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p class="3">MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have changed the way in which OER (Open Educational Resources) are bundled by teachers and consumed by learners. MOOCs represent an evolution towards the production and offering of structured quality OER. Many institutions that were initially reluctant to providing OER have, however, joined the MOOC wave. Nevertheless, MOOCs detractors strongly criticize their high dropout rates. The dropout rate is a commonly accepted metric of success for traditional education, but it may not be as suitable when dealing with OER, in general, and with MOOCs, in particular, since learners’ motivations to take a course are very diverse, and certain self-regulated learning strategies are required to tackle the lack of personalized tutoring and keep pace in the course. This paper presents an empirical study on the motivation and learning strategies of MOOC learners. Six thousand three hundred and thirty-five learners from 160 countries answered a self-report 7-point Likert-type questionnaire based on the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) as part of a MOOC titled Introduction to Programming with Java . Results indicate that learners were highly motivated and confident to do well in the course. Learning strategies, however, can be improved, especially regarding time management.</p
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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Volume 18, Number 3
May 2017
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning
Strategies in MOOCs
Carlos Alario-Hoyos*, Iria Estévez-Ayres*, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín+, Carlos Delgado Kloos*, and Carmen Fernández-
*Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; +Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have changed the way in which OER (Open Educational
Resources) are bundled by teachers and consumed by learners. MOOCs represent an evolution
towards the production and offering of structured quality OER. Many institutions that were initially
reluctant to providing OER have, however, joined the MOOC wave. Nevertheless, MOOCs detractors
strongly criticize their high dropout rates. The dropout rate is a commonly accepted metric of success
for traditional education, but it may not be as suitable when dealing with OER, in general, and with
MOOCs, in particular, since learners’ motivations to take a course are very diverse, and certain self-
regulated learning strategies are required to tackle the lack of personalized tutoring and keep pace in
the course. This paper presents an empirical study on the motivation and learning strategies of MOOC
learners. Six thousand three hundred and thirty-five learners from 160 countries answered a self-
report 7-point Likert-type questionnaire based on the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire (MSLQ) as part of a MOOC titled Introduction to Programming with Java. Results
indicate that learners were highly motivated and confident to do well in the course. Learning
strategies, however, can be improved, especially regarding time management.
Keywords: MOOCs, OER, motivation, learning strategies, MSLQ
Open Educational Resources (OER) have been available for decades (Atkins, Brown, & Hammond,
2007), boosted by the MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative (Abelson, 2008). Many universities
have gradually adhered to OCW, publishing contents from regular courses to be consumed by any
learner worldwide, and even using third-party OER to complement and improve teaching on campus.
Creating and sharing OER represents an altruistic vision of education, but also has positive effects on
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
the visibility of institutions, even providing recruitment advantages in some cases (Carson,
Kanchanaraksa, Gooding, Mulder, & Schuwer, 2012).
OER have traditionally been offered as both textual and audiovisual materials in online repositories,
but without any kind of interaction with the teacher who created them, or with other potentially
interested learners. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have managed to evolve the concept of
OER, gathering together teachers and learners around courses built on sequences of materials that are
typically published using open licenses (Yuan & Powell, 2013). These communities of teachers and
learners created around MOOCs represent a great opportunity for opening debates, curating and
enriching course materials, and getting answers from peers without (or with minimum) instructors
intervention (Alario-Hoyos et al., 2013).
MOOCs are succeeding in making universities that were reluctant to join the OER movement rethink
their strategy. Providing MOOCs can be seen as an opportunity for promoting the university brand to
learners who would have been difficult to reach otherwise, and, at the same time, as a way of
improving the quality of residential education by applying MOOC-like technologies and innovations
on campus through the so-called SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses) (Fox, 2013). Nonetheless,
MOOC detractors criticize their lack of educational value, as most of these courses replicate the
traditional lecture-based teaching practices, and the high dropout rates, which in many cases are over
90-95% of enrollees (Clow, 2013).
The dropout rate is a metric commonly used to measure success in formal education, where learners
typically pay a fee to enroll a course and expect to obtain an accreditation certifying that they passed
the course. MOOCs, however, remove the entry fee, allowing a much more heterogeneous population
of learners with very diverse motivations for enrolling. Their free nature, refreshing knowledge, the
opportunity to learn from a top-class university, or simply curiosity, are some of the reasons argued by
learners to enroll a MOOC (Davis, Dickens, Leon Urrutia, Sánchez-Vera, & White, 2014). Finishing
and passing the course does not seem a priority anymore for most MOOC enrollees, although that
should not stop them from making the most of the MOOC until they believe it is worth their while.
The heterogeneous population of learners in MOOCs requires a deep analysis to get information about
learners’ motivations, with the aim to help to design more attractive courses and promote
engagement, which may lead to better retention.
Beyond the role motivation plays in dropout rates, it is noteworthy that learners need some learning
strategies, and other advanced self-regulated learning skills, to be able to succeed in MOOCs (Halawa,
Greene, & Mitchell, 2014; Littlejohn & Milligan, 2016), as there are neither timed face-to-face lectures,
nor personalized tutoring with teachers. Learners who report completion of a bachelor’s degree or
higher are typically more likely to complete MOOCs (Ho et al., 2014); this can be explained by the
development of self-regulated learning skills during undergraduate studies and beyond. The
heterogeneous background and skills of learners also requires a deep analysis to get information about
learners’ self-regulated learning strategies, with the aim to complement MOOCs with activities that
allow for a more personalized monitoring of learners, helping them to better organize their time and
providing hints for scaffolding self-regulated learning (Gutiérrez-Rojas, Alario-Hoyos, Pérez-
Sanagustín, Leony, & Delgado Kloos, 2014).
The objective of this paper is to provide insights into the motivation and learning strategies that
characterize MOOC learners. These insights come from an empirical study conducted in a MOOC
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
titled Introduction to Programming with Java, deployed in the edX platform. This MOOC is selected
because it had a big impact, attracted a wide range of learners’ nationalities and backgrounds, and was
delivered in both synchronous and self-paced modes. The empirical study is supported by the
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) (Pintrich, Smith, García, & McKeachie, 1991;
Pintrich, Smith, García, & McKeachie, 1993), which is a widely used self-report Likert-type
questionnaire for analyzing motivation and learning strategies in educational settings (Colorado &
Eberle, 2010; Morales Chan, Hernández Rizzardini, Barchino Plata, & Amelio Medina, 2015).
The remainder of this paper continues analyzing the related work. Then, the MOOC employed in the
study is briefly presented, summarizing the demographics of the learners that participated in the
study, and the data collection and analysis methods. Results from learners’ answers are detailed and
discussed afterwards. Finally, the paper finishes drawing the conclusions of the empirical study and
indicating some of the future lines of work.
Related Work
Since the advent of MOOCs, it became clear that these courses exhibit a set of characteristics, mainly
its openness and the possibility to reach potentially thousands of learners, which set them apart from
more traditional courses. Although some media initially presented MOOCs as the panacea for the
problems of Higher Education (Pappano, 2012), soon researchers and academia tempered this early
excitement, understanding, at the same time, that traditional learning indicators, such as completion
rates, had to be complemented with other metrics to measure the success and impact of MOOCs (Riel
& Lawless, 2017).
According to systematic literature reviews (Liyanagunawardena, Adams, & Williams, 2013;
Veletsianos & Shepherdson, 2016), many empirical studies related to MOOCs have tackled the task of
characterizing these courses by studying participation patterns, participants’ demographics and
intentions, types of design, and use of learning analytics. The work by Gasevic, Kovanovic, Joksimovic,
and Siemens (2014) analyzed 266 project proposals submitted to the MOOC Research Initiative (MRI)
funded by the Gates Foundation, identifying motivation and self-regulated learning (Zimmerman,
2002) as two of the five main research themes for future research in MOOCs. Actually, different
studies (DeBoer et al., 2013; Gasevic, Kovanovic, Joksimovic, and Siemens, 2014; Riel & Lawless,
2017; Terras & Ramsey, 2015; De Barba, Kennedy, & Ainley, 2016) agree on the necessity of more
analysis of learners’ motivation, self-regulated learning strategies, attitudes, and behavior, in order to
gain insight and enable a more efficient learning and teaching MOOC experience. This section goes
through the literature on motivation and self-regulated learning strategies in MOOCs and the
instruments to measure them, from which we derive the main research questions of this work.
Motivation in MOOCs
Motivation plays a significant role in learners’ self-regulated learning (Pintrich, 1999; Schunk &
Zimmerman, 1998). Prior works on self-regulated learning make a distinction between intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation. While extrinsic motivation is related with external values and demands (Deci,
Vallerand, Pelletier, & Ryan, 1991), intrinsic motivation refers to doing an activity for the enjoyment
and inherent satisfaction of performing a task (Ryan & Deci, 2000), this latter having more weight in
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
the learning achievements and attitudes of traditional learners (Gottfried, Marcoulides, Gottfried,
Oliver, & Guerin, 2007).
Both intrinsic motivation, in the form of perceived enjoyment, and extrinsic motivation, as perceived
usefulness or task value, have been found to play a role on learners’ attitudes towards online courses
(Lee, Cheung, & Chen, 2005). In MOOCs, where the population of learners is heterogeneous and
people register with different intentions, motivation plays a key role on how learners will address the
course (Kizilcec & Halawa, 2015; Hood, Littlejohn, & Milligan, 2015). However, in MOOCs, unlike in
other types of online courses, learners’ intrinsic motivation for the subject addressed is of higher
importance, as the certification obtained after completion (extrinsic motivation) has typically a low
recognition (Wang & Baker, 2015). Gamification and collaborative learning are some of the main
strategies that are being explored in the literature to increase learners’ intrinsic motivation in MOOCs
(Gené, Núñez, & Blanco, 2014; Vaibhav & Gupta, 2014; Collazos, González, & García, 2014).
Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Self-regulated learning is the ability of the learner to control and regulate his own learning through
the usage of cognitive and metacognitive strategies (Zimmerman 2002). According to various
researchers, self-regulation is something that is not fixed, but influenced as people learn, so it can be
trained through learning strategies (Schunk, 2005). Based on this notion, Pintrich, Smith, García, &
McKeachie (1993) identified three categories of strategies that students should employ to regulate
their own learning: (1) cognitive strategies, which refer to activities that learners utilize in the
acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information; (2) metacognitive strategies, which refer to activities
utilized by learners for monitoring and reflecting on their learning process to accomplish a goal; and
(3) resource management strategies, which refer to activities students use to manage their time, study
environments, and the resources provided.
It is already established that effective learning depends on the nature and sequencing of self-regulated
activities by the learner (Bannert & Reimann, 2012); and although self-regulation skills and learning
strategies are needed for any educational context, they are more important in a technology-enhanced
learning environment (Lin, Hmelo, Kinzer, & Secules, 1999). In MOOCs, where there is no guidance
or support from an instructor, and the course is not structured around classes, learners’ ability to self-
regulate their own learning process is especially relevant (Hood et al., 2015; Cohen & Magen-Nagar,
Researchers studying self-regulation in MOOCs have pointed out that self-regulated learning
strategies, such as metacognitive strategies and time management, are among the most critical ones
for learners. Time management is a specific, self-regulated learning skill that includes scheduling,
planning, and managing the personal study time. Studies reveal that poor time management is one of
the main reasons for withdrawing from MOOC, along with the lack of attractiveness and suitability of
the course for each learner (Nawrot & Doucet 2014; Kizilcec & Halawa, 2015; Zheng, Rosson, Shih, &
Carroll, 2015). Furthermore, in a recent article by Kizilcec, Pérez-Sanagustín, and Maldonado (2016)
in which the authors interviewed 17 learners who successfully completed a MOOC, time management
strategies, such as reserving time in the week for studying, were identified as some of the most
effective self-regulation learning strategies.
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
Measuring Motivation and Self-regulated Learning Strategies
One of the most well-known instruments to assess both learners’ motivation and self-regulated
learning strategies is the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), which was
proposed by Pintrich et al. (1993). The MSLQ is a self-report instrument designed to measure
learners’ motivation and self-regulated learning in classroom contexts. Although this instrument has
been mainly applied in traditional learning settings, some studies have used it to understand the
motivation and learning strategies of MOOC learners. For example, Magen-Nagar & Cohen (2016)
conducted an experiment in Israel with 164 high school students taking two different MOOCs. Their
study concludes that learners with higher motivation use better learning strategies, and this leads to a
higher sense of achievement. Morales Chan et al. (2015), used the MSQL to study the motivational and
cognitive learning strategies of learners from a MOOC on Cloud-based Tools for Learning developed
by Galileo University in Guatemala. However, their sample only included 230 students with most of
them from the same country (Guatemala).
Recently, some researchers proposed adaptations of the MSLQ to be applied in MOOCs. One example
is the instrument designed by Hood, Littlejohn, & Milligan (2015). This instrument was a slightly
modified version of an instrument by Fontana, Milligan, Littlejohn, and Margaryan (2015) for
assessing self-regulated learning in adult learners in the workplace, which integrated items from the
MSLQ together with other learning strategies. They ran the instrument with 788 learners from 79
countries enrolled in an introductory data science course. The study concludes that the learner’s
context and role have a positive impact in their attitude towards a MOOC and that those learners with
prior knowledge in the field obtained better scores. Based on the instrument by Hood et al. (2015),
and Barnard, Paton, and Lan (2008), Kizilcec, Pérez-Sanagustín, and Maldonado (2017) proposed
another questionnaire to measure self-regulated learning skills in MOOC learners. The questionnaire
was used with 4831 learners in six different MOOCs. Results showed that goal setting and strategic
planning are better predictors for attainment of personal course goals. Finally, a recent study by
Jansen, Van Leeuwen, Janssen, Kester, and Kalz (2016) proposed another questionnaire for
measuring self-regulated learning in MOOCs. In this case, they took as a reference a combination of
questionnaires defined in the literature of self-regulated learning and adapted them to the MOOC
content. In this work, they extended the MSLQ to include more questions related with the preparatory
and appraisal phases of the self-regulated learning process, according to other theoretical models in
the literature (Puustinen & Pulkkinen, 2001); however, this latter questionnaire suppressed some of
the questions related with the model by Pintrich, Smith, García, & McKeachie (1991) and Pintrich et
al. (1993), which is the model that will be taken as a basis for this work.
Research Questions
The current literature demands a deeper investigation on the characterization of MOOC learners
regarding motivation and self-regulated learning strategies. Thus, we pose the following two research
RQ1: What are the motivations that characterize MOOC learners?
RQ2: What are the self-regulated learning strategies that characterize MOOC learners?
Concerning RQ1, most works in the literature have studied learners’ intentions when enrolling
MOOCs (Kizilcec & Halawa, 2015; Hood et al., 2015), detecting that learners’ intentions had a strong
relationship with their motivation. However, there are very few large-scale studies of the motivation
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
that characterizes MOOC learners, and of the studies that can be found in the literature, there is a
focus on learners from specific regions or homogeneous sociocultural characteristics (Magen-Nagar &
Cohen, 2016; Morales Chan et al., 2015; Kizilcec, Pérez-Sanagustín, and Maldonado, 2017).
Concerning RQ2, the information on current studies about self-regulated learning strategies, which
are more effective for learners to succeed in MOOCs, is scarce. On the one hand, existing studies focus
on different aspects of self-regulation, providing only a small picture of what self-regulated learning
strategies MOOC learners use (Nawrot & Doucet 2014; Kizilcec, Pérez-Sanagustín, and Maldonado,
2016). On the other hand, most existing studies collect information only from MOOCs that attract a
quite homogeneous set of learners from a sociocultural perspective (Magen-Nagar & Cohen, 2016;
Morales Chan et al., 2015; Kizilcec et al., 2017).
All in all, there is need for more empirical studies on learners’ motivation and self-regulated learning
strategies in MOOCs with the aim to extend the data spectrum and contribute to the design and
development of more engaging and effective courses.
Materials and Methods
Background of the Course
The empirical research presented here is supported by data obtained from a MOOC titled
Introduction to Programming with Java, which was deployed in the edX platform. This MOOC
included video-based lectures and numerous interactive activities (Alario-Hoyos et al., 2016); all the
materials generated for this course were offered as OER under a Creative Common license (CC-BY-
NC-SA). This MOOC ran twice during two consecutive editions (runs) of the MOOC in the years 2015
and 2016. The first run followed a synchronous approach, and materials were released weekly; the
second run followed a self-paced approach, and all the materials were available from the beginning.
Table 1 presents an overview of the general information of the MOOC. This general information was
available for learners before enrolling the MOOC. In total, 228,979 learners enrolled in the two runs of
the MOOC.
Table 1
General Information on MOOC Titled Introduction to Programming with Java
IT.1.1x Introduction to Programming with Java - Part 1: Starting to Program
in Java (1st run)
IT.1.1x Introduction to Programming with Java - Part 1: Starting to Code
with Java (2nd run)
April, 28, 2015 June 30, 2015 (1st run synchronous)
November 17, 2015 June 30, 2016 (2nd run self-paced)
5 weeks
5-7 hours per week (1st run)
7-10 hours per week (2nd run, adjusted based on learners’ feedback)
Computer science
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
English, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin
Number of
Assessment type
Quizzes and peer review (1st edition)
Quizzes (2nd edition)
Data Collection Methods
Data for the analysis of learners’ motivations and learning strategies was collected using a self-report,
voluntary, and anonymous questionnaire filled in by learners of this MOOC during the two
consecutive runs in 2015 and 2016. Learners could complete the questionnaire at any time, as long as
the course in which they were enrolled was active.
The questionnaire was a 7-point Likert scale questionnaire from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest), based on
MSLQ (Pintrich et al., 1991; Pintrich et al., 1993) with two parts: a first part with a set of assertions to
be assessed in relation with learners’ motivation to participate in the MOOC, and their preferences on
materials and assignments; and a second part with a set of assertions to be assessed in relation with
learners’ self-regulation learning strategies. The questionnaire was designed containing a subset of
categories from MSLQ, with a total of 30 assertions to be assessed (see Table 3). There were several
categories could not be directly applied to MOOCs, in general, and of this MOOC in particular, and so
these categories were not included in the questionnaire. Reasons for not including categories from
MSLQ were: the category refers to physical situations that typically take place in a classroom, and the
assertions cannot be easily adapted to online learning (e.g., category named Help Seeking); the
category assumes that taking this course is mandatory, while enrolling in a MOOC is a voluntary
choice (e.g., category named Effort Regulation); the category assumes that the learner takes a final
exam, while this MOOC follows a continuous evaluation system (e.g., category named Test Anxiety);
the category relies on memorization as the base of learning, while this MOOC relies on practicing and
interaction (e.g., category named Rehearsal). Once the categories were selected, some of their
assertions required minor adjustments to make sense in the particular educational setting of a MOOC
context. The complete list of assertions is presented in the next section. Overall, 18 questions out of
the 31 on motivation, and 12 questions out of the 50 on learning strategies were included in the
Table 2
Categories of MSLQ Included in the Questionnaire
Value Component: Intrinsic Goal Orientation (IGO) (4 assertions)
Value Component: Task Value (TV) (6 assertions)
Expectancy Component: Self-Efficacy for Learning and Performance
(SELP) (8 assertions)
Cognitive and metacognitive strategies: Critical Thinking (CT) (5
Resource management strategies: Time and Study Environment (TSE) (7
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
Sample Size and Demographics
Of the 228,979 learners who enrolled in this MOOC, 6335 (2.8%) volunteered to complete the
questionnaire about motivation and learning strategies. Table 3 shows the (self-reported)
demographics for the participants in the study. It is interesting to note that 160 countries are
represented in the sample and that there is certain heterogeneity in the age, level of education, and
previous background in the field of the learners that participated in the study.
Table 3
Sample Size and Self-Reported Demographics of Participants in the Study
228,979: 93,556 (1st run), 135,423 (2nd run)
6335 (2.8% of enrollees)
Male: 4915 (77.6%)
Female: 1399 (22.1%)
Other: 21 (0.3%)
< 18: 423 (6.68%)
18 - 24: 2142 (33.81%)
25 - 29: 1229 (19.40%)
30 - 34: 835 (13.18%)
35 - 39: 557 (8.79%)
40 - 44: 364 (5.75%)
45 - 49: 270 (4.26%)
> 50: 515 (8.13%)
Doctorate: 131 (2.07%)
Masters or Professional Degree: 1376 (21.72%)
Bachelor's Degree: 2353 (37.14%)
Associate's Degree: 390 (6.16%)
Secondary/High School: 1676 (26.46%)
Junior secondary / junior high / middle school: 255 (4.03%)
Elementary / primary school: 36 (0.57%)
None: 13 (0.21%)
Other: 105 (1.66%)
160 countries
Asia: 1856 learners (29.3%), 43 countries.
Top three: India (1199), Philippines (92), Pakistan (81)
Europe: 1593 learners (25.15%), 44 countries.
Top three: Spain (302), United Kingdom (140), Ukraine (121)
North America: 1517 learners (23.95%), 3 countries.
Top three: USA (1075), Mexico (303), Canada (139)
South America: 696 learners (10.99%), 12 countries.
Top three: Brazil (244), Colombia (142), Venezuela (80)
Africa: 428 learners (6.76%), 37 countries.
Top three: Nigeria (109), Egypt (69), South Africa (51)
Central America and the Caribbean: 170 learners (2.68%), 17
Top three: Dominican Republic (38), Costa Rica (26),
Guatemala (25)
Oceania: 75 learners (1.28%), 4 countries.
Top three: Australia (59), New Zealand (12), Fiji (3)
Yes: 3376 (53.29%)
No: 2956 (46.71%)
Yes: 1487 (23.47%) [in computer science 654 (10.32%)]
No: 4848 (76.53%)
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
Yes: 4408 (69.58%)
No: 1927 (30.42%)
Data Analysis Methods
The data collected from the questionnaire have a quantitative nature taking discrete integer values
with 1 as the minimum value and 7 as the maximum value. Descriptive statistics are used to analyze
these data in order to better understand motivation and learning strategies through this sample of
MOOC learners. More specifically, the central tendency of these data is evaluated through the mean
value (M), and the variability through the standard deviation (Std.).
The results are divided into two blocks: motivation and learning strategies. In total, 6335 learners
volunteered to complete the questionnaire, which had two phases. In the first phase learners had to
assess assertions related to motivation. In the second phase learners had to assess assertions related
to learning strategies.
Learners assessed 18 MSLQ assertions about their motivation to participate in the MOOC and their
preferences on materials and assignments (Table 4). These assertions are grouped in three categories:
IGO (Intrinsic Goal Orientation), TV (Task Value), and SELP (Self-Efficacy for Learning and
Performance). Each assertion received exactly 6335 answers.
The four assertions on IGO obtained high rates from learners, who pointed out their preference for
challenging materials (M = 5.65, Std. = 1.33) that trigger curiosity (M = 5.84, Std. = 1.25).
Interestingly, learners also reported their wish to delve into the contents (M = 6.04, Std. = 1.16), and
to complete all the course assignments even if that did not mean getting good grades (M = 5.92, Std. =
The six assertions on TV obtained very high rates from learners, showing that this particular course
arouse great interest among them. Both the subject of this MOOC (programming with Java) and the
area of knowledge (computer science) represent a great source of motivation for learners (M = 6.08,
Std. = 1.13, and M = 6.07, Std. = 1.13, respectively). The potential usefulness of the materials to be
studied is also well assessed (M = 6.18, Std. = 1.09), considering learners of importance the proper
learning (M = 5.94, Std. = 1.27) and understanding (M = 6.09, Std. = 1.17) of these materials, as well
as their potential application in the future (M = 5.94; Std. = 1.23).
The eight assertions on SELP also obtained high rates from learners, which generally rely on their
ability to learn, not only basic concepts (M = 6.22, Std. = 1.11), but also the most complex (M = 5.45,
Std. = 1.40) and difficult materials (M = 5.28, Std. = 1.45) of the MOOC. Learners’ self-esteem leads
them to believe that they will do well in the course (M = 5.77, Std. = 1.23), master the skills that will be
taught (M = 5.77, Std. = 1.28), do an excellent job in exams and assignments (M = 5.58, Std. = 1.31),
and get an excellent grade at the end of the MOOC (M = 5.47, Std. = 1.37).
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
Table 3
Learners’ Self-Reported Answers to Assertions on Motivation
In a course like this, I prefer course
material that really challenges me
so I can learn new things.
In a course like this, I prefer course
material that arouses my curiosity,
even if it is difficult to learn.
The most satisfying thing for me in
this course will be trying to
understand the content as
thoroughly as possible.
When I have the opportunity in this
kind of courses, I try to do all the
exercises and course assignments
that I can learn from even if they
don’t guarantee a good grade.
I think I will be able to use what I
will learn in this course in other
It is important for me to learn the
material in this course.
I am very interested in the content
area of this course.
I think the course material in this
course will be useful for me to
I like the subject matter of this
Understanding the subject matter
of this course is very important to
I believe I will receive an excellent
grade in this course.
I am certain I can understand the
most difficult material presented in
this course.
I am confident I can learn the basic
concepts taught in this course.
I am confident I can understand
the most complex materials that
will be presented by the instructor
in this course.
I am confident I can do an excellent
job on the assignments and tests in
this course.
I expect to do well in this class.
I am certain I can master the skills
that will be taught in this course.
Considering the difficulty of this
course, the teacher, and my skills, I
think I will do well in this course.
Learning Strategies
Learners assessed 12 MSLQ assertions about their usual learning strategies (Table 5), which gives
hints about their strengths and weaknesses when facing MOOCs regarding organizational aspects.
These assertions are grouped in two categories: CT (Critical Thinking), and TSE (Time and Study
Environment). This second set of assertions was optional for those learners who completed the first
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
set of assertions; each assertion of this second set received a maximum of 5956 answers and a
minimum of 5875 answers.
The five assertions on CT obtained moderately high rates from learners, showing that they are able to
question themselves about the concepts explained in the course (M = 5.08, Std. = 1.50), look for
supporting evidences (M = 5.20, Std. = 1.39), and alternative explanations (M = 5.11; Std. = 1.37).
Learners also try to develop their own vision of what is explained in the course (M = 5.35, Std. = 1.37),
and connect the learned concepts with previous knowledge (M = 5.31, Std. = 1.38).
The two TSE assertions related to study environment received moderately high rates from learners,
while the five TSE assertions related to time management show that there is margin of improvement.
Regarding the study environment, it normally allows focusing in the course work (M = 5.70, Std. =
1.37), although it is not always a dedicated study space (M = 4.72, Std. 1.83). Regarding time
management, learners consider they make a reasonable use of their study time (M = 4.93, Std. = 1.46),
although present some difficulties to stick to the schedule (M = 4.31; Std. = 1.79), have occasional
distractions (M = 4.19, Std. = 1.72), and sometimes cannot find enough time to prepare for
examinations (M = 3.58, Std. = 1.78). Still, they are motivated to try to keep pace in the MOOC (M =
5.70, Std. = 1.37).
Table 4
Learners’ Self-Reported Answers to Assertions on Learning Strategies
I often find myself
questioning things I
hear or read in course
that I am taking to
decide if I find them
When a theory,
interpretation, or
conclusion is
presented in a course,
I try to decide if there
is good supporting
When I study, I treat
the course material as
a starting point and try
to develop my own
ideas about it.
I try to play around
with ideas of my own
related to what I am
Whenever I read or
hear an assertion or
conclusion in a course,
I think about possible
I usually study in a
place where I can
concentrate on my
course work.
I make good use of my
study time.
I find it hard to stick to
a study schedule
I have a regular place
set aside for studying.
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
I will make sure that I
keep up with the
weekly videos and
assignments for this
I often find that I don’t
spend very much time
on online course that
I've taken because of
other activities.
I rarely find time to
review my notes
before an exam.
This study provides a quantitative account to advance on the understanding of motivation and self-
regulated learning strategies in MOOCs. Results are based on a large sample of 6335 MOOC learners
with heterogeneous backgrounds and origins (160 countries). This analysis thus provides a broader
scope with respect to the works by Morales Chan et al. (2015), and Kizilcec et al. (2017), in which an
MSLQ-based questionnaire was applied to 230 learners enrolled in a MOOC on cloud-based tools for
learning (in the first work), and to 4831 learners across six MOOCs in Spanish-speaking language (in
the second work).
Results presented here allow us to answer the two research questions (RQ1 and RQ2) and have
implications in understanding learners’ motivation and learning strategies in MOOCs, and other
similar learning environments. Concerning RQ1 (“What are the motivations that characterize MOOC
learners?”), results on IGO show the changing trend in learners’ preferences, going from being more
interested in passing courses and getting certificates in residential education, to acquiring new
knowledge through online learning (Rovai, Ponton, Wighting, & Baker, 2007); this finding may
partially explain the low completion rates in MOOCs. A lesson that can be learned is the need for
designing MOOCs that are rich in exercises and assignments (even if these do not count for the final
grade), so that learners can practice and better understand the contents of the course. In addition,
results on TV partially explain the high figures of enrolled learners in the MOOC used in this study. It
is noteworthy that MOOCs in the computer science field are among the most demanded ones (Ho et
al., 2015), mainly because the obtained skills present a high demand in the current labor market
(LinkedIn, 2016). A lesson that can be learned is the importance of offering courses in subjects and
areas that awaken interest from learners, so that they at least come to the course with a high
motivation level. Finally, results on SELP show a high level of confidence of learners, which can be
partially explained by the lack of prerequisites for enrolment of this MOOC and by the fact 69.58% of
learners already had some previous computing or statistical experience (see Table 2). A lesson that
can be learned is the need for taking advantage of learners’ initial high self-esteem level, and design
MOOCs that, if tagged as introductory, really lack prerequisites. This can help to meet learners’
expectations regarding the difficulty level of lectures, assignments, and exams.
Concerning RQ2 (“What are the self-regulated learning strategies that characterize MOOC learners?”),
results on CT show a moderately high maturity of MOOC enrollees, who may be used to analyze,
accept, and refute information from different sources in the Web, and to reach their own
understanding and conclusions on the topics they want to learn. A lesson that can be learned is the
need for equipping MOOC learners with the proper tools so that learners can build their own
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
knowledge upon them. Fostering debate among the community of learners in the social tools around
the MOOC seems to be also a good approach to confront different arguments and viewpoints. In
addition, results on TSE show that not all the learners have properly developed the time management
skills that are needed to keep pace in MOOCs. A lesson that can be learned is the need for providing
balanced weekly contents so that learners can follow a routine, as well as clarifying from the very
beginning the estimated weekly workload and the individual workload of each assignment
In order to advance on generalizing the answers to these two research questions, the results obtained
in this work can be compared with those from similar studies. Comparing these results with those
from the work by Morales Chan et al. (2015), whose supporting MOOC combines the computer
science and education fields, it is possible to confirm that aggregated average scores are similar with
respect to assertions on IGO. However, the study presented here has obtained slightly lower
aggregated average scores in the cases of assertions related to TV and SELP, and slightly higher
aggregated average scores in the cases of assertions related to CT and TSE. It is noteworthy that in the
study by Morales Chan et al. (2015) the questionnaire was sent to learners in the second week of the
MOOC and was available for only a week; therefore, all the learners already had an initial overview of
the course materials and assignments, and their difficulty level before answering the questionnaire. In
the study presented here, however, the questionnaire was included in an introductory week, although
learners could complete the questionnaire at any time, as long as the course was still available.
Learners following the course sequentially (which represent a significant number of learners) filled in
the questionnaire before inspecting course materials and assignments. For completeness, it is
important to point out that learners positively evaluated the materials of the MOOC in a survey
conducted at the end of the course (Alario-Hoyos et al., 2016).
This study has three main limitations that condition the generalization of the results and conclusions.
The first limitation refers to external validity. This study is based on a MOOC on computer science,
delivered in English, and where most of the learners are males, already have a Higher Education
diploma, and some experience in computing or statistics. Still, this course combines learners enrolled
in synchronous and self-paced modes, and from a wide range of countries (160). The latter advances
on previous studies focused on a particular region, such as those by Morales Chan et al. (2015) or
Kizilcec et al. (2017), which were focused on learners mainly from Spanish-speaking countries. This
heterogeneity in learners’ origins is of relevance, as social-cultural differences have an impact on
learners’ engagement in online courses (Guo & Reinecke, 2014). The fact that the MOOC studied here
is in the area of computer science can be indeed a factor that leads to an increase in the overall
motivation of the learners, as this area has a great demand (Ho et al., 2015) due to the skills acquired
promote employability (extrinsic motivation).
The second limitation refers to data reliability. The data obtained from this study could not be
extracted directly from users’ action in the MOOC. Instead we used a self-report questionnaire, which
was completed by the learners themselves. Even though a large sample of learners filled in this
questionnaire (6335), only 2.8% of those enrolled in the MOOC actually completed the questionnaire.
Typically, the most motivated learners (intrinsic motivation) are the ones who take voluntary
activities; this is reflected in the questionnaire with the answers to assertion “When I have the
opportunity in this kind of courses, I try to do all the exercises and course assignments that I can learn
from even if they don’t guarantee a good grade” (M = 5.92, Std. = 1.24).
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
The third limitation refers to construct validity. The questionnaire used in this study contains a subset
of MSLQ, which is a well-known and validated instrument (Pintrich et al., 1991; Pintrich, et al., 1993).
MSLQ, although generally accepted, has been also criticized as it was designed in western
homogeneous settings (Hamid & Singaram, 2016). The questionnaire used in this study is focused on
five categories (three regarding motivation, and two regarding learning strategies) that are relevant in
the MOOC context. The selection of the subset of MSLQ is a trade-off between using a complete
instrument with many items that do not fit in the educational context and creating an entirely new
instrument ad hoc. In addition, asking volunteer learners to complete the entire MSLQ questionnaire
demands a high workload, so there is also a trade-off regarding completeness and the number of
responses that can be obtained in the study (Kizilcec et al., 2017).
Conclusions and Future Work
MOOCs typically consist of OER bundled following sequences of video-based lectures and
assignments distributed in a weekly format. In MOOCs, learners interaction occurs with OER, which
are deployed in a MOOC platform, and with other learners, through the course forum and other social
tools. The global impact of MOOCs brings together learners with many different profiles and
motivations. In addition, the format of these courses, without supervised tutoring, demands new self-
learning skills on learners. In order to shed some light on the motivations and learning strategies of
MOOC learners, this paper conducted an empirical analysis with 6335 learners from a MOOC titled
Introduction to Programming with Java. The empirical study is supported by the MSLQ Likert-type
questionnaire. Self-reported answers from learners about their motivation show high values on
Intrinsic Goal Orientation and Self-Efficacy for Learning and Performance, and very high values on
Task Value. Self-reported answers from learners about their learning strategies show moderately high
values on Critical Thinking Skills and Time and Study Environment, although time management is an
aspect that learners need to improve. MOOCs shall therefore be designed to facilitate time
management to learners. Early precise estimations of the weekly workload and of the individual
workload of each assignment, detailed specifications of mandatory and optional tasks, and analyses of
average times devoted by learners based on their previous backgrounds, can help to better manage
time among MOOC learners.
Future lines of work must address the three main limitations of this study. First, regarding external
validity, similar analyses with large populations of MOOC learners shall be conducted in other areas,
particularly in natural sciences and social sciences. Moreover, learners’ motivation may be very
different when taking MOOCs aimed at promoting professional development as compared to MOOCs
aimed at satisfying curiosities or improving general culture. Likewise, similar analyses on learners’
motivation and learning strategies can be conducted in advanced courses, as the MOOC used in this
study was an introductory course. Advanced courses typically have prerequisites, which entail a first
filtering for enrollees. In some cases, advanced courses are part of sequences of related MOOCs, and
so, enrollees may have previous experiences with similar MOOCs, which may affect both their
perception of their motivation and learning strategy. The way the course is designed can also lead to
interesting results; for example, Cohen and Magen-Nagar (2016) suggest that project-based learning
subjects have a significant positive impact on motivational orientations and learning strategies.
Second, regarding data reliability, future work shall analyze the relationship between learners’
answers to the questionnaire and their actual performance in the course, including variables such as
Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
Alario-Hoyos, Estévez-Ayres, Pérez-Sanagustín, Delgado Kloos, and Fernández-Panadero
grades in the different assignments, and whether the learners completed the MOOC or not. This
analysis was not carried out in this study because the questionnaire filled in by learners was
anonymous and the answers could not be matched with learners’ performance throughout the course.
And third, regarding construct validity, deeper analysis can be done combining other instruments
from the literature, such as those by Barnard et al. (2008) or Jansen et al. (2016), to gain further
insights on learners’ motivation and self-regulated learning strategies.
This work has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, projects MOOC-
Maker (561533-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), SHEILA (562080-EPP-1-2015-BE-EPPKA3-
PI-FORWARD) and COMPETEN-SEA (574212-EPP-1-2016-1- NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), by the Madrid
Regional Government, through the eMadrid Excellence Network (S2013/ICE-2715), and by the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, project RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) and
fellowships FPDI-2013-17411 and PTQ-15-07505.
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... He emphasized the need to understand how students use self-regulated learning strategies in the online environment. Alario-Hoyos et al. (2017) discussed the importance of metacognitive strategies and time management in the online learning environment and revealed that students used these strategies at a moderate level. Researchers suggested that the self-regulated learning strategies students use in the online learning process should be analyzed in depth. ...
... Similarly, Kim et al. (2021) put forth that elaboration strategies were used at a higher level in an asynchronous online learning environment, whereas the help-seeking strategy was used at a lower level. The self-regulated learning strategies identified in the present study during online lessons were consistent with the results of the studies conducted by Broadbent (2017) and Alario-Hoyos et al. (2017) that emphasized the importance of elaboration and metacognitive strategies in the online learning process. ...
Full-text available
This study is a qualitative survey research that examines the self-regulated learning strategies used by students in the blended online learning process. Participants were made up of 67 pre-service teachers studying at a faculty of education. A questionnaire form was used to determine students' self-regulated learning strategies. The self-regulated learning strategies were classified under three themes: before the lesson, during the lesson, and after the lesson. The strategies used before the lessons were organizing the environment, planning, motivating oneself, and physiological and psychological readiness. During the online lessons, students used strategies such as taking notes, attention focusing, help seeking, effort management, self-discipline, taking a break, and time management. After the lessons, students used strategies such as reviewing records, organizing and transforming, practicing, working with additional resources, help seeking, self-testing, and completing tasks. Furthermore, the study results that were revealed to be different from the results of similar studies were discussed and recommendations for future studies were made. In addition, the study revealed that the strategies used by the students differed according to their communication modes. While synchronous and blended groups used more self-regulated learning strategies, asynchronous students used less self-regulated learning strategies.
... To investigate the use of learning strategies, this study referred to the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) proposed by Pintrich et al. [39]. The MSLQ scale has been widely used in SRL research [40][41][42][43][44]. It includes sections on motivation and learning strategies; the learning strategies section further includes cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management strategy subscales that maintain 50 items. ...
... Successful online and hybrid learning requires certain self-regulation, self-discipline, and related metacognitive skills [36,40,54]. The respondents in the current study included a number of students who were taking distance or HyFlex classes ( Figs. 1 and 2); however, the present study's findings indicate a low use of metacognitive strategies, such as setting learning goals for oneself (LS14; 2.90 points) or changing learning strategies when stuck in a learning situation (LS11; 2.93 points). ...
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Learner autonomy is particularly important in higher education, where students are fully responsible for their own learning. Despite this, there is a lack of research on aspects of autonomy support in higher education compared with that of primary and secondary education. To address this gap, this study explored autonomy support and learning preference in higher education, introducing a flexible and individualized learning environment with technology after the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey was conducted among 849 Japanese university students to gather their perceptions about autonomous support, learning preferences (face-to-face or distance), use of learning strategies, and academic performance (grade point average). Correlations were identified between certain variables: for example, perceived autonomy support, class format preference, and grade point average. The scores of different scales were compared among the subject groups. Autonomy support provided by instructors included explaining the lesson’s outline to students. A few teachers provided opportunities for students to select learning methods, teaching materials, and assignment content; yet, few instructors seemed to truly understand students’ learning needs. Although many participants took face-to-face courses, students’ learning preferences were evenly split between face-to-face and distance learning courses. Students who strongly preferred face-to-face learning performed well regardless of instructional format. Students with a little preference for distance education performed well, especially in distance education courses. Students with no preference performed the worst. This study suggests that a learning environment that provides students with options to suit their diverse learning preferences is beneficial and that introducing “hybrid-flexible” courses and feedback for students’ learning strategies has the potential to promote learner autonomy in higher education.
... Moreover, factors such as course timing, highlighted by Kizilcec & Halawa (2015) [147], can impact completion rates; longer courses tend to have higher dropout rates. The perceived efficacy of the course content also plays a crucial role in student retention, as noted by Reparaz et al. (2020) [22] and supported by Alario-Hoyos et al. (2017) [14], with task value being a significant variable in this context. Other elements such as course relatedness to the program, learner's social situation, task value, and interest also contribute to course motivation. ...
This systematic review investigates the effectiveness of motivational strategies on learner engagement and retention rates in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we analyzed 140 studies published between 2014 and 2023 from key academic databases. The objective was to identify and evaluate motivational strategies that significantly reduce MOOC dropout rates. Our findings reveal that personalized learning, interactive content, and peer collaboration are strongly correlated with increased learner engagement and persistence. These strategies align well with learners' intrinsic goals, enhancing their educational experience and adherence to courses. The review also identifies gaps, such as the need for longitudinal studies and culturally tailored motivational strategies, offering a refined agenda for future research in MOOC education. This study contributes to the field by systematically synthesizing existing research, providing new insights into effective educational strategies, and highlighting areas for improvement in MOOC design and implementation. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-SIED1-08 Full Text: PDF
... In further research, the same process could be repeated, and the motivational factor be introduced to measure its influence on the learning process. Some tests that could be used are the learning motivation questionnaire: LMQ (Alario-Hoyos et al., 2017), the learning satisfaction questionnaire: LSQ (Kim et al., 2012), Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire: MSLQ (Pintrich et al., 1993). ...
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The Engineer: enhancing bachelor students' English technical engineering vocabulary proficiency with a serious video game The Engineer: mejora del dominio de vocabulario de ingeniería técnica en inglés entre estudiantes de grado mediante el uso de un videojuego serio https://doi. Abstract Since the decade of 2010, the game-based approach has given rise to new research in education. The quick advance of technology has also helped to introduce more powerful and sophisticated devices and digital applications in the classroom. As a result, gamifying a subject with serious video games is a new rising trend in the educational sector. Therefore, this research is based on the use of a serious video game that has been developed with institutional support and it aims to reinforce a university bachelor's degree subject. The Engineer is a serious game designed to teach English for engineering and gives support to a textbook for the subject English B2 for Industrial Engineers at the Universitat Politècnica de València. This research aimed to measure the learners' acquisition of new engineering vocabulary in English after using the game and the associated textbook. In our experiment, 64 Industrial Engineering degree students were divided into an experimental group that used the game and textbook and a control group that only used the textbook. Both groups took a pre-test and a post-test to measure their knowledge of general and specific engineering vocabulary. Results showed that the use of the serious game increased the exposure time to the foreign language, leading to better results among the experimental group. Students in the experimental group also showed more satisfaction with the course. The study concludes that serious games can be an effective tool for 294 Casañ Pitarch, R. The Engineer: enhancing bachelor students' English technical engineering vocabulary proficiency with a serious video game Revista de Educación, language learning and teaching as it extends the time of exposure to the new content and it also motivates the students due to its playful component. Keywords: The Engineer, serious video games, gamification, game-based learning, teaching english as a foreign language, language for specific purposes, industrial engineering. Resumen Desde la década de los 2010, el enfoque basado en el juego ha dado lugar a nuevas investigaciones en el campo de la educación. El rápido avance de la tecnología también ha ayudado a introducir dispositivos y aplicaciones digitales más potentes y sofisticadas en el aula. Como resultado, gamificar una asignatura con videojuegos serios es una nueva tendencia al alza en el sector educativo. Por lo tanto, esta investigación se basa en el uso de un videojuego serio que se ha desarrollado con apoyo institucional con el objetivo de reforzar una asignatura de grado universitario. The Engineer es un juego serio diseñado para enseñar inglés para ingeniería y ofrece apoyo a un libro de texto para la asignatura Inglés B2 para Ingenieros Industriales en la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo de la investigación es medir la retención de los estudiantes del nuevo vocabulario sobre ingeniería en inglés después de usar el videojuego y el libro de texto aso-ciado. En nuestro experimento, se dividieron 64 estudiantes de grado en Ingeni-ería Industrial en un grupo experimental que usó el juego y el libro de texto, y un grupo de control que solo usó el libro de texto. Ambos grupos realizaron una prueba previa y una posterior para medir su conocimiento del vocabulario de ing-eniería general y específico. Los resultados mostraron que el uso del juego serio aumentó el tiempo de exposición al idioma extranjero, lo que llevó a mejores resultados entre el grupo experimental. Los estudiantes en el grupo experimental también mostraron más satisfacción con la asignatura. El estudio concluye que los juegos serios pueden ser una herramienta efectiva para el aprendizaje y la ense-ñanza de idiomas ya que extiende el tiempo de exposición al nuevo contenido y también motiva a los estudiantes debido a su componente lúdico. Palabras clave: The Engineer, videojuegos serios, gamificación, aprendizaje basado en juegos, enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, lengua para fines específicos, ingeniería industrial.
... It clarifies the principal position of students in teaching activities, and well promotes the improvement of students' autonomous learning ability, collaborative communication ability and innovation ability. Research shows that in e-learning, learners with higher learning motivation will be more persistent to the course and have better academic performance [4]. It greatly improves the effect of course teaching. ...
... Nevertheless, learner engagement, such as the intention to complete an online course, emerges as an essential variable [16,17]. MOOC completion might not be the only indicator of success, however, given that individual training goals vary, as do strategies to achieve them [18][19][20][21]. ...
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This qualitative study investigated the effectiveness of blended learning using MOOCs (massive open online courses) for capacity-building in knowledge translation (KT). The evaluation followed Kirkpatrick’s updated model. A total of 23 semi-directed interviews were conducted with participants working at a research centre in Côte d’Ivoire, with a first wave of interviews immediately post-training and a second wave after five months. Results showed that the training met learners’ needs, with both the content and teaching format being deemed appropriate. Learners reacted positively to face-to-face activities and affirmed the importance of coaching for putting learning into practice. Specific KT skills and principles appeared to have been acquired, such as a procedure for structuring the KT process and improved skills for communicating and presenting scientific knowledge. Five months after the training, encouraging changes were reported, but the sustainability of the new KT practices remained uncertain. KT capacity-building initiatives in low- and middle-income countries struggle to meet demand. Little is known about effective KT training in that context, and even less in non-anglophone countries. The study presented here contributes to the understanding of success factors from the learners’ standpoint.
Introduction . The digital transformation of education plays a key role in the formation of in-demand IT specialists. In modern conditions, the method of problem-oriented learning is actively being introduced into the educational process of higher education and contributes to the formation of professional, communicative and digital competencies of IT students. Aim . The present research aimed to validate the incorporation of massive open online course (MOOC) components in the organisation of problem-oriented training for IT students to enhance their professional competencies. Methodology and research methods. The study was conducted over two academic years, beginning in 2022, at Academician E. A. Buketov Karaganda University. A total of 24 teachers participated in the specialised training of IT students, along with 86 students participated. At the first stage, a model was developed to integrate MOOCs into the structure of a specialised IT discipline within the framework of a specialised IT discipline, utilising problem-oriented learning. Additionally, the baseline level of students’ readiness to engage with MOOC courses was assessed. At the second stage, the effectiveness of utilising MOOC courses for implementing problem-oriented learning in the study of IT disciplines was assessed. At the third stage, the results were summarised and conclusions were drawn. Results and scientific novelty. The approaches to the organisation of problem-based learning in the preparation of IT students were defined. The use of Coursera MOOCs as the most convenient platform for studying IT courses was justified. A model of MOOC integration into the structure of an academic discipline in the organisation of problem-oriented learning was developed and experimentally tested. Practical significance . The results of an empirical study of student involvement in the use of MOOCs in problem-based learning prove the functionality of Coursera MOOC courses and their positive impact on the learning process. The feasibility of utilising MOOCs for implementing problem-oriented training aimed at developing students’ professional IT competencies is well-supported.
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School dropout is a significant issue in distance learning, and early detection is crucial for addressing the problem. Our study aims to create a binary classification model that anticipates students’ activity levels based on their current achievements and engagement on a Canadian Distance learning Platform. Predicting student dropout, a common classification problem in educational data analysis, is addressed by utilizing a comprehensive dataset that includes 49 features ranging from socio-demographic to behavioral data. This dataset provides a unique opportunity to analyze student interactions and success factors in a distance learning environment. We have developed a student profiling system and implemented a predictive approach using XGBoost, selecting the most important features for the prediction process. In this work, our methodology was developed in Python, using the widely used sci-kit-learn package. Alongside XGBoost, logistic regression was also employed as part of our combination of strategies to enhance the models predictive capabilities. Our work can accurately predict student dropout, achieving an accuracy rate of approximately 82% on unseen data from the next academic year.
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The number of students engaged in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is increasing rapidly. Due to the autonomy of students in this type of education, students in MOOCs are required to regulate their learning to a greater extent than students in traditional, face-to-face education. However, there is no questionnaire available suited for this online context that measures all aspects of self-regulated learning (SRL). In this study, such a questionnaire is developed based on existing SRL questionnaires. This is the self-regulated online learning questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on the first dataset led to a set of scales differing from those theoretically defined beforehand. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted on a second dataset to compare the fit of the theoretical model and the exploratively obtained model. The exploratively obtained model provided much better fit to the data than the theoretical model. All models under investigation provided better fit when excluding the task strategies scale and when merging the scales measuring metacognitive activities. From the results of the EFA and the CFA it can be concluded that further development of the questionnaire is necessary.
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Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a recent approach to education, with much buzz generated around them by technology investors, educators, and the news media alike. However, despite the hype and the subsequent enrollment of millions of learners into MOOCs, the following years experienced a reversal of energy as the results of studies on the effects and costs of MOOCs began to reveal that MOOCs were not a panacea to formal educations’ challenges. Now, in 2016, as MOOCs continue to serve millions of students and there are more courses available than before, key questions persist about the efficacy, relevance, and value of MOOCs. This chapter examines the state of MOOCs between 2012 and 2016 and discusses advances in knowledge around MOOCs that have been observed from empirical research during this period. We build upon our previous review of MOOCs that was originally written in 2013 (Riel & Lawless, 2015), as a large number of studies focused on MOOC technologies, efficacy, and goals have been published in the short time between 2012 and 2016.
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Background. Most instruments, including the well-known Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), have been designed in western homogeneous settings. Use of the MSLQ in health professions education is limited. Objective. To assess the MSLQ and its association with the academic performance of a heterogeneous group of 1st-year medical students. Methods. Eighty-three percent of 1st-year medical students consented to participate in this quantitative study. The MSLQ consisted of a motivation strategies component with six subscales, while the learning strategies component had nine subscales. Demographic and academic achievement information of the students was also collected. Stata version 13 (StataCorp LP, USA) was used for the statistical analyses of all data. Results. Female students displayed significantly higher motivational scores. Students with prior educational experience and those who attended peermentoring sessions had significantly higher learning strategy scores. Significant but moderate relationships were found between academic performance and the motivation strategies subsumed within the categories ‘task value’ and ‘self-efficacy for learning performance’. In terms of the ‘learning strategy component’, ‘critical thinking’, and ‘time and study environment’, the composite score was significantly but poorly correlated to academic performance. Conclusion. Overall, limited correlations were found between the MSLQ scores and academic performance. Further investigation of the use of the MSLQ and its association with academic achievement is recommended, with greater focus on specific learning events than on course outcomes. This study highlights the importance of evaluating an instrument in a specific context before accepting the findings of others with regard to the use of the instrument and its correlation with academic performance.
Individuals with strong self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, characterized by the ability to plan, manage and control their learning process, can learn faster and achieve higher grades compared to those with weaker SRL skills. SRL is critical in learning environments that provide low levels of support and guidance, as is commonly the case in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Learners can be trained to engage in SRL and further supported by facilitating prompts, activities, and tools. However, effective implementation of learner support systems in MOOCs requires an understanding of which SRL strategies are most effective and how these strategies manifest in learner behavior. Moreover, identifying learner characteristics that are predictive of weaker SRL skills can advance efforts to provide targeted support without obtrusive survey instruments. We investigated SRL in a sample of 4831 learners across six MOOCs based on individual records of overall course achievement, interactions with course content, and survey responses. Results indicated that goal setting and strategic planning predicted attainment of personal course goals, while help seeking appeared to be counterproductive. Learners with stronger SRL skills were more likely to revisit previously studied course materials, especially course assessments. Several learner characteristics, including demographics and motivation, predicted learners’ SRL skills. We discuss implications and next steps towards online learning environments that provide targeted support and guidance.
This study, conducted in Israel, examined how learning strategies and motivational orientations contributed to high school students’ sense of achievement in a massive open online course. The objective was to integrate an innovative teaching–learning strategy into the educational system that is based on online learning for students in subjects that are rich in knowledge and technology. The researchers used a motivated strategies learning questionnaire modified to fit the purpose of this study. In addition, the researchers built and used a sense of achievement index based on social pedagogy as a leading principle in the current learning model. Structural Equation Modeling path analysis results suggested that projects-based learning subjects had a significant positive impact on motivational orientations and learning strategies, and they in turn had a significant positive impact on students’ sense of achievement.