
Maximum Torque per Ampere Operation of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machines

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In this paper, an analytical method for increasing the steady state torque per ampere capability for BDFMs, using equivalent circuit is presented. In this approach, uni-current proposition proposed to define a unique current value for optimization, and find the current angel corresponding to maximum torque. The accuracy of the proposition is verified by simulation. The effect of pole pair number selection of power and control windings on maximum torque is explained by dividing torque expression into synchronous and asynchronous terms. Finally, the optimal current values and optimal torque are achieved. Based on the optimal value of torque, or MTPA index, analytical optimization of machine design is suggested, which can be performed by manipulation of components of the MTPA index

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... In this algorithm, by choosing the CW's current value, the machine's input power can be minimized under any speed and loading conditions. An analytical method using a core model to maximize the torque-to-current ratio of a BDFIM under steady state is proposed in [24]. In [25], two control strategies for brushless doubly-fed reluctance machines (BDFRMs) are introduced based on the BDFRM model, the maximum torque per inverter ampere, and the maximum torque per total ampere, intended for variable speed drives. ...
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Recent advancement in design and control of brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM) has substantially improved its performance. In this article, two high efficient vector control schemes are proposed for the BDFIM drive based on Lyapunov nonlinear techniques. The first scheme aims for speed control with a one-level structure without an inner loop controller, and the rotor speed error is delivered to a backstepping speed controller. The second scheme has a two-level structure with a backstepping controller and a model reference controller for torque and speed control, respectively. To enhance the performance, the proposed control schemes are based on a novel maximum torque per Ampere (MTPA) control strategy, and their stability is proven by Lyapunov control theory. The proposed controllers are validated experimentally on a 3-kW prototype D132-BDFIM by a TMS320F2833 microcontroller synchronized with a personal computer, and show superior performance over optimal proportional-integral controllers under changing reference speed and load torque.
... However, compared with the single motor, both the BDFM's modeling and the controller design are more challenging. Only Hamidreza Mosaddegh et al. [22,23] have conducted relevant research on BDFMs. To simplify the system model [24] and reduce the difficulty of system control, the equivalent circuit of the BDFM is equivalent to the traditional DFM. ...
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This paper presents an optimization strategy for a brushless doubly fed motor (BDFM) to achieve the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA). This method resolves the issue of high stator currents in slip frequency vector feedback linearization control (SFV-FLC) during both no-load and light-load conditions. Firstly, the paper establishes a reduced-order state-space (SS) model of the BDFM in arbitrary rotating reference coordinates. Secondly, the expression of BDFM is obtained after the control motor rotor field orientation. To ensure a minimal stator current at a specific torque, this paper constructs an auxiliary function based on Lagrange’s theorem, which forces the control motor stator current derivative to be zero, resulting in the MTPA criterion. Finally, the superiority of the MTPA optimization algorithm proposed in the paper is validated through simulation experiments.
... One of them given in [8], deals with steady-state efficiency optimization of BDFIM based on an off-line search algorithm (look-up table approach). In [9], an analytical method for increasing the torque per ampere capability of BDFIM is presented based on core model. The core model is over simplified version of equivalent circuit of BDFIM obtained by omitting the magnetizing reactances and the stator and rotor resistances [10]. ...
In this article, a novel high-efficient control based on brain emotional learning for a brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM) drive is proposed without requiring a detailed machine model. The step change of the control winding (CW) flux for a given torque and speed is the basis of the proposed controller. The control algorithm detects a steady-state condition by monitoring the speed continuously and then adjusts the CW reference flux’s magnitude to determine the minimum total stator current. The stator current is the sum of the current magnitudes at power and control windings of a BDFIM. This model-free intelligent controller has a simple structure and is independent of the machine parameters and robust to disturbances. The proposed control scheme is assessed by a TMS320F2833 microcontroller synchronized with a personal computer for a 3-kW prototype D132s-BDFIM.
The brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM) is suitable for applications that need adjustable speed within limited ranges. It is a promising machine if its control strategies, such as the maximum torque per total copper losses (MTPCL) control, are well designed. A BDFIM has two stator windings, a power winding (not controllable) and a control winding (CW) (controllable through a partially rated back-to-back converter). Unlike singly-fed electrical machines, which are fully controllable and the MTPCL can be easily implemented to them, implementing the MTPCL control in a BDFIM is challenging. In this paper, the model-based MTPCL control strategy in the presence of a nonlinear controller in the BDFIM drive is developed. To realize this strategy, we first determine an expression in terms of the angle of the CW's current as a controllable variable. The optimal angle of the CW's current, which guarantees the realization of the MTPCL strategy, is then mathematically obtained using the numerical minimization approach. Next, the proposed passivity-based nonlinear controller regulates both the MTPCL criterion and the electromagnetic torque directly as the output variables. The proposed strategy is validated by a TMS320F2833 microcontroller synchronized with a personal computer for a 3 kW prototype D132s-BDFIM.
Conference Paper
In this paper, a variable structure controller is proposed to control the torque of brushless doubly fed induction machine with considering maximum torque per Ampere (MTPA) strategy. Based on this control approach, a sliding mode controller with a linear PI is designed to control the torque considering applying the MTPA scheme. The proposed controller is able to reduce the torque pulsations during steady-state behavior while the fast response and robustness merits of the classic DTC are preserved. Also, this method decreases the copper losses with minimizing the magnitude of power and control winding currents while increasing the overall efficiency of the BDFIM without deteriorating the dynamic performance. The validity and effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation results.
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The paper presents experimental results to assess the performance of a variety of rotors used in a Brushless Doubly Fed Machine (BDFM). In the experiments the torque-speed characteristics were measured on a BDFM fitted with four rotors with five different windings. The measurements were made of the machine excited with just one stator supply with the second stator supply first open circuit, and then short- circuited. The results give valuable insight into how different rotors, including a novel design of BDFM rotor, will perform in a BDFM configured as a variable speed generator. The results highlight important differences between the rotors related to their winding construction.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents an analytical modelling approach for the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) taking iron saturation into account. A generalised coupled-circuit model is developed which considers stator and rotor teeth saturation effects. A method of calculating the machine inductance parameters is presented which can be implemented in time-stepping simulations. The model has been implemented in MATLAB/Simulink and verified by Finite Element analysis and experimental tests. The tests are carried out on a 180 frame size BDFM. Flux search coils have been utilised to measure airgap and teeth flux densities.
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Experimental results from a frame size 180 brushless doubly fed (induction) machine (BDFM) fitted with four rotor designs are presented. The machine is intended for use as a variable speed generator, or drive. A per phase equivalent circuit for the machine has been developed and a method of obtaining parameters for the circuit is described. Expressions for the torque as a function of speed have been derived and predictions of machine performance in both self-cascaded and synchronous (doubly fed) modes have been verified experimentally. The work illustrates the link between rotor equivalent circuit parameters and machine performance and a comparison between rotor designs has been made.
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The objective of this paper is to present a novel means of increasing the dynamic torque per ampere capability of induction machines. The method developed is based on use of an indirect field oriented controller (IFOC) for the induction machine. It is well known that IFOC allows the rotor flux amplitude to be controlled by the d-axis component of stator current. It is also well established that the flux-producing component of the stator current may be controlled independent of the torque-producing component of the stator current. The principal constraint, however, is that the amplitude of the peak current (the vector amplitude) is limited by the power electronic switch ratings. This constraint implies that optimal partitioning of the current components should be possible. Previously used methods have optimized steady state efficiency or steady state torque per ampere. This paper identifies a dynamic method which achieves transient torques over 35% greater than the prior methods. The limitations of the method and its sensitivity to detuning is also examined
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A new method of efficiency maximization that utilizes sensing of the third-harmonic component of air-gap flux is proposed. This signal is used to determine the resulting instantaneous position of the fundamental component of the air gap flux and, consequently, the torque- and flux-producing components of the stator current. In addition, the third harmonic signal is also used to determine the rotor speed. Hence, the output power of the machine can be calculated with only a single sensor wire attached to the neutral point of the machine. The flux-producing component can be readily adjusted to produce the minimum input power for a fixed amount of output power (fixed speed)
Conference Paper
This paper analyzes the maximum torque per ampere vector profile at steady-state and transients for different interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. A detailed analysis of torque and power versus current functions is performed at steady-state, showing that a technique based on minimization of input power versus current can be used to tune the control system, thus avoiding any torque measurement. Moreover, the paper analyzes the torque evolution under maximum torque per ampere control strategy, on motors with different characteristics. Useful modifications in the current loop are suggested to improve the drive performance. Experimental results confirm the theoretical analysis, showing the benefits of the new control schemes.
The performance of the brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) is analysed using a per-phase equivalent circuit. An expression for the rating of the machine as a function of magnetic and electric loadings is developed, and the rating is compared to those of the doubly-fed induction machine and cascaded induction machines. As the magnetic field in a BDFM is complex, the magnetic loading is considered in detail and a new generalised loading is derived. The BDFM suffers a reduction rating of about one-quarter in comparison to comparable conventional machines, arising from penalties in magnetic and electric loadings consequent on the presence of two stator to rotor couplings. The handling of reactive power has an important effect on the machine performance and this point is illustrated with experimental results from a frame size 180 BDFM. The tests were carried out at modest flux densities to avoid the effects of saturation, but the implications of saturation are considered.
Loss minimization in scalar-controlled induction motor drives (IMD) with search controllers (SC) is investigated. The problems arising when the input power is used as the controlled variable are described. It is proved that better results are achieved if the stator current is used as the controlled variable
In this paper, a new control strategy is proposed which is simple in structure and has the straightforward goal of minimizing the stator current amplitude for a given load torque. It is shown that the resulting induction motor efficiency is reasonably close to optimal and that the approach is insensitive to variations in rotor resistance. Although the torque response is not as fast as in field-oriented (FO) control strategies, the response is reasonably fast. In fact, if the mechanical time constant is large relative to the rotor time constant, which is frequently the case, the sacrifice in dynamic performance is insignificant relative to FO strategies
A method for improving the efficiency of a slightly loaded induction motor is suggested. It is based upon the optimal-efficiency slip tracking by adjusting the voltage to frequency ratio (V/f). It has adopted the converter-inverter fed induction motor drive system. All the control loops are implemented by the Z-80 microprocessor. By this method, 10 percent or more improvement is obtained at a quarter of the full load.
Loss Minimization Control of an Induction Motor Drive
  • P Famouri
  • J J Cathey
P. Famouri and J. J. Cathey, "Loss Minimization Control of an Induction Motor Drive," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1991, January/February 1991, pp. 32-37.
Optimal System Efficiency Operation of an Induction Motor Drive
  • A Troy
  • H E Nergaard
  • J.-S Kouns
  • C E Lai
  • Konrad
A. Troy, Nergaard, H. E. Kouns, J.-S. Lai and C. E. Konrad, "Optimal System Efficiency Operation of an Induction Motor Drive," in Conf. Rec. of IEEE IAS Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 2002, pp. 826 -831.
Analysis of a traction induction motor drive operating under maximum efficiency and maximum torque per ampere conditions
  • H E Kouns
  • J.-S Lai
  • C E Konrad
H. E. Kouns, and J.-S. Lai, and C.E. Konrad, "Analysis of a traction induction motor drive operating under maximum efficiency and maximum torque per ampere conditions". IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition. Vol. 1, 2004. Số trang: 545-551.