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Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 210–215,
Lisboa, Portugal, 17-18 September 2015. c
2015 Association for Computational Linguistics.
The FBK Participation in the WMT15
Automatic Post-editing Shared Task
Rajen Chatterjee
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Marco Turchi
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Matteo Negri
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
In this paper, we describe the “FBK English-
Spanish Automatic Post-editing (APE)” systems
submitted to the APE shared task at the WMT
2015. We explore the most widely used statistical
APE technique (monolingual) and its most signif-
icant variant (context-aware). In this exploration,
we introduce some novel task-specific dense fea-
tures through which we observe improvements
over the default setup of these approaches. We
show these features are useful to prune the phrase
table in order to remove unreliable rules and help
the decoder to select useful translation options
during decoding. Our primary APE system sub-
mitted at this shared task performs significantly
better than the standard APE baseline.
1 Introduction
Over the last decade a lot of research has been
carried out to mimic the human post-editing pro-
cess in the field of Automatic Post-Editing (APE).
The objective of APE is to learn how to cor-
rect machine translation (MT) errors leveraging
the human post-editing feedback. The variety of
data generated by human feedback, in terms of
post editing, possess an unprecedented wealth of
knowledge about the dynamics (practical and cog-
nitive) of the translation process. APE leverages
the potential of this knowledge to improve MT
quality. The problem is appealing for several rea-
sons. On one side, as shown by Parton et al.
(2012), APE systems can improve MT output by
exploiting information unavailable to the decoder,
or by performing deeper text analysis that is too
expensive at the decoding stage. On the other
side, APE represents the only way to rectify er-
rors present in the “black-box” scenario where the
MT system is unknown or its internal decoding in-
formation is not available.
The goal of the APE task is to challenge the re-
search groups to improve the MT output quality
by the use of a dataset consisting of triplets of sen-
tences (source, MT output, human post-edition).
We are facing the “MT-as-Black-box” scenario, so
neither we have access to the MT engine nor do
we have any decoding trace. The data for this pi-
lot task belongs to generic news domain which
reflects data sparseness, and the post-edition of
the MT output is obtained through crowdsourcing
which makes it vulnerable to noise thus making
this task even more challenging.
To begin with, §2 discusses the statistical APE
methods used to implement the APE systems. §3
describes the data set available for this shared
task, and provides detail of the experimental setup.
§4 is our major contribution which discusses the
FBK-APE pipeline and shows that incorporation
of task-specific dense features can be useful to en-
hance APE systems. Our final submitted system is
reported in §5 followed by conclusion in §6.
2 Statistical APE Methods
In this paper we examine the most widely used
statistical phrase-based post-editing strategy pro-
posed by Simard et al. (2007) and its most signifi-
cant variant proposed by B´
echara et al. (2011). We
describe the two methods and there pros and cons
in the following subsections.
2.1 APE-1 (Simard et al., 2007)
In this approach APE systems are trained in the
same way as the statistical machine translation
(SMT) system. But, as contrast to SMT which
makes use of the source and target language par-
allel corpus, APE uses the MT output and its cor-
responding human post-edited data in the form of
parallel corpus. One of the most important miss-
ing concepts in this “monolingual translation” is
the inclusion of source information, which has
been incorporated in the next approach.
2.2 APE-2 (B´
echara et al., 2011)
This technique is the most significant variant
of (Simard et al., 2007), where they come up
with a new data representation to include the
source information along with the MT output on
the source side of the parallel corpus. For each
MT word f0, the corresponding source word (or
phrase) eis identified through word alignment and
used to obtain a joint representation f0#e. This
results in a new intermediate language F0#E
that represents the new source side of the parallel
data used to train the statistical APE system.
This “context-aware” variant seems to be more
precise but faces two potential problems. First,
preserving the source context comes at the cost of
a larger vocabulary size and, consequently, higher
data sparseness that will eventually reduce the
reliability of the translation rules being learned.
Second, the joint representation f0#emay be
infected by the word alignment errors which may
mislead the learning of translation option.
Recently, Chatterjee et al. (2015) showed a fair
systematic comparison of these two approaches
over multiple language pairs and revealed that
inclusion of source information in the form
of context-aware variant is useful to improve
translation quality over standard monolingual
translation approach. They also showed that
using monolingual translation alignment to build
context-aware APE helps to mitigate the sparsity
issue at the level of word alignment and for this
reasons, we use this configuration to implement
APE-2 method.
3 Data set and Experimental setup
Data: In this shared task we are provided with a
tri-parallel corpus consisting of source (src), MT
output (mt), and human post-edits (pe). While
APE-1 uses only the last two elements of the
triplet, all of them are used in the context-aware
APE-2. To obtain joint representation (f0#e)
in APE-2, word alignment model is trained on
src-mt parallel corpus of the training data. The
training set consist of ∼11K triplets, we divide the
development set into dev and test set consisting of
500 triplets each. Our evaluation is based on the
performance achieved on this test set. We tokenize
the data set using the tokenizer available in the
MOSES(Koehn et al., 2007) toolkit. Training and
evaluation of our APE systems are performed on
the true-case data.
Experiment Settings: To develop the APE
systems we use the phrase-based statistical ma-
chine translation toolkit MOSES(Koehn et al.,
2007). For all the experiments mentioned in this
paper we use “grow-diag-final-and” as alignment
heuristic and “msd-bidirectional-fe” heuristic for
reordering model. MGIZA++ (Gao and Vogel,
2008) is used for word alignment. The APE
systems are tuned to optimize TER(Snover et al.,
2006) with MERT(Och, 2003).
We follow an incremental strategy to develop
the APE systems, at each stage of the APE
pipeline we find the best configuration of a
component and then proceed to explore the next
component. Our APE pipeline consist of various
stages like language model selection, phrase table
pruning, and feature designing as discussed in the
following sections.
Evaluation Metric: We select TER (Snover
et al., 2006) as our evaluation metric because it
mimics the human post-editing effort by measur-
ing the edit operation needed to translate the MT
output into its human-revised version.
Apart from TER as an evaluation metric we also
compute number of sentences being modified1
in the test set and then compute the precision as
Precision = Numberof SentencesImproved
Numberof SentencesModified
Baseline: Our baseline is the MT output as-
is. To evaluate, we use the corresponding human
post-edited corpus which gives us 23.10 TER
4 APE Pipeline
In this section we describe various components
that we explore at each stage of the pipeline. At
each stage, we study the effect of several configu-
ration of each component on both the APE meth-
ods (APE-1 and APE-2)
4.1 Language Model Selection (APE-LM)
We use various data set to train multiple language
models to see which of them have high impact on
the translation quality. All the LMs are trained us-
1For each sentence in the test set, if the TER score of APE
system is different than the baseline then we consider it as a
modified sentence
ing IRSTLM toolkit (Federico et al., 2008) having
order of 5 gram with kneser-ney smoothing. The
data set varies in quality and quantity as described
•LM 1 contains only the training data(∼11K)
provided in this shared task. Although the
data set contains few sentences to train a lan-
guage model compared to the data used in
MT, it is quite reliable because it is sampled
from the same distribution of the test set.
•LM 2 consists of News Commentary having
∼200K sentences, downloaded from WMT
2013 translation task.2This corpus belongs
to the same domain of the APE data, but it
is created under different conditions (i.e. in-
volving professional translators and translat-
ing from scratch the source sentence) making
it significantly different from the data used to
build LM1.
•LM 3 (Big data) contains News Crawl data
from 2007-2012 contributing to ∼13M sen-
tences, downloaded from WMT 2013 trans-
lation task 2. This data set has huge amount
of news crawled from the Web and covering
several topics.
•LM1+LM2+LM3: All the previous lan-
guage models are simultaneously used by the
APE systems. A log-linear weight is assigned
to each language model during the tuning
LM1 23.95 24.59
LM2 23.96 24.62
LM3 24.06 24.66
LM1+LM2+LM3 24.05 24.69
Table 1: Performance (TER score) of the APE sys-
tems using various LMs
Results of both the APE systems are shown in
Table 1. We notice that the performance of the
APE systems do not show much variation for dif-
ferent LMs. This can come from the fact that the
news commentary and new crawl data might not
resemble well the shared task data. For this rea-
son, the in-domain LM1 is selected and used in
the next stages.
4.2 Pruning Strategy (APE-LM1-Prun)
To remove unreliable translation rules generated
from the data obtained through crowd-sourcing,
pruning strategies are investigated. First, we test
the classic pruning technique by Johnson et al.
(2007) which is based on the significance testing
of phrase pair co-occurrence in the parallel cor-
pus. According to our experiments, this technique
is too aggressive when applied on limited amounts
of sparse data. Nearly 5% of the phrase table is re-
tained after pruning with mostly self-rules (trans-
lation options that contain same source and target
For this reason we develop a novel feature
for pruning which measures the usefulness of a
translation option present in the phrase table. For
each translation option in the phrase table, all the
parallel sentences are retrieved from the training
set such that the source phrase of the translation
option is present in the source sentence of the
parallel corpus. We then substitute the target
phrase of the translation option in the source
sentence of the parallel corpus and then compute
the TER score wrt. the corresponding target
sentence. If TER increases then we increment
the neg-count by 1, and if TER decreases we
increment the pos-count by 1. Finally, we com-
pute the neg-impact and the pos-impact as follows:
neg-impact =neg-count
Numberof RetrievedSentences
pos-impact =pos-count
Numberof RetrievedSentences
Once these ratios are computed for all trans-
lation options, we filter the phrase table by
thresholding on the neg-impact to remove rules
which are not useful (higher the neg-impact less
useful it is). All translation options greater than
or equal to the threshold value are filtered out.
We apply this pruning strategy for both the APE
methods over various threshold values.
Table 2 and Table 3 show the performance af-
ter pruning the APE-1-LM1 and APE-2-LM1 sys-
tems respectively. In Table 2, we observe that TER
score for various threshold values are very close
to each other, so in order to select the best thresh-
old value we base our decision on precision. So
for APE-1, we select the threshold value of 0.4
which shows the highest precision, namely APE-
1-LM1-Prun0.4. For APE-2, it is evident from
the result in Table 3 that the threshold value of 0.2
Threshold TER Number of
0.8 23.90 88 0.12
0.6 23.91 90 0.13
0.4 23.98 94 0.15
0.2 23.77 70 0.12
Table 2: Performance (TER score) of the APE-1-
LM1 after pruning at various threshold values
Threshold TER Number of
0.8 24.29 130 0.20
0.6 23.99 103 0.18
0.4 23.66 70 0.18
0.2 23.46 50 0.22
Table 3: Performance (TER score) of the APE-2-
LM1 after pruning at various threshold values
proves to be the best in terms of TER score (re-
duction by 1.13 point) as well as in terms of pre-
cision (APE-2-LM1-Prun0.2). These results sug-
gest that our pruning technique has a larger impact
on the APE-2 method compared to APE-1. This is
motivated by the fact that the context-aware ap-
proach is affected by the data sparseness problem
resulting in a large number of unreliable transla-
tion options that can be removed from the phrase
4.3 New Dense Features Design
The final stage of our APE pipeline is the feature
design. When a translation system is trained using
Moses, it generates translation model consisting of
default dense features like phrase translation prob-
ability (direct and indirect) and lexical translation
probability (direct and indirect). In the task of Au-
tomatic Post-editing where we have the source and
target phrases in the same language, we can lever-
age this information to provide the decoder with
some useful insights. In the light of this direction
we design four task-specific dense features to raise
the “awareness” of the decoder.
•Similarity (f1):
This feature (f1) is quite similar to the one
proposed in (Grundkiewicz and Junczys-
Dowmunt, 2014) which measures the
similarity between the source and target
phrase of the translation options. The score
for f1is computed as follows:
f1score =e1−ter(s,t)
where ter measures the number of edit oper-
ations required to translate the source phrase
sto the target phrase tand it is computed
using TER(Snover et al., 2006).
•Reliability (f2.1and f2.2) :
We allow the model to learn the reliability of
the translation option by providing it with the
statistics of the quality (in terms of HTER) of
the parallel sentences used to learn that par-
ticular translation option. Better the quality,
higher the likelihood to learn reliable rules.
For each translation option in the phrase ta-
ble, all the parallel sentence pairs from the
training data containing the source phrase in
the machine translated sentence of the pair
and target phrase in the post-edited sentence
are retrieved along with their HTER score.
These scores are then used to compute the
following two features:
Median (f2.1): The median of the HTER
values of all the retrieved pairs.
Standard Deviation (f2.2): The standard
deviation of the HTER values of all the re-
trieved pairs.
•Usefulness (f3) : As discussed in Section 4.2
we use pos-impact as a feature to measure the
positive impact of a translation option over
the training set. Higher the positive impact,
higher is its usefulness.
We study the impact of individual features when
applied one at a time and when used all together.
Features TER Number of
f123.87 81 0.16
f2.1,f2.2 23.92 94 0.19
f323.88 82 0.14
23.97 85 0.12
Table 4: Performance (TER score) of the APE-1-
LM1-Prun0.4 for different features
Table 4 and Table 5 show the performance
of various features for APE-1-LM1-prun0.4 and
Features TER Number of
f1 23.50 52 0.27
f2.1,f2.223.50 53 0.20
f3.123.52 59 0.22
23.52 54 0.19
Table 5: Performance (TER score) of the APE-2-
LM1-Prun0.2 for different features
APE-2-LM1-Prun0.2 systems respectively. We
observe, on this data set, that the use of these
features retains the APE performance in terms of
TER score but slight improvement is observed
in terms of precision over both the APE sys-
tems, which indicate its contribution to improve
the translation quality.
5 Final Submitted Systems
Our primary system is the best system in Table 5
i.e. APE-2-LM1-Prun0.2-f1 and contrastive sys-
tem is the best system in Table 4 i.e. APE-1-LM1-
Prun0.4-f2.1-f2.2. According to the shared task
evaluation report the scores of our submitted sys-
tems are shown in Table 6
Systems Case
Case In-
Baseline (MT) 22.91 22.22
APE Baseline
(Simard et al., 2007)
23.83 23.13
Primary 23.22 22.55
Contrastive 23.64 22.94
Table 6: APE shared task evaluation score (TER)
Although we could not beat the Baseline (MT),
but we see a clear improvement over APE baseline
(Simard et al., 2007) by the inclusion of our novel
features and the use of the pruning strategy.
6 Conclusion
The APE shared task was challenging in many
terms (black-box MT, generic news domain
data, crowdsourced post-editions). Though we
were unable to beat the MT baseline but we
gained some positive experience through this
shared task. First, our primary APE system
performed significantly better (0.61 TER reduc-
tion) over the standard APE baseline (Simard et
al., 2007) as reported in Table 6. Second, our
novel dense feature (neg-impact) used to prune
phrase table shows significant improvement in
the context-aware APE performance. Third,
other task-specific dense features which measure
similarity and reliability of the translation op-
tions help to improve the precision of our APE
systems. To encourage the use of our features
we have publicly released the scripts at https:
This work has been partially supported by the EC-
funded H2020 project QT21 (grant agreement no.
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