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Authors: Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Dr. Nikhil C. Shah1, Ms. Srabona Lahiri1 and Prof. Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen*2
1Bethany Mission School, Near Ashirwad Flat, Behind Hingraj Society, Mehsana-384002, Gujarat, India.
2Shri Sarvajanik Pharmacy College, Gujarat Technological University, Arvind Baug, Mehsana-384001, Gujarat, India.
MIDBRAIN is a combinational approach of M=Meditation,
I=Intuition, D=Divine, B=Breathing, R=Rhythm, A=Ajna chakra,
I=Inner eye, N=Nature. Midbrain is the heart and mind centre. The
Benefits of QSR: Fast reading is only the beginning of the benefits of
QSR. Through doing QSR, positive changes occur in the following
areas of life: Speed and processing ability, Personal relations,
including the parent-child relationship, Work, Study, Health,
Development of talents, Art, Sports.
KEYWORDS: QSR, Midbrain activation, Pansies, Mandalas, Left
brain, Right brain, Prefrontal lobe, Image training, Eye training, Eye
shutter training, Breathing exercise, Visualization training, Solar
glimpse training, Brain waves, Orange card.
Quantum speed reading (QSR) is a completely new technique for reading books without
looking at the pages. This method was developed in Japan almost 40 years ago. There are
thousands of institutes running successfully in Japan nowadays. Quantum speed reading is
originated from ancient period during the period of Mahabharata more than 5000 years ago.
Examples are as follows: 1. Sanjay: who narrated each and every events of Mahabharata to
Dhritarashtra without visiting the battle field. 2. Abhimanyu: who learnt the rules of entering
into the Chakravyuh when he was in the mother’s womb. 3. Arjun: who did exact arrow
target to the eye of fish only by visualizing the shadow into the water & targeted to the eye of
bird during archery lessons from Gurudev Dronacharya. They are able the read, visualize and
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
SJIF Impact Factor 7.523
Volume 6, Issue 4, 01-25. Editorial Article ISSN 2277 7105
*Corresponding Author
Prof. Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen
Shri Sarvajanik Pharmacy
College, Gujarat
Technological University,
Arvind Baug, Mehsana-
384001, Gujarat, India.
Article Received on
12 Feb. 2017,
Revised on 03 March 2017,
Accepted on 23 March 2017
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20174-8283 Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
can explain the motives exactly (Sanjay: live events, Abhimanyu: war techniques, Arjun:
speed, target and victory.). It is one kind of yoga.
Figure-1: Yoga & Meditation
"Yoga" is a complete way of life including - Gyan Yoga or philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or path
of devotional bliss, Karma Yoga or path of blissful action and Raja Yoga or path of mind
control. Raja Yoga is further divided into eight parts, of which only one part is Asana or
postures. Derived from the Sankrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate"; yoga is a
5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga is all about harmonizing the body with the
mind and breath through the means of various breathing techniques, yoga postures (asanas)
and meditation. Pranayama is the extension and control of one’s breath. Practicing proper
techniques of breathing can help bring more oxygen to the blood and brain, eventually
helping control prana or the vital life energy. Pranayama also goes hand in hand with various
yoga asanas. The union of these two yogic principles is considered as the highest form of
purification and self-discipline, covering both mind and body. Pranayama techniques also
prepare us for a deeper experience of meditation. The very short span of time, it is also very
popular in India. It has been developed and has been taught to both children and adults there
for the last several years. It is one of the follow up programs after Midbrain Activation.
Astonishing as it may seem to most of us who learned only to read books by reading a page at
a time they can in fact be read by simply flipping the pages. Unlike the many well established
forms of speed reading that are in existence QSR does not require the book to be opened at
all. The book is simply held up in front of the reader's face and the pages are flipped rapidly
using the thumb much like when preparing to shuffle playing cards. It is thus a truly
revolutionary advancement in education. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
The QSR technique is not solely about reading however. It can also be utilized in several
other creative ways for problem solving and memorizing, for health improvement and stress
reduction as well as for positive thinking and what can only be described as quasi telepathic
communication with plants and animals for example. All of these extensions of the original
QSR training have been fully documented and tested over the years in a great variety of
situations with many individuals. It is the introduction of QSR for the first time outside of
Japan where there are now thousands of school students and adults using it in their daily lives
to great benefits both for them and for society at large. It appears that using the right brain
approach to learning encourages cooperation and harmony among people. This is surely
something we can all benefit from.
It all began 'by accident' as most of us are fond of saying. One day, ace teacher Yumiko
Tobitani was doing a lesson with children at the Shichida child academy in Tokyo. She asked
the children to quickly, then slowly, flick through the pages of a book for a total of thirty
times. Each child had their own chair that they took to a spot where they felt most relaxed
and proceeded to flick through the pages of the book. After finishing, they came back to their
desks. However there was one child who stayed back. Ms. Tobitani could see that this child
looked really involved in the book and thought, "Oh well I'll just leave him to carry on". Just
after she had done this she heard the sound of the chair being dragged back across the floor
and there was the child back at his desk. Then he simply said, "That was really fun." When
kids show some kind of a change in their speech or behavior Yumiko generally tries to listen
to them. So she asked this particular student what was going on.
Figure-2: Ms. Yumiko Tobitani & Dr. Ervin Laszlo Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
The astonishing reply led to the creation of QSR. The eight year old student said, "I saw
pictures coming out of the pages and I understood everything in the book". Yumiko, through
her long experience as a teacher in non-linear learning, instantly realized a function of the
right brain's imagery was at work with this child. The right brain is deeply connected to
speed. So when a book is flipped through at high speed the words are transformed into
images and come out as pictures. Naturally the other kids had no idea what was going on and
just sat there amazed.
She decided to have some other children have a try at it. All of them did exactly the same,
flipping through the pages. Amazingly all of them saw images coming out. The right brain
has the ability to communicate information so that it is understandable to everyone. This is
called resonance. Therefore when everybody has a desire to learn it or the desire to see it, this
ability gets transmitted to everyone as a resonating vibration. Because of this an entirely new
way of reading books was born and Yumiko Tobitani decided to call it, 'Quantum Speed
Reading'. This was to be a momentous event in the field of creative education.
Inventor is Ms. Yumiko Tobitani, who is a teacher at Japan's renowned Shichida Child
Academy, has been the leading light of this technique over the past decade. Her first book in
English entitled 'Quantum Speed Reading' covers the development and practical applications
of QSR in detail. Well known scientist and systems thinker Dr. Ervin Laszlo, who comments
on QSR at the beginning of the book, has witnessed the children in Japan training at Ms.
Tobitani's prep school. Imagine being able to read any book in any language! Imagine a new
form of communication within your family or friends or colleagues and if you can try to
visualize getting information from the blank pages of a book that is specially prepared for
QSR students. Parents and children alike all over Japan have reported a wealth of
improvements in their lives and relationships thanks to this truly 'mind stretching' ability that
sleeps within all of our brains
(24hours)~24hours×30days=720hours~2,59,20,00seconds≡2.6×106seconds approx.[1]
The book is simply held up in front of the reader's face and the pages are flipped rapidly
using the thumb, much like when preparing to shuffle playing cards. It is thus, a truly
revolutionary advancement in education. The QSR technique is not solely about reading,
however. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Figure-3: Flipping of book pages and understanding waves in brain
Quantum Speed Reading is the advance level of midbrain activation. In Quantum speed
reading students can read the book by flipping its pages. They don’t open the book like
traditional learning to read it. It is also known as an advance level of Midbrain Activation.
Children can read the book of 100 pages in 30 minutes time. It helps them in their study,
especially during exam time when they need to revise their whole book in the very short
period of time. There are two parts of our brain. Students can do word to word reading by
their left brain. It is very time-consuming. It needs hours of reading to complete the book by
normal left brain reading. In Quantum Speed Reading contents of the book are accessed by
the right brain. Right brain can read in the form of images. So it can read 100 times faster
than left brain. Memory storage capacity of the left brain is very limited. We cannot
remember for a long time which is stored in the left brain. The right brain has long term
memory storage capacity. So contents accessed by the right brain are automatically going to
long term memory storage. We can easily recall them even after a long time. So it is
necessary for students to read by Quantum speed reading to remember it for long time. Those
children who have completed their Midbrain activation basic course, they can go for
Quantum speed reading. It is also two months course. Initially, there is a workshop of two
full days (6 hours per day). The workshop is followed by follow ups done once in a week (2
hours). Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Figure-4: Quantum Speed Reading
Age group for Quantum Speed Reading
We consider 8-15 years age group for Quantum speed reading course. Those who are below
eight years cannot perform some exercises well as their prefrontal lobe is under
development stage.
Figure-5: Prefrontal lobe & waves of beta/alpha/theta/delta
Some activities which are included in Quantum speed reading development are given below.
All activities are scientific. So they are equally applicable to all students. They don’t have
any concern for their academic excellence: Image Training, Eye Training, Breathing
Exercise, Visualization training, QSR Color Identification, QSR Image Identification, QSR
Text Identification.
Image Training: Image training consists of different types of images of colours. Students
need to see the image of colours for a long time to develop their Quantum speed reading
ability. Once they can see the same colour for a long time, their Quantum speed reading will
start quickly. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Eye Training: It is the most important exercise to stimulate Quantum speed reading ability
of the brain. Visual sense depends on eyes. Eye training must be done effectively to improve
visual sense. There are many ways to improve visual sense, which are given below. You can
do eye exercises by sitting or standing in comfortable position. The position of the head
should be still. You need to move only eyes as per instructions.
Side to Side Eye Movement: Stretch your eyes to your extreme left side. Stay in that position
for 3 seconds. Your head must be still. Now move them to extreme right side. Stay there for 3
seconds. Repeat the cycle again. Now increase the speed of movement. Decrease the hold
time. Do it very fast. Continue it for 60 seconds. Then close your eyes and relax it.
Up and Down Eye Movement: The process is same as side to side movement. In this case,
you need to look at ceiling and floor.
Moving Your Eyes Diagonally: You need to look at two corners of the room diagonally
during this exercise.
Near and Far Focus: Look at the nearby object like pencil’s tip and then look distant an
object like the window or anything.
After image and eye training, there is a time for relaxation for a more than ten minutes.[2]
Breathing exercise: The performance of our brain depends on oxygen intake of our body. If
we breathe correctly, the efficiency of our brain increases automatically.
Visualization training: There is thousands of research done by science to know the role of
visual sense in the success of any human being. It is understood by science through many
experiments that those who are blessed with excellent visual skills can perform best in their
field. Visual skills are stimulated to the great extent in Quantum speed reading.
The basis of QSR when broadly divided into categories looks like this: Before commencing
with QSR we conduct eye muscle training, called simply 'eye training', whereby the visual
field is expanded. In this, the eyeball is moved up and down and left and right with each
movement being held for ten seconds. The upper and lower oblique muscles of the eye are
then trained. Through doing this at high speed we can begin to sense colors and light. For
example stars may appear in the middle of the image or butterfly shapes or even square Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
shapes. Through conducting this type of training it becomes faster to make the connection
with QSR. Though things may not go well in the beginning it is a good idea to move the eyes
as rapidly as possible. From this start with colors and light, the right brain's five senses begin
to awaken. We begin to feel a dazzling sensation, warm feelings as well as smells and
sensations of pain. Through the repetition of eye training, the sensory faculties of the right
brain start to surface. Though you might think that this in itself already constitutes QSR
ability, it is still the stage of upper and lower oblique muscle training for the eyes. By
rhythmically training the eyes at high speeds we can evoke images with light, color and form.
These in turn directly serve to connect us to QSR.
wind & gentle wind
sea & salty sea
cloud & cold cloud Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
earth & soft earth
Figure-6: rain & wet rain
Right brain sense perceptions do not use sense organs
At this stage let us say that we have succeeded in evoking images of the wind, the sea,
clouds, earth and rain. At times the sensory perceptions are stimulated and involve feeling a
gentle wind, a salty sea, cold clouds, soft earth and wet rain. These sensations then appear as
images and at the same time sounds are perceivable. The wind whooshes by, the sea crashes,
the clouds swish, the earth crunches and the rain patters. The following are comments made
by children who were doing eye training: "Doing this made me feel relaxed. Then my whole
mood brightened up." It is a strange feeling doing this. It seems like light is shining down on
me." Here we can see how the individuality of each of the children is being expressed. Next
part is eye training by using a physics text book. A really intriguing phenomenon occurred. A
light blue sky and orange flames appeared in the image and seeing this, the child said things
like, "From now on the air and fire are going to be more important." So in this way, even
though only doing simple eye training, there is some kind of a meaning contained in the
colors and the light which appears during its practice. It is furthermore not just colors and
light which manifest but sounds and other sensations. All of the sense perceptions of the right
brain are set in motion. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
The basic techniques of QSR: Eye training [3D training]
The eyes and the right brain are profoundly connected. One theory holds that 3D vision is
related to the midbrain within the brain stem. Because the midbrain is the 'heart and mind
centre', when staring at images in 3D there are times when there are powerful feelings in the
heart. Because of this we can see how after all the eyes and the brain and the heart seem to be
connected. When practicing 3D exercises like this we often use examples from nature or
mandala patterns. With eye training exercises too it is because of a direct link to the right
brain that colors and light are perceived. Eye training involves the training of the eye muscles
utilizing three techniques which are each done for ten seconds. Through doing only these
exercises there are colors and light perceived. However normal practice of these exercises
does not easily lead to the success which children have. What is therefore important is
increasing the speed of practice. Using a method called the camera shutter it becomes easier
to see colors and light by rapid blinking during the eye training.
Figure-7: Pansies & Mandalas
This is three dimensional staring practices:
1. Pansies (3D): This is a practice to become able to see things that are unseen. The right
brain is activated by the way the eyes are used here. Do not focus on the pansies. You will
see two dots at the bottom become three and at that point the stereographic image will appear
on the page. Along with the butterflies that have flown here attracted by the scent what else
can you see?
2. Mandalas will be merged together. Use an open gaze to see beyond (behind) the picture
itself by not focusing the eyes. In this way you will see the two mandalas become one. A new
sensation will be awakened in you by doing this. Circles are born from within circles. Look at
them from different directions and see them sparkle and turn. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
The 3D Stereogram
The basic techniques of QSR: Eye training
Artificial light training: Artificial light training involves using an ordinary lamp stand with
a thirty watt bulb attached. Any ordinary light bulb will suffice but if possible I believe that it
is advisable to use one that has a red, a green or a yellow bulb at the top. This lamp stand is
positioned about two meters (six feet) away from the subject and is switched off after thirty
seconds of being stared at. Then we look at the afterimage which remains behind the eyelids.
This afterimage training is most important as a basis for being able to see internal images.
Next there comes breathing. We use abdominal breathing with the eyes quietly closed.
Another name for this is hara or tanden (tantien in Chinese) breathing. The reason that we use
artificial lighting is that in image training it is very important to be able to see the images in
The electric bulb light *note that you will need a lamp stand with a thirty watt naked bulb for
this and that fluorescent tubes will not work.
1. Gaze at the light from the bulb from a distance of one or two metres for about thirty
seconds without blinking.
2. Next switch off the light, close your eyes and observe the after image.
Eye training
Basic training: Eyes move up and down left and right then diagonally. Further applications:
The star shape.
This practice improves eyeball movement, widens the field of vision and heightens the ability
to read at a glance. Ten seconds should be spent on each one. Do not move the head just the
eyes. Correct posture and breathing are important in this exercise. Note that if you can use a
metronome or like instrument it will be an effective aid.
Eye training-1 (increasing the visual field acuity) Up/down movement) and Eye training-2
(increasing the visual field acuity) Left/right movement *these pages can be used as enlarged
copies). Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Eye training-3 (increasing the visual field acuity) Up/down diagonals. Eye training-4
(increasing the visual field acuity)Up/down diagonals. The order goes wind, clouds, rain,
sea and earth in the five pointed star)
Figure-8: Eye training
Adult practice in shutter eye training
This is done by rapid blinking which will result in the brain not knowing if the eys are open
or closed. It is vital to increase the speed of blinking to your utmost ability. In doing so, you
will be able to see light and colours. The orange card: (This is training so as to be able to
visualize images. Try staring at this for 30 seconds without blinking.)
1. Breathe deeply three times.
2. Relax your mind and stare at the blue circle for thirty seconds.
3. Close your eyes and you will see the afterimage.
4. Even if it disappears while you are practicing if you think to yourself, 'It will re-appear,'
then it will in fact.
5. Let's go on to the next four points. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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Figure-9: Adult practice in shutter eye training
The four stages to being able to visualize images
1. In the beginning you'll see a secondary color orange.
2. Then you will see the same color afterimage in blue.
3. The color and the shape of the afterimage can then be changed (a red circle a green
4. After that you will spontaneously be able to see images.
You will deepen your ability to do the above by repeating the exercise over and over.
Solar glimpse training
The pituitary gland in the diencephalon will be activated doing this. First thing in the morning
(before 09:00 if possible) gaze at the sun directly for a second close your eyes and practice
looking at the afterimage. Even on rainy days does this exercise while visualizing that the sun
is out. Your body will get healthier too. (early morning once??).
Eye training for adults
The above information then relates to the usual set routines we do when training children in
QSR. If we can get as far as step four then it becomes quite possible to do QSR well.
Although it appears that children can master it quickly because of having few preconceptions
we still use the same system to train adults. With the adults too we begin with afterimage
training using the basic observation of light sources through artificial light and orange card
techniques. We next venture into eye training to evoke light and colors and it is here that it
begins to take quite a lot of time when dealing with adults. In that case we introduce the
'shutter' training. This is eye training done through blinking at rapid speed. Through doing
this the brain no longer can distinguish if the eyes are open or closed. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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Figure-10: Eye training for adults
The brain thus allows a sensation of visual imagery to occur even with the eyes closed. In this
situation it is important to keep the speed of blinking as fast as possible. The role of this high
speed blinking is to allow QSR to happen. There is also the technique of doing eye training
with the eyes open followed by training with them closed. By moving into the world of
images through the introduction of these training methods, even adults can see pictures,
improve their intuitive capabilities and be able to read the messages coming out of the
books. Staring practice: The camp fire After image training: The campfire (Stare at the top
black dot for 30 seconds and then look at the bottom one. You will see the faint traces of a
red fire above the logs.)[3]
If you carry on looking you will clearly see this. If you do not see anything breathe in slowly
and once more start staring at the green flame and begin all over.
Stare at this picture without blinking as much as possible. This is the basic training that will
empower your image visualization.
1. Stare at the black dot in the middle of the green fire for thirty seconds.
2. Stare at the lower black dot.
3. You will then see a red fire dimly above the logs (if you continue to stare you will
gradually see it appear)
4. If you see nothing then breathe quietly and slowly and start again from step one. By
continuing to practice you'll be able to see the afterimage for longer durations.
The way Quantum Speed Reading works is that flipping through the pages of a book at high
speed switches on the right-brain computer. What makes QSR different from general speed-
reading is that a book is “bounced through” in a flash. In this way the quantum vibrations
emanating from the book are transformed into light and imagery the information by which
the contents of the book can be understood. The following are the right-brain functions
activated in QSR: Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
The right brain’s auto translation function: Foreign languages change to the reader’s
The right brain’s imaging function: Words change to images.
The right brain’s script-changing function: For Japanese readers, kanji characters change to
phonetic hiragana script.
Program for Infants and Toddlers
0-2 Years: Mother speaking to the child, Daily life experiences, Reading picture books with
child (i.e., picture book with a few words and big letters, frequently repeated, with the child
speaking when old enough).
2-4 Years: Basic Point: Communicating mother’s love fully through skin-ship, that is,
cuddling, hugging and bathing, Imaginary stories in which the child is the hero, Playing at
being something or somebody, Playing with toy dishes with Mom in the kitchen, Playing
outside in nature, Playing with friends, Picture books (i.e., eight-page picture book);
rereading books to the child that he or she enjoys.
4-6 Years: Child speaking with friends, Playing in groups (e.g., at preschool), Picture books
and other books (i.e., widening the scope to include books adults enjoy, too), QSR: 1) Flying
in to your Mom’s belly (the womb), in to your own body, and in to books; 2) Mother shows
how to flip through books (without checking the contents).
Figure-11: Brain waves Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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Program for Children (Elementary Grades):
Step 1: Basic staring practice, afterimage training with the orange card and campfire, 3D
stereograms, and eye training.
Step 2: Image training with breathing techniques, sounds of the ocean; balloons; flying in to
your own body, in to fruits and in to books.
Step 3: Quantum Speed-Reading. Begins with relaxation, then concentration, visualizing
lying on the back, then three deep breaths, the rod imaging, the artificial light training, flying
in to a book, flying in to a specific page of the book, checking the content by verbalizing it
and writing it down as words and pictures.
Step 4: Quantum Speed-Reading. Staring practice, afterimage training, eye training, lying
down and breathing deeply, rod imaging, artificial light training, blindfolded QSR, QSR with
colors from a book, images and messages from the book, and book content (what the author
was feeling, your own thoughts on it).
Quantum Speed Reading: Step 1 Basic Training (Starting Practice)
Starting Practice: Flowers
1. Begin by relaxing and taking longer and deeper breaths.
2. Release all mental and physical stress.
3. Look at the word “flower” (below) as you regulate your breathing.
4. Try to blink as little as possible and keep staring at the word.
5. As you breathe in, the word will appear to float closer; as you breathe out, it gets farther
6. You will start to see images (even if you don’t, it is fine just to think about it). What kind
of images do you see? What kind of flowers are appearing? Write down their names.
Being able to change the word to images leads to being able to speed-read books and
eventually to seeing images being emitted from the books related to the content.
Staring Practice: The Camp Fire
This image training is also known as “after-image training”. This exercise will help to
empower your image visualization.
1. Stare at the black dot in the middle of the green fire for 30 seconds, blinking as little as
2. Stare at the lower black dot. You will see a red fire dimly above the logs (if you continue
to stare, it will gradually appears). Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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3. If you see nothing, breathe quietly and slowly and start over.
4. Continue practicing and you will be able to see the afterimage for longer durations.
You can also get after-imaging cards from Right Brain Kids under the Wink Program called
“Photo-Eye-play”. A good tip from Right Brain Kids is to stare at the first image until you
start to see a red glow around the image. The Photo-Eye-play cards are great because they
start with very basic colour patterns and slowly progress to more complex images. This step-
by-step method helps you understand the process of after imaging making it easier to achieve.
They also show you pictures of what you should “see” with your afterimage.
Starting Practice: The Orange Card
This is the same exercise as the Orange Card Image Play from the Shichida Right Brain
Training Practice Guide. The method and objectives are the same.
Tobitani says
Breathe deeply three times, relax your mind, and stare at the blue circle for 30 seconds.
Close your eyes and you will see the afterimage. If it disappears while you are practicing,
think to yourself, “It will reappear,” and it will do so. Repeating this exercise over and over
helps you to deepen your image-making ability.
Right Brain Stimulation: Image Play Orange Card
A good way to nurture your child’s after imaging capability is to practice afterimage training
using the Orange Card. This activity is suitable for children 4 years and above or any child
who can verbalize his/her thoughts.
What you will need
An orange card with a blue dot in the center that is 2cm in diameter. You can make this easily
with a piece of orange paper or cardboard and a blue circle sticker in the center. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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Figure-12: Orange card practice
1. Ask your child to close his eyes and relax.
2. Take a deep breath out first slowly and deeply, then inhale for eight seconds, then exhale
deeply for eight seconds.
3. Repeat step 2, three times. Then return to normal breathing.
4. Ask your child to place the orange card 30cm from his eyes.
5. Ask your child to stare intently at the card for 30 seconds.
6. Then ask your child to close his eyes. He will see an afterimage behind his closed eyes.
There are four levels to achieve with the afterimage:
1. Complementary colours: initially, your child should be aiming to see the afterimage in
complementary colours. In other words, the blue dot will appear orange and the orange
background will appear blue.
2. Primary colours: after achieving step one, the next step will be to see an afterimage in
primary colours. In other words, the blue dot will appear blue and the orange background
3. Altered colours and shapes: after achieving step two, the next step will be to see the blue
dot in any other colour, shape and size.
4. Free image: the final step will be to see the blue dot and be able to change it into any
arbitrary image.
Ultimately, your child should be aiming to see himself in an image. Once he can visualise
himself in the image, he has achieved this function. He will then be able to visualise himself
achieving whatever he desires in life perfect exam scores, a hole in one in golf, etc. Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
Sen et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Quantum Speed Reading Practice Program for Children
The way Quantum Speed Reading works is that flipping through the pages of a book at high
speed switches on the right-brain computer. What makes QSR different from general speed-
reading is that a book is “bounced through” in a flash. In this way the quantum vibrations
emanating from the book are transformed into light and imagery the information by which
the contents of the book can be understood. The following are the right-brain functions
activated in QSR:
The right brain’s autotranslation function: Foreign languages change to the reader’s
The right brain’s imaging function: Words change to images.
The right brain’s script-changing function: For Japanese readers, kanji characters change
to phonetic hiragana script.
The first step is Image and Eye Training
There are three parts to the first step:
1. Starting Practice
2. 3D Stereogram
3. Eye Training
Starting Practice
This is an activity that is done both in Heguru and the Wink program (Photo-Eye-play) from
Right Brain Kids. In this activity, you use images like the one below for practice. The idea is
to stare at the dot at the center of the image for about 30 seconds then close your eyes. When
you close your eyes, you show be able to see an after image in secondary colours (shown in
the small box at the bottom of the card).
There is not a lot written about the process of “flying in”. Here’s what it says in the book:
Flying in entails the use of breathing techniques and a simple meditation where you can go
into your own body, or “fly in” to a book.
Step 3 Relaxation-Concentration-Envisioning
1. Rod or Stick Image Training: Lie down and breathe long, shallow breaths, and then
envision yourself as a rod or a stick.
2. Artificial Light Training: Set a lamp with a naked bulb about 6.5 feet away from you and
select a book you have never read. Next, look at the light bulb for a few seconds, and then Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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close your eyes. The image of the light will probably appear between your eyes. While
keeping that image in view, you then fly in to the book and “read” the contents. You can
specify a page number, then afterward look on that page in the book to confirm what is
written there.
Step 4 Staring Practice and After Image Practice
After you have finished the eye training, lie down and do long shallow breathing. Following
this exercise, do the rod imaging, the artificial light practice, then QSR with a blindfold on.
(This is where you are blindfolded and speed-read the book by seeing colours and images
and also grasping any messages).
There are four brain-wave patterns which can be recorded using an electroencephalograph:
1. Beta 20 to 14 cycles per second (this is the state of being awake), 2. Alpha 14 to 7
cycles per second, Theta 7 to 5 cycles per second, Delta 5 to 1 cycles per second (this is
the state of deepest sleep).
It is said that the state between Alpha and Theta is when the brain is at its most creative. This
state is the twilight level of being in between wakefulness and sleep which is something
akin to daydreaming. Shichida says that this is the state at which the right brain becomes
active (which corresponds to the creativity of the brain in coming up with solutions to
problems). Many of the great minds in history have reported that it is in this state of
relaxation that their greatest ideas “came to them”. Thomas Edison was known to use
meditation to help him find the solutions to problems he encountered when working on a new
invention. Whenever he was faced with a problem he could not solve, he would relax in a
chair or his daybed with a ball bearing in his hand and a tin plate on the floor. He would hold
his hand over the tin plate and let his mind drift towards the twilight phase before sleep. If he
fell asleep, his hand would go limp and the ball bearing would crash onto the tin plate and
wake him up. If he found the answer to his problem, he would go back to work on his
invention, if he solution eluded him, he would repeat the meditative process again.
I found Edison’s meditative process interesting because I can remember many incidences
when I thought of ideas for projects or solutions to problems at work which came to me just
as I was falling asleep. Unfortunately, I would always awake the next morning with the
memory of having a solution but not of the solution itself. Edison’s idea of the ball bearing Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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and tin plate is an excellent one because it ensured that he would be able to use the solutions
conjured up by his creative right brain.
This is one way of getting back in touch with our right brain, particularly if we’ve never had
right brain training before. The next time you find yourself facing a problem to which you
have no solution, give Edison’s meditative approach a go.
After many years of experimentation QSR has proven to be a highly effective way of
learning. However as we shall see it is not at all limited in its effects to education alone. Let's
now look at some of the results that have been witnessed by those participating in the adults'
training seminars. A business seminar lasting four hours per lesson was held for three days
straight. After it was completed we heard of people's various impressions. These can be
divided into the following categories:
1. Health improvement. 2. The development of precognitive ability. 3. Memory
improvement. 4. Intuition development. 5. Wish fulfillment. 6. Improvement in timing.
7. Concentration. 8. Imaging power. 9. Improvement in human relations and
consideration for others. 10. Feeling of stability. 11. Life changing.
The following data was collected from questionnaires. Although we had some trouble
deciding on which category was suitable here is a sampling of some of the delighted
responses participants provided.
1. Health Improvement: First let's take a look at the improvements in health noted. We have
already seen how with children atopic skin reactions improve after QSR as well as a general
improvement in physical condition and the same kind of effect was also noted by the
adults. Sleeping duration was also shortened. Some were able to sleep very soundly during a
shorter time. One person who had a cold and was coughing a lot used imagery on the train to
stop it. This individual was able to get through the seminar without coughing. Atopy was
cured. Dieting efficacy was greatly improved. Physical condition improved.
2. The development of precognitive ability: We have known up till now through the
experiences of children doing QSR that their precognitive ability awakens but even in the
case of adults the same kind of thing was reported: Realization that there was a
foreknowledge of things about to happen quite a lot. Before going out and thinking that it Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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might be better to stay home and later being caught for speeding. Becoming able to have a
presentiment that was accurate. Being so glad to receive a book from a friend as present days
after seeing an image of one of its pages during meditation. Becoming able to find a book in a
bookstore more quickly. Getting phone calls from people whose faces have come into mind.
Whilst not thinking about anything in particular an image would appear in the mind and
wondering what it could be about, later an incident happens connected to it. A manifestation
in reality of something that was thought up in the mind.
3. Memory improvement: One of the greatest effects of QSR that was also noted amongst
adults was memory improvement and better memorization skills. Easier to remember
numbers. Having very real dreams and being able to remember them vividly after waking up.
Becoming able to learn people's names. Remembering hundreds of favorite scenes and
repeating daily. Three months later a great sense of joy. Daily practice of memorizing phi to
the fourth decimal place and being amazed at how much had been remembered when at one
point it was written down.
4. Intuition development: Without a shadow of a doubt intuition gets better. As the intuition
improves so does the sense of judgement. Better intuition. Improvement of hunches. A
speeding up of reading the emotion behind facial expression. Hitting the right score for the
world cup match and guessing the sales total at a store. Not being able to find something and
remembering where it had been left right after waking up. An increase in intuitive judgment
while talking to people. A feeling of moving in the right direction after paying attention to
flashes of insight.
5. Wish fulfillment: When it comes to wish fulfillment an ability which is akin to
psychokinesis appears. Being able to land a concert ticket that is really hard to obtain.
Beginning to win lotteries more frequently. When a desire to go back to previous
employment arises it seems more likely that such a post is upcoming. Finding something that
was being searched for, getting something that was wished for and realizing that things that
have been consciously envisioned begin to occur. Work is going better. In spite of not doing
any advertising student enrollment at the prep school has begun to increase. The faster speed
of thoughts manifesting in reality. Things go more smoothly and places desired to be visited
and events participated in all work out well. Achievements previously thought unattainable
until now start to happen. Without there being any negative effect on anyone at all a feeling
that things are taking shape joyfully. Using imagery at golf the half course score comes out at Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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39 strokes. The previous best was 45 strokes. At the yearend party raffle the prize most
desired for was actually gotten after firmly believing that this would happen. In the
workplace thinking of a person that you want to do the job with resulted in that person
showing up and conversely when there was an individual that you prefer not to work, with
that person would somehow end up not being part of it. On thinking that it would be better if
so and so did such and such that beginning to happen in fact. Money that had been lent out
was returned. When a cat went astray everybody did a visualization exercise together and
found it. By strong imagery usage the experience of wishes comes true.
6. Improvement in timing: In work as well as in human relationships the importance of
timing is a deciding factor. There have been many people who have experienced this
improvement in timing. Seeing the TV program that was most desired in good time. An
improvement in the timing whereby useful information or books would come across one's
path. Not getting caught at traffic lights whilst driving. Becoming more on time generally.
Becoming more in synch with right timing in all manner of daily life situations. Becoming
more adept at planning things. By being more positive about doing one's job, work just
starting to roll in. A feeling that realizations needed for your growth are happening more
7. Concentration: One of the results of using QSR is that concentration improves. The
ability to concentrate at work unfolds and there is more of a grasp of when one is having a
flash of insight. Book reading speed increases. There is more of an inclination to read and the
volume of books increases. The ability to switch from one mood to another mood speeds up.
8. Imaging power: It has already been acknowledged with the children's situation that QSR
means as a matter of course that there will be a great increase in imaging ability. It becomes
easier for ideas to pop into mind. Being able to hold an event in just the way imagined and
with favorable weather too. The envisioned image is as clear and sharp as a photograph. At
work designs effortlessly come to mind as well as the colors needed. Compared to the past
dreams are clearly remembered. In the workplace good ideas flash into mind much faster than
previously. Artistic appreciation and sensibility become much broader. At work the ability to
see things as a system begins to occur. Becoming able to envision the contents of a book
using QSR in images. By repetition of the residual image training you realize that your own
imaging power is increasing. Becoming able to see colors using imaging. By using imaging at Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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the start of each day before going about one's affairs and then reflecting on the day's events at
the end of the day it is often the case that the images are successful.
9. Improvement in human relations and consideration for others: The heart is enriched,
one becomes capable of consideration for others and because cooperation and harmony are
learned many have commented that human relationships improved. This was especially true
in the case of family relationships which many have reported. As much as possible hoping for
the best for that particular individual becomes the pattern. Not as easily angered as before.
Fewer feelings of haste and more of a sense of composure. Family bonds get that much
stronger. Becoming more kindly disposed to all people especially the family. Beyond
everything else the family atmosphere has become harmonious. The sensation of having
become able to forgive people and having become able to look at human relations from a
broader perspective. Intra family relationships improved. The beginning of a feeling of
change with people usually avoided. An increase in being asked to help out with people.
10. Feeling of ability: A big characteristic here was of also of being aware of your own sense
of stability. This involved stress being eliminated and the beginning of being able to act with
a sense of calm in daily life. Even if a surprising event catches you unaware you realize that
you can go about your business unfazed. Being able to feel relaxed even when serving guests
and seeing an improvement in the way you carry things out. In the workplace there is far less
hesitation and a clear sense of judgment. Finding the ability to see a way out even when in a
difficult situation. A change in the emotions and a feeling of being more genial. Stress
reduction. Even whilst doing image training on a train the mind is at peace. Feelings are
much more composed. There is more emotional tolerance. The ability to think things through
11. Life changing: It is clear then that if such previously noted changes are occurring then
the whole sense of life itself will be greatly altered. The personality gets brighter and every
day becomes enjoyable. You become more able to accept yourself even when negative. The
way of thinking becomes much more positive. You became able to handle things normally
that were previously shocking. Ability to turn a loss into a gain in the way you think and in
the company setting although a problem had arisen it turned into a positive situation.
Decisions become speedier and with no worry associated with them. Actions are carried out
faster. Recently good things seem to be happening and wishes are fulfilled with a sense that
happiness is increasing. The sense of the joy of being alive stronger than previously. There is Vol 6, Issue 4, 2017.
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less mental irritation and people say that your attitude is far less abrasive than before. More
mentally relaxed and a sharpening of the sixth sense. Images of a much brighter future are
felt along with its possibilities and a growing belief in yourself. By clearly imaging an
objective you are now able to tackle it. A feeling that the mind is working more sharply.
2. Prof. Rameshbhai Devrajbhai Chaudhary and Prof. Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen; Yoga: a holistic
way of harmony in life!: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: 2015; 4(4): 1405-
3. Yumiko Tobitani; Quantum Speed Reading: Awakening Your Child's Mind, 2006.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Dhrubo Jyoti Sen; Yoga: a holistic way of harmony in life!
Prof. Rameshbhai Devrajbhai Chaudhary and Prof. Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen; Yoga: a holistic way of harmony in life!: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: 2015; 4(4): 1405-1425.
Quantum Speed Reading: Awakening Your Child's Mind
  • Yumiko Tobitani
Yumiko Tobitani; Quantum Speed Reading: Awakening Your Child's Mind, 2006.