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Factors influencing risky single occasion drinking in Canada and policy implications


Abstract and Figures

Background Misuse of alcohol, including single risky occasion drinking (RSOD) is associated with a number of health, social and economic consequences. While research demonstrates that many factors contribute to individuals’ drinking practices, little is known about risk factors that contribute to RSOD in the Canadian population. The objectives of this study are to examine the patterns of RSOD in Canada, to identify factors associated with RSOD, and to explore policy implications. Methods The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 2009–2010 annual component was used to conduct all the analyses in this paper. We used two models: (1) a binary logistic regression model, and (2) a multinomial logistic regression model, to identify factors that were significantly associated with our dependent variables, RSOD engagement and frequency of RSOD, respectively. Results Daily smokers were 6.20 times more likely to engage in frequent RSOD than those who never smoke. Males were 4.69 times more likely to engage in risky RSOD. We also found significant associations between the frequency of RSOD and Province/Territory of residence, income and education, marital status and perceived health status. Finally, stress was associated with engaging in infrequent RSOD. Conclusions Our finding associating daily smoking with risk alcohol intake specifically suggests the possibility of combining public health interventions for both. The study findings also indicate that education is a protective factor, further supporting the role of education as a major determinant of health. The significant provincial variation we found also point to the need to study this issue further and understand the links between provincial level policies and RSOD.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Factors influencing risky single occasion
drinking in Canada and policy implications
Ellen Rafferty
, William Ian Andrew Bonner
, Jillian Code
, Keely McBride
, Mustafa Andkhoie
, Richa Tikoo
Stephanie McClean
, Colleen Dell
, Michael Szafron
and Marwa Farag
Background: Misuse of alcohol, including single risky occasion drinking (RSOD) is associated with a number of health,
social and economic consequences. While research demonstrates that many factors contribute to individualsdrinking
practices, little is known about risk factors that contribute to RSOD in the Canadian population. The objectives of this
study are to examine the patterns of RSOD in Canada, to identify factors associated with RSOD, and to explore policy
Methods: The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 20092010 annual component was used to conduct all the
analyses in this paper. We used two models: (1) a binary logistic regression model, and (2) a multinomial logistic
regression model, to identify factors that were significantly associated with our dependent variables, RSOD engagement
and frequency of RSOD, respectively.
Results: Daily smokers were 6.20 times more likely to engage in frequent RSOD than those who never smoke.
Males were 4.69 times more likely to engage in risky RSOD. We also found significant associations between the frequency
of RSOD and Province/Territory of residence, income and education, marital status and perceived health status. Finally,
stress was associated with engaging in infrequent RSOD.
Conclusions: Our finding associating daily smoking with risk alcohol intake specifically suggests the possibility
of combining public health interventions for both. The study findings also indicate that education is a protective factor,
further supporting the role of education as a major determinant of health. The significant provincial variation we found
also point to the need to study this issue further and understand the links between provincial level policies and RSOD.
Keywords: Risky single occasion drinking RSOD in Canada, Health policy, Stress, Smoking, Alcohol, Education, Social
determinants, Provinces
From a public health perspective, alcohol consumption
is a challenging issue to address. Controversy existed in
the research community whether low levels of alcohol
consumption have protective effects, and if these effects
outweigh known harms; however, there is a growing
consensus in the literature that the positive effects of
alcohol consumption have been overestimated in the
past [14]. Defining low-risk consumption has proved
methodologically difficult, resulting in a variety of guide-
lines for low-risk alcohol intake across countries [5].
Likewise, alcohol misuse represents a wide spectrum of
terms, from exceeding low-risk guidelines to alcohol de-
pendence. A glossary of terms used in this article is out-
lined in Table 1.
Despite variation in how different organizations define
and convey low-risk drinking, it is clear that the misuse
of alcohol, including risky single occasion drinking
(RSOD), is associated with a number of negative health,
social, and economic consequences [6, 7]. Direct health
implications associated with alcohol misuse include de-
pendency, liver cirrhosis, organ damage, diabetes, car-
diovascular disease, and various types of cancer [7, 8].
Furthermore, impaired judgement, impaired driving
([9]), injury, suicide, and risky sexual behaviour may be
prompted by high levels of alcohol consumption,
* Correspondence:
School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan, 104 Clinic Place,
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22
DOI 10.1186/s13690-017-0190-z
suggesting there may be broader health and social reper-
cussions [7, 10]. In Canada, the most recent comprehen-
sive economic analysis of alcohol-related costs was
conducted in 2006 using data from 2002, and estimated
that a total of CAD 14.6 billion was spent that year on
direct and indirect costs [11, 12]. These costs are associ-
ated with healthcare, law enforcement, and productivity
losses [7, 12]. Direct healthcare costs alone accounted
for CAD 3.3 billion in spending in 2002 [7, 12]. More
recently in 2013, the costs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD) in Canada alone totalled approximately
CAD 1.8 billion dollars [13] In contrast, the societal and
healthcare costs of excessive alcohol use in the United
States have been estimated at USD 223.5 billion and
24.5 billion, respectively [14]. Worldwide, alcohol abuse
accounted for approximately 3.3 million deaths and 139
million disability-adjusted life years (DALYS) due to
injury and morbidity [15]. Inhabitants of the North
American region drank 8.4 l of pure alcohol per capita
in 2010, 35% higher than the world average (6.2L) and
second only to the European region (10.9 L). Among
current alcohol drinkers in the Americas, the prevalence
of heavy episodic drinking is 22%, again second only to
Europe (22.9%). In the United States, the prevalence of
monthly binge drinking defined in the article as 5+
drinks for men, 4+ for women in one occasion is
approximately 17% [16].
A substantial proportion of these alcohol-related
harms are associated with populations who exceeded
low-risk alcohol guidelines, which is determined by
quantity and/or frequency of alcohol use [7, 14, 17]. As
the frequency of RSOD increases, the likelihood of nega-
tive health and social consequences increases [7, 17]. In
addition, there is some evidence from the United States
which indicates that moderate drinkers contributed to
the majority of RSOD episodes ([18]).
Research shows that a number of economic, cultural,
and historical factors contribute to individualsdrinking
practices [1, 19]. Data from the National Epidemiologic
Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC)
and the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
(NSDUH) demonstrated associations between early initi-
ation of drinking (before the age of 21), age of 2029
years, enrollment in college, being male and an increased
engagement in RSOD, [1, 20]. However, it appears the
gender gap is decreasing among younger cohorts [8]. In
general, the factors that impact alcohol consumption
have not been well explored within a Canadian context.
Of particular interest may be how location of residence
influences alcohol consumption in Canada, as provincial
and territorial (P/T) jurisdiction over alcohol policy has
created a patchwork of liquor regulations throughout
the country [19, 21]. Studying provincial variations in
alcohol consumption may provide insight into the
impact of public policy, along with other cultural and
socio-political differences, on RSOD. Furthermore, a
deeper understanding of the risk factors that contribute
to RSOD with respect to P/T may help guide relevant
and informed alcohol related policies for each P/T.
Although experts agree that alcohol consumption can
lead to negative health, social and economic conse-
quences, defining low-risk intake has proved challenging
for researchers and organizations [5, 12, 22]. Both vol-
ume and patterns of alcohol use can lead to separate
risks, and studies have varied in their assessment of risk,
with some focused on doseresponse curves, while
others focused on alcohol-attributable fractions [5].
Grams of pure alcohol per standard drink varies widely
Table 1 Glossary of Terms Associated with Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol abuse Is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to ones health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work [62].
Alcohol dependency Dependency on alcohol, also known as alcohol addiction and alcoholism, is a chronic disease. The signs and
symptoms for alcohol dependence include a strong craving for alcohol, continued use despite repeated
physical, psychological, or interpersonal problems and the inability to limit drinking [62].
Binge drinking A pattern of alcohol consumption that brings the blood alcohol concentration level to 0.08% or more.
This pattern of drinking usually corresponds to 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for men or 4 or more
drinks on a single occasion for women, generally within about 2 h [26].
Excessive alcohol use Excessive drinking, or excessive alcohol use includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, any alcohol use by people
under the minimum legal drinking age, and any alcohol use by pregnant women [63].
Heavy drinking For men heavy drinking is typically defined as consuming 15 drinks or more per week. For women, heavy
drinking is typically defined as consuming 8 drinks or more per week [63].
Heavy episodic drinking Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as 60 or more grams of pure alcohol on at least one single
occasion at least monthly [15].
Risky drinking Women having more than 3 drinks or men having more than 4 drinks on any single occasion once per month
or more often [64].
Risky single occasion drinking
Having X number of standard drinks or more (X+) on one occasion. This definition may vary across countries
by number of drinks as well as grams of alcohol per drink [65]. This article uses 5 or more drinks regardless of
sex to define RSOD, based on the CCHS classification, which is equivalent to consuming 70 g or more of pure
alcohol on one single occasion.
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 2 of 11
worldwide and portion sizes served often differ from the
standard drink [5]. These debates added to the complex-
ity for P/T governments and non-profit organisations to
determine Canadas Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guide-
lines and communicate them to the public. In 2011, the
National Alcohol Strategy Working Group (NASWG)
recommended that, based on the available evidence, no
more than two drinks should be consumed on most days
for women (28 g of ethanol) and no more than three a day
for men (42 g of ethanol) [2325]. Similarly, the guidelines
recommend that over the duration of a week, women
should consume less than 10 drinks and men less than 15
(140 and 210 g of pure alcohol, respectively) [23]. The
CCSA defines risky drinking as women having more than
3 drinks or for men more than 4 drinks on any single oc-
casion once per month or more often[23]. In contrast,
the Canadian guidelines surrounding the definition of
low-risk drinking are stricter compared to guidelines in
the United States. For women, the National Institute on
Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) [26] decrees that low-risk
drinking consists of no more than 3 drinks per day and 7
per week (42 and 98 g of pure alcohol, respectively),
whereas for men the guideline is 4 and 14 respectively (56
and 196 g of pure alcohol, respectively) [26]. European
guidelines vary widely by country, and in response to this,
recent practice principles from the Joint Action Reducing
Alcohol Related Harm (RARHA) in Europe and the Cen-
ter for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have
attempted to identify a standard definition of risk. They
indicate that a level of alcohol intake of 10 g or less per
day would result in an alcohol attributed death rate of
below 1 in 100, and provide this as a suggested maximum
for low risk drinking [27, 28]. This would equate with less
than one standard drink per day in Canada, where one
standard drink contains approximately 14 g of pure alco-
hol [24, 25].
The overall purpose of this study is to explore the past-
year prevalence of RSOD in Canada and the factors asso-
ciated with any RSOD and frequency of RSOD in Canada.
Understanding the underlying factors contributing to
RSOD in Canada will help guide the development of more
effective policy interventions to curtail high-risk con-
sumption. The two research questions developed were:
1) What factors determine the likelihood of individuals
engaging in any RSOD over the past 12 months?
2) What factors determine the likelihood of engaging
in frequent RSOD?
We defined infrequent RSOD as (past-year occurrence
of drinking 5+ drinks (70+ grams alcohol) once a month
or less) and frequent RSOD as (past-year occurrence of
drinking 5+ drinks (70+ grams alcohol) more than once
a month).
The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)
20092010 annual component was used to conduct all
the analyses in this paper ([29]). The sample size of this
survey was 124,188. The response rate for the outcome
variable of interest How often in the past 12 months
have you had 5 or more drinks on one occasion?was
74.3%. Since logistic regression modeling uses listwise
exclusion of missing values, the sample size of the re-
gression models and descriptive statistics was 68,440.
The sample was weighted using the survey weights pro-
vided by CCHS as instructed by Statistics Canada [30].
Descriptive statistics were conducted in SPSS Version
22.0 and regression modeling conducted using SAS 9.4
software. The alpha was set at 0.05.
Dependent variables
The CCHS captured individuals alcohol consumption
through the original question How often in the past 12
months have you had 5 or more drinks on one occa-
sion?R (18) [29]. As this is the only measure for alcohol
consumption in the CCHS, we drew on the work of
Thomas [19] and defined occasional any RSOD conser-
vatively as having 5 or more drinks on one occasion in
the past 12 months, infrequent RSOD as having 5 or
more drinks on one occasion once or less than once a
month and frequent RSOD as having 5 or more drinks
on one occasion more than once a month [19]. In
Canada, one standard drink contains approximately 14 g
of pure alcohol, therefore RSOD in this case would be
defined as having 70 g of alcohol in one sitting [24, 25].
Based on these definitions, we created two dependent
(1)RSOD which has two categories (binary outcome
variable). Yesif individual engaged in any RSOD in
the past 12 months and noif the individual did not
engage in RSOD in the past 12 months.
(2)Frequency of RSOD (multinomial outcome variable)
which has three categories:
i. No RSOD in the past 12 months
ii. Infrequent RSOD: Over the past year, engaging in
RSOD once a month or less
iii. Frequent RSOD: Over the past year, engaging in
RSOD more often than once a month
Independent variables
Based on the relevant literature, we were able to identify
independent variables likely associated with risky drink-
ing, including age, sex, marital status, education status,
income, employment, smoking status, self-perceived
health, and self-perceived life stress [7, 31, 32]. As
Thomas [19] identified, there is substantial provincial
variation in alcohol consumption across Canada, and so
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 3 of 11
we included the P/T variable as a geographic marker, as
well as an indication of alcohol price and other regula-
tory policies. This comparison is possible as price (e.g.,
taxation) and regulation of alcohol differ by P/T. The P/
T variable also stands to represent other historical,
socio-political and cultural factors that may be present
within jurisdictions. Age groups were categorized based
on Thomas et al. [19]. Employment status was grouped
as employed last weekand unemployed last weekto
see the effect of employment status on RSOD, and was
categorized based on the CCHS question, Are you an
employee or self-employed?Total household income
was captured and analyzed in increments of CAD 20,000
from <20,000 to 80,000 or greater. Education status was
dichotomized to examine the significance of post-
secondary education on RSOD. The highest level of edu-
cation that is available from the CCHS survey data is
post-secondary so we could not break it down further.
Self-perceived life stress was assessed with the question
thinking about the amount of stress in your life, would
you say that most days are: (not at all stressful, not very
stressful, a bit stressful, quite a bit stressful, or extremely
stressful)and both responses quite stressful and ex-
tremely stressful were combined to increase the power
of the model. Please refer to Table 2 for a full descrip-
tion of the frequencies associated with each dependent
and independent variables.
We built two models: (1) a binary logistic regression
model, and (2) a multinomial logistic regression model, to
identify factors that were significantly associated with our
dependent variables, any RSOD in the past 12months and
frequency of RSOD in the past 12 months, respectively.
We set the reference categories based on the group least
likely to engage in RSOD according to the literature. We
checked for absence of multicollinearity between the inde-
pendent variables using Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
and found no issue (VIF less than 1.5). Backwards elimin-
ation method was used for modeling and all the variables
were statistically significant.
Descriptive statistics
After removing the cases with missing values for the
dependent and independent variables from our sample,
the sample size for both Model 1 and Model 2 was
68,440, equivalent to a complete response rate of 55.1%
from the original survey sample size of 124,188. The
estimated past-year prevalence of RSOD in the Canadian
population is 51.6%. Further breakdown shows that 48.4,
36.0, and 15.6% of Canadians engage in no RSOD, infre-
quent RSOD and frequent RSOD, respectively. Therefore,
among those who engage in RSOD, 70% do so
infrequently while 30% do so frequently. For a full descrip-
tion of the frequencies associated with each dependent
and independent variables, please refer to Table 2.
Binary logistic regression (Model 1)
Please refer to Table 3 for a complete list of odds ratios
and confidence intervals for each independent variable.
After controlling for the other nine independent vari-
ables, we found that holding everything else constant, as
an individuals income level increased, the estimated
odds for engaging in RSOD in the past year increased.
In fact, the odds of the highest income group to indulge
in RSOD were 1.77 times the odds of those in the lowest
income group. The odds of males to engage in RSOD
were 2.61 times the odds of females. Being married was
significantly protective from engaging in RSOD, with the
odds of RSOD being 1.77 times more in the single/never
married category than in the married category. As indi-
vidualsself-perceived health improved, and with an in-
crease in smoking, an individuals likelihood of engaging
in RSOD also increased. Those who smoked daily had
3.63 times the odds of engaging in RSOD, than those
who never smoked. The odds of RSOD among those
who were employed last week were 1.32 times the
odds of those who were unemployed last week. Indi-
viduals with less than post-secondary education had
1.09 times higher odds than individuals with post-
secondary education. Finally, individuals in the adoles-
cent (1217) and young adult (1824) age groups had
much greater odds of engaging in RSOD than those
aged 60 years or older.
There was provincial variation in the RSOD of resi-
dents from different Canadian P/T. New Brunswick
(NB), Nova Scotia (NS), Prince Edward Island (PEI),
Newfoundland and Labrador (NFLD) and Yukon/North
West Territories/Nunavut (YTN) had 1.64, 1.71, 1.80,
2.36 and 1.65 times the odds of engaging in RSOD than
residents from Ontario, respectively. Therefore, individ-
uals from the Maritime Provinces and Canadian north-
ern territories had the highest of odds of engaging in
RSOD compared to Ontario residents.
Multinomial logistic regression (Model 2)
The multinomial logistic regression model (Model 2)
shows the difference in the likelihood of those engaging in
infrequent and frequent RSOD compared to those who
ever engaged in any RSOD in the past 12 months. Many
of the findings in Model 2 are consistent with Model 1.
Similar to model 1, Individuals from Maritime provinces
and northern territories consistently had higher odds of
engaging in infrequent and frequent RSOD in the past
year than residents of Ontario. One notable difference is
that residents from Alberta, Quebec and Saskatchewan
were found to be statistically no different than residents
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 4 of 11
from Ontario when it comes to frequent RSOD, however
residents in the above listed provinces are 1.18, 1.20, and
1.25 times more likely, respectively, to engage in infre-
quent RSOD than the residents of Ontario.
In terms of age, both Model 1 and Model 2 consist-
ently show differences in the behavior of RSOD based
on age group. For example, young adults aged 18 to 24
are 8 times and 10 times more likely to engage in infre-
quent and frequent RSOD than adults 60 years of age
and older, respectively. Males dominantly engage in both
infrequent and frequent RSOD compared to females.
Consistent with the findings of model 1, being married
is a protective factor against both frequent and infre-
quent RSOD. In addition, current and past smoking had
a strong effect in engaging RSOD. For example, daily,
occasional and former smokers are 6.85, 6.5, and 3.2
times more likely to engage in frequent RSOD than
those who never smoke, respectively.
Perceived life stress is an interesting variable as it is
associated with infrequent RSOD but not frequent
RSOD. For example, people who perceive their life as
quite or extremely stressful are 1.22 times more likely to
engage in infrequent RSOD than those who perceive
their life as not stressful at all; however, there is no dif-
ference between those who perceive their circumstances
as quite stressful or extremely stressful versus non
stressful when it comes to frequent RSOD. Therefore,
stress is associated with infrequent RSOD but not fre-
quent RSOD. In terms of income, Model 1 and Model 2
Table 2 Distribution of the Canadian population according to
independent and dependent variables, based on the CCHS
cycle 2009/2010 (n= 68,440)
Variables Freq (%)
Past 12 month RSOD
None 48.4
Any 51.6
Past 12 month RSOD frequency
Never 48.3
Infrequent 36.0
Frequent 15.6
Alberta 10.5
British Columbia 12.8
Manitoba 3.5
New Brunswick 2.3
Newfoundland & Labrador 1.7
Nova Scotia 2.9
Ontario 37.1
PEI 0.4
Quebec 25.8
Saskatchewan 2.8
Yukon, Northwest Territories & Nunavut 0.3
12 to 17 years 2.9
18 to 24 years 10.7
25 to 39 years 28.1
40 to 59 years 42.3
60 years or older 16.0
Male 52.2
Female 47.8
Marital status
Single or never married 24.0
Common-law 13.7
Widowed, separated or divorced 10.3
Married 51.9
Type of smoker
Daily 17.9
Always occasionally or occasionally 5.8
Former 42.2
Never smoked 34.1
Total household income (CAD)
No or < $20,000 6.5
$20,000$39,999 14.3
$40,000$59,999 16.6
Table 2 Distribution of the Canadian population according to
independent and dependent variables, based on the CCHS
cycle 2009/2010 (n= 68,440) (Continued)
$60,000$79,999 17.3
$80,000 or more 45.3
Perceived life stress
Not stressed 9.6
Not very stressed 21.1
Bit stressed 43.6
Quite/Extremely stressed 25.3
Employment status
Unemployed last week 25.8
Employed last week 74.2
Post-secondary 85.9
Less than post-secondary 14.1
Self-perceived health
Excellent 24.3
Very good 39.9
Good 27.3
Fair or poor 8.5
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 5 of 11
Table 3 Odds ratios of variables associated with past-year RSOD (model 1) and odds ratios of variables associated with frequency of
past-year RSOD (model 2) in Canada, based on the CCHS cycle 2009/2010
Model 1: logistic regression Model 2: multinomial regression model
RSOD vs No RSOD Infrequent RSOD vs No RSOD Frequent RSOD vs no RSOD
Province (Reference = Ontario)
Alberta 1.16* 1.04 1.29 1.18* 1.05 1.32 1.08 0.92 1.26
British Columbia 1.03 0.93 1.14 1.05 0.94 1.17 0.96 0.83 1.11
Manitoba 1.29* 1.11 1.49 1.27* 1.09 1.48 1.39* 1.13 1.72
New Brunswick 1.63* 1.43 1.86 1.59* 1.38 1.84 1.79* 1.49 2.14
Newfoundland & Labrador 2.39* 2.05 2.79 2.14* 1.82 2.53 3.05* 2.48 3.75
Nova Scotia 1.71* 1.49 1.97 1.68* 1.45 1.95 1.79* 1.47 2.18
PEI 1.81* 1.49 2.20 1.86* 1.51 2.28 1.65* 1.23 2.20
Quebec 1.14* 1.05 1.25 1.20* 1.09 1.31 0.95 0.85 1.08
Saskatchewan 1.25* 1.10 1.42 1.25* 1.10 1.43 1.20 0.99 1.46
Yukon, Northwest Territories & Nunavut 1.65* 1.41 1.94 1.50* 1.27 1.77 2.03* 1.63 2.53
Age (Reference = 60 years or older)
12 to 17 years 3.25* 2.74 3.85 3.42* 2.87 4.08 2.58* 2.14 3.56
18 to 24 years 8.09* 6.99 9.35 7.79* 6.70 9.05 9.62* 7.78 11.9
25 to 39 years 4.27* 3.87 4.71 4.25* 3.84 4.70 4.25* 3.57 5.06
40 to 59 years 2.03* 1.86 2.22 2.02* 1.84 2.22 2.16* 1.84 2.54
Sex (Reference = Female)
Male 2.60* 2.44 2.77 2.32* 2.17 2.47 4.69* 4.23 5.21
Marital status (Reference = Married)
Single or never married 1.71* 1.54 1.89 1.64* 1.47 1.82 2.12* 1.80 2.48
Common-law 1.51* 1.35 1.68 1.44* 1.28 1.61 1.93* 1.60 2.33
Widowed, separated or divorced 1.75* 1.60 1.91 1.59* 1.45 1.75 2.68* 2.35 3.07
Type of smoker (Reference = Never smoked)
Daily 3.56* 3.22 3.93 3.16* 2.85 3.50 6.20* 5.29 7.26
Always occasionally or occasionally 3.41* 2.93 3.96 2.96* 2.54 3.46 6.35* 5.16 7.82
Former 2.29* 2.12 2.46 2.18* 2.02 2..35 3.01* 2.63 3.46
Income (Reference = No or < $20,000)
$20,000$39,999 1.04 0.90 1.21 1.09 0.93 1.28 0.96 0.79 1.25
$40,000$59,999 1.13 0.97 1.32 1.15 0.98 1.35 1.10 0.90 1.36
$60,000$79,999 1.38* 1.17 1.62 1.44* 1.21 1.71 1.28* 1.03 1.59
$80,000 or more 1.74* 1.49 2.03 1.79* 1.52 2.11 1.75* 1.42 2.16
Self-perceived life stress (Reference = Not stressed)
Not very stressed 1.11 0.99 1.24 1.14* 1.01 1.28 0.99 0.85 1.16
Bit stressed 1.07 0.96 1.20 1.11* 1.01 1.25 0.90 0.77 1.04
Quite stressed 1.14* 1.01 1.29 1.16* 1.02 1.31 1.03 0.87 1.21
Employment (Reference = Unemployed)
Employed 1.30* 1.20 1.41 1.31* 1.20 1.42 1.30* 1.14 1.49
Education (Reference = Post-secondary)
Less than post-secondary 1.08 0.99 1.18 1.08 0.98 1.18 1.15* 1.03 1.28
Self-perceived health (Reference = Fair or poor)
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 6 of 11
demonstrated similar directions of association wherein
the two highest income groups are more likely to engage
in RSOD than lowest income group holding everything
else constant.
In terms of employment status, those who were
employed in last week are 1.31 and 1.30 times more likely
to engage in infrequent and frequent RSOD than those
who were unemployed last week, respectively. Education
is a protective factor for frequent RSOD but has no effect
on infrequent RSOD. Excellent perceived health increase
the likelihood of engaging in both infrequent and frequent
RSOD. For example, those who identify as being in excel-
lent health are 1.36 and 1.30 times more likely to engage
in infrequent and frequent RSOD than those who identify
as being in poor health, respectively.
This study is the first nation-wide study of factors, which
are associated with the likelihood of individuals engaging
in RSOD and frequency of engaging in RSOD in Canada.
Multiple factors associated with RSOD identified in our
models were consistent with the existing literature. Indi-
viduals who are male, unmarried or common-law, within
the 1824 year age range, and smoke were found to be
more likely to engage in RSOD [1, 19, 31, 33] Other sig-
nificant findings with regards to engaging in RSOD in
the past year included: living in any province other than
Ontario or British Columbia, being under 60 years of
age, being widowed/separated/divorced, having a high
income, reporting being stressed, being employed, and
having a higher perceived health status. With regards to
frequent RSOD, our findings were similar with notable
differences identified for the P/T variable and the per-
ceived life stress variable.
Socioeconomic status (SES), as a composite measure
of an individuals income, occupation, educational attain-
ment, and social position in relation to others, has been
generally linked to the risk of alcohol misuse including
RSOD particularly among persons in the lowest SES
strata [3335]. Breaking down this measure into its prin-
cipal components: income, occupation, and educational
attainment, we find conflicting results between all three
variables across both statistical models.
Our findings relating to educational attainment are
consistent with the literature in which individuals with
higher educational attainment drink less at an occasion
than those with lower levels of educational attainment
[34, 35]. An alternative hypothesis for this relationship,
aside from SES, is higher educational attainment has
been linked to an increased uptake of healthy behaviors
including reduced smoking, increased physical exercise,
and more moderate alcohol consumption [36, 37]. This
further supports the role of education as a major deter-
minant of health.
Individuals in the highest income brackets surprisingly
had much higher odds of engaging in any RSOD, includ-
ing both infrequent and frequent RSOD, compared to
those in the lowest income bracket controlling for all
other factors including education. This finding differs
from the literature, as studies examining RSOD indicate
that individuals with lower incomes and SES engage in
drinking that exceeds low risk guidelines more often than
their counterparts with higher incomes [33, 35]. The cen-
ters for disease control and prevention [38] surveillance of
binge drinking (defined equivalently with RSOD in our
study as 5+ drinks on a single occasion) has demonstrated
that the prevalence of RSOD is highest among those with
a high household income, however the intensity and fre-
quency of RSOD is highest among those with the lowest
household income [38]. Studies have also found that indi-
viduals with higher incomes tend to drink more often,
however whether these individuals reach the threshold of
RSOD is up for debate [34]. In addition, research on the
relationship between alcohol use and wage earnings has
demonstrated that individuals who drink earn higher
wages than non-drinkers [39] however individuals who
drink excessively earn less, suggesting an inverse u-shape
relationship between alcohol use and wage earnings and
income [40].
Currently there is limited Canadian literature on the re-
lationship between employment factors and alcohol intake
[41]. In this study, after controlling for all other independ-
ent variables, we found that being employed in the last
week increased the odds of engaging in both infrequent
and frequent RSOD compared to those unemployed.
These findings, while inconsistent with the SES theory,
are consistent with the findings of Marchand et al. [41]
which found that hours worked per week were associated
with increased frequency of RSOD. Moreover, Brown et
al. [42] found unemployed individuals to be less likely to
engage in heavy alcohol consumption, which the authors
theorized could be due to a lack of funds or
Table 3 Odds ratios of variables associated with past-year RSOD (model 1) and odds ratios of variables associated with frequency of
past-year RSOD (model 2) in Canada, based on the CCHS cycle 2009/2010 (Continued)
Excellent 1.35* 1.18 1.54 1.36* 1.19 1.56 1.30* 1.04 1.63
Very good 1.34* 1.19 1.51 1.37* 1.21 1.56 1.21 0.98 1.48
Good 1.18* 1.05 1.33 1.21* 1.06 1.37 1.09 0.89 1.34
* denotes statistical significance at 0.05
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 7 of 11
underreporting by this population group. This association
between employment and RSOD may be further linked by
type of employment and occupational status, unavailable
in this dataset, and highlights an area for further explor-
ation within the Canadian context.
As for the link between self-perceived health status and
RSOD, we found in both models that as self-perceived
health status is associated with an increase in the odds of
infrequent and frequent RSOD. These findings differ from
the existing literature outlining that increased alcohol use
is correlated with lower self-perceived health scores [43].
However, studies have demonstrated that alcohol con-
sumption decision making may be influenced by under-
lying health concerns [44]. It is possible that there may be
a clinically-induced relationship between illness, pharma-
ceutical interventions, and the consumption of alcohol.
This relationship was not explored in this study.
Interestingly, perceived stress increased the odds of in-
frequent RSOD but not frequent RSOD. Alcohol, as a
depressant, is generally viewed as a coping mechanism
for life stress and higher levels of stress in the form of
job insecurity is linked to high-risk alcohol consumption
[41]. However, one would expect that this relationship
would extend into frequent RSOD.
We found that smokers, at any level, are much more
likely to engage in RSOD and frequent RSOD compared
to non-smokers. This relationship was much stronger at
predicting frequent RSOD, suggesting a strong link
between alcohol use and smoking. This finding is con-
sistent with the literature linking smoking with alcohol
abuse and other illicit drug use ([45, 46]).
As expected, marriage is associated with a protective
effect on the risk of RSOD. However, persons living in
common-law were more likely to engage in any RSOD
and frequent RSOD than married individuals. This is in-
teresting because common-law couples have enjoyed
similar tax benefits and legal status in Canada as married
couples due to high profile court cases Egan v. Canada
[47] and M. v. H. [48]. Research on the differences
between common-law and married couples has demon-
strated that common-law couples are more likely to
separate than married couples [49], are more likely to
experience relationship strain [50], and enjoy fewer
economic benefits [51]. The higher levels of instability in
common-law relationships and households may contrib-
ute to the increased odds of RSOD and frequent RSOD.
Finally, province of residence was associated with the
likelihood of engaging in RSOD. Persons living in Atlantic
Canada or in one of the three Territories were more likely
to engage in infrequent and frequent RSOD compared to
Ontario. In the literature, comparative data pertaining to
RSOD by province was not available; however, statistics
show higher rates of overall consumption in the Territor-
ies, British Columbia, Alberta, and Newfoundland and
Labrador [19]. This P/T variation is likely due to a
myriad of factors including: alcohol policies and tax-
ation, cultural norms, historical factors, and the social
environment [19, 52, 53].
Although the legal age for purchase of alcohol in
Canadian P/T is 19 years except in Alberta, Manitoba and
Quebec, the regulatory system of alcohol sale is compli-
cated. The retail liquor sale is wholly private (AB), exclu-
sively controlled by Government (PEI, NB, NWT) or
mixed controlled by both private and public systems (NS,
QC, ON, SK, MB, BC, YT) [54]. The system is further
complicated by permitting delisted products to be sold at
significantly less than minimum price (SK), establishing
special outlets for selling at discounted prices or allow-
ing private liquor stores selling less than minimum
price (BC) [55].
As for an association between P/T alcohol policies and
RSOD, our findings did not uncover a link between the
two variables. For instance, residents of Saskatchewan
and Alberta had similar results with relation to RSOD;
however these provinces employ very different alcohol
policies. Saskatchewan has a mixed government and pri-
vate sales structure whereby minimum prices are set in
government stores and prices are indexed to inflation;
whereas Alberta employs a free-market with regard to
alcohol sales with privatization, no minimum prices, and
no indexing to inflation [23]. Although factors such as
price controls and tax policy have been shown to reduce
regular alcohol consumption and heavy drinking [32],
the effects of these forms of policy were not evident in
our study. Therefore more direct research on this topic
is needed to determine the best methods for provincial
governments to control RSOD.
Our findings extend the existing literature by focusing
on the Canadian population, and demonstrate that age,
sex, education, income, employment, marital status, smok-
ing status, life stress, self-perceived health, and province of
residence are associated with RSOD and the frequency of
There are some limitations to our study. The CCHS sur-
vey provides secondary data, which can restrict the avail-
ability and clarity of indicators pertaining to RSOD. For
example, the provincial variable used in the research does
not allow for interpretation of the factors within the prov-
ince that may contribute to consumption (e.g., urban/
rural, ethnicity). Moreover, using the provincial variable as
a representation of the impact of alcohol policy proved
challenging, as there too many confounding factors to
draw a direct comparison. We could not explore the ef-
fects of different levels of post-secondary education using
the educationvariable in the CCHS survey data because
the variable had only one category for post-secondary
Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 8 of 11
education. The missing data also represent a possible bias
in the results. We performed missing value analysis and
determined that not all the missing data were MCAR. We
attributed this to people who did not complete a large
portion of the survey (failed to answer questions relating
to both an independent and dependent variables).
At the same time, the range of definitions and terms
(e.g., problematic drinking, binge drinking, risky drink-
ing) used to define high risk alcohol consumption in
Canada can make it difficult to directly compare and
understand varying alcohol-specific research and policy.
For example, the definition of risky drinking as employed
by the CCHS survey may underrepresent the number of
individuals engaging in risky drinking compared to the
definition employed by the Canadian Centre for Substance
Abuse (CCSA) as 4+ drinks for men and 3+ drinks for
women, consumed on one occasion. Also, newer literature
suggests a low-risk cut point of 10 g of pure alcohol per
day, which is largely exceeded by what was captured by
the CCHS survey (equivalent to approximately 70 g of
pure alcohol). Finally, as reflected in the literature, the
prevalence of health compromising behaviors such as al-
cohol overconsumption are likely underestimated in self-
reported surveys, such as the CCHS [56].
Conclusion and policy implications
This paper examined RSOD and frequent RSOD within
the Canadian population. It was found that engaging in
RSOD was significantly influenced by a myriad of demo-
graphic, socioeconomic, and health status variables. More
research into the factors which we found to influence
RSOD is needed to determine ways to mediate RSOD at
all levels within the Canadian population as it is associated
with negative health and social implications [7, 8].
It is important for policy-makers and researchers to
start to consider the impact of people who participate in
both infrequent and frequent RSOD, as those who en-
gage in frequent RSOD are more likely to have serious
negative health consequences however those who engage
in infrequent RSOD remain at risk and represent a lar-
ger proportion of the Canadian population. As with
Geoffrey Roses prevention paradox [57], targeting higher
risk populations (frequent risky single occasion drinkers)
for prevention is effective but not as effective as a mass
prevention strategy in order to shift the whole popula-
tions distribution of RSOD downwards.
Attempts at reducing RSOD through traditional health
promotion efforts such as educational and media campaigns
have proven largely ineffective [58], however studies have
shown that changing perceptions about RSOD and cultural
norms can be effective [59]. In addition research has shown
that alcohol consumption is price-sensitive [60] and heavier
drinkers may be more sensitive to price changes [61]. There-
fore effective prevention strategies should include aspects of
changing perceptions, especially among youth and young
adults, about RSOD and cultural norms in conjunction with
changes to provincial alcohol policies and taxation.
Additionally, our finding associating smoking with RSOD
specifically suggests an opportunity to combine public
health prevention strategies for both substances. Policies
surrounding cultural normswith regards to RSOD, along
with effective alcohol price controls are likely to reduce the
prevalence and frequency of RSOD in Canada.
AB: Alberta; BC: British Columbia; CCHS: Canadian Community Health Survey;
MB: Manitoba; MCAR: Missing completely at random; NB: New Brunswick;
NL: Newfoundland and Labrador; NS: Nova Scotia; NT: Northwest Territories;
NU: Nunavut; ON: Ontario; P/T: Provinces/Territories; PE: Prince Edward Island;
QC: Quebec; RSOD: Risky single occasion drinking; SES: Socioeconomic
status; SK: Saskatchewan; YT: Yukon
Not applicable.
This study was not funded by a grant.
Availability of data and materials
The databases analyzed during the current study are publicly available from
Statistics Canada.
All authors participated in the preparation of the manuscript and approved
its final version for submission. JC, KM, SM and RT conducted the review of
the literature and assisted with the editing of the paper. ER and MA contributed
equally to conducting the statistical analyses. AB and ER took the lead role in
writing and interpretation of findings. CD was responsible for the critical review
of the manuscript because she is a content area expert. SM contributed
to revising the manuscript, included new literature, and participated in
writing the manuscript. MS supervised and led developing the statistical
methodology, analyses and the interpretations of the associated results.
MF supervised and contributed to the quantitative analysis, interpretation of the
findings as well as the writing of the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
This study did not require ethics approval.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published
maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan, 104 Clinic Place,
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4, Canada.
Department of Sociology, University of
Saskatchewan, 1019 - 9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5, Canada.
Received: 2 January 2017 Accepted: 26 March 2017
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Rafferty et al. Archives of Public Health (2017) 75:22 Page 11 of 11
... Previous studies around the world reported that a range of socio-economic factors contributes to individuals' drinking practices [7,8]. Socio-economic status (SES), including income, occupation, educational attainment, social position, and other variables, has been generally linked to the risk of excessive alcohol intake [9][10][11]. Studies in Canada found a range of variables affecting alcohol consumption. ...
... Studies in Canada found a range of variables affecting alcohol consumption. For example, a study based on 2009/2010 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) data indicated significant differentials in alcohol consumption by gender, marital status, residence, cigarette smoking, income, education, and perceived health status [9]. The Public Health Agency of Canada reported a range of factors influencing high alcohol consumption, including alcohol access and affordability, gender norms, social environment "(e.g., social and cultural practices, loss of cultural identity, stigma, social networks, and supports), " socio-economic position, occupation type, individual motivations for drinking, coping abilities and lack of knowledge about the risks [12]. ...
... In its most recent survey, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported that excess alcohol consumption was much higher for those who had lower self-perceived mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic [15]. Lower self-perceived health status among Canadian adults was also associated with increased odds of risky infrequent or frequent drinking practices [9]. The association between psychosocial factors and alcohol intake may also differ according to the individuals' socio-demographic status [15], which has not been adequately explored in a Canadian context. ...
Full-text available
Background Excess alcohol consumption has multifaceted adverse impacts at individual, household, and community levels. The study primarily aims at assessing the role of perceived health and stress in alcohol consumption among adults in Canada who have ever drank. Methods The study was conducted based on a total of 35,928 Canadian adults aged 18 and above who have ever drank, extracted from the 2017–2018 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) data. A mixed-effect Negative Binomial (NB) regression model was used to determine the effects of three key risk factors (perceived mental health, life stress, and work stress) in association with the self-reported number of weekly alcohol consumption, controlling for other variables in the model. Results The study found that regular alcohol consumption among ever drank Canadian adults is high, with the self-reported number of weekly alcohol consumption ranging from 0 to 210. The results of adjusted mixed-effect NB regression showed that the expected mean of alcohol consumption was significantly higher among those with a poorer perception of mental health, higher perceived work, and life stress. Nonsmokers have a much lower mean score of alcohol consumption compared to those who smoke daily. There was a significant interaction between racial background and the three key predictors (perceived mental health, life stress, and work stress). Conclusion Given the reported perceived health and stress significantly impacts alcohol consumption, the findings suggested improving individual/group counseling, and health education focusing on home and work environment to prevent and manage life stressors and drivers to make significant program impacts.
... aged 18-29 years), given that HED prevalence is highest in this age group. 2,3 In emerging adult (EA) populations, HED is characterized by age-related escalations and reductions. Many researchers believe these peaks and subsequent reductions are linked to developmental transitions ...
Introduction Young adult drinking is a public health priority, but knowledge of socioeconomic status (SES) indicators and alcohol use among emerging adults (EAs; aged 18–29 years) is primarily informed by college samples, populations in their late teens and early twenties and non-Canadian data. We compared the association of three different SES indicators with monthly heavy episodic drinking (HED), less-than-monthly HED, no HED, and no drinking among Canadian EAs. Methods We pooled the 2015 to 2019 waves of the Canadian Community Health Survey to include participants aged 18 to 29 years (n = 29 598). Using multinomial regression, we calculated weighted estimates of alcohol use by education, household income and area-level disadvantage, adjusting for adult roles and sociodemographic characteristics. Results Approximately 30% of EAs engaged in monthly HED, whereas 16% did not drink at all in the past year. Compared to those in the lowest household incomes, being in the top income quintile was significantly associated with increased relative odds of monthly HED (e.g. in combined SES model, RRR = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.04–1.39). Higher levels of education, being in higher income quintiles and living in less disadvantaged areas were significantly associated with reduced relative odds of no HED and not drinking. Adjusting for adult roles did not substantially change the associations between SES and alcohol use. Conclusion Higher SES was associated with HED among EAs, although the magnitude of association was small. Universal prevention measures addressing the affordability, availability and marketing of alcohol could be complemented by interventions targeting EA populations at higher risk of HED.
Criterion E2 (“reckless or self-destructive behavior”) was added to the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) criteria to reflect the established association between PTSD and risky and unhealthy behaviors (RUBs); however, previous research has questioned its clinical significance. To determine whether criterion E2 adequately captures reckless/self-destructive behavior, we examined the prevalence and associations of RUBs (e.g., substance misuse, risky sexual behaviors) with criterion E2 endorsement. Further, we examined associations between criterion E2 and psychiatric conditions (e.g., depressive disorders, anxiety disorders) in a population-based sample of trauma-exposed adults. We analyzed data from the 2012-2013 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (N = 36,309). The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-5 assessed lifetime DSM-5 psychiatric conditions and self-reported RUBs. Among trauma-exposed adults (n = 23,936), multiple logistic regressions examined criterion E2’s associations with RUBs and psychiatric conditions. After adjusting for covariates, all RUBs were associated with E2 endorsement (AOR range: 1.58-3.97; most prevalent RUB among those who endorsed E2: greater substance use than intended [57.0%]) except binge eating, and E2 endorsement was associated with increased odds of PTSD, bipolar 1 disorder, substance use disorders, and schizotypal, borderline, and antisocial personality disorders (AOR range: 1.65-2.75), and decreased odds of major depressive disorder (AOR = 0.76). Results support the clinical significance of criterion E2 through identifying associated RUBs and distinct correlates. These results may inform screening and intervention strategies for at-risk populations.
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Aims: To compare Canadian provinces across 10 research-based alcohol policy and program dimensions. Design and Measures: The 10 Canadian provinces were assessed on the following 10 policy dimensions: alcohol pricing; alcohol control system; physical availability; drinking and driving; marketing and advertising; legal drinking age; screening, brief intervention, and referrals; server training, challenge, and refusal programs; provincial alcohol strategy; warning labels and signs. Data were collected from official documents, including provincial legislation, regulations, and policy, and strategy documents. Three international experts on alcohol policy contributed to refining the protocol. Provincial scores were independently determined by two team members along a 10-point scale for each dimension, and the scores were expressed as a percentage of the ideal. Weighting of dimensions according to scope of impact and effectiveness was applied to obtain the final scores. National and provincial scores were calculated for each dimension and consolidated into overall averages. Findings: Overall, the consolidated national mean is 47.2% of the ideal, with Ontario scoring highest at 55.9%, and Québec lowest at 36.2%. Across dimensions, Legal Drinking Age and Challenge and Refusal Programs scored highest at 75% and 61%, respectively, while Warning Labels and Signs scored lowest at 18% of the ideal. Pricing, rated third highest among dimensions at 57%, should nevertheless remain a priority for improvement, given it is weighted highest in terms of effectiveness and scope. Conclusions and Implications: Policy dimension scores vary among the provinces, with substantial room for improvement in all. Since spring 2013, several provinces have taken steps to implement specific alcohol policies. Concerted action involving multiple stakeholders and alcohol policies is required to reduce the burden of alcohol problems across Canada.
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Alcohol consumption is common across subpopulations in the United States. However, the health burden associated with alcohol consumption varies across groups, including those defined by demographic characteristics such as age, race/ ethnicity, and gender. Large national surveys, such as the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions and the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, found that young adults ages 18-25 were at particularly high risk of alcohol use disorder and unintentional injury caused by drinking. These surveys furthermore identified significant variability in alcohol consumption and its consequences among racial/ethnic groups. White respondents reported the highest prevalence of current alcohol consumption, whereas alcohol abuse and dependence were most prevalent among Native Americans. Native Americans and Blacks also were most vulnerable to alcohol-related health consequences. Even within ethnic groups, there was variability between and among different subpopulations. With respect to gender, men reported more alcohol consumption and binge drinking than women, especially in older cohorts. Men also were at greater risk of alcohol abuse and dependence, liver cirrhosis, homicide after alcohol consumption, and drinking and driving. Systematic identification and measurement of the variability across demographics will guide prevention and intervention efforts, as well as future research.
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Aim: To estimate the economic burden and cost attributable to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Canada in 2013. Methods: This cost-of-illness study examined the impact of FASD on the material welfare of the Canadian society in 2013 by analyzing the direct costs of resources expended on health care, law enforcement, children and youth in care, special education, supportive housing, long-term care, prevention and research, as well as the indirect costs of productivity losses of individuals with FASD due to their increased morbidity and premature mortality. Results: The costs totaled approximately 1.8billion(fromabout1.8 billion (from about 1.3 billion as the lower estimate up to 2.3billionastheupperestimate).ThehighestcontributortotheoverallFASDattributablecostwasthecostofproductivitylossesduetomorbidityandprematuremortality,whichaccountedfor412.3 billion as the upper estimate). The highest contributor to the overall FASD-attributable cost was the cost of productivity losses due to morbidity and premature mortality, which accounted for 41% (532 million-1.2billion)oftheoverallcost.Thesecondhighestcontributortothetotalcostwasthecostofcorrections,accountingfor291.2 billion) of the overall cost. The second highest contributor to the total cost was the cost of corrections, accounting for 29% (378.3 million). The third highest contributor was the cost of health care at 10% (128.5128.5-226.3 million). Conclusions: FASD is a significant public health and social problem that consumes resources, both economic and societal, in Canada. Many of the costs could be reduced with the implementation of effective social policies and intervention programs.
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To examine the suitability of age specific limits for alcohol consumption and to explore the association between alcohol consumption and mortality in different age groups. Population based data from Health Survey for England 1998-2008, linked to national mortality registration data and pooled for analysis using proportional hazards regression. Analyses were stratified by sex and age group (50-64 and ≥65 years). Up to 10 waves of the Health Survey for England, which samples the non-institutionalised general population resident in England. The derivation of two analytical samples was based on the availability of comparable alcohol consumption data, covariate data, and linked mortality data among adults aged 50 years or more. Two samples were used, each utilising a different variable for alcohol usage: self reported average weekly consumption over the past year and self reported consumption on the heaviest day in the past week. In fully adjusted analyses, the former sample comprised Health Survey for England years 1998-2002, 18 368 participants, and 4102 deaths over a median follow-up of 9.7 years, whereas the latter comprised Health Survey for England years 1999-2008, 34 523 participants, and 4220 deaths over a median follow-up of 6.5 years. All cause mortality, defined as any death recorded between the date of interview and the end of data linkage on 31 March 2011. In unadjusted models, protective effects were identified across a broad range of alcohol usage in all age-sex groups. These effects were attenuated across most use categories on adjustment for a range of personal, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors. After the exclusion of former drinkers, these effects were further attenuated. Compared with self reported never drinkers, significant protective associations were limited to younger men (50-64 years) and older women (≥65 years). Among younger men, the range of protective effects was minimal, with a significant reduction in hazards present only among those who reported consuming 15.1-20.0 units/average week (hazard ratio 0.49, 95% confidence interval 0.26 to 0.91) or 0.1-1.5 units on the heaviest day (0.43, 0.21 to 0.87). The range of protective effects was broader but lower among older women, with significant reductions in hazards present ≤10.0 units/average week and across all levels of heaviest day use. Supplementary analyses found that most protective effects disappeared where calculated in comparison with various definitions of occasional drinkers. Beneficial associations between low intensity alcohol consumption and all cause mortality may in part be attributable to inappropriate selection of a referent group and weak adjustment for confounders. Compared with never drinkers, age stratified analyses suggest that beneficial dose-response relations between alcohol consumption and all cause mortality may be largely specific to women drinkers aged 65 years or more, with little to no protection present in other age-sex groups. These protective associations may, however, be explained by the effect of selection biases across age-sex strata. © Knott et al 2015.
Background and aims: Low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines require a scientific basis that extends beyond individual or group judgements of risk. Lifetime mortality risks, judged against established thresholds for acceptable risk, may provide such a basis for guidelines. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate alcohol mortality risks for seven European countries based on different average daily alcohol consumption amounts. Methods: The maximum acceptable voluntary premature mortality risk was determined to be 1 in 1,000, with sensitivity analyses of 1 in 100. Lifetime mortality risks for different alcohol consumption levels were estimated by combining disease-specific relative risk and mortality data for seven European countries with different drinking patterns (Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Poland). Alcohol consumption data were obtained from the Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, relative risk data from meta-analyses, and mortality information from the World Health Organization. Results: The variation in the lifetime mortality risk at drinking levels relevant for setting guidelines was less than that observed at high drinking levels. In Europe, the percentage of adults consuming above a risk threshold of 1 in 1,000 ranged from 20.6% to 32.9% for women and from 35.4% to 54.0% for men. Lifetime risk of premature mortality under current guideline maximums ranged from 2.5 to 44.8 deaths per 1,000 women in Finland and Estonia respectively, and from 2.9 to 35.8 deaths per 1,000 men in Finland and Estonia respectively. If based upon an acceptable risk of 1 in 1,000, guideline maximums for Europe should be 8-10 g/day for women and 15-20 g/day for men. Conclusions: If low-risk alcohol guidelines were based on an acceptable risk of 1 in 1,000 premature deaths, then maximums for Europe should be 8-10 g/day for women and 15-20 g/day for men, and some of the current European guidelines would require downward revision.
Prevention of coronary heart diseases seems to be possible as recent experiences in Australia and in the U.S. have shown. Increased risk of heart disease in women is presented by the use of hormonal contraceptives and in men by high cholesterol levels and by hypertension. Preventive strategy that concentrates on high-risk individuals has to consider the mass approach which however much it may offer to the community as a whole offers little to each participating individual; it is a measure which which applied to many will actually benefit few. There are 2 types of preventive measures; the first consists in the removal of an unnatural factor and the restoration of biological normality as the reduction of intake of saturated fats whould be in the case of heart disease; the second does not consist of removing a supposed cause of disease but in adding some other factors in the hope of conferring protection as a high intake of polyunsaturated fat and of long-term medication would be for heart disease. Preventive medicine can be helped by changes in behavior of society and such changes are often brought about not by medical measures but by social motivations and by the force of economics and convenience.
Background: Binge drinking accounts for more than half of the estimated 80,000 average annual deaths and three quarters of 223.5billionineconomiccostsresultingfromexcessivealcoholconsumptionintheUnitedStates.Methods:CDCanalyzeddatacollectedin2010ontheprevalenceofbingedrinking(definedasfourormoredrinksforwomenandfiveormoredrinksformenonanoccasionduringthepast30days)amongU.S.adultsaged18yearsin48statesandtheDistrictofColumbia;andonthefrequency(averagenumberofepisodespermonth)andintensity(averagelargestnumberofdrinksconsumedonoccasion)amongbingedrinkers.Results:Theoverallprevalenceofbingedrinkingwas17.1223.5 billion in economic costs resulting from excessive alcohol consumption in the United States. Methods: CDC analyzed data collected in 2010 on the prevalence of binge drinking (defined as four or more drinks for women and five or more drinks for men on an occasion during the past 30 days) among U.S. adults aged ≥18 years in 48 states and the District of Columbia; and on the frequency (average number of episodes per month) and intensity (average largest number of drinks consumed on occasion) among binge drinkers. Results: The overall prevalence of binge drinking was 17.1%. Among binge drinkers, the frequency of binge drinking was 4.4 episodes per month, and the intensity was 7.9 drinks on occasion. Binge drinking prevalence (28.2%) and intensity (9.3 drinks) were highest among persons aged 18-24 years. Frequency was highest among binge drinkers aged ≥65 years (5.5 episodes per month). Respondents with household incomes ≥75,000 had the highest binge drinking prevalence (20.2%), but those with household incomes <$25,000 had the highest frequency (5.0 episodes per month) and intensity (8.5 drinks on occasion). The age-adjusted prevalence of binge drinking in states ranged from 10.9% to 25.6%, and the age-adjusted intensity ranged from 6.0 to 9.0 drinks on occasion. Conclusions: Binge drinking is reported by one in six U.S. adults, and those who binge drink tend to do so frequently and with high intensity. Implications for public health practice: More widespread implementation of Community Guide-recommended interventions (e.g., measures controlling access to alcohol and increasing prices) could reduce the frequency, intensity, and ultimately the prevalence of binge drinking, as well as the health and social costs related to it.
The heart and vascular system are susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol. Alcohol is an active toxin that undergoes widespread diffusion throughout the body, causing multiple synchronous and synergistic effects. Alcohol consumption decreases myocardial contractility and induces arrhythmias and dilated cardiomyopathy, resulting in progressive cardiovascular dysfunction and structural damage. Alcohol, whether at binge doses or a high cumulative lifetime consumption-both of which should be discouraged-is clearly deleterious for the cardiovascular system, increasing the incidence of total and cardiovascular mortality, coronary and peripheral artery disease, heart failure, stroke, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, and diabetes mellitus. However, epidemiological, case-control studies and meta-analyses have shown a U-type bimodal relationship so that low-to-moderate alcohol consumption (particularly of wine or beer) is associated with a decrease in cardiovascular events and mortality, compared with abstention. Potential confounding influences-alcohol-dose quantification, tobacco use, diet, exercise, lifestyle, cancer risk, accidents, and dependence-can affect the results of studies of both low-dose and high-dose alcohol consumption. Mendelian methodological approaches have led to doubts regarding the beneficial cardiovascular effects of alcohol, and the overall balance of beneficial and detrimental effects should be considered when making individual and population-wide recommendations, as reductions in alcohol consumption should provide overall health benefits.
Objective. —To examine the extent of binge drinking by college students and the ensuing health and behavioral problems that binge drinkers create for themselves and others on their campus.Design. —Self-administered survey mailed to a national representative sample of US 4-year college students.Setting. —One hundred forty US 4-year colleges in 1993.Participants. —A total of 17592 college students.Main Outcome Measures. —Self-reports of drinking behavior, alcohol-related health problems, and other problems.Results. —Almost half (44%) of college students responding to the survey were binge drinkers, including almost one fifth (19%) of the students who were frequent binge drinkers. Frequent binge drinkers are more likely to experience serious health and other consequences of their drinking behavior than other students. Almost half (47%) of the frequent binge drinkers experienced five or more different drinking-related problems, including injuries and engaging in unplanned sex, since the beginning of the school year. Most binge drinkers do not consider themselves to be problem drinkers and have not sought treatment for an alcohol problem. Binge drinkers create problems for classmates who are not binge drinkers. Students who are not binge drinkers at schools with higher binge rates were more likely than students at schools with lower binge rates to experience problems such as being pushed, hit, or assaulted or experiencing an unwanted sexual advance.Conclusions. —Binge drinking is widespread on college campuses. Programs aimed at reducing this problem should focus on frequent binge drinkers, refer them to treatment or educational programs, and emphasize the harm they cause for students who are not binge drinkers.(JAMA. 1994;272:1672-1677)