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The Interdependent Part of Cloud Computing:Dew Computing


Abstract and Figures

Consumers educe umpteen advantages by placing private data enclosed by cloud computing utilities, although the hindrance of keeping data in such kind of services is unavailability of consumers own data in absence of Internet connection. To figure out this enigma in an effective and excellent manner, new computing that is independent as well as collaborative with the cloud computing is emerged denoted as Dew computing. The dew computing is revealed and realized as a fresh layer in the current distributed computing hierarchy. Dew computing is placed as the base level for the Fog and Cloud computing archetypes. Hierarchical and interdependent separation from Cloud to Dew Computing satisfies the necessity of low and high end computing demands in day to day life. These new computing paradigms diminish the expense and enhance the execution especially for ideas like Internet of Everything (IoE) and the Internet of Things (IoT).This paper presents basic concepts as well as cloud-dew architecture with working flow of dew computing,the correlation among Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, and Dew Computing along with comparison among all these paradigms.
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The Interdependent Part of Cloud Computing: Dew
Hiral M. Patel1*, Rupal R. Chaudhari1, Kinjal R. Prajapati1, Ami A. Patel1
1 Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar, India,,,
Abstract. Consumers educe umpteen advantages by placing private data en-
closed by cloud computing utilities, although the hindrance of keeping data in
such kind of services is unavailability of consumers own data in absence of In-
ternet connection. To figure out this enigma in an effective and excellent man-
ner, new computing that is independent as well as collaborative with the cloud
computing is emerged denoted as Dew computing. The Dew computing is re-
vealed and realized as a fresh layer in the current distributed computing hierar-
chy. Dew computing is placed as the base level for the Fog and Cloud compu-
ting archetypes. Hierarchical and interdependent separation from Cloud to Dew
Computing satisfies the necessity of low and high end computing demands in
day to day life. These new computing paradigms diminish the expense and en-
hance the execution especially for ideas like Internet of Everything (IoE) and
the Internet of Things (IoT).This paper presents basic concepts as well as cloud-
dew architecture with working flow of dew computing, the correlation among
Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, and Dew Computing along with compari-
son among all these paradigms.
Keywords: Dew Computing, Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, IoT.
1 Introduction
The way to store and retrieve personal as well as commercial information has been
totally refined due to enormous innovations in today’s world. With fast growth of
Internet, users can access their data anywhere in the world without carrying the data
on physical devices. In early 2000, the new notion was introduced titled as “Cloud
Computing”, which is the technology of storing and accessing data as well as applica-
tions over an Internet network. Cloud computing uses network of shared large pools
of systems, resources and servers. With the concept of pay on use, cloud computing
architecture allows the client to procure services at different level of abstraction such
as Platform as a Service, Software as a Service and Information as a Service, depend-
ing upon their requirements [1]. It gives users the freedom from location bounding as
users can access services everywhere with the help of availability of Internet and a
standard web browser; allow working on a single project from multiple Geo-
distributed workplaces.
Today's tech-savvy world is brimful of electronic gadgets, sensors, robots, ma-
chines ,appliances, equipments and actuators which all are smart objects programmed
to carry out functions mainly as stand apart devices and are interconnected through
either wired or wireless links to form a one universal network which is known as into
the Internet of Things[2].
Registration to cloud provides the privilege of accessing data from service provid-
ers in any part of world, but this ease come up with the hazards of security as well as
privacy. This provokes the idea of intercept concentrating on cloud and initiate unrav-
eling how to store and operate the spurt of data that is being yielded by IoT .IoT de-
mands mobility support, broad range of Geo-distribution, location awareness as well
as low latency qualities. Thus, the Internet of Things wields an augmented configura-
tion of Cloud Computing designated as Fog Computing. Fog Computing is an articu-
lation between the powerful Cloud Computing and the network of incalculable smart
devices. Whereas the Cloud Computing accredit its client computers by sharing re-
sources for computing and data storage located in the server at a remote data center
known as Cloud, Whereas the fog computing provides resources to the networked
clients by proximate to the source of the data. The whole system using Cloud and Fog
Computing for Internet of People and Internet of Things is known as Internet of Eve-
As we know, Cloud and fog computing requires Internet connection. The evident
detriment of keeping data using the Cloud utility is forfeiting access in the absence of
Internet connection. Because all resources are far from user’s premises and out from
user’s control, if an Internet connection is lost, the user will not be able to access the
user’s own data. To eliminate this problem one more new concept comes into picture
known as “Dew computing” [3].
1.1 What is Dew Computing?
Dew Computing is a prototype whose objective is to wholly grasp the abilities of
personal computers as well as cloud services. In such kind of archetype, organization
of software on a personal computer is based on the Cloud-dew Architecture which
offers lavish utilities independent and collaborates with cloud services. Dew Compu-
ting is the future direction of on-premises computer applications [4].
Dew computing is method where the on-premises computer provides utilities
which are independent and also collaborative with cloud services. The goal of Dew
computing is to fully realize potential of on-premise computer and cloud services[5,
The independence feature encourages using on- premises resources as far as possi-
ble before sending requests to cloud services to fully understand the power of on-
premises computers[5].Meaning of Collaboration is exchange of information with
cloud services automatically during dew computing application's operation. Collabo-
ration may involves synchronization, correlation, or any other type of inter operations.
The collaboration feature realizes the potentials of cloud services by promoting the
use of cloud services together with on-premises computers. Independence suggests
inherently distributed nature of application whereas collaboration suggests inherently
connected nature of dew computing application [5].
1.2 The Correlation amidst Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, and Dew
Like, a cloud is far away from ground, fog is closer to the ground and dew is on the
ground, cloud computing is remote, fog computing is at the neighborhood of users
and dew computing is at the user end itself. Figure 1 shows the pictorial view of
cloud, fog and dew computing.
Fig. 1. Pictorial View of Cloud, Fog and Dew Computing [7]
2 Cloud-Dew Architecture
The task of making synchronization between data on cloud and local computer is very
trivial in case of complex data. In [8] author's architecture follows the conventions of
Cloud architecture, in addition to Cloud servers, there are dew servers which are situ-
ated on the native system and act as a buffer between the local user and the Cloud
servers, also abstain the enigma of data becoming out of synchronization. This dew
server would essentially host scaled-down variants of websites, full of per-
downloaded contents, which the user could access without Internet connection [9].
The major two functions performed by dew server and its related databases are:
providing the client services same as services provided by the Cloud server and an-
other is, maintaining synchronization between databases of dew server and cloud
server. Cloud-dew architecture is an extension of the client- server architecture [10].
This architecture is represented in Figure 2. A dew server has the following features
1. A dew server is a light weight web server, which is able to serve only one user.
2. A dew server can store only user’s data because a dew server is very small like a
drop of dew while a cloud server is very big like a real cloud.
3. A dew server is week as real drop of dew because a dew server's data vanishes eas-
ily due to hardware failure, infection of virus etc.
4. Because cloud can provide all the necessities, after disappearance dew will come
out again, similarly vanished dew server can be entertained once again because of
copy of all dew server data in the cloud servers.
5. A dew server is running on the local computer, so it is available with or without an
Internet connection.
This architecture can furthermore be employed to make available websites off line.
Suchlike system can diminish the overhead of Internet data for an organization having
weak Internet connectivity. Many functions like displaying files or images, playing
audio or video would be possible without Internet connection but provided that data
had been synchronized to the "dew site" from the web over the last connection inter-
Fig. 2. Cloud-dew architecture [8]
3 Existing Architecture Analysis
We found that only few authors have worked on concept of Dew computing, so first
let us clear what existing scheme is. In existing cloud-dew architecture, two kinds of
URLs are considered: regular URL such as and local URL such
as On user's local computer the website is hosted, which is
known as “dew site”. Here mmm can be used to indicate dew site whereas www is
used to indicate website. All names of the dew sites that user wants on his dew server
must be placed in the host file ,which is available in almost all operating system and
maps host names to IP addresses .A dew server can be accessed with the help of local
host. When a user enters URL in the navigation bar of the browser, if a URL is corre-
spond to a website then browser follows the steps to map the domain name to the IP
address using DNS server and display website content and if a URL is correspond to a
dew site then dew server check the existence of domain name in host file. If host file
does not contain requested domain name then dew server will send request for script
and database of requested website to the remote domain (cloud server).when the re
requested is approved by remote domain then script and database of website will be
integrated in dew server. Then local URL will be mapped to the local-host. Dew serv-
er will then find target host name by using environmental variable. The URL request
will be then redirected to the corresponding dew site script. User will then perform
operation on dew site [8].Synchronization with cloud server will started on the availa-
bility of the Internet connection. Now, to perform synchronization between content of
dew site and website, user have to logged into website .Once the user logged into
website, after doing internally mapping of user id of dew site and user id of website, a
link is created between user on dew site with website and synchronization will be
started automatically [8].Through Figure 3 given below, we speculate the steps de-
scribe above of dew computing process.
Fig. 3. Dew computing Process Flow
4 Our Contribution
In Section 4.1 we are trying to do basic analysis of currently available distributed
computing paradigms based on general parameters in Table 1,based on location based
parameters in Table 2 and networked based parameters in Table 3.Section 4.2 con-
tains Table 4,which includes comparative exploration of Cloud, Fog and Dew Com-
4.1 Basic Analysis
Table 1. Analysis based on general parameters
Cloud Computing
Fog Computing
Dew Computing
Providing services
On demand
Make IoT more
To achieve the
potentiality of
personal com-
puters and cloud
Providing scalable
and measured
resources on de-
mand using Inter-
net technologies
Proximity to end
user, Dense geo-
graphical distri-
bution, mobility
Productive as
well as cloud
friendly coopera-
tive services to
Amount of
Data Handle
Devices Used
High Configured
chips, disks,
network devices)
Database used
Huge sized
Large Sized
Middle sized
Support IoE?
Fault Tolerant
Table 2. Analysis based on Location parameters
Cloud Computing
Fog Computing
Dew Computing
Location of
At proximity
of user/On
edge of
Right at user
end/On same
during Data
Not available
No need of
Between cli-
ent and server
Numerous hops
One hop
On same machine
Table 3. Analysis based on Network Parameters
Cloud Computing
Fog Computing
Dew Computing
Not proposed for
IoT, but used in
organizing IoT
Very Low
Not Present
High Probability
Very Low
Very Low
4.2 Comparative Exploration of Cloud, Fog and Dew Computing
Table 4. Comparative Exploration of Cloud,Fog and Dew Computing
Cloud Computing
Fog Computing
Dew Computing
Processing of data ap-
plications is time con-
suming because of
working from central-
ized cloud.
Because of processing
of data is done on the
network edge, less
time is required in
Dew works off line, but
When Internet is availa-
ble, data and applications
are updated on the cloud.
So it is very fast in pro-
Each bit of data is send
to the centralized cloud
which causes band-
width problems
Relatively less num-
ber of bandwidth
problem, as every bit
of data is collected at
some access point,
instead of sending
over cloud.
No bandwidth is required
in collection of data but
when network is availa-
ble, synchronization of
data and applications
done on cloud channel.
Slow response time and
scalability problems as
a Result of depending
servers that are located
at remote places.
It is possible to solve
response time and
scalability issue by
placing tiny servers
known as edge server
in proximity of user
Good response time and
no scalability problem.
It is widely used in the
business community to
fulfill high computing
demands on low cost
using utility pricing
It is preferable for
batch processing jobs
adopted by business
It is used in everyday life.
For example, integrated
traffic control system of a
town, which enable auto-
adaptive traffic control
behavior [10].
4.3 Technical Challenges of Dew computing
As far as our knowledge is concerned, we are the one among the others to provide
various future issues and challenges which may become obstacles for the adoption of
dew computing and may also become new research direction. Here we list out the
1. Although dew computing will provide to user some services off line, the time
for which it will be in incompatible state with the cloud is also one of the im-
portant concern. Intricacy of compatible matters will expand integrally with in-
creasing number of users.
2. For synchronization of data on local computer with cloud services, local ma-
chine have to run all the time, which consume too much energy.
3. It is required to design OS which implements and manages the collaborate
Feature of dew computing.
4. When more than one dew sites are created on a single dew server running on a
local computer, there may be chances of conflicts for usage of available ports
and other resources between dew sites, so it will raise the requirement for the
development of new communication protocol transferring data between dew
sites and remote cloud servers.
5. It is not safe to store user credentials in database of dew server running on local
computer, because there may be chances of accessing database of dew server by
using some malicious software running on local computer. So, Database securi-
ty is also one of the major concerns.
6. Dew site developer becomes bounded to use set of platforms and databases that
are only dew capable. So that it does not allow much freedom in developing
dew site. This leads to find the solution of developing dew site independent of
platform and database.
7. As time goes on, dew server will download more and more data which eventual-
ly cause available storage out of run, so there must be requirement of develop-
ing mechanism for replacement of downloaded content.
8. As dew servers must have to synchronize with cloud server periodically, hence
there may be chances of out of synchronization related issues.
5 Conclusion
Dew Computing is grounded on a micro service idea in vertically distributed compu-
ting classification. The ability to provide a web-surfing experience without an Internet
connection is the realization of the distributed systems. This paper includes various
fundamentals of new concept of dew computing along with comparative exploration
of cloud computing, fog computing and dew computing, which can be used to under-
stand strengths, limitations as well as applications of these paradigms. We have also
discussed about various future issues and challenges which may become obstacles for
the adoption of dew computing and which may also provide new direction of re-
search. In summary, we can conclude that dew computing is closely connected to
cloud computing. Dew computing which is supportive in perceiving the vigor of
cloud computing is not isolated from cloud computing, but it is the interdependent
part of cloud computing. Without cloud computing, dew computing would not be
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2. M. Abdelshkour (2015) IoT, from Cloud to Fog Computing. Cisco Blog. cloud-to-fog-computing.
3. D.Bradley (2016) Dew helps ground cloud services. Science Spot.
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5. Yingwei Wang (2016) Definition and Categorization of Dew Computing. In: Open Journal
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6. Y. Wang (2015). The Initial Definition of Dew Computing. Dew Computing Research. compu-
7. Comparison of Cloud and Fog Computing.
8. Yingwei Wang (2015) Cloud-dew architecture. Int. J. Cloud Computing,vol.4, issue 3,pp
9. David Edward Fisher, Shuhui Yang (2016) Doing More with the Dew: A New Approach to
Cloud-Dew Architecture. In: Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC),vol.3 ,issue 1
10. Karolj Skala, Davor Davidovi, Enis Afgan, Ivan Sovi, Zorislav Sojat (2015) Scalable Dis-
tributed Computing Hierarchy: Cloud, Fog and Dew Computing. In: Open Journal of Cloud
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11. Yingwei Wang(2015) Cloud-dew architecture: realizing the potential of distributed database
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Full-text available
Dew computing is an emerging new research area and has great potentials in applications. In this paper, we propose a revised definition of dew computing. The new definition is: Dew computing is an on-premises computer software-hardware organization paradigm in the cloud computing environment where the on-premises computer provides functionality that is independent of cloud services and is also collaborative with cloud services. The goal of dew computing is to fully realize the potentials of on-premises computers and cloud services. This definition emphasizes two key features of dew computing: independence and collaboration. Furthermore, we propose a group of dew computing categories. These categories may inspire new applications. The full text of this article can be obtained in the following URL:
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The paper considers the conceptual approach for organization of the vertical hierarchical links between the scalable distributed computing paradigms: Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and Dew Computing. In this paper, the Dew Computing is described and recognized as a new structural layer in the existing distributed computing hierarchy. In the existing computing hierarchy, the Dew computing is positioned as the ground level for the Cloud and Fog computing paradigms. Vertical, complementary, hierarchical division from Cloud to Dew Computing satisfies the needs of high- and low-end computing demands in everyday life and work. These new computing paradigms lower the cost and improve the performance, particularly for concepts and applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE). In addition, the Dew computing paradigm will require new programming models that will efficiently reduce the complexity and improve the productivity and usability of scalable distributed computing, following the principles of High-Productivity computing.
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The paper considers the conceptual approach for organization of the vertical hierarchical links between the scalable distributed computing paradigms: Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and Dew Computing. In this paper, the Dew Computing is described and recognized as a new structural layer in the existing distributed computing hierarchy. In the existing computing hierarchy, the Dew computing is positioned as the ground level for the Cloud and Fog computing paradigms. Vertical, complementary, hierarchical division from Cloud to Dew Computing satisfies the needs of high-and low-end computing demands in everyday life and work. These new computing paradigms lower the cost and improve the performance, particularly for concepts and applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE). In addition, the Dew computing paradigm will require new programming models that will efficiently reduce the complexity and improve the productivity and usability of scalable distributed computing, following the principles of High-Productivity computing.
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Users derive many benefits by storing personal data in cloud computing services; however the drawback of storing data in these services is that the user cannot access his/her own data when an internet connection is not available. To solve this problem in an efficient and elegant way, we propose the cloud-dew architecture. Cloud-dew architecture is an extension of the client-server architecture. In the extension, servers are further classified into cloud servers and dew servers. The dew servers are web servers that reside on user’s local computers and have a pluggable structure so that scripts and databases of websites can be installed easily. The cloud-dew architecture not only makes the personal data stored in the cloud continuously accessible by the user, but also enables a new application: web-surfing without an internet connection. An experimental system is presented to demonstrate the ideas of the cloud-dew architecture.
Dew helps ground cloud services
  • D Bradley
D.Bradley (2016) Dew helps ground cloud services. Science Spot.
The Initial Definition of Dew Computing
  • Y Wang
Y. Wang (2015). The Initial Definition of Dew Computing. Dew Computing Research. computing/
Doing More with the Dew:A New Approach to Cloud-Dew Architecture
  • David Edward Fisher
  • Shuhui Yang
David Edward Fisher,Shuhui Yang,Doing More with the Dew:A New Approach to Cloud-Dew Architecture. Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC),vol.3,Issue 1(2016)
Cloud-dew architecture: realizing the potential of distributed database systems in unreliable networks
  • Yingwei Wang
Yingwei Wang,Cloud-dew architecture: realizing the potential of distributed database systems in unreliable networks.In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), pp. 85--89 (2015)