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Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal
2015, Vol. 31, No. 1, 14-21
The authors thank Pearson Assessment for their approval to use the
Copyright © 2008 NCS Pearson, Inc. Indonesian translation copyright ©
2013. Translated, adapted, and reproduced with permission of publisher.
All rights reserved.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Made
Syanesti Adishesa or Magdalena S. Halim Department of Psychology
Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia Jalan Jenderal Sudirman
51, Jakarta 12930. E-mail:; magdalena.
Diagnostic Utility of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth
Edition (WAIS-IV) Among Elders with
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Made Syanesti Adishesa and Magdalena S. Halim
Department of Psychology
Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
The aim of this study was to examine the diagnostic utility of the Indonesian version of
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV-ID) in classifying between
typical aging and Alzheimer’s dementia (AD). We administered the WAIS-IV-ID to 47 AD
patients (28 females and 19 males; mean age 68 ± 8 years). Severity of dementia was classified
into three categories: mild (20 patients), moderate (13 patients), and severe (14 patients). On
the basis of receiver operatic characteristic (ROC) analysis, the areas under the curve (AUCs)
of each index are as follows: (a) .83, 95% CI [0.738, 0.895] for Full IQ, (b) .88, 95% CI [0.81,
0.94] for Perceptual Reasoning, (c) .79, 95% CI [0.69, 0.86] for Processing Speed, (d) .78,
95% CI [0.69, 0.86] for Verbal Comprehension, and (e) .71, 95% CI [0.61, 0.8] for Working
Memory. These AUC values indicate that the WAIS-IV-ID has moderate accuracy in
identifying people with AD. This study also raised awareness for the necessity of a
standardized process in translating and using cognitive tests, especially in clinical practices.
Keywords: WAIS-IV, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, AD, diagnostic utility, ROC
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur performa diagnostik dari Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale Fourth Edition versi Bahasa Indonesia (WAIS-IV-ID) dalam mengklasifikasikan individu
dengan gangguan demensia Alzheimer individu yang mengalami penuaan normal. Alat ukur
WAIS-IV-ID diadministrasikan pada 47 pasien dengan gangguan demensia Alzheimer (27
wanita dan 19 pria; rata-rata usia 68 ± 8 tahun). Tingkat keparahan gangguan dibagi menjadi
tiga kategori: ringan (20 subjek), sedang (13 subjek), dan berat (14 subjek). Berdasarkan
teknik analisis receiver operating characteristic, nilai area under curve untuk setiap indeks
adalah sebagai berikut: (a) .82, 95% CI [0.738, 0.895] untuk Full IQ, (b) .88, 95% CI [0.81,
0.94] untuk Perceptual Reasoning, (c) .79, 95% CI [0.69, 0.86] untuk Processing Speed, (d)
.78, 95% CI [0.69, 0.86] untuk Verbal Comprehension, and (e) .71, 95% CI [0.61, 0.8] untuk
Working Memory. Nilai AUC ini mengindikasikan bahwa WAIS-IV-ID memiliki tingkat
akurasi sedang dalam mengidentifikasikan individu dengan demensia Alzheimer. Studi ini
juga menyadarkan perlunya proses standardisasi dalam penerjemahan dan pemanfaatan uji
kognitif, terutama dalam praktik-praktik klinis.
Kata kunci: WAIS-IV, Alzheimer, diagnostic utility, ROC
Advances in medical technology and therapies
have contributed to increasing life expectancy around
the world. In 2011, life expectancy in Indonesia has
increased to 69.65 years and elderly citizens make
up 7.58% of the total population (Pusat Data dan
Informasi Kemenkes RI, 2013). The increasing number
of elderly citizens is an indicator of a country’s
development; however, it also raises new challenges.
One of those challenges is degenerative diseases due
to the human aging process. Brain deterioration is a
part of the degeneration process which could lead to
neuropsychological disorders, such as dementia, the
most common degenerative disease in elderly.
Dementia is marked by progressive cognitive
impairment across multiple domains and significant
Figure 1. The ROC space.
Source: Pintea, S. & Moldovan. R. (2009).
impairment in social or occupational functioning
(Sadock, Sadock, & Ruiz, 2015). Alzheimer’s disease
(AD) is the most common etiology for dementia, and
accounts for about 50 to 75% of dementias. In AD,
plaques and tangles build up in the brain structure,
which eventually leads to the death of nerve cells and
loss of brain tissue. People with AD also have a short-
age of some important chemical in their brain. These
chemical messengers help transmit signals around
the brain, and the lack of these chemicals causes the
signals to be transmitted less effectively. AD is a pro-
gressive disease, which means that gradually more
parts of the brain are damaged. As this happens, more
symptoms develop and also become more severe.
Early detection is a critical point in treating AD, as
it is said to be the key to treating the disease before it
causes irreversible brain damage (Sadock, Sadock, &
Ruiz, 2015). Nevertheless, detecting early symptoms
has been found to be a difficult task because they tend
to be overlooked and considered an inevitable conse-
quence of aging (Urakami, 2007; Wong, Leung, Fung,
Chan, & Lam, 2013). The highly variable trajectories
of cognitive decline also make it more difficult to
recognize initial symptoms (Wong et al., 2013).
Hence, it is important to establish accurate cognitive
screening tools to detect AD so as to facilitate early
intervention and focused clinical management.
Screening tests are used by neurologists to assist
in achieving a more accurate diagnosis of AD. They
are typically concise and only require a short amount
of time to administer, but information provided by
them is limited. For example, one of the most widely
used screening tests, Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE), was reported poorly in detecting cognitive
impairment due to its inability to detect complex cog-
nitive deficits (Nasreddine et al., 2005; Pendlebury,
Cuthbertson, Welch, Mehta, & Rothwell, 2010). MMSE
was also less sensitive in detecting cognitive impair-
ment in highly educated patients or in those with high
premorbid functioning (Sadock, Sadock, & Ruiz,
2015). Due to said limitations, screening tests are
considered as an initial guideline to further and more
detailed assessment (Cullen, O’Neill, Evans, Coen, &
Lawlor, 2007). However, in Indonesia screening tests
are sometimes used as the main method for assessing
cognitive functions. In spite of the fact that decisions
based on cognitive tests may have a major impact on
diagnosis and treatment planning in AD, very few
studies have been done in Indonesia to investigate
their accuracy in classifying AD from typical aging.
This may lead to misdiagnosis or delayed/incorrect
treatment. Other issue that should be noted is that
the usage of most cognitive tests (including screening
tests) in Indonesia is unauthorized, and details of its
translation, standardization, or psychometric proper-
ties have not been reported (Suwartono, Halim,
Hidajat, Hendriks, & Kessels, 2014).
The limitations of existing screening tests lead to
the increasing need of a comprehensive assessment
of intelligence, which can provide a better understand-
ing of cognitive functions in AD (Izawa, Urakami,
Kojima, & Ohama, 2009). The most commonly used
test for intelligence in clinical setting is the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale. The recent version of Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) was published
in 2008 and translated into Indonesian in 2014 (WAIS-
IV-ID; Suwartono et al., 2014). In the Indonesian ver-
sion, item sequences were reordered due to diffe-
rences in index difficulties but still stayed close to the
original items for content purposes. It showed promis-
ing psychometric properties and has been tried out
in mild AD sample. The result revealed that people
with mild AD had relatively preserved perceptual
reasoning (Median = 86), followed by verbal compre-
hension (Median = 83), working memory (Median
= 80), and processing speed (Median = 79) as the most
impaired cognitive function (Kuswanto & Halim,
2015). Other studies have investigated the usage of pre-
vious versions of WAIS in neuropsychological assess-
ment. The results revealed that WAIS-III had good
overall diagnostic accuracy (when combined with
Wechsler Memory Scale) and proved to be useful in
evaluating AD severity (Taylor & Heaton, 2001;
Larrabee, Largen, & Levin, 2008).
Given that cognitive assessment result play an
important role in diagnosing AD, additional research
on its diagnostic utility is necessary. The fundamental
measures of diagnostic utility are sensitivity (i.e. true
positive rate) and specificity (i.e. true negative rate).
However, sensitivity and specificity rely heavily on
cutoff score; they change as the cutoff score varies.
Therefore, when evaluating a continuous-scale diag-
nostic test it would be helpful to plot sensitivity and
specificity over a range of values of interest, as is done
in an ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve
(Zou, O’Malley, & Mauri, 2007). Based on these
considerations, this study would use the ROC curve to
measure the diagnostic accuracy of WAIS-IV among
elders with AD.
Participants were classified into two categories
based on their clinical diagnosis: clinical (with AD)
and typical aging (without AD). Those in clinical group
were outpatient of hospitals in the city of Bekasi and
Tangerang, or residents in a senior living facility in
Bogor, and had been diagnosed with AD by neuro-
logists. The neurologists also assigned a severity level
of AD to each participant as follows: mild (20 parti-
cipants), moderate (13 participants), and severe (14
participants). Of 47 participants in the clinical group,
28 were females and 19 were males; mean age was 68
± 8 years.
Participants in the typical aging group were selected
from the WAIS-IV-ID standardization sample and
matched with the clinical group in terms of age and
education level (Suwartono et al., 2014). Of 52 parti-
cipants in the typical aging group, 43 were females
and 9 were males; their mean age was 69 ± 3 years.
WAIS-IV-ID is an individually administered
standardized and norm-referenced IQ test composed
of a standard battery of 15 subtests (M = 10; SD =
3) that create four index composite scores and a full
IQ score (FIQ; M = 100; SD = 15; Wechsler, 2008).
It was adapted into Indonesian by Suwartono et al.
(2014) and the final translation was authorized by
Pearson Assessment. In this study, the administration
of WAIS-IV-ID included the discontinue rule. This
means that administration of a subtest is discontinued
after a certain amount of consecutive failures. Raw
scores are converted using the American norms because
the Indonesian version is yet to be completed.
Procedure and Analysis
Two groups of participants were differentiated
based on diagnosis obtained from neurologists: clinical
(with AD) and typical aging (without AD) group. The
diagnostic procedures used to categorize the partici-
pants were assumed to be valid. We then administered
the WAIS-IV-ID, and data collected from both groups
were analyzed on three levels: full IQ score, index
scores, and scaled scores for all subtests.
We used these scores as a classifier which relied
on a threshold. For example, participants whose full
IQ were below the cutoff score would be labeled as
‘positive’ (with AD), while participants whose full
IQ were above would be labeled as ‘negative’ (without
AD). This diagnosis would then be compared to the
valid diagnosis obtained from the neurologists. If
the valid diagnosis was positive (i.e. participant was
in the clinical group) and correctly classified as ‘posi-
tive’, it would be counted as a true positive; if the
same outcome was incorrectly classified as ‘negative’,
it would be counted as a false negative. If the valid
diagnosis was negative (i.e. the participant was in the
typical aging group) and correctly labeled as ‘nega-
tive’, the outcome would be counted as true negative;
if the same outcome was incorrectly labeled as ‘posi-
tive’, it would be counted as a false positive (Brown
& Davis, 2006). From these outcomes, we calculated
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for WAIS-IV-ID Subtest Scaled Scores in Clinical and Typical Aging Group
Subtest / Index
Clinical groupa
Typical aging groupa
Block design
Digit span
Matrix reasoning
Symbol search
Visual puzzle
Letter-number sequencing
Figure weight
Picture completion
Note. a Using Wechsler standard scores ranging from 1 to 20 for subtest (M = 10; SD = 3)
* p < .01, two-tailed test ** p <.05, two-tailed test
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics for WAIS-IV-ID Index Scores and Full IQ in Clinical and Typical Aging Group
Clinical groupa
Typical aging groupa
Verbal comprehension index
Perceptual reasoning index
Working memory index
Processing speed index
Full IQ
Note. a Standard Wechsler IQ classification for index scores and full IQ (M = 100; SD = 15; Wechsler, 2008)
* p < .05, two-tailed test
the sensitivity (i.e. the probability that the full IQ score
was labeled ‘positive’ when AD was present) and
specificity (i.e. the probability that the full IQ score
was labeled ‘negative’ when AD was not present).
Since sensitivity and specificity vary when the cut-
off score is changed, we plot these variations for all
possible cutoff scores in the ROC curve (see Figure
1). In other words, the ROC curve (colored blue in
the figure) is a representation of the sensitivity (i.e.
true positive rate) on the X-axis and 1-specificity
(i.e. false positive rate) on the Y-axis.
The green diagonal line where sensitivity equals to
1-specificity represents the performance of a random
test. In other words, when the classifier is randomly
guessing, it correctly identifies half of the positives
and half of the negatives. Therefore, all cutoff points
above the random diagonal line are considered to
perform better than random guessing (Fawcett, 2006).
To determine the ability of WAIS-IV-ID in discri-
minating clinical from the typical aging group, we
calculated the area under curve (AUC) values with
95% CI. The AUC is the total area under the ROC
curve, which is a measure of the overall performance
of a diagnostic test, i.e. its diagnostic utility. The
larger the area is, the better the performance will be
(Westin, 2001). The interpretation of the AUC of a
test is the following: the AUC is the probability that
a randomly selected individual from the clinical
group has a test result indicating greater suspicion
than that for a randomly chosen individual from the
typical aging group (Zhou, Obuchowski, & McClish,
2002). Regarding the AUC utility in determining the
ability of a test to discriminate between groups, Streiner
and Cairney (2007) show that the accuracy of tests
with AUC between .50 and .70 is low; between .70
and .90 is moderate, and over .90 is high.
We also used the ROC curve to determine the opti-
mal cutoff score. This is the most northwestern point
in the ROC space, which has the highest true posi-
tive rate and the lowest false positive rate. In other
words, the optimal cutoff score is the one which maxi-
mizes true positive and true negative.
Figure 1. ROC curve of FIQ in elders with AD
compared with WAIS-IV-ID standardization
Table 3
AUC Values of WAIS-IV-ID Index Scores and Subtests
Subtest /Index
Level of
Verbal comprehension index
Perceptual reasoning index
Working memory index
Processing speed index
Block design
Digit span
Matrix reasoning
Symbol search
Visual puzzle
Letter-number sequencing
Figure weight
Picture completion
Note. * Interpreted based on Streiner & Cairney (2007)
Descriptive statistics of full IQ and index scores
obtained from all participants are presented in Table
1, whilst descriptive statistics of subtest scaled
scores are presented in Table 2.
The obtained scores were analyzed using Mann-
Whitney U-test and it was revealed that the clinical
group showed significantly lower performance than
the typical aging group across all subtests, index
scores, and full IQ.
In the clinical group, the lowest subtest scaled
scores was obtained for Cancellation, followed by
Coding, Comprehension, and Picture Completion with
the same median value. In contrast to these areas of
weaker performance, the highest subtest scores in the
clinical group was Block Design, followed by
Vocabulary and Arithmetic.
The result of the ROC analysis comparing 47
elders with AD to 52 participants from the WAIS-
IV-ID standardization sample is presented in Figure
2. The AUC of .83, 95% CI [0.73, 0.89] quantifies
this visual result. This indicates that the probability
that a randomly selected individual from the clinical
group has a full IQ indicating greater suspicion than
that for a randomly chosen individual from the typical
aging group is 83% (Zhou, Obuchowski, & McClish,
2002). The AUC value also indicates that the full IQ
of WAIS-IV-ID showed moderate accuracy in identi-
fying elders with AD (Streiner & Cairney, 2007).
The ROC analysis was also used to calculate the
optimal threshold. The result showed sensitivity
value of .53 and specificity value of .96 when cutoff
score was set at ≤ 70. These values indicated that
when threshold was set at the optimal point of ≤ 70,
full IQ of WAIS-IV-ID could classify 53%
participants from the clinical group as positive (with
AD) and 96% participants from the typical aging
group as negative (without AD).
Diagnostic utilities of all subtests and index
scores were calculated and presented in Table 3.
Based on the statistical analysis conducted in this
study, the full IQ and all index scores of WAIS-IV-
ID showed moderate accuracy in classifying elders
with AD. Subtests with the highest AUC values were
Visual Puzzle, Matrix Reasoning, Comprehension,
and Coding that had AUC above .80.
The scores obtained showed that participants from
the AD group performed poorly in Cancellation,
Coding, Comprehension, and Picture Completion. As
a comparison, WAIS-IV was administered to 44 elderly
adults with probable AD and the lowest subtest scaled
scores were obtained for Symbol Search, Coding, and
Information (Kaufman & Lichtenberger, 2009).
ROC analysis showed that full IQ and all index
scores of WAIS-IV-ID had moderate accuracy in
classifying clinical group from the typical aging group.
From a statistical point of view, these findings further
support the promising psychometric properties that
WAIS-IV-ID has shown (Suwartono et al., 2014).
As a comparison, a study by Larner (2012) suggests
that the English version of Montreal Cognitive Assess-
ment (MoCA) had high accuracy in classifying AD (n
= 150) with an AUC value of .91. This value indicates
that full IQ of WAIS-IV-ID had slightly lower diag-
nostic utility compared to MoCA (.83 vs .91). Full IQ
of WAIS-IV-ID was also less sensitive than MoCA
(.53 vs .97) but far more specific (.96 vs .60). Further-
more, the full IQ of WAIS-IV-ID showed similar
diagnostic accuracy to another screening test, the
Mini Mental State Examination (.83 vs .83; Larner,
2012). In terms of sensitivity, the full IQ of WAIS-
IV-ID was slightly lower (.53 vs .65) but more
specific (.96 vs .89). Based on this comparison, we
could conclude that while MoCA might be more
preferable for screening AD with higher diagnostic
utility and sensitivity, the WAIS-IV-ID offered a
more comprehensive assessment that would prevent
over diagnosing due to its high specificity (.96). In
other words, high specificity reduced the possibility
of misdiagnosing early symptoms as AD, as this
could lead to treatments that do no good or perhaps
do harm.
Another comparison could be made with a study
which explored the sensitivity and specificity of WAIS-
III factor scores in neuropsychological assessment
(Taylor & Heaton, 2001). This particular study used
exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to iden-
tify six constructs measured in WAIS-III: Verbal Com-
prehension, Perceptual Organization, Processing
Speed, Working Memory, Auditory Memory, and
Visual Memory. The most sensitive factor scores
for AD group were Visual Memory and Auditory
Memory (.97), while the least sensitive were Verbal
Comprehension (.64). The wide range suggests that
some factor scores are more sensitive to AD than
others. The AUC values presented in Table 2 support
this, as shown by the diagnostic utility of the index
scores (ranging from .71 to .88) and the subtests
(ranging from .59 to .88). Both of these results
showed that variations in the subtest scores or index
scores may give us more information regarding the
cognitive functions of people with neurological dis-
order, such as AD. This could also be seen as one of
the advantages of using battery test alongside brief
cognitive screening test, as the score variations pro-
vides more insight to cognitive functions.
It should be noted that while MoCA and MMSE
are the two most widely known cognitive tests in
Indonesia, there are other cognitive tests being used
in screening AD, such as: the Consortium to Establish
a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD), Boston
naming test, clock drawing test, etc. However, very
little research is done on the translation method, stan-
dardization, psychometric properties, and their accuracy
in classifying AD from typical aging (Suwartono et
al., 2014). Since WAIS-IV-ID is one of the few widely
studied cognitive tests in Indonesia, clinicians would
be able to take the information into consideration
when using the test and make a more assured decision.
ROC analysis conducted on all subtests also
revealed four subtests with AUC values above .80.
This indicates that the probability that a randomly
selected individual from the clinical group showed
results which indicate greater suspicion than that of
a randomly chosen individual from the typical aging
group is above 80% (Zhou, Obuchowski, & McClish,
2002). While we would not recommend using a sole
subtest as a screening tool, poor performance in all
these subtests raises greater suspicion of AD and
therefore prompts a more thorough assessment.
Limitations and Future Research
This study has several limitations. First, the
limited number of participants in this study makes
the interpretation of the results should be done with
some caution. The second limitation was related to
the diagnoses given to participants. Since there is no
standardized procedure for diagnosing AD, the
examining neurologists used a variety of evaluation
method to diagnose AD. Although each participant
was given a physical and cognitive evaluation, his or
her diagnosis was based on a variety of tests, inter-
views, behavioral checklists, and clinical judgments.
This variation may have an impact on the results of
this study.
Future research should continue investigating cog-
nitive tests that contribute to diagnosing AD. Method
of diagnosis should be controlled in order to allow
unambiguous diagnostic utility results to emerge. Addi-
tional research may also be conducted on environmental
or other factors that might impact test performances
(such as the presence of family member during test ad-
ministration, living environment, daily habits, etc.), to
allow more control when measuring diagnostic utility.
Although the results should be considered pre-
liminary because of its limitations, clinicians should
be cautious in interpreting screening tests results as
evidence of AD. Since most of cognitive tests used
in Indonesia was adapted into Indonesian without
proper translation and standardization; thus, their
psychometric properties remained unknown, there
may be cultural factors or statistical error that could
lead to misdiagnosis or delayed/incorrect treatment.
Therefore, more studies should be done comparing
psychometric properties of the various cognitive tests
used in Indonesia to develop a more accurate approach
in diagnosis.
This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic utility
of WAIS-IV-ID as a screening tool for individuals with
Alzheimer’s Dementia (AD). The results revealed a
moderate accuracy of WAIS-IV-ID in identifying people
with AD. Comparisons with cognitive screening tests
showed that while less sensitive, WAIS-IV-ID had
higher specificity which could reduce the possibility of
overdiagnosing. As a battery test, WAIS-IV-ID also
offered more insight to cognitive functions from the
variations in the subtest or index scores. Therefore the
use of WAIS-IV-ID alongside AD screening tests is
highly recommended for a more thorough cognitive
assessment. This study also raised awareness for the
necessity of a standardized process in translating and
using cognitive tests, especially in clinical practices.
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