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Abstract and Figures

The vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy is characterised by musculoskeletal pain and recent epidemiological evidence has indicated an association between suboptimal vitamin C status and spinal pain. Furthermore, accumulating evidence indicates that vitamin C administration can exhibit analgesic properties in some clinical conditions. The prevalence of hypovitaminosis C and vitamin C deficiency is high in various patient groups, such as surgical/trauma, infectious diseases and cancer patients. A number of recent clinical studies have shown that vitamin C administration to patients with chronic regional pain syndrome decreases their symptoms. Acute herpetic and post-herpetic neuralgia is also diminished with high dose vitamin C administration. Furthermore, cancer-related pain is decreased with high dose vitamin C, contributing to enhanced patient quality of life. A number of mechanisms have been proposed for vitamin C’s analgesic properties. Herein we propose a novel analgesic mechanism for vitamin C; as a cofactor for the biosynthesis of amidated opioid peptides. It is well established that vitamin C participates in the amidation of peptides, through acting as a cofactor for peptidyl-glycine α-amidating monooxygenase, the only enzyme known to amidate the carboxy terminal residue of neuropeptides and peptide hormones. Support for our proposed mechanism comes from studies which show a decreased requirement for opioid analgesics in surgical and cancer patients administered high dose vitamin C. Overall, vitamin C appears to be a safe and effective adjunctive therapy for acute and chronic pain relief in specific patient groups.
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
DOI 10.1186/s12967-017-1179-7
The role ofvitamin C inthe treatment
ofpain: new insights
Anitra C. Carr1* and Cate McCall2
The vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy is characterised by musculoskeletal pain and recent epidemiological evi-
dence has indicated an association between suboptimal vitamin C status and spinal pain. Furthermore, accumulating
evidence indicates that vitamin C administration can exhibit analgesic properties in some clinical conditions. The
prevalence of hypovitaminosis C and vitamin C deficiency is high in various patient groups, such as surgical/trauma,
infectious diseases and cancer patients. A number of recent clinical studies have shown that vitamin C administration
to patients with chronic regional pain syndrome decreases their symptoms. Acute herpetic and post-herpetic neu-
ralgia is also diminished with high dose vitamin C administration. Furthermore, cancer-related pain is decreased with
high dose vitamin C, contributing to enhanced patient quality of life. A number of mechanisms have been proposed
for vitamin C’s analgesic properties. Herein we propose a novel analgesic mechanism for vitamin C; as a cofactor for
the biosynthesis of amidated opioid peptides. It is well established that vitamin C participates in the amidation of
peptides, through acting as a cofactor for peptidyl-glycine α-amidating monooxygenase, the only enzyme known to
amidate the carboxy terminal residue of neuropeptides and peptide hormones. Support for our proposed mecha-
nism comes from studies which show a decreased requirement for opioid analgesics in surgical and cancer patients
administered high dose vitamin C. Overall, vitamin C appears to be a safe and effective adjunctive therapy for acute
and chronic pain relief in specific patient groups.
Keywords: Vitamin C, Chronic regional pain syndrome, Post-herpetic neuralgia, Cancer quality of life,
Opioid requirements
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Pain is defined as ‘an unpleasant sensory and emotional
experience associated with actual or potential tissue
damage, or described in terms of such damage’ [1]. e
taxonomy of pain has developed through the work of
the International Association for the Study of Pain and
encompasses broad classifications that relate to the aeti-
ology of pain, such as nociceptive (pain in response to
injury) and neuropathic (nerve pain or pain in response
to nerve damage), as well as particular pain features, such
as allodynia (increased sensitization of neurons) and
hyperalgesia (increased sensitivity to pain). Time course
influences, such as chronic and acute, are also taken into
consideration. e principal organ of pain is the brain.
Noxious stimuli, once transduced, are conducted as noci-
ceptive signals to the central nervous system via the spi-
nal cord and ascend to the higher centres. It is here that
the experience of pain is perceived and experienced in a
complex and dynamic interaction between cerebral areas
both sophisticated and primal. Pain is a transdiagnostic
symptom and while somatic pathology plays a role in
activating pain pathways, psychosocial, cultural and envi-
ronmental factors influence the experience of pain over
time [2].
In the absence of empirical evidence to validate the
presence of pain measurement relies largely on elicit-
ing the experience of the patient through self-report. It
is understood that pain is an individual and subjective
experience and may or may not be associated with evi-
dent tissue damage or disease. Furthermore, there are
many influencing factors, such as mental state (both
Open Access
Journal of
Translational Medicine
1 Department of Pathology, University of Otago, Christchurch,
PO Box 4345, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
organic and psychological), coping strategies, social/cul-
tural context, experience, and co-symptoms. e patient
self-report can be validated using multiple outcome
measurement tools designed to capture the complexity of
the pain experience, for example, the visual analogue and
numerical pain rating scales [3], the McGill pain ques-
tionnaire [4], and the Brief Pain Inventory [5].
Recent epidemiological evidence has indicated an
association between spinal pain and suboptimal vitamin
C status [6]. Musculoskeletal pain is also a symptom of
the vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy [7]. Further-
more, accumulating evidence indicates that vitamin C
administration can exhibit analgesic properties in some
clinical conditions. In this review we focus on human
studies investigating the role of vitamin C in orthope-
dic, virus-associated, cancer-related, and post-surgical
pain. Preclinical models of pain are not always directly
comparable to clinical scenarios of pain [8]. Neverthe-
less, we discuss some preclinical studies, although these
have been carried out in animals that can synthesise their
own vitamin C and, as such, are not ideal models for the
human vitamin C-requiring situation. Vitamin C has a
number of important functions in the body, primarily
through acting as a cofactor for a family of biosynthetic
and regulatory metallo-enzymes. ese functions include
synthesis of neurotransmitters and peptide hormones,
and regulation of transcription factors and gene expres-
sion [9, 10]. We cover the potential analgesic mechanisms
of vitamin C and propose a novel analgesic mechanism
involving the biosynthesis of amidated opioid peptides.
We also discuss study limitations, highlighting the need
for an improved understanding of the pharmacokinetics
of oral and intravenous vitamin C in future studies.
Vitamin C deciency andpain
Pain is a symptom of the vitamin C deficiency disease
scurvy, presenting primarily within the musculoskeletal
system as arthralgia in the knees, ankles and wrists, as
well as myalgia [7, 11]. Children in particular suffer from
severe lower limb pain, as evidenced by numerous case
reports in the literature [1216]. ere have also been
reports of adults and the elderly experiencing musculo-
skeletal pain due to severe vitamin C deficiency [17, 18].
Scurvy-related pain appears to be primarily due to bleed-
ing into the musculoskeletal tissues, which can become so
debilitating that patients are unable to walk [7]. Bleeding
into the muscles and other soft tissues results in swelling
and tenderness in the affected area, whilst bleeding into
the hip, knee and ankle joints results in hemarthroses,
and bleeding into the periosteum results in severe bone
pain. Pain due to vitamin C deficiency can be completely
resolved within a week or two following supplementation
with intakes of vitamin C that will eventually result in
plasma saturation (i.e.200mg/day, see examples cited
in [12]).
It is interesting to note that Duggan etal. reported that
a child’s painful scurvy symptoms began after an upper
respiratory infection and that “possibly the increased
metabolic needs associated with this infection unmasked
a subclinical vitamin C deficiency [14].” Khalid also
reported three cases of children suffering from respira-
tory infections or gastrointestinal dysfunction who con-
currently developed painful swellings of their joints [16].
e author stated that “scurvy occurred as a result of
their increased requirement of vitamin C due to stress of
illness combined with poor dietary intake. It is therefore
recommended that during illness one should be careful
about the intake of vitamin C, keeping in mind that acute
illness rapidly depletes stores of ascorbic acid. ose
already malnourished are more prone to this develop-
ment [14].” Similarly, others have reported painful scurvy
symptoms following confirmed or suspected respiratory
infection [18, 19], stating that “sepsis of either digestive
or pulmonary origin, leading to sustained metabolic
demand, might have acted as a precipitating factor [18].
As such, it is possible that other hospital-associated pain
may be partly due to vitamin C deficiency, which is rela-
tively prevalent in hospital settings [2023].
Vitamin C deciency andenhanced requirements
Vitamin C deficiency (defined as plasma vitamin C con-
centrations<11µmol/L) is relatively rare in the general
population of developed countries, with a prevalence
of 6% reported in the United States [24]. However, vita-
min C deficiency and scurvy has been reported to occur
in elderly hospitalized patients [25, 26], critically ill
patients [18, 27, 28], and cancer patients [29]. Hospital-
ized patients, in general, are more likely to present with
hypovitaminosis C (defined as plasma vitamin C concen-
trations<23µmol/L), and a higher proportion of hospi-
tal patients exhibit deficiency compared with the general
population [20, 21]. Trauma and surgery are known to
significantly deplete vitamin C concentrations [22], and
patients with severe infections and sepsis also have sig-
nificant depletion of vitamin C [23]. Cancer patients typi-
cally have lower vitamin C status than healthy controls
[30, 31], with a large proportion of them presenting with
hypovitaminosis C and outright deficiency [32].
It is interesting to note that animals, which can syn-
thesise their own vitamin C, will increase their synthe-
sis of the vitamin if they become stressed, are under a
disease burden, or are administered drugs, including
analgesics [3335]. erefore, it seems likely that hos-
pitalised patients, who are under enhanced physiologi-
cal stress, often presenting with a disease burden, and
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
being administered multiple drugs, will have enhanced
requirements for vitamin C. In support of this premise,
vitamin C intakes of 100–200mg/day provide adequate
to saturating plasma status in healthy individuals [36],
however, much higher gram doses are required to nor-
malize plasma vitamin C status in surgical and critically
ill patients [22, 23]. Administration of vitamin C to can-
cer patients results in lower plasma concentrations com-
pared with healthy controls [37], suggesting a depleted
body pool. Furthermore, administration of some anti-
cancer therapies has been shown to significantly decrease
patient vitamin C concentrations and scurvy-like symp-
toms have been reported [3840]. Other drugs, such as
aspirin, may also interfere with vitamin C uptake and
could potentially result in hypovitaminosis C in individu-
als with low vitamin C intake [41]. Overall, these studies
indicate an increased utilisation of and requirement for
vitamin C in different patient cohorts.
Vitamin C andorthopedic pain
Persistent musculoskeletal pain and associated com-
plex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) present particular
features underpinned by complex dynamic neural plas-
ticity [3]. Features such as allodynia and hyperalgesia
allude to sensitization of the nociceptive neurons, both
peripheral and central, which invokes a cascade of effects
experienced as pain that is both difficult to predict and
manage. Vitamin C deficiency has been associated with
spinal pain, primarily neck, lower back and arthritis/
rheumatism [6]. e vitamin has been shown to exert a
number of regulatory effects on cells of the skeletal sys-
tem, including osteogenic, chondrogenic and osteoblas-
togenic [42]. Mechanisms of vitamin C action in bone
cells primarily involve up- or downregulation of the
expression of specific genes through regulation of tran-
scription factors and epigenetic marks.
A number of randomized controlled trials have inves-
tigated the effect of vitamin C supplementation on the
incidence of CRPS in wrist and ankle surgery patients
(Table1) [4347]. Doses of vitamin C used in these stud-
ies ranged from 0.2 to 1.5 g/day for 45–50 days post-
surgery. All studies, but one [43], showed a decreased
incidence of CRPS in the patients receiving vitamin
C, with vitamin C doses 0.5 g/day being the most
Table 1 The eect ofvitamin C oncomplex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) andother orthopedic pain
IV intravenous, VAS visual analog scale, QLQ quality of life questionnaire
a Study was included in CRPS meta-analysis [4852]
Study type Intervention Findings
Placebo controlled RCT
Wrist fractures [43]ai. Placebo (N = 167) i. 20–42% CRPS (at 6 weeks), 5–16% CRPS (at 1 year)
ii. 500 mg/day oral vitamin C (N = 169) for 50 days ii. 40–42% CRPS (at 6 weeks), 6–16% CRPS (at 1 year)
Wrist fractures [44]ai. Placebo (N = 99) i. 10% CRPS
ii. 200 mg/day oral vitamin C (N = 96) ii. 4% CRPS
iii. 500 mg/day oral vitamin C (N = 144) iii. 2% CRPS*
iv. 1.5 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 118) for 50 days iv. 2% CRPS*
Wrist fractures [45]ai. Placebo (N = 63) i. 22% CRPS
ii. 500 mg/day oral vitamin C (N = 52) for 50 days ii. 7% CRPS* (at 1 year follow up)
Hip/knee osteoarthritis [55] Placebo or 1 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 133)
Cross-over design, 14 days with 7 day washout 5% pain (VAS)*
Controlled prospective
Foot and ankle surgery [46]ai. Control (N = 235) i. 10% CRPS
ii. 1 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 185) for 45 days ii. 2% CRPS*
Wrist fracture surgery [47]ai. Control (N = 100) i. 10% CRPS
ii. 1 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 95) for 45 days ii. 2% CRPS* (at 90 day follow up)
Paget’s disease of bone [59] i. Calcitonin (N = 13) i. Pain relief in 85%, marked pain in 31%
ii. Calcitonin + 3 g/day vitamin C (N = 11) for 2 weeks ii. Pain relief in 73%, marked pain in 45%
Uncontrolled prospective
Arthritic joint replacement surgery [54]a500 mg/day oral vitamin C (N = 34) for 50 days 0% CRPS cases
Paget’s disease of bone [58] 3 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 16) for 2 weeks Pain in 50%, no pain in 20% (within 5-7 days)
Case report
Rheumatoid arthritis [56] 50 g IV vitamin C twice/week for 4 weeks Before: 100% pain (QLQ)
After: 0% pain
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
efficacious [44]. Previous research has indicated that
surgical patients have high vitamin C requirements and
supplementation with>0.5 g/day vitamin C is required
to restore normal vitamin C status in these patients [22].
e results of these studies have been pooled in vari-
ous combinations in a number of recent meta-analyses
[4852] and all, but one [50], concluded that the evidence
indicates that daily administration of vitamin C can
decrease the incidence of CRPS following distal fracture
Patients undergoing joint replacement surgery for
osteoarthritis were administered 0.5 g/day prophylac-
tic vitamin C for 50days post-surgery (Table1) [53, 54].
Although osteoarthritis of the carpometacarpo joint
can be complicated by CRPS, no cases of CRPS were
observed under vitamin C prophylaxis. A randomized
placebo-controlled crossover trial carried out with
133 patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint
showed reduced pain following consumption of 1g/day
calcium ascorbate for 2weeks as determined by the visual
analogue scale (P<0.008) [55]. e observed decrease in
pain was less than half that reported for non-steroidal
anti-inflammatories. We have shown a complete decrease
in pain in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis following
administration of twice weekly infusions of high-dose
vitamin C [56]. is data suggests that vitamin C may be
more effective for the pain associated with rheumatoid
arthritis than osteoarthritis, or that intravenous admin-
istration of the vitamin may be more effective than oral
administration in patients with arthritis. It is noteworthy
that the average vitamin C status of patients with rheu-
matoid arthritis is less than half that of healthy controls
(i.e. 27±13 versus 70±21µmol/L, respectively) [57].
Paget’s disease of bone is a chronic disorder caused
by the excessive breakdown and formation of bone and
disorganized bone remodeling which results in bone
weakening, misshapen bones, fractures, arthritis, and
pain. An early study in 16 patients with Paget’s dis-
ease of bone showed that oral doses of 3g/day vitamin
C for 2weeks decreased pain in 50% of the patients and
resulted in a complete elimination of pain in 20% of the
patients [58]. Excretion of hydroxyproline was elevated
following administration of vitamin C, and was high-
est in those patients who experienced complete relief of
pain. is suggests that vitamin C is acting as a cofactor
for the hydroxylase enzymes responsible for collagen syn-
thesis [10]. When 3g/day vitamin C was administered
to Piaget’s patients in combination with normal calci-
tonin treatment, there was no additional attenuation of
pain above calcitonin alone, although normalization of
hydroxyproline excretion was observed, in contrast to
calcitonin treatment, which decreases hydroxyproline
excretion [59].
Vitamin C andvirus‑associated pain
Infection with viral pathogens is commonly associated
with myalgia, arthralgia or neuralgia [60]. Herpes zoster
infection (shingles) results in a painful skin rash which
generally lasts 2–4weeks. However, some people develop
ongoing nerve pain, a condition known as postherpetic
neuralgia, which may last for months or years and is
due to nerve damage or alterations caused by the virus
in discrete dermatomes. Pain can be mild to extreme in
the affected dermatome, and can include sensations of
burning pain, itching, hyperesthesia (oversensitivity),
or paresthesia (tingling, pricking, or numbness, ‘pins
and needles’) [61, 62]. Analysis of the nutrient status of
50 patients with postherpetic neuralgia indicated sig-
nificantly lower circulating concentrations of vitamin
C compared with 50 healthy controls (i.e. 30±21 ver-
sus 76± 31µmol/L, respectively) [63]. More than 50%
of the patients had hypovitaminosis C (i.e.<23 µmol/L)
and vitamin C concentrations45µmol/L were found to
independently increase the risk of post-herpetic neural-
gia (adjusted OR 21; 95% CI 6, 76; P<0.001).
A number of case studies have indicated that both
acute and postherpetic neuralgia can be dramatically
decreased following intravenous vitamin C infusions
(2.5–15g daily or every other day for 5–14days) [64
67]. In an uncontrolled follow-up study, Schencking
etal. recruited 64 patients with Herpes Zoster who were
subsequently administered 7.5 g intravenous vitamin
C two to four times a week for a total of 2weeks [68].
Baseline pain was reported to be 58% (as determined
by VAS), which decreased to 22% within 2weeks and
this had decreased to 6% at 12week follow-up. Over-
all, there was a decrease in pain for 92% of the patients.
e lack of a control group is a major limitation of this
Two placebo-controlled trials have investigated the
effect of intravenous vitamin C on acute and post-her-
petic neuralgia (Table 2) [69, 70]. Chen et al. carried
out a trial in 41 patients with postherpetic neuralgia
randomized to receive intravenously 50mg vitamin C/
kg body weight three times over 5days, or placebo infu-
sion [69]. Patients receiving vitamin C reported a larger
decrease in numeric rating scale for pain, and a greater
global impression of change. Another recent RCT in 87
herpes zoster patients, randomized to receive 5g intrave-
nous vitamin C or placebo three times over 5days, found
no effect on acute pain within the first 4weeks of hos-
pitalization, but did show a decreased incidence of pos-
therpetic neuralgia and significantly decreased pain at 8
and 16weeks follow up [70].
Chikunguya virus infection is characterized by severe
joint pain, which typically lasts weeks or months, and
sometimes years [71]. Parvovirus B19 infection (also
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
known as fifth disease) may also present with acute or
persistent arthropathy, painful swelling of the joints
that feels similar to arthritis [72]. Two cases of severe
arthralgia associated with Chikungunya and parovirus
B19 reportedly responded to high dose oral (10 g/day)
and intravenous vitamin C treatments (Table2) [73, 74].
Despite one case having 100g/day vitamin C infusions,
no adverse side effects were reported [73]. An uncon-
trolled prospective study carried out in 56 patients with
Chikungunya virus indicated that a single infusion of
25–50g intravenous vitamin C (administered with a 3%
hydrogen peroxide solution) provided a 60% decrease in
pain and completely eliminated pain in 9% of the patients
Vitamin C andcancer‑related pain
Pain is one of the most common symptoms reported by
cancer patients, and can seriously affect their quality of
life [76]. Pain associated with cancer can be related to the
primary tumour, cancer treatment, associated procedures
and as a consequences of disease progression and metas-
tasis. Furthermore, cancer pain may include several types
of pain and pain features occurring concurrently as mixed
pain, such as nociceptive, neuropathic, and bone pain
[3]. Cancer-associated pain resulting from metastasis to
bone is a severe and complex condition comprising neu-
ropathic, nociceptive and inflammatory pain [77, 78]. As
mentioned above, cancer patients typically have depleted
vitamin C status [3032] as well as higher requirements
Table 2 The eect ofvitamin C onacute andchronic viral-associated pain
IV intravenous, NAS numerical analogue scale, NRS numeric rating scale, PCIG patient global impression of change, PHN postherpetic neuralgia, VAS visual analogue
Study type Intervention Findings
Placebo controlled RCT
Herpes Zoster [70] i. Placebo infusion (N = 42) i. 4.2 VAS, 57% PHN incidence
ii. 5 g IV vitamin C (N = 45) on days 1, 3, 5 ii. 5.6 VAS*, 31% PHN incidence* (at 8 and
16 week follow up)
Postherpetic neuralgia [69] i. Placebo infusion (N = 20) i. 0.9 NRS, 10% PGIC
ii. 50 mg IV vitamin C/kg body weight (max dose
2.5 g/day) (N = 21) three times over 5 days ii. 3.1 NRS*, 62% PGIC* (at 7 day follow up)
Uncontrolled prospective
Herpes Zoster [68] 7.5 g IV vitamin C (N = 64) 2–4 times/week for
2 weeks Baseline: 58% pain (VAS)
Week 2: 22% pain
Week 12: 6% pain
Chikungunya virus—moderate to severe pain
[75]H2O2 + 25–50 g IV vitamin C (N = 56) single
infusion Before: 80% pain (NRS)
After: 20% pain, no pain in 9% of patients
Case report
Parvovirus B19 viremia—chronic arthralgia [74] i. 10 g/day oral vitamin C for 10 days i. Before: 30% pain (VAS)
After: 5% pain
ii. 10 g/day oral vitamin C for 3 weeks ii. Before: 40% pain (VAS)
After: 10% pain (at 3–5 week follow up,
there was pain within 5 days)
Chikungunya virus—severe joint pain [73] 100 g/day IV vitamin C for 2 days Pain resolved within 24 h
Refractory herpes zoster-associated pain [67] 4 g/day IV vitamin C for 5 days Before: 70% pain (VAS)
After: 0% pain (at 3 month follow up)
Herpes zoster—severe dermatological pain [66] Cantharidin + 7.5 g IV vitamin C every 2 days for
2 weeks Before: 80% pain (NAS)
After: 40% pain (within 2 weeks),
0% pain (at 8 week follow up)
Acute herpetic neuralgia [65] 15 g IV vitamin C every 2 days for 12 days Before: 80% pain (VAS)
After: 0% pain (within 8 days)
Acute herpetic neuralgia [65] 15 g IV vitamin C every 2 days for 16 days Before: 100% pain (VAS)
After: 0% pain (within 12 days)
Postherpetic neuralgia [64] 2.5 g IV vitamin C every 2 days for 5 days Before: 73% pain (NRS)
After: 0% pain (within 7 days and at 3 month
follow up)
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
than healthy controls [37], which could potentially be
exacerbated by anti-cancer therapies [3840].
High dose oral and intravenous vitamin C has been
administered to cancer patients for many decades as a
complementary and alternative therapy [79]. Although
the efficacy of vitamin C as a cancer treatment is ques-
tionable, recent research has indicated a positive impact
of high dose vitamin C on cancer- and chemotherapy-
related quality of life, including pain [80]. Early stud-
ies of high dose vitamin C in patients with advanced
cancer indicated that many patients experienced
some improvement in subjective symptoms, includ-
ing decreased pain and the need for analgesics [81, 82].
Cameron and Campbell [81] reported a number of cases
of dramatic to complete amelioration of bone pain in
patients with severe cancer-related pain given both high
dose oral and intravenous vitamin C (Table3). Retro-
spective studies of patients with bone metastases receiv-
ing 2.5g intravenous vitamin C once weekly or during
intensifying pain reported a range of responses, including
0–100% decreases in pain [83, 84]. ese, and the earlier
case studies [81], indicate that vitamin C can potentially
Table 3 The eect ofvitamin C oncancer-related pain
EORTC QLQ European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire, IV intravenous, VAS visual analogue scale
Study type Intervention Findings
Uncontrolled prospective
Advanced cancer [90] 0.8–3 g IV vitamin C/kg body weight (N = 17)
4 days/week for 4 weeks Before: 36% pain (N = 17)
Week 1: 35% pain (N = 16)
Week 2: 35% pain (N = 12)
Week 3: 29% pain (N = 7)
Week 4: 0% pain (N = 2)
Advanced cancer [89] 25–100 g IV vitamin C (N = 60) twice weekly for
4 weeks Before: 18% pain
Week 2: 14% pain
Week 4: 10% pain
Terminal cancer [88] 10 g IV vitamin C (N = 39) twice over 1 week 4 g/
day oral vitamin C for 1 week Before: 30% pain
Week 1: 21% pain
Controlled retrospective
Bone metastases [84] i. Control (N = 9) i. pain (VAS)
ii. Chemotherapy (N = 15) ii. 0–80% pain
iii. 2.5 g IV vitamin C (N = 15) during pain iii. 0–100% pain, mean 50% pain
Breast cancer [87] i. Control (N = 72) i. 15% pain
ii. 7.5 g IV vitamin C (N = 53) once weekly
for 4 weeks ii. 10% pain* (intensity of complaints during
adjuvant therapy)
Uncontrolled retrospective
Bone metastases [83] 2.5 g IV vitamin C (N = 11) once weekly for
3–10 weeks 0–100% pain (VAS), mean 49% pain
Case report
Breast cancer [133] 50 g IV vitamin C twice weekly for 4 weeks Before: 17% pain
After: 8% pain
Terminal cancer [95] 30 g/day IV vitamin C for 1 week Before: 17% pain
After: 0% pain
Metastatic breast cancer [81] 10 g/day oral vitamin C for 550 days Pain relief for >1 year
Breast cancer with skeletal metastases—severe
pain [81]5 g/day IV vitamin C for 7 days
8 g/day oral vitamin C for 70 days Complete bone pain from day 4
Bladder cancer with skeletal metastases—intense
pain [81]10 g/day IV vitamin C for 10 days
10 g/day oral vitamin C for 24 days Dramatic bone pain
Breast cancer with osteolytic metastases—severe
bone pain [81]10 g/day IV vitamin C for 7 days
10 g/day oral vitamin C for 27 days Complete bone pain
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
provide dramatic improvements in pain relief in cancer
patients with bone metastases.
Over the last decade a number of studies have
attempted to quantify the effect of high dose vitamin C
on cancer-related symptoms such as pain (Table3). ese
studies have typically used the European Organisation
for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life
Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ) [85]. e EORTC QLQ
assesses the typical cancer-related symptoms of pain,
fatigue, nausea/vomiting, dyspnea, appetite loss, sleep
disturbance, constipation, and diarrhea using a 4 point
Likert scale. A difference of 10–20% represents a medium
change in quality of life [86]. Most quality of life stud-
ies have reported decreases of>30% pain as assessed by
the EORTC pain scale in patients with cancer receiving
intravenous vitamin C (Table3). A retrospective study of
patients with breast cancer receiving 7.5 g intravenous
vitamin C once a week showed decreases in a number of
cancer-associated symptoms using a 3 point Likert scale,
including a 30% decrease in pain during adjuvant therapy
in the vitamin C group compared with the control group
Two prospective studies of patients with advanced
cancer who were administered intravenous vitamin C at
doses of 10–100g vitamin C (twice a week) have shown
30–44% decreases in pain using the EORTC pain scale
within 1–4weeks [88, 89]. Yeom etal. [88] recruited 39
patients with terminal cancer who subsequently received
10 g intravenous vitamin C twice weekly for 1 week,
followed by 4g/day oral vitamin C for 1week. Patients
exhibited 30% pain at baseline (as measured by the
EORTC-QLQ) and this decreased by one-third follow-
ing vitamin C infusion (P=0.013). Takahashi etal. [89]
recruited 60 patients with advanced cancer who received
25–100g intravenous vitamin C twice weekly for 4weeks.
Baseline pain in this cohort was 18% and this decreased
by 44% following vitamin C infusion (P<0.05, using the
EORTC-QLQ). A Phase I RCT designed to assess the
safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of high dose
intravenous vitamin C in patients with advanced cancer
also assessed quality of life as a secondary outcome [90].
is showed a decrease in pain for the few patients who
completed the EORTC-QLQ at 3 and 4weeks follow-up
Vitamin C andopioid analgesic requirements
e use of opioid analgesia is widely considered an
essential component in the management of moderate
to severe pain, however, opioid use is associated with a
well-documented side effect profile. Opioid effects, both
therapeutic and adverse, are dose dependent and subject
to significant inter-individual variability with bearing on
symptoms including nausea and vomiting, constipation,
and sedation and respiratory depression [91]. Co-analge-
sic agents and interventions that are opioid sparing may
improve the analgesic effect and reduce adverse effects.
Cancer-related pain is typically managed with opi-
oids [92]. In the early 1970s Cameron and Pauling [93]
described dramatic decreases in opiate dependence in
five patients with advanced cancer following high dose
vitamin C administration. ese patients were in consid-
erable pain due to skeletal metastases and were receiv-
ing large regular doses of opiate analgesics (morphine or
diamorphine). Within five toseven days of commencing
vitamin C, four of the five patients became completely
free from pain, and the fifth required only mild anal-
gesics [81]. Several of these cases are summarized in
Table 4. Interestingly, none of the patients experienced
any withdrawal symptoms despite having received opi-
ate analgesia for periods of weeks or months, nor did
they request that their opiate regime be continued. It is
interesting to note that vitamin C (at a dose of 300mg/kg
body weight/day for 4weeks) has been shown to dramat-
ically decrease the major withdrawal symptoms of heroin
addicts compared with a control group who were treated
with conventional medication only [94]. A complete
decrease in morphine requirement was also observed in
a patient with terminal cancer undergoing 30g/day vita-
min C infusion for palliative care [95]. Murata etal. [82]
reported a dose-dependent decrease in opioid require-
ment in patients with terminal cancer who received vita-
min C. In those who received 0.5–3g/day vitamin C, 50%
of the patients required opioid drugs, whereas only 17%
of those who received 5–30g/day vitamin C required opi-
oids, compared with 79% in the control group (Table4).
A recent study failed to confirm a decrease in opioid
requirement in 17 patients with a range of malignancies
[96], however, the study lasted for only 3days and the
vitamin C dose was lower than in studies that reported
positive findings (Table4).
ree recent placebo-controlled trials have been car-
ried out to investigate the effect of vitamin C on opioid
requirement for postoperative pain, two using intrave-
nous vitamin C [97, 98] and one using oral vitamin C [99].
In the most recent, 97 patients undergoing laparoscopic
colectomy for colon cancer were randomized to receive
intravenously 50mg vitamin C per kg body weight or
placebo infused immediately after induction of anaes-
thesia (Table4). A decrease in postoperative morphine
consumption was observed at 2h (P<0.05) in the vita-
min C group, as well as a decreased frequency of rescue
analgesia (P<0.01), and decreased pain at 2, 6 and 24h
post-surgery as assessed by the numeric pain rating scale
(P<0.05). In the other study, 40 patients undergoing uvu-
lopalatopharyngoplasty with tonsillectomy, which is nor-
mally associated with intense postoperative pain, were
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
randomized to receive intravenously either 3g vitamin C
or placebo 30min into the surgery (Table4). A decrease
in post-operative pethidine dose was recorded for the
vitamin C group compared with the placebo group (5 vs
46mg, P=0.0001), as well as a delay in the time of first
dose of pethidine use (12 vs 3h, P=0.003), and a decline
in the total number of times pethidine requested was
requested (0.2 vs 1.3 times, P=0.001). Visual analogue
scale scores were also lower in the vitamin C group at all
time points assessed (recovery, 6, 12, 24h, P= 0.001).
Opioid-based analgesics are typically used for postop-
erative analgesia, however these may complicate care by
causing excessive sedation and respiratory depression. In
contrast, no side effects were observed with the vitamin
C treatment.
In an earlier study, a single oral dose of 2g vitamin C
or placebo was given to 80 randomised cholecystectomy
patients 1h prior to anesthesia (Table4). Postoperative
morphine consumption and verbal numerical rating scale
scores for incisional pain were recorded for 24h. Mor-
phine consumption was lower in the vitamin C group
versus the placebo group (16 vs 23mg, P=0.02) and,
despite the lower opioid usage in the vitamin C group,
there was no difference in reported pain intensity or side
effects between the two groups [99]. Although baseline
plasma vitamin C concentrations were not determined,
blood samples were collected approximately 1 h post-
randomisation for vitamin C analysis. e placebo group
had marginal vitamin C status (23±17µmol/L) and the
vitamin C group had 57±28 µmol/L, although this is
possibly an underestimate as oral vitamin C uptake typi-
cally takes more than 1h to peak [100].
Support for the opioid-sparing effects of vitamin C
has come from murine studies. Co-administration of
1g/kg vitamin C with morphine prevented the develop-
ment of morphine tolerance and physical dependence
in mice [101]. Intraperitoneal administration of 400mg/
kg vitamin C significantly decreased self-administration
of morphine and withdrawal syndrome signs in rats
[102]. Vitamin C itself was shown to have antinocicep-
tive effects in mice (ED50 of 206mg/kg). Furthermore,
it exhibited not only additive effects, but also synergistic
effects, in combination with the opioids morphine and
tramadol [103]. us, vitamin C administration appears
Table 4 The eect ofvitamin C onopioid analgesic requirements
IV intravenous, NRS numeric rating scale, VAS visual analogue scale
Study type Intervention Findings
Placebo controlled RCT
Laparoscopic colectomy—for colon cancer [97] i. Placebo (N = 48) i. 16 mg morphine at 2 h, frequency of rescue
analgesia: 1.4
ii. 50 mg IV vitamin C/kg body weight (N = 49)
prior to surgery ii. 14 mg morphine at 2 h*, frequency of rescue
analgesia: 0.8*, pain at 2, 6, 24 h (NRS)*
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with tonsillectomy
[98]i. Placebo (N = 20) i. 46 mg pethidine, first dose at 3 h, number of
requests: 1.3
ii. 3 g IV vitamin C (N = 20) 30 min into surgery ii. 6 mg pethidine*, first dose at 12 h*, number of
requests: 0.2*,
pain at 6, 12, 24 h (VAS)*
Cholecystectomy [99] i. Placebo (N = 40) i. 23 mg morphine
ii. 2 g oral vitamin C (N = 40) prior to surgery ii. 16 mg morphine* (at 24 h follow up)
Uncontrolled prospective
Range of malignancies [96] 2 g oral vitamin C (N = 17) for 3 days Before: 360 mg/day opioids
After: 390 mg/day opioids
Controlled retrospective
Terminal cancer [82] i. Control (N = 19) i. 79% required narcotics
ii. 0.5–3 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 6) ii. 50% required narcotics
iii. 5–30 g/day oral vitamin C (N = 6) iii. 17% required narcotics
Case report
Intolerable fibrosarcoma-related pain [81] 10 g/day vitamin C for 19 days Better control of pain by opiates
Breast cancer with skeletal metastases—severe
pain [81]5 g/day IV vitamin C for 7 days No further need for opiates (from day 4)
8 g/day oral vitamin C for 70 days
Bladder cancer with skeletal metastases—
intense pain inadequately controlled by
morphine [81]
10 g/day IV vitamin C for 10 days No further need for opiates
10 g/day oral vitamin C for 24 days
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
to have potential application as an adjunctive therapy to
decrease opioid requirements and dependence.
Vitamin C andpain study design limitations
A major limitation of many of the vitamin C and pain
studies is inappropriate study design due to a general
lack of understanding around the pharmacokinetics of
vitamin C. Oral vitamin C is transported through the
intestinal epithelium via sodium-dependent vitamin C
transporters (SVCT-1) [104]. Levine and coworkers have
shown that oral vitamin C uptake becomes less efficient
as the dose increases due to saturation of the transport-
ers. Although an oral dose of 200mg vitamin C is com-
pletely absorbed, at doses of 500mg and 1250mg vitamin
C,<75% and<50% of the vitamin dose is absorbed [36].
Furthermore, steady state plasma vitamin C concentra-
tions rarely exceed 80µmol/L due to rapid renal clear-
ance. In contrast, intravenously administered vitamin
C, which bypasses the intestinally regulated uptake of
oral vitamin C, can provide plasma concentrations that
are 250 fold higher [36]. However, it should be noted
that because vitamin C has a short half-life in plasma of
approximately 2h [90], the high (millimolar) plasma con-
centrations provided by intravenous administration are
relatively transient. erefore, to maximise uptake and
plasma concentrations of vitamin C, the chosen intrave-
nous (or oral) dose should ideally be administered in sev-
eral smaller doses over the day [100].
Few of the cited pain studies have measured vita-
min C concentrations in their patients either before
or after administration of the vitamin C intervention.
Administration of vitamin C to patients who already
have adequate vitamin C status (i.e. 50 µmol/L) is
unlikely to have a significant effect and is a limitation of
many previous vitamin C studies [105]. Although many
patient cohorts are likely to have less than adequate vita-
min C status (i.e. <50µmol/L) and hypovitaminosis C
(<23µmol/L), baseline measures should still be collected
to allow stratification and/or sub-group analysis of the
patient cohorts. For example, we have shown that vol-
unteers with marginal vitamin C status (hypovitaminosis
C) have an attenuated response to recommended daily
intakes of vitamin C (i.e. 50mg/day), likely due to sub-
optimal tissue status, and as such need higher intakes to
reach adequate plasma concentrations [106]. is phe-
nomenon is likely to be even more pronounced in hos-
pitalized patients due to increased metabolic demands
for vitamin C due to surgery, trauma, infection or other
disease processes. Both surgical and infectious disease
patients have significantly lower than normal vitamin
C status and much higher vitamin C concentrations
(0.5–3 g/day) are required for restoration to normal
status [22, 23]. Similar trends are observed with patients
with cancer [37].
Although a number of placebo-controlled studies have
been carried out, primarily for CRPS, postherpetic neu-
ralgia and post-surgical pain, none of the cancer quality
of life studies have included placebo controls (Table3).
As such, it is not possible to determine the relative con-
tribution of the placebo effect in these studies, par-
ticularly as this effect tends to be more prevalent with
subjective measures such as pain [107]. Finally, a major
limitation of many vitamin C and pain studies is the lack
of mechanistic underpinnings.
Potential analgesic mechanisms ofvitamin C
As yet, there is no consensus as to the analgesic
mechanism(s) by which vitamin C could be acting. Oxi-
dative stress and inflammation have been implicated in
the sequelae of many pathologies, including arthritis,
CRPS, infection, cancer and surgical trauma. Vitamin C
is a potent antioxidant [108] which can scavenge a wide
range of reactive oxygen species and, thus, is capable of
protecting cells and tissues from oxidative damage [109].
Because of its well-known antioxidant properties, this is
the mechanism by which vitamin C is often assumed to
act in conditions where oxidative stress has been impli-
cated. is is, however, an overly simplistic assumption
due to the numerous enzymatic reactions in which vita-
min C acts as a cofactor in the body [9]. Vitamin C also
exhibitsanti-inflammatory properties, providing marked
decreases in markers of inflammation such as C-reac-
tive protein and pro-inflammatory cytokines, e.g. tumor
necrosis factor, interferon, and interleukins [110]. e
biochemical mechanisms underlying vitamin C’s ability
to decrease pro-inflammatory mediators are currently
Vitamin C has a well-established role as a cofactor for
the synthesis of catecholamine neurotransmitters, and
hence is involved in neuromodulation [111]. Vitamin C
is a cofactor for the enzyme dopamine β-hydroxylase,
which converts dopamine into norepinephrine [112,
113]. Vitamin C may also facilitate the synthesis of dopa-
mine through recycling the cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin,
which is required for optimal activity of the rate-limiting
enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase [114]. A similar tetrahyd-
robiopterin recycling mechanism has been proposed for
vitamin C in the biosynthesis of the monoamine neuro-
transmitter serotonin [115]. It is noteworthy that both
serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors show
efficacy in control of pain [116]. Ascorbate-deficient
animal models exhibit decreased norepinephrine con-
centrations compared with controls [117119]. us,
administration of vitamin C to depleted patients may
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
enhance endogenous synthesis of these neurotrans-
mitters which may in turn contribute to the vitamin
C-dependent analgesia observed in some patients.
One currently unexplored analgesic mechanism
involves the potential role of vitamin C in the synthesis
of amidated opioid peptides. Vitamin C is a cofactor for
the enzyme peptidylglycine α-amidating mono-oxyge-
nase (PAM) [120]. PAM is the only known enzyme in
humans capable of amidating the carboxy-terminus of
peptide hormone precursors, a post-translational modi-
fication which is essential for their subsequent stability
and/or biological activities [121]. A number of amidated
neuropeptides have potent opioid activity. Endomor-
phin-1 and -2 are amidated tetrapeptides which have the
highest known selectivity and affinity for the µ-opioid
receptor of all known mammalian opioids [122]. Like
other opioid peptides, it is presumed that the endomor-
phins are generated via post-translational cleavage of a
larger precursor protein. For example, another amidated
opioid peptide with analgesic properties, which was first
identified in human adrenal medulla (adrenorphin or
metorphamide) [123, 124], is derived from the proteo-
lytic cleavage of proenkephalin A. A glycine-extended
precursor of the opioid peptide would then act as the
substrate for post-translational amidation by the ascor-
bate-dependent enzyme PAM to generate the active car-
boxy-amidated hormone (Fig.1).
e endomorphins are widely expressed in the central
nervous system and immune tissues [125]. ey have
well known analgesic properties, particularly for neu-
ropathic pain, but also have anti-inflammatory activity,
and have been proposed as potential therapeutic agents
in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases such
as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis [126]. As such,
it is tempting to speculate that some of the observed
anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin C could be due to
enhanced synthesis of endomorphins. It is noteworthy
that nervous and neuroendocrine tissues, where mono-
amine neurotransmitters and amidated neuropeptide
hormones are synthesised, contain the highest concen-
trations of vitamin C in the body [127]. Depletion of ami-
dated neuropeptide hormones has been demonstrated in
humans during severe infection [128], which is known to
significantly deplete vitamin C concentrations [23], and
administration of vitamin C to animal models enhances
the synthesis of these PAM-derived hormones [129].
erefore, it is possible that depletion of vitamin C dur-
ing acute or chronic disease or trauma could contrib-
ute to pain symptoms due to sub-optimal biosynthesis
of analgesic neurotransmitters and neuropeptide hor-
mones. e observation that vitamin C administration
significantly decreases the requirement for opioid analge-
sics (Table4) lends support to this hypothesis.
Calcitonin has been used for decades as a treatment
for osteoporosis and other diseases involving acceler-
ated bone turnover [130]. Calcitonin also has a direct
analgesic effect on bone pain and has been utilised for
improving the pain of acute vertebral fractures, malig-
nant bone metastases, Paget’s disease, and complex
regional pain syndrome [130]. It is interesting to note
that calcitonin is an amidated peptide hormone, requir-
ing post-translational amidation by PAM for full activity
of the mature hormone [131]. us, vitamin C is likely
to be also required as a cofactor for the synthesis of cal-
citonin. e analgesic properties of calcitonin appear
Fig. 1 Proposed synthesis of endomorphin-1 by the vitamin
C-dependent enzyme peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase
(PAM). The enzyme comprises a peptidylglycine α-hydroxylating
monooxygenase (PHM) domain, which converts glycine-extended
peptides into a hydroxyglycine intermediate, and a peptidyl
α-hydroxyglycine α-amidating lyase (PAL) domain, which converts the
hydroxyglycine intermediate into an amidated product. AA ascorbic
acid, DHA dehydroascorbic acid
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Carr and McCall J Transl Med (2017) 15:77
to be independent of its effects on bone resorption and
are possibly mediated through enhanced release of the
potent analgesic β-endorphin [130]. erefore, vitamin
C may exhibit analgesia both indirectly, through calci-
tonin-dependent modulation of endorphins, and directly
through enhanced synthesis of endomorphins.
Acute and chronic pain can be debilitating for patients,
particularly if not adequately managed by conventional
analgesics. Accumulating evidence indicates that vita-
min C can exhibit analgesic properties in some clini-
cal conditions, thus potentially mitigating suffering and
improving patient quality of life. Pain is costly because
it requires medical treatment, complicates treatment of
other conditions and results in lost productivity. In the
USA the annual cost of pain was greater than the annual
costs of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes [132]. Vita-
min C is cost effective and appears to be a safe and effec-
tive adjunctive therapy for specific pain relief. Notably, it
decreases the requirement for opioid analgesics, particu-
larly post surgically and for bone metastasis, thus poten-
tially diminishing the deleterious side effects of opioids.
Future high quality studies are required to confirm these
findings. Inclusion of placebo controls is preferred due
to the subjective nature of pain, however, this can some-
times be difficult to justify in certain patient groups,
hence the paucity of placebo-controlled trials for intrave-
nous vitamin C and cancer quality of life. Ideally, studies
should also include patients who have less than adequate
vitamin C status at baseline (i.e.<50 µmol/L) to ensure
that their concentrations are able to increase following
supplementation. Overall, future studies should endeavor
to ascertain the following aspects: measurement of vita-
min C concentrations at baseline and following inter-
vention to determine if specific patient groups respond,
determination of the optimal rout of administration (i.e.
enteral or parenteral), the optimal dose and frequency of
vitamin C administration (which will likely differ depend-
ing upon the type of pain and associated conditions), and
the potential mechanisms of action of vitamin C.
AA: ascorbic acid; CRPS: chronic regional pain syndrome; DHA: dehydroascor-
bic acid; EORTC: European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of
Cancer; IV: intravenous; NAS: numerical analogue scale; NRS: numeric rating
scale; PAL: peptidyl α-hydroxyglycine α-amidating lyase domain; PAM: pepti-
dylglycine α-amidating mono-oxygenase; PCIG: patient global impression of
change; PHM: peptidylglycine α-hydroxylating monooxygenase domain; PHN:
postherpetic neuralgia; QLQ: quality of life questionnaire; RCT: randomized
controlled trial; VAS: visual analog scale.
Authors’ contributions
AC conceived the novel vitamin C-dependent opioid synthesis mechanism
and the review topic, and wrote the vitamin C-related sections; CM wrote
the general pain-related sections. Both authors read and approved the final
Authors’ information
AC is a biomedical researcher with many years’ experience running human
intervention studies investigating the bioavailability and health effects of
vitamin C. CM is a clinician with many years’ experience working to improve
the experience of patients with pain.
Author details
1 Department of Pathology, University of Otago, Christchurch, PO Box 4345,
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. 2 Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies,
University of Otago, Christchurch, PO Box 4345, Christchurch 8140, New
We thank Professors Harri Hemilä and Marie Crowe for critically reviewing the
manuscript and providing helpful suggestions. A.C. is the recipient of a Sir
Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship from the Health Research Council
of New Zealand.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Availability of data and materials
Data sharing not applicable to this review as no datasets were generated or
analysed for the review.
Publisher’s Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub-
lished maps and institutional affiliations.
Received: 27 January 2017 Accepted: 5 April 2017
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... e2 Vitamin C in alveolar bone healing after extraction Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal-AHEAD OF PRINT -ARTICLE IN PRESS reports significant improvements in healing and a reduction in postoperative complications with the use of vitamin C, others do not find statistically significant differences compared to controls (3). Likewise, studies on healing in the context of dental implants have indicated that vitamin C could play an important role in bone regeneration and implant stability (2). ...
... This essential micronutrient acts as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions necessary for the hydroxylation of proline and lysine, amino acids crucial for collagen stability and functionality (2). Additionally, vitamin C plays a protective role by neutralizing reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cells and tissues, creating a favorable environment for healing (3). Previous studies have shown that vitamin C supplementation can accelerate the healing of skin wounds and ulcers, improve immune response, and reduce inflammation (4). ...
Background: Dental extraction is a common procedure in dentistry. It is accompanied by postoperative pain and inflammation. In addition, it decreases bone volume and density. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and cofactor that promotes the synthesis and maturation of collagen, the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts and osteoblasts, accelerating the final phase of inflammation, promoting healing. The objective of this scoping review is to evaluate the effectiveness of vitamin c in dental alveolus healing after extraction and synthesize the available evidence and tits clinical implications. Material and methods: This review is registered on the Open Science Framework platform ( It was carried out under the PRISMA-ScR protocol, using the question: Is vitamin C effective in alveolar healing in patients undergoing dental extraction? The Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science and OPENGREY databases were used. Limiting itself to primary studies. Results: A total of 287 articles were identified, applying selection criteria, 3 were included. Of a total of 135 patients, 59.8% were administered vitamin C; 46.6% 600 mg, 34.2% 500 mg and 19.2% 1500 mg. A decrease in pain, inflammation, probing depth and mesiodistal length of the socket was observed. Conclusions: The role of vitamin C is essential for healing, and therefore, bone regeneration after tooth extraction, reducing adverse effects such as pain and inflammation. Its administration is recommended to promote postoperative recovery. More studies are suggested to observe its effects in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
... It also fights molecules that trigger rheumatoid inflammation and is an effective adjunctive therapy for specific pain relief (Carol, 2007;Anitra and Cate, 2017;Pong, 2014). Carotenoids and lycopene are powerful antioxidants. ...
... Flavonoid, alkaloid, lycopene, carotinoid, and vitamin C may also be present in the tea's analgesic effect (Uwaya and Effiong, 2024;Carol, 2007;Anitra and Cate, 2017;Peng, 2014). The analgesic activity of the tea could be the presence of ginger, moringa, and clove. ...
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For centuries, people have utilized combined herbal teas to address a diverse range of human health conditions like cough, cold and catarrh, pneumonia, pain arthritis, cardiovascular problems. This study aims to enumerate phytochemical composition and non-enzymatic antioxidants while also assessing the antitussive, expectorant, and analgesic properties of a polyherbal-formulated tea (Zingiber officiale, Moringa olifera, Allium sativum, Curcuma longa, Citrus limon, and Syzygium aromaticum). Colimetric methods were used to evaluate the phytochemical composition and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The antitussive efficacy of the tea was tested using citric acid, and ammonium produced cough. Researchers investigated the expectorant activity by secreting phenol dye in mice. The analgesic effect of the tea was investigated utilizing a hot plate and an acetic acid-induced writhing animal model. The findings demonstrate that the polyherbal tea includes flavonoids (143.10±7.71mg/g), alkaloids (58.33±8.34mg/g), phenolic compounds (92.83±2.33mg/g), vitamin C (474.70±27.42mg/g), carotenoids (36.00±1.16mg/g), and lycopene (47.58±8.56mg/g).The tea reduced the number of cough bouts in mice (p<0.05) compared to the control in ammonium-induced cough in mice and citric acid-induced cough in guinea pigs. It also enhanced phenol red dye secretion (p<0.05) compared with the control in the expectorant trial. In analgesic experiments, the polyherbal tea increased the pain latency time compared to the control group (p<0.05) in hot plate-induced pain in mice. It alsodecreased number of writhing mice compared to controls (p<0.01) in acetic-induced pain in mice. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the polyherbal tea has antitussive, expectorant, and analgesic properties. The antitussive, expectorant, and analgesic activity might be because of the phytochemicals and antioxidants present.
... Again, vitamin C acts as a cofactor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and peptide hormones, including the biosynthesis of amideated opioid peptides. Finally, vitamin C is associated with the expression of genes and transcription factors that regulate its analgesic effects [1]. Vitamin C has been shown to be a safe and effective adjunctive therapy to relieve acute and chronic pain in a variety of Settings, and vitamin C has been shown to relieve the need for pain medication after surgery. ...
... Again, vitamin C acts as a cofactor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and peptide hormones, including the biosynthesis of amideated opioid peptides. Finally, vitamin C is associated with the expression of genes and transcription factors that regulate its analgesic effects [1]. As previous research shown, vitamin c can relieve pain in various disease [11][12][13][14][15].But they also state the flaw of vitamin c, is the short half-life period. ...
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Introduction Vitamin c can relieve the pain after other diseases, but there are no studies on whether vitamin C can relieve the pain after hip replacement. The purpose of this paper is to study whether vitamin C can relieve the pain after total hip replacement. Purpose In this prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial, 100 patients receiving THA at our hospital were randomly assigned to vitamin c or control groups. During the operation, the vitamin C group will receive intravenous injection of 3 g vitamin C, and the control group will receive 3 g placebo. If the patient has postoperative pain, 10 ml subcutaneous injection of morphine will be required as a rescue analgesic. The primary outcome was the amount of postoperative injection of morphine as a rescue analgesic and expression of inflammatory factors, and the secondary outcome was postoperative pain and hip recovery as assessed by visual analog scale (VAS). Results The dosage of subcutaneous injection of morphine was significantly reduced in vitamin C group. VAS pain scores at rest and exercise were lower in the vitamin C group 24 h after surgery, and hip motion was better 24 h after surgery, but there was no significant difference between the two groups 24 h after surgery.Nonetheless, the overall changes in morphine usage and VAS scores did not surpass the established minimal clinically important differences (10 mg for morphine consumption; 1.5 at rest and 1.8 during movement for VAS scores). Conclusion Adding intravenous vitamin c to multimodal analgesia significantly improved morphine consumption, VAS pain score, and functional recovery. However, it is recommended that single intravenous administration of vitamin C during the perioperative period may achieve better pain relief for patients after THA.
... In related experiments, Szent-Györgyi isolated the active substance, initially calling it hexuronic acid, which was later named ascorbic acid or vitamin C due its anti-scurvy properties. [14][15][16][17][18][19] Humans and other primates cannot synthesise vitamin C, and severe vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy, a systemic disease affecting the skeletal, nervous, and hematopoietic systems with potentially fatal consequences. Szent-Györgyi subsequently discovered the Krebs cy- ...
... However, NSAIDs are associated with significant gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and renal adverse effects [17][18][19]. Recent evidence has shown that vitamin C (ascorbic acid), possesses analgesic effects as well as antioxidant properties [20][21][22]. One potential mechanism involves reducing the production of free radicals, which helps protect tissues (including nerves) from irreversible damage [23,24]. ...
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Introduction Recent evidence has shown that vitamin C has analgesic and opioid sparing properties in immediate postoperative context. However, this has never been studied for acute musculoskeletal (MSK) emergency department (ED) injuries. The aim of this pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomized placebo-controlled study to determine the opioid sparing and analgesic effect of vitamin C compared to placebo, in acute MSK injured ED patients. Methods A double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) distributed in two arms, stratified for fractures, was performed in a tertiary care center, one group receiving 1 g of vitamin C twice a day for 14 days and another receiving placebo. Participants were ≥18 years of age, treated in ED for MSK injuries present for ≤2 weeks, and discharged with a standardized opioid prescription of 20 morphine 5 mg tablets (M5T) and, at the clinician discretion, 28 tablets of naproxen 500 mg. Participants completed a 14-day paper diary and were contacted by phone at 14 days, to document their analgesic use, vitamin C consumption, and pain intensity. Results Overall, 137 patients were screened; 44(32%) were excluded, 38(40.9%) refused, leaving 55(59.1%) participants, with a consent rate of 9.2/month. Mean age was 53 years (SD = 16) and 55% were men. Fourteen (25%) participants were lost to follow-up and 33(83%) patients complied with treatment. For per-protocol analysis, the median (IQR) M5T consumed was 6.5 (3.3–19.5) for the vitamin C and 9.0 (1.5–16.0) for placebo group. The median (IQR) naproxen 500 mg tablets consumed was 0 (0–9.8) for the vitamin C group and 20 (0–27) for the placebo arm. Conclusion This pilot study supports the feasibility of a larger RCT on the opioid sparing and analgesic properties of vitamin C for acute MSK injured ED patients. Strategies to reduce the refusal and lost to follow-up rates are discussed. Trial registration number NCT05555576, ClinicalTrials.Gov PRS.
... [28] Investigations have also demonstrated that vitamin C supplementation is beneficial in pain management. [29,30] Vitamin C is a vital component of the nervous system. It supports the structure of neurons in various stages: differentiation, maturation, and survival. ...
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Background: A vast literature investigated the role of vitamins in wound healing and pain control. In our study, we explored the role of vitamin C supplementation for various parameters, post periodontal flap surgery in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. Objectives: (1) to assess and record the Laundry wound healing index and visual analog scale (VAS) score at 3-, 7-, 14-, and 30-day postoperative. (2) To determine the gingival healing and oral hygiene status using PI Loe and Silness 1964 (PI), Lobene Gingival Index 1986 (GI). (3) To determine and compare the pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) with and without supplementation at 3-and 6-week postoperative. Methods: A randomized triple-blind study was conducted on 60 patients half receiving vitamin C supplementation. The VAS score, wound healing index, PI, GI, PD, and CAL were determined and compared at different time intervals. Results: Statistical analysis was done for the recorded data. Chi-square test for the healing index and Friedmann's test followed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test for VAS showed statistically significant results (P < 0.05). Friedmann's test found a statistically significant (P < 0.05) result for the PI score only in the test group. Friedmann's test found the PI to be statistically significant in the test group (P < 0.05). Friedmann's test followed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test found the PD and CAL to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) at all different time intervals. Conclusion: In the study, vitamin C supplementation enhanced wound healing and lessened postoperative pain. An instant benefit of vitamin C supplementation was found in this study. A prolonged supplementation and further studies with a considerable sample size would justify the use of vitamin supplementation.
Während eine ausreichende Versorgung mit Vitamin C in der Regel durch eine gesundheitsfördernde Ernährung mit ausreichend Obst und Gemüse gewährleistet ist, steigt das Risiko für einen Vitamin-C-Mangel in bestimmten Situationen. Dazu gehören Infektionen, Krebs- und chronisch-entzündliche Erkrankungen sowie Operationen oder Traumata. Studien zeigen, dass hochdosierte Vitamin-C-Infusionen diesen Mangel wirksam ausgleichen und Schmerzen lindern können. Um einen klinischen Vitamin-C-Mangel bei Erkrankungen, die mit Entzündungen und oxidativem Stress einhergehen, zu beseitigen, sind hohe Konzentrationen von Vitamin C im Blut erforderlich. Diese können nicht durch enterale, sondern nur durch intravenöse Vitamin-C-Gaben erreicht werden.
Zusammenfassung Oxidativer Stress ist entscheidend für Gewebeschäden und Schmerzentstehung. Auch bei Fibromyalgie wird ein Zusammenhang mit Schmerzen gesehen. Er stört zudem das vegetative Nervensystem, was zu chronischen Schmerzzuständen und deren Verstärkung beiträgt. Oxidativer Stress ist gleichbedeutend mit einem Mangel an Vitamin C, das als wichtiges körpereigenes Antioxidans frühzeitig verbraucht wird. Vitamin C neutralisiert physiologischerweise reaktive Sauerstoffspezies und reduziert damit Gewebeschäden. Zudem ist es enzymatischer Kofaktor bei der Bildung schmerzreduzierender Botenstoffe und fester Kollagenfasern. Muskuloskelettale Schmerzen sind deshalb Symptome eines Vitamin-C-Mangels. Aus therapeutischer Sicht ist es wichtig, einen Mangel frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu behandeln. Studien und klinische Fälle zeigen, dass eine hochdosierte intravenöse Gabe eine wichtige Behandlungsoption sein könnte.
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Aim of the Study: The study aimed to investigate the role of vitamin C in wound healing and post-operative pain management after flap surgery in chronic periodontitis patients. Methodology: A triple-blind, randomized clinical controlled trial was conducted on 60 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. After periodontal flap surgery, the test group received 1g vitamin C supplementation for 14 days. The wound healing index, VAS score, GI, PI, and periodontal parameters were assessed, recorded and evaluated. Results: Mann Whitney test showed a significant difference in the Laundry wound healing index and VAS score between the two groups at day-3 and 7 follow up. The clinical parameters (GI, PD and CAL) were also significant for the test group. Conclusion: Our study concludes that vitamin C plays a significant role in post-operative wound healing and the reduction of post-operative pain. Clinical Relevance: Scientific rationale for the Study: Antibiotics and analgesics are commonly prescribed for wound healing and post-operative pain management. Vitamin C has shown dual properties of effect on analgesia and healing. Principal findings: Our observation showed that Supplementation of vitamin C caused significant decrease in wound healing time and a significant reduction in post-operative pain. In the 6 months follow-up, it significantly improved the clinical parameters like Lobene Gingival Index, pocket depth and clinical attachment loss. Practical Implications: Supplementation of vitamin C post periodontal treatment would reduce the toxicity of excess-medications post-therapy. It also improved the clinical parameters in long term.
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Background Although there are several available management strategies for treatment of both acute pain of herpes zoster (HZ) and postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), it is difficult to treat them adequately. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intravenously administrated vitamin C on acute pain and its preventive effects on PHN in patients with HZ. Methods Between September 2011 and May 2013 eighty-seven patients who were admitted for HZ were assessed according to age, sex, underlying diseases, duration of pain and skin lesion, dermatomal distribution, and PHN. It was a randomized controlled study, in which 87 patients were randomly allocated into the ascorbic acid group and control group. Each patient received normal saline infusion with or without 5 g of ascorbic acid on days 1, 3, and 5 then answered questionnaires that included side effects and pain severity using visual analogue scale on days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. After discharge, the severity of pain was obtained at out-patient clinic or by telephone on weeks 2, 4, 8, and 16. Results There was no differences in severity of pain on patients' age, sex, underlying diseases, duration of pain and skin lesion and dermatomal distribution between two groups (p>0.05). Since 8th week, pain score in ascorbic acid treatment group was significantly lower than control group (p <0.05). The incidence of PHN was significantly lower in the treatment group compared to control group (p=0.014). The changes of overall pain score was significantly different between the two groups (p<0.05). Conclusion Intravenously administered ascorbic acid did not relieve acute HZ pain; but is effective for reducing the incidence of PHN.
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Background and Objective . Vitamin C has antioxidant, neuroprotective, and neuromodulating effects. Recently, it showed antinociceptive effect as a result of the antioxidant properties. Therefore, we designed this study to assess the effect of intravenous vitamin C on opiate consumption and pain in patients undergoing laparoscopic colectomy. Methods . A total of 100 patients were enrolled and allocated to receive 50 mg/kg vitamin C or placebo by intravenous infusion immediately after induction of anesthesia. Morphine consumption and scores of pain were assessed at 2, 6, and 24 h after completion of surgery. Results . There were 97 patients included in the analysis. Patients who received vitamin C had higher plasma concentrations of vitamin C at the end of surgery, significantly lower morphine consumption at the 2 h after end of surgery, and significantly lower pain scores at rest during first 24 h postoperatively. There was no significant difference between groups in side effects, fatigue score, or pain score during cough. Conclusion . This study shows high dose vitamin C infusion decreased postoperative pain during the first 24 h and reduced morphine consumption in the early postoperative period. Additional research needed to examine whether higher doses of vitamin C and longer infusion times can amplify these effects.
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Inadequate dietary intake of vitamin C results in hypovitaminosis C, defined as a plasma ascorbate concentration ≤23 μmol/L. Our objective was to carry out a retrospective analysis of two vitamin C supplementation studies to determine whether supplementation with 50 mg/day vitamin C is sufficient to restore adequate ascorbate status (≥50 μmol/L) in individuals with hypovitaminosis C. Plasma ascorbate data from 70 young adult males, supplemented with 50 or 200 mg/day vitamin C for up to six weeks, was analyzed. Hypovitaminosis C status was identified based on plasma ascorbate being ≤23 μmol/L and the response of these individuals to vitamin C supplementation was examined. Of the participants consuming 50 mg/day vitamin C for up to six weeks, those with hypovitaminosis C at baseline achieved plasma concentrations of only ~30 μmol/L, whereas the remainder reached ~50 μmol/L. Participants who consumed 200 mg/day vitamin C typically reached saturating concentrations (>65 μmol/L) within one week, while those with hypovitaminosis C required two weeks to reach saturation. Regression modelling indicated that the participants' initial ascorbate status and body weight explained ~30% of the variability in the final ascorbate concentration. Overall, our analysis revealed that supplementation with 50 mg/day vitamin C, which resulted in a total dietary vitamin C intake of 75 mg/day, was insufficient to achieve adequate plasma ascorbate concentrations in individuals with hypovitaminosis C. Furthermore, increased body weight had a negative impact on ascorbate status.
Hypervitaminosis and hypovitaminosis occur in children in our country mainly due to socioeconomic reasons. Most commonbeing the rickets due to vitamin D deficiency, however scurvy is also not uncommon and radiological changes suggestive of scurvy areoccasionally seen. Three cases of scurvy are presented here, between one and three years of age, showing typical radiological changesespecially in knees. Good history, physical examination and quality X-rays are essential for making diagnosis of scurvy.
Background: Complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS-I), previously known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is common after conservatively or surgicallytreatedwrist fractures. Several studies support the efficacy of vitamin C in preventing CRPS-I, although the data are somewhat conflicting. The primary objective of this systematic literature review and meta-analysis was to assess the efficacy of vitamin C therapy in preventing CRPS-I after a wrist fracture. Methods: Randomised, placebo-controlled trials of vitamin C to prevent CRPS-I after wrist fractureswere sought in the three main databases: PubMed (1980 to December 2015), CENTRAL (Central 2015, number 12), andEmbase (1980 to December 2015). Two authors worked independently to select articles. Data from selected articles were collected independently. Results: Three randomisedplacebo-controlled trials in a total of 875 patients were included.Treatment was non-operative in758/890(85.1%)fracturesand operative in 132(14.9%)fractures. Vitamin C supplementation was started on the day of the injury and continued for 50 days. In the group given 500mg of vitamin C daily, the risk ratio for CRPS-I was 0.54 (95%CI, 0.33-0.91;p=0.02).Thus, the risk of developing CRPS-I was significantly decreased by prophylactic treatment with 500mg of vitamin C per day. The heterogeneity rate was 65% (non-significant). Conclusion: Daily supplementation with 500mg of vitamin C per day for 50 days decreases the 1-year risk of CRPS-I after wrist fracture. Level of evidence: II, systematic review of level I and II studies.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of oral Vitamin C as an opioid-sparing agent when used in conjunction with opioids and standard adjuvant therapy in the management of chronic cancer pain. Methods: An open-label pilot study of patients ≥18 years of age with chronic pain secondary to cancer and/or its treatment and a Brief Pain Inventory average pain score of ≥3/10. In addition to opioid analgesia, patients received 1 g of vitamin C twice daily over 3 days (total daily dose of 2 g). Patients' usual medications, including breakthrough medications, were continued throughout the study period. The primary endpoint was total daily opioid use during vitamin C administration compared with that immediately prior to study. Results: Thirty-four patients were enrolled in the study. Seven failed to complete the trial. Across the 17 evaluable patients, the median daily opioid consumption was 360 mg oral morphine equivalents (OME) on the days prior to vitamin C and 390 mg when administered with vitamin C. Conclusion: This study failed to demonstrate any clinically significant benefit from vitamin C in conjunction with opioids in cancer-related pain and does not provide support for embarking on a larger randomised trial to determine efficacy.
Background: Complex regional pain syndrome type I is treated symptomatically. A protective effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has been reported previously. A dose-response study was designed to evaluate its effect in patients with wrist fractures. Methods: In a double-blind, prospective, multicenter trial, 416 patients with 427 wrist fractures were randomly allo- cated to treatment with placebo or treatment with 200, 500, or 1500 mg of vitamin C daily for fifty days. The effect of gender, age, fracture type, and cast-related complaints on the occurrence of complex regional pain syndrome was analyzed. Results: Three hundred and seventeen patients with 328 fractures were randomized to receive vitamin C, and ninety- nine patients with ninety-nine fractures were randomized to receive a placebo. The prevalence of complex regional pain syndrome was 2.4% (eight of 328) in the vitamin C group and 10.1% (ten of ninety-nine) in the placebo group (p = 0.002); all of the affected patients were elderly women. Analysis of the different doses of vitamin C showed that the prevalence of complex regional pain syndrome was 4.2% (four of ninety-six) in the 200-mg group (relative risk, 0.41; 95% confidence interval, 0.13 to 1.27), 1.8% (two of 114) in the 500-mg group (relative risk, 0.17; 95% confi- dence interval, 0.04 to 0.77), and 1.7% (two of 118) in the 1500-mg group (relative risk, 0.17; 95% confidence inter- val, 0.04 to 0.75). Early cast-related complaints predicted the development of complex regional pain syndrome (relative risk, 5.35; 95% confidence interval, 2.13 to 13.42). Conclusions: Vitamin C reduces the prevalence of complex regional pain syndrome after wrist fractures. A daily dose of 500 mg for fifty days is recommended. Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level I. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Aim: To synthesize qualitative descriptions of the experience of chronic pain across conditions. Background: Chronic pain is a transdiagnostic symptom in that while somatic pathology plays a role in activating pain pathways, psychological and social factors contribute to the experience of pain over time. The treatment of the underlying condition may require both biomedical intervention and biopsychosocial approaches. Design: Qualitative meta-synthesis using Confidence in the Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative Research (CERQual) developed by Grading of Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group to evaluate the strength of the evidence. Data sources: PubMed and Ovid Medline from 2000-2015. Review methods: Following a systematic search strategy all papers were assessed in relation to inclusion criteria and quality. Themes were extracted from each study and a meta-synthesis conducted before completing an evaluation of confidence in the findings. Results: Forty-one papers exploring the experience of chronic pain were included in the review. Five meta-themes were identified across the studies: 1) the body as obstacle; 2) invisible but real; 3) disrupted sense of self; 4) unpredictability; and 5) keeping going. There was high confidence in the evidence for three themes: 'the body as obstacle'; 'disrupted sense of self' and 'keeping going'; and moderate confidence in the evidence for 'invisible but real' and 'unpredictability'. Conclusions: The findings in this review suggest there are similarities in the experience of chronic pain across a range of conditions that have implications for the development of transdiagnostic pain management strategies and interventions.
Back pain brings about one of the heaviest burden of disease. Despite much research, this condition remains poorly understood and effective treatments are frustratingly elusive. Thus, researchers in the field need to consider new hypotheses. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential co-factor for collagen crosslinks, a key determinant of ligament, tendon and bone quality. Recent studies have reported high frequency of hypovitaminosis C in the general population. We hypothesized that lack of vitamin C contributes to poor collagen properties and back pain. We conducted this study to examine the associations between serum concentration of vitamin C and the prevalence of spinal pain and related functional limitations in the adult general population.This study used nationwide cross-sectional data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2004. Data were available for 4,742 individuals aged ≥20 years.Suboptimal serum vitamin C concentrations were associated with the prevalence of neck pain (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2-2.0), low back pain (aOR: 1.3; 95% CI: 1.0-1.6), and low back pain with pain below knee (aOR: 1.3; 95% CI: 1.0-1.9) in the past three months, self-reported diagnosis of arthritis/rheumatism (aOR: 1.4; 95% CI: 1.2-1.7), and related functional limitations' score (adjusted difference of means (aB): 0.03; 95% CI: 0.00-0.05).The prevalence of hypovitaminosis C in the general population is high. Our study shows associations between vitamin C and spinal pain that warrant further investigation to determine the possible importance of vitamin C in the treatment of back pain patients.
Background: Postoperative pain is a common problem in hospitals. Adults undergoing uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) with tonsillectomy experience an unacceptable level of intense postoperative pain, especially during the first 24 hours after surgery. The present study investigated the analgesic effects of vitamin C in patients undergoing UPPP and tonsillectomy. Method: This study was done on forty patients that were evaluated in a randomized double blinded clinical trial. Patients included in the study were within the age range of 25-50 years with BMI<35, physical status I,II according to the American Society of Anesthesia (ASA) underwent uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and tonsillectomy .Patients with, epilepsy, BMI>35, any neuropsychiatric disorders a history of chronic pain, liver and/ or renal disease, drug allergy and drug abuse were excluded from the study. All patients underwent the same method of anesthesia and surgical procedure. During the first 30 minutes after the beginning of the surgery, group C (vitamin C) received infusion of 3 gm vitamin C in 500 ml of Ringer and group P received 6 ml normal saline in 500 ml of Ringer. Measurements of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before and during anesthesia and at intervals of 0,15,30 and 60 minutes after extubation. Pain severity was recorded according to VAS score at intervals of 0 (recovery room), 6, 12 and 24 hours after the procedure, request for analgesic drugs (iv paracetamol or pethedine) according to total number of times of analgesic request and time of the first dose of analgesic use and dose of pethidine were also recorded by questionnaire. Results: There was a significant difference in evaluations for mean pain severity between the two groups at recovery room, 6, 12 and 24 hours after surgery (p.value = 0.001). There was a significant difference in mean times that patient requested an analgesic, time of first dose of analgesic and pethidine dose between the two groups (p.value<0.05). There was no significant differences in measurements of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate in different times between the two groups (p.value>0.05). Blood loss were similar in the two groups (p.value>0.05). Conclusion: According to this study administration of vitamin C 3 gm IV intraoperative reduced post-operative pain without increased side effects in patients undergoing UPPP and tonsillectomy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.