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Internet of Medical Things (IOMT): Applications, Benefits
and Future Challenges In Healthcare Domain
Gulraiz J. Joyia1, Rao M. Liaqat2, Aftab Farooq3, Saad Rehman4
1, 2, 3,4National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract—Internet of Medical things (IOMT) is playing vital role
in healthcare industry to increase the accuracy, reliability and
productivity of electronic devices. Researchers are contributing
towards a digitized healthcare system by interconnecting the
available medical resources and healthcare services. As IOT
converge various domains but our focus is related to research
contribution of IOT in healthcare domain. This paper presents the
peoples contribution of IOT in healthcare domain, application and
future challenges of IOT in term of medical services in healthcare.
We do hope that this work will be useful for researchers and
practitioners in the field, helping them to understand the huge
potential of IoT in medical domain and identification of major
challenges in IOMT. This work will also help the researchers to
understand applications of IOT in healthcare domain. This
contribution will help the researchers to understand the previous
contribution of IOT in healthcare industry.
Keywords- iot; IOMT; healthcare; challenges
All manuscripts must be in English. Internet of things
is not a new concept but it is hot topic in the world. This is
not astonishing that around the world, 18.2 billion devices
are connected using internet of things (iot) [1]. This includes
all categories of iot in the world. Basically iot is the
internetworking of electronic devices to enable exchange of
data between devices for specific domain applications. This
concept of internetworking in internet of things (iot) makes
human life much easier than before. According to WHO,
Pakistan is facing health problems and our life expectancy in
2015 for males is 64.5 and for females it is 67.3 years [2].
This has gained our attention on iot and more over iot is most
promising solution for health care industry because it helps
patients to manage their own disease and receive help in
most emergency case via mobile [3].
It is anticipated that the demand for personal
healthcare applications will increase sharply. In the
traditional medical mode, the quality and scale of medical
service can't meet the needs of patients [4]. It is of great
significance to establish a set of family oriented remote
medical surveillance system based on mobile Internet.
Generally, the provision of healthcare facilities through
mobile devices is called m- health, which is used to analyze,
capture, transmit and store health statistics from multiple
resources, including sensors and other biomedical acquisition
systems. M-health offers an elegant solution to a problem
commonly faced in the medical field: how to access the right
information when and where needed in highly dynamic and
distributed healthcare organizations [5]. These health
applications can guide different type of spectators such as
guardians of patients, patients itself, doctors, nurses and
healthy peoples too. These m health provide better medical
services, efficiency , more effectiveness of health plan and
services so this reduce the cost of health maintenance.
Fig [1] Communication of IOT
Above Figure shows how iot does communicate with
other network devices. Doctors, patients and rest of the
networking system is connected to each other. All record is
digital and save in the databases which is accessible by the
doctors and clinical staff as well.
By this m health service we can reach easily the
standard of medical services and quality of medication as per
patient needs [4]. The iot based system is responsible for the
full care of the patient and these systems are flexible to the
patients conditions and there parameters can be set as per
patient illness. With this approach we will be able sure about
present and future health states of patient.
In this research paper, we will be discussing mainly
the applications, benefits and future challenges of internet of
things (IoT) based on the work done by different researchers
in the field of iot. The main aim of this paper is to provide an
overall idea of what Internet of Things is, the different form
of applications it has adopt, and how it is providing a
solution for the problems faced by the global health care
industry [6].
Shu-yuan Ge et. al. introduced a design which is
basically integration of 11073 IEEE Service/DIM and CoAP
to apply on devices of healthcare so they can be used in iot
settings. They also showed the comparison of performance
of Both HTTP and 11073 DIM by help of CoAP. They also
evaluated performance with CoAP and HTTP with respect to
packets abundance in single transaction, packets loss rate and
syntax by using JSON and XML. Finally they concluded that
CoAP is able to transmit few packets as compare to HTTP.
In terms of consumption of resources they said that XML is
not better than JSON [7].
Georges Matar et. al. proposed a technique to monitor
patient posture by using patient body weight that exerts
pressure on specially designed mattress, he used the
measured pressure for monitoring patient posture. He also
ensures his work by the help of Cohen’s Coefficient, the
value of the coefficient is .866 which means high accuracy of
detection. He also revealed that purpose of this work was to
reduce storage requirement and cost on computation [8].
Chao-Hsi Huang et. al. explained the designed MNS
(medical nursing system), his system is based on iot
architecture and used 2G-3G, WSN, RFID, sensor, ZigBee,
Wi-fi and Bluetooth for data transferring. His system also
enables supply of drugs with accuracy [9].
Yuan jie fan et. al. in his research he used SOA
techniques, iot technology, optimization technique,
resource allocation and ontology for diagnosis to design a
rehabilitation system. He also presented a methodology
for designing of rehabilitation system by using Iot
Technology. In the paper two key features are mentioned
which include construction of the rehabilitation and
easiness of sharing of the domain information [10].
Willian D. de Mattos et. al. represented the linkage of
m-health domain with m2m (machine to machine) and 5G
technologies. According to him new technologies will
open gate ways to solutions of m-health [5].
Iuliana Chiuchisan et. al. in the literature for Parkinsons’s
infection test, presented an intelligent system. He mentioned
monitoring system for home and support system for
decision making which not only support also assist the
physicians in medical treatment, prescriptions, diagnosis,
rehabilitation and patient progress [11].
Robert S .H. Istepanian et. al. in his research he
introduces a unique concept of iot in medical health.
According to him his concept is very helpful by mean of
functionalities of iot and medical health for upcoming
applications of 4G health, which will base on IPV6
Dr. Salah S. Al-Majeed et. al. in the research he proposed
to develop a device which is basically a medical sensing
device, low cost and iot based device to monitor patients
physiological conditions. The main focus of his research is
communication of messages and synchronization. Time
minimizing algorithm is applied to keep separation between
consecutive messages and measure the queue size for
individual health care nods, to avoid conjunction [13].
Hyun Jung La et. al. due to the increasing scope of iot, he
come up with a concept to maintain the data of the iot
application. He adopted semantic approach to deal with
challenges in his research and he presented a cloud based
proposal which provide core set of functionalities to help
individual diagnosis on network[14].
Beibei Dong et. al. researcher mentioned the problems in
detection of a patient in health monitoring system. In this
paper he provide solution to noise in signals and low rate of
accuracy in detection [4].
Diego Gachet Páez et. al. in this research author provided
key solution for initiation of services which will base on
internet of things and data engineering concepts [15].
K.B. Sundhara Kumar et. al. author provides a system
that monitor autism patient automatically, using sensors for
an individual patient. This system not only monitors but also
keeps track of sensors readings collected from brain signals
of pretentious individual[16].
K.Divya Krishna et. al. proposed an algorithm CAD for
detection of abnormality in kidney ultrasonic image files on
FPGA. Research is dependent on two stages; first stage is
LUT – look up table technique and second is SVM- support
vector machine. Mentioned algorithm is implemented over
FPGA based kintex – 7 [17].
Boyi Xu et. al. author proposed a new framework for
medical healthcare monitoring, which is based on cloud
computing and specially this framework is designed for
implementation of healthcare monitoring. This framework is
implemented in different modules which are also discussed
in the paper [18].
Allavi Chavan et. al. researcher key objective in this
research is to design android application in healthcare area
by using the concept of internet of things and cloud
computing. Paper also focuses on waves of ECGmonitoring
using an android application platform [19].
Harshal Arbat et. al. researcher worked to design a new
tool due to increasing trend in internet of things and its
demand. In the domain of m-health researcher focus on keep
track of patient health by reading heart rate value , this heart
rate value is obtained by a band called smart health band. On
this obtained value specific message will be transmitted to
his family or friend [20].
Lei Yu et. al. Researcher presented a scheme and
architecture of smart hospital, which is based on iot to have a
better hospital system. This hospital system will help to
manage information of old hospital system [21].
Avik Ghose et. al. author has designed a monitoring
system for aged patients. His research present a method of
end to end medical healthcare system to monitor the patient.
System basically use internet of things technique (iot), which
is back end platform [22].
K. M. Chaman Kumar et. al. research presented a new
technique to monitor such patients which are diseased OSA
(obstructive sleep apnea) and also help full for diseases
similar to this. [23]
Rashmi Singh et. al. presented a model for electronic
health care unit by using internet of things based on India
statistics of health. According to the research it is easy to
implement such research with the help of RFID tech and
experienced healthcare system, as he mentioned Mycin.
Indian medical units can be digitized easily by this presented
model [24].
Chetanya Puri et. al. researcher is aimed to present a new
dimension in the domain of cardio signals, so to make this
happen researcher presented a new technique for cardiac
patient, as this will intimate early about any warning.
Researcher named this technique iCarMa. This also include
the severity of cardiac patient and its timely detection and
diagnosis [25].
Ihor Vasyltsov et. al. author basically has focus on
gaining entropy from heart rate on the basis of biomedical
signals. Some mathematical models are presented to obtain
entropy. More over these results of entropy will be used for
security of health-care system and useful for device
certification [26].
Vivek Chandel et. al. has found a way to consistently
monitor the patient health by means of IMUs (inertial
measurement units). So to use this they presented a accurate
and improved algorithm for sensing the events of patient,
similar to counting of steps, length of stride, immobility and
fall etc [27].
Michael Fischer et. al. the idea is very simple, train a bot
using information in the book. Bot will help
nonprofessionals to know about the disease, even this bot
can be integrated with different sensors on mobile phone to
provide more flexible service by using iot (internet of things)
Mrs. Anjali S. Yeole et. al. done a survey on enabled iot
devices and there practices in healthcare domain for medical
dispense, children ,operation theaters, serious patients
monitoring, toddler and chronic care [29].
Sultan Alasmari et. al. has discusses the patient
healthcare information is the most critical information that
should be kept in safe hands. Iot has bought a tremendous
change in the domain of medical. Author specifically
discusses the challenges and survey the security and privacy
with context to iot. According to him the use of cloud for iot
has introduced the non-compliance and risk factor in medical
environment. He proposed a solution to this problem is the
people from multiple disciplines, should be included in the
research to evaluate the issue and find the facts of the
problem to resolve it [33].
Ghulam Muhammad et. al. discusses the importance of
integration of cloud computing with iot in healthcare
domain. He raised some issues in medical domain with
context of iot those should be resolved to improve the
domain in healthcare. He has proposed a system for
monitoring the audio pathology for people monitoring by the
help of cloud computing. Ease of use and interoperability are
the problems which are addressed and resolved in his
framework. According to him the scalability of dynamic
nature can be achieved by integration of different voice
models. Finally he also suggested a new framework can be
proposed to tackle the huge data using cloud technology
S. M. Riazul Islam et. al. in the paper author discusses
technologies, industrial focus, application and framework of
iot. The major focus of the paper was taxonomies attack,
models, requirements of security, iot privacy and security
features. He also discussed how iot is playing a role in
different fields of medical domain. Author proposed
intelligent model to decrease risk of security and discusses
the advancement of technology in the domain of iot with
context of medical things and also proposed e-health with iot
policies for the sake of different stackholders. Author
finishes his research by commenting that his work will be
beneficial for engineers, researches and policymakers in the
field of iot [35].
Darshan K R et. al. has discussed that if serious disorders
are predicted in the early stage then it will be very beneficial
for the patient. He said iot is providing the remote healthcare
systems to facilitate the society. In this literature the author
discuss the uses, challenges and reviews of all previous work
done related to iot in medical or healthcare domain and a
methodology presented is also discussed in this paper. In his
research he also aimed to increase the quality and efficiency
in the field of healthcare [36].
Dapheny et. al. he depicted the framework or
infrastructure plays an important role in the field of iot. He
reviewed different models that enable optimum and
progressive decision making reviewed in context of iot.
Many opportunities and challenges associated with this were
also discussed. According to author smart living is a good
option to provide smart healthcare to the peoples [37].
Kuo-hui yeh et. al. the advancement in the
communication brings new era of iot which is based on
networks. In the literature he proposed a new iot based
system which works on body sensor network, to reach
robustness and efficiency in public iot network. Author also
kept security parameter in mind to secure the proposed
system. He mentioned to guarantee the proposed system and
scheme it is more suitable to apply the scheme to the
common mobile object [38].
Table I Shows number of applications researched in
the field of iot from year 2012 up to 2016. There are five
columns each represents some attribute, serial number,
application, author name, published year and reference of the
paper from where we researched. All the applications we
researched are from the medical healthcare systems. Most of
the applications are from the research papers which are
published in 2016. So, our researched applications are up to
Sr. #
Applications In Medical Domain
Author et. al.
Medical Nursing
Iot based Kidney
detection system
using ultrasound
Application for
patient posture
recognition using
supervised learning
Monitoring patient
Dr. Salah S.
Decision making
and home based
medical health
monitoring system
for neurological
disabled patients
Autistic patient
monitoring medical
health care system
using iot
Smart medical
nursing healthcare
system for patients
Remotely ECG
monitoring system
based on cloud
Secured and smart
medical healthcare
Iot based smart
medical health
Iot based smart
Lei Yu
Monitoring of OSA
(obstructive sleep
apnea) diseased
Mobile electronic
medical health care
system based on iot
cardiac arrhythmia
(ICarMa) system
Iot based medical
monitoring system.
Medical Bot
Ubiquitous medical
Monitor System
(UbiHeld) for
Chronic diseased
1. Searched number of applications in the field of iot in medical domain
We have selected these applications on the basis of
contribution of different researchers in the field of IoT from
different resources. On the basis of selection and rejection
criteria we have selected papers from different authentic
repositories like ACM, IEEE and Elsevier etc. We have
included those applications which were most recent in the
field of IoT with context of healthcare. The purpose was to
list applications of IoT in medical healthcare domain.
A. Depiction of yearly contribution in context of Multiple
Bar Graph I depicts that different colors are assigned to
each year and on x-axis there are names of data base that is
used for applications research. It is very visible that most of
the papers are from year 2016 shown in sky blue color. On y-
axis there are number of the paper with respect to the
researched data bases for applications onlyMaintaining the
Integrity of the Specifications only.
2. Depicting yea rly contribution in context of IOMT
This graphical view depicts the number of researches we
took in our research. Our main focus was to select the most
recent research papers related to IoT in the field of medical
health care. Latest researches are shown with high peaks in
the graph.
B. Challenges of IoT in healthcare
After a brief research we listed some significant
challenges in the domain of iot. We believe that if these
challenges are met in the field of iot, we can improve iot
standard in the field of medical care. IoT can provide more
reliable and better services in the field of medical health
Due to IoT there is revolutionary change in the field of
internet communication; this has a lot of contribution in the
growth of many challenging domains but especially in the
field of medical things. This is the one of major reasons to
close the gap between doctors, patient and healthcare
services by its ease, accuracy and flexibility. IoT enable the
doctors and hospital staff to do their work more precisely and
actively with less effort and intelligence.
Sr. #
Challenges In Medical Domain
Managing device diversity
Scale, data volume and performance
Flexibility and evolution of applications
Data privacy
Need for medical expertise
CPU capa city
Memory of the system
Constrained over network performance
like bandwidth
Data exchange
Availability of resources
Hardware implementation and design
optimization issues
Security challenges
[12] [3],[32],
[3],31 ,[18]
Technical challenges: Modeling
relationship between acquired
measurement and diseases.
Software implementation of medical
analytic schemes.
Intelligence in Medical Care.
Real time processing
System predictability
Low power consumption
Data integration
[31], [18]
Unstructured, growing and diverse data
at exponential rate
3. Searched number of challenges in the field of iot in medical domain
We have selected these Challenges on the basis of
contribution of different researchers in the field of IoT from
different resources. On the basis of selection and rejection
criteria we have selected papers from different authentic
repositories like ACM, IEEE and Elsevier etc. We have
included those challenges which were most recent in the
field of IoT with context of healthcare. The purpose was to
list challenges of IoT in medical healthcare domain.
C. Benefits of iot in healthcare:
Iot has many advantages to individuals, society, the
environment, consumers and business, as with every
technology there are some benefits with some drawbacks.
Following table provide the list of major benefits we
have from iot. Though, iot is very beneficial in the domain of
the medical health care. Iot based applications and systems
have transformed the world into an imaginary world which
human of 90’s thought about. Due to Iot there is
revolutionary change in the field of internet communication;
this has a lot of contribution in the growth of many
challenging domains but especially in the field of medical
things. This is the one of major reasons to close the gap
between doctors, patient and healthcare services by its ease,
accuracy and flexibility. IoT enable the doctors and hospital
staff to do their work more precisely and actively with less
effort and intelligence. Proof of this is above mentioned table
II of applications.
This integration of iot in the field of medical has
provided incredible advantages to patients; iot is very easy to
Sr. #
Benefits In Medical Domain
Make life more convenient
Healthcare is chea p
Outcome of patient is imp roved
Management of diseases is real -
Life quality is Improved
user end experience is improved
care for patient is increased
costs reduction
Ultima te benefit is healthier and
longer lives, Maximum diseases
management and prevention
children’s / elder parents progress is
Major change in health of patient
will make an automatic alert to
different parties, save lives and t ime
Resources of iot other iot devices
Medication is on t ime
Patient care will be intimated to
family mem bers
Affordab ility
Ease to use
Doctors can manage patients
records easily
Energy efficiency which inc lude
money etc.
Doctors Off t ime medical services by
4. Searched number of benefits in the field of iot in medical domain
We have selected these benefits on the basis of
contribution of different researchers in the field of IoT from
different resources. On the basis of selection and rejection
criteria we have selected papers from different authentic
repositories like ACM, IEEE, and Elsevier etc. We have
included those benefits which were most recent in the field
of IoT with context of healthcare. As the field of the iot is
emerging and expanding very quickly, so it was very
important to list the benefits of the iot in medical healthcare.
The purpose was to list benefits of IoT in medical healthcare
In this research paper, we have discussed mainly the
applications, future challenges and benefits of internet of
things (IoT) based on the work done by different researchers
in the field of IoT. All the applications we researched are
from the medical healthcare systems. Most of the
applications are from the research papers which are
published in 2016. Actually there are many challenges that
has to be counter but we have briefly identified some of the
significant challenges in the file of iot in context of
healthcare that are detailed discussed in section III. We
believe that if these challenges are met in the field of iot, we
can improve iot standard in the field of medical care. iot can
provide more reliable and better services in the field of
medical health care.
As a result we can say that Iot based applications and
systems have transformed the world into a imaginary world
which human of 90’s thought about. Iot enable the doctors
and hospital staff to do their work more precisely and
actively with less effort and intelligence. That is mentioned
above in the section III.
In this paper, we provided an overview related to IoT
services and technologies in healthcare. A number of
research challenges have been identified, which are expected
to become major research trends in the next years. The most
relevant application fields have been presented, and a
number of use research benefits identified. We hope that this
work will be useful for researchers and practitioners in the
field, helping them to understand the huge potential of IoT in
medical domain and identification of major challenges in
IOMT. This work will also help the researchers to
understand applications of IOT in healthcare domain.
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Gulraiz Javaid Joyia
Research scholar at College of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering, NUST, Rawalpindi.
Rao Muzamal Liaqat
Research scholar at College of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering, NUST, Rawalpindi.
Aftab Farooq
Research scholar at College of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering, NUST, Rawalpindi.
Dr. Saad Rehman
Research Supervisor at College of Electrical
and Mechanical Engineering, NUST,