetahs across large parts of Botswana's agricultural areas, which provide additional large areas with high conservation potential. Twenty percent of wild prey biomass appears to be the critical point to distinguish between high and low probable levels of human-cheetah conflict. We identified focal areas in the agricultural zones where restoring wild prey numbers in concurrence with effective human-cheetah conflict mitigation efforts are the most immediate conservation strategies needed to maintain Botswana's still large and contiguous cheetah population.
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The impact of landscape changes on the quality and connectivity of habitats for multiple wildlife species is of global conservation concern. In the southwestern United States, pumas (Puma concolor) are a well distributed and wide-ranging large carnivore that are sensitive to loss of habitat and to the disruption of pathways that connect their populations. We used an expert-based approach to define and derive variables hypothesized to influence the quality, location, and permeability of habitat for pumas within an area encompassing the entire states of Arizona and New Mexico. Survey results indicated that the presence of woodland and forest cover types, rugged terrain, and canyon bottom and ridgeline topography were expected to be important predictors of both high quality habitat and heightened permeability. As road density, distance to water, or human population density increased, the quality and permeability of habitats were predicted to decline. Using these results, we identified 67 high quality patches across the study area, and applied concepts from electronic circuit theory to estimate regional patterns of connectivity among these patches. Maps of current flow among individual pairs of patches highlighted possible pinch points along two major interstate highways. Current flow summed across all pairs of patches highlighted areas important for keeping the entire network connected, regardless of patch size. Cumulative current flow was highest in Arizona north of the Colorado River and around Grand Canyon National Park, and in the Sky Islands region owing to the many small habitat patches present. Our outputs present a first approximation of habitat quality and connectivity for dispersing pumas in the southwestern United States. Map results can be used to help target finer-scaled analyses in support of planning efforts concerned with the maintenance of puma metapopulation structure, as well as the protection of landscape features that facilitate the dispersal process.
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The Iranian black bear (Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus; IBB) is a critically endangered subspecies. The IBB needs connectivity to access seasonally available foods and to provide gene flow among populations in the mountains of Kerman, Hormozgan, and Sistan and Baluchistan provinces of Iran. We identified IBB cores to be used as termini for modelled corridors. We mapped 31 habitat cores based on 200 IBB presence points from studies during 2008-2013, and 70 presence points from our own observations of IBB footprints and scats in 2014. We used MaxEnt on 101 spatially independent presence points to map areas of high-quality habitat. The largest population patch (approx. 8,700 km2) covered 4 protected areas. We used least-cost modelling to model habitat corridors among 31 habitat cores. We considered a corridor locally important if it helped join nearby cores into a cluster that would support a large demographically and genetically vigorous population. We considered a corridor regionally important if it could connect the clusters united by local corridors. The most important local corridors were the corridors creating 4 clusters in the southeast of Iran. Also, we identified the 2 important regional corridors that could connect the 3 most important clusters. Although the density of roads in all habitat corridors was low (18.51 m/km2), roads crossed many important corridors. Conservation of main habitat cores and corridors for the IBB in southeastern Iran should be considered by the Department of Environment in Iran. © 2016 International Association for Bear Research and Management.
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Effective conservation solutions for small and isolated wildlife populations depend on identifying and preserving critical biological corridors and dispersal routes. With a worldwide population of ≤70 individuals, the critically endangered Asiatic cheetah Acinonyx jubatus venaticus persists in several fragmented nuclei in Iran. Connectivity between nuclei is crucial for the survival of this subspecies, but detailed information to guide conservation actions is lacking. We developed a resistance surface that predicted cost of cheetah movement as functions of topographical complexity, human development, surface water and landscape protection level. We predicted alternative models for the landscape connectivity of Asiatic cheetahs, considering the combination of relative landscape resistance and different dispersal ability scenarios. We predicted that core connected habitat patches are concentrated in three sub-regions, and within these sub-regions, populations were predicted to be broken up into two to eight isolated patches, depending on the dispersal ability scenario. Despite the achievements of recent conservation initiatives, long-term survival of the Asiatic cheetah in Iran is threatened by the combination of its small population size and fragmented distribution. We propose that conservation of the Asiatic cheetah urgently requires integrated landscape-level management to reduce mortality risk, protect core areas and corridors, and ultimately establish stepping-stone populations to integrate this fragmented population.
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Large wilderness areas are absent from Europe and land cover is mostly dominated by human activities. This chapter evaluates the ability of the protected area (PA) system to conserve viable populations of the three largest carnivores in Europe: the lynx (Lynx lynx), the wolf (Canis lupus) and the bear (Ursus arctos). Direct persecution combined with deforestation and decline in ungulate prey led European large carnivores to local extinction in many areas. The chapter considers both national protected areas (NPAs) and special areas of conservation (SACs) and the contribution of the two separately. It compares the total coverage provided by PAs to species’ suitable habitat to the coverage provided to potential viable populations. It also assesses the contribution of each individual European country to large carnivore conservation and their ability to independently conserve the species at a national level through their PAs and SACs.
This chapter reviews the role and status of legal frameworks and other commitments for protected areas. It explores the relationship between scientific evidence and political practicality in implementing current targets and achieving the more ambitious ones. Prompted by increasingly urgent scientific warnings on biodiversity loss and supported by an emerging international community of practice around protected areas, governments have been commendably responsive both through commitment and action in developing national protected area networks. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), signed at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, has gradually emerged as the most comprehensive legal framework for protected areas. Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) remains the framework for implementing protected area goals, although it has been supplemented by the Strategic Plan Targets, the Aichi Targets, adopted at the CBD's 10th Conference of the Parties (COP 10).
Aim Millennia of human activity have drastically shaped the Earth’s surface confining wildlife in ever more rare and sparse habitat fragments. Within the strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020, Aichi Target 11 aims at the expansion of the current protected area (PA) system and the maintenance and improvement of its connectivity. This study aims at providing the first overview of the functionality of the PA networks across the six continents at different dispersal distances relevant for terrestrial mammals. Location Global. Methods We used a graph theory approach to assess the connectivity of PA networks of different continents across a wide range of dispersal distances. We assessed the connectivity of country-level PA networks, the connectivity of con- tinental PA networks and the contribution of country-level PA networks to continental connectivity. Results National and continental networks are characterized by very different spatial arrangements that translate into different levels of connectivity, ranging from networks where the reachable area is mostly determined by structural connectivity within PAs (e.g. Africa) to networks where connectivity mostly depends on animal dispersal among PAs (e.g. Europe). PA size correlates positively with connectivity for all species, followed by PA number; dispersal contributes less and positively interacts with number of PAs. Main conclusions Continental networks perform worse than national networks. Transboundary connectivity is often weak and should be improved, especially for countries that are important in promoting continental connectivity. Increasing PA coverage and size is a good strategy to improve multispecies connectivity.