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Muschampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) new to the Greek butterfly fauna and found in an unexpected alpine ecosystem (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae)


Abstract and Figures

Muschampia cribrellum is reported for the first time from Greece and, sur-prisingly, in the alpine zone (2300 m). Three males were captured in unexpected alpine-like biotope in Olympus Mt, and also in south Greece in Oeta Mt. These Greek isolated populations are located about 220 km south of the nearest previ-ously known places (Suva Planina, 30 km West of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia). The determi-nation of Greek specimens has been confirmed by phenotypic characters, genitalia as well as DNA analyses (COI gene). The updated distribution map shows all known localities of Muschampia cribrellum from the Balkan Peninsula, which ap-pears to be the
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uschampia cribrellum
      
       
     -
 
       
      
     
      Muschampia
         
uschampia cribrellum
 
       
M. cribrellum      
       
       
         
 
       
M. cribrellum
      
       
Muschampia, cribrellum 
uschampia cribrellum 
     
        
       
      
 et al. 
  et al.,     
      
  et al.     
    
        
    M. cribrel-
lum       --
       
M. cribrellum
        
   M. cribrellum 
  -  
cribrellum 
     
 
  Όλυμπος),   
       
    ’49.21” ’8.42”
  Οίτη
cribrellum      
   ’26.89’’ 
Muschampia cribrellum
 -
- -
 M. cribrellum
Muschampia cribrellum
Muschampia cribrellum
Muschampia cribrellum
4’ 4.65” 19’ 37.64” 
Muschampia cribrellum
Muschampia cribrellum 
 
      
 M. cribrellum    
    
 M. cribrellum
       
Erebia me-
las      Parnassius mne-
mosyne     
M. cribrellum     
      -
      
      Potentilla sp. 
      Potentilla deorum
 
Potentilla      -
Potentilla kionaea
   - 
      
et al.
et al.
        
       
       
  - 
     
     
    
Muschampia cribrellum
  Muschampia cribrellum  
♂, 
   Muschampia cribrellum 
      
’4.65’’ ’37.64’’ --  
leg, 
      ♂,   
  Muschampia cribrellum  
       
4’4.65’’ ’37.64’’ --  
leg, 
      
M. cribrellum
      
M. tessellum
M. proto
    Carcharodus alceae
       Mus-
champia       
 -    
       
    et al.  
      
      
-      
et al    - 
 M. cribrellum      
     
 Muschampia   -
 M. tessellum  M.
cribrellum      
     
     
         
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cribrellun      
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     
     
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      
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  -  
M. cribrellum 
      
 -   
   -   
 Methods in Molecular Biology:
Environmental Genetics 
      - 
      
 Muschampiacribrellum
         
. Nota Lepidopterologica,
       
 -       
-Proceedings of the Royal Entomo-
logical Society of London (Series B)-
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    -
      -
      Scientific
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       
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    Evolution  
 -     
     
   ThesisEkaterinburg
    -   
        
 Moscow
    -
     Collins London
     -
  -   
Molecular Ecology Notes
 -
 -      
   - František Slamka Ed.,
 -
    Zaštita prirode 
(12): 7187
  -Muschampia cribrellum
 Muschampia    
Phegea(1): 1521.
      
 -   Syrichtus   
Pyrgus      
 Acta entomologica Jugoslavica
 (12): 3341.
     -  
   Herbipoliana
   -
New York: Oxford University Press
    -
    -Muschampia tessellum
M. cribrellum
    Buletin
de informare Societatea lepidopterologicǎ romȃnǎ
      
Mol. Biol. Evol.-
 -     Braşov,
  
  -    
Mol. Biol. Evol.
 -     Har-
 -    
-      Brno
    - 
      
     Kyiv
     
     
-       
     
     
    -   
     
Pensoft Ed.Sofia
... However, due to the lack of sufficient series of collected specimens, it was impossible to confirm the subspecies status of these newly discovered populations. Moreover, DNA analysis could not demonstrate any subspeciation, but a biological cline was initially suspected (Davkov & Mérit, 2017). ...
... The DNA analyses (Davkov & Mérit, 2017) do not show any difference between the Greek specimens and all other analyzed specimens. ...
... As initially suspected (Davkov & Mérit, 2017), M. cribrellum inexpectata ssp. nova occurrence correlates with the presence of the endemic Potentilla deorum, Boiss. ...
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The phenotypic analyses of the Greek population of Muschampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) from the Mount Olympus reveal a new subspeciation in the Balkan area. The specimens from Mt Olympus are separated from the other European populations by both forewing white spots presence and specific alpine biotope. The genotypic analysis and the genitalia examination do not confirm the phenotypic results, problably because of a very recent range fragmentation or expansion, selective sweeps potentially induced by Wolbachia infection. La population de Muschampia cribrellum découverte en Grèce au mont Olympe est caractéristique d'une part par son biotope alpin unique en Europe, mais aussi par l'aspect des taches blanches à l'avers des ailes antérieures. En outre, la coloration du fond des ailes, plutôt verdâtre, contraste fortement avec celle des populations plus septentrionales d'Europe de l'Est (Roumanie, Bulgarie Serbie et Ré-publique de Macédoine), qui sont habituellement brunes. Il faut cependant noter que les analyses des genitalia ne montrent pas de différence signi-ficative : les individus les plus grands (mont Olympe, Grèce) ont les armures génitales les plus grandes. De plus, les analyses génotypiques ne montrent pas de divergence, laissant supposer que la population grecque est isolée depuis peu des populations des autres pays des Balkans.
... From Mt. Olympus, Greece, a new subspecies, ssp. inexpectata (Davkov and Mérit 2017), has been described. In comparison to specimens from the Republic of North Macedonia, they have extensive white markings (similar to type specimens from Southern Russia). ...
... In comparison to specimens from the Republic of North Macedonia, they have extensive white markings (similar to type specimens from Southern Russia). As mentioned in their paper, "DNA analysis could not demonstrate any subspeciation, but a biological cline was initially suspected, also, genotypic analysis and the genitalia examination do not confirm the phenotypic results" (Davkov and Mérit 2017). It appears that the race from Mt. Olympus has been given subspecific rank based on the observation that, if compared with specimens from the Balkans, its forewings have extensive white markings. ...
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The Spinose Skipper, Favria cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) [formerly in Muschampia ] is considered to be a very localised species in Eastern Europe occurring in only a small number of isolated colonies. Its ecology, especially relating to its host plant, has long remained unknown. Only in the last decade of research has more light been shed on the distribution and habitat requirements of this species in its western range. The host plant of the Spinose Skipper in the Republic of North Macedonia is revealed for the first time. Three eggs and three larvae were discovered in 2017 on a species of Potentilla , tentatively identified as P. detommasii , from a site near Govrlevo, SW of Skopje. The choice of a cinquefoil as a hostplant provides new evidence to support the species recent separation from the genus Muschampia .
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Successful conservation of butterflies is dependent on knowing which larval foodplants they use. However, many published lists of larval foodplants have been copied from previous lists, which in turn have been copied from previous lists. Consequently, errors have crept in, and many plant names have long been superseded. This can result in duplicates in the list, with the same plant being given two different names. Most plant lists do not include the authority, which can make it difficult or impossible to identify which plant is being referred to. For the first time, a list of the current accepted plant names utilised by 471 European butterfly larvae is presented, with references. Where possible, errors in previous lists have been removed. The list of larval foodplants doubled from previous published lists. This has resulted in a list of 1506 different plant species in 72 different families. 86 plant records are only known at the generic level. Larval foodplants of 25 butterfly species are currently unknown. Whilst most plant families are utilised by less than six butterfly species, a few plant families are particularly favoured, with the Poaceae and Fabaceae being the most popular. Similarly, most plant species are only utilised by a few butterfly species, but Festuca ovina and Festuca rubra are favoured by a large number of butterfly species. 20% of European butterfly larvae are monophagous, 50% are oligophagous, and 30% are polyphagous, with Celastrina argiolus able to use plants in 19 different families.
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V. Tshikolovets, R. Yakovlev, Zs. Balint (2009), 320 pp., 48 colour plates (2500 photographs). The abundance of the Mongolian butterfly fauna is conditioned by the natural landscape diversity, here the fauna of Central Asian desert is linked with southern foothills and montane fauna of the great mountain systems of Central Asia: Altai, Hangayn, Hentiyn and Hingan. Taking into account the large area of Mongolia and large number of species occurring there, the book contains figures of numerous type specimens (about 70 % described from Mongolia), including many Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae and Parnassius species group taxa. In total the book contains information on 279 species (over 800 species and genus group taxa) occurring in Mongolia. The bibliography section consists of 601 entries. This book is unique since all the largest known Mongolian collections of butterflies in many countries were studied. The plates figure the most important and interesting examples from first known (1854) to those collected in 2009.
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.
This book presents the statistical methods that are useful in the study of molecular evolution and illustrates how to use them in actual data analysis. Molecular evolution has been developing at a great pace over the past decade or so, driven by the huge increase in genetic sequence data from many organisms, the improvement of high-speed microcomputers, and the development of several new methods for phylogenetic analysis. This book for graduate students and researchers, assuming a basic knowledge of evolution, molecular biology, and elementary statistics, should make it possible for many investigators to incorporate refined statistical analysis of large-scale data in their own work.
-Assembling DNA Barcodes: Lorković Z.-A new Syrichtus and two doubtful Pyrgus species for the fauna of Yugoslavia (Lep.,Hesperiidae) Acta entomologica Jugoslavica
  • J R Ivanova
  • N V Hajibabaei
  • M Hebert
deWaard J.R., Ivanova N.V., Hajibabaei M. & Hebert P.D.N.-Assembling DNA Barcodes: Lorković Z.-A new Syrichtus and two doubtful Pyrgus species for the fauna of Yugoslavia (Lep.,Hesperiidae). Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, 1983, 19 (1–2): 33–41.
-The Butterflies of Ukraine
  • Y Nekrutenko
  • V Tshikolovets
Nekrutenko Y. & Tshikolovets V.-The Butterflies of Ukraine. Kyiv. (In Ukrainian), 2005.
-Muschampia tessellum (Hübner, 1803) şi M. cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) in fauna Romȃniei. (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) Buletin de informare Societatea lepidopterologicǎ romȃnǎ
  • L Rákosy
  • M Goia
Rákosy L. & Goia M.-Muschampia tessellum (Hübner, 1803) şi M. cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) in fauna Romȃniei. (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Buletin de informare Societatea lepidopterologicǎ romȃnǎ, 1997, 8 (3-4): 155-162.
-The Butterflies of Romania
  • L Székely
Székely L.-The Butterflies of Romania. Braşov, Romania, 2008.
-Butterflies of Eastern Europe, Urals and Caucasus
  • V V Tshikolovets
Tshikolovets V.V.-Butterflies of Eastern Europe, Urals and Caucasus. Kyiv-Brno, 2009.
-The Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia
  • V V Tshikolovets
  • O V Bidzilya
  • M I Golovoskin
Tshikolovets V.V., Bidzilya O.V. & Golovoskin M.I.-The Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia. Brno– Kyiv, 2002.
-The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russian Federation)
  • V Tshikolovets
  • Y Nekrutenko
Tshikolovets V. & Nekrutenko Y.-The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russian Federation). Kyiv– Pardubice, 2012.