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More than just climate: Income inequality and sex ratio are better predictors of cross-cultural variations in aggression



Van Lange et al. argue that variations in climate explain cross-societal variations in violence. We suggest that any approach seeking to understand cross-cultural variation in human behavior via an ecological framework must consider a wider array of ecological variables, and we find that income inequality and sex ratio are better predictors than climate of cross-societal variations in violence.
Commentary on Target article: Van Lange, Rinderu, & Bushman, in press
Abstract: 59 words
Main text: 975 words
References: 445 words
Total Word Count: 1616 words
Title: More than just climate: Income inequality and sex ratio explain unique variance in
qualitatively different types of aggression
Authors: Jaimie Arona Krems & Michael E. W. Varnum
Institution: Arizona State University
Mailing Address: Department of Psychology
Arizona State University
950 S. McAllister St.,
Tempe, AZ 85287-1104
Phone: (480) 965-7598
In press, Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Van Lange, Rinderu, and Bushman argue that variations in climate explain cross-societal
variations in violence. We suggest that any approach seeking to understand cross-cultural
variation in human behavior via an ecological framework must consider a wider array of
ecological variables, and we find that income inequality and sex ratio are better predictors than
climate of cross-societal variations in violence.
Van Lange, Rinderu, and Bushman (VR&B) present a model wherein ecological variations
(climate) predict cross-societal variation in aggression. We agree with VR&B that an ecological
framework can provide ultimate explanations for such variation in aggression as well as a wide
variety of human behaviors. However, any approach seeking to understand cross-cultural
variation in human behavior via an ecological framework would do well to consider a wider
array of theoretically-relevant ecological variables (e.g., Grossmann & Varnum 2015; Varnum
& Grossmann, in press).
To illustrate our point, we draw on established work in behavioral ecology, evolutionary
biology, and animal behavior to identify two ecological features that might play an equal if not
larger role than climate in explaining cross-cultural variation in the frequency of two types of
aggression (e.g., Clutton-Brock & Parker 1995; Daly & Wilson, 2001; Emlen & Oring 1977;
Fischer 1930; Griskevicius et al. 2012). Here, we focus on income inequality (a marker of the
distribution of resources in an ecology) and adult sex ratio (the adult male-to-female ratio in an
ecology) as predictors of homicide (typically male-male violence) and rape (typically male-
female violence).
Income inequality has been touted as arguably the best predictor of variability in violence across
nations, with greater inequality linked to greater (typically male-perpetrated) violence (e.g.,
Daly & Wilson 2001; Kenrick & Gomez Jacinto 2013; Ouimet 2012; Wilson & Daly 1997).
Because males experience greater fitness variance, they engage in more risky, frequent, and
intense intrasexual competition (e.g., violence) for status and related mating opportunities.
Income inequality is thought to exacerbate male mating competition, and thus male violence, by
increasing the perceived benefits of high-risk competition, perhaps especially when lower-risk
routes to status are unavailable and/or yield unsubstantial gains (e.g., Daly & Wilson 2001).
Compared to income inequality, the link between biased sex ratios and violence is equivocal;
previous research has found variously that male-biased sex ratios are associated with more, less,
or no differences in violence (e.g., see Schacht & Mulder, 2014). There may be a stronger case,
however, for linking male-biased sex ratios to higher rates of sexual violence against women.
Previous work has argued that more males means more male mating competition, increasing the
likelihood that some males resort to rape to obtain mating opportunities and/or to intimate
partner violence to prevent the loss of existing relationships (e.g., Messner & Blau 1987;
D’Alessio & Stolzenberg 2010; Thornhill & Palmer 2000; Trent & South 2012).
We gathered archival data on 2009-2010 income inequality (World Bank 2015), 2010 adult sex
ratio (the ratio of males to females, aged 15 to 64; Central Intelligence Agency 2016), and
climate (total climatic demands; Van de Vliert 2013). Zero-order correlations are presented in
Table 1. We tested the relative contribution of these ecological factors to cross-societal
variations in rates of intentional homicide (World Bank 2016) and rape (United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime 2011), in the year 2010, using multiple regression analyses in which all
three predictors were simultaneously entered and only countries with data on all 3 predictors
and the DV were included. Data for rates of intentional homicide and all three predictors were
available for 87 countries, and data for rates of rape and all three predictors were available for
39 countries (all data available at
Table 1
Income Inequality, Adult Sex Ratio, Climatic Demands, Intentional Homicide Rates, and Rape
Rates: Correlations
1. Income Inequality
2. Adult Sex Ratio
(n = 95)
3. Climatic Demands
(n = 95)
(n = 189)
4. Homicide Rate
(n = 87)
(n = 144)
(n = 143)
5. Rape Rate
(n = 39)
(n = 58)
(n = 58)
(n = 54)
p < .12, * p < .05, ** p .01, *** p .001
Multiple regression analysis revealed that the strongest predictor of homicide rates was income
inequality, β = .402, p = .001. Male-biased sex ratios, β = -.176, p = .070, were marginally
associated with homicide rates, but climatic demands were not, β = -.139, ns. 1 Income
inequality was also the strongest predictor of rape rates, β = .571, p = .003. Male-biased sex
ratios were also a significant predictor of rape rates, β = .363, p = .018, but climatic demands
were not, β = .219, ns.
Drawing on the cross-disciplinary literatures dealing with ecology, we identified two ecological
features with established theoretical and empirical links to violence. These features were
comparatively better predictors of cross-societal variation in homicide and rape rates than was
climate. These findings are consistent with the idea that we can use ecology to understand cross-
societal variations in aggression, however they illustrate the importance of considering multiple
ecological dimensions in such models.
1 In additional analysis of the homicide data we used Cook’s D to identify data from any nations
that might be exerting undue influence. Using the conventional cut-off point of 4/n, we
identified potential outliers—Maldives, Honduras, Jamaica, El Salvador, Lesotho—and ran an
additional regression model excluding them. Income inequality remained a significant predictor
of intentional homicide rates, β = .743, p < .001. Adult sex ratio, β = -.117, ns, and climate, β =
.076, ns, were not significant predictors in this model. We also used Cook’s D to identify
outliers in the rape data — Botswana, Sweden, Jamaica, Columbia—and ran an additional
regression model excluding them. Income inequality, β = .493, p = .026, and adult sex ratio, β =
.375, p = .032, remained significant predictors of rape rates. Climate remained non-significant,
β = .082, ns.
Central Intelligence Agency. (2016). The world factbook 2010. Retrieved from
Clutton-Brock, T. H., & Parker, G. A. (1995). Sexual coercion in animal societies. Animal
Behaviour, 49(5), 1345-1365.
Daly, M., Wilson, M. (2001) Risk-taking, intrasexual competition, and homicide. Nebraska
Symposium on Motivation, 47, 1-36.
D'Alessio, S. J., & Stolzenberg, L. (2010). The sex ratio and male-on-female intimate partner
violence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(4), 555-561.
Emlen, S. T., & Oring, L. W. (1977). Ecology, sexual selection and the evolution of mating
systems. Science, 197, 215–223.
Fisher, R. A. (1930). The genetical theory of natural selection. Oxford, England: Clarendon
Grossmann, I., & Varnum, M. E. W. (2015). Social structure, infectious diseases, disasters,
secularism, and cultural change in America. Psychological Science, 26, 311-324.
Griskevicius, V., Tybur, J. M., Ackerman, J. M., Delton, A. W., Robertson, T. E., & White, A.
E. (2012). The financial consequences of too many men: sex ratio effects on saving,
borrowing, and spending. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(1), 69.
Guttentag, M., & Secord, P. F. (1983). Too many women? The sex ratio question. Beverly Hills,
CA: Sage.
Kenrick, D. T., & Gomez Jacinto, L. (2013). Economics, sex, and the emergence of society. In
M. J. Gelfand, C. Chiu, C., & Y. Hong (Eds.) Advances in culture and psychology (pp.
78-123; Vol. 4). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Messner, S. F., & Blau, J. R. (1987). Routine leisure activities and rates of crime: A macro-level
analysis. Social Forces, 65(4), 1035-1052.
Ouimet, M. (2012). A world of homicides the effect of economic development, income
inequality, and excess infant mortality on the homicide rate for 165 countries in
2010. Homicide Studies, 16(3), 238-258.
Schacht, R., & Mulder, M. B. (2015). Sex ratio effects on reproductive strategies in
humans. Open Science, 2(1), 140402.
Thornhill, R., & Palmer, C. T. (2000). A natural history of rape. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Trent, K., & South, S. J. (2012). Mate availability and women's sexual experiences in
China. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(1), 201-214.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2011). Rape [rates ascertained for 2010]. Retrieved
Van de Vliert, E. (2013). Climato-economic habitats support patterns of human needs, stresses,
and freedoms. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(05), 465-480.
Varnum, M. E. W., & Grossmann, I. (in press). Socio-ecological changes are linked to changes
in the prevalence of contempt over time. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Wilson, M., & Daly, M. (1997). Life expectancy, economic inequality, homicide, and
reproductive timing in Chicago neighbourhoods. BMJ: British Medical
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World Bank (2016). Intentional homicide [rates ascertained for 2010]. Retrieved from
... We are aware that these four societies do not completely represent the West and the East as there are numerous countries that could be classified into West-East. Hence, we invite readers to be cautious in making over-generalizations. Adding too many societies, however, would work against model parsimony as there might be too many country-level confounds that might potentially bias the results (e.g., differences in geography, cultural values, climate, political system, demographic profile) (e.g., Oishi, 2014;Krems et al., 2017). For example, though Estonia is also a top-performing Western country, the country's governance and cultural values differ from Canada and Finland. ...
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The ratio of men to women in a given ecology can have profound influences on a range of interpersonal processes, from marriage and divorce rates to risk-taking and violent crime. Here, we organize such processes into two categories - intersexual choice and intrasexual competition - representing focal effects of imbalanced sex ratios.
Are there systematic trends around the world in levels of creativity, aggressiveness, life satisfaction, individualism, trust, and suicidality? This article suggests a new field, latitudinal psychology, that delineates differences in such culturally shared features along northern and southern rather than eastern and western locations. In addition to geographical, ecological, and other explanations, we offer three metric foundations of latitudinal variations: replicability (latitudinal gradient repeatability across hemispheres), reversibility (north-south gradient reversal near the equator), and gradient strength (degree of replicability and reversibility). We show that aggressiveness decreases whereas creativity, life satisfaction, and individualism increase as one moves closer to either the North or South Pole. We also discuss the replicability, reversibility, and gradient strength of (a) temperatures and rainfall as remote predictors and (b) pathogen prevalence, national wealth, population density, and income inequality as more proximate predictors of latitudinal gradients in human functioning. Preliminary analyses suggest that cultural and psychological diversity often need to be partially understood in terms of latitudinal variations in integrated exposure to climate-induced demands and wealth-based resources. We conclude with broader implications, emphasizing the importance of north-south replications in samples that are not from Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) societies.
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Recent work has documented a wide range of important psychological differences across societies. Multiple explanations have been offered for why such differences exist, including historical philosophies, subsistence methods, social mobility, social class, climactic stresses, and religion. With the growing body of theory and data, there is an emerging need for an organizing framework. We propose here that a behavioral ecological perspective, particularly the idea of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, can provide an overarching framework for thinking about psychological variation across cultures and societies. We focus on how societies vary as a function of six important ecological dimensions: density, relatedness, sex ratio, mortality likelihood, resources, and disease. This framework can: (1) highlight new areas of research, (2) integrate and ground existing cultural psychological explanations, (3) integrate research on variation across human societies with research on parallel variations in other animal species, (4) provide a way for thinking about multiple levels of culture and cultural change, and (5) facilitate the creation of an ecological taxonomy of societies, from which one can derive specific predictions about cultural differences and similarities. Finally, we discuss the relationships between the current framework and existing perspectives.
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More than half a century of cross-cultural research has demonstrated group-level differences in psychological and behavioral phenomena, from values to attention to neural responses. However, cultures are not static, with several specific changes documented for cultural products, practices, and values. How and why do societies change? Here we juxtapose theory and insights from cultural evolution and social ecology. Evolutionary approaches enable an understanding of the how of cultural change, suggesting transmission mechanisms by which the contents of culture may change. Ecological approaches provide insights into the why of cultural change: They identify specific environmental pressures, which evoke shifts in psychology and thereby enable greater precision in predictions of specific cultural changes based on changes in ecological conditions. Complementary insights from the ecological and cultural evolutionary approaches can jointly clarify the process by which cultures change. We end by discussing the relevance of cultural change research for the contemporary societal shifts, and by highlighting several critical challenges and future directions for the emerging field of cross-temporal research on culture and psychology.
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Gender equality has varied across time, with dramatic shifts in countries such as the United States in the past several decades. Although differences across societies and changes within societies in gender equality have been well documented, the causes of these changes remain poorly understood. Scholars have posited that such shifts have been driven by specific events (such as Title IX and Roe versus Wade), broader social movements (such as feminism and women’s liberation) or general levels of social development (for example, modernization theory1). Although these factors are likely to have been partly responsible for temporal variations in gender equality, they provide fairly intermediate explanations void of a comprehensive framework. Here, we use an ecological framework to explore the role of key ecological dimensions on change in gender equality over time. We focus on four key types of ecological threats/affordances that have previously been linked to cultural variations in human behaviour as potential explanations for cultural change in gender equality: infectious disease, resource scarcity, warfare and climatic stress. We show that decreases in pathogen prevalence in the United States over six decades (1951–2013) are linked to reductions in gender inequality and that such shifts in rates of infectious disease precede shifts in gender inequality. Results were robust, holding when we controlled for other ecological dimensions and for collectivism and conservative ideological identification (indicators of more broadly traditional cultural norms and attitudes). Furthermore, the effects were partially mediated by reduced teenage birth rates (a sign that people are adopting slower life history strategies), suggesting that life history strategies statistically account for the relationship between pathogen prevalence and gender inequality over time. Finally, we replicated our key effects in a different society, using comparable data from the United Kingdom over a period of seven decades (1945–2014).
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Characterizations of coy females and ardent males are rooted in models of sexual selection that are increasingly outdated. Evolutionary feedbacks can strongly influence the sex roles and subsequent patterns of sex differentiated investment in mating effort, with a key component being the adult sex ratio (ASR). Using data from eight Makushi communities of southern Guyana, characterized by varying ASRs contingent on migration, we show that even within a single ethnic group, male mating effort varies in predictable ways with the ASR. At male-biased sex ratios, men's and women's investment in mating effort are indistinguishable; only when men are in the minority are they more inclined towards short-term, low investment relationships than women. Our results support the behavioural ecological tenet that reproductive strategies are predictable and contingent on varying situational factors.
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Psychologists who study culture tend to do so by compar-ing distinct populations to determine universal and cul-ture-specific patterns of behavior. Research in this tradition has revealed that Westerners tend to be individualist; they emphasize personal autonomy, self-fulfillment, and uniqueness. In contrast, East Asians and Eastern Europeans tend to be collectivist; they emphasize strong family ties, in-group cohesion, and a focus on duty (for reviews, see Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Triandis, 1995). Yet cultures are not static, as suggested by recent studies on cultural change in individualism in the United States (Greenfield, 2013; Twenge, Campbell, & Gentile, 2012) and elsewhere (Hamamura, 2012). In the present research, using the United States as a case study, we aimed to systematically test five socio-ecological hypotheses addressing why the individualism of cultures changes over time.
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The current study contrasts and compares the role of socioeconomic factors that explain variations in the homicide rate for 165 countries in 2010. Regression analyses demonstrate that economic development (GNI), inequality (Gini), and poverty (excess infant mortality) are significant predictors of the homicide rate for all countries. However, subsample analyses shows that income inequality, not economic development or poverty, predicts homicide for countries with a medium level of human development. Also, the variations in homicide for developing countries are inadequately explained by our model. To conclude, an analysis of the countries that exhibited significant discrepancies between their predicted and observed homicide rate is discussed.
Gervais and Fessler argue the perceived legitimacy of contempt has declined over time in the US, citing evidence of a decrease in the frequency of its use in the American English corpus. We argue that this decline in contempt, as reflected in cultural products, is linked to shifts in key socio-ecological features previously associated with other forms of cultural change.
The purpose of this paper is to apply a "routine activities" approach to explain the relations between macro-level indicators of leisure activities and rates of serious crime. We hypothesize that indicators of the volume of leisure activities that typically take place within households will exhibit negative relations with rates of crime, whereas indicators of the volume of leisure activities that are usually conducted away from households will yield positive associations with rates of crime. Regression analyses for a sample of the largest Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs) in the United States provide strong support for these hypotheses. A "household activities" index and a "nonhousehold activities" index exhibit negative and positive associations, respectively, with SMSA crime rates. We suggest that while these results are fully consistent with the routine activities approach, they are not readily interpretable with reference to other general perspectives on the relations between leisure and crime.
This paper examines why fundamental freedoms are so unevenly distributed across the earth. Climato-economic theorizing proposes that humans adapt needs, stresses, and choices of goals, means, and outcomes to the livability of their habitat. The evolutionary process at work is one of collectively meeting climatic demands of cold winters or hot summers by using monetary resources. Freedom is expected to be lowest in poor populations threatened by demanding thermal climates, intermediate in populations comforted by undemanding temperate climates irrespective of income per head, and highest in rich populations challenged by demanding thermal climates. This core hypothesis is supported with new survey data across 85 countries and 15 Chinese provinces and with a reinterpretative review of results of prior studies comprising 174 countries and the 50 states in the United States. Empirical support covers freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of expression and participation, freedom from discrimination, and freedom to develop and realize one's human potential. Applying the theory to projections of temperature and income for 104 countries by 2112 forecasts that (a) poor populations in Asia, perhaps except Afghans and Pakistanis, will move up the international ladder of freedom, (b) poor populations in Africa will lose, rather than gain, relative levels of freedom unless climate protection and poverty reduction prevent this from happening, and (c) several rich populations will be challenged to defend current levels of freedom against worsening climato-economic livability.