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Implication of Sialidases in Salmonella Infection: Genome Release of Sialidase Knockout Strains from Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium LT2



Sialidases, which are widely distributed in nature, cleave the α-ketosidic bond of terminal sialic acid residue. These emerging virulence factors degrade the host glycan. We report here the release of seven sialidase and one sialic acid transporter deletion in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain LT2, which are important in cellular invasion during infection.
Implication of Sialidases in Salmonella
Infection: Genome Release of Sialidase
Knockout Strains from Salmonella
enterica Serovar Typhimurium LT2
Narine Arabyan,
Allison M. Weis,
Bihua C. Huang,
Bart C. Weimer
Department of Population Health and Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis, Davis, California,
; 100K Pathogen Genome Project, UC Davis, Davis, California, USA
ABSTRACT Sialidases, which are widely distributed in nature, cleave the
bond of terminal sialic acid residue. These emerging virulence factors degrade the
host glycan. We report here the release of seven sialidase and one sialic acid trans-
porter deletion in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain LT2, which are im-
portant in cellular invasion during infection.
Sialidases are widely distributed among microbes and are one of the least charac-
terized and ill-defined glycosyl hydrolases. Sialidases have been associated with
several diseases. Sialidases play a critical role in microbiology by mediating metabolism,
adherence, and infection, and they are important regulators of alternate complement
pathway activation, red blood cell destruction, cell growth, cell adhesion, and tumor
metastasis in mammalian systems (1–5). Recently, the importance of sialidases in
infection and commensalism has come to light, opening the potential to use newly
measured genomic diversity as a means to investigate infection mechanisms. Though
antibiotics are available for treatment of bacterial infections, inhibitors of all sialidases
and new drug targets may be medically useful where sialidase activity has been
correlated with severe infection pathology.
The presence of sialidases is highly correlated with the progress and severity of the
disease, and the most probable role of sialidases is for successful attachment and
colonization. Microbes use sialidases to reveal the cell surface that holds sialic acid-
containing cell membrane receptors during infection. Sialidases play an important role
in infection by altering the host glycan structure to gain access of the host epithelial
cells by binding to terminal sialic acid receptors to initiate glycan degradation (6). The
two sialidases (nanH and STM1252) from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
LT2 have the same domains and function as sialidases, but they are structurally very
different, indicating domain shuffling and lack of structural conservation; therefore, this
difference led to different invasion phenotypes during the in vitro infection of differ-
entiated colonic epithelial cells (Caco-2) (6).
The 100K Pathogen Genome Project ( is a large-scale
sequencing consortium that offers the use of new next-generation sequencing methods to
provide cutting-edge methods for pathogen detection and control in the food supply. This
project is focused on producing genomes of pathogenic isolates from the environment,
plants, animals, and humans worldwide, providing new insights into the genetic diversity
of Salmonella spp. and other foodborne pathogens. These seven sialidase and one sialic
acid transporter mutant strain were constructed in the Weimer Laboratory (UC Davis, Davis,
CA, USA) (6) as described by Datsenko and Wanner (7). Cultures were grown on 1.5%
Luria–Bertani agar (Difco, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), with 10
g/mL of chloramphenicol at
37°C, and then lysed (8). Genomic DNA was extracted (9), checked for quality (10), and
Received 21 March 2017 Accepted 27 March
2017 Published 11 May 2017
Citation Arabyan N, Weis AM, Huang BC,
Weimer BC. 2017. Implication of sialidases in
Salmonella infection: genome release of
sialidase knockout strains from Salmonella
enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2. Genome
Announc 5:e00341-17.
Copyright © 2017 Arabyan et al. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license.
Address correspondence to Bart C. Weimer,
Volume 5 Issue 19 e00341-17 1
fragmented (11). The 350- to 500-bp libraries (12,13) were indexed (96 genomes/lane) and
sequenced (Illumina HiSeq 3000; 150-bp paired-end) (14–16) at the UC Davis DNA Tech-
nologies Core. Paired-end reads were de novo assembled using CLC Workbench version 6
with default parameters. Here, the 100K Pathogen Genome Project has assembled seven
genomes of single and double sialidases and one sialic acid transporter deletion strain of
S. Typhimurium LT2.
Accession number(s). All sequences are publicly available and can be found at the
100K Pathogen Genome Project (NCBI PRJNA186441) in the Sequence Read Archive
(; genome assemblies can be found in NCBI GenBank
(Table 1).
B.C.W. gratefully acknowledges funding for this project from Mars, Inc., NIH (1R01HD065122-
01A1 and U24-DK097154), and Agilent Technologies (Thought Leader Award).
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4. Chan RW, Karamanska R, Van Poucke S, Van Reeth K, Chan IW, Chan MC,
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5. de Graaf M, Fouchier RA. 2014. Role of receptor binding specificity in
influenza A virus transmission and pathogenesis. EMBO J 33:823– 841.
6. Arabyan N, Park D, Foutouhi S, Weis AM, Huang BC, Williams CC, Desai
P, Shah J, Jeannotte R, Kong N, Lebrilla CB, Weimer BC. 2016. Salmonella
degrades the host glycocalyx leading to altered infection and glycan
remodeling. Sci Rep 6:29525.
7. Datsenko KA, Wanner BL. 2000. One-step inactivation of chromosomal
genes in Escherichia coli K-12 using PCR products. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A 97:6640 6645.
8. Jeannotte R, Lee E, Kong N, Ng W, Kelly L, Weimer BC. 2014. High-
throughput analysis of foodborne bacterial genomic DNA using Agilent
2200 TapeStation and genomic DNA ScreenTape system. Agilent Tech-
nologies Application Note. Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.
9. Kong N, Ng W, Lee V, Kelly L, Weimer BC. 2013. Production and analysis
of high molecular weight genomic DNA for NGS pipelines using Agilent
DNA extraction kit (p/n 200600). Agilent Technologies Application Note.
Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.
10. Kong N, Ng W, Cai L, Leonardo A, Kelly L, Weimer BC. 2014. Integrating
the DNA integrity number (DIN) to assess genomic DNA (gDNA) quality
control using the Agilent 2200 TapeStation system. Agilent Technolo-
gies Application Note. Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.
11. Jeannotte R, Lee E, Arabyan N, Kong N, Thao K, Huang BH, Kelly L,
Weimer BC. 2014. Optimization of Covaris settings for shearing bacterial
genomic DNA by focused ultrasonication and analysis using Agilent
2200 TapeStation. Agilent Technologies Application Note. Agilent Tech-
nologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.
12. Kong N, Ng W, Foutouhi A, Huang BH, Kelly L, Weimer BC. 2014. Quality
control of high-throughput library construction pipeline for KAPA HTP
library using an Agilent 2200 TapeStation. Agilent Technologies Appli-
cation Note. Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.
13. Kong N, Thao K, Huang C, Appel M, Lappin S, Knapp L, Kelly L, Weimer
BC. 2014. Automated library construction using KAPA library preparation
kits on the Agilent NGS workstation yields high-quality libraries for
whole-genome sequencing on the Illumina platform. Agilent Technolo-
gies Application Note. Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.
14. Lüdeke CH, Kong N, Weimer BC, Fischer M, Jones JL. 2015. Complete
genome sequences of a clinical isolate and an environmental isolate of
Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Genome Announc 3(2):e00216-15. https://doi
15. Weis AM, Clothier KA, Huang BC, Kong N, Weimer BC. 2016. Draft
genome sequences of Campylobacter jejuni strains that cause abortion in
livestock. Genome Announc 4(6):e01324-16.
16. Weis AM, Huang BC, Storey DB, Kong N, Chen P, Arabyan N, Gilpin B,
Mason C, Townsend AK, Smith WA, Byrne BA, Taff CC, Weimer BC. 2017.
Large-scale release of Campylobacter draft genomes: resources for food
safety and public health from the 100K pathogen genome project.
Genome Announc 5(1):e00925-16.
TABLE 1 S. Typhimurium LT2 sialidase and sialic acid transporter deletion mutants
GenBank accession no. SRA accession no. Isolate name Gene deleted
No. of
contigs Coverage ()
Total genome
size (bp)
No. of coding
MWQQ00000000 SRR5279339 BCW_7500 nanT 65 143 4,895,101 4,810
MWVC00000000 SRR5288771 BCW_7514 invA::nanH 240 15 4,892,397 4,898
MWQR00000000 SRR5279338 BCW_7515 invA::STM1252 74 130 4,892,686 4,819
MWQS00000000 SRR5279337 BCW_7516 melA::nanH 72 142 4,870,638 4,785
MWQT00000000 SRR5279336 BCW_7517 melA::STM1252 59 302 4,895,400 4,805
MWQU00000000 SRR5279335 BCW_7518 nanH::STM1252 54 106 4,893,964 4,803
MWQV00000000 SRR3622954 BCW_8441 STM1252 57 165 4,894,714 4,806
MWQW00000000 SRR3622955 BCW_8442 nanH 60 139 4,894,435 4,815
Arabyan et al.
Volume 5 Issue 19 e00341-17 2
... We infected epithelial cells and phagocytes with the ΔchiA mutant strains, and interestingly, we found that the strains lacking chiA were invasion defective in epithelial cells. Salmonella is known to remodel the host cell surface glycans to facilitate invasion in the epithelial cells [17][18][19]. We checked the host cell surface glycan modification by lectin-binding assay. ...
... Interestingly, the expression of two major SPI-1 encoded genes invF and hilA was significantly higher in the STM ΔchiA mutant strain, indicating that the bacteria overexpress these effectors to counter the lack of ChiA. Previous reports suggested that Salmonella remodels the host cell surface glycans to facilitate invasion in the epithelial cells [17][18][19]. Our observations from the lectin-binding assay indicate that chitinase aids in glycan remodeling by cleaving the terminal glycosyl molecules and making the mannose ...
Full-text available
Salmonella is a facultative intracellular pathogen that has co-evolved with its host and has also developed various strategies to evade the host immune responses. Salmonella recruits an array of virulence factors to escape from host defense mechanisms. Previously chitinase A (chiA) was found to be upregulated in intracellular Salmonella. Although studies show that several structurally similar chitinases and chitin-binding proteins (CBP) of many human pathogens have a profound role in various aspects of pathogenesis, like adhesion, virulence, and immune evasion, the role of chitinase in the intravacuolar pathogen Salmonella has not yet been elucidated. Therefore, we made chromosomal deletions of the chitinase encoding gene (chiA) to study the role of chitinase of Salmonella enterica in the pathogenesis of the serovars, Typhimurium, and Typhi using in vitro cell culture model and two different in vivo hosts. Our data indicate that ChiA removes the terminal sialic acid moiety from the host cell surface, and facilitates the invasion of the pathogen into the epithelial cells. Interestingly we found that the mutant bacteria also quit the Salmonella-containing vacuole and hyper-proliferate in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. Further, we found that ChiA aids in reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the phagocytes, leading to MHCII downregulation followed by suppression of antigen presentation and antibacterial responses. Notably, in the murine host, the mutant shows compromised virulence, leading to immune activation and pathogen clearance. In continuation of the study in C. elegans, Salmonella Typhi ChiA was found to facilitate bacterial attachment to the intestinal epithelium, intestinal colonization, and persistence by downregulating antimicrobial peptides. This study provides new insights on chitinase as an important and novel virulence determinant that helps in immune evasion and increased pathogenesis of Salmonella.
... Approximately 1 mL of suspension was transferred to a microcentrifuge tube in duplicate and the bacteria were pelleted by centrifugation at 16,000× g for 5 min. The supernatant was aspirated off and pellets were frozen at −80 °C until DNA was extracted, as described previously [42][43][44][45]. Briefly, the cell pellet was lysed with a hydrolytic enzyme cocktail for 30 min with DNA isolation completed using the Wizard Genomic DNA Purification kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), according to instructions for gram-negative bacteria. ...
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Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the leading cause of mortality and antimicrobial drug (AMD) use in weaned dairy heifers. Limited information is available regarding antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in respiratory bacteria in this population. This study determined AMR gene presence in 326 respiratory isolates (Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Histophilus somni) from weaned dairy heifers using whole genome sequencing. Concordance between AMR genotype and phenotype was determined. Twenty-six AMR genes for 8 broad classes of AMD were identified. The most prevalent, medically important AMD classes used in calf rearing, to which these genes predict AMR among study isolates were tetracycline (95%), aminoglycoside (94%), sulfonamide (94%), beta-lactam (77%), phenicol (50%), and macrolide (44%). The co-occurrence of AMR genes within an isolate was common; the largest cluster of gene co-occurrence encodes AMR to phenicol, macrolide, elfamycin, β-lactam (cephalosporin, penam cephamycin), aminoglycoside, tetracycline, and sulfonamide class AMD. Concordance between genotype and phenotype varied (Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient ranged from −0.57 to 1) by bacterial species, gene, and AMD tested, and was particularly poor for fluoroquinolones (no AMR genes detected) and ceftiofur (no phenotypic AMR classified while AMR genes present). These findings suggest a high genetic potential for AMR in weaned dairy heifers; preventing BRD and decreasing AMD reliance may be important in this population.
... (group A and B), the causative agents of gangrene, pneumonia cholera, meningitis, and glomerulonephritis, respectively [1]. This enzyme has been detected in Pasteurella multocida (zooanthroponosis), Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria), Salmonella typhimurium (salmonellosis), etc. [2,3]. Influenza virus neuraminidase is the best-known viral enzyme. ...
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Sialidases (neuraminidases) catalyze the removal of terminal sialic acid residues from glycoproteins. Novel enzymes from non-clinical isolates are of increasing interest regarding their application in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The present study aimed to evaluate the participation of carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in the regulation of cold-active sialidase biosynthesis by the psychrotolerant fungal strain Penicillium griseofulvum P29, isolated from Antarctica. The presence of glucose inhibited sialidase activity in growing and non-growing fungal mycelia in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The same response was demonstrated with maltose and sucrose. The replacement of glucose with glucose-6-phosphate also exerted CCR. The addition of cAMP resulted in the partial de-repression of sialidase synthesis. The CCR in the psychrotolerant strain P. griseofulvum P29 did not depend on temperature. Sialidase might be subject to glucose repression by both at 10 and 25 °C. The fluorescent assay using 4MU-Neu5Ac for enzyme activity determination under increasing glucose concentrations evidenced that CCR may have a regulatory role in sialidase production. The real-time RT-PCR experiments revealed that the sialidase gene was subject to glucose repression. To our knowledge, this is the first report that has studied the effect of CCR on cold-active sialidase, produced by an Antarctic strain.
... Glycans are the first point of contact for microbes, and they must penetrate O-linked mucins in mucous and the glycocalyx oligosaccharides to allow successful pathogen binding and cell entry. For instance, S. Typhimurium secretes chitinases and sialidases that target N-linked GlcNAc-containing glycans and sialic acid, respectively [60][61][62][63]. Gut microbes frequently target O-glycans such as mucin to disrupt mucous viscosity or to use as an energy source [64]. ...
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Legionella pneumophila is an accidental pathogen that replicates intracellularly within the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) in macrophages. Within an hour of infection, L. pneumophila secretes effectors to manipulate Rab1 and intercept ER-derived vesicles to the LCV. The downstream consequences of interrupted ER trafficking on the Golgi of macrophages are not clear. We examined the Golgi structure and function in L. pneumophila-infected human U937 macrophages. Intriguingly, the size of the Golgi in infected macrophages remained similar to uninfected macrophages. Furthermore, TEM analysis also did not reveal any significant changes in the ultrastructure of the Golgi in L. pneumophila-infected cells. Drug-induced Golgi disruption impacted bacterial replication in human macrophages, suggesting that an intact organelle is important for bacteria growth. To probe for Golgi functionality after L. pneumophila infection, we assayed glycosylation levels using fluorescent lectins. Golgi O-glycosylation levels, visualized by the fluorescent cis-Golgi lectin, Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), significantly decreased over time as infection progressed, compared to control cells. N-glycosylation levels in the Golgi, as measured by L-PHA lectin staining, were not impacted by L. pneumophila infection. To understand the mechanism of reduced O-glycans in the Golgi we monitored UDP-GalNAc transporter levels in infected macrophages. The solute carrier family 35 membrane A2 (SLC35A2) protein levels were significantly reduced in L. pneumophila-infected U937 and HeLa cells and L. pneumophila growth in human macrophages benefitted from GalNAc supplementation. The pronounced reduction in Golgi HPA levels was dependent on the translocation apparatus DotA expression in bacteria and occurred in a ubiquitin-independent manner. Thus, L. pneumophila infection of human macrophages maintains and requires an intact host Golgi ultrastructure despite known interference of ER–Golgi trafficking. Finally, L. pneumophila infection blocks the formation of O-linked glycans and reduces SLC35A2 protein levels in infected human macrophages.
... A likely target for bacterial chitinases is the N-linked surface glycoproteins expressed by host cells. S. Typhimurium is already known to trigger the removal of sialic acid during infection of colonic cells, which is likely to be mediated by sialidases expressed by S. Typhimurium [26,50]. Several other glycosyl hydrolases expressed by S. Typhimurium have also been implicated in the modulation of specific glycan species [25]. ...
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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is one of the leading causes of food-borne illnesses worldwide. To colonize the gastrointestinal tract, S. Typhimurium produces multiple virulence factors that facilitate cellular invasion. Chitinases have been recently emerging as virulence factors for various pathogenic bacterial species, and the S. Typhimurium genome contains two annotated chitinases: STM0018 (chiA) and STM0233. However, the role of these chitinases during S. Typhimurium pathogenesis is unknown. The putative chitinase STM0233 has not been studied previously, and only limited data exists on ChiA. Chitinases typically hydrolyze chitin polymers, which are absent in vertebrates. However, chiA expression was detected in infection models and purified ChiA cleaved carbohydrate subunits present on mammalian surface glycoproteins, indicating a role during pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that expression of chiA and STM0233 is upregulated in the mouse gut and that both chitinases facilitate epithelial cell adhesion and invasion. S. Typhimurium lacking both chitinases showed a 70% reduction in invasion of small intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. In a gastroenteritis mouse model, chitinase-deficient S. Typhimurium strains were also significantly attenuated in the invasion of small intestinal tissue. This reduced invasion resulted in significantly delayed S. Typhimurium dissemination to the spleen and the liver, but chitinases were not required for systemic survival. The invasion defect of the chitinase-deficient strain was rescued by the presence of wild-type S. Typhimurium, suggesting that chitinases are secreted. By analyzing N-linked glycans of small intestinal cells, we identified specific N-acetylglucosamine-containing glycans as potential extracellular targets of S. Typhimurium chitinases. This analysis also revealed a differential abundance of Lewis X/A-containing glycans that is likely a result of host cell modulation due to the detection of S. Typhimurium chitinases. Similar glycomic changes elicited by chitinase deficient strains indicate functional redundancy of the chitinases. Overall, our results demonstrate that S. Typhimurium chitinases contribute to intestinal adhesion and invasion through modulation of the host glycome.
... Sialidases participate in cell metabolism, adhesion, proliferation, immune functions, and infectious processes under various pathological and physiological conditions (Imai and Kawaoka, 2012;Varki and Gagneux, 2012;Walther et al., 2013;de Graaf and Fouchier, 2014;Arabyan et al., 2017;Miyagi et al., 2018). Sialidases are known to be produced by a variety of viruses and bacterial pathogens, including influenza viruses, V. cholerae, S. pneumoniae, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and C. perfringens (Traving and Schauer, 1998;Vimr et al., 2004;Severi et al., 2007;Nishiyama et al., 2018). ...
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Clostridium perfringens is an important human and animal pathogen that is the primary causative agent of necrotizing enteritis and enterotoxemia in many types of animals; it causes traumatic gas gangrene in humans and animals and is associated with cases of food poisoning in humans. C. perfringens produces a variety of toxins as well as many enzymes, including three sialidases, NanH, NanI, and NanJ. Sialidases could be important virulence factors that promote the pathogenesis of C. perfringens. Among them, NanI promotes the colonization of C. perfringens in the intestinal tract and enhances the cytotoxic activity and association of several major C. perfringens toxins with host cells. In recent years, studies on the structure and functions of sialidases have yielded interesting results, and the functions of sialic acid and sialidases in bacterial pathogenesis have become a hot research topic. An in-depth understanding and additional studies of sialidases will further elucidate mechanisms of C. perfringens pathogenesis and could promote the development and clinical applications of sialidase inhibitors. This article reviews the structural characteristics, expression regulation, roles of sialidases in C. perfringens pathogenesis, and effects of their inhibitors.
... 179 This enzyme can cleave the α-ketosidic bond in the terminal of sialic acid residue. 180 Interestingly, IFNγ has a dual role in mucosal defense; first, signaling of IFNγR in Goblet cell (mucosal secretion cell) leads to the loss of mucus; on the other hand, IFNγR restricts the growth of pathogen in macrophage. 181 After passing the mucus layer and entering the lamina propria, TLR is activated via flagelin and mediates phagocyte by DC and macrophage. ...
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Salmonella can be categorized into many serotypes, which are specific to known hosts or broadhosts. It makes no difference which one of the serotypes would penetrate the gastrointestinal tract because they all face similar obstacles such as mucus and microbiome. However, following their penetration, some species remain in the gastrointestinal tract; yet, others spread to another organ like gallbladder. Salmonella is required to alter the immune response to sustain its intracellular life. Changing the host response requires particular effector proteins and vehicles to translocate them. To this end, a categorized gene called Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI) was developed; genes like Salmonella pathogenicity island encode aggressive or modulating proteins. Initially, Salmonella needs to be attached and stabilized via adhesin factor, without which no further steps can be taken. In this review, an attempt has been made to elaborate on each factor attached to the host cell or to modulating and aggressive proteins that evade immune systems. This review includes four sections: (A) attachment factors or T3SS- independent entrance, (B) effector proteins or T3SS-dependent entrance, (c) regulation of invasive genes, and (D) regulation of immune responses.
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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ( Salmonella ) is one of the leading causes of food-borne illnesses worldwide. To colonize the gastrointestinal tract, Salmonella produces multiple virulence factors that facilitate cellular invasion. Chitinases have been recently emerging as virulence factors for various pathogenic bacterial species and the Salmonella genome contains two annotated chitinases: STM0018 ( chiA ) and STM0233 . However, the role of these chitinases during Salmonella pathogenesis is unknown. The putative chitinase STM0233 has not been studied previously and only limited data exists on ChiA. Chitinases typically hydrolyze chitin polymers, which are absent in vertebrates. However, chiA expression was detected in infection models and purified ChiA cleaved carbohydrate subunits present on mammalian surface glycoproteins, indicating a role during pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that expression of chiA and STM0233 is upregulated in the mouse gut and that both chitinases facilitate epithelial cell adhesion and invasion. Salmonella lacking both chitinases showed a 70% reduction in invasion of small intestinal epithelial cells in vitro . In a gastroenteritis mouse model, chitinase-deficient Salmonella strains were also significantly attenuated in the invasion of small intestinal tissue. This reduced invasion resulted in significantly delayed Salmonella dissemination to the spleen and the liver, but chitinases were not required for systemic survival. The invasion defect of the chitinase-deficient strain was rescued by the presence of wild-type Salmonella , suggesting that chitinases are secreted. By analyzing N -linked glycans of small intestinal cells, we identified specific N -acetylglucosamine-containing glycans as potential extracellular targets of Salmonella chitinases. This analysis also revealed differential abundance of Lewis X-containing glycans that is likely a result of host cell modulation due to the detection of Salmonella chitinases. Similar glycomic changes elicited by chitinase deficient strains indicate functional redundancy of the chitinases. Overall, our results demonstrate that Salmonella chitinases contribute to intestinal adhesion and invasion through modulation of the host glycome. Author Summary Salmonella Typhimurium infection is one of the leading causes of food-borne illnesses worldwide. In order for Salmonella to effectively cause disease, it has to invade the epithelial cells lining the intestinal tract. This invasion step allows Salmonella to replicate efficiently, causing further tissue damage and inflammation. In susceptible patients, Salmonella can spread past the intestines and infect peripheral organs. It is essential to fully understand the invasion mechanism used by Salmonella to design better treatments for infection. Here, we demonstrate that the two chitinases produced by Salmonella are involved in this invasion process. We show that Salmonella chitinases interact with surface glycans of intestinal epithelial cells and promote adhesion and invasion. Using a mouse infection model, we show that Salmonella chitinases are required for the invasion of the small intestine and enhance the dissemination of Salmonella to other organs. This study reveals an additional mechanism by which Salmonella invades and causes infection.
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Salmonella is a facultative intracellular pathogen that has co-evolved with its host and has also developed various strategies to evade the host immune responses. Salmonella recruits an array of virulence factors to escape from host defense mechanisms. Previously chitinase A (chiA) was found to be upregulated in intracellular Salmonella. Although studies show that chitinases and chitin binding proteins (CBP) of many human pathogens have a profound role in various aspects of pathogenesis, like adhesion, virulence and immune evasion, the role of chitinase in strict intravacuolar pathogen Salmonella has not yet been elucidated. In this study, we deciphered the role of chitinase of Salmonella in the pathogenesis of the serovars, Typhimurium and Typhi. Our data propose that ChiA mediated modification of the glycosylation on the epithelial cell surface facilitates the invasion of the pathogen into the epithelial cells. Further we found that ChiA aids in reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in phagocytes, leading to MHCII downregulation followed by suppression of antigen presentation and antibacterial responses. In continuation of the study in animal model C. elegans, Salmonella Typhi ChiA was found to facilitate attachment to the intestinal epithelium, gut colonization and persistence by downregulating antimicrobial peptides.
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The mucosal barrier, found lining epithelial cells, serves multiple functions in a range of animals. The major structural components of mucus are mucins, which are heavily glycosylated proteins that are either membrane bound or secreted by the epithelial cells. Mucins are key components of the innate immune system, as they are involved in the clearance of pathogens from the airways and intestines, and their expression is typically upregulated upon epithelial cell exposure to a variety of pathogens. In this study, we identified the mucin MUL-1 as an innate immune factor that appears to be utilized by P. aeruginosa to colonize hosts. We found that while the expression of several mucins, including MUL-1, increased upon P. aeruginosa infection of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, silencing of or deletion of mul-1 resulted in enhanced survival and reduced bacterial accumulation. P. aeruginosa required host sialidase CTSA-1.1 to use mucin-derived glycans to colonize the host, while sialidase-encoding bacteria required host MUL-1 but not CTSA-1.1 to cause a lethal infection. This role of mucins and free glycans in host-pathogen interaction appears to be conserved from C. elegans to humans, as P. aeruginosa binding to human lung epithelial cells was also enhanced in the presence of free glycans, and free glycans reversed the binding defect of P. aeruginosa to human lung cells lacking the mucin MUC1.
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Campylobacter is a food-associated bacterium and a leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide, being associated with poultry in the food supply. This is the initial public release of 202 Campylobacter genome sequences as part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. These isolates represent global genomic diversity in the Campylobacter genus.
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Campylobacter jejuni is an intestinal bacterium that can cause abortion in livestock. This publication announces the public release of 15 Campylobacter jejuni genome sequences from isolates linked to abortion in livestock. These isolates are part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project and are from clinical cases at the University of California (UC) Davis.
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Complex glycans cover the gut epithelial surface to protect the cell from the environment. Invasive pathogens must breach the glycan layer before initiating infection. While glycan degradation is crucial for infection, this process is inadequately understood. Salmonella contains 47 glycosyl hydrolases (GHs) that may degrade the glycan. We hypothesized that keystone genes from the entire GH complement of Salmonella are required to degrade glycans to change infection. This study determined that GHs recognize the terminal monosaccharides (N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), galactose, mannose, and fucose) and significantly (p < 0.05) alter infection. During infection, Salmonella used its two GHs sialidase nanH and amylase malS for internalization by targeting different glycan structures. The host glycans were altered during Salmonella association via the induction of N-glycan biosynthesis pathways leading to modification of host glycans by increasing fucosylation and mannose content, while decreasing sialylation. Gene expression analysis indicated that the host cell responded by regulating more than 50 genes resulting in remodeled glycans in response to Salmonella treatment. This study established the glycan structures on colonic epithelial cells, determined that Salmonella required two keystone GHs for internalization, and left remodeled host glycans as a result of infection. These data indicate that microbial GHs are undiscovered virulence factors.
Technical Report
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The Agilent DNA Extraction Kit (p/n 200600) was compared to standard methods such as beadbeating and enzyme treatment for preparation of genomic DNA from the prokaryote Listeria monocytogenes. Using this extraction kit, with modifications, to lyse the bacteria and isolate high molecular weight DNA reproducibly yielded high quality DNA suitable for further applications such as polymerase chain reactions to produce amplicons, or for next-generation DNA sequencing. The quality of the high molecular weight DNA, and the comparison of extraction methods, was shown on the Agilent 2200 TapeStation with the Agilent Genomic DNA ScreenTape (p/n 5067-5365) and Agilent Genomic DNA Reagents (p/n 5067-5366). 2
Technical Report
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A new method was developed to automate the KAPA HTP Library Preparation kit for microbial whole genome sequencing. This method uses the Agilent NGS Workstation, consisting of the NGS Bravo liquid handling platform with its accessories for heating, cooling, shaking, and magnetic bead manipulations in a 96-well format. User intervention in multistep protocols is minimized through the use of other components of the workstation such as the BenchCel 4R Microplate Handler and Labware MiniHub for labware storage and movement. This method has been validated for sequencing on the Illumina platform and consists of three protocols: the first is for end repair to post-ligation cleanup; the second is used for library amplification setup; and the third is for the post-amplification cleanup. The modular design provides the end-user with the flexibility to complete library construction over two days, and is suitable for the construction of high-quality libraries from bacteria of various GC content. This combined solution produced a workflow that is suitable for production-scale sequencing projects such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project.
Technical Report
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The initial step in Next Generation Sequencing is to construct a library from genomic DNA. To gain the optimum result, extracted DNA must be of high molecular weight with limited degradation. High-throughput sequencing projects, such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project, require methods to rapidly assess the quantity and quality of genomic DNA extracts. In this study, assessment of the applicability of the Agilent 2200 TapeStation was done using genomic DNA from nine foodborne pathogens using several accepted high-throughput methods. The Agilent 2200 TapeStation System with Genomic DNA ScreenTape and Genomic DNA Reagents was easy to use with minimal manual intervention. An important advantage of the 2200 TapeStation over other high-throughput methods was that high molecular weight genomic DNA quality and quantity can be quantified apart from lower molecular weight size ranges, providing a distinct advantage in the library construction pipeline and over other methods available for this important step in the Next Generation Sequencing process.
Technical Report
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Next Generation Sequencing requires the input of high molecular weight genomic DNA to construct quality libraries for whole genome bacterial sequencing. Large scale sequencing projects, such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project, require methods to rapidly assess the quantity and quality of the input DNA using high-throughput methods that are fast and cost effective. In this study, the Agilent 2200 TapeStation and Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Systems were used to assess a few critical quality control steps for library construction. With minimal manual intervention , the Agilent 2200 TapeStation System determined the quality of genomic DNA, fragmented DNA, and final libraries constructed from multiple types of foodborne pathogens. The Agilent 2200 TapeStation System provided a single platform that effectively evaluated the necessary quality control steps, which provided a distinct advantage to decrease the time needed for library construction and a common instrument methodology for quality control.