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© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81 72
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81. With 3 figures.
Distinguishing discrete polymorphism from continuous
variation in throat colour of tree lizards, Urosaurus
Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa K1N 6N5, Canada
Received 17 August 2016; revised 6 October 2016; accepted for publication 1 November 2016
Within population colour variation in animals is ubiquitous and can range from discrete polymorphism to continu-
ous variation. Distinguishing discrete polymorphism from continuous variation can be challenging, and this hinders
our ability to test hypotheses about colour variation. We tested whether throat colour variation in the ornate tree
lizard [Urosaurus ornatus (U. ornatus); Baird & Girard, 1852) is discrete or continuous using photographs of 617
individuals from seven study sites in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona, USA. Using principal component analy-
ses on ten colour variables derived from photographs, we found throat colour to be highly repeatable for both males
and females. Cluster analyses suggested that there are different groups of individuals based on their throat colours
in males and in females, but distinguishing between the groups was difficult due to significant overlap in colour.
Therefore, it appears that there is a significant amount of continuous variation in both male and female tree lizard
throat colours. We suggest quantifying trait variation before assuming a colour trait is discrete. By using numerical
descriptors of colour, more information is retained than by using discrete groups. Quantifying individual variation in
colour is important for linking colour with other traits such as reproductive strategy, immune function, and size and
for testing hypotheses about the evolution and maintenance of colour polymorphism.
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: alternative strategies – colour morphs – photograph – reptile.
Within population colour variation is widespread in
animals (Thompson & Moore, 1991; Hill et al., 1994;
Sinervo & Lively, 1996; Blouin-Demers et al., 2013)
and ranges from discrete polymorphism to continu-
ous variation. Discrete colour morphs with correlated
traits, such as behaviour, reproductive tactics, and
body size, have been reported in a wide variety of taxa
(Knapton & Falls, 1983; Sinervo & Lively, 1996; Knapp
et al., 2003; McKinnon & Pierotti, 2010). For exam-
ple, the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae) exhibits
two genetically determined head colour morphs (red
and black) that differ in aggression and in immune
response because the morphs differ in their endocrine
responses and in their sensitivity to conspecific den-
sity (Pryke et al., 2007). Other colour traits vary con-
tinuously between individuals of a population (Hill
& Montgomerie, 1994; Salvador et al., 1996; Weiss,
2006). For instance, female striped plateau lizards
(Sceloporus virgatus) display significant variation in
the size and intensity of their orange throat patch,
and patch size and colour are correlated with clutch
size and parasite load (Weiss, 2006). The cause and
evolutionary maintenance of colour variation between
individuals of a population have long been of inter-
est to ecologists and evolutionary biologists (Sinervo,
Bleay & Adamopoulou, 2001; Roulin, 2004; Gray &
McKinnon, 2007).
Interindividual colour variation can be under genetic
control, environmental control, or a combination of
both (Gray & McKinnon, 2007; Hubbard et al., 2010).
Discrete colour polymorphism is the presence of at
least two genetically determined colour morphs within
a population (Ford, 1945). Multiple colour morphs are a
source of genetic diversity in populations, and can have
several ecological consequences, including decreased
intraspecific competition (Smith & Skulason, 1996),
increased abundance, and increased resilience to
extinction (Forsman et al., 2008). Continuous colour
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
variation between individuals can be under genetic
control. For example, plumage colour in tawny owls
(Strix aluco) is highly heritable, ranges from grey to
reddish brown, and has adaptive value (Brommer,
Ahola & Karstinen, 2005). Continuous colour variation
between individuals can also be under environmental
control, in which case colour could indicate between-
individual differences that are correlated with fitness
(Wilson & Nussey, 2010). For example, male house
finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) plumage brightness
signals nutritional status because brightness is a func-
tion of diet-derived carotenoids deposited in feathers
(Hill & Montgomerie, 1994; Hill et al., 1994). In sev-
eral other species, colour patch size and intensity are
correlated with body condition, clutch size, and immu-
nocompetence (Weiss, 2006). Colour patches may thus
provide honest signals of individual quality (McGraw
& Ardia, 2003).
For many species that display variation in colour, it
is unclear whether the colour trait is discrete or con-
tinuous. This is a serious shortcoming because test-
ing hypotheses about how other phenotypic traits are
related to colour, and about how colour variation is
maintained evolutionarily, requires knowing whether
the trait is constrained to a finite number of unordered
values (discrete) or whether it is continuous (Roulin,
2004; Cote et al., 2008). In instances where colour is a
true discrete polymorphism, an individual’s genotype
can be inferred from its phenotype (Sinervo, Svensson
& Comendant, 2000; Sinervo et al., 2001; Corl et al.,
2010). In instances where colour is a continuous trait
and in instances where colour is under environmental
control, however, an individual’s genotype cannot be
inferred from its phenotype (Cote et al., 2008). Several
mechanisms, such as frequency-dependent selection,
assortative mating, or disassortative mating, can
explain the evolutionary maintenance of discrete col-
our polymorphism (Gray & McKinnon, 2007). If indi-
viduals cannot be assigned reliably to a genotype based
on their phenotype, then these alternate mechanisms
cannot be tested without genetic data. The mainte-
nance of continuous colour variation often depends on
sexual selection or on variation in resources and the
traits related to resource acquisition (Salvador et al.,
1996). Testing whether colour variation is discrete
or continuous can inform whether individuals can be
accurately assigned a genotype based on their pheno-
type, and can help identify possible mechanisms that
maintain colour variation. A more complete under-
standing of the genes associated with colour polymor-
phism requires data from breeding experiments to
measure heritability and genome wide associations.
There are methodological challenges associated with
quantifying colour variation and with distinguishing
discrete from continuous variation. There are cases
where colour polymorphism was deemed discrete and
where phenotype was used to infer genotype (Vercken
et al., 2007; Vercken, Sinervo & Clobert, 2008) that
were later deemed to represent continuous colour vari-
ation (Cote et al., 2008). Colour is usually measured in
one of three ways: qualitative scoring by researchers
(Carpenter, 1995; Hews et al., 1997; Corl et al., 2010),
spectrophotometry (Cogliati, Corkum & Doucet, 2010;
Lattanzio, Metro & Miles, 2014), or analysis of photo-
graphs (Stevens et al., 2007; Teasdale, Stevens & Stuart-
Fox, 2013). Qualitative scoring is useful when there is
a marked discrete polymorphism easily detected with
the human visual range. However, this method is unre-
liable if there are subtle differences between colours or
if there are signals outside the human visual range (for
instance, flowers that reflect ultraviolet light; Chittka
et al., 1994). Spectrophotometry allows colours to be
measured quantitatively and within the spectrum of
wavelengths that the receivers perceive. One of the
criticisms of using spectrophotometry, however, is that
fine-scale transitions between patches of different col-
ours could be missed (Vercken et al., 2008); analyzing
high-quality photographs can overcome this difficulty
by examining differences in colour for each pixel. If
the colour trait of interest reflects wavelengths only
within the human visual range, then analyzing photo-
graphs proves to be an effective method for measuring
colour variation.
Lizards are ideal to quantify colour variation
because their mating and social systems often involve
visual communication (Fleishman et al., 1997), and
many species display marked intra- and inter-popu-
lation variation in colour (Hews et al., 1997; Teasdale
et al., 2013). However, lizards may vary continuously
in wavelength reflected, or they may occur in discrete
morphs as a result of different alleles in a single
gene or in a group of tightly linked genes (Sinervo
& Lively, 1996). The ornate tree lizard, U. ornatus,
displays a variety of throat colours that are used in
visual signaling between competitors and between
potential mates (Fig 1). Both males and females
display throat colour variation, which has been
assigned to discrete morphs (Zucker & Boecklen,
1990; Thompson & Moore, 1991; Lattanzio & Miles,
2014), but colour variation has not been quantified
to test this assertion formally. Spectrophotometry
indicated that throat colour patches of U. ornatus do
not reflect significant amounts of light in the ultra-
violet range (Lattanzio et al., 2014). Our objectives
were to develop a method for quantifying individual
variation in lizard throat colour using photographs,
to determine whether colour variation is repeatable,
and to test whether tree lizard throat colour varia-
tion is discrete (as assumed by previous authors) or
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
U. ornatus (317 males and 300 females) were captured
by noose from seven study sites in the Chiricahua
Mountains in southeastern Arizona, USA from May to
August in 2014 and 2015. The study sites were in simi-
lar habitats along riparian corridors and were sepa-
rated by a maximum of 16 km. All work was approved
by the University of Ottawa Animal Care Committee
(protocol BL-2300) and was conducted with scientific
collecting permits from the Arizona Fish and Game
Department (SP674341 and SP713940). We used
a medical cauterizer to give lizards a unique mark
(Ekner et al., 2011), and we photographed their throat
colour patch in the field with a light background at
ambient temperature and lighting conditions (without
a flash) with a Canon Rebel EOS T3 DSLR camera and
a 18–55 mm lens. The lighting and temperature condi-
tions represent the range in which lizards are active
and engage in intraspecific signaling. Based on visual
inspection in the field, male lizards were classified
into discrete throat colour morphs: blue, green, orange,
orange-blue, or orange-green (Fig. 1A–E). Morphs with
two colours had an outer perimeter of orange with a
central patch of either blue or green. Female lizards
were classified as: orange, orange-yellow, white, or yel-
low. Orange-yellow females had an outer perimeter of
orange with a central white patch (Fig. 1F–I).
Linearizing and equaLizing coLour channeLs
To use photographs for the analysis of colour, a digital
camera’s three sensors (corresponding to red, green,
and blue wavelengths) should respond linearly and
equally to increases in light intensity (Stevens et al.,
2007). We tested this by photographing colour cards
with grey standards of varying reflectance (X-Rite
ColorChecker Passport) in the field under the same
lighting conditions as the lizard photographs. We con-
structed linearization equations (Stevens et al., 2007;
Bergman & Beehner, 2008; White et al., 2015) based
on 102 measurements of grey colour cards ranging in
reflectance from 3 to 90%:
* (1)
* (2)
* (3)
Figure 1. Urosaurus ornatus colour morphs from the
Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona, USA categorized into (A)
blue, (B) green, (C) orange, (D) orange-blue, and (E) orange-
green for males, and (F) orange, (G) orange-yellow, (H) yel-
low, and (I) white for females.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of steps to extract the ten
quantitative variables used to analyze photographs of
Urosaurus ornatus throat colour from the Chiricahua
Mountains of Arizona, USA.
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
Where Q is the known reflectance value from the grey
colour standard, a and b are constants (for each cam-
era sensor), and r, g, and b are the pixel scores from the
camera’s three sensors (red, green, and blue). Grey col-
our standards are designed to reflect all wavelengths
equally. The RGB colour scores were extracted from
photographs using the software ImageJ (Schneider,
Rasband & Eliceiri, 2012). Using these data, we fit
equations with the nls function in R (R Core Team,
2015) to estimate a and b for each colour sensor. We
confirmed that linearized pixel scores (Q) of grey col-
our standards were equal in each sensor using paired
t-tests. All photographs of lizards were then linearized
and equalized using eqn. [1–3] before further analyses.
segmentation and quantifying coLour variation
To quantify individual colour variation, we measured
the proportion of the throat of each lizard covered by
each colour and the intensity of colour for two zones of
the patch (Fig. 2). To obtain the proportion of different
colours in lizard throats, we converted linearized pho-
tographs into segmented black-and-white photographs
(Teasdale et al., 2013) that represent the colours dis-
played by our U. ornatus populations. The distinct col-
ours represented in our populations were: blue, green,
orange, yellow, and white. To determine threshold lim-
its for these colours, we used pixel scores from 25 to
35 measurements of each colour from linearized photo-
graphs of lizard throats. Instead of the raw linearized
pixel scores from each sensor, we used the propor-
tion of that sensor’s value relative to the other sen-
sors (Teasdale et al., 2013) to standardize for lighting
intensity [e.g., proportion blue: pb = b/(r + g + b) for
each pixel]. We created a classification tree using the
R package rpart (Therneau et al., 2015) to classify pix-
els into each colour using these proportions. The parti-
tioning was highly accurate at separating pixel colours
(classification error = 2.7%). The splits from this par-
titioning analysis were used to segment each lizard
photo into four black-and-white photos that repre-
sented blue, green, orange, and yellow pixels. The pro-
portion of white was not measured and was assumed
to comprise the remainder of the throat not assigned
to any of the other colours. In each segmented photo,
all pixels were assigned 1 or 0. For example, in the blue
segmented photo all blue pixels were 1, and all others
were 0. Finally, the proportion of a lizard’s throat com-
posed of each colour was determined using the soft-
ware ImageJ (Schneider et al., 2012) by counting the
number of pixels that were 1 for each segmented pho-
tograph and by dividing by the total number of pixels.
We also measured the colour intensity of throat
patches in two zones of 0.25 cm2 for every lizard. The
mean pixel scores of each colour channel (Qr, Qb and
Qg) on linearized photos were measured using ImageJ
at the center of the throat and at the posterior left
side of the throat. These two zones captured variation
in colour expression between individuals. Therefore,
for each lizard photograph, we had ten variables to
describe throat colour: four proportions to describe
the relative size of each colour, three intensity scores
from the center of the throat patch, and three intensity
scores from the periphery of the throat patch.
PrinciPaL comPonent anaLysis of coLour
To derive a composite measure of colour variation, we
conducted a principal component analysis (PCA) on
the variables describing lizard throat colour varia-
tion. For males, we used all ten variables. For females,
we only used eight variables because no individuals
displayed significant blue (maximum 6% of throat) or
green (maximum 11% of throat). Variables were scaled
to have a mean of 0 and an SD of one to account for
uneven variance prior to conducting the PCA.
rePeatabiLity of coLour measurements
To assess repeatability of colour measurements, we
used a subset of photographs of lizards that were
recaptured between 2 weeks and 1 year apart. We
analyzed males (n = 77 lizards) and females (n = 71
lizards) separately because they display different col-
ours. We assessed repeatability of the throat patch col-
our variables with intraclass correlation coefficients
(ICC) that compared within individual variation to
between individual variation (Lessells & Boag, 1987).
Since we had ten colour variables for each photo, we
calculated ICCs using the first two axes of the PCA.
To test whether the assignment of individuals to
morphs was repeatable, we also assigned individuals
to morphs using photographs, unaware of their initial
morph assignment in the field. We compared whether
field and photograph morph assignments were con-
sistent and whether individuals were assigned to the
same morph in the field on their two capture occasions.
is coLour exPression simiLar between sites?
We ensured lizard throat colour variation was similar
at each of the seven study sites. We used ANOVAs with
PC1 and PC2 as dependent variables and colour morph,
site, and the interaction between colour morph and
site as independent variables. If throat colour expres-
sion differed between sites, we predicted there would
be a significant effect of site or an interaction between
site and colour morph on PC1 or PC2. We conducted
separate analyses for males and females because they
differed in the range of colours expressed. For the anal-
ysis of males, we excluded orange individuals (n = 5),
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
green individuals (n = 21), and one study site (n = 8)
because there was inadequate replication to estimate
coefficients. For females, we excluded one study site
(n = 4) because there was inadequate replication to
estimate coefficients.
are the coLour morPhs discrete?
We used linear discriminant function analyses (DFA)
to determine whether the morphs identified in the
field could be distinguished based on quantitative
throat colour variables. Separate DFAs were con-
structed for males (ten colour variables) and females
(eight colour variables) because the morphs assigned
in the field differed by sex. In addition, we also per-
formed support vector machine (SVM) classification
using tuned parameters for cost and gamma (e1071
package; Meyer et al., 2014) to verify whether indi-
viduals could be classified into colour groups. We
again conducted separate analyses for males and
for females. We computed correct classification rates
for DFA and SVM as a measure of how well morphs
identified in the field could be distinguished based
on quantitative throat colour variables. Both SVM
and DFA maximize the distances between group cen-
troids based on a priori groupings, but identifying the
various morphs a priori is subjective. Therefore, we
also conducted cluster analyses on the numerical col-
our variables to identify morphs objectively a poste-
riori. We used the Mclust function (Fraley & Raftery,
2002) to create clusters using normal mixture mod-
els and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to
determine the optimal number of clusters and their
structure with the default models of variance and
covariance (Fraley & Raftery, 2002). The model with
the highest BIC was considered the most supported.
We again conducted separate cluster analyses for
males and females.
PrinciPaL comPonent anaLysis of coLour
For males, the first two components of the PCA
explained 74% of the variance in throat colour
(Fig. 3A). The first component (PC1) had heavy vari-
able loadings for the proportion of the throat that was
blue, and for the pixel scores for the blue sensor (Qb) in
the center and at the periphery of the throat (Table 1).
Therefore, males with more blue in their throats had
higher PC1 scores. The second component (PC2) had
high variable loadings for the proportion of the throat
that was orange, pixel scores for the red sensor (Qr)
in the center and at the periphery of the throat, and
negative loadings for the proportion of the throat that
was green and the pixel scores for the green sensor
(Qg). Therefore, males with low PC2 scores had more
green throats, and males with high PC2 values had
more orange throats (Fig. 3A).
For females, the first two components of the PCA
explained 83% of the variance in throat colour. The
variables with the heaviest loadings for PC1 were
proportion of the throat that was orange and the pixel
scores for the red sensor (Qr) in the center and at the
periphery of the throat (Table 1). The variables with
the heaviest loadings for PC2 were proportion of the
throat that was yellow and the pixel scores for the
green sensor (Qg) in the center and at the periphery
of the throat (Table 1). Generally, females with higher
PC1 scores had more orange throats and females with
higher PC2 scores had more yellow throats (Fig. 3B).
rePeatabiLity of coLour measurements
Repeatability (ICC) estimates were high for princi-
pal components describing colour variation in throat
patches. For males, the estimates were 0.83 and 0.74
for PC1 and PC2, respectively. For females, ICC esti-
mates were 0.65 and 0.76 for PC1 and PC2, respec-
tively. Field and photograph morph assignment was
consistent in 86% (356/413) of cases for males and 77%
(298/388) of cases for females. For males, 89% (49/55)
of the inconsistent cases involved distinguishing blue
from orange-blue individuals. For females, 56% (55/90)
of inconsistent cases involved distinguishing orange-
yellow from orange or yellow. For individuals with at
least two captures, 4% (3/77) of males and 31% (22/71)
of females were classified as a different colour morph
when recaptured. Therefore, colour measurements
from photographs were repeatable between captures
for individual lizards, but categorical morph assign-
ment was not always consistent between field and pho-
tograph assessment, or between captures of the same
individual in the field.
is coLour exPression simiLar between sites?
In males, there was no significant effect of site (F
= 0.671, d.f. = 5, 361, P = 0.646) and no interaction
between site and colour morph (F = 0.543, d.f. = 10,
361, P = 0.859) on PC1. There was no effect of site
(F = 0.610, d.f. = 5, 361, P = 0.693), but there was
a significant interaction between colour morph and
site on PC2 (F = 5.768, d.f. = 10, 361, P < 0.001).
The interaction was driven by two individuals
with orange-green throats at one site. When these
two individuals were removed, the interaction was
no longer significant (F = 1.765, d.f. = 10, 359, P =
0.066). In females, there was a significant effect of
site (F = 6.185, d.f. = 5, 360, P < 0.001) and no sig-
nificant interaction between colour morph and site
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
on PC1 (F = 1.374, d.f. = 15, 360, P = 0.157). The site
effect arose because one site had lower PC1 scores
than the other sites, indicating there may be dif-
ferent frequencies of throat colour morphs between
sites. The non-significant interaction indicates that
throat colour morphs had similar quantitative col-
our expression between sites. There was no signifi-
cant effect of site (F = 1.540, d.f. = 5, 360, P = 0.177)
and no significant interaction between throat colour
morph and site on PC2 (F = 1.374, d.f. = 15, 360, P
= 0.157). Overall, therefore, we believe that throat
patch colours were similar at each site for males and
for females, and that our conclusions drawn from
pooling individuals from different sites are thus
robust to variation between these sites.
are the coLour morPhs discrete?
The DFA for males correctly classified 88% (363/413)
of lizards to their colour morph designation in the
field. The SVM classification (using a cost of 0.5 and
a gamma of 0.125) for males correctly classified 91%
(375/413) of lizards to their colour morph designation
in the field. The morph with the highest misclassifi-
cation rate was orange-green (16% of cases misclassi-
fied with DFA). For the male cluster analysis, the best
Figure 3. Biplot of principal component analyses on throat colour variation in Urosaurus ornatus from the Chiricahua
Mountains of Arizona, USA based on photographs of (A) males (n = 413 captures of 317 individuals), and (B) females
(n = 388 captures of 300 individuals) and coded by their assignment to throat colour morphs in the field.
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
model had three clusters with varying volume, shape,
and orientation (BIC = 5653.29). This model had con-
siderably more support than the best model with two
(BIC = 5314.19) or four clusters (BIC = 5551.21). The
three identified clusters in the best mixture model for
males corresponded to individuals with (1) mostly blue
throats, (2) blue and orange throats, and (3) orange,
orange-green, and green throats (Table 2).
The DFA for females correctly classified 79%
(310/388) of lizards to their colour morph designation
in the field. The SVM classification (using a cost of 1
and a gamma of 0.125) for females correctly classified
82% (318/388) of lizards to their colour morph desig-
nation in the field. For the female cluster analysis,
the best model had four clusters with varying vol-
ume, shape, and orientation (BIC = 4403.73). This
model had more support than the best model with two
(BIC = 4014.55) or three clusters (BIC = 4269.73). The
identified clusters corresponded to individuals with
throats that were (1) very orange, (2) pale orange or
white, (3) orange and yellow, and (4) yellow (Table 2).
Analyzing tree lizard throat colour with photographs
and PCA was very effective at quantifying interin-
dividual variation. Colour was highly repeatable
(ICC > 0.74 for males, > 0.65 for females) between cap-
tures of the same individual. These estimates of colour
repeatability were comparable to those of other spe-
cies, including an agamid lizard (Ctenophorus ornatus;
0.65–0.91) and Green Lizards (Lacerta viridis; 0.89)
using spectrophotometry (LeBas & Marshall, 2000;
Vaclav, Prokop & Fekiac, 2007). The high repeatabil-
ity of throat colour measurements, including captures
more than a year apart, suggests that colour traits are
fixed within individual U. ornatus. Using a numeri-
cal description of colour is objective and captures
more variation between individuals than just morph
assignment. Capturing more subtle variation between
individuals is important for examining genetic and
environmental influences on colour and for testing
hypotheses about how colour is related to other phe-
notypic traits.
The DFA, SVM, and cluster analysis suggested there
are discrete male morphs, but distinguishing them is
difficult due to significant overlap in colour between
morphs. The DFA (88% accurate) and SVM (91%
accurate) were relatively accurate at classifying indi-
viduals into pre-determined morphs, and the cluster
analyses suggested there was more than one morph
(three clusters). However, the three morphs identified
in the cluster analysis of males did not correspond to
pre-determined morphs because one cluster included
most green, orange, and orange-green individuals.
These three morphs may not have been distinguished
because of the limited number of individuals in each
morph. Cluster analyses are less likely to detect
morphs as group size decreases (de Craen et al., 2006).
There were only five individuals in the orange morph,
and these individuals ended up in a cluster with the
other less common morphs (green and orange-green).
Correctly identifying rare morphs with cluster analy-
ses will always be problematic.
Female colour displayed more continuous variation
between individuals than male colour (Fig. 3B). The
cluster analysis for females identified four morphs
Table 2. Cluster assignments of Urosaurus ornatus from
the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona, USA based on the
best normal mixture models of throat colour variation for
males (three clusters; n = 413 captures of 317 individuals)
and females (four clusters; n = 388 captures of 300 individu-
als) compared to their assignment to throat colour morphs
in the field.
Throat colour Cluster
Males Blue 125 0 64 –
Green 0 22 1 –
Orange 0 5 0 –
Orange-blue 83 2 61 –
Orange-green 0 45 5 –
Females Orange 145 27 3 17
Orange-yellow 6 9 1 47
White 0 57 0 3
Yellow 2 4 1 70
Table 1. Variable loadings for the first two components
from principal component analyses on variables describ-
ing throat colour patches for male (n = 413 captures of 317
individuals) and female (n = 388 captures of 300 individu-
als) Urosaurus ornatus from the Chiricahua Mountains of
Arizona, USA.
Variable Males Females
Proportion blue 0.39 0.13 – –
Proportion green –0.30 –0.37 – –
Proportion orange –0.30 0.36 0.85 –
Proportion yellow –0.32 –0.34 – 0.70
Center Qr–0.36 –0.14 0.42 –
Center Qg–0.14 –0.19 –0.30 0.49
Center Qb0.38 0.22 –0.38 –0.28
Periphery Qr–0.34 0.39 0.41 0.18
Periphery Qg0.20 –0.55 –0.24 0.23
Periphery Qb0.36 –0.21 –0.38 –0.32
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
that broadly corresponded to the pre-determined
morphs of orange, orange-yellow, white, and yellow.
However, identifying the boundaries of female morphs
in parameter space was difficult and resulted in a
higher rate of misclassification in the DFA and SVM
classification for females. In the DFA, there was a 21%
misclassification rate overall, but a 52% misclassifica-
tion rate of orange-yellow females that lie in the center
of the parameter space (Fig. 3B). In the SVM, there
was an 18% misclassification rate overall, which dem-
onstrates that continuous variation between morphs
is real and not a consequence of the type of classifica-
tion analysis used to distinguish between morphs. The
relatively high number of females that were classi-
fied into different morphs when they were recaptured
(28%) also suggests that female colour displays sig-
nificant continuous variation, and that distinguishing
between supposedly discrete morphs in the field may
be unreliable.
Throat colour in male U. ornatus is related to several
other phenotypic traits. For example, colour influences
dominance (Carpenter, 1995), trophic niche (Lattanzio,
Miles & Lattanzio, 2016), and home range size (Moore,
Hewst & Knapp, 1998) in other populations. However,
those studies assumed throat colour to be discrete and
have not considered the possibility of continuous vari-
ation in colour. Our data indicate significant continu-
ous variation in several aspects of male throat colour,
including colour intensity and the proportion of the
throat patch of different colours. Therefore, we sug-
gest that predictions about how colour relates to other
traits would best be tested with numerical descrip-
tors rather than with discrete categories. For instance,
because of the known behavioural differences between
individuals with different colours, individuals with
different colours likely occupy different habitats. We
predict that males with more blue (higher PC1) or
green (lower PC2) and less orange should secure home
ranges in better habitats because they are more domi-
nant (Carpenter, 1995).
There is little known about how female tree lizard
throat colour relates to other phenotypic traits. Some
populations of tree lizards are monomorphic for female
throat colour (Zucker & Boecklen, 1990), but at all of
our study sites females varied from white to yellow
and orange. In a related species [Uta stansburiana
(U. stansburiana)], female throat colour is related to
alternative reproductive strategies where morphs
invest in offspring differently and their success fluctu-
ates with density (Sinervo et al., 2000, 2001). Recently,
behavioural trials have shown that orange and yel-
low throated female tree lizards respond differently
to courting males (Lattanzio et al., 2014). However, in
previous studies authors again assumed that colour
was discrete and scored the trait with a small number
of discrete values. The continuous variation between
white, orange, and yellow we observed in the present
study suggests that female U. ornatus throat colour
cannot be reliably assigned to one of a few discrete
Quantifying variation in colour is difficult because it
may represent multiple phenotypic traits. The reflec-
tion of different wavelengths is caused by different cel-
lular mechanisms, so it is possible that different genes
or condition-dependent factors influence them. For
example, blue is typically a structural colour caused
by the scattering of light in iridiophores (Bagnara,
Fernandez & Fujii, 2007), while orange and yellow
are usually from carotenoid or pteridine pigments in
xanthophores (Evans & Sheldon, 2014), and green
is caused by a combination of cells that scatter light
and contain yellow pigment (Bagnara et al., 2007).
Typically, carotenoid pigments are acquired through
the diet and are thus influenced by the environment
(Hill et al., 1994), while pteridine pigments can be syn-
thesized and expression is thus not influenced by diet
(Hurst, 1980). Although the cellular basis of throat col-
our has not been examined in Urosaurus, both pteri-
dines and carotenoids have been found in the throat
colour patches of U. stansburiana, a closely related
species (Haisten et al., 2015). In addition, colour may
vary continuously in one aspect, such as the proportion
of blue on the throat, but vary discretely in another
aspect, such as the presence of green. Considering the
various mechanisms underlying colour expression,
we expect continuous variation in colour to be com-
mon. Therefore, we suspect that quantifying different
aspects of coloration as we did here will represent real-
ity better than classification in a few discrete colour
morphs, and will thus allow better tests of the various
hypotheses that have been proposed as explanations
of the presence and of the evolutionary maintenance of
colour polymorphisms.
There are several promising lines of research to
uncover the underlying causes of colour expression in
U. ornatus and other lizards. First, genetic data from
individual lizards could be used to test whether there
is a link with colour expression, ideally using nuclear
markers. Second, experimental crosses of different
colour phenotypes, and in which the parental and
offspring throat colours are measured quantitatively,
could be used to determine the heritability of the col-
our traits. Finally, histological sections of throat colour
patches could be used to determine which aspects of
colour are structural and which aspects are derived
from the environment.
We used photographs to demonstrate that both male
and female U. ornatus exhibit significant interindivid-
ual variation in throat colour that is not easily catego-
rized into discrete morphs. Our cluster analyses suggest
there could be discrete throat colour morphs in this spe-
cies, but that their parameter boundaries are not easily
© 2017 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 121, 72–81
distinguished due to significant within morph varia-
tion in throat colour. Heritability estimates and genetic
mapping would provide additional evidence of whether
throat colour in tree lizards represents a discrete poly-
morphism or a continuous trait. Using PCA to summa-
rize colour expression can be used to test how colour
is related to other traits without having to collapse
interindividual variation into a few discrete morphs.
Considering the suite of factors that influence colour
expression, it seems unlikely that a single gene (or a
few tightly linked genes) is the only influence on colour
expression. It appears more likely that there is signifi-
cant continuous variation between individuals caused
by some combination of genetic and environmental fac-
tors. We encourage researchers to quantify formally
interindividual variation in colour expression before
assuming that it represents a discrete trait.
We would like to thank Valérie Bertrand, Lucy
Patterson, Dariya Quenneville, and Hannah Watkins
for assisting with data collection. This manuscript was
improved by the constructive comments provided by
three anonymous reviewers. We are grateful for logis-
tical support provided by the Southwestern Research
Station (American Museum of Natural History).
This research was funded by a Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
grant to G.B.D. and an NSERC scholarship to J.E.P.
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