
UHD, electronic homeopathy and organisms - Do they share a common language?

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Introduction Homeopathy, at least in its UHD aspect, proves that the biological function of molecules (their "message") can be transmitted from some original material substance through pure water to living systems (1). Even if in general this transmission is based on serial dilutions of mother tinctures, experiments demonstrate it can be realized also via modified environmental EM fields, i.e. through the air as is known from the experiments performed by Montagnier (2), Endler and our group (3). It is also known as electronic homeopathy and is capable of a very similar achievement to UHD homeopathy without any chemical continuity between mother tincture and the final informed water. Quantum field theory developed by Preparata and Del Giudice brings theoretical ground to understanding and explaining this, for contemporary physicists, seemingly impossible phenomenon (4). Namely, it is not only that molecular information can be transmitted and stored in pure (UHD) water, but also that it can provoke changes in organisms. Theoretical model According to quantum electrodynamics, the interactions between an original substance, water and an organism are enabled by coherent domains (CDs). Many experiments corroborate the capacity of CDs to get entangled (phase locking) with the complex field of mother tincture's substance(s) and consequently to encode the message of the tincture. However this is not the end of the process; this code must later be decoded from the side of the organism (and it seems that it can be even decoded by chemical systems, according to Elia (5)) and make an appropriate reaction. We assume that in case of organisms the endogenous coherent EM field first proposed by Fröhlich is responsible for the decoding; however a homeostatic energy barrier must be broken. Many experiments confirm that even physiological states, not only chemical messages ((6, 7) can be transmitted through the same channel. The language of CDs and other EM coherent modes is not violent - the message of a molecule is presented in a way that provokes a reaction but cannot force the organism into a pathological or dead state. Therefore we can speak of a subtle (bio)chemistry and pharmacology, based on coherent modes and using a universal common language understandable to molecules and organisms. Conclusion - Chemicals, water coherent domains, endogenous coherent oscillations of organisms and physiological responses must share a common denominator - quantum field oscillations and their wave structures could represent the denominator and therefore the active molecular information; - potentization somewhat sharpens these wave structures, gives them more penetrative power, which makes higher potencies (dilutions) generally more effective - as they must break the homeostatic barrier of organismic endogenous EM field. - understanding the language implied in the first point as well as deeper mechanisms of sharpening the molecular information will enable us to enter a new era of subtle (bio)chemistry and pharmacology, surpassing not only contemporary pharmaceutical practice, but also the homeopathic one.

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Liquid water has been recognized long ago to be the matrix of many processes, including life and also rock dynamics. Interactions among biomolecules occur very differently in a non-aqueous system and are unable to produce life. This ability to make living processes possible implies a very peculiar structure of liquid water. According to modern Quantum Field Theory (QFT), a complementary principle (in the sense of Niels Bohr) holds between the number N of field quanta (including the matter field whose quanta are just the atoms/molecules) and the phase Ф. This means that when we focus on the atomic structure of matter it loses its coherence properties and, vice versa, when we examine the phase dynamics of the system its atomic structure becomes undefined. Superfluid liquid Helium is the first example of this peculiar quantum dynamics. In the present paper we show how consideration of the phase dynamics of liquid water makes the understanding of its peculiar role in the onset of self-organization in living organisms and in ecosystems possible.