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Career Mobility and Gender: A Descriptive Study of Selected DepEd Teachers in Iligan City


Abstract and Figures

Census findings disclose that in the Philippines, teaching is a woman-dominated profession. There are more female school teachers than male, both in the public elementary and secondary schools. Though teaching is a female-dominated profession, the highest occupational ranks and the highest paying positions are still occupied by male administrators. The study is an attempt to investigate if gender is a factor in the career mobility of the DepEd (Department of Education) teachers in Iligan city. A total of fifty-seven male and female respondents in the elementary and secondary levels were included in the study. The study shows that the male respondents occupy higher ranks than the female respondents. Interview data reveals that economic reasons, family responsibilities and childcare are the topmost priorities of the female respondents. Furthermore, women in the study are more constrained than men in pursuing a post – graduate degree. The burden of being a wife, a mother, and a career woman are among the factors that hinder married female respondents in their career mobility. It is also found out that certain physical attributes and qualities explain why women are considered less suitable and desirable for a certain task or assignments. Findings also indicate that female respondents have generally less traditional views than the male respondents toward gender roles. Likewise, the idea that men and women have definite biological and personality characteristics is evident in the study. This leads to sex-role stereotyping which deters their career mobility. The study also confirms that palakasan and padrino system still holds true in the Department of Education (DepEd) in Iligan City. Key words: Gender, Career Mobility, Teaching Profession, Traditional Roles, Gender Role Performance, Administrative Positions, DepEd, padrino, palakasan
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... The data above further implies that the country has a larger number of women teachers than men as supported by the World Bank collection of development indicators in 2020 where 87% of the teachers are women. Accordingly, census findings affirmed that in the Philippines, teaching is a woman-dominated profession (Regalado, 2017). However, while teaching is predominant in women, Quismundo (2012) as cited by Regalado (2017), disclosed that the highest occupational ranks and the highest-paying positions are still occupied by male administrators, which is true in this study where there are five (5) males out of eight (8) school administrators in the district. ...
... Accordingly, census findings affirmed that in the Philippines, teaching is a woman-dominated profession (Regalado, 2017). However, while teaching is predominant in women, Quismundo (2012) as cited by Regalado (2017), disclosed that the highest occupational ranks and the highest-paying positions are still occupied by male administrators, which is true in this study where there are five (5) males out of eight (8) school administrators in the district. In an interview, these teachers said that doing action research would help in their aims for promotion, a point which was also emphasized by Juliano (2019) elaborating that one of the reasons that prompted these teachers to do research is the equivalent points that will be given during the ranking of teachers for promotion. ...
... The data above further implies that the country has a larger number of women teachers than men as supported by the World Bank collection of development indicators in 2020 where 87% of the teachers are women. Accordingly, census findings affirmed that in the Philippines, teaching is a woman-dominated profession (Regalado, 2017). However, while teaching is predominant in women, Quismundo (2012) as cited by Regalado (2017), disclosed that the highest occupational ranks and the highest-paying positions are still occupied by male administrators, which is true in this study where there are five (5) males out of eight (8) school administrators in the district. ...
... Accordingly, census findings affirmed that in the Philippines, teaching is a woman-dominated profession (Regalado, 2017). However, while teaching is predominant in women, Quismundo (2012) as cited by Regalado (2017), disclosed that the highest occupational ranks and the highest-paying positions are still occupied by male administrators, which is true in this study where there are five (5) males out of eight (8) school administrators in the district. In an interview, these teachers said that doing action research would help in their aims for promotion, a point which was also emphasized by Juliano (2019) elaborating that one of the reasons that prompted these teachers to do research is the equivalent points that will be given during the ranking of teachers for promotion. ...
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This study was conducted to improve the low engagement of teachers and school heads in the conduct of action research. Research engagement here was referred to as the number of research studies completed and approved. The low engagement of the participants in doing action research was attributed to the different challenges and difficulties they experienced. Among the challenges are lack of time, work overload, and writing anxiety. They also agreed to have had difficulty in identifying problems to be investigated, gathering, and analyzing data, searching for related information and literature, and writing and organizing findings. The study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative descriptive research. The findings of this study revealed that the strategies employed in the implementation of Project SHARE or Strengthening and Honing Ability in Research Among Educators motivated the participants to conduct and complete their research. The initiative likewise improved their skills in data collection and analysis alongside the improvement of their writing skills and time management in the completion of their research. It was also found that participants occupying the lowest position (Teacher I) are the ones who are more engaged in the conduct of action research. Keywords: action research, challenges and difficulties, research engagement, collaborative strategies
... This result implies that most of the education graduates from 2015-2017 are female-dominated, which indicates that the teaching profession has a higher percentage of women than men. This result confirms the study of Regalado (2017), which states that teaching is a woman-dominated profession in the Philippines and was confirmed by CHED Chairperson Patricia Licuanan in her statement during the 55th Session on the Commission on the Status of Women in New York (2011). In addition, Veronika Tašner et al (2017), found out also that the teaching profession is more appealing to females. ...
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One of the biggest challenges in teacher education is employment. Teacher education graduates are required to pass the Board License Examination for Professional Teachers (BLEPT) before applying to a public school. We conducted this study to identify the profile, employment status, BLEPT performance, and training needs of teacher education graduates. A descriptive method, documentary analysis, a questionnaire, and a mediated interview were utilized. The frequency counts, percentages, and ranks were used to analyze data. Results showed that most of the graduates are female and specialize in general education, and technology and livelihood education. 66.20% of graduates passed the BLEPT, and 61.90% are already employed. Moreover, 116 alumni are teaching in both public and private schools; 67.77% of them need training on teaching strategies. The study's output is the formulation of an extension project to assist the alumni in enhancing their performance in their workplace. This extension project might address gaps in teaching competencies, improve alumni performance, or contribute to their promotion.
... This result implies that most of the education graduates from 2015-2017 are female-dominated, which indicates that the teaching profession has a higher percentage of women than men. This result confirms the study of Regalado (2017), which states that teaching is a woman-dominated profession in the Philippines and was confirmed by CHED Chairperson Patricia Licuanan in her statement during the 55th Session on the Commission on the Status of Women in New York (2011). In addition, Veronika Tašner et al (2017), found out also that the teaching profession is more appealing to females. ...
One of the biggest challenges in teacher education is employment. Teacher education graduates are required to pass the Board License Examination for Professional Teachers (BLEPT) before applying to a public school. We conducted this study to identify the profile, employment status, BLEPT performance, and training needs of teacher education graduates. A descriptive method, documentary analysis, a questionnaire, and a mediated interview were utilized. The frequency counts, percentages, and ranks were used to analyze the data. Results showed that most of the graduates are female and specialize in general education, technology, and livelihood education. There are 66.20% of graduates who passed the BLEPT, and 61.90% are already employed. Moreover, 116 alumni are teaching in both public and private schools; 67.77% of them need training on teaching strategies. The study's output is the formulation of an extension project to assist the alumni in enhancing their performance in their workplace. This extension project might address gaps in teaching competencies, improve alumni performance, or contribute to their promotion.
... According to Cushman (2006) as cited by Cahapay (2021), there is one occupation where males noticeably form the group of minorities. The occupation of teaching the children has traditionally been dominated by females.In addition, Regalado (2017) census data show that more women are enrolled in education courses and there are more female teachers. She cited that specifically in the culled data for the school year 2008-2009, there were 89.58% females while only 10.42% males in the occupation of elementary teaching. ...
... This is also a period where an individual makes a substantial contribution within his environment including his workplace [29]. [30] which showed that as far as teaching-related job is concerned, females always outnumbered males in terms of quantity which further indicated that women now form part of the bigger share of educators which is also coherent to DepEd's regional distribution of teachers who are active in the service from school year 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 indicating that the distribution of population between genders was dominated by females. ...
The study focused on the personal factors that influence the mental health of public-school teachers. This was conducted among elementary and secondary teachers in Lavezares I District, Division of Northern Samar. This study employed descriptive-correlational research design involving 30 participants chosen through purposive sampling. Data from survey questionnaire were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. This was conducted within the third quarter of the school year 2021-2022. Findings showed that more of them are between 31–38 years old. Majority of them are female, married, with net take home pay of 5,000 – 11,499, recipients of completed academic requirement (CAR) for their MA, hold teacher III position, have been in the service for 7 years and below, with not more than 2 trainings and seminars related to distance learning attended. In terms of the mental health, results showed that teachers who are at the forefront of distance learning implementation manifest severe stress, moderate anxiety, and mild depression. The demographic profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, net take home pay, highest educational attainment, teaching position, length of service, and the number of attended trainings and seminars related to distance education found not significantly correlated teachers’ mental health. The findings of this study will provide input how school can address personal factors and mental health issues of teachers to become resilient in the face of adversities.
... The Philippine society appears to perceive elementary teacher education and elementary teaching as fields of females. As mentioned by Regalado (2017) census data show that more women are enrolled in education courses and there are more female teachers. She cited that specifically in the culled data for the school year 2008-2009, there were 89.58% females while only 10.42% males in the occupation of elementary teaching. ...
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There is a noticeable under-representation of the male gender particularly in the field of elementary teacher education. The main aim of this paper is to understand the lived experience of male college students aspiring to become professional elementary teachers. As phenomenological research, it involved six purposively selected male students enrolled in a predominantly female elementary teacher education program in a Philippine university. The data were gathered through online interviews and analyzed based on a phenomenological analysis framework. The following themes emerged: 1.) We hear discouraging stereotypes about teaching; 2.) We are passionate about educating the young ones; 3.) We feel that awkward moment in a room of females; and 4.) We have an inclusive learning environment. These themes are based on the individual textural and structural descriptions and form the basis for the composite textural and structural descriptions of the phenomenon of interest. This paper confirms the experiences encountered by males in the formal teaching career stage as relative to experiences received by males in the early stage of the teacher preparation. It also identifies factors that encourage males to enter elementary teacher education as a field of study, providing practical insights for designing a more inclusive program.
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The study was conducted from August 2023 to January 2024 in higher education institutions (HEIs) located at Trece Martires City, Cavite wherein faculty members were included in the study. The study aimed to determine if there are significant differences between emotional intelligence and burnout levels in terms of socio-demographic profiles and to know if there are significant relationship between emotional intelligence level and burnout level. Comparative-correlational research design was used and the participants were 109 higher education institutions faculty members in Trece Martires City. In this study, survey questionnaire with three parts was used: socio-demographic profile, Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test, and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. Frequency, percentage, mean, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis test, and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that most of the faculty members were female, not married, 20-30 years old, and have 1-5 years of teaching experience. The participants have high emotional intelligence level in sub-variables and overall emotional intelligence level. Faculty members have an average burnout level for exhaustion, disengagement, and overall burnout level. In addition, there is no significant difference in emotional intelligence level in terms of socio-demographic profile of the participants while there are significant differences in burnout level of HEIs faculty members in terms of sex and years of teaching experience. Furthermore, emotional intelligence level and burnout level have a negative relationship. Intervention program is needed in order for faculty members to maintain having high emotional intelligence level and reduce the burnout level.
This study explores the lived experiences of the sole male teacher in one of the secondary schools in La Union. The research design employed for this study is a case study. The participant is a male teacher from a secondary school in La Union. The researcher employed semi-structured interviews to gather data and employed Thematic Analysis to examine the collected information, unveiling the unique experiences of the only male teacher in the English department. The study identified three main themes. The first theme highlights the advantages of a male teacher, with two subthemes: a conducive working environment and adopting strategies from female teachers. The second theme explores the disadvantages of being the only male teacher, with two sub-themes: handling all heavy tasks and having limited influence on personal issues related to female students. The final theme focuses on the coping strategies employed by the participant, generating two sub-themes: communicating with peers for the proper distribution of tasks and seeking assistance from a female colleague. This case study illustrates the lived experiences of the only male teacher in the English Department. Based on the findings, a conclusion states that the school should consider organizing seminars on gender-related topics.
The research on leadership practices of academic heads and their subordinates' followership styles in a Philippine state university tackles a crucial aspect of university success. Understanding how leaders guide and how faculty respond is essential for a productive and efficient academic environment. It reveals which leadership styles best cultivate engaged and effective faculty. This knowledge can inform training programs for academic heads, equipping them with the skills to foster a thriving university culture. Additionally, by examining followership styles, the research can identify areas where faculty can improve their receptiveness to leadership, creating a more collaborative and successful university. Ultimately, the research has the potential to significantly impact Philippine state universities. By optimizing leadership and followership dynamics, these contribute to a more positive learning environment for students and a more fulfilling work experience for faculty. This, in turn, can lead to improved university performance and a stronger educational system not just in the Philippines but in other countries as well.
The experiment study examined the influences of distributive justice and procedural justice on individual satisfaction. Social capital as moderating variable that influences the relationship among them. The relationship among between distributive and procedural justice and individual satisfaction based on the two factor model. The two factor model is a concept introduced by Sweeney and McFarlin (1993) who explained that distributive justice and procedural justice have a different influences on outcomes. In this research, focus on individual satisfaction. Distributive justice will be stronger to predict individual satisfaction compared to procedural justice. In fact that model is not always supported. This research explained that this model should be considered social capital as moderating variable, because social capital reflects subjective perspective.
The primary purpose of the current research was to examine the relationship between factors that facilitate continuous learning and the demonstration of peer mentoring behaviors. Subjects were 185 members of the U.S. Navy - fifteen teams from five separate submarines. We first explored the appropriate "level of analysis" for analyzing the continuous learning environment. Results of the within and between analysis (WABA) tests suggest that factors in the learning environment and peer mentoring behaviors resided at the individual level rather than the team level. Unfortunately, sample size restrictions precluded testing boat-level hypotheses. Next, we explored the relationship between continuous learning and peer mentoring. Results suggest that respondents who work in a strong continuous learning environment tend to engage in a greater number of peer mentoring behaviors than respondents who do not work in a strong continuous learning environment. Implications for research and practice are discussed.