... Table 1 presents a summary of the current development of smart clothing in various sectors, including smart health, vulnerable groups (monitoring of babies and the elderly), sports and wellness, industry, defence and public safety, and interaction with the environment. physical stress levels, breathing patterns, sweat, temperature, energy, burnt rate [10] internet-of-smart-clothing ECG signals sleep disorders [11] T-shirt ECG signals heart rate [12] a smart clothing prototype ECG monitoring human respiration [13] a smart garment ECGs respiration rate [14] Smart Garment triaxle accelerometer and gyroscope rehabilitation for assisting osteoarthritis (OA) patients [15] a Bluetooth-enabled smart garment acromion sensor rehabilitating shoulders [16] vivo metrics life Shirt accelerometers pulmonary, cardiac, and other vital signs measurement [17] sensatex smartShirt ECG respiration rate and blood pressure [18] Baby and Elderly Monitoring a smart garment ECG signal, textile electrode new-born monitoring [19] baby vest respiratory sensors, electrodes for ECG, moisture and temperature sensors respiration, heart rate, temperature and humidity, excessive sweating [20] wearable textile magnetic reed sensors accident prevention for babies in crawl phase [21] baby night watch ECG, 3D accelerometer, inertial sensor infant's body temperature, heart and breathing rates and body position [22] T-shirt knitted sensor heart attack or a stroke for elderly people [23] garment for older walkers shimmer sensor (ECG and accelerometer data) user's heart rate [24] Sports and Wellness smart shirt body-worn inertial sensors (acceleration sensors) monitoring posture [25] wearable Instrumented vest accelerometer sensor monitoring elderly people's postures [26] [32] wearable computers and smart clothing textrodes, motion sensors thermal work limits, alertness and fitness for duty status, musculoskeletal fatigue limits, neuropsychological and physiological conditions [33,34] a smart slim fit T-shirt accelerometer sensor, ECG heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV) [35] a firefighting garment temperature sensor, heart-beat sensor, accelerometer sensor heart rate, activity, body temperature [36] a smart T-shirt, a jacket and a pair of boots textile motion sensor, CO sensor heart and breathing rates, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, position, activity, and posture [37] Interaction with Environment a smart wristband a 3-axis accelerometer (ADXL335), Lilypad Arduino based microcontroller gesture processing to control lights [38] interactive clothes NFC tags and IOT to identify cheap replicas, track loyal customers, minimize the wastage of resources track of the goods using [39] intelligent T-shirt accelerometers Lilypad and 3D accelerometer heart rate [40] ...