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Simulation Study of Low Latency Network Architecture Using Mobile Edge Computing



Attaining extremely low latency service in 5G cellular networks is an important challenge in the communication research field. A higher QoS in the next-generation network could enable several unprecedented services, such as Tactile Internet, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality. However, these services will all need support from powerful computational resources provided through cloud computing. Unfortunately, the geolocation of cloud data centers could be insufficient to satisfy the latency aimed for in 5G networks. The physical distance between servers and users will sometimes be too great to enable quick reaction within the service time boundary. The problem of long latency resulting from long communication distances can be solved by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), though, which places many servers along the edges of networks. MEC can provide shorter communication latency, but total latency consists of both the transmission and the processing times. Always selecting the closest edge server will lead to a longer computing latency in many cases, especially when there is a mass of users around particular edge servers. Therefore, the research studies the effects of both latencies. The communication latency is represented by hop count, and the computation latency is modeled by processor sharing (PS). An optimization model and selection policies are also proposed. Quantitative evaluations using simulations show that selecting a server according to the lowest total latency leads to the best performance, and permitting an over-latency barrier would further improve results.
Special Section on the Architectures, Protocols, and Applications for the Future Internet
Simulation Study of Low Latency Network Architecture Using
Mobile Edge Computing
Krittin INTHARAWIJITRa),Student Member, Katsuyoshi IIDA††b),Senior Member,
and Hiroyuki KOGA†††c),Member
SUMMARY Attaining extremely low latency service in 5G cellular net-
works is an important challenge in the communication research field. A
higher QoS in the next-generation network could enable several unprece-
dented services, such as Tactile Internet, Augmented Reality, and Virtual
Reality. However, these services will all need support from powerful com-
putational resources provided through cloud computing. Unfortunately, the
geolocation of cloud data centers could be insucient to satisfy the latency
aimed for in 5G networks. The physical distance between servers and users
will sometimes be too great to enable quick reaction within the service time
boundary. The problem of long latency resulting from long communication
distances can be solved by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), though, which
places many servers along the edges of networks. MEC can provide shorter
communication latency, but total latency consists of both the transmission
and the processing times. Always selecting the closest edge server will
lead to a longer computing latency in many cases, especially when there
is a mass of users around particular edge servers. Therefore, the research
studies the eects of both latencies. The communication latency is repre-
sented by hop count, and the computation latency is modeled by processor
sharing (PS). An optimization model and selection policies are also pro-
posed. Quantitative evaluations using simulations show that selecting a
server according to the lowest total latency leads to the best performance,
and permitting an over-latency barrier would further improve results.
key words: mobile edge computing, 5G, low latency, network architecture,
processor sharing, and performance evaluation
1. Introduction
Latency is a critical requirement for many mobile applica-
tions. As technologies have become more refined, lower
service latency has been more strongly desired. Latency-
sensitive services (e.g., real-time applications, streaming
video, autonomous driving, and machine-to-machine com-
munication) are of wide interest and demand is growing
strongly [2]. Such services promise to improve the qua-
lity of life in many fields of human society; for example,
we could control automobile trac and prevent accidents
Manuscript received July 20, 2016.
Manuscript revised December 12, 2016.
Manuscript publicized February 8, 2017.
The author is with the Dept. of Information and Communi-
cations Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 152–
8852 Japan.
††The author is with the Information Initiative Center, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo-shi, 060–0811 Japan.
†††The author is with the Dept. of Information and Media En-
gineering, University of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu-shi, 080–0135
Earlier version of this paper has been presented in [1].
a) E-mail:
b) E-mail:
c) E-mail:
DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2016NTP0003
through vehicle-to-machine communication [3], or we could
use augmented reality (AR) to provide virtual information
on a real environment in real time [4].
Achieving extremely low service latency will lead to
many new mobile services. Tactile Internet [5][7] is one
example. It will allow an application to interact with objects
in either a real or a virtual environment remotely through the
Internet, and do this with a very short-reaction time. Such
quick interaction will need to be consistent with the natural
sensory perceptions of humans; for example, the virtual re-
action will have to be completed within about 10 ms, so a
real-time service based on vision will require that each new
frame be rendered within 10 ms [8] to avoid any lack of per-
ceived continuous vision.
To satisfy the latency qualification, the fifth generation
(5G) mobile network will need to provide a low-latency net-
work architecture for the Tactile Internet [2],[6]. The 5G
network is now being standardized to attain a higher level of
QoS, and it should be able to deliver 1-ms round-trip latency
as described in [7],[9],[10]. Such an ambition is a consider-
able challenge for network developers and researchers, but if
a 5G architecture achieves the latency requirement, mobile
users will be able to easily access Tactile Internet services.
To enable such low-latency applications, however, the
5G network must deal with the communication distance
when serving the applications. Most applications in the
Tactile Internet rely on cloud computing services to com-
plete their heavy tasks in terms of computational complex-
ity. For example, a mobile-AR application needs to send
processing-heavy jobs (such as object identification or im-
age processing) to cloud-based servers [11][13]. Nonethe-
less, as shown in Fig. 1, a cloud data center may sometimes
be distant from a mobile user (e.g., in a far-away country) so
Fig. 1 Illustration of cloud and MEC
Copyright c
2017 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
there could be a long transmission distance and high com-
munication latency.
A novel technology has been introduced to solve this
problem. As illustrated in Fig. 1, Mobile Edge Comput-
ing (MEC) [14], also known as Edge Cloud Computing
(ECC) [15], has been proposed. The MEC concept is to
bring a service to the edge of networks where users can ac-
cess the nearest network component. The MEC enhances
capability at the edge through a form of computational re-
sources, called edge servers. A packet from clients will be
sent to the mobile edge, but not passed through the core net-
works as the cloud architecture. This approach has the po-
tential to provide very short communication between mobile
users and service providers within the acceptable time inter-
Although, MEC can overcome distance issues, and un-
lock many amazing services, surveys [16],[17] have found
that users and developers must still confront latency issues
in MEC. Latency remains the critical metric with regard to
latency-sensitive applications, and total latency is mainly
composed of two kinds of latency. One is communication
latency, the time needed for a workload to travel from a
source to a destination (and in the opposite direction) via the
wired and wireless communication in networks. The other
is computing latency, the time spent on the computation in a
server. To realize the latency needed to enable, for example,
Tactile Internet, both types of latency must be considered to
satisfy the service-time boundary.
Figure 2 illustrates the latencies in MEC networks.
MEC shortens the communication route and decreases
transmission latency. However, in contrast with cloud ser-
vices, it can probably serve only a limited number of users.
Numerous flows within the same area can aect one partic-
ular edge server and place a heavy computing load on that
server. When that happens, MEC lengthens the process-
ing time for all current approaches. Excessive computing
latency is definitely unacceptable for low-latency service.
However, in such cases there are often other edge servers
supporting only a few users in surrounding areas. Taking a
slightly longer path to a lightly loaded server could lessen
the computing time, as shown in Fig. 2.
As a result, in this research, we have studied how the
impact of computing time and communication time in the
MEC architecture with regard to the demand from mobile
users and the supply of edge servers in the network system
Fig. 2 Latency with MECs
under the latency constraint. This paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Sect. 2, we describe related work in terms of MEC
to consider the state of the art and explain our motivations.
In Sect. 3, we propose a model to analyze both types of la-
tency: communication and computation. We then formulate
an optimization model. In Sect. 4, we explain simulation ex-
periments that we conducted as part of this work. In Sects. 5
and 6, we present and discuss numerical results from the
simulation. We conclude and discuss our future work in
Sect. 7.
2. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) & Related Work
The definition and architecture of MEC are explained in this
section. Additionally, existing research relating to this study
is discussed briefly to show the dierence between the ex-
isting research and this work.
2.1 Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
The concept of Mobile Edge Computing is to distribute
cloud capabilities to the edge of networks where they will
be very close to local mobile users. Its main purpose is
to reduce the network latency in a Radio Access Network
(RAN). In addition, it can decrease the trac in the core
architecture by not forwarding packets into the core net-
works. At present, MEC is being discussed regarding the
next evolution of cellular networks. As in [14], the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is standard-
izing MEC to fulfill the needs of both consumers and enter-
Several ideas are similar to MEC’s underlying princi-
ple. Cloudlets [18] is a low latency network architecture
supporting cognitive assistance; e.g., AR and image pro-
cessing. Cloudlets is a virtual platform in the middle of
networks (between the data center and users). Edge Cloud
Composites or Edge Cloud computing (ECC) is also related
to MEC [15]. It provides services at the edge, but is de-
scribed from a perspective of software and supporting mul-
tiple users. Lastly, fog computing or foggy has been intro-
duced by Cisco Systems [19],[20]. It is defined as “an ex-
tended cloud computing at the edge of networks”.Thefog
computing concept is to work through the cooperation of
powerful edge devices in networks and is widely used in en-
terprises. An overview of MEC is shown in Fig. 3. The
MEC architecture can be divided into three main groups
Fig. 3 Illustration of MEC architecture
for individual purposes and has dierent properties as de-
1. Mobile devices: All terminal devices, such as tablets,
laptops, smart phones, which are connecting to a base
station (BS) or an access point (AP) over the RAN will
generate abundant tasks sent through the mobile net-
work to gain service resources.
2. Mobile edge computing: A cluster of edge components
– i.e., routers, switches, and gateways – is formed to
perform as a virtual server node at the edge of net-
works by using a concept of network virtualization.
Such a node can provide services as cloud computing in
both computation and storage supply. Any request pro-
cessed via the edge servers is not transmitted through a
core network to reach a far away data center. However,
a task really needing extensive cloud services should
be forwarded to the destination as usual.
3. Cloud computing: A huge task desiring higher perfor-
mance will be sent through the Internet to a cloud cen-
ter although it might be located at a greater distance.
Such a center comprises many ingenious servers to deal
with such a global problem and big data analysis. The
computation performance will be excellent, but a long
transporting delay may be necessary.
2.2 Related Work
MEC will be a key technology in 5G cellular networks for
the provision of a low latency network architecture. Work
has been done to investigate the use of MEC in 5G networks
using mathematical models [21][24]. Barbarossa et al. in
[21] examine ooading computation in distributed mobile
cloud computing over a 5G network and construct an opti-
mal model of the transmit power consumption in MEC net-
works. Chen et al. in [22] also oer an algorithm of o-
loading distribution in MEC using game theory. They apply
an optimization model to minimize overhead in the distribu-
tion. In [23], Sarkar et al. mathematically model MEC in
the context of the Internet of Things for a lower-pollution
system. Deng et al. in [24] design a mathematical model
to analyze the trade-obetween a conventional and an ex-
tended cloud by examining power consumption.
Much of the research into MEC has relied on math-
ematical models. However, in most cases the focus has
been on energy consumption due to growth in the number
of mobile devices and there has been less concern about
latency. Some that consider latency as one factor in the
model [23],[24] do not look at it as a major part and treat
it rather simplistically. Martini et al. in [25] examines the
latency of virtualization nodes in networks through an opti-
mization model, but does not focus on the edge computing
In this paper, we also apply a mathematical model of
MEC. Our goal is to illustrate how the network-edge can at-
tain ultra-low latency under constraints of the time-service
boundary and a 5G environment, but without considering
energy utilization. We accordingly consider two types of
network latency: the computing latency and the communi-
cation latency. Our previous model of the MEC concept,
presented in [1], used a linear function to determine the pro-
cessing time. This work extends the model by including
Processor Sharing (PS) to demonstrate the computation time
within a more realistic framework.
3. Mathematical Model
As we explained, the purpose of our paper is to develop a
mathematical model that includes both communication la-
tency and computing latency. In this section, we first define
the problem, as well as communication and computing la-
tency. After that, we introduce latency optimization models:
strict and permissive underestimation systems as explained
in Sect. 3.5. Finally, we introduce policies on how we select
mobile edge servers if we have multiple candidates.
3.1 Problem Definition
To design a low latency network architecture, we define a
problem model as shown in Fig. 4. A group of mobile de-
vices connecting to the same base station (BS) is represented
as one source node. We specify a set of source nodes,
S={S1,S2, ..., Si, ..., SN}. Each Siproduces work-
loads according to a Poisson process with rate λi(λi>0).
Here, we regard a workload as a computational task, which
should be performed by a mobile edge node in Fig. 4. Our
latency of interest is the sum of 1) round-trip communica-
tion latency between the source node and the selected mo-
bile edge node, and 2) computational time required by the
mobile edge node. Note that we do not directly consider mo-
bile devices themselves, but since they connect to a source
node with very small latency this is not a serious omission.
For the service provider, mobile edge servers con-
sidered as edge nodes are denoted by a set E={E1,
E2, ..., Ej, ..., EM}. Furthermore, the amount of service
demand (or workload size) in edge node Ejis assumed to be
independent and identically distributed according to an ex-
ponential distribution with mean μ1
j. Since we assume a PS
queue (described later in Sect. 3.3), the actual service time is
determined by the number of workloads currently accepted
in the queue.
Fig. 4 Problem model
Workloads are also defined as a set W={w1,
w2, ..., wk,..., wK}, where wkobtains bkas a size. Here,
w1is the first workload which can be generated from one
of the source nodes in Sindependently with ordering, while
wKis the last workload pushed into the system.
3.2 Communication Latency
According to Fig. 4, a source node Sithat acquires services
from the edge node Ejwill transmit its workload wkby a
link having propagation delay li,j. This delay stands for the
round-trip time, excluding the computation time in an edge
node, and is determined by the hop count between Siand
The hop count, corresponding to the communication
distance, is given by the dierence between the IDs of
nodes. For example, Ejis located one hop away from Si
when i=j, and 2 hops away from Ej±1, where Ej±1∈E.
Given that E1and edge node EMare one hop apart, S1and
EMconsequently have a two-hop distance. In a case where
N>M,Si(where i>M) is considered to have a hop count
like a source S(imod M)+1. We always determine the shortest
distance from the source to the edge node.
In addition, if we let lhbe the unit of hop delay and
H(i,j) be the hop count from Sito edge Ej, we can deter-
mine li,jfrom the following:
3.3 Computation Latency
The computation time is influenced by the number of work-
loads in the real server, so we need to make some realistic
assumptions to model the actual computation time. We fol-
low the concept of processor sharing (PS), also called time
sharing, [26][28] to represent the service time. With a sin-
gle server, PS characterizes the amount of service time ac-
cording to the actual load. The capability of a server is fixed.
Each present workload in the system shares resources con-
trolled by weights [26]. In this study, we consider all work-
loads to have identical weights. That causes each workload
to take an equal fraction of service. Additionally, when a
workload arrives at a server, it can be started without any
queuing time, and the server will allocate its capacity to a
newly arriving workload equally with respect to other cur-
rent processes.
Following the PS principle, let workloads that are ac-
cepted and served by Ejat time t0beinasetAt
j, and the
number of workloads in edge Ejat time tbe nj(t)=|At
All workloads wk∈A
jwill be individually processed
with μj/nj(t)instructions per time unit. Also, we define that
jfor a set of all accepted workloads at edge
node Ej, and A=j∈E Ajfor the total of accepted work-
loads in the system.
A new workload produced from a source node must
look for an edge node to get a service. The processing
needed to accept new workloads will increase the comput-
ing latency. However, we cannot determine an exact value
for this latency because of the PS discipline. Defining Pk,j(t)
as the estimated computing latency of workload wkat time t
served by Ej, we propose an estimation method by consid-
ering the latency based on the value of nj(t):
3.4 Total Latency
After the communication and computing latency are desig-
nated, the following can be stated:
0,otherwise (3b)
The absolute latency can be determined by Eq. (3). It
becomes equal to the aggregate of both the communication
and computing latency in the case of (3a), if wkcan be exe-
cuted by edge Ej. In addition, if wkis not received by any
nodes, it will be abandoned without latency (3b).
3.5 Optimization Model
To enable extremely low latency in a 5G network with MEC,
we have formulated an optimization model to evaluate the
system performance and system conditions. First, we define
asetR=W−A, collecting all rejected workloads which
no edge node can support.
In addition, each mobile device prescribes its service-
latency tolerance. We accordingly consider that value as the
maximum allowance θof total latency. This means if the es-
timated total latency Li,j,k(t) will exceed θ, we should reject
the workload.
Regarding the computing latency with PS, estimation
leads to overestimation or underestimation in the system.
In the case of overestimated latency, the server finishes the
workload before the estimated time and does not violate the
latency maximum allowance of total latency. In contrast, un-
derestimation can result in the actual latency being greater
than the service tolerance. Consequently, we reconsider
where δa,j(t) denotes the time gap between estimations in
the previous period tand at the current time t, and wais the
current workload processed in a server at time t.
3.5.1 Strict Underestimation System
To protect against underestimation in the computing latency
estimation, the optimization model must check all process-
ing workloads in the edge node to ensure that an incoming
workload will not cause the maximum allowance (θ)ofall
processing workloads in the server to be exceeded. Thus, we
propose the following objective function and constraints:
Pb=wr∈R br
wk∈W bk
subject to Li,j,a(t)θ, wa∈A
Li,j,e(t)+δe,j(t)θ, we∈A
t>t0 (10)
This objective function (5) tries to achieve the mini-
mum blocking probability (Pb) defined as a fraction of the
total size of rejected workloads in all workloads. Before
meeting the objective, a system is required to first satisfy all
constraints (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10).
Here, (6) requires that the total latency of an accepted
workload wa, composed of the computing delay and the
communication delay, must not exceed the maximum al-
lowance θ. However, (7) requires that a newly arriving
workload wanot aect any already accepted workload we
currently being processed by the edge node. Restrictions
(8), (9), and (10) require that all parameters have non-
negative values as shown in the constraints.
3.5.2 Permissive Underestimation System
The strict system in Sect. 3.5.1 has very tight constraints in
that it does not allow errors with respect to going beyond
the bounds of the maximum allowance θ. Checking all ex-
isting workloads in the system, though, would require con-
siderable system eort. Loosening some restrictions could
reduce the amount of constraint checking. A system that ig-
nores constraint (7) is called a permissive underestimation
system. Such a system will accept and process all work-
loads satisfying the remaining conditions, though other cur-
rent workloads could be outside of the settled maximum al-
lowance. Thus, the optimization model can be given as
subject to (6),(8),(9).(11)
A permissive underestimation system may improve the
blocking probability, but at the cost of underestimation er-
3.6 Policies
When the new workload wkarrives, we need to select one
edge node to accommodate the workload if we do not reject
it. For this purpose, we create a list of candidate edge node,
each of which meets the constraints stated in Sects.3.5.1 and
3.5.2. If we have multiple candidate edge node, we need to
select one. We therefore have to consider a policy stating
how we should select it. In this study, we have considered
the three policies given below.
Random policy (Random): A simple way to choose the
accepting edge node from the candidate list. One edge
is randomly selected according to a uniform distribu-
tion to execute a workload.
Lowest latency policy (Low. latency): Comparing the
absolute latency in (3a) for each candidate, the edge
node providing the lowest total latency given the cur-
rent state of the system is selected.
Minimum remaining time policy (Min. time): The re-
maining time is given by the definition of how long
before the workload will be completed. Giving ζt
an expected finishing time of wkat time t, the total re-
maining time of Ejat time tis denoted by
This policy will select an edge node with the minimum
T(j,t). The remaining time can indicate the amount of
available server resources.
4. Simulation
Our objective in this paper is to analyze the computing and
communication latency in the MEC architecture. In this sec-
tion, we discuss the simulation experiments based on the
mathematical model developed in the previous section that
were done to obtain numerical results.
4.1 Work Flow of Simulation
We used C++ programming language to develop the simula-
tion used to demonstrate a model with variable parameters.
In the program, we classify events into three types.
Event I: The first type of event is to produce a work-
load. A source node indicated in this event will push its new
workload into a system. Every edge node satisfying all re-
strictions will be considered as a candidate for processing a
task. The program selects the target node with regard to the
defined policies.
Event II: The second type of event is where the se-
lected edge node receives an incoming workload. The edge
node starts a new task immediately by fairly sharing re-
sources from other existing processes. All remaining work-
loads will extend their expected finishing time because PS
provides them with a lower service rate proportion.
Event III: In the third type of event, the edge node re-
leases a workload that is fully processed. The resultant free
resource will be used to compute a new service rate for in-
dividual current processes. Then, each remaining workload
can adjust its expected finishing time to an earlier one.
Each source generates its own first event (Event I) by
random time according to a Poisson process. The simulation
gets a running event with time priority. For any Event I, the
edge node creates the next Event I. It also produces Event II
if a new workload is accepted by some edges. For Event II,
Event III always follows automatically with the expected
time to finish a workload. However, the Event III finishing
time varies depending on arriving and finished workloads.
Eventually, we end the simulation when the system
stays in the steady state, where the result remains unchanged
even as the simulation time passes. To ensure the steady
state, we run the simulation for 3000 s. Furthermore, we
ignore results from the first 200 s to avoid a transient state
in the warm-up time which can bias the final result from the
steady state.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
Besides simulating MEC, we collected further data for eva-
luation purposes while running the simulation. Metrics ob-
tained while measuring the model can be used to represent
system performance. In this study, we evaluate our proposed
model by the following three metrics.
Blocking probability (Pb): This probability is defined
in Eq. (5). We measure this value in order to show how
eective the system can support demand from users.
Both strict and permissive systems need to use this met-
ric to evaluate performance.
Decision error (): According to Sect. 3.5.2, PS that al-
lows underestimated time can induce an actual latency
over the maximum allowance for latency. Measure-
ment of these faulty latencies, as a result, is necessary
for analysis of the model. Considering that all accepted
workloads are labeled as either suitable and unsuitable
acceptance, we define a set Vgathering proper work-
loads, and a set Igathering improper workloads; in
other words, we can say A=V∪I. Here, we express
the decision error as
=wu∈I bu
wa∈A ba
Modified blocking probability (P
b): This is the proba-
bility unlike the pure blocking probability defined in
Eq. (5). However, we cannot fairly compare system
performance in both strict and permissive underestima-
tion. Therefore, an alternative metric must be consid-
ered. The permissive system has an wrong decision
that accepts an unsuitable workload. If we reconsider
all rejected and unsuitable workloads as the new metric
of the system, we get
b=wr∈R br+wu∈I bu
wk∈W bk
Eventually, the strict underestimation system has =0
b), so we can correlate both systems with the
modified blocking probability of the permissive system
and the pure blocking probability of the strict system.
We note that decision error () and modified blocking
probability (P
b) can exist in the permissive system only.
5. Numerical Results
In this section, we show numerical results for the strict and
permissive underestimation systems with respect to the eva-
luation metrics. In particular, we concentrate on the eects
when we allow a longer maximum allowance for service la-
tency and more edge nodes.
Parameters and default values used in the simulation
are shown in Table 1. We assume that each workload has
an equal size, every source node produces workloads at the
same rate, and all edge nodes provide an identical service
rate. We fix 10 source nodes in the simulation for all results.
We vary the number of edge nodes for diusion of supplies.
Moreover, the maximum service latency allowance is also
determined for various values.
5.1 Strict Underestimation
Results for the strict system are shown in Fig. 5. A bar
chart in Fig. 5 (a) shows the impact of maximum allowance
Tab le 1 Simulation parameters
Parameter Description Value
NNumber of source nodes 10
MNumber of edge nodes 6-14
λProducing work rate of a
source node
2 workloads/ms
μProcessing rate of an edge
32 billion instructions/s
bSize of a workload 16 million instructions
lhHop delay 2 ms
θthe maximum service la-
tency allowance
5–30 ms
Fig. 5 Blocking probability Pbof strict underestimation
Fig. 6 Numerical results for permissive underestimation
θover a wide range when we set N=M=10. The Y-axis
represents blocking probability (Pb) on a logarithmic scale.
When we increase the maximum allowance, the system can
support more workloads from sources and lower the block-
ing probability. A higher maximum allowance for latency
permits a workload to be processed and transmitted within
a longer time. The workload can then access farther edge
nodes if near nodes cannot accept it. Additionally, the edge
node can hold each workload longer and collect more work-
Comparing the three policies, the lowest latency policy
provides the least blocking in all cases, especially with a
higher maximum allowance. This is because the lowest to-
tal time consists of low communication delay and low com-
puting delay. The short transmission restricts a source node
from sending its workload to near edge nodes. In addition,
quicker processing in the edge node releases workloads so
quickly that the node can take on more workloads. The other
policies, random and minimum remaining time, do not per-
form as well as the lowest latency policy. Both policies
obviously require more time with respect to total latency
per workload. With the restriction of underestimated er-
ror, workloads are always rejected when there are too many
workloads held in all edge nodes, because if the system ac-
cepts more workloads, the computing time of existing work-
loads will grow longer and the delay will become excessive.
In addition, the random and minimum remaining time
policies give very similar results. They all have the ability
to distribute workloads to edge nodes equitably according
toadierent principle. The random policy selects a target
node randomly by uniform distribution while the minimum
remaining time policy instead prefers the highest available
resource. Eventually, both policies lead to all edges nodes
having a similar workload amount on average.
The blocking probability with various numbers of edge
nodes when θ=15 ms is shown in Fig. 5 (b). More edge
nodes lead to a lower blocking probability due to the larger
supply of available nodes for a fixed amount of demand.
Furthermore, the impact of more edge nodes in the networks
shows that the lowest latency policy dominates the other
policies. Clearly, adding more edge nodes means we add
not only more resources, but also more distant edge nodes.
The lowest latency is attained by using the extended nodes
as auxiliaries. In this case, more distant nodes obtain work-
loads when the near edge nodes are highly overloaded, but
the workload amount on the more distant nodes is less than
on the near edge nodes. In contrast, the two other policies
try to balance workloads between the near and the added
nodes without considering the transmission time.
5.2 Permissive Underestimation
Figure 6 shows numerical results for the permissive system.
As for the strict system, the blocking probability (on the Y-
axis with a logarithmic scale) is shown as a function of the
maximum allowance of latency in Fig. 6 (a) and of the num-
ber of edge nodes in Fig. 6 (b). Comparing the results from
both charts shows that the blocking probabilities of the ran-
dom and minimum remaining time policies are improved by
a high maximum allowance and by more edge nodes, while
the performance of the lowest latency policy changes little.
Without checking all present workloads before acceptance,
with either of these policies the system can process more
tasks. The quick response of the lowest latency policy, how-
ever, enables acceptance of a new workload without greatly
aecting existing workloads. That is why the performance
of the permissive system does not significantly change.
As mentioned, the permissive underestimation leads to
decision error (). Figures 6 (c) and 6 (d) respectively show
the decision error as a function of the maximum allowance
and of the number of edge nodes. Both figures show that
the random policy has a very high error rate, exceeding that
of the other policies in most cases. The random policy can
lead to a wrong decision because of the high variance caused
by non-pattern selection. The lowest latency policy always
holds any workload for a very short time. This helps to en-
sure that a new decision has little impact on other workloads.
Surprisingly, the error of the minimum remaining time po-
licy is as low as that of the lowest latency policy. This is
because the policy keeps the number of workloads in each
edge node quite constant through more relaxed constraints.
Hence, it can always get a precise estimated value with mi-
nor error.
Figures 6 (c) and 6 (d) show a peak for the random po-
licy. In case of insucient resource (like M10 or θ10),
the random policy leads higher decision error when the sys-
tem provides more candidates because it randomly selects
a target without logical strategy. Thus, when we increase
either the number of workloads or extend the maximum al-
lowance, the system can get more candidates that induce
more wrong decisions. On the other hand, if there are su-
cient resources, the candidates mostly have potential to com-
plete a workload in time so the random policy can get more
accurate decision. Besides, the lowest latency and minimum
remaining time policies could meet the same situation as the
random policy if we consider Fig. 6 (d) but the number of
candidates dose not impact the decision as the random po-
The results for modified blocking probability (P
shown in Fig. 6 (e) and Fig. 6(f) as a function of the maxi-
mum allowance and the number of edge nodes, respectively.
Here, the dierences between the strict and permissive sys-
tems are explained and analyzed. Since the both systems
cannot be fairly compared with using the blocking proba-
bility because of the decision error in the permissive sys-
tem, we have to compare the blocking of the strict system
in Fig. 5 and the modified blocking of the permissive system
in Figs. 6 (e) and 6 (f) to see the true performance and eec-
tiveness of each system. Figures 5 (a) and 6 (e) show that the
permissive system does not impressively improve the per-
formance of the strict system in case of increasing the maxi-
mum allowance of latency. Furthermore, the performance of
permissive system with the random policy probably deterio-
rates from the strict system due to a high error rate in some
cases (θ25). As shown in Fig. 6 (f), permissive underesti-
mation can enhance system eciency for two policies when
we increase the number of edge nodes. Unfortunately, per-
formance with the lowest latency deteriorates. Because its
true blocking probability is very low, when the system al-
lows some errors its eectiveness should also deteriorate. In
any case, the lowest latency policy still dominates the others.
6. Discussion
In the previous section, we have shown numerical results
from measurements of the model in both a strict and a per-
missive system. Adding edge nodes can more eectively in-
fluence the probability of blocking than increasing the maxi-
mum allowance. When we select policies, the lowest latency
can usually produce the best results in all situations. How-
ever, with permissive underestimation, the system will have
some decision errors that might lower the quality of service.
The lowest latency still provides the lowest blocking proba-
In terms of the implementation cost, the strict system
will conceivably have a higher cost than the permissive sys-
tem. The strict constraint that requires examination of all ex-
isting workloads puts a great deal of load on the system. To
decrease the cost and system load, a permissive method can
instead be developed. Additionally, with regard to selecting
policies, random selection is obviously a simple approach,
but at the cost of high error rates and poor performance. Ex-
amining the remaining time needed for every workload in
the server seems excessive. Calculation of the communica-
tion and computing time should require less system eort.
The results indicate that the best edge node to support
a workload from a mobile user is the closest one. This en-
ables the shortest propagation delay, and leaves more time
for computation in a server. However, if there are other edge
nodes in the network that have lighter loads, we can instead
select these nodes if they will provide lower total latency.
The combination of determining total latency and re-
laxing some restrictions looks like an attractive way to pro-
vide services at the edge of a network. For example, visual
services can access local services rapidly. However, perfor-
mance also depends on the client application. If a source
cannot tolerate any errors, we need to reconsider the strict
condition as an alternative.
A final point to note is that our proposed system has
to rely on a centralized controller, which collects all nec-
essary information from sources and edges through probe
messages. The controller then uses the gathered data to de-
cide which edge node is best to assign to each workload. We
plan to investigate this consideration in detail in our future
7. Conclusion
MEC is needed to enable a low-latency network architec-
ture. In this research, we have proposed a mathematical
model of MEC using the PS concept to estimate the com-
puting time in edge nodes. Strict and permissive underesti-
mation conditions in the optimization model were tested to
analyze the system. We then developed three policies for se-
lecting an edge node when several nodes satisfy the system
The numerical results show that determining the lowest
latency policy provides the best performance even though
there might some decision errors. Furthermore, a permis-
sive system could decrease the implementation cost. In our
work, we intend to extend this research to implementation
in a real environment to test the practicality of our concept.
This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-
in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Number 16H02806.
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Krittin Intharawijitr received the B.E.,
M.E. degrees in Computer Engineering from
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
in 2013, Communications and Computer En-
gineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Tokyo, Japan in 2016 respectively. Presently, he
is a Doctoral course student at Tokyo Institute
of Technology, Japan. His research interests lie
in the fields of network architecture, mobile net-
works, and cloud computing.
Katsuyoshi Iida received the B.E., M.E. and
Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Systems
Engineering from Kyushu Institute of Technol-
ogy (KIT), Iizuka, Japan in 1996, in Informa-
tion Science from Nara Institute of Science and
Technology, Ikoma, Japan in 1998, and in Com-
puter Science and Systems Engineering from
KIT in 2001, respectively. Currently, he is an
Associate Professor in the Information Initiative
Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
His research interests include network systems
engineering such as network architecture, performance evaluation, QoS,
and mobile networks. He is a member of the WIDE project and IEEE. He
received the 18th TELECOM System Technology Award, and Tokyo Tech
young researcher’s award in 2003, and 2010, respectively.
Hiroyuki Koga received the B.E., M.E.
and D.E. degrees in computer science and elec-
tronics from Kyushu Institute of Technology,
Japan, in 1998, 2000, and 2003, respectively.
From 2003 to 2004, he was a postdoctoral re-
searcher in the Graduate School of Information
Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy. From 2004 to 2006, he was a researcher
in the Kitakyushu JGN2 Research Center, Na-
tional Institute of Information and Communica-
tions Technology. From 2006 to 2009, he was
an assistant professor in the Department of Information and Media Engi-
neering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Kitakyushu,
and then has been an associate professor in the same department since April
2009. His research interests include performance evaluation of computer
networks, mobile networks, and communication protocols. He is a member
of the ACM and IEEE.
... Intharawijitr et al. have studied the application of face recognition in the Internet of ings based on edge computing, but this article is only for reference. It is proposed to uninstall part of the computational work of facial recognition applications at edge nodes, and no specific computational offloading and delay models are provided [2]. Liu et al. took the face recognition application as an example. ...
... (1) Digital technology promotes mobile terminals, and its diversity has changed the form of mobile terminals to a certain extent (2) [4]. It has made it from the laboratory to the practical stage and is widely used in various fields of human life, forming a state of continuous development [5]. is type of interaction and perception method not only improves the efficiency of the system but also facilitates the user's operation. ...
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With the maturity of the most advanced technology and virtual reality, the application of digital media technology in various fields has become more and more extensive. Digital media technology has greatly promoted the development of all classes of society. Therefore, how to develop digital media technology applications has become a major issue. This article aims to study the digital media application technology of mobile terminals based on edge computing and virtual reality. In this paper, we use edge computing and virtual reality methods to study the digital media application technology of mobile terminals. We used the SD-CEN architecture and FWA in edge computing to conduct simulation experiments and compared the delay time performance of the FWA with that of the PSO-CO algorithm, WRR algorithm, and Pick-KX algorithm. The results of this paper show that it can effectively reduce the response delay of real-time face recognition services and improve user experience. Compared with the traditional cloud computing architecture and a single MEC device, the SD-CEN network architecture based on FWA strategy has more advantages. The latency of the FWA is increased by 61%, 46%, and 17%, respectively, compared with that of the WRR, Pick-KX, and PSO-CO algorithms.
... The researcher in [35] presented an anonymous two-factor AM, addressing design challenges specific to MEC environments. The researcher in [36] tackled latency issues by exploring communication and computing delays, offering a new protocol capable of managing various delays dynamically. The researcher in [37] applied game theory models to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to balance energy and latency. ...
The rapid expansion of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized technology by enabling real-time data processing at the network edge, which is essential for applications such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities. With the advent of 6G networks, which promise ultra-fast speeds, vast connectivity, and low-latency communication, MEC-IoT systems are becoming more powerful but also face significant security challenges. Existing authentication mechanisms (AMs) are often vulnerable to attacks like impersonation and insider threats. This paper introduces a novel lightweight AM, called RAM-MEN that employs cryptography and physically unclonable functions (PUFs) to secure IoT-enabled MEC environments in the 6G era. It protects against insider threats and fake MEC access points while ensuring efficiency and scalability. Additionally, the proposed RAM-MEN establishes a secure communication channel (session key) between IoT devices and the MEC server, enabling secure offloading of computationally intensive tasks. The security of the session is rigorously evaluated using formal methods, including Scyther and the random or real model, alongside informal approaches. Comparative performance evaluations show that the proposed RAM-MEN reduces communication costs by 21.54% to 45.53% and computational costs by 17.09% to 83.72%, while providing enhanced security features.
... Their protocol was developed to reduce communication costs, making it well-suited for deployment on resource-limited devices. The authors in [25] examined latency issues in MEC, identifying communication and computing delays as major concerns. They presented a novel protocol adept at dynamically handling varying delays, adjusting to actual requirements as needed. ...
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The emergence of edge computing has revolutionized the landscape of modern applications, offering remarkable advantages such as low-latency and high-bandwidth abilities by decentralizing computation closer to data sources. Despite these advantages, providing secure software regarding communication between users and mobile edge computing (MEC) servers introduces a challenge owing to the sensitive nature of the transmitted data. In response, numerous authentication protocols have been proposed to maintain the reliability of software communication within the MEC environment. In this paper, we introduce RAP-MEC, a novel technique developed to enhance software quality by setting up session key for encrypted communication between users and MEC server. RAP-MEC incorporates functionalities for password change and single sign-on, enabling seamless access to MEC server services. Leveraging physical unclonable functions, symmetric encryption, elliptic curve cryptography, and hash functions, RAP-MEC aims to significantly reduce communication cost [24.85% to 72.73%] and execution time [34.66% to 76.64%]. Through rigorous security analysis, we assess RAP-MEC's resilience against various threats, including DoS, replay, man-in-the-middle, and impersonation attacks. Our findings underscore RAP-MEC's robustness, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of communications within the MEC environment.
... Quantitative evaluation using simulations shows that selecting servers based on the lowest total latency leads to the best performance, and allowing excessive latency barriers will further improve the results [6]. It can also be seen from the relevant research that the research on fiscal and financial risks revolves around risk identification and control, and the mathematical analysis of its causes is relatively lacking. ...
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As more and more listed companies have more and more operating experience, they are all paying more attention to the importance of financial risks, and they all hope to detect financial risks in a timely manner and intervene in the company’s operation process. However, the existing business risk management cannot fully identify the more and more hidden risks in modern times. Based on this, the purpose of this article is to assess the financial risk of publicly traded corporations and summarizes a suitable risk evaluation model. For the identification of financial risks, this study presents a mobile edge computing-based financial risk evaluation approach for publicly traded corporations. The evaluation indicators are stratified into three levels, and mobile edge computing is used to optimize the weights. The download calculation for mobile edge computing is also optimized and analyzed. Experiments show that the indicators selected in this paper are very suitable for the study of financial risk management of listed companies. The three-year comprehensive index scores of Company X are 0.60, 0.42, and 0.42, respectively. It can be seen that the index is more suitable for the actual risk. It can be considered that the financial risk evaluation model of listed companies in this paper has better performance.
... At the same time, it has many other advantages. For example, it can calculate all the time and store and update resources on the other side, so it can help users improve efficiency; It allows users to freely purchase computing services for as long as possible, which is very convenient (Intharawijitr et al. 2017). ...
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In the process of gradual development of power grid, the role of service support and technical support of dispatching secondary system is becoming increasingly prominent, and the operation and maintenance work is also increasing with the number and types of dispatching secondary system, which makes the limitations of traditional monitoring methods more prominent. In this paper, a task unloading and resource allocation optimization (TORA) algorithm is proposed, which decomposes the task unloading decision and resource allocation problem into two subproblems and solves two optimization subproblems, respectively. The feasibility of the algorithm is demonstrated, and the calculation method of the theoretical lower bound of the original problem is given. Experimental results show that TORA, RTO and UTO algorithms can get results close to the theoretical lower bound. When the number of unit tasks is too large, the average task completion time of TORA algorithm is more than 20% less than that of RTO algorithm. When the user task uploads a large amount of data, the average completion time of TORA algorithm task is more than 15% less than that of RTO and UTO algorithms.
... The delay problem in MEC environment is a big issue. Intharawijitr et al. [20] upset about that problem and they explored the reasons which may cause the two types of latencies of communication and computing in MEC. They introduced a new protocol for MEC applications which is enough capable to manage the estimated different delays and dynamically self-selected based on actual requirements. ...
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) accommodates processing and data storage and manipulation capabilities across the scope of wireless network. In MEC environment, MEC servers along with the computing and storage capabilities are distributed at the edge of the network. However, due to the broad range of wireless communication, the fulfillment of security requirements still remain a challenging task in the for MEC environment. With the expeditious traffic expansion and growing end user requirements, the classic security protocols cannot encounter the innovative requirements of lightweightness and real-time communication. To meet these requirements, we have proposed an authentication protocol for the MEC environment. Our proposed protocol stipulates secure and efficient communication for all of the intended entities. Meanwhile, during its execution user anonymity remains intact. Moreover, our protocol is proven to be secure under the assumptions of formal security model. Additionally in this article, we have described the security properties of our protocol that it offers resistance against impersonation, session key computation and forward and backward secrecy attacks. The comparative analysis of time consumption and computation overheads are presented at the end of the paper, which is an evidence that our proposed protocol outperforms prior to various existing MEC protocols.
... • Availability and QoS [63]. • Architecture bases to distant servers cause high latency [62]. ...
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With the immense increase of population density, many challenges facing organizations and governments. Thus, it has become mandatory to turn up our cities to be intelligent by introducing IoT and smart grids to build smart buildings, smart communication technologies, smart healthcare systems, smart transportation, etc. Smart cities guarantee the healthy living of indoor inhabitants by sensing, processing and controlling all possible indoor-outdoor measures. In this paper, we develop a framework that systematically builds a reliable and secure Smart City Model (SCM) to be integrated then exploited by the building information model (BIM). SCM encloses both physical and digital models which highlight smart buildings in particular. First, the proposed solution identifies and models SCM components including their appropriate architectures that are responsible for communication, extension, information flow, and protection. To ensure SCM functional and security requirements, we develop a sound hybrid approach that relies on formal methods and network analysis. Uppaal model checker is used to verify the satisfiability of the smart city requirements whereas Cooja is deployed to simulate the connectivity and the communication coverage of the developed SCM. The obtained results, in Uppaal, showed that the different implemented scenarios are satisfying the functional correctness and security policies. Moreover, the simulation through Cooja showed that how different obstacles and positions of nodes affect the communication coverage and the energy consumption regarding the deployed nodes. Experimentally, the effectiveness of the developed framework has been shown through practical scenarios that are difficult to model and analyze.
... E-commerce platform data analysis technology has suddenly emerged and has become a brand-new industry. Cross-border e-commerce platform data has received more and more attention and has become a decision support recognized by company managers [2]. Among them, in the processing of data, the advantages of mobile edge computing have brought good news to data processing. ...
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With the popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of e-commerce, online shopping has gradually become an indispensable part of people’s lives. Among them, the rise of cross-border e-commerce has become a focus of attention. The operation traces left by visitors during shopping on the e-commerce platform are stored in the database of the system, and the platform holds such a large amount of valuable data resources. How to unearth valuable content from these resources and apply them becomes very important. This article mainly introduces the research on the visitor information analysis system of the cross-border e-commerce platform based on mobile edge computing. This article first establishes the mobile edge computing framework based on the advantages of the mobile edge computing method and uses it to visit visitors in the visitor information analysis system. In the data filtering, secondly, the requirements of the visitor information analysis system of the cross-border e-commerce platform are analyzed to provide a design basis for the design of the visitor information system. Finally, the visitor information analysis based on the mobile edge algorithm is designed through the demand analysis of the system that has also been tested for visitor information analysis. The test pass rate is as high as 98%, and the accuracy rate of visitor information analysis reaches 80%.
Conference Paper
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Despite the increasing usage of cloud computing, there are still issues unsolved due to inherent problems of cloud computing such as unreliable latency, lack of mobility support and location-awareness. Fog computing can address those problems by providing elastic resources and services to end users at the edge of network, while cloud computing are more about providing resources distributed in the core network. This survey discusses the definition of fog computing and similar concepts, introduces representative application scenarios, and identifies various aspects of issues we may encounter when designing and implementing fog computing systems. It also highlights some opportunities and challenges, as direction of potential future work, in related techniques that need to be considered in the context of fog computing.
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The long-term ambition of the Tactile Internet is to enable a democratization of skill, and how it is being delivered globally. An integral part of this is to be able to transmit touch in perceived real-time, which is enabled by suitable robotics and haptics equipment at the edges, along with an unprecedented communications network. The fifth generation (5G) mobile communications systems will underpin this emerging Internet at the wireless edge. This paper presents the most important technology concepts which lay at the intersection of the larger Tactile Internet and the emerging 5G systems. The paper outlines the key technical requirements and architectural approaches for the Tactile Internet, pertaining to wireless access protocols, radio resource management aspects, next generation core networking capabilities, edge-cloud and edge-AI capabilities. The paper also highlights the economic impact of the Tactile Internet as well as a major shift in business models for the traditional telecommunications ecosystem.
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Prior Internet designs encompassed the fixed, mobile and lately the things Internet. In a natural evolution to these, the notion of the Tactile Internet is emerging which allows one to transmit touch and actuation in real-time. With voice and data communications driving the designs of the current Internets, the Tactile Internet will enable haptic communications, which in turn will be a paradigm shift in how skills and labor are digitally delivered globally. Design efforts for both the Tactile Internet and the underlying haptic communications are in its infancy. The aim of this article is thus to review some of the most stringent design challenges, as well as proposing first avenues for specific solutions to enable the Tactile Internet revolution.
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Mobile-edge cloud computing is a new paradigm to provide cloud computing capabilities at the edge of pervasive radio access networks in close proximity to mobile users. In this paper, we first study the multi-user computation offloading problem for mobile-edge cloud computing in a multi-channel wireless interference environment. We show that it is NP-hard to compute a centralized optimal solution, and hence adopt a game theoretic approach for achieving efficient computation offloading in a distributed manner. We formulate the distributed computation offloading decision making problem among mobile device users as a multi-user computation offloading game. We analyze the structural property of the game and show that the game admits a Nash equilibrium and possesses the finite improvement property. We then design a distributed computation offloading algorithm that can achieve a Nash equilibrium, derive the upper bound of the convergence time, and quantify its efficiency ratio over the centralized optimal solutions in terms of two important performance metrics. We further extend our study to the scenario of multi-user computation offloading in the multi-channel wireless contention environment. Numerical results corroborate that the proposed algorithm can achieve superior computation offloading performance and scale well as the user size increases.
Conference Paper
The adoption of the virtualization paradigm in both computing and networking domains portends a landscape of heterogeneous service capabilities and resources pervasively distributed and interconnected and deeply integrated through the 5G network infrastructure. In this service ecosystem, dynamic service demand can be flexibly and elastically accomplished by composing heterogeneous services provisioned over a distributed and virtualized resource infrastructure. Indeed, with the term Virtual Functions we refer to virtual computing as well as network service capabilities (e.g., routers and middlebox functions provided as Virtual Network Functions). In order to cope with the increasingly resource intensive demand, these virtual functions will be deployed in distributed clusters of small-scale datacenters typically located in current exchanges at the network edge and will supplement those deployed in traditional large cloud datacenters. In this work we formulate the problem of composing, computing and networking Virtual Functions to select those nodes along the path that minimizes the overall latency (i.e. network and processing latency) in the above mentioned scenario. The optimization problem is formulated as a Resource Constrained Shortest Path problem on an auxiliary layered graph accordingly defined. The layered structure of the graph ensures that the order of VFs specified in the request is preserved. Additional constraints can be also taken into account in the graph construction phase. Finally, we provide a use case preliminary evaluation of the proposed model.
The advent of commercially available remote-presence robots may be the precursor of an age of technological convergence, where important tasks of our everyday life will be increasingly done by robots. A very low round-trip latency in conjunction with ultra-high reliability and essentially guaranteed availability for control communications has the potential to move today’s mobile broadband experience into the new world of the Tactile Internetfor a race with (rather than against) machines. To facilitate a better understanding of the Tactile Internet, this paper first elaborates on the commonalities and subtle differences between the Tactile Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G vision. After briefly reviewing its anticipated impact on society and infrastructure requirements, we then provide an upto-date survey on recent progress and enabling technologies proposed for the Tactile Internet. Given that scaling up research in the area of future wired and wireless access networks will be essential for the Tactile Internet, we pay particular attention to the latency and reliability performance gains of fiber-wireless (FiWi) enhanced LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks and their role for emerging cloudlets, mobile-edge computing, and cloud robotics. Finally, we conclude by outlining remaining open challenges for the Tactile Internet.
Conference Paper
Mobile augmented reality (MAR) has exploded in popularity on mobile devices in various fields. However, building a MAR application from scratch on mobile devices is complicated and time-consuming. In this paper, we propose CloudRidAR, a framework for MAR developers to facilitate the development, deployment, and maintenance of MAR applications with little effort. Despite of advance in mobile devices as a computing platform, their performance for MAR applications is still very limited due to the poor computing capability of mobile devices. In order to alleviate the problem, our CloudRidAR is designed with cloud computing at the core. Computational intensive tasks are offloaded on cloud to accelerate computation in order to guarantee run-time performance. We also present two MAR applications built on CloudRidAR to evaluate our design.
Networks beyond 2020 will experience 10000-fold increase in wireless traffic, connect 10-100 times more devices and support the most diverse use cases. Thus, the 5G architecture needs to be flexible and cater for both traffic volumes and diversity of service requirements. Among the set of new use cases, support of delay sensitive »mobile» applications, such as vehicular communications (V2X, where X stands for either Vehicle or Infrastructure), require architecture enhancements to natively offer low latency and high mobility. In this paper we propose the necessary technology enablers for the architectural solution to support such use cases.