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Improving the Accuracy of Latent-space-based Recommender Systems by Introducing a Cut-off Criterion


Abstract and Figures

Recommender systems filter the items a user did not evaluate, in order to acquire knowledge on the those that might be suggested to her. To accomplish this objective, they employ the preferences the user expressed in forms of explicit ratings or of implicitly values collected through the browsing of the items. However, users have different rating behaviors (e.g., users might use just the ends of the rating scale, to expressed whether they loved or hated an item), while the system assumes that the users employ the whole scale. Over the last few years, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) became the most popular and accurate form of recommendation, because of its capability of working with sparse data, exploiting latent features. This paper presents an approach that pre-filters the items a user evaluated and removes those she did not like. In other words, by analyzing a user’s rating behavior and the rating scale she used, we capture and employ in the recommendation process only the items she really liked. Experimental results show that our form of filtering leads to more accurate recommendations.
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Improving the Accuracy of
Latent-space-based Recommender
Systems by Introducing a Cut-off
Ludovico Boratto,
Salvatore Carta,
Roberto Saia
Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science
University of Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124,
Cagliari, Italy
{ludovico.boratto, salvatore,
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
EICS’16, June 21-24, 2016, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Recommender systems filter the items a user did not
evaluate, in order to acquire knowledge on the those that
might be suggested to her. To accomplish this objective,
they employ the preferences the user expressed in forms of
explicit ratings or of implicitly values collected through the
browsing of the items. However, users have different rating
behaviors (e.g., users might use just the ends of the rating
scale, to expressed whether they loved or hated an item),
while the system assumes that the users employ the whole
scale. Over the last few years, Singular Value
Decomposition (SV D) became the most popular and
accurate form of recommendation, because of its capability
of working with sparse data, exploiting latent features. This
paper presents an approach that pre-filters the items a user
evaluated and removes those she did not like. In other
words, by analyzing a user’s rating behavior and the rating
scale she used, we capture and employ in the
recommendation process only the items she really liked.
Experimental results show that our form of filtering leads to
more accurate recommendations.
Author Keywords
Data Mining; Recommender Systems; User Profiling;
A recommender system is designed to suggest items of
possible interest to the users [24]. In order to generate the
recommendations, different forms of data are employed by
the different types of systems. Indeed, the two most
effective classes of systems, i.e., collaborative filtering and
content-based approaches, respectively use (i) the ratings
given by the user to express a preference for the items and
(ii) the content of the items (e.g., their textual description).
Independently from the employed approach, user ratings (or
implicitly collected values, like the number of seconds spent
while browsing an item’s characteristics) are the elements
that allow a system to acquire knowledge on what the users
like, or not. However, it is widely-known that users have
different rating behaviors and that some of them do not use
the whole rating scale, but express only whether they love
or hate an item [21].
At the moment, however, all the recommender systems
base their filtering on a unique scale of values. Therefore, if
a user is required to express a rating in a defined scale, the
system assumes that the rating behavior of the user covers
the whole scale. Instead, if the system implicitly collects the
data, a fixed cut-off value is chosen, in order to determine if
a user liked an item (e.g., Fastweb’s recommender system
collects a positive preference for a TV program if a user
watches it for at least 5 minutes [5]).
It is widely-known that the recommendation form that
generates the most accurate results is collaborative filtering
and, more specifically, it is Koren’s implementation of
Singular Value Decomposition (SV D), known as
SV D + + [15]. The algorithm is able to find latent spaces,
based on the ratings expressed by the users, thus avoiding
problems such as sparsity and improving the efficiency of
the algorithm.
The problem that might arise is that if users have different
behaviors (both when rating the items and when browsing
the Web), the system might consider as liked by a user an
item with a high rating, but that actually represents the
lowest rating she gave (the same problem holds in the
opposite scenario, in which a user only gives low ratings
and her favorite item might be misclassified if considering
the system’s scale).
The intuition behind this paper is that, since SV D can
detect latent spaces and work with sparse data, the
algorithm might benefit from receiving less but very
accurate information about what the users actually like.
In this work, we first show that users have different ratings
behaviors, then we propose an approach that calculates the
weighted average of the user ratings and leaves in the user
profile only the ratings greater or equal than this value, thus
removing the other ones. By modeling the positive behavior
of the users and understand what they actually like, our
approach should lead to more accurate recommendations.
Note that this study is based on explicitly given ratings to
facilitate its validation with a public dataset, but this
technique can be applied, as is, to implicitly-collected data
(e.g., by removing all the items that have been browsed for
a number of seconds lower than the user’s average).
More formally, the problem statement is the following:
Problem 1 We are given a set of users U={u1, . . . , uN},
a set of items I={i1, . . . , iM}, and a set R= [1,5] of
ratings used to express the user preferences. The set of all
possible preferences expressed by the users is a ternary
relation PU×I×R. We also denote as
Iu={iI|∃(u, i, r)PuU}the set of items in the
profile of a user u. Let S V DIudenote the fact that the SVD
algorithm is run with the set of preferences Iu,uU. Our
objective is to define a Weighted Cut-off Criterion (W CC )
able to generate a set ˆ
Iu, which considers the rating scale
employed by the user and removes from the set of items
positively evaluated by her (Iu) those in the lower part of
her scale. The goal of this paper is to show that
accuracy(S V D ˆ
Iu)> accuracy(S V DIu).
The contributions of our work are reported in the following:
analysis of the user ratings of a real-world dataset,
aimed to show the non-coincidence of the range of
values adopted by the users to rate the evaluated
items, with that defined by the recommender system;
formalization of a Weighted Cut-off Criterion (W C C)
able to remove from the user ratings those below the
weighted mean value of her preferences;
evaluation of the proposed criterion, by comparing the
performance of a state-of-the-art recommendation
approach, before and after the W CC process applied
to the user ratings.
In the rest of this paper, we first show that users actually
have different rating behaviors (Section “Analysis of the
Users’ Rating Behavior"), continuing by defining our
approach (Section “Approach"). Then we present the
results of the performed experiments (Section “Evaluation"),
the literature related with our study (Section “Background
and Related Work"), concluding with some remarks
(Section “Conclusions and Future Work").
Analysis of the Users’ Rating Behavior
In order to validate our intuition and understand if users
actually have different rating behaviors or if they use the
whole rating scale, in this section we are going to present
the number of users who use a specific rating scale.
The study has been performed on the Yahoo! Webscope
R41dataset. It contains a large amount of data related to
users preferences expressed by the Yahoo! Movies
community that are rated on the base of two different
scales, from 1 to 13 and from 1 to 5 (we have chosen to use
the latter). The training data is composed by 7,642 users
(|U|), 11,915 movies/items (|I|), and 211,231 ratings (|R|),
and all users involved have rated at least 10 items and all
items are rated by at least one user. The test data is
composed by 2,309 users, 2,380 items, and 10,136 ratings.
There are no test users/items that do not also appear in the
training data. Each user in the training and test data is
represented by a unique ID.
Figure 1 shows that the users express their ratings in
different ways with respect to the range of values allowed by
the recommender system (in our case, we have R= [1,5]).
Since the users in the dataset are 7,642, only about half of
them (52.51%,4,013 users) have given their opinion by
using the whole rating scale, while the others have used a
different range of values. Indeed, these users can be mostly
classified in three groups: 1,319 users (17.25%) that used
the range 3÷5(i.e., by evaluating their worst experience
with a minimum score of 3), 1,315 users (17.20%) that used
the range 2÷5(i.e., by evaluating their worst experience
with a minimum score of 2), and 688 users (9.00%) that
expressed their opinion in the range 4÷5(i.e., by keeping
an high rating in all their evaluations).
These results clearly indicate that each user adopts
personal criteria of evaluation. For this reason, an effective
exploitation of her preferences should take into account this
[1-2] [1-3] [1-4] [1-5] [2-3] [2-4] [2-5] [3-4] [3-5] [4-5]
Range of V alues
User s (×10)
Figure 1: Ranges of V alues in U ser E valuations
Given the fact that users have different rating behaviors, in
this section we present an algorithm that detects the rating
scale of a user and removes from the items she evaluated
those under her average rating. The algorithm performs two
main steps:
Weighted Cut-off Criterion. Calculation of the
average value of the ratings of each user (Weighted
Ratings Average) and definition of a Weighted Cut-off
Criterion (W C C), to keep only the items with a rating
above the user’s average.
Item Recommendation. The state-of-the-art
algorithm SV D is run with the items processed by
the previous step.
The architecture of the proposed system is summarized in
Figure 2. In the following, we will describe in detail how
each step works.
Weighted Cut-off Criterion
In order to understand which item a user actually likes, it is
first necessary to identify the average rating, among those
Figure 2: Approach Architecture
she gave. This value, called Weighted Ratings Average
(W RA), is calculated on the basis of the ratings of each
user uU, in the context of her profile iIu, as shown in
Equation 1.
W RA(u) = P
Given the W RA of a user, we define the Weighted Cut-off
Criterion (W C C) that allows us to filter the user ratings
rRin the profile Iuof a user uU. We perform this
operation for each item iIu, according to the criterion
shown in Equation 2.
r=(0,if r < W RA(u)
r, otherwise (2)
The output of this step is a set ˆ
Iu, which contains the
ratings processed through the WCC criterion.
This filtering process is summarized in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Ratings f iltering
Input: Iu=User profile
Output: ˆ
Iu= Filtered user profile
1: procedure FILTERUSER PROFI LE(Iu)
2: WRA=GetWeightedRatingsAverage(Iu)
3: for each iin Iudo
4: r=GetItemRating(i)
5: if rW RA then
6: ˆ
Iu(i, r)
7: end if
8: end for
9: Return ˆ
10: end procedure
The algorithm takes as input (step 1) the profile Iuof a user
uU, and provides as output (step 9) this user profile ˆ
filtered on the basis of the proposed W CC criterion. After
the calculation of the Weighted Ratings Average (W RA) of
the items in the user profile Iu, performed at the step 2,
from the step 3 to step 8 we extract the rating rof each item
iIu(step 4), by adding it to the set ˆ
Iu, when the value of
Ris greater or equal the W RA value (from step 5 to step
6). The set ˆ
Iu, that represents the user profile Iufiltered on
the basis of the proposed criterion, is returned as output at
the end of the process (step 9).
Item Recommendation
This step runs the state-of-the-art SV D algorithm, by using
as input the set ˆ
Iu, for each user uU. In that way, the
algorithm only processes the items for which a user
expressed an interest above the average.
In this section, we first describe the environment and the
parameters setup, then we present the strategy and the
involved metric, concluding with the experimental results
and their discussion. The dataset employed to validate our
proposal is the same one previously presented, i.e., Yahoo!
Webscope (R4).
The environment is based on the Java language, with the
support of the Mahout framework2to implement the
state-of-the-art recommendation approach (i.e., SV D) and
to perform the evaluation of the experimental results in
terms of accuracy. The experimental framework was
developed by using a machine with an Intel i7-4510U, quad
core (2 GHz ×4) and a Linux 64-bit Operating System
(Debian Jessie) with 4 GBytes of RAM.
Parameters Setup
The optimal values of two of the three parameters needed
to run the Mahout implementation of SV D (i.e., the
regularization parameter lambda used to avoid overfitting
and the number of training steps) have been chosen
through a preliminary training (the selected values are,
respectively, 0.05 and 10). The third parameter (i.e., the
dimension of the feature space) was instead tested in a
range from 2to 20, during the set of experiments aimed to
evaluate the accuracy of the SV D recommender approach,
before and after the use of our W CC approach. This is
useful to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach
when the size of the latent space varies.
The accuracy of the performed recommendations was
measured through the Root Mean Squared Error (RM SE).
This metric considers the test set and the predicted ratings
by comparing each rating rui, given by a user ufor an item
iand available in the test set, with the rating pui predicted
by a recommender system. Its formalization is shown in the
Equation 3, where nis the number of ratings available in the
test set.
RM SE =v
(rui pui)2
We evaluate our proposal through a comparative analysis,
by considering the recommendations generated by the
SV D approach, before and after the proposed filtering
process, based on the W CC criterion. The comparisons
have been made by measuring the results accuracy through
the well-known Root Mean Squared Error (RM S E) metric,
described in the previous Section “Metric". In order to
guarantee the repeatability of the performed experiments,
according with the Mahout documentation we used in the
Java code the instruction RandomUtils.useTestSeed(). The
evaluation process has been performed by using the
Mahout functionalities designed to perform this task
(RecommenderEvaluator Java class).
We validate our proposal by running a set of experiments
that measure the accuracy of the SV D recommendations,
before and after the use of our W CC approach.
Experimental Results
As shown in Figure 3, our approach gets better accuracy
values along almost all the considered SV D feature space
range. It means that a preliminary filtering of the user
ratings leads toward a better performance in approaches of
recommendation such as SV D, which are strongly based
on this kind of information. We can observe how the
RM SE values get worse when the latent space increases
(SV DIuapproach), while they remain stable in our case
(SV D ˆ
Iuapproach), showing that the accuracy of the
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SV D F eature Space
Figure 3: Recommendations Accuracy
system worsens when increasing the latent space, if has
been used non-filtered user ratings.
Results Summary
The results obtained in this study first showed the existence
of the problem related with the different ways that the users
adopt to evaluate the items, while the second illustrates how
the proposed W CC approach is able to improve the
performance of the state-of-the-art recommendation
approach, SV D. Indeed, the results of the experiments
show us that the range of values that the users adopt during
their evaluations, are in the half of the cases different from
that allowed by the system (Figure 1), and that a preliminary
filtering of them by our Weighted Cut-off Criterion
overcomes this problem, improving the accuracy of the
recommendations (Figure 3).
Background and Related Work
In this section we briefly review some main concepts closely
related with the proposed work.
User Profiling. In the e-commerce environment the
recommender systems play a determinant role, their first
implementations were based on the so-called Collaborative
Filtering approach [13, 14], which is based on the
assumption that users have similar preferences on a item, if
they already have rated other similar items [27]. An
alternative approach is that defined as Content-based,
where the items to recommend are those whose content is
similar to that of the items previously evaluated by the
user [19, 22]. The early systems used relatively simple
retrieval models, such as the Vector Space Model, with the
basic TF-IDF weighting [4, 6, 18, 23], a spatial
representation of the textual description of the items, where
each of them is represented by a vector in a n-dimensional
space, and each dimension is related to a term from the
overall vocabulary of a specific document collection.
There are several approaches to create user profiles: some
of them focus on short-term user profiles that capture
features of the user’s current search context [7, 11, 26],
while others accommodate long-term profiles that capture
the user preferences over a long period of time [3, 8, 20]. As
shown in [28], compared with the short-term user profiles,
the use of a long-term user profile generally produces more
reliable results, at least when the user preferences are fairly
stable over a long time period. It should be noted that,
regardless of the approach used to define the user profiles,
almost all the state-of-the-art strategies take into account,
as main source of information, the user ratings (i.e., the
score given to the evaluated items by them), or by using
directly them, or by exploiting their latent characteristics
(e.g., latent-factor-based [15]).
Latent Factor Models. The type of data with which a
recommender system operates is typically a sparse matrix
where the rows represent the users, and the columns
represent the items. The entries of this matrix are the
interactions between users and items, in the form of ratings
or purchases. The aim of a recommender system is to infer,
for each user u, a ranked list of items, and in literature many
of them are focused on the rating prediction problem. The
most effective strategies in this field exploit the so-called
latent factor models, but especially, the matrix factorization
techniques [16]. Other CF ranking-oriented approaches that
extend the matrix factorization techniques, have been
recently proposed, and most of them use a ranking oriented
objective function, in order to learn the latent factors of
users and items [17]. Nowadays, the Singular Value
Decomposition (SV D) [10] approach and its Koren’s
version SV D + + [15] are considered the best strategies in
terms of accuracy and scalability.
User Ratings Reliability. The concept of bias, introduced
in a recommender system process as noise in user ratings,
is well known in literature since 1995, when it was cited in a
work aimed at discussing the concept of reliability of users
in terms of rating coherence [13]. Similar studies have been
performed subsequently, such as that in [9], where
hundreds of users evaluated a set of movies, randomly
selected, which they have already evaluated in the past,
with the result to show an incoherence in their evaluations in
the 40% of cases. All these studies lead toward the same
problem that in literature is identified as magic barrier [12],
a term used to define the theoretical boundary for the level
of optimization that can be achieved by a recommendation
algorithm on transactional data [25]. The evaluation models
assume as a ground truth that the transactions made in the
past by the users, and stored in their profiles, are free of
noise. This is a concept that has been studied in [2, 1],
where a study aimed to capture the noise in a service that
operates in a synthetic environment was performed.
To the best of our knowledge, there are not studies aimed to
tackle the problem of the inconsistence in the user ratings,
when this issue derives from the different ways adopted by
the users to assign a rating to the evaluated items. The
approach proposed in this work aimed at addressing the
aforementioned problem in a twofold manner: first, it wanted
to define a method able to operate with any type of profile
(e.g., short-term or long-term profiles); second, it wanted to
face the limitation related with the magic barrier problem, by
removing from the user profiles all the ratings that do not
reflect the user preferences in terms of weighted ratings
average, i.e., those items that could represent a kind of
noise in the recommender process.
Conclusions and Future Work
The work presented in this paper wanted to highlight and
face a problem that rises when the users assign a rating to
the evaluated items, by adopting a range of values that
could not cover the entire interval allowed by the system
with which they interact. Through the first experiment we
showed the real existence of this problem, which has been
faced by introducing a novel cut-off criterion (W C C). This
criterion is based on a weighted ratings average value
(W RA), and its effectiveness to improve the accuracy of a
recommender system at the state of the art, such a SV D,
has been demonstrated in the second experiment.
In summary, our contribution in this field is twofold: first, we
are able to improve the performance of a recommender
system based on the user ratings (almost all of the
state-of-the-art approaches); second, we are also able to
reduce the computational load of the recommendation
process, thanks to the removal of certain items from the
user profiles (i.e., those with a rating less than W RA
value). It should also be noted how the proposed approach
leads toward a considerable improvements of the accuracy
of the recommendations, without the needing to adopt
sophisticated mathematical criteria to preprocess the user
ratings, with a great advantage in terms of computational
Future work will study the relations between the range of
values adopted by the users to express their opinion in
different domains, to model in a better way the preferences
in environments that sell different types of items. (e.g., a site
such as Amazon3, which sells different types of goods).
Indeed, each type of item might be associated to a different
rating behavior. This will allow us to generate more effective
This work is partially funded by Regione Sardegna under
project NOMAD (Next generation Open Mobile Apps
Development), through PIA - Pacchetti Integrati di
Agevolazione “Industria Artigianato e Servizi" (annualità
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Next-item recommendation involves predicting the next item of interest of a given user from their past behavior. Users tend to browse and purchase various items on e-commerce websites according to their varied interests and needs, as reflected in their purchasing history. Most existing next-item recommendation methods aim to extract the main point of interest in each browsing session and encapsulate it in a single representation. However, past behavior sequences reflect the multiple interests of a single user, which cannot be captured by methods that focus on single-interest contexts. Indeed, multiple interests cannot be captured in a single representation, and doing so results in missing information. Therefore, we propose a model with a multi-interest structure for capturing the various interests of users from their behavior sequence. Moreover, we adopted a method based on a graph neural network to construct interest graphs based on the historical and current behavior sequences of users. These graphs can capture complex item transition patterns related to different interests. In experiments, the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art session-based recommendation systems on three real-world data sets, achieving 4% improvement of Recall over the SOTAs on Jdata dataset.
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Recommender systems have the effect of guiding users in a personalized way to interesting objects in a large space of possible options. Content-based recommendation systems try to recommend items similar to those a given user has liked in the past. Indeed, the basic process performed by a content-based recommender consists in matching up the attributes of a user profile in which preferences and interests are stored, with the attributes of a content object (item), in order to recommend to the user new interesting items. This chapter provides an overview of content-based recommender systems, with the aim of imposing a degree of order on the diversity of the different aspects involved in their design and implementation. The first part of the chapter presents the basic concepts and terminology of contentbased recommender systems, a high level architecture, and their main advantages and drawbacks. The second part of the chapter provides a review of the state of the art of systems adopted in several application domains, by thoroughly describing both classical and advanced techniques for representing items and user profiles. The most widely adopted techniques for learning user profiles are also presented. The last part of the chapter discusses trends and future research which might lead towards the next generation of systems, by describing the role of User Generated Content as a way for taking into account evolving vocabularies, and the challenge of feeding users with serendipitous recommendations, that is to say surprisingly interesting items that they might not have otherwise discovered.
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Among collaborative recommendation approaches, methods based on nearest-neighbors still enjoy a huge amount of popularity, due to their simplicity, their efficiency, and their ability to produce accurate and personalized recommendations. This chapter presents a comprehensive survey of neighborhood-based methods for the item recommendation problem. In particular, the main benefits of such methods, as well as their principal characteristics, are described. Furthermore, this document addresses the essential decisions that are required while implementing a neighborhood-based recommender system, and gives practical information on how to make such decisions. Finally, the problems of sparsity and limited coverage, often observed in large commercial recommender systems, are discussed, and a few solutions to overcome these problems are presented.
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Recent growing interest in predicting and influencing consumer behavior has generated a parallel increase in research efforts on Recommender Systems. Many of the state-of-the-art Recommender Systems algorithms rely on obtaining user ratings in order to later predict unknown ratings. An underlying assumption in this approach is that the user ratings can be treated as ground truth of the user’s taste. However, users are inconsistent in giving their feedback, thus introducing an unknown amount of noise that challenges the validity of this assumption. In this paper, we tackle the problem of analyzing and characterizing the noise in user feedback through ratings of movies. We present a user study aimed at quantifying the noise in user ratings that is due to inconsistencies. We measure RMSE values that range from 0.557 to 0.8156. We also analyze how factors such as item sorting and time of rating affect this noise.
Recommender Systems (RSs) are software tools and techniques that provide suggestions for items that are most likely of interest to a particular user. In this introductory chapter, we briefly discuss basic RS ideas and concepts. Our main goal is to delineate, in a coherent and structured way, the chapters included in this handbook. Additionally, we aim to help the reader navigate the rich and detailed content that this handbook offers.
In this chapter we describe the integration of a recommender system into the production environment of Fastweb, one of the largest European IP Television (IPTV) providers. The recommender system implements both collaborative and content-based techniques, suitable tailored to the specific requirements of an IPTV architecture, such as the limited screen definition, the reduced navigation capabilities, and the strict time constraints. The algorithms are extensively analyzed by means of off-line and on-line tests, showing the effectiveness of the recommender systems: up to 30% of the recommendations are followed by a purchase, with an estimated lift factor (increase in sales) of 15%.
Conference Paper
Recommender systems provide users with personalized suggestions for products or services. These systems often rely on Collaborating Filtering (CF), where past transactions are analyzed in order to establish connections between users and products. The two more successful approaches to CF are latent factor models, which directly profile both users and products, and neighborhood models, which analyze similarities between products or users. In this work we introduce some innovations to both approaches. The factor and neighborhood models can now be smoothly merged, thereby building a more accurate combined model. Further accuracy improvements are achieved by extending the models to exploit both explicit and implicit feedback by the users. The methods are tested on the Netflix data. Results are better than those previously published on that dataset. In addition, we suggest a new evaluation metric, which highlights the differences among methods, based on their performance at a top-K recommendation task.
Conference Paper
When making a choice in the absence of decisive first-hand knowledge, choosing as other like-minded, similarly-situated people have successfully chosen in the past is a good strategy - in effect, using other people as filters and guides: filters to strain out potentially bad choices and guides to point out potentially good choices. Current human-computer interfaces largely ignore the power of the social strategy. For most choices within an interface, new users are left to fend for themselves and if necessary, to pursue help outside of the interface. We present a general history-of-use method that automates a social method for informing choice and report on how it fares in the context of a fielded test case: the selection of videos from a large set. The positive results show that communal history-of-use data can serve as a powerful resource for use in interfaces.
Conference Paper
The Open Directory Project is clearly one of the largest collaborative efforts to manually annotate web pages. This effort involves over 65,000 editors and resulted in metadata specifying topic and importance for more than 4 million web pages. Still, given that this number is just about 0.05 percent of the Web pages indexed by Google, is this effort enough to make a difference? In this paper we discuss how these metadata can be exploited to achieve high quality personalized web search. First, we address this by introducing an additional criterion for web page ranking, namely the distance between a user profile defined using ODP topics and the sets of ODP topics covered by each URL returned in regular web search. We empirically show that this enhancement yields better results than current web search using Google. Then, in the second part of the paper, we investigate the boundaries of biasing PageRank on subtopics of the ODP in order to automatically extend these metadata to the whole web.
Conference Paper
We propose a collaborative filtering (CF) recommendation framework, which is based on viewing user feedback on products as ordinal, rather than the more common numerical view. This way, we do not need to interpret each user feedback value as a number, but only rely on the more relaxed assumption of having an order among the different feedback ratings. Such an ordinal view frequently provides a more natural reflection of the user intention when providing qualitative ratings, allowing users to have different internal scoring scales. Moreover, we can address scenarios where assigning numerical scores to different types of user feedback would not be easy. Our approach is based on a pointwise ordinal model, which allows it to linearly scale with data size. The framework can wrap most collaborative filtering algorithms, upgrading those algorithms designed to handle numerical values into being able to handle ordinal values. In particular, we demonstrate our framework with wrapping a leading matrix factorization CF method. A cornerstone of our method is its ability to predict a full probability distribution of the expected item ratings, rather than only a single score for an item. One of the advantages this brings is a novel approach to estimating the confidence level in each individual prediction. Compared to previous approaches to confidence estimation, ours is more principled and empirically superior in its accuracy. We demonstrate the efficacy of the approach on some of the largest publicly available datasets, the Netflix data, and the Yahoo! Music data.