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Isolation of Atopobium vaginae in vaginal and urine samples of Iranian women, the first report



Bacterial vaginosis is not a mono-factorial infection. A synergism of microaerophilic bacteria, Mycoplasma spp., and anaerobic bacteria such as Atopobium vaginae, Porphyromonas spp., Bacteroides spp., Prevotella spp., and others are involved in these infections. The aim of present study was to determine the prevalence of Atopobium vaginae in non-pregnant women suffering from bacterial vaginosis.A total of 102 non-pregnant women who referred to Shahid Akbarabadi hospital in Tehran were tested for bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial culture was performed on Columbia agar containing 2mg/ml Amphotericin B, 30mg/ml Nalidixic acid and 4mg/ml Colistin. Additionally, they were simultaneously cultured on blood agar plates containing fresh human blood and Amphotericin B under anaerobic conditions. Finally, PCR using Atopobiumvaginae specific primers were also carried out on extracted DNA from grown colonies as well as from vaginal specimens. From a total of 102 symptomatic women who referred to the hospital, 37% (38/102) were classified as bacterial vaginosis, 43% (44/102) were classified as intermediate status and 20% (20/102) women were asymptomatic. Sixty urine samples were collected. Atopobium vaginae were detected in 66% (25/38) of bacterial vaginosis cases and in 10% (4/44) samples with intermediate vaginal flora. It was not detected in asymptomatic women. The bacterium was seen in 10% (3/30) women with urinary tract infection and none in pregnant women.This is the first report of Atopobiumvaginae isolation in Iran. The results of this investigation point to a clear association ofAtopobiumvaginaewith bacterial vaginosis. It should therefore be considered as a probable etiological agent.
Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 10 (3): 43-46, 2016
ISSN: 1307-1130, E-ISSN: 2146-0108,
Isolation of Atopobium vaginae in Vaginal and Urine Samples of Iranian Women, the first
1Microbiology Department, School of Medicine, International campus, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Microbiology Department, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Received: August 17, 2016 Accepted: December 20, 2016
Bacterial vaginosis is not a mono-factorial infection. A synergism of microaerophilic bacteria, Mycoplasma spp., and anaerobic bacteria such as
Atopobium vaginae, Porphyromonas spp., Bacteroides spp., Prevotella spp., and others are involved in these infections. The aim of present study
was to determine the prevalence of Atopobium vaginae in non-pregnant women suffering from bacterial vaginosis.A total of 102 non-pregnant
women who referred to Shahid Akbarabadi hospital in Tehran were tested for bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial culture was performed on Columbia
agar containing 2mg/ml Amphotericin B, 30mg/ml Nalidixic acid and 4mg/ml Colistin. Additionally, they were simultaneously cultured on
blood agar plates containing fresh human blood and Amphotericin B under anaerobic conditions. Finally, PCR using Atopobium vaginae specific
primers were also carried out on extracted DNA from grown colonies as well as from vaginal specimens. From a total of 102 symptomatic
women who referred to the hospital, 37% (38/102) were classified as bacterial vaginosis, 43% (44/102) were classified as intermediate status and
20% (20/102) women were asymptomatic. Sixty urine samples were collected. Atopobium vaginae were detected in 66% (25/38) of bacterial
vaginosis cases and in 10% (4/44) samples with intermediate vaginal flora. It was not detected in asymptomatic women. The bacterium was seen in
10% (3/30) women with urinary tract infection and none in pregnant women. This is the first report of Atopobium vaginae isolation in Iran. The
results of this investigation point to a clear association of Atopobium vaginae with bacterial vaginosis. It should therefore be considered as a
probable etiological agent.
Keywords: Bacterial vaginosis, Atopobium vaginae, Culture, PCR
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is considered to be the most
common cause of vaginal disorder and imbalance affecting
women during their reproductive age[1,2,3,4]. This dis-
order is strongly associated with alteration in vaginal mi-
croflora when hydrogen peroxide-producing Lactobacilli
are decreased and replaced by bacteria such as Atopobium,
Prevotella spp., Mobillincus spp., Gardnerella vaginalis and
Bacteroides spp.[4,5,6].The most common bacteria isolated
from BV is Gardnerella vaginalis[6]that grows under appro-
priate microaerophilic condition and the anaerobic bacte-
rium Atopobium vaginae. Despite the first work of Leopoldo
in 1953 and Gardner and Dukes in 1955 [7], not a singlei-
nfectious agent has been associated as the sole causative
agent BV. Ethiopathogenesis of BV is still not fully eluci-
dated [4,7,8].
Bacterial vaginosis is associated with the presence of
a dense and lower case for Polymicrobial biofilm, mainly
populated by Gardnerella vaginalis with strong adhesion to
vaginal epithelium. Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by
elevation of vaginal pH and clinical signs such as foamy vag-
inal discharge, presence of clue cells in wet mount, and fishy
odor (positive KOH amine test) [9,10,11]. Based on Amsel
criteria, the presence of three of these signs is considered to
be a strong indication of BV. However, some patients with-
out BV may reveal similar clinical findings, such as those
with Trichomonas vaginalis[10,11,12]. Bacterial vaginosis
has also been associated with a long list of complications;
such as pelvic inflammatory disease, spontaneous abortion,
preterm birth and low-birth-weight infants[1,2,3,4,13]. This
study was undertaken to detect the extent of Atopobium vagi-
nae associated BV in non-pregnant women from different age
groups who referred to a large general hospital in the Iranian
capital, Tehran. The existence of this bacterium in the urine
samples of pregnant and non-pregnant women was also in-
Patients and clinical samples
From November 2014 till October 2015, vaginal samples
from 102 non-pregnant women with clear clinical symptoms
women of reproductive age were collected. No women re-
ceived antimicrobial therapy for at least a week before prior
to sample collection. Urine samples were also collected from
30 non-pregnant women with urinary tract infection as well as
from 30 healthy pregnant women.
Gram stain, Whiff test and pH Measurement
Vaginal discharge was collected in the following order by a
gynecologist: vaginal swabs for direct PCR, which were
placed in PBS. Another vaginal swab for Gram stain and ob-
servation of clue cells, and another sample for determination
of vaginal pH and application of 10% KOH for detection of
amine odor (Whiff test).
Diagnosis of BV
The Amsel criteria were used for diagnosis of BV. Sam-
ples were classified as BV if three or four of the Amsel crite-
ria were present. The samples were categorized as healthy if
less than three of these criteria were seen.
Atopobium vaginae is an anaerobic facultative bacte-
rium, which was grown on Columbia blood agar supple-
mented with 2mg/ml Amphotericin B, 30mg/ml Nalidixic
acid and 4mg/ml Colistin in an anaerobic chamber (Gas
Pack) at 37˚C for 48-72 hours. The grown colonies were
N. Amirmozafari et al /JABS, 10 (3): 43-46, 2016
grey-white in color and non-hemolytic. Additionally, they
were simultaneously cultured on blood agar plates containing
fresh human blood and 2mg/ml Amphotericin B under
anaerobic conditions. Upon staining, Atopobium vaginae
appear as Gram positive, small cocci, and arranged in single
cells, in pairs or short chains. Figure 1. Sequence confirm for Atopobium vaginae
DNA isolation
Total DNA from samples, either grown bacterial colo-
nies or vaginal swabs placed in PBS, were isolated using the
YTA Genomic Extraction Mini Kit #YT9040 (Yakta Tajhiz
Azma, Tehran, Iran) according to the manufactures guide-
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay
A species-specific PCR assay for the detection of Atopo-
bium vaginae targeting the 16S rRNA gene was arranged [8].
Of the clinical criteria for bacterial vaginosis, homog-
enous discharge was present in 31 (82%) while a pHof
4.5 was found in 34 (89%) cases of bacterial vaginosis.
Amine test was positive in all 38 (100%) cases. Clue cells
were present in 27 (71%) cases of bacterial vaginosis on wet
mount (Table 1).
Table 1.
Bacterial vgainosis based on Nugent score and
prevalence of Atopobium vaginae.
The oligonucleotides used as primers for amplification were
R (5′-TCATGGCCCAGAAGACCGCC-3′) [8]. They were
verified for specificity using the BLAST program. The PCR
reaction was carried out in a total of volume of 25.0 µl, and
the final concentration of the mix for each sample contained:
10 µl Master Mix (containing Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs,
and PCR buffer), 1 µl primer for both primers, 10 µl deion-
Homogenous vaginal 0 (0)
Vaginal pH>4.5 3 (15)
Amine positive 0 (0)
Nogent Score P value
4-6 7-10
(n=44) (n=38)
29 (65) 31 (81) 0/0009
29 (65) 32 (84) 0/03
24 (54) 38 (100) 0/0001
ized water, and 4µl of the template DNA.
The amplification protocol was as follow; Initial de-
naturation at 95˚C for 4 minutes followed by 25 cycles of
95˚C, 55˚C and 72˚C for 1 Minute each, with a final exten-
sion at 72˚C for 7 minutes. Following addition of DNA Safe
StainTM, the PCR product was electro phrased in 1% aga-
rose gel for 1 hour at 90 V and detected by UV trans illumi-
nation (wavelength 254 nm).
Statistical analysis
Data was statistically analyzed for association sig-
nificance of Atopobium vaginae with bacterial vaginosis and
Amsel criteria for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis using spss
program. Analysis was performed on MS Office Excel and P
value <0.05 was taken as significant.
A total of 102 vaginal swabs from women with symp-
toms of abnormal vaginal odor or discharge, and also 30
urine samples from women with urinary tract infection and
30 urine samples from healthy pregnant women were regis-
tered in this cross-sectional study. All subjects were within
18-35 years of age. In the 102 vaginal samples, 37% (38/102)
were found as indicative of BV based on the Amsel criteria
[14,15,16,17]. Forty three percent (44/102) were detected as
"intermediate vaginal flora". Twenty of the asymptomatic
patients had only one or two out of the four clinical crite-
ria and no Atopobium vaginae was found, neither by culture
or PCR method. Ten percent (4/44) of the Atopobium vagi-
nae were isolated from patients with "intermediate normal
flora". The PCR product was subsequently sequenced and
following analysis of the sequence by chromas Program, it
was confirmed to be related to Atopobium vaginae as shown
in Fig.1.
Clue cells 1 (5) 7 (15) 27 (71) 0/003
Prevalence of Atopo- 0(0) 4 (10) 25 (65) 0/0007
bium vaginae
Out of the 38 total BV cases, 66% (25/38) Atopobium va-
ginae were isolated. However, none was isolated from the as-
ymptomatic cases. From the 30 urine samples from women
with urinary tract infection, 10% (3/30) Atopobium vagi-
nae were isolated. None were isolated from the urine samples
of healthy pregnant women. The picture of electrophoresed
agarose gel showing the PCR protocol performed directly on
the vaginal discharges was shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Species-specific PCR assay for the detection of Atopobi-
um vaginae in vaginal and urine samples (agarose gel-electroforesis
of PCR products of the 16S rRNA gene). The product size is 155
bp. From right to left: 1kb Ladder, control positive, control negative
and positive samples.
45 N. Amirmozafari et al /JABS, 10 (3): 43-46, 2016
Bacterial vaginosis is a risk factor for obstetric infec-
tions and is a cause of mal odorous vaginal secretions. It is
linked to various adverse outcomes in women and causes
significant gynecological and obstetric morbidity such as
preterm birth, sexually transmitted disease, infections fol-
lowing gynecological surgery and pelvic inflammatory dis-
ease (PID) [1,3,4].Vaginal lactobacilli can prevent coloniza-
tion by and growth of other potentially pathogenic bacteria;
thereby, reducing the risk of developing BV.
Progression of a reasonable tool for identification of BV
is crucial. There is not any standard, credible and objec-
tive assay for rapid diagnosis of BV. The Amsel criteria and
the Nogent score are the two presently attainable diagnostic
procedures and are often used in most studies. Most studies
which were based on Nugent score, expressed some limita-
tions. It must be performed on a fresh swab, and any post-
ponement in transporting the swab makes the test difficult
to perform. It is rarely used by physicians due to the time
it takes to read the slides and the need for a skilled techni-
cian for interpretation. Additionally, pathogens associated
with BV are not identified by such a techniqueas is the case
for Atopobium vaginae [18]. Recent studies have shown that
molecular amplification techniques have both higher sensi-
tivity and specificity for the diagnosis of BV[18,19,20,21]
compared to the Nugent score.A few studies examined the
association between BV and vaginal bacterial species by
molecular methods[22,23,24,25]. The results of this investi-
gation are in agreement with previous molecular approaches
that reported a high load of Atopobium vaginae in most pa-
tients with BV.
It is estimated that 20-30 % of women in reproductive
age who refer to sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics
suffer from BV; however, its prevalence can be as high as 50-
60 % in high-risk populations[4,9,10].Prevalence of bacte-
rial vaginosis in this study was around 37 %. The prevalence
rates of BV were reported to be 31% by Abbai et al in 2015
[11], 39% by Bradshaw et al in 2005 [12], 40% by Mitchellet
al in 2012 [13], and 38% by Vicky et al in 2014 [14]. Cross-
sectional studies have reported that Atopobium vaginae was
present in 0-20% of women with normal vaginal flora and in
50-78% of women with BV [15,16]. In this investigation, the
isolation rate of Atopobium vaginae in women with BV was
66% (25/38). Fredricks and Marrazo reported the sensitiv-
ity and specificity of Atopobium vaginae for BV to be 96%
and 80%, respectively [17]. This bacterium was detected by
PCR in 96% of patients with BV [26]. Our data also clearly
confirm the involvement of Atopobium vaginae in BV. This
bacterium is a Gram-positive anaerobic microbe which can-
not be easily isolated by classical microbiological methods.
It is hardly detected in healthy women vaginal fluid but is
commonly found in patients with BV. This bacterium was
isolated with different frequencies such as 50% according
to Burton et al[27], 70% according to Ferris et al [28], and
more than 95% according to Verhelst et al. and Verstraelen
et al [16].
It seems as though, measurement of Atopobium vaginae
bacterial loadis a good predictor for BV. However, Bradshaw
et al[12]claimed thatthe shear detection of Atopobium vagi-
nae can be more forecasting of BV than the bacterial load.
This difference between our study and that of Bradshaw et
al. may be linked to differences in epidemiological charac-
teristics and/or PCR assays. Geographical and/or ethnic ori-
gin, pregnancy status, risks of STDs, and prevalence of BV
in the population studied by Bradshaw et al. [12]were shown
to influence the rate of Atopobium vaginae in the vaginal
flora. Additionally, PCR technical parameters such as DNA
target, directly influence the sensitivity of PCR assays. The
16S rRNA target used in this study for Atopobium vaginae
(length, 155 base pairs) was shorter than that used by Brad-
shaw et al (length, 430 base pairs).It can be hypothesized
that our molecular tool is more sensitive.
In another study, Burton et al. [27] used a different set
of Atopobium vaginae specific PCR primers and detected it
in 50% of Canadian BV patients. Probably the most mean-
ingful observation in the present study and that of Burton et
al. [27]was that no Atopobium vaginae was detected in the
asymptomatic subjects. The prevalence of Atopobium vagi-
nae reported by various workers varies from 50-78%. The
difference may be due to the fact that different authors have
studied different types of population and have regarded dif-
ferent criteria for selecting the cases of BV [25].
This is the first report for detection of Atopobium vaginae
associated BV in Iranian women. Although PCR seems to
be the most sensitive method for detection of Atopobium-
vaginae. Gram staining can complement the PCR results.
The high prevalence of these bacteria reported in this study
in Iranian young women can be very concerning, since BV
raise women susceptibility to HPV, HIV and other important
sexually transmitted diseases. For this, BV has to be proper-
ly and urgently diagnosed in order to be sufficiently treated.
This investigation was financially supported by a gen-
erous grant (No. 25072-30-03-93) from Iran University of
Medical Sciences.
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... The bacterial isolate was characterized ©2023 Authors, INDIA by Gram's staining, morphological characters and genus specific biochemical tests mentioned in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. [1,3,7,8] The isolate was also verified using automated ® VITEK 2 Compact system. ...
... 1mL supernatant is transferred in 5mL of broth culture of bacteria. The second method was Double agar plate method [6,7,9] where processed samples were inoculated over the surface of nutrient agar plate. Next day the plates were examined for the presence of plaques and lytic activity on the bacterial lawn. ...
Full-text available
Atopobium vaginae is a facultative anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium, firstly considered as a normal saprophyte of the healthy vaginal flora but it is now recognized as one of the causal agents of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). BV is a complex polymicrobial infection of the vagina that perturbs & shifts the vaginal flora from Lactobacilli to opportunistic pathogens that can include Atopobium vaginae. Symptoms of which are, greyish white discharge, pH greater than 4.5, etc. The infection is associated with adverse consequences including late miscarriage, prematurity in high-risk pregnancies and vaginitis in post pubertal women, chorioamnionitis, postpartum endometritis and an increased risk of HIV acquisition. The establishment of polymicrobial biofilm of A. vaginae resists repeated antibiotics & intravaginal antiseptic treatments resulting in its presence in 80-90% of cases of relapse and showing its relevance in BV recurrence after standard treatment with antibiotics. In the present study, isolation and identification of A. vaginae was carried out initially. VITEK 2 system was applied for identification. Demonstration of resistance to Atopobium was found resistant to Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Piperacillin, Ampicillin, Ampicillin/ Sulbactam, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone and Furazolidone. which is a global health issue that directs the exploration and attention towards other alternative treatments, viz, plant-derived compounds and phage therapy. This study shows favourable results for the Azadirachta indica extracts, Eucalyptus leaves extracts and for phage therapy of A. vaginae infections. With its host-specific and easy-to-handle advantage, it can emerge as one of the promising therapies in the future to treat infections to overcome bacterial resistance.
... The most common bacteria isolated from BV is Gardnerella vaginalis that grows under appropriate microaerophilic condition and the anaerobic bacterium Atopobium vaginae.A hallmark of BV is the presence of a highly structured polymicrobial biofilm on the vaginal epithelium and made up of bacterial cells packed inside a network of polysaccharide fibrils, mainly populated by Gardnerella vaginalis with strong adhesion to vaginal epithelium. A species-specific PCR assay for the detection of Bacterial vaginosis targeting the 16S rRNA gene was arranged (7). BV is the most common cause amongst all the known causes of vaginal discharge and is characterized e by a malodorous, vaginal discharge, in women of childbearing age, presence of clue cells in wet mount, and fishy odor (positive KOH amine test). ...
Full-text available
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of bacterial vaginosis in preterm labor. There is growing evidence that infections, particularly those that spread from the lower genital tract, might trigger preterm labor. One of the main causes of newborn morbidity and mortality is preterm birth. This is a cross-sectional study which was carried out in the labor facilities in local hospital in Wasit. A total 90 swab samples were collected by gynecologist from patients in Preterm and Full-term labor Bacteriological diagnosis was done using Molecular quantification methods have been reported recently, but the specific risk factors they might identify remain unclear. We carried our study on 90 pregnant women, divided into two groups. First group delivered preterm and other group at full term. There are 38 out of 45 women who had no bacterial infection in the group of full-term pregnancy compared to 19 out of 45 in the preterm group , so the incidence of BV was significantly more in preterm group. The commonest isolated pathogen was G. vaginalis, followed by Megasphaera and Atopobium vaginalis. More than one-third (37.8%) of patients with preterm delivery have Gardnerella infection when compared to only 6.7% of those who delivered at term , Around one-quarter (26.7%) of patients who delivered preterm were diagnosed with Megasphaera. Only 4.4% of full-term patients had positive tests for this infection and 22.2% of patients with preterm labour compared to 4.4% of full-term pregnancies diagnosed with Atopobium infection.
Full-text available
This study was aimed to determine the Atopobium vaginae associated bacterial vaginosis (BV) in vaginosis women and women with miscarriage. Also other aim, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing was performed for phylogenetic tree analysis of 16S rRNA gene in local A. vaginae isolates in comparison with NCBI-Genbank global A. vaginae isolates and finally submission of the present isolates in NCBI-Genbank database. One hundred fifty high vaginal swabs were collected from women with vaginosis(75 samples were taken from married vaginosis women without miscarriage and 75 samples from vaginosis women with miscarriage) from Babylon city hospital and private clinics. The age of patient 15 to 45 years. The sample was collected by disposable swabs, genomic DNA was extracted from these swabs. 16S rRNA gene detection by polymerase chain reaction technique. A. vaginae was isolated on Columbia blood agar supplemented with antibiotic for the first time in Iraq, the study confirmed that 9 (12.00%) and 5 (6.66%) of A. vaginae out of 150 swabs isolated from miscarriage and non-miscarriage vaginosis women respectively. According to the detection of the 16S rRNA gene, the study revealed that 69 (92.00%) and 47(62.66%) of A. vaginae out of 150 swabs obtained from miscarriage and non-miscarriage vaginosis women respectively. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis showed that the 16S rRNA gene shared more than 98-99% sequence compatibility with the sequences of A. vaginae. Furthermore, the phylogenetic tree analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated that local A. vaginae (NO.1 and NO. 2) isolates shared higher homology with other A. vaginae isolates available in the GenBank. The homology of the nucleotides was between (99.17 and 98.75%) respectively.
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Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common vaginal disorder in women of reproductive age. Since the initial work of Leopoldo in 1953 and Gardner and Dukes in 1955, researchers have not been able to identify the causative etiologic agent of BV. There is increasing evidence, however, that BV occurs when Lactobacillus spp., the predominant species in healthy vaginal flora, are replaced by anaerobic bacteria, such as Gardenella vaginalis, Mobiluncus curtisii, M. mulieris, other anaerobic bacteria and/or Mycoplasma hominis. Worldwide, it estimated that 20-30 % of women of reproductive age attending sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinics suffer from BV, and that its prevalence can be as high as 50-60 % in high-risk populations (e.g., those who practice commercial sex work (CSW). Epidemiological data show that women are more likely to report BV if they: 1) have had a higher number of lifetime sexual partners; 2) are unmarried; 3) have engaged in their first intercourse at a younger age; 4) have engaged in CSW, and 5) practice regular douching. In the past decade, several studies have provided evidence on the contribution of sexual activity to BV. However, it is difficult to state that BV is a STI without being able to identify the etiologic agent. BV has also emerged as a public health problem due to its association with other STIs, including: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG). The most recent evidence on the association between BV and CT/NG infection comes from two secondary analyses of cohort data conducted among women attending STI clinics. Based on these studies, women with BV had a 1.8 and 1.9-fold increased risk for NG and CT infection, respectively. Taken together, BV is likely a risk factor or at least an important contributor to subsequent NG or CT infection in high-risk women. Additional research is required to determine whether this association is also present in other low-risk sexually active populations, such as among women in the US military. It is essential to conduct large scale cross-sectional or population-based case-control studies to investigate the role of BV as a risk factor for CT/NG infections. These studies could lead to the development of interventions aimed at reducing the burden associated with bacterial STIs worldwide.
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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of the vaginal milieu on the presence of abnormal Pap smears and a positive human papilloma virus (HPV) test. A cross-sectional study was conducted between June 2014 and May 2015, evaluating the vaginal discharge by fresh wet mount microscopy and comparing these data with Pap smear findings. Wet mount slides were scored for bacterial vaginosis (BV), aerobic vaginitis (AV), presence of Candida and Trichomonas vaginalis. Cytologic evaluation was done on all Pap smears according to the Bethesda criteria. The cobas© HPV Test (Roche) was performed for HPV detection. A total of 622 cases were evaluated. The mean age of the patients was 41.6 ± 10.65 years (range 21–75). Eighty-three women (13.3 %) had a cytology result worse than low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). When comparing this group with the one with normal or minor [atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) or LSIL] Pap smear abnormalities, there were no differences in the presence of Candida (32.5 % vs. 33.2 %, p = 1.0), absence of lactobacilli (38.6 % vs. 32.5 %, p = 0.32) or BV (20.5 % vs. 13.2 %, p = 0.09). On the other hand, moderate or severe inflammation (msI) (41.0 % vs. 28.8 %, p = 0,04), moderate or severe AV (msAV) (16.9 % vs. 7.2 %, p = 0.009) and msAV/BV (37.3 % vs. 20.0 %, p = 0.001) were more common in women with such major cervical abnormalities. No significant association was found between deviations of the vaginal milieu and high-risk HPV infection. The presence of msI or msAV, but not BV, is independently associated with an increased risk of major cervical cytological abnormalities, but not with HPV infection.
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Gardnerella vaginalis plays an important role in bacterial vaginosis (BV,) while the role of genital Mollicutes is less obvious. The diagnosis of BV by use of the current Gram stain Nugent score is also suboptimal for defining the role of Mollicutes that lack a cell wall. Since bacterial load and diversity is an important prerequisite for BV, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays enable these to be assessed. The purpose of this study was to define the role of genital Mollicutes and potential patterns of synergy with G. vaginalis in women with BV. Vaginal swabs from 130 women categorised by Nugent score as BV (n = 28), intermediate (n = 22) and non-BV (n = 80) were tested against four qPCR TaqMan assays targeting G. vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, M. genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum and U. parvum. Statistical analyses were used to compare bacterial prevalence and load between the three groups of women. Mycoplasma hominis and G. vaginalis co-infection was significantly more common in BV (60.7 %) compared to intermediate (36.4 %) and non-BV (8.8 %) Nugent scores (p < 0.001). Significantly higher loads of M. hominis (p = 0.001) and G. vaginalis (p < 0.001) were detected in women with BV and the respective loads in M. hominis and G. vaginalis co-infections displayed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.001; r = 0.60). No significant associations were seen with the other Mollicutes. The findings strengthen the evidence of a role for M. hominis in BV and a potential synergy with G. vaginalis. This synergy could be an important trigger of the condition and sexual contact the conduit for the transmission of an otherwise commensal bacterium that could initiate it.
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International recommendations in favor of screening for vaginal infection in pregnancy are based on heterogeneous criteria. In most developed countries, the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is only recommended for women with high-risk of preterm birth. The Nugent score is currently used, but molecular quantification tools have recently been reported with a high sensitivity and specificity. Their value for reducing preterm birth rates and related complications remains unexplored. This trial was designed to assess the cost-effectiveness of a systematic screen-and-treat program based on a point-of-care technique for rapid molecular diagnosis, immediately followed by an appropriate antibiotic treatment, to detect the presence of abnormal vaginal flora (specifically, Atopobium vaginae and Gardnerella vaginalis) before 20 weeks of gestation in pregnant women in France. We hypothesized that this program would translate into significant reductions in both the rate of preterm births and the medical costs associated with preterm birth. A multicenter, open-label randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted in which 20 French obstetrics and gynecology centers will recruit eligible pregnant women at less than 20 weeks gestation with singleton pregnancy and with a low-risk factor for preterm birth. Interventions will include a) an experimental group that will receive a systematic rapid screen-and-treat program from a point-of-care analysis using a molecular quantification method and b) a control group that will receive usual care management. Randomization will be in a 1:1 allocation ratio. The primary endpoint that will be assessed over a period of 12 months will be the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) expressed as cost per avoided preterm birth before 37 weeks. Secondary endpoints will include ICER per avoided preterm birth before 24, 28 and 32 weeks, obstetrical outcomes, neonatal outcomes, rates of treatment failure and recurrence episodes for positive women. Uncertainty surrounding these estimates will be addressed using nonparametric bootstrapping and represented using cost-effectiveness acceptability curves. A total of 6,800 pregnant women will be included. This appropriate randomized controlled design will provide insight into the cost-effectiveness and therefore the potential cost savings of a rapid screen-and-treat strategy for molecular abnormal vaginal flora in pregnant women. National and international recommendations could be updated based on the findings of this study. Trial registration NCT02288832 (registration date: 30 October 2014); Eudract: 2014-001559-22.
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We report the draft genome sequence of a vaginal isolate of Atopobium vaginae vaginae (strain 44061), an organism linked to bacterial vaginosis (BV), the most common gynecological infection in the United States. This species is often highly resistant to metronidazole, which is a front-line therapy for BV. Strain 44061 is a metronidazole-susceptible isolate (MIC, 16 µg/ml), and its genome sequence will be useful for comparative studies to elucidate the molecular basis of metronidazole resistance in this species. Copyright © 2015 Schuyler et al.
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Background Clinical development of vaginally applied products aimed at reducing the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, has highlighted the need for a better characterisation of the vaginal environment. We set out to characterise the vaginal environment in women in different settings in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods A longitudinal study was conducted in Kenya, Rwanda and South-Africa. Women were recruited into pre-defined study groups including adult, non-pregnant, HIV-negative women; pregnant women; adolescent girls; HIV-negative women engaging in vaginal practices; female sex workers; and HIV-positive women. Consenting women were interviewed and underwent a pelvic exam. Samples of vaginal fluid and a blood sample were taken and tested for bacterial vaginosis (BV), HIV and other reproductive tract infections (RTIs). This paper presents the cross-sectional analyses of BV Nugent scores and RTI prevalence and correlates at the screening and the enrolment visit. Results At the screening visit 38% of women had BV defined as a Nugent score of 7–10, and 64% had more than one RTI (N. gonorrhoea, C. trachomatis, T. vaginalis, syphilis) and/or Candida. At screening the likelihood of BV was lower in women using progestin-only contraception and higher in women with more than one RTI. At enrolment, BV scores were significantly associated with the presence of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the vaginal fluid and with being a self-acknowledged sex worker. Further, sex workers were more likely to have incident BV by Nugent score at enrolment. Conclusions Our study confirmed some of the correlates of BV that have been previously reported but the most salient finding was the association between BV and the presence of PSA in the vaginal fluid which is suggestive of recent unprotected sexual intercourse.
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Background: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of BV in Bulgarian pregnant and nonpregnant women from several age ranges and to compare three different laboratory methods for Gardnerella vaginalis detection in patents suffering from BV. Methods: Between September 2011 and June 2012, 809 women of 16-40 years of age separated in two major groups: nonpregnant - 469 (355 with and 114 without symptoms) and pregnant - 340 (213 and 127 respectively) were enrolled for the study. The women underwent three different laboratory tests simultaneously: scoring of Gram staining of vaginal smear, culture, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for G. vaginalis. Results: The microscopic method detected high frequency of BV in symptomatic (57%) whereas only a minority of asymptomatic subjects (14%) were detected. G. vaginalis-associated BV was diagnosed in approximately equal proportions when evaluated with PCR and microscopic method for both pregnant and nonpregnant women. The comparative analysis of microscopic evaluation, culture and PCR assays demonstrated greater concurrence (about 90%) between Gram staining and PCR detection for BV, than both methods compared to culture. The combination of microscopy and PCR turned out to be very reliable and repeatable for detecting G. vaginalis-associated BV. Conclusions: This is the first comparative investigation on the epidemiology of G. vaginalis-associated BV in Bulgaria. The established highest frequency in the young Bulgarian women (21-30 years) is alarming and should be considered in prophylaxis and reproductive programmes.
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Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal disorder, characterized by depletion of the normal lactobacillus-dominant microbiota and overgrowth of commensal anaerobic bacteria. This study aimed to investigate the composition of the vaginal microbiota in women of reproductive age (healthy women and women with BV), with the view of developing molecular criteria for BV diagnosis. Vaginal samples from 163 women (79 control, 73 BV and 11 intermediate (Lactobacillary grade II flora) cases) were analyzed using 454 pyrosequencing of the hypervariable regions V3-V4 of the 16S rRNA gene and 16 quantitative bacterial species/genus-specific real-time PCR assays. Sensitivities and specificities of potential BV markers were computed using the Amsel criteria as reference standard for BV. The use of quantitative thresholds for prediction of BV, determined for both relative abundance measured with 454 pyrosequencing and bacterial load measured with qPCR, was evaluated. Relative to the healthy women, the BV patients had in their vaginal microbiota significantly higher prevalence, loads and relative abundances of the majority of BV associated bacteria. However, only Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Eggerthella, Prevotella, BVAB2 and Megasphaera type 1 detected at or above optimal thresholds were highly predictable for BV, with the best diagnostic accuracy shown for A. vaginae. The depletion of Lactobacillus species combined with the presence of either G. vaginalis or A. vaginae at diagnostic levels was a highly accurate BV predictor. Quantitative determination of the presence of G. vaginalis, A. vaginae, Eggerthella, Prevotella, BVAB2 and Megasphaera type 1 as well as the depletion of Lactobacillus was highly accurate for BV diagnosis. Measurements of abundance of normal and BV microbiota relative to total bacteria in vaginal fluid may provide more accurate BV diagnosis, and be used for test-of-cure, rather than qualitative detection or absolute counts of BV related microorganisms.
The association between bacterial vaginosis (BV) and incident sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in a cohort of high-risk women from Durban, South Africa was investigated in this study. We undertook a secondary analysis of the Methods for Improving Reproductive Health in Africa trial that assessed effectiveness of the latex diaphragm and lubricant gel on HIV prevention among women. During study visits, urine specimens were collected for testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis. The presence of BV was based on vaginal pH and wet mount test assessments. The association between BV and the risk for incident STIs was determined using Cox proportional hazards model. Prevalence of BV was 31% in a cohort of 435 women tested at baseline. Among these women, BV was significantly associated with incident Trichomonas vaginalis (14.6 per 100 PY, p = 0.03) and Chlamydia trachomatis infections (15.8 per 100 PY, p = 0.04). BV remained a significant predictor for Trichomonas vaginalis infections even after adjusting for potential confounders such as age and marital status (HR: 1.60, 95% CI: 1.00, 2.57, p = 0.04). Our study showed an association between baseline BV infections and incident Trichomonas vaginalis and Chlamydia trachomatis infections. Women with BV infections should be counselled on the use of condoms and the risk of new STIs.