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Doppler lidar investigation of wind turbine wake characteristics and atmospheric turbulence under different surface roughness

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Optics Express

Abstract and Figures

Four field experiments based on Pulsed Coherent Doppler Lidar with different surface roughness have been carried out in 2013-2015 to study the turbulent wind field in the vicinity of operating wind turbine in the onshore and offshore wind parks. The turbulence characteristics in ambient atmosphere and wake area was analyzed using transverse structure function based on Plane Position Indicator scanning mode. An automatic wake processing procedure was developed to determine the wake velocity deficit by considering the effect of ambient velocity disturbance and wake meandering with the mean wind direction. It is found that the turbine wake obviously enhances the atmospheric turbulence mixing, and the difference in the correlation of turbulence parameters under different surface roughness is significant. The dependence of wake parameters including the wake velocity deficit and wake length on wind velocity and turbulence intensity are analyzed and compared with other studies, which validates the empirical model and simulation of a turbine wake for various atmosphere conditions.
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Doppler lidar investigation of wind turbine
wake characteristics and atmospheric
turbulence under different surface roughness
1Ocean Remote Sensing Institute, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
2 Laboratory for Regional Oceanography and Numerical Modeling, Qingdao National Laboratory for
Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266100, China
Abstract: Four field experiments based on Pulsed Coherent Doppler Lidar with different
surface roughness have been carried out in 2013-2015 to study the turbulent wind field in the
vicinity of operating wind turbine in the onshore and offshore wind parks. The turbulence
characteristics in ambient atmosphere and wake area was analyzed using transverse structure
function based on Plane Position Indicator scanning mode. An automatic wake processing
procedure was developed to determine the wake velocity deficit by considering the effect of
ambient velocity disturbance and wake meandering with the mean wind direction. It is found
that the turbine wake obviously enhances the atmospheric turbulence mixing, and the
difference in the correlation of turbulence parameters under different surface roughness is
significant. The dependence of wake parameters including the wake velocity deficit and wake
length on wind velocity and turbulence intensity are analyzed and compared with other
studies, which validates the empirical model and simulation of a turbine wake for various
atmosphere conditions.
© 2017 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (010.3640) Lidar; (280.3340) Laser Doppler velocimetry; (280.7060) Turbulence.
References and links
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Chap. 9.
1. Introduction
Wind energy industry is growing fast as one of the most promising renewable energy source.
Early investigations were firstly performed on wind turbine static simulators [1]. Then tests
with rotating models were carried out to consider the interaction between different wind
turbine wakes [2]. Several wind tunnel studies have also been performed to investigate the
influence of different parameters, such as the downstream distance between wind turbine
rows [2–4], turbine thrust coefficient [3–5] and ambient turbulence [5–7] on the wind turbine
wake characteristics. With the planning of large offshore wind farms off the coasts of the
continents and larger islands and the need to optimize the turbine arrangement in a wind farm,
various experiments and simulations have been extensively performed to study the influence
of atmospheric conditions such as the wind velocity and turbulence intensity on the wind
turbine wake characteristics, for instance, the velocity deficit and wake length. Elliot and
Barnard [8] collected wind data at nine meteorological towers at the Goodnoe Hills MOD-2
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A516
wind turbine site to characterize the wind flow over the site both in the absence and presence
of wind turbine wakes. Hȍgstrȍm et al. [9] employed four different techniques including
anemometer, balloon sounding, tower-mounted instrument and Doppler Lidar (Light
Detection and Ranging) for investigating the turbine wake. Barthelme et al [10] studied the
offshore wind turbine wakes with the use of a sodar. Vermeer et al [11] comprehensively
reviewed the theoretical and experimental studies on wind turbine wake through the use of
various techniques. Results of a study of the wind turbine wake with the aid of a continuous-
wave Coherent Doppler Lidar (CDL) were presented in [12,13]. Comparing with the turbulent
wake characteristics detection technologies mentioned above, the Pulsed Coherent Doppler
Lidar (PCDL) has higher spatial and temporal resolution and offers a wide range of
possibility to investigate wind turbine wakes by using different scanning modes, providing
multi-dimensional structure of wind turbine wake and turbulence parameters simultaneously
The structure of wind turbine wake is known to be affected by the characteristics of the
incoming flow [20]. The factors that affect the incoming flow characteristics and the wake
structure include the presence of surface inhomogeneity such as surface roughness transitions,
the aerodynamics surface roughness, topography, and the effects of the wakes from other
turbines located upwind in a wind park [21]. Smith [22] considered the wind park as a whole
as an additional surface roughness, an additional momentum sink or as a gravity wave
generator in association with the temperature inversion aloft at the top of the boundary layer
[22,23], and concluded that the surface roughness and the thermal stability of the atmosphere
are erected turns out be decisive parameter governing the efficiency of wind parks. The
dependence of wind and available power reduction as function of surface roughness has
consequences for offshore wind parks which will become the major facilities for wind power
generation in the near future. Therefore, detailed understanding of the turbulent properties of
turbine wakes under different inflow and surface conditions is important to maximize the
energy production and ensure the structural integrity of the wind turbines.
This paper uses a PCDL with relatively high spatial resolution and sampling rate to
investigate the turbulence characteristics of ambient wind area and turbine wake area in
different topographies and surface roughness. Furthermore, the dependence of wake
characteristics on the turbulent state of the atmosphere is studied. This paper is a substantially
extended study of the invited presentation at OSA’s Light, Energy and the Environment
Congress recently held in Leipzig, Germany [19]. The PCDL specifications and field
experiments are described in Section 2. Section 3 presents the retrieval methods of turbulent
characteristics and turbine wake characteristics, respectively. Field experiments results
comparison and diurnal variation case study in Hami Gobi desert wind park are provided in
Section 4. A conclusion is given in Section 5.
2. Experimental setup and field campaigns
PCDL is a scanning, remote sensing instrument that measures aerosol backscatter and the
wind component along the lidar beam. The PCDLs, WindPrint S3000/S4000 that we used for
field campaigns, were from Seaglet Environmental Technology and modified by lidar group
with Ocean University of China (OUC). The laser pulse width can be tuned to 100 ns,
corresponding to spatial resolution of 15 m in the radial direction. A comprehensive
description of PCDL and its specifications are given in [16]. The highlights of the PCDL
include the flexible range resolution from 15 m to 60 m and relatively high sampling rate. The
finest resolution of 15 m and temporal sampling rate of 4 Hz are significant advantages in
studying the turbine wakes and small scale turbulent characteristics.
In order to investigate the wake characteristics in the vicinity of the operating wind
turbine generators (WTGs) under different topographies and surface roughness, four field
experiments were performed both in the onshore and offshore wind parks from 2013 to 2015.
Two lidar scanning modes were applied to visualize the 2D structure of wake. The first mode
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is the Plan Position Indicator (PPI) scanning mode by scanning the laser beam with a fixed
elevation angle and varying azimuth angles, and the second scanning mode is the Range
Height Indicator (RHI) scanning mode by scanning the laser beam with a fixed azimuth angle
and varying elevation angles. In this paper, the wind field in the vicinity of the wind turbine is
studied using PPI scanning mode.
The first onshore field campaign was carried out in Longgang Mountain wind park,
Shandong Peninsula in the winter of 2014. The site experiences complex terrain effects, such
as enhanced turbulence night and day which affects wake characteristics. Figure 1(a) shows
the outfield experiment in Longgang wind park. Figure 2(a) shows the line-of-sight (LOS)
velocity measurement of the wind turbine on 10 Jan 2014 based on PPI scanning
measurement. The ambient wind was blowing from southwest to northeast. The plot colors
indicate the wind speed and direction along the laser beam: positive (red) away from lidar,
and negative (blue) toward lidar. In order to compare the turbulent characteristics in the
ambient wind field and wind turbine wake area, a wind turbine with relatively distinct wake
structures shall be firstly chosen. Then the area with relatively distinct wake structures is
chosen as the wake area, which is circled by green line shown in Fig. 2(a). Conversely, the
ambient wind field which is hardly affected by wind turbines is chosen circled by blue line in
Fig. 2(a).
The second and third field campaigns were performed at Rudong tidal zone wind park,
Jiangsu province in the spring and winter of 2014, respectively. Figure 1(b) shows the
outfield experiment in Rudong wind farm. It is the first intertidal wind energy project in the
world, stretching from a temporary dry coast to the sea horizon. Figure 2(b) shows the PPI
scanning mode result on 10 April 2014. The ambient wind was blowing from southeast to
northwest. Compared with Longgang turbine wakes, the more homogeneous surface in
Rudong intertidal zone produces more distinct turbine wakes. Similarly, the area circled by
blue and green lines in Fig. 2(b) are the ambient wind field and wind turbine wake area,
The fourth field campaign was performed at Hami Gobi desert wind park, Xijiang
province in 2014-2015. Figure 1(c) shows the outfield experiment in Hami. It is one of the
largest and fastest growing wind energy facilities in China. Figure 2(c) shows the PPI
scanning mode result on 15 Nov 2015. The ambient wind was blowing from northwest to
southeast. The areas circled by blue and green lines are the ambient wind field and wind
turbine wake area, respectively. Table 1 lists the specific scan parameters during different
field campaigns. Table 2 lists the parameters of wind turbines used in these experiments.
Fig. 1. Wind flow measurement with PCDL in (a) Longgang Mountain, Shandong Peninsula
(b) Rudong tidal zone, Jiangsu Province (c) Hami Gobi desert, Xijiang Province.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A518
Fig. 2. LOS wind field by PCDL PPI scanning measurement at (a) Longgang Mountain from
1148 to 1154 LT 10 Jan 2014 (b) Rudong tidal zone from 1833 to 1835 LT 10 April 2014 (c)
Hami Gobi desert from 1928 to 1931 LT 15 Nov 2015. The area circled in blue and green line
is the chosen ambient wind area and wake area, respectively.
Table 1. PCDL Scan parameters during different field campaigns
start time
end time
Azimuth angle
range ( )
angle ( )
Longgang 20140103
(clockwise) 1.96 1 60 400
Rudong 20140410
(anticlockwise) 3.00 1 30 200
Hami 20151115
(clockwise) 1.30 1 30 200
Table 2. Parameters of wind turbines used in different field campaigns
voltage (V)
Longgang 1.5-93 93 80 1500 3 9.5 20 690
Rudong GW
103/2500 103 80 2500 3 10.8 25 690
Hami GW
115/2000 115 85 2000 2.5 9.5 22 690
3. Retrieval method of turbulence and turbine wake characteristics
3.1 Estimation of turbulence parameters from scanning PCDL data
The spatial statistics of the velocity field can be described by the structure function. In many
cases, such as a typical atmospheric boundary layer, the structure function has a simple
description in terms of two parameters: the turbulence energy dissipation rate
and an
integral length scale i
L which is defined as the integral of the normalized correlation of the
radial velocity. The
is difficult to measure directly because of the limited spatial resolution.
The most common remote sensing tools for
measurement include Doppler radar [24] and
Doppler lidar [25,26]. Computer simulations have shown that accurate estimation of
can be
produced from an analysis of the structure function of the radial velocity along each beam
when the range resolution is less than the length scale of the velocity field and the lidar
sensing volume transverse to the lidar beam hΔ is much smaller comparing to the effective
range resolution RΔ [27]. The structure function method has already been developed and
described in many literatures, and it is noted that the algorithm includes the estimation error
of the radial velocity as well as the correction for the spatial averaging by lidar pulse [28].
The retrieval depends on structure functions mainly in two ways. Firstly, the turbulence
parameters can be calculated along the direction of the lidar beam (longitudinal structure
function). Furthermore, it is possible using structure functions of the radial velocity in the
azimuth direction for each range-gate distance R and elevation angle
(transverse structure
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A519
function). Herein the transverse structure function is used to retrieve the
from the 2D wind
field by the PPI scanning measurement since it has fine angular and vertical resolution and
the error introduced by anisotropy is smaller than longitudinal structure function’s [28,29].
The accuracy investigation of turbulence measurement with the structure function method
cannot be complete without inter-comparison with measurement results of independent
turbulence sensors [27,30]. The algorithm for extracting high resolution turbulence
parameters using transverse structure function has been described in detail by Frehlich and
Cornman [27]. From the measured data, the estimates of the raw structure function of the
radial velocity Doppler Lidar estimate ()
Dsand the contribution from the estimation error
of the velocity estimates ()Es can be derived. The measured difference () ()
DsEs is
fitted to the corrected von Kármán model, in order to find
and i
L in such a way that the
best fitting takes place for both variables, where the genetic algorithm is specially used to
solve the optimum solution [16]. Following this process,we calculate the transverse structure
function at 1.275R=km of the lidar data taken on 10 April 2014 at Rudong tidal zone.
Figure 3 shows the structure function using different models. From the fit to the
wgt calculate
, we derive the standard deviation of radial velocity 0.54
= m/s and the outer
scale of turbulence 0180.8L= m. The integral length scale 135
L= m and the 0.0008
m2/s3 can be calculated from Eqs. (1)–(2), respectively. Note that
represents the standard
deviation, usually denoted by v
, of the transverse velocity fluctuations in the hypothesis of
isotropic turbulence.
1/3 3 3
[ ] 0.933668 ,
3(1/3)(4/3) LL
πσ σ
ΓΓ (1)
(5 / 6) 0.7468343 ,
(1 / 3)
Γ (2)
where ()zΓ is the Gamma function, and the integral length scale is proportional to the outer
scale 0
Fig. 3. Transverse structure function estimates of turbulence using single PPI scanning on 1833
LT 10 April 2014 at Rudong with an elevation angle 3
= and range-gate distance 1.275R=
km . Curves shows calculations of the corrected structure function wgt calculate
D (black dots),
the von Kármán model vvonkarman
D−− (black line), the Kolmgorov model v Kolmgorov
D (blue line)
and the corrected von Kármán model modwgt el
D (red line) taking the volume average effect of
lidar detection into consideration.
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The turbulent intensity is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation of the LOS velocity
to the mean wind speed. In order to estimate the turbulent intensity in the case of the PPI
scans, we can calculate it over a given region at range R and fixed elevation angle
, that is,
() ,
= (3)
where ()
can be estimated from lidar PPI scanning measurement by the use of the
transverse structure method [27], and the spatial averaging effect of the radial velocity over
the sensing volume is taken into account, as it is shown in Fig. 3. The ()URis the mean wind
speed calculated from arc scanning mode [16] and assumes the horizontal homogeneity of the
wind field over probing area with uniform wind speed and direction.
is simplified as
in the following section.
3.2 Estimation of turbine wake characteristics
From a perspective of wind turbine engineering, two characteristics of wind turbine wakes are
essential, one is the turbulence level, which is important in determining fatigue loads on other
wind turbines downwind, the other is the velocity deficit, which is related to the power loss
from the wind turbine [11,23,31]. Definition of velocity deficit in previous studies can be
written as:
() ()
( ) 100%,
ambient wake
VD x ux
where ()
ux is the ambient or reference velocity as a function of downstream distance
outside of the wake, ()
ux is the wake velocity in downstream distance
inside the wake.
Results from previous field experiments vary because of differences in inflow conditions,
atmospheric stability, and surface roughness [8,32]. Furthermore, the different definition of
ux and ()
ux inevitably leads to discrepancies even in the same observation
conditions. Smalikho et al [15] estimated the velocity deficit as:
() (1 ) 100%,
(,1.2 )
VD x Ux D
=− × (5)
where () (,1.2 )
is the distance behind the wind turbine along the wind
direction, D is the diameter of the circle described by the outer end of the turbine blade.
1.2D is the distance between the wake location and the candidate ambient wind location at
, and different types of WTG and atmospheric conditions exist inevitably
difference for the specific value, where inappropriate choice may result in incorrect
estimation of velocity deficit.
Wu et al [16] defined the upwind velocity of the wind turbine as the mean ambient wind
velocity ambient
u, and the ()
ux is the wind velocity within the wake downstream, so the
velocity deficit can be described as:
( ) (1 ) 100%,
VD x u
=− × (6)
It is noted that the upwind velocity may be affected by the upwind WTG wake, which is
more turbulent and slightly smaller than that in free stream.
Banta et al [17] considered the wake meandering with the mean wind direction and the
slight crosswind angle of the beams, and estimated the minimum value at each distance
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A521
and azimuth angle
Δ min (, )ux
Δ as the ()
ux, and the mean upwind velocity of the rotor
plane was regarded as the ambient
u, thus the velocity deficit can be described as:
min (, )
( ) (1 ) 100%,
VD x u
=− × (7)
In this case,
Δ should be adjusted based on the different wind direction and distance
and the determination of the ()
ux is more easily disturbed by turbulent atmospheric
In order to achieve batch data processing of wake characteristics from the PPI scanning
measurement, the methods mentioned above have been used and evaluated. Considering the
availability of the automatic processing algorithm, we propose an improved batch data
processing procedure as follows. For the determination of ambient
u, the horizontal wind speed
and direction are firstly obtained using VAD fitting in each range gate, then the wind is
assumed horizontally homogeneous and the mean wind direction can be estimated by
averaging the wind direction in each range gate shown in Fig. 4(a) in blue line. Then, the
u is calculated as the mean value of the projection of the horizontal wind on the mean
wind direction. In the automatic process of ()
ux, the key point is to obtain min ()ux
quickly and accurately. Since the velocity of wake cross section in each distance
has the
distribution of single or double Gaussian shape [33], the wake center 0
p can be firstly
deduced by the least square fit method with the Gaussian curve. The obtained 0
p in each
distance is shown in Fig. 4(a) in black plus signs, which is not necessarily located
symmetrically within the wake. Then the min ()ux is the mean velocity from the position
(3,3)pp−+in fitted curve. It is noted that the min ()uxshould be converted into
uxusing the geometry relationship and the mean horizontal wind direction. Figure 4(b)
shows the ambient
u, ()
ux and the ()VD x behind WTG A. It can be seen that the ()VD x is
the greatest at around 220 m with the value of 44.95% and gradually diminishes downstream
from the turbine in the far wake. The turbine wake length in this section is defined as the
distance between the WTG A and the point where the ()VD x has minimum value, thus the
wake length in this case is 0.63 km.
Fig. 4. (a) Conical sector scan performed at an elevation angle of 1.5° at 1930 LT 15 Nov 2014
in Hami Gobi desert wind farm, (b) background wind velocity in blue circle, wake area
velocity in red circle (upper), and the corresponding velocity deficit in blue circle (bottom), the
black dash line corresponds to VD = 10%.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A522
4. Results
4.1 Comparison of turbulence estimates under different surface roughness
The wake velocity deficit, the downwind decay rate of the wake, and the added turbulence
intensity within the far wake are largely determined by two factors: the turbine’s thrust
coefficient and the ambient turbulence intensity [23]. Vermeer et al [11] gave three empirical
formulas to describe the added turbulence intensity in the wake. During field experiments, we
used lidar PPI scan to reveal turbulence parameters both from incoming flows and turbine
wakes. This allows us to study the dependence of the wake parameters in a turbulent air.
Furthermore, the three case studies shown in Fig. 2 represent different surface roughness,
giving the highlight to study the effect of surface roughness on the wake characteristics.
The turbulence characteristics in ambient wind (region circled by blue line) and wake
(region circled by green line) over these three wind parks shown in Fig. 2, including the
and v
, have been retrieved using the transverse structure function method described in
Section 3.1. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the
and the
, v
respectively. The
blue circle and red square are the turbulence parameter values in ambient wind and wake,
respectively. It can be seen that the
has a significant positive correlation with
and v
and it implies that more turbulent atmosphere leads to the faster process that the turbulence
kinetic energy is transferred into internal energy with the action of molecular viscosity. The
and v
in wake area are 7.8, 2.6, and 2.3 times of the ambient wind areas’,
respectively, implying that the wind turbine wake has an obviously effect on the atmospheric
turbulence characteristics. Table 3 lists the averaged values of
and v
in ambient and
wake area.
Table 3. The averaged value of
and v
in ambient area (A) and wake area (B).
The ratio of the corresponding parameters in A and B is also listed.
Parameters Ambient area (A) Wake area (B) Ratio of A and B
( 23
/ms) 0.0016 0.013 7.8
0.087 0.23 2.6
( /ms) 0.59 1.37 2.3
Fig. 5. Turbulence energy dissipation rate
versus (a) turbulence intensity
and (b)
standard deviation of transverse velocity fluctuation v
from the cases shown in Fig. 2. The
blue and red circles represent the results from ambient wind area and wake area, respectively,
with corresponding averaged estimates in red and blue triangles.
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In order to compare the correlation of turbulence parameters under different surface
roughness, the results from Longgang mountain, Rudong tidal zone and Hami Gobi desert are
analyzed and fitted using exponential function exp( )ya bx=, respectively. Figure 6(a) shows
the correlation between
, and it can be seen that the fitting exponential term
coefficient b is 0.67, 0.77 and 0.90 for Hami Gobi desert, Rudong tidal zone and Longgang
mountain wind farm, respectively, that is, with the increase of
, the
in complex mountain
condition has the most obvious rate of increase. On the contrary, the
in Gobi desert
corresponds to the lowest sensitivity to the
variation. Figure 6(b) shows the correlation
and v
. Similarly to the phenomena in Fig. 6(a), the v
in Longgang mountain
case is more sensitive to
, and the trend in Hami Gobi desert case is less significant
compared to the other two cases. These differences may result from different surface
roughness condition. Specifically, the typical surface roughness for mountain, offshore area
and flat desert are about 1 m, 0.0008 m and 0.0004 m [34].
Fig. 6. The relationship between
and (a)
(b) v
under three wind parks cases shown in
Fig. 2. The blue, red and black circles represents the results from Longgang mountain, Rudong
tidal zone and Hami Gobi desert case, respectively, with corresponding fitted curves in blue,
red and black color.
Figure 7 shows the averaged turbulence characteristics in ambient wind region A and
wake region B in the three wind parks, respectively. It can be seen that the experiment was
mostly carried out under weak turbulence condition ( 32
10 10
≤≤ ), and Rudong tidal zone
ambient wind area has relatively higher
and v
, since during the measurement, the sea
surface temperature was 14 C
-15 C
along the coastline and higher than the air
temperature around 13 C
in the nighttime. This temperature gradient may bring in surface
turbulence created by thermal convection. As for the wake area B, Longgang mountain area
and Rudong tidal zone area have transferred into strong turbulence condition, however,
although the
in Hami Gobi desert wake area is more than 10 times of its ambient wind
areas’, it is still in relative weak turbulence conditions. Different surface roughness may lead
to obviously different turbulence characteristics in these areas. Table 4 lists the averaged
values of
and v
in ambient and wake area for each case study.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A524
Fig. 7. Correlation analysis of the averaged turbulence characteristics including
versus (a)
and (b) v
in background wind area (marked with circles) and wake area (marked with
triangles) under three wind parks, the blue, red and black symbols represent the results from
Longgang mountain, Rudong tidal zone and Hami Gobi desert case, respectively.
Table 4. The averaged value of
and v
in ambient area (A) and wake area (B) for
each case study.
Parameters Longgang Rudong Hami
Ambient wind area (A)
0.001 0.002 0.0007
0.54 0.76 0.35
0.09 0.10 0.07
Turbine wake area
0.015 0.014 0.008
1.63 1.49 0.89
0.31 0.23 0.16
4.2 Case study in Hami Gobi desert wind park
To analyze the diurnal variation of atmospheric turbulence and wake characteristics and the
effect of wind turbulence on turbine wake, we selected data that were measured in Hami Gobi
desert wind farm from 0000 LT 10 April 2014 to 2350 LT 10 April. The data measured by
PPI scanning mode with an elevation angle of 1.3° every 3 min is used to retrieve the vertical
profiles of the ambient wind velocity A
U and direction V
. The same lidar data is also used
to retrieve vertical profiles of the turbulence parameters such as the
, v
, and i
L obtained
using the transverse structure function method described in Section 3.1. The resulting
temporal profiles of A
at 20H= m are shown in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b). The wind velocity
varies from 1.0 m/s to 8.0 m/s with obvious diurnal variation that wind velocity at nighttime is
higher than the values during the daytime. The wind directions are mostly concentrated near
the dash dotted line that corresponds to the azimuth angle T
during the daytime.
Conversely, it changes into northwest at night with opposite direction with T
. Both of the
cases above can guarantee the accurate wake characteristics retrieval using PPI scanning
mode. The processing procedures described earlier in Section 3.2 are used to determine the
maximum velocity deficit max
VD and the turbine wake length w
L, which are shown in Figs.
8(c) and 8(d). It is noted that the measurement with weak wake visualization characteristics
and lower Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is not considered. The result reveals that the max
varies from 33% to 70% and the values during the daytime are integrally greater than the ones
at night. The w
L varies from 0.26 km to 2.1 km. On the contrary, the w
L at night is obviously
longer than the observation during the daytime.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A525
Fig. 8. Diurnal profiles of the (a) ambient wind velocity at 20 m, (b) wind direction at 30 m, (c)
velocity deficit, (d) wake length as obtained from the data measured by CDL using PPI
scanning on 10 April 2014 at Hami wind park.
Before the retrieval of turbulence parameters, the quality control based on the SNR
threshold is used in each PPI scanning measurement to ensure the availability of the data. In
this paper, the SNR is defined as the ratio of the peak value of FFT spectral signal to the
Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) of background noise signal, which indicates the CDL
detection capability, data accuracy and atmospheric tracer particle relative intensity.
Specifically, the SNR at 20H= m is averaged during one PPI scanning and if the averaged
SNR is less than 10, the data is inapplicable. As can be seen in Fig. 9, the data from 0600 to
1000 is screened out because of the lower SNR. The black line with red triangles is the
averaged estimates for each 1-hour interval. It can be seen that the v
shown in
Figures. 9(a) and 9(c) has distinct diurnal variation and the values are overall higher at night
compared with the ones during daytime. But the
and i
L are relatively less changeable. It is
reasonable since according to the definition of
in Eq. (3), the
is proportional to the
and has an inverse relationship with the A
U. The increase in
and A
U at night results in
relative stable variation of
Fig. 9. Diurnal profiles of the (a) v
and (d) integral length scale i
L from the
data measured by CDL using PPI scanning on 10 April 2014 at Hami wind park. The black
line with red triangles is the averaged estimates for each 1-hour interval.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A526
To analyze the effect of wind and turbulence on the turbine wake characteristics, the data
measured during the night (from 0000 to 0600 and from 2100 to 2350 LT 10 April) and
during the day (from 1000 to 2100 LT 10 April) are selected to estimate of A
U at 20H= m
versus max
VD and w
L shown in Figs. 10(a) and 10(b). The blue circles and red squares
represent the estimates from daytime and nighttime measurement, with corresponding
averaged estimates in blue and red triangles. It can be seen in Fig. 10(a) that an increase of the
wind velocity from 3 m/s to 6 m/s leads to a decrease of the max
VD , which is consistent with
the previous studies [8] that velocity deficit is notably higher at lower ambient velocity owing
to higher thrust coefficients. The averaged max
VD at daytime and night is 52%, 42%,
respectively. On the other hand, the increase of the wind velocity from 3 m/s to 6 m/s
corresponds to the increase of the w
L. Basically, w
L are less than 0.6 km when the wind
velocity is below 5 m/s, but w
L are larger than 1 km when the wind velocity is above 5 m/s.
The averaged w
L at daytime and night is 0.84 km, 1.21 km, respectively. The results were
compared with other literature [15] and found the similar correlation in the relative lower
wind velocity intervals.
Fig. 10. (a) Velocity deficit and (b) wake length as function of wind velocity at 20 m. Blue
circles and red squares are single estimates from data measured by CDL during the day (from
1000 to 2100 LT 10 April 2014) and at night (from 0000 to 0600 and from 2100 to 2350 LT 10
April 2014), respectively. Averaged estimates are shown as blue (daytime) and red (nighttime)
triangles. The black bars represent the fluctuations of velocity deficit (a) and wake length (b)
for each 1 m/s intervals.
Figure 11(a) and 11(b) shows the correlation of the
versus the max
VD , w
L, respectively.
According to the results shown in Fig. 11(a), an increase of
leads to an overall increasing
trend of the max
VD . The averaged
during daytime and night is comparable and consistent
with the stable diurnal variation of
. In Fig. 11(b), an increase of
corresponds to a rapid
decrease of w
L, which is consistent with the results in [33] that higher turbulence level should
cause the velocity deficit to recover more quickly as faster-moving air was entrained within
the wake.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A527
Fig. 11. As Fig. 10, but for
at 20 m versus (a) velocity deficit and (b) wake length, where
the black bars represent the fluctuations of velocity deficit (a) and wake length (b) for each 0.1
intervals turbulence intensity.
5. Conclusions
The pulsed Doppler lidar has been considered as the most effective remote sensing
technology for wind energy assessment, especially for the offshore wind and wind farm with
complex terrain. Lidar observations have shown that wakes induced by upwind turbines can
significantly influence downwind turbines including reduced wind speeds and enhanced
levels of turbulence which will enhance the fatigue loads and reduce the life time of wind
turbine generator. Therefore, in-depth understanding of the properties of turbine wakes under
different inflow and surface conditions is essential to design the structural integrity of the
wind turbines and to optimize the wind energy production. The PCDL with high spatial and
temporal resolution provides the new perspective to simultaneously detect wind turbine wake
and atmospheric turbulence characteristics, allowing us to study the dependence of wake
parameters in the turbulent air.
Four field experiments with different topographies and surface roughness have been
carried out since 2013 in the onshore and offshore wind parks. The turbulence parameters
including the turbulence energy dissipation rate
, the turbulence integral scale i
L and the
standard deviation of transverse velocity fluctuation v
were retrieved using transverse
structure function method based on lidar PPI scanning observations. The relationship of these
parameters were analyzed and compared in the ambient wind area and wake area during the
analyzed time period. It is found that the
has a significant positive correlation with
, which implies that more turbulent atmosphere leads to the faster process that the
turbulence kinetic energy is transferred into internal energy with the action of molecular
viscosity. Furthermore, the averaged
and v
in wake area are 7.8, 2.6, and 2.3 times of
the ambient wind areas’, respectively, implying that the wind turbine wake has an obviously
effect on the atmospheric turbulence characteristics.
In order to compare the correlation of turbulence parameters under different surface
roughness, the results from Longgang complex mountain, Rudong tidal zone and Hami Gobi
desert are analyzed and fitted using exponential function, respectively. It is found that with
the increase of
, the
and v
in complex mountain condition has the most prominent rate
of increase. On the contrary, the results in Gobi desert corresponds to the lowest sensitivity to
variation. These differences may result from different surface roughness condition
where the typical surface roughness of complex terrain, off shore area and flat desert are
about 1 m, 0.0008 m and 0.0004 m. By comparing the averaged turbulence characteristics in
ambient wind region and wake region in these three wind parks case studies, strong
turbulence condition appears at the wake area in mountain and tidal zone wind parks.
Although the
within wake area in Gobi desert is more than 10 times of its ambient wind
areas’, it is still in the relative weak turbulence condition.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A528
For large data analysis, such as wind energy assessment, an automatic processing
approach is very necessary. We find that different definitions of ambient and wake area
velocity inevitably lead to discrepancies even in the same observation conditions. Therefore,
we developed a flexible and robust algorithm to consider the effect of ambient velocity
disturbance and the wake meandering with the mean wind direction. Using this batch
processing procedure, a long time series observation in Hami wind park shows the
dependence of wake parameters on the turbulent state of the atmosphere. According the
diurnal variation of atmospheric turbulence and wake characteristics in this case study, it is
found that the max
VD varies from 33% to 70% and the values during the daytime are
integrally greater than the ones at night. The w
L varies from 0.26 km to 2.1 km, however, the
L at night is obviously longer than the observation during the daytime. Furthermore, the v
have distinct diurnal variation and the values are overall higher at night compared with
the ones during daytime, but the
and i
L are relatively less changeable. In particular, an
increase of the wind velocity at 20H= m from 3 m/s to 6 m/s leads to a decrease of the
VD and increase of the w
L. In addition, an increase of
leads to an overall increasing
trend of the max
VD and a rapid decrease of w
L in this case, which is consistent with the
previous studies.
The study presented here shows that the optical remote sensing technology opens up a
wide range of possibility to investigate wind energy, practically providing multi-dimensional
dynamics characteristics of ambient flow and turbulent wake. Different atmospheric condition
and surface roughness lead to obvious difference in the wake area turbulence and wake
visualization characteristics, further experiments can yield the results necessary to construct
an empirical model of a turbine wake for various atmospheric and surface roughness
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant 41471309 and 41375016.
We thank our colleagues for their kindly support during the field experiments, including
Kailin Zhang and Jintao Liu from Ocean University of China (OUC) for preparing and
conducting the experiment; Dongxiang Wang for operating the lidar in Rudong; Xitao Wang
and Yilin Qi from Seaglet for preparing and operating the lidar in the Gobi desert; Rongzhong
Li and Xitao Wang from Seaglet, and Changzhong Feng with Ocean University for
performing the wake test in Rudong.
Vol. 25, No. 12 | 12 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS A529
... Coherent Doppler lidar (CDL) efficiently detects atmospheric wind profiles from the earth's surface up to the boundary layer, offering advantages such as high temporal-spatial resolution, superior precision, and robust interference resistance [6][7][8][9] . The CDL receives backscattered signals from aerosols. ...
... The quantitative measurements of atmospheric turbulence from radar observations are based on three measured parameters, namely reflectivity, Doppler mean radial velocity, and Doppler spectral width in the radar volume, and are estimated in terms of refractive index structure constant (C n 2 ) and energy dissipation rate (ɛ). The C n 2 represents the atmospheric optical turbulence intensity, which is computed from the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) profiles and is a major reason for declining image quality in astronomical observation, target detection, and laser communication (Cui et al. 2014;Huang et al. 2015;Zhai et al. 2017). The ε is a measure of the strength of turbulence and is primarily calculated from the Doppler spectral width (Hocking 1985;Rao et al. 1997;Wilson et al. 2005;Guo et al. 2007). ...
Limited observations hinder understanding of turbulent characteristics in mountainous terrain resulting from heating or cooling of slopes, wind, vertical motions, and heat or moisture advection, which disperse aerosols and other pollutants over the region. In this study, the 1290 MHz radar wind profiler data are utilized to compute the boundary layer height (BLH), the refractive index structure constant (Cn2), and the energy dissipation rate (ɛ) over the central Himalayan site for the period of November 2011 to March 2012, from the intense Ganges Valley Aerosol Experiment (GVAX) field measurements. The radar wind profiler (RWP) based estimation of BLH and ɛ is validated against the radiosonde, representing the effectiveness of the datasets for further investigation. The strong seasonal variation of log Cn2 and log ɛ, with average values of ≈ -12 m−2/3 and -2 m2 s−3, respectively, is associated with the mountain-induced local circulations and stability in the atmospheric boundary layer. The weak stratification during weak flow is found to be responsible for deep mixing, particularly in the nocturnal boundary layer in spring. Furthermore, the level of cloud cover significantly impacts the strength of turbulence, with the highest cloud cover resulting in a substantial increase in log Cn2 (approximately -11 m−2/3) due to intense updraft and downdraft motions compared to clear skies. Additionally, the distribution of aerosol loading across the site, coupled with the behavior of BLH, atmospheric stability, and orographic-induced circulations, implies distinctive seasonal mechanisms for transporting aerosols toward the mountains. This study offers valuable insights into the diurnal and seasonal patterns of turbulent mixing and the mechanisms behind the transport of pollutants through boundary layer processes over the region.
... In addition, the wind shear would also cause the generation of the turbulence (Manninen et al., 2018;Tuononen et al., 2017). Doppler lidars have been widely used in atmospheric dynamics investigations and could provide turbulence observations with high temporal-spatial resolution and high accuracy (Frehlich & Kelley, 2008;O'Connor et al., 2010;Smalikho & Banakh, 2017;Zhai et al., 2017). Several studies were conducted to determine the ABL types with Doppler lidars and other instruments. ...
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A method to identify the turbulent mixing sources within the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) based on the shipborne coherent Doppler lidar measurements is introduced in this paper. Combining with the coherent Doppler lidar signal‐to‐noise ratio, vertical velocity skewness, turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate, and wind shear intensity, the categories of turbulent mixing sources and the specific turbulent mixing sources could be determined. The method is applied into two voyages of MABL observation during May 2021 in the South China Sea and during April 2022 in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. The turbulent mixing processes are captured and the classification of the turbulence driven sources within the MABL are realized. The temporal‐spatial evolution characteristics of the turbulence mixing process in the MABL are investigated under different weather conditions containing clear‐sky day, cloudy‐sky day, and sea‐fog day. The convective mixing process is recognized in the daytime of the clear‐sky day and the intermittent cloud‐driven turbulence exists below the cloud layer. Additionally, the turbulent mixing is weak which could not act as the main driven source during the sea‐fog day. Furthermore, the dominant turbulence scale analyses of different turbulence sources are conducted based on the cospectra of the vertical velocity and the horizontal speed measurements. The turbulence parameters of different turbulence sources are statistical analyzed and compared in different sea areas. The classification method has the broad application prospects on the study of the air‐sea interaction.
... Yang et al. [19] used remote sensing technology to measure the incoming flow of a 3.6 MW horizontal axis wind turbine, and revealed the influence of atmospheric boundary layer turbulence scale on the power fluctuation of the large horizontal axis wind turbine. Wu et al. [20][21][22][23] carried out field tests on different topography and surface roughness by using a Pulse Coherent Doppler LiDAR (PCDL), revealing the loss of wind speed along the longitudinal dimension, wake size, turbulent energy dissipation rate, and its influence on the wake length of the unit. Gao et al. [24] carried out comparative experimental measurements of the wind turbine wake in three wind farm regions with different complexity by laser Doppler LiDAR and discussed three wake interaction conditions of separate, full, and half wakes, respectively. ...
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Taking a wind farm in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau as the experimental site, the ZephiR Dual Mode (ZDM) LiDAR and ground-based laser LiDAR were used to scan the incoming flow and wake of the wind turbine separately. Based on wavelet analysis, the experimental study was conducted on the influence of different incoming wind speeds on the power and wake of the wind turbine. It is found that the incoming wind speeds have a great influence on the wind turbine power, and the fluctuation frequency of the wind speed is obviously higher than that of the power, that is, the scale effects of turbulence are magnified. The rotation of the wind wheel can accelerate the collapse of the large-scale turbulent structures of the incoming flow, and large-scale vortices continue to collapse into small-scale vortices, that is, the energy cascade evolution occurs. And in the wake diffusion process, the dissipation degree of the upper blade tip vortex is greater than that of the lower blade tip vortex caused by the rotation of the wind turbine. Under the same incoming flow conditions, due to the influence of tower and ground turbulence structure, the energy level connection phenomenon of the measuring points below the hub height is stronger than that above the hub height, and it weakens with the increase of the measuring distance. That is, the energy cascade of the measuring points below the hub height at 1.5 D (D is the diameter of the wind wheel) of the wake is weaker than that at 1 D of the wake. With the increase of the measuring distance of the wake, the influx of the external flow field further aggravates the momentum exchange and energy transport between the vortex clusters, that is, the influence of the external flow field gradually increases in the wake vortex pulsation.
... Ambient temperature (T) and RH were measured by a sensor (Model: YGC-BYX-M) assembled on the lidar. More details can be found in Zhai et al. (2017Zhai et al. ( , 2018. ...
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... In recent years, scientists have conducted numerous studies on dust cycles, dust properties, and the environmental effects of dust using ground-based light detection and ranging (LiDAR) information such as the optical intensity, backscatter intensity, depolarization ratio, extinction coefficient, and dual-wavelength signal ratio [5][6][7]. Laser wind measurement techniques have developed rapidly during the past decades and are mostly used in wind field observation [8], aircraft wake measurements [9], turbulence measurements [10], cloud and atmospheric boundary layer characterization [11], and atmospheric aerosol optical characterization [12]. The fluctuation of boundary layer height with time and the effect of the entrainment layer and vertical wind speed on the boundary layer height were found using micro-pulse LiDAR observations [13]. ...
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Wind profile light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is an important tool for observing features within the atmospheric boundary layer. Observations of the wind field and boundary layer height from coherent Doppler wind LiDARs (CDWLs) under sandy and dusty weather conditions were evaluated using observations from two CDWLs and one GTS radio sounding located at the northern edge of the Tibetan plateau from 1 May to 30 August 2021. The results showed that CDWL has good applicability in reproducing wind fields in dust, precipitation, and in clear-sky conditions, and that it is superior to the v wind field for real measurements of the u wind fields. In terms of the planetary boundary layer height (PBLH), the validity of the inversion of PBLH in dusty weather was higher than that under clear-sky conditions. It was found that the PBLH retrieved by the CDWL at 20:00 (BJT) was better than that at 08:00 (BJT). The diurnal variation amplitude of the PBLH before the occurrence of a sandstorm was larger than the diurnal variation amplitude of the PBLH occurring during a sandstorm.
... Hence, the raw spectrum data must be processed and corrected. A flowchart of the data-processing procedure is shown in Fig. 4. The line-of-sight (LOS) wind velocity retrieval algorithm was investigated in our previous work [27,28], and this study mainly focused on spectrum signal correction and aerosol backscatter coefficient measurements. ...
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In this study, a 1550 nm coherent high-spectral-resolution lidar (CHSRL) is developed to measure the optical properties of aerosols and atmospheric wind profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer. To determine the optical properties, a coherent frequency discriminator based on the fast Fourier transform is designed in the CHSRL to separate the Mie and the Rayleigh–Brillouin backscatter spectra to fulfill the needs of high-spectral measurements. The atmospheric wind velocity is retrieved using the simultaneously measured Doppler shift. This non-optical frequency discriminator is a feasible and low-cost solution compared to a narrow-bandwidth optical filter, such as a Fabry–Perot interferometer or an atomic filter. However, shot, amplifier spontaneous emission, and detector noise interfere with the Rayleigh–Brillouin spectrum. Therefore, a spectrum correction algorithm is proposed to recover the interfered Rayleigh–Brillouin spectrum, and the measurement results of the spectral line agree well with those modeled with Tenti S6 at different central frequencies. Finally, field observations for comparison are conducted with the co-located CHSRL, Raman lidar, and coherent Doppler wind lidar. The comparison results indicate that the correlation coefficient of the aerosol backscatter coefficient is 0.84. The correlation coefficient and standard deviation of wind velocity are 0.98 and 0.13 m · s⁻¹, respectively.
... For the wind field observations, the CDL of type Wind3D 6000, which is jointed developed by Ocean University of China (OUC) and Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd., was applied. The specifications and schematic diagram of the CDL have been introduced in detail elsewhere [32][33][34]. For the aerosol optical properties retrieval, the simultaneous observations with a sun photometer and a CDL were performed. ...
To retrieve the vertical aerosol mass fluxes and to investigate the vertical transport process of aerosol by a coherent Doppler lidar (CDL), a practical method for instrumental calibration and aerosol optical properties retrieval based on CDL and sun photometer synchronization observations has been developed. A conversion of aerosol optical properties to aerosol microphysical properties is achieved by applying a well-developed algorithm. Furthermore, combining the vertical velocity measured simultaneously with a CDL, we use the eddy covariance (EC) method to retrieve the vertical turbulent aerosol mass fluxes by a CDL and sun photometer with a spatial resolution of 15 m and a temporal resolution of 1 s throughout the planetary boundary layer (PBL). In this paper, we present a measurement case of 24-h continuous fluxes observations and analyze the diurnal variation of the vertical velocity, the aerosol backscatter coefficient at 1550 nm, the mean aerosol mass concentration, and the vertical aerosol mass fluxes on 13 April 2020.
A new methodology for standardizing radar-derived elevated dual-Doppler (DD)-synthesized wind maps to the near surface is presented, leveraging the spatial variability found within the horizontal wind speed fields. The methodology is applied to a dataset collected by Texas Tech University (TTU) using two TTUKa-band mobile radar systems during the landfall of Hurricane Delta (2020) in coastal Louisiana. Relevant portions of the DD wind fields are extracted from multiple heights between 100 and 400 m above ground level, combined into 10-min segments and standardized to a reference height of 10 m and an open exposure roughness length of 0.03 m. Extractions from these standardized wind fields are compared and validated against the standardized wind measurements from a micronet of seven TTU StickNet platforms providing “ground truth” within the DD analysis domain. The validation efforts confirm the developed DD wind field standardization methodology yields robust results with correlation coefficients greater than 0.88 and mean biases less than 1%. The results of this study provide a new means for incorporating elevated DD radar data into new and existing surface wind field analysis systems geared toward generating a wind field of record during a hurricane landfall. Significance Statement This work presents a new methodology for using radar-generated wind fields during a hurricane landfall to support the construction of a surface wind field analysis. Because radar-based wind measurements are inherently elevated above the surface and because the wind conditions well above the ground do not directly translate to the wind conditions experienced at the ground, a method for standardizing the elevated radar wind fields to the surface provides tremendous value to generating a spatially continuous wind field of record during a hurricane landfall event to better inform event response and recovery efforts. In addition, the need for detailed wind fields of record from landfalling hurricanes that approach structural design limits is critical as a single design-level storm can alter building code return period analysis. Detailed wind fields for these high-impact events can directly inform associated updates in building codes ultimately contributing to a more resilient built environment.
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Atmospheric turbulence parameters, such as turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate, are of great significance in weather prediction, meteorological disasters, and forecasting. Due to the lack of ideal direct detection methods, traditional structure function methods are mainly based on Kolmogorov’s assumption of local isotropic turbulence and the well-known −5/3 power law within the inertial subrange, which limits their application. Here, we propose a method for directly measuring atmospheric turbulence parameters using coherent Doppler wind lidar, which can directly obtain atmospheric turbulence parameters and vertical structural features, breaking the limitations of traditional methods. The first published spatiotemporal distribution map of the power-law exponent of the inertial subrange is provided in this study, which indicates the heterogeneity of atmospheric turbulence at different altitudes, and also indicates that the power-law exponent at high altitudes does not fully comply with the −5/3 power law, proving the superiority of our method. We analyze the results under different weather conditions, indicating that the method still holds. The turbulent kinetic energy and power-law index obtained by this method are continuously compared with the results obtained with an ultrasonic anemometer for a month-long period. The results of the two have high consistency and correlation, verifying the accuracy and applicability of the proposed method. The proposed method has great significance in studying the vertical structural characteristics of atmospheric turbulence.
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Wind power generation is growing fast as one of the most promising renewable energy sources that can serve as an alternative to fossil fuel-generated electricity. When the wind turbine generator (WTG) extracts power from the wind, the wake evolves and leads to a considerable reduction in the efficiency of the actual power generation. Furthermore, the wake effect can lead to the increase of turbulence induced fatigue loads that reduce the life time of WTGs. In this work, a pulsed coherent Doppler lidar (PCDL) has been developed and deployed to visualize wind turbine wakes and to characterize the geometry and dynamics of wakes. As compared with the commercial off-the-shelf coherent lidars, the PCDL in this work has higher updating rate of 4 Hz and variable physical spatial resolution from 15 to 60 m, which improves its capability to observation the instantaneous turbulent wind field. The wind speed estimation method from the arc scan technique was evaluated in comparison with wind mast measurements. Field experiments were performed to study the turbulent wind field in the vicinity of operating WTGs in the onshore and offshore wind parks from 2013 to 2015. Techniques based on a single and a dual Doppler lidar were employed for elucidating main features of turbine wakes, including wind velocity deficit, wake dimension, velocity profile, 2D wind vector with resolution of 10 m, turbulence dissipation rate and turbulence intensity under different conditions of surface roughness. The paper shows that the PCDL is a practical tool for wind energy research and will provide a significant basis for wind farm site selection, design and optimization.
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Wake flow measurements have been performed using the technique of particle image velocimetry (PIV) at stations downstream from a model wind turbine rotor, and evaluated against experimental data from two full-scale machines. Comparisons include both mean velocity and turbulent intensity cross-wake profiles at a range of tip speed ratios. The application of PIV to the study of wind turbine wakes is described in detail, including the steps required to ensure appropriate and accurate simulation of the flow field conditions. The results suggest that the PIV method is a potentially useful tool in the investigation of detailed wake flow, though significant differences are observed between wake velocity deficits at full- and model scale. These are discussed with regard to scale effect, the influence of terrain, model similarity, and the phenomenon of wake meandering and effective cross-wake smoothing.
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Because of the dense arrays at most wind farms, the region of disturbed flow downstream of an individual turbine leads to reduced power production and increased structural loading for its leeward counterparts. Currently, wind farm wake modeling, and hence turbine layout optimization, suffers from an unacceptable degree of uncertainty, largely because of a lack of adequate experimental data for model validation. Accordingly, nearly 100 h of wake measurements were collected with long-range Doppler lidar at the National Wind Technology Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the Turbine Wake and Inflow Characterization Study (TWICS). This study presents quantitative procedures for determining critical parameters from this extensive dataset—such as the velocity deficit, the size of the wake boundary, and the location of the wake centerline—and categorizes the results by ambient wind speed, turbulence, and atmospheric stability. Despite specific reference to lidar, the methodology is general and could be applied to extract wake characteristics from other remote sensor datasets, as well as computational simulation output. The observations indicate an initial velocity deficit of 50%−60% immediately behind the turbine, which gradually declines to 15%−25% at a downwind distance x of 6.5 rotor diameters (D). The wake expands with downstream distance, albeit less so in the vertical direction due to the presence of the ground: initially the same size as the rotor, the extent of the wake grows to 2.7D (1.2D) in the horizontal (vertical) at x = 6.5D. Moreover, the vertical location of the wake center shifts upward with downstream distance because of the tilt of the rotor.
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A ship-mounted sodar was used to measure wind turbine wakes in an offshore wind farm in Denmark. The wake magnitude and vertical extent were determined by measuring the wind speed profile behind an operating turbine, then shutting down the turbine and measuring the freestream wind profile. These measurements were compared with meteorological measurements on two offshore and one coastal mast at the same site. The main purposes of the experiment were to evaluate the utility of sodar for determining wind speed profiles offshore and to provide the first offshore wake measurements with varying distance from a wind turbine. Over the course of a week, 36 experiments were conducted in total. After quality control of the data (mainly to exclude rain periods), 13 turbine-on, turbine-off pairs were analyzed to provide the velocity deficit at hub height as a function of the distance from the turbine. The results are presented in the context of wake measurements at other coastal locations. The velocity deficit is predicted with an empirical model derived from onshore measurements based on transport time dependent on surface roughness. The measurements are closer to those predicted using an onshore rather than an offshore roughness despite the relatively low turbulence experienced during the experiments.
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Field measurements of the wake flow produced from a 2-MW Enercon E-70 wind turbine were performed using three scanning Doppler wind lidars. A GPS-based technique was used to determine the position of the wind turbine and the wind lidar locations, as well as the direction of the laser beams. The lidars used in this study are characterized by a high spatial resolution of 18 m, which allows the detailed characterization of the wind turbine wake. Two-dimensional measurements of wind speed were carried out by scanning a single lidar over the vertical symmetry plane of the wake. The mean axial velocity field was then retrieved by averaging 2D scans performed consecutively. To investigate wake turbulence, single lidar measurements were performed by staring the laser beam at fixed directions and using the maximum sampling frequency. From these tests, peaks in the velocity variance are detected within the wake in correspondence of the turbine top tip height; this enhanced turbulence could represent a source of dangerous fatigue loads for downstream turbines. The spectral density of the measured velocity fluctuations shows a clear inertial-range scaling behavior. Then, simultaneous measurements with two lidars were performed in order to characterize both the axial and the vertical velocity components. For this setup, the two velocity components were retrieved only for measurement points for which the two laser beams crossed nearly at a right angle. Statistics were computed over the sample set for both velocity components, and they showed strong flow fluctuations in the near-wake region at turbine top tip height, with a turbulence intensity of about 30%.
Within wind-turbine clusters, the average wind speed reduces while the turbulent velocity components increase. The increased turbulence level will influence the wake decay behind turbines in the cluster and the dynamic loading of the turbines. Information is given about the turbulence intensity and the structure of the turbulence, spectra and auto-correlation in a fixed and in a moving frame of reference, determined in a cluster consisting of wind-turbine simulators. (A)
Wind turbine wakes in the atmosphere are three-dimensional (3D) and time dependent. An important question is how best to measure atmospheric wake properties, both for characterizing these properties observationally and for verification of numerical, conceptual, and physical (e.g., wind tunnel) models of wakes. Here a scanning, pulsed, coherent Doppler lidar is used to sample a turbine wake using 3D volume scan patterns that envelop the wake and simultaneously measure the inflow profile. The volume data are analyzed for quantities of interest, such as peak velocity deficit, downwind variability of the deficit, and downwind extent of the wake, in a manner that preserves the measured data. For the case study presented here, in which the wake was well defined in the lidar data, peak deficits of up to 80% were measured 0.6-2 rotor diameters (D) downwind of the turbine, and the wakes extended more than 11D downwind. Temporal wake variability over periods of minutes and the effects of atmospheric gusts and lulls in the inflow are demonstrated in the analysis. Lidar scanning trade-offs important to ensuring that the wake quantities of interest are adequately sampled by the scan pattern, including scan coverage, number of scans per volume, data resolution, and scan-cycle repeat interval, are discussed.
An experimental study of the spatial wind structure in the vicinity of a wind turbine by a NOAA coherent Doppler lidar has been conducted. It was found that a working wind turbine generates a wake with the maximum velocity deficit varying from 27% to 74% and with the longitudinal dimension varying from 120 up to 1180 m, depending on the wind strength and atmospheric turbulence. It is shown that, at high wind speeds, the twofold increase of the turbulent energy dissipation rate (from 0.0066 to 0.013 m(2) s(-3)) leads, on average, to halving of the longitudinal dimension of the wind turbine wake (from 680 to 340 m).
High-spatial-and-temporal-resolution radial velocity measurements surrounding a single utility-scale wind turbine were collected using the Texas Tech University Ka-band mobile research radars. The measurements were synthesized to construct the first known dual-Doppler analyses of the mean structure and variability of a single turbine wake. The observations revealed a wake length that subjectively exceeded 20 rotor diameters, which far exceeds the typically employed turbine spacing of 7-10 rotor diameters. The mean horizontal wind speed deficits found within the turbine wake region relative to the free streamflow were related to potential reductions in the available power for a downwind turbine. Mean wind speed reductions of 17.4% ( 14.8%) were found at 7 (10) rotor diameters downwind, corresponding to a potential power output reduction of 43.6% (38.2%). The wind speed deficits found within the wake also exhibit large variability over short time intervals; this variability would have an appreciable impact on the inflow of a downstream turbine. The full understanding and application of these newly collected data have the potential to alter current wind-farm design and layout practices and to affect the cost of energy.